4 tBWC 11AKTKK. He that will not reason U a lignt; lie that eannnt is a fool ; he that lare not is a slave. EDITOR ami PUOIMUKTOU VOL. XXIII MlDDLEBUltGH, SNYDER CO., PENN'A, JUNE 24, 188(5 NO "7 n Tf f . I! .I'OKTllY: A Han' 3t 7rid b XTs Mmoy-; I IIY MMII.OX M n'.'.t.KVM. jtivu longuo, which wn4 all lint on A no fuo lmntlfd throiili till flying, tba boors of Soruorsot County. world ijuerrtliinir ftn duily occurring; . II.....;. .. . l. I.. IVr it nut., is U , .., llllll'l, To Hit tliT i no .'iniirriii x If In linn tlio t:iitili. b run nut n iluttli, lliaditys will Ik? brlxht mid Miiiny, And In' xonit will find, if i Im lln-.l A limn' l'i't frii-iiil in liii niotu-y. TIiourIi ft muo' a tiol, ir u dolt, or a from below, but the Dutctinirui Hiiid fool, I (lint bo would utteii l tj thu little With no moro hniion Minn n fid II-. ,.uo And Unit tboMO below fhoiild Onl.iHfHilHtrai... ..v.Mitht....;i.lt..fllo((k Bft(ji. ,. j,e Cain ,nl lie ):irl! 1 1 i Ii.tii in Iho mi I. Hi'. If I'1 Iiiim tli eash, he can iiiiike a j niali, Tli t-l - will eull bim "honey;" Kvi'ti Ix' "no i', tlioiirfli a iliinci- ho lit A iiiaii' b''!t friend I hi money. Woe be to the rhap who iiiynouj; :iiny .tho diovor hud Ciiiriod upou hi per ulajt jHoo-wAi uovcr f juu I It Wild up- I cay it without ill fi-t-ling - ; posed by many thut tbo rreiiclimen Though be lie well Hchoole-l. mid lie KolJelirnleil, And hoiieKt in nil hi 'leiilln x. If he line liucu-ll. he will eat eolil ha-!i, And meat, flut i tooh ,;i. lotiy, IIj svill file!, nl.i-! as hi- iiio:ii'Mi'r acN A luiili' Lost fi'iein! if hi nioii"V He may have a wife uiel hl-t pre.ieiil, i ; r. May lie .iereiie nml uttrm tlve, lie may work at leiiii ", or af.ir olt roan:, And he may lioMrmi;,' mimI iietlve; If lie lia-tno ea.h.his n!T'!.i:'.i will rlaxh, path lie roii'h and stony. TliiM is jut the way that ii is to ilny A liinn's best frieli i is hi.-, nioiiey, If a man he poor, though Iic'h yooil uimI Hire, Me will have few fi-ielid-i t.i Imeli bim, 'i'l.i re may hundreds, stand upon eitli er liuud, lint they wil! turn and attaeli him. Von mil) lliii.lv I wriie t'iii just out of -iiite, And say it is strange, or funny, Hut the truth I ti ll, u. 1 know full well, A liiiiii'i best friend is his money. i .' ii A!7 SA2LY HANGZJfa- In SomcTHet, Vh , tbero is r.u no luuiked moitud in t)u old gitivevard oti tho bill It w.tn Ibo lint pirt ol' tbo plnco lo till up witli .invey, an if the people who luid their ileuJ dowi. tliiro Hbnin.od h aving dono to i be murdorii'H lit ret.'.i'j pl-iee It wns piiiutnu ont to .tr'iig-rn nod ebil ln u with tbo wor U : "The Fri iielmmu Hcj buried there, I lit firtst loun over bung to S.jinorHet County.'' Ono day in I'onemboi, Hi". heu the enow lay hi vlii.1 feet deep upon tho groom! urn! tin pincn bent un der their boavy 1 ei.'. nt loug, low. wooden tavern ua tho f.Ltutait of the Allryhnnlofl, I bore b topped a hloigb, oootaiuiug two geutlomou, who alighted, wtnt in and united refresh ment fur themselves and their Loiee. They epoko vory brakeu Kugliah, eiid they had not long been ia this country, uud wero travoling for ploasnro. Tho countrymen loung ing about starod at them, bocanso they did not often hog such guoets at Statlor's tftvorn. Tboy woro handsomely droneud in tho ftibhion of tbe day. Tbo cider was tall, large, line-looking, with jotdjlock Luir and eyes. The younger was pale, blight, iutollcctual in appear ance, with Inrge. soft, brown eyes and cbcbtuut Lair, Among tho crowd of idlora and drinkers at the tavern was a drover who took a drop too much and bragged of the fine sales ho bad made of his cattle in Cuojborland, from whtro bo was joat now re turning with his money in his pock et The drover rode away on bis white horse a little while beforo doek for bis Lome, some miles off. Tbe Frenchmen soon after inquired whore tho nest good stopping-plnco was to bo found, ordered tboir horse and sleigh and drove in tbo track of tbe drover, snying they were in baste to roach a cortaia placo by the next day. That night tho drovs or's waiting wife saw his horeo como borne without his master, with bis white coat spottod with blood stains Tho drover's body was found next morbiug stiff and stark, with a bul let through bis brain shot from be bind. Tho neighborhood was roused The Frenohucn were at once buspecled aud put sued. They were found at a publio bouse some diatauco on, silling quietly In a room in tbe' fecund. Mory. When they oddciily becptiio awure this ' there tnli of coiiulrymeo ftfler tlim Mrtrn too tnnob i x cito.i nnd fiitfiiWd to o the little KiiIihIi thy knew, tnd could only genticiiliite nnd cbultor iu their tin-, At length, boing too hr1 jhohh Jh1, ono of thorn jumped from tho k wiuiJow of tho founi It WHfl (lie big ono. Tbo littlo ouo trind to follow, bit wnfl cmibt by tbe clothe by n burly Dutchman nml brld for a mouiotit, BiiHp.jiidod otiiMiild. Somuouo w8 Roiiii,' to 6b tot him uudworud by u rillt) b t, und llm li' ouo who hud buen tiyiog to run through the dten unov;. fell th ud. Tho little ono wan bikuu to IS intr set, ttiud u ud found guilty of the Jrovor'a murder. Tho tu )uey wbieh hud tbronu it iuto tbo tire wbju they fotiud tboy woio going to bo mobbed. Tho p.iloyoiug goiitlo .1 ui proteHted hi iouoccuco. tmid ho b id inllueiitial frieudH mid family iu l.i owu country, to whom tbo author- , it inn ''tic would have to answer foi tLrii treatment of bim. Ho pena.it-. ed to tho taut in tbo deehiratiou lb:it ho nud bi-t deal compunion de voyngo had pn-scd the drover on tbe road and parted nitb bim iu a jniot and friendly innnuor. tie lemon strnted violently when tho oilioial - eaiuo to pit him into u cart with u rude pino cull'in and lake Lim out to he Intngod, and tried to break th e.ofliu to piecos II o woro about bim a iniuntitutp, wot with ponrls, of u lovely girl. Ho guvo his oamo a" N'oel linynel Many wonderod if tint girl did not wait uud wnteb aud pino iu Fiuuco f r her beautiful lover, who wai Lunged by tho neck until he ww dead in tho fur-off mountains of I'eunHylviuiia M-my thought bim n victim of eieiimstaiiliiil evidence, that the drover's murderer escaped fot free with tbo money nnd that Noel llnguol was an inuocont man. bis luyHtm ioiH di;)itppearanoo never accounted for to bis friends iu Franco. Ho was refunod the priv ilege of writing t'j them after he W:s Utrebfcd. Many yeirs after the hunting a pnity of youii:; men w.no I ri'iu ing Noel Ungual en 1 there w w Home dicpnte about ihete ho wag triried. Then aud there, at tbe dead hour of l!ie night, thoy went to tho grave yard, dug him up and found bis bouos. Ouo of thuyonug men afore, atid was Jeremiah S. Hlack. THE BXPSSSSMAIT'S STOHY "I wa3 on expressman on tho Mo bilo & Moufgorucry Riilroiul. It was just after n terrible robbery in tho Weht. iu which tho oxpronsman had bocu horribly murdered- I mido tho trip irom Mobil a to Montgomory at night. Whon the train started I had iu my car three cofCuH, oacu containing a corpse, aa J in a sack altachod to a hook the carcass of a bog. Perhaps yon dou't know what it is to bo lone some T Well, if yon don't jnst try riding in an express ctr with three doad men and a doad hog for com' pauy. The night of which I spettk I had a through run, and as I had no work to do, soon grow tired and bloopy. I ppread a coat upon tbo floor of tho oar, and stretohod mysuJf jnpon it and was soon soundly slum baring. Abont midnight, 1 rolled into an uncomfortable position, and began to dream. Yon never con ceived of such horrors as those that presented themselves to me, I dreamed that tho car waa fall of robbers, and that they were shoot ing twenty balls into my body every rain o to- A sudden jolt of tho car turned me over, aud I awoko. The car was as dark as miduight. The lamp had gono ont whilo I slept. 1 lay a few moments half duzod, and thou put out my light hand prepar atory to getting up. I touched what I thought to be tho smooth flash of a man's face. Talk about fright, but I was so badly frightened that my heart actually workod its way by jumps straight up to my mouth, and I had to grind tuy teeth together to keep it from jumping ont upon the floor. I didn't know what to do. 'aud I didn't know what the man ly. Jog by my side was going to do. M fiuti&flod, of coutse, that I bad wna no excitf 'to deal with ft doriperrtto robber Aud k my pietol was in i dok out of iuy ipnch, I thought my hours wore mimlx-red. Hut tbe roan dido't ruov, nnd nfter a whilo I sjot up I . 1 - . 1.4 II . I .- t 1 imu niuia m me uoor, i ri iiirnu t'i opn it I thotiKbt that if 1 did 1 wonl.f crtniiil y bo shot in tho hnrV. I brit'j to wliittilo A ixl then I took a mitch from id)' pocket nnd ra.Mit.ilty diHCiissed the ndvin- j tions both rue in Myliinm. Ferry bility of lighting it. I toyod with itM" u the asylum of a fugitive from -evernl iiK-mentH, one. then middon-ljusticf, bnt Nosmilh i continn.1 in ly Kctiipe.l it against tho door. It bl-izcd up ipr'o.kly but t.ubody firod at me. I slowly turned my head and looked back over my left fdionl der. Well tir, I belli 1 1 a oij'lit Hint m ule mo ho mad that I haven't got ten over it yet. P on ou tho coat Hint 1 bad "prom! upon the floor lay the c.ircmn of tho hog, Tho miser able leu. eh of poik bud fallen out of tbe n.ck, and h id beou my bed fellow nobody knows how long. That wan the first and only oucoun tor I ever had with express rob berH." MM Tho IIunrr3U3 Sido cf a Tcraado- One among tbo most amnsing is told on old Father Mioiiicb. He hiiw Ibe cyclone approaching ns it came over the hill, and, standing in the back doer nnd being beside hhnsolf, waved Li'h arum toward it and cried ont ; ".boo. shoo, go 'way ; go'way, go'wny.'' Tbo storm didn't harm him, and no ono can prove that bis elTirt wns in vain. Au )tbor ono is tol l ou our indus trious tailor. Ho made all ponsiblo biiHto to reach hu dwelling and save hi wife, but tbo cyclone overtook him and he had to throw hiiucolf on tho gronud and hold ou to tho fence pout, Ho was terribly shaken up, and about am soon as bo rerched bis feet was Asked by Attorney Reid if ho was butt. IIo replied : "1 don't know, but 1 think I Am. My head is awful soft right boro, please exaruino it." Uid did so and found tbo placo to bo a hugo pioco of mud which wa plastered behind his Odr. J. A. .Miller nlso came in as a sub ject for a littlo fun, by running away from his storo, carefully carryiug away an old clothing sign, which was worth more for what it had doua thuu for any futoro service, .f. . knowa tlio vuluo of advertising, however, and hence I i.i id' a waj net so Liughab!" n't.T all In tho coun try when .'lis, Tilm waj fuktn out of the wreck, apparently almost doad, ono of her little hoys, about i yours old, exclaimed : "Why papa, vou'll have to get ns a now mamma now ours won't bo good for any thing any more." Tho I'uterpriae quill, too, was a trifle oat of his bead, and wns made fun of becanso bo was inviting some of tbe home loss to his houso for shelter, when the roof was off his buildiug and tho ruin dtipping from tbo ceiling as through a siove. They also say that Warron Oarnt in&istu that he was standing noar tbo cyclone, watching it as it passed, when in fact ho was in a cave with fifteen women and a preacher, and so badly frightened that, notwithstanding bis proverbial gallantry, be could not be induced by a lady to ran to ber bouse and secure a valise which she seemed to bo vory anxious to save. Joica Enterprise. Taka Caro of Your Umbrollaa- Umbrellas will last far longer if, whon wet, thoy are placod handle downward to dry. The moisture falls from tho edges of the frame, and the fubrio drioa uniformly. If stood handle upward, which is com monly the case, tbe top of the urn brella holds the moisture, owing to lining underneath the ring, and therefore takes a long time to dry, thus injuring the silk or other fubrio with which it is covered. This is tho prime caoBO of this partof tho urn brella wearing out eooner than the other part. Umbrella casos, too.are responsible for tho rapid woar of silk The constant friction causes the tiny holes that appear so provokiugly early. When not in use leave the umbrella loose. When wet, never leave it opeu to dry, as tbe tense condition thus producod makes tho silk stiff and it soon will crack. A Bostouiau woman has written a very brief letter to a tnombor of Congreia from Massachusetts. It read as follows i "Balaam's ats spoke oucocaa't you .'" '.,' AN SCCSHTRX3 CHA3ACTEX The utory of tho downfall of Kotintor Ferry," enid a Wnnhicntoii oflicinl nt tho Fifth Aveuue Motel. New Yoik city, roatntly, "reminds ruo of t tin prttont condition . of tin other es-BeiiAtor. I itfi-r to ex Suntor Xosiiiitb, of Oregon. There la ouly one piiniUrity in their niton uu institute in Oiegou for tbo in huiio. Nooiuith f nly lost bin mind a few vent h ago, but tbeto wuro never tiny imputations ngaiurt his integri ty "Nebinith ws a vory cocontric character, bad i largo brain, but was always a little bit cranky. He ic tbo man, you will remember, who, when ho fust wo tit to Washington to take Lin scat iu the Sonuto. took A place iu the gallery and it was two or three weuks before he mndo him self known. vAftur ho had been Hworu iu Rome ' one asked him what his impresfions wero whilo occupy ing a seat in tho gallery. "Well." bo replied, "at firt I aHkod mysolf, XoMuith how in tho devil did yon ever get elected lo the Seuato ? Hut after 1 had boen here awhile my ; wonder was how these other durued j fools got here, ' N'esniiih undo a preat drill of money 'in a Western mining invest ments and was extremely foud of tho natiounl game of pokor. I ro mcrubor, ono evening, at Willurd's. a man by tho namo of Bill Shatcr was in tbo gamo with Nesmith. Shufcr wan a man about town who bad made considerable money through a nura borof fortunate investments in Wall Street. Tbe lock, on the evening iu question, was ruuuing his way, but Nesmith, discovered that Sbafer was not playing an exactly pquaro game. Whon ho reached forward to gather in his winnings of the cveu ing, Nesmith placod his band ovor tho pile and said : ".Sbafer, that money doesn't belong to you." "What do yon moun, sir " said Shnfor, excitedly, rising to bis feet. "I tell you it is uiiuo," making an other grab for the money. Nesmith still covoring it with his band, ro plied : "It does uot belong to you. und yon know woll it dooecu't." Sbafer then left tho room, leaving tho money cm tLo table nnd vowing vengeance. He gavo out the repoit tba next day that l o was go- j in. to bhoot Neemith ou siirht Ne smith, of course, heard of il, and uot knowing tho ebaiuctor of the man very well went up to Shafer'B room. FiOtoring, ho Baid : "Sbafor, I hear that you are goiug to shoot rao on tho street Now I don't caro to be ehot on tho street, as it would mako a muss. I though t I would como np to yonr room and let you do the shooting here to save trou ble." Bhafor was completely taken aback. He never had any intentiou of carryiug out his threat, aud made an apology. Senator Neumith had two lovely daughters, but auother of bis eccen tricities was to suspect evory mau who paid them any attentiou of im proper motivos- xue result was that both of tho young ladies eloped, and were diiowned by tboir father, They made very good mutohos, how ever. Tboir husbunds have become prosperous and successful men." Eucklon's Arnica Calvo- Tho Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Hrnisos, Soros, Ulcers, .Salt Rheum, Fevsr Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eroptions, and positively enres Tiles, or no pay reqairod. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satis faction, or money refunded, l'rice 25 cents per box. Q. M. Sbindol. An Indirect way of getting a drink of water at a cheap boarding- bouse is to ask for a third cup of tea. "Mary," said Major Jonoa, to his lovo, "I wish T was a fish aud yon were a bait, Lordee, bow i'd bite. A wan was boasting that bo had an elevator in his house. "So he has," chimed iu his wife," aud bo keeps it iu a cupboard iu a bottlo." At a late fireman's supper at Dar lington, Fidward Bradley gave tbe following toast t "Ladies of 1880 like firemen, delight in tbo exhibit lion of their hoso." "Mother, this book tells about tbe 'angry waves of tbo ocoan.' Now, what makes tbe ocean get angry f 'Bcoause it baa boon crosaad so of ten, my son." for Infants nnd Children. etl :i w fJl arlnrM tochlMrri thoi I rvtrt frm-i rol'C OnnpMl-ifi. IU 3 Cnlvrt Bt, Urjuklja, !. T. Wlil'tajuriouj medical. jo. Tat Ccrriia Counxi, 1 J-"utlon 8trrc, N. T. JJI1 M ARAN I) U0TI1I10CK, Frcmcnt, Snyder county, Pa. llrmlnfttenf Itnlllinrro t'nllrn ( l'hylcUm nil Snruwm. i'llir lila rnl-. nul rirvU' lo th imhlln. Spi-KKn 1: nic t nil nerumn. Mrili, 17. in-l, tt. D" U. W. TOOL. PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON. Frecl'iurg, Tn Offsrt .r"r.MFl'.AHl rvl.-. In I In- ptiMln l rtiinv. r- nl In l.n'h Kill-li i..l H. nmL 1 1, lie on At .tin timet. j v. van'huVki uk a'lUJIOAL ii MKCH ANH'AI. DKNTlSf olinsgrove, Fenn fA?, J. W. SKIP. Kreamcsr, Snyder County, Pa. drum liot'H : T V . M., inm I: l I. M an. I mr nr. ,l. SI'KAKS IIOl ll KNOI.ISH AN II ll KKMA N. ,My 1, llU'l. aMJKSKKV. FA'C. 1 tJfnr I'liai W. WAI.TEIt. Salesman (or l'li. w .'Siawurt M t'n'a.. Nurnery Narrk, N"W York, will lie to nenur.i nlnra for tlil Min.lr ilrui, lur nnylliliw In ttn Nnrmry linn. ilUuloo ai.il N..w Vnrlatl aiirlaity. I'oKltlvuly out mil any otliort In Vrlr anil iiillty. SIIM.-tliin (f U"riil(i.l. la will call on all 'artlr that aililn n lilui at fauna 'rok, Sny.lar llou nty, I'a Jao. il,'6. the mmn. They are the most Important Beorotory or grans. Into and through the Kidneys flow the waste fluids of the body, containing: poisonous matter taken out of tho eyetnm. If the Kidneys do not act prop erly this matter Is retained, the whole system becomes disordered and the following: symptoms will follow: Head ache, weakness, pain In the small of back and loins, flushes of heat, chills, with disordered storua'jh rrxd bowels. You en thoroufvi.iy protect tho Kid nays by il JRiJOCK BLOOD BIT- TEi'.S, aiiu when any oi' tfctO symptoms manifest tlu-m selves you can quickly rid yourself of them by this bost of all medicines for tho Kid neys. BURDOCK ULOCD BIT TF.KS are sold everywhere at $1 per bottle, and one bottle will provo their efficacy. BROWN'S . 'IRON BITTERS WILL CURE : HEADACHE INDIGKSTiON bilious:; ess DYSl'KPSIA NERVOUS rROSTRATION MALARIA .v CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in thk BACK fit SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA 'f KIDNEY AND LIVER r TROUBLES fOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Tha tknuinf ha I rjilc Matk and iiJ Bel Jioea 00 raitr. TAKE NO OTHER. $2.50Did It. Thu rranna namnd h-lnw tu4 apftnt tbrniaamla of it.illara In tho aunwoln to mit rvlli'f from lihi-ii-iiMiUi.ni. Irnt all t.i r.i. euri.."". nuttl Jl" v l li-.l thj UI MmU.N HIIKI MATH.yi I III!, wlil. il' iwti two ilollara auil fifty iinla. Tin y .i it ii. k. ly ami c.in I. l-ly run-l th. ni, anil that Uu-y Lava ainoo Ua.1 no rvluru uf IthvuiuttUc troublu. Wa nnlillali a littlo raniiilU.it mint i' t"ui.y1. ilnvuninniitf t.i. ir k-atuiHUiy Jut tln ytravu It u Ub; I .ut lr inn navn any n..iinui bimhik h i alMiut tin. matter, writ" any of tlnM ll. Ut r.-a lututuuaiiua, aua vi au Dlir.i-4! Xruiu Uuu.ii 1 V. WmT. lilnoiiiKhnnr, l'a." . . Hahul In Hm.nf liauiuuuifeIlnmi,LaDaaat,ra Jiiiim Mi lai'iiiiMN, lii..'iuitiir, 1 a. Uil l iiM bam'LK, All'Vlinny. l'a. F. I). Miimui'ii, iiiHiriinl, l a It. C. I'liiitaa, Clu'rry llitl, M.I. If W L ..u, K'..it,.ii lf.,.llln ) C'iiL. 1). TUKUUaU), VvUUKat'iwn, 6l.lo. The Ituaalnn HhruannlUin Cure h arM vmy IlliciuuaUo and.'n.r win. luu 1rivt.11 II a fair Ulal. UNU UOX UOl'.M THK Hl'HINKHM. ni an an I Ifuialli .llOu.a.iaitlunaL PrlCO SSE.DU.I If rwnturt I'V. mr.w Iki luni UUi aiaxlal Uaau-iuaik la vu ovuy Uiaj ft aaiai v, iiiaiL 1 A..- traaa-atatl frUftaHraS It la got to h fannil at Uva atoraa. knt aan 1 b3 or anoloalutf Uia amount aa aboto, aii4 iliur Uia Autuiluaa rrirloinr, ouly In Ini-alu PFAELZER BROS. t. CO, tSIO-SSl .'Uaxkrt lirt, I'kUi JiadolKktaw , rftlorncts-At-law. J M. STi:r'E, auorneTat law. m;,w, ;.,!!,, r, ni nnora n in rnrei.-nal rrrrr, t,, n,aiuiilio Ii.hait ul lant an I. ui. ... ... ....... .11. a,iirn m im i limn, .1'I lih liu.t t att..n.U.1 i.. nil ... t . .. Co ill tli Pui-. ill . . .. JAM ESC. CHorsl'., ATI'OUNEV-AT.LAW, .MII'Dl.l'Ml'HUII. PA All Inifalrnni. . fit run i. to l,. ri.' 1ilr. ......,. ....i ' JACOB (ill.HKKT, Attitniri tintl f.'f Kz.v, lt ,ii iuiiii.i:iii in. ii, pa, t'ollrotl.ina and nil .,.r I tiino i rcn i V aliriida.l t, I'ni.rnlliitli ti In Kruliil. hi ilernian. ri-l nl. i:. HorsUKKTlI. attorney-at lav, tSKUXHIIUiVK, l'A. rolletl..m ami all othnr Imal Iniolner. tiromi t ly attendant to. ttona ullallont Id KoKllrti aui Oartuan- June 1, II. DILI,, attorney-at-law, I.rvihunj, I'mn'a. All buttnea enlrnuti.il to hla rare will I .... I""".tly attendi.1 to. J (1. DKITBICII, 'attouxkva r.i. w. Msirh-t St. , S,liHx;irurr, Vox .A,lf.0.f',!'.F,?!,, '""'"" Promptly ntlerdc. to. Udtiaultatlonaln KoKllaa ami Herman. KiI).82.'kO. I? K. BO WE It, attorney-at-law, am) dihtkict attoknky, hlihllchury I'tt Onliectlona mmle. and Morn, an. Donrtiltatlona in Knlr .June 3, 'Ti ll. QIIA8 V I LHICH, Attornov h Ponniiollor-At-Law n"lcil' Aij.M Hi.i.!itv i.ne itoot N..rn. f K KVhli'M. ll.iTKt. Sf lliiNii dh". I'ciin'it v'.il cilrn And nil 1.1: it .ro..i k. i i -h 1 1 -iil:-l'. I . ru.'. Ireo rrinl.it r I rjiiij t uitonilun. Ar)l"- ti T SMITH. ATTORNEY ,T t. Mir)iir.Ki!fH(i.sNYi;in fii.,i' tforlil Prnfca'tonnl Srryl'oa to Mm 1. 1 tlonKulutlonj la KiikII.-Ii and tleitnan. A. v. rorn:i:, A T10RXA Y AT I A W. Sclinsgrovo, I'a , ()tl,.r iLolf .ru!r....iikl ior .ua t.i tl.c pul.:i. Alllanal Iiiii.iio! niitriiftoil t Miolri arn li raoolvo i rmnjit altotitlnn. oincroa M.luSi. it tulV 4,'Vi. j H. CBI. MM, A tt.oiMioy-at I. aw, Middl.'lniroli, l'a. I'nnruliatl.in In ;ii .th I.'.nKui.goi. nllal an.l';f:r;i a t II, JOU.N II. AKNOI.I., MIUDLtHUliO, ft rrolor'doiial liuamrM atitrimtaj to Uia cure wll lie imin.il attrndad to. a:iui:l il oliwiTr A Tt'OHMY A T LA W, I.cu iNtitir.';, I nion Vo,. In oiii.ie oo Markut Slr. ct. um dm r earn of t.ao ir..n llou-a lec.:o ;h:t tf.j joiin k. in ciiu:s, JUSTICE CF THE PEACE. K'.-iitz, Snijihr Co., I'n t'dVolli.cti.niK I't'ciiijitly iii.i.i,., ,,s ' ' i i'n Pit ysici tint, $c. JJ J. SMITH, " Physician & Surgeon, Ili'urrf Sj.riiit.'i, Snifl -r ( cvhIi, Pa Uteri lila .rof(.liinal (i i imi, .-.ii OMice on Male .rirt. a Junal'i 'TB,, J W. SAMPSKI " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, iViitrex III.., J Vnn'n Wltori lili lirnleiilonal aerrlroa toll. dtirrn ol Orntrt'vllla aud viulult) . " Auk. 2, 'M Q KPCAIt HASSINOKI!, PHYSICIAN & SUriCCON. Miililli'biii'Kli, lYiin'n llrtra hla irofi'ialonat irrvlio. In llio i ItUer of MlildloliurKh and vicinity. I'ltlca Ii, t,. Waalilnnton llouao. Apr, r,'. J (JU1ICU BABHEU, ' PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Mlddleburch, Tenii'ii Oflrri nlaprofeiatreal aervloea to taa flilieni of Mlildleliur aud vluliilly. (iDtne a law ilonr IWaat f th t ourt Hona. In Arnold1 I ntlallnaj Ha-l'lanog 0'n.ata vratte t'on-r I'llnlU oillca ... .a..i aiMve NOTICE IN PARTITION, I,i f''i. umtti r nf the I'rf.itr. nf fifrfr S. i', ((' l-'iitnkliii f I'fiin'', !in;ih f (en, if., , n'tc'if. Tn in I M iiwH-r IntiTiiiiirrlr.l wild IJculirn i 1. .r .l.ili") Mil f it, rirtliklill I", .Mlivr, All(.'ll- ( in .11 ur-iT I tt : rii.i, i r I null H. J, KfltiT.nll ti"iiiiu t'i M.ul f r.'Uiit. r.. A.l-i Murrr i ii' . ' mil ri ii i, w I , ii r.iii- I , I , V . Ili.w r,-lilillK m Ml, I '.Hv, I ... II il ' li-l l llf l" ll'Kf llif'-rilliir li lt i'ii .l-l.n Ali!li:r t -l.lliiu nt M iNlllilnirn. I'nli'il 'iiii.n. I'ii,, in. I ll irrt'ini M r rt--1 4 line nt Him:, r, I'lllll mi I'l'ltlltV, I' ll". I . lr- hihI l.' I ri t'ri-M iifiiMi .i nl I li.nrui- MiiMi-r. iliT'il. on r hfl.) iii.lli.t'l tint by vlrln of writ t.i lniiillll'in louml nut of llio I r liana t'niiN nl SnyMrr cinintjf, an I t m. illrftr'l Unit , 1 1, i ii r t will ! Ii nl I on llin -1 t ii..iii,iti'.i I In Krar l. I n t m rmlili, Sn? .i.t i-hiiiC), I'.'in'uKurln, on MuNU'lV, lull '.'i th, l-v , in o'.'ln.'li A M.lo m n t. (in i I r vhIim imi "I tin II. I I'ml9 of I le ni l I'l-ccii-fit. When nml D litro you nmy hi IimI If ..il tMnk i r. i. r. i n ii .ulnm.i swAitrtt.Khorie ShorilTs Sale : V'lu fi 10, I.; 1 1 r i f 11 Writ ..I V' li.t. I ii -1 ....I : 1 1 I '..'ir t ..I 1 'i.m 111 ml I'li-i i.l I 1 1 . .11. :i, I .1 . mi I I . 11 i- ,t . r I . w II I 1.. f.il.i... S:.'.- i.t ii..- .tirt ll.iu.-r In ... I. 1 1 , .l.iU 'lie. h. ..11 Saturday, July 10, 1SSC. I" :i, v , llm Mloaliiii .ioiii"'M .. 4 I . IliiWi'f . A I' I'll, r . l.'d.l I M.iti. I i nlMh it r-n.i'n ( u m nr tn t t I ' itui fin ( j' " i ' i r '"iin'y. I'm. :iort f 1 v l.i I1- ... ,:. n l 1 1 ' ..-rt . i : 'V I n i-tlrt I U- ) mm I'i l .1 i ' l(. K''i.il ! A. I .. I . ... I f ' I. I. . ... I a. . -t I i llnllli't ! w ...-r. ..'...v. ...'...i' ' " M ACHKS, r,r" '" "' wl'ir.i.n uri- .r.fi.'.l n I'W'M Mn u i w i t.i i.i ion m:. n,Kini;N. I In il M . Ill " I V 1 .M l I I I. i l nl I It 'III . 1 1 l 'i. . . I in !,l t iu - 1 1. il.u illl In ;.i l lii'W, .II.. I . V i'IU'I.! ..i.:il' I. I .11.1, .ll'l l.rll ir .'II IliO ). It'll I-. .! -I T - I ! ' I.. in HI''! !' . iiti'.n mid In '.il.l ,i- tin. i.i..i.. ti ..I Ii. I: ivi...i' :sm; ii mim l.i -v Mi l It. siirriii, MiitiiI'- I ill..-..-, .Mi.l ll.-' -um!i. .linn- :, 1VF.KY STAIM.K, GTCRGE WALTER. Proprietor, M llilil.l.MI It'. II. l'A. Ni. i'ii ln will I. analrid to ai'i-iin.incilale tho n.tm.date th A-r.la,t. travt'litiK '.ii:li.', AGENTS WANTED ! For Tin liront New Monk, i'HE WOPLD'S WONDERS' iiy J. w. im:ki.. Tli" iinwl m.'ii".-fiil nili'iTll.tliiti bM.k trrr I .nt. Midi, d iv it In. II il null "ii "'l a w.'ium.I.I tin. .;.r . ii;lil in. .ntli-, mi. I It Ic M'lllnu llin o t IIH..H ui. IiiM ii" Hi" 'M-r Li'liT". lKUlar riin- TiiMxi-r- i Ir.ir trniii !. t" fJJ, l" mi'l I'ff day. Nidlili'if liki" II win- " it Uti'.viii in tin. MUnrv id i.,H.k .iil.iliinu. I'r.a.n mil Iri'i nioi..li.-Hti.in. Nil .XI'iTllTliI' In .ill. I In IIIMiri- Cll.'l'l-,. Wo li.'l 1. 1. i -uiip v, i t lii ut n i i-ii 1 1 1. lo O i ii Imrn l.ii-l n.-r-. in: i'iii.iiiiI in -...l.-d. Writi' i"i nriu'iilu. S.ili.rii.. utiiii.iiiti'i'.l tm-rrw ii wli.i ! i"i wl.lt ti. ;imaf. ..ii n iii i l-l..ii. Hi- iih'iiii .i-nirv, .Hid V.-.IHI I i vi- :i.'iili. Hu'Vi-ry liirlil. I will fi l v .iii iii lliiii In wtitr l..r t.Tiiii" nnd liilldi-.-riilliiiiK nl niir I'Iiiii id diilnu l.tMiiiraa' W iIi.ii )ilviuiniiv fllili Inr.l liiinka l" .i aim a. ii. I iir n'li'.t it ..I lni.k iii'i'iit". Willi It Hi ii, I i.l lr.r hi. in. I i-l II i i "i. a i. I'l m into v . -. . l'jn a. in :'ti vi.. riiiiu'i. i in, r i. E. L. Badabciugh. lU' WI'llToWN, l'A. .VI I'lidrr nrd 1'r.nTli'iil lti- iilriT of SEWING MACHINES. A'.. V...I, w..r I in .1 i.l n .ir ildo r-i'.i' ..ii I. hi.!, u hi- Ii III lin -h A 1 1 oril.T.- I.y ini.ll .1 I" s r Tin ir" W ' ll'U WANTED c. '- il ..r Li ti l ! 1. 1 Nnr.-'i'rv Siir I i ,ri.ii.-...l. .vvl.AKi l l.i'. '.t "I if, hlBl -l' ..' V . Il'l l.'VII'l III i"l .mi'iim'i i s r. in. .ii'.-. ( Knti I" 'Ii I'll iikiii iii-.ns, Ii... I Oil. r, IS . Y. I'M.' ".I M iy i.i'.'m "I-'in- IiiMiirain') t-tiiii.N lu'twMfii u and l'o fit y." H. HARVEY SCHCCH, ScliHSLTCTC, Pa. ro'rntf tlio f.dlolii Ultsr I'M ASS MOCK CMMI'ANir4'! ;VINA"n! tt iM'nriM'iiiiB., Arret! HVM,'iM. "II. I.M V. ' .. I Now V.'1-li ' fT.aa.nrt. Klre A(m. Iiitl ui" .1 I'MIV '' "iKJ M l. V Itli tlioio 1 1. iti'Hnl a i.m "Inn nu I'kiii. Iitm mill., luir liny mi)' A rarnvnta. All I'M'i'cnv in -"iki'.. itnily and Inmrlv. .i dam.'. i t i.v tiro ' iiuvo yrur i r.'l'e'.y at an innea -ii -nl . May 1,'an ly. rTuro l i, ('onnt'i-Diig tilled llotmt:iiii Dt w V li is- Ivi'y ;U '2.(0 j r 1 1 n mv tit) fiMils jt-r j it ii it . i tn:s. SwiNr.FwKn, Kajilf 1 Intel, Franklin, l'a. tSan;ENTS WANTED Tor Oof ZDew liuoX d, enUtlaxl THIRTY YEARS Jl DETECTIVE BY ALLAN TINKERTON. (Vnt(iliilnathomoi,-h and romprrhonalre oinoan nf I'liMltuil I'riu'tii'.a i'l nil Orad.'a and 1'Iimmi vilih Oumrrr'ua K.l.i.Mti'M nf 1'i.ra.iiml a:iwn.'iKH In lli. Mi-ti.i-1 I.iii of 4'rlmtiinU, r.v,-iiiur n jH-n.! i.f lliktly ran' Arllir H.Ti-rtlvo l.tfr uul .'iiil.r i. Iiik muny i'-if...lj inttntutg and Ihnll intf iinrmifiisi .siifr.tia. . An ontln ly nrw rrnok, pm.'werlw ffhartrafad, and witti t'orlrait oi u.o Unul Ix uxiUvo. , tyACENTS WANTEDH In rvcry town trow am nnmhrre of rwnrla nV will bf ulad In u. t thU f.iNi. It ai'll t'i H.-lvbiuiU, Mi'.-h:inli'ii, t.ir iii r and rnfiaonal nii'U. Thui on ry Am nl ,'..a i. "i.ulif ur aa a luwia to wlioiii bv van In I auru nf avIliiMi It to. We want Onn Aarnt In rvory tinmidilp, nr county. a-liiy .., viiih tin. Nk. tan niiinii a tu. w Attnt, Kur full partlciaUiw auil t4rm to iitawfa, adUn-M O. W. CAllljrroN A CO., PuMlahon, Nr Yoek. A I).MINISTIIAT0R'8 NmriCR i 1 l.t. ra of ailmliii" ration on the eatalo e lian'l In Tli-lir iit vl IV. I'earar Iwp, tiuyda' Oo doe'd, barliii; a'antcr to the aiiihf litoad. all ju-raana k"wini: mania.. I. a lnil.li alio aald eataie arni-aiimu t. d to make I m ma dia tn raymaiiLalii 'Iti.aa li.ia rlalma w... irent tuetii our --v.i-uuiaiwv hi taa eaiier iUiiiiI. . v 'M'H I. HERII8TKR. ,lra iu 'm , A.liauil(rair, Uo.tdo irra
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers