. 1 i T. H. HAKTKH. Hot ,t will not reus on in a bi-;t; he lliiit cannot is a fool; ho Unit ilaro not is a slave. Li KDITOK axij PKOPlttElTtfl M. JU...Ht jiibu vol. xxtn MIDDLEBUIIGII, SNYDER CO., PENiYA, MAY !7, 18S(J. ii 1 : .n NO 23 iPOKTUY: TWILIGHT- Hlowly, nlowly fall iilnlit'a curtuin Over all tli wlili-njired land; And the fintrel o' 1 1 1 twilight At the yaton of heaven Mum!. O, thy come a bund of pt)lM, rind in robes of lender rny; And before their Kraolou pri'M-ncn ylitulen tht bud's luxt litwrliitf ray. In the weht, r blu of glory TnniH the rdey to tnultu old; lu the ent, tho faint gray shadows (if tins coniiiitf nilit unfold. TiHt?ht brinx u loving', tend-r 'J'liniiulitK of dour ti'! piispl nwf.y, Who have yum1 from int earth' tvi liKht Into everlitlnj? day. Twilight lucmoi i' ri uM'M, Twill,, lit h(nM arc grinul it ml f rung. Ami the hhipH wo lontf huve wnited t'oiuet to shore at even son In the miiet liu-h .f t .vilijcht We uiny reel both ln-urt and hund; We may dream of nortfi-oim pant lee, Uaiitvd in Npuiii't far distant land. J.ifttlue much of eunllht wlory. Davn w iiwi Mk-Hlor bltiul our bight. It bun much of Horrow'n ilm-kiiis, When ull Hoeuix the bluokest niht Ho, with luviiitr hoartn and trusting, Should we price tlm twilight time, When th ntars in Hilvcry beauty tho heights of heaven clinih. A tic Ui ltnna Vaimit THE FAIiMEIl'3 I'm of the band that till tho land, And draw from earth her btoru; KiKht happy imlced's the life we load, While our days are passing o it; Many tliwy are, in riches far HurpusHiuK tho faruiar's puree, Whilo other pursuits uiny yield more fruit Yet often brinjj forth much wurw. We envy not the atatoMiiH.n'8 lot, tStill clamoring for his elites; Nor his that lights for ylory' rights, At Nome rebounded oh. No rinli have- we on hoist t rem sea Hur fuu in lest tempest whelm All we podwenh, without redrehf, Whilo laboring ut the helm. The fruitful field lu bouutien it-Ids A rich mwurd for toil; He ourn the tr.ulo to ply tho npade, And dueply plow the Noil, Wo walk abroad o'er curpet nod, And flow'rets kiNN our feet, Wlume ordoiH riNe to catch the hUes-- A tribute pure and meet. To all we giro tho lueuns to live. Ah brother bhareN with brother; And thin fulfill tho holly will Tlint bidn tin "love each other,'' Oh! Llfeticeui-e from Kiiile, and pure To theo my mml cliii ever With all its mit,'ht, in fond delight, To c.liaii(,'o from thee do never. THE COTOIER'S RIDE. AN KVKNT BOUN OK TIIK AMI'.KICAK VTAB I) A VS. On July 22, 1804, tbe armies of (lunorala Shortuaa and Jobnuton wore confrontiog each otber at At Inula. Tbe bud's lntenso boat was inten eified by tbe aalpboroaa breatb of ruantotry and cannon. At ten o'clock, Qoneral Ilardoe, a Cuufiidorate corps commandor wilb a monntod escort, was on an olova tion, obseruiug tbe position of tbe oneroy. Ooe of Ibo escort was a youth of bixtcon, a courier. Wbilotbe General was noting tbe reports of a cml ongiuocr, a squad of Union prisoners wero marched up and bailed. One of tbe oumbor, a Ml.nl..! -i'iaiu, bbuu apon iuo groana exs bauHtod from loss of blood, a ball having eutorod bis loft fuco nod, ringing upward, paused out tbrougb tbe right, shattering tbo cbcok bone Tbe young courier, observing tbo bounded man, asked that a tiurgeou be diroctod to attend bioi. Ao ano djno was administered and (bo wound dressed, when the priduoore were ordered to resume- their march. He Union captain endeuvorvd to obey, but atatfgerod in tbe tffort. At that moment an ambulaucu con taining wounded Confedorato oQicors drew up. Tbe young courier, ob eerring that there was room for an other, aeked that tbo capUiu be placod therein, offeriug to see him delifered to tho Iraiu guurd iu the c'tj. whither he bad just boon order . Following the ambulanoe on bis worse, he pauwd at General Jobn tou'a headquarlera to deliver a dis patch, and then, when the Oanfoder woooded. had beo removed from n wsgen, acoompaoiod It to the -b'iL ; .i i .... . .,) . . Andorsonville. After Ritiog tlo prisooor Lia own canteen frcuLlf fill oJ wilb water, bo purdmBcd from store nenr by a narrow straw mat tioes, and obtained penoiatiion from tho train gnnrd for tbe wounded cnp tiin to lie np.n it Tbo Utler's face became so swollen that bo could not "peak, bo motioned with bis hand for a pencil pet baps for writing thank to bis bonefactor. Hofovo pencil was producod tbo train moved and tbe yonng Confederate fprart from tbo car. Tho prisoners pro ceeded toward Anderson villa, whil tbe courier rctnrncd to bis corn man. 1. That ufleitrrnoou the Confodoi- atoH mado a cbari'O in which the oontior wh painfully wounded, and that ui-ht, whilo tho caplain wan placed williiti tLo prison frkado, tho young Oor.fadorato wan lying in au bospiUl. 1'ohKibly each gnuo somo thought to tbo otber, but it is not likely that dthor anticipated ever tun ting the other again, lu July, lf7i.ata popular resort on a woHtuin ukoido. Hociotv com. - meuted on the marked attoutious piid to Mis Kiuma Clanoy by lion- ry 11 )ns, a genl Ionian from a city in Alabama, wboae wiutiing nddrefa bud innJo Liuj a nuivcral favorite. I'bo young lady waa easily accorded tbo position of reigning bell j at tbo rotort, and, bor father owning a res idence, tbo was enabled to hospita bly receive bor friends. There were a number of gallauts whono freqnout calls indicated admiration for the fair entertainer ; but it was apparent that none were roccivod with sncb favor as tbe courtly Harry Roes On tbo oveuing of tbo 22d,Ooptain Clancey's parlors wero well filled with visitors, and, as these included married friends, b nud Mis. Claucv who with their guests. Thoro bad been an hour of munic aud dancing, ivbon somo one casually romaikin upon tbo ploasantnoss of the occa- Nioo.Mies Clancey responded ; "Yoe, this is always au anniverBay occution, July 22, m our borne, It ceUbiatet. tbe scar juwt above tho board on fa ther's face, and it reminds me of one with whom I bra in love, rod who is to be my huhaud .She had spoken with an air of Mich ploaeautry as to call for cheery exclamations, especially from tbe young gentluuiou, miironndiug hoi at tlio piano. I cannot givo tho nnu.c of uiy beau idcul," alio suid, unswering an inquiry of Mr. How, 'for I do no I know it, and J have never socn him Vet 1 lov biin, and what would 1 not givo to moot him. I remember, though I wus bul tbrco years old,m father's return borne from tbe army, and of bis tilling bow, on July 22, he wus wounded, aud bow a young Ooufodorato soldier, a mere boy, be said, bad procured for bim surgical treatment, nud cxtondod bim kind ness which probably' saved bis life When be had epokon I believe I pro voked laughter by throwing my arms about bis neck, and tolling bim that I loved the young Oonfedorate, and that when growu to be a woman, I intended beicg bis wife." Somo one remarked this a roman tic story, and asked that bbe tell more of it: "No," said she, "but father shall, for it is bis pot theme each July 22d Others snpplemontod tbe daugh ter's rcquoet, aud, responding to it, Captaiu Claucoy, iu a narrative way, grown easy from frequout reoituls, rccouutod the oveuts already noted in tho first chapter. Ho bad told of his wouuds being drosHod whore tbe prisoners were haltod, of tbe courier having bad him placod in au am' buluuco, and of bis reaching tho Andorsonvillo train, when MIhs Clancoy, who cbaootd to glunce at Harry Koss, observed an agitation of manner quite foreign to bin na tive oomposure. "Whoa he assisted mo into the car," Captain Clancoy was continu ing, whou Ilury Koss interrupted : "Hold a moment, ploaso," he said, "and permit a question or two from me. Did tbe courier you spouk of hand you bis own canteen " "JTob, ho did," rospondedV Cupt. Clancoy. "And did he provide you a mat tresu in the oar " "lie did,1 was answered. "And did you, btiog noable to apeak, make eigoi for pencil, and did the train more Juet as ho waa banding the penoil to you, causlog Cpt Clancy was on liis foct "Yes ! yes !" bo txclftimod r but a bow cauie you to know of all thin T ' "How came I to know T Why sir, I was that boy " Fur a moment a brief momont thoro wan utter atilloess in tbo pir lors. Hut when, stepping quickly forward, Captain Clancoy gianpod Harry Hoss by tbo band, bis faco indicating uncertainty whether to break into a laub or cry, or a caros there whs an outbreak of handclap pinfi an I cheering iu're siigeslivo of a theatre than a drawing-room. Mrs Clancoy advanced nod without word of apology, threw bir arms about Harry's neck, and kisxed bim, "bile Emma, who had taken hie other band in bolh her owu, appear ed to bo in that Mato of uncertainty her falhtr'a f;iee bad indicated. Tor several minutes tbero was n bt.z. of congratulations, an the gtiets pressed about tbo extUuiut) captaiu au.l tho tx Confederate conrii-H. Hut there a another Hccsation iu storn for tbo delighted party. When Captaiu Clancoy aud Harry Hons bad managed to inovo a liltlo apurt, tho latter turned to Kimnn, aud with a half earned, bulf mirtliful look into her face, said : "Mis Cloucoy, I beg to recall a spoech of youra made a few minutes sine?. You stated that, whou three years old, you heard lb:s story from your father, you ba I thrown your anna abut hi nock, saying that you lovod tha Confederate courier, and that when you wero a woman you would bo bis wifo, and exprc6uod a desire to moot bim now. on have met bim. Now, in tbo presence of those other auditors o- your spoecb, I claim tbo fulfillment of ita prop ositiou. Will you bo tho wifo of the extConfedoratc courier J ' Those who wero present tell of another spell of silenco falling upon the parlors, of a bluubing faco and downcast eyes, and a response, in a voice so soft and tieimiloiiH, bowevor ah to be inaud.blo to any other than tho ono uoareat bor. I?nt it must bavo boon consenting, for tbo news puper report of arrivals at the same nsoit iu Julv, lSfi, included tho uaiocs of Mr. and Mrs. mrry Hons. on a vicit to tho bitter's father, Cup fain Clancoy. ('o.nnnlititn. THE SALE OLD CIRCUS "No, rny t.-ii:," u (Vtroit nmn r"- pliod ua ho put Ot. hit" bat, "yuu can't go to tho circus." "Jitit why, father "' "Wei!, iu tbo firbt place I can't fool away my money on such things. "You but I buvu enough of my own. "And iu tho uet place it is a rough erowd, tho sentiment is nu- healthy, and no resp&ctublo person can couutonanco such things," "But fath " "That's enough, sir. You can't go. l want you to enjoy yonrself, but yon must seek some inoro ro 6pectable amusomeut." An hour later a curious thing happened in the circus tent. A boy cliinod to tbe top flight of seats and Bat down bobide a man who had just finished a glass of lemonade and was lighting a cigar. He bad bis plug hat on tho back of bis bead and seemed to bo eujoymg himself hugely. It was father and son. Tho father had gone straight to tbo grouuds from dinner, and tho boy had ran away. They looked at each other for half a miouto, and thou the boy got in the first blow by whimpering : ''iay, dad, if you won't lick mo 1 won't toll ma you .was bore.'' Tho futhor uodded bis bead to the agreomeut, and the riug began. Bucklon's Arnica Safro- The Host Salvo in the world for Cnts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcors, Salt Kboum, Fovor Soros, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains Corns, aud all Skin Kruptious, aud positively cures Tiles, or no pay required. It is guarautodd to givo porfeot satis faction, or money refunded. 1'iioo 25 cents per box. (1. M. Sbindol. Tbe "cousoieoce fund'' at Wash ington, began in 1827, now amounts to $220,000, and ia increasing st ory yoor. Tho United States have nearly three , times as many doctors as England; and nearly four times m many as Fraooe In proportion to - 1 - - GAVE WALKING twelve voara aco Mrs. About (loorga Sherman, living liI.. I....' "uu uvi husband oo a frm in Western Kan sas, was loft with a littl boy four or flvo years of ege, and a balf-breod lodian known as Jack, while her husband paid a business visit to Kllsworth, tbirty-fire rnilos away. Jack bad beou with tbo family two years, and though at liinos morose ntid sulky, bo bad always proved faithful. Hhcrman visiUd lillswortb to got a largo sun; of money sent on from tho cant by a brother, for whom bo wes to invest it. The subject bud, of course, been talked ovir between bim nud bis wife, but neither of tbrru rind tho IciihI idei Jack suspected tho uaturo nf tho er rand. Mrs Sherman could nso firearms nnd l ido horseback, and wai a brave hearted, self-reliant woman. She bad a navy rovolver for her protec tion, though as A mat tor of fact she would bavo smiled at tbe idea of any dangor coming to her. The country was clear of lawless charac ters, two or three avago dogs wore at hand to take caro of strangers, and Jack could bo depended ou with bis enrbino in caso of uccessity. Sherman went away on boif.ebi.ck. It would tako bim the best pait of a day to reach Ellsworth, as bo bad to mnku a stop cn-routo. Ho would bo detninod there ft day, and would reach homo, leaving as bo did on Mondiy morning, on Woduosdav morning. I lus was basod on tho calculation that be would loavo Klls worth on Tuesday night and rido all night. It was in tho latter part of Juno, with boautiful weather and good ronds. Nothing ont of tba nsunl rontiue occur rod until Tuesday night that is, Mrs. yhorii.au observed nothing to rouse bor suspicions, although sho afterword recall id several strango incidents. For instance, tbo butibond had not been gone an boor when ono of tho dos bowled in tho most dismal manner, nud when tbo balf-brccd aougbt to quiet it, tbo animal showed his teoth aud soemod revengeful. It was rem rns bered, too, that Jack appearod iu- lopondotit and defiant, and when tho wifo gave him orders bo took hi:r n time about ob.-yiio' tlum. Ho b! pt m tho "tables, and on of tbo doS generally kept near bim. but when night cumo oo tho first both canines wero determined to bleep in tbo farm bouse, and both were admitted, It was tho same ou the next night. On Monday nig'rt tbe brutoB eccmod to bear somo one walking about outsidt. but Mrs. Sherman gavo tbo matter little thought, believing tbe noiso to bo occabionod by a louse horse. On Tuesday night Bbo went to bod at 'J o'clock, having soon that everything was securo, and she had scarcely dozed off before sbo began droaming. The dream bogan with tho arrival of a letter from tho oast that money was coming. Jt was in the ovening, and husband and wife talked tbe matter ovor ns they ant noar au open wiodow. This was just what did occur in reality, but in her droum Mis. Hboiaiau saw tbo half-brood crouched down under the window outside to listen. She saw bim creop away in tbe darknens, and rorlizod that he was in pobsos- siou of tbe secret. Sbo dreamed that hor hitbband rodo away to Klls worth just os he had done, and that after be bud gono a victous looking half-breed, with a scar on his left cheok, camo to the statlea in tbo night and had a long talk with Jack. She conld not bear what thoy said, but their looks and ac tions indicated evil. Hy-and-by they left the stables, and she saw that Jack had bis carbine and tbe otber a revolver. They wont down the road toward Ellsworth, about two miles, and baited at a ford. This was a lonesome spot, being in a dip, with wild plum trees growing thickly on eauh side of the road. Then the dream changed and she saw her husband come riding np. tibo knew that the tnon were hiding to waylay bim, and sbo tried to motion or shout to warn him. Her voice would not oome, and ebo hadn't the strength to lift her hand. As her husband crossed tho creek1 two men sprang ont and flrod at bin), and she saw him fall to ths AH ANGLE OP MESCY arOQDCI aad tb friirhtened horan .7? L ed banished sWp in an instant, nud as ebo found herself wido awako ooo' of tbo dgs uttsrod ft dismal howl It nA.mln.lBl. nf k I . .... i iiour B nee rim tvnumn hn,i .i ;., bml J ho drenm bad boon to vivid and tbo impression eo strong (but she at onco drossod herself, deter mined to inventigato at least the point from which it started. l. av. ing her child asleep in bod and Ink iog tbe revolver iu hand, sbo softly lift tbe hnnso and proccoded to the H'ablefl. Sbo reached (hem to bear tho low voices of men in conversa tion, and uq sho put bor eyo to n crovico tho saw that J.u-k bad n compatji.in. They were cleaning mm l.iading their fireannn by tin I light of a ca-idio, and tho si rat get was marked on tho cheek as tho wo man had dreamed. It as well that bbo bad tlio heart of u l.iave man. Had sho betrayed herself by any act of womanly weakness, her death would bavo followed. She retreated as quietly us sho bad Como, aud when again in tbo Iiouho, sbo tried to think what should bo done. If nor husband foft Kllsworth at say 7 o'clock, bo would bo homo by 2 in the morningo by 3 at tbo latest Sbo neod not uiako any movo for two or throe hours yot. Fortunately for tbo woman the little boy was in robubt health and n sound slcepor Sho equipped her self for tho nL'ht wulk. aud th.m turuod out tho light uud sat iu tbo buknoss. Uoth dous camo and lav at bor feet, but at iutervals were nervous ttr.,1 nuonuy. Their won derful powers of scout munt warned tbotn that somo stranger wu about tho place. At midnight Mrs. Sherman utluchod a ropo to tho colkir of either dog uod passed out of tho bouse, locking tho door bobiud bor. Sho walked down the road about a mile, aud thou made a detour across tbo pruiriu and struck the creek half a tuilo below tho ford. The watero wero waist high and very cold, but sbo was soon uciosh, Sbo struck tbo highway half a riiib from tbo ford, and wulkcd ou. but sho bad not gono ubovo u milo when sbo discovered her husband. Ia a fow uiiuutos bo was iu posbcHbioti i f her etory, uud bo was not long do ciding on n plan of action. 1 1 in wif, mounted tho hoi no and bo led it until they approached tho creek. Hi tli'ju i. fi, hr, called to tbo do;;-, ami ttuiit, lorvnl to uncover tho would bo db.inr.;:.s. Tbo dogs Hero fori oua for the bunt, and tl.ey had not been gono f.viii bis sido five luinutoK beforo they found and floret ly at tacked the half-breed. Throe oi four shots wero liied, and then came cails for help. Sherman advanced to fiud Jack on Ibo ground, badh wounded, and one of tbo dogi guarded bim. Tho strano mnn bad taken to flight, hotly pursued I y tho other dog. This dog did uoi return for two hours nud tb n hit chops wore rod with blood, but ii was never definitely known whether his victim escuped or was pulled down. Tho sudden attack of the dof oonfusod tbe men in biding, and n shot meant for ono of the brntcx struck Jack in tbo chest. Knowiue that bo had only a 6bort time to live, he confoBKcd that tho pair bad j !a -nod to wajlay.ruurdor.and rob Sher man, nud had they been successful iu this they would bavo afterward murdered tho child and carried the woman away with thorn. Ho died in tho thicket witLin half nn hour, having been told bow it came about that tho plot was diacovered ; nnd buying in ouswer to tbo explana tions : Surely, thoro must bo a God, and bo stnt an angel to givo wai i mg Singular, it-u't it. that whenever a man gives his wifo a dime to bny a box of hair pins, or o gum ling tor s baby, it looks about seven times as big as it does when ho planks it down on the counter io exebangt for a litllo bitters hr tbo ctomaebV sake. Tbe only Presidents who wiro uover io Consross are Wusbingb n Taylor, Grunt, Arthur and Clou land. Mrs. Geo. Fremont has taken a boose at Waihiogton and will re main a year among her old friends at tbe capital- !, r, . ..... I -Il'.p!!JFtJP0 CQyBtTn ltffiths.1 tor Infanta y MA II AND KUTHROCC, Fremont. Snyder ceunly, Pa. m Mi,K...n. oUi.r LU .ri.lnHnl. ! ,pr If MrcU, 7, tl. E. W. TOOL. PHYSICIAN AND SURGLON. Freebmr, I'u f )nr hl. I rofo.Pl .nl n ttlon lo tl. t,Ublto t Oitlosoo Mmn -treat. JK. VAN HUdKIKK, 4UK(IIC VL i MECHANICAL DEXOTSf SwIinsroTC, Penfti JK J. W. SKIP. Krcamcr, Snyder County Pn. Oxricn Uoi hi : T.m A M , rr.'iu W t . J I' M kil l fior 0 C, M SI'KAKS HOT It tNOMSII AN l it KK.M AN, !IJ 1, ISMi. MJKNKItY. Salesmnn N-wrk. N-w York, will ! ili?. iJ'iXXMZ or.lnrK lr tlil- pupuUr linn, tnr MiytMnu In th.- N'ir'ory lino. Ohntna ni.l VtrlotlHa ;. Iil'y. 1'imlllvrly unm. II ny oll.rr-In lirlp ami iuttll(r. Stiiilit.-tln KUnmte l. IU will t!llun itll intrtlcx Ibat I Iran I lui it I'enna i r.-elt, SnyJor e)oa my, )'. Jo.tt,'.s. "CONSTIPATIONS Tliere ia no medium through which distme ho often attacks the system HA ))V f!inul in-lf inn u nl t other ill flesh ia heir to more apt to he nrgletlml, from the fact material iuconvonii'aca may not ho immHdiato iy felt from irregular action of tho bowels. Whu there ia not regular action tho retention of decnynd and oll'cto matter, with ltd poisonous gases, houu poisons the wholu system by being absorbed into it, causing piles, fistula, headache, impure blood and many other serious affections. BUKUCCK BLOOD BITTERS will m n?di:iteiy rtlicv;, and ono bottle pox:!v;-iy euro or relieve any case of Constipation. "Was troublod for a year with torpid liver and indigest ion, and after trying everything imaginable used BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. The 3rst bottle revived me and the second cured me entirely," J, S, Williamson, Rochester, N. Y, .BROWN'S romblnlBf IBOX with TV UK TFPETAm.K TOSHU, qatekl nd ramplMHr tXKAIHKH and KSBH'HUft TIIK UL4M)Os Oalrkiat tkt ariloa or the Mrr tnd K Idnr jt. lr Xhn romilftloB, mikN tlifttkla mootli. It4o aot InJarMhMopth, rao8fbrirh, orprndnrfoa IIpatlo-AM OT1IKK I KOI flKMCIMJi PD. l'bjfnlclai aad Druggist Torwhr luounuucbd U, T)B. N. 8. Rraai.ra, of Mnrlon, Mum., wr' " f nwiiuinitnt riir Irtin DitUm ah v1idM tnnid fitr Hnnrtiintf th IImI, and TtMUnvmn U lJplpuo jrm(,il'liiii. ll iltx n nut h't't tl' i-ti ' l R. M lUiftlX. JUyiioUU, ln-1, at. "I hitvn ivwrnhMl )lr'Wii' I rem Jliltni in i't.r,m of murini and tlt A iUt lit.ti a tnti- wm hh1w1, ami it hu pnnrtMl thorouailily tJilift-.' " ltivn' Hitt"F4 rti riif n- i-nm ( f rl'l t-n"i.m. ii 1 iH;uliljr iMULiud tl W th n-vlmjc a l)Jil iunflnr, Mu, W. .Ne. ., Tjtc.ml.ln. A1 pui; "I : o Uon tnulilMj ff-oa itiftiihHHl witn Impuia Hiimd and aruidion mi u tc ti Inmiw itf Ilrntffi's I'un II i It tin i'ff-rlrd a rfi t.aiiuft vfc Iuo hiKhly t (lu vahiaMei iue1ioiait,M iinnitlna abiT Ti tdi. .Murb m crnii riMr.ii.csi ou straw. TuLt no olttr ftll nljr ly UHOW CUatMlCAL I O., IIA L T I M Oil r tXSK FACTS vs. PREJUDICE I'rcjmlice U hard to comb.it. It c.iutiot tc ovvrcomc in a day. Mure than likely it Wasn't formed haMily. Indeed h niny have tccn iTAilunlly KtrcngtlK-ning its hold for years. 1 oriiibl.ince, some folks believe Klirtiniiiiisin cannot be cured. Their fathers Indict-cd to belore them. So did their grandfathers! Now, RHEUMATISM CAN BE CURED, riolv. UhtlandiiiB this prejudice, but the trouble is to make people think so. The only way we know to meet fnipular un belief is to state the PLAIN FACTS, and then present the POSITIVE PROOFS that they nre fjots. It i ft fact that the RUSSIAN RHEUMATISM CURE not only relieves bur banishes Kheunntic l ain. 1 here is positive proof of it too. It Comet from those who Lv tullered tinlold jony with Khcumotiim ami litvc been com-1 iTetcly cured lv this remedy. All who have died it have had tliit excrience. Some of them permit ut to print their testimony. Il muket quite little book, which we tend free to iiny who are interested enough to ask foril, A complete Russian Rheumatism Cure, costtlj.so. If mailed, loc. additional. If retlsttfrcd, loc. more. You'll never need but one, u the pric isn'i hich. Who wouldn't give a. w to cr rid of Kbeumatisru ? mMwmm BITTERS r w mui m U( umI I ."A., 'f'orMtlcial ttrtlett u U tlHtttf ''("i t"rC hiriM.-.J.. .iL'1 B ir 1 T, !!! 2 As ycl u cmimiI lound tl IM-Moms, bul cm M and Children. Tun Cmrrivm Compaxt, in Fulioo Sumi, . f , dttonicis-jtt-Lail: . V - , j J M. STKKsn, auorneTat-law, MiiUuhuriJi ', ;rr hi. .r..fe.t,.Bl rlp. .v V.Dnull,.ili. ... i- .. . ,r" IO I kit vt lilt Vvi vin:, . jASinSU. CKOtsri, ATTUIJNKY-AT-LAW, MiMLKiiur.nn, rA All hn.lt..Blr.Ul, , fc( JACOB (JIIjHKKT, " Attorney ami Coin, trior tit tu9 rarra. yM. K. IIOl'SWtltTtt, ATTORNEY-AT LArY NKMN.toriftvif Pi. !,'.,;0'.,.',,'! ?"d ?!' oUl" '' t-u-tn... rro.W ly Hlieiiiltii iu, tlirman. v eDiun.iium iDlsgllfbsta. JB l, A." ATTCKNEYAT-LAVV.. f.tti i.i!urg, rnn'& All baMni itolrnttvil to hit ar H1'ta w WOtl, t(4.4 , " J (J. DVATHtCU, monxET-a r.t.A it. MArk'ISt., Selinagrort, ti All i rofeMlonal t-imiti, r, prmntl stltWAJ to. involution. (o KB,li,b.Bd"i.rmiV. . tb.ll.'rt, jj1 U. HOWE If, AriORNEY-AT-LAW, AN!) lbST;i"r ATTORNEY, ilihlUlurg, VI. SB'I llenntn. i'ononltttloni It Ktlfrft Job li'H.ti ir. Q1IAS l ULlUCif, Attorney tt Counsel lor. it. t.. Ofbeoln AiT'i liniMinc nn .u0 nrib im Rivstoh HoTtL. St 1 1 ii J(1I,e nhn. Oollecllonn tad tll.otlier iirnMtl kt.t om I. ..ltnlt,i .a will rie.l,.. f.ioi.VJ .ra.rt Mt.oiloB. A.r.ll" VVt ' TV J. SMITH ATTORltET Aftl. MIDKl.KlltlH.I, BM TIH OO.. 4 riferf hl. iTor.Mlontl Fi.rvlttr to ike tfc Oeesult.tlooi I. tn.tl.b td (l.'siitt! ' A. W. I'OTTEH, ATJOiXAr AT LAW. BolinfrroYe, Pi.. Ofl.rttlfrforeiiiU.1iHertrt o tht ttkffl AI!I.Kll,u.1,0nlr.f... ,,," '.1 ' iutir tr Ontccoo Milt utt iVIUlY 4. fa. I H. filtl.M M, AttoriiHy-nt-Tnw, .H(lUIoUl!i U, VS. reisnltttluB fa (Mb l.niii'rf . ert.., iMl JOUN Ii. AKNOLD, Atioii,j- at Uttws rI I Ii I i r ff nnni ?a "'.-v-'in...;;,;.iu;,",:trA ATTnilXKY.A TLAW, I'd In lung, I'll ltu f.. Offlcton Mrk.t " " iice.vo, ;?7 tr j JOHN K. HI'OIIUS, JUSTICE OP THE Ptct, A'uttt; Snytfer Co., i.'oI!..-ii,.,i8 .roiiU fly illative Physicians. $c, U." Smith, aJ Physician a Stifcof, fearer Sprinqt, Snydtr County, fm Jt w. SAiirsKi, PHYSICIAN ANO S0flGC6Hi OnfjoillU, r.Bn'a iinersbli.roreiloitlirvlMi iDtft. hi.Jm ICBtr.vlll jtuJ Vl.lDUf . ' itj JJ3I jr """All HAry INQCIi. .. . rHTSICIAN & SUfiCEON, MltklfeljUrgh, tVoka 4 CRIER BABBEfi, ' , PHYSICIAN a SUftCEO. KlbKlleburgli, I
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