' -. ' ' . w . , 1 "IT,'- I Ay i JJAKTEK. Ho that will not n iU m is a bigot; ho that dtnnol is a fool : lio that dare not is a slave. KDlTOlt AM) J'UOl'HlKTOll NO 4 OL.-XXUI M1DDLEBURGI1 NYDElt CO, PENN'A. JANUARY 14, lSli. JipMiiteiglj) 1 :IOETHY: ),AlTD01TlVniTT3E WAY. ills ont upon the street, O, bow tthn da we meet. tome poor old man whose life Is rmmlit but woe ; lith age lii form la form It bent, In liia pocket not a cent. And (or shelter ho does not know where to go. lien let us oheer them on, for they wool oe wmi hmik. Don't Hueer at them because they re -.1.1 n.l irMV teineiiihwr while you're young that Ml IMV lO you 1IIHJ' nnnr, When you'll be old and only la the way. "here wa a time I hear when the vminir wr not MO llttCtT ! f I-, . Hut since that time there been an awful chance. I'onng men, how sad to think, that their old parent they will shrink, We nee It every day 'tU iiothintf strange. Tuke thin poor old wreck of toil he will noon be 'noath tlie noil ; For death, I'm sun", he often prays. Himself and faithful wife after toiling all their lives Find they're poor and only lathe way. The sonr Fve sung I'm shore i for rich an well as poor ; Tuke a rich man when he's jrrowinir old- JIls friends will clasp his hand and re lations 'round him stand, Awaiting him to die they want his gold. Then let us from this hour do all flint's In our nower T's liiake the puih foi old folks bright and say. Ilemember while you're younjr that tint' to voti mav come When you'll bo old and only in the way. BASE TO SAY 113. Dare to say no when you're tempted to drink; Pause for a moment, my boy, and think; Taluk of the wrecks upon life's ocean tOHHPll, For uiiHwerlng yes without counting the cost. Think of the mother who bore you in pain; Think of the tears that will fall like rain; Think of her heart ahl how cruel the blowl Thiuk of her love, and at once an swer no. Think of the hopes that are drowned in the bowl! Think of the danger to body and soul; Think of sad lives ouue us pure as the mow, Look to them new, and at once an swer uo. Think of a manhood with ruiu-tainted breath; Thiuk how the glass leads to sorrow and death; Think of the homes that, now shad owed with woe, Might have been heaven had the an swer beeu no. Think of lone graves both unwept and uukuown! Jliding fair hopes that were fair as your own; Thiuk of proud forms now forever laid low, , That still might be hore had they learned to say no. Think of the demon that lurks lu the bowl, Driving to ruin both body and soul; Thiuk of all this as life's J .urney you BO. And when you're assailed by the tempter say no. Loilie Visitor. V BEAUTIFUL THOUGHTS ON LIN COLN. It ibort Q. IogerBoll ia no infidel, and yet his thoughts, outside of re ligiou are things of beauty. Iiis sentences bulge with richness Ilia othios frequently touch tba beart pting of natural feeling. In the 'North American Review,' for De cember, bo baa an article on Lincoln which ia aa pure and beautiful in thought aa if penned by 'an aDgel of light,1 iuBtead of one whom many believe to be wedded to '(he prince of darkness j' 'Lincoln waa not a type. lie stands alone no anceatora, ito fol lows, and no eocceaaore. lie bad the advantage of living in a cow country, of social equality, of per aonal freedom, of seeing ia the bo moo of bie future tbo perpetual tar of hope. lie preserved bis in dividuality and aelf-respeot. He knew and iniogled with men of ev cry kind i and, aftor all, men are tSr- ! r, tceastt ac quainted with the ambitions and hopea of the heart, the means used to accomplish ends, the springe of action and the seeds of thought. tie waa familiar with nature, with actual things with common facts lie loved and appreciated the poetn of the year.tbe drama of tbo seasons 'ltisuo advantage to live iu a great city, where poverty degrad a and failure brioga despair. The Gelds are lovelier than paved streets, and the great forest than walla of brick. Oaks and elms aro inoie poetic than steeples and chimneys. In the country ia the idea of home. There yoa eoo tbe rising and setting sun ; yon become acquainted with tbe stare and clouds. The rountela tiona are your friends. Yon boar the rain on the roof and lixteu to tbe rythmic sighing of the winds. You are thrilled by the resurrection called Spring, touched and saddened by Autuuiu, tbe grace and poetry of death, every fluid ia a picture, a landscape i every lauJwapo a po em i Kvcry flower is a tender thought ; aud every forest a fail y land. Iu the country you preserve your identity your personality, there you are au aggregation of atoms, but in tbe city you are au atom of aggregation. 'Liucolu never finished his educa tion. To tbe night of his deuth ho was a pupil, a learner, an inquirer, a seeker after knowledge. Yon have no idea bow many men are spoilud by what is called educatiou. For tbe most part, colltges aro places wbero pobbels are p.IiRhcd and dia monds are dimmed. If bhakopcare bad graduated at Oxford, ho might have been a quibbling attorney or a hypocritical parson. Lincoln wub a many sided ninn.nc quaiuted with smiles aud tears, complex in brain, single in beait, direct as light ; and bis words, can did aa mirrors gave the 'perfect im uge of bis thought. He was never afraid to ask nevor too diguified to admit that be did not know. No man bad keener wit or kinder hu mor, lie waa not solemn. Solemn uity is a mask worn by ignorance aud bypocracy it is the piefaco, prologue, aud iudex to tbe cunning ortbostnpid. He was natuial iu his life and thought master of the story-teller's art, in illustration apt, in application perfect, liberal in speech, shocking l'harasuea and pruJos, Ufiug any word that wit could disinfect, 'He was a logician. Logic is the necessary poduct of intelligeuco and sincority. It can not be learned. It ilat a s me cuwu oi a ciear bead and a good heart. He was candid, and with candor often deceived tbe de ceitful. He bad intellect without arrogance, genius without pride, auu rengiou wimout cam ttiat is to say, without bigotry and without deceit. 'Ho was an orator clear, sincere, natural lie did not pretend. He did not say hat be thought others thongbt, but what be thought. If you wish to be sublime you must Le natural you must keep close to the qrasa. You must sit by the li reside of tbe beirt ; above tbe clonds it is too cold. You must bo simple in your speech j too much polish sug gests insiuoerity. Tbe great orator idealizes tbe real, traosfigurea tbe common, makea even tbe ioauimute throb and thrill, fills the gallery cf the immaginalion with statues aud pictures perfeet ia form aud colors, bringa to light tbe gold boarded by memory the miser sbowa glitteriug coiu to tbo spendthrift hope en riches tbe brain, ennobles tbe heart, and quickens tbe conference. Be tween bis lips, words bud aud blos som. If yoa wish to know the d ifference between an orator and an elocution ist between what is felt and what ia said between what the heart and tbe brain can do together and what tbe brain cau do alone read Lin coln's wonderoua words at Gettys burg, and then tbe speech of Ed ward Evertt. The oration of Lin cola will never be forgotten. It will live until languages are dead and lips are dust. The speech of Evertt will never be read. Tbe elo cutionist believes in tbo virtues of voice, tbe sublimity of syntax, tbe majesty of long sentences, and tbe geuins of gesture. Tbe orator loves tbe real, tbe simple, tbe natural. He places tbe thought above all. He knows that the greateat ideas sboald be expressed ia tbe shortest words t':' t-9 mtit fUtova nd Uj;tbat 0d ia lo?, sd ;c fuAiabtt least drapery. Lincoln waa an immense personal ityfirm but not obstinate. Obsti nacy is egotism firtuoenn, heroism. He influenced others without effort, unconsciously aod they submitted to him as raeu submit to nature, nn consciously. He waa severe wilh bi in soli', and for that reason leti tit with others. Ilenppcarod to apolo gize for being kinder than bis fel lows. He did merciful things ns stealthily as others committed crimes. Almost nshamed of tender ness, he said and did the tiubltvt woiks and deeds with the charming confusion that awkwardoess tliut is the grace of modeety. As a no . ble man, wishing to pay a small dehl to a poor neighbor, reluctantly of fers a hundiod dollar bill aud asks for rbaoge, fearing that ho might be suspected cither of milking a dixpla.T of wealth or a piett uite of payment, so Lincoln hesitated to show bin wealth of goodness, even to tbe bust bo Lnow. Nothing diecloses real character like tho use of power. It is easy f r the weak to be gontlo Most people can bear adveisity. Hut if you wib to know what a mau really is, give bim power. TLis is tho supreme tet. It is the glory of Lincoln tLut having almost absolute power, he never abused it, except upon the side of mercy. Wealth could not purclmae, power could not awn, this divine, tliii lov ing man. Ho know uo fear except tho fear uf doing wrong. Hating t-lavery, pitting the muster seeking I o conquer, not persons, hut pnju dires bo wa9 tho embodimenet of self-denial, tho courage, the hope, aud tho nobility of a nation. He spoke, not to inu-uno, not to upbraid but to convince. He raised bin haudn, not to strike, but in bene diction. Ho longed to pardon, He loved to sou the peuils of joy on the diet ks of a nife whoso luibbaud he had re-cued from death. Lincoln whs the grandest figure of thj civil war. He is tho gentlest memory of our world. CSEED3 AND OKTIIOSOZY. Tho word orthodoxy is thus de fined iu Webster's unabridged die liouary ; 1st; "Sounduoss in faith ; a belief in the genuine doctiiues taught in the Scriptures 2nd : -'Cous sonanco to gonuine scriptural doc trines ( as the orthodoxy of a creed." According to these deliuitions tho creed of every church is considered to be truly orthodox by its members; and tbe articles of faith which ore now generally recognized as ortho dox doctrine, comprise a number ot points upon which probably the greatest number of creeds are iu agreement. There is thereforo no other evidence that theso creeds aro more truly orthodox thau others than tbe fact that the g eater num bor of tbo 1'rotestaut churches have adopted them. How tbeu may wo know what genuine orthodoxy is Here aro so many churches whose creeds all claim to make tbe Scripture tboir only guido, yet a largo number of them do not ogreo with what is treated as tbe accepted orthodoxy. Wbi-b are right T or are any of them altogether right, or absolutely wrong f These are importuut ques tions to which every etucere Chris tian is anxious to have tho correct answer. The most vital points are express ed iu such plain language iu the Scriptures that careful readers can hardly bold a difference of opinion as to tbe meaning. Among these are, that Qod is love itself j that be is alwise and almighty. Hut we read also a great deal of God's an-, ger wrath and ire aud in several places that be repented having made man. That be who ia love it self cbould be angry, and wbo bas all knowledge should fiud bis great, est work so ousatisfaotory as to cause bim to repent of having made it, seem to be contradictions. And why oould cot Ood, who baa all power, make aud control bis works exactly aa be desires to have them t From saou matters as these come various opinions and creeds but is it safe for any one to be so positive ia bis opinions aa to call those berterodox wbo differ from bim Hot doee it seem aa if any one oould regard bis belief absolutely right and safe, while it shows a con tradiotioa ia tbe Script area i ' as in anor, and that be Is omnipotent and is alwise, and yet tfjd woik of which be afterwards recanted. Tbe trinity of tbe Oodlua l in another point upon "which creeds differ as well as modes of worship, ceremonies and rite1,- or rather they diller as to what implied by worshiping and honoring (lod ; and by humility, and repeitlauco towards (Jod. Creeds also dijer as to the resurrection, whether) it will be a tidibgoflhe uatural- body, or ex clusively a spirit oij one; "and tthetber spirits have bodies. They differ aUo as to hem 3 and hell what lhiy arc as to Christian fiith aud works aa to angels, whether they were so created or whether they are the blessed who died in the Iiji d. If people who beliovo the universe ,,w )0y w,.d not only m an. I to be the woik of 6d, and the 'fight, but hn was boss. Hefoie sun Scriptures to bo bis Word given for 'd.nvn that night he hud been pn instruotion. correction. jnd reproof 8CUcd with two big bites from an of mau, (2 Tim. 3:10) cau so greatly 'apple, three in.ii hies, a ball of kite diftVr in regard to whak tho Scrip- string and half a pound -f brown tures actually teach, it seems very sugar in an old straw hnt, and other proper that they should ull bear j boys were waiting to shower I on each other iu great charity. Hut 'ors and presents upon bim at mu- wbilosnch cbarity ia evidently very proper and necessary, and pluinly taught in the Scriptures, it ia no j :! 'ilt-alao very well for all to ins j quiio humbly aud pi.tiently, as to the reasou why people So dilT.ir. That what a percjn hue been taught from cLildlioo( on any of these subjects ban a lasting influence is kuovvu to every peisou ; and so also the extent or limit of bis knowledge of things generally. Hut what evidently has the greatest bearing upon tho views aud opiuiotis concerning Qod nud the r Ltion of the human race to hiiu.MH tho state of the mind aud afl'coiion of each individual thinker and inquirer iod even declared thit to the fro ward ho will show himself fro wnrd and just to tboso who love justice, which shows that a person's views of Ood aro greatly influenced by bis owu character. Ono other great difficulty iu the way of obtaining a trr.o understand ing i f tho Scrip tut'OH is too literal interpretation of it. Hut how shall tho carnally luiuJed discern it spiiiloully t Thoy however, who dusiro or profoss to bo spiritual, should earnestly strive to "find the spirit aud life ' that is iu tho L rd'i not da If all Christiana were doing this wilh all their might there would be a greut harmonizing of creeds ; and differences of optuions would cease to estiungu. There aould soou be true Curietiau char ity aud foiboarance botwecu all re ligious douomiuati ns ; aud Christi anity would become a universal brotherhood ; for all their aims and purposes would bo one. Hut is not the Christian world now thinly moving iu this direction ? Ml Joy Ikrald. THE WOULD S WAY The New Hoy Asserts Himself aud Uuue tbe lloost. The new boy hud moved in that is, tho family which owued the ui w boy bad moved in. It was quite likely tbo new boy would show up iu tho back yard during the after noon, and bo after eohool seven boys beaded that way. TLe new boy had only been seen from a distance. Was be sassy No one could ans wer I Would be fight f No ono could tell. He must be tried .' It was tho solemn duty of every boy in that neighborhood to ruako this important discovery at tbo eailiest posible moment. If be could be licked, well and good ; if be wus a fighter ! They broathod burd over tbe thought. In half au hour sevon beads ap. peared above the alley fence behind tbe boy s bouso He seemod to be expecting tbem, aod bud heaped up u peck of green tomatoes at the foot of a plum tree. Tbe seven glared down at him. He glared up and back. "What cher want" It wus the new boy, and Ihcro was "sass" in bis tones. ''None o' yer bizoess I" It was one of tbe seven wbo ans swered. Git off'n that fence P 'We won'tl". "I say git off 1" "Shan't do it l" Tbe new boy stooped for bis t6 matoes, but when he 'raised op tbe seven beads were gnoe. ft wa set tled be was sassy. Im sgutt "Xoo thtxe f fcr-j t4 tUsj. , , Who T" fiom the yard. "You dasn't light f ' Yes I dast ' "I'ann't como over !" "You see 1" Ho cumo over. It Imd been set tied Hint Johnny Fly tin idioiih' tackle bim, and lotinny wss reid. n grabbed for tho haw b n'a hv. iind tho boy grubbed for his cot and they tugged and twihted. ' Sick him, Jo rny 1" Clean him ont I ' "Pull his huir." Hut Hih timv boy had tho hot cf it. no onm.i d'l-vii on top i.f Jdh- tn :itid gollled hirt eye nnd bit hi tin ger, and oflVred to h.-k any mi'i eU in Hie crowd, iiis ftither came out just then, and the seven run awnv. hut llu evidence was all in Tin rise V, )'. Sun. Cirrjrhs out his 0:hn- Hugh Mefluiro, ft son of the I'merald Islo, who In 1 volunteered iu thfl Tenth Mississippi Hfgiinont of Inf intry, stationed nt IVnsiie d i. Florida, in lw(!l, was pi iced upon picket ono night on tho bench, with orders to wiilk between two point, aud to allow uo ono to pass without tho countersign, and that to be giv en in a whisper. About midnight tho Corporal and relief dice ivered. by the in jonlifrM, Hugh up to t'm waist iu water, tho tide having set iuiuuceho wus posted, two home before. "Who goes thuio t ' "Itelef." "ita'.t, lolief; ndvimoo Corporal and givo tho countersign." 'Corporal ""1 am not going in thero to bo drowned Como out here au 1 lot me reliuve you.'' uigh "Devil u bill will. Tho Liftcnaut Lull mo uot to lave my post," Corporal "Well, then, I'll leave yon in the witter all night," going away aa ho spoko. iiiili "Hall ! I'll put a Iioln in yo if yo pass without tho countersiou. Them's me orders from tho Liftens ant. cocking and leveling his gun.'' ('orporul Confound it, every body will hoar it if 1 btil it out to you." Hugh "'Yes, mo darliut, and the Lifotenuut sai d it must be given in a whisper; iu wid ye. Me finger's on the trigger and it may go off. Tho ('orporul hail to yield Hiid wade u to the f titlil'ul sonant, who exclaimed "Ho jabers 1 its well you're come; the coulteiiu' tide has uently droued me!" nilTTS 702 TII2 FAMILY- , A wifo can hide any small object from her hubbuud by putting il in the JJiblo. When tvtiu babies are so reiy much alike that they cannot readily be dihtiuguished apart, the difiically cau be overoomo by slitting tho ears of one with a pair of bcinsors; An other plau is to tattoo a lizard on the forehead of one baby und un elo phaut in the forehead of tho other. A wife muy ofteu be cured of a lack of animation and general tedium vilao with a few poker-ehips and a photograph of a pretty actress care Itssly worn iu the bubbaud's vest pocket. A husband, in sewing a bultou on his trousers, will Cud that a small tuck-hummer aud a pair of tweezers, woikod in Bc-iootiflo cooperation with his tcetb, will serve as a practi cal substitute for a thimble. A good way to name a new baby ia to write a good many names on elipa of paper, shake thorn iu a hut, and take tho top puper. If the name thus obtuiued doesn't suit, kiep oa shaking tbe bat until you get a suitable one on top. If the baby is j a boy let tbe wife maosge tbe bat but if it is a girl let the husband mauoge it, 'ibis precaution should bo taken to prevent "stufling'' tbe but or soy uufair manipulation of tbe returns. . Ths best way to prevent tba clil- dren from playing with tba cat is to p lit eat off for a goal. . Unlj Temperance Bitters Known. !5 .w Winer tnrdlrlnr known no cHcrtuaiijr ppp.... tit,. HimmI ,,r t!--,--!t,.l (tln'rw. Million lar lrllniii jr Iu It" won- ilirfiil nriiii.A , - It .- u. It In a purely Vrrelobl" fntrnti'in, tiu'l'fmin tin' imliv l'. rt. mi'i i m( I iiiituri'ln, tin1 tn.'ir.-iti:il )r,i,Ttit'f (( vl.t.li hrii vfctift'.li ti tll'Trfroill IVtllmllt till! II-.? -f Alt. 'III. I. It remutrw I't.i ruimijo (I... aw, mill llio ili lit rts'nv, m Inn liculili. It llio urmt lllood I'nrlllrr rimI I li.' iriMt! rilm lelf ; n imiili' I nt t n it T'lhi'; n p'-rl'if l(,'iinvfti..r umI InxiLMiiutMr .f Hip ti.'iii. N..f,T l ..r In I l-tn t el On" wiulfl hi in.'ilirlim Iw-i-ii -imiMi.inlt'il p,,..,-.-!,..,. til" i.n,T III VlNMMII IllllPn. Ill llinl.llg lilt i It i v. rr ,li ... ii.r.i, lr in. 1 Ik . Ilernl I vt', A j 1 1. t.t. I i .r. tlo, Cur TiiIiisIivh, N 'i I rilii U-, lnMtlvi-. h. !! iv., I niiiiti-r. lTit:int. S-.flirlil.-, A n It-III It, H. It'll, liimtlr ftnil 'I'lttiic tri.rt.'H of iriiAH I'.n riit c--. '! tlt..N' i.f fMr illt,-r tnr,( in,- in ll;n tml.t. Ml l,l1ltl rull I'tk.' lln IllTTfK. m I nr.llnij In it.r.-, ti nn. iiiiil r.-i.inin I.hil: iiiiw, II. ip.nUil t'li'tr thin. i mil nut ili ptinVfil t'T linn rul ...iH.n or olli t ui-.nii-, ni.il lh iIa! iiiuim vtudUl t'V,!. I' .. I nf r,'. .ir. Itlll.iiiv. It pmllt.'iil. Inti rnilttrnl iiml Mn- lurml Ki'i. tufi .r,-lrtl,-iil tlii,.iiu'lii,ut tin I. nllv.l nri'r mi, I llivir ni Ii ;l,iiurl tln'ri.tt; 1 1 hiiii.ni.r Kti-l Vttuuni, i'iuta..jr diu,n f ani ul uau.ual lit-nt mill tlr nr. a, I lie-n !' ' -r nrr lnvnril' rrciniiiti1 't -:tlt-lv,i it.-l 'ili:'t:ni'Mtn ol th alMlnii. li, ilv.T b,i.''.. In lli.-ir Ir.-ntmi-iit. A nir. i iv,,, i-xnliiij; apiw,-rful lrttuii'-o u;m'U Uicmi uiaiia, U alisu lul -'r ii-. , a.nrv. '1 li-re I n cnll.nrlle fur tlio nrpo rqnul In I r. .1. U llki'K, Visa, .All lllTlklix. n II will H r.lny .,ii,i.. li tliiikTiilnrrd via, l,j ttnitl-ir wiili wii'nti ei-' tn,ti hi,' I,..hIm, nt tliu ilim,l til. 1,1 atillHlllilinu' tl." t"' rMt'iTi nf tin' ll.'l f, ninl L'i'iii r:i'lv r. "i',1.11 lliu liia;il. liiinliiuw u( III,' ili.'f-tlv l,n.',,n. I nrlilr Hi.. Ixnly ni-M l.i-t ti--n-o ! )mrl- flhk' Mil IH II 11.1.- Villi Vl'.l UAH lilTTHl. Nn rjiiil- piii' , in I il., t,i i M ,if ii at, -in I In;-, fiii. i.rin, it. II liii Iif.irnic lit,' Moiiim-li niiiltiiu li'ilt,") tin.' t, ii I'l l l.uir iiml Hn, la. t'liiuialnir tint lili'inl nf nil iiii,in III.'-. Iinixirtuiir I if" iiik! vi ; r l.i I'm. Ir mi,., in . I riu i v iiik lf ti Itliimt llio ni'l i.f ( :i 1, in,-l. r il in-r mi' nila, all i,.i.,.ti"im in VI -r fn in t'li- KVatiMii. Il Ik i iir nt ;K!iiilnih t 'll'l, iiinna ill ucl.,)li, Uliil cvituili iu IM ri1 "lit. 1) i,.,ln ir liiillcail-tn. Iie1:ii'lin, l'.iln in It,, Mi,,iil.i'i. I iiniriis, 'I i, 'hi ni"-!i nf lli"i I Ii' I. I'll, inn, .n:. i. I'l.ii'ir.., I n. I 'I'u'.li' lu th M i llll. In. l ull A'l.i.-I s. I'al,il.'lli,'ll nf tl'9 ll".irt, n'nl n I , i m-1 - I hiIht itiiiiIiiI hi m'liiiK, arc i,t n.irai -,!. ,,,1 Iv Vin.imu llnriiM. I'.ir I n Jlnijifiiii (.') mill I l,-, iiii' Kim'Iiiii Attain, ti'ii 1, N,-iilai. l. I 'iir.K'-m,t tli' l'l"i',t, l.iv-r. hiilm'.VN i.'nt 1 .1 i . I.-r. Iln IIIii.ih limn lio "ii'tl. In Hi, : v us In nil !'nittr.iit:"iml I'm i"i vs. ni-n V l-r' Ail IMririiH h;is aliimn lei I'l'rlt ri.nitln iniii it, ill llu lllont (lIlHlllttll'l uerl liitr,!,':;!',.!'' i i , H. 1, i iiH.tii il I tlt4'imi' l'l'mnnarliit-ii!!'.! III I .U 'l llll't MllH l 'll ', hi. i ll I I I lllllll'i'l H, Viim tt,Ts. Iiii:l tH'iit.-i.'i. A ,il Miii.-'i. aa ll.i y r liieiri) In In',-, ntii iili"i't t'i rnntl.VK.H nf il.n I i.ri'lj. 'I n Kiiiii ,l Pi'iiiii't Una, Vukfl (MX'Aoioiuil (in. i'S nf Vini:ur lui'irun. s'.ln Ili'.i'.'iK"., hrri'fnlA. 'n'l IMinim, 1 1. '-rn. I'.Tii'liiiiKt, I .ni'I' i. I'ir n.'i's. lt.,;i, i 'nr hi'iflifi, loii'f wiiriini, Si'iil.l )i. n I, h"i' I'rra, 1 i i.i, Int. Iii li. hi'iiiN. liisi'ni.ir itl 'iia. Iluniiiin ant il i"'i. iiM f Itm Slflii, of Mlint'ii'r iinniH , n itiii,-. no liti'iiiilv ilnr up ' t , mi if, I mil ,,l th- pv'-.t.-iii in Ukliiirt tiuin l j It. n . "I I'm l.itt-V 1'lu, Tnponnil oll.er 'rma, Inrkmi.' In Oi'i Aiat'-m ot K'i iniii'y tli"ii.iii,ta, an , T r'lt'i'ly il" .tnn i', :irrl r"in,iM',. Nm ra', in nt iiii-huii", li'i v.-i inrui a, l.-i anlii'lMiiet.,i a, v. ill f,et Uio hjilo.1 (IU..I i.oiuih liliu Vimuiah Hi i" ri. h. ."'li'H-li'a, Nfnrl.'f 1'i-vrr, Miiiiii,WImm'v. I'i i '."i'li, ami n.l I'lnl lr-n'a iltainari limy Imi liin.li li--.a si'ii'iT tty l.i".''ln tho bowi'U na n a il ti mil l i.,s t.f " I Dim -ix i'tir I'riiiiiln I'onipl Liia, In vourir nr nil. mai I nr ainirl". nt t!i' ilani nf wninau li,i,"l. ur tin. loin nf Iiili, lhl lill'.i in Iiun mi t-,iml. ImiHac I li 1 lllnli'.l (CIiukI iilii'n Ira llllltiriUl'N lllllal tnnil,i:ll till' , 1. 1 ' I I'l rpi,,:iniia nr"r,'i; I'li'iiii'.i' It r. Inn imnirl. , mil '-Ir -I III in Oil nm: I'd li'i-" it Mini, ii in f'"!l : 1'inr f Ihii'H tvi'l I" II l"H vvlmu, ini'l l:i" Uialll. I'f Itli' I V-.li til 1 ill I'.lloU. :i rum Ill-Inn I Oil i tli" 1'iO'Ts n trlnt. H will ai'i-iik f ir UM'If. uiii' laitt!" Ii a Ik ii.t ciiniaiitie i f ito uuil. tliuua 1. niliy wIm iiu,.-, ini'iit. trim ml mill boll In nro full dirivtlnua )H lut' il In ililTi'iriit l.ui;.im,'i s II. II. Jli'llniiul.l lrn;: 'o I'miirli'lnn. tittiiliMiiii '". i jI.. i i"l ". !-p v .ulniiun ht., I'm-, rl irli. ii St., .V. v V"rk. Sold hy uil J.euier and Jrugi'lst. , CXI AXCT DBJLL -k.. ... . : P,itlTe fnrca fml fiT rraln, prin m1,! anl fV tllizi ra. Nil p'lin I irli "l'(f, O.nia III lliHrit ll. I'lraC'iini-'i li'il with piiinii ratnfliiilainlirittiiiiiiui. I, in-j iin.li. illy. Will ai'w lii liii'y l'rai,. rn mnl all i mik ini iily. u t Ii. . ii t nn. I.iiih. Wi'l ili.irili tj t.. att.'ky jili at'li'i. a. j.tii- ti r an.! wi.i.u UUlra luli. Hi xt HliJ fli'li lu 'nr. CROWN G3ASS SEEDER. tin liutcl loi"W finiii.1 to J'. II. i. rlnvi r ore raa o.il 1-1 r a"io. Vvry alinnn ami flural.lo. W,,1 au4 (;.,. l'tfo frain, a. nil ir u lin I. Iru Si'i1nf,,r Ii.i not. K"t .iiIvq: ill rvy: y rosl IHt 'axni iimi Ii I f"r y.mra. 1'iral , n ullum. It. i i yMli. rn i ilnlMt, i. CflOWH RCVCKblOLB COMBINATION HIY CAMRIKR AND bHIH B!.IM(il. 11 ia ii.i ", n il In rni'- ily ami iiilrkiiiNa. Kavm tiui'iui"! lit. i. tl T f,'..i"lu uiniumlo i.f l- luntrrua hv ak.llrd wot I. ii .'ii. ami lull v arrant I'd, n-i.,1 i 't i.iii'ni.ir lu C ft OWN UTO. CO., F-tielpe. Fl.Ya je-iiuuui'U U.i ijxa-, LEFFEKS IHPH07ED mn Alt, TCS PARTS UADS OF Ke KhrlalhiF, r.welllng er harping. ToI.irinTrn'nriiiro,Srai'i,an4 lUmiurf ItKiiUMU Wiko KNtfiaa In tl.a WOH1.H, 1 k ilUT U ClUUi'aSl'. lkaj $ui Clrculara to tba spniuariELD umm co. ' (BfTti'sticli, 0U9, Attomcys-At-LaWt ' A1T0REV-ATLAW, MiUUbv,y,li, l'cnn'a., Iflart bl pr,ifai m.1 1. Ii tn ' I a i u ne "tiaiil'.ttrns in Knl.h nr i,i rn a- . I n Ito i- ni l i v a 1 1. n,i,l i ii. I'li.ca li d"tia at I Ilia l-tul-i irk-a. JAMK.SO. CKOUSK, ATTOIlNKV-AT.L.lWi Ml hl.Klil JJ If. PA Ml nn.rM rntri'Hnl In, I. In fata al'fr no ii n- i a i to lit lu. tetituliniltri In nr an till 1 t ullrll. : l JACOli (ill.HKUT, Attorury oint Cuitnsi hr at fcatfl p.miH.Kiit iii.it, i , nMiftlm ami all t' i it . p v a 1 1 :i ttr il In, I unai'llall ii tn I tj ill' in nr, 1 ; a. y.M. i:. noisu j:in if, ATrCHNEY AT LAW, HKI.INMIUiiVK, Pa., '"I'aotl.inJ ai',1 at: i.ll;r Iru a 1 1 urlm r..n, I , nn. n i,.,i tj. eoimiiii.iti'jMi a i.kiuL an) 1 or in k n . Jura 9, ii. IfuSS, ' ATTOKNEY-AT'LAW.. liiialtira aniru"t"il t i I. la rar a I4 rrmiii 1 1 alleuili tl In. Nrit. .Vl.'Hii. j . m:i tiucii, '111011 1:1 ir.i.n,. M:i-k; I St., 'i.Vi..,,(i!, V ; AH i.mla.ati.iiat tiimiira, pri'ini tty aUtia) a t'oliatillstliin In I n.lHu umi Oi-rn ar . b ft -.0. t1 AnnRMEY-AT-LAVv, AM DlSTUK T ATIOKNKV, i!rl Ut h ury, I'd. nt'ctuie. made. HaoFullatli na In IruUrk nililormaii. ju, 3j ., ,, (JIIAS V I'LlTlClTT Attorney ti Conn-ReHor-At-lair ittei-ln Ape'a HiiiMIiik una ilnoi Nurtbfo K I.YHTIlh K il'ITKL, Selillaci lit V. I'CIIII II. iVill-itliina ami a'l ntlior .rur, Ml f1 i I. anlli'lti'i auil will raccliar refill an4 rniiiM atloiitluii. Ar. !!,;(. 11, 'PJ. SMITH. 1 ATTdKNEY AT r.A fi. Mliti.M:r,:i, ssf.ini c.t.,p il'orlila I'mlaaalnnal Sarvlraa tn tka lull 'oo8Ultilin la tnatl.li and tlai umn. A. W. l'OTTr.K, .1 nonxh v r j a ii . RctiTiMj,') ove, Va , ' ui r il.alr 1 r,i.".,iia I .mi l.a, I,, tla ull M I'n iH.tl I 'n.a ,'iiir.ini.. I,, iholr.'ma ail i'l rrnni't li-tati'lnn. lit!c, oi, .11 a 11, Si, July 4,?.. JJ II. fiUIMM, At(oniovnt-Law, t inn u i.i. (nn.ultatliilo;blli KiiKah and Oarmafl LiiPKimCM. O.I.0, 1,. JOHN II. AUNOLP, " A"n'.V lit Mllrl.l:i!fito. I l"lo.l,.l,ol I n.lnra. ainr...la t to ., cara ,nl tie.l roiiiiiy aitrinlvl lu. A.MUIiLH. OltWIO, A TTnnXlCY.A T LA M I.ouNIhiik, I nlou H o., Vn1 Unc.'d, ;sT7.II.J JliX K iiroiiiis, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE", K'lutz, S,id, r Co., P,t, f t! 1 'i.ll.'fli'.ns iiuu,,tly iiiail.',. Physicians, Vr. -nr 11 I W1MU I I J. S1IITII, m. & Physician & Surnren. Honrr Stri,)$, Suli rtounty, Vet. J W. SAMl'Si;!., " PIiySICIANjAJVn SURGEON, .'outre villi., J'enn'A, (ilfBraliliMf,,,,,,!,,,,,, . . -I i.tr. Wlla ami tlclnlly. ' iuj. , fj' KlX.WIt HAb'.SIN'OEn, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON iMiildlljuiKh, IVim's, ir ";vr,. ,,''f:.!..""l',n.,, -r cituc. - Afrl-.T,'.,. tJUIErt IIARRKK, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, WiddleliurKh, runn'tw '.i ri'i i ''"" If "t ryire. in il cMianS v"laf tu.. timri liou.a. In Arnr,,, ul.'dlna. ) MAUAXD R0TUI10CK, Fremont, Snyder county, Pa, ?lraduataol ll.ttlmora (tollaaa of Phyilal.aa .nd suinann. nflera till rrola.il. nal t.V.iti March, IT, ISbl. If. nn. e. w. tool. '- PHYSICIAN AND SUftCECN. Frtebmtg, V. Oder nig lirnfaaalnnsl lartloai a II aablLa te'o;,".,:u,.?,.,;t,.', K'h K.VANJJU3KI1.K, , BUEOICAt IICCRANICAL MVtlU f - ialllDSgTOf f, PJa I, X, t r I. f 7."
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