0 1 ml T. 1I.-1IAKTK1W J - - --w r.-r--: :-.!... a i.-r-ww-.-s .--.-v-: i . null L . BL imm M.M. .1 l.HJHML....UllJJV1 ,lot reason ia a bigot; ho that cannot is a fool; ho that daro not is a slave. MIDDLbuUGII, SNYDER CO, PKNN'A, JANUARY V'iwii EDITOK asd PBOl'BIKTOB VOL. XX j i. f r fa i sv Let in sing of the Hog, the bucolic Hog, Tli at pnrml-g In the farm-yard sofree, With bin grunt ami bin squeals, ant bla piteous isppt-nU For each vdlble t lif use he can two. For hi hunger Is keen at the first eep of Onwii And tlimlnlslins not through the tlar, And Ht nlifbt when he dream, 'tis of dish slop In streams And of coi-ufiM lu fruitful display. A a robber unequaled be cares not for gold, Nor for aught except victuals and drink, ' ' He will stent ell be can, both from beaut nud from unto, And then lieon his stomach and think But bis thought do not dwell on bis vices aud sin. Hut alas! on far different themes. For while Deeming asleep on a frag ment mudheap, lie Is hatching thcuioht villainous schemes. He will undermine gates with an en glover1 nil 111, And whenever a garden he see, He capsizes the fence with a joy most Xt'Ai devouT'18 beans ar"l e 'pen. llelvilUlnng)tcr& hen should she venture N ThoiiMeiuorolei-ly plum!' her nest; Hen)vsU his meal, though the things that he steal Always' si-siu'.to agree with him best. Hut a. o1d day will oome for that troublesome Hog, For lo winter his throat shall be slit, iuJ tlie farm folks with smiles will recall all his wile; ifl they gobble liliu up bit by bit '''rxut HiftiniS. lr2ACTICAL3VIEW OF LAE03- 'row the Phila. Times. The recoil t .declaration' of this uruel in da editorial discussion of te labor troubles in jlbe Western Diisylvsnia'ooslniiues, that "the . Arable .law of supply snd demand regulates the value of labor just as it regulates 'he value of every other comiaity," is complained of by an intelligent and sincere workingman as putting labor on a false baiis.au d be asks t . ''Is it as it should be f lie assumes the theory that the la bor that produces the commodity mould stand on a different coiotner i.l basis from the commodity that roduced, and argues that any olherJheoiy detrscts from the dig nity aidect due lo labor. It is a mistakVta assume that la bor is degraded by beirijj- subject to loe laws oi euppiy ana uouiauu, ior that is one of nature's inexorable luws, dating back to tbe time when the first family divided their pur suits in obedience to its mandate. It may please men to be told that labor is above the laws of supply and demand, bat only tbe mistaken theorists or tbe deceitful demagogue attempts to place labor above every other Jotorest of lbs human race, wliotber financial, industrial, social or political. Capital bows to tbe imperions'deorees of the law of sup ply and demand, and tbe whole race of wegesworkers.wbether tbe proacb er, tbe editor, the lawyer, tbe doctor tbe artist, the scientist, tbe mer chant, tbe backer, tbe mecbaoio or the prodooers of the field, forest and tbe mine, are subject to the primeval law. x The' silence thai reigns in two thirds of the furnaces of Pennsjlvs- ' nla tells how capital osnnot dispute the majesty of the law of supply and demand, and it tell the story of tbe absolute subordination of labor to tha si me decree. When either capi tal grata the market, there is ioevit- ' alia decline) in values and each must either seek new channels of employ .- rueut pr accept snob compensation can ba obtained. Ecb man's in dustry, bis'power and capacity for labor is tha on commodity that is qiveq him to offer in the great mar kets of tha world, and whether he it to Iba bar or to mechanism, to tha r&inietrj or to tha shop, to tbs ditorial obalr or to tha printer's oase, to curing human ills or to ds telo'rj tie wealth of iba earth, be t tL i r n'Jor of bla labor to his t " v; CVtt-tr U Is tspfoyer or r ' " '" i ' izy h tin. ttan. try bav recognised the law of sup ply aod demand that roles every in dostry, profession or calling, by de " elding that tha demand tor labore roust be increased and tha sop 1 j diminished by the general aJoj )0o of the eight hour rule on the f ' y 0f May next. The reason given for the departure is that it will of,, nro. ployment to one-fifth m'w men than are uow employed to perform the same amount of lubor.' it ih the unquestioned right of Iribr thus to meet tbs grave problem of surplus iodustry. Tho wisdotu Cjf the move ojcnt is for its plcopia to decide ; but decide it as tbey jty, tu J what ever the issue, it wi be sn effort to regulate labor lo I' t t,et advaotage, oodor tbe iminutf j )aw 0f supply aud demand It is an affect A(,on to object to the idea that lubor jn tny profossion or oalliog, is acommodity aubioct to lue same uctaations iu value as all oiuer aruci.es of commeace. It is manly anYit is honorable to sell la bor to thfe best advaotafia iu1 all le gitimat channele ' of industry, whether 'as lawyer or drayman. Ev eryxuu who is Lis owo - employer, s well as all who aro employed by others, aro obeyiog the same law of using their labor to the best advau tage under the law of supply and demand. Ouo-bolf tho thousand lawyers of Pbiladelpbie do not aver age the compensation for their labor that intelligent men obtain in me chanical pursuits. Tho supply is too great ; the domand too limited, aod foolish pride or iudolence keeps them etarving and sometimes disre putable lawyers, becau-o they defy fate in defying tbe law of snpply aud demand. And the same inexorable law applies to tbe large clasa ef ca pable and eminent lawyere in this city. Ten years ago there was don oli tbe amount of professional busi ness for them that there is now, aod with the reduction of business and the proportionate increased supply of lawyers, tbe standard of fees has diminished with the volume of busi ness. Even tbe professional idler sells his labor, poor as it is, unless be u medicant upon inheritance or friends Tbero is no harder work than cheat ing tbe world out of a living, aod it is work that has no season of rest. The burglar is bigger aud better than the idler.for be stakes his labor on tbe hazard of success that re quires courage to execute, while the idler's life is one of iocosssut, mo notous petty robbery; but both sell their labor for a livelihood, differing only from editors or miners iu seek ing either bold or cowardly crime for a market. Iu short, labor is the commodity ordained by tho Creator to oommand tbe necessities of life i to aobiev all that is possible of achievement in enlightened pi ogress; to giva prosperity, usefulness snd happiness to the human race, and the whole world is ouly a busy hive of wsge-woikers, from the million aire in bis restless speculations to the humblest laborer of the land. -.. .-X A GUZZE PATH TO FA&ADXS2. The Nest for Godly roople" is the title of a Rusbian religious seot wbiob has come into existence dur ing tbe last fifteen years. Its bead quarters appear to ba at tho historic fortress town of Bender, in the neighboring government of Ueaeaias bia, and its strsoga name is due to the fact that its members all of the peasant class dig a grsva in tbs floor (which is of dried earth) of their habitations, or else in their habitations, or else in their gardens, and lis therein nntil overcome by hunger, in order, as tbey say, to commune with God, confess to liim their sins and examine their past life. To enable them tb better to do tbia tha grave ia covered with a wooden box-like lid or canopy, bav iog a door in it and egress j so that tbey lia .in the grave as in coffin, aad wars it not for small apertures in the top part of it tbey would run tha risk of being suffocatod. When the crave or nest is in tha gar iu u i quickly surrounded with b isbea for tha sake of greater pnva o '. and guarded by a savsga watoh 4 'g to privent curious or imperii Mt neonla ffoioff MU it These iscUtians preUod that in their r.' "j momenta and whsa ar-ri? ,j AtOLDIBHRABN. ; J ue Strang esi experienoe i ever IM - - . I , uandwasat old Fort William, on Governor's Island, in New Tork bar BtoTi - -twenty years ago. I was a eorgeant at the time, married, and with my youogtwife bad been liviog in a small house on the lower end of the island, but tbe commanding" of ficer concluded to tear it dowu and I was told lo jioleot tbojiost rooms of tbe non-commissioned officers' qnartere io the then nnoccttpicd fort. With my usual military du ties and tbe fatigue of moving and pluo'og things ti rights I wav'pret ty well tired out when night came aud slept like a log. My wife was worn out, too, but did not sleep so sound as not to bodistnrbed t-very night by what she c illud ' the fun oiest noises that sonuded just like thunder," but I paid bnt little at tention to her, thiuking that it was only tbeuoiuo of passing steamboats or the wash of the water on the kbore. It might have beeutwo wevks after I bad settled down that ono night I awoke suddenly from souud slutp ilh that peculiar, feel ing of dread or uneasiness npon me which arises from an ocknowo cause and bns boen exporioncod4by nearly all of us. "John.'do yon hear it now T" ask ed my wife when she discovered I wae awake ; "it sounds bko some persons at work below." Listenins for a short time, I reo ogoized fumili'ir sounds, and had I not been positive that the doors werelockedwith the keys (hanging oo a nail in my room. I would have sworn that the batteries were maon ed . by cxperiencedl?gtinners. Tbe quick tread, bf tbe mon as they drncced the gnus in, tbe ring of the rammer, J tha handling of the shot that lay piled in readiness for use, tbe return of the iron wheels over tbe rails as it waa run out of the port waa perfect in every detail, only lacking the words of command and tbe report of.tbe piece to com plete the illusion. As 1 listened (he nprore increased in volume nutil it was impossible for us to bear eaoh other's voices with' out raising tbem to a bigh pitch The guns were served with what seemed inorediblo rapidity aod the very walls, massive as they were, trembled under tbe heavy artillery in oontinoal motion, wbilo the balls were rolling from one end of the caiteroeuts to tbe other, striking the sides with hoary thuds. Unable to staud this state of affairs any longer, I arose andu lightiug! jny4lautorn, took tbe keys along,, with a loaded revolverand, descending the stairs as lightly as possible, rescbed the doords. Tbe noiss at this point was, if anything, mora deafening than when I left my room. Cautiously inserting the key into the lock I cooked my six-shooter, throwing tha door open sudden ly, with raised Isntern and kweapon presented, entered the nearest case- meut to find it nuocoupied, save by the grim old gun and the shot stacked ia their usual placees. It was tho same in every battery I ens tered. Not a foot-print disturbed the thick dust npon tho floor, nor was there a finger mark npon either the gun or shot. Tha tompions were in place and no carriage bad traveled over the rusty rails. Con founded even still mora than I was before, I returned to my room, and waa disturbed no more that night. Tbe racket, .however, commenced again the following night and;, was kept np, with slight intermission, for a month. My acoouot of this singular distarbanoa waa met with jeats and laughter from my fellow soldiers, which thoy modified, it Is true, when I corroborated it by my wife, but then ouly so far as to de clare that it was a scheme on our part to get removed from uncomfor table quarters to one of tbe new quarters theu about oompleted. Nettled at their taunts I vowed that if aver tba noises oommenced again I would bava other wittnesses to tbem, and I did not bava long to wait, for about one month after I waa awakened by tha phantom gun nsrs. This time I passed ont over tha draw-bridge, and, going to tba man's qnartere, awaketved a aergeaot ty C r tf C-ilh poor fallow I - r' "- r -it T4y years and ' " -5 at Iba racket noul smiln s fce wss aa whiteaa as a abeet, asd he was trembliug from head to f Jot, I threw open the door. Smith always de clared that for a niooieul he saw the ghostly ctew et their' pk-cee, bot I could deteot nothing, n ir could I ever discover soy csuhs for the dis turbance, although I oftm was awakened by the nightly drill of my invisible artilleiyiuou. Some months nfter leaving the island I louruod that during the Mexican war an artillery couipauy drilled with theso guns some time before they loft fur Mexico and that tbey were nearly al killed io battlo. I suppose it must have i been a freak of theirs to have their reunions iu those cnsiineuts and practice with their old fiiouJs, lie guus. Miitiieaioii 1 inane. LOB TOOXSS ACT WAEX Speaking of Toombs reminds me of the uumber of quarrels he had iu tho Senate with Boa Wade, and at one time especially, whou he Came tory near hating a duel. The Homestead bill was under discus sion and Toombs bad uferred to it with a sneer aa a uieasurt for white paupers, wbon Wade arose and said: "Sir, you sneer at tba llomcetead bill because it Rives land to the landless, do yon t What is you pet schemo f Haying Cuba, seizing ne groes for tbe nogroless 1 Wo will go to tho oouotry npon it.', Shortly after this YYado miulo a ' speech in which housed language which al most, apparently, compelled Toombs to challenge him. Several friends of Wade went to him Sad begged bim to desist, but Ium oM- sian went on until Too tube announced his in teutioo of bringing bim to account. Upon thia Wade quiet! 'rat down aud tho Southern mou; looked at eaoh other in surprise, aa it was ev ident be bad tried to ' provoke i quarrel with tbe Georgia .fireseater That night a friend of Toombs, a Senator of the United CAutes, called upon Wade to know if he would re tract tho offensive words ha bad us ed. "o, I won't take back a word,' was Wade's emphatic response. "men, sam me iriena oi Mr. Toombs, "b'ooator Toobs will chal lenge yoa to mortal combat 'Thia is just what I want, aod bo might have got to this point with out all this palaver." "Yoa cauuot be in earnest, Mr. Wsde," said the Senator. "Yes, I am, and for a reason. We Northerners do not want to fight, I am opposed to the code, and so are my constituents, but you fellows broke Sumner's bead, and if we don't spunk up a little yoa will break all our beads. Tbe shortest wsy to end the matter Is to kill off a few of voit. I have nicked out w SJ Toombs as my man. Ha will have to challenge me then, of oonrso, 1 will bsve the choico of weapons, and I will take down my old rifle, and me if I don t bring him down at the first crack 1'' Tbie conversation was reported to Toombs, and he replied t "I can't challenge him if I do ba will kill mo." He then told bia Senatorial fiionds that be and Wada had been out together shooting with a rifle several times, and ' that while be (Toombs) conld ehoot well with a pistol ho was a poor rifle shoot. Wsde was an old hooter, and could snuff a candle at 100 yards. Wsde, in speaking of Ibis afterward aaid Mf old Toombs bad" challenged me that time, as I expected he would, I would bava made bia . pat a patch on his coat the size of a dollar over bia heart, aod tbe old fellow would bava got demoralized when be aaw ma drawing a bead on it, and ma if I wooldo't bava oat the patch. Ch ApprahuA It A widow whoaa age might have been forty, went into business a few weeka ago, aod the first ' move waa to get a aign painted. Tba services of a sign-painter were seoured, and when ha finished bis work be oat on his "imprint" by pjaolog Lis initials, "W, A. H." down on tba left ' band corner of tha sign! Whsn tha wid 6w came to oritioias tba work she queried; I ' 4 -What does W. A. H,' rUcd forf Wby, 'Waatad, A ErrfiaJ re plied tba painter, TWENTT-FIV2 ISAES AGO. Twenty-five years ago we were 30,000,000 of people ; now we are Pearly 60.000.00J. Thou we bad 111 cities aud towns of over 8i)Q0 iubahitants now we have '2Stf of sa.'h cities sod towns. Then the t ital population of our cities was B.OtiO.OOO ; now it is about 1?,'H0, 000. Our coal mines then product d II, 000,000 tons i uow 8S.000.000 tons, or six times as mnrh, The iron product amonnbd to 900 000 tons of ore i to-dny it foots up over 8,000,000 tons a year.almcst nine-fold of increase. In 1800 our metal iudnstrios em plowed about 53,000 hntuls, coninm od 1 00,000.000 worth of ionUrul. aod turned out about JlSO.OOOiO" iu annual psoducts. To-dny those industries (empty 3J0.OO0 hands, consume,$3S0,00n,000 worth of nin torial, andj tboir annual product amoants to $000,000,000 a yesr. In 1KG0 the wood industries em ploy 13 J 000 persons j to-dny they employ 340.000 while tho vske of their annual product has trebeled. Tho woolen .industry employed 100,000 whilo our borne mills, which produced. Jgood of the valve of $80,000,000 in IS 00, now turns out an aunual produot worth -70,000,- 000. Fiaally.'thero is cotton. In JISOO we imported 220,000,000 yards of cotton goods i io 1881 we ouly ims ported 70,000,000 yards. In tbe meantimo the number of bauds employed iu Amuiioau cotton mills has iucreasod to 200,000, and we export over 150,000,000jryards ot cotton goods a year, instead of im por.'.w 227,000.000 yards as we us ed to do. Io the meantime we Lave nearly five times as many miles of railways. and double tbe number of farms, yielding more than double the num bcr of bnshels of cereals. lo the produotioo j of sheep, we had 22,000,000 of tbem in 1800, lo day we have over 40,000,000 Jf them i and, whereas, we then pro duoed in this country 00,000,000 pounds of wool, now we produce 240,000.000 pounds. Finally, the total of our exports has doubled. Io 18G0 it stood at 1400,000,000. aud now it stands at l'JOO.000,010. AN ENQI17SEE'SiGT0H7. ''Ever ride on an eugina on a lark, stormy night, ch t Have you learned what a red light.meaos 1 remember one bleak, droaryj'nigbi iu tba winter.of, I tbiuk it was '77, I was runniug ou tho Erie, aud was pulling what is now train 4. We were behind time aud were skim ming down tbe bill toward Alden wben'we roiidod tbe curve and saw what seomed tobe emblaze of ted lights before us. It seemed to me that the country was oo fire. My heart jumped into my throat, and 1 thought my time had come. I re versed my lover, put oa the air brakes, and openodthe tbrotle wide. My fireman had jumped with se rious consequences to himself and I thought I was a goner. 1 let one brief prayer escape from my lips, and felta terrible jarring. "At first it flashed through my mind that we bad struck, bnt as I beard tbe jarring of tba wheels I fouud that we were at almost a dead stop, the wheels slipped on account of tbe stssm wbiob bad run np, Just about two feet from ua was the caboose of a freight train which we would have ruo into bad wo not stopped in time. After tba exoite- ment was over one infernal fool of s passenger came op aod asked why we bad stopped so qui., swearing at both the road and myelf for stopping trains so quick. The cyl inders of my angina out little on acoouot of tha oinders which were drawn in through reversing, but beyond that uo damage was done. "Yoa can bet yonr bottom dollar, my boy, tbat the two red lights on thsback ot tbat caboose looked to ma tbat Digh.t mora like a great mountain of red stoos oo tba track than tbey did lika two inoffensive orlmson lights." Mifplaoed switch when a worn tVa Jse hair gala into tha huh. Only Ttmneranre Bitters knows. wilier inrdlrla Known n aaartnu.i pnrr-Mhc IiIikxI ill iIiy--U il illmw. Million hMr llnonr lo II wo. drful riirftLr itti-'la. II I purt-lf Vrcrtahln TTvporatlnn, mftilefnim the null to hrrlMmnil nmuof California lii mmlMiml inipTlk' uf h uo calmlcd tlirrrlmm without tli tl (if Ak'uhnl. II rem (he raM ul UImms, and U pMluiil r.ToT.n, hi lionl'h. It la the great Hlood PnriOcr and I.II-K!vIiik IMiieliil a t.wilU l'nriili snrl Tonic; a wrf"rt lleuovstur sml InviKoralnr of III vstnrt. NtTvr l lor In II hUtorjr uf tli worltlliMsineiltclna rrii rfiiuiotiu1c1 po'Mlnf Hi wr of Vissuta IIittis Iu liuuliiu; Ui of -Trr si- ninu l liflr to. Tha Allnrallvv, Awrlrnt. DUi.linrHlr.Cafw mliiallvH, Niiliiiiutm, I.Tntlr, S.-.lmlt, t'omitrr Irritant, Hu.l.irlrK Anll-llllloiin. HoKi-nt, Dlurvtlo lit 'I'olilo ini'rtli'ii of ViNiniH ItiTTlHl tl ccot tliow of mijr (jlln r imili. In In In orhl. Na ainos ran talis tha lliTTaua atronlinc to ilins U'iiia ami rvmaln lonn iiiiot.-II. iruvlilil thtlr bun. 'a am not ilHflmynl li mineral MilMm or ot1nr iti.mna. aiid Ilia havmtil IIim in, ii. t t, mi.Ip VIUU ornaua waaunl Ullloar, Itrtulltriit, InUfrruJllfiitaml Ma larml fcv.T aia iin aJi'iit tlironirliout tha tiillad Hlalna, paiili nlnrlf In tha m'l.'va of our nal rtv-r ami thvlr Tnal Irlhnini lea during lliv Hnmiuur an Autumn, f..la.l tluiinj avaaou uf luiuaaaJ lirat anrl ilrvn-. 'I'tae-e Fever an luvariahljr arromianld br atl-iiatva il.ratiKHinpnla of Ilia aiiinmi'h. Iirtr at-d bowila. In lliHir In'alinvnl. piir'ativa, aarrtlnf Bmirrful Inlluuuvu uoun Uiomi urjiaiia, laabo lullr lnrcaarr. 1'lirra I no rathartl fnr tha pnrpoa nal to lr. J. Wii.nkk, Visauia Uittu, aa It wilt aiM'ailiif rimovii Iha daikt'oluruil ,iarlil mallar with wnlrh lh Imwrla are loailail, at Hi aam llm llniiilalliit Ilia svrrtiona of tha llr. and (.rally n alurlkf lb liualllij luutUuu ul Uit iriira'lvu nr(nlia. I'oriirr lti ImmI ninA dlfaa by part frliiK all I fa fluiila wIUi-Vinkuau HiTTtua. Na phli-ntlc can IhIim liold of a wtm thim foiwamtad. It lulurule llm klomai li and atim ntala thu UiiiiIiI l.lver ami lloni'la, cliMuialns tha lilmxl of all impnrltim, lniNir1lnr Ufa and vlror Ui llm f rani. and t-arryliiv off wiUiont Uia alii of I'mIoiiii'I, orolruir uilmnua, all iMiiannon nialtor from lh- araUim. It la huhj of rulinlula Iratlon, pruuipt iu ax lion, and uoiUiiu lu II raimlM. Il,arla or Inrflcrallnn, llnailv-lia, lMn lu Uhi Slionldara, Coiifc'ha, llKhlnaxa of tha Chant, I'uniiinoiila, Ihuluuaa, lUvl laata lu Uia allium, iHiioua AllnvK. I'aliillatlou or Iba lluart, and a Luniirwl otlj-r fmlufiil aTmptouui, are at unoa ivilov! tir isaoaa ItiTTti.a. t'wr lullaiiiiiMiilurv and Chronic Kiiminv atlain, (lout, Nmiralclfi, 1 Mawiaaa of tha IIIinkI, I.Iit, Kldunya aud lllsddxr, Uia HI I lira haa no -qual. lu lln-i'. aa lu all conaUtiillunal lila aaaa, Wn.tiH a Vihuiau llimiui liaa shown lia K"'t t-umtlve powm-slu Uia utoat uuaUoata ainl liitnutalila ciu-r. niet ltMHlrnl IHaaiara. Pararm aniraiwl In I'ainu and Mlnrmla, am h aa rtuinbara, Trn-Hitlra. (ki!t-uaUra. and Mln-rs. a th-r SiUanns In lit", ara i;l'.livt to I'ariilyala uf lha Ikiwala. TiKuai-d aauia( 6la, taa nwaalonal do or viKSoaa ifirrana. Nk In uiraaiaa, rM'rorul. rtlt nnaum. t'lrara, Sw-lllnir, llnipli-a, IV-tutra, fft'lla, Ci buni-lea. Hln wonna, oi-old-hfiad, rora hym, fcryalnelaa, lu h, Ht-urf. llaooloraUona. Huuiora and diaaaao of tha Balu, of whatvtir oaniaor natura, ara literally du up aud raniad out of lh- ayaUMU la auort unui br tba ua uf Iba lllll-ra. flu, Tapan4 ether TVnrma.lurklns In tha svatin of an manr tliouaauila, ara rITix-tiially doalrorivl and rnmova.1. Noarat-ra uf nu-ili'lna, ni TanulfUa-na, no anthalmlntlt-a, will fi-aa tu ysteu fruui wuiuisUk Viaatua nirrta. IVJ-aalra, Nt-arlrt Favar, Mump, Whoop. In CoiiKb, and ail i-lill.lrn'a rllanaaa may ba mails hut anrnrn by koiiln Uia bowel opaa with mild doan of tb filtuirm. For Ki-mala 4'ompl-liila, In voiuif or old, marrlnd ur alnirl-, at tha dawn of woman boud, or Uia luru ot Ufa, tbia lllttar ha no aqual. 4 laaaiaa the Tlllalad Rlaod whan lu Imnuritles burat IhroiiKh lha akin In EnipUni.a OTboraa; cloaiuw It wba oliatrux'twl and slur Siah ia lha avtna; rbnaa It whin It I foul s your fwllnita will U-ll you wbeu, aud tba baaJtb uf Uia ayauin will follow. In roiirlualon I Olra th Plttnr a trial. It will aiwak for lUialf. tine bottle la a batuv f uarente ul 11 uieriu than luugUijr adrartiaa luont. Aroand t-acH bottle are full dlraotlon priutod la differtot loiuruaica. M. II. HrDaastd llrnr Co., rmprlatnr, San ''' .-tiiifcM inun'ai,l.a' Cor. Cliaritou hL, M.w Vnrk. Held by all Dealers aud Drugg-lsts, 4 CXIOWXsT OHATW DHZLL P ultifa force fned for craln. Braaa saad and fpr tlliaiira. Vo ifiara locbtnsa, Oalaa lu dtatrlba turaaonnacuvj with p.iluii ratndlalalutllcaliiuii. tllln lualanlly. w'lU aow kidnay bvaiia.rnru and all sraiua aTauly, without erattijig. Will dutrlb. uta aiiikr phuaibati. tilanti aad Sekua wbea Olbara UuL ihatt au lug hue III Dae. CROWN GRASS SEEDER. Andualed to saw from 1 to M Iba. flora r or rai sasd nr ai;re. Vary atrnn and durable. Wand end s pii rramae, an ir .n wiieei, wire agitator 00 cord, but esjiaueivei will rapay eoat Srat aaan aud laat for yeara. Ftrat prrmlnm. Br eryalirra aihihllod. CROWN RaVSRSIBLB COMHIHATIOM MAY OARRISR AND SHIR aLiaee. Uaannaqual ltiraperltyandf)ulcknaa. bavaa tlrnneiid lalmr. Our suodaaraniauaof bal material! by aklllad work mou, and ftilly warran tad, 8...d f. r flrrular W ORPWN UFO. CO., Phelpe, N,Ta aVaraUliUwa Uu paou. LEFFEL'S IRON all, TBI raa KiDt 09 Ha ESufoHaf. 8 wCtag ar TTarphtg. ' E a l aaa va lie At torn eys-At-La w. j m. sti:i:se, ATTOaNEYAT LAW, MUhUthvrtjh, 1'enn'a., Oltra kl prnlaMlusat ia, lra to lat III (tMa-litilaaa in tllah or Urfnaii. Ma promi ily aii-mlad la. v Mica a I da . a. a ul It t'ott-uffte. JAMKSO. CUOUSF, ATTORNEY-AT'LAW. MIDDLEllUIt II, I'A Alt bnial, nlrmtad to. Mi rar alllr ! ti nifi ttntluD. I'bBiultstlr la t.tr aaa tl l.iiRll.k. I J ACOll GILHKKT, Attorney ami Couu trior at Zao MIOIII.iulll HUH, I'A, (lollartlnfia an it all Mlr l-ri? ,t t'l-mlaj to. t-sbiultatluB la IlIIi aa larinar. IMU, WM. H. HOl'SWEKHI, ATI0RNEY-AT LAW, Hki.inhhiiovk, Va., I 'utlaitli.rn aud all olbar laeal kotlaat. proapl. ly atlendaa to. Uenaultatloos I Laallik vlarniaa. Jl.l H. DILL, ATIORNEYAT-LAW.. l.ruixbury, I'tnn'a All bstlneaa entrnatad to bit ar will la prumitlj attandad lo, Hapt, SU.'au, O. DKITltlCH, ATion.MErAr.nw. Mrlci,SI., Sttinsyrvt. V All.rofalonal tuaioaaa promptly stiesded I. tioDiultaiiuusIn Lusllab andler".B, t'ab.l.i. 15. LOWER, ArTORNEY-AT-LAVV, AND MSTKICT ATTORNEY, Miltllcliurg, J'a- Collectlom Bad, and (Jaruiaa. tloDiullatlona la Fnslltk June 1, 'it. tf. JJ l. scuocn, ATTORNET-AT-LAW, NewBerhn, Penn'a. Prnfaaalnnal bnaln.aa antrnalsd to bla tare wlllreealre prompt attention. 'analOJS. QUAS r ULiiicu, Attorner A Oonniellor-At-Iaw OfBeala App'a HulMlne one dooi North ief Kavaroas Hotl. 8rllnas;rotr, Ponn'a. Uolleatlnni and all. olbar prnl.aai ka.l. oeaa la aoiuita.l and will rec.lraa tefolaad tiroapt attention. -pr.ll.'fl.li" J. SMITH. - ATTORIfaT AT I. A 41, MJIIII. MIC Hit, SsT tlUt CO.. fa , . . ,M,..-,viiai narrifaa to tba Oon.ultatlooi la c ngll.b atd UeiVaV. ' W A. Y. POTTER, AT ORXEY AT LAW. Belinsgrore. Fa.. ?Ir' aff"loa.l aerrlnea te tb publle AlllaK.lt,ualueaaeotru.lad to Uelreare wll U TiTV U"" Mali S,. II. GRIMM, aiAttornoy-nt-Law, a a vuuik 1-a. Oeaiuliatlon la rbnik l.ansuagea. Kosllab llit';(llmi Ocl4S, laa. JOUN II. ARNOLD, Attorney lit Inv, Ulrtnt ruitnn ?. Krorei.Uo.l bu.ln... .., U W.M . m .rivwpui aitroueo to. vAMUEL H. ORWIO, A TTORKEY.A T-LA W, Lvlbura, UmIoii r... ar."0".' t,,r0l 0. tieo..O, ;TT.lf. TTIl I j , Physicians, rjc. r - . ,.- f I" J. SMITH, eV .dSW V) Physician & Surgesn, '7fru"r'V'iV. Snyder Csanfy, J. tJt W. SAMPSEL, PHYSICIANJAND SURCE0H. r tl Ontreville, Peon's. EDGAR KA8S1NGER, PHYSICIAN A SURCE0I. MiilJlwbum'li. P.i.1,1. GRIER BARBER, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, MiildUbur-h oi"irM "'"''I serrl,., t. tk. .III... wil Ll'.TI1 " ' . OfSae a few die ra omo. " " e-riauaa )R MARAND ROTDROCi; Fremont, Snyder ctunty, f . !L"U' Oallas. ef rkv.l.laas J)R. K. W, TOOL. . PHYSICIAN AND SURSEC.f, Frasbatrs, Taw OSer. his prv4aalaa eerrlee. U Ua -.kia, '' f- , -- la ! . UJ. lb TA!ir-!24F- - m ' a- I aaU
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