1 AI A * OUR STRONG POINT A SQUARE DEAL Weather Goods. Snow Shovels 25¢ to 45¢. Sidew:1k Cleaners 25¢ to 35¢ Steel sleds 50c to $2.00. s' Skates 50c to $3.90. A Hockey Stick Free with every pair. Girl's Skates 75c to $200 216 Possiond St., Sayre. well as price. Rev. J. L. Seanley is in Towan- a toty on business. + SAYRE, PA. Important Matters Were Discuss- ed and Disposed of at Last Night's Session A special meeting of the bors ough council for the transaction of general business was held in the town hall last night, Sawtelle, Ademy, Hawes, Lacey, Case, Pritchard, Samuels and Haverly answering to the roll call. The special committee appointed at the last regular meeting recom- mended that three tons of coal be furnished to each of the hose com- panies or its equivalent in money to those who had rooms heated by steam. A communication was received from C. W, Kinney, superinteudent of the Pennsylvania division of the Lehigh, requesting that the com- pany be allowed to defer the build- ing of a side walk on Cayuga street until next spring, and that in the meantime the walk would be kept in as good condition as passible. The communication was ordered placed on file. The matter of cleaning snow from the sidewalks was brought to the attention of the council by Strect Commissioner Fields and the borough clerk was instructed to communicate with the burgess and notify him that it was the duty of the police de partment to see that the walks were kept clean On the recommendation of Courcilmad® Ademy, a gas light was ordered placed “at the corner of Elmer avenue and Bradford street for the accommo lation of the men who work in the wheel foun- dry. A motion was also made and carried to change the arc light which is now located on Wilbur avenue in front of the hospital to the corner near the Church of the Redeemer. The light which is now situated at the corner where Hayden street intersects with Wil- bur avenue from the cast was ordered changed to the point where the same street intersects the avenue from the west, The chairman bf the sewer com- mitte announced that the committee was not ready to report and that a meeting would be held this (Satur. day) afternoon at which attorneys would be present and the matter A number of bills including the street and police payroll were or SATURDAY, DECEMEER/9, 1908, LOCAL BREVTTIE in Eighmey’s hall this evening. December 12. Flory's store on December 14, 15 articles will be found on sale. is returned. i — oddity which has simply set Phila- their appreciation and praise of the dered paid and side walk rebates were granted the following persons: Sarah Mcintyre, Fred Forbes, Dr. J. E. Everitt, M. A. Elmer, Wm. Cornell, Mrs. E. L. Maynard, Mrs, A. L. Halliday, Clarence Springer W. C. Eberhart, W. J. Ross, HW, Burlington and Mary Beecraft. President. Sawtelle stated that he beleived that the time for cofi- solidating the boroughs of Sayre,|. Athens and South Waverly had come and asked for an expression of the council. © The matter was discussed to some extent and it was decided to appoint a committee to confer with the councils of the other boroughs. The police report was received and placed on fille, and after the council had audited a bill amount- ing to $4 for two comfortables for use in the borough bug house, a motion to adjourn was carried, SOAP WRAPPERS REDEENED Lantz Bros. aC Co. have opened a premium office in opera house block, Fulton street, Waverly, until December 21st Redeem your Acme, Master, Marseilles and Lantz Naphtha soap wrappers, and Snow Boy Washing Powder fronts. Special: Express wagons given for 100 wrappers. 181—11 The Albany Evening Journal of November 0, contained the follow- Borough Authorities Will En- Cleaning Them After a Storm The matter of clearing snow from the sidewalks in Sayre during the coming winter was brought to the attention of the council last might by street commissioner Fields. The borough ordinance provides that the spow shall be removed from sidewalks within a stated number of hours after cach storm. Except in the public parks and on sidewalks in front of property under control of the bor ough authorities it is the duty of every resident who owns or is occupying dwelling houses, in the front of which are sidewalks, to see that the same are kept Cleas from snow, The council discussed the situa tion to some extent and then decided that it was a matter which properly “belonged to the burgess and the police department. The clerk of the borough was iastruct- &d to communicate with the bift- gess and inform him of the action taken by the council. As soon as the matter has been called to the attention of the burgess it is quite likely that he will instruct the police to take lawful methods to insure clean sidewalks in Sayre during the coming winter. 1.0, 0. F. NOTIE The members of Sayre Lodge No. 1ogo, I. O O. F, are request- ed to meet in the lodge rooms tomorrow evening at seven o'clock prepared to go to the First Bap. tist church in a body on the speci- al invitation of the Rev. Ira W. Bingham. This will be the last opportunity the members of Sayre lodge will have to meet with the Rev. Bingham in his church, and it is especially requested that all members of the order be present on this occasion. T0 PASS THROUGH SAYRE Tomorrow morning at 6:25 o'clock ‘a special train bearing Sara Bernhardt and her compiny will pass over the Lehigh Valley ly equipped and the divine Sara and her compahy of sixty perform- ers are enroute to New York city, The noted actress is making a farewell tour of the United States, and it is said that she has one of the finest companies that has ever been assembled. NORE LIGHT It was stated at the council meet- ing last night that the Lehigh Val- ley officials are making preparas tions to light the yards at this place with electric arc lamps such as are now used in front of the station. It is said that when the plans of the officials have mater- ialized that the yards will-be as light as day, which will greatly facilitate the handling of cars at night and lessen the liability of accident. AT THE CHURCH OF CHRIST At the Church of Christ tomor~ row morning the Lord's Supper will be followed by a sermon by the pastor. At 3:30 in the after- noon the Junior League will meet, and at 6:00 o'clock the Christian Endeavor society will hold ser- vices, Vernie Everhart, leader. The regular church services in the evening will be attended by the Sayre, Athens and Waverly Camps, P. O. S.of A, and the Rev. M. B. Wood will preach a special sermon. “Special Providence” has been chosen as the subject of the morn- ing theme at the Baptist church, Ww. , will speak to the 0% Feiows. “Truth” ATIC) PSB Important Steps Taken by the | Borough Council Toward the | Sayre, Athens and South Wa-| verly “Consoiidation is the order of] | the day and I believe that the time | should be amalgamated under one | city charter. The proposition will | no doubt meet with opposition but | nevertheless it is my opinion that | it is a matter which is worthy of | consideration, and | should like to] hear from the members of “the council,” said M. H. Sawtelle, bor- ough president, during a lull at last night's meeting of the borough law makers. The proposition met with favor and during the ensuing half hour it was freely and fully dis cussed. Every councilman in the chamber spoke in favor of the project, and if the impetus it was given last night is followed to the finish the chances are decidedly in favor of bringing the boroughs named under one grand city govs ernment. In years gone by the question of uniting the three boroughs has been discussed, but never until last night were there any well defined plans made for bringing about the It has for a long time been conceded that eventually Sayre, Athens and South Waverly would consolidate, borough lines would be eliminated, and a city of from 15,000 to 20,000 souls would result. Business men and influen- tial citizens in all three boroughs who are interested: in the great possibilities of this valley have given the matter their serious con- sideration and from time to time have expressed themselves as wil- ling to work far the adoption of certain measures which in the end would spell GREATER-SAYRE. Until the present time the matter has been merely a pleasant dream to those who were interested, but at the meeting held by the Sayre borough council last nightthe first preliminary step was taken; a step which will meet with the Spproval of every citizen of this borough and which has already been looked upon with favor by many residents in Athens and South Waverly. The council gave the question considerable discussion during which it developed that there was a unanimous sentiment in favor of consolidation. It was argued that the three towns at the present time hare practically one, but that by reason of borough lines and separ- ate governments neither of the places mentioned could ever hope to gain prestige abroad. Oa the other hand consolidation would mean a city of the plains, under one government, with at least 18,- 000 inhabitants, that would com- mand the attention of the outside world, and result in manufacturing establishments and similar enter- prises looking upon the place with favor. Briefly, these are the rea sons that are given by those who believe that the three towns should be united In order to accomplish this end it will be necessary to appeal to the state legislature At the extra session which will be held at Har- risburg presently a bill will be introduced and probably passed by which the city of Pittsburg will absorb all its suburbs, and at the council meeting held last night it was suggested that it would be an excellent plan to move now and sce if the matter could be called to the attention of the legislature while it is in session. At the conclusion of the discuss sion Councilman C. C. West sug- gested that a committee of three be appointed by the president of the council and that the committee be instructed to request the couns cils of Athensand South Waverly to appoint ' committees with a view of holding a joint meeting at which ihe question of consolidation could H. LL GI LLESPIE {the president +announced that he would appoint the committee later {ment by the borough clerk. As stated by Mr. Sawtelle the | proposition will no doubt meet | with opposition; this is to be ex {been unalterably opposed but it { must also be remembered that they have also met with success. If the DON'T EE FOOLED it” We will sell you A Savory Seamless Steel Roaster for $1.00, —It is the—— BEST ROASTER ON EARTH cessful conclusion the slogan from SAYRE! If a well defined and result will be successful. It is up to the citizens of Sayre to stand by the council and assist them wher- ever it is possible. This assistance can be given in various ways, Talk for it, work for it, don’t throw cold water upon it. SINPLE SIMON SIMPLE Simon and Mose made popular throughout the United States through the medium of the comic newspaper supplements, have been made the central figures of a new rural operatic extravaganza. "Sim- ple Simon Simple" This clever pizce was brought out in Philadel- phia last summer and was perform- ed for many weeks to large and enthusiastic audiences. While the spectacle was written around car- toon characters, it isa well con- structed vehicle, consistent, funny and tuneful to a "degree. This, combined with handsome costumes, cautiful scenery and peopled with a bevy of pretty girls, makes the entertainment an enjoyable one in every respect. “Simple Simon Simple” is filled with novelties, the most striking one being the Frog Pond at night, and shows a moon- lit swamp filled with lily pads, bull rushes, etc. Mose seeks to prove his love for Dinah whom he has met there by appointment. They are interrupted by Simon who appears as a gigantic frog. The diminutive lovers flee in terror and Simon does an eccentric frog dance and song, the chorus of which is taken up by a chorus of girls whose hats are really the lily pads which seem to float on the placid snriace of the stream. “Simple Simon Simple” will be the attrac- tion at the Loomis on Tuesday, December 12. APPRAISENENT COMPLETED W. E. Lane, trustee in the H.A. Kaufman bankruptcy matter, and the appraisers, L. Marks, Frank Rosenfield and John Mix, of To- wanda, have completed the invens tory of the stock left in the Lock- hart street store at the time the doors were closed. The inventory would indicate that matters are in much better shape than was sup- posed at the time the petition of the bankrupt was filed and that there is a possibility of creditors receiving a fair percentage of their money. HOSPITAL NOTES Mrs. Ella Robinson of Sayre; Miss Laura Kuykerendall of |= Athens, and Miss Edith Dunfee of Monrocton, were discharged from the hospital this forenoon. Mrs. Reuben Scheufler of To- wanda; Mrs. Isaac Silsbee of Alpine; Earl Alberson of Waverly, and Mrs. Wilson Jenkins of La- quin, underwent operations this morning WHY PAY THE GROCER 25¢ for a two ounce bottle It Is Seamless, Sanitary, Easy to Keep Sweet and Clean. It will make a tough fowl or piece of j meat tender and crisp, baste it perfect- ly, brown it beaatifully and bring it oud of the oven full weight and with every particle of the nataral flavor and nutri- ment preserved. With proper care it and satisfaction every time yoo use It, If it fails to come up to our claims In any particular bring it back and get your money, BOLICH BROS" HARDWARE Desmond St. Sayre. Take a Policy in the N.P.L: You Do Not Have to Die to Win It Protects You In Sickness or Accident Pays Dividends Each Five Years Has She Latgest Membershl pod Any Lo- Pald in Sayre During Five Yoars: For Disability $2,225,000 | 4.750,000 E. F. MERCEREAU, District Manager, SAYRE, PA. 112 Desmond Street VaLLry "PHONE 114 Entertainment Ga nmens: Of Course you will entertain this winter and will therefore need ome of the following: + : Mottoes, Fancy Lace Paper Doilies, Souvenir Boxes for candy, ele. We also make Wedding and Birth day Cakes to order; Hand Decorated if desired. Also all kinds of Fong Cakes and Dainty Rolls. Satisfaction Guaranteed, GEORGE PAINTON, 345 Broad Sreet, Waverly, N. Both Phones. be Best i tate ESTO Pa "It removes removes all 4 Panes ink and paint without injury to | the hands. Price 10c. Cures Chapped Hands AN EXCELLENT SCOURING SOAP : Ask your druggist and grocer for lt. Advertise in The Record Building Lots 00 buys a Stedman St. lot, 50x14 buys a Hopkins St. lot, 50x1i Jot corper Stevenson and cheap, pie Lot on Allison St, central ; £1500 buys new hous: and lot silk mill, 4 1300 bis a house and lot, o¢ River and Loc can get 4 ounces for the same money at the West store ? Tele-
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