SAYRE, PA, “ALL THE NEWS THAT'S | FIT TO PRINT; JPRICE ONE CENT A x There is as much difference in between white and yellow sugar. ‘We sell nothing but the Lehigh Valley fresh mined anthra- cite, We also sell Bituminous and Our specialty is prompt service and the lowest market price, J. W. BISHOP, 103 Lehigh Ave., Lockhart Bldg. . Both Phones, WOOD WOOD WOOD FIRS “NATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE GENERAL BANKING THREE PERCENT INTEREST Paid on Time Deposits. DIRECTORS. RP. Wilbur, J. N. Weaver, W, A. Wilber, J. W. Blabop, J.B. Wheelock. W T.Gooduow, O.L. Haverly, Seward Baldwin, F. T. Page, RF. Page, Cashier. Raating, Estates Managed Collecting E. E. Reynolds, REAL ESTATE sore wea wavert. Sayre and Waverly. soasens INSURANCE Property Bought, Sold snd ——Bxchanged — Investments Loans Negotiated 117 Packer Ave., Valley Phone 230x, Sayre, Pa. ALEX D. STEVENS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE. Loans Negotiated, Insurance Writ- ten, Houses Rented, Rents Col- lected, Taxes Paid. ROOM 7, ELMER BLOCK SPECIAL Christmas Offer 1 1 Metropolitan Magazine The Tabard Inn Library Both subscriptions for the price of one; can be sent to different addresses if de- MAROLD L. QILLESPIE Druggist, Lockhart Street, Sayre, Pa. WHEN YoU want a 3 glass of good, pure r you should insist ‘on having STEGMAIER’S It is bottled at the brewery by the latest scientific methods for bottling and it costs ‘you no more than common beer bottled with a piece of rubber ERI r's r either at home, club or cafe. Mail or phone your order. Prompt delivery. DISASTER AT AH SAY Union Pacific Flier In Head- on Wreck. NINE DEAD -AND NINETEEN INJURED Fast Frullt Tralm Hit on Curve~Beth Engines Reduced (vo Junk and Three Cars to Kindliag Weed. Fire Fellawed Collision. OMAHA, Neb, Dec. 5-The wewst catastrophe lu the history of the Union Pacific railroad occurred two miles east of Al Say. Wyo, wnen the Over land limited express, crowded with passengers and runalug at high speed, collided head-on with a fast fruit car ryiug freight, was thrown into a deep ditch and was toen partially burned. Nipe killsl outright and aineteen were lujured. Al of those killed were members of the train eraw, while all the injured were pas scugers. The only fortunate thing about the wreck is that none of the passengers will dle. Previous to this accident not = single passenger had been seriously injured co the Union Pacific In more than ten years The cause of the aecident seems to have been a mistake in orders by the conductor of the freight, which was westbound, laden with fruit and there fere running at passsuger train speed. The freight bad been ordered by the train dispatcher to lay to on a siding at Ah Say until four passenger trains bad passed. These were the Overland limited, In two sections, and the Pa- eific express, also in two sections. The freight jay to until both sections of the Pacific express and the first seetion of the limited had passe]! and them pulled out. There Is a sharp down grade east of Ah Say, and the freight was soon whizzing along ut top speed. Meanwhile the second Section of the limited was bowling along eastward at fifty miles an hour. It makes ne stop at Ah Say, se there bad been Do loetup In speed when It passed the sta- tion and thes dived through a deep cut and around a somewhat sharp curve. Just as the limited emerged from the cut the freight loomed up, rounding the curve, not mere thas 100 feet distant. The two locomotives met with a ter- rific crash and shogk just ag the en. Jumped and saved themselves The locomotives ware both completely demolished and the cars piled over them, those of the Overland limited Leing shunted off into a deep ditch alongside the track, where some of. them at ouce took fire and were burned At the fret shock the fireman of the Bmited was crushed and Instantly kill. ed. Se were twe mall clerks In the mali oar Immediately belind the ten: der and three dining room waiters and three others, ucluding twe porters and the ook, who were lu the dining car, which was just behind the mail ear. The bagguge, mall and dining room [rsans were - bags. Seme of the baggage was saved by members of the traln crew. ii: ede THE 1 4 i: fering as best he could, aided by other passengers Monument Unveiled at Andersonville ANDERSONVILLE Ga, Dees 8 The unveiling of the monument erccted kere In memory of soldiers from Penn ayivania who died during the civil war took place in the presence of Govemor Samuel W. Peunypasher of Pennsylva- sia. He was aceompanied by his offi ¢lal stall and a party of distinguished Pennsylvanians. The ceremony wae od over by Colonel James D. alkey, commander of the Natiomal Association of ex-Union Priscuners of War. Captain William T. Ziegler pre sented the meuygiment to the state of Peuusylvania. Mrs Mary Myers of Gettysburg. Pa, unveiled the monu- ment. Governor Peudypacker recely of the menuwment for the state. Benapnartie’'s Reply. WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. —Beerstary gram from A. HB. Pillsbury, former at torney general of Massachusetts: “May I not say to meeting called at Boston te preserve Coastitotion that she will Bot be destroyed?’ Wecrelary Bona parte’s attitude regarding the fate of the historie old frigate ls outlined in this telegram, which he sent in reply: “Fate of Constitution in bands of eon- gress. Personally wish to see her arise like a pbenix, but am too loyal to other eoustitution to take unauthorized lier: ties with this one.” The Lockwood Murder Trial, WATERBURY, Conn, Dec. 8 — At the Lockwood trial Lere Joseph Cenes- ky. one of the men ladioted for Look wood's murder, was put on the stand as 8 withess for the state, and in his testimony be ‘eorrvborated the confee- pion made Ly Edward Leownard, sa- other of the aesused men. HARBIN BURNED. Ruseian Seldiery Plundered Chinese In Manchuria. LONDON, Dec. 8—A special dispatch sent through Tokyo says that the town of Harbin bas been partly destroyed by fire. The Russian soldiery there, being cut off from supplies, are plundering the Chinese by the wholesale. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Times predicts the fall of the min letry. He ascribes the trouble to Count . Witte for placing the blame for the strike om Minister Durnovo, whose res ignation- is inevitable. His retirement will doubtless lavolve the whole cabl set. The correspondent describes the actien of the government as anarchical The inland telegraph line has been reopened. A eordon of soldiers, with fixed bayonets, beld the office. Mes sages were aceepied for ouly a few towns A meeting of postal smployees at St. Petersburg was prevented by placing two battalions of infantry and two sot. nias of Cossacks around the meeting place. The situation at Klev ls described as being an extremely serious one. Some accounts say that a massacre has tak. en place, In which 1.000 persons were killed. Directors of private bauks in St. Pe tersburg have informed Minister of Fi nance Shipoff that the banks will be obliged to cease business If the strike of the post and telegraph officials {a not brought to a conclusion in the ver) near future At Kharkov the employees of the Kharkov and Kursk and Kbarkov and Ekaterinoslav raflroads have struck. At Blalystok the employees of the Bialystok and Kiev railroad have de elared a strike In order te show their sympathy with the strike of the post and telegraph officials. The revolutionary ferment is spread- ing at Lodz The troops are holding meetings at the barracks every day, and many eases of insubordination are reported. Bt. Petersburg dispatches via Eydt kubinen, East Prussia, say that a great run has started ou the state Laks at the capital Both the runs on the banks and the demand for foreign exchauge are ac celerated by circulars which the strik- ers and revolutionary organizations are spreading broadcast At the ministry of Sunance it is esti mated that about $30.000 xx) has thus far been withdrawn from the state banks. The balance of gold in the treasury and abroad now stands at $80,500,000, and the outstanding paper totals $883.500,000, leaving the govern: ment & margin of legully issuable paper of about $48,000,000 The government perfectly under- stands the character of the assault on its credit “All depends,” sald a high official, “om political developments. If the gov- ernment possessed thrice Its present reserve It would net suffice to prevent the present scare, wich, like all pan ics, must run its course. “I bellove the present events are the beginning of the end of the present dynasty in Russia ‘The government is In a much more precarious condition tham any Europe an government has been since the Freaash revolution, “It is folly for any ome to remain blind to this tact “The present conditions are causing a loss $0 the Russian government of $3, 000,000 per day, and our Hnances arg 80 weak we will not be able to withstand this drain very much longer” STOLE A TUQGBOAT. Captain and Ovew Clear Of, Make a a Sale and Escape. ERIE, Pa, Dec. 5 What is regard- od as one of the most daring crimes on the great lakes this season was tho al leged stealing of the large fishing tug Belden Brothers, vgiusd at several thousand dollare, from the Erie Fish company by the captain and four mem. bers of the crew and the disposal of the boat to the Ashiabula representa tives of the Buckeye Fab eompany of Cleveland, O Before the captain I. D. Howard of Vermillion, O., and the four members of the erew Imvolved, Chiaries aud Abe Bliverwood of Port Olluton, O., and Thomas Hvans and John Counter of unknown residence, could go to Cleve land and collect the proceeds the en gineer, Joha Osgood, WLO refused to jola ip the sale, notified Manager L. B. Walker in this ity, and be man aged to stop the payment of any mon oy. The men have net been eaught “BuSiale Bill's” Show Horses Milled. MAHSBILLES, France, Dee. 8.—All the horses belonging to the Wild West show of Colonel William §. Cody (“Batfalo BUI") were killed here. Al though the government veterinaries bad certified that glanders had been entirely eradicated from the stud, Colo nel Cody and his partmer, James A Batley, decided on this radical measure in order to allay the fears of the farm ers regarding the spread of the disaase The saddies, bridles and other articles of the equipment, as well as the cloth ing of the stablemen, were hurned and the railroad cars belonging to the show dteinfeoted Killed Mies Wife and Her Mother. NEW YORK, Dec. §—Alfrwl P. Fre Meh, a pharmacist in the Presbyterian bospital, slot and instantly killed his wife Fagnle and ber mother, Mrs. An. m8 Hoeflung in his home in Brookiya MILLIONS FOR CANAL Oongress Cuts Down Panama Bill by One-third. SAID, “THAT GANG IN NEW YORK" Missouri Member Wanted Mississippi Valley Producers te Mave a Share of Contracts For Great Isthmus Work. WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 ~The Pana wa eanpal cuwiergency appropriation bill was tikeu ap by the house mmediately after the reading of the jourual Mr. Williams (Dem, Miss ) moved ta reduce the amount carried ia the bill froma $1400 000 to $6.858288 This sum, he sald, wouid be sufficient meet all llabliities incurred and est! mated to Jan 1, 1908, of the eowmis sion. The ditional $10,000,000, be sald, was Intended for the fret six months of 1608 and the appropriation of a sum of that maguitude and a mat ter of this importance should not be disposed of without further investiga tion by a comMpitiee Mr. Prince (Rep, Iii) moved to make the appropristion $11,000,000 His best Informaticu, ha sald, was that §S 00000 was as much as was necessary te be voted at this time To comprotuise the matter he had Axel the amount at $11,000.60. Under the atl mates fumished the house, he asserted, it would not be justified in voting » iar ger sum ou the fourth day of the ses: slon . Mr. Prinee said further that he was opposed to the lasue of Louds im this connection. The Hepublican party had never voted to lssue bonds except for war purposes, and it was pow wholly unnecessary, ln the speaker's opinion, with $55,000,000 of the people's money on deposit in Lanks : Mr. Manon (Rep. lil). opposing the amendment of Mr. Williams, question ed him, that the members of the com: mission and the expert engineers had mot finally decided whether It would be better to du the work on the canal by contract or carry it ou as a government work, but Lis own opinion was that the government would have to undertake the job. The amount suggested by Williams, Mann sald, was inadequate to the necessities of the case, and If de cided upon the action of the house would tend to discredit the commission aud delay the progress of the work. It was the judgment of the commission and experts that in whatever way the work should be doue It was absolutely essential that the materials and imple ments contructed for should be assem bled as speedily as possible Mr. Willlams conceded the necessity of Increasing the amount be bad sug gested by $500,000 Mr. Clark (Dein, Mo.) asked a lot of questions about the purchase and ship ment of supplies with a view, as he sald, of finding out why the producers of the Mississippl valley were shut out from dealing with the canal commis sion by the way of New Orleaus in fa vor of that gang In New York. Mr. Wanger (Rep. Pa} answered that no transportation line via New Orleans had offered to make as cheap rates as could be secured via New York Mr. Clark—Well, you're not the man [ want By a vote of 188 to 121 the committee adopted the $11,000,000 amendment, a sumnber of Hepublicans joining the Democrats agalust it A Glat In Prunes. LOGANSPORI, Ind, Dec. 8.—~When somebody's blunder gave passenger train No. 8, from Chicago, au white block on the outskirts of Logansport and the fiyer rau into the tall end of a freight, Providence provided prunes] three carloads of them, for Logansport The cars rolled down a forty foot etm bankment and burst, scatteriug thelr contents broadcast. It was raining at the time of the wreck, and the dried prunes swelled to their original size The wreck oocurred iu the factory dis trict, whicl Is skirted with boarding houses. Within twelve hours uot a prune could Le found aloug the rail road right of way Other Nations Can imitate Russia. BERLIN, Dec 8. Herr Bebel creat od Indiguant protests frow the govern went benches In the relchistag by re ferring to the situation in Hussia as proof that the Hume was coming when the proletariat aud pot the cabluets would decide the question of war or peace. “What the Russian people are now showing thelr ruler can be done,” shouted the Socialist leader “also can be done by other European peoples We are of the opinion that the people will never allow themselves to be again driven nto war. Today war can ouly be made with the support of the entire people” Oyama Weleomed to Tokye. TOKYO, Dec 8 —Fleld Marshal Oya wa amd General Baron Kodama, his chief of staff, were not favored with the proverbial Tokyo weather when they arrived here A storm prevented the great demonstration that had been planned. At the railroad station many distipguished officials falled to be pres ent, but the crowds gave the field mar shal and his staff a warm welcome. Marquis Oyama proceeded directly te port of the campaign to the emperor and wus entertained at luncheon Nis Baek Broken at Featball. BRIDGEPORT, Coan, Dec. 8-Lee MeNally, twenty four years old, wha was injured nm a fonthall game be tween local teams In this city om Thanksgiving day, is dead here Mo Nally’s back was broken in 2 mass play, which resulted fa his becoming Justa from the walst down He is Bt. Vineemt's hospital 8IX DAYS CYCLE GO. Plucky Fronchman Quits Wik Bro- kon Rib-Nedells Lead. NEW YORK, Dec. §.—-Louis Trous saller, who has quit the six day bicyele race in Madison Bquare Garden, is at the Bartholdi hotel with a broken rib The doctors discovered the nature of bis Injury only after he left the track The plucky Frenchman rode for near ly twenty-four hours despite the pain. He was injured ib a bad spill yester day The motor cycle race, which Las bean a special feature, way have to be discontinued for the safety of the spectators In the arenk boxes Al though the management lostructed Saunders and Turviile to keep the speed of the machines down, the meu have continually kept them up to thes Mmit Tue six day plodders began to hit up the pace at 2 o'clock. as the manage ment offered hourly prizes of §10 for the rider who Iwl with the greatest number of laps every six hours [en teams now survive, with the Bedell brothers in the lead by a lap Watereress Sold Fer $71,000. NEW YORK, Dec. 8 Watercress, the famous stallion, was auctioned off for $71,000. His purchaser was J. B Haggin, himself a part owner of the horse, This sale was the last In the Rancho del Paso stud, which has been completely sold out at the present auc tion. The bidding started at $10,000, with Harry Payne Whitney as Mr. Haggin's leading competitor : Five Pavorites Beaten. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 5—A falply go! attendance was In evidence at Clty park. The betting was lively, and five favorites were beaten. In the last race Otsego, belonging te UU. § Wish. ard, was scratched by the judges be cause the entries of Mr. Wishard had been refused at Baltimore om account of the running of Pat Bulger Luretta’s Victory the Feature. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 8 Favorites could do no Letter than break even at the Crescent City Jockey club's track Hannibal Bey, Pasadena aud Lieber were the successful first gholces. Lu- retta’s victory over Gold Rose was the feature of the day and wae largely due to Newell's riding Handaarra at Ascot. LOS ANGELER, Cal, Dec. 8 —Favor. ites fared badly at Ascot track, al though Handzarra, at odds on, wou the third race easily A BOON TO FAT MEN. Tennesseosn Wants Hill to Regulate Pollman Sleeping Bertha WASHINGTON, Dec. 5 — Representa: tive Brownlow of Tennessee is tall and plump and weighs 350 pounds Last summer he eame north in a sleeplug car. There were only & few passen gers. He had a lower berth. The up per barth was down Brownlow said it was too hot to sleep [u that stuffy little place. He asked the porter to put up the upper berth so he might get some alr. The porter told hun it was against the rules. Brownlow ap pealed to the couductor. The rules were quoted again Then Brownlow said things io the choicest Tennessee about a monopoly that would make its pations suffer when there was no reason for it. He sweltered all night. In the momming hot and tired, he swore a mighty oath that he would get revenge He ls after it now with a bill that réquires the Pullman company to keep upper Lerths up when there are no passengers for them. He says he will pass it too Unitarian Delegates Reply. BOSTON, Dec. 8A reply to their exclusion as Umitarian delegates from the Interchurch conference on federa tion at New York on the ground that thelr denomination was wow Evan. gelica) has been prepared by Rev. Dr Edward Everett Hala, former Govern or John D Long and Bamuel A. Elot, president of the American Unitarian association, and it has been forwarded In the 1orm of a letter to the pustors of all the Unitarian churches of Great er Boston. In their letter the dele gntes say that it seams timely for them to atirm anew the simple truth “pro claimed of old by Christ himself that righteousness of life and spiritual ef ficiency rather than orthodoxy of be lief is the test of Christian dlsciple ship.” First Legal Hanging Fer Assault. ATLANTA, Ga, Dea. 8 -—The first le gal hanging for the ertine of criminal assault in the history of Fulton coun ty, Ua, took place here today, when Jim Walker, the condemued negro as- sallaut of Mrs. Alice Moore, was exe cuted. Walker pleaded guilty to the crime when captured, but was saved from lynching by the quick action of Sheriff Nelms. It wus thought for a time that a plea of lusanity would save Bim In Memory of General Stevenson. BOBTON, Dec. 8- A hronze sculp tured relief of Genernl Thomas Greely Stevenson was uanvelled at the state house In the presence of a large gath ering. The memorial. which Is life oise, eccuples a positi®n ip the seaate etairoase hall Just outside the hall of flags. General Francis A. Osborn de Hivered the prescutation address Minister Margun Leaves Keren. REOUL, Korea, Dec. 8 --American Minister Morgan left Seoul today for America. The Japanese governuwent Bos especially provided & transport om which Mr. Morgan will visit Port Ar thur and Daluy en ronte from Japan to America. Mr Morgan is the first foreign minister to withdraw The; @%rinnn and British ministers will STATE OFFICER PAID Security Mutual Had D. H. Keefer on Salary List. THOUSANDS PAID HARPER'S WIDOW T. F. Ryan, Whe Purchased J. NH. Hyde's Equitable Stock, to Testify Soon—Secrets Wrang From Binghamton Company. NEW YORK, Dec. 8 — Charles M Turner, president of the Security Mu tual Life Insursoce company of Bing bamton, testified before the Armstrong comiuittee that his company bad paid I). H. Keefer of the state insurance de partment an annual salary of $1.00 for his services as a consultiog actuary Mr. Turner said that he aware that the man was counccted with the insurance department when'be engage! him, . It bas become known that Thomas F. Ryan, the purchaser of the majority stock in the Equitable Life Assurance society, will appear as a witness io the near future béfore the Armstrong com mittee * Vice President George D. Eldridge, Paymaster Willlam A. Butts and Hook keeper Jobn A. Hyland of the Mutual Reserve company were all askad about a payment of $5000 drawn oa Nov. 4, 180d, from the balance due President Harper's estates to the onder of Willlam Butts. This witness testified that he was instructed to give the cash to President F. A. Burnham, which le did. Nelther Le nor the other two wit nesves told what this money was finally u for. Mr. Eldridge said it went into the contingent fund, but he could not tell why it was drawn In this un usual way nor what President Burn. ham did with it Mr. Hughes got from President Turner an admission that the Recurity Mutual of Binghamton had not Leen able to save Its policy holders from ad. ditional sssessment as It promised to ilo. He sald the bad reputation of the other companies had checked the Se curity Mutual's growth At the opening a ledger was shown containing entries of payments made to the estate of President Harper. lu 189¢ a check for $8000 to the order of Paymaster Butts and one to Morton DD Moss of $3250 were charged to the Harper estate account, This account contained records of commissions due on President Harper's old contract Pavinents have been made to his sons or to Mrs. Emma Harper down to the present time. Examiuver Hughes Mought out the fact that a mistake of $£21.000 was made In 1808 A check for the amount was pald back to the account on the same day. No explanation for the er ror was given It was testified that the total amount paid by the Mutual Reserve to the estate of Edward B. Harper was $134, 06721. The witness explained that Mr. Harper's widow--now Mrs. Dor man--received one-thind interest in 20 cents per 81.000 of Insurance In force and written prior to July 2. 1845, the date of Mr. Harper's death was Premier Bends Apology to Bernhardt OTTAWA, Dec =» Muie Sarab Bernhardt at Ottawa has received the following telegram from Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who I= In Quebec: “I regret wadam, wore than 1 can say the facts of violence of which you and vour cow pany were the victims as you left Que bec. 1 ouly learned ou my arrival here what had taken place the night before and | express to you the universal re gret caused by bebavior so unworthy of the well known character of a city so remarkably careful of its renowned bospitality and courtesy As to what was said by L'Evenement, pay no atten tion to it. It is a pewspaper which for me does not count.” ——————————— Diplomats Honor Takahira. SATURDAY SPECIALS SE N———————————— a ——— RE Dress- Goods 58 inch Panawa, black and colcrs, usual $1 quality. Sat- ircay and Monday 50c Prunella 46 inches, 85¢ kind, black and colors, Saturday and Mon- day 75c. Beautiful smooth fn- ish cloth. Some new ones just received, making good range of colors. Saturday and Monday i JC, Silks Fancy Waistings ard Diess Silks, regular 45¢ kiod. Sat urday and Monday 39¢ Danish Cloth 2 All colors, 24 inch, half wool; the greatest fabric today; wash- able and serviceable. Adver- tised 10 all fashion magazines at 15¢. our price 12}c. Blankets | A complete line of Cotton and Wool Blankets from 39¢ up to $3.00, white and grey. Skirts Sateen Skirts worth $1.25. Saturday and Monday 98c. Toweling 18 inch pure flax Crash, worth 10e, Saturday and Mon- day, s¢ Bed Spread $125 Bed Spread Saturday end Monday 95c. Ladies’ Hose Regular 10¢ quality Saturday and Monday 3 pairs for 25¢. Flannelette One case of Waistings, light and dark colors, Persian pat- terns. Worth 15¢, Saurday and Monday 10}c. Globe Warehouse, Talmadge Block, Elmer Ave. WASHINGTON, Dec S Mr. Taka. hira, the Japanese minister who starts for home soon on an extended leave of absence from whieh Lie nay not return was host at a stag reception last night when bis friends In social apd oficial life pald him a marked tribute of re gard The secretary of state and other members of the cabinet, the mem: | bers of the diplomatic corps and of deers of the army and navy, who as 8 special courtesy to the minister appear od io uniform, assisted in making the, affair a brilliant one. President Roose velt was represented at the reception by his wilitary aid, Colonel Charles § Bromwell. i i Conried a Knight of the Iron Crown NEW YORK, Dec. 8 —Helurich Con | ried, director of the Metropolitan Graud Opera cotipauny, received a ca ble message from Vienna informing him that there had been bestowed upon him the Order of the Iron Crown The decoration carries with it the right of] hereditary nobility in Austria aud the! title of ritter, or knight ! Milan Jumped $11,000 Bail NEW YORK, Dec 5 ~ When the case of Eddie Mian, ifndli*ed for bribery and assault on election day, was called in the county court. Brooklyn, Milau falled to appear. Judge Crane declared his hall of $11.000 forfeited] and fssued a bench warrant for Milan's arrest Milan was a well known worker lu the Second assembly district | New Hridge Across the Hadson, | BALLSTON. N. Y, Dec. § -A thou sand foot steel hridge across the Hud son river to cost $8000 will be bulld by the counties of Baratogn and Wash ington and the Union Bag snd Pape: company of this place [It was an nounced that the bridge would spas the river between Feulinore and Sem BW, VALLEY PHONE 0 R ini S— 43 Greek-American Confec- tion and Candy Store. MAKE EVERY DAY NICE FRESH CANDY. ; All kinds of Chocolates, Taf fy and Fancy Hox Candies. All kinds of Fruit, Tce Cream and Hot Soda. 222 Desmond Street, Sv Tey rere EE —— — Strictly Up-to-Date Music furnished for Balls, Parties and all manoer of Boo= ial Fanctions, eith-r pablic or private, Any number pieces desired will be fare nisbed. Call Valley Record for terms, ute, D. CLAREY COAL C0. Lehigh Valley Coal HARD AND SOFT WOOD i Guaranteed Brae’ ford Ktreet Yard "Phone, 1354 Offioe » © May ur nd & Haupt's Rtore, Both Phones
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