Lhe “THE NATIONAL. BANK OF SAYRE. Capital - $50,000.00 Surplus - $12,000.00 ‘We solicit your Banking busi- ness, and will pay you three per gent. interest per annum for money Joft on Certificate of Deposit or special feature of this Baok, and all deposits, whether large or M,N. SAWTELLE, Cashier. he Valley Record MURRELLE, Publisher. wT CAREY, Editor. | FRANK E. WOOD, Representative News and advertising matter may be left at Gregg's Racket Store, Waverly. After 12 o'clock noon call the main office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 142A, Try Strong's cough syrup. —— “Grip” was going to kill the cat. -—— no Fancy stationery at Strong's NE Case is in Towanda today. ce — John Umbe:lly spent Wednesday ————— Congress cards at Strong's. ap James McKeoun of WilkesBarre is visiting friends in Waverly Post cards at Strong's Waverly . ; Miss Kanair of Johnson strect is visiting friends in Lester- Susie $3.00 per year; 25 cents matter May at postoffice at Sa Pa., SE ER ther Court Martial Ends. N §APOLIS, Md. Phe i Exo pt announcement of the verdict secretary of the navy, the Meri martial in so far as the g coticerned I¥ it an end. The on was almost wholly given over Arguments of counsel! before the which Is tring Midshipman Mer i on charges, the most serious of ) ich Is mapsiasughter in conuection ith the death of Midshipman James Pranch, Jr. after a fist fight in bleh he and Meriwether engaged pes M. Munroe and Lieutenant Com Jobin K. Robison spoke lu de ‘of the accused and Judge Advo Maris and District Attorney John ’ for. the prosecution At the con i# of the address of Mr. Rose the was cleared aod consideration of Amoricase at Berlin Celebrate. LIN, Dec. 1. — Three hundred fcr celebrated Thanksgiving a banquet at the Kalserhof last H. Percival Dodge, secretary of American embassy. presided Dr § Greenwood Peabody of Har Jmmiversity made the principal ad A A telegram of greeting was to President Roosevelt jow ed by A dan - dhe Lan E. J. Neaves and wife spent Thanksgiving visiting relatives at Canton Do not forget the picture play to be given at the Baptist church this evening Arthur Hallett of Elizabeth, N this week. Miss Alice Devlin and Miss May Keegan were in Wilkesbarre yesterday. Miss Alice Devlin is entertain- ing her sister, Miss Fannie Deviin of Wilkesbarre. RE — Miss Lillian Kelley of Spencer spent yesterday with Mrs. Dun ham, Elm street — Miss Hannah Kaufman of Ath- ens spent yesterday at the home of Miss Sadie Engleman. casts: James Hutchins and Miss Ruth Hutchins of Newfield, are guests of Miss Louise Beardslee. ——— Miss Mame Hilton entertained a party of young lady students of the Elmira collége over Thanksgiving. (Quite a number of Waverly peo- ple attended the masquerade at Pharmacy hall, Sayre, last Wednes- ey evening AF & CO. S H. Hoyt of Clinton avenue is in Elmira today -. Dr. Elmer Nelson went to Bing | hamton yesterday A ——— | Dr. LI. S. Betowski ‘| Elmira this morning Joseph Warren spent Thanks- { erving in Hornellsville went to —— —— Mr. and Mrs. B Freedman went to Mehoopany yesterday J N Buley and family Thanks giving ¢ Rt Chersung Mr. and Mrs Charles Swain went to Wilkes-Barre yesterday. spent Miss Mattie Lane of Elmira is visiting friends in Waverly this week. ——— Mr. and Mrs. Watson of Big Pond are the guests of Mrs. Gree ly Voorhis. Miss Alleyne Donlin of Elmira was visiting friends in town over Thanksgiving. ine Miss Margaret Arnold of Wat- kins spent Thanksgiving with her mother in Waverly. - Hugh MacDonald and Miss Gertrude Holloway were married last Wednesday afternoon at the St. James parochial residence by the Rev. J. J. Moriarity. Mrs. Julius Sayles, Mrs. Lee Swartz and Mrs. Monroe Strauss of Waverly, and Miss E. Strauss of Bay Shore, Long Island, are spending the day with Towanda friends. The wreck near Binghamton was fo blame for the non arrival of the Binghamton foot ball team yesterday. Consequently no game was played and the followers of the sport were Hisappointed, ENTERTAINED THEIR FRIENDS Weverly'esMessrs Shultz and Pearsall of Sayre gave a cham pagne supper to several of their friends last evening at Hopkin's oyster bay. An excellent menu was served. Mine host Hopkins was at his best and did the honors highly gratifying to all. Several toasts were responded to in a very happy manner. The menu cards were very artistically decorated, the work being done by Messrs. Shultz and Pearsall. — A r——— WELLER-BALL Waverly — Earnest L.. Weller, —— ned last Wednesday evening at! street, the Rev. GA. Briggs offi- | ciating. Both the contracting par-| Waverly. The groom is a cabinet maker East ot Waverly achools. AN ENJOYABLE AFFAR [IT WILL SAVE YOU Waverly— The party Thanksgiving evening by the Knights of Columbus in- their lodge room was largely attended and was one of the most enjoyabl@ ever given by the Knights. An excellent literary and musi- cal entertainment was rendered in a manner pleasing to all who were present. The buffet luncheon s=rved by Billenstedt was highly appreciated After the entertain ment dancing was indulged in until a late hour, the music being furnished by the opera house orchestra. People from Elmira, Hornellsville and New York were present. OLIVER LEWIS DEAD Waverly—Oliver Lewis, who re- sided on Loder street, this village, died Thursday morning at the age of sixty years. Deceased had been sick for some time but his death came as a surprisc to his friends. Mr. Lewis was born at Warsaw, Indiana, was a tinsmith by trade, and had been a resident of Waverly for eight years, during which time he had worked for the firm of Bouton & Westcott. Besides his wife he is survived by two daughters, his mother, four brothers and two sisters. The funeral services will be held at the house Saturday at 10a. m Rev. M. S Godshall will conduct the service. The body will be taken to Mt. Morris, N. Y, for burial. TEAM RAN AWAY Waverly—A team hitched to Wilcox & Pike's meat wagon caused considerable excitement this morning by running away down Broad street. Several attempts to stop them were unsuccessful and they stopped of their own volition when they arrived at the meat market. CONDUCTOR INJURED Geo. Ferguson, a Lehigh Valley conductor, suffered an injury to his eye yesterday afternoon. He was standing in his caboose when the engineer of his train applied the air suddenly. Ferguson was thrown headlong and his left eye struck the side of the caboose, causing a severe contusion. His back was also injured and he will be off duty for several days. HEARING INJUNCTION CASE The Waverly, Sayre & Athens ven teeth attended to ia time, the “Decker Mothod” solately painless Bridge Work NO PLATES § Has No Equal Remember our motto; “SATISFACTION GUARANTEED." NOTE OUR PRICES Examinations and estimates fres, Teath extracted without pain 0 Vitalized air 2 : Silver filings Gold fillings Full set teeth Gold Crowa, 22k Crown and Bridge Work, per tooth caterer £1.00 up .. 5.00 5.00 5.00 Dr. Decker’s Dental Rooms 225 Broad St, Waverly, N.Y. Open Evenings. Sundays 10:00 to 1:00, Valley Phone 50 A. The Only Office In the Valley Using Vital. Ized Ale. When You ’ Are Thinking . About Christmas Remember Us - A fine lot of Glassware received the past week. An elegant four piece Tea '& Toc. A quantity of beautiful Berry Sets, 75¢ each, imita- tion cut glass. Also some of those Imitation Cut Glass Berry Dishes for 10c. They went like hot cakes before, Handsome Vases for Se, 10¢ and 50c. We have a large fine line of Toys, Dolls, Children's Books, Games of all kinds, and Christmas Novelties which we shall advertise more fully when we get them displayed. Remember the place, Se Gregg’ S Racket Store Cor. Broad St. ™ pak Ave., Waverly, N. LOOMIS ER WE TUESDAY, DEL. 5. Twelfth successful season of the brilliant Southern comedy A ROMANCE GOON HOLLOW “The best Southern play ever writ- ten."—N. Y. Herald SEE The Thrilling Barglary Tablean, The Dynamite Scéme in Coon Hollow, The flight from home. The Historical “Steamboat race and Plantation revels. is occupying the attention of Judge Fanning at Towanda today. A jtaken and many from this place Quickest Route to Chicago, 17 Hours from Sayre Jouve Sayie this Atieviioun dod drive at Chicago at 8 o'slock tomorrow morn- ng. na, hie 8 ia Lobigh Vl hep | . 1 What is more attractive It draws trade. It is a winner. 340 Broad Street. A Salmon Story way—to the question: tall cans or the steak in flats ? this noble fish at your order packed both | ways qnality the same; i.e. that from the best packers in the Pacific North- west. Anyone who Kas ever eaten fresh Chinook Salmon on the Columbia will appreciate our line of the canned article. Yours, C.J. Kite, = SAYRE'S LEADING DRAYMAN. Contractor and Builder Plans and Estimates Furnished. 103 Lincoln St. Sayre, Pa. A.J.GREEN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and Estimates Furnished 525 Stevenson St, Sayre, Pa. ANDREW _EVARTS than a well-lighted store? It shows prosperity. « Try it. Waverly, N. Y. WANT ADS Rates :— Wanted, BE Lo ound Sut for first three times, } cent a word each | insertion thereafter. None taken for - less than 25 cents. Situations wanted, Want ads Inserted by {ing a ledger account must be paid for when ph Resi STatRS uot MAY, indiscriminately —the ex of book- keeping and collecting is entirely out of proportion to the amount involved in | the transaction. For Rent For sale cheap —a six room house, one f acre of land, good well. Ten min- utes walk from car line, Inquire West- fall, National Bank, Sayre, Pa. 175-8* The Beach House at the corner Packer and Elmer avenues, All modern im ments. Enquire of Andrew phone 61-m, 175 1w® EE ———— _ Waated. A housekeeper. Call or slanut 120 Willow street, Athens. Boarders wanted at 420 a Quiet, fine location. Porcelain bath, Jerun very rcasonable, Light, airy 174-4t girl wants situation to take ght housework, 173-1w es | avenue; liberal terms to t party. 168.8 gh Tinners and Phamhars Wages $1.76 Write John M . Morris, Thi For Sale. ight (magogany) piano ; handsome, t tone - | ell ry S165 if 35 if sold at once. A | residence, 420 Desmond street, 1 tp House for rent, 303 Chemung street, | new house, all improvements. . sion at once. Inquire on Oa 17% “AS10000 , in good condition, will be sold for $50. Enquire H. June, 208 North St. Athens, Pa,
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