inary have never bought a fiand- Tailored Suityou've something. “Come in and ——————————————————— Maney & Page 8A ATHENS Corer Jloafel, Strowss Br Cone: There Are But Two the have much “and have little —but we are helping the family by selling much for little. “OUR STRONG POINT Families in world— THANKSGIVING DAY AC- CESSORIES: Carving sets 75¢ to $4.50. Roasting Pans 10c to $1.00. Food choppers $1.00 to $3. GEO. L. ROBERTS GO. 216 Desmond St., Sayre. 322 8. Main St., Athens. MW. If you don't trade with us we both lose money. “wn IN BUYING JEWELRY Quality must be considered as well as price. A bargain is not a bargain unless the article is good. We give you Reliable Goods at Reasonable Prices. SQUARE DEAL ALWAYS. A. SAMUELS, A I. | JEWELER, 138 Desmond Street. SAYRE, PA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1905. maeer—— LOCAL BREVITIES Smoke Peers Straight Five, a fine fragrant cigar The Ladies Auxiliary of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen will give a ten cent supper in“Tal- madge hall this evening. S. K. Osborn and wife of Wa- |verly, and James Lees and wife of | Athens, spent yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Os. born, of South Elmer avenue. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. Schofield spent Thanksgiving in Frenchtown. Germantown, are the guests of Mr. LN. Evans, Esq, is in Towanda and Mrs. A. P. Wieland, Mr today transacting business before | Mitchell is identified with the in. the Bradford county court. terests of the Bell Telephone Co. 3 - em Mr. and Mrs. J. J. "Morrison of The local police along with oth- ung street spent Thaoks- | erg had 2 decidedly quiet time yes- day with the former's par- terday. «There were no drunks t Towanda. nor disturbances of any kind, and » in fact nothing occurred to mar the sacredness of the day. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Mitchell of nd Mrs. Graham of Newark ey, are visiting at the home of n Wright of Maple street. A. Blish, of the firm of Mur- A large number from this place attended the reception given by the Knights of Columbus at their hall in Waverly last night. The visitors report a most enjoyable evening and say that they were treated in a royal manner, roi acer dl, PL PAV-OF Parker, of No. 121 W.| The regular monthly pay-off of ers {the N. P. L. will be held this even. . s _E. Parker has arrived from Phoenix, Arizona: and Serious Wrecks Occur on Several | Roads in this Section and a Number of Persons are Killed —Jersey Central and Lacka- | wanna Hit Hard. Yesterday was a day of miss NONAGENARIAN Rebecca A. Goodsell Died Yester- day Morning at the Home of Her Grandson in This Place Rebecca A. Goodsell died yester- day morning at an early hour at the home of her grandson, Wm. J AUT i ORGAN RECTAL Appropriate Excercises Will Mark dist Church. NG Fl Unfortunate Circumstances Pre- vent Performance at the Loomis Yesterday Afternoon— Fine Show in the Evening. COURT | Owing to unavoidable accidents. coupled with an unfortunate mis fortune for the railroads in this section of the country. Between one and two o'clock this moming a passenger train on the Jersey Central was wrecked near Penn Haven and besides the engineer Georgia of 321 Chemung street. Death was due to the infirmities of old age, the deceased having rcached ¢2 years. She had been ill but five days, and previously had been enjoying fair health. She and fireman three Passengers Wert! was born in Connecticut but for killed and several were seriously | many years had been a resident of injured. The passenger was run- | Spencer, N.Y. She came to Sayre ning at a high rate of speed when | 30 00 onth ago to live with suddenly the rails spread and the |, grandson. She is survived by engine and the baggage car and co children, Jared of Idaho, Julia one of the coaches were thrown | Vernon, N. Y., John of Galeton, into the Lehigh river which runs Pa, Mary of-Elnora, N.Y. and parallel with the tracks. The | jane of Little Valley, N.Y. Sev- Fomalning Coaches Ssapad the eral grandchildren also survive. nver but were deraie i | The funeral services will be held passengers in them badly skaken |e 0 the home of her grandson up. Reports in the Philadelphia |, ow morning at 10 o'clock, papers today placed the number (the Rev. E C Petrie, pastor of the killed at one hundred, but this has! Presbyterian church officiating been contradicted by feliable - | The remains will be taken to Spen- formation which was received in (cer for interment in the famil® Sayre this morning. | burial plot. Grumme's undertaking Another disastrous wreck oc- establishment has charge of the curred on the Lackawanna near | rangements. Mount Morris. A freight train | was coming down a heavy grade | when the air refused to wotk and | the engineer lost control of the train. The latter consisted cf forty cars which dashed down the grade and into the rear end of a freight train. Thirty-six of the forty cars were piled into a mass of broken wood and twisted iren The engineman and fireman pec :d th slight Jusep | and Scape i : The game yesterday afternoon injuries, The wreckage blocked Be tiioh the Siz eaAATE 2 Fo botlf tracks and it is probable that | Say 4 be open for Elmira teams at the driving pnrk traffic before late tonight The WAS a very hotly contested one and raffic 2 Bicials ~ of. the havi | the teams were so evenly matche offic t {that it made it ver teresting for made arrangements with the Erie| '® J Y_Mmteresng : : [the large crowd who stood in the to run their trains over the line! nd a passenger train started from | Vere cold and watched it through. a i Buffalo, It had proceeded but , | Athens Sayre team won out on a short distance when It encobatered | score of 11to 4 which is a trophy for a reek on that road on the utr home team that well entitles w : 2 . Buffalo division. The tracks were | {"™ to the championship for the effectually blocked and the Lacka | season and they can well afford to wanna officials then made arrange- | St upon their laurels until an- ments with the Lehigh and the | Other year latter's line between Buffalo and Waverly was used all night. SOMETHING OF MERIT ) The Erie received a double One of the most interesting portion of yesterday's disasters. A freight wreck at Kirkwood, a | events of the theatrical scason is announced for the Loomis on few miles West of Binghamton closed the road for traffic until a| Tuesday December sth in the big production of “A Romance of Coon OO im YESTERDAY'S GAN: WARNLY CONTESTED Athens-Sayre Combination Won by a Score of 11-4 — Large Crowd in Attendance. neither track will late hour last night. The foot ball Hollow” with the same sceney and was unable to get through on All of the | besides a strong company the or- A travelling force of Lehigh dancers and singers who are abso various divisions of the road. They tures, but the play depends tather will be less possiblity of engines | than upon its scenic features. It ed by the larger switches leading to | New Orleans and all the leading especially equipped for the pur- | the dramatic company, which em- ten days. ! * i the addition which he built recent. | <Y¥!1¢: Mrs. Emily Cooper of To- now hasa good substantial busi | tions at the hospital this forenoon. grocery store is located, while Mr. | ¥* admitted this af'ernoon. She liard tables, team which was scheduled to play effects used during its triumphant account of the wreck. | Theatre, New York. ganization includes the Coon Hol- mechanics are engaged in install- lutely unequalled. Unique electric are also including the derailing |p 2 vigorous plot and well por- and cars running through the deratls | has been a great success in New the various branches of the road. cities, east and west. The play is pose. The men are expected to|praces several original New York MOVED INTO NEW STORE Mrs. Charles A. Barrow of La- ly to his new business block on | wanda 8nd Fred Dovgherty of | Mrs. T. S. Burlingame of Sayre Ackley uses the other for a tobacco |1s suffering from typhoid fever. CYLINOER HEAD BLEW OUT The Sayre high school foot ball {team will play with the Athens high school at the latter place to- head on the engine | morrow afternoon. The game will at Waverly yesterday afternoon ason ot the Fourteenth Street : { scenery and cffects are carried, and INTERLOCKING SWITCHES low Serenaders, a troupe of colored ing interlocking switches on the | nd calcium displays are also fea- switches. By this method there trayed characters true to nature, ing switches which will be control- | York, Boston, Philadelphia, and The work is being done on a car |i its twelfth season of success and reach this division within the ext | cast is everywhere commended. N. W. Ackley. has moved into | Stevenson street. Mr. Ackley | Rummerfield, underwent opera- ness place. On one side Daly's | and cigar stand and pool and bil ATHENS VS. SAYRE A cylinder Val called at 3 o'clock, and ‘as both organ recital and musical will be j understanding, louis J. R held in the Methodist church, and! " : ng, Sous J ussel] : and his company failed to arrive in the event promises to be a most ; - | Waverly yesterday in time for the important one. The occasion is to matinee performance which was be commemorative of the installa- billed to take place at the Loomis tion of the grand new Estey PiP2 | The advance sale of seats ‘was organ, which was fecefitly PUT | jarge and bills were sent out an chased for the church choir Reg- |nouncing that the matinee would! inald L. McCall, who is conceded ; | bo { the b L- take place at four o'clock. The to x oncolft o Rsk Pipe Drasuists company came over the Lehigh i the coumzy, as R engage Valley from Philadelphia on train | and will positively appear at the No. 1 and when a short distance Jeshtal i contral- out from the city a cylinder head 10, anc the Rev.:Chatles Smith, | the engine blew out'and the baritone, both of whom need RO train was delayed for over an hour! Enitoudction to Sayie people, have) i did not reach Sayre until after cn given Tap ofan +P Rees So t © five o'clock, too late for an after progam, while a chorus o 39! noon performance. Both the voices under the personal direc | manager of the theatre and the tion of C. J. Cary will add mater | manager of the company exceeding ally to the evening's entertain- ly regret the unfortunate occur ment. The accompanist will be R. rence, and those who had pur L. McCall, and Miss fenhh DeBell chased tickets for the matinee were will act as pianist. hg program returned their money. follows va poki . “N : fi LT 1. Festival Te Deam in E flat North Latoling = Pelle” had Dudley Buck been billed as the attraction for the * |evening, but complying with the {request of a large number of pat rons Mr. Russell presented “The Choir Marche Aux Flambeanx Scotson Clark Solo Ave Marie, with violin obliga. | Middleman" instead A ves A to, Organ aud Piano accompani- | . year age ment. Mrs. Geo. Hill [yesterday he presented the same Guonod play at two performances in the Melody in G Rebinsels Loomis and it was reccived with The Song of the Vikings much enthusiasm. Last night it Eaton Fanning was greeted with another cordial reception notwithstanding there were many in the audience who had witnessed it on the previous Wheeldon | occasions. Mr. Russell gave a de- Costa | cidedly clever intrepretation of Cy sents | rus Glencarn, the inventor, around P'P¢| whom the interest of the play cen- organ construction. It is equipped \ters. The character itself is one with tubular pneumatic action | ye calculated to create intense throughout, as well as tubular | interest and Mr. Russgll's manner pneumatic stop action. The stop | of handling it was both gratifying action consists of an abridged key land satisfying. He has few equals board just above the manuals In {as a character actor, and he added the centre of the organ. The de- many friends to his list last night. pression of the white key opens | He was given fair support and as a the register or set of pipes, while | whole the entertainment pleased the depression of the correspond. [the large audience which witnessed ing black key closes it. This ren- it. Mr. Russell will always be a ders it possible to make changes of | welcome: visitor to theatre goers in registration much more rapidly | this section. i than by the old-fashioned draw- | cep een stop action. Y The material used in the con- | YESTERDA Al CHURCHES struction is of the very highest] : grade, and none” but the most ex. | The Thanksgiving Services m pert workmen were employed. the various churches in Sayre were Particular attention is called to | “el! attended yesterday. Services the voicing of the instrument | “€' held in the Church of the The various tones are very pure | Rederiet; the Lusheian and the and the characteristic quality of | CA olic “church. The Church of cach individual tone is preserved | Chee the Methodist, Baptist 3ad throughout the length of the regis- | resbyterian churches united in ter. Each tome blends perfectly |3¢FVices at the Baptist church. A with every other tone and the bal- |'378¢ congregation was in attend- ance of the full organ is well pre |2"¢¢ and the Rev. M. B. Wood, served. Each pipe in the organ | Pastor of the Church of Christ, de- has its individual supply of wind, | livered a highly appropriate and thereby avoiding any “robbing” or] interesting sermon. “gasping” of pipes so often noticed | . in organs where this method of | Es pte rtaln Re Rt construction is not followed. | : Aye Of Course you will entertain this winter and will therefore need some N RADGAL CAGE. True to the predictions made in| Mottoes, Fancy Lace Paper Doilies, Wednesday's Record the weather | Birthday Cake Candles and Holders, underwent a radical change on Souvenir Boxes for candy, etc. Wednesday night and all day yes- | We also make Wedding and Birth- terday and last night genuine win- day Cakes to order; Hand Decorated ter weather prevailed, In a few if desired Also all kinds of Fan y instances water pipes were frozen Cakes and Dainty Rolls and the sudden change also caused | Satisfaction Guaranteed. considerable inconvenience to | GEORGE PAINTON, many who had not as yet fully pre- 345 Broad Sreet, pared for winter. Today, how-| Warerly, N. ¥ ever, the sun has shone brightly, | the thermometer has steadily as- cended and the day has proved an | ideal one, despite the crispness of | the atmosphere. Wise ones say that the month has made an excellent! beginnidf Wd that mild weather will be experienced until the holi- | days. Thea lookout for blizzards | qq freezing weather, and all its un- comfortable accompaniments. Melody in F Choir “Largo” Solo Handel Selected Rev. Chas. Smith Berceuse in G March from “Eli” The Estay pipe organ repre the highest development of 8 9, Botk Phones. Read The Record, H. H. Mercereau, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Special attention to Pension Valley Phono 11 X, Deamond Street, fa Wn. B. McDonald, D. D. S. —————— P. Galvin who has been | >} modern methods for the scien- aMn. F. of painless opera- Porter House steak | Sirloin steak . Boned rump roast . Pork chops Pork steak . Pork loin roasts . Side pork Hygme made siusage Swift's link sausage Swift's Frankfurters J Round steak per pound . . “0g 3 Ibs for _— 6 Ibs plate or brisket . , «25 Kettle roasts . 00, 08, .10 Fresh Baltimore oysters, qt. Sauer kraut 8c a qt, 25¢ a gallon. Tomatoes , , Corn . Peas . ‘ String beans . Baked beans , Lima beans , 3 Ibs milk crackers 7 boxes sardines 4 Ib ginger snaps . , , 3'2 Ib oyster crackers . . , .. Hobart's pure buckwheat flour, per sack . + eile Old fashioned home made ketchup, quart bottles 13¢, two for » Fresh 'ettuce, celery, oysters, oranges, bananas, fruit, maiaga grapes, dates, nuts T.D. WOLCOTT &S8 ATHENS, Pa. You Do Not Have to'Die to W It Protects You in Sickness or so Pays Dividends Each Five Yi : Has the Largest Membership of cal Organization in yre Paid in Sayre During Five Years: For Disability... «s rushes For Death ‘ For Dividends Assets Nov.1........... Benefits Paid E. F. MERCEREAU District Manager, SAYRE, PA. VaLusy 'Paoxz 114 It removes all machine ink and paint withoat | the hands. Price 10. 2 Cures Chapped Hands fo Valley } Record has in wtook fi . owing signs: sy For Rent For Sale Private Office Please Do Not Ask for Credit Positively No Admittance Furnished Rooms Boardtr g TOUREY'S HOT Everything New and Up-to-Date, ” Class Accommodations. Thomas Ave. Opposite L, V.8 Rates $1.50 Per Day. ; “Advertise in The Record es Bargains in Choi — : 8500 buys a Stedman St. Tob) $500 buys a Hopkins Sb. lok Lot corner Stevenson and cheap, ? ral. Lot on Allison St, cent % $1500 buys new houss atid silk mill is $1300 buys a houses and River and Lockhart, $2100 takes pew house, provements. Madison street. $2100 tak
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers