E. E. Reynolds, ESTATE 5m aed warerty: Aoaisms INSURANCE Exchanged — IER MANIFESTO Law In Poland. RUSSIAY FINANCES AT LOWEST E28 $i. Petersburg Demornlised — Postal Deliveries Stopped—Finiand Wires jdie—{iavernment to Mebi- Jae m Cossack Army. ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 2. — The czar has sigued 1 manifesto abolishing martial law in Poland. At Lodz, Poland, meuy foreign owh- ers of factories have pald off thelr workmen, shut up the factories and de parted from the country, leaving their property fo the care of the aothorities The delivery of all mail matter in Bt Petersburg was stopped during the morning holirs. The girl telegraph operators were driven from thelr posts by strikers with chemical fumes. Troops now oC cupy the telegraph offices, All the telegrapbers of Finland have struck. The railroad telegraphers have refused to transmit wessages to the Czar. Fear is expressed at the capital that the garrison of Croustadt may mu- tiny. The Witte government seems utterly unable to find a weapon to fight the “passive revolution” and’ Is hesitating, hoping that the tide will somewhat subside and permit the re alization of the reforms in am orderly way. Ia the meanwhile the country is threatened with a counter revolution with all the berrors of a jacquerie (In- surrection of peasants), and it becomes more and wore apparent than there are only two modes of egress—the govern- ment must put the whole country un- der a dictatorship and martial law or proclaim a readymade constitution. Premier Witte refuses to consent to the formér, although the court officers and the imperial guard are clamoring for it. : An official statement Is “made that none of the Sevistopol matineers will be executed. The crisis continues. The telegraph tie up throughout Russia is practically complete, aud the government does not know what is happening (a the Interior of the smpire. There are mauy Indications that financial disaster will overtake Russia shortly. There are no buyers on the St. Petersburg bourse, and it is abso- lately impossible to sell Russian bonds. It is reported that the government intends to mobllize all the Cossacks In the empire, who number 450,000, Geueral Barou Meller Gakowelskie, commander of the Beventh army corps at_Bevastopol, telegraphs. “Armed revolt has ceased. All the troops bebaved brilliantly and perforin- od their dificult duty devotedly, “The number of prisoners exceeds 2.000, “Excitement prevails among the in- habitants, specially awong the Jews, whom the revolutionary officers iusult- od and threatened, “The conduct of the Brest regiment in the capture of the marine barracks was Irreproachable, as was also the service rendered Ly the Bialystok regl- ment, the fortress artillery and other troops. ; “The crews ou board the ships re- matped Joyal Terrorism, Including threats of death, was used to force the workmen of the port to strike. “The tempest of war has ceased, but not that of revolution, The HRussign people ure being led uncomprehending- ly Into eivil war and self destruction.” A dispatch from Bydtkubnen, on the eastern frontier of east Prussia, says that the Eighth regiment of Russian dragoons in the adjacent town of Wel koweszk, Rossian Poland, Ts In a state of mutiny, threatening death to the of: ficers unless the pay of the men is raised. Troops have been requested from Kovno. A dispatch from Warsaw says that the Fourteenth regiment of dragoons at Ostroleks, Russian Poland, has mutinied. The guards arrested at Tearskoe Selo muinbered 250, including twenty offi cers, : All kinds of rumors are current, in- cluding the assertion that one of the grand dukes ls Involved io a conspira- cy ogalust the emperor. It seems cer talu that no reliance can be placed even ou the guard regiments. Arrested soldiers are seen every day, escorted by their comrades with drawn swords. St. Petersburg Is swarming with Cos- sacks, the only troops against whom there I= no suspicion of disaffection. Ne Verdiet In Meriwether Trial. ANNAPOLIS, Md, Dec. 2 — The court martial In the case of Midahip- man Minor Meriwether, Jr, who was tril on the charge of mansiacghter for cansing the death of Midshipman James BR. Branch, Jr, In a fst fight, hats completed its work, but no Infor mation has been given out as to the funlings of the court. The proceedings aud record in the case will be forward. ed to the navy departioent for review and the verdict will be anounced from there. Stn Se———— West Haven Oysterman Sulfocated, NEW HAVEN, Cot, Dee, 2 John Maloney, an oysterman, and 8 woman whose pame has not been learned were found in a small clubhouse at West Haven overcome by gas. The man at the New Haven hospital. _- BESIEGE GOVERNMENT HOUSE. Whur! Laborers nt Georgetown Fired = on by Police. GEORGETOWN, Britsh Guiana, . 2.—A strike of wharf laborers which is In progress here assumed a very serious aspect when the police were compeiied to fire on a riotous mob, and It is reported that five of the rioters were killed, Later in the day the rioters attacked the governor's house. The governor and other officers are now besleged in the public bulldlugs. The arrival of warships is anxiously awaited. The British crulsers Sappho and Dia- mond have sajled for this port from St. Thomas, Danish West Indies. The strike was the result of a de mand for bigher wages, and the strik- ers have been parading the streets. Some act of violence resulted In the reading of the riot act and the issuing of a proclamation by the governor clos: ing sll the retall spirit shops from @ o'clock In the evening until 6 o'clock in the morning until further notice, The goveruor called on ail peaceably disposed citizens not to join the gnth erings in the streets and so avold the risk of being killed or injured. He sunounced that he intended to forcibly suppress all riotous proceedings. As the result of the trouble all busi ness has been suspended. REDMOND AT WATERFORD. Nationalist Leader Says Home Rule is the Main Issme. WATERFORD, Ireland, Dec. 2. — John Redmond, leader of the National ist- party, addressing bis constituents here last night, sald that his speech was practically his election address, for he believed that they were on the eve of a general election and that the life of the government might be count. el by bours. Mr. Redmond then pro- ceeded to speak of the paramountcy of the home rule question, beside which, he sald, the question of the welfare and good will of the colonies sank into insignificance. English statesmen, he pointed out, ought to concillate the good will of the Irish people, who constituted one. of the greatest fOghting forces in the world and whose sympathy was more valuable than any foreigu alliance. In couclusion be asked that the national convention to be held next week de clare its confidence in himself and the Irish parliswentary party. All Moderates Elected In Cuba. TIAVANA, Dec. 2-The political agi tation, which began six months ago with the national convention of the Liberal party and which has dwindied since the withdrawal of General Jose Miguel Gomes, the presidential candi date mamed by tlie convention, has ended In an election that was so quiet and uninteresting ns to cause scarcely a ripple of excitement. The withdraw. al of the Liberals from all nominations as a protest agalust alleged injustices by the government und the people In conducting the primaries left a clear field for the Moderates, and every Mod erate nominee was clected, from Presi dent Palma to the proviucial council ors. Dedieation of Two Monuments, PHILADELI'HIA, Dec. 2 Governor Pennypacker, members of his staff afl a large number of lovited guests who will participate In the ceremonies dedicating monuments to Pennsylvania soldiers buried at Andersonville and Chattanooga left bere last night on the steamer Merrimac for Savannah, On Tuesday the party will go to Atlanta, and on Thursday the monument at An- dersonville will be dedicated. The mon- ument at Chattanooga will be unveiled on Friday, and the party will return north by way of Asheville, Charged With Fraud on Alemnl. GLOUCESTER, Mass, Dec. 2-At the request of the Rochester (N. YY.) po- lice Alexander FP, Prescott was arrest ed bere on a charge of being a fugitive from justice. It Is alleged that by pre tending to be a graduate of Queen's college, Ontario, Prescott has obtalned large sums from alumni of that fast) tution in the United States and Capada for the ostensible purpose of enabling him to visit his father, who, he claimed, was i} in California. Prescott Is twen- ty six years of age Reocsevelt and Family Home Again. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. — President and Mrs, Hoosevelt, with four of thelr younger children, who have been en Joylug a two days’ onting at Mm Roosevelt's country place, Plain Deal- lng, in Albemarle county, Va. have re turned 1o Washington. They réturned on the regular United Btates fast mall traln over the Southern raliroad, Oleott te Make Way For Parsons. NEW YORK, Dec. 2-—It is sald that Congressman J. Van Vechien Olcott Is to retire as A candidate for the office of president of the Republican county committee. His retirement will proba- bly insure the election to the office of Congressman Herbert Parsons. The district leaders of the county have, it is sald, indorsed Mr. Parsons Pighting Near Liuma, Turkey, SALONIKA, European Turkey, Dec. 2-1t Is reports) that Albanians at. tacked the froops at Linma and eap- tured several cannon and that Thensl Pasha has gone to Livna with troops. It Is stated that the Albanians are fu- rious at the prospect of the European powers faking over (he financial con- trol of Mucelonla, THE SUIT CASE TRIAL Dramatic Olimax In Boston Tragedy. DR. M'LEOD ON THE WITNESS STAND Accused Denied All the Charges of Wroagdolag — Sald He Tried te Save Girl's Life — Court Awaits Verdiet. BOSTON, Dec. 2-The jury which has been hearing the evidence at the trial of Dr. Percy De Mille McLeod, the Back Bay physician who is charged with belug an accessory to the per formance of an illegal operation upon Susanna A. Geary, the dress suit case victim, bave retired to consider their verdict, Judge Stevens instructed the jury at some length before they re tired. The proceedings furnished a dramat- Ic climax to an already sensational case. Dr. McLeod testified in his own defense and stated emphatically that he had pot dismembered the body of the chiorus girl. He denied that he had over had any connection with the “Mrs, Dr. Bishop” offices, where the Illegal operation Is alleged to have been per formed, und swore that be had never been inside the Winthrop street house, where the girl died, until summoned to perform: an operation to save Miss Geary's life, # According to Dr. McLeod's testi mony, he was called to the Winthrop street house by Dr. John H. Pettee, who a few days ago testified that he was summoned there by Dr. McLeod. Dr. McLeod's testimony was a general denial of all the charges against him. He textifiedd that his only connection with the cus was the performing of an operation known ag laparotomy, the only hope. he claimed, of saving the woman's life, . While the trial of Dr. McLeod was In progress William H. Stanford, one of the Witnesses for the defense, was ar- rested on the charge of being a fugl- tive of justice from Philadelphia. It is alleged that under the name of Reagan the man was arrested In connection with ballot box frauds in the Thirteenth ward of Philadelphia and was held in bouds of $1.800 for trial. The case wns called iast Tuesday, and Stanford, or Reagan, is alleged to have defaulted. Stanford is the husband of Mrs, Grace Ashmead Stanford, who also testified here in Dr. McLeod's defense After Dr, McLeod had completed his testimony a few witnesses were called in rebuttal, and then counsel proceeded with thelr arguments, Attorney James H. Vabey, of counsel for the defense, argued that Dr, Me Leod was an Innocent participant In the case; that bis only connection with it was actuated by the highest motives, the desire to save human life. Mr. Vahey declared that the dismember- ment was the work of William How- ard, or Huut, as he Is known, and that Hunt was also the person who perform- od the first operation on the victim of the tragedy. Mr. Vahey also charged that Dr. J. HH. Pettee had called upon Dr. McLeod for assistance and thefl had incriminated the latter in the de sire to save his own reputation. District Attorney Sughrue, In sum- ming up for {he government, charged that Dr. McLexl was intimately asso clated with a “notorious band of llle- gal practitioners” Ie sald that the testimony of Louis Crawford and Howard, upon which the defense had attempted to cast discredit, must be accepted. He characterized Dr. Me Tex] as a phlegmatic person, skilled in surgery and dissection, and said that he was fhe only Kind of per son who could have dismembered the body in =o skillful a manner The case was then giveu to the jury by Judge Stevens, nol, Business Part of Arcadia Barned. TAMPA, Fla, De. 2 -Practically the sntire business portion of the town of Arcadia, Fla, lovolving a loss est) mated at $200.00, was destroyed by fire, which started at an early hour, Both telegraph and teleplione commu- nication was cut off, the Western Un- fon Telegraph company and Peninsular Telephone company offices beiug burn- od. Eviry business house in the town except three brick bulldings, the Kiug, Reward and De Soto blocks, were de stroyed. Decks Injured hy Tidal Wave. CHICAGO, Dee, 2 Shipping and dock property nt Waukegan, [1L, forty miles north of here, were seriously damaged by a tidal wave seven (eet in height which swept in from Lake Michigan, The steamer Tioga was driven against the pler and a small bole knocked in its side, and two tags in the harbor were also slightly dam. aged. Hip Broken In Tackle, ITHACA, N.Y. Dee 2-H. K. Mor gan, Cornell 1007, of Christopher, Pa, sustains] a broken hip while playing footLall In a game between (wo leans chosen from undergraduates here. He was inexpericnced and was hurt while being tackled while making a quarter back ran Mitehell Has Nervous Prostration, SPRING VALLEY. lil, Dee, 2.Jolin Mitchell, president of the United Mine Workers of America, has arrived here suffering from pervous prostration. No serious resiits are apprehended. It Is said by doctors that a few days of rest and guiet wi restore health Londen Socialists Arrested. LONBOX; Dee. 2-An attempt on AT BENNINGS TRACK. Arvragewan Was Threwn and Jeekey Creamer Injured. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. —8hort price horses romped in at Bennings, 8 to 8 being the best prevailing odds obtained ou any winner. In the last race Sun- ray, at that figure, defeated Toscan, a 4 to b favorite. In the other races the public choices came home first. Sum- maries: First Race.—Molille Donohue, first; Fancy Bind, second; Gladwin, third. Second Race~Cary, first; Akbar, second; Old Guard, third. Third Race—Hocus Pocus, first; So- clety Bud, second; Mahogany, third. Fourth Race.—Nattie Bumpo, frst; Zany, second; Father D., third Fifth Race.—Delphle, first; Gambler, second; Fiat, third. Bixth Race. Sunray, second; Mirthless, third, frst; Toscan, Jackson Ham Away. BALTIMORE, Dec 2 — Jack John son and Young Peter Jackson, both of whom are credited to California, met in a twelve round Oght before the Eureka Athletic club last night. At its concla sion uo decision was given. Jolinson had undertaken to knock Jackson out within the twelve rounds or take the smaller end of the receipts. He falled to do so, largely owing to Jackson's re- markable ability to keep himself cov ered and to the fact that Jackson did pot hesitate to run away from his op ponent. Frequently he made half the circuit of the ring, literally running Johnson pounded him unmercifully whenever he could catch up, but was unable to score a knockout blow, Jack son fully sustaining his reputation for toughness. Jackson fouled repeatedly. Boston May Prohibit Foethall. BOSTON, Dec. 2.—As a result of the agitation agninst the game of football as at present played by the schools and colleges iu the United States Alderman Frank J. O'Toole stated that he Intends to Introduce at the next meeting of the Boston board of aldermen nn onder pro Libiting the game within the ‘clty lm- its until such time os the rules have been so alended as to make fatalities and serious accidents an impossibility Should this order be passed by both branches of the city government it will affect Intercollegiate games of football io the Harvard stadium, ns that struc ture is located on the Boston side of the Charles river Great Game at Princeton. PRINCETON, N. JI. Dec. 2.-Large crowds have come into Princeton for the big football game between the nrny and navy. The gridiron was kept dry with a two foot layer of straw amd Is in perfect shape. President Woodrow Wilson bas returned fron the south and entertulned President and Mrs Theodore Roosevelt, with Miss Alice Roosevelt. Former President Grover Cleveland will attend the game amd has invited about thirty of his friends to take luncheon nt Westlands, his home on Bayan lane, Clausus Broke His Neck. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 2-The rac ing at City park track was generally satisfactory, Dou Fouso won the first ruce and was the only winunlug favor: ite, though Elliott, winuer of the last race, was a heavily backed second cholee, carrying nearly as much mouey as the favorite, In the steeplechase Clausus, an outsider in the betting, fell and broke his veck at the frst jump His jockey escaped unhurt Another Heform Wanted, CHICAGO, Dec. 2 -Represcutatives of the “big nine” college athletic con- ference at the annual meeting entered a protest aguinst the high prices of admission charged for intercolleginte football gues and passed a resolution declaring that the maximum admission to these contests should be vot more thau 00 cents. Toronto Univerailty Team Won, PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 2—The Unl versity of Toronto association football eleven defeated na ‘sam wade up of players from the various cricket clubs of this city by the score of 4 to 1. The game wis played on the grounds of the Philadelphia Cricket club. Fireball at Ascot, LOS ANGELES, Cal, Dec. 2--Flve favorites won at Ascot. Fireball won the feature race of the cand, easily de feating Confessor awd Salario in the order nanmd, Three Favorites at New Orleans. NEW ORLEXNS, Dec. 2.-Ouly three favorites score] at the Crescent City Jockey club's track, Henpecked, Cala bash and Phil Floch being the fortu nates, A Matter For State of Missourl, BT. LOUIS, Dec. 2-W. D. Vaudiver, superintendent of lusurance, who Las heen temporarily enjoined from execut jug his order revoking the charter of the New York Life Insurance company because of Its contribution of $135,000 to the Republican national campaign fund, has fled in the United States dis trict court his answer to the petition for a permapent Injunction Aled by connsel for the company. He con tends that the United States court has no Jurisdiction over the matter, the op erations of the New York Life lusur ance company in Missouri being solely under the supervision of the state. Marringfon Marder In New York, NEW YORK, Dec. 2-Following a complete statement made at the dis trict attorney's office by Paul Kelly, proprietor of the “Little Naples’ ™ sa loon, as to the circumstances surronod ing the murder of William Harrington a number of arrests will incipats Wn the HAVE MANY WRECLS In Delaware and Hudsoh Col- lision Many Cars Pile Up. BRAKEMAN WAS BURNED TO DEATH ——— Accidents on Three Truamk Lines Cause Death, Much Less of Prop- erty and Tielng lp of Traflle. BINGHAMTON, N. Y,, Dec. 2-Dur lug twenty-four hours each of the three trunk lines from this city—the Erie, Lackawanud and Delnware and Hud son—have had two freight wrecks which have greatly delayed traff all of these roads The worst one ocenrrexd on the Pean sylvania division of the Delaware and Hudse: in a deep cut two miles nocth of Windsor. Au extra southbound coal train bad beeu stopped to pol a hot Journal. Brakeman Judge was sent buck to flag a regular freight train. It is supposed that he did not go back far ther than the caboose, where his body was found. The engineer of the freight noticed that the block sigual was against hin, but did not see any flag and did not stop until he rounded the curve into the cut and crashed nto the coil train, ditchiug the eugine amd pil ing twelve cars in a heap that will re quire two days to clear away. The coal train caboose was partly burned, and the dead hady of Brakeman Jadge was formd in the caboose, where he had burned to death, To keep passenger trains running around the wrecks the Erle ran trains from here to Lanesboro over the Dela wire and Hudson by way of Nineveh, past where the Delaware and Hudson wreck occurred. That wreck necess| tates running trains on the Pennsyliva. nia division of the Delaware and Hud son around by this city over the Erie A Lackawanna freight ran away and was wrecked at Dansville last evening necessitating sending Lackawanna trains over the Erie for some distance until the second Erle wreck shut off such operations, and then just as the Lackawanna tracks were cleared an other lackawauna wreck caused more trouble for that road. An effort was made to send a Lacka wannun train around by Willkesharre over the Lehigh Valley, and a wreck on that road prevented that uli : Prealdentinl Appointments. WASIINGTON, Dec. 2.--The pres] dent has made the following appoint ments in Oregon: To be United States attorney for the district of Oregon, Willian C, Bristol, vice Francis OC. He ney, resigned; to be register of the land office at Hoseburg, Benjamin L Eddy of Tillamook, vice Joseph T Bridges, removed; to be receiver of public moneys at Roseburg, James M Lawrence of Bend, vice James H. Booth, removed. Mr. Heney's resigna- tion is the result of the conclusion of bis work in investigating the land frauds on which he has been eugnged as district attorney since he superced ol District Attorney Hall to facilitate his investigntions. Mr. Hall was sow marlly removed. Mr. Heney took charge of the office a few days later aud has had charge of the jovestigations and prosecutions which have led up to the numerous jaud fraud in the courts Cases Members Are Sworn te Secrecy, WASHINGTON, Dee. 2 -The find ings of the court martial in the case of Midshipman Minor Meriwether, Jr already dre in the hands of the judge advocate general of the navy, Captain Samuel W. B. Diehl It I= that of ficer's duty to review the fodings of the court amd to make a report lm madiately to the sceretary of the navy Several wembers of the court who live in Washington have returned home, but they declined absolutely to say a wonl bearing on their verdict, for the reason that members of the court are sworn to secrecy regarding court martial mat. ters, Buarglars at Otter River, OTTER RIVER, Mass, Dec. 2 ~Bur glars dyonmited the safe in the post office nud general store of Postmaster Lawrence Noouun, Jr, here, wrecking the safe and getting off with £75 worth of stamps, stock certificates of the Bos ton and Maine mallroad, $1000 trust cowpany bond and dexds, mortgages and Insurance policies belonging to Mr. Noonan. The people of the town heard an explosion, but pald no atten tion to it, There Is uo clew to the thieves Danbury Apartment House HRurned DANBURY, Conm., Dec. 2.-A fash fonable apartment house here, owned by David Beers and occupled by nine families, was gutted by fire last night Those living in the place were uearly all at supper when the fire broke out, and so quickly dhl it spread that noth ing wns saved. There were several narrow escapes, hut no ollie was in Jur. The fire was caused by sparks from plumbers’ apparatus. Seven pl anos were burned up; loss, $19.00 Pour Get Death Sentence. VALDOSTA, Ga, Dee. 2 The death sentence was aguin lmposed here gpon J. G. Rawlings, hix sons, Milton and Jesse, and the negro, AC Moore, all convicted of the mander of the Carter children last June. The Gth of Jan nary next was fixed as the day for the execution of the four. Len Rawlings another son, was sentenced to hnpris oument for life Morerea Conference Delayed, PARIK, Deer. 2 Premier Rouvter has anuounced fo the cougeil of ministers that the Moroccan conference has heen 0 ul 1 nuary, owing to the Moroccan PRICE ONE CEN SATURDAY * SPECIAL Sateen Skirts Several styles, with accordeon flounce, ruffled flounce, ete., ete, ac tually worth from $1.25 to $1.50. Saturday and Monday, 98e, Collars Turnover collars, embroidered in all colors, washable and serviceabla Formerly sold for 25¢; Saturday and Monday, 10c. - Holiday Echoes Smart suggestions in the way of shopping bags, the newest in collars, linen sets, etc., all at th usual Globe Warehouse low prices Toweling gl 18 inch pure flax, worth 10c; urday and Monday 8c. ’ Men's Underwear Best known £1.00 quality, pu wool, all sizes. Saturday and Mi day, Rc : Sanitary fleece lined 50c grade, not the sale kind Lut worth 50 Satu'day and Monday 39¢. . ’ 5 Ladies” Underwear Another case of heavy fleece | just like case sold last week: or 25c. Now, while you need the gocds, Saturday and Monday each or 35¢ suit. our linens. 60 and 02 inch” flax werth 60¢, silver or one bleach, Saturday and Monday 48¢. 72 inch German make, snow diop patterns and open borders, regy ioc grades. Saturday and Mond 68¢. a TT Outing Flannels One case best 8c vulings, éxce veight, in pink, bluse and w grounds, either stripes or i Saturday and Monday 5}e. Mercerized Lining 25¢ grade, just the thing for! large range of colors. Saturday Monday’ 15¢. ar Dress Best and newest (some new this week), all at Globa W sho prices x Specialties. Diseases bf Women and of Hours— 7 to Pam 1808, 7 & OFFICE - SAMURLS BLOC Valley Telephone 37x. 138 Loe Lehigh Valley C HARD AND SOFT r—
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