Ne |, /T REESER KESSLER WIELAND | Co. ax, SAYRE, PA. DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX- PRESS ON PUR- CHASES OF S$s.00 OR OVER. of the small purchases made by Waverly fing 'n this store enterprise in Keeping with it pemment, and we likewise saw a good feat “You may find a few numbers yet advertised IIR styles as a result; but here you will find nothing bul Bb most recent models. No store can underbuy a syndicate slore That's your advantage trading here s size in it ire up-to-date and garments undersell a Second Floor “Sure thing" this store does not do business wit! ahead too far to abuse your confidence and patronage Qur and garment was because it's the best 3 l'here is only ne Shophed all over town snd then comes back t iv a Woo carry all styles and colors from t annist mixtures ghed worsteds and broadcloths * plum, h ete. Prices in these and other make ; : No pw you. Children’s coats from $1.7 $15 select Dest in colorings principal - 3 a = i~ t =. . » ¥ We of Wootex azo can see ir leading When a woman IMI t:bets blue year s un- smoke goods green last Big Things for You on ness ment to No The manufacturer 80 pleased with the v opening, November 3rd and 5th, has sent us 154 November 18th of scarfs and coats and return all unsold gssion at 25 to 50 per cent under the old wa buying jars” to kill profits left at the end of the seas ‘Combining these with our regular stock, we it and cleansst furs in this section, whicl sist of Coney Scarfs 2175 Japaness la Opossum $75 up Asim IAL Mink - - 3:5 qu Near Seal Mink a Fox, genuine : “This brings to you a maximum of satisfaction at a minimun > 1 =HOW 1 $i Mink 500 und 4 64 5! 56) Furs oN ow eee orders taken, il November 13th 2 VE haviag a iat id beautifully exquisitely e. It's worth investiguling ~ MILLINERY . Every day develops new styles Shapes and gmeral 4 all héve a uni jueness and sh ape adapted to some one’s best aj seription would be impossible but the hats are attractive and gy are made by skilled trimmers of wide experience Watch the crowds and you will see the success of the Big St me Aran and go like a panorama, and to give a minute e3 are aitractive because Little Prices A big lot of bamboo furniture on sale 1 ardinere stands, tables, book cases, chairs & They come from a maker leading in thi A NCSI 3 NS) SS? & gt A IN ENN EN 1esday, price } Music ra ks s lin hev ars EN piece up t embraces and all sorts of cabinets OOAL COAL as much difference in ity of coal as there and yellow sugar > but the celebrated fresh mined anthia $0 sell Bituminous and ‘coal and all kinds of ic If you want first-class RANGE to sell. a is prompt service market price We have the following ranges stock ‘Ave, Lock: We have them oth Phones, WOOD REY Y COAL (0. h Valley Coal it Bg Sterling, Dockash, Happy Thought and Garland Steel Ranges, rc — BOLICH BROS. HARDWARE Desmond St. woobD & Prompt Delivery aateed mi Yard "Phone, 133d & t's Store, Bayre Haup Sayre. C. J. CARY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER REAL ESTATE CARY BLOCK, Charles CG. Annabel, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, 332 Broad St., Waverly N. Y. Wm. B? McDonald, D.D.S. ~All modern methods for the scien-| A FAULTLESS BEER The following article appears in the United States Trade Reports, a publication devoted to financial, agricultural and mechanical inter- ests: There has been considerable discus- sion of the different kinds of beer since so much sttention has been given to the discussion of pure food products, and many are found to give bad after-effects, The United States Trade Reports has al- ways feariessly discussed such topics as are of general interest to its readers, ind we have received several letters concerning the different kinds of beer on the market. We are asked to recom- mend the best and purest, and which leaves no bad eflects after drinking We have made a careful investigation representatives in all the principal cities, We feel jostified in saying that the beer which we find to surpass all others in purity and cleanliness is made by the Dotterweich Brewing Co, Olean, N. Y. The above-named firm stands high in the commercial world, and is well known for its business tact and enterprise, ns well as for its integrity, serves as a tonic as well as a beverage, We have po interest in making this com mendation, except w give credit where er-dit is due, as has always been our policy, and we have not the slightest our readers. We advise all patrons to call for this beer, especially for invalids | and those of impaired health, It has been a custom of this paper to| furnish its subscribers with reliable in- formation on any desired subject free of charge, that they may designate by let- ter of Saguiry addressed to this office, I'he United States Trade Reports has the largest circulation of any trade pa- per of its class, and no other publication could afford to maintain such a large staff of experienced editors to make these investigations, and depend solely upon its subseription list for support. We are certain that all dealings which our readers may have with this firm will prove mutually beneficial and profitable, It isa pleasure to us to give this firm our editorial recommendation, and, at the game time, to supply our readers with reliabls information on such an important subject as this, For sale at the leading bars in Athens, Sayre and Waverly. E. A. WILBER, Distributing Agent. A.E.BAKER Carpenter and Builder. 17 Pleasant St. Waverly, N. Y. and Up-to-Date. First 2 VR | sition at Kasper’s restaurant. Mrs. J. Hoffman is spending the | day with friends in Mogrocton. John Vana and wife of Orwell are guests of her brother in town. Mrs. I. K. Park bas gone ‘to Rutherford, N. J., to visit her sister. The ladies’ whist club meets at ithe home of I. T. Hoyt this even- | mg The Fransohnian musicale met it the home of Mrs. Chas. Haupt this afternoon. bs. The local P.O.S. of A. camp has changed their night of meeting (to Friday night. Dr. and Mrs. E M. Cowell en- tertained a company of friends at tea last evening. | Miss Edith Stulen is spending a few days in Waverly the guest of i Miss Frances Lyon. The ladies of the Baptist church | cleared about £34 from their chick- cn pie supper last evening. Mrs. A R Brown, who has been quite ill at her home on South Main street, is convalescing. Clarence Kinney and wife and | Mrs. Mary Kinney attended the {funeral of Albert Keyes at Wysox today. J. I. Young, who has been re- ceiving treatment for his eyes at Owego, returned to his home in | Sheshequin today. Mrs. C. Hunsicker and daughter Miss Mary are enjoying the sights in the national capital. They will not return for several weeks. Mrs. E. G. Wright has returned to her home in Williamsport after visiting among her brothers and sisters in this vicinity since July, F rank Leonard went to Sullivan county today where he will be joined by his brother in a hunting trip through the wilds of that lo cality. John W. Maguire of Lebanon called upon friends in town last evening. He is engaged in the philanthropic work of caring for destitute orphan’ children in the state. h Now is the time to put in your winter cabbage and celery. Thirty large heads of cabbage and fifty giant heads of Pascal celery deliv: cred to any part of Athens or Sayre for two dollars. 1. T. Hovr. 151 6 Valley Phone 153 y Married Last Night Athens—Miss Watie Morley and Loyd Carpenter were married ‘last evening at the home of the |bride’s mother, Mrs. L.. A. Morley, in Greens Landing, by Rev. W. H. Sawtelle. J I. Morley, brother of the bride, was best man, and Miss Maud Carpenter, sister of the | groom, acted as bridesmaid. They will reside in Greens Landing. Attended Wedding | Athens—Orin Claflin and wife, Mrs. Charles Claflin, and L C. Lewis and wife attended the wed- ding and reception of Miss Lois Sincebaugh to Will Haley at South Waverly last evening, ron Largest Sun Dial Greece boasts the largest sun dial on the planet. There Is a large promon. tory in the Aegean sea, looking to the east, which extends 3,000 feet above the level of the water. As the sun swings around the shadow of the mountaln touches one by one a circle of islands separated by regular intervals, which aot as hour marks. Give and Take The other day the head of a boarding | school noticed one of the boys wiping | ‘his knife on the tablecloth, and pounced on him at once “Is that what you do at home?” he asked, indignantly. “Oh, no,” answered the boy quickly, “we have clean knives.” —Lippincott'a Fire-Sand. A new heat-resisting musterial is car. borundum fire-sand. This is edrhoran- dum, or silicoca carbide, in uncrystal- lized form, and when it Is mized with about 10 or 122 per cent of its weight Brought Inte Newpert, NEWPORT R. I, Nov. 10.—~The Fall River selisoner Jamed Parker, with ber ensign fiying union down, with Mrs. William F. Davis. the captain's wife, and two others of a bemumbed crew | lashed to the deck house and with Cap tain Davis tial to the wheel In wuter that coutinually broke over him trying to keep the craft head on to the seas, | bas been picked up In a leaking condi tion off Brenton's reef Ly the tug Ro- licitor and the United Rtates torpedo beat Daligren Mrs. Davis, with the two members of the crew, Charles Lewis and Manne! Fernando, were taken from their pre carious position by the launch Colum- bia, which accompnaied the Dahigren to the scene. They were in s pitiful condition from exposure to the wintry seas and gale and required medical aid as soon ax they arrived at Newport Captain Davis sto] heroically at bis post and declined to leave his vessel until he beaclied her on the Bats barely in time to save her from sinking In deep water. When Lis lashings were cut away Captain Davis collapsed and was brought to shore ju an almost belp leds condition Captain Dasis time and again was | nearly torn from his post by the vol umes of water that poured over him. | When the schooner began to settle he | set a sigual of distress and ordered Lewis, Feruando and bis wife to se cure themselves to the deck honse then tied himself to the wheel to await rescue | ONE GOOD-RESULT, Tom Johnsou's Commission a Homan Belng From: Sulelde. i CLEVELAND, O, Nov 16.—Tbe antl. | suicide comuiissiou bas hind hardly any | opportunity to lay plaus for its crusade | as yet, but Dr. Cooley Is assured! that one woman has been saved from | self destruction. while 1) other cases wen and wowen who say they would Lave used the pistol or poison against themselves pow have pledged thelr word uot te kill themselves untll the | cowmission shall have done what it €al to muke their lives seem worth liv ing Dr. Cooley Is daily answering letters from men and women who plead for | the commission's help. One wrote that | she had given up all hope; that, lonely ihnost peonlless aud without a friend sie had bouglt the polsou that was to bring Ler obilivien “If you have no friends, we will try to fiud sowe for you." Dr. Cooley an- | sweed “If you are pennlless, we will | get you work that you cau do. Try to | forget yourself by living for the friends we will provide et us hear from you | at once The Alrv says she pulse woman Is ty have emplovment. | Las found f 1s She | I= cured of th ily she idal im His Happiest Hour. He—Do you remember the asked you to marry me? | She—Yes, dear i night “For a whole hour we sat there, and | not a word did you speak. Ah, that was! the happiest hour of my life "—Echo de Paris Weather Probabilities. Fair, southwest winds FINANCIAL AND CUMMERCIAL, Closing Steck Quotations, Money on call firm at 11 § mercantile paper, 6 per (ent $34.51.00, balances, $10 80 (0 K€ Prices Ani Copper Atchison B&O Broo SRT Cc ,C.& StL Sie # & Ohio Chi & Northw D.&H Erie prime! cichanges, | ont Closi i sy ody | Sly NX No Central rf. & West 110% enn. RR TT Neadinz r tock 53% St. Paul ns Bouthern 28 Southern 8% South Ry Gen Electric Bulgar HL Central + Texas Pacific Lacks wanna Sty Undon acini Louis. & Nash Me UU. B Biles! n Munhattan y LU. 8B. Steel pf. 1 2 | Metropolitan West. Union 3, Missouri Pa and Pac Ry pt a | § New York Markets. WHEAT —Daveloped moderate weakness In response to lower cables, bLeller Ar- gentine weather and big nerthwes! re ceipts; Liecember, 3.%,ui 5-16 , May, xy a FLOU R-Dull and Sota pu la, HAGE X My winter extras patents $34 2440 FEED-Firmn, spr shipment middling hanged, Mlinne- | wint*r straights, $28 33 winter ng bran, 7X. prompt | , $17 ®, prompt ship. | ment ‘ { HAY Steady shipping chold > ur $s HOPS ®teads 156, 145 iad cific coast, Jaf SLT SWoor SN BEEF x mess 8 log FORK — 1 lear, $14 0 BUTTER + , Koud to , Bul “Late 2 mnmon to choice, § 1a, Lg%c Pa- bon, Iodide ids i tle NN Cn, aes wd tomy i) oyilia, SLE 17 as per p ox) mall and fan ‘ HE ES Bite i large, ©o | A whit 2 made, Cin HEH sehr 1 ix r ¥ . gual, | RFE prt wkir rine Mc. cu Yue eo R So State seleclied ite J , mized rly JTUSK T< ; dirt frigerators y Wo (alr, Jui Pent sy ivania fan 3 fancy 3a nder gm TL checks feteciions f Average prime Aprils, So May summer, 199M limed. I LIVE POULTRY - Chic nearby, per Jo ing, 11%c igeons pr paler, Mx PER re n por LTRY dry picked par pound 10s 18 soalded ! 106170. old, 1aiglio.; hroliers, { pounds per alr and under. Philad-iphia, dry pliked, 24c.; New York and Peaneyivania, dry picked, Joa chickens. roasting. §| poun alr and over. Phlladeiphla, dry | picked, hy’ pop New York und FPennasyl vania, ar DRE=RE D BS ExPRLL of slow at [igh per pound for Inferior 10 chelce native fides; calves continued slow at $@10%e ar city dressed veals "@#ilge for country drese=d ard 34 for Tagsers and f par uty . calves, mutton quiet at gl lambs at i Lo. SumAy dresses hog und for nek teady at . etahe " 7 perhe ors me um and for gh WE Live Mook armen. Hah; ge 1s Slow, | Na. Sige Fkens spring. turkeys 14 Turkeys spring OS) EA {WILLIAMS & SUTT Sayre, Pa., Bargain Shoes in the Basement 4 Are you acquainted with our base- SSR 2S EEE ment department? Mahy customers — have learned the value of this depart- ment and are now supplying the en- Ne, Ba i tire family from it. JE En = 0 Here are found all of our odd lots, styles that we are discontinuing, etc. EES ies “§FOHS © AVION HOI ie Pe HIGH . GRADE . SHOE . REPAIRING You can save money in buying our basement shoes. = HIGH GRADE - SHOE . REPAIRING y ET « 0 A BIG SHIPMENT OF ranging from $10.00 to $20.00, in the newest and neat- est shades. They are all exceptional values and we have This is a rare chance to get a good Overcoat at half price. B. FREEDMAN 308 a Stroct WAVERLY N.Y. can be easily and quickly WARMED BY GAS as an auxiliary heater. directly to the office of the Gas Company and they will give it attention. The Waverly Gas Light Company, Waverly, N. Y. WARM YOUR FEET Did you ever have any real Yl comfort in trying to warm your {eet at an ordinary radiator ? Equip your radiaters with our Foot Warmer which can also be used "a a warming shelf on a dini radiator, and then youl know what the other fellow misses be- cause he didn't buy, For decorating radiators we sell the finest line of bronze on the market. All colors, H. R. TALMADGE Plumbing, Heating, Tinning, Both "Phones. Elmer Ave, HILL & BEIBACH | CAFE " WINES, LIQUORS Best of Everything * BEERS AND ALES hl Sid 8 a ar ( Er ELMER A. WILBER, Wholesaler of
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