you want a first-class We have them to sell. We ‘Shave the following ranges in stock Sterling, Dockash, Happy Thought and Garland Steel Ranges, IBOLICH BROS. HARDWARE St. Sayre. COAL i WOOAL COAL ‘J. W. BISHOP ~* Thereis as mach d'ffzrence in he quality of coal as there i sg white and“ yellow sugar e sell nothing but the celebrated “Shehigh Valley fresh mined anthra- 1 cite. We also sell Bituminous aad coal and all kinds o Sood. : Our specialty is prompt service and the lowest market price. J. W. BISHOP, 1 303 Lehigh Ave, Lockhart Bldg SAYRE'S LEADING DRAYMAN. * Bapecial care and prompt at given to moving of ation Household Gools, Safe: ate i Lehigh Valley Coal ‘SHARD AND SOFT WOOD Bes Quality & Prompt Delivery Guaranteed = "Bradford Street Yard "Phone, 135d Office at Raymond & Efhrapt & Store, Sayre ..J. CARY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER REAL ESTATE Y BLOCK, SAYRE, ¥¥m. B. McDonald, D. D. 3. All modern met! hods for the scien- gific performance of painless opera- ions on the mouth and teeth. 104 South Eimer Ave, 3 OVER THE GL OBE 81 ORE, lM Ready for Business Having redt ted the billiard, pooi sod sh rooms recently leased of FB. Woy 1am now prepared to serve all cus in» eat manner. My Lol i lanches of all kinds, solicited. Oystérs and Try » cup of our new 8 BUTLER, st, \atinapolia=. Joby § K. Gowdy, con sul general at Paris for eight Years, Bas returned from his post, but thans- formed. He left bis Indiana & farm- er; he has come back a boulevardier The Gowdy whiskers, cap chief of all his arities. are absent and so is the Hoosler twang. His prairie gail, 2 sort of easy lope. has Leen modified ‘ato simply a stride. [tv Is doubtful if the good folk of Rushville would have recognized him, if Be had come snheralded. Those Gowdy whiskers once excited President McKinley's laugbler, and fever a their general offices from New York! to Chicago, may be socepted with con- siderable allowance. One corporstion has already determined upon such a course, but it is more than probable! that other motives than those aseribed were responsible for the change. The incident is worthy of note, however, because It directs atiention to & cou dition of affairs not confined to Wall street or New York, but which can be encountered in every city throughout the country. The inclination to take a short cut to wealth, olserves the De’ If the desired ends if not there is usually | in The markets Loid tangies extricate themselves The greed for the temptations found on every hand. JOHN K GOWDY {Former Consul General fo Paris Who Has Returned from His Post) were largely instrumental in securing | for Gowdy his post, it Is =ald IL was one afternoon, in 1837, that a certain gepator, acting as spogsor for Gowdy, who was booming himself for consul’ general at Paris, was talking about! Gowdy to McKinley. The candidate's own card was brought in and the sen- ator urged the president to see him “No, | don't want to appoint him. He Is pot the man for that important post,” maintained McKinley. “He can’t speak a word of French. [ shall give him some other place, just as well paid.” “Well. be told me he was studying French” added the spousor for the man {rom Indiana Gowdy came swinging up to group as sociable as could be “See here, Gowdy,’ said President McKinley, “1 will give you another post Why will not that do? “it would be a great disappointment to my wife,” replied Gowdy “I don't care 50 much for Paris but my wife has her mind sect on golpg there and it would be a crime to disappoint her, Mr. President” “Your friend says you have been studying French ™ sald the president with evident annoyance Have yoa made any proficiency in the language?” No, Mr. President,” answered Gow- dy, rather crestfallen I find | need a good deal of English, first’ McKinley laughed heartily at this, and being somewhat of a humorist in his way, drew a mental picture of those whiskers on the Champs Elysees, or the Avenue d I' Opera and replied: “All right. you can have the post” The appointment soon followed Nine years ago Gowdy could not have asked a Parls waiter for a glass of water in a language the garcon could have understood. To-day, on the way back to Rushville he assumes an | alr of patronizing condescension as he | discusses the latest French novel in {he original. He is neither so rarely American (“Amurrican” he used to call it) nor so funny as he was when | the whiskers floated from his chin, the YACHT 85 YEARS OLD. | Vessel Owned by Maine Man Which | Carried Passengers from Port land to Brunswick in 1820 New York —An article was recent- ly printed in a New York paper show- ing that most yachts were short lived and stating among other things that only five yachils on the registry were | THE YACHT LAUREL {Old Vesse! Which Figured in an tisement in 1838} Adver- more than 60 years old. Now Benja- min Thompson, of Portiand, Me, comes forward with his yacht Laurel, | which he desires to enter on the list of old timers The Laurel is now £5 years old. In September, 1820, she was advertised to carry passengers {rom Portland to the Dowdoin college commencement at Brunswick. Mr Thompson bas owned the laurel for a pumber of years. The alove picture shows her | general appearance at the present time. | i Xo:i ¥ Powerful “Cruiser. The Natal, lsunched in England oun September 30. Is the most powerful cruiser in the world, ler tonnage is 13.550, she has & speed of 22 knots and she carries six 9.2-inch and four 75-inch guns. All her guns are loaded and rotated by hydraulic power Ruins of Village Discovered. In buildiag the [oundation for a | proved false to the trust imposed. Nor ‘are these operations confined to any From the [nsurance of ficial who, prompted by the desire for galn, uses the policyholders’ money to promote syndicates and speculate In the markets to the humble clerk who extracts a few dollars and plays them with the hope that he will be able shortage the same principle is In may vary. It is not a comforting state | of affairs, dut its existence cannot be ing our commercial life and threaten ing the very foundations of the nation, but so lopg as pelf is placed above principle and we continue to worship | wealth there is little hope of any! marked improvement EE There Is Btill Room. Charles M Schwab's reply to the declaration of Prof. Nathaniel Butler that the day of the self-made man Is over is valuable as coming from one who, baving made his own way in the world, is as well Informed on cond! tions existing to-day as any man in the country. Mr. Schwab, comments the Detroit Pree Press takes strong exceptions to such a statement, insist ing that opportunities for young men were never more plentiful, and that there is every chance for the one de termined to come to the front to win success. A glance at the situation lends color to Mr. Schwab's argument There is a growing tendency to decry the limitations which corporations place about individual effort and the difficulty experienced by those de prived of extended educational ad vantages In gaining recognition when pitted against more fortunate individ: | uals. As a matter of fact, there never | was a time when merit commanded the | Cor porations are reaching out for bright ever, In spite of the Increased exac | tions imposed by the requirements of modern commercial life. The young man made of the right stuff will come asserts himself. will continue to remain in the back: | ground and lament the lack of oppor- tunity. [It has always been so. and will continue to be, the assertions of F.D Cary. a aaturaiized citizen re afd a man of birth king of the Calf of Man, a small feland near the Isle of Man in the Irish sea. The island consists of 500 The Cary familly The of the manor does justice among his He is president, congress kingdom, when he might rule as an autocrat. A leading drugeglst of recently examined physi prescriptions, representing a fair average of those written, and none of them being for specialities. The average amount of alcohol in the whole number was found to be 35 per cent; Hartford, r 25 alcobol at all. The percentage of al cohol In the remaining 20 was 45 per | cent, or twice the alcoholic streagth of a socalled “patent” medicine which has recently been the subject of at- tack. Alcohol Is required to preserve organic substances from deterioration | and from freezing and it is also re quired to dissolve substances not sel uble in water. We are so old- fashioned that we would rather see a woman pushing “I didn’t know it ! your foot?” the time —Yonkers Statesinan. Appreciated, A—1 visited my native place last ‘week. Thought | would show my old schoolfellows bow prosperous [ had been since I Jeft bome B—Did they seem ta appreciate your rise In the worid? A—Well, I should =ay Almost every man | met wanted to borrow a sovereign —Tit-Blis 0 Quite Right! That a widow must look nut, you know, For number cne is true ARd the nealest way 1a do it I= Look out for number two - Puck “TRUTH IS STRANGER, ETC.” Cautious Customer—But if he is a young horse, why do his knees bend ‘so? Dealer—Well, sir, to tell the ‘onest truth, the poor animal ‘as bin living in a stable as was too low for ‘Im. and e's ‘ad to stoop Not Up to Papa. Miss Boarde (yawning) — What, golng so soon? Mr. Stoplate (rising)—Yes, your father will be annoyed If | stay any later Miss wasn't Boarde—Father? Why, the cone that had to sit ~Cleveland Leader he here A Pcor Plan Miss DeFashion— Mother, what shall we send Miss DeStyle for her wedding present? Mrs. DeFashion—Wiil published in the paper? “No; she says that's, vulgar” “Send her a plated salispoon.”"—N. Y Weekly the list be Fortune's Favorites. Doogan— Look at thot, now. Here's a man wid six mililons marries 8 wid dy wid wen Clancy-—-Don’t thot be the way of the wor'rld now? Them's has plenty fis the wans that has the Lesl prospects Ay gitiin’ more Judze It Stuck to Him. “There's nothing Mke printer's ink.” said the enthusiastic advertising man “No, | don't know as there 1£” re plied the other man; “1 got some on my hands once, and | never remember "—Yonk ers Statesman A Recommendation. Prospective Guest—Do yon good table here? Hotel Clerk—Well, rather Why, people come here perfectly healthy and go away with the gout and dyspepsia! -—Life set a meeps Ever Hear Drum Music? Bacon The drum been the first m the human race Egbert—DBut how did ever discover that it was music? Statesman. have instrument of is said to usical anybody Youkers Far Different. “You sald you wouldn't become en- gaged to hun If he were the only man in the world” “But this was different, he was the only man at the immer resort.” - Houstou Post. / Conclusive. “Maude thinks she's prettier than Maye “How do you know? “She asked her to be mald "—Cleveland Leader Ler brides Task of the Immortals Knicker—Do you believe that this life ends all? Bocker—No. After you are dead you spend your time trying to get into the Hall of Fame. —-N_ Y Sun Recklessness . “Gabbleton is very fond of critics ing his neighbors, isn’t he?” “Yes, he indulges In an extravagant use of projectiles for a person residing fo a conservatory '—Puck The "Death Bird.” The only venomous bird known (s the “death bird” of New Guinea. The bils of this bird causes ntense pain to every part of the body, loss of sight, convul. sions and finally death New Scionce in Paris, , Padlometry, the weighing of children ‘By an ingenious mechanism he records simultaneously both Increase of height She “Lit Out” The following item of “society” new triot: “Mrs. Willits, wife of the mayor On account of ill WE MONEY MUST HAVE MORE ROO FOR OUR HOLIDAY BILLS, Dinner Sets beautiful new china. Four 100-piece dinner sects, the very best English Royal Semi- Two 100-plece dinner sets, Amer ican China, ene white with gilt trimmings, one white with Very pret- ty . ‘es Two 100-picce dinner sets, Amer. ican China, blue and white Special one 100-plece dinner set, American make, green and white. To close out stock te Two 100-plece dinner sets, Amer fcan make, blue and white, Keech and white. ........... One 112-plece dinner set, Plas white, American make. . One stock pattern, not a full set, white, with pink flower decor ation. Very pretty. Odd pieces closed out at most any price. Ounce 36-picce tea set, pak and white decoration. ‘an which are daily arriving. delivered free of charge. Toilet Sets Knock Down. Prices. 10-plece sels, Your choice for. “sae ol A few G-picce sets. Your choles for. . Worth three times the money. Lamps Not a cheap lot bought to sell. but our standard line in the latest We have them in plain colors. etc., also a few beauties in the f chrysanthemums, antumn loaves, ete. oration. Some with bird or penal Agus Reduced for Wednesday and $8.50 ones for $6.00 ones for MEN'S DRESS AND DRIVING @ A brand new lot 28 and 45 cents. * at 98c, fannellette wrappers 60c¢. Granite Ware. Our beautiful line of bing &sll W eled ware. A little too expensive: fos carry, at cost. Writing paper This store is their special delight. Letters to ORCHESTRA for Balls, Parties and all manner of Soc- ial Functions, either public or private. | An Rumi isces desired will be fur nished, ete. JOHN ©. PECKALLY, [ DEALER IN Advertise in The K. L TOWNER, - ‘M. D.R. A. Specialtics Diseases of Women and of the Reotam. Hours 710 $6. Rel So %,7 Kn 8 p,m. BLOCK. . week.” asylum, workmen at Carshal- a baby cab than see a woman riding fortified In a5 auto with a poodle dog Ia her { ruins of Foreign and Domestic Fraits. ER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers