pecan show you ot mor bo other make; besides, it don't cost Fina r yol than the ordinary have never bought a : Tailored Suit you've , nerd ee pee i “Come in and Maney & Page ATHENS SAY A SQUARE DEAL TM AN cs Sed ¥ PANE NEVER SLEEES 216 Desmond St., Sayre. When You Are Thirsty Wilkesbarre. Reading to enter the employ of the | P. & R. railroad. His family will | follow in a few weeks. W. B. McDonald returned from Phiiadelphia yesterday. The doc- tor says he supported the winning | team in the Princeton-Pennsylvan- ia foot ball game. Mrs. Steve Fisher of this place for | several days, left this morging for | the winter. John J. Durfee, formerly with H Sattler, but who has recently been at Dushore with M. Leverton, the added in no small way to the suc- cess of the great sale which has been going on at the latter's store for the past two weeks. a On account of the extra expense "attached to bottled milk we, the undersigned dealers in Sayre, Wa- verly and Athens, have decided to ~ charge one cent extra per quart after this date for milk sold in bottles: J. W. Stuart C. A. Middaugh tothes C Cost Joell, JSProuss Br Connes When You Buy These Goods. Sayre Store. A big line of enamel ware ata little price: Pie plates all sizes deep and shallow. Egg Poachers, Stew Pans Tea Pots, Handled F ry Pans Tea Steepers, Lady Finger Pans Tube Cake Pans, Cups, Patty Pans, Mugs, Pudding Pans, Trays, Covered Pails, Omelet Pans, Colanders, Broilers, Strainers, Oval Baking Pans Mustard Cups, Mixing Bowls, Baking Pans, Custard Cups All Priced at 10c Each. 322 S. Main St., Athens. The Valley Record “Al the news that’ s fit to print” THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 19065. LOCAL BREVITES Have you paid y your taxes? Owego vs. Sayre tonight on the “The Office Boy'' at the Loomis Switz Conde underwear go cents All T ask H. 163 3t Suits and overcoats. | Sattler. Holiday brand canned goods just in. Extra fine W. S Red flannel underwear go cents a garment. Murphy & Blish. New line of ladies’ and children’s hats just received at Angell's store, Thomas avenue, 163-2 New Dill sweet and sour pick- Household furniture for sale, | crib, 409 south Elmer avenue. Purity Maple Butter. Try it for {layer and loaf cake. Goes nice with warm biscuits and pancakes. Strictly pure. W. S. Wright's, | Elmer avenue. D. J. Clary, the well” known member of the firm of Clary & Co., the coal dealers, is ill at his home on Desmond street of walking ty- phoid fever. Several of the D. S. & S. engines have been transferred to the main line of the Lehigh Valley and are now doing service. The engines will be of inestimable value in help- ing to relieve the congested condi- tion of traffic. All next week at the Loomis the J. S. Garside Stock Co. will enter- tain our theatre goers with high class royalty productions. This company cd their own band and aid. gles a shnbes of FROM BURNING LEAVES Neighbors Say Yesterday's Fire Started From Unknown Source —$100 in Money was Burned ia Flames. According to the statements’ made by neighbors it appears that the fire which consumed the resi- dence occupied by Charles E Goodale at No. 257 Spring street, did not originate from leaves which were burning in the yard. | The statement comes from a known authentic source, and therefore leaves the manner ia which the building caught fire decidedly in doubt. There was but little fire burning in the kitchen stove and it is not thought that it started from that source. The building was lo- cated close to the D. L & W. tracks, and it is thought a spark from a passing engine might pos- sibly have lodged under the dry chingles and smouldered until it ignited them. It was learned today that one hundred dollars in moncy which Mr. Goodale had in the house were also consumed. Mr. Goodale car- ried no insurance on his goods, which with the loss of the money, has left him in a most unfortunate position. Mr. Goodale and his wife are getting well along in years, and their misfortune has elicited the sympathy of the peo- ple residing in the neighborhood. A subscription paper will be circu- lated and the money will be used to purchase houschold goods for them. eA A A "BE EATA T00 MUCH” Up near East Waverly a man who conducts a boarding house also has a small menageric located in a small building in the rear of his barn. The animals contained therein are all diminutive in size and consist of monkeys, foxes wea: scls, rabbits, ferrits, ground hogs, etc. Until a few days ago he also bad two large owls confined in a| cage. The owls were the pride of his life. They were exceedingly fine birds and had cyes ncarly as dinner plates. One fatal night the cage was broken open and the owls were stolen. Two Italians who worked in a Lehigh section garg and boarded in a side-tracked box car, were the guilty parties. | They took the birds to the car, killed and dressed them, and the following night ate them at the evening meal. The next morning one of them who goes by the name | of Tony, failed to show up for |* work. The section foreman notic- of the Italians with whom Tony | boarded where the latter was. | “Tony | " exclaimed the dusky son of sunny Italy, “Ob, he sicka de stum! he eata too much-a de big | eyed chick!" | INFORMAL HOP On Saturday evening Harvey | Gray will begin the first of a series | of dances in Eighmey's hall. A Saturday evening hop in Sayre is something of a novel idea but the scries which are about to begin promise to be well supported. The Loomis opera house orchestra has been engaged to furnish the music and a good time is promised to all who attend. The subscription price has been placed at soc and dancing will begin at 8:30 and con'inue until 11:45. SHOP NOTES A new crossover has been erect- ctl between the round house and the westbound tracks. It was used for the first time yesterday. The lights went out at the shops yesterday afternoon at about § o'clock and the men were idle dur- ing the remainder of the day. More mechanics of nearly every description are needed at the new | TNERAN FARS ? Curbstone Merchants That Usu- ally Visit Sayre at the Present Time Are Conspicuous by Their Absence What has become of the curb- stone merchants that usually do pay daysand fora few evenings thereafter 7? Heretofore several of these itinerant venders of various the corner of Desmond and Lock- hart streets and in most cases have done a thriving business. The goods sold by them are for the most part of no intrinsic value, but as the American pcople appear to take infinite delight in being swindled these merchants get plen- ty of custom. The recent pay day on the Le- high, it seems, failed to be an attraction and the curbstone mer- Whether this is due to the winter-like conditions that have prevailed or whether they have migrated to the sunny south is not known but the fact remains “that none of them have showed up, and the citizens of Sayre are to be con- gratulated. ———r fp —— ONE LONE DRUNK One lone drunk fell into the clutches of the police last night and this morning sentence was sus— pended upon the culprit by Justice Gay. Michael Mack, a resident of Ulster street, South Waverly, who says he is working on the new flouring mill, staggered into a num- ber of girls on Desmond street and special Officer Wilson arrested Mack and took him to the lockup. This morning he admit- ted having been drunk and plead- ed hard for his liberty, claiming ‘that he had no money and would | lose his job if he was forced to saw absence George the justice suggested he might His plea was success- ful, however, and he was allowed to go. Mn AGED INVALIDS Two aged invalids, relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Knapp, for merly of Hospital Place arrived here on Lehigh train No. 8 from Tama, lowa. The invalids, a man and wife, were in-a helpless condi tion and had to be carried from the train to a hack. Both werc suffer- ling from rheumatism. They are | Mrs. Knapp's uncle and aunt, and she went to Iowa to bring them to this place and will care for them in their declining years. HOSPITAL NOTES Mrs. Fred Staight of Skinner's this forenoon. Mrs. George Lull of Owego and Henry Roberts of Sayre were dis- William H. Kellar, a freight conductor on the Lehigh, sustained a painful injury to one of his fingers while assisting in unloading a radiator at Ulster this morning. He went to the hospital for treat ment, WILL SAVE A NICKLE It has been figured out by some one who has a penchant for figures that if the prisoners in 4he Bradford county jail are boarded at the rate of 25 cents a day that each tax- payer would save just’a nickle a year over the present prices. Al- though this is a small matter the expert economist will tell you that count. NOMINATION OF OFFICERS The Sayre Acrie of Eagles will ’ hold a meeting this vening and d in SIENA RIGHTS Precipitates a Smoll-Sized Row-- Police Interfere Before Any Damage is Done It is apparently a difficult matter to make the average Italian who comes to America’s shores under- stand that personal liberty here carries with it the obligation of respecting the rights of others Sayfe has acquired quite a colony of Italy's dusky sons and for the most part they are orderly, well behaved citizens. They are indus- trious, steady workers and save their money, which is to their credit. Some of them are of the opinion, however, that when they are on dress parade that the side- walks are constructed for their express purpose. Just before five o'clock last night several Italians, flushed with the exuberance of hav- ing received their monthly stipend from the Lchigh, came up Des- mond street. They were walkking abreast, and if pedestrians got by without bumping into the bunch they were compelled to take the street. A party of young men near the corner of Lockhart street | took exceptions to the Italians occupying all the walk and told them so For a time the air "was filled with a mixture of English and rapid fire Italian. The dusky party drew knives and it looked as if there might be a melee. Chief Walsh appeared on the scene, how- ever, and quieted matters before any damage was done. Smoke Peer's Straight Five, a fine fragrant cigar — Honest and reliable clothing and shoes on sale at H. Sattler’'s. 103 3t —————— srt The Odd Fellows will hold their regular NeckY Mecting tonight. Frank Deston in Boy” at the Loomis night. tomorrow It costs nothing to look and very little money to buy suits, overcoats and shoes at H. Sattler’s, In places in Pennsylvania where scarlet fever is prevalent the health authorities are fumigating the pub lic schools. Despite the chilly weather which prevailed last night, and which by the way, underwent a remarkable | change before morning, the streets of Sayre were filled with people, the greater portion of whom were holiday shoppers A cordial invitation is extended to all members of Christ Church and their friends, also those inter- ested in the church, to attend their | silver shower reception, Friday | evening, Nov. 17. A very inter esting program has been prepared. | Many of the men employed in| the car shops recaived larger pay- checks than usual this payday. | Some time ago the boiler makers and some of the machinists re ceived an increase of one cent per hour in their pay, and is the cause of their checks calling for larger amounts than usual. — A —— ENFIELD STATION ROBBED Thieves broke into the Lehigh Valley station town near Ithaca, last might and secured a quantity of small change from the money drawer. They effected entrance by breaking open one of the windows and are be- lieved to be the same gang that did a similar job in the Lehigh Valley station at Dryden a few mights hs WANTED Boys to carry The Record. Must | be 14 years of age, at least. Good pay every week. Parents must sign WRE-THENS 7 ] WILL PLAY WY: urday Afternoon Next The Soyre- Athens foot ball team | will play Waverly at the Athens | next. respective towns, and neither have scason. Rheuma 1s 1 Your case ap Le a litle from that © any one elie, need different TREATME i fhe «ap " wous URIC C pan and suff but did it ever © ou that the treatment suited tO cighbor migh rot be right jor WE GUARANTEE i phe e tke URIC ACID in 1 1 {aken in CONN FEE TREATM tudy ta adaot to your lately sure to lowed conscientio rmanent Cure, H. I. GILLESPIE e 1h CVETY < Fi wit} tice. All the old players as well as new ones are requested to be pres- | ent. | Saturday's game will be! strongly contested on the part of Waverly and the home Sggregation is desirous of giving any and all players a chance to be tried out — A ————— NEW MONEY ORDER A new postoffice money et 1 terday to take the place of the one) which has been in use. Many] complaints were made regarding | ‘the old orders as it was an casy matter to raise the amount and the | department was caused consider- | able trouble. - The new orders are of the same shade and size as the old ones but the amount to be paid is printed on the margin in figures and the clerk tears them off when issuing the order, thus doing away with the possibility of raising it. Have you paid your taxes? > JUST BEFORE and just after the dance, try a cup of Hot Chocolate at the West Sayre Drug Store LOOMIS OPERA HOUSE ONE WEEK COM ME NCING FREE TREATME asc ft t [ORGS CO, New Haves, Cons ONS OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY, NOY. 17. Present Funny Fascinating FRANK DESHON The Little Giant of Comedy. And his celebrated musical oo medians in Smith and er's Hilanous C Opera With a Carefully Seleceted on pany of Favorites Including A Regular Peach Chorus of A perfect revelation of scrun ness in femininity that can Sir dance, frolic and entrance win out on merit. 50, 75, $1.00, 1 Advance sale Wedne Union “Telgraph Driggs’, Sayre; 8 Prices — 8125 Western Waverly: Athens Entertainme pk urse you will ent winter and will therefore f of the foll wow ing: 29, il uf C MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20 J. S. Garside Big Stock Co. Presenting High Class Produc- tion and Specialties. Opening Play Monday Evening “A Fight fo Honor” 5 BIG SPECIALTIES a Ladies’ 15¢ Ticket Monday Night Tickets Limited to 200 MATINEE—Wednesday and Sat. urday. Prices 10c, 20¢, 30c. Bring Your Job Printing to Murrelle’s Printing Office “The Satisfactory Place.” From four to eight skilled job printers and a new, up-to-date uipment are at your service. Our patrons say we have the disposition to please. We keep Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave., Sayre, Valley Phone 142a. WE PRINT The Valley Record Cards For Sale. Mottoes, Fancy Lace Paper J Souvenir Boxes for candy, We also make Wedding and E day Cakes to order; Hand D if desired. Also all kinds of Cakes and Dainty Rolls. Satisfaction Guaranteed. GEORGE PAINTON, 345 Broad Sreet, Take a Policy in the N.P. You Do Not Have to Die to Bo th Phones. it Protects You in Sickness oF Pays Dividends Each Five Has the Largest Membership of . cal Organization in Paid in Sayre During Five ¥ For Disability For Death. . For Dividends Assets Nov. 1 Benefits Paid E. F. MERCEREA! District Manager, SAYRE, PA. 112 Desmond VALLEY 'PuosE 11 4 Fenasn ——— the Best Soap! PRESTO gt ar Xt remove removes all and Pufere ink and paint without the hands. Price 10s, = = Cures Chapped Hane AN EXCELLENT SCOURING SOA F RED J. TA If you has home and wan or if you have want to get call, write or "phi Taylor. IfIba what you wa try wi, find i yous REAL B
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