El FORTY-SIXTH YEAR tt e re',,ottrital.,Zhe Goat SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1870 RATES OF ADV. r ., u irt • - A Sqtuireloch) or law I CO 2 tai 218quares.(eaelbeh.) • • 400 1 4 I/ 4 3' Squares, W ..... '3 Os 6 4 Squares, •:1 SW 41 ALPHABETICAL SPFLIA I. NOTICEti.--8113gietasertio0 cents • Roe; each auhaegurin Insertion 30 cents /11 line. ." • LOCAL BCSINERS NOTlCM—Recond Page, ZS . cent; & 1 Be firseinsettion: eacta.subeevent Insertion 31c. per Line. GENERAL NOrICIO4.—TOW Pate. 21 °lmam a line that Insertion; each submit/tut insertion 14 cents per line. jAt AAR:LABE NOTICES.-3.3 c .1101 each.' ' FCNERAL-NOTlCES—Accompauiing Deaths—For two IL.. 34 mak la :- each additional' ti ne to Onllta. iiPULATIO.N OE !WJIUILKILL I• COUNTY INtlB7O. . ~~' 4;regory, Marshal of f i r= D (l i e s n i ri era ct ! the official return of the'census of richtiyl kill County In . 1870, which foolup .109,325 'against 92,002 in .1860, showing an increase of 17;323, or per. cent. The ceusWi was taken when a large number of mitten+ and :Others; and Particularly Angle persons, had left .the County to . scek work owing to the suspension of the trade, otherwise we iltitik it would hai,e footed up not less.thata 1 Rail, .11Ve received it too lade to . give the pOptilt lotion of - the- Boroughs aild Township.a, they are reonsigerably, mixed up.• '. The "fiopulation of eelioylkill ha= hiere since TS2') as . . .-,- l'opalie anti in i 5...); ..... ... :.... ....... . :.. 1.1,t-9. .• _" . 4.;;.,.. - ... -, • • • :.,t :II . . - -." :,.;.:...i 4 • i; tk,7l 92,04 ' . The inerea.e fettin '144 Ito isii 1 wa . if:.11,449 tir more than double, aid fro it 'lilt ti I,ilil, 31,- :!'s9,.titiotirotti 18.;') to 1;i7.1, 15',:;;;;b:111.f0r , i14 . i next ten Yt ars the inetrett-e itrilf . t. .lte quit trifling, trtile.l. we are pllce.l Ati . ..better position with reg tr.litil lie itiarlets: f:azerim ( . tniti l ly shows a' papttlat:olt of:p; i,:;:ti, against. 11:4;q4 iti .14:; . ), 11;01 . 1f:re:Ise titi.linf the - fast • tetityears 0f7.017, Iteorts 7.; p.•;* rent:,, while tit fr keret - vie iii, ..'eltuylkill, i- only 17,12:1 t.r 10, per cent. 11. re is foo I for'tlionglit. '.. FIIE . It FYA ril.Nli 1t.% I LUti.k i 1 CoM P . A.N 1" 1 - 11,14 -4eelared a senai•iitiftull iljv .1 .a 1 0: ti :e per ceat., , eiayable on tr 7 '27;.!i o' 'l)..e;tritier In e 34 .. 0 7. ' THE Ei'liepl'EAN tlipWs that -. France desperate straits. The 'army of the -.Loire is, reProrted ann . d . in flight. hej final catastrophe, the surientler of - Paris, s'eennf.,to lie inevitnble chew at hand. 7UNt:itr.s.s will meefon, Monday next. The President's Message will be transmitted to COngre-s soon after the opening of ..the We will pnbli;4li it Yn Ttiesday's• 1) t Li• Jouttx.rt.. LostY)s lULNIN ty+aNi tt states • ' • •-• • that,emtl in the fo6'for dustlivhow used as fO, efrried inn - the-t inace by blast; ati'd It is :tated.that the tilastilself can tur d . - • a rotary engfne".or apparatas;:whielf eotnmu niCates shttkient power to work the dust feeder. - Califortgans are the greatest colfee ,drinkers in the' world, the average .yearly . consumption in the " State, • being 16 3-2 pouud4, while the average • in the United : 4 11ttes is only ',even pound4.• - :elCe.'. averag e ' c,insumption of wine in , the Shita' is ten . gal- I 1-8 . 4 to every. citizen, land . the amount, wltlidiy ,e msurned LI beyond at?inpmation. . . 7-11-..}1 I. t r are hi fe.ly to reeviVe uottioutnications ou subjects id patine int portitnee,, and publish theln: . Bit we must requeSt eorrespontleitts t 9 pht what - they Lave to .elnitutunicate in th.J moit e meise i ftnlll. /LAI it ().tr sp.we in both the BAtt,v au:l WEEI:I.I - Üb.l4lliitely re quires this,..if eorrespotuletits wish to set their eontrituitions inAerte,l. Tit TitA DElts,liati a $ . 2 B tiiquet lit NeW Fork on Brit1:411, gold, given hi: the I"orel4n M.uniftetrirers an I All the traitor to American hitereids, who hate been bought 1ikc.c4.14,,e.t.c..1 - crttle in the to tr ket weceltreinV;te. 1 g 1,r4 4.4 Welk, who w.r.t to"T.fitgland for information and p;aid our fioyerninimit, arid managed to have ltiw inrychased while there into the support of., foreign inte.rest., tigar'ed' largely. •. Virheit`i Arnold betrayed. 'his country _the English pit!Ll Jahn for'his servie,ri4, bat utterly tlevlsed' the traitor, dull all,houorable . men rtiftuiti ,to hold • hitercourfle with him. The Fnglislid 4 n ten.,its in NeW V.irk seem' to rejrnecit4, trea-. and honor the traitor. " Piiii ADELPI r I tA prop uses to hotel a mei ting today fur the purpose ortakihg - steps . to Will :di a ~s trimiship line to Etirop.„ We have se,eli su inatly ptevious atterivs.of hers iu th4ine, which i liave failed, tliat: . we Nest say w-ilitive ho faith that the project will mootia't to anything. She is sloW: Her niyed them as a class, - are penurious and lacking publie When her therchatits retire from..Aluithies many of them heroine - absorbed in their money-bags anti in adding - to their contents by "shav- Mg." Why:interc..)erse with ,her infects,. each section, in MAO influences - pre didninate. may is an illustra. Lion of this fact. Philadelphia influences dominant here, and, enterprise-shas ditsl awaY as coMpletely here as in that cify, while': our husitie: s s win are "shaved":•to death, In New k, which in litany re spect); is bad:cnough ; the nice of capital (id cannot be : ehari.ell With atij,•,: want rsf publk.spirit. They - pet. their money into public iMprOyeinisuts v filch baud up the city and give her the - prOminentiii)in and . ' Lu,ires's poSition:whielt • she - occupieS . in the - world amid - which rendei.'lwr the great financlarcentre of this continent.Philadel- . Otite r tnuSt infuse a little N.4.t. YtFick 'spirit and enterprise into her. ptloi.!le; and. hen she may :received in establishing a line bf steamships to - Eurdpi..: thetiteantinle, We shall take the privilege of doubting that she will tai. the immediate future dOnnything k-fn niSvr. WiA,,hiogton corri., , pon4lent of the Phi ladel phi'a Pru;ss, writes os follows: . . ."A Western Senator. reports that in eouver .-atien with the PrE;ithttlt ho referred to the fact that PennsylVania has ho representa tive in the Cabinet. The President, in reply to the senator, stated that he had tried hard t.i sat. i,fy Pennsylvania,. hut he found it linpossible. !hiring his adminktration she had had more otters-of a idage in the Cabinet-than any other State., 'The trouble wasthat -the Pennsylvania I. , liticians could not agree among themselves, and , when he, the President, wanted to select a member for the Cabinet, 'the politicia is pro p•imed doing it for himn He then said that he hind offered a place in his Cabinet to no less than foitir pennsylvanians: ,Only one of them Iw yipted,.and he did not stay long. The Senator says the President evidently feels that if Penn sylvania has no place In the Cabinet-the fault is trot with him, but.with 4 the -pOliticians of your state:" ' The President's last visit to PhifaclOpilla was in..refeintiee`bl this matter, Lut titejeal oosies and fends of tile Cameron:Anti anti-, (Ifonerop fataious in the titate, defeated the etrirts..of the President to give PeutiSylvattia* Li. position iii the kabinet, as he detiireil. These fettibi are parne:ti Ant fo'rprivate, ',err aural purposes, iit which the iotereSta of the . people count .for nothing, and maintenance_ 1 air the principles of • the..party "is'f4gnored..l .'fin..tiuestioll 'when a 'inato -*C4 hroagltt for wLirit for a public - position either tt.itier the lioverument or iti .. the Statt.!-,,1C . n0F, , "is he inineist or culpable 7" I t is, -`_ is lie,,COteron ni aitti;(lauteroter • . 4 ii . .in•l•the `COlfteitt whiela ensues between thesoft,ethitt.s :fol.. inc. ress,-sJce interests of the patty.itee.,kaeriftged and 1 ts. pri ti pi ples suffer. • wa, last-;\ ew TPA 14tely, milinly through it fa c tional INI - Vof , .. this ' eliuracter, and llentssYlv i folo: . Saari niure possibly, than the party ii aware, - frotill a similar reuse, : slur fitt_ this . State and liiit. jalirlihi is coneFtned,. - we are neither Vatioeron . , norkauti•Ccuttercitt. We supPOrt e.cuivron - when hits right;antl.midelltn-blin w 14.11 he is wting. Theo-.people and hide. , ireloilent press* Alle,fitatosioooritl adopt the baluit.pusitioti, at ' refuse to support theelon. 6 114trits of either ; faction fur -Vllue, whi!e the presifientfitionq refuse to 'appoint t 9. pillee unrmanidentitiell with ttni:supperied ly .en ilettiietion.. Wil eflth %id done tite:;e fee; Buis* iiIII .I*;tonipelleeto abandon- tbtit iiikellieeaus . eourilie; the--party troubles. in' the State 'will cease, - sod men . will be ap . pain tell to olliettun time score Of their' merits, and will l iotrytte4t4, : irreitpectlve of the pop ullorlvtall, tiecislllWtilei . * l lolli to title or lhat fiallu The quantity_ ' , lent --by hail for the week. is 7:4115 ; by Canal 29,651: for the week. 102,799 ions against 107,871 for the corresponding week ELIMI! EINEM! sau suo 11 OD II 00 .401 El /1 1111110/ ZOO OLI OD 24w IS al It DO 11W VI po 45W The trade Is - Unusuallidula, 'and with the naception of some supplies to o - ofnplete orders, At-tnak-be considered as having drifted into the winter busiuess..which is cenfined jwlucjladlr to the line and br city consumptiiin: The last Scranton Sale will cause the Close of nearly all the collieries, except those that':generally run during - the winter season. 'The fisent year of th 4 Reading -Road and also the Lehigh \ -- alley Railroad, closed on the 30th of November. We *lll giye the complete ton smite of both eoadi . iiest: week., Hereafter the Readingltsilros4, will - close their week on Sa turday instead of Thtirsday as formerly, the same as all the tither carrying Ccmpaules, con sequently we will not be able hiPgive our read ers their t - nnage before Tuesday Or Wednes day. , Our weekly statement will be furnished, as usual on Saturday:„ • • •'l . . CIRCULAR N0.•13.1 . 1 . . • . . Put i..4,Ditt.rzna AXI) Moult-pa It. R. (o . • , Off ice 217 B. Ecinrth street.:. . • . PtltLankt.PHlA, Noir. 19. h. Ig7o. T e• A nthraefte Coal at Port Richinond Will- be measured on the lAld last . - nt„tand again oil the date when the rates established for the opening of. the spring tradelbf lira shall go into, effect ; and on the excess or accumulatlon of coal on hand on the latter Over and above that on,hand on the former date, an allowance wIIIbe made equal to the difference be tvreeu the rates now charged and the rates to he then established, If such rates should be lower than the present'opes. . Flia.Nic ctis 13. Goa - E.% president. -------------- . ) . . ''. ' PnthatiELCtita. Dec: I, 1870. For the - last two weeks we ItaVe had little of Inlet - eer to report In the' trade; the. market. having no spirit whatev e r, and what Shipments have been made to a tar& extent have been. forced for • a mar ket ; had the otemlortt worked on half time, during alt the month ol Nbventber, the trade would have' be,n-m better condition, with a firm mid, steady market, The last Scranton Sale of 1XT,090 tons shows un ay. Pt nge decline of 40 events per ton., and to show how Tar those saes go to x.ipply the getters! market we note: - ,e(X/ bitreivere soil in 1,0 0 ton lots, ' • lerf • • - "' lIMI . 200, rind :100 tint , The recent Circular of-the Reading It. It. Co., (Nov. 19th, No, 13,) - In regard to—the meastanentent of coal at tilchntoriii on the 221 hf' .November As large y in favor of the gum pan v. nod against the operator to wit: Lt is supposed 83.e00 bans wert on the wharves at time (If theaxurement: This &Von may 1w slii pa ed, and no doubt, 'will b', befor e . the new rates UM cstabl billed, hut M,00 , ) Unix. wilt also be weenmulaled and len over. Whfch accOrdink to the circular will 'Way present high, rates-nod ntit, be entitled to any reduction which may be made, thereby giving the I' patty- the present- high rates. oti that. amount left over, tin a doll Spring nutrket this will he very. ~nerott, • • The event of the week has - been the 4cranttai Auction role.' Prices again show a nerknoi decline us compared with the p evious sale. The •result in' us follows:- • • s firifeDet. f 6. - '''.:,'We Nui-. :is, T 1,41 n ,.. Lunt tOit.:,.:. it: 79 .z`' ~I 46 - ' • -• ,„, - , .31 Steamer • -les .:( hi 7. , • .21, I t Broken ..... ....s .4 19 .- . 3 • .12 li'lLit ••• -• •1 25 ' Stove 5.3 . . 451 .An - • Nut - ' 3 76. , 359• s , T .26 The general average Is 53 98; a decline front ihe : rn r :i ‘ x l ZTt i iirt i o e ;- o ofit : e g r i . r l i v •glo tB tia " t A o t sn t ct il •esait i u : lry ra cti t t eB np i s%e lB The I iiekaikiinna CoMpatiles , have, notified their, men of il redaction In wage% or 311 per cent. to go in to effect Lee. bit; - .I t is summed they will continue to work. • •", - -. .... 'The - I....thigh Exchange has fixed prices for Decent zber, C.o. Is. at Itoboken and Port Johnson as follows; 1 Lump _ . 115 in. Broken • ' ' 4 75, Stove ' 5..5 2.1 • -Nut • - ' ' i .• - r . The•lstelaware and Hudson Co., 'have announced !•-111 Ir December prices, ,f. o. h, at Weelis wkett, ma follows:: ' . . ~ Lunip .. •,. ' -111 2s . 1. -- Nteatiter. - 4 :ki . ' Jiroken - - - . s ' 1 It • '- , *Egg ' —.- - - -, ,•••• - .1 50 - Stove ' • , 1 in . - Nui . 4.. ....... ..... ................. . • • lla 1 Fkelght 1,16 Se* York, 59. cents. ' The Wilkesbarre Company have wit as yet promulgated their Deeeto beccrates. Trade Is very dull indeed. Vesseis are In _ittoderatt-supply, and freights without change:. • ."11%.r.rr0..,.De. , . I, is7o. Tut: net' era eri of co.t 6.lNlto, , Arox WVRE To • - • Nov. 27, 1.46.1. ToNs. - Tory. '572,05_ - 5 ;io,mc.l I'ool twrion .t li /,2J I Eorr:g it I'6l ai IticfC:4l The trade mums up' thjs.week as follTals ""I"."'it... —'----, 4 — 2 ' .------7' ---- 71.u5 ' .7 --.7 .itiv d - amar;4 1 , ..t. It R 11......:. ,711.-4-,• 2.6* .' 1 - - -z,, -„i . • ". .1,42.44r; 1,114.1,2.07 Sell Cahill ° , 2,.„.t.0. ,- ... 'Ms, : .K . 4. ... ,,Aus ,;61.40,_ R ItStli, 77:. : 11•• 2.015 ' 1 " 4 W . T . .,,. 44 :' -- . ""i 7 ., , " , :.,72 , as s i I. Vlt 11 N 111" - . • . ...,' - .., 2 ' . ., -":,... 7.31.,u15; " IoK4UI L. Canal • 6 . 4,. ; ' . '—' f .„ ...., kih - • a - A:4 . 13:= k L N.tv It 1L.... 34342 '; ,04.• 7,, : r '• - ,.., 1 & wai l , . :Gm5 . 7511 Scent ii sal 1 ~ : 1 1. 1 0' • 95 *: " .-- .6 - .- 114 12 . 40/03. du ..: Nal 1 --'. 14,0.1 . \ L .1111 ,- ,102.. __0.1.1.1. 0 :3 0 , , . 177.0 , :2 Penn R 1L..1 .':'.1,A1171, c10y,11(2 . , „ Iri,ar: - , I PS 0)1 d • I Penl A.. (As:tali 1 301. . --,- ' 31,16 ' ' 107 l,z/2;61Y 130 . ,12F, I/ R. 11 Cal.. 1 1 51,: ! . ..t,,7V- 6 ^ Sti '.'... ss,:s.• .. , 117,1:7' 214.1.tr2 11* LI KR _ 1- I .3,1%:, ~11141-41.",;'„1;',6 • ~ 1,1. - ,•0 • ions Jer..rn RRI . .. ,.1 1e.44 , ,.10ti, 14 , 0 , 4,, Wyounnic . :! . ..11 , ..'.-. I ~ . . ..., .. • ~1;;;ts 0,000 i; Wvorntog VO. 01,".„k iu - •`, 1 . 2,701 . "' 4. 1 11.570 . : • ' . %: 11:970,- •44 4 , :aai t. 2 5 + 41. : Ir.! , • ,371.7. N ' 12.41, , m'', a 6.1,111., .1; 346 -- - -`.j . - .. . lab.ol. as I , A , ' . 1 - -lAL . r . - . , _ --- tI . VO CSI 54 , ,tki.,4,..thn5. ' I • t .; : .. , . ,•:,3,r,3:5 ;' ,.. , Trl•vl•rtoil + , .7.1:1 - :11,,itit ,.* '` . . C..161' :r,:,syi . 41ttukt Me_ ' • 1.10;- :, -- 1 . .7.,:54 ' 17.:..144 ..I,„2'kervi V Cu_ . • 3j.tii 7„,N; .. 2 . 7,31 - 6:,;.M d- .4,110 . N‘llltalliAtoo ... .6,:i+2... . , 151,361' , 7.1.2:: , 7.71i1iA W.." 01 BeirLlck Col. , -. j ' • 3icr - ' 11i,L13; • - ,t1.4,07 , . -. • t 11 1 ,431'1, - ,. 413.:1:6 ,tr., , rti , 4.0,717 Wit Limittoui. ' I . . proa4l T0t.....„ • 2.044 , lel.r.V H. &O.IL IL 1C,73 , / • . - 4 1117.2- 1 4; -.mar, owe & (it,,Ln _ rz.tr.t;' • • .M. 1,310 ' I ;,61 I . • , , ~--_.... __ . ~....'_.._.,_ _ 1, - .4".11.1 1 5/4 . • Total.B.ll kind ' 14,344.851 3 - ..5.•,,pri , , .16,710,3 e 31..1,2 .1' . I. 1 3.X 1, N1, . , Ti;e trae_t if all kind 4 shows 31 . grc.(t. filling otrtitis week -4.FOntpared with the corresinintling , week last.. year. The decline in ;in:lir:Lite is l 75,7411 and on all kinds i:t.035. - Total suppl-of Anthracite 11,:lts,:tS4 tottm,ag.titist. 12,143;1 , 1-1 ; • the Sallie, time list year—increase so far.2,•2112,- I ; '"?:!..s tuns. Total of all kinds .16,363;107 ngains(- 14,835,t.cil tons. Increase 2,;(r2;1,7:,:t tons. WA/ Fivlt OVENtitElt.—..l< votninittee. of the I Total pfr;.l.!ht,..L; W.l.l..l,:re , iiiiited (14 to pultri,di the foll,,tcin Coal for Cornpanysi MIME l'orrsvihr.E, lavt'4 17i. The committee cyf the W. B. A.. suet 16 clay tor the jell ii.,toient of Wage* ..[Ortt.e b!mitli of. Novetobvr. :hot the eoicittilttextytte A. 11. T. to app.. Ir. • the otictergtaticlitig V.O 'that the - rectum 19u. will ice (or the month or Nove_tlibe:i.• RI the rate of 21% percent. - .T. F. 340 - 11.7.10111. I According to tins notice W. R. A. have cd frow the deli - rand made at the last meet- Mg, and the wages will be paid on an average price of coal at ty '2.5 per !pal - which i. a • reduc- Roy of 2R per cent 'on the $:.l • basis: - This is V tight on lhepart of the W. IV: A.; as the uhder i standing was clearly in favor ef the actionof the A. 4. T. But in nuking arrangements for 1571,' we think the rates ought to be' graded on **dif ference-Pr 5 cents and not. 13 cents; that ia , let the waies be 13 per cent. for every rise or fall 4/{..leents per tots abgve or :below the bx-ds „of• continued for 187,1; whiefi woold,.olfviate' the. diffiCulty 'and -would give triore . satislifetlan to both partieys : ' • , --------- • - We stated eahort time ago that the CcalAon page of the.dthigh Railraad exceeded Unit of the Readinglioad so. far this year. - We took the tonnage 'only of Coal that .px.ised - o - ter the main branches of the roads. • Taking the whole tonnage-of , the °V wo roads and. their .branches, it would stitinctus • lPllows, up to; Nov. 19th, 1570: _Rt4clitig Road - 1.( 411 . 0 Vat ley i 7n favorof Reading-Read • ivasm tons. ° The coal toneltie of the Reading Road for • four months , was less thins one-third of the usual tonnage, owing to the difficulties . between the 'OPerifhint and the. W. B. A • . -..- - The monthly Auction aide of ., Serant2n Coil took place on Weineiday, anti the prices tleclin ed haaN Ily, as f0110w . 41 1 - `•-• .. Ttas. - ';.. Nov. 30. Oct.. 31. Decline. 41,00'1-Lump. —. ....... i . .... *VI 4 S 3 81 :is ctn. 11,1.00 liteataboat, - ........ . -3 01 . 4 - 1 4 6 23 •• 12,001 B ro k en , . 5... 3 7 . 7 .4 IS 41 " -- 12.1 M. Egg. - 3 011 4:23 -- 27 .. 4,.4U) Stove; 4 4 302 4e "' 12,0/0 Chestnut, - -3 51 . 3 811 ;,11 •,.;, Staking an average decline of 3$ cents. per... 1.013 Klnce.the October sale, . . . It was stlpppsedllud. there would be a decline' in prises, but not so groat svi the -result shows. We-hardly thistlr: that the companies can afford to sell,: Coal ling at these prices, and pay the wage:it they now'do in that region. • , The effect will be that a large-number or the cJi/ieries in This County must suspend. 'I hey . capnot sell e4P4o meot these prices with wages :at a hssis. r• received - It lett eri;frbits Bcllefoute, Pa., (%)arip:airiing abJut tha high.prices:of The wrltor swots to thinkthat , the' Shamoki n. dealers charge . too tottchlbi . the' coal, and. tbat.tho rates of . tr:anaporigion .are too . high; ,;The writer, says. they Wei* charged $3 30 for foal at titpiniry, .ttad , the:freight y '*2 52 to I.Wlleionte,lititn4ie.c roakitig 62 for coal and '...tratoportatho. This beetnahlih, pot the Wilkes barre. peupleatre Oow selling their mil at re 50 and 74 per too, which anti them less. When 'there is no octopetiuon In _parrying coal the freight.l and . priceitgenerally .rule higher thait wrier) there is; The *viral" prim of one! In the Eituunokin Re A lon fur the menttt of November was $2 29 per.too;ito leave are te be paid IM...ortiingly lon the beet!l -• I - AMYMUS., EZLinill4:—!Taittii, °anemia and 8t °a men lay be ..i ndiatingulahol from the eom on , herd` .twit the tbe tinaneial . editor of the wit Is rceentlaily mar when hoods on the east ' le. bt something tlo 5 coil .le dessitekas the folio nir -extrect will show r l. , ~. ”the retail pile.% of rio'nnylkill veil in this idly Is complained or achigh. ' Woe** a bUt on Saturday Siasriclisrikill Veva opal. In which the price $7 ob per trom -Tbla. nub east selling a lli rL a mitres at 5/ 50 per . l.en, is tocrinneh. The traneron -tattoo and manipulation of the eaS In the -market here, should ndt, In reason.doatrie Oit ewitof mining and pnrrauratioit at the minim" . .:7 -,. ~. , ~. 17.5/ fora %edid-may h e toobWirat that de yen& on cl stoma: but the Apo of ocm. eluding pn if what I Want yew to ebstilaser.-6. 'lkivi..auttiel yela With of lIISMIIII.* 10111 L dont& your orruff i asys Shwa rlane jonetirlead. aped twenty. e Jaet perliebriMlSSMOrMbelliy . with .. , _ ;,... . .._ , , . Ili -44nrol1.Lx musts s. NEW Yoa . IsTo CBS %19, 2.; 27.; 11:12 MU II:3 1CY11 . 5 . 11 , 07/13:;.• TO L. P.l &I/ DM 1.719,8z1 39,013 ERB THE MISERS' JOURNAL, At barhelor aged - A : air. "why, lea horrkt to • thlek of; --When 3 on're 13f4raii'll be a'hnedred." , Maya Gar wise man of the Coal Trade; "V a Iran.- portatlon and itaanipalaUotr of the Coal • tn,..the. market here 4 ,Phladao should not ix' reams dostbie 'thei r i b: to or m:y l . n i l i n : andileslePrrePallitparis Vtiona"rotrhheleinienalcitlict the shipping point, he mustretail It here al 113 Oa, to he in rrnioit. As the tolls to the yards ham &mocha alli all average toil vi. L 1343 nameable dialer itcoard 'ugly has twenty-Iy, cents per ton telt wherewith to pay for_jabor, wautte, hauling, yard rent, clerk ' hire and general eiPollaca and tam" Indllettal to every business togas. nothing of making a It fins. Rat if the dealer should Sell a ton of Lehigh Coal, for which the present price at Rauch Umiak Is it, be May charge Mai customers here liS ileitis it and stlll.be it, regalia. aerairdlnirto the- great Itrumetereif the L6DGEN,- who . may „Ise a !moms siva write on . a: who and gold, but who, we fear; would be on the contrary "quite the reverse" ,i}bciniChie un dertake to carry otta retait - coal limb:teas aceording to his owrr Ingle. PHILADID.r.IIIA.NoV.* ; MO. . NVe publlsli the aboVe trt '''9taaler'a, - rti4ttest. The truth Is that' the editors in our cities can- - not or Aril' bot:ptiblish the tauth 4 about-thecoal Trade. titnply hessime misrepresentation seems to atilt their purposes better. The remarks of the LEIXIKII . 011 prices,' .tie., shows that he knows nothing about lligip,business, burwrites at, random. 'Wehelleve thlitthe prices charged for coal hyretailin - Philadeiphia are too high, but with Present charges it cannot be sold at the tigurehatned.by the I;EDOER. ' The.priee of coal sold to Philadelphia - is about 14' . per ton, and voids 8.2 .2.3,,friight to-yard; to this must be -.added cartage-expenses of yard, clerk hire and capitol invested. II How tainelt per .ton it will take to lover theie'expenseA we are not posted up suflicientiy tiolatiteet prOment writing, • Here is another extrgetfrom the Pntt.anut.- PIII JOURNAL bk, INileiTflli AND AMERICAN ENOINEED; Vol. ?,.Noc-t: - 71w MINK .D. R.W.URNAL, of Pottsville, WS if all the alithrsielte eolllerle% Were lil full work, coal wocial fan fa lit 2 21 Per ton at the mint!. To portent this decline.'the ostlers, and operators of coal mines. hire the (Temkin' i to strike sigma pirtienof_ the hummer ,F(.11.013, and then when the cold weather ' comer, advance the price of coal because the *took is light. This 'nobles us to account for - the -high 1 pri eof coal." 4 1 , The al%rve paper is outte young, yet; tuft t :- , editor .:teenti' to .be its great an adept lit lying. about the coal trade - 11M many 06f the- older. pub,. limit:Ms. It is infamously false that "the own ers and-operutiirt of coal mines hire the opemc^ litiaio strille-,..k .t., and the editor who armpit make such a chap, , e,..under the circtunstaneci, is s.. . unbt to publish apaper. It seems that 1$141"; ...` rule instead ()Ilan' eieeption, whenever eity 1 papers publish anything itbouV''eoar, ipai*ted jti -their' own - noddles. . The. teutlt:hti'philoel - phisits do net deseel' eheapftiel, Wit eXty ittottly• 93 tsaile4 front Set ttylltill Cejonly i and 'her-'Citi zens are paytitghs :flinch for coaliTy retail as t'ley are iit New '4 ork City; and nearly as much 14 , 4 in llos:fon.- When we,tried for yearslo build a read to carry cdal at sl'2.l.pertoti. freight and toll,'-not a citizen df - Philadelphid or 4, Pre-S 'dared say a wor&i.tt_ktvor of encouraging it, al '.reir. Li : 4h the large bodkof the coal lands in Schu)l killdcotintkiircoWned by - Philadelphians. Now let them pay and grAwl, while the other cities talgt.eittre_of„thentselces,atutare largely. build.. log' up tlicir-titutu kit-taring inlet : Cats at the oz.; pe* of • Ithilade L lPhia' interests, because 'they are - id:Mining the ir. coal quite °silo:aft, although they havep transport it nearly dintble the (lb:- Linea>. -People who . would _ do nothingh; protect timing:eh-es bad better- cease lying and growl . . g.abont the pr4ce of fuel. They coothave protected themselves several years itglid ito..- it is toW lite, and k.lie great hulk of the co will, 1 pi to other eitie. , at lower:rates, while Phila delphia will have to pay bi.4lter prices close b:i: the Coal ltegiom - 1 Tlj: article on.. "New" Invention," was . re t:,eivecf too late lo this SaturclirOs Jor,iN tAL. It -_ ---- ' q • ' will be publit4hei next Satin:day, or setiner.'ir /the ituthor.desire. it.. .. P . --„, THE ATTENT ON. OF. • Coal ()prate s, Mining, E,ngineers . -,Mine Insp:cfore. an'd ()there,. --bi mll4lllO till. . , • A N . .E M OM ET ERS For Measuring-#'e Current f . o Air in Minei t. ' Imported an now " offered fir Sile , . by. thci 'Undersigned. ' 1 . foNs. flee, 3Z,147 Ine. 41.41 :01: -... -.'... ~ - ..., . . THErkE„-Eit3TßtillEl;t - Tri are'of thebest Mass aud svorkut" I' ttaldVaild Lake tieen I.iff ) itliTEl? from' the dargettt and most IniCtiortint Mining I/Intl:Mt of Eng land, where they haN 4 e: (:pen-thoroughly tested; and' are now In constant use. - . - ~, The:lnventor 4 thp abo've' portable instruments - can recommend thetn ultli . klmtldenee;, they self register.. the velocity Of the ~iktr through any rasSage 4; of mine lu which - lbpp are pliced and are a sure 1 deteety_lof any slaciAenlng of the eureeut; by Ile, I;2lCet-.of- the fornnee l ; or, obstructlOn In the Avr rtiurli., and iiconkplete4ire.lc ar,,ainyt Inattentlon.in . . - ski nk- „the, furnace-Morn: !• . , .- • In acchrdairce with the reqlll,lrernehts of the riew VF.NTII..IarO.,N 41711, these. -kir. itra.ures will be •14EEDE:p-kr;,:WlialX COLLIERY .- 1 . 14TA8L11411- 1 „MENT,' iitict:wt.hriver, Intiorted 'a small number, •icti.,cll are already disposed of, belt are now takip g Qittik.ltli for re fresh and larger frnporiatlon :Arm - esirly day., ;-. ., - , .. . . . j , " .Tivo sizes can a.te fuirilshed at ,the option of-tile ,i, pit reluoser ; sit - the lolloulug prices: -- , • :T7A."6") 7 ,1;7140 7 1 0. 414 d 117.37:` , ' 4A.,71.4'd hl.' • .12 In. size, S9Q; 6 in; $4O. (7,..upircd.4.e the Insirunteriti. at' . ItA : MSEY's, , 4 11624 4..i.nlrr St.; l'ottmville. MEM I let •jl, IKU COIL THAPX:II - 11 - :141L611:D4HAN-10-C-A-iIL, Tat. quant It flunt br Rai:road and Qnll for the week end Ihg Thurolny. ' Sh • Pun Cairbou Putt I le Schuylkill Ilscrti Auburn Port CU Total for Week__ Previously tele year. 73.1r4 to .1.... :.,010,341 Tot tl a=o 0 0. Mteit l3 To saute Woe. last year ' 2.4,1814 II . C. 1.761 12 • • I Inerram• .... _ • • &i .: - .1 03• 143= 17 t44.111:1 - LKILL 0.11:NIT .111111L1011104 IVOR, The fpllowlng 14 the quinllty tratuported Last week: - • 1 - Week. Total. , r,074 14 1.11 , 5,C. n 6 o. 1.54.104 03 174.631 IA 7,(6.4 13 139,1077 14 4,77 e US - • on.nst 14 HUI it S. 11. It. R Xlll ............ Carbon...—. .-. . ......... Lorberry i moultlllp ' 1-nitinii V.ALLICY IIiILROAT. Quantity Mint aent by Lelngh Valley Ball rcrud fur the week ending ou Saturday:6w and (or Itie year:. wirauc l . elms L. , Wyontlng,„ .'..... MOM i !ALM Hazleton -' ~.:, ' I.lbrOin C. Lebligh....... ...... , - .-. 1 MAP .......... ..!....—....r- hi 11,SCII H. Me 0w.._........_.... , ' 10.211 , enn,432 Mahannv.....4 f 1 9.41 70,3.71 Mauch efiunk - Total__ I ..... ...... --. e11.Z04 2 . 5 e 1 . 741 C tltn Some Um! last 3 ego.. . Intrease _... ...... : ... _ .... I ...... ........... .. .Ir.tair. 1.710,328 MIMI COAL LSD, 11/11ifiATION VOSIPANT The ltdlowlng Ls the quaidlty of coal transportoi by_the Cau,a's and lisdrosole or the Lehigh Cuid and Nay.Co.lWthe went ending we Modurday ev.alud tan compared wit h %amp time lam y. ar: By Canal By Railroad 1I n ton■ 3;315, 181. • • The Coal was derived as roßovra • - • Pry= Wyoming I7 du i:mlorbigh Reglua Hazleton Beaver Yeaakiw t - Bauch Chunk. Inereaseorer 7,1122 1 "; 01101 Of the snore thire was !tranaported on aces. of Lo.,bigh cos! - and.Narlnratkln Corn ny : 1.06101% Orial & Nay. 11.9 1; 2 1 0,110 _ W. B. Cont.! Iron C 0.4. ' v ..— 1/.411; 401,r, _ 9.10.1; 1e4.100 Increase on 11acrionse ." . , . , .. . .. , VD . . -' DILAWARN a BUDS , p3 00/11%30A DL The Ibllowlnt b a statement of coal transpo by, the Delaw d Are and .11n.on Canal , Co., br t the *en ending dint urday lent. •, ' WILISK. 167 TA I. • By Del. & Ilud. 107 'By • 17,840 Mouth.. • ..... S r i By Je fferson -. It ..... ...... 4,14 =. 3113 But the sense per i o d Oar' • • win= • id l -• . • By Delaware & Had. - 12 bak...------,4 SOD By 1ia11ra5ti........----+.--,..—..«....... • 3„675 i --. Total--.----.... THE CO‘Ai i i. MARKETS. . mum OT C OIL IT in cal' le. , orsst or c.ory. tip; Astai'dore or alarm sarstowsci. NVlLEgellea IMMO"' TOL llntriEntlM M0V1091.1.1 , (•...rt " ...L 6 1 1. Ut a. I i Loma 11vA.M7.. sar . 4 ' do ‘Slig ra L . 'I 411 4 isi , do— 4 4SS 4 44i do i- Closzumul a = lic do (*pignut_ W. Ash Lasest.—,4 Broken—. .—..—. 74 Wows. 4 . . sally!. Bed de,-lt ase - NNW T 07171. thrall, 701 do thodidd .4 4 alli . ' lempe 7,0 ' 144011—.- S SINI 7 0 Lousio r :—.44l. 4 le IV Asti Lamp— 4 5 i . -,.. 4I SAW Mosissist... 4 I leserss.......—...eleme arokia_., -- =:, 4 Slo sug..--,i...;. a aft--,............ 4 alo isserve „..... , ''a clbasse . 4 —4 0 4 littbadasae parralimarupag , , To tasirade br iirimit. n .f. , 34,1,7131011,11. Side. - 1.:101. „. . . = llrilluistmlalia 04. :Ai1i , k11.6 .. - • - ii al • S liatber Viet Oft ••••••••,........ . imaftw. , - " , " 1 " 11.61 —, 7 MS S . ar li ra i r oianporA2= 6" OW. C "...kilt . , -, : WNW Mel ftllllolollllll . . • • for onmurpoic o ... - ra oral* s 111 410„.41115 41/i 4. r u "414 •111..1rIVI'111 GIB _ I • • 1.111 CIS • VA: 1111 SO Sta NW, weft W 111.Vaige‘3. eV% 011111164111111110.10 pips D. 24.211 02 :VIA le 3:•17 le I , CW/ 0, 11.1...5 14 . 10.1teU 19, 0191 12 1,1'./11 111 `LEHIGH ,114.1 - 1: TYIDE 14'.0. =I =AC „WNW, "Z,1141 .. MIMICS -1 1.9C, 1 113 R=[. TOTA L 144 1,1.1 , 077 3.1101! • Mixt! :.7:. EEO 0,311 14042,§51 - . -- POTTSVILLE,' SCH:LTYLKILt COUNTY, .PENNSYLVANIA: . lALIEWIDIALA AND GEonor rvwx , cle mm e eta* di assiallegtaad. cam t 0. • - tIA VIM DE CiIXACE, YD.. Uwe. I, I.,'N. Arliltastierre wed IPln.tou 4 . ;:1i beliscl. -- *; au : I l tbastiotta • •,„ LVlCioss Valler .. - . ,-. .. .• _______. OIL 44. K ---- • ranvisii.t. PRI24 .111 11 1 . OAS (1)."' " e_gidteiles _Wats. unlit I .DPlteprpd:t \, p, I .....m........ ........:._..._ .-...""" . ...... t • ‘7l reirbmxti Orrei ' la ardlier......-..- ; rt. ; Wait Fairmount._ ...M l :r - a, 0 . ----- _____ . - P PILILAD -- 7 ...i ..nreitati =PAU. •.--;--r---. lat Nark tri r • 'IC* 76 ce nts to 0 ill 1 ~ ' frran tclini " vi., r" ' V u . le"L '' :Clo,yer Hlll,o4born. 7 R. 'irrelibel to Brew Yuri $3 5:2-jilostol"—n r:443.----.3' 7.71 - 1._..- ------ - - . . i ...... . . Pi. . .Silas- '_s - . Pt. Mini. ILlltid. bilape . ILI'mA lithp't Portland . '7 ro 130 Ilaniuet.. __ len _Portansoutk— 121 111 IC: hiltillek . PF* I. ...i , ir ://3 8C 6101 11....,-,..,-.......511 Orel 10 111 7 3 . Fall Meer__ 2: lar na1em...._..,.. _ 3: . I fi'. Chelsea ~..; • al• • lln New Bedtkird....:. en 140 Marbleheld : . .l 2On Roxbury .. . 40 ' 2ln Nantorker.._;_.,,. 2. Iso Bristol..___L... 200 . 1 OLN olw Londoci_•,..• 74 - i 2.1 Newpwl... 2 , P. ' er I -40 New Ilaven:._ al 1 ku. Provider tee.......: IS _ 1 0.. B illeport.__ no_ un ' I Hartlbni____ 30 lln rt. Norwalk..,,. 43 lon leddletown._ . „l Si -1" Z Jersey City.._. :t:' ' in Norwich - 2 00 d taw • .1 3)) Hingham_.._.... • • 2IS Albany_____ 2-70 .In Wlscassett New York.___ 1 rat V. nl-ltralntree_ . • itklnond..-- 1 IC ) , Charlerdrrin._. - ! Charleston 221 ISo R. Cambridge...: ..1 :2 o) rlaeo_— ....._ 17. Ilaverhlll._ _. , - ' Morneniet.___ 2ln rnd alanhrld - sm • • WlnterporL.. _.... - - Dixhtort— ' Cautbriditepoit. 273 2On Pr0 , 0110.4011C1, NV:Abington I Cat no • ,Ponitikeepole-- . • Lynn .-..._- 274 1 s". Baltlmore.—... _ 1., evrtni ' rYPOCl:: I gl I 0 1.111exandrta..— ' .., Klunford __ 143 Frederieksbnre• " _ Troy_... . —__ 2 01 'Petersbnnr___ 2 o I Key West_., 3 RATES lr TOMPORTATIOT TO nDs. • Sr 1/ICADIJFO2 RAILSOAD: I. I.E. B. t Egg. R. Ch. To Poet RkirPoo ao 40. 00 IC OD 0 0 V OO V 00 • TO P 1 11.10tte10W...:—... 10 -1 0 d -.1 l/ 210 1101 - rue rate. ftotd Port Carbon are ll . cetits per tint: - higher, and erritt-Tattingita LS. and Plnedrote eent+ per Pin higher. Tn paint* Mouth of Cape Henry. Med of New' itritii.wlek. or along the Line. of the Delaware and Raritan Canal. t he drawback. on cnal will bean f.tinip,etteanditiat and Broken. ; aD cents; Chestnut 50 , and Elitir Vnd Store tit eent.. To all other polnt. ounittle of the Capes id-the Dela alt re, - on all alles,•dictoon. - • . . . Oh CarlPiett of It* tons or le K. cow:Ione& LI point. ,‘ I: Wm. the tlipe-4 of the Rasa - are, a lighterago tirawintett ..r'2l., et.. " - VIA NORTII rIICXNPITf.VAKU.II 1L11..110A11. • ]lunch Chunk to Philadelphia :'- V. tO , . I.Xlitalt VALLIFY, X. I. CliKiTliAL: . .. KS:11 %MIMI% •tt It. , X, . . -I- RAILHOA DK. , . To lifillzabdthpart: • To IlobOken. LV. R.- IL_ _ 2.,... : 7 8 L. V. R. R 4 7c,. N., J. Centro: ....-le llorri•i ct Eixez ' I 2 , ' - e ft 1.01 Shipploit.karharaing ... 3:, Stdpiiina .11„ yvharving...- • 353 ~.- To P.et J0hnann............... • ' ' --2 - .. t: ' To South Amboy__ '' • . From Penn Haven to 1311zabetpportA. Pt. Johnson..... ' • .tiy - .Licitttig: NAVVIAT lON 11.4111 . .A.1 , 1 VS' RAILROAD. ND - II MAVeli to Phllitatbura , 4..,-- ' h.... , ,, Strain Chunk to Pl,llllttsbur* ~n . , Mauch Chunk to Itobokeu and Port, Johnson Shintljag and wnstrhore • - ' . 7 . .. . 1: 1 t .t 1 - HT CA'SAI...s. . . AVIIIL: YLKILL NAVIOATNIN COMPANY. ...- Thi following •art• t h e rates 'of 101 l and freight an thi. ?Schuylkill Canal rot the pri. , :ent.. :-..;:, From - ' - ' , - gels. fl ' ven: it. eilnttim Tall— -11; .= , -,41n ,Frriattl ,' . • ,I :.1" ' L 7.1 '7 . s" , r. . r• .2.:: . ..E.' • —to rim. DELTIIIA: - l' . ,• qq From -• S 1 -- .. ... :... ic'r. Ilsur . l-f. - -I.!. Cr, nt no t P To Aright . r , -I 17, . -I n., . , -- t :,.: :1 • The 'drawback la IS ...Cots On I.iirop, so Xi on Irba.tnut. and 14 twat,. uu Egr. Ntw York and cicfnity. . . fly 1.1:1111111 ; VA N..... Proctrli ouch plunk to Eu!ton - - ~ .. .;.,.... New loite•aai'llt into) . Tbrotigh.to P.:e.w'llork " • ''' Through to Philadelphia ..... ! ...... ... ..... .... ...-.... • sr moituis caKAL:... • ' To New Yorke To Jerp.y city For ir,shlpment......l • T cyL n - "rft l ll l 'T , 7' .7 '...c."tr' ,t ' a t‘ . . -- .l. - iffie -t,,,,, . Dee. :I•,''';alit- -.-„ • ; IiEIt:SIAS i: I . I IN. •.1,-.orty . ceas- rda SALE .—Co II si• t Inv; .21: it : ',ltl" fottr-witeeleil liUMl's, 2-foar witeeletl tbit'bot, r:iltaits and Pelgitt -wheeled t abb. l'ar. NV ill , It i Nol , '. I.,chetip.. , . Apply to . ' I.AtiilT . t ralltElta ......- I.ramitow. - [1ee..1,.1.71 - i. - - , Leitaitori, I'a.' Pet:. Pet:. 3, '7O-Lia , :a - • • .-.• . - I. CEA.LE L D Pa.:o POlSalliati . will 1 w reeeit rd 311 I i'il• ...j oilier tat the , Uittleti.igpedAtrilil " i)ve . . ril.e.: • 11•7 01 , for the bantling of a iirettaer at ktelfelottilti, l'a. Prapottala for the atnite work will itelevel veal sop. stately; - For parileatiir. appireit her by letter or In person to • - _ ..-Kt.itgl;:4l.; t I 1., .. IVC. :', .fO-49• . ' Sit/11116k iII i.i. I: ‘V '5 111 P! ° 10AlI G i,7P:;"e1117111N Toilet. Set 01, Blass Sets, Mt udeut and Arnaud 1:31111,,,.. (:16% e • .80x,e%. Jeit • Ot 130IMN Wateil . Staticlm. ChM i , talel., ,RrikeiLiPts , antl...Towel •Racks;' tto rattles,. variety of ('lt is Partin and lava Ware; atistt.'lay.. T. br et ii 1 - dten. lea i:ettl. Vint( and rbilitt Poll., i'le,, ett , .. Jo.; ,r'eeel veil and for .past.`, at low iirleeA by' •t ', . • •-• 4. It. TIIOX CHINA,..OLASSWARE:, AND - i;ROcICEDY, - 25. 6 CENTRIC ST.; Nov. 31.'70. • . July 2.-'7O-;!-'41-,15••=130-1y, T ARGE tiTOCIC OF HOLIDAY 'GOO.DS. which we are telling at exerillins; y low.littem; 11..adlee*awd fieatleasea'a G6lO Watch'. avid . • Jewely7,l4oltd Kilter .ad !;41ier. Plated'ff ire. • , • A very fine Ion: CII 0004 I I 1:11.8t VaßtElt. - •*, ; Ah.o. Agents tot the telehrat..l STEIN.WA RUV Nos and IlAsoN a !1.% MLIN*.s STYI.E.IIRGA.:& . . AO VX*TIII-nr"otir Dt'r : H E A D,QUARTE Hit. cam DIVISro,z r;.- • oloaat..i.l. iottorn.-5 !..,"••.2.,., The following named idlicers , liai - i• Pi ilii apt.. iTit, , I on'the .tatr of the Division Communder„, and 31 l 1 4 9 obeyed and respected accordingly : .. Major Levi Huber. of Pottsville. Sclittyliziii Co.. Axoktant Aittitant.rieni•ial. ', ".• , , Mal ".rWin. S. Mooreht-ul. or. 31i tii.or-i - i ille, Se:tux! , k 111 t 'oust v, Division Inspector. . 5 I)r7 1). Webster Bland, of P. l v Pal% " ? ..1 . 1 . 1 fIN'l till 1 '1 11.1)Ity. P . llnle . oll-llia . 111 - C e:11.1.11 Wall 0,,,.. ran:: or I.l.etit. Colonel. , , . - CoI.".IMM 10, Brriolette, of Nl.Mcli t*.irbqi Advneatcc, ittml • - I.lruf..ThomAs .51c,10,1.., of St l'l.lirzt , elm)ll:.i.ll (*comty, I , :‘l , 4 , mclurtrielnin•tcr, en, Ii wit It 1 lie,miklc , SU:FRIED, - 70-1 , .4 1 I. "tHE THIRD OREAT SALE Or TOWN LOTS at tit 'WEN tITY, n.%1 unit skry DAY, breemtperlrld and 'ommenl-1133.: at 10 o'clock, A. 7.‘1. , Two day **ate* too shoe ••to'give 3,11 31 get lulu , and the Irt*lc 131,1,13314 al! o r Loth.tlays wu: rants another days sale Gowen city, 1 mi'e, south ef'Shatdokhz:imtne. diatety adi Ining and tattxlde the great Shamokin Coal Main, near eight or ten lind-envo , healthy and beautiful 1, 'Cat 101/. gOO4 Av., cutut be our of the largod ("al town*. The ilbefal, tering Ulvegro 1 chant's (or all tultct 11 , ,nteq. • "ho - n:—Teu thdlara e-oth on each lot. per month till -10 per eunt.l , count allowed vu all 1411 In• 4 paid over *IO. ' • ' As the orowd kill large, fowl forni•died free ol charge. 'The lame Mon - Wain Band trill he In attendance. •• K. NV,Elli El.. Agent. • Shamokin Po*tonlee. tidra MIII le. '7O-19- 3 1 ' _ W ILL OPEN IMBEI3 ir. ....; I 8 0 =CI 'AA uu .41C - .Detember - li , t, 1. 4 ; 0,, - • AR )1A(.1411.0 , 11IPetioil of . . . HOLI D AY GOODS, Dolifestac 'and} oretgit. _ . :. .. fANt.w•GOODS, . •. • SILVER WARE, - • : '. - -.... _ . JEWELRY, _.• • AND -WATCHES: ~. A CHOICE LOT OF OPEFIPAHAINS. ' GREEN,: rn Centre Street, hear Miners' Senk.. Pottioe I lie. Nov d & w HOLIDAY 000D8 AND • . BRIDAL-PRESENTS - - BRO. liaveluat received a largeluseor“. merit of goods suitable for Holiday Preeente, con. elating cia Ladle's' and Heulleinen'e • (;01:1) WATCHpI, AND CHAINs, 2 . JEWELIW„. ~• SILVER and SILVER-PL .11 r g1) *ARE, AND FANCY. GOODS, -'ji - h:ch they are offering for wain cheap... PIAN I aS, and • . MASON & oßa.uce. Semi foinew Price Lin.t. of Marion &' lintOn's Or gan& ; 1111 Maltz .Bnucre, Porrevit.Lid. ' .Nov. 21,10 - september 1, 'll9-35-13•41w POPULAR LlcoTuar.s. • . =IS E:S:1 141,01110 =3,111 Will deliver two orbis Graphic Lecture" at ST. cyan BALL; isT. CLAIR; rvi. The Ant lecture will be dellvend on Tneisdny.lr.werting, peceno? f r.A. • glialkjert—thaiwter, mud LeCture on AVedneridasy ireterdriie: Dec. i. 11. 04 19. far Am to 'FORA CHARITABLE OBJECT. Odors open at 7 o'clock, tectu re to commence at 7S - Single Admission..... . : .. . ......... ............ Dee.% 1507.117 - -ltd "- -gi—ltw. • • • EDO SOLI . 1.21,10411 474417: 4111,1C11 10.70 Iol2=l =3 1.1 c:.. 141.1114 ltaXi MOUNTAIN• CITYINSURANCE I,CO XL" • .AND DEPOSIT COMPAICirge Nci. 176 _Centre -Street, mporrsvlLLE, PA. . CAPITAL. .100„0007-PRIFILEak TO IN- This Company chartered by the Legislature us now =et be the transaetton ore general bsnktng PAID ON DEPOSITS. U. L Bids end other Rehab,* - Smile Bought . and Sold. , , .. SOLI. Sara • us*vrols MCC= ' AND SKr - . - . lan W. ito&bet97, Theo. Garretieni,- - J gut Dairacia, --„,-,.. 'Molly, ef.„Ler. - W. r. ItiOs. -,...,;-, - 1 7 -- - Viad'ic Paperson . - Hour. nommen ,:- : • 114.11Z er ploott. - Geo. _.. Cale. .; ;' .., taws. V. !mkt; Jols oineseseft.' '. . V', R. • . . . ' ..J. W. 14341:111011iY, ..li,.elitlerst. - tons D.twoiti R Air«mteat. • , e, U Dinnstilnr./14/a4t Treemerei: • . .N0v.44.1*- 104 4C4a&Utity—, ', - - ,- ..., . •. NWWAPALL COOS , _ Amrlkltotutiuy - ' s, stairuilwr cooddims or amoadaortio, borit a z . ..: 44 l / 2 1,3*: Moak Black Beaver, kindly W - ISCleilu„ abet midi C sms Valoved "Whitseusi• • ksts Comte Mao Wader, • - awl Oust IritioraX late“ *Wei: Ida waist_ y of - new pastime Mid Aillet - *1010,1)11,43nia• re. COAL FREIGHTS Prip ,tAbucrtistificitts. telmilEn4: 11110.. s"., Cerit rt,t, Pot t.vi Ile. A? •,-T.:.% it'l RUT. LEVI HELL HUGHES. CREARS To voids. ..}1 *we lUD CLUJ. W. 1: 1 13 . 113LNB. A.GIST. 1100 T, SIIOE, RAT AND CAP STORE, eTEPAT2II.7T SMELT. INENIONA, t Roots. Shoes. lints awl Cann, invent valietr. c'eu• , 'Minify - on hand. Pail klafrr attinidion paid SO S.U.Slsoil Wirt. R EPAFRf.IJ done neatly an short ' notres: Pep. U. • *)&7-17 thatcties nub altwetrq. tzi_ , .. , . - 1.• ' • , a „.-.. . 14 45 44 10 11 E.,1 +••• v." 1,7"-. • is - q 0 .4 • , .. . I L. 114 Cr 4 *A94 a "1 Dt t t :-.'; , * e 4 i, ell I t I 4 q4l 'ti4.4 . - . ), 0- , p P. z CI a, 5 . • IZAZ.V . . . . Broazes, Fancy Goods, ice-. .:'. - - 13 I I.T HII;AY,- - 13RIDAI, • -AND-HOLIDAY GIFTS: We would call the attention of our patrons and friends to. our lame assortment of NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS.. • 08r imuortations of this season are jugs. opened. 871.1 preent many novelties, which we feel oartain will please. Orders by mallearetully and promptly attended to. BOBBINS, CLARK .t. BIDDLE,. Je.wELens ,t. siivirmszurus. -, . No. /Pi ellasTNl - T STREET. PFIILADELPHLL JEREMIAH ROBIII NE J. Y. CLARE. SANCL RIDDLE. • :Or. 5„".77/ 45-bn CARD.: Desire to,tuvile attention' to their Fall . . Stock of SOLID: sILV'Ert WARES, arranged for WEDDINO lqtP-s.:NTS, comprising agreat.variety Of tiew,,asiltti .and r ohisnicntal articles in Plain, Orient* pitg :tr( Finish. Thege go. chiefly of exclusive designs; will he found at , lkipel rate Prieeg, and in very . complete as sort tuent_frOni the inexpensive and` most prafhical Article for:table , use to the mOre elaborate and orri_ mental comht I:idol's -lA. Poised, Dinner and Te . servine. . 'A ..voila! tut 'tat iord:is i.xtetultgl to alt' who 'nay feci iliglitT.ged .vi it our Store and examine thts "'eau Intl - co:leet len of Art wurk In Silver. '.1.• 71: CiLDIVELL :fi Co. . \ it...:)61 1 :- fiII ii jESTNUT !.:Titl*T. I v ili.tt.A. iqii.t _ FRI) n; , Prn Goobs; A /tr. , A - • r 3ln l Bra', en.• •;on coni..!.nt ri , • . r f A.Cf IIOL - AND; 123 CENTRE - ' F. 1.1) Vi; M H 1 I:›LSr HOSsE, PorravlLLK, Ilds,rnow , oV oed 1 111 W S r .tof.k.. of F ALL WINTER Goods Mull :ILI fifrr tlre tol;at•ut beasou, such as MACK SILK, ViiNl'Fllt QLOTH.q.CORNETS. -Fin-NOES, TILI3INIING4 NOTIONS, tte. Ilaa ort-hand a 11,:w: lOt of - _ 11111 . 70 ..; 2 ,0 . 1 77 lON ..... _ . . - - FALL- ANI)AVINTER SACQUES, . mil Jell 'wl . ll be no%l elleflp for casi4''.• ~...-... . • • . , .•• l'itrt len II rid ten I low path' 6'5 firexs .Mnklitg. - '-' la vile% Clualth in:1.4,1e . to older . New Patlerne'just it.e.h . emt. - _ :. * 'Oct. ak 't6 -1,1-m , . I Nyv..:-N. -7 J—. l :-I.1:-...' •' - . 1870. A COAF.IVETI: , AS:AMITSIENT OF . .- - FA LA_:.cf: NVIN'I'EIt - (30 . ODS; I uclia4i rag . s lI.K. s, -i - 4 in, I,„VS, C1T1NT.7.1.,14, ;SK I RT. I NG$.- Clii)Nl: i N 4 is. V Ef.V ETEENS, COR DU-. ; RAYS - ; NI” A TEIEPTI(NiI.*. (lu Alio new 4.1i: ,, 1.-4, ac,,) TRINIAIINGS,.K.II) ' ~ • ~ tif,t)V FS a variety of - 11144%0t - tie 1 liiidn t liu flto new gold and black tnix 16res, and i! fall . of 'beautiful Striped Caidt ,lnere,' Bengal ;tut( Flerlin ~liatrls. .11 0. 4,..plendiaart nt,nf" . 3il.l.LlNErty lneludit " • ti.kTINS, tilLli d VF:I.VETS, ;BONS; NASii,:r.i.S, V.l4AVfliti`'.. *ie. r, . ," . Witi . qiELD di MOYER . . , Sept : 2l, •• ''.lr-t.C—M-tf .. • • . - . -• . .. . 7.1 - tEll r .4 NO ?iEctsS.S.ITY FOR PEOPLE t nug Ward to 1.11/y .7 . • ' .C-LOTHING,': .... . Nblii.l. 11,,y eawk:aryi•ryth}pg In that itneal„; ; • • :...MORRIS , ROHRHEIMER'S, .. No. 1 . 25 4 0 CentrO Streot,_ .birrsviLLE, Cheapilr.an.l ,nj....r10r qtrahty to that they bhy In - in the ell le,. .. . . - . • • CLOTIIING OF Mr .31ANtFACTURE Has bren ....aniutr..d vc't h that made In plillade.lphla, and found (1,,t only ("HEAVER IN PRICE., but NU- J eri.ll-. 4 :.••••p , otktaati.3. - (n hand the flne,t av4oriment of 1 - FOREIGN and . ANtiiSS • 1311. , . 1t1:8,, Ain make up in the ettyle, 1,1 t nr...t-c:a., workmen. My principal Cnticr, ,flit. J r'01:1", k well known as 4 a Ana-class - A First-i•ks . s Suit Made foe $25, 13: TUE VERY BEST FOB (::ir:t...;• tijtS frOnols n • CiVEIZOOATSi: RANGING . IN PRICE. FICOM 610 to 11120, MBJ• of Chinchipa,ll:,averi;nd thiglirrt. Melton o❑ hand, a larT,re.,a..sortniez , it of ' c Nl3 11: c 1,01"1.1 I IST Gents' Furnishing Goods in General My. otto is, "Fair deitling with everybody. and Nat 04401 ion give 0, or money nett, ittle.l." Cli”.ing out s lie crre rdt_, nt n sacrifice itt MORRIS litIIIRECEIMER'S. Centre Street, Pottavll.le, tutt.omow ttooYEn'=.l Nov._ I IALL AND WINTii:R DRY GOODS FOX & I BROTHER, 216 - CENTUE STUEET, Der.lre - to cull attention to their extezialve assort ment . • DRY G ,Con4h+ttag of the Latest Sty of the •1 • N-1 'Foreign & Domer_At ie,.l%larke jR lITCLCZI 4 •3 TRZ COLIALCTIONS BLACK AND COLORED BILKS, LACES AND EMBROIDERS 8, LINENS; . GOODS and - HIAIERT, . SHAWLS OF ALL •K We alai) *ltittentlon to oar Sloes of . . etti`:kEnist QTJELVSVirMO.r, Which la very have and selected• with care lbr thfirmarket. We do not Consld aryl* eAtamerate what we have, bat ei first-Clitlis Dry Goods and GrooeriSton 614 our eatabliiihntent. • jApril-t-Mei • • C !NTT-PAVE FIRST PELEE I BLEDALB AW,A,RDE D. THE' GREAT 111L111011 111111FICT1RT. • WILLIAM -k..VABE•4t • , XANUFACTVIULTU or I GRAND, SQI7.ARE AND UPRIGHT YORTES, INALTDICIRE ) Them Instruments here been before the public for flearly thirty years, and upon their *Atm:thence Mona ittalned: as unpurebased pnr-evittnesee. which pro flounce. them unequalled. Their To NE emnbines great power, sweetness•and tine singing quality, as well as greatmirity of Intonationouldeweetneas thirtapeot the entire lie*. Thee TOUCH Is pliant. awl chitin, and entirely free , from the stiffness found in so mony Pianos. • In Workmanship they are unequal!ed, niengitotio but tbe•yrry best seaweed ciatertalo•he larguespital employed In our business enabling Us to Weep von tln uely an bximetuie stoek °number. de., on sand. wir•All our atIVARE ELANOS have our new Im- • proved Ovriatrartio tiecia and Abe; Atilt:WM TREBLE,- - • Mr' We wept:lMß smelidattention Mimi late Ins roymnsists tn. tiwARIVpLANtIe Ang•AGGAGg, 'URANUS.. Patented Aug- .teldeer=i Plano neater flerrectipettillik has fret agortit 'Evans PLyito W-utzazirat Ws have made m enu teethe Atte Wesiselie AgetivAir.tha mote' , •-ersibed MARLON, unease and MIR.RDEONIS. which tad 4Mt-efleigelede and; Retell, it lowest simlorrprices. • • • .; - KOWA xova CO: • 4„voi_artiadk i ll=runioak _ - - , M g ! " 81411111. dk - r - _ Pralik Pining i nd i k li d u l i e _ ; vurs•Laint - ' 1114414 , it. suismnr• • r itis • 'AA" 14, - Vi;arrimpr e a lus, 1, am. : Sub, Sten, Ic FALL OPE2CING.. r:k LI. 'AND NVI , N T E 11=1 GLOVEI3 OF ALL KINIA3 CLOAIUS, M'"° UGXNtS. _ Adopted to tip:lase 2 ft. II Inches and upwards; tusti of reduced Might. and width, wi as to permit their running in the ordinary Leading of a. Ytuß . . Are here Perfected designs foi two rirtetlee of there small lecornottveene Inahte-eennerted, and the other oat side-connected. ' The material and workmanship are equal, 1n every respect, to those In road locomotives of full gnaw.. . Send fur circular and photograph. X. NAIRD • Baldwin Locomotive Wefts. Ph&Weil'''. Aug. 24. 70-14&15-ly Number. .--_,, umber. - S AXI7III. BALL. WHOLESALE AND Reran. LUMBER DEALER, COAL. ST.. near RAILROAD DEPOT, ' . , POTPSVILLE, PA. • • Will keep conatantly e :1,A.a . 1 : 3 ! 3 , , .!-: .. en hand a full, asrort . -. ,-•.LI.- 1 inane of Iluildina Lunt. : -..1 ... ‘.- l'i, bet, which he will guar ,. , 40 ( - 't: V ; , antee to sell at the , '`..* .z‘,/, ' ' LOWEST 'MARKET, 1 : ' a , tea alt.., =, -, ttATO3. i..v , f.. ' . ii\/.: • i 1 ' I . Doors. sash. Minas, &c. - • , ': 1 &VD Haan at ,W cents per -:_ -- ' dozen. . - - Sept 10.10—..1 - 4f-17441.. • • , . Plebicinal. • NT 0 MORE SCRATCHING. R SOILED, .&11 CLOTHING. • BIN CK LE I'S KA LEritic if EON.• . • Warranted to rear re DANDRUFF', SCURF ,and •• other cutaneous diseases with. which the scalp truly be athlete-L. :Head the certificates at the, Drug Stores' where K.ALt..7ItICIIEONbcfor sale. is NOT ft hair tlye Or restorer. ' tic:l4,44les' or el.mtletneti - m tollef complete without a bottle of lIINCKLEVS KA LETHICII.ISO.N. One butt itivillconvince any one of Its rent qztall tiem to removing DANDItt*FF an.l.Sccar. 75 Cl' NTS PER For sale at. , -. - lin. W. 1.1. - 11.0111:s;SON'S. - . Cent re street, • ' and 11(11,T * F'F.ItNSLEtt i. No. '-'96 Centre street, Drug Stores. 1".. S.—Send to IL Hinckley *Co.. proprietors. No. 5'29 Reading, PM, for. a circular con taining two hundred first-class testimonials from the ie.:ding citizens of the State. Nov • L4NDIAN -Dee. :!—Ntion.—There is lunch , exedeMen; here and throughout England over klitcwar news received from France: The following despatches lutve been given to the public to-day :,` - , ~ • BElttas, Dee. 2.--E,ling William sends by telegraph the following despatch to queen. Augusta, dated ~'., ' .. • . - f • . ' 'VEUSMbLES, Nov. 3u.—The nth: Corps yesterday reptilsetn},Sortie of, the --French near L'Haye, on .- th64outh side • of - . Paris, Over of w hundred' French prigonersi- were taken, andseveral hundred . dead anti . wounded left on the field. The French also niade sorties on the position 4 of, i the Win tembergeii and • Saxonis at ',Hon mill, Cham pigny, anti Valets ; to the east•and- southeast .of I'aris2 The positions were taken by . the - French, but subsequently -.retaken by the PrUssimis....At the : some timet•sorties. were Made as the north and tvese and at tit. I Denis against the 4th Corps and Onard.l The 'French were reiralset.t and . driVen 'Lack be hind their - r works in all eases. - treimtinet at .\-,.. r , t itt t s. , as. it w a s tlie;o:litral point. -'. ' . ,- , . 'ANVILHEL3f.. _ . -.„. • LoN DON,' Dee. .'.-Despatches from Paris, . , JOHN- FAREIRA .ilitted: No v. ;30,, say that the operations' by 7l' II the French ceruniriented yelsterdarat,di &reit t .iiddr, iif the block, bet ween 7th and - , t h streets, South side,„ : . pOlits around Abe ; city. ' Ociterat • Ducrot,' co ILADELPIIIA, ." with a large:form inoVed out of . Para.:, and ..:, 11 hOporler. Manufaeturer andliVi.ll:•l: occupied Mont ie which, elis, whi however* was - - - in all kindsand quality of I. ANt 1 Ft - lei for 'Ladles and Childrens* I soon compelled to evacuate. The heietit - maxi: We:tr. Having, enlarged, remodeled of the lighting was trout} at Champiguy Brie . •••• • -- 7 , . mid improved - my old dull: favorably .• nd Villur •• stir Maine: - French are now 1- . . I- •- known VCR EMPORIVM. and hay . - A . ' s ' The "'" - - . log importisd a, very large'and splen.4 4 .- renewing the attack in the strati}.. • ' did assialment of all tite -ornereat kinds •of yarn I . A. , ,despateli titan Tours, 'dated ' Thursday,. from. first jtands In -I: L itthpri and have had theta ; the ISt, my's that the . neWiitof a successful made hp by the most skillful workmen, I would .re +Peet fullY Invite my frJends.O:CS.ehtiyiklll and wilt- sorties around VarieS !lad Caused, iiiosf'iritle cent Counties, to eall and - ex - gialue - Ink very rge: ' scribable excitement: .-.-. • • ' .1 ' •c. and beautiful na.iortment of Pitney Furs, for I Wes' I 1 o's:rioNi Dee. t.t.•-•The, ,, STAN DA lenlof tar," and Children_ I ant determined to sell at as low . ' ' ' ' ' ' .• - , ... .prices as any :other respectable House In this Ats. ' they has war, lieWa i deslratches 'down to 3' All Furs warranted.- No misrepresentations to etteet o'clock - this 'Morning. • A Berlin correspon sales. S ;JOHN FARE' RA. dent telegraphs;that, according to despatches Nov. 12,*70-at-eo w4lia 7ls Arch re arch %from the Pi totsian otliceis.. the French were . . .. T - MItS. ;,-. i - S2O, - ' FURS. repulsed in their attempt at a great) sortie. r . . ... ~ . from. Paris on Thursday. - The Frenek organ . JOHN k STAMBACIt .00:,5., here, how, - ever, ulaitn: : t . that the engagement - before P:01..s ended in it brilliant victory fin' • • . : • 81,6- Art.qi Stre s s . rr the I.:rent:hr.:Wins. •, '':. • '. , • . . .. 1 .: ' l'', •' ~.11A.VPM-FrltEn o r. - . There are'no Signs of weakness at Thurs. LADIES' FANCY FURS. Eleven new, entrenched ett/n is are 1 -forum= - 6 . ing tiiroughout,France: . .. Consisting of RU4slAii sable. Hudson Bay Sable, The TimF44 thinks that the 1 olicy of ,the Mink Sablel'lb l yal Ermine, grebe, Seal, A.trtleann . i- --•- Solltrrel, Fitch, dce, eliibtren . . Sett., ' Genoa:is 11l changing, position iotheates int- Gentlemen' s Collars and Moves, Carriage and portant new movemeuts, Which, 'tli t ouo yet' Sleigh !lobes. • . . undeveloped,. are likely, to bring about great The latest styles.at lowt- t d prlee,:. , . . . result 4 . .. . : 1.11 Furs guaralyirpre.etylecl. • . '. ' • - ,1 PTince Gorts.chakofFs rejoiader. to. Lord ( t ranvil le is . knade , public here (o-day,. The }r6 11 /Tit NI ie , 1. 5 dt,orm telmr Ninth,-smith :fide, COUnt refuses to disciis- the proPrietylef liii• PHILADELPHIA, fernier note ; buta . ccepts a. eonferenee of the. . . t4greaklpowers. , ; ' . • : .1. LoNtioN; Dec. - 2.:--dSpevial - to the • NeW . ; 'York l'ELEdttAm.]-- , A. telegram to the Lon - t•.. don Ti m Es, ,from-lours, states that Prince Frederick Charles'is'retiring before. the Ar my of the Loire,-whieh is in great strength. A Versailles special telt.grain to the' Lon don Times says that yesterday a sortie -by Ducrot with 50,000 Men agaiust.thelVtirtem bergers at Villerti - ''was. flanked. by the- 6th corps. The 4th and it corps df GpartlS alsd vigorously attacked- (he'll. At Epi 11411 they also attained a temporary success against the Wurtembergers,'but no substan tal advan tage. The rencti" suffered great hiss. 1 They' .now occupy' •Champigny. The lorts : pf the Wurteinberg,ers is net - known. The. French numbered eighty klumsand. ' - ' • The object'of the sortie was to opeffi eotn-• • municat ion-with the 'army of 'the i L'Are,4n the direction of Foutainbleau. 1 - Despatches' from Tours . state• that, wont ,t ing to the &St. intelligenee - :tereed, General Duerot in his sortie' drovet LP us sians front all the ,positiOns attached in, the. ,direction of Brieritur-Marne.. The sortie had ,been announced on the previouS day by proclamation. Duerot's. forces are stated at '150,0u0 nien i 'wit I} :;sit) guns They haVe ob tained possession of ' the VontainbleaU road. Two gerierals and ::1)(1) men .were wounded. The Prussian losses are eniltmous: • . . 4 COXE'fi..COIVIPOIIND• of WILD • CIIKRRY . and SENEKA i, acknowleaged to be the most, •pleasant, safe and certain rentctty for the cure of . Croup, Conglis, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, anti Iti cdplentGmsurnPtion ever offered to the•nuttlle. A bottle shouldalways liei - kept in every fatilly. • ...Prepared by H N. COXI, Druggist. and Chetnist, 'Schuylkiltlltiven, Pa, l'ur sale In Pottsville at the Drug Stored of. lir. W. 11. atol3lNtiol`,:, UEOIWE W. • KENNEDY and Mrs. C. 1,0 It, and by brdtg ists and Dealers everywhere. Price le cents. . • October IS, 'At 12••tinia.aw Mil LADIES' FANCY FURS 1870. '741 •-- - - A DESIRABLE r ..' : iiArE . ,,H . O3IE: - I\ VESTMENT. THE' SUNBURY and LEWISTOWN. RAIL ,: . ROAD COMPANY :. 7 PER CENT. GOLb • First Mortgage. Bonds. Interest: Pa ~ ,yable'"Api it and October. Free of State and United States Taxes. -_ ES We are now offering the.balattee ()WV loan of 91,- 410,00, which Ls s...s.urtl by a first and (Illy, lien on 'the entire property and franchise:s of the Company, At 90 and the ACcrued Interest Added. The Itoad is now rapidly approachng completion, with a target ra de In CONI.:'IllON aid U.NIIIER, In addition to the passenger travetaW. I. Iting the open ing of this. 'ireatly needed enterprht. The Meal mute' alone is . suniciently lar..ts to Maintain . the (toad. We haVe no hesitation in recommending the Bonds as a ell KAP, RE :LIABLE and 5.11 , 1. 'IN VEST lIEN T. For pamphlets. with map, and full Ipformation apply to Dealer in dovernment See urt t Apply to MINERS' LIFE INSURANCE A. TRUST CO Nov: 16. "N. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS ST. JOSEPH & DENVER CITY PAYABLE IS' 'GOLD, With Interest at Eight Per Cent. abm Payable Ct\triONS ORREGWERED • .. . These First-Class Muds are 13.1 ii for sale by tt e Company through the undersigned, and are roan deatV recommended asclinbinhN Anscad,^rELl: nArwrY and •a LARGE mewls. Almost the exalts linels compfeted and in success ful operation, • Only Twenty Miles of Track to lay at the Western Terminus, and that being rapid ly, laid. - . The present trattio of 'the Road ikAmpix GEAR ALMTILE foe the RELIABILITY-of thesereurittes. The Road runs West from KT. JOBEITI and tonna a through ERA and' West route. Mortgage per mile 4113,500 covering Fmnellisn an= rope M ea tyr. of d, 4111 Mlles. dke, *e, to Totaliune of Bonds, . .PlitICF. 97 1.2 and accrued Interest currency. Maps and Pamphlets thmlahed on a pplicat Icm. Expreasage.. tor account of purchases tree of charge . NDS. .N - 0t•14,7,1),•16 ,- • 12 ,®,, . a_.. ~ ttie Wined er It neeeng eryttbag ' ,ese be bad 11.—tt ^ • , bunt/ bounty Wan- te a tnir six months from that date This time will soon. spire.. The following are trot- . Bed, it-they haveltetalready collected-It: All soldiemyrhOienlisted for three or two years before July 13/131, 11164, andreceived 1100 tri lied btates bounty and no more and all each solo tars who Were discharged - beforeserving two-years, for wounds or injuries of any kind, including_ ruptures, not dis-. eases; are entitled, though they have not - received 'any bounty; these last , are also entitled. to the $lO9 original bounty. • . The widows, children under 21`at the date of the July 28th, Ifide, and parents of all soldiers, trun cated above, who havedied since their discharge, are entitled; and where such soldiers were discharged ...before% serving two years, for dhlablilty 'or diseaw .contracted lathe service, who died of Such disability or disease, - before July 29th, 1815 e, -the wido‘v, Odle dren„ or parents are entitled, although the soldier himself, it living, would not be entitled. - •4. papersfor the 'collection of pensions due on the 4th of next Tleceniber carefully eompleted, correct ed, and forwarded for payment. kind% bf Bounty and Perdion Blank Papers for sale. Dili upon or addr ; ALEXANDER 8. BILLIMAN, Pension and Bounty Agent. Pottyville, Pa. 'ov 19. 10-219-11--Cdf rtu warliauf v • WEINIPAN DIRECT WIRES,- PROMPT'TRANSIILSSION, • SPEEDY DELIVERY. - • ' QUICK - ANSWERS. The wireeirt tide Company now reach all polka et Important!, en *begins et Use Ibmding_ttaineed and its • tweriebeeonteept -IParawrriza. Irtatiterri.t.t. Asimentr, endrapidly a wade.iew etber.planivand ealernbans are being ay Nemerarserled.edion will be epo se d a r, p o mp, tI/Irt and Ilandranr. sad eireeen Sep 3eible_thereer ter at ainee-plares lathe awl regrow. , . Thiele tbranly OentekV beldna Teleirealb Una' on .U 0 Meat'Vanaellwan. Nana Venanylvania. tad Leask& iralieraranowlke. and we r p o rre ear , Media provide wneserotalbe end ra New York and Vlllbeletneda ttir rek Maw Velvet conical that MINA and unient ennenundeations eul be had it breouteasplated to gee be Abe Coal end, Iron 'trade eking the Reedlairmuresd.what It has nerve bad briber. Fular-tteia T V The Cempem•e,Wlres ab ese AC I t. IL ram Mill* age AN anasanaleablerrittleer antildeedbal. Nay -14.1e01t404, iron Nati. Itabifs' Xurs. financial: WSI. PAINTER 11.‘sion61, No. 3.t.T . Soutl) THIRD St., littladelpllla No.Cf..:NTRE St e • L. F. WHITNEY, pruakcr, No, 1i CENTRE Nt.,, Pottsville. Pa. Nov. 5, 70-:.219-3th —l5-3m MEM Rail .Road Company, in Gold. IV. P. CONVERSE k CO., 31 Plne - street; New Vork taNN,Eii & (Q, at Wall street, Neallork 230 , 15,ciegrap , UP ,To Auplacatr.. THE BATTLE:. OF . PAWS THREE D 4 W . FIGATII67. TILE U. 41.7 Lir UNDECIDEDi "II TORY DOUBLY CLAIMED. I)e'i.F.p.4C-11 frcith King Villia►rn . . THE RECENT SORTIES Prince Frederick Charles JRetrent;ng s ARMY OF THE . LOIRE REVIVED. I• , . • The riort7e from Parls::-Delppatehes recoil ~K ling liato—Freneb.Areount4 of Duerot's .11fOre ,mentr..—The.irmy of the taint— The Fr. u `lt Prrastently C okm a SitceesA. I!! MEI • Further Det ui the Sortle,iat PArlii—Gambetta Auntiounve. (it t . tat frenilh Ilnee,e 2 ,6;es—A 144mila Acr'ount—'ihe:,Germann berlaresl-Orrestied Tot ks, Dec. —The MoNviEcti o this city has the following details: -On the morn ing of the 21ith i ult. the first' sortie of the French garrison was' begun at Choissy, L'Haye, The battle in that neighborhund lasted all. night, of the 29th, and till tde 'meat General. Ducrot then crossed the Manic and occupied Messfy. Subsequently lie.evacuated that point - , and engaged the enemy it, Chanipigny, fighting. his way to Brio. He then matched hack to the Marne, recrossed that river by - eight jiou toon bridges, and Maintained :his position on the bank. He took two'guns froM the Prussians., He has Since taken position at Thernay.- - ' • . . Dec. - : , ...Gatribettailiaipubliely an nounced that the Army.of.thb,Loire has sue .cessfully 7 resisted the attack b the left and right wings and is now moving forwar4.— Gambetta continues, "Victory • now favors the French. Te Deums are .being chanted here L'rouN,"] EC • A lici-*ltn .tocountr—TOg French I)e , egired De frateA—The Wartemimrge. 4• .• ; • BEI:iAx, following despatch from Oeneral Tumpling, Comffiander of die SeVent!' Prussian Corps, has just been . ,received here, dated Thuriday h- moved' sot- , tie occurred yesterday'. The Fie Moved' out against the Prussians' iiiiTtW; rteniberg ers early in the morning.' • LAYAL,.Dee. 2.—The, city is overjoyed 'with despatches from Gambetta announcing a great success at Parts, where sorties were made in force, defeating theTrus.sians along the entire line. The lino of, the was many miles in extent. A great number of prison ers and cannon have been captured by the French. The crorps Were toniniandeclr Trochu; Ducrot, and, ,Vinoy. Gambetta, in announcing the victory, says- that one of the -resulte of It has been' ,the evacuation of Mbiens by the Prussians, who hastily started for Pails to reinforce the German army.! The battle begin-on Tuesday,th, and at ;the, laSt accounts the• garrison retnained at In . the 'smitten- they had captured • from the Prussians. .- They wereAmpported lojr the heayy canon=. tide of their forts. Trochu and Ducrot tont , mended, leading one hundred and twenty , thouSsind men' At ligtelotk. in:the forenoon .the-Fretlch were repulised.by, the 6th - !Corps and retired. SubSequently, - - ae3 o'clock in the afternoon - the Wurtemburgera, who' had .were reinforced • by cavalrk -and :artille, .were again attacked ; by the. .French.! .The latter. were again deftatell, - the :German loss being trifling. • . , • • BER,iIN, Dee. 2.—A telegrain (tom Gen6ml Oberwita to the War,Departinent here,- has the following particulars of the part. , taken by the 'Wurtembergers - in the lateaetions around Paris. The-,delegrain js dated 'at at Chateau le.. Pipee,., on ::Wedliesclay, On that day the 2d an d3d Wurtemberg brigades,. 'with the-7th Prussian 'Brigade, defeated a sortleattionench made in the direction of Mout - Meson., A ft er five hours'. !fight ing the German's - took three Inquired Kis-- oners.l. The German;* loss waslas follaws:— Slx °Opera killed,' wounded, five hundred rank and file killed' And wounded:. • lcEwronx. 1Te....41par1e411: !: , 111k4f New yark . . . New Tonic, To the= Alsociated Pressi.}---Please notily the public that-al though there will be: considerable dclat can send rdowly to, Europe threggh tit t French add*, therefore massages will (*teed ounktrintarnitied sa;"early - . as, posidhle, and, hi the order Of-their Ciravif.Fitt4l._ The *Waal earteite of the -VOW • atihr: :tent rdectlintlit Nerw York,hiss Welk- toast adetisrat haitator Goverirw : - afewsit *ion H0M 1 21,1 UIPUL"M • Damteratio ms *lty- - 3123 • De ! gorsur i I- • 2 1 ° , 1. 14 . .e1n.6, , L30.4114; and ISM EUROPEAN WAR. ENGLAND, FILL CF. PRUSSIA. ESE DECkMBER. IWO fate itiorning*imgdifti* - . _4ateirelay, 3 teifogk-..4:.M. THE EVROPEAN:WAR. FRENCH SUCCESSES CLAIMED. E ' The Army of the Loire Engaged Siege of.Parini in Elite; Raised., THE FRENCH ARTILLERY WELL HANDLED. (4eriliaiii! Loss Heavy. The Confereum to be Held in tnanton. THE : FRENCH. LOSS IN THURSDAY'S SORTIE. .Amkeii lo' 13nr> I he- /Read. ENGLAND. • French xuccewses. Clalmed;.•Hut . not Coat The Sleigent Parts In Eftlect Rstrid. - - LoNix's-, Dee. 2,--Frencli .siiecesteS: . at . Palay in the Department of the Loire; are Claimed, but they are uotyet eontlitned.-. ~. . I • LONDON, Dec. 2.—i-MunieiPal elections oe . -: eurred in several cities In Ireland yesterday. ' In some cases they were attended with ills. : -. order, bat the gi n . eral precaptions - taken bpi 2 - the2tiovertneitt, prevented . Serious out breaks. At Cork the election . passed John Daly waSeleetedMayor Mitsui- mously, Tliere wawa riot at Limerick, as'weit - a 3 .otherdisorderlVproceedings, . Altiertilan .. MacDonald was elected Mayor. Demonstra-.' tons at' Dublin yesterday, synipinthizing . with the Pope, we• . supported by members ,of Parliament ant • oilier • In fl uential' per sons. - --- - ., • - The Srlifitttit warns .England that the ‘.. Gladstone-Mini.l7' ry is preparinglor an hifa- '. Mous and disastrotni capitulation' to Mittel!. 'ln spite of Oranville'l4 KSistanee,. a confer ence has .been accepted without . . the withdrawal . 7 . of the Russian . note. he mere meeting of'the Powers will be,„kkzirtuat .stibmisSion to itli.ltussia asks,'' _''.2 - 4"" ' , ''. Duerot on Wednesday foreed - dds Way east- . ' . - ward with.mitrhundred and .fifty thousand men, and joined hands with ,D'Aurelles.. - he siege. of Paris is in effect raised. ' • . A special from Ton rs. says official de:vetch es annotinee that 'll•ochtt and. Duerot.r . outed the Prussians hetWeen, Brie Sur Marne and Choissy le Rol. Duerot is :now etultnpell.- . 0 fifteen miles from Parit4. --;,- - . - • . - - LosnoN; Dee. 2.—The.TIMI,'S has a.special • telegram from Berlin 4ated yesterday, giving k, the !date of amiirs in ti e interim' of Frapee. Preaching against the 'russitins as heretics,- the-rusties are eonseque fitly tertiloW • incensr:• - ed against the invaders.; . .,i -- ' . German pztrols in .the Army of the Loire; are shot down frtun every hedge and build- - ing.s.• Prussiauliespateli• bearers tiro killed when nobody but innocent ploughboys ore in sight. Man-y priests inive been captured by time . Prussurns„and • will be brought*, - •:, trial. , . LONDON, Dec.:'.—Later and more import; • ant despatches have been received from ;,.- TOUN relative. to the movements of the tinny" of. the Loire.- The movement of. the army began on Wednesday and was - directed by • the Minister of ?.Var. The first 'Operatiolts . were- (eventide. Gen. ('ha)isey left his polio,. .tion the next day and tofind the Prussians ; entrenched at Gallenstille, Fermitiers and, Giners. lie inaiediately gave them battle which only -ended at night.: . • 'The Prussians werecompello-Ao retire; and - the positiotts . hekt by theM were captured by the French where they were eneamped that night. The French artillery was, well Fan-s-: dksi, and the French loss WEN. )70:3i light: • Frame will...participate in -the ifelibera: tionl - rift he conference to be held - at Loidon . . was 'at first. ..selected ar.theAdace for • holding the conferettee, but Austrlit - , abject ed. - - The prelimival.* discussions -Will -in volve que4tions.other thatt - those connected withithe pe - ileetreaty, • - Losmix, , Dee. 2:—[Speeial to the NeW York Wo R LE)]. —A ilespateh 60111-Tours says, . Vienery with the Corps, got-wholly Through Life tiertnan ?Ines. on the seventh,. •and eircolAl ,a Junction- with a portion Of D'Aurelle's -forces; advancing from the moutti, west.. A Berlin - despatch, says a secret post Mike, Maintaining, regular Conithunication between Strasburg and ToitiS,has -been- die cOvered at Strasibur t r. •.• • • 1 -7 • • LoNneSi, De.c42.—A despatch *just revived herd from Shanghigh dated NoV.Sth says a Tartai insurreetion had occurred -in %leont gola. 'l2OOOO m i en •aretbireatening: the town. of etarga' the. eapital city of the ProvAncti. ATOteearmed with - Russian rifles hail'-gone to oppoSe the- Movement. - • • ' FRANCE .! The .truly Or the Loire Engaged—The rreneh in=Thor:%deyi Sortie—A TracelAcked' is Dory the Dead. 7: - • ' . . 'roux 1 4, I)2e:l—Midnight—The Army tir . • the Lore has been engaged-with- the Prini sians to-day._ position of the latter ex tended rromrkntteaudan, where their right was posted ; through Joinville, in Toury, and • from there to Pithiviers and Betiume la Re- '" flabile: ;Their second line;:in the rear ea.; feinted front Poneainebleau, by,Wayot Mon- . tevan, and Vilemuva to Troyes, where it; " joined the Brat Prussian line. . Vptsium.Ek, via BERLIN - AND - LONON,. Dec. 2.. The Freneh.loss in killed; wounded and prisoners In yesterday's sortieio Severe.' They . have just .asked a truce for several hburs tO bury their dead. ,The Wurtelaibur gets if*, forty officers acid eight hundred men. Dee: 2..—The Prussians- -have cur 4 tered Albent,inXie; Department of Sorimie; 1. miles from AlTiftqls. of the evacuation however has been received.. PRUSSIA. • i. . Tlio Conference on the Eastern question—Liberal t:itt-Itersirted I)efeat of the French. . • . . , r . I;llEititN, Dee. 2.—lt is asserted that at the • 1 conference' wiliell has been. called ` ( or. the" , set lenient of the Eastern quetlon;.a new .-- tcety will be proposed 'omitting all refer- ence to the . neutralization of the Black:Sea.. Mums, Dec. I.—The Prussian Govern- Mem has seut the Strasbourg Savings'-.Bank • • :LIM/lion dollars in aid of the heroes... - - Dec. 2.—A dispatch his been re- : ceived here announOng that Von Der Tann - defeated the french army of the Loire ort -- = the Ist inst., several successive battle ' west of Orleans and Tours; - • • TuE nEnucrioN cf the° Publie Debt for the month of . November is $7,05,390 90. ThisMaketta reduCtion in the beaded debt of the country of $182,9-12,787 since the of March, 1869; to 11;1870, making the (reduction \ equal to $333,837 per day.. On this • statement the coninients as ' follows:• • • "The decrease of the National Debt for the month of November is a little 'below the &val . -4• age for the mecond-year, of the preeent--)l4Min istration of 91,590,00(Vp.r month, under all the - circumstances of the decreased Tax',and.Tariff re Venues :and Abe Ifailure of the Fundin- . scheme, will, be siCeepted by tho people as am:. ple proof of the honesty,. end economy of the present officials. Wo are payirrg 100. much in terest, but:this Is'unaVoidable while the Fund- ing bill remains inoperative in • uenoe of 4 the continuation of the/ Altar in ' ; ;pe. -We ' pay also tqo much laieS,:butr. the, eag mess of the people to extinguish :the debt will. lead them cheerfully to bear this burden as long in they receive the monthly" assurance from the • secretary of the Treasury that the revenuesof the nation are honestly *dictated and economy- • 2cally expended:" . ' - .. • - cLOS • INGI?'RIdES or f DE HA EN it BRO. . • 10 SOCPI lig lUD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Dee. Ceeloek, U. S. of 'Pd..-- s• MI • 41. " • new... 44 y ....... .......... Gold " • 8041r,44°6 P :r c ent : Currelle Y: . ....... lifter .............. Bonds. Union Pantile Central Pacific IL rt_. Uolol2,d 3 sieldo Land urant. nand/ • is • General MOticts • • • Sleents a line first Insertion; emit subsegitfiel hosraiss &vents a,llne. • . _cr- . TEAT IRON is VaLuanasera:llinianta lass I ong been known. but it is an sinositspreperaliss In tne partlcalai—fonit of Peruvian full power over disease has been. arli t * iOr Us it s foreman case* of dyspepsia and is oust seluunV • ••, ~.„ ..- • , . : z. 1113411 116%. 8:4 vormuix _OLUMUDII47 ' - Sept 1 70 -I'.l Fil=_. towle"nfrilir? VI I - .".::` vr asmos enehoo.bak u t ,The ems al ir ~... i. t.- Ih!Atiet Iherassiiist-,- ._ , ,: .. A., , ; , -,.-, ,:. •'' ' "coliAt.'tt-r.::,j. ,- , 7 " , c‘. - ... - imix„ll - 3-'...,* ..- ~ _ ~.... 7-,,,r...,,,,,-- .--thiG,litaiiii-s.-,1--, -, : ,- ,; . 4 - 106A1 4 .-and- im , ll-41i!... _,,_ c,'-,,,-„,-7,-;,--7-7:;:,:,4ihte4 '..-.--;',- .4? 'MI -' ~ -- "' 1- - - ^z- "." -;;;;Ic-04g--. ? -:44: nStYi,ILLIII 00Alcr+Utik: -,,„4'- Other kits% L. P. ELUWaillai_, ~...,,._,....,-, th, IL NTlMUClytg. ,( 4friPrg m ..-,.. ' - - 4., : 1 i - ‘. l ''', ' ',':::!.: - '4 ' : -I l t • :' s. -c. - irjosit 4 ''' - 8144.14, " 1 !-' - ::!: 4 . 7 .,- -',.. ~--4 t e ,..T, - :-; 7Vlti:-,--;- 'l -, ; - ; - _ - : - ..:',; r • ' 1 ' - . ~.:.,--1..-;,- - • -!--../.!--: ;?4 ,4 '4,: , 6 -,.2,4, :-. 1 " , 1; ,,- '= --- i•-- ,-- ;z. -----' -I:2' 0114111Aitiat. ~: R . ~' `a BM iMil FEB 1111 OM
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