--J„ , _ , I_ ; +At. ME dit*eir, toilihr dupt viabegla, summing likel)selothAdiwkineperfatmer belPe*itook Ab!liNii - 110 41 0P,oth e . r beldnd NUM COrdeelltlid..dretust.lhatl dm/ TeSC.,--!".died she Seed she ee° l ‘4 4.l . Lett liinitia-a r ib% balls with nnals, and 'Etta by ' mat With& Would / r. art* warning but that yid Peeidfs; _ atty wpm" ; and of a hal4 who assembled Within .ithettpertirtte, brother Joe, he tras 4l # * loot stuJdNd all those watt. that I waslhe petilde. I liaches • theptds4cfr oundh - orris. There's )IctrYZiolitit. unsas ; h a te to eati-ocan--eould b ast of a blii h t • ore r there by the third post front he poht„ • ancesira-hsl name. .And I a-also dres-Theamed, trtth her.; do believe he', in lore . with Nary . w tdeb ehantied . toi me most, that Yon 10-oved me Jas, ,{tether keeps a tarern too. Lens see! what all-1411 the me. that yon 10-oved me the • :stasI soyi,gl Oh! yes. 'Veil, she trent d:tna there, : tht4. c oo to-tired mehtf-l-l-illah die ah and Aunt barafisaid her hatrwas perfectly awful, and • • sa-s-a-a-amer` • • , that made her so 'used she n'l ineite thenCto the wedding. And she had too , / of presents: and .. .AAA gate her such a tartly bra eh / deetare that John son glere'lterc with her horribt (tt fatherehe's 4 per. fectfright 'Andsolorthiand solo •,' an unin-tirrup ted etroini of dry, nonsensical talk.;4;hich ' often laps over .the wh 'the hitigeteudileulytea., or thenrchestra lapse . pianissimo, the gabbier's - voice continues on 1 at the same hitak pitch, and some fragmen 'l farylittelligenee respecting Tilly -Ferguson • _sir stunt , other ,being reaches ITrylciderfoi - ten yards around. These peO:de cannot' be troy , lied 'down. — ..Tf you turn' around and stare at, them, the feehleJ t jOuth. with his, ir idrooplitcollar will try, to , - obk tierce, as if, upon slight,provocatqon, helWould macerate aid mangle - you: he doef this, to impress the girt with a notion ttigq he is brave, and that-11y has a natural longhtt:for_sunguitiary and • au eitorthous,lOwledge of .tlie ‘Vliettj you turn. back again the girl gig !ch. : stud the. youth smilingly assumes the of a plan who is conscious be has let you 023 as iv, and knows his power so well • he c in Ward to treat a grave matter . with indifference. Then the girl begins to talk agaili, inure volubly than ever, until at last-the feeble. youth thinks he must further Impress his cohapanion.with his familiarity witii the world oy going out to:get a drink, Lie excuses 'himself with a significant ann ., slon to the fact•thiiit he "has to see a-man !"- • . -That this 'girl should be' garrulous and silly, and this youth insane, does4ot affect us iii the least ; but we du believe= hat Jos ti'ce wilt be satistletl only when the law per • . mite an usherto collar such idiots and drag • them out into the _lobby to quiet down, • whenever their chattering interferes with the • enjoyment:of-Intelligent . peoplewho can un derstanti,the,performauce. tattmicirsuL traveler on a certain:rail- road in - this lzitate paced a. carpet-bag full • of loade'd revolvers, and .handed it to a gen tlenianly. baggage-smasher who had ruined.' three or four trunks for him already. The.. . smasher ;11ung the. bag up against the wall' * eavagelyoand then threw it on the floor and ..• stamped ori it, and Jumped up and down on 4 it—as usitid. At about the fourth jump, fir.- - ing began along the whole line. Forty-six _revolvers went ofT in rapid succession, ills ' tributing bullets'around the car with disgust -. log carelesoiessof the legs of the: i•masher, who waisshot six places before lie could' get out of. the Car. He ride upon the plat forin during the• wink of that trip, and . . • when he did enter the ear he encased his legsAn stovepipe, and ratran iron-elad snow- . phiw iii ITont. of him to pu-b the baggage • . out with. He Smashes, perhaps, fewer -car - .P'et-liqgs - now than be onceilid.in.t he blissful • past , —..ui ucif fewer; and - he is filled With glooth. - no only boon he craves is that lie , may be only be present when thd car Pet-bag 'Towner Calls With his cheek: rid says there will then - be a conflict which will make - thewX,uropeati war appear perfectly ridicp hius• . Mn. HYDE,- of Pittsburg, has been in the • 'habit orpitehing his wile out of the wiP- Ow three or lour times a day, and he •has at last got hintsielf into trouble about it. Seve rat tatssersfbk had 'their hata smashed into • conditions of vilenesti,, by the. -descending Hyde, and 'the annoyance at last be : . .taine so•great thatfr. Hyde.wits arrested.— tt-ag.,trate: said apt it was an outrage that; such occurrences; should, 'happen in a Christian community; .citizen's .--enuldn't afford to he; buying hats 'every few niinute's, Just because of the foolishness - AA Hyde: - -Mr. Hyde said it was - las wife's - (411 for not being. softer, .and not alighting more gently upon bats - , when site saw them under-• fietith her as She came down.. The magis trate said that-he could not' wept .such an eXcuse, la-cause her husband !Ned_ not fhrow•, her out.with so much force.'. So*he Made Hyde give boineds not to do it ag,ain,. And - Hyde now pitches her out of the •tback-wia d;;w, every, few minutes, on the cook whHe - she is banging , upthe Clothes. IVITE;Ii STRAWBRIDGE &CLOTHIER. EMI RIM This Rtock has been ii specialty with u;; for some years; and we have very unusual tnetlftles, in th.ii purebese of the best EUROPEAN GISOIIB. We are now th , playing an unitvallectstotkcelite"tiy . of our own irnporultain, y naksiing to part of B4ACKASTRAaAjn.' 11110.WN At- , .TRACITANBP BLACK c.A.RA.cru.A..cc •. BROWN CA RACE4LAB, LYONS VELVET, • • •BLAtrE BEAVERS, WHITE Brartus: . ;,:,1( 1T BEAVEILS-, LILACS CHTNCfILLM, . COLORED IIINCUILL:1141 yELyEatX:NA. •. 'N. CORDL 7 q,ON'At, p - • . -- • W Wl:4r ViritiFits„ . . No ffnOrSTOCK. to ofrered, In the Country.,.;,,Natiti of G0(.4/8 eau dot . be piimansed (4;4 w ne'r ft , •Waterproof -• _ • L am We'ergl especial atiention to our;:g.totir of these ~,,0061.14: one Of 'the, largeict, and it -, 44.llssorted'in, *inert - ea, laclud , ng.everi price. from 83 cts4 3200' - per yard, in twenty different quojitfes. • 4 Blankets I Blanketsl-1 Blanketall , •• 2 • • "Having always sol'ati4ry•lxrgely of thesS goods, , sr e can otter'tbern at: Oices:4lCli which' no renal house can compete.. = So far e : this season ouF . WO have . teen ,beyOnd preceile`riUbut ourlsilajtge ent.s wlth the Wills are . euch•fhal we-shaii.he able t dstill.' plyidutost any deinandif,, ~. . ~., .- _ , ,-;-, • -• \ IZir Take Pir4ul... Noticii.;49l . • : Our aim la to sell ei4iithlitg at lower prleestbatt the same rxxls'ean be in:tic:l'l4M elsewbere:,7',..-." ... . STRAWBF;ID3E ; % T. Ctorner Mph and'ltarkcVS6l.l 4 Oct. • s4ivE xotra DS ONEY ` r • • BY I:3A.VING YOWL LEATHER 13CY 1 BIS , C. S. FOSTE'R'S,, . • C. S. FOSTER'S • C. S: FOSTER'S, s . Water Proof Grease anii,:trathir ..P•ieitirttatire. - Inferior qtialities of Leather made irnivions - tni . eater. Oki Leather made soft and pliable, with' color renewed • tnoreiaattng than other of Its 4.02 d In market, awl applicable to all kinds of leathar. Mloers will IflfidAt the best article they ever used to protect, their Moots or Shoes from Sulphur water. r tOr sale, wholesale cit.-retail, by • tr,4 CLEMENT - L. FOSTEFt, Ashland, Pa.,- Afid in Pottsville by Bright C0...F0x & Brother. . Jesse Foster, - Thomas F"oster, and .F. L. Foster. May • • . /.... 7 E. 4 17.a..Li..EY BALLBOA.D Cent'Y. . .Timelable, showing oonneettons of the L. V. R. IL c... with those: of the.rhila:tt, Reading It - R. Co. tto and from Pousellie and: intermediate p4lnts he aven Mewling and Pottalle -- A. 11. M. P. N. Leave Pottsville .............:.:».,..5.401 9.00 2.45 ..... .... 7.231 10.25 - 4.25 refit Penua, 8.35 1 11.15.,1 5 .50 Arrlvent Eaet ... . 9.15 12.401 5.35 ...... 12.15,1 3.4 4 / 1 1 /0.00 ,r. 31.;?. Y. . comb - Tanga NE Mire-NiEDIXOI 4 ;ES-A 11;30k. . , • ...J (sent tiet= s taining-a, newlpeisouverest Curs - 4. tor many U wi th out using Medicines, of In , 1•‘• larest to &U. ' Address , DAL W r LL, a 1312 4 10.4 • , lip.= West 21st street. ' ' ' Net York Qty. 47-4 t THU is AIirECTMA, • IE, zusrunteett laiEffit'Op.tet 6m:rt.& Omit -3111,10.10 '.11A2 itYBTAL AP.7) ESE 01..Ahs• • % she as& to be tji 41/M as Watearaaaer. No.49llkpars!" • Ms 3factiazar /Joan. • - 11041' I= P A.D,E'I;PII.I4: liCry TirY • PUT . BUY S. FOSTERS, A. 11. :P X. Ltoo-. 1%4 7.20 4.10` 10.40 1 0:00 • Ir. SJP.'34. interznehtate - points and - 2.45 P._llE-,ar -6.E. and 0.30 P. 11.1. dak 4.40 and 10 15P. M. '3.5 P.M coal Regions and for to leave Pottavllle.6.4o ORER.T H. SAYER. tndent and Eneneer. 1-17 - mak; ummeithirWmpokiwtst. - wa... -. .Iparlfillir-0011PLETEO' gide' anatiabifitVitimatiliitrot straw capttaP lallostr Oar artmettarrard at vapid "olgriniliii SUp MST 11101ITGAGE 7 Pa • : COI f. vow songs • - -ono lioastiaar - lvtaalti, which are coattail at 'tme very law rate at . • - 80 and - Accrued Interest. • iltatug their advantages sue -k. - • IA The road Is nearly finished, and the cars trees : pected'to run across the Mate In 60 days.. . 2d, Thefts'. &has been built-only of the best mate - rtal, the Iron having been manufactured ex. • preasly for It, at a much higher coat than that usually pald. It Inns th r ough a most superb agricultural _eountry. _ • ttb. I F has "meat advantages in carrying coal North and bringing lumber South. Sth. The Mortgage IS only 616.000 per•tmile. many 4:4lmi:rigida are bonded to double this amount.- 6th. The rood is principally owned by bankers and other capitalisbs. who hate inVeared _a -large • sum In its construction and who bategvery relation to case of its obligations. - . A First Mortgage for 'mentalism's:wont, upon . a road so near completion, and in such strong hands. may well be considered • perfectly said security. • We believe there will be no more favorable time to sell the Governments, and buy really Find-class Railroad Securitiesnelt as these—than the present. With any further decline In Gold, Government* must decline also. Subscriptions will be received In POTTSVILLE, by • L. F. WIIITNEY,' of whoin pamphlets and fall In formationmay be bad. W. B. SMATTUCK, Treasurer,l2 Pine Sr., New York -After. a 'full examination, we have. .acc epted an Agency for the Sale of the above Prod mortgage Bonds; and desire to recommend them to our ens toniers as a thoroughly salt, as well as a perpabie investment. . JAY COOKE & CO., 20 Well St., N. T. Oct 22, '7O-43-3m 5-20'S AND 1881'8 . • BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED, 'ON MOST, REASONABLE TERMS. G Bought and Sold ..at Market Ra tes. - ll COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC RAILROAD . ,BONDS r`c . . BOt'GIIT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD , _ ON, COMMISSION ,ONLY. Aepounta received and Interest allowed on daliy '• balancesaubject to check, at eight. ti Eel E . 43 ItO. .Nd:49 S. THIRD ST., PHILADELPHIA. March 28, 70 . 134- ' 3roiC-,Worhs. EE Maehinig.ts, Founders & - Car Builders. Pinegrove, Sch4lkill County. Pa Ad - Dui' SAND NI'S east on. end, and self-oiling Drift Car Wheels a speciality. Aug, I ; 3,';d-S3-6m• GGLOUCESTER IRON WORKS. (MOTTOES TER CITY. N. 41.-OFFICF:, No. S, North Sev enth St., west side, PHILAUP LrutA, manufacturer of CAST IRON GAS and %V ATER, PIPES, I nst I ron Flange Pumping, Heating and Steam Pipes, Stop Valves for Water or Gas, all sizes. Fire (Plugs) ily drants, Lamp Posts. Gas Holders, Teleseopic.or Sin gle: 1 rasl lugs and Wrought Iron Work, of all kinds, - for Gas Works. .;All Pipes proved by Hydrostatic Pressure. i April la, 70-1G•ly R. CAR *ORB% .• JOSEPH DELANEY, ritor.ttiEzon. pIONE shfitnd, Schuylkill fbutaii, Pd. ilavln g enlarged his CM' slton, is , now prepared to build nil kinds of cars for Mining port:rose& Being a rfainctical mechanic end ,having . for % ears devoted hfinself entirely to this et , am & branch of the buslopsx,and building o CO.IL 1111 . .EAKERSJ Also, thepoten tee •.„„„•-'• of two celebrated Self-Bumping Cars, •• Ts l +-"A-."... whinh can be seen working at the works of Messrs. Banitroft, lA . WIs Sr: Co., and Patterson, Eltringhtun & Co., Ashland, and at Messrs. lit A. Moodie & Preston Collieries, Hlrardville. Coal Breakers- built at-the shortest notice. Orders solicited. April 2, '7O-11-1y • JOSEPH DELANEY. SR V.NAND:JAH IRON. WORKS. The subscriber is now prepared to build - Steam Engines, 4'umps, Coal Bred-Wen', and Drift Cars. All kinds of castings and et •• .. t.irgings made to order. Fgpeclal utten- Lion paid to the, manufacture of Car 'Wheels. e •JOILIC CATTIER. Z -11112 : 1° Shenandoah City, Jan. 1,';0—I 'L'OtrITDRY AND MACHINIB.IIOF, STEAM -CAR FACTORY. &C. The subscriber would call trtienttori tollie Superior facilities possessed 'him for the vai ions branches of steam • ••"- • Engine building e lron Founding. grid the manufactbring of nil-kinds of mit chlnery for Editing 41111 a, Blast Furnaces, Railroad Cars, , He wid ale) continue the businc,•ss of mining mild Seta, eve:celebrated Dine Forest' White Asia Coal, :'ng the sole proprietor of this colifery. 'ep. I, 'Ef--1--lyd jan.l, '69w.- GEO. W. SNYDER. • p _ OTT tiVI.LL .1101iLING)MLILL. ' A'PKINS ImoTfdEß9, .PRovage:ronsi: ; • rotksville, Schulikll.l,Cainty; Pa, r M.:llsl.lfeet urers of rtaltrond Iron (both • T 1110 t.;treEt Mallet are prepared to re- Gidv'eand executeardersat'sbort notice, (orally and all the ordinary sizes in use. • • - ]Making our men . pig metal; we are •' enteral to releet suitable ori‘s; buyers eau therefore .rely upon receiving In all easetetirst class calls ,- The `smaller sires of T ', 32, and 40 pounds to 'the yard, always on hand, and supplied In small lots 4as wcited.,.- Jan. 1. '7l)=l,K •_ . COATI , OPERATOII3 A'Nri MINERS . •, - PIONEER BOILER STORKS. • The subserillers respeetiully invite ` the attention of the huminess eothmu- r a t' liity V 3 their Boiler Vr orUa:on Rrairtiad Eq.. below the l'avvenger Vepot, Potts•. 4„„„„" vllle, where they are prepared to mtn- 1 " ufacture ISOILERS-OFPEA, 011.IPTION. • ~S moke stark"; Bleat Liavontvlera Pin Cars. &C. BO ITers an /Whir practical' reOlianiea, and saving, Tor years devoted, thernselvea entirely toz..thia branch of. the buttineA'flatterr hernst;jlett tiat7wbik - done abtheir establishiaeht kiVe vat isfactiort to all•who may .favontheirrivith ecnil. Indlvithiala and Compaales will:Mid It greatly to their advantage to examine their work be'fo're engaging elsewhere. . • JOIIN.T. '. _ ' .. MATLIEW ORCHAPP-11301 . WORKS r =POTTSAIDLLE, TENNA The lail,icilbers are prepared to. . niol STEAM ENGIIii..S and all -kinds Mk or ACM N ERY anti CAI'ITINGS for •_ •-• Mines, Blast, Furnaces tizid'rt., Mills, and Hare a fulrasso4ment ofthe • La.!' matt appt,ored patterns -tor VERTICAL Ito LING MILL C.NGIN SQU EEzERs,MiIEArtS, MACIII2I EIS, and all other Machinery requited In the manufacture of-Railroad Iron and bang. Tlie following SteapiLE:ngir.eare now-on hand and readr•for delivery - Et ec 181 n Cyr, 424 st'keliEng's 12 Iricylil6 In slice I t 16 ". 21 " •' lO l 4 " • 15 - -••• " 1 " • 11, -" 21 't " " " " 1 " 11. " 21." " " "` " The above Enilnes ate all nen", and lintit upon the bloat &pp oved', prlnel ptea,. andvtto7be seen at the works o the-subaeribera. Also;M•full aaiortment of ;Picke,rling dr . :Davin' Isteam - E-tiglne ,Governors. on hand; Whlcitebate glyvi unlvental sat isfset ion. e t ep . t. I ,'a-I=lg VAsTINE„ - .. , IV' A BSI23OTON'IR6N liiirpßlS.S. ..• ‘. , . { ....• . -• ; . . • • NOTICE.—The. workwof the late r Arm of Wren ',I; . , Brother. kn 'n, as the , "WASIIINGTON IRON WORKS," I led on courstr eet, in the ' - 'Borough cir ottsville,lwill be:ixintin. Pt 4, ued'hy tu sunecriber Ift '11,114 carious .. ,F ;brunches wiz ;..stetura Englnebtdiding, .„ - -. N ., . mid ull k i ndesof , machinery for mlnink. ' 4 ." elthrr coal or ore; „blast funni"ces of hot ur mat bliud.; . all XI tuis of ratirciltireasi IMP; and mil road car fixtures of wrought and east iron ; all k 1 nilp - of brru% cam/ ngs ; all Itintixof smithwor:f,,and all sizes of the latest im proved pumps', atigle and double acting. .Repairtng prompite uttet,d,d to and : neat ly executed. ' By careful munition tebusiness the subscriber trusts he will' receive a share of the pubrir patronage So lleennly bestowed on the late firm. - Jan. 1, '.'—l- .. . JAMES. 'WREN., ASHLAND IRON WCPBX.S. The subientbers are now fully, Iron Works, to'farnlsh,*at the Ashland Works, ,riteiiin Engines and Primps of any power ara: capacity, for min.. yrr " fag and 'other , pti 'gimes. Coal Break- " em of every size and pattern now in use, to gether with' castings and t hwgings of every descrip• Don. Coal and Drift cars of all whew and patterns;- Aargeftruck and Howe . 4 :3iva,.. all furnished at - the :shortest notice. The sulmeatheis flatter themselves, thart • inasmuch as every` member of the firm is a, praOtleal 'mychanle, they, will be able' to 'furnish "machinery that will compare favorably with any In he Region. Alt orders directed to J. & 31. GARNER, Ashland, behuylkill County,Pa., will receive prompt attention. ...t3l. GA HN.tft: . Ashland, Jan. 1.'70-1- . . r EAGLE IRON ••• - . • HENRY WALTERSietor, TANAHCA, SCHUYLKILL couNTY, PA. Thivl pg enlarged his foundry writ ma, • chine shop, at the Eagle Iruti Works. ' tr. Tamaqua; and thus very materially increased their,capaclty for turning out • ' • work Indus line of husinesii, he is eow ' prepared to make Ateath Engines and l'untrus of any power and capacity. -fur mines; Machinery for Breakers, Rohl lig and other mills, and for Fur naces; all kinds of castings and forginga, &c., &c. - An experience of tnanyyears in the business. ith the foci), t ies which -these works now possess, enable j the proprietor to turn out the very hest and the most satisfactory work. Alt orders addressed toIiENRY WALTERS. Eagle Iron Work*, Tamaqua. Schuylkill County. Pa.. will; receive prompt attention. 9 E June 28,119,7.13tfi !THE PALO ALTO. /BON WORKS, , *iillfrre prepared to' furnish T RAILROAD IRON— tt=...rig from 'D to l'o r pounds per yard—STREET foun IS to GS pounds per yard, to salt either for horse cars or loco- g, • motives. All these rails are of 'the ituaß. LATEErr AND MOST APPROVED PATTERN& Also, a general assort. = merit *MEACHAM BAR IRON, Boun Plata, Oval. IT Ha and .Grooved, , OOP A4l :i rtAliD IRON, CAR AXLE& RAILROAD CHAIRS, FISH PLATES AND HOOKSPIKM. for rails. ROLLS made of the best brands of cold won. charcoal Iron. ready for use, either for T railss,, street rails or bar iron. Also, all kinds of CASTINGS FOR . ROLLING MILLS. We also in. attention to our DIFFERENT:PATTERNS OF SHEAIui, for =Ulm old ratio,puddied iron. &a., dr. BENJ. RATWOOD., Proprietor._ ~, °Me pro. Second and Market Sta4PottsvU Pa Pottsville, .. Jan. I, !110-1- • • T szkonent surrinizi •- . *.` . AXD XECIIAIinCB i - • .., , .• AtIITER a MUIR% ein be bonshi ebeap — Brdlil• Ins Hardware elan kinda.els: Panda,OUa, Meek O - planer * Chimney Tope and Fluelh Ale% Terra. ta Plptat aU airea. . . -;.. . .- , Mareh.; 7 0 . -13r • .. ~..- le - - • =:a .~.. ISAMIg MP•v!eitii A. issg ETENi ES h.," i _ Ntitelrigi'a,__,.-, 41111 et "gra -r• Vine :Yeinalliniii — Ageerra.. inelled ANN.__ ___ eltelikellettla rteweettebnYlkill *NOV end ..sedheeted,loMide'lnfl •bettitlereed to pabillenNe - ,-- • - ;" ". .: Ai givaiti r. xisigiorr &Cum - • . . . . . . ,' itO, it ithillilsi the it the °nut mow. In rwr ia logool Potts, *lli -Cotusty, the • lag rnalted reel Lassie s tltat - tartan them es tract of land edtaate in TOwnektp,Behoylkill Conner, bounded and deperibed as fo lows: Beginning at' a stone cooper, thence by Is into! Jo shurt Enty north Ng. degrees, west AN • to stoner, thence south iIW degrees; . watt 841 paretic* to *post 8 feet from a stone corner thence by landof John Ertl:mu:Land lane south 9t : Negrees,,_eaat MO perches to a stonr, - thence by lan ..litte — ofJohn A. Otto. north 23% demme, east 11314 'perches' to the Owe or beginning. -cOntellling nu acres, more or tea, with the appurtenances, consist tog of a 1% story frame dwelllnghoose, a frame N barn:and a frame stable; as the property of DANIEL R'EIEL. • " . . ALSO—AII that certain lot ar piece of ground.' situate In liegletaTownahl asst p, SchttyUl County, ad- Johgeg the -public road leading from Donaldson to . Ortown. and lands of Susanna Heater Reuben .Huntainger &s „ Jacob tlplitipare and others.. captain ing 3 acres, mote or lees, with tbe,appurtensinem ,conslsting of a _frame stable; as` the. property of ABRAIIANSLMWMIE. ALSO—AII that certain two-story frame dwelling house, with one-story frame kitchen attached, situ.. late In the Borough. of Port Carbon Fichnylkilt Ceinty, l's., on the northwesterly = I. of Lot No. 3t, in Lawton's Addition to -Port boo, said lot being on the northeseterly coener of Market and Second istreets In add Borough. The said dwells% house coo Mining In front on Market street about lett and - In depth about 30 feet and the said name kitchen eontalning In lenath about 12 feet and In depth about If feet, and th the ot or piece of ground and eurt sge appurtenant reto; as the property of GEO RGE C. LEE and REBECCA P. LEIS, his wife. owners or reputed owners. gc. - AUtO—All that certain small tract or piece of land situate In Branch Township Schuylkill Comity, b , unded by a public road, Is;.nds of liamteli Heed. Reward Heisler and of bent, containing 3 acres, more or less, with the appurtenances, consisting of a two ' story frame dwelling-house and a logatetile ; as the F.2?: ._. . of GEORGE HEINE. ' • All that certain bit or piece of ground, allar hype Borough of Pinettrove, - Schuylkill County, bounded northwardly by lot of Levi Miller, eastwardly by Canal street. southwardly by lot of Reeben E. Meese, and westwardly by lot of , containing In width .511 feet, more or less, and -In depth HO feet, more or less, with t appurtenancee, eonsistipg of a I%story framed Iling-house, with a one-storylmme kitchen at ed; as the property of MICHAEL ill FAME. ' A L. , B4—A 11 that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in the. Borough of Tamaqua, Schuylkill Co u nty, bounded northwardly by Lim street, east wavily by tot of George B:.uer, southwardly by lot of James 'Wheatley, and westwardly by an• alley, containing In width fl feet and In depth/10feet, more or less, with the appurtenances, consisting of a double two-story frame dwelling-house; as the pro perty of JOHN MORGAN. _ ALSO-All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate tit the Borough of Mahanoy City. Schuylkill County, on the northwardly side of Centre street, being the lot numbered seven (7) In block one (I) on -the map or plan of said Malianny City, made by Frank Layer- In Joly, la,t, containing in front or width on Centre street twenty-live fee C.ro and ex tending back of that %Yid h at right angles thereto, tin lenth or depth one hundred and twenty-rive feet .1 23) to Railroad street; bounded westwardly by ' Lot No ,g, north-we , dly by Ibuirood strtet, eastward iy by Lot- No. 8, and southwardly by Centre street aforesaid, with the appurtenances, consisting of a two.etory brick and - - frame dwelllng-_houSe and a frame stable, as the property ofJOSEPI - LHOEMANN H and JOHN OFMANN. ' • ~..., I No. 2—All those two certain lots or pieces of ground, situates In the Borough-of Blattanoy City,' Schuylkill County, bounded northwardly by Centre street, testwardly by A street, southwardly by Waterestreet. - and westwardly .by, lot of Jacob Ftlioads:cantisining in width 50 reernitt,ln depth 125 feet.,3•l44otatt'a,ppurtenunees, consisting of a frame • statfla • L as the property of JOHN HOPP NANN and C. .1. HOPFNANIs • , - i t .. . • ALSO— It that certain twsinp - d a Hilt story stone tavertoriltoC direlling-house,. and one and a-hal 1,4.tri445367, story (tante .14uildiatatand lot or piece orgmund, situated in- the town of New . RI . gold . in t Brunswick Township, setae ikill Co ty; boun ed in Hunt by Centre street; eastwardly • Cates in.- street, and southwardi2t. by Lot No. 47, rked iu the rilan of said, town with number forty-eight: (4s) and being 50 feet in fiont and liti feet in depth, and being the same premises which William C. Lud wig and sophia C., his Wife, by their dead, bearing date the 29th day of June, A. D. 1661 granted an y confirmed unto Jacob E. Inetheibles; in fee; as the property of JACOB E. Dlt El HELM lis. ALSO—AII that certain lot or piece of ground !situate in the Borough: of Shenandoah, Schuylkill County, bounded northveudi:s• by lot of Charles Begins, east by a 2u foot wide alley, smith by a lot of A. Callen, and west by Main street, containing In width t. feet and in depth 1.5.3 feet, snore or lee, with the appurtenances. consisting of a two-story, [tame dwelling-house,Avith stone t e nement and a IS story plank shvelline-house on the rear end of lot; as the property or ANTIION Y IthVITT. ,' A LSO—. 1& this 6 certain lots or, pitee of ground. situate in Ilse Borough of Pottsville, Schuylkill' County, bounded northwardly by-Arch street,east— seemly by lot of Emily Pollock_ southwardly bi East • Market street, and westwardly 1,3 Wolf street, containing together in. width I:+liect, and In depth 2 0 feet;with . the appurtenances, comisting of a 2%- story brick dwelling house. a 2-story brick and frame. , bake-house and a frame stable; as the pro perty of DAVID. BEVERIDGE. ' AL:4O—Na. A—All those 2 certain lots or plecra of ground, situate in the Borough of 'famaqua, county, bounded northwardly by Lot No. eastwardly by a :.11-feet wide alley , southwa rally by Lot No. 6, and westwardly by Lehigh street, eontain -Ing together lu width rot feet and In depth MO feet, and being lots known as Lots Nos and. 8, Lehigl. Street. • lind certain one-half. lot or piece of ground, situate' on the northeast corner of Broad and 4.lthigh streets, in the Borough of Tamaqua, Schuylkill. County, bounded on the south by Broad. street 50 feet, on the noilh by the remaining one half part of said lot 50 - feet, (sn the east by Lot 75 feet, and on the west by 11:'eli fah street 75 feet; be ing the one-half part of Lot-No. 1, in square "E„'• on the plan of said Borough 144 the property of JACOB ALSO—AIi that certain ,lot or piece of ground, I situate in the Borough of Schuylkill I laven, schuyl kill County, bounded northeardly by Idargaretta street, eastwardly by lot or3acob A. Geiger, south wardly by a,pabi lc street, and westwardly by 10t..0f James Saylor;rontrdning in width 21 feet 5 inches, more or less, and in deptll.l6l fret, w .t It the appurte nanees, roasisting of - - a two-story frame dwelling house, with a one-story frame kitchen attached, and • a frame stable; as the property of PETER GRAKR ' Aft)-All that certain lot or piece of ground, situalit on the eastwardly , e of Centre street In the I.IA - rongb of Pctsville, Schuylkill County; being composed of - thelnits mars ed Nos. :1;,), :r2l, 321,3.25, 326 and Xi:on lbw map Or „plan! the .Norwegian Addition' to Pottsville, and which are bounded 4tral described 'AS iolloiFft,: Beginning at a post on the eastwardly .side of Centre street, theme along It, north 21 degrees, west 21)0 feet. - 3 inches in if post, !lord( is degrees 20 minutes, west feet to 'a post, rtiorth 517 fret 4 IncheslO trpost, and north 10 6 -. 2 de , grecs, west , -96 feel 4 inawis to a post. bY lot marked NW: 323 on said map or . plan, )North 71114 de , :if re-ell:Vast 72 feet S inches to-a post set at the dim-, twice of 14 feet -westwardly front the- middle of the west branch of the Mount Carbon Railroad, thence along at That thstance from ttte'iniddle of said road, , :torth 11 degrees 56 minutes, west 0.0 feet to a post, thence, by Bridget Cullen's ground north 13 degrees -40 minutes. west. 79 feet G inches to 'lt post at the Woutheasterly side of Centre' street, thence along .it north degrees-10 minutes; east 47 feet 7 inches to a stone idiotic d at the SOU itattim corner of Centre and Call streets, thence along the southwestern .and western' Sides of the latter south CO degrees 00 min, UteS, east '17.71 feet to a post, south Mi . degrees, cask , 311 feet d inches to a post, south 5714 degrees West 75' feet 3 braes to wpost, and soot.) is degrees east Stts 14;1.7 Inches to a post, thence by lands now or late of John .Farnum and others south It) degrees ,("min ntes, west:l97l.feet 10 inches tothe place of beginning, kintalAing 9 acres and 57'berelles, more or less, With • the apportenaitoes, consisting of 2 two-story fratne dw( - 41ing-housed, with two-story I crime hack attached;.t subject to the righfs, reservations of. coal, iron ores, and minerals, &v.. mem :ours' n salt mortgrto, , t: astne property of TfIE ; SCitt:Y LK I I.f. COUNTY' LH:1111E1i, CAB. AND - 1.,04010T1VE. ENHINE 31A119.7.FACTURINti COMPANY, - .s• A 4•40--All -that certain. lot or piece - of' ground,' . slturiA In Ifoirnewilfle„'Butler Township, Felluylk County, bounded'on the north by road leadi fig from' Aoland i(i'Giranlyille. east .by lot of .„ poyl e, south Malianny Creek. west by lot of Mona- . glm, containing 25 feet, More or less, and depth .130 feet, more or less, with tip• appal te - nanges,Foriasting of a two-story frame dwelling , house,Twlth 4 - ton.• basement ; tit , . property of -ANTHONY ROWL.VNIrand Mits, ROWLAND. ALeJ.o—All that certain lot 'or piece of ground, silliater,Arptlfellorcrugh of fort Carbon, Kelt ti V11:111 Couttl,. tx.nndol tiorthwardly by lot of Tti r maas Lyneti:eastaisrdly by Hazel street, southwardly by lot-of Thomas I.yuch, - and westwardly by Coal street, containing in wl,dth 112 feet, more or less,:and in depth. - 104 feet, Moro or less, with the--apeurte nancea.,rtansisting of„a two-story frame dwelling.; house,,and w frame stable on Coal street, and a two -sdory frame - dwelling.house and. a frstne stable on Hazel street; as the property of SAMUEL GRAY. that certain lot or piece of ground, situate In the *Borough of Pottsville, selmyiklit 'County, being part of a lot marked No. 17 in Ben jamin Potts' Addition to Pottsville, containing -In front or breadth on. said Centre street 41 feet,.and extendivg hack of,that whit b'in length of depth 130 feet, bounded southwardly 'by another parrot' said Cot-No. 17, the property otsa id Charles W. Pitman. eastwardly by another part of said lot, the property .51 the fthilladelphin and Beading Railroad Company, northward ly by a part of-lot marked No. 16 in said Addition, the property of Joseph. Kline, and west wardly by Centre street, (subject to the reserve - of oral,) with the appurtenauer;s, consisting of a two• story frame store and, dwelling-house, with a one And admit' fitory- frame back building attached, and a 'gene-foundation for a store and dwelling-house; as the property 'of CIINRLEI - 3 - W. PITMAN, fi*lked and taken itiexeett t ion and wilt be sold by GEORGE C. WYNKOOP, /sheriff: Nheiift's Mee, Pektsville, Nov. 12, 1670. 4(1-4t- Coat Screens, &C. - • • itANICFACTIIRIcti OY • SQUARE, ORANGULAR ROD AND WIRE. -BCREENS b 7 • • ' (PATWATED SEPT fT/1.• ' • No. _IR Norwegian Street, POITSVI LE, PA. • §ept. .17, 7f-Bd—Gm . . 4411.17BENSTEIN& CO., tictrossotti To Jowl: R. DIEM!. Manufacturer of Coal Screens, Of ~ t he Latest ' and Most Approved Styles. Second-hand Sereenirand neements alvraka on hand. Wp - reepeethnly Konen a eontlnuatice of the par r ronage heretofore zo liberally bestowed. I. I.M.7IIIiNSTEIN & C 0. .- Railroad St., - Trar of Esteily'N'llardvrare Store, Jun I.' 114ttaville, Pa • SQUARE ROD AND WIRE SCREEN 43. ' J. EAU BE NISTEINT, mAiiTAcrtnen OY SQUARE ROD AND WIRE SCREENS. . PATENTED FEItRUARY MINERBVIII.,LE, kentlYLKIk.L.OO., Psi The'StaILTARE ROD SCREEN'S, on account of their superior strength and durability, are preferred to all others wherever tried. Screen Bolts, all sizes al ways on hand. Orders promptly filled at moderate prices. . *ay W. 1.10.Z. r wxbrnow..DEcoiwrions. LACE CURTAINS ; ', - • HEAVY AND LACE DRAkEIIIEO, LAMBREQUINS or SATIN DAMASK. BILK. AND SILK , Q WOOL .r . FABRICS, (:/t/ all Shades . qt Cblors, the Latest Insterfeet.l WI I D OW SHADES, IN ALL THE NEWEST TINTS..- PLl:iiitZEl,ltAliz;,Bco., for IWlrOad 1340 P/ 1 1" 1,. E. WALRAVEN, MASONIC MALL, TI9 cltronerrr grit Eric PHILADELPHIA. " • May• IV . psurmazaltuunnmois. • ik abo zw o mt. I l le msum A s sib Tr t r is t ue linV tl rat t o=u b CbeapTroar. rbY B W i lr i.lllThili rstir 14. err Wight DIPUT. 4 e, a VBerra 00003rD trrasar.abare Citizrzrti •••• i PHILADIMPZIA.- ;see a d *perm& withei lamp and well selectee t, I ebotoe ci atyland Aleck. elli nrrth r i.l rmaitingi t vimosg4 l Rows, Mata,Bl.alr ItorlikAte.„ l .. ~e lace, all et shwa he - artll sell very cheap for; 0 carat. ttept. fl. 70-311-3ratalma l• P. 8.--t. STEWARD DPl'Llr i ja rear at V 23 Elorith Ste red z - ; bet vrtth MOIL DIZU.T.• • lIIVATAUR_II CRAWPC/HD, CURRIER& said VT DW..F..= In LEATHER. dt SHOE FINDLNOS, No. BIS N. tiessond ea, below Poplar, Phliadelphie.' Spanish. Slaughter and Ilem Sole Skirling Calf Mane; spina, Grath and Buff Upper. Romeo, Bindingki.inings, Cut-Leather. A ge_neral assort ment of Mina Findings and Uppers. - We manatee. tare STOUT KIPS and UPPER LEATHER express.- 17. for the MINERS' TRADE. Neale' Foot. Tanners and CoutLieer Oils. L. N. WALKS Sept 17. s N. CRAWOhn, VIIMNITURIt WAREBOOMM, No. BM LOM M ILL ST.. PHILAPELPiIIs... . REG BOPElNS.Designersend Mannike titters of Fine-Cabinet Were keep on band a lame meson:neat. of Walnut and Cottage. Furniture, Hair. Moak, sad, the Woven Wire Fipring Mattress. Goals. to be sent at adlstanee will be peeked, •Itt a secure. stunner. We BOY and sell for case a n d - in so doing are enabled to tarnish superior goods.at the lowest Ides possible. We solicit a cell., Bept: 17, '70,18-Iy. _ - • 0 Want St. bat" 0. { CIZEAP PAINTING.— . p0r.... 1 tb... Cinur,:: 11' pslat as ',inch as 20411t..1' I e,...*. -42 "agoNicro.ll6 . CaS:t LEAD nrth ith St.. Phiiads. es IS Nsilea lases Oct 1, "70 FURN/ • TU JuSEPII WALTON & CO., . CAunt sr 'MAKERS, .:40 413 Walnut SL., Philadelphia. Our establishment is one of the oldest In Phila delphia, and front long experience and superior fa ellitlea we are prepared to furnish good wont at reasonable prices. , , We mapttfacture fine furniture. and also metlium *priced furniture Oflauperior quality.. - A large stock of furniture always on hand. Goode made to order, Counter; Desk Work and Of Furniture for Banks. Offices and Stores. tnadeAo order. .1 05. WALTON, J. W. LIPPINCOTT...I , Os. L. SCOTT. Feb. 12;'70.. . • 7-1 y W 'Pit?! t IN no ?JI V E RE(CII4. GUARDS, store re Cloth for cleaning ores, coal, do. • limy,'" Screen Cloths and Coal Screens. Wire Webbing for sheep and poultry,yards. Paper Makers' Wires: Brass ano Iron Wire Cloth Sieves, Painted Screens, Ornament al Wire Work. Every information by addressing the manufacturers, M. WALKER lc No. 11 North4tth street. Philadelphia. Feb 12;'70' • --I v - . 187_ O. Dior ociops -AT THORNLF:Y'S. • Why we Sell so cheap: Light Exprwies! • Large Businesis! Cash.. Purchases ! Close Personal Ntten po v A Life-Long Experience! - .rer 17 years on Spring Garden Street.) W Mier this Sasso!' a xosr Ser.Es Di nSrocg or Goo embracing every variety of - ' I shawls, Dress Goods, Blankets and guilts, Casa eres and Linens, Corsets, Skirts, ic.. Kli,l Gloves, ...---. .IGSF4H H. THORNLEY, (tate Thornm) N. E: cor. 11th and Spring Garden St . ., - Phil, - a. Sept 17, '7O ;tt 3m . _ I' IL T BERGER'S FLAVORING EX TRACTS warranted equal to uny made. ,Are prepared from the rntrisi. Ask yo 4r_ Grocer or Driv is for Wiltbergres F*artr. BAILLOW'S IN DIG° LITE is, without doubt, the' s t. best article in the mar . It will color more water than fpur times , the San weight of indigo; The only genuine fa that put up at Alfred. Wilt bertier - s Drugtore. .Wiltbe' niers and Parlow's name on !s -heik; II others counterfeit. For sale by most Urn cent at d Druggists. WILTBEI:C}:It * S INIIIF1.1111.}: Is it • will be found a superior article. A lwayson hand at, reasonable prices. Pure Dround Spivs, i ienainte Medictes, Chamois Skins, Tapioca, ?sago, and all ar ticles in the Drug line. at ALFRED WILTBERDEWS Dm:. Sore, Junl.No. it :I North Se....ind St., trbi ioetpltla, 70 4, 23-tau DA N IEL M. KARCHER. - _ ~.."-• , FURNITURE WAREROOMS; • tIVI and 23S South' Second Sirs-vi, . • i . . . PIIILADELI 111 A. ' Th undersigned liavinggreatly Die'. ea,eil r.:i7.ie, In the.-addition of the large four stiiry buildliia' ad- Jqinitig.his former place 01 husineks,ititm, gi...it in- , tioevioents to all purchasers of turn itUreito el ve i.!ta .- a call. Ile Is -confident of being 41:lit! to 1.1, ,, .. :1: I who' nay favor him with their custm. and hi. ..N .- Twricinee of twenty years in business Is A SII:Onott , of his ability to turn mitt he best Of- work. Ile • le-r -sonally supervises his large workshops, nail ia:N ar ticleinot on hand willtbe made toorilt r at the I , lv. , t. terms; A large stock•of all kinds 01 t:Tl:Nrrt"l*.v. com,tantly on hand. D. M. KAU! 'lll.lt. *Opt 9, *hlt.- . - 74 vd.w . . . Si 0;900 GRARANTEE. t , ,' BUCK LEAD exec:is:ill other Lead ! , • Ist.,, For ha Unrivaled Whiteness. -- : p. For itsUnequaied Durability. . sd: For Its 'Unsurpassed Covering Property. . - Lastly for Its Economy. It' costs leas -to paint, with Bock Lead than any' other White Lead extant, The saute weight 0 .vers More Surface, itf, more Bumble, and nuilms 1 - niti,r Woik. _ ' . ' . '• . ...,.. • 1 BUCSLEAD is the Cheapest and Best. 't• ii , i . $lO,OOO (i'TJAIZANTEE.. „. BtICE ZINC Excels all other Zinea. : - rat. For Itatinequaled Durability. ' ' !M. For its Unrivaled Whiteness. . tkilf: For its Unsurpassed Covering I'roperty. / Listly, for Ila,Great, Economy, A i being the Cheapest Ilis.ndsoufest, and m'cmt Lunt White Pai;it in the world. . ''. - _ B"Y ONL3 BUCK. LEAD AND 1.11_7(5i- ZlNer • TR".IT AND BE CONVINCED. . - Scriimfitetionyurtrivifitid by ill , : ifantrfaceqecr. Btielc COTTAGE-COLORS, ! ' -Prepared expressly for painting . . :.- . Cottaues, Ont-buildlncs of every description, fences. Ac. - ' Thfiiy-tive dliferefit. colors. Durable, Cheap, Uniform attd Beautiful Shades. Sample cards ! sent by mail if desired. • Dealers* orders will be promptly executed by the manufacturers. ~ ' FRI.:NTH, IiTCII ATMS & eft.. Z.*. ear. Tenth end' Market Streets, Philadelphia. Ja1:12.!, 'TO . " • " - • 1-ly ebucational. /et. 017 / Anon Bidliings, COIL TENTH AND CHESTNUT STS. • Scholarships end 111,46 Colleges In the 'Cane.' States and Con2attas. For particulars tall or send tor Catalogue.. • . . • ,Oct 1. l'ino•Ont "THE HILL- INSTITUTE: • - POTTSTOWN, MONTGOJIERY , COUNTY. PA. English, ClaissiCal.Selenttille„Artistie and Commer claL Location admirable. Twentieth Anuual Res. 'ion. Thorough preparation for College or . husinevil For circulars address _ • Rtv. GEO. F. MILLER, A. M., Ftinelpal.l Rgrgiumscas—Revs. Jos. Meigs, SehseiTer,'Maniv. Krauth, Guns,: Butter; ite. Hons. judge Ludlow Meyers, I. S. Yost,,lL M. Moyer, Russel Thayer, etc: : . July - Aisai- if fILOCIMSBURG STATE NORMAL sell - 61M AND LITERARY Ot COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE. The Facility of this Institution elm to he very - tho,/ rough in their Instructi"n. and to look carefully - after the manners, health and morals or the students. Apply forcaralogues to HENRY CARVER, Oct 8,70-41-1 y 7 dining Ntadjinenj, &c. 'NOT/CE.--alanufacturers and users or steam Pumps, are hereby cautioned atutinst the man facture, sale,' cense...of any Pumps that are an in fringernent on Allison's Patent, dated September 21. 1867, as they ten! be prosecuted to the full estent of the law. I have alreadieenantenced stilt intshild loVvery par ties, and will prosecute all other infringers. . Port, Carbon, April B,'lBol. • ROUT. ALLISON. ' Palliest - 1n want of Pumpscan be supplied at reason ble prices by the undersigned. ALLISON & BANNAN, Franklin ron Works, Port,Carbon, Pa i L'7o D COAL - • , • Patented April 1 operaikii - Jamisr the largenumber sold. and the easy pero feet sailitAtiii:tMn given. bendforttlnstratedcatakyrye containing sises, prices and testimonials from parties using them; also containing price list of our Wood and Iron Oars, Iron Tubs and Barrows. Dock and Hook Blocks, - JM4 also containing =nab informs Lion useful to Coal merchants. _ , P. K. DEDERICK & Co., Alban,' Agricultural & Machine Works. Aibany. Jan. tfllli-1641m-17 New York.. CEA& H. EARIUMON. ;co. nos MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Onarseat. Aour. The CAL =aft Wader thee pawns Meier ems eawN4dW- doing away knife_ ll lbag de. and meuem thaseby lawarlika aft seearata.maughlse and awe. 1s 11.-Bend afr Illin ted estalorwa, wag; • A dsewns at tar Westeal me Delbeential plod& IS, 'lO-1111.0a fla • ,*;:' • ,;•••1' ,HuY =EI lIKMBER, COAL :BROKEILTVID COMMISSION gigH Aim 116 ItOBT. B. BEATS. Janif=, nu, El 3 1128 CHZIINUT STBEZT **3 ARCH STREET, Philadelphia. wit • MILLIXEN'S LINEN -AND- - HOUSE,. FURNISHING G . , . . WINTER BLANKETS. All the best makes of Blankets; !rem the lowest t. the ilnest (ciallties msde A Mb For. LARGE BLANKET SALES. To lirreaise our Blanket Sales .Is S4tason; we shall sell at 'unusually close prices. We promise that our Blanket customers will be pleased Ith our Low Twatvr. - 31ARSEILLES'QUILTS and COMFORTABLE% .t.l Entirety New Stock i Fresh goods l New Pat terns'', Greatly Reduced Prices!, Marseilles Quilts are niuch,cheaper since last Iseasson. Our Stock being quite new and fresh, our customers may depend.on finding in our Stock , the la t styles, and best value in the market. ' •: . c. . r'• 1 • • • •,.. . - • FLANNELS! FLANNELS; ' CONTENTS() OF UR FL-ASNE DEP VRTSIENT . • :5 - - se I . . • Fallardvale Flannels—all the widths, and all the qualities ' Gilbert!' •Flanneli; Real Welsh Flannels, Saxony Fl . nets, .Shaer Flannels, all qualltles—Red, Blue, and Gray Flannels. - • I • - , , ~ Extra Heavy Hugenot Canton 'Linnets: „e..- - . ' " .. . s , • . Always ihowe the most ellenslve Stock of Linen GaAs' to he foninl In Pllllailelphla. SPECIAL BARGAINS In TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, SHEETINGB. TOWS ON, &c. , GEORGE MIJI.LIKEN, ?'", -112EChesunt Street, amid 'B2B Are Street. Philadelphia.. 're' Oct 1, '7O-le--11m L'9..111-Zr ly ANDREWS. ,lIARRISOIiF/t. CO.. LOW-DOWN (I DATES A SPECIALITY, Mug: Japaitut.4l, 'Red Metal, and Nl4kel Plated. THE 1...114F.-.3.T. SELECTION IN THE CITY. Of the -'fbittinentra IVeo via" Iron, .:4ir- Tight Ft- nNAcEs• COOKING-RANGES, Fora SIZES EACH ,MADE, STE4II ' In.:AT/NCI APPARATUS Sma or Illustrated Circular. Selit 1.3,';u 37-3 m T un DOUBLE OVEN EsUNNASIDE COOK OF MO, Is constructed on .Entirely. New and Scientific Principles, with Siphon klue 'guaranteed. to tho• roughly heat t 1) large ovens, tUal not boles, with two-thirds the fuel used "lib the single men Cook Stoves. We are still manufacturing our long and favorably katialt IiAItLEY-SIIKAF COOKING STOVE,' so highly esteemed. by,. the- palate for ; several years past. • - —. • • - • t llh 31:Zs:TATA, our great-double-heating PAR -I.OYI labs befit much t titproved and beautified tilts year,, - -Where known' the merits of this Stove, need no-continent. Our celebrated sUNN 1 sIDE rittE-rr.A.c}: IIEATEICS, • -among its many PILI:M Ail-mcarried off the first preatialll at the Maryland Institute at Italtlnaore, In although sttinet:ttsl tothe most_ severe tests , at home ot , he ltsilintore Ileater.r Mitt is the only true hot-air lire-place-Ile:der In the market, and like the regular built cellar heater loses no heat. Send for Circulars and Testimonials. - . STUAIIy, P,ETEIT,SOI , I st , CO.. • - 1 hiladelphla, Pa. For sale by Messrs. SKEEN d 10EItN$, Pottsville ,•• • ' J. M. 11.1111.1 STY, TamaqUa. • Sept. 17, 70-1"*1-3m ... , t 0..... o mecoy & TYSON, • No. 1210 Market Street s Prtiledeltilale. •. • 'Wholesale aka' Retail Dealers•ln HEATERS, RANGES and -1 STOVIN. Carton. Reverberatory', Burlington Improved, American and penefactor liut-Air • Fijrnacra. lio:OLE anti SINGLE:ELM - ATI:WC/VAX, and FLAT• oomtitution, Poelite. Dexter, Fashion, ancrEmpire Choking Stores and Empire fpurfabte Range. ' GAS-LIGHT, CAIII2IO7.C,•STAICDAUD AND 11N192/ 11,EATING The above article are manufactured by the . Bußiamorors. J. • oa.'s Mizmorul Ratihnor, INre-Plare 'eater: GAIS OVENS and all othi.eartlclea In our llne. • All pooda.`,puaranteed. , Aug 27, - 35-.3m A number oi r ,neWpattern CCIOEING and PARLOR STOVES, which can be had at maderate prices. lie also has &splendid amsort tuent of tin, brash BzUAW°, Japaned, glass, wood and willow ware ,'hollow and hardware. Also bee, brooms, oil cloths, table cloths, door mate, CM wringers, trays, carving and butcher knives, 0 1 lamps. knivasaml forks. and all kin of Glassware. Also, gridirons. wast ing pans, c ildrene sleighs andallatea Mtge, tea and butter rts, mice and rat traps, patent nutrnag crsters, spittoons, lemon squeezers anti grates's, bird mfrs, table mats, table saws, cleavers, egg W 1344, roiling pins, potato 'mashers, bread baiiMs„ wash' boards, wooden boxes. Oat and tailor Irons, sausage cutters and staffers, clothes lines, bed cords, clothes pins, corn poppets, cake cutters, candlesileks, dredge boxes, savings banks, match boxes , school compan ions, slates and pencils, toilet sets, bath tabs, hatch ets, hammers, axes,. deed and • bond t axes, fildnr sieves, meat sawar coffee mills, coneentotted lye, glass drainers, fancy toy's, lard cans, wash tubsorasb hoards, sheet zitic.rnarket and fancy baskets, castors, knife boxes, shovels, pokers, tongs, coal buckets, tea kettles, stove and shoe blacking. Also, tills; pantry varnishes; window glass, putty, lanterns ; and many articles too numerous too mention. - Also, rooting, spouting, and all kinds of Jobbing done toorder , and at the shortest notice. Persons wishing any of the above mentioned articles would do well by calling and examining before purchasing elsewhere, - SOLOMON nuovr.n. OIBTING MA IE3 ROOT'S SECTIONAL• WB,01:10IT 'IIIOS ROOTS IMPROVED - TRUNK ENGINES, • Statbouul. Portable &ACM arise. Dona Piaton Square Hoisting Iknginfini. Hoist. Machinery for Coal Shafte, Sloping, Grist Mills , Stores. &a., &a. Ontheee Nulatera can be sefn tunnißgilally it KILL & HAlilt,l.4' Colliery. lidahanoy lily. Pi. . PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS INVITED TO the Holster, which 'has no equal. No dead points —havind two piston* in one cylinder, either end of which is taking full steam when Atte other L. passing centre. It reqotres no friction stnipa, clutches of broke* of any kind. Started. rereemea or stopped instantly, and at any point of revolution, by simple movement of a single lever. Having nekeys, gibs, set screws, or other adjustable parts. which in other holsters require the knowledge and constant care of an experienced engineer, can be put in the bands of the most inexperienced persons. All its working puns are enclosed 'ln the case or cylisder, and are thus protected from tzmkage; the effects at dust, dirt, and rust or weather. Its extreme light ness, compactness and rapid speed, highly commend it for this use. Orders received for the manufsettuer bY the undersigned, who will also furnish descriptive catalogues, price lista. drawings, estlmadesiand Other in hemation. - " . NATHANIEL GARRET. Ilabaskoy City. Pa. • -A H. CHURCH. Danville. l a )llar'2B..dl-43. nAmmars MAW NAP • - . - This tilap is the latest published of the 'Anthracite Ctial Regions of I%min:iv-ants. It dirk= many respects Crain other maps published, became tt giros the f on and alto a representation of the Deal Basins, with the location of ail the collkries In the An to 4.Val Ibutionr, de., dr.. •• Pries on P 1 In am for Yeeksl....f _ Ia sheets-4. I IV - Do ' II Do do dissected tar mail lit Throe in pocket Ruin witty sent Mee bar snail Ga. receipt of tbe shore male at . DAMIAN ILAMlLTllllloolestarqk potythde MEM KAagnmK EMI FRE THOMAS 47.1 DO MTUDEit or • • First' Clasiew CeiTitsiga ..d Buggies, •. OF LATIOF AILOO . 11011? AFIPOOTII SWUM • IitAIIIIVAGIOTti—Oms. Pump Amp Noinrun.AN MlL. o 3ra 13 4VI!mg BACK or Mown= Boyar, PinliniLLE. Pa. . Cloastaatly on bind,* rood assortment of lie; and seecmillani C i ar 4 ===zi k . l repairing. • April 10;110-45 VimAnrri.d , ,s CO FIRES INSURANCE, ANTHRACITE ROAE,D . 01? 'TRADE :No. 178 Ceatre,St., Pottsville, P Ik'SD MILLIKEN'S - LINEN STORE ZOZICS, U►angcs; =I Fur Public and Primlc Buildings,' • Ill; awl 1t2..1 Market street, Pil I LA DEL PI I IA El= UNCLE SAM IMPROVED Top RA N'03.1.. cTr7•OF BORLT.NTOTON. i CARBON STOVE COMPANY, AlaiDvh`011101.:c 1 :1 or TUN 'iorkarsuLart criAL•azatoss.. Elll =MEI DRY COODII, AT TROUAS 'SULU'S, ZI CENTRE • ST. POTTSVILLE. 5,1. to ---------------- - - • - GODFREY'S_ INSURANCE :AGENCY.' Office, No, 2 - ,'Mahantongo Street, , Where INSUR.ANCF: TO'AINT AMOUNT can' he effected in the most reliable Companies In the land, and some of which are , the oldest, viz: North American of 'Philadelphia Franklin, Home, of_New ... York Fanners' Mutual ..... .... The Andes; of Om-tonal .. ; . Williamsnort,Of Perinsylvaniat.... Lancaster, " • • " The above named Companies are.a't of the ma t prompt - to pay loos ea and Itonorable In solJtoolmg clntms• • -.. T.A..GODFILEY. Pottsville. August 20. '170—.11-4ni DELAWARE MUTUAL' LIFE /NSIIBANCE CO -; OF . WILIMSGTON,- DELAWARE. Setritary. " • BRX.NCII OFFICE N. COItYER NiNl3l AND CIIKSTNCT STRENTs. - • = . Philadelphia. GEO. W. STONE, Vice President, Manager. GEO. F. TURNER, Gen - I Agent and - Attorney.. Pt - 0.1.y 31trroAL LOW HATES. .• All Polteles Non-Forfeiting after one.anautil pay ment. Every are anniadat lon consistent vi Ith safety guaranteed tti Polley Holders. „Book& containing, fall in format ion eon eern I ogthe plans and Mien of the Company sent bacon tipptlea- . , Mat to the Branch Agents Wankd throughout die Mistra of Pennsylvania anti,Neor Jerxev. RICYNntsC64 (by permission )--Hon. E. W. Gilpin; Chief Just lee State of• Delaware; lion. Thos. E.Bay ard, C. S. Senator from Delaware; Ht. Hey. Alfred Lee, Bishop of Delaware; Gen. Henry du I Pow der Manufr; *lon. Gay. • SaalAiury, Gov. Stattl of Del.;! the Presidentssof 'all the flanks In the City of W I lin Micron ; S. Vubmt I ne, Mayor City of Wilmington. •• • - OED AND TRIED. INCORPORATED, 1861. _IMUTrAi.. BERKSHIRE I.IFE INSURANCE CO.; Tll.O 2.4 7 1 4 ..-11.171CF.T1:, President. J. 11ANC1.4, Vlee-l'resident. ICjKERING, Secretary - and Trensurer.! .1. I. tiIiEEI4E, Aissistaut Secretary. • . - .... Non-Forfeiture' of all Policies uarantead 1 -, y . - k•_:.-, - ' . • . •--, In case ally premium Is not paid when due, the policy-Is not forfeited; but the header remains• in sured far the full amount,.unt II the prenilum already pald , and unearned is exhapated by the coat of Insur ance pt the net rate. , . Example at the Age of 43. - *One - Annual cw , h Drentium on an ordinary Life Volley will continue the Insurance for. Two Years and-66. Days from the time the policy was-issued, or One year lin - 41M Days after the Second Annual Pre mium becomes Due. Should the second premium not be puld r artd the Insured die within one year and 66 dAys after such non-pavthent, the full amount of the policy would be paid ‘ less only the premium due and unpaid. The larger the numher—of premiums paikthe longer will the Insurance continue, In case of non-payment of premium. The Berkshire Life Insurance Company has paid under this law Six Claims, which In Cotikpaiileet other States would have been worthless; dud Is now continuing the insurance on over 109 policies on which the holders have been Jumble to pay pre. =dam. The last claim paid under this non-forfeiture plan was that of a member who insured a few years since for 1F3,500. In ImpA he failed to pay his annual pre miums; in January last, one year and Ilve months afterwards, he died; Thr Company has paid to the widow the full sundimt, It3,rgie, less only the overdue payments and Interest, „ Erery ..Ifember 'Receives every Drty'4 In.turanee paid for. ALL Moms TAVEDZE. ANONG THE• POLICE I,OIM ERN. AitNEAL CASE DIVIDENIM. FA'ONONICAL MANAGEMENT. Coreltd 'election of live". Mafe ItmCstment". (laid Agents and Sollett.)itVtutted. apply Tor information. at the home office, • or to W. H. GRAVES, General- Age 't, S. W. cot. ELMVIVITII and Cussrsur friTs: _ _ _ , PHILADELPHIA. Oct 16,'66• Drugs nub elyniyals. IRON IN THE BLOOD. • ThetPEßClrmig onrROP inking tbeiirakstmit. and expels disease by supplying the blood with • Namur% Own Trruainro /twin . -411D1C. CWidioni.—Bestre 70 1 1 set Pen Man 8 9" P• Pamphlets free. J. P. IMMIORE. Proprietor No. 301 i t s ew Tint. Sold by senersll.l. March 19, ID 12-Iy-tow; . , DR FITLER'S 'i ll) HEUMATIC: VEGETABLE 4 j EMEDY. :: ' WARFIAN TE r) BY AFFIDAVIi -7 ; • - A "E PMANENT CURE FOR 4 RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGA This rnetable remedy is the prescription of-the eminent - Physician and Protes-or, iolittlt P. Fm.n, M. 14., who has dented'fir .vearn to Rheumatism and Neurally* specially. and is by the Medical Profession publiely announced as the highest authority In Rheumatic eemplainta. (See testimony.) It is_pleasant and agreeable to the taste and warranted nee from minerals and injutions drun. It lea 'scientific preparation; a medical mon opoly, and warranted under solemn oath a pernui nebt,harmleas. WWI re cure for Inflammatory Rheu matism, Chronic Rbetimatlata, Ithrnstissr..Rtieu matism of Kidneys, Neuralgia In e Head; Neural gia in. the -Indy, Herron Headache. and Nervous &man. said Druggirds at Si SO per bolre; bottlesl7 IM; Medical adrke, without etutrgei teat by letter. All orders Pen by Expires collected on delivery. 'Depot, N 0.30 Snail Fourth St., Philada. C TEPEE ENRON 15APETY LAILPB.—As some Vonleries tire damp Is very meratent, and he common DeeY Lamp is not „ mut we have immured a kit of the litepbetwonhafety Lamps. which contain s circular shun tube Inside of Van wire m. This lAmp. from recent torpeziments made E n England. is anseidered the tatist Lamp In use.and Is now extensively need in all tbecuistiteryouilledes to Enguyak_yatesie wholesale and resell. The CLANNY .LAMP „ the DAVY LAMP., and ashyaps of all the niast ewoved patterns o Inspected Glmrerainent Wire , by the Wiwi* _doienechandred. - • : Theme Lamps artinli mannftenned to, our-Own order; and R ieb boos bowies of the pattern pew s deed tor the ' Goveannent sisaty, NSisuses constant on band' to cult Mama in rtes, so that vegan mr arty penmen wiihing to repines oases that have Mai Worn onto ease the wile by marled at in i rgiensis or mall. • Addle. & RAMSEY. i: 1 •; ,,, ,,\ • . • XI annelltmet..PottsrLoc, he; • MI CHAS. 11. MAZTASD 001$, BzisuT 13TEIMT AND CM 828 .ARCH STREET, • hilOelphis, ,` 14. p TORE odps. MEM tisuranct. JOHN P. IicLEAR, F•resident PITTSFIELD; *ASS - RD.M 6) E :, • 1, 4 11 . 1 1- .'' N 44' .. . 'oN ~:01. ~Y r.,..:Astfla . JAIL I. '7,-1 IBON,t IRON t IRON*, AND 52112144 At - MYER* SCHUMII, S 1 Centre Street. CALL AT lIITIII/ It SCRIMS _• New Iterdwarde t3tore. No. r 4 Cent re _ Lto buT entop_Garden Rakea.apniel4SttorrlA, Cosh and Tr den Hod of all kinds. • . - - SCULTAM 1 IWAVIRS L. SCALES! , mall kinds, andtbe best t o the market, MYER 41 MERL 311 4 4 Agents, centr, pottivßie L2l-at! Dutwo NOTlClll:—Propoode will be reeelSed by the undersigned Commissioners of ;Schuylkill County, Pa., until Monday. Deanitber le, 1M; for. excavat Mg (per cubic- yard) • the ground, foe _cellar at prbson. tenants intending. to bid can examine the ground, and ascertain the distance to be hauled. from the Commissioners.. • • - • BENI. STEM' -• • PETER_Killll. • pAvrx riyaMER, COWS. 0. 1. AllEVVielerk. Attest : 'Nov. 11)..11)—C.4t N OT/Cll.:—Letters of Administration on the a tate of NyiVeliter Coe, late of the.Townslup of Ilahanoy, In the County of Schuylkill,' have been granted to the undersigned: All persona Indebted to sald estate are requested to make payment, and those haiing claims against the same 'to present them to SAltAli A. LOE, Admlnlstratrlx. Palo Alto. • • • : Or to Joll2i W. MCKIM, her Attorney. Nov. 5. '7O O MANUFACTURERS AND. USERS OE - Steam Empties, ac. In lichuylklll °aunty— TAKE NOTICL, that I h ave Rold to AILIMON SANNAN.of Port earoon.an I nterett In my PATENT STEAM I'ISTON, and have given- them, the mute control of it In said Countyorlthvosver to collect all moneys due or to become dUe thenenf for. the mann ,Lact ure . and use of the same. , DAVID CLARK. Hazleton; Pa... Jan. I. •`HH CO-PA-UT/N=BlllP heretofore existing .1 under the nrm name of WELD, NAGLE, &CO:, in New York and Philadelphia, and WELD, SHER WIN A CO., In Boston, Ii this day dissolved by mu tual miliaria.- The accounts of the old firm will be settled Up and the busineascobtinued by. the:new firm of WELD. RICE & CO. .EO. • . 3,5, WELD, EDWARD SHERWIN.' 11. W. NAOLE, HENRY A. RICE, ill. T i H UNDERSIGNED have this day formed -a CO-PARTNEItSHI.I? for the purpose of carry - ing on a Genend Wholesale Shipping and Commis- Mon Coed Business, under the style of WELLV DACE & CO., at 9ri!,4 Walnut St.. rhilulelphla; 11l Brosiwity, New Yoak-; 11 Holum tit., Huston. • , , iEO. '4. WELD. • a HENRY A:. IaCIFS.In.. H Avg 21% 7041- l . HORACE HOWL/ait). 1 OTICE.—The Co partnership heretoftire exis t" IN - lug between George P. -Owen, Charles Long and Albert P. Eckel, trading under the thin Hato of Owen, Long .1. Co., Is hereby dissolved b y , mutual consent. The be ousts of the old firm will be set tled up, and the hominess continued by the - new fl in Of Owen, Eckel. Colket Q Co, GEORGE P. OWES; • CRARLEct LONG, _s • • . • • ALBERT B. LCREL. Aieorge P. Owen, of Tremont; Albert B. Eckel and . flenry •Culket,. of Philadelphia; anti Charles Long, of Donaldson, have assucjated under the !Dm name of Owen. Eckel. Colket & go.. tor the purpoa of Mining and Shipping coal from .thb_colket and Nest kud 7,,,rberLy Collie' les, and front the Eureka Colliery, on the Eye ens Valley Veins at Donaldson, Schuylkill County. Pa. - Ittives o. Mrrehants' Exchange,' Philatkl phist, Pa. Tremont, Schuylkill County, Pa. R lEOG I.: V. OW} N. • A LIIE.II.T 11. FCK EL: • • " 12 ENRY C. COLKET, LH ARLE.4 LONG.. lA, Nov. Isl. Di7U. . Mov litisiness. Cads; • HARIUS BROTHERS, .- . ' ' CIVIL ENGI. - .ERS,. Mining Engtneertnit. Colliery Maps for Inspector's hillice, ltnilnsid Location :and Construction, !Topo graphical Surveys and all other professionl ' 'cork executed promptly, Ribbon reasonable terr A...- Offirtt—Crntre - Stre.etyottsv i Ile. lanrl 0•716-I l l 'i j " .1. : r2.917.9.)0 :.i.floonrin - 4 .3712:ri 9M.14,7 1.1.4m,ubu Ittvx 0 FEARS CAILTEIti and REAL ESTA °Mee—silver Terrace. Poti/o4ile, Pa. July 9. '170.2.3--lf , H ENEY PLEASAN • 4. • CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEER. Surveys and Inspeels and ex:it:ll4es Mln eral Lands.. • Orrrez—Bannan's Hu Jan I, '6.1 Centre St., meat! Episcopal ureli WALTER' 8. BHE4WEE. •: CI%IL.AND MINING ExqDrErE,` IS.) CENTRE STREET, POTTSVILLE, PA Surveys Lands, Minen, Rallroeds, Special at tention given to developing and Nuperintending Conlestatea. - July S. "111---13142.44 f S. TBAUCH COCELBAN. and itie E NGIN REIM, and iJILAVOIII,43IF.N. :?ft Ce ntre Pot tsvllle..op Jan 1, '7O-1-ly 1\ SINE INSPECTOR.—()7O. BROWN otters hie .01 servicvi 'Mine Inspector and t4i • Itep3rt on condition, caplcity and value of minen; alKo. to 'tell lands, on con m uni.on. otlice—PottBrllle,Tal July . . J.-W. BECE.t.FER, l'orrsvitd.e. PA., . late of the Penasylvaela State Geological Suf. vey, - expleres lands, mlol , s, de; Jand , SAMUEL CHRIBM.A.N, Junries ok Tint PEACE, Real Estate Agent. and Licensed •Anctioneer, No. I 31An.s..tt - rosno ST., POTTSTILLX, • Special attention given to all business la.the above branches. Ilavltig 41 large experience.g.atialaction and unimpiness gdavtnteed. Colleetiona solicited and will receive Immediate attention. •-.lin. 1, • C F. HOPITSCH Interims the public 'that he has re-purrhitnect, the • • ' - SOAP AND. CANDLE FACTORY; • • . . corner of Sectm I and High Streets, Pottsville, lately owned by K C. Neldt at Co., which he (Mr. Kopltsch) established in 11441. The new firm will be C. IF: Kep i t sch & Son, and they Is lit manufacture alt kinds of Soaps and Candles. The patronage of Stoiekeieperx and the public in general is respect ally solicited. July 2, '.7q-24.--ir WILLIAM L: DAVIS, -" Practical Plumber and Gas Fitter, N. 21 Ni Vit:IIIIJNO Srirr..T.r, _ Having been In the business over 10 year. in Ph Ils wielplits. gives Wink , u nusual wilitles for deriving his supplies frorn:Anst.class houses. : _sir Particular attention paid to - eountry work. March ly G ZOUCIE MA:RTZ,: - ARCHITECT,. ' - No": VPMA girr STREET, „ Inverito`r,of the self-iltnnping cages, And of mat breaker; half the usual height. Raving - thereby a great anniunt ,of.ttruber Llarge breaker. The self-dump Incrages are for sib .and shafts, with or without-door ut ear and, , ,w_l mt th ' , water, apparatus attached to dispertrur with ppirf. It self-dumps one or two stories, and hoists ope;tsto or three can at the same time. The advertiser adli plan, superintend or eontrict to build colliery improvements of all kinds.: March 5, '7O 10 lyf L F. WHITNEY. rtANKER, . , 160 Centre St;,-Pottreitte, ra., • • l• Ger.ALEIt It . - (101:1) AN D . S;LVER,... FOREIGN EXCHANO Ef 'UNITED STATES, AND OTHER BONDS. MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT—INTEREST allowed as per special agreemegt. sTOCKS and BONDS bought and sold at the New York and Philadelphia Boards of Brokers at the usual Commiador. ' • I Jan l, - '/YI Li-ly IMPORTANT BOOT & SHOE ENI.I? • In now in fall operation, and the 'attention of the ladles of Pottingnets especially invited tothet large stock now in store and arriving daily of all thOitinest clans of goods. suitable for ladies' wear, and sdripted to this market. Hr.:Grine has made a speciall*.of this branch of business , and gives hurpartlctilar at tention to securing the bent line of ladles' near Oyer brought to the city. 2. Every attention will be paid to customers, and a cordial invitation is extended to all. '0 October HENRY - CHINE. - H. 1# ' LAND WANBANTS WANTED • OF WAR OF 1812 AND MEXICAN !Nab FOREIGN COINS, •'STOCKS. GOI.D, fVERN MENT and other BONDS BOUGHT and SOLD. COLLECTIONS jo rosyrs ronjßECiptly made on an points. DE -. • ' EIVED. ' • No pains will be spared to nerve the Intermix of tho3e who favor an with their Auxin's". • if • . _ JOHN S. RUSHTON a CO.. Bankers and Broker, ; No. 50 Seulti NJ Si.. P:llla4A. Jan I. In tu.-ts• ---- -- - BLANKETS. QUILTS. ISIWRI. ma. 313 paint.Blar.ke., Ft r 0 to FIR 00. ', 211 Wool Coverlets and I.' fortatiles, ' ..14ennartl gal Ils, ,ii is, to 111 siO., ' 31st4Illes guilts, ft 011,4(0 115 00. lup Blankets, Castings Hugs. . . Traveling Biatiketaand Maude. • ' LINENS. • 7 , \ 7. , ~.7.214'i1ar.. FineTonels , $2 arrto '6 00 1 .• . . :16 'dor, Napkins, II to t 054.4 - (_.l Huck Towelings, Me' . to finest., 1 - • RllMllilln and Ainerlinn (lathe.. Loom Table Lin M'e, to 11 op. 4 -- • • One Rale tin or born Dlee,lre.c • • ai pieces Irish Ilamaaks,.ll'4: up. i • lisimaley Table Linens, 01 25. up: , hichanisoult Linens, every num - bor. Shirt Bo ms, full lines. all styles,; LAD' CIAAHM. ]'' • LA lES M' SHAWL 4 . 1 . LADIES' SULTS. ' • • FINE CLOANINGS._ ' SILK VELVISTs. • ". .. - PIANO LOVERS. 01 te S. WC POPLINS. , .. el 01 MaRINOES - . - It 00 NE - ItCHLR. • , 11 VI SATIN CLOTHS. • COOPER . .t. PONARD., . • && . oinsine Nitre • Aim ItAassr Smarent. Oct..11:10-lyir . . . PHILADELPHIA Ell al , armor aditift, Ini t het ilai r; ith ili. arimpuig, G. itell"131110110. It • COO mt. . \lag ellealrbert •eiree o A. f ella • eit\d- by adz e= kWh or e r ierielrire. ree l i k sell re la a !tem hl. i i • 0 ,VB Vlrforadeur. ' IS VS "Zero aleollse elli . . 114 0 ti ilip, Se oboe . . 3erfor rem gale ere lie irebene.' fine FW. • • ..:. MOW* - '4I•Te;SC. "24--04tfe ,Nstices. ;NOINEER, SURVEYOR, AGENT. • . • Foots, -Slots, &c: TIIR NEW YORK planttb. DECEMEIEFt, 1870, larme . e. DESOLATE FARMS. ` Therit Is an evident decay of agricUlture in enitie'of the less favored Idietriets i which I • have recently visited withiafflancholy Inter est. The "evidences of formes thrift and - wealth, sireaein In thelstrgerind well finished : - , oultesand other • buildings, the good dges,.highWays, itE4 and in the comm,. dious'ehurehett and. se,hool'houseir, occupied by * 'fanner genets : don'. Large fam ilies - , bare been raised and educated and endowed 'on those burns, which aler'ineir so Pcitkas to • give but *meagre supportfto *tenant. ,•-•• Aiound these hearths were gathered groups - of intelligent youth, and here was an door of generous • howitality4 These youth • wereled and Clothed andetitteatedmany of. Omit' liberallyfrOni aValls of the ; e ~farina, and they have gone forth into air pa.te of our lank the sons as merchants ; ministers anti-legislators, and the daughters 'tato the highest circles of isoeial life They cumo back occasionally' to. the dear. Old fire-place, - and .go out into the fields; where they drove the come, whe're.they hoed corn, and where the barefoot boys and ark giithered. Bowers, and into the .old school= house, wholehenebes Were crowded In'their day with ;aspiring .ptipils. All rs Changed now... There is no corn, the pastures look browri; the meadow-is grown over with hard 4 - • ' _hack, the buildings are falling down. lie le is the old mansion of Col. G., whose many . eons And daughters hare gone to hottomble plages far. away. The-many - witidoWa• that once blazed with •'a , cheerful' light; - no stuffed with hay,. shoW that that old . house -'. has become a barn. The old fatal has hi , come a part of another. isanother whose tasteful porchand cart ell stairway, show it to halm heemonce theabode of elegance.. It is Where..lutige it ; arid hismattyltrothers and sisters were horn. Nowiliere are children plenty here,.as their -toik•htads show, one abofe another in, the 'window, btitl they are the ehildien French collier, whcse "buSh!' is on 11:e put of the farm, and who has taken porary posSession of AM.: old ,house. out buildings-and orchard and fences Show 7 ';' Vie saute desolatipn, and this scene repro- ' sents a itlir..dreil other districts, in_ the oiler. and rougher parts of the country.' 'though iu- its aspects rather tad, It is not to th e l e_ • proach.of the agricUltme of our . day. Th e causes. are reasonable, and speak rathet of the enterprise 'of those who have ga i t -nut from their old hoMes. Those, of I h et " - w l „, !- continue-in their-,father's calling, have gun,. to the, richer fiels otour common Ulric: is: tance, where their labor is better rewarded.' It would be unre asonable to i..ondenin them' for almeresentiMent—thoitgita generous "i t ,. •,to:the severe toil, and narrow income,- . which would be their i ort:on here: • we see sometimes an attempt to rescue from . its degradation the Old homestead,' he somer - son who has- 'Made a fortune in th'• . city,' and whOse filial piety tied' fond leetion -ofeyouthful days made him profilist: to :Tend his hist years in his old Mime. • il l.- renovates the old "house, and barn, - -witli gables and cepoia. lie and builds , walls and straightens the high way, and paints the farm.guter. )1 is wen he comes Vont - Nall street. Ile can "titbit • r it, and it kives him enjoyment, and thottp., he finds ft.untelli tusinesi, in more than one, a does not ask if it pays, __ • If may seem incredible that - dime farmerr-i now 50 poor, t rlieuid otice.have suslitim ii sucfPit population; but they only drew hair their support out of the land; the other halt came Arum their domestic and lither mram factures. _Their:cash pureleol.44 were not on. tenth part as Much:aslstieli. families w.. 1.1.1 now • requite. Under the present systt n, ei exchange, the farmer's family -is supper, 7. entirely from the land ; therefore he have more and better land. These Tarnrs might be resteted and' tu: .very proluctive, hut it would cost mote to buy land . already rich and ens ls tith voted.' Otkootintry is - so great and there' ao• - m -many inviting fields in -other parts. it inuat be many years I:efore the:=e mast, • plaias will-be - restored.—Cor:- _ PIGEONS SAVORY JELLY.—Bone a 'pig .conf stuff with sausage meat - and roast. Itoi I in ilquart of beetstotic, a pound.of vc3l, ii slice of ham.'si x i luve and allspice l•k t t les ; an onion; and a small carrot; rbt.tieeloa.ploi . by boiling Aloirly; strain t h rom;11 a sch I' and • then through flannel; tuid the ;Wee _ lemon, and-hour into o jelly nioutil ec dipped in. cold : water, When it h gins-to eongeal:,lay in the pigeOn, breast down, :uot Jet it. shunt over night. It is itrelishing - di-h for breakfast, tke. • • ' El Olt a dozen cold-1)(41(st p6tatot..s intoTanpA shapes a quarter.Of.an inch thick; mix., with some flakes of , eOld.boiled fish, halibut, et.' or salmon, and' pont. oVerAltem a boiled sabot dressing., made With - six talespoonfuls of meitelL,butter or salad oil, si * ditto orereata or , milk, one teaspOOnful of salt, inilf That quantity Of pepper and one teaspoonful of ground mu'tar d . • Into this . mix one coffee ' , capful of vinegar. Boil well ; then add three raw eggs beaten to a Nun ; remove di rectlffrom•the lire and stir for live Minutes. When thoroughly cold; tuOlover the salad; garnish with slices, ofple ltded cucumbers, - beet ri liard . boiled eggs, and fresh parsley. . • 4 • . • : This - boiled salad dressing can be made In quantities and kept tighly bottled for weeks. It is very toothsome. W heu . used for green salads; It;should be placed at the bottcm.of the 6'oo and the salad on top; for if mixed; the Vegetables lose that crispness which is no delicious tO the epicure.. Slites bf eggi, beet* 'and-cold potatoes serve to ornapent the dish: .T N THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNI :1: TED STATES. Ibr the Eastern District of Pentisrlvania.—lrt the:Matter of John T. Mayer. To whom It may contern : The undersigned, Lowl- C. Dougherty,. of Mlnersville. Schuylkill Count. .PeritutyVania,..hereby gives notice of his appoint *lt as nailintree dr the estate •Itt John T. Mater, lair; in ;tlitc.,*ainty.of Schuylkill. In said • and Wini Was, to wit. on the 14th day of Sep ' tAnt:er, A. D., IS7O, adiudged,bankrupt, upon tin petitlon.of himself. bythe District Court of thel'cii ted Statea for the Eastern' District'of _Pennsyiyan la. Dated at Mittersville, the 25th day of October, A. IL, • LEWIS C. DOLTOIIERTY. Novi '25, '7O-484tt0 s ILllne,rolile, 7 Sch. Co.; ra IN THE CRININAL.COCHT OF SCHUYL HILL, COUNTY, lts the matter of granting Tavern, Eating House and "._Wholesale Liquor Li. 'eenies.—Notiee is hereby given that all persons whose Licenses expire ltf Afareit, Dal, must file their .petitions for the same in the °Mee of the Clerk of !said Court, on or M-fore the, of December. 1870, :as they will be gramed 'at the January Term (1871) of " said Court, and not at the March *st•lonsots hereto -Tore. AIM, nil applleants for "new atantbekninat 111, their petitions 'ln said Catin, at the time and pine. aforesaid. By thr Court Nov 119,1B;-17-tit IN THE ORPHAN ik - COUAT 'OF . SOIHTYI.- 1 K/LL COUNTY.—In the matter of the Emmy; of Jacob G. Hoeffer,•deceased . - ei r - ' :-• .., Oberlin,To vatharlue lioeffer. HoplYer, Caron:lu', O Emma 'Weis, and ' lla HO. trer: - Take notice, thatiVrtue f a Writ of null t lon. !aimed out of the 0 s' Court of Schuylkill Coun ty, an Inquest will Wild atahe Exchange - hotel. the Borough of Pottsville, Sehuy lkill County, Penn a.. on SATURDAY, the anl 'day Of DECEMBER, KT at 2 o'clock in the afteynni to roak - ,partition ol oo the real estote of the ialettliede to anti Among the heirs and lewal repreneiftat feat, if that. can be Ay no ti without prejudice to •rspolling the whole, ot her whe to vine and nipraise the name; when _on& where you may attend If«rou think e roper. '' • GEO,I3GE C. WYNMX,P, Sheriff. _Sheriff's OfElee, Pottaillie, Oct 2,), 179-41,tit . --..4f-- . . T CAIU. JR.,' Arrow:rm . ,- ,a . r. Lim, • .1 OffiCe..l2/LNTIVIC MT., over Barman & Ramsey stook kitpre, Pottsville. Pa. Juue 18, H --- ABET C.- DORXAN; ATrornmv AT Law, 1 4 10.145 C. litre tit:; a, few doors below Episeorhi Church, Pottsville. • April Cl, 10-17-1 y• P.....8M1T1C; 4150 liZ(l,tY AT LAW. • s Mid II Street, Shenan doah, Jan 0, .76-3.-Iy . • IjENHY BRE/kr-En g Airrowl L 1 ItiaM . Oetkeelss Centre Kt.; Pollee Me. . • • . - - • • R U CH Mee E , B4 No. A .I79 I" Ce u rit E r Y e St r opposite Miners'. tionk..t • April 3, 10.-114,t • - j . AliEti H. CAMP.BELL, Arro...y AT LAU VISWIIHII SIXTH ntrirt, . Jan 1. :0—.4 - • • IV 4 lt i :li ti eel;e B si t l 7Z% ATP, 1 ' 4.7 AT "W. Jan I, 70—I _ _ 7 4 DANIEL D.`ThILLMAN, .Neroirsta: AT LA %: Pottsville. 011 tee, got/Mates new ltuildi Centre tit., YOttsvllie. . - • Itt e ss-4- A LBERT KNITTLE, I - 1. Office, No. ltr2 Centre Street,' Pottsville, Pa. AI claims promptly collected. -October 1,6,12—1 Y. G - ICOUGE CTIA.MBERE,(Late of the Chamber , burg 'Bar.) ATNOILNEr-AT-L.kW. No. hn Ire St., rAl•tloor,) Pottavlile, rat' Nov. 6, r-41 BANS - 71VL PO'fTe. ATTOICCEY .corner of Centre and 31arketoo rect. Pottoville. - Pa. Collection promptly at teiltlNl Can be oonhni t et) Aierman. Nov LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE: CHRISTOPHER =LITTLE. ATTOR".:V.T AT LAW . and NoTARY. tit.ll% 4 Sept .1, Nll-ly te.. 111 e; Sek4yll. if. Co.. a TSIOB. r. AnDIM . iMANCIS IVARI:Ev TO COAL .DEALkILA, GAB COMPANIES The - untifraltmed haven't •Kneeeecled Poeta &War fen td the - .sole manufacture' of Pofietrif . 7te t lebrat . . l Patent t.4.= si:Lr numPr.k notsTrxp AC. - 00P lIVC K ET IRON HOISTING RIOCRS, ottleadlug Gpal, Ore, tatted, the manufacture of IR4$ tMIII6, IRON BOX 'WIIEEEBIRROWS. Ire pre red, to ali.or ler • with prompthespaA' m a c h . . kurlct...-tieing the sole owlet's of the • Patent $t of for the riell-thnutour„, tialsttuß, amp Bucket spd pock Bloch. we eauttou all persons against man - fachuring_pr purchasing the same mill any except . onrael‘te•Or our agents, as• we will' prMechte to the utmost limitlnfringement t.n the Utters Patent. Patent; Heepeetnail__ ADDISON' ei WAMtw!Tv 3 " 1u 1e.,7, 7 Ftbsuarlit, - - • - : . I'OT Ttl A 1..% I Veal: - NOtiCt9. Cll.ll. F. RATIN, Clerk 'gteitt sEarbs. EEO qz) AIM I El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers