IM3I FORTYSIXTH YEAR. NO. 48. Vert iticbmottb. Plitt' /4'6 ,WELP, RICE & CO., Shippers of tile Best Qualities of E LaBIGEOZ p.nd SCREYIXILL RED and BITE ASH 0 A: '. AGENTS TOR TITS CELEBRATED - 'PINE KNOT" and other choke LOCUST MOUNTAIN - COAL, CUMUERLA. D VEIN BITUMINOUS. j 205 G Walnut St.. Phlladelphla4 :Wanes Broadway; Nevi To*, LI I Domino Street, Boston. Pier ;(4). A, Part Richmond. 0 4 HAA. S ,13R E N .17r . • Miners and Shippera (of THE SUPERIOR : 1 URIctlY RUN OPAL, • AND BOLE AGICNTS TOE, Lae, Grant a Cu..' Celebrated PLANK -RID \ E COAL Walnut Rt..l l ibiladrilphin, Oakes: 81 Trinity ng, New Turk, ) 11 Duane 81, Boston, . - Feb 19, '7O .. CASTNER, " STICKNEY lerY WELLINGTON. - j Miners and Shippers of Coal. - 1 BURNSIDE from their Burnside Col. at Shamokin. i LEWIS VEIN (Red Aeb,) LoCUST MOUNTAIN (White ash.) 0 : 2 1% Trinity r id in iz e s w dei r p ork. . 1 i 20 Doane Street. Boston. . • WIIA P No. 6, PORT RICH3IOHD, PHILA. Jan. - I- '7U. I— . • . Pier 7, Port Itlehntend. , ."-• - f NEILL & 00., 4 Shippers of Anthracite .31' iiittunlnous, ' C 0 A_ IA ' . GENTS for the sale of the celebrated SHENAN -1...)A1l CITY, WIGGAN.d. TRIEBEL'S Locust Moun t a In and Buroelde Shamokin W hi Ash Coal. • Aild, SPOHN and PEACH MOUNTAIN_ lted Ash Coal. • ' FROM HOBOKEN, • The heat vari atlas of Lehigh and Boylan 's eIrELID httATED FAMILY COAL. • Also, Sole Agents In the Eastern market for- the Atlantic and George's Creek Co.'s celebrated ML NoUS US COAL. • • {Philadelphia, 247 Walnut Street. New Pork, Bonin 6, Trinity Building, Providence, 27 Cuetom House street, Boattin, 25 Doanktitreet. c•-•'..2:, 'OP OEM • Pier No. 9, Port Richmond. Tt..\ , WEEITE & SON, liippers of Coal, No. 316 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. • - Depots for Storage and Sale of Coal: No. Slit "West Thirteenth Street,-/Yew York.: i N0,.802 Third Avenge, New York. 11011. Wharf. No. 99; India Street, Provideire. Coltryn Wharf. 34. Wa.alaington Avenche. near I ...demi •••trett, 21.44:0n:: - `Jan. '7ul— .1.1 •. -.--- - -- RANKLI. 00 ,, 0 , L F LYILENS VALLEY. . . • 7 •Q 1 1 , 1 , -..Af.r.r.:: Ala:" l'.li" , IONE ) that there are 4,,a r„tir I' .11iories whir l nillit this Coal; all tif ‘,..ii 101 l are innl..r the n• 1: . .tr.ine, IS .o . 1 ?1,1111,1.-rhign ...t: F . ,..,- 1 livry•-ar I , 7;i2. l .N.'icl , :fit)N .k . eo., or pi.tia, .I..lphl:i. will he the only Atzents for Its sato fin New Emit:lTO, Now York", Now Jt.rsoy, told South of Cape 11.mry..;.,1-HALI, tiltus.,o:llt., of Ilnltintor. , lnr ntl other ii , tin, Our ..':.:eitts will deal in ne, other en'al whate..o- and nartles - wl.,,hitnr , ne-oprog.•ollitio nrtl de niust - prrs^nre It of tlo-iii. The (Odom of tithe c:tut ton is simply to ennbl... tho,e Interehn ,1 to boy under .:.latatlllozi:.. The A•-•.;•rit , 111111 their Assistants •ror the' above p:rints, are a, follows': SI N'N &CO., General' A .cent 5, I:l2 , Wallitit Pnibyletplini.; their New ork *Mice is a% Room us. 'it laity fluiLlinas, JOs. M"Ata - ; A'getft ar u , sl, , ted by Esit , :i go: - ILLEY, et•nt, 3..! . Sitaiturea reef, if 1. LI, 1.111.1111,EILSA: CO.,•ti”nertil .tgr•rits, Postl Balt Imore, r.pre , ented,at Hshurg, Pa.. be JOEP SH (I. liTEititzrr.ta Ord( r-6 .t.ombt In el t tier oft he shore namf.d and to no ;me else. WM.B. FOW LE, General 3 / a hager ,21 the summit .lirmicii It. it. Co., the Short Mt. Coal and tile Lyltens Valley Coat Co. Pon. 1, '7o—i Pier No. 10 I'vrt ItiOamond. , . BINNIGX.SON . &- CO., :1t;••ola r r the Rnlc,iii:le s Sliiptlielit of the. `Franklin CO of Lykens.- h. New ',England, New Ytirit, New Jerwey and-South eq• Cap: • lie Illry . , • . V.". , yl. ( 131 Walnut Street, .Ptllltnlelpirta. ,oni.V: .1 ti:t. 'Trinity Ilatiltliag. New York. i •3'..: Atintrn er Street, flogton. • _,,,tg v lSF,Pll (1... , A10013 , Y. , A gent, • P. O. J.ION. , i-ti'f. New York. tak. I, '7l:t-I WALTER,, D . ONALDSON - 8;C0.; 060, PPEKS WRITE AND C AGF.NTS for the re:On - Med THOMAS 'LEHIGH " COAL (205 Walnut titreet, 19 Trinity Building-. New l'ork - . ( 'Doane Street, lyimton. Wit 111:—I'l.r• 11 Port Itierirnond. 1."..t#:!..c. '7O • - 0:11- QM= IC,elrAs CA IN; A:ir ft ItEI:. J CASE it. 'COOK. dAllsi, HACKER & COOK. . =3 • t G. I', MO, , A IN, IrLA • ' tit.s.rll. - LSO. I.I , :tLA 1s 4# KR/IR.:1 Q 1. ttIF-4 OM White ati(l IC\•d Ar4h. Coals, "No...ll.l.Widunt Street. Philadelphia. anil band NVll:srt 5.4111,11,111 I:Ivor. L 4 . 1)1 11. STILYK ER, "SHIPEF.H. .4 AGE:I,T, k 1 . 11 Haven. I tar. t l. '7u. -.1 ==eM! ,lOVE BOYER tg . CO ~3.. . . • • 541i1PPERS ,11. F Antiiracito. and -.Bituminous • Coals. • • :4;1.1,1-; AGENTS FOR t'r.MBEPe-F.ANoyEI N TUT M [NOUS ('OA I. (3:t2 .Wahitit ht., .IA - 11taatte St., lia.ton, I :er Catania Ileum. St., Providence. 10-ly CEEM :)fit rft'ti F, 7:i Pier 13 \orUi Pori 4:irlunond JOHN C. SCOTT & SONS, Miners and Shippers of Coal. = MAPLE DALE, LOCUST MOUNTAIN Aorla 'BN FRANKLIN" Deep kita: . t rum thr. nanoA - 44.9 and sl m In ill respects to the - LYKENS C 04.11, • • GOWEN' SHI. 4 .NTOKI Red .t,1,. PHILADIttrIII-I—No.V.III Walnut St. -11r.STON—No.• .19 I),,Ang• St. I NEW YORK-1 t I 1.t...3.1vray. (L uttlMh lidu • Er= • 11y DAY, .HUDDELL & CO:, .Miners ,& Shippers of Coal. ' Walnut St.. l'lttlx , l .I;stlitt. Orticito:,* 1 It 1 Flrt.atway. BalltIllit,7: N. V. Duane Styrrt, lictst.nt. Solt , Agetiti Air the mile of the following celebrated Coati a - HICK4)ItY tNI'SANI) _ . i'l o EXC,EL:9OIt Cc4A MOM rti." H ppricG 11.1vIlmalv.I. I Pit'lNO.ll'..llialm.4.l.Vl, N. J Jan. I. 'TO Port itir4rl9n—a.- JOHN ROMMEL; JR,, & BROTHER, AGENT% • The Favorite aid HILL b iiA3 Tar Saperlor Chi F. 13J1k, free.!iurnioT t.h. The Ce.Aratoi . I)..rp _Vat .111104:11 TOP.SI:,I!..IIITLIHSTWS. • RAVEN'S WING LEalair ut E1341.%.11.301.ep0rt 4205 1 4- Phawl:t. owlet's ;• ihinne Ilorttm. I ilLown 53, TrWlty • itUtiG,a, , isted by illto‘% - N and P. P. UPHa tI. Marelt•G;lo--•-l!) VANDUSEN BROTHER & CO., Varier , rend %hipper* of C _A:: L S . 101.1 LOtilth. Loco:t 3toadtaln. Lenard Cap, • -*; 11111,40 mm., In.'ugh; and othrr s z VARTE-AND RED ASH COALS. • , Pt. Richmond. • !..11 I Wlt tot - 7.-thetli port, I Jerrev • (311 Wo,not Strer-t - ; Philsodolphta. lirtradway, N. York, • C - 5 noun. , fit., . Jan _ 3 ,1, 7 , 0VE . Y.1 [WAIL KE'SDnICK. DOVEY & KENDRICK, tarn ahl Shlpprit ;fir lerleSrati.f Shaft or , Rainbow and Keysigne Co A L,S.. IV, bort No 4 21 Pori 'WiwiOid. • PhiladslPkiss-228 Duck titroel. liatuts:- Pottsville—Cfmtre Street.. 1104 1011--No. 17 Dososi•kit.,fse sbr t is tra• 'B9• mia.Prov Arent. • LW ishlssistotk e . Jost • r - 1 . kr% .tr 1.4 r. . • ^ • . • . , , • • . , Aumummumionommummminisi . • • • r f v \ - -Ll' - - - . . • " „ • ••, - - •• • ' • , . . '• • - • - • • • , v - 7 1 , .4 , • • ; _ • • "4 • •Likih • • • • ,•. • , • • • - r • ti _ , _ • • - • f t • Nowa/ 9_ . ' 441 • A• .f* , • . • • • I • Mr% 41 '" r • • e • A Y. • IX • ice' • • - ; ; r 4 • ;?•.1.4 ' AMP " Fp— - • : emoir • • • • ' . 4 " PO. • • - 1 A • • 4- AMMEMpe7 ' • • V'. • • - . gr . . • , • -'!• • -' - - • . , . • , . • • Faltered accolltag to Act of Ontintom, In Ute Tat M 9.14 .11muisk it Emilio:, is. 13111 emirs Game tbe • - Pier No. IT, Pert Richmond. , AUDENRIED., NORTON & CO., Miners and Shippers of • FIRST 'CLASS -COAL. , Locustitoirsiwor. • From onr two large had celebrated t.N - iiiiierter Y ICORTON "CONTINEXTAL, - GOODROIGE . ii A L'ItIFINTIRD. Lpft/IKKIIT. Freel2trridng Red Ash. and splendid Prepai4tion. COLIC ETI ...... Long it. MI DOI.F. CREEK Colkett; P,reet• SHAMOKIN. ill lENTERPRISE eOLLIERY, T. Raumipaniner, Prvat. Locust Mountain and Lorberry,alao viirSellaylklll Canal, to all pointaaorpolble by boats. , , - (222 'Walnut Street,. rhUsde/Phia• . Ohs: -I, 111 Broadway, New York. i„ -, ( 27 Doane ,il!trert, Boston. ' 1 .1. T.-4LEDENRIED,.. , C.F..NORTON. CHAS. D. NORTON.' ' R. GORRELL, - Jam. I, '7O. = • • I --- --'---- Pier No. 11, Pt. ittellintood.. . SNYDER 4:IIEOEI44kKER, Mg DAVIDSON, pT..7OI3IPSON d HOBONAN. VAN • WICICTV, & STOUT , • MINERS AND 4 ISIIIYPERS or THE ' • Celebralad "Fulton". & "Stout" ( ohigh) Coals, From the Ebercale- and the Stout Colileriesi.near Hazleton, Pa, Delivered direct from mines on hcgird Irtlmels,at Pr. J011'510015, /10110NKN, and Naw .11nusstylux....N. J. (4.4 k - . 16 Trinity Italkiht .• • Mayo*: • 111 Broadway. Yew Yor k. ' May 10 03 emporary at 119 Broadway.) , ff 20— . CALDWELL, C4:WANT. WMTDN, NO. ill BROADWAY NEW 'max: (Room,3s : musd 36 Trinity 8an6,116.; • ASH • :WIFIOLES LIS DICALKILI E LH W IGH, ILKESB ,AL ARRK, PITTSTON, RED ASH " •. MAHANOY, LOCUST IkIOCNTAIN, CUMBERLAND, BROAD TOP. ETC., • •• COALS, • • COLE AGENTS for New York and the North* Of the eelel•rated (VENOM RIPPE FREE BURN ] INO LEFlllia COAL MAE PRIMROSE, THE POWELTON.SemI-biturn - tnotts and other first-rate JAKFI4 W. CALDWELL_ C. B. CONANT, , ,• • WALTER WESTON. Aprll3. 'OP-14 . . . OFFICE . OP THB - NIAGARA liirLEV.A.T -1 .11 4 :0 CO:, 8 OQ3I7[ERCIA L MOCK, FICITA LINN. Y. COAL.. COAL. THE NIAGARA ..kI.EVAT/1 4 .:0 CO., having a large surplus of Lotind Dockage, will be prepated ut the opening of navigation to receive from the Erte Ball way; Canal, or Lake, any quantity of COAL for etoruge or trans hipruent to any place F:aat by Canal or-w e 24 4by thoLakea, upon as favorable terms as any parties In Buffalo. Their lot bi- well located fora general city lualnesa. , CYRUS CLARKE, Vice-President IS—tf . "! M rch 27, ' Locus •• . • OFFICE ncOOA.N.A.QI37. COAL compANy. and 571 Front St.. , . WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. ' . 1 ~ We are now preprred to tUrrilph the Trade, DeLL I 1 er4 and Consumers with our - , . •-- • . • Celebrated Coal, ..the Mocanagt e,"- And those Interested will And It to their advantage • and eronorny to consult ltd. company beforemoklng itaiteyearly f:ontrnelw or engnalntrargoes. put ntror tlie tern market, Erie. " •" "Southern do Havrede Gmee. .. 7•• - " Easteru do Wilmtngtou. N. 11. 7 .Alscv, the elcryntFßEll Rail Road and Bite ,' Minnows tAial Cottilt. for Ike manufacture of cos, l 7 candles f. ;richt.; coke first quality and percent:went ash small. May 21, 70-21Lly . . EAST. FRANKLIN LORBERRY VEIN COAL Y EPLEMFRANKLIN LOBBEItRY COAL 1. no" •^.4,llttestitublvely by Memos. lIF.PPLIER, GOND. t!iB.7-Plct.,..twlto sin mi a‘nle Agentm. Parties ordering frOin than tinny 'throws depend upon tal i ling a purs*.,itrlet. • . 1.":0;I:e) Walnut St.. Thllarlelphla. OFFICFA: , I.Z4r.litlirolutuny. Hoorn R. New Volt. Klee N reef !limn' Boatnn. litt.NRY lIEIL ill For IncltuedPtaact. Mll3l4,l4tatti gBb I. ILIKKI 3 1K. • Suapen.aton Midges. Ferrien, Btuys and taktp. oft Derricks. Crane.' watt Skean , . . 1 a ElOvator4, &e. LA_LARCiEBTOCK OF wpm ROPE CONdT4-NTLY ON SAND. I ' Orden. fliiirl;with Diapatch. • ar• Foe siren alze and cond. ace etre ohm. which w 11l be sent on application.. H4 .LLET, DAVIS It • CIEUROII ANL, i'A.RLOR • ORG4'NoI . . . 'maid for cAsit 'and INSTALSIDIVI. Puretutimers will do w 11 to eLaraint . tise:cilrest latrotesees# l, INggiedl'flourtia4lfillet=lereitir. DE ADVERTIS.EM Mort Nidintoub. Slhippeira and Denlora In C OAI4, .tov.rrs nom G. W.. Ilsvacint warm. xxolr.t =PINE FOREST ' COAL : I 31 TRTNITY nrILDING, 1 itisir YORK. - C. B. 8110EIdAKIER: 14y . 2. WAT.N . rT ST., Pit I Lia).o LOr IS SNYDER. Jan 1; 10 Pier No. 13 Poet -• azognic s.AtIPPLIER, GORDON. H. T. scrpursa. REPPLIER, GORDON4' CO., 311.*X89• AND SUIRPERS OF • If • 1 Locust Mountain, Mammoth Vein,- Red Ash, Loibetyy, and 17,2 TOWER CITY,LYKENS VALLEY COALS, (3W Walnut Sheet, Philadelphia. °ekes: I 111 Bniadwav lism NO. 8) New York. 1, 2 Dpailer Street, (Room "!.;0..1i), tiostait. march '7O 13. • - Pier 141, South. e . BORDA KELLE . II4NUTTING, Min ewt and Shippers of Coal, WEST LEHIGH GREENWOOD. - ... TAMAQUA SHAFT. , . • REEVESDALE; - ECKERT LORBERRT • NORTH FRANKLIN RED ASH; BLACK HEATH BIG_RUN lA.X.:CST MT., . GARRET SON, GIRARDVILLF : ) 4214 KilbtrlL. IloitOn. ittillors :? 1in0m.641 Trinity Building. N. Y. • - ) 31: Walnut strent,Thilndelphia. • GMEI ,BORDA, KELLER & NUTTING. " NOHTH FRANKLIN WHITE ASH. April .74, Po. lien) /joth WX.4I.EIMEN.DITTTEL.. JOIIIST N 11 L 771" WM: HEISSENBUML & 'CO., Shippers nod Whole:sale Dealers In - Schuylkill, Lehigh' and. Pumberland - C 0 A_ IJ THINITY'ItrILDINO, 11l B ADWA'Y,-Rootie el, • I'. 0. Box SI/lA, . 'YORK. ' sole .Axentm fur New Yor and fc \ 4 the Sale of LEE, GRANT & CO.'S LANK 11100 E, and & BRE.NIZER'S Telt 'Ex RUN COALS.'," niareh • 13-ly WHOLVIAL LOCUST MOUNTAIN CUMBEILLA..:D, MCItA DEALERS VX • "TON & W/LKENBARILE PA . - LS ' CO ROOM No. 111, TRINIT WM. M. DAVIDSON, tl SA LB. YOU NG fume , lIOI3ERT BUCKSIA.I% Jan LS. '743 . 'BUILDING, NEW YORK; zlye j rj c y/of Tyler & Co. Coldwell.Gordoia&Co fountt).7 — J . A 11 'S J. CONNER', and Shipper of the . Cerebrated MOUNTAIN COAL ILLE, SCIItYLKILL' co., PA. POTTS Jun 1, "70 itmington, Pct. Roil:mail ((reek. i; Jllirt liopt Lc. . •.0 •, , -- , .. z •.-• f i ~..,, ir..a..,,„:: - - , i ..T.,,,i'r.14...f4.4.e.)•,..,.::-t,.., 1 * A . .. i ; _ , e ~ —w,—y ~:, ~. . ' \fAS[IFACTfTILED 1W ,J01V.04 , A. BOBBLING'S SONS, TRENTON, N. J. NEW& thIP.ROVED • GRAND & SQUARE PIANOS.. 13. SHONINGER. & CO.'S W. RafF/ELD KiELPI 3 AC I(I, ii4etond Floor.) NO. 1Q CIIIEBTSVI aitsgr. :fauffiDnatft/A; Nov. 5,1:0 IEI9 I ; W. R. W/rl7!cr : Rcpt 16, L EW- S & ALKINS e . WIONEE.i . AND sitisexes Or THE . CELEBRATE - CAMBRIA"; LOCI;ST MOM - TA IN 0 A. Oftlis 10 *On s et' Street, Phllladelpala. June 4, *TO . . =-17 . • • An) Goobs.• mA.GGLE 801A81M.122 OIBMTBE ST.. • • BELOW AMERIC.Air HOUSE, POTTBVILLE, Rae now Openekt a new Stock of FALL A WINTER Goods suitable for the present season, such as BLACK SILE,_WINTER CLOTH, ecito. , Ers, - FRINGENi, TRIMMINGS. NOTIONS, ote ; Has on : banti si new . lot of . 'FALL . AfiD . I)_:INTER .SACQU:RS,-F which , witi 5414 chest for cash.. Ladles ClottlM made to order. New Patterns J us% received. Oct. Stk' ADZES' SI:fITI3 I • - • LA I DIES' SUMS •••• • I,llles.t fol. Flll. 1. 187'0, • In afeat Pr vari ty than can be ftiond elsewhere, ,,. we crake It a ekrejalty. • LADIES' CLOAKS, • In every vartet3 of Cloths. Alio, Astrachan For and seal Skin Far glaska, with Molll4, &c.. to match. Also, BLACK; 'ILLS - FOR ORIISSiS-' The very beta goods at the very lowest prices. • snortMent at misierate ttA• ~ . :str:K Alt Ly I,ItV PniCES.." AGNEW & ENGLISH, $lO CII.F.S.TNUT STREET, t, uj "sl t e ( - Out nentiti Rotel. 'AND iItSOUTII NINTH STREET. PtfILADELPBIA. Oct 1.",, '7042 •"n, NEWF.A.LL GOOTRi „, •• J• He , • I I OM,F4 R i ) LI 1 - 1 ttAT.L.. 1870. MI r OLTNG & CO. CM G.RA.N .. .14 - EXPOSITION . FOR THE FASHIONABLE WORLD.- / CoMFLIsFSTs OF MRS. M. A. BINDER, No. W. cm. Eleventh ik Chestnut tits.. Phil* • FAMiIiONS VAR TEE FALL ICED WI !CM' or 150, • - Wholesale and Retail, • whi,ll Paris and the first manufactories supply. Dresses, blantles, Cloaks and Costumes for Ladies and Children. A special department of plain and elegantly, trimmed patterns, of the latest Parisian and English Styles, it • tab per dozen. If yon want a handsomely-tilting, well-ramie snit, at short no flee, go to Max. oxitle for tasteful trimmings and dainty stitches. Mourning, Traveling and Weeding outfits. Walking and. Fancy Costumes. DEESE CLOA TIIIX INGE. arIVONA, °REAM sltTs comprising thelatest Parisi novelties in black and colored Fringe% Ruches, Loops, Flowers, Gloyes,,Bridal-Wreaths. Veils. Ribbons, new shades in Velvet, satin and Taffeta Ribbons, Sashes, Neck- ADIC UP LACE Goons -GRAD Tun Raines Tat m xxico. Pointe Applique., Valencien nes, Hamburg Edgings and insertions, BLark Gulp , ure and Thread Lames. new In design and moderate in preen., Cuoict: Ism/or Ontrasisis. Fans. Birds. Mats, (Mishima, Mouchoint, Cases and Fancy Goods, selected by Mrs. Binder at Niagara. Elegant line of Whitby. Jet Goods, In sets, Brent ins Earrings. Necklaces and Bracelets. Splendid line f French Jet Goods, - .Coral and 1 French Gold SOP. O . charms, Sleeve Buttons, Cht.lnle,dc-which for price or varie ty in Style, cannothe surpassed. Strangers % ttAnng our city are reapect fully 'welted-to examine.. • ai-Pinking and Gaullvring, . Cutting and - Pitting. . Also, a perfect system Of firms Cutting taught. Pat ternsnent by mall or express to all parts of the tnlon. A. BINDER :Ft, N. W. car-Eleventh and Cliestrvit Mts., Put LA °et I, '71.-10-im N EW GOODISI . . SHEPPARD, 'VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON. ." • No. 100 s Chestnut StreM, Philnda. . . Respectfully Invite the latent km of buyer.- to their large and well assorted stock of Imported ritrioo: or .- Purchasscil for Cash st Exeltillve attention taste a 100 , xperlench in, 041 r SPECIAL LL'4s or LINEN 000134, • GOODIN / HOUSE FURNISItLVO DRY 11001" • CURTAr.:::S. CURTAIN NATERIAL,4c.. Eniable us to give our ensfouters many adviusteges nut . alfordcsl olsewher . .. Fvery 43seriptIon of the NEW *AXES - of I • - MARSEILLE:4 QUILTS. CoUNTERPANEI 4 . -- FUNNELsI...BLANKETS MUSLENs, STIEETINOM, TABLE DA S IA S K4. PICII4S, •- DOYLIES, FRUIT DOYLIM, TABLE LINEN., TOWELS. TOWELUVOS. TRAY ULOPitts,' TABLE etertiti. CONISICSION CLOTIIK, ' • LINEN BILEETINGS. ?ABLE COVERINGS, ,,, TABLE and PIANO MYERS; t•STAN D Ct WENS, MITIM CRETONNES; IFURNITURE COVERINGS; . • '`TOIL= ODVERFL t.MIB 441.7 LUSA. I LINES FLOOR COVERINGS; MOREEN's.. ' DAMASK*, si r.x. CURTAIN MATERIAL. C RATIN Int CR ENEMOIRtKATELLER.RATPFR.. TERRY; RM PLCSRElitofic% ' LACE CL RT E A OORNICIII" TAMIEII.'S. • / LOOMWIEDOW BLIADESide. . • - ! °et '7U SDILW PO • • MILLS...An -orders for rheshowo rowinsi opt too least, the Whom. Oti ()intro Watt, with 110BZUT,XL Hi or with WALLACK RTONLEsq,, o f t the. wow& Atothotal Sauk, dad wilt be_ •viromptir__ to. Juno 2,.'19-4110.25-04(• TUOILAS want; it CIA w z.'_wrinurtiftsmir rxraity whim AC ____l L Au sumo ~4„ BB E sad MEW litlP POmBTXII Nu At Obi mew 7fittleet can L w sat rg :,, 1 . , ~ 1 , 4 .• ~ licsorthisimaka se. IlVetteek l W,' ,ts**Or ms' llW s' f • • •:,- ee .ry & -Kemmerer, Whiney, Upper le LEHIGH igit and pthet First• Class . WYOMJNG COALS. 1 InaLnat 4570rp.1 ILADELPHIA (4E01 . T). 3firt,:r..tßv. v:3l.Asiestrar AS C. PARRISii, PER AND mumlS Lehigh, i 9 11nfIkW end Bituitthicas . .. I - 0 A_ Corul4ninenus on Commiablon Solicited and taken on favorable Terms.. CNlat*-141 Walnut at.. Philapbta. ' May 1..10. 18-17 - • A Icholi , ir—vn 1 - JO .%r R fr,r tlir• pret.ent Schipn 1-14 e. $:(31« I.._r. v. T:4l . . . . NOlrrititytunding theizrent difficulties consequent on thy European war to oldnln Choice French En brica bit our Full trade, we nre enabled by placing our ordeirettay and 'through our exienaive connec tions-in filitroise l to offer an unumindly 'time' num ber f • I. . " "NEW FABRICS, I And we would call particular attention to onr unffrti t, ,, urtment it great Varlet y of textures of THE , NEW CLOTH - COLORS,, the latch btyle tor cowru*irls As It will be iMposslble to replenish out moat desi rable textures In tilt. market, WC would respectftills - Invite an • .• .I N Po:FICT lON-. BI: ACK SILKS of known - rmalra, In all prlbes and qualltna SILILS AND SATINS Ilqi ('OLORED KLIAS In every quality—Xt.Ar Cnlnr, • ~ COSTUMES de, VOYAGE: In all lice C fiewest styles and falaim. MOURNING DEPARTMENT io replete, with every variety of texture imitable for 1110 Urning wear. SHAWLS, of every quality' and style, both for warmth and use and Wan In elexaßt styles foryslt'dmo., , NOTIU. We bull take no advantage of 'we acarCity of de !linage govalN, but 'dull continue towel) our ' , lock at a MODERATE ADVANCE: 1412 aud - 1414 C:bestnnt Street, Oa 21, 1 '7U.-43-4111 - -- - NEW GOODS,. All of which have Iwyn wither Very- Loan Prices. POT'ItVILLE, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER , . _ .. - • p ENNISYLVAR.T.A. BALL. . '' FOR TUX . 'PRESENT aLsoN; ..- , • a CLTRIP: Bran%, P A . ' 7 ' ~ ' - '4- . tlrely'rtwwated and_rerarlitalod• Tills well bupoWn and popular Hotrl;bw. lte...n- on- , permanent and, tratodent border& . , m ~ - Ire bay* desigsed lad kaanatitein red ala *a ix now open aw " ' ' 111 Rm. WARBLE &SON, Prupileto - I , '. awe* at the • • • ' June 7. '7ll-orti • .. • • , . . JIIBER! LOMBER! ', • . p . • 'T4 I ENDERTA KERS - AND CRATRUAH ERR, ; ':' ~ DT MADE CIOTHINU MADE We have on hands tarrelot of seasoned ;•,; OVAL COFFIIk: BOARDS and POPLAR CHAIR and I,ItET1 ,1 tET- • N. - TEE PLANK. The shove la the best quality of IN- . DIANA LUMBER. BOAS 4 RAUDENBUSII: Jubrikl. - 7-3141 our. 4th 4. Spruree St 1.: Resting, Pa. ". EV iii it*B - 1 Lir) i. it li i - --- - --- 7 - ' q- • 101.anit FEET OF W E*TERN Lrmilk y... • 1130 A S.. do It A.1.711113T.: rill- ME ‘ 4 , ~ •• _ ~.. We keep constantly on baud Michigan Panel. Ip- , .. „. • , lt, , (Ilona Walnut, Poplar Tetialr Plank, c• 4 Pop`m% and . ,:. Ash Lumber, all seasoned. ;rite Walnut runs (tom 'l2 to 3) inches wide and all thicknesses. and: b ",•i; : I '.. - • ' . Dottlarlemn 15 tors) inches wide. The,quallty of the .• ' Walnut and Poplar cunitot be surpassed la any mar- ! t . - --- -,. , •:, , ket, and we are militia lower than the cite market. • , G e i ta ,;; All parties in want of Shy kind. 4 of Lumber would :. . do well to call and examine our stock.: . ' • July 9, 70 _! ' ., 2 a - is 1 i MlLTallinalitTßO - STEAM SAW „ - GOODS . AND AS MLLLS4- , .- ~. • . - littlest in- N. C. FRE.CIi. (!k,,.:cQ :.,' 'i' qoslity, of • __ • , '..i v..ri - 4c-rritras.l..xo ne.4.r.n.m± I N s . .-,-' ', 1 1, ~ the greatest' ' .i -.) • • A . .. -' .' '. . ' 1 - variety, find up • \l?' :.' :- -- • - --•-'' '. ' 1 - a:aim - TM' !stein' t umßEß,__. q .., :l . fashion • and at , _ : ,_ ~ .-r )- _ 2: T-7 • ' -- Embracing every:. , . , ~ , ..1 • ; thing es senti a l . to 'a - • . lit hinds .j 111114"ine4er f.,,,,, 4, order. ,`'gentlemen's toilet and • • 4firdrobe. • • • • : ' CUSTOM ZEP'T. - amide 'of our own hamar . •. ' i i ' l - SaldOw:--the nowestAard 'besPro*ira:leGse of Ella*. : F 4 Bono Manufacture . a ipa ''. The. . WU* I kill f u r. - DOTE . • . , 1 • 'amen La pau s do. • v . 4 ,.. , :phis "Style” and / 4... 1011111 : 1 , food workman./ , 1 ship ' A ' Po r- / ' Children's, , foot, fit guar.., . . . ted, with . ' ' iltiittai . .: 4 - DEPARIN:It' / , tiOn in.ill ogler rai. 4 ' Many new styles • • ssioots. , / made up in the ~ . .1•:/,t /mast elegant man- . / ner: and wowing the - 4 ' • / qualities of durability ..' and strength , so clesira . - ble in Children' Cloth , . ,- . ing; We have made :- \ispeol4l offorts in • this department, \ nd ask - epee Mi lli& ' \ attention to our 1 to.stook. Twea• . • . , ty-flve styles' of.- little OVEtt.:' • •• \ CCATIS ' \ ' • 'PHILADELPHIA, \ _L... O _ • . • . . -, '., • .E l .l - 1 • T3E13 1 1 " , „ _. I . I • i H I ala • Ell i alhlSL \\* ii" Frame Linnlore notril.; Plank. Lath e Shipping. Shingle... Floorin g. tiidlnt. Sasb,; Doom . Mon Ming. tt - All kind., of . I fantlfsefining,LnnittA enindantiy •• White Plne ,.liemlock and flak p.0ne,1,4 ent .ittlY ; length. Our..Milla are 7Untliri; iVililammi'irt e • being It saving of Ir 2 59 !relight per 1611 feet. undoes i ttiledprouiptly. - .Price li furnirtAl application. July H, • i p • , 2841rn0 • . UGH aii4l rst-elaam TOPRI 1 U - 1' (fa'. Terms retutonatile. Apply to , • • May 7, '7e-19-ft .141 Centre Stie OR RENTT‘rot mice» I u Itu-tsel'Ortice Dui /.' lug; corner tiee,mtl iontl Malfautottgo RtteePts. r Apply to HENRI C. RUSSEL, Real Estate ...A kept, I Staltantongo Street. • I • . March la-tt i .E`ol3. BENT.--WWICF: 80011 dig : citing at- J; lashed, Jn Thorripoes Row. -oa Matt xtroet, ; aliave Cent ro.m.;ssitkit iiiren.liumol.l, : For I . term , ' ripply tn.. . L. c. TRosipmp:y.. July t,';o4tl- t . . OH SALE—TWO 1, !T$ i the corner Lin yd Wcow rthe'inunloalf, witti two blocks of jtonses on It, 111 a good \l t ,7 ai 11,3, esx Fcr r parttenllll , , apply on 3 prein ml to JOHN to.tVlls, .. - .{):•fiwi 25. . t'iIIk:I.VANOOA II CITY. PA; . Nor. I•2„'7o.!iti-1:to. • rOR SALE OH TO LIST.—.t )'lt:cv of ICI 'N'l), 'l' ronttitnlng ahem ;v. ACIt with the Imilil I titts, t, is unto. in To tabling RuinttwoWile". front Pon.% lb.:. ANA , : to , Jr/`i. NTAI.1:;F:11, on Mr , prrin (let • • IRON WORKS ,IRON WORKS! • FOR SALE fitt To 1.1-:.t. s sr. Th. , S.-It Uyik Haven Direct Iron "Works nre oti'er t-d for mtent halt ti•eirinlainal rtett,or-w ill be least d for a t 1 ILI ni y ..111 , 1 to r...spitlisi Ole part ie.. For tern., apply hrF:S. WI LTRI 0.1 ! ttchUylklll 1110 4.11.• 17 4 - 011 BALE.-1 pair Ineaker Rolla, 34 in; with bed plates., ace.; dit hoisting drum; I It. nen-elf:2lft. Iona; counter ;.ereena, shote gate.. sige' bars.,,llllSt f.l"4 %tack and plate, and n lot of mint machinery ; all, l.c sold rbeap. A Opt% at • , JO/IN it. !11l Eli .M'S Coal Yard, June 4, ":0-23—lf • Coal ett., FOB LEASE.—The - valuable tract of Coal Land known nit Robb tt Witiebrener Tract, late ford, altuated in fly the and &I t. nylk/II Totem:hips, nail containing about - . 6.X4 acrea r la offered for lewte upon reasonable term.. "A.Oply to,. ' F. IIAIC?..tAN, Agent, Feb Mt' Pottsville or Port Carbon. Mil FIRST-CLASS COLLIERY FOR BALEI—k COlllery for male, leittli a lease for IR YekirN. on lhe Mammoth and other Vel fix, now tLitip .plug from tat to Ist ears of •roal per day Coal of bent quality always In demand. at highetet market price. I or part leulart• enqulAr of the unitiralened, ' 4 r.trA - Nit cAnT.Eir, . • •T.ligineer a lel ;Itt,"111 Estate Agent. • Nov — a—te ' • I anderatimed .21R% hlways. on. hand a large lot Fir $l.-ALT,E, of all slzes,• and, ' the Crust qhality, Which - ht trill tall at the rheapeat priers. Ihe slate ran be th•llveretl, - by Hallthail or Cann 1..%pp1y to W' I_'ll,. Agent. Hamburg, Hello Co, Pa; 1, , -.22-11Th illi May. 22. 70 1:013 B.A.LE.--4.Thelttrie Bret&litir Inr 44:4, Red AA) Colnert, all eatupitteantFamgonri n'ew watt I 40 hone einzlite, ..liniatitig gearing for plane t tee., he. !. • ! tale 12 tl, fan, h horse engine ant ,bnl len!, nntl:flve ton hay ;wale. 27a wet boring all In complete order, Al b, a set Of 110141wz gearing for slope, - pipe. and — other article.. Apply to Jl. $ll. Agent, I.) Cent:l-street, Angtied fi, •;141:1-if • • 17OR tarts s i 230 were" with improve- A meat. and stock, xitnateon the Racer the Schnyl kill anditu.enchanna Railroad, I I from Botta vine, le acre. of the land are under cultivation, 7,5 firmware covered with chestnut "aprouta - of le years Ikriowth, which would make excelleut_prop tinder, liineressareooveredwithlielAl• timber. The tuipmee-• mettle consist of a aubatlintial bonne a new SWlsa Barn, out billkios, and a net atm mill w I thwater pow. er. Steck egtolsta of bones, mwi, wain, hevAme If ruling ImpterneritA. The ,prioe asked can be real: zaedlrom the timber alone. Term. Apply to JOHN 31.1411 EA FER, .}..i'derly's Building, Pottamille, or to FEROUti VAINUJIA it No. 180 eentri. irtrett, Pot t.ville. Augulit 7, '6l/—M-tf. , . VALUABLE PROPEBTY FOR BALE. THE BUILDINGS: .%ND PBEHISKs' • formerly occupied by the , SCHUYLKILL COUNTY LUMBER CO., consisting of a large brifik and stone shop, with steam power and tools ifor - PLANING.And 31A111. - SACTI.7RING LI33ILEJI., with Umber +hods, abUndant yard room, and oi,hee mon von Irnom for a large businesa. This property is situated in tbellogotott of Porrsvit.t.t. and TfOnta on the Railroad, and Is otherwise well located. :. Will be SOLD LOW and upon ease terms of p ient. Apply to JOHN f 4 PODr Pottaville, or, lifiNJ..l'ol7l% 2215 Mt. Vernon Di" Sept 10, irkit- Philadelphia. F OR BALE—THE FOLLOWING DIMINO' MACHINERY,. One Five Ton Lnemnotlee, suitable , far 4-foot gunge road. }ins been used for !conveying coal and eoal dirlit2he mines. and Is In good order. A Two Horizontal Pumping Engines , 18-Ineh evil der .feet stroke, with gearing and bobs, and two lifts of pumps 100 yards each. with Winch plun gers, to feet stroke, arid two littit of pumps ED yards eaeh, one IR-inch, the other 14-lneh plunger, met' 7 feet stroke. • • - .. A traiOne W At d Inir Engine.l2-Inchrslinder.l-feet stroke, with drum-gearing; and •bollera roinpiete. Alao--Four sets Breaker ~Stachinery. Also-100 three-ton Slope Wagons, hest - Ily , trotted for four feet track. ' • . , Also—One 16 feet Fan and Engine, with tubular boiler onmplete.; , ' - - ',.The above maelilnei7 luta beenoin serilee. but is lu good working order. OEO. Pot tsville. Pa. Jai' P. . FOzi SALE ME ! 8100 9 000M W z OR mTHy* o O F l MI S N R N P O T lO M NAN . • 1 ninety home engine, al in. bore, 611. stroke,l9 ft. Ity wheel: shaft, II in. thorn.; pump shaft 15 in., nt din.xlf ft . long; pomp wheel 11 11. Mom. 16 In.„on 1 the fare, 4 In. pitch, with Doha and cdnhecting psis. ' lots been need tar run a 23 In. pump. ' I sixty horse engine, 1S hi. bore, 6 ft. at roke, 19 ft. fly wheel, with pump wheel shafts and all connoc4 ! t ion*: 1 drum 10 ft. d lam.. wlth - a wrOught Iron MUM, large double breaker with 'Whom engine.' J sixty horse engine, box bett plate 6 set :stroke, ", with nil the pubmgearlng attached.' .• 1 ninety bort'. engine 3/ Inch bore, 6 feet %trek% 1 steam pump, Ii I c) 1 , 3 ft. stroke x In. pole, expitrution 10101% 1 set of heavy cone gearing, with ' trucks hud wire rope: i 2.7 drift ran, ft in. gauge, ; drift earn. 56 In. =War. drift ears. 45 tn. gauge.: 3 large coal cars, same -I 1.11.021,ge es 11w P. & R. It. it. - Several 'large dump Or, feet a Ire n. ~different sizes. A lot of • Wm-I:smith tools, anvil% lines, bellows, &e. A - lot of second hand belting, sarkant_ sire% hi tons of I second hand T rail. 7 sennid Mind injectors in gad I order. 2111 yds. 16 in. column , pipe ; 100 yds. 2) column Oise: 1 33 in. pole pump; 2 10 fn. pole pump. I inenmot ore 4 drivers/suitable for shi ft ing cam or on an iron bank. Also,,t be wood work of 2 breakers, Idacketnith and nter shove,. One blowing ... tub imitable for large ace. 2 ninetflionse engines. ; with bolt* and , leg ••, 3 sixty " gings - coMplete. flfty horse cnul 1 itteet . holsttng drum. 2 thirty " . • • . 1 - 6 " " "• 1 I twenty-this"- " rl3_ . " a " • , - 4 Bolten l / 4 3$ x SOIL I stack 3ft dias2o ft long I 3. x2l ft. I 2'stacks 31 'mug), , 4 - 310 In. x 111 ft. $ tons splice plates, 10 ft. " s „ - .21 In. xl2 ft. 1002.1 inx . .4l'. • - 2- 21 in,x Eft. Lot of pump stab% • I " 12-home, tubular: 1 new 12 ft exhaust ing !uptight, due boiler. 1 " 9,• • • I nric Wien; al x IL Lot of 41n. hint boy pipe. 2 • 30 ft. Ptunp Wheels, shafts and ICny'dl2/310„solurain pit e. block" of rationssizes„ - /SO " Ift..- " • 1 small Stout lathe. Flrtr!- 1 , 100yds. pipe. '_ front% steam antorairr I - with belts and ring% piper to: boilers of direr.. ' ll4 yda. 101n.colTun ;line eat alma.' ecmatantly. - -011 " ", • ' • -hand. 150 tons caithrap. , I Lot off in. pipes. ;o tons wrondlit smirk 2 ; 13/10.pole vary,- • sets of breaker - TOIL% 2 4 serkw% , 2 drums' tor 14 •'; µ' datebaina, ...Lot Of Fop , • 1 , . , nab flat chains. about I 900 :, 1 i ( n. li nptunp oft strrie feet. Lot of second hand wall Mt sad too sheet km; Rotten* of tat - - - sizes urode Id tbordsorteit -2 5 9 0 9 19 r chain: vartogs notice. Almon on hand ,I)atsattbo 'ran boll" IS In..a 0100 &urn. busy Machinery 1 At the Dryden Mal 8124* . 4. . t • No!. woo-44.•:. . . . JAHNS !WASH'S: ." 1 T not or Wit; YOUNG s -tummies' Instrument. Makes'. ebduatilair et. Yens sus4 marks& Heller. win 110 1 8015"02 tor Timmarvid22 l l l Der will elitism 4n lb. sone u et at sort% IlliSLANTheatirtlbett. AllifeltaP Oat it; ne-44 6, ,as ignaMk _ NENE NM,. t'ambtr. , , Corner ;Rh and Sprnee' Sig . Reading, Pa. Pr Nit nub G. get. == •, 1 . - ‘74 # 146i: fi b!! fA-J,:r7.4ritf? itc; P=VEST Which we *arrant to be 1 . ,AS FINE AS CUSTOM WORK In respects. . „ • \ Our_ preparations for . the ,present •sea Son have been on the lar gest.and most libe ral scale, and our - present stock is as superior to - any fornfer one as our former ones have Wen superior to those of other houses. ' El! Ell 1:11 =I ity - our • system of Self-Kessuremerit; eislly understood. we enable =stainers to, send their orders in snob a way sa to ,131COU11111 AS GOOD- PIT as thcateb they came our lilstablish= merit. Our Iralireved Rules for Self-lifeuure ment, Samples and Prices sent when re quested., and A , ROMPT ATTENTION Oven le all orders; with OLIAItAISTEIS of entire satisfaction. aoux'ANAMAKER, • - 1 BtB ',ld 820 . Chestnut Stre't, „ i rELOADILLPHIA. oelolrel - 16, '69 , , • . PL'AJPI FACTS - ADING. ;, A e, well established and s,ucc business with an ex- , perien of more than twenty- five , enable us to offer induc ents to all who are about t become purchasers of Chth'inru t . no establishment in" y. Our garrnerits are .1 the best materials, lected; nothing un any way imperfect at all, even in the of gc)Cids. It is lished - fact among our Ready-Made every thing that a superior gar-; quilled by any , in Philadelphia. lent is so large it every one can ,without delay. always guarm rower, than the We have Lent of 'second t the coup all made carefully "sound or is made u lowest gra a well esta clothiers, th Clothing; i . goes to ma ,merit, is u stock of g - Our asso and Varied th be fitted at on Our, prices teed as low, or iowest elsewhC also a fine assor **l-Gods ih which w i ll be mac, in the best ma \ prices much !oil usually charged' • made to order. Samples of e l % lists for all kinds c forwarded by mail I when requested, • tions for s , " garments, or seleeted - Made StOel • priss, gu; 'Persons can when vi call and ha , gistered,or th 4 Pte, • 1.• thents fain future twi; ••• BENNETT & C C. • ToWer'HalJ, S} Mor St. ,17a1f-traj , idiom 10.6 ard SUM . POILADELPHIA S • 0.0. Olorttorst. ' • W. IP Swink „ . . ASPNTB OARPETII 't CARPI:TS 1 . • /VIA, -AmonntiorT 7 o.. 9,7 los,s..vaimags. IMI • itaiip` Wit**or Sli admi, Premst",_ 4%4. G. 11.-100/OER CO - So.'`34 South Stet - *vs, - S. , ;1.4 ecali Clamber sad tridted ustssaie the Nubia muses or reeve . - TritlE basis of a L. obser3:,es, anus . guile . made updht - --_-perhaps aptuire in'odifoed at the ti il4Onsithms.': At # we. hare 'dreams referred to :either ' "but thorough in% reveal the exist t*geri -- the - dream events.:'. In eon adduces .several . .milected from. *I Abercrombie ("I 4.. ] telleetual. Powers Truth,") Maerdsh ~Dendy i"Phil tra I ' other British writ ~. anal and-now first • ter we borrow t ' history, „which i s the .tort' told by crumble, regardin .df,a dream, of lost the successful. p a - • ,w - yei, well. know lr necessary to • . oilelit of hisfwho grandfather, who 'person, had - died 'l'he lawyer =often grandfather had forination could. h andarecord k that hehada seeni . and of' there being ...which he could , . :after the search lan less, he dreamedrth . to him and said, find out when J. v .ollect. that one of fishing, I read y Elzevir 'Humus'. had made a family inserting a nurabei lend ? - :Now, as. yo lihniry to the Rev. fol. giving.hira boo 'read! Get the 'Ha cove! the exact bou The , ,lawyer, - deep, ,dream, started by t the •elergyntat! boring 'city ; foun the'end were the pa dl fly record, exactly, the dream. n conkl he' recall to I I :deuce of the Ilsbln itinay have oecu era to have experie 'two or three--consec 'limes in the same n 4t'itrotitu is popularl thus it im either men 'has a .prophetle. eh 'telLs'us that i► few ler's 4 'Ode to.Laara LStton, beginning;- ' "Who and whit gave „, and admired it striki ng piece Oti.versill cation,..convoying,s me notedphilosophical nireis in a forcible am! beautiful 'manner. The following nig 'V be had a. very Vivid dream of a eatidit on of pre-existence in which he imagined himself to be. The con nection between tit dream and the poem he .had been reedit)._ ~ was stitTielentry well ruarked;;aittldid riot astonish him: He was, bowever; surprised tolind that the '.tie next nights he had'exiietly the sante dream. .: ' The following grow,: iii which a dream—in other respects highly remarkable—occurred 'twice. on the same night, article under; the no tice of the writer of this article when he - was pracriittng in London, in the year 1848. Our older, r;eaders may 'recollect, that, in the : year just recorded,• there was a terrible': ease of .murder, Dr. Webster, Professor of Cheinis try hi Harvard College, being. convicted for the Murder of his acquaintance —;we can *artily, say his .friend,—Dr. Parknion. :i lady—we' will call tier X. Y.•—well known in the literary world, aud - then residing;iu -Lon don, had, some years previously, paid a long Visit to this..couritry, during which she be came' intimately acquainted with Dr. Web ster Anil his family, who showed lier much kindness and: attention. ' After her' return to :England,. sire continued to correspond ;r , with the faintly; and one day, in the early autumn of 1848, a gentleman, related to Dr. 'Parkman, called upon her With an;introdue ' lion from Professor Webster. 'On that night • She werit to bed at' her usual hour, but soon experienced a litirribleAlream. fihe *fancied that She 'was being urged by Dr. Webster to -assist' him in concealing a set of human -bones 'in a wooden box; and alai: distinctly recollected that there' was a thigh-bone, 'which, after falling to break it in pieties, they vainly attempted to. insert, ; but it ;,was too long. While they Were trying to hide the box—Jus, she.. fanaied,zl tinder her bed—she Woke ina state of terror and cold perspira tiOn: ki.he instantly struck a light, and tried to • etispei -Atte rearliection of her horrible ivitilim. by reading. After a Jape 'of two hours, during which she had - .determinedly fixed her attention , on• the book, she put out the light, and soon fell asleep. The same -dream again occurred; after which she did „.. not-dare -althougha Woman • orsingular moral. and physical courage—to attempt to sleep any more that night. Early in the following morning she called upon the writer, and'lold him of her fearful experiences of the past night. Nothing more at the time was thought of these dreams ,• -but' shortly afterwards the news retched England that Dr. Perlman was missing ;Abet the last time he was seen alive he was - entering the college gate* ; and that ;the janitor Was sus ' pected of having murdered lddr. On. the writeramentioning this to X. Y. she at once exclaimed, • "Olt ' my :dreams! .Dr. Webster must be the' murderer l” The -next mall but. one, brought the news that the true murderer had been detected ; and that, at the very time when X. Y;'s dreani oc curred, he. must have' been' actually strug gting&et the bones—the flesh having been previ _ y burnt—into a wooden box such as she had seen ; and that, after attempting. in vain to break the thigh-bones, he had hid den them elsewhere. . . In this remarkable case, the visitor's call, and his conversation regarding their mutual friend, may have suggested to the mind of X. Y. Me Idea of Dr., Webster ; but why it should have called him up to her mind as engaged in that singular manner, we admit that we cannot explain as' he had not seen her for some years. i It s In the, highest de gree Improbable, that, when engaged in this horrible attempt to conceal the evidence of his guilt, he , should have been specially thinking of X. Y. '• otherwise we might have explained the drea m according to the "Brain wave Theory," propounded in the London SPISCrATOR for January3o, 1869. It is hie, but highly improbable, that the idea of the bones might have , been called up by the circumstance that X. Y. had recently,been occupied in compiling a• popular course of lectures on anatomy and physiology for a country physician ; and we cannot) regard-, her case as upsetting the theory we have pro pounded.—that dreams must be due either to impressions made upon the mind at some previous period, or dud. they are produced, during sleep by bodily serusatne. , ' We shall now proceed to illustrate, the lat ter of these' exciting causes - . Abercombrie, 'in hisrwell-kuourn worki to which we have already referred, relates several very remark. ablecases of dreams induced by impressions made upon the mind during sleep.lin one case, an elaborate dream of the same nature was simultaneously excited lu the minds of a soldier and his wife, b the noise produced bythe falling of a pair of tongs. Au officer on board a transport used• ta be teased by his cougianions, who could' pro duce in him any kind of dream by, whisper ing in his ear. -Once they ,ctrducted him through the'whole prorieemsof *quarrel, which ended• in a duel; and when the •parties were ' supposed to have met, • a pistol was put Into his band, which he• Bred, and the report of which awoke him. Ott another occasion they foundlim asleep on the top of it locker in, the cabin ' when they madehlrol believe that he had fallen overboard, and exhorted Win to sate himself by swimming. They then told him that a shark was pursuing hint, and entreated him. to dive for 'his life. Ile instentlyaild so, and with so much force as to throw, !itself fmnr the locker !lion the It e cabin ticar, which, of course , he • was awakened. Many owes on record in which dreams have been exelted by other senses thin that of hearing, A remarkable ease, in which ,a dream was originated by the.comitined ac tion' of the senses of smell and hearing, is described In the "Journal l'oyebological Medicine," for July, 1856, in which Spbysi. ' elan who was Compelled to sleep at aeli monger's borne, . in 'a bed-room Impregnated with a strong odor of cheese, and swarming With rats, thealtr_ ed. that. foe 11 PARJ,cal 0 V fence, he incarcerated WaTF hi a h uge Faeroe, -which was attacked by, an ariny , of, these vermin, that. as soon as they:bad effected an entra nce , l axed:themselves - ea this naked body -, Thefeessie seg biehi -hi se mildew method au ' lalisiMthal-AlikSproductly*.or ositis.__ Tim arimitat is the mist e. usaritetesi meet thelebedi_ we have met with;. A - g' yeen ady- visa had. eontneded the habit 'or seeking ; _ . her thank . anthill *Oh Wad to break. hmelf of th•Pnietiet% PJece,-~ up to order, ner, and at r than are r garments , with prise garments, t arty time MEI 187 o: DREAMS .13 MEER C. 4 rs Es. BV AN 11. D PIIVSICIAN ( dream, as Dr. Hammond be sought for In impres ,, e mind at home previous tiv forgotten— period, or - , 1 e, during sleep, by bodily .; .t sight, It may semi that . 111th cannot possibly. be. of these exciting causes; estigathiu will invariably ice of in astaviatioti be and' some such ideas or rmation of this View he ~,some of Which he has e well-known. works of glides Coneerning the I a and the- investigation of - ("Philosophy of -tileep,") 'by of Atyatery,") and is; while, others are thig published. From the lat e following - remarkable some respects resembles Sir Walter Scott to Aber the recovery, by means documents '.'necessary for . ution of a law suit. A. 1 to Dr. Hammond, found •ertaltr- the exact age ofta 'as also 'h is cousin. Their was rather an eccentric • when they were , biUyS. - old his cousin that if the n alive the desired in ce been readily obtained; int recollection of having t by the -aid gentleman, some pecUliarity about it. of recall. tome months been given up is hope at.their grandfather came ' YQU have been trylag to •as born. 'Don't you ree ertioon, when we "'were 6 some- lines from an fad showed you how_ T record out of the hook by • of blaniCli.:aves t it - the a know, I devised my • -----: 1 was a great ffi9l - ' a . which', he will never,, race,' and vou will disi', at which 4. was born." 1, y impressed with'. the re first morning train to , who lived. In a neigh the "Horace ;". and_ at s constituting the ram had been described In ;effort of his memory is recollection the irwl excursion. red tersonie of our read-' ced the. same (tream on Inve nightia, or several ght. This repetition of regarded as indicating as a warning, *Or that It meter.. 1)r. Hammond ears ago he read .9chil " as translated by Lord mil the VI i!l4 to WOO Weer' • Ibvtxriefing the'nlibriding• organ wit h extract !oi aloes, before She went to bed. She slept ' l •Welli; but In - the. rnornieg - she found her ! 'thumb In her mouth with all the aloes suck ! ed off. ! During the night she dreamed that she was crossing the ocean in a steamer made •of wormwood; that Ore .- plates; diskes, chairs, etc.; Were .etimporied off the same Material; and that there was a.bitter smell all over the . ship. , ' -TheoF.was .se Strong a bitter taste .in her - mouth,Ahat on her arrival at Havre she asked, for a gliSs•of water; but the attendant • Ibrought her "din infusion of wormwood, w Met' she gulped dpwn..' On her reetiesting , a Paris physician to extract the. ormwood, 1 from her bodf, he told her that the oniyiein .`edy was ox-gall; Which. he gave her by the ! .. - potted. The. bitter taite of the remedy was 1 as bad as that of the wormwood ; and to get .•: rittofilt, she applied to the P" - pe, who told .!, her tfiat she must - niake a pit .ritnage 1(1 the, plain hliere the - pillar. of, sal stoat which k was . foinierly Lot's wife; not nest eat a piece of salt as large as her thumb. She reached the object of her journey;and then &Mere ! ted as;to what part of the liguee she should brealk.;ein ;The result was, Witt, as she had a bati.• habit.: of . sucking her thumb, she should break elf. and • suck that • part- of the statue: On piitting the broken fragment into her mouth she awoke; and found that . she was sucking her Own thumb. 'Dreams are very, readily excited through impressions made nil the nerves of ordinary • • sensation, even' In eases when the stimulus is apphed t ralyeed limbs: _A lady whose lower x emities•wereliaralyieti, etten ex perk., vd remarkable dreams of. Chili nature.. a whe , of bottles were applied to heefeet.:- , - 0 . 6,• - o i oeairo - n she!Areanied ; that she Was trails I!) tined into a bear, and Was being laugh to dance by being -.made to stand on hot pl , tes of Iron. On another beeaslon•she dream I that ;she wa& Wading , through a c lt stream of Water: that . issued. -front a • Mitt Spring. - -..•--; '• ;i. '. • - ~.-t- - -' In the'eases tell ieh we hare ;here put on re-. cord, the with one exception, have uotheen ilitezitieually evoked. • In: order t:' prove that , alitiost• any kind •of dresun can; with tolerubleteerteinty, be excited b' ape ! cial classes of Stimulants, -.3L Maury. caused -1 series • 'of experiments to be . perfornitd . on -Eli iluself when t asleep , which -affordei °;!yery ;-satisfactory results. • , - - . - --,-a• FirSt •t. xperlinent : Ile caused himself to be•lickled whit isfeather,,on the lips and in " Side : of the nostrils ." He dreamed - that he . was subjected to a horrible punishment. A• mask of pitch wa.s - applied; to -his face, and then toni roughly. off, taking with it the iskitter his lips, - nose, and face. •• . Second experiment : : A - pair of tweezers ! was held at a littledistence from hiseitr, and struck ,with a pair of scissors— lie dreamed that' he heard the ringing of bells. • ! This was - soomeonverted into the tocsin, and this suggeSted.the days - or Jene, l84:r. : . ; - Third' experiment: A bottle id:E. • 'de Cologne was held to. his' nose. He theft led that he was In a perfumer's shop : Thl .ex cited Visions of the East; and he dreamed'. -' that. he was. In - Calm, in the hop of:Jeah I. Marie' Farina. M lany surpriel adventures - occurred 1/1 him there,. the detai a 'of , twhich • ir ••.• , , . : Were forgotten. • . • .• .., --- '• - • • I Fourth ,experinient ;,. A -burning ... lucifer 1 match was . held close to his nostrils. He! • dreanietrAhat . he Was at sea (the wind . was - blowing - hrthreugh the windows), and that' • the :Magazine of the vessel bleti up. Fifth experiment: He was slightly pinched en, the unpe.of the neck.. lie 'dreamed that a Blister wasitilied., And this recalled the reciellentien of a - phySician who: had treated_ him • ltiliiir lit fancy. - • Sittli experitnent :- - A plece - tlf red-hot hon was held close enough to him to eciimituni cate itslight sensation-of- heat. •He °dreamed that robbers ,had. got-. into the house, and . were forcing the initiates, by:putting their feet to the fire, to reveal where their money . was. The idea of-the robber suggested_ that' of Madame' D'Air4antes, Who, be supliosed, : had taken hint for. her . ;.secretary, and In. whose memoirs he' had - read So" Me account of bandits ' - • .! •'" :• .• - Seventh experiment : The wordpargiega mins( waspronounced in his ear. lie tinder ! stria! bothinvand awoke with the recollec- - (ion of a 'very vague . dream. • The , tvord manziirt was nett used . many times. •" He dreamed of ditihrent Subjects, but •heard a sound like the bumming of-bees. Several. days after, the • experiment was . repeated with the , words A:or, Oyster,l,amore. On awaking, he recollected that he had heard the last two Words, and had attributed, them to one of the, persona who hid convers-' led with him lu his dream - . ' . I • • . Eightlrexperinient.: A drop of water was. allowed to fall on his forehead:. He dreanied 'that he was In Italy, that he was very warm, and that he was drinking, the wine of Or vieto..- - Ninth - experiment: •A. light, Surrounded - by li piece or red . 'paper, was repeatedly placed -before' his eyes. - He dreamed of a tempest and lightning, which suggested the remembrance of a - Storm be had encountered In the English Channel Ihgchigfromltier laix to Havre.. . • • ' . Thei,e• observations • are very",' instructive, inasmuch as they show tynclesively that one very -important class of 'oft : dreams ia - due to our bodily . sensations;—Once a Week. 110111ING POETRY.—"The:Jmerit of:having t Writ a posy- of, a ring.". It appears that Mr. Richard Steele uses this expresssien in irony, ; and as if Mr. Spectator thought there' was little. merit In 'lnivinetyrit a posy of a ring. !There Is, however, --- a charm about some of these posies, - that is engendered - of their qualntnessand their pith. ' tis with pleasure that we see them reviv ed on many of the, wedding ringsexposed in' the win dows of the/ jeweler" it this: . present time. The, immediate destiiitlea very clearly from poeele, UM a hating been Out out.- idut posy fa eenttnonly afw plleit by the country people to a lame or small bunch of the Bowen' their gardens afford in plenty in the gay seasons of spring anti summer. -Bowpot is another word, up piled to a homely bouquet;-' or bunch of rustic garden flowers. The analogy to. the French bouquet is close, aria it hate been silt:: gested I nuit bean-pit •is perbaPs.a more cor rect. orthography than- bowpot. "However,: in whichever way the' word Is spellad,. it is at this l day in very common use in certain districts of 'England. TO revert, hoWever, 'to posy, in Its application to a short sentence Or verse "Inscribed on a ring, and generally the 'wedding or a keepsake ring,._ we may quote a few of these Inkriptions from old rings, dating frotn the year 1516 downwards': "Death neveiparts • • . such !ming tweets." There be `anpillti,:ixiiially old : • i - • ."Il'ove and newer • . • I doe expect ... Tpi,+!Bl%., ie from ii•very old ring: It l isiTgb e z: , • . • Later we have: ' . • ' 1 "Divinely:hunt by Gila* aro wee. . flittßly two, now one, the pledg here see;'' 1- I • , ••• , B. and A., 11... • a ^ 'l.ore and lien happy.."—leas.' , "Happy in thee ': •,,- • • . Bath t)od made me." • - -, , ..,. • '. !Volt did decree • - Our =title." • , .. , ... 0( a;,,etlll lett piinning one :. rEndlem as thin , • • snail be our Mina." - . ~, • Tilos. Bun. 819. Aust. of thee eoU pieta are Aroxiglv Inibna with the spirit 'of loyalty—to wit, under da 'rl l o.liLi ...---. . i - , ' I_ "I ON:e the rod. ~ '- • . • •-• - fl tod thee. and 0 , 4." , • ... - • W lab Ilhowis s'apirit . of . 'feniinin e subjeC- - tiO 'thaw rather num:tit:fon. 'But all the de)'' tio*wluing on. one tilde:. for we thidlut ano her old ring: ' —Once - a Week: 1, eokrAnAtire CROP 'STA TE- TUE folloivlng table will be useful to pre-. serve as a reference, Tor the farmer and the . merchant-. It shows that since - the crop of lE0)-1, there. tot e been but. about seven cro larger that of the present year— run Ave . riod of fifty years : •'. 14 •';',4503 1866-7 ..... ..-1,9151,9118 1111441. 1,65-8---. • lauxe rs4o. • 4".... 186346 400.000 —4000.582 • umwe L „,.. * . „ 44. 1 , 07 0 j .. 1,25441211 • 11014„.......,• „_-*EP.B.*•• m •••••••••••• NEW.: ..-41111118,510 "RAT • ...JIM/ • • •por ve54....,...,-.L1.L...1.2744.111 13554—...4;.«. Vol . "ism —l -6.....1..A....17wAre &WU •MlT**". ••••,• 7 110.1121_ 4, wi g na - CAI* t • '1- • f, • , ME f , do.ntlotee' In thec, - Tni choice EYT. SINGLE COPIE S SIX GEM'S- A STORY BY MARK 'TWAIN Air Vbeiuttlful new watch livid. run_ 'l. teen teen montilkylthout hislng Of gain=" ing, and without breaking any part 'of Its . rnachineor stopping: - I - hadl come In. be- . lieve it infallible in-its judginents 'about the - time of day, and to consider its constitution • ' and its anatomy imperishable,' Build lust, one night, I let It run down.' I' grieved about it as if it were a recognized messenger , and forerunner of calamity. • - But and by I cheered up, set the watch by elesa,sand - eemmanded my bodings and superstitions t depart. Next day I stepped into the chi. -jeweller's to set it bv the exact time, and the head of the establishment took it out of my , - - baud and proceeded to set it- for the: - • Then • • he said, "She is four minutes slow—regulator • wants pushing up." • I tried to stop him—tried to make - him urtr • derstand that the watch kept perfect. `. But no; all - this -.human cabbage . .equid see - wait that the *Watch wks. - (our minutes ,slow : and the regulator 4o must Ike pushed up a - little; and so, while I danee dancedund guish and beseeched hint to letthe walcli alone, he calmly and cruelly ilktl-11"-cshittrie ful-•deed. My watch • begainto gain. it • gained.faster day by 418;!V. Withiwthe week - it sickened to a raging fever, and its pOlse went up to a hundred antt fifty in the shade. Atthe end of two months it had left all the . - time-pieces of the town far in the roar, and was a fraction over thir*eti.dayl ahead of • the almanac. It was awity into November .enjoying the snow, while the October leave ' were still turning. • It hurried up himmerent. bills payable, and such things-An' such. a • ruinous way . that I could not .took. it to the watithinakei to be reguNled: asked .tntl if I bad ever, had_ It repaired; I said no, it had never needed any *pairing. . 'lie looked a look of vicious happiness and • eagerly pried the watch - open, then put a .• small dice-box. into his eye and peered - 'nth itsLituichinery. He said - it wanted eleanink and oiling, hides regulating—mute in a week. • ' . • . After being cleaned mid oiled. , and regultt led my watch slowed down bethat 'degree • that it ticked like a tolling bell. - Zi began to ' • be left by train - 2f, A failed ffil appointmerd , S,4 . '-• : got to missing my dinner, my watch strnsig. ,„..,,,,, out three days' grace to four-and let Ine,Ot. ~2 " . ‘-•-•' • protest ; I gradually drifted back into teeter- • .' •• day; then day before, then , into last:*eek,. ~.' .• and by ;and by the Comprehension came - upon : • . • me that ell solitary anti alone. I was lingering-, - along in week before last, and the world a=+..- out of sight.. .I eeemed to defect in inyirafk'' a sort of sneaking felloWrfeeling ter.: the. .. Mummy in the Museum, Lind a desire. to • -• - swap news with kith. 'I went to the watch . - •-..•- maker. again. He ,took- the watch all lc! • , • pieces While I waited, and then said the bar- rel was "swelled:: t lie said heeould reduce. it in three days. After-this:the watch...awe _ raged well -but nothing more. For half a day •it would go like the very mischief-and keep- - • up such a barking; and .wheezing, and , whooping, and sneezing, and snorting, that • I could nut. hear myself think for the dis•-2 turbanee; and as long as it held out there .. was .not a watch - in theland that stood•any„ thance against it. But the rest orthe day it -would keep on slowing down and fooling along until all the elacks it had left behind caughtnp again: -, 1 - Seat last, at the end - of. twenty:Cour hours,, It would trot up to the Judges' stand all right -.- and just on, time. It would-show a fair laid • • square average, anil no man could say ithint •• -. • done more or leff than its. duty. • But a tor- . - reet average is only a - mild virtue in awatch, " and I took thrfilnetrument to anotherivetch- • • maker. He said the-kingbolt was broken. - /...- said I was glad it. was nothing more serious. To tell .the plain truth; I had no idea allat . • the kingbolt Was; but I did not ehoose hi a_p- - • pear ignorant to a stranger. He repaired the -' • kingboltOiet what the watch gained in one_ way it lost in•another. It would run awhile- •., and then stop awhile, and then run aWhile): . again;and so• on, using its own discretion , -about the intervals. And every time, it we t• • ~ • "off it kicked back like-a musket. , ' • '. .-- . • -;''. I padded-my breast . Tor a few. days, but '!.... finally took the watch to another watch— maker. - .He picked It all to pieces and turned - the ruin over and over under. hia..glaffs ; and • . . then- he said there appeared to be something • 0 the matte with the hair trigger. He.fixecl . it and gat it a fresh start. It did well now • except tha Ways at ten minutes to ten the.- hands weal shut together•-like a pair of •-; . scissors, and ' m that time ferth they:would • • travel together. „Tire oldest inan in the world • ..'. could -not make head or tailof the time . . of : • • day by such a watch, and so I went a sin to • have it - ..repaired. . This person aid the crystal had got bout, and that the Main- - ' .spring was not straight. -He also remarked . . that part of the worktkaie half-soling. He made these things alkright, and then • -: my timelileet performed unexceptionable, • - save that noWlind-then, atter Working:along. ,' . '.quietly-for nearly. eight hours, everything •• . inside would let Oen' of a sudden and begin .. to 'haze like -a bee; and: the, bands - Would • . straightway begin- to spin round and Maud Safest that their individuality Was -lost com pletely, and they. slinnly seemed a delleate- . ' spider's web over the face of the watch. • She • would reel off the 'next twenty-four hour*" in „ six or seven minutes, then stoic with-a bang: - .• I „went with a heavy heart to one ?more Watchmaker, and looked _on while he' took • . her to , - pieces,. Then I prepared to. ems- ...: onestien him rigidly, for tide thing was get- •- . ting serious.. The watch had - cost two bun- . . dred dollars originally, and I•seemed to have Pahl out -two or three thousand for repairs. -.While - I waited and loOked - on,, I presently , -' - recognized to tbis• watehmakeeart old" ae- - ' ettfuntifnee—a steamboat engineer or other days, and. not a gOod engineer -either.. He 1 , examined all the parts carefullydwit as the -t-- - , - :: °Lifer watchmakers -had - done,. and thetWieu. ', '•,-: • Binned hia.verdiet with .the sante cenfiilenee- ' : -_-* e \ n of manner . ':2 -- ' —• ' • --• :•- 1: He. said : ."She•makeft-toe- much et t— • you.want.t,o hang the trionkey-wreneh ot the . safety-valve!" . ' •• . ' ; • :. .Ibrained - him oil the. spot -and had him • `-' bindedat my own expense.- - - "- • - _ :_. Xy uncle William (now deceased; alitiq 'neat° saythatagood horseswas &good herstei , until it- hadTua.away once; and that a,good _ watchiwas 'a goal watch until the rep airers . got a chance at it.. And he used.. to• wonder- . what became of all the_unfmetesithl tinkers, , and gunsmiths, and ahoemak,ers, and .black- ~ Smiths, but nobody could everts l" him. , . Ik' -(:LOBS ON SILK.-The - method - - •'--. . of giving an artificial gloss to the. woven • , pieces of silk was invented in. 1863. The- ' discovery of the method waspurely acdden- • • .tal. Octavi9 Mey, a merchant of L one; ~ . being one day lri deep meditation, meet: • tally put . small bunch . of silk - threads in. ;_ -' h ,- ;' th and began to chew them..- On ~ .-ing therri out ; he was struck by the ptL •.: ~ ,( lc. • culiar lOstre they had , acquired , and *a& a •:' . - c . , e astonished to tin that this lustre co e- - i tinued to here to he threads".even after •."-. .. they hid me dry He at once Saw that' [ in this the there was a secret worth unravel- ling, and being a inanjof ingenuity, he ap- . ... plied himself to the middy of the question.-.- . - ' The result of his.experiments Was the pia - - cede dc fuslrage - ,-er "glossing , method." 'fhe , ;manner of imparting the artificial glossi hie, - like all other details of the weaving art, un=. dergone changes in the course °fleets. -. At " -- present-it is done in . this wise: Twri -rollers - res=olving on their axes are'set •up a ' W-feet '. . .from the ground, and at about . ten yards in ~. it - straight line from each other. Round the - . tirst•of these rollers is - Wound the pieceof 'silk, of twenty, forty, or ono hundred yards .-. in length, as the MC may be.`- . Ten - yards of silk are then unwound, and lixed'hy means., vl . .of a brass rod'irt a grbo 410 - the second roll- `- Or, care being ' taken to stretch- the silk be- ". . tweet: -the two cylinders 9 lightly "as pima,. ".. _bre. A Workman with a thin bladdtil metal ia , his hand daintly covers the uppermost .- - . side of the'lllk. (that which - *ill form the . inside of the piece) with a coating of gum.—. .. ; • - ' Oti . the floor under the Outstretched silk is a . . small tramway - upon which ,runs' sort of a.:. - .- - . tender filled with glowing coils. As fititait . , -1 . 'one nian•trivers the silk with - gum ;. , another, - ~ - • • works the tender: up and down .todry . the_ 1 mucilage before it has had time to permeate ' , 1 . the texture. This Is _a very - delidatenvera-'. - I, lion: for if, on the one hand;• the gum l a;al,-, 1 -. lawailko ;an through the silk,, or If, on ,the, .otherboals are kept-too. long Roder, one , - - .phoay, the 'piece , is spoiled.. `ltilhalkarth,: • s t ance; It would be stained - beyond ill power -- -- of cleaning, and in the second It wOuldbe '- burned... , .bione bu t . trlatty,wOrlumin are con-, ' tid e d . vial : -this vend: wren with - . the . most peeved ha:i r litherilCitritnetitins dam- . age, When - ten Millie theldece have been gummed mid II edi=they- aref.rolled. iround:-. • the second - cylinder , an fee, more are un- . ,' -, wound.- - This- la molded-tilt the end. But . the silk, with Its coating-of Arygotm, is then . •• • .. TO the toueb, - .' and - -traekleslike, cream: 'f•l - . , .to _paper. when'. folded., :To. make it :',' „. ,- nutpliatitsgain it la rolledinew,. some . elz-let P.ev,ett times, under...two . Alitbrent2- :-.' ,_ in Moir of Which; lima' bee .. ,_&-:. ariginad', tinkin . ' ctiOn of hottoals itimithised ii *Olden' to. glee Itthat brig.htnew-look, ' which we ;all so much _adinirein that tilUt.. , , .: • .--. . „A aux. - *rm. shoddy widdiaiiiiitA irelvideiturtiortaltadbytheonaft Arepiteek-1 4 Thow an 'lnitea4K-the,"NOdingsWilllt4;.P', - L. MY :WATCH. EISINN SIM -1 ~.. . -.. .4.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers