cYR.TV:-SIXTH YEAR : Islo. 9. . COAL TRADE AD V TS. fprt iticbmonb. Pler No. 4, Port Blames& EtD, NAGLE . Br, o_o., :diners and 541tirliPrs',of the Best Qualities LOCUST MOUNTAIN-AND BLACK .HEATH COALS . For Manutaauring arail,Domextle Ewe, OrßLSole .. ..- Age.n.t.s la sill marlreta' '-''' , 1 . FC,It TTIF- cELEDIIATED 1 • PINE KNOT WHITE ASTI, AND • -.l.t.c;ksps LORBEIMY" 57 , z;i , 11 , :alput ad way. New York, j . L.ll :Mime Street. Poston. WELD: - HENRY N. EAGLE. ED. SHERViIr. 111:NRY A. RICE, JR. I ' 1,'70 • - • . • I c ., iN i ER, . TICKNEY & W ELLINGTON • 7 , 1 Miners and•shippers,pfl Coal.. vsi DE. from their Burnaide 01. nt Shamokin. Itt-VEINI(Ited Arll-.3-- ' . IT IiI•PIiNTAIN (WhtteAsh.) I• ( 39 ,Trinity thilliting, New lurk. .)20 3•Nalont Stree Philadelphia - ' 201oane St reetT Boston. 11A FNo. ti, POItT RICHMOND, • PHILA. ~. , 1 70. - • I • 1— • Pier 7, Port Richmond NEILL -I& ' CO., riers Of Anthracite & Bituminous .NT:i _Or Ati6 wile of the celebrated' SItES-Ati int Y, I 0 (3 41: TR.I.KBEL'S Locust 31mill td Burnshie §hetnotihnt Whjte sh Coal. Also, SPOUN and PEACH -MOUNTAIN Red Ash Coal. FBOSII, HOBOKEN, t • Ikst. variEdl4:4 t elit and Boylan'a EELE v,D FAMILY 11.1:LiE.' • ' • ': BITI!.MNOL'S,atuI Cl.77i4SEßL.ritiri. COALS establistinii, reputation. • . Philadelphia, 247 Walnut Sii4et; llown F; ,Providenee, 74 , 3 Veyhaaget Street, • tßoston,i2s Duane Strict. ' • ' ' . Pier:tio. Yon Richmond B. wtirrE & SON, r: • '„Shippers, of Coal, • 316 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. - DepOtioloi Storage . and-Kale otScal - ' • -514 Wesi ThlrteenthYStreet, New York. 802 Third A t venue, New Ye*. Wharf, No. SO.-XI/Ma Street, Providence. Wharf..4ll. Washington Atmue. near Street; Boston. - • Jan._l, '7O-1 Tier N0...U. NC R 0 F EWIS :& .CO. XINETIS:AND :PUFFERS OF Tlith • , IBRATED ASIILANIVCOAL, FROM MAMA OT MOVNTAIM. I 111 'tele:inn St.. Commercial Build., PLlla J 111 nraadwar, Trinity. Building, Boom 611, N. I,',.—ISAAC SELTZER, Agt. R„Dottne St., Boston:, ' $, I—s OF LYKENS :VALLEY. AnE .CAPTIONED that there are r Collieries. witielr mine this Ma, all of ire under,llictunnogement of the undersign. r the yearls7O si NINICKSON & of Phila. will be the only Agents for its sale tn i New I, New York,: New Jersey, and Soutltef Cape Our Agents will deal in no other Coal what d Parties Wishing the pure genuine article •ocurelt of them. The object ,of this caution ly to enable those interk»ted . to buy under. 71. y. . Opts Mid their a_sslstants for above ire as folrows SXNNICKSON4I.. CO., General 132 Wallin{ street, - Philadelphia; thoftlr New lee is at Boom 'A, Trinity Buildings, JOS. G. Agent; kahisted by EIISI3.A. MOSELEY, }' Skunmerstreet, Boston, Ordersitshould be either or the above named parties', and to no WIA.' B. FGWLE, General Manager immit Branch It. IL Co., the Blioit Mt. Coal the Lykens Valley Coal Co. f. 14. 1, '7O-1 Pler .tit! . . 10 Port Richmond, ICKSON & CO., gents fcir the Sale and Shiptdent of the Iklin coal of Lykens Valley," England, 'New York, New Jersey and South Cape henry. • 132 Walnut Street, PhiLndelphia. 68 Molts Building, .Ncw York. •32 Summer Street, Boston. , • ji ):31:rii G. MOODIE At .. P. O. Box 64r, NewYo tren rk. • :Pier 13 North Port Richmond. l'4lo-1- C., SCOTT & SONS, Miners end Shippers of Coal. SOLE AC,ENT3III TIE SALE OF. DALE,.I,9CT 310tiNTAIN Wlykte Ash. "BEN FRANKLES", Deep Red Ash; the same vcins' and s ntilAr in all r..:specti to LICF.F.N4 NfAL:I,,EY Coal. ' • SU4MOK.L'S EM Ash.' PIIILADEDPIitt —l4o. 22f Walnut St. BOSTON' No. 19 Doane St. ) NEW 1i1109.. '4O Pier Nci.. 13. ' Richmond. • , RGg.. s.. REPPLIER, hers god:Shippers of Coal, • - ER, MOODIE & CO'S LOCUST MOUNIAIN, REPPI 4 LEIrs MANI*OTII VEIN. ' N COALCO'S .LEWIS VEIN, - (RED Amt.( & • CO'. LW - MERRY. (329 liVabint Street, Philadelphia... 111 Broadway, New York. t 27 D'lx4fa .Street. Bottom '7O. ' Pier NO. 14,• North Port Richmond. H. EASTWICK di. CO., EIIIPPERS OF . , rttr, Asli COAL. 228 hook St.. Philadelphia. (No: 19 Dcsa.pc htreet,lloston. Bed Ash, I - • • Shamokin White Ash. Loch .it Mountain White Ash COAL, I—' 1, '7O k. I'lcr 14, South. 11A, KELLER & NUTTIN G , • ' Ors and , . Shippers H of Coil, '. .EITIOR GREENWOOD, I.7A•Sr.FE- ' .' . ,'' . - - L'S'ESEI _,E. .• - ' - ECKER LORREPAII7,-, - . . NORTH: FHA:N.:KEAN rap ASH, ' , BLACK .11EAITI, - ' BID RUN. LOCUCT SIT. ' ' . GARRETSOS. GERArdiVILLE. 142 1 4 RIMY St.. Beaton... ~ Rearm 64 Trinity littildin ;N. T.- • , ), set Walnut Street,' elphla. . • '- - •^Ma 11.- • HORD , KELL= . ?TTUNG. ,• Tli FRAICKLEi. WHITE ASHj '69. • Y;v-HUDD:ELL & CO., Miners &' Shippers of. Coal. (20514 Wainni St..tlllladerphla. 111 DroadtraY. (TrloDiltullang) Doane Street, Dosten. as for the sale of 'the following celebrated Coa/s: HARLEIGIit LEHIGH COAL CO;S HICKORY L D DRAPER COALS, an th SHAMOHOR COAL. - Pier Ne. 18• Pt. Rlchniandk. Wit" "Mier N 0.3 Kihnalilethp't, N. J. '7O 1- Pier,....39: 19 Port Rickst._ ROMMEL, JR., &BROTHER, • SLR A=CTS FOR • knits BIWA B MWS; Mit. All 6 an. bulky freu.Aftrabis Ptak Ask.. 6 . ..VAEL WEBSTER Deep Sod Ash; aninnors.: miNct ,I,43EMEL at Elizabetl;port. 2011)6Valitat 21 Doane Street. Boston. _ Room 53; Trinity Banding; Neer tork. alma; =stated try 'nand E. P. UPAAm. March 6.:0-10 USEN BROTHER & CO., Yfness anA Shippers of • . Ca_A-11 S . Le 1404 Lithe* 'entails, Loeser Grp, thrlbasth, Lthl4th, lead ether E. AHD itEO - ASH COALS. rwicAsils H ; 1 015)% l tplit, °ndt- ''. t i gpi sin : tr=laWidA . . . ba. im ITreadVar, New Tom. P • .6 Dome OM, Boston. , an 1,10-4. :• NDRICL • 44 ,. .1X x g r g htat I ners and . Shippers •of con S' 1, AND DOPEY; KENDRICK & CO, \ . • Z. J. Dorm - *Sae dslsy, the tie C,*kirratei . • bow. toiC:Plarik Cools, f Dock rottsvins—centre - Strom 2%*Zrjorkg-Teinitylguildlair, Soo" , fFt, taniiiebtaww, - Agests. pose I.lB,esiry , . .. ~,. , ..... . . . . , _. • • . .. , . .. ... . .- .. .. . ••• . , ...t,' ,• •• -..,',,-,••• • :,, " - .•, : , i "- .... ,• r•. • . ... •.• ' •,',' '•'.. ; r - , - ,-.-.. . . - • , - • i . • - , .. , . • . ..1 ' - - . ~ ,„ ~,, , r. • ' ' '' 1 ' -_. • , ... . ..,....... —.• _ ~...,..... ..... _-,' , :,...,., 4,. - 2, - ;_-.,__,_2. - :-..-.-: '• ± 'ts - - --‘J - -- -.-,-: ,• - s. 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C!' -, "-....".••:, --••: - • - ; - .' , ~ . _ ..; - 9 . . -. . c ' '' -. -'- 41 .V4 -.l. .dt'\ -.•'''. -. 4 ;' ' • c ,- ;..-,l.4Mi;iillt-•"' - ::: ''••• .•'"•' ' 4. • •a: .._ . 0r....;.-.. „,..-- • --, - ......:-: 11 -. .4. • ''- V -."'' ' ,:...' -.-- - •:': ; • -• '''Ifi • ' f- , - - - ".. .• ' t . t'llt..Wg '- i: -- %;aspillsat.' . . :.o.: , • . _ .. .„,.. _ .D. '.' l':.:'. r.: - -'-: : : -f. : - •:".. : -..- '. ''- - - • -, • ...- ..- , . . , • .- • . - • • A k r ,' •• •E''' lrvV,.;"±- 1 . ; •_ 5' ..410 '. , .:4 - ,0,.gi1t ,: r/, . . : - ,- - . ff it i,,,V P* ;....: :: -5..1.,•;:rit ''-, ••! I '' ,4•71, _. • - - -....--- I . .•• . • iiiti ... -.•••_ • '•• II II i Oil . ,• . • - .. 1 I - . . .. ' " . ' • . . ..• , - - . . - • -_, .• . . , .P. 4 1 41 11-• ~ .1.. . .. - ~ -:. • t.... ,‘,...-r.,„,,-...„,_... _ , - - . •••• i - . . . ~. .. . -...4 .---,..,..1•; ; 4 .-•'""'""..- . - .:.,.• . , • .# ---•• , • , , .: .., _ . .. . - - : • .. - - • ' • . . • • - . • . . ... . . . . -' - IN . lkarit- . '••••7 l '7' : 7 `:" \ - %6... t, ;,, -..te_L--- . ,: - : ... - • . .. , -‘, ' . - _, ' ' • ' . , , .. - . .1 . _ __. . . r e -, _ - ~ ~ ,-,..:„ • ...„..-)---, ....---. •,-, - ::. . . . • • • . . - . . - • •.....,..... , g. , ... -- .. 7, i -_,..,. ..„.._ -:-...-...........__: - t iii, - ; - I_;,-. .--, .: ----,- .- - ,- ~ -- ....._, •-, ' 7 I- - I.'':' f. .::: :•, - f •', ~ . - . • i'7 • • .._ . ~ , 7 ! , , • . ' ~ ' . _ '. .. ~.-4,..z ~ . _ , . . . „ ... . ~ , • . . . , ~. . . . _ ... .. •: ! . &Ail iiii ll* . , frag , erbi iceman tA AM - ..4C 41 " 81 ".• In' lb.. 7 * - 331 " 7 4 4 / 1 611 a BMW, 'IL". COW! ° ff! ce ! lt ` 3lict Cciiirt 'et . l ' VBital , . - ...... . ~ • ' 1 , 11 ' 3- A l M ilz ! 4 4rMOVaalk.' • . ~ . , . ' ... - ‘ .... 1 1 . J. 2 -. , . S, ' ' UM I= Port ilirlimonb. Parr lea 11.'Port:13,1chmond AUDENRIED. NORTON & CO., ' Miners and . I . Appers of FIRST CLASS COAL, 1.091 , 31' MOCNTALii. From our two large. nd celebrated Golllcrie3 "HAZEL DELL,7 .......... ..............C. F. NORTON CO "CONTINENTAL," GOODRIDGE & AFDFSRIED LORBERHY. Free Burning Red A:03, - , and-Splendid Vieparation. COLKETT COLLIERY, & Co. MIDDLE CREEK COLLIERY. C. Conceit, Prest. SHAMdRIN • ._ ENTERPRD3F.COLLIERY I . T. Ituumgardner,Prest. - Loe - ust Itountaln and Lotberry, also via Setiuylklll Canal ; to all points neee3sll.)l(::by brats. - . 32S Walnut Street, .Plllladelphla.. . °Sleet: 4111 Belinda - ay, New. 'Work. : -27 Deane Street, Donlon. ' . J/T. At7DENRI ED. ' ' C. F. 'NORM'S; ." CHAS. D. NORTON, IL QORRFLL, . Jan. I, 10. : • • 1— - . + .4 • pier No. 3, Port ItlelunontL HAAS & - BRENIZER Miners and Shippers of. .THE SUPERIOR TURKEY 'kU 37 N'•COA • • , • . goLE. ADENT6 Lee, Grant & C 0 . ,. Celebrated pLi4.NK RIDG.E 21S Wilnut St.. Philadelphia. Ofliceif SI Trinity Building, New work, ) 11111oanti , St., Boston. Erb • - il), '7O 8- littu Med. bIiATIDSO.I4, YOUNG& CO. , • WTIOLESALZ DEALERS . • - LOCITST 3101iNTAIN, STIAMOKIN, LEHIGH; CUMBERLAN . SC I RANTON & WILKESBARRE • COALS. ROOM No. 16, TRINITY BUILDING, NEW YORK. WIL - M,DAVIDSON; formerly of Tyler ct Co. SA M' LB. YOUNG formerly of Cald GuKdou &Cu ftimERT K. BUCkMAN. Jan . 42-13- • WHITE, 'FOWLER & SNOW, 03acceisars toJohu White ig C 0.,) • r•- , SHIPPERS OF LEHIGH, ' • LOCI; ST' SIT., . . iVILKESBARRE, • SCRAN'EtiIi and • ' C7 , 24BERI:AND C 0 • • Office—No. 73 Trtully Baiding, 11 Broadvray.N. April ;.1, - • 1:.-1); 4 1_3P. JO : • SON & trOBOKEN. i: COAT,. VAN WICIZTM &. STOLTT , ~,,.:9 AND sruPrEas OF TUE e am Celebrated "Fulton" & "Stout'qLehigh) Coals, Prow the Ebervale and the Stout Collieries, near liazletqn, Pa. Delivered direct from mines on ' bccird Vessels at Pr. JOUNSON, HOEONEN, and NEw Dnusswielt.N. , J. 44 & 40 Trinity Bolldinc, Offices: 111 firoadway, New York. Ma 16, tra W Teporary at 119 Broadway.) y / I.—. ' ' VF4I PLANCK &ATWOOD, ,WIIOi.ESALE DEALERS fit LEHIGH, SCITKYLKILL. • WILKESRATULF.,• - , rSC RA . - - SCRAZ. TON .and • and • , _ SIiA.NI()KIN C, 0_ A_ L , Office f 5pr.,77 Trinity Bui 111 Broadyray, ep- Turk, P.'W..VERPLANK, Jan 8..70 • CAiDWELL, CONANT & •IWESTON, NO. 111 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. (itonmi 35 and 36 Trinity Building.) 'WHOLESALE DEALERS I'S - LEIIIOII, WILKEMBAR_BE. _. . ' - PITTSTON, RED 41.511 - . . • - MAIIANOY, sell-11+:70N. . • • • LOCUsT 5101 - NTAIN, CUMBERLAND, BROAD TOP, ETC., ' COA.ES, OLE AGENTS for New York and thet North of tr the celebrated COUNCIL RIDGE FREE i3L-RN NG LEHIGH COAL.* _TILE PRIMROSE, THE OWELTGN SemfdAtumlnons and other first'-.rate Collierleg, . '. 7 . . JAMES W. CALDWELL. C. B. CONANT, ' WALTER WESTON: 1 ', 414 April 3, OFFICTE THE . NIAGARA ELEVAT ING CO:, it COMNEECIA L OLOt.E., Bo FFA LO, . - COAL. 1 - COAL- ' COAL., 'ThE NIAGARA. ELEVATING CO., having a lairgCanrplas of Lot and Lockage, will he prepared at the opening of navigation to receive from the Erie Railway, elllllit, or Lake, noy quantity of COAL thr storage or transhipment to any place Faust by Canal or west by the Lakes upon al favorable terms as any. parties im Buffalo. Their lot is well located for a general city bilalneaa. . • ' t ifkli.US CLARKE, Vice-President.. l'sfltrch 27, '0- ~. I:I—I f . . Schnithill Tonntq. A, ES C 0 NL A R 3llner!aud Shipper of lb; Celebrated . tr : LOCUST' MOUNTAIN _ COAL. • • porpsyiLLE, SCHUYLKILL co., PA. Jan 1, HILL & HARRIS. Best and Purest Coal in' the Market. - - . - ' - . ."E have Ina& extensive traprovernenti during the past sismn, which will largely.istereasetlis pro oetion hert4after. Every effort will be used to I=l N. • I ,VAEP UP THE STANDARD OF PREPARATION. E . _ . • I . Especial attention will be givenlo , iiizes for mann aletlFen: PlirPoiies.. . • 1 I s ',I • . COALslipped bs itself slid tot • • initximi Fre lterpted.' • • . SOLE ' AGENTS; fro N4aso all orders slionld be addressed) JOHN ROMMEL, Jr., & 202 N Ramat SC.. rhthiaii. OSTICS* 21 Mims St-. Baotou. Jan 22,71 T: A l t7 lll. 11: - .P2 XdfUra CrIMD wr Ytkient Or Now York. AU Stun Tidit orVii r eeentres, Wed or pilaw, Tlae Rope niatku this firm are c onsidered 4 ,,, a11 e 'pesiles'iming them the best and handsomest. madein the World, made Invariably trom vire' Ws held re e lron. The largest ships la Ste ln Wr i leirrrano sritE - Wire - Ropes made kr ALM.= Samples Rope ean Damien with, and Indere Lake anti all inhumation liven, and ord4 rs prcoaptit in andeireek-_ ;Fs ftenushed --- : EASON _cgipoelle ere' .35111Joimallhstir, Jan L¢c "IS WPOTTClll.—Rattalketarets sad mess at Steam .1.11 Pampa, amp hereby maalcmed 'Amami the mem- Stamm; tale, oe me elf say Pampa _Mat are an la slalom:teat will Patest& dated 34. al Mei be Peameateld to Pee= CC RialMter. I Mime auresay emmoneneeasidtavetalpar ilea, and edipmeseate all Mbar lattlasets. Papet Carimm;AprOfi, VW. ROST. ALLISON.' Pstrtlaaltierasealtlaat mem* - • - 4.!Pidif 4 .4 ITlulluP 2 .l l P3 4, WiligikrottllOX 6 " • Jais.l64ltl . JOHN W. ATWOOD, • EMI 4-4 m Ilhitabtipbia,l4e. .SPELTYLICITI4 NAVIGATION. Sl4ppirui likirres far arnuuctrx,cou. Grewlei, • . Delaware Leer, fildbellabada• • i 4 LEWIS AUD ; & .no=rrs "'mince Ls Osrine • •WoU' (Yea Diamond Coal • Co, Mama Bed risd Stark Batt Wm. cook. 906 OFFWIES :1110 IVolairt St reet ,, Wer York. elPlllll. •• , 14 /My Start, Boston. 4 , • I • 1 , Wharf' No. . • • RkPPLIER* ERO., 01 E. ow. W'n,llLta Fourth 11 . 14, - 1 . OFFIC.: 4 35 Pine Street, New York. Phila . • I.lleretuants' Bank r . roeidenee. DAVIS PEAMAON, PHILA. EMAIOLILL BAST,ASIILANCL. ;DAVIS PEARSON At CO..' • )(MEM ANT) 8111711:E8 . 01+111E culiquTED Loma mourru3 warts AAR SPOIDIVELN R 1 ED ASH COAL.. (No: Mt watuka. Street. Philadelphia. oFFic ..6 l , No.llkliroakisfy, Room No. 9, Trinity 13u uding, New 1 ork; iNo. 11 Doeme•Fitreet, Boston. GREENWICH, DELAWARE AVENUE •WHARF. Jan. 1. '6 9-1- SNYDER & 'SHOEMAKER, Shippers and Dealers in COAL, SOLE AilENTi r FOR G. W.. SIOEDEE'S WELL' KNOWN . ' 'PIN E _ --FOREST' COAL , 763 TELNIEIC BUILD . LNG, PILLL.ADA. . NEW VOILE: LOI.7I. , ISNYDER„ C. B. SHOEMAKEII.* Jan 41 .0 . •. 1,17 THONAWCAIN. • MORAN lIAOCEIL JEStIK - K. COOK. CAIN, HACKFR, & COOK. . . ; SHIPPERS OF . . LOCUST', 'GAP, ' LOCUST MOUNTAIN,- BLACK ; - IiF.ATH. - • •,iliEA LEDS IN tiTHER Fl T QUALITIES OF White- and Red Ash Coals, No. 214 Walnut Street. Philadelphia. and; Wood , land liVharves;SchayUtlit River. , -- .11 - HIN ii. STRYKER. - • SIIIPPEII AND ACIA3T, Jan. 1, '70.-1 ~. Netuyikill Haven, Pa. - THOMAS' C. RARIIISH; , .•. SHIPPER 1.5 D DEALEII-13 Schny4.ll.l ap.dkitaminous , . . 0 A .L . . . . ~ • • *Cons4nMents on Corrarqsaton'Solicitett and taken on favorage Terms. . • 0111841 Walnut St.. Phlladelphki; , • May 1039.'. Votbtrrii Cruk. EAST FRANKLIN LORBERRY VEIN COAL. Y EAST FRANKLIN LORBREIRY.COAL ix-now sold exclusively by Messrs. CALDWELL, GORDON &CO., who' re my sole Agents.. Parties ordering from them may always depend, upon get ting a pure article. • 1. I No. 112 Walnut St., Philadelphia. OFFICES :4 No. t 5 Plne St:, New York. • ' .So. 141 State Si:, Boston. • Jan 1, 1 . 03 7 -1- . 1 FIRNWP-HEIL.• • alining ac. jinenj, • TO COAL O!EILATOB,S i Screen - . Manufactory- SNELL &:CO. :REAR ,• OF POTTSVILLE 1/10ESE, COAL Screen llanufacturers,hre - iow prepared -to malts all kindS of Screens for Coal Operators, and will gua rantee plvfeet satisfaction in; all work and prices: Coal Operators will consult their interests by giving us a call lin!' trying os. . . . . Also, Iron' ,Railing deacriptions. manufac tured byidsion the 1/1 reasonable terms. • ' August 7.1"' . —tf V . E - R . ' 8 % 1 ) YEARS, EXPE RLE k OE 1 - T HEs BLTSINEM. I'ETRI KENDRICK'S ~, .............)•. • _ . ... '.X.itERICAN CHAIN CABLE WORKS, ii ''' Ttma - roN; NEW JERSTrt. . .. The undersigned who p 3 a practlatl Chain Mann; facturer, informs C oal ,Operators and °theta that he 1t prepared to make Fiat or Crane Chains otavery. size at 'short notice. Particular attentlon.given 1.,, lat chain for slopes, Fur further information bend -for circular. Feb. 1.5,'68--;—lf SquOr. ROD AND WIRE BCRDENS. 1.A1713 EN STEIN. 1 =EI SQUARE, ROD ANp WIRE SCREENS. • PA.KENTEDA , EIIRVARY 15111-, • .T 111•:: StaILARF. ROD SCREENS, ON. ACCOUNT of their-, sap erior strength unditurablitty, are pfeferred , to all others. wherever tried .. Car Bolts mann fact erred to ordPr. :4.-reen Bridta4lll sizes, always on hand. ".4 irdery promptly tilled at moderato prices. May 1.1),"(ZI, • MANORA.C7OURTIS OF COAL EICV.V.ENEI. HoTirx. TaAIi,}3F—N,STEIN t L. LATJBENSTEM., & CO., :ISuccest3ors to John IL Dlihnt, Mantifacturer of Coal Screens, Of the ,Lateit and Most Appioved Styles. The 'undersigned who aro -pradtical Semen Manu facturer*, 'lnforms Coal Operators and others, that t hey are manufacturing anew COAL SCREEN, pat. tented June t i ,. bidi, and another patented August isn3 hey guarantee that the stEilit willaiways retahl its oilginni size until entirely worn out. Second-Ladd • Screens and: Segments always on harld.\ enllcit a continuance of the patron so liberally bestowed. CO.,L LAVBENSTEIN & . it., ,rear of 'Estarirs Hardware Store, Pottsville, la. DEALERS, 'GAB COMPANIES. The &C. T undersigned lisNing succeeded Focht it War ren to the. : sule tnanntacture of Focht's 'celebrated Patent. : J'••*-: ••• 7,11.; ... 4 RCOOP IIIrCRETti, il. - L;::•41 7 1 - a f 'At. , . !vs!) •- . /-IF , ' - st , et'.4lC-* .. - t.e.Zl,•:•: --•!=-.1.0" . * • , IRON . liolt3TF.s.:G IILOCRS, I" — L'7,:f , -,.zi . : ."-Vsi.'•'r for wilnedtharcial, Ore, Sand, /‘ -- - .- . du, lice. ' , ' am. • . I • Also, in the manufacture of: ~ 140. N: cAu.5...,.. . 4,. • ~, - ' . SELF-DUIPING, BOISTq , I9, . IRON BOX WHEELBARROWS, Are prepared' to 1111 all 'orders with promptness and disjiatch. J • - , - I.CrTICE.-.-Belng the -sole, owners of - the Patent 111ght for the Self Dumping, Hoisting, Snoop Bucket and Dock Block, we caution all persons agai nst man ufacturing dr Purchasing the same from-any except ourselves or our agents. as we will prosecute to the utmost ;limit any infringement on the Letters Patent. • • Itespectftilly. • 1 ADLL3D,N WARRMT. Reading 'Pa. February 8,, , so • fly DFMION-13 COAL HOISTING KA ' , Talented A •ril MAL AtaretbaaHl2oo of our - HOHM24l6llAtin2rjig we now to use. -I'holf.firo datable-atm ma -or opmstion, hence Utelaro iktunber sold; d db per ked sattitectagn Wen. senator tlinstrat dontainingsimsdnices end testimonials trom eli Virs using them: also ecednicing WWI Daf, 411-gur, w o a d , and ism Cur Iron Tubs-sad, lElarrown, Hoek and Hook Blocks, i tc ~ • else cordidning much Inkerna tion men' Mum merchants: P. K. DEDERICK *6l, AthatyArloatursi A Machin , * Worio4Altaay, Jan 114tm-ly LC 00AL , 0PX1111.4.T08,8,' itINTAIS AND _ITIZNAIMIES, , -. • • - • - : I . Glatir a morci, tocoumpiii.saniiirs, . 1 •• _ I.llCl3xAcrz nazis, PR ii z. asaisi mg i i Oti, a 1 1 74 efintw ould atl o gr okes ir .attentlan % T S/C ost. 4said „ , work.andllar any :Implied guageefroad _slam. , ass carves, wAticoacltr Within, team •MD 1 o Tat • gross bud i , - - - • - , r- , - •. 4 ::-..; .' - I Ravin:devloped In Iptsth Antkaietta.an4,ll .o iimninaas ry. at Iblo== . ' ilia newt poiliabe ix I w o i c t o r m w r - itl „ v ft e IVAtI th Q uei ri.ral‘ 110ima01mts=o1cr1710saief1t,t Csti , E ZsaOi!v N• I-=,I i- iiii4•l 1 ship and girsli_t 1 owngion : eseverstt., ai wars sass trliL`tAMt llirs r it '0617 a" try,,1= 1 " ..117 ,0 Ferrara! iintria, is insssaireMscut • _-.14f. POTT§VI4LE, S/,TUrt.bAY, JvIORNING, PEaktiARY uni) UADY-kait =no, *EIGHT of ihe l STYL.E. 41. -- EIE OP .TEABLY flisa D. • no okiiit of Ow chaos,: ete,iet &obi s =stab. ' Inhume li to timeitid a etrii of Readreado Mathias superior td anything that insinuated:on bees ad/arid to di• POW; duly the ilia nOntull ars Used. ' aid r tint beet triennia" and these are aga bp the Send *Mil and iirtierie natant, aid ludo up la elaborate and tadend sty*. >A fall stork ot malt riptides* non in stare ; and befog sold at imbrue prioes. ... . ~ . . . at I, 0 I)_g i v,5t.4.11 i • , ...,. • . jimiarita ' E urria 1 • (*titers: ' ont, rf 4, 11,46., [ 7 ' , . No Baer vast ',14 dose la say Usecilest,Tellorbis mow le the bug. Ito Maar grim= dome cads. webers tun resessnied aslvere, sari "oft paibpi Its ea& - webers -be obtained. • I, . • • 'V ' 1 " . • '• •• math OZNTS LAZO. • Biuttiftil.• gird iSf.sriniettla *anztents. tir zascars . 1 7 ,a;r1rilf ; , pli f iAw m Aic t October 16, '69 ANIFIZ . BOLA-ND. ' - . NO. 11 ..I.IAIDICET STREET, ' . --; . '.. • roirsVflawftsrptA., ~1 _ Reqpectfully an n ounces to the x.adies of. Pot taVille Ind vicinity, that !Me hes cipened a . NEW CLOAK iTRISIitI.N6 STORE • . , . , , . . ... tit the above place-: Tlio...tollowing articles, with a variety of N0t10.1114, dx.,'lrill tie kept tor =le i and are offered at oRILITLT aroncEP rgzcss; .; ~ • : .., BEAVER CLOTIf VELVET BEAVER:FROSTED' Beaver, Chinchilla, Gold-mixed and Stack Water . proof, Opera Cloth, Wrlnges; alt ahadea, Rib- bon Vall,;et, DittoCituipa t itc. ' TEE ABOVE WILL ALL RP- SOLD - AT COST. -r - - . . . Ladies and Missea Cloaks made to order: . . . - . New Patterns Nat received. 1 7uncl9.439—tri--I,yif F ALL OPEINISWOI, • DRESS SIIA*LS, TRIMADIGS„ Ate: Superior quality. ot BLACK SILKS. ' - ' COLORED SILKS in the new abades. SILK AND WOOL POP, • • _ BUFFALO ILLPACAS (hi all' mbere.) PAISLEY BRAWLS, (Barnet and Black.) zizi .} TABLE L'INMi'SrAN 1 FRENCH- D NAPKINs. A eplendld Ilae of - F,RE cp . STRIPED SHAWL'S AND ARABS, • -New Designs' of _ EMBROIDERED FLA.NNE.LS. ' • WAL ING'SKITS made to order. Sept. 1, 130 BLANKETS! ,OirE,Ul.4l:O/3! I• • ; •ad Ileeelreit in Tarietj at • • j i I N . 8. z IItORRLS 4E- _BONB, • NO. Z 0 C:Otertir,,ST., • . BaLtoonds, Ladles coattn t si,. - ' ' '- Velvet and Cloth; Whi te,C,olored and •• ' - ..evl•sFlastriels r ßitawls; In varletY • ' r -Willte Goods, .I.ndii; Towels, re t i c tinustine. Barred Cambrics. Lace Certain!, Notintui, • , - - Uostery, lianditerehlefißuck • • t FuriTo_pped toed Kh_s, for :" . Oentiand dies,,Unbrellas--Aatipaka Otnatun, OS Cloths, , titt%, &c. , • - Ii addition to the idreadr t It stack , ot Dry GOde, :ptottonie, Groceries: Queenrwara. Feld 'and Provi4 atone. „ IJOUN B. MORRIS It SONS. No. 270 Cictt*e STREET, Corner Umeicrr. ...t. ' Sept.* I—li-zifd FRANCIS WAItILE,Tt M'ACHJIE BOTA*3111) . 122 CHNTIOI ET, • Ira Bawl" •Ilicsaucas Horrsa;;Porrscria.r,, Has now opened o.4raw Stork of-Fall and Winter Goods sultalgi far the present season. such as IIithI_7:SHICLOTYNkVETEENG. _WATERPROOF, IraciGlD3, Twx..wNcr . d, NOTIONS; Has on hand a neWlot,9l' - FALL Atip:wurrce. Ladles Cloaks eutdetto order. " Haw - Pattarris jpa received. . at, micFre.rEn; CIELATAPANT O'X. or • Haei o Notf% • White t • gmbroiderieti, Gents' Phrlishing 4190d5, Are.• No. 601 KARIM irfttErre pnriA . Jan 15.10 WINTME DIM...GOOD& " FOX BROTHE • r ... .1 Dottie , to call Mention , tisibtttrerteistwo assort meta or 1 HALL law valinza_ DRY'sjewooDs rcpuessin g of tboi t Atoot ftles of Foreign. & Domeigin Msx".keU! i!L.414K445Tr. COUMZI7 LAW,' AND 0/1301404MEK ;t "' • - WICITIC 0006EITIMEIM03. oUnlistorsimiasta • „ . - ar-Zie4 • SEL A ViILS • . _ . . . i j •....!-,-•:,,, f ., : j.,.,:,..-.' ,:,:.: , • , ~.....;-4; Y. , ...,,. . --. • . , I ilrtake callettasllan!oooxitiocsoC, ..•••-. T -,,,•-..,-,4,4 moictiair* . iqssamPumtoe4;.4.:=..., 1 ,„,.-.,f . •,-,.:,;:. 7.i:.,,•" --4.i,.;' .k ...f.;.:17...‘1 , ,.:i. -- ::4. 1- iAL , 1.,"..:-. 1 Vlach is Ivry lariptlisil . .. asifix*C.W.4(tllollostai,qt niel l'lj Ili ~ ~ mat INAIMIVIIikba . ' 4 ' ;- .44eittirdi - • ..-..i---..`!:'1::!..*.-14.1i41. ' l 7 —.- llPErtr" II , - - - ''..-,' • - t-I'.. - ' f : - ''• :. ME Pnj Stiobs, • , yutest elop t i l ; Itt „., ,y of trade c . , , ,agitylg ' .. ~ , 0 --e 1.1 slant if 1 orlt . REAHT To PUT RIGHT I Goariectsd with the cetatilshmeat, ifflrrde rare adTa4t4sL., 44tiittatiturtiapt,4f GEIiT'S k iI7IO6BHDIG GOODS, rif NT i s ph !D C's ) 1 1 1 S krailltß • ‘1•1 8 / 8. k 830 CrEIZITIni nurr, • • • • Smut ouraystinn of Seltmeatatneetnt, gmtleintra at • dbitattee can ante, with iertednty of haring • good ntl false for SeOetetaltnnatent and. samples sent by mall when requested. • N mitre 4ILD • Sr Centre St.; Poitsville, 1--tfdase 27$ C&NTICE, writ ET, Ell lit . curzaira- iia_nia tan COLill=rlolo THE. - ;ROCKY- 310UATTA IS" COAL- . • , Fouts= rttirontics—Tars soars inet,orr ma xis's Akita OF nitr tiocwir . liftmirrata - Coitt..l4ElM 00A t, IRO'S 'MID Itxxx . isauirO TO: TIM ratittArioir—Vgivricat. sicTralrit OF 711 To MILD IF Kaarams—PEammir,:llitsisac, OoLtric, Cilii"AcEOVS ASO TOM A . B T rOils.sriowt-THE restrurnar. 160111.0414D'LTEte ArtfLACM-4- ' 00A1. - ;IFICI,D6-71.DreTITT OF TIIE C 0.41.;, EDO—OUIt coat.-riELoa--21-gogrA.arsoir-ng Remy Mori(- ' TALI( strrsiarriore, 'ltkaliorr% IT.AvErs - sroirra •• hLinllik, CO" - • If a conintlt'our siatulard WOTidl on geology in rewd,io the geoleqical formations of Xausas, and that-great region lying : 'trait of the same parallel and east of the Reeky „ Sfenntain.s, are inform-, ed that title vast riegton le destitute' of true coals of the carboniferous ere, and theirarcomPaliSing stra ta; that the rocks forming the. WWl' on the.hanks of the Missouri River, in Kansas, are the' sub-carbo nlfereas limestones, antl,that the brown coal - or 11g-, Mies of a late-era, are the only reio urcee of this vast amain mineral ftteL Mkt recent developments and coin paratlvelymaint geolOgical infestigatlom prove this cancluslon to have. , been n hmty.fttiti erroni- Irodead of this magnificent anti. fertile Countey . being destitute Of , limber and coal, It Is really the greatest and most ltirrirtant coal field In the 'world S aria the moat complete la a geologi&ll sense, of all our Amerlcsin coal-tiolds. In no other coal geld on this dentineht do ire find the earbonlierous polo= completed, and canoed with the strata of a succeeding era; . but here. we find, al In the great nettherncoal4leld of England, the l)ermlan forma tions` ,superinctunhent ',ill 'the carlinnifen.m4. The. ntnonesinn Ilmestane acid shale 4 of the Permian capping the coal' Measures, and on those rest the Trio-sale; the' Cretaceous and the Terilaq, frith the lignites and brown cools. widen occupy so huge a portion of. this ecoit-tield.! The eihninee of the ,Perrolan'ang the succeeding firmai ton of a late-Period In Kansas gnil Kebraska, . Was puhllsbed to the scientific world in Arai tiy Prof. Swollow., ',,llut it`roitaalori for the present writer to offer the proOf in' regard to the extent and value of the "Great - Rocky' Mountain Coal-field," and the facts obtained in its practical development. To the I Prfcient day a doubt has eXistcd in the itilims of both the scientise and. practiCai, the, geologist and the miner; to regard to the esti:tette°valuable or woritable Coal;heds in the deep 'Ka basin: but' tr c s th — e - pit recently sunk by the writeP int. he Letiven worth* Coal and- Marble Co., in the city of Leaven-. worth, and 03:1, the banks of:-the Missouri, ,settles for ' ever this imp o rtant queialpo, and opettato the World a coal-field, - Whose hmtieitsfs Propprtions are at grand as ,they are wonderful, and'whose unlimited 'resources will, give tome; and s wealth , to the great Central Stateewhich are now co rapidi3rgrowing up. ' The developed out-crops' otthis coal-field 'in the 'titind Smith, extend frimilitnr 31exico, through o u r ‘ thern ,Texas and Indian Teiviory to 13.2xter's Springs in Southern Kansas.' Tuna Crum through Central Missouri; ..via . /itou, tivillei, on this 3414souri River to lies Moities'in loaris, thence to a point near Sioux City, Bad along the high table • lands In Daco .te, east of the Miaconri River to the British posses sions near the '2.itti degree 'westionsitude—adistance .of more than one thousand tunas. , . . I® Thewestern o9t-crops range along the foot-hills cit'thejtoelty 'Mountain, folloWleg their course us nit as yet:luvetitigated their entire length. When we consider that , this'great coalfield kills maxintunt breadth of front 600 to 700 miles, and au average breadth of about r/JO miles, we may approx imate Its area, bat tor the; fiekt - thoustindYears, we shall acarcefy apprealate the Lanaetisityof its value. flut , the area thus iaarked Out does not include one the'extent of this great rocky mountain coal- There is abiindant evidence existing to prove that Itrans p4rallel with ItockYthe Mountalns.LXO miles further to the north," even't4the sheies of the Arctic. Of.;can, The total length Wing fully 2,:5.03 =llea,: with perhaps an tivernge breadth of z o o ?dies:embracing a coal field 1,250 . ,000 square miles in'exteni! Though we are abstained in this state- Meat by numeral 3 facts,and may reasonably come' to this conclusion, yet we have no i per so n a l k ilow l_ edge of this peal-field north of the United States line, and will therefore confine oarself to; that por tion' of the coal-field, which is V, - Ithin the national 'boundary. 1• To trite more detailed statement Of the. extent and lue . alitYof tlni 'lucky Mountain iyail field, we will'euninera e the &itatf.a In which It exists, giving their entire ar nud the area whleh coal es.hts. In some instances he coal area is approximated, but we thluit our estintate entirely within the actual ex tent. in nuthy cars the !Tertiary fornuttleg . with Its lignite wood coal, clovers thousands of square mile fact U. Taylor In his statistics of coat esti mates ;;this .Tert4.ry forum* to Ibe fully -tithe Co square lanes in extent., audnoloubt he wasialti.tivd in thlblAntdinent by the facts mesclitrxl. But as 'tin. Tertiary formation covers' only a small portion of OAS field along ltd deep ers'Yflcilmil axis, by far the larger 'Portion lies. east. ,, of Loth T i bet Xertiary told the. Peruipaat.: The arect tboye.:l4te , formations along the Mot tit hit or the itecitY Mountains, islitttriL: limited' and narrow, bectiase fil l that direction the . strata it highly inclined. and its. narrow 'edited .only presinfeddt the stub:tea,. ARKA. us. cOAL FIE.CD Tlf.r:LTKiTel) SLITISi.i Tblat .4 re. t 4.1 =PO eq mil tto L'Atkat se,ooo, do , 47,0011 chi .84,00) do do - -trtor do lix,tan do liectno dd .150,000 do Texas... Indian '"erric'ory New 510cleo Kal33llA.: t 31.1seoutf . ... lowa ' Wyoming ......... Slooktona Listxtraoarea iT.: 61.300kY Area (I%h Aipaak Ica ? uppruiinsated ~,, 737 OW Tot. 4 area Itock.i Bit, (...Y.01.. field . • In ' • Coal, Iron and Cil,': pawl 88; we giVi. a thew of die Mocity Mountain ,crallotinatlous which pruyes to be correct, and i - fain on -page la; we hrate gi , ie./1 en illustration or the great Basin or Valley frOm the mat of thestilegiumies to the }Welty Mountains, and , on lts Western end along the base or Toot hills of th ' Reeky Mountains, we represeuted.ti comic's-Mil.. deep basin Of - cold torniatlon, trout the few facts g -' creel coneerningthe lithologhollstructure of th for- . matlaniin 'that then -unexplored' ragicaL lint. 'our views were eseeedragly, !hutted, and the basic repro rented le lnaignlficrattly ssuall ...when conspired with the tieltiairectii. 11440 of a thhi and unp'rednet(s - e cold. inniratlon, We, find weonl-flelit of martreleati di: ratiruiloreisid. unlimited matiiess, extending' Bran central Missouri to the base *Elbe Beelii• Mountains, ardfrom Telas to the Arctic OCemtli),hrough which 1 the gredie4 ricer 'tithe world, the Misiourl, rolls 14 • turbid !Rotel-11'mila Tallest •while the Maekenzles and , . . ofriser.utighty tic* drain it to the raorth, unequal ,11 4atice in 'Pictr meandering courses.. - . .. The - aecarapanying geisleocal section Or pluralists. correct ffotrithe base to, the top of 11w Leavens Shaft. ' The overlying forraralons ere apprizi;nau.,l; butlre.- thing -CuMelently'reliable for present f....- P 0440. 4 ' :. !. ";...' ' • .... •-, - : - I , .* - ytacraco.i...b.r.Ctii:M. OR 'c o : l •rlarr T gatogekili Tai itikklr- for . :ii:Ln; Coll.-Fin:o tx KANCI , M,..- Tertiary, tbittnesa unknown. W1110:41141, - • of brown coal pc jignito......:-...;--X........ t' i Crttacloui? sandstones„ . lerruigeniOus tr , aind,yi n ............ .........„....„ . ~.,::,.:...,. . Politic not t identilter.L......* .. - ~,,,.• . ~ ... , ' TrisaidC f on,' lictourunm - salaitotl 7: 7 .. -=l.lclialpslapt 11001:11t4. thabli o lie, With 111 i 'thiolieds of:impure coal.:900 Permian arnazikin, cOmPoicid tikalagne+ ma -.-• • gap, limestones, xnaria, altales e d q...- ...1 Base.... 1111 2700 Base Of Paradodi fortuation,^an commaa. We saes lona, marls, ah/45;11.ta dim go . and thin coat-Dodo - -...•,....,...._ Top of the ogal meaan.tei.,'..4..:-. : .. .... ._. . ! .1..:.. - i ii - -%- Limestrase; orailes. d 4-,. wlth: -mar.e o- !. 111 . 1 u Llineatonea, ~akalus, Ito,- Wi ' ii ' k oii oll 4. II ..„,i ; --- ' ' -:. Sod, t 09.01 2,CaVea . ttOrtn, 140.,...i.,... - -....... ' 1.11 ? Ltmestottek.shales,.doi......-:.--A.---r.:.-.. °lmo 12 fritliumaistak,44c.-..,...-.,_.. : . . .. ~..;.-... ..... „...:,,...... . 4 .._ lll . l luo ' L 1939999461, 6161146,- etc....„..1..,:,...'...-44....: 2 ..-- Ed.. hiaestvematesionee._ . - , - ' 4 - 14 0 Leavanwoith marble, - iiiiiid - 1 - iiiiii - ;iiiiit: , - 1 .... • • able And beaut1fu1......,......--,--,.. 4 1•1 ' 40 Shales and elutes • - • •' ' - ' t .• ~. .• :.•.' ...• .. 40 Limestones,- shale*. fira•clay aild - alate4.. ' bp abanuat i ktrones,.llre4clays and tttin = :...... . LoserraTt3;,. 7.iisialatie. _. Ilicaceosweatones, talamites:- .. . . :-..: - , tas-alaistgoitiong and acitid:-.., . . ~.- ... , • ....,," COAIL-ch.tatiooturandaaally n 0.144 2, a. e - B andatci4T,Z77tc47.c., .;..........,..:...- , Ito wig, • " - • -,.... 1 - - - 6 les t .20.4,......-°1 • 20 ; shales, 4e. 60 WWII, it9..'—:.--'4.............“-..... 100 Mlearasitect_srandatope- . • - ' ' ' 40 COAl,,,rtabeda,ot l lcidner And band iron /,' - 5 4 131 )11 1a1eatei; ii:. •-.. • ' 1 12 i . BO Illilidtine ErturAimaro4 4 -•'. , 10 ilubugbonifanris /Intjaitt.- ~..,-. - /Xi i ,_ .. ,if tiO4 - b‘timie; - tolrep4rlr.lial t. ihe: Orainseins" -seraswitsis tisane Billy kleatthaii - . Ifhtstiptipeatthat 1 -- Zenerataetkittietraciiretba thrli, a In *Raj*. 41t4 souse itrAPatiFialratete 102 -!tiCgi!'J have positively stated 211144pachot-the Agazae or • haperfecthpazibede ofitorphiaiThliziiinhallia may be *dared, to the oeittterverhastehr aratOttrjbat mod' piths Hatithia otithi - 31Q -l autezil its waters =win thel..."" ~ . - • . .'_ ;• .....: - - its Tastlary - iioi . revei 4 :_ s e t : f o u ndon' ii• bad inapi or the mai*/ Sad her ' ' weshpra, agao7_ liatkaiiigitahhio4.l4li et tha 7 -14iiiritaitialea- - I.ii nil* balitabielteasit Cierbahlaitise shwa:aka their lorate,a3a!Amd. reaasmiar la 4 0 1 r 1 141.:!!../4. 14 7.•,: hzektnetVa4oo/44,04,41aillaahteiiiii. ' ima li' °r •b' 1 4-; '4•91 60 # 4 “. -:.* 11. #-!# , .0 4 : - . I *''' F, 1 'ltteraW ....:I. ko.°!#,.• , iladt. "0 21 . 1 . k • .. . . . 11 ... - ' ._ , 16 - 14 . 4311 aut. -gale ..LT • • . • ' • Maga.* * atala wsi . 4 oU l ool 7:: . ? i l i smiumuf . .• _ '*"sll..tawk:;-11,11*-.lciairP ;#s*.iitiwe't '' • 7001 :4F9PiaPirtikt.P:44% .-ww.tosisiiffliki e *vi tut „ $0 ..thais s .o44 ..,..... . ~.:Tioeisch*oc cgaze- t u itor ivo-„,(4001—_,...* arw .914 , 0441 „ th•Atithillw i v i„tii .I,4l44.o4iiitigrilltii*theik r eb*Pt. _ Ikx*. litatigkietil - 40Zilia0alak 'iiillistbill=Mw lILI HMO '4l-po- , , t lamed tar and the Rocky Mc - mondialk 7 . ' Seth a _ 1 titieWould plainl y a milipt4l l ooolol 4 l, • WOO- Witty is WA the "Gent Western coal-Fleldll wilibe., found to' ekiit mneb nearer , tin Picini than the , Atlantic. c , . • 1 -- The Appalachian ond-dcblicare lappbsedtonseled* all Pie Easilrn coal i fonnstions PAt iht.lll4 the late deposits - in largials sad Izorth . Una, the. A alitrul te oi 11N:46'1sta:1d and, braSinch ion awl bkwit Chit coal fields of tbd British lfrffrlllem „,......"-' In like manner the Buhl" hicamlahl 11 " . " . .", may include'manyilsianis not Ocsometel_ with" lam inupense tick which tre Imre been demi- t rite. Put as the' Anth raeite bash* of Vainsylvan are not esaiected with the 4tllectietWdimedtals=hol ere. pert of die acme Great ortgatat east i lona appropriately named the Appalachian._ 1 -.'° •° - llireinow that manylmtall basins of coat exist In the midst of the Beni &funning, not &reedy anti-' fleeted with re l:reast-theld eksig ita liaise and we am Whew ear day that Otthea;. basins contain Anthracite coal., • f In fact, we/have banal itedeselite of ei mile 4i aoiern elan that they haver teen speehaens 'Of Antbruiter whleh bad . t t fba d r - n l l*u.lidbi e• weatert • b' ut;-,ieros.; -o f the ...30rutalli9015410111, d: Ourpreseatdatalolo details of t-thlreat cent fled are 31 m I te4, - liiit"*.i Ilaireli few oeneritificta of muckehreiseanee, l weleiti tinillie us ton tarry formerlyl imago:stet: that As desis.of tbls Becky Mountain regalia had their origin Ppm a Western source, as. MO costa of the Appalachia t iUmt de tied ;thoue tence front in eastern sou The coal- lirthe letter diminish fro east to 'west, while osanf the ioniser appear -43 delpresiste i b r it*. front west tO east: The coal-beds of the) Itaclty Monatain field are thin on their eastern onpa in Minoan and Iowa), but gradually- thick and In crease in number of ploductive beds as ey alp fzirci rah .theinwestern oat semis through then - ) Kati4a4 and dm IndlenTerritory. i ...-. But little Isiknown of the western out-crops In the . foot=hills of the Bony slowitalns, but w ir her n e sss t h ese . beds have been fonned on tire liner of the sl, Pa. ,eitic Itannwss, they are lean .5 to ii feet • ale,Unt emaUtute a ;total thickness of 50„ on the a therlry, of the °Moen of the line, ' 1 • She ma x imum - of the coal-beds thicku In the - East; In Mistourl and lowa is lb tut, the to minium of li - enable Crud often .Ito 5 feet, , It there an pelts to be positive that the source of th Rocky iltnititain coals was from the We whilat 6 mate.- nal tilling thithaal as andfOrming theatre", tithes* i ra coal. mcasnns, must have been derivefi .Pial WI. sams bourse. - ;,... _ • - Illi he Baal. Ctr.ti - Goidriatinistor - lallillarai most east ern basinslo4A* finer exist la thelatistern depoa- I t)l,-t be sand Stiattes'predetnlnate in thlitirst ; while the, limestones and ahalechtre In excess in l i elatter... But lice) we find a ohmage; -the couseaffseappre ciate in thickness and coarseness of pain wards thellockey Mountains, and deptectate"as hey - re... c .. cede In their eastward rike. '° ' ' r a .In lowa nnd Missirnin the great lower . tone of coal measures , commonly . carted : then "mica. noin sandstOne," Is from; 10 to 30 feet thick impuni ty, but In southern Kansas It is from GO to 100 feet ill lilieklleliel. , 1 asu 4 storm. With the enrol= Of the inloadsmus nearly all the antes in ttbe easter n pot of greet coal-field ark almost tra*pablo in textuire. The silleiates areas tine as near and the clays an per feetirplasticetnd withonegrit. Mach'of t e lime stone is tabulas , * te' marble, salt 4eme of 1 of the i e matt excellent quality. .• , .• • But ha the eastern portion of the Rocky M ountain coal-field,'Much of the carbon - and the Rumen, triad' probahly forms cad narer the base, .so in timately inled with taluierous beds-of blaiminoils shalem.aat tie upper portion of the coal measures are almost d stitptitgte of pure cool beds. This, is 4' remarkable feature of the' Kanto; coal measures.— No 'reliable and permanent beds of Worica le coal exist shove the lower cord series, which ' in the 4) ndeaccous asndatnnes, thebase of the coal measures. All the lurge,; reliable coalibeds developed long the Eastern and douthern outlerops are sound . Yet 'ilotwitastanding an apparent difference) of. union and direction In the formation of.fsur coal moasares, the eastern existing in maximum thick ness in the east and depreciating towards tae West, while' the wdstern eaten. in moan:aunt in the west and /I4llllTlllill lillekllVls ill the east, we find a close rehilloriship "between the east and coal muinres of . _ . , the Ibiicky Aiountain.s, and those . of. the 4,irtiodehlan formations, ` , 'l'ha ecnigloriierate • or mill-s ne grit and tlie subiarbonifironi;form the bed - of the ores 1 is thek•do al the other. Both arise' from t e same . .,. farinaiiona.l ~. - - . 2 ... • , I , ' The tientity• of the inner l inNibbrds ill kk it ) . lf:ralii - ' tions ere poaOivoand , eyniglete„ Befit II to be everyirliere tfludlar. , Its principles dr gene &lir acteristie foatores are the same both east aid west; while the 'OeriYitlit llihnidooOs saaditen4. Is the “hnekwltent 'riock'l near itialeton. The water sand stone with ite.ralca spangles' in the great Kanawha and tb'e'"mieazeou_s sandstone'? in Illinois, Stissotirl and Kansas 1 • •, • - '. - ' • . It is p Win !hod iverwhere, sometimesonl y divi ded by! an' alititist I inperceptab le statoor re-Clim• but often b 2) to inn , feet: of slates,,., s fite- I!' Is the i 4E* west .4 the !Ain and o only elnpw, sic. ii l s, prod initi ve o o, In its t Ingle Oedouble timid tion In lied A.,..hoskever t Minims. te be A larger lathe it*ky: Sloyntain tp:tiiii geld, het. lt is 'net y t auffi, eiently+ develeped tri e*h lint Its trqg choracttr. l't IS not often workable In the east , fur: evert to he 'COSI it eposlts of tiiituds, _ ' •.- •:, • -, We have brletly described the extent. and ocotios of the ttocky Mountain coal lied, givlig Dolores at 513,000 Oquare t rolies in the Ifni ted - Statelywi tli a much laripar,thoul t ilesa expiored area; lts British lAnteti ca... The "s. c" of the Out-crops nano para ll el with the gni6t moMitain chat! (rpm which , it. 4eilvea Its name, hem .iew itexico tq . the Artie Oman. ' Tbe entire length! being about MOO miles; with du aver age breadth Of III) .mile 4, and a total Mei of I,Mil„. 01. q square tulles I -' : - - . ! ,- - • - -la our work on c oal, page ill, ire glee the y area of, - our Americati coal-gelds within the Uni Eititei att.)o,X4 squOre miles, Including 74,000 sq miles ,of the Rocky Mountain formation In tow* 11.0141. Nebrtioicti,lMasao, the Indian Territory, Texas. f Tit If. #oulAil leave LAM square mile* in theAppal achian nod Great Central* Ilelds,i Lucia Idtclii gun', and Arkansas, since we-cannot Maid the Mt ter" with thei Rocky: Mountain format - If ire• now add the iireaeof oar coati/tilde costa t' Becky' - Monntalns in the tlulte,l Ettates„wa And th total to COW be equate miles! . • T tThe total area of the known or eXplOreil u:sd-eeldt In the,civilixed wortd, independent of our Alnertein I 'coal-fields, are lass than. 40 00 .0411taremIti4 When compared with the imm ense anise and extant of the . latter. how sMali and liniigniiiilant, the toter al- PectrV ' ! The metals regions the Rocky Mountains,' I bordering on and parental° the !great coal-41d as. - der Aiscumaloti, appears to be of equal extent,lnump* licence and richness. - •.- . 4 • - : , The gold anti silver mines otthe explored - fortlOns 'ere already faXnous for these productions,wiille per, lead and iron, though abandant on . ersehrliand,- Pare hithkrto t vea IPtit,llitleitttentkm. sines tthe -Mansura On of.the new or railroad , - pa ti!,, fii 'Vest, its vasi, deposits ot Iron tires are acti ng' g. tnerttedeitentlon; anti we end both.the engineer Mid .thigeolsoit inticing:the "mountoins! or Maisiareem • - cis oteome prehable tapirs velue!.-:We„sire.„ 40.,.pre.,, , - 024, but, we co not hesitate to predict thief*, Utile is aft far In future; when the • triinuhnittiant of" :metals' I nth, West, or teal* talkie great centre of : our toottnes:Nwurazoood those of tikeltosta . .' L: - - The location ettlis.oltY- 91 'Lear*,rth:Liguiss,. on the western Make of the, vet, be considered 411/o, *aired rtit. 4 mite . fa .. ,If not t insiy 'the Anierlean, , eouttnent.- It oceoptera Vivid' 'central position In slew alba great which Pill" 41V.12,37 now - :from seat to west aiiiifyigg :Terms. Of he sites to the li r liwourl Valtry.ttits is preeminent' . , tko most avaihtuciaa i trade centre or Thik th- -t; frproihe gulf to Mealco sclid_ainill t0.044 4331 a..1, 1 0 natarlilli :WO. lb e nellTee, and =tad Divinable route to Chicago and-theand north-emit Mils 'way: liii!e through Lea* ' 'worth , . while the hair:iodine*, ww. ti zonriN, -nu t der eotuallon;iins. - toadd nut iplatair.*lls* to the trade d Onrel;widelcasidta Al way: to the room of the north a*. 'The trade of 4wad,. seeking St+ls and the hedoest is tr 10rae IN * will most 4st . ;kfi wiped! - 'reach tie deettiattou alstseta leaven-. '4tht by wer9f4w Meet' art Stier and AM 'wand _ either batik. _ • I#4o l rfUrc 4 o cePtri. ,Leivelivc 4 * - anti' one at the Most' !reiterant tithe IlattedStaterehd iteart isee 3 fiettil St 4 T- 41 (4 Ctilailrb • br- MOM g aie tillroeo , ..heeettektheltti'S ' et - ChAntala Which all except: rture•lts now ei th er t ..-wr: - 14 6091 . 5 e of ichdatitictleit - :lllotWialkeak lines ilvi '. dlem tetnitthis cheittistrwW*Wi - iWatid , evesilow Likvaik.*** Is bap iit taCribisiteinfib..:. lliaMid •..loxiiitit4.:.o4,2VZ APO. 1110, .014441 t.: As., ,Lottikaskitlitilft-all•th0 I V/ 3 * /11140- 15V O rl i i ocuti*Ottilt lidltlief•li OW .., , the Miwiiiiiii 3 .trilled; 1 •-; A ''' litnaallii W.' -' :g* .. ct,„4Klose;„: , 5uic...,::,-:..:•.:-.:, ; ,,....:(:. : ...,,, , ,K- ;: t.. t , " . ' 4 - -.... ' - •-= inarts .: ,-. -A--z . .:Li t tl-- I°.l/CiPOSiZOP .) ROOlfrOlr .. 61 , . '1" •.'2 4 4:poilL4olloriiillele is : : ;:- _,.... -11 1 - ...;„ .......,.... 1. , • • - . - .*• 1 14"•.i- -,, i' ' • - -- - - "" , ' l ' -' ' P . OI4S*U.LEi Us: 20th f 1870: -- ' -11,12gate. - VDITOIrl:IW rstedhoruettlztany of Coai 4,•ea. at,thx) 4v,tmli , 11),outt :Immo 4 ,21,u0u Bi,otX) 24,UtN) .3ioklo at,uuu t 74,0u0 10%000 '1 • „ 'assit rillar.^ - ' plan a few exceptional case*is Perber'%•theelliYislin that can be Proti 7 Wily, ado . • 'l, speaking however, it is the very *Mot* : • massy. reasons; a few of which X ,V iz uw ig le' • \ th e Natemonh Vein it iisttally pears in this region, Varying in thickness from dßeen to sixty ftd. it often (secure that„some of the bencheis of coal are soft and ahelly. _Whore this: vein pitches •sufficieitt ,for. coal to run on the-dip-of -of velnoschntes are opened at' right eagles to the .gangWayz and driven. uplrom ten yard's, and then croaa.headed from one to the other , ' the coal between: two of these sciArtea is *ass pities..3 s and . the space fr om One - of OOP to the ne x t is opened' out as theitreast,. those breasts .2 generally ' worked about ten yards wideorhi the pillars vary. from livoto ,eight yards at bottom. The tsreast is con tinued up the pith to , within front teuto twenty yards of the upper'-lelel, or the surthee ,of the Sint . • . - Now, whertr,the - Vein is very thick and; some of the benches shelly,, and full of sl ips, it fre quently happens that the breast wilt run iii on the miner*, iteSpite, of their boat e ff orts to , pre vent it ; and So provide . = egaltut such &cadent, the bresekK - ene , frequently' narrowed down to six or eight yards wide, and , the coal only ta ken down ?,up to the. dividing data,' abotit half. of the vein as rOof to. the , bredit ; by this plan most of the breasts are driven up to the deiired point, and the 'coal over head, and in.the *ands, es many suppose, - tesllii - y to be mined skatty time the operator- wishes the Mal; but experience tesehes us that. this *only delusion, although four-Was of the coil re mains standing apparently'Tessity to be had when wanted; that but a very small portion of it taken out, and that at the risk, linight say almost certainty of bringing down the, sur face water; as :well •as brio on a general equeezenn the gangwa 'endangering the mine • tint this is the .tsse any- mining engineer who has paltr.-attosition to the vorkings in this County will - bear teniniony. . Now, to make clear to the reader 'we will draW a section of vein, hroutet and.its pillars looking up the pitch , . Thaireectlon ilhows that about One-eiztkof the is mined* by the ties** ; to this tuust be added - whatt* 'takivnoitt of the headingtirfrom one tireast . to the othei,,aleo, coal tbatlreeituint ly falls from the wlngsvphe. pi/kir*, tu:d , trom the top benthei.; )3ut on the other hand ittoo often that wheff the wings of a pillar rant the Sop of the - b reast falls with tholcoal„ bUrYing withillate and rock the coal that has been' eat and in tile breaatv. rte.:latent lyiusiortinir the , safety•oLthe adjoining bnnists of coal. • _ A'remedy for this wasteful „triode of mlning has-been soughtfor by some few , brit the iiittl eulty 'ormalting . ..changes in the established modes of mining Wet operated as a check , to the succiiseful application of any new plan, as any material change involves considerable outlay Of eaPitaii besides .requiring some time to ,get the mining bosses to understand the 'pllat4 as well as the -trouble to get men the:work according tog Itystern - MO, they have not seen triad before. ' • Therefore thy. object in.writing' ia'Fiper is first to Waal- the attentioo cf th th e °wars of lands and collieriesto this, great loss, and that the minitig bosses of, the county may - have an Opportunity to discuss the pater -fully before any alai se of "mode §f.itlining is shade. : That any one plan °rafting. can be made to work equally well in, all , cams, the writer does not pretend to say, can be ndopted; he proposes' to I lay befoge the bosses • and owners of mules a ,series of. plans suggested .for the Mammoth and other v e ins,_ va t ied. seeppling to pitch of vein, thickneept 4 21 that and °kind 'of roofs; above or below water level, changing the mode 'always" suit I the peculiarities of the ' Vein. Before giving the plan I would say that it is no inven tion of mine, or. the. plan of any Articular writer on the sulateet,. tuft they are ideas col lected final Ma reports - of skillful mining engi neers .ofEnglanti,• France and Prussia, and from personal observations matte 'at different collieries in this County dorieg the pat thirty five years, - - - • To work. the 3fammoth yein Where it is of its' nasal thickness, 'and pitching at an_angle of from 16° to 45°, afteesinking the .slope or shaft to the 'vein, open ont..the gangways and air coursea on. the phut prhseut adopt t 4 but instead of opening out •It kielutte every -eight or ten-yards *thug . the course .of,the gangway, I would reominothd the driving up a manway say at the flinger thieltness of pillar, from slope or shaft, (thickness. to be according-to solidi 2 bt coat,) and at : a distsince,f •say fifty froth this manway drive up at -right . - angis= the gangway, if the piteltheAlndar 45 4 ', a schthe of from ALM ten that.wide, to the uppor level or masa of the mine,. and make this achute the centre •of a panel of work, 'and at thti its lance of another-fi ft y yards' drive uIM pp anot her ImulwitY, completing - the„ panel. T centre schwa to be de to run coal freely , -; , , as to iload - coal from t With the smallest porMble This achute should hate atravelling-way along \*ldel so-that the ,WorWl‘ell eltnzheiVe easy access 1411 'to their Work, .down by the scikute. At right angles to tnis centre actuate, right and left, Small headings in the bottom' , bench °teal should be driven - tothe nuniway,. beginning at the desired thickness of pillar between the gang way and the coal to be mined, say seven yards, Ind at every' ten yards op .t his centre KIM°, p ddrive similar headings parallel to the first, con _eetb4,llolft W he il the ‘tan way . Bee diagram. When all tae lugs are driven the panel is ready to commence mining frOm, and if-skill ful miners are.employed no coal nelild be lost, s exoepting_verY ll etetlape Of., Stip neat tbe imitate. wo bring this coal out.or these head ings it Would be advisable to lay a light road in them, and, use bung wagon bolding about 1500 pounds of coal; this aiseef wagou could, be tasily,handledby one malt. • To begin Alinisg. the mate r WOUld first 0M14:41t et the end of his heeding in bluest fashion tip to the surface or thelevel aborts; and open . wide enough so that when the-:coal was taken out, the oat Oil by, ;kip off the solid, would hring, doter' the-top, thns'fortning a sort of natural -elepe or actinic for the next 611 of mat thalide down to where the laborer could load it in safety, into his buggy, Tbe" minent .would always have ifaafe retreat Into the heading when fall of coal or rock was abinft to take plithe. Tho *labor of mining tioal tom a loose-end weed be very light; whlbithe babes, of loading the coal ..lutet the bw . and upping It into the sOlzulo would be ' l 2U.s' com nsated by th e saving of expense In lmoadiniggwity e 004 from the main-is:bate in the g, stead of, tbe,usnal pbgt :now adopted of load ing by hand. The_distatioe. :of ten yards be tween the paralha blowup might visly scant ing Jo eirmunstancea,girlime Memel was strong and roof good, and the pitch enough 'for coal to 411441 On the bottom rock; wenty yards might be wrought to ell advantage this-point would be settled by a skillful' minicihoes. This;roug Of th a tch will convey to a" boa boss an idea - • -, ••• , , ME . Thit _tarot - - ,Alltirtillt .bOtr Ila itafer7 I .*JaWk 20)Ter1119/1114 - Boas the visitor so dbatprOprt, tow lortretho *solos and .- .Id so -1110ro:Loo, atop -ti2 -Asltior g soli to - WI lOU* Ittlort4 Ithitre A4 . 2E1 . 11_6, nroist-orroodo' 4s* iiiin • Amelia* it* *am to • Mk c: or 7 . 121770 - frest tioottoh-ortittroctuitotrookt . Oxitetol el; tottototior thantionsorrotW. a an that - tho..molotte eight oot . itititilitlool olotapitte got w kr • Atm 1 . ti *taw mai ;Ns mwto 05 . ., °f the . W ll"siredo t umftgaia.' °°lll. I _____ "Irrrt / weeltit,,_rigisdr,uae_ a 4.w a5 . .,-*lpbom. 1 idejalte=rufrtvitri be -3 ortranurba tttittwOrk: Akira* , triiii.per tont. toorttoool ooloot be toit _iiithottitot, tooldootbi rook to otitot riass i thaiNimmilikieadol l sileirlo* • mtienionxdit lo 4-0. la* httte •• ' • littglirlOrpollik SW* . . . ... . , SINPLE COPIES: CiNTS: , 'would be no such thing as a seittert,. from fact that - the would' be allowed 10.601tIo down gradn,ally the tioal,.triusextracted from the loose, end next the.falledroc.k, alias.. coat. wa.l taken down- to-tad gungwippfttai; yrbere Meilen - en rock • and slate,7tould ekes In and settle,sts that ot spy letup,- time thetanginty-.T. pillar comprising about onc.tenth of the mrsol--• able coal of the lilt could be..mined. Mit before - , thelift was abandoned, dins :securing" from 80 7, WS 90 per cent. of the coal; inttesi:: I-of from Le ; 30 per cent. by the present mOsitt of Edith* 3fammotli vein. - • —. • ailNiiiNDO.Uld • • SCRANTON AUCTION SALES. TESsRS. W. D. CRANE ik CQ: have' ..OVI compiled a very! valuable• atitiatleit'c • 'table,' giving the auction_ prices at wbleh Scranton coal sold fOr.thei' last two We find thatit Wirers sillitlei:liorn • ! our. average pritNi: but from the facilitiesi the, gentlemen had; 'we have .40 - 41cOthitit.... what, it it.mote •ierreet. We (3.3tiderise this atatenient the. follinC ing.averaging prices. for the tWooyeata when they hekl • 1888. Get( &owe • • — 1 ' ' ___,. January_ 8 ...--/ 83 all sa ea, sa Go, is skli _., -- - 121...,1 ... :1 3631 3 C/2.0 378; 410 February. 2d.......:: ,, 3 45/ 380 4': o 4 !1,2 March M ...... ...,....:! s 3 71, •3 33' 3 33 p 3 08, Aprll 11) . • • / 3 - .70: • 3 Itll 3 £43k l 4'13 liU4y 2:1 1 ig 7Si - 3 84 41a ; 4n) June 24... . . ... J ;of. 3 801 4•12 i 4XI _ _ ... ..... 4 ~ _ _ July 1.14'... ..... ........1 417! „,4 3:.:, 4 70'- 454 August 26.....».e..: 14 aii 4 92, 5 151 .535 September 30...-1 5 211 550! 6 091 03t October L,S-_,.. ....... 1 . 5 78, 5.86: .6 40, 780 November 2 .: 5 42' 6 081 - 5 991 003 PeCember 30_.:...' 4 62 , 4:811 4 d® l 4_65 , • . -- _l—L--....---:— Average ' . 4 I.b 4 49. 460 475 18S). 1 1 ' f . Jaraum727.,.......-1, 4 3u, - 4 70 ; 4 79, , 400 February 24____1„ 4 371 4-T2! 4 35" 424 Mardi 31 ; 433 1 4451 440'402 April Z4,—. -.—..,...1 4 7:1 4 631 4 671 (4-76 September 1 ...... ..: 8 301 691 October 27_ , ... ..., 538 5.33; a 52, 1 085 li riecern ;em b be er ris:"....i.:.:.:! l , 4547.1. 4.4t45 13 3 4 4. 6 27:2 9 1:5 5 6 , 6 ... 25 . 11' 1 --, • •• I Average__ 4 tO; 480: 5 65: - '5 48. • There were no. auctign;#M.,,aq-iwtoP.:, "nary, duly and august, The average price:TV Itin'Sfit kinds of boa O*boitird • , I*llB6B - ql;;;s k s1 pteitellA 111;1809 for.B montlig ' A The average price on .board yes4elslat Phila. delphla 'la - 1868, - was 1866 • - • ' :A5:,3,-7r!'- Bitt for a large lxirtion - the. •- retie of , freight on coat - shipped' t a r7iin dolphin was SO emits a ton higher tlituithb' 4 year before; which would give _the averaver - 3' at 414).62u:tie rate of freight as in 14.18--s4 against $3 80 in 1888; This statement which - is taken froii the official r e port, will ithOw .our readers that the briOs of .toal `were not so 'very high put on board at-the principal shipping porta on the,aeaboard. ;, Vire ling the frillexiirig tube compiled , in the,UNITED STATiS3 RA4LftOAD AND MININ.O.- ; REGISTER, which wilt boirseful - lbr reference, and! Raves ns the trouble of • empillig 'odr - - selves : - , . 4,g Ail z::i 1 z° ll s . i....t.ti 1 4 .A" . : 41 4 1' . 11-itial . 4 476 . f . E 1 ,1,0 ~4a : ....: , , T2t_onls.l, 7b .__u,lF Tv..0...i52. I , Tons, To_ .. ms ,. Tons .:d Tons - 2 3 0 1 ~ 10,04 , . „. t 16,2:0 1 a,i .. 37.855; 140.1711 '• ' 20,9:811,352 ' 33,039 - 1 35;137 ; ...,....:21,514.38,41a 4447 , 43,03. `..?/9,064110,125 i - lin Feter. 6 5i.M'.....-1 1 39.b-t.....,..:11,954ivae, 46,417. „ .... ~,i42,79, 15,716;5,7 o Arzi ......... '42,6511 _ 1 17,07,300 .. f 43,13 5 1 .. 29,860 '14,164 '' 0511 ... 65,86 d -, ......, I r, lot'l _I 15:N0 , ,14,08i ..., It. r2.753,.........180:791........ 18,x104277 11 76,-L1:,: ....... 38,612 15,76,36,487 14 3,6 8 5 1 .......' 1 0. 1 01,.....1- 1 ,47.590 30,8011 1 .....-.1 : I I 1 f ow l, 1 26,54.48,1011 8,318,10,616 41 10,410 ,21,530 122,021..a3.694 13,:i..1 38,378 21,760 Ara - 417,3011 =mil 16,271141,Z 99 47,740 21,974 70,372 34518 45,759 46,12 1 50,25 u li 1 1 A 387173,337 26,51.417,M:44,494 .53, • '16,673:65,112 29,613,22,896,48.42147 1 1,110110,(.44 L 5,105 124 . 9.10i36,2111 43,7 . 7...7 1 2 .2 ntl- 1, 11 2 112 4 1,15, 1• i ' , i ' ~., 1,507 1 517 , ' 421,:. 14,77. 7 . .„I toll; 847 E - 437 1..--. 4 2,' , i4s',:a; 6.tou. , - .13 950 38, ;37,0'121,014 1 4,977 10,948....,,,, Op/ 18,60213,9951 e i ra 14,(42. 1 , I , 36,241 : 51,'973 17,490'15,051 'lll,lllO V 33,1431774 : 17 36,1173 24,1461._„ .. W e an 1 i :44.131 77, , 6 34.487 4 7 90' 1 211 . 1 0 , 32,8171061/1:151614136,A476., ' i tli i t t 1kT10 : = 12 3 t 4, 4 41 2 5 1 21, 1 5 1 5 4 9 31 7.,:11 7 4: 9 4 2 :4 ) g.twaria.e.o 37,:h6 21 4 43 .. -7.1/3./.5t 4,66.5 56036 27,t0d 29,917 1 Au t 44 6 1 2 . 507 AW*,Z 9 21 , 47,877 13,446 1W,45,33741,2415,010'19,430,124, 17,13g4 . 43,406 . 23,1413 12,945 39,917146,607 1Aw 7,40,444 1 3 1,0761/ 1 ,X 11 1!6,376rA11t , 1 , , F 1 7,374 2',215,2_,..• 778 10,61747,357 42,112 , 546'6 ) 40,52W 1,510 1 , 6;92 71 25,2017,5 ' 15,022,81,271._., 3140043,410 4,06 13864133,076 , ~„„,, 3 0,102,46; 3 1141774 19.8111 1 4/6 0. ...-...334.2,435/70,59,96 1 l' 1 •l l zr.isA4, - 4 447 1 _ , 31,4.77 OA'S' 51,861 1 23 ,31r0 1 1,0 15 ' 7e 0 31,;&5 1 / 4 5,2151,14t 11 33 , 4611 7 11,014"A1,t 17 0.45,209 511,311 19,t...N 00,549 6,45 s 3,,,c07 , 40,231 53,53:. I I , ,- I 116,616 41,7671 6,2;6'33,491 4%178 43,111 4,13 1100 . ,24, Cr42l 24064 _57731 V,574 , 7,46,1 _ ,11 v4-.,.... 1X,95138,537l 13=1 Aprif 3 ,1 9809 [1102,434 lutkuin. i tOU,tl/2 1 99,675 47,627 11% m6l 684 9,10.) M a i I E 122 Septir 4 Oct T F:Mil2 175,906 L2b l" 08Z 3 ,129,15/i 27 Deer. 4 11 Is 86,0 e 57,01.4 32,141 *The weekly siiipinenta by the Reading Railroad end BChuylkitl Quial are for week ending.on"rhum•-• day incitisive: and. therefore. Include four carrying days subsequ e nt to the Saturday's .date given in the iTheafticial week of the throe - 4ahlgla linos sol the three Lackawanna companies ending- on Adidurskty. it. was deemed laic atyte forunifermify. te Put Etaftudars date in the tabulation. , . COAL TRADE OF GREAT BRITAIN., Striataaryotthe'ooal product '4f the Unitrid gluiplom for the years 1807 aud,lBBB : Cbwaties. mrT. Tons. . 21,867,411 z - 24,391.1117 1,512051 i 1, MAO 0,Y 0 , 510 411,VIr•ighl Itortbumberlaud & Durham Cumberland- - Yorkshire ..-• ..... Nott,thirtuirwsklre ' . 1,575,0 W A r iestkpo re.. ~,' •:... I, k) • Weida. W ckahlre - • .... 00,550 13211.431) abbe.. ...... ........................,12,01,551 ' 780 117 .. v ..... .. -.1. ' . • 120 1 4 60 0 Wi 1 .45 0 0 Gloci rilare awl bowerse:- '''.- ”..' ' ' • 4.9 15 • 000 .4280.000... Kortizuitiumire•••,' ' 44 , 811.3U0 - VrA,44O • ".• ' Soul" Wa115....- • .—;....-„. %WAY , 8,11500011, .„ . North Wales 2,471,Z).2,305,000 50uitinit1.,„....:—....... .. ... ~.......... : . 0.1%101111 , • ..... 12.7;000 . Mal) ...... 1.-..i. - .-101,i.m,ttO 10414410 ' . ' Itr.i,til,LW - • . ._• I. t • Tot's! pri:Once lIIEI , .. . . I,arshn Of this quantity about 10,000,0p0 tone exported in each year, leaving the balance' , . for home consumption. In 1857 theiliuntbet :of Collieries wall 2,904, - ladle itie7,4,822, giving an increase 'of ten years. The product of thfso , England.. in .1899, averaged' 5,300 tens pet colliery. The average in the Anthracite coal - regions of Pennsylvania. per world be greater than the above: .; Coal Trade' of the United Kingdom of . Great Britain." • • The folloWhig pit:stones:a exhibits the quantity of opal mined in, and expertedfternq Great Britain since 1654:, - " • ; Ittittireisid ' Ciobrapiorken ' rear. _ Tone. - noes. 1856 VAMIDO 4,1000,0Uu 3830., ...... •-• fAlAttlia (15,31.0),000 • 6"M ...... EZ,M,quo 1,61/000 • • 11.9^00 0 TAWAW IlikasMo -- OW) • as,sxkuao . 7.104x0, 386 sktemuu - 7,stuome. 88,1000 0 D 7 . 1500 . 060 ....... 01,1430,400 a,uutwoo 3 B' . . ..... - peon tehot49l Vel•ourj-. ' /01,600013 U ' • Ailfejta Jan. itchleklAs 7 *AVMS The, rdllo - .0( ttle,P3al mined _ 4869 647 en 40§1.0,#41,leThiewsvrttioi - It!uw, traOsPort#Ydn:- - . 4L„ Tiniqvuttitt , niined Win Hee has riet yee:. how delleetiod. Ramat OaAt IniumOritts.swor: titY At 6 1 0 14, 10*914 ,M. 11 • as:P ll - laws •• • - . -• . 1 * In Thee % w7i4441 . 2 I, l * /nlOll7 ,12,7114 U/1367 thieotumnp4on of :Coil), in B4ium , _4 4 olo3Aiht toils-4ttebalane. U:88 el_tpltted.. " An lees abbot 711:1,000 144, iotuarniptkia of 'coil in WO= n 18500etasSyr S t sl2,Bot , torti.Of the tic oltithoiar-of OF____ 43 a4Aum i B aik-gor 4::.; 951 tons *tent to Fraoki.„ . _ • TABLE FOR REFERENCE. ME BEE CZE A CM illii ME 95 Xi 4 V 7 5 17 4 95 • 4 6 7 ' 4 67 548' 6 84 9 13 7 172,' $3 611 3 it 11.96 a 18 $ 4 GO Od s7 03 6 57 5 74 • 4.' OE! 468 ' 379 • df 449 em. 559 ti 44104 449 j 488 4 93 6 14 41 7 d 8 18 7 IS lEra ie 4 - S ~I MEM , 19,211 14111kA '. 113,0/7 I AMU 12,448 14.811t1 AL% 12.11017 9,095 And 3 lb LOU i Atm J 0,918 itMA7 17,113 14,172 AYH I 21,W* awe i8.91G AIM - . • M 11).422 . /Ma MOO 172011 gOte Am ASV • CS:3 1Z1,798 i ttj I • 141,7 W * AVM 4,6511 0,963 315..,w5, AIN '40,764 • 14,056 11,766 11,154 1111
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