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FOR TUE GELEBRATED I " 1 - 1 I'LcE KNOT WHITELASif.„ AND 1 1 ' "JAOKbON LORBERItY" COALS! . . , (20.5,,4 'Walnut St.. Philadelphia, 01.11.cef , .:*, 110 Ilreadway, - New Tork, i -, . (11 Deane Street,, Boston. • , 1 , 0. M. WELD. TIENEY W. ;NAGLE. ED. S WIS, lir.Nur X. Pact:, JL. _ , Jan.),';3 CASTNER, STICKNEY 8 4 . WELLINGTON -Miners and.Silippsils of Coal.. l•om their Burnst a Col. at Shamokin LEWIS VEIN t ited Ash. Lo(' MCO'NTAIty RiN (White • 39 Trinitilding.,New 'York. Offices 203 Walnut Street, Philadelpida.• • I 20 Doane Street, Botiton. No. p, itpra itICIOIOND; '7ll. . . . =- • Mr:el, Port Richmond. HAMIAZTT, NEILL. Sei Shippers af Anthracite & Blqun C 0 A. L. A riENTS for-tile Pule of the eeletrfateii 'CUT T. WIGGAN TIOELIEL'S LOGI iIL anti Burtiskie 911 :1111.110v White A4h Coal. Nhn, SPOIIti and PEACH MOYNT Ash . , • . - - .- - FROM HOROKEN, • . - - Thebe.sicariQtie9 0 Lehigh and Boy Inn !MATED FA3iILY COAL. 41s o. BITMII:OLTS and CUMBERLAN of well es,tuldhlted reputation. 3 - irdinaelptia.-247 Walitut.Street aajc P j . e r r t , trate , B7Z, Tr. } :;Zir,LenlYstet! Manton, 95 Doane Street. February ;22, 4.19 . - ~....__ ' . . Pier No. 9, Port Richmond. . JOHN R:I7VIIITE &c• b. Shippers of Coal; • No. 316 WALNUT , "ST.,.PHILADELEMIA Depots stir 6tovage sad Sae of Coil: 1 No. 511..We , d Thirteenth Street, NeW York.. No. 80'2 Third Avenue, New York. •I, Ives' Wharf, No. 09, India Sweet, Providence. Colby's Wharf, Mt. 'Washington Avenue, near Federal Street, Boston. . Jan. I, r76_1..., Pier Igo. U BA.NCROFT, LEWIS - 4 A 1NF:11 .4 4%D SITIPPNI7.B OF' CELEBRATED ASHLAND (coal rr.om 31.111.AN07( 310cNTAI,.:. - • .. . • r ill I Walnut St; Cozily:Y. retal Build., Phil* Offices ._ ) 111 :Broadway , Trlailty Rutldlag. Room: •1 . tl9, I. Y.—ISAAC SELTZER, he: ,-; 1,., • 8 ',pouf St., Boston. , I January I, '7O , . . . FRA.NKLIN• COAX, OF . LYKENS VALLEY. "'DEALERS ARE "CAtTIONED that there are hut four Collieries„'which mine thls Coal, lalt of which are underlhe inanagentent of the undei•sien cd. For the year ha° SINNICKSON ,t CO. Of Phila delphia, will be the only Agents for lts sale hi New England„New York, • New Jersey, and South of Cape. Henry. , 4 )tir Agents will detildn no other Cdal what- ever, and parties wishing the pure gratillie article lutist proenre it of them. The object 1 , 1 thl - caut lOU ,imply to enable t e llyse interested;Witt l y nutter t-tantlinaly. The Agents and their assistants fort, the aliove points . , are ai follows-cj.MINN IW'KS(iN S ECh t General V.tents, 18'.? Waluitt'street, Philadelphia; thlt: New Yo rk oatlee issit Itoolu Trinity Hultdtngs,OS. G. Mt toltY, Agent; assisted by ELISHA 510SELEY, Agent, 3:2 sun:titter street, Heston. Orders shout be ittet_n to either of the above named patties and to to one ay.. WM. 11. POWLE, General tilan*Uer of the Summit Matadi It. R. Co., the Short Mt. Co„ and the Lyten,t Vpliey Coal C 0... [Jim; l, 11)—1 Coal Pier No. 10 Port Richmond SINNICICHSON-'& C 0.., 501e..-I.gents fur the Sale and Shipment pf the "Franklin Coal of -Lykens Villoy,", it 7 New England, New Yorlr, New Jersey and South I,fCape Henry. . (i h ii - aliMCStreet, Phtladelpkla. Onices J Sri Trinity Building, New York. 4•.: Sommer Street, Boston. , .30sEPII G. MOODIE., Agent, P. O. Box OILS, New-York. lEil EINIE - .Pier 13 North Port 111chmond. JOHN C. SCOTT 8z .. SONS - • Miners and Shippers of Coal. * wit. AGENTS FOR TIIE MAS.E LOCrST 3101 - 'TAIN Uline Aidk _ • DEN Deep Red Ash. • 1 . From the sa-M t e yglns and slmllar in all, respects . to INKENS .1 • • . ... . • ) . • . . 'l'9,,irf. GOWEN SIIA3I6KIN itad Ash. l• . . 1 PiIIIADELPIIIA, , Iio. 226 Walnut St. Offices: ,BOSTON—No. 19 1/mute:St. [.. litWlC. , . '''{ NEW . 4 • - 1-ly Pier .So. 13, Port Richmond. ' GEORGE S.. REPPLIER,` Minos. and Shippersie .oni(i • • • P.EPPLIER. SIOOME & CO'S LOCUST MOUNTAY.ti, 43E0. S: REPPLAER'S MAMMOTH . VEIN.: DUNCAN COAL. COS LEWIS VEIN,. (RED 41i114 ECKERT .1: CO 'S WRBERRY. (329 Waltaut Street. PhUndelphla: -,111 Broadway, Turk. I 1 2 '7" V oan e Streltostoti. Ib.n. 'IV, • 1-1 y lEZEM Nort Richmond: C. J. & 1.1-1.. E TWICK-di CO , , .1 sturik.Tts OF AVIIITE AND RED 'ASH ( .OO, AL. 'N . O. 221% 59.;" Phlladelp94, 43 9 1 ' e* No. 19 Doane Stieet, Bontan: , , urnsLdv I , elsar a olia White /AU, ' !LocuAt Nuantaig WhVf MEI EEEES -......... _ ' Vier 14, South. F- , BORDk &- KELLER t -NUTTING, Miner' and — Shippers of Coal WEST LEHIGH GREENWOOD, ~, I . . • TAMAQUA SHAFT, . . ' , •,` ••• REEYYNDILLE, • , ~ 'ECK ER . Y LAORBERRY . NORTH FRANKLIN BED ASH, I ' BLACK HEATH': ! • . • • • BTU RILT.ISLLQIIL ST 'MT., • GARR__,FT'SON, GIRAILDVILLE. • 1 4214}Ellby s t.,.lioston. • , Offices : , 111114)1,1fil, Trinity uundikir. N. Y. 1 ' ) 3•47 Walnut Street,,yhlladelphlii.z. • .. ' Pies 17. i • BORDA. KELLER S . NETTL":III NORTH. 'FRAN- ISLIN - AVIIITE .rll : • - 1 DAY,. HUDDELL & 0-0 .Mineos4 Shippers of Coal. (34,1Tnintrt St.. Phillidelphie.l • .1 Officra: 111 DrondwUy. (Trinity Duilding).ti. T. ift Doane Otreet, Boston. 1•..••- 3,,1e Agents for the ,M of the P:Mowing celdbratecl , Coals: I ITART.EIGH LEHIGH COAL, • - HICKORY COAL CO.'S HICKORY AND llLlPtit • COALS, and the EXCELSIOR COAL CO.'a SHAMOKIN I CoAL. NVJI - AavE: f Pier NO. tg I't. Richmond. Pier No 3 Elizabethpl,N. J. Jen. 1.;70. 1.; JOHN ROMMEL I -JR. &ROI Pier No, 19 Port ILleiumaL • • . - sous worm's Ron • The Favorite and well knoirn HILL RiIIiCRIS, MAU Ask. ;The Superior lIESRLACLILT.AtiIky tree , bitrainal ROA The Ce.elirated DAMEL - WEBSTER,Tiesii Red tab N'S vnara . LEFildn at Edzabethport. eon/ Wiiinut Bt.. rhuidal . , Offices : S RI Doane Street, Boston. Idwess Pierie'rork. rsERAL'A OinCT::;eANITTEL P. IllrOO. Asti:fed by T. S. BROWN and E. P. ISPILAM. Idasclos; '60 7 -10 VAN DUSEN .. BROTHER &,'CO:, tenets and Shippers at -', • 0 I.J'€s OH CoalßtaXil Loriert losatida, rukto Ler , .414 sad °Lk! WHITE „ :AND RED - ASH I :Pt. Richmond, surrnlcorWrieltviS: . J Ellrabgt l hport, erse _ P (251 Walnut treetelpli OFSICVS: 1111 Broadway, New York. t . 5 Doane St, Boston. • -J. D OVE & ICEISTDIV4 . . vattagar: Miners and Shippers of Awn DOVEY, B'DIG' do • ' Int KEXiaz • J.. mostzl. • Sole 44-00.. Minted Rainbow; and- Sank Ridge Wharf n !Not • • • ridialleaPhillk -4281 500 44 _ 1 0 , . - Striket_ ' Nor. .411111U1111V 1 1 10 .. Oakes: Amoditionesebtarriwicsarti . 1300awriSo. 17 DiNuwiiimalit+P••••!" — " St=stan.b.t.—itergiltateki -;4041/211., Fol*M l 7 2l . P " *. • „ 'AR No.. 8. fort Pier No. 17. Port Etchings& AUbENRIE'D. NORTON Millers ands Shippers of FIRST CLASS CO LocusT icovirrent. From our two large and celebrated Coll 1 "Wine SELL," C. F. 'SOF. "CONTINFSE/14"...:-.OOODIgIXIE. & AtD • Free Thirning Red. Ash, and Splendid Pre COLKETX 'COLLIERY, Owen, L.l MIDDLE CREEK COLLIERY, C. Colk . . smotosni. • • i ENTERPRISE COLLIERY, TI. Bautogat . • I Loc . ust .3fouAtaln ana LOrberry, also via : Canal, to all g luts accessible by.bnuts.-- si I - . ",(328 Walnut Street. Minds • Oalces:.-{ 111 Brpadway, Now Tart. I t 27 Dome 00mA.! lisstan. - I .1. T. ALTDENRI k ED. C. F. NORTO CHAS. D. NORTON.. •R. OONRE Jan. 1, "70. ... - . • ' Pier No. 111, Pt. QUINTARD, WARD & ( 9 Pine Street, New OS4oer:_ 220 Walnut Street,.Philadelp •ll 2411[110y Street, Boston.: 'COAL OF ALL BINDS Mt THE Jan.], - co., 1:10, EN.I ti t Matm- DAVIDSON, YOUNG St'CO. • WHO LE DLtLZBS 121 LOCUST 'MOUNTAIN, SHAMOKIN._ CUMBERLAND. SCRANTON a WILKKIPA- tam COALS: • • ROOM No.. 16, TROUTi•BUIPDING,NE I ikT.YORK. WM. M. DAVIDSON, formerly of Tyler &GO. SAM' L B. YOl.l NG,_formerly ofcaldwell, Gordon & Co ,ROBERT BUCK MAN. r ! • Jan 15.'70 • . • ' .x -1y WHITE, FOWLER 8 4 , SNOW, • (Succeetors to John. *hire Co.,j , summits 1 ov • LEHIGH; • I .LOCUST MT.; - WILKESBARRE, • • • SCRANTON and • • • . CUMRiRLAND .0 0 A. 14,. , Office —No. 73 Trinity - BuildiU . g, Brosidolny, N.Y. April IL, '6B. 15—ly CELE- co.its ding, I=il ON, pT. 19 : ` BO=,& COAL. ' VAN WICK - T. 7 1 & TUT,S MIXERS AXD SHIP/TES Or 1112 , Celebrated "Fulton" & "Stout" (Lehigh) Coals, From the F.bervale . 4nd the Stoat Collleites, neer Hazletole ue tl ) Deeted direct from mines „„op _board V s at Pr... ommon, ROBPICILS, find 1 , 76 W BRICNSWICK. N. .1. c .- , • (44 &46 Trinity Banding., I , • Mares: I 111 Broad*sy, Mira . York. 4 . tlTemporarynt 119 Broadway.) 1 - Mas.l6, '6B , t - go— . . VER PLANCK- & ATWpOD I WIMIIISALLE DribilatS 14 . 1 LE`mon, SCIII.TYLK N tI i E k • ARRv. BCRAN' SII MOKIN , C 0 A. L . • Office {Nt. l ../ yTriVoi. Building, 111 Beffikliray. P. j t" ; ; 4 4 77 0 1P11.t.N1i, J . 911N AO;00D, CALDWELL, CON ANT - • W TON; NO'. 111 BROADWAY. NEW Y R. - (Rooms 35 and 36 Trinity Buildln .) WHOLESALE iltAtilELS PS- s .1 . „ I LEliali, WILICESBARRB,_ - PyrTSTON, RED ASH, _ . .. MARANOY. LOCVikiNT 7.,!1 t ~, CUIABENAND, BROAD TOP, ETC., °I ..N- ArA ' • ' '- 0.. 0- A X. - '4 S '.'. • • - _ SlLleleiltgi ttr&r:II7N,M York and ..the i tiorth or MG ',LEHIGH. COAL. ikTI I PR DG Iti 1 El* B , L T I P a POWELTON SemPbttuminons and other tlrat-rate' Collieries. ' \ i P - • %TAMES W, CALDS -LI:, - C..8. CON NT , . . . WALTER. WE:STOIC - . April 3, '69 rIIMBERLA.ND undem _prepared to deliver a. prime article of CREEK CUMBERLAND COAL, on hoard Georgetown, D. C., at the lowest going ra . itaritax'scES:—Fingt National Mak; ingten, D. C.; Jonnit. Elvansdot George W. Car nter & liensey, Philadelphia; Graham_,'Emlen & ore, do.: H. D. Cooke, (Jay Cooke & Ca.,) Wastaiston, D. C.; Phtlp & Solomon, dot David^Landreth & Son, Philadelphia; McCallum, Crease & Sloan, 'do.; Pitt Cooke, (Jay Cooke& C 0.,) New York City April'l9, 1969. 15—tf GLEASON & . r)Yr/OE •OP THE .', NIAGARA. =Mr- INO CO., S COMXILIicIAL Biock, COAL COAL. COAL. TAE NIAGARA ELEVATING CO., yin; a large surplus of Lot and7Dockage, will be repared at the opening of natiostion tonceive the Erie Railway, Canal, or Lake, any quantity of O AL for storage or transhipment to any place East y Canal or west by the Lakes, upon as favorable te sas any parties In Buffalo. Their lot is Well located far a general city business. , • CYRI:S CL.:k.REE, Vice,President, March 27,.118 BRIGILT & iiAR - D, , WA POITSVILLE, PA 31.11. 1, 'BO. B BIGH.T,,a 00:;, h HARDWARE, I R PAIS, GLASS, - G., NEARLY OPPOSITE TUE MINERS' POTTEMLIAC, PA. Jan. 1,-D9 pENHSYLVANIA MUSH • *-• .` HOTEL, TREVORTON, THOMAS YOWLIDS.Jr..ProprhAmr. - EATIMACT.—Iion. Betd..Pattou. , Oct. 2.19. II 3CHANGE HOTEL, E (,LATE "trNIQN,") Caner Centre aad Calicadilli Streets. POTTSVILLE, PENNA. SAait - E-LGAMIZEIT, Propriet4. • Aprille, 'dd. • JOII.NBON *CO. _ •- J.. . liAlturAcrvaratior Deem Sboe. grid Gaiter Dr-k la ams. Dealers _ in leash er and Shoedlaae. THR • • !Co. 1= Market tired. Philo/id October a), liss: 46-4nz ' PORTANT, . - - • TUE I. I TEMT YORK • .is now in full sration: and atteittion ot.tbe ladies Of PoOrmilWls eilipectialtr ftvited4o the large stock not in store and 'writing dalivat all the tweet doss °foots* suitable Sof ladies' wesit,-and adopted to this nuutet. Mr. Crtne has meads olpsetaliv rif this braneh'of businfts. and gives hie nortieldar at. tentiou to Waring Ule bmt, line Or ledtes• wear ever - brought to the city. EVOLY attention will x &eri to esiii!tqlers, and ri wrdird imitation Is e ed to all. CAIN ttX . NVER • 40-17 GALS. BOOT & SHOE =APO = ICE 021. ? Od'il ) lkr 'Oa , S• ; W1380M8.. f,'. .T,. - 3110MMETIMISO irt i ' )TirCKER crAIXIPM _CO., lireir 'VA. lonsial Ail kiss Hou ctu vr, ma Ountit ri tr um ktl nedersa 1 by ail parties ississ Ulm% .74 , pe nude hi tbet libiltizik 7:7ki11!-.7 4,___z . . - --- r oafs, - be s o a r a • d tlai t o l » Ta r i i lnleirtiasist WBrlaav-mr wri• ,r t 4 A4 10 0-4. l-S -3='3O • i -?,,.4._ im l l l i e_ sa . . aisrmS • l r o a dM tiCtwi7ill ,,, :a g • ?!.ICr' 4• e l i .,, ) u p !t o w a b l e _4A W --i b • -'4 ~. _ _, . I CO., 125 I sT a co. ' tinIED. tion. & Co. Prest. , Pro& uylklll GO:, . GO. ISM! Rol gork. barbwart. DEALERS IN jotds: 1300t4, &r. ~~ilaDtl~gia; fit. •:7 I ...Willi 'A t . t`„ • ' mwOuriworommmitaimmtarmidest , - , LEWIS AUDENEELD & CO., -I , 4 AOMrrfl 1011 TEE OA.= Or TIM • lOW CO* Mork MeMi PILEMOI CO* 01111111‘Ei Pa limaoad Bed sad ' •.' WM* aea k. f - • ' {siis 'Meant Street, Philadelphia. OFFICIIS : 110 Broadway, New York. : : le Kilby Street, Boston, MI •„ ' lirbart No. • REPPUER & BRO., •, 1 E. cor.-Waliuit it Fourth ate. Kills ' . 3r, Pine Street, Res' Yarn.' , Merchants' Bauk tinilirg, Providence, . __,... D#VIII kARSON. PHILA. IZAHVEL BAST, ASHLA-VH. DAVIS PEARSON . 41 CO.; - -- i • , xusieng AICD SHIPPERS OF THE : CiapilE#TED LOCTWT 1110r9TaLl MUTE ASH AND • L -' • SPOHL TETI • • - --. : RED ASH C 0 A L,... , 1 N 0.128 Walnut Street; Philadelphia. OFFICER: . No.lll Broadway, Room No. 9 , Trinity • Building,New York ; ' ' '• No. 11-Doen• street. Beaton. 1 • ; GREENWICH, DELAWARE AVENUE WHARF. Jan. 1,411-1- - - _, .. SNYDER & SHOEMAKER , ' °S:liippers and. Dealers in COAL, . . SOLE A05...11131 FOR 9. W. sx,TDER•mi 'WELL , FOWIF * PINE FOREST COAL 22aStrr 68 Turialr i3trir.Dmo, lADA- NSW YORK. LOMB sNYDER. C. B. SHOEMAKEB. IJan 4.10 • 147 TDOMAN CAIN. ims sw **AMEND. JINNI:. Y. COOKO CAtN',. HACKER & -COOK. isuTrysza _ LOCUST • • OAP, W W A ST MOUNTAIN , BLACK ETH • , ALSO, DFALEILS IN OTHER FIRST QUALMES OF • White and Red Ash 'Coals; - No. 214 "Walnut Serest, Philadelphia. : sand. Wood . land Wbarya i llarll ld iUrn. • , SILIFPFIV AND ACI=Ft, .Tan. 10.-1 ticbuy it a veld, Pa. THOMAS C. PARRISH, -- • 1 • 1 : SHIPFLit .A3D DEJ.IIII 13 ~ i• / - Lehigh, Schuylkill and, Bituminous.' , C' 0 .A. 1-1 •. ~ Conektetatenta,*Commleston Solicitell and taken on favorable Ter. 66105-311.1 *shun Si., rhgadelibida. , . I May WOO. - - IS—ly . JAMES J. CON-NER,. it trier and Shipper of the Celebrated " LOCUST MOUNTAIN' COAL POTTSVILLY, IteIIiTYLKILI.,..OO., PA. Jan 1,170.2 ,lELL '‘,sr HARRIS. . , Best and Purest Coal in the Markel MEI WE hiw t te mule extenniveqraprovementx during the 'past;ileitsoii, which will largely inerewie the pri?- duction;hereatter.l E:Cery effort will be usedto .! KEEP. UP THE STANDARD, OF PREPARATION. Especlal attentlon•will be given to sizes for runup , fncturern . purposes, ' • . . fled-are FORGE :Is at THIS oiways shipped by itself not „,. mixed pt adulterated. • SOLE - AGENTS, ' (iie,whom altorders should be addressed) )014N.ROMM ECM orngits, 20104 INalnut 21 Mouse St: Boston ' ieem,7o, E . EAST:: . , FRANKE,'" . NII:i. RBERRY: VEIN COAi r et . n y * AST PRAMIDLIDNLOBBRItitY b4:1 . 1,1,1 11 now sold exeluslvely by *lleum CALDWLLL,- , GO DON* CO rho are my sole Agents'. Parties ordering from them may always depend up= get;: tins * pm* . P '. , __ _ Tel 12 W alnut St., Phi ladelPhia. i :, OrEICEB: No.' nsSt.eNew York. - , N 0.141 State St., Boston. , ~' Jan 14 Al-1- I _, •, HENRY HEIL; ': ~ ' : - Lt illigiettantinl9:' ,' -1 • 0 -N . , EJER SIGN ED PEOPLEI4OO%ft. _..01 or rations wtth other deficiencies of the err* itiotild remember that they can be salted arttit the proper gleam% by JOI§EPTI DV'Ellgt, Op tician, lgo. 55 Centre Street, P o Vill e. ar 'the Big Spectacle. . • bterch 7E3 FlFEunitas.--109 TONS "H • §UP ER HATE 0 F LUKE, manufacture* ay Halal I eter. Warranted pure. unadulterated, _ac tive and tellable Na d er. For sale by GLE?as ELUA,sents,3l street. A liberal [baron* to dW , I bum Eases rem micas , • , Mat 461--43 • WM. IiONALDSON'. ' CHO* AND lIAMILZI3B AG—The War den of the County Prison tuts a ge lar assortment of stiptirtor Checterd seamier Ba4pi on hand. Also MINERS' BOOTS AND STIOES, which he offers for sale, r the Prison,at low prima, for mob. Highest rob 35 - Iteee l Mtor Carpet Rap; Juno m, ISAAC WARD. EAB.TE CL9IIETS, i . 0 : nrruin AND COUNLO}2p E.T9CR. - - BRIGHT .31. CO:, AGENTS. IX liaw 4=l.t f B a LCO Work, Olove Dandharehlet in le d b lirtlnir Di rt_ n great varit Silk *Nina, Leather Bags, Pocket Bels, Portan.! Boheint , an awl china Vases and Ornits; umbrellas, Jeveltir , ite.. for One Dollar , and less. Csal and ex amine for yourselves. H. DIXONNo. 9 South Eighth Street; between Washstand claimant, aid side. • Desetaber - • 0.404: H OB6/6 BST i:M‘I:N-QtrAB'IRB2I ''LAROrE STOCK, 1111012 coi smarm 'l3ll STOW. coeti 4111. I 43—t4l Z:I" _,ltaters • 4 01#- m. PrlEvi -lank 2 ,‘ " (1) • wALA„.... ..... 607110 1 rX .04 613 AtilET 1..i40124 110STONL 11 MI DOANE in _ _ I.tmt Co.;i. is, ta. H ILLISIL.. § ..L...Now reedy toe Pio Mee, with gua- Platiorm. Rustle Alsek il 1 111 4 till:'''''Filii.earevemleast. Bulll Ati = big - wtOt Ladies' sad oestio ftillgarossul, waitholtakal tarnished . Ma saw akles tit daruitilt, etwittiod sad under ew er cov seati ta con S a r - in Wrier. to to ert wish heath's , • iuui M u, kst t pigar. wo,WL , W Uttar Tbotowe' imusttod to owbsettho without OW. lithohut OtbotOot dust twoCuunco!".7 ' - 431111014011141:Vili I? • MOD It' • - • • 'aitoktemiottitior 4 ' 4 , .41 11 4 aus i ki ft g 211 1 1 0 4'.-0 • CECII!Zi=1=1111 CEI PIALIEWI *condi* so Aes of • . POTTSVI LLE SA TURDAY I Conntii. gii & BRO_ J t cJr., •: 4-tui garberni sea =in CETfl92 24l 44 Tzaw.B eca J 20V 4.1y3 ?...4 • .•'relttngt ' , an IS, 10 • p U=UV; o. 4TrORI'EY-11T a I 014 e. 165 emu, 3 1• Y 224 • • • • 21-,:tt. T 331.,PA158N0P.3 11 ,_ATT0R 2397 .Y - AT - LAW , J . . Pottsville, Mee. No; 9 hishantongo SUest, opposite Poit 00" - Agnil 3, Xlior44-1y: CZOECUR B. lITAZEOREB, ATTORNEY-AT. LAW. PotiaviSe. Pls. °Moe, 179 CVntre St., wad/ oPPcsneSSlsisrs Dank. April S. 'Bll-14--ti D EINJAYIN B. McCOO.T.;; ArI'ORNET-AT- Ai LAW. °Moe, bithantongo Ifitteet i atme Centre.. JannarY Ir '4 l l . , I—tt , A.K.IMILO.IIIIEPErIat, ATTORNEY-AT-WWI Moms and.,lo Penn Building, Z 145. 430 WalnuL Wet, Philadelphia. • tan. 1, '7O-1 • V ilaa" No.lB4.Cente a ti larr t., Po li ttav ;lar tile ° , January 1; • fABIEL D. DILLMAN; ArPOLNEY.AT LA*',. Pottsville, Pa. Office, No.9l4ahata • Street. • - January la ' A LBERT RN/TTLE,, , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. O.Rlce,_Nu IfCl Ceintre Stkeet, Poßavine, Pa. All claims prop' ptly collected/ • Octobc.r 'W--42-1-17 OAND ArrE, a Axial, IST, 1860, O. P. BECHTEL, Attorn -at-Law,ean be seen at his nor office, Eatorleyg, corner Centre and Ms hantongd reels.: Banns No. 4 and 3, Immediately over the Gotertunent National Bank. • • Slaren•27; .‘ • . . (IV: MGM CHAMBZEB.(Late ante Chambers burg Bar,) ATTURNEY , AT-LAW No. , Mar ket Street, Pottsville, , :Nov. d. LAW AND COLLECTION Ofnalgs.• diraiptdpkitizt La - kr r-E, - ATTORNEY LA*41.1.711 NOTARY' PUBLIC - pvevs•vit.i,E, fielicYLictut. Co., Sept. 1, CIiMI77DI:OIIBIELMAN, Jt riTIPE OF. TIIE PEACE,_ REAL' EsTATIi AIIENT,• ; AND LI i:EICHED AverloNEEß, • ~ - NO. 1, Alariariloario PorraviLLE/PA. • Special attention given Wall business In the above' branches. , Haring a largo egperience, satisfaction Land promptness gusinsnleed. Collections especially solicited arid will receive immediate attention. January '7O • , ~ , 1- , Wintoi P W. z SIC&YrB, PQTTS VI L late of the J. • Pennsylvania State tioulogical Survey, es pierce lands; mines. &a. • - ' Jan. 1, I*7l—_-__l L' P. T. QUILITCH, ENGINF.II' ARIIII7- IZo, TECP, 179 Centre street, Pottsville. Plane, Spe, eltications and Estimates made or , everY description of. buildings._ Surveying In its . Varimis branehes attended to. • Jan •41, 70-6-ty WW9 i C a ti ttsent_rot the sate of Real Eli • tate, Mao MY. Luhtteattn and hate 011. s. Colleettota attended to and prompt reratttam tea made. Otde respeettplly solteltad„: • Nov. " d-40-3tow H E.: Norwegian,St. Wi r lPCebtro , litreelr E. Potgltei l t l4l.--°file ; t.D. WHIT and MEI COA.L bought and woldian.Comtula alon. part attention paid to line tradoby the car or eargcl. • . • July 10, GEORGE S. 111TRAOCIL A. R. ,CO9IRAN STBAUCH. 3 COCHR__ _,AN • AND atraiNG'CNC:rim - D*s: , • AND DRA,COITTS3IE - N, .7 • • CL,li4r iNITINVIMA,,kuP 4 ta.k r . s) January 1, 10 PLIDABANTEI, 1111 CIVIL ANL) AILISDIG -ENGINEER. Surveyalind Inspect* Collicrina,agid cga inines Stine.; ml Lands. OFflcs--Bannan's Building, Centre opposite Episcopal Church.. Jan. 1, . • H /011101 BIIpTITERS, . ~ CIV,I.LEZiGINJEERSe Attend toi . ifining Engineeiing; ,liallmad - Location and Gantt netlon, Topographical Snrveylut, and all other work In the line atheir proteyslon. - Orstor—Over ftright'a iron. Store ' Jun. 1"70--1 CARPET WEAVE I R.—TIie undersigned gives 'N... notice to-the public, that he taken th,e old place of'Cieo, Heatatt,_l,4s Market street. carrying an the business of CARPET wgitviNV, and siould'he glad to receive the patronage s 4 the former custom ers. • 01713TAV H1TE.1..;'14.5 Market fit. Jan . . 5.1 m• Oining — Niaibine6, tr. To cola, Scti-ee4 • Maiii - tfactei . ry. - piNELL .rci. • REAR oi• PorrsvlLLE riorsE,: rost Screen Manufacturers, are now Tarred to wake all kinds of K9reebs for .Coal,OPerat A; and will guit rant.ie perfect satisfaction In all a rk and prices. Coal Operators•will consillt their 'interests by giving us a 06'11'mnd - trying us. Also,' Iron Balling of ail deqcriptions,',maunfac tured by - talon the roast reasonable tempi. • ' August 7,.'8d. ' ' 017 B IRM YEARS EXPERIENCE IN TSB -PETEBIEMIIRICII's : 1, ~ , ___, ,A.,-...N ~..., 8 ~ w . 1 .,,.. v ,,....,,, -. . isme-:=- ,-- 10 . ' • 4)IERICA.S 'CHAIN CEUILF. WORKS,' .THRSTON, NEW .71,7103.EY. • ; • The, ander,lgnedi who Is h pracihal ,Nlittin factUrer, Informs Coal Operators ,and othersp.utt la prepared. to mike Flat, or crane Chains at every size: a shOtt notice. Particular 'attelitlon glVen to Flat Chain for slopes. F ; or further lnlormat ion send for treular. Feb. 15; SQUARE ROD AND WIRE S C REE` LA:O'BENsTi-ux MAN'TTACTrP.ZR OF SQIUARE ROVANO WIRE SCREENS. PATENTED FEBRI:ARY 4,123 p... • THE SQUARE ROTI SCREEN,S4,, , ,ON Act'6l7N7 /of their ituperlor'strength and Attrabllity. are preferred i,co 94l .others whergi - er tried. tar 'Bolts mamtro , •turedrto order. Screen Bolts, all sizes, always on hand: Orders promptly tilled 'ati moderate prices. ' • -;• . ‘..M ANIFFACTURESS OF CO.A.L - SCREE.NO. '1 „., ~.L. Lacer-n*3mm, ,i•. • ' : E. Alin. • . 'rt.' LAITEIENSTEIN 'WOO ._ . . Successors to John R. plehtn, • ' - ' -.. Minufaotuter. , of Co al. S c reens, ' . . 1 ~ • • ,• , , .Of the Latest ; Ind. Most ApProvid Stjfles. , i The undersigned Who are practical Screen Manu factyurers, Informs Coal Operators and others that the rtre tnannfacturtng a new COAL SCREEN. pat tented June 21; 1861, .and another patented August 8,• 1.98; they gnarantee that the SEW; 1 , 5111 always retain, its original size untlrentlnely wore out. , • • Seen -hand Screens ' and Begnients • always - on. hand. . ' : • • 1 '., • We respectfully solicit eonti nuance of the n patron age. heretofore so liberallrbestowed. _. • ' ; , _ . L. LAUDENSTEIN a CO., • '' ' ..; - , Railroad St, rear of ,aterly'a Hardware Store.,_ 'Jan I, 70-4- . •. .• Pottsv il le, 1.13. ' TUCOI .L:L A_ProThoN '',.., Trw!" ll _,, •- • "'lux" TO COAL DEALEDS,•' GAS 00111(E"ANIZS, . • The.underslgned having soceceded Focht & Wei- Ten to the , sole moottapture of Focht's celebrated t Paent . 1c x-`.?•' , -, \ SELF:DCIAR; , G. ••• .'. NoISTING, , 4 , r • , • , •....,,,,,, ..,,,,,,: • 8000 P 131.7aEna, irkt-- t, —.l: . • e'• .t. • -. , P 7.; 44 : , ~..... • .• ; AND, , • • : v 0 ,.. ,:-.. f. - 4 , ;- IRON 1101SITNG EILOCRI4,. ' .:*:,!"- •,'' - 4 i1 , :" . 3e= - --• '''‘'-'" ' toi tad eliding Corti. Ore, Sand ',..t- ,-- , . c . .-.....W. • . . , .. Also, in ther'mannfeetnre" ff r 7,-- • ..... C - .- ' r• ..., ! IRON iviats.. ..., .-• !,): ct • •,. .- ' AN-to • : ~P ; • -...., _ . - - ittO'N' BOX WHEELDANROWS, , Are prepared to fill ell orders' with promptness and din patc. . NOTlCE.—Delin‘ n the 1101.„AnIelri of the Patent • Ittiht tor the Self mplng. ilolstin'th SCOOP Bucket liteettnitl i Or puir4=g th tion r ig .Irfftlin agai nst nY Ma3plii - =naive' or our ogests, ea.,we will prosecute' to the utmost limit any Infringement i on the Letters Patent. - PRespeetfullr,,- ' ADDISON 4 atARRMI, Reading, Ps. . ' -Febnierf 4, '6o' ' ' , . I : .. 6,-ly :° cots MOTIONAL MBOHOHT mos ~ I . A ‘ . - - SAFET Y : - u)EL,Ev6I.... _ - ROOTS IMPROVED TRUNK .ENGINES, , • geitiessry . iVerna' le sae IsTiss. -- Doable Piston Satre notating Engines, arsist bmg Mickinerg cost Marto, Sipping, :Grist litille t , : Stores, &c.,-ceo.": . One of . _these Holsteier be seed =snipe daily it HILL & ISAIUMI' :ornery, Halm:toy City,, In., ... , . PARTICIILAH AeiON Is • IlfirliED TO' the Holster. which no equal.. No dead points —ballad two p nt istir 1 in one cylinder, either end of whlchAes.tswi Xil stesuni when Use other is passingcentre. It rap:Ores no friction straps. claws* or brakearg any bi ' B thrted• rewened or, stop In arid at , point of Mwdotio% tr anntdessarreesent of* lever. Having ' no keys, 10 131 4.5 et screw* or adjustable parts ; ..whlch in other holster" relish' Ise knowledge and constant care of an: erPittlencei, eneneer, can be put in the .hands .of 'the most Itiatt‘lenced Pawns , . i Ail WI sweating parte areised in the case or cygride r ,. and are thus prot.",trom breakage, the effect* of dust, dirtv and nut orlereatber. its extremes light-, I nessioornpactness and rapid cd,thigrdi commen d it for this nee. , Olden for the manatacturer ' tit the Oinldao/rom6latnltllti4l IMeOP . U .•_ R N_ dr a s iW in in sgaiw. taTra ol dose d ravAmwt. cutuirt:m , anz =ti r Op. . * . A: H. MIRA*, Dasirtill, go. , • aCaL 1101.1 4 1. 0, ,i -i• '' - • . . • ~ • En E. A.C.Tha'l4l3M rAgLEA. 4 1 " 13314 ' Ants. .teitiokripoi ton. Iltavat.itnitenilh _oat 9? 1 , 114 P , 4 1Y 111 , 1111/1 lairjeliripa to 801 . 0 71 ° 841 0 1 IST.I STOW atr v toilt I War _914 or i...t...11 . 3 . 3 1 1 111 ..1it s AlumlAt*Miti.. , -_.-.-tikm..'J rWill b* 11 011 4 S ~, , -, .1. ' ' '- to '1"." - 1 •-, , --- - vos aV ps ~ -....1-,. 1111)111 , 181 - 1 , 41 1 ) ." • •,. , - 4 ''' '',-,-.11'.. , 4 „ .. . , - - I I ti ,' IblollialOarall OP% . R l N''y ..."-- -",--r-t '4 , 4- :..,4;. :' . ~.. ,-:.--, I •-•• 4.4. A.' ..i44,:.:, a—l,gs. , *mew la 311 1 -2 ultra *go., =I ° IN-NEW 'YORE. • • ,:t3 !AIDES Is NEW. YORE.' . 221 MILES , IN NEW YORK., • . •NEW., YORE, • 224 NIIIM3 IN NEW YORK. • 21} MII. IN NEW - YORK.. • r. 2. 0 .1;141VER I N ` NEW YORE . • . - 9 idILES! IN''PkTLA.DELPHIA. • 9 MILES' . PHILADELPHIA: 9 MILKS. IN.:,PIIILADELPHIA: • • 9 MILES 'I 2 IIILADEIRHIA, -.9 - 111.*LI ',IN , PHILADELPHIA. • ; MILES IN ' ° PHILADELPHIA. .; 9 MILES # IN PHILADELPHIA. • • • •• A GrttA.T RESULT.' . .. • , , We,esk the atteiition fief the public to the Pillowing brief statement °Cruets :—lt Is well known Mit to June, 'Wl...Dr:Colton introduced the nitrous oxide, or, "laughing glis,". for.; the painless extraction ,01 , teeth, and established the Colton Dental Association On Moab of Febredir.yrellowing . (lagowp.ivaintene , _ cid to ask our patients td sign a scroll‘eintifying that the ,gas was pleasant, to Inhale, and-that we bed ' drawn their. teeth without pain. ,(Our scroll was „ open.l.R.PrillrelelphiN Oct. 12, ice)) That we might k n .,* the-exact number who should 'sign the palter, Ire risontawed every bailie on the margin. When we had reached one thousand iletin, and without an acchlent.,Wett bought it a great triumph. We have tats do!,'. Decendao , i, IRS. reached theasumi.er qiNty fire thaasa rid (55,00(1) patients .' and we hatitieeer We had ate accident wit h. the gas! Can any stronintr, proof be presented thatthe gas is agate anwstbetle, and that we know bow to use it Here - are tiny-five full regl- bienteof patienta, and If they. were marching In single tile allowing three feet for each the - line would be MORE, 1,111.A.N ay az tfr ....u. - 341401 -We snake .the gas every day, Mee for the past two years ha •os used front two .to three hundred -galions per r i ,da . A large part ,of our businces comes front the le ding dentists of the city two do.nothing but'et t !teeth), Who know that by Inbound constant' p tier we have . know great. Rktil in the bail neat. , Skill perfected bypructlos overcomes, almost almost ail dtiliculties.s-Tu most persons thegas pro. duces very pleas.dit sensations, while to a Yaw ills aiileasure to bawd teeth extracted. by It.. We PIM FEB to give the gas; to healthy people, but have gre en It to hundreds sitfibrins_ front all aorta Of diseases, 'and with no. ili+ egieeta.• We can ordinarily drew . frOrfi ten to tiftecin and sometimes twenty teeth or alp mpa with one dose Or gas.. The safety of. the Pa.. Lieut.'s the fret consideration, the next la to extract the teeth earefnily,lstat not Injure the trims Or alire olar process. We *drive to de the work in the.very t pit manner: -Price, II Or nod tooth ' nd 31 for each Subsequent tooth dya wn at the_ RAMO h itting. Othee "tours Trout 9A. . . t0t 4 , 4 P. .. To avoid a crowd, cent? In the forint n, or dial and secure an'appoint 'went. - , . Cgiton ' Ddntal • ..4.47:k.it-ttiptt. t 37 "W.kLNUT scam. runADEultrlit NOT ONE.ACCIDENT , NOT ONE ACCIDENT NOT ONE ACCIDENT • - NOT ONE ACCIDENT NOT 'ONE ACCIDENT NOT, ONE ACCIDENT - -,NOT ONE ACCIDENT ' NOT ONE ACCIDENT • 'NOT ONE ACCIDENT .NOT pNE'ACCIDENT . - 7 . AT TAE ' COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATIO . No. Tr WiLNUE-VBEETi BELOW MOB' • l'l/LABELPIIIA. • reb 19, '7O . F°o l BAL.E:....:3lineg':an4 6 old slopei Wag-onl' i 4 Dirt lhunpern.33uev. , -Waier Wagons, till heavily toned, to atilt 4 - J-14 ely tri , ck. tt. ' ! GEORGEw.su En ttvilig.! . Jan I; L'OR SALE.—AI Five , Tott. Locnrnotiv t e sultOle tor , 1-1 - 0.3; gnu*, road'. • This tsteo - vied for con ve,Vng coal atO,coul (itrtftt the ,mlliies, and is igiva onllcer. Apply tol Gt:t.t. Pottsville. Jan '7O ` r ' ; I"IWELLING 110178E8 WOWEILLE. • t : .LJ astory Brick, Mattiostottgo Street. • Llistory •• • , 211tree-torv:briek:dwellings,Sth street. 'Ajoply to U. .C.."RI:SSEL,. Iteed Estate Agent, 18 Untaintongo Street. FFiVe; Ton Loccirnotive, stiltAblp for4-foot gauge road: Tins bee 4 used tor convey ing conl and•coul dirt at the mines rind.tsin good or 'du. Apply to GrO: SNY'peß;Pot.ttivine. January t, 70 'COB .LEABE—The valuable- tritOt 'of Coal Land J.known as Robb a Winebrenet Tract, late hill ford, situated in , Blythe and • Schu3riklll Townslilpa, and containing. about sal *mg, Offered for upon reasonable terms. Npply to • • F. 13. BANNA.N, Agent,- Fel; 27', '69.' Pottsville or Port Carbot3; ffirlißEß LAND FOR SAL E 4-900 Acres trloie or less, about two miles west of the , Mine Hill P 44 Ashland Railroad'. in bissry . Townstrip._ ' • . Also, about MOO Acresliegins and Hubley Town-' 'ship: accessible:l to the coal region; An lots or ' , the whole to suit purchanrs. In quire of 4 JOHN A. OTTO; Wilßatoport, Jan 15,-10 ". - • • • = *3-6t •I OB RENT OE SALE. - -.7Tit_.e Broad • • • „./.: Hotel with stabling, situate inviantville,i = All kill County, one Of the best business stands-in. the County; being in the Hue. of the great thoroughfare of travel from Tamaeurt, Pottsville, ihunsvilinantl New Castle to Sfahanoy. PossEvalon will be given by„tite Apt day of Apr 1141670. For terms apply toi NLIMCIIP.IIY,. Pottsville, re:, • :Sim 15, '7O . • 'COB BENT.—I i n consequence of an early.remnval I to our hew sthre, we offer for rent the store at, yresent occupied t ir us, for the tinexplred noel of ntir c ieasi, until April; g 72. ' ; __,.. , . 4.. • I '. cgA..%. w0LT.17,2 4 .: tr. 1itt0., 4 " - . i 310centre St., Town Hall Build! ~ .. i is Aug-. 21, V---34-tl .".1; SALE.—Thrtberleave or 1000 acres of t 0014., land, in; Lebanon County, i 4 miles sour llnegrove, along thettne of t &Lebanon' on& P 1 et grove Railrokul. •The timber is p_rhadywally oak. Ap.,, pllto MASON WElD3lAN,Potisvine. Pat; r 'or to lA': MORRIS - WhiIDMAN, Unlosi Forgo e r :4 4l 114 761/31---4.1 , - • Uttbigiau ra,,, 1. OB tIALE.—A FlistiellllLS White Ash CoMerritt the Mullaney GUI Field, lease 13 years trattik.l.'; fsplehdld Flam, 0104-aeres,•tla the Saigtothatata: RlYet*:r 4 twenty _feet tin In Second Sties; suitable. Los private residence. :' • • . • Toisp, Jots in-Maharroy.oltY:-41` ' ' •• • To Lease—Mammoth Itkldrore and Prlniroini 'Slahilnoy Lily. „ • Forltent—An office in.Silver•Teivace_, • • I.! App to . 'FRANS, C ARTER, t• Acid ; s tate Agent, Sliver Terrace, Pottsville., Sept. 18,. oli- -4841 . • ' 4' <-1 ALUA.III.II PROIEERTY, - AT '. VELMA fill V SAM—Ono-twentieth Interest In the tract...or Cool land, In New Castle Township, Sebuyikati t i (known as the Per di ,Bannazi .ftiset,) con Ithaca *Acres. . 1 • ' ' . = A tract of = acres of COAL a nd TpatiEft,- LAND; in Riley Township; H Valuable bitildtrt4t tott. on Matiantongo stree t ' •.' A Splendid. lot on se.nnylklll Ave rte, 13 feet fro lOn the Vscenne, and ST , feet front on Chureh Altai' '._,. 'ii ifhle-fonrth interest In the "CCial Rill" T ' ' r- o Ilw,d-in Betio - nail Township,: to close the estate, a theUteXVl. Sandalart. ' . ' , q 1 I. , •-• ' ' Aly to Il_, : .. IMMIX : O. TWO= .. . ,1 field s tate and ;Insurance Agent, o. 18 mish tuft tondo t., Pottsville, Pa: • Jire; Li 70--14-17 1! TER.B." soutstit is NOW - •to grant Lease On the follcroluis Velns of coat 84; Grantville; which have been shafted on and Wowed_ TheliammottNalls, l 3 o feet thick • the Elkldmorstvehl /4 feet thick ; the sieven Feet Vein, 7 . feet Welt. • These Veins .torft a basin with's run of one Salle; • .making a two wild run; and are now being trashed on the adjoining property hy the Iles! Boston - Coal' ,Company. There, is ebb two large Veins rutintnii throegh the No ehstern end of the tract, calliste , Bach Mountain shit the Lehigh, aloof which- la feet th ick. and the. other called SD feet thick, aria • have also been shafted on. ' I.The distance . " From Ellsabethickart to Easton,(l4 From Easton to Mauch Chunk Bfi rbm Mauch Chtink•tdOrantville, 85 “. •.P . • 14.5 , .A.l , l}Leente Irr,.mile, ' milking C 173 totiaad might. Allir or F pskri,scularrapp4.to •• • .1. , • litar. - 20, - '019.12 , -tli' MURPHY, Pottavttte,:t ccittruT SALIEL.-Partuant io & %et.[order of the Orphans' (›surt of the Coun it ty id. fletaxyLkill, in the Commousreslth of tern*: the subscriber; Trustee to make sale of the Ea tate of, gnome H. Brenner, late of the Bo of to the. County of Schuylkill, deceased. Will expose to sale hy public veruitie, the l kyth day of February next, at "10 o'eloett in t eh forenoon, at the,Excliange IWO in the. Borough of. Poturrille, in the CounlY Of Schuylkill aforesaid._ All that certain lot of. ground situate in the noniron 1y corner of Third mid Callowl d ll street*, in the '.B O rough of PottsclUe,zintoresald, containing to front oh Third street, twenty-Mine' OS) t e s t, and tt•takUnt alon g thtrty•nlne d gailsei, witattkia coWsting of • e n= appurtenances. 422: .Otune dwelling hones; occupied as wo dwellings, tate the agate of said deceassed7FAVS and conditions made Immen tt the time and owe , oriato hr • - ,1111NRY Trtimego , , By order of tne•Ortikaus' Court' ".; Cults. Mcgitg. Mak. Danville, Jan 11, 'Feb. blO-6-4.1,1 ME ME MILES . 314 MILES LONG." MILES LONG.' 314 MILES 'LONG. 314 MILW7LONG.: 314 'MILES' 314 MILES LONG.: Pr S,aje,anb go get. Vs Tina DIIMED7r 'COURT of the Vatted State for therAistern District at Perutsylvards.i In the rostiebiet t r el H owes, liiitrd= ;i t k Pottsville, Jatiravdr A- D. I•Wit. 6y authority given'atir the order or thepAirt oi7sht, esp- 544 A. D. MO, A will on • • • - BArticoAr. rtrizettAßTzek.i..p. 116, at 2 o:dock tti the'', afternoon, L 4 t i 4s , "RWel noose; to ; the Hinotligh r . of , As mod County Ps.. puidie sede;the ILEAL Ts- • • •• • • t•-,t ;: , N: i to gr BEE Mitl piedek,v,i42d , a _ eau made o ika 1 _ . 1r .P 1 !'. 42 • s 16 4; it ElGfi ll :ot ."2.; th .-± :St a6)1 Y 1111 : 1 E'l . • E Marus • inTI: EUP UPE flplpHr.D , • 1, READY TO PVT RIGHT ON. The skeet the abistsst West Cotbiss Saab. Mama is to !nisi* s dolma of liesdpisad• Clothing stipintot to siiithlng that Us Waist.** bun sand to S. win. Osly tbs sett.... used, and pro bat Waistless, sad thus an eat by ths nowt - • skillfld and albino mato; slid ands opts olsbornio and tribilastrylea. •WI stock of led clothing is saw in tints, and WS' oold at madras prices. - ZO. ; .&to4etiltlkkcit coemfftwithidarishur a s, &In:citrus liaTastiess. . 1 13413th4 ; aglASs r ' I) 1 tiOust tt to *kin* Se law wort b doors la say Merchant Sailor*, Mani to the lend. So Wan Bialal. no What goods, no nine moused cutter; no more lerfect !bean earthen tor obhdaed.. • . . GvAr- 5 ..6. , •:, v--,. 0- Xll 1 ' ' fr i : 4 \ 4 '.YOUNG Gros =tun. • Natutifut, t4tl Senicsible Garnztati. rat. tAzatirr Irsarerr GENT'S FITERSHING GOODS; ANT Z.: '•— v 1 • J)n l: ZS 8; 1 820 annoir trust OEM 39 HyW AA A cpt lincallorn497ournottottotilulfoornarout; "adjourn iku diaux• eaa cedar with rnitalat7 of haying • good St Rulailor SalSoastaimut and ampiso seni what *morn. October 16, '69 wilsPrzu CIK)ODB4 FOX & BROTHER, 276 CENTIUM STRE E T, porriantxx, • Desire toeall attention to their extensive assort ment . . DRY GOODS, Consisting pf the Latest' Styles of the Foreign & Domesti4 Nidrkets, "INCLUDE: 4 IO Alti):4o THS COLL*MO.III3 BLACK AND COLORED SILKS.I LACES AND:.EMBROIDERIEB, LINEN S; C • • Iip4ITE 000D8_ and 0931ESTICS 's 114:1411.!FIY, • SHAWLS G. ALL KINDS We also ` call attention to air Stock Of ; GROCERIES, QIM:NSWARE, , . *ldols is Very lane and selected with the- utmost' care for this market; We do not consider it nese"- Sari to enninerate what we bare, but erreirything in a lintAcissa Dry Goods and grocery Store, can ha bad &Visit establishment. April , ANNIE:II3O D. NO. it meitrwr. int Err, - I • - • • Porrsvnts, Pkraa.. fly announces to tler Ladtes. of Pottsville and vtrinny, ha* open ed I - NEW & TitrintllNG f3TORE. at the above place. The following artlcia, With a of Notions, In., will be kept for silo, and are ot v =at GISMATLY mum° Pawns, , • • 1 • BEAVEE CLOTTI a : k vELVcr ITEAVIM, PRAISTEP Besear.Chinchl Ciold-mtkedand Stack Water. _proof. Opera Cloth, Fringm all shades, Bib • • ..- bon Velvet, DittoMyrilw. THE ABOVE WILL ALL BE SOLD AT MIT. Lianas and litseasekmke inside to order.. - New Patternejurt reeePpill Junelll.'oo-21 krlY ll CALL AT N. v 53 CEI TBB ST. - • • Was A. GIitOGAN isles to 'announCe _ to ' her. Mends and the stabile to that shs Is "allay artier entire stock ar V and DRY 000170 NOW- B lack oglidlng. ot l kinds of Dress Goods, such at mum, Sun and Woad Piga" liferlsos,. and. Black .I:llnewts, at all prim. Awl ma of Vim* v Goods, - Laos collars andHil/tothtl. , MIL KW' Glam. (Jobbat: and, ::41lioniasee) i • also, DenelLadleir - sod Midi Tr=ligk useu r=laCe.=4 l l = l 1224: n Tilligiliti lriaft•RlWfta. a.Alarswassortatant , ot, Milo and 's Xesdy-11 Dudes OW! CU bilialit.TWlT.Wiff lirkellt ' - . ..• ~ . and Velveteens. an ipliadiCS6l2 ~ attsetlon yald totems and _Malt Andy•thtiolee osk* C always on hand and mule nyder sites shortest nottee. - Great brpalli hallebtds'lUk. ,_. . - a .n s 44. 1:r.F. 0 .:! = - atiA.Wl4, bras,•tia. tieisgaiti. -:- ' - v .stpai iv : MI Anikiwasiminad ALT IMO FALL. AND WINTEIk ME GtLOVE3 : OF ALL iCINLS' (4.0/4 . 3.8, &c., de., de _ iimuutiqG OFr BELOW COST TEIE INDF,MiIIa OF SCIOLAND. friliß PALL MAttf-paerrrg says: "The `l industries of Scotland are now of course; substantially,tbe same as . thc . .se England;.' but they lime from'. difikbrent periods in their . Origin and, development, Aire Pursued under'. somewhat different . Conditions, end lumen distinct Watery au4'ebaraOter of their own. It is only some ninety _years since the coal-' miners of the North ceaseici,`as a rule, to be sleves---indeed, strictly 'Speaking, • Seventy years, bwause the act.etl77s only partially accomplished their emartelpation, which the act of 1799 was requireetottnriplite. Previ4 ous to the first of, these:Statutes, ; the miners were bound to the pit in, whichthey worked, were sold or transferred- with itoind their sons inherited the bondage. • Tramps. and vagabonds Whom-it was_ not. thought , worth while to hativand for whom there was not convenient remit were7notunfreqiient ly consigned by the Loris of Justiciary to life-long serNici.) in the collierfee and salt-pitr Round the ifeek.of every one. a collar Vas rivetted, bu, which aas engraved' the 'name of his owner, so that the ..-constable 'Should know Where'f to send hint back if be ran away "Till rt itltin twentY-six years 'women pet fornted a largePortionot the - underground work: . One ,girl of setenteen years of-age told the Commissioners- of 1842 that She had repeatedly - labored "for.twenty-four hoflrs in the pits; and aftertwb hours otrestand some pea soup; returnedfor aSecOnd spell of twelve hours.:, In another a girl (my: six years old was :ae . etrstotned to 'make fourteen Jour neys &clay, .half.ti hundred-weight of cold, each journirheing eeqqual Wan ascent to the .dome of St 1-Cathedral Legis lation and-the more hafitane spirit of the limes. have Imptilly domi much to ameliorate the - condition. of the - miners of our own diy. In the eastern districts they seem to be more 'fortunate thin ln,the •Witst.. . _ "The iron , manufactures of Scotland began with the estiblishinent of the Carmn..Works In 17439; '-only rirgilkteecais. or 'black-band' iron-stone . was then known. , The discovery of the more valuable Carbonaceous about the beginning of the .present century gave an impetus to, the industry,• which; made still more rapid strides upon the Invention' of the hot-blast „process, the prOdUce being then more 'than. trebled its n few years. The 'lairds of Gartsheirle are the great Iron-mas-. term of the North. ,They haVe forty-two., blast - furnaces, employnine thousand men and boys, and produce , about three hundred thousand tons of.. pig info a year, or one sixth of the. whole #leottish . yield. This su periority Is : larkeiy due to the contiguity of their coal pits. to the furnaces., * One of the the peculiarities OS the Carron _Works is the extent to, Which Aivision'of labor is carried, each apprentice-choosing the branch OfWork he Will follow; und adherhigto it through life. If, for *pi - ample :he .chooses pot mould ing;he begins with t'little pet proportionate to his size and strength .., as il.O grOws in years so the pots grow in size, and by the time his hair is grizzled he is engaged ; On pots big enough to boil , hiM4elf irt. Carron was once famous for its artillery and hence the now obsolete 'carronade' derived its morn. 1 " 'Tweeds' constitute the Principal *oaten 1 manufaciof the- North. The name hal • been sup . to have, been taken from the. "famous ver running ihrough the district which Is the chief seat of the Manufacture. but the prosaic •.troth is . that • "twee/s!. (for twilled) In, the first invoice<wae, Mistaken for 'tweeds.'Scott i .while shefilrof Selkirksidre _ had a pair of trousers made of Seotch check ' ed plaid,. and set a &Sidon .which revived ; the trade when somewhat drcinping... A re markable eircumAtance connected with_the tweed manufacture; vouchedfotby Profess*Or Simpson, is its favonthie influence on pulmo nary complaint, persons suffering from which not unfreqtlently, seek - employment in the mills as a preventive•,or a cure r • To*ahothet branch of the Scotch, woolen manufacture— the tartans of Paisley—fashion has Just given a great impetus. • , . ',, . , . . 'The linen manufacture , , which half a cen tury, ago was• dispersed , throdghout a great many towns and 'villages ianow concentra , ~ tediti ttie.edimtiesnt For 'fg,Fife.and Perth, Dundee being - the metriopolis of this industry and 'also of the jute trade, which has of late years m_ade great advances, alinost throwing linen into the shade.' 'The gradual extinc- Unction of - handleom ,vetiVing before the progress ormaphine4 fa, of course, C ommon • to Scotland as - to - England; though clreuin, Stances have in Some parts - retailed its Opera tion In tne North: •• The- Cotton ma nfacture has beelpialinost stationary, while [ e sawed muslin ttade has, partly through rt uragarni 41 1 partly thr'ou'gh- artificial cauSes, fallen Into &my. Pfiper is 'an article. In which the the &inch makers find the ad'vantage both of. convenient water-polVer and cheap labor.--;-• The quarries of the North form an import ant element in the national' wealth.- The two manufactures'AVith -which .Scotland is, perhips, more ,popularity• identified in the • South thin any others, are.whiskey and filar ' inalade." '.'"' • ~' r .. ~. • '• . . El Al l / 4 7 INTtIIESTING fiAMX.--earries or - 4musement that induce thought; and serve:to quicken thementalfieuities, should be niost patronized during these tong even ings..] It is quite possible tor youthlo amuse themselves while also deriving much profit'-; and "so this end every new-or- novel means. suggeisted or invented by any 'one shouid be" .greatlyjnuitipliod'and widely extended: - In order,l therefore; that, the gaine;of "Verbs- Awn"' may :be more generally known and enjoyed, - we reproduce • it- here from the AMERICAS Bp ILDER :, '-,• •• ' • 4 . • A nutuber of persons are •asserribled—the morethe merrier—end 'a word chosen as the • verbarium, which eacfi writes at the head of, his sheet. - The 'object of the game .llr to, draw out .the vast number of Words which - He folded up, as ft were; in the 'verbarium, and this IS accompliisheci amid rituch excite- ment and amusement, in the, following man rrer : Let -us suppose , for' instancs i that the, Word chosen is.treasoti.P :One of the corn pany.is appointed timekeepers and the sig nal being given,- cath:; ; writes as rapidly as possible-all the words beginning with "T" which can be Spelled with • thelettersof the verbariurn. ." ' 4,- .' i , - ' '. - , ''. - 'At the end of :the; two minutes the time keeper calls '"tinfe!? l , tind. - the. eager pencils are obliged to stop: . IThe company then read, in order, the "words they lave written.' , As each word ie'read, time who have not writ ten it , call 'Exits," - and- , thnse who 4ave it; crosS it out fronr their liste,:aud4tice oppo site a number of credits equal to number of defaulters.: If - threeyersori% fotinstanee, fail to have the Word • leti," l-. the_l-1.'4 devo tedhave three credits. ',Two' minutes-are then dev led Co words beginning With ".13,7 - andl3o on until the . wholelverbarium sis exhausted, When each player:countithe aggregatellUmi. ber of credits, .and- the' one 'who has the Lug. eit number isideelareii the 'Winner. . • The - possibilitiee-of fun in - this gal* do • , net all appear free s dry. descripti like 1 the foregoing. 'Tile ' lanientatlebs those who; in their zealoustint:sults - of corn Welted ansgranas; .haVe overloo.ked ,the a , plest t i .combiztattons, the:shoUts ofiatahter. at at . tend theilefeat Of ?an attempt' fe imposetri ensphantlye'verefthat, "Isn't in it; is thes- Tab to the. dictionary to- settleAl* uted questions, .end : a hundred - other livelytlittle Odder:lts of the -game :Tender it 'the .. most ir with oldsaint :young that has ever ntroduced- into the!iatrlor:. ~ ,' ' To illustrate the ,extensive range 'Of lan . &age which this isimpleniriuseitient covers, ,it is only hecceriat7 to say that not less than .- one hundred wo*-I.flis3r.he . derived in this fiway from "tniasen, vwhich is,: after all,, not oss good verhadvan.:;--.3lnors's- Rural New r:Xorfc.er',. ~. , -,•-• ~ -- . :'l.:' ~` . , "'"...• " ,-.- 22-tf i `lass , tit (HUMAN"( --Yon, enter a German home,without knoc :king. !through -a. , door which ringi abell, and thut.anhotums .the irupena-or egress officiane one.::_ At the fiat of set the staircsae you find a bell-handie, by ring ing at which yet/calla ti who conducts you to a parlor or reeeptkOZl rooni on the next ftor,twhich you enter a l y Grim you will find the parlor and best rooms in - the house adorned with beautiful picturea AM the walls and elegant lace mutable at the window*. but nrobably , withkut Any I carpet. The floor i lweeizer, Is trfq•Psated with, boautifuL "Plitertutin yarioui cob" and- arniahed i or. A leastil,fa swami/MI it' li 'is - hito asp the driven iscrly." - flibe amount fine white Hsieh which *Otirmin bonsai • pet haildend which Abe ferf a ieltusatitto show her goWN".,. ' . ,y' feholotovz-z. _la mirtiost: a mark of getitil nii .PartY 'Eelitttr - 04teeeeity,, for the , , fleTtutire_ toot.. uitee Orloor washing-. ltip Inthe iir: Year.! A#444). baking of I the bbielt , beettof • themeesettteielle:infro -, ' Arteetite,their - wiehteg r 2,4fictletteme_ In 1 Altt - CotuttrY 4034119 ,5 0ne1l nuke siS '. ' ) h ' (+at m :ketli 41tpunkiffonidiffitillie it ""e ~t ei 1 'eluilleri at , _and lasuidly: , -to.l bed.* earl **tee. -"Wm attend** a connect 'of wet - inittrie;lAitikbegan for,: la. sadeloiettekler* mit ,io; the. evenliag.' .13f, ghat, theehthiltkeivirteet Of atittatettrletix -40ettutterilbeilielien x hlekhato. eirnobt died ott in ther ft''. tietr7 l 4 ll '. ' ' in Germany 10;_fiiiiheill#Im- Wye . ' ' - " ;'' .'...lY4**l:PtittWitom Ottf y AelftlibigOan ,1 lida t. -'ellibritlTlOM kittilielibitH deught,er4 o : ' -' • OrtlK : - r. - ' " 11 4 1 40r et 4, 7-640,t, V; ski":-. T.' ,-11, 11 , ' ' .•:f ~;,- ~ .li.P-, K %- ,= ... t.. .‘..z . .7. ~ .k . - i..?.-:t. 10:14. - r -.4...i.Agi,:z.,i.;:i:4,•,1:,;.. -SINGLE COPIES` SIX'CE.NTg. lENT ST.ADIU./ CI ALIGNAIN.;I'S Isimsmrion has th e .. . A.... 1, following interesting particulars of re- • cent excavations in (*Awe: ' "King George of Greece hescorreeived.the, .happy idea Of excavating the ancient Pana them& ',Stadium,:eat 'Athens. - To -amoral Wish dila, design he has' purchalied,% at - his "own expense., all the land- supposed to have been occupie d by the Greek and Roman race • course Including the Wilson the right; bank of the Mims, between whiehthe lotig`graas grown hollow formed the theatre for the, athletieperfOrroances. Workmen have now . , 'been engag for several weeki In retrieving -the immee masses of earth which genera tions have posited over the anciftt_aitei - A German gineer , is superintending ihe I work, and t 'King vhdts the groand - almost- ' daily to Watch, the progress of the excava tion, which is exciting much totem*. . "At a depgi of several feet a perfect'seml eiretilar wag of compact marble has been ex- - Posed, and a corresponding interior wall of " perfect masonry. • - •Between" these walls the spectators passed, ascending Melia° through marble .entranees—two of,which have also , been , discOVered—to the Kota- in theraraphi theatre above. These walla are supposed to have extended around the entire length of the race-ground, andmay be still existing. ' The upper end is in perfect preservation. Parts of eolumna have been exposed with carved .woril at the bases, and other marble '.fmgrneilts tomtit& portions of the doorways' and seats. It_ris remarkable„that the tactile ologists heel) . negleCted this interesting lade; It seems not to have occurred to Own' , that the floor of the Stadium was much: lo l ei w the present level. It will not now be 's ' ohm if King George's discoveries eq "those made along the slopes of the Acropolis, and which are now only second to the enon. and the Tharum.: Tbelength of the ancient Stadium was six hundred yards, the semi cireplar end was attAiltdal, and the natural slope of the banks formed the amphitheatre/ where some forty thousand speetators seate d. themselves on ••the turf. ' This "was the Sta dium of the time of Sophocies.- .11orodes Atticus constructed ;the Warble steps and seats, and this is the work now brought to light. I,t is described by Pansardwi as hair frig beerrof white marble and mondelful to behold.' • The King intends to' uptuen ,the earth over the whole extent of the plain and hill sides, so that whatever exists in the way of stone work may. e reveiledru • • . . Cd?IMERCE-- 'OF ISE _ NVORLD.-- }ranee exports wine, : Orin' idles ' • slika,. fancy articles, 1 furniture, - jeWelry, .-clocks, watches, paper, perfumery and fancy goods. generally. -". .. " . -•-, Italy exports corn v oll, flax, .wi: t teic es-Bea m!, dye stuffs, drugs, fine - ma btec- soap, _paintings, engravings, mosaics and salt. , Prussia exports, linens, woolens, zinc, arti-; cites of iron, copper and brass, indigo,. wax, hams; Musical instruments, tobacco, wine atulporcelain.- ! - • "- . . Germany experts wool, woolitln g a,' 71 linens, rags, corn ,; timber, iron, lead,- in, flax, hemp - , wine, wax,. tallow and cattl . • r Austria exports minerals, raw and manu factured silk, thread, glass, wai, tar, nutgalli. wtne, honey and mathematical instruments. England exports -cotton, woolens, glass,' . hardware, earthenware, cutlery, Iron, Mel, Italic wares, salt, coal. watches, tin, silks and litieni. • - . • - . .• • ' • Rwksia exports tallow, flax, hemp, flour, iron, copper, linseed, lard, hides, wax, ducks, `cordage, bristles, furs, potash and tar. Spain ,exports wine, brandy, oil, fresh and- - dried fruits, quicksilver, sulphur, cork, saf fron, anchovies, silks and • . • China-exports teayrilubarb, mask, ginger, borax, iinci .cassia, filigree works, ivory ware,. lacquered ware and porcelain. Turkey exports coffee, opium; silks; drugs, , gums, dried fruits, tobacco, - wines, camel's hair- carpets, shawls, • - cantlets and morocco. . Hindoostan exports golcif and silver, coch ineal indigo, sarsaparilliq Jalap, trestle, campeachy wood, pimento,. drugs, and dyer stud's. - - • Brazil exports coffee, indigo, sugar, rice,•,- hides, dried meats, tallow,, gold, diamonds, • ' and other, precious stones, gums, mahogany and India rubber,. - • I ' West Indies exports sugar, sugar molasses, . ruin, tobacco, cigars,. mahogany, dye woods, coffee, pimento, fresh _fruit and. preserves,. wax, ginger and other apices. • ,Switzerland exports cattle, Cheese, butter, tallow, dried 'fruits, linen, silks, velvets, lace,' Jewelry, paper and gunpowder. I - -East India exports cloven, nutmeg, mace,. pepper, rice, .indigo, gold" deist,ciurrithar_ benzine sulphur, ivory, rattans,' 4inutial - wood zinc , and nuts.. United States ekports, principally, a,grlcul tural produce, 'cotton, tobacco, fibur, provi sions of all kinds, lumber, turpentine, and Weariugapparel. • , ..T _ FIRE-P.BOOF Iltrlmilmos.—Whlle ' the' ad- • vantages otbni.ldlngs, with .fire-proof walls • and floors hav been - contgfled on all hinds.. , ft** have been constructed on account of theirgreatexpense. A. plan has been invent- . ed, however, by which it Is claimed build- Ings'ean be made sabstantlallt fire-proof 4 . an expense' which is trifling in comparison :, tr zi to the increased vain.) and securi ty It It - .IA proposed to - lax a flour of seasoned - mleck ~.. hoards upon the tinibers of floor - joi sts , and then place a coat of cement an inch thickot , ;lore proportion of which - they be sand, en- . tirely over it, (Aim Wall to wall. After the cement has become thoroughly dried, lay ' over it a floor of matched boards, nailed with - "forty-penny" nails. If there are wood par. titions, two coufam of bricks should be laid - between the studs, and plastered to the base bofifd, to prevent all Chtultaion of air. Al floor laid in this way :will resist an immens': volume of flame in the room for. one hour -before breaking through the cernentedOoor4_ .above, and the cost of cement. is only ten tot twelve cents Per square yard. 'This plan has been tested by actual ekperiment, when the „,-, combustible , Material of a large druggist's shop was wholly on flre,• creating an ini anetise volume of flame. The floor timbeiS , ," abOve binned 'nearly through, but the 'car- . pets above , were not even smoked or ca6sed to be_ taken up.: Any system, "Like. thisd 'wheleby the fire oceonflned to one TOOlll for , ,atthinit gives ,abnfidant time for an engine: to be piesent,sor to apply all other means at .coismaand for extinguishing a fire. This 'plan or construction also deafens the floor,' 'prevents all insects and odors from' paaslag • from story to story, and water in. qww' , titles from above to the ceiling below, and ,- makes the house warmei. •, , _ • • Woongs Toorxmcnik-rEv • - eating house visitor of this city and other leading cities - of the Union, has doubtless 'noticed a small tumbler of wooden: toothpicks - upon • the counter of the cashier; for the use oftua- , tomes. .These toothpicks are a goodfetiture of the present day. The wooden toothpieks have to a considerable extent superseded the gold; hero, ivory, and other articles of , thi" MndlortnerlY in use.. Their'manufacture is carried on by but one establishinent, which has been in operation four years.: ; It is' near ; Boston, and employs thirty hands' of both sexes. The Machinery•_has been patented, and is propelled by waterpower. 'The woods used area maple and - willow.. The agency is in this city, and all purchases for use elsewhere, must be -made here. Thet-tocrth picks are packed in pasteboard boxes of two slum. One box Is three inches long, - by two 'wide and deep. It contains three huntiredit 'and sells for six cents. The other incloses twenfy4lve hundred, and is five inches long, thrive wide, and three deep. 'The boxes tare packed: in.woodeticases for shipment, or re-_ tailedin the city singly by the carriers. The sales are quite large, and-amount at times to forty of fifty Cases a : dair, - each' containing one hundred thousand toothpicks. The ag gregate number sold, therefore, - amounts „in that period to four or five- millions.—Mariu -, facturer and Builder. .•_ , • _ • Tfl Petuurylvania Coal Cotaiony, °with*, the OneehiMAvondale rear mine, akul _by ; whose mean maine management a l hundred lives Werathere Last,.seera to boi no learman in their railroad" management. - A -lamer named- Limning had the Delaware tacks ..,',Foulaa -and Western . Railroad Comitarly fin edsloo-and costs, in a Newark; New Jersey;" ~West week, for illegallr, overcharging hitnelz dollars, for roureging buil six odles, when the - 1%. al arge• - • *as. '4.4 - 7 orate ;(per half tan) per-miler. • , •, • • . latoit - tn-fittnnerthas just •- been;testioiat Xottresor bionreer,,,watt time. kft.. I a repotted. bannon" shot-that holdifanother shot itbtln 14 and while fly -1241,..*0" sir 'And - twos the:end of its range, d <ft is second shot, and this glvt 4 gfeietatige It Isla be hoped ' be fi rst sittCstar ItosltC4yeao_continned WC not turn any sontersaulti,:klld SgSen.d 4 1 ,e - 9 1 C°/1 4' ohot the wrong 1 4Pu:4'444s at handwhetilliere Flu tie; totMudizillittlabos. . The coming woth?.,l. tmiathe able ,to., ree l a machine , The now fl3lf i ear- -- 731" Q ir ciur weicoopottbereuT v wor skill 13 Yelli• °C/P' u L 5l r, ,vrtraou *. kim '. "atm =IS M =V •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers