MN FORTY--SIXTH YEAR. o. 10. :1 COAL- TRADE -ADVER. Vert niclpnonb., , . - . Pier So. 4, Port gicttatondi', ' : . WELD;NAGLE:Br, Ca ., - , ILlners raj Shippers of tile Be6t 4tuallties i .. ! , , i-OCUST Ito,tls•TAl:s7 AND BLACK DE-Vin , . , . i f.l ... 9 ' For Itinufocrlaring and Dorn("ado We, and Bojo 4gents In all markets • • .70 •141 r: CELEBRATED -, , ', X'ANE IL' '-' , Z - 0 T WIIi TE AS if, A NT: "JACK4ON LORBERRY" COALS. -1 . . { a • 2OSM Walout,St....l4dladelphift, Officals: 410 Broadway. New .Torsi, ' , 11 DaaueStreet. Ilcdim. 6. M. WELD.— HEN'HY R. NAGLE. IV== Jan 1, '7O • • CASTNER, • S TICKNEY &WELLINGTON' MinerS . and Shippers of Coal.;, froku their Burnside Col. at flliatuokin LE_WP3 VEIN (Red Abb.) ' LOCUST ,MOUN'IAIN (White ash.) - r 3J Trinity Nen:Nark. °Zees: 1203 Walnut Street, Plaladk•lph.L.t. ( 20 Doane Street. WHARF No: 0, PORT ItICLT3IOND, - PlilLit. Jail. 1,'70. ! 1— - tier 7, Port ErAXMITT •NEILL .& CO., Shippers Ott -Anthracite Sc -hitt/mine d 0 A I_, ... . „ . , AGENTS or the sale . of the mlebrat,tl SrIENiNN DO-US MY, WIGGAN & 'pro EBEL'S toz`usiltkhn tan and Buru,i,t4tt Shamokin, Whi t e As h Coal. ,At;o:Slslpi and PEA.CIII3.IOUS . T.IN Gpal. • yncm lIOLIOKEN, • I .‘ Thn tent %Al-tette. of Lehigh rind Dolrin'ti CELE BRATED FAMILY C.OAL. MUM It:OliTS and CUMBERLAND cak:lS of well establisliell ruputaLlun. FltlLi44.3lphla, 247 Walnut Street, NewAttrk; Ennui F, Trinity Unlldlnr, Ottlees— • •• l Prov. 4 ence: 74 %Veybito4et- Street, . • Itoiten, 25 434,1 rte Street. • February • Pier No. JOHN Rr WH & SON; _ . . ~ . Shippers . of Coal .. . . Wit 316 WALNUT. ST., PHILADELPKI.A. , ' . Depots for Stora;t: and Sale of Coal : No. Zil4 ffest Thirteenth Street, New York. No. 802 - iiiirdlAvenue, New York. • -.:- .*. Ites• Wharf, N0.,99, India Street, Providence.. •Cothy'a iirltarf,' Mt. Washington Avenue. near Federal Street, Boston. Jan. I, '70—1,- 'ger. :ca. 0. BANCR-OfT LEWIS & CO , ANT.) buivrcus or Till: ‘. CELEBRATED ASHLAND - I.llWitlnutSt.;Colutriercialllnllll.. 1./1 Broadway; R.601/1 • - 09. N. I.—ISAAC SELTZED, , 8 Doane St.;DA uun. January 1, 'Tp FRANKLIN 90-4 OF. LYEENS VALLEY. DEALERS A)tts E. CAUTIONED that ere but tour Collier, which ,nrine this Cunt, all' Of which are under file management of the undersign ! ed. . For the year - isTO SiNZSICKSON -Lit - CO., of Phila delphia, will be the only Agents for its a.tle in New England New York, Nev Jersey, and South of cape Henry. 'Our Agents will deal in uo other Coal what ever,_and partieS wishing the pure genuine article must procure it tir theta. The get et thiscuutiun Is simply to enable these tuter, ed to Luy,:und,er standinglY. - , . Vic - . Agents Mid their assistants fur the above points, are it-5 follows: fiI>iNICE:sUN At CU., Ountral Agents, 132 Walnut street, Philadelphia; their New Ygrk Office is at Boom , Buildings, JOs. - 0. "XOODY, Agent ;; assisted by ELLSHA MOSELLY, Aslant, In Summer street, iluston: Orders should 'be e'en to either of the above named panic , and tono camp ' wn. 13, lOW LE, General:Managur of the Sumnalt Branch the Short Mt. Coal and the Lyi: us Valley Cold Co. [Jun. I. Pler No.• 10 Port Richmond SINNICKSON 84' CO, 0 01 e Agents 1 er the Sale aulSlApnient. of thc!. -"Franklin Coal of Lykens Valtey,7 i3l Nett England,:-Neit York - :Yew Jeraey nud South •of Cape lieuty. • s ; • Walnut Street rhiladelliblit. Offices : 88 . *rinttyl..ti4g. lork.- • • 32 inustuer Street, Boston. • I JOSEPT - I G. MOODIE' Acent 1 . 4'. Llo:t pit2i,..Njew:Yerk. Jon. 1, 79-1- Pies 13 North Port Ritiouutol. JOHN C SCOTT , & SONS fi Miners and Shippers of Coal. ' • . I• • _ SOLE iI:CiES rult S.l. I. El C!F. .11.APLE DALE, LOCEST .741017NTA.Di White, Aib ..fre4 FELIMiI.IN" Deep Red A4lll From the same veln3 In hh e.,..,pecti to VALLg.Y • FBA-NU GOWEN SLI-I.3loliri Rea .Asli. . . PEIEOLDELPW.A.—No. 2211 Walnut S. OMdes: BOSTON--Nu. 19 Donut, St . J 9. 6 1, ,'ANEW iTORII.--4. Pier-No. 13, Port Richmond GEORGE S. R.EPPLIER • • • :Miners and Shippers of Coal, RETTLIERIIOODIE & CO'S LOCUST .110ENTA.IN 8. REPPLIER'S MAMAEOTFI VEIN: DEX__CAN- COAL CQ'S LEWIS VEIN, (RED Asa. - ECE.ERT LORDERRY. (329 'Walnut Street, Philadelphia. • °Mei,: 4111 , flicepPway. New .1"ork. • , 93'. Doane Street , Meter:, Jan..l, . 1 . • Pier 'N0.114, North Port IttchutOiad. C; J. kJ. EASTWICK 4 CO . .. SIIIPPERS OF . - • wEriTr. A..\ - D RED ASH COAL. - 0 ,.. : . 11i o. g2ilDook Fit., i'llilaitelphla, , ""'"'-'* (No. 19:Doaue Street, I.lo,:tuti. 1 . ariaoe Bed iah,'; - . - • . . .• Shamokin White A,ll. . '-- .. , Locust Imoulain V.Utp itib CO ILL 343.4,11ftry 1, , '0 ! • rier 1...4, South BORDA, KELLER 4 NUTTING . , . Miners and :Shippers of—Coal, 4,....E.5T =KIWI GIIKENWOoD, TAI AQUA BUZ-FT, . REEVESDA.I 4 E,. -ECKERT Lormr,nr._,Y '• NORTH FRASKLESICEB ASfi, BLACK ITEATII„, — , • 'BIG BUN. LOcuST MT., • GABASETSUN, ,j 13 z Sflbp flt., Boston. Offtees•:. 'team ft:l:Trinity Building, 4 .'T. ' . 327 Weltiint Street, rtillsidetphta. • . Pier 17. noiFEt, KELigit & 2....trrrnra. _ FRAK.LL'i WHITE ASH.- April 24, '419,-= DAY; ELUDDELL &_ CO• - t• . . . , . . . • Mideirs.:& Shlppers..of Coat '- . .. , - { 2osl 4 iratiut. St., Yilltulelphla. . Oakes : 111 - Broadway, arinlty Buitdfori) N. 1.7 Doane Street, Boston. - _ Sole Agents for Rho 'joie of the following celebrated i _ - : • ' . Coats: HARLVOH imaion.colki, ' LaCKORy COAL CO.'S HICKORY AND DRAPER - COALS and the' r.xcristort COAL cd. , e, suANroxLs C 1 • • Pler 'Co 18. Pt 'Rich . and. .IGEIMPITS'6 WkiAttrM ' { • ". ' • , • Piet :So. 3 Ealzabethp t; N. . J. i Jail. I, le • ,t' - . •' Pler No. 19 Port IPrimmosidf. . JOHN RONite:t...El,,, AGE R T ., 11., & BROTHER, '',.------- -_ SOLE 3 FO ' . . Tke Tereorlte and et; .km HELL A =ERN white Ath. Time Sapertar MOT CUT. bulky rem -burning Ptak Ask. The . M.ebrated tpILNITIL WEBSTER Deep Red Ash LROAD TOP swarrtxtsous:: ',. f , . .• BAVEN'S , Wag() ' LEHIGH - at 7 Elizatrethport. ... 1204X,Wzdzird St., Phßodit. Maces : 21Mottne Street, Itofitorit' Boom blew T 63, Trinity Building,nrk, . -_. . , , Oslitite..l.ll.oEN - 7--SAUUEL F. P.T.TGGirsaslsted by T. d. BROWS and E. P. UPHAM. March 6, '(-1t VANDUBEN. BROTHER &CT, -Kam and Shippers O C O.A S Old Compurre Lehigh, Lariat lloaatalso Locust Vap,-4 , • , Wilkesboro, lohlgh, and other - • f WHITE AND; RED ASH COALS.' Pt. Richmond, r • Watft2Na Waatvzs: Ellmbetb Cit po rty., • • • s - Jersey 2PI =tit treet, Philadelphia. New 5 DMus* wan st., Wotan York. ' : don 1, '7O-1- O • • • & . s a 1. J. DOViT. ; i WK. ifirlfDltlCt. Miners and Shippers a Aosi. DO , KENDRICK. & CO., IJ. Z. DOirrr." WIG xEi Datcs. . ' vt 3. ir; , DOVEY. • ' •f• WO, ' 4116116 tilt thli Celebrated . • Ratnbow — . 4o ll Plank Rldg l i Coals; . Whir! iro. Itt : ' Port Elektum& , •, .• : . ibilitillitpltior.-22,11:lockittra4.." . ; • : . Iry 1 1311111"Can oilt7Trita wil Lty li rarbils. ItOsat& a, unties: • Aseblertiocht & Saw, &rail. .._l_, Boittatp.No. 17' pools sit.. Ja&jit Said, 104. D. F. 7 4leary .44•10,' r!brnOtalt , ': ' -.- •---.; . 94 -. :,..., ..._ :. :...:'1.4 .. • _ - • . ---- -. . _ . . . . . •; . • 1 • - . f ' ' • * 4 ' . ' • •' . . • ' •-- '•,'-- -- - -'-' I 7-- - • -: • -- ' ','-'' ' '', ,;-.•,,- •,- ..',...!,- ~,_ - kt, -- - • ::•‘•-• • •• •• • •.? 1• 1 •1• " :‘,, . •• ' •I ' •::'--$. :: ~- _ ei`i' • . ) ' ir - - ~\ - •' ----- .7.--ftft • ' - - --- '- : • -,' - . -,... ?•. ,-9- 4.,.. , 1, , 5i0rit.. - ...‘--.....!• , .... , -. 14..... , .. , ;. ,,, ,÷4.,....a....;.......,...,..-....if .;....2).,..„.-:...., ~. „,..., . 1.,,,:, : . ....,4‘ , „:„, „ :„ . ...:' , • ~ ---. :' ''. „„. -_„,..._.,-,... . - „. ,-,- ,ar „.•, ~-;, ,:„- 7- "• -' \" `• - ,.... -41 111P.' • Ylk *"'''.' 4 ..‘!". 0 12.4. `•• -... 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' " r' ' " 6: " : 1 I :.:: : ....,,'": .„ ' . til , e e - X, r, i , • ~ .• 1 " i ' t. , : -.-: - 4 t 4 •,i 4 4 - 4 ",---..„----...., .... t5...:- , -.' ItrA" •i 7 40 4 . 1 , , :' -. 'Alt 'mit e, , - "" 1 41 06446..... 4 . In. • \ . • i , • . l ' ' '' . . . ........,. . „.. .. , . •. , . .• 1.4, .„. 4 . • . . 1- " • . • . ........... o p,-, . ~..., i.,, , . • ....•• . ..,. .. _,i t ,-:,.-.......«-- .. fr, ,itt-- 211 it i• 2 .N, .. ......• ' '' .. " l * "•°" ,, r -- -: „ oil. - .. 1.., 1 ,.. 4 . ' i f T s .,.. : 4l j t;: '' ' hil s: ‘,/ • . 1 - . , _ • - . • 4 1 1 4 11 .2 V, ...." . . ,-7.- . . . ..440... ' - .. , • - - ,i , .: • ... ... .r. , . . . . , - . . ._ . .. . . .. .. . _,... , „ .. \ • ' ..7.;".-4 l - - . /.r ~...., ~ .. t i. _ s . - ...,..411 0 ' ''' , ' . • • i . • • • ~ .....4 7 - P , t ...; ' ..,-;',... - - .!..- .• ..- -- :'" 1 ... . . I; • i • • •• / • - . . . . •., • • .4I • • I : a. _. . • ~...`,. -,..,1• -• ; . .. . . . . . .--' ' . - -.. ;'? -A - A iaa • , ... .- - r • •- • ' .., .. i ii_.l , ll ~. I. . . 1 . . .. . . ... . . . ; . '... 4 : '''''- :'- ••• .. ..,.... -.. - • 1 . -: ' , ' "- -;V' Q ii! --. -- • ''' . a. _ ...- a .• • ; • '•: • . .-. *. , . . . - , ... . ° ; , • • . • - .. , .. 1 - -• -..•-• • I• • • ~ &et a Cloosima, hi lb* yew 1110,b- ED. StriclttVlN.. INC 1-ly n IMO Vort Nichmonb. Pier ICo. 17, Portlunatsi. AUDENRIED. NORTON & CO. Miners and Shippers of i PIRST, CLASS COA L, LOCCHT .110CYTAJ.N. 'From two large and eelebratid ColliOas "ILIZFL DELI," C. F. ".t<ORTOII & •TOSTINEWLI.," GOODRIDGE & AtDE*RIED. • ' LOUBEEtitY. . . Free Burning, Red dill, and Rplendld Preparation. CULKETT'COLLIERY,..... "Dalin. Long & MIDDLE ( 7 1tEEK.COLLIERY . C. Colketi Frest -1 . .. siumox.m. ENTERPRISE COLLIERY, T. Bantngardrieti ; l'iset. Locumt Mriuntaln and Lorberry, elan via Schuylkill Canal, to n 1111.41414 scam/Able by Waits. • (22R .Wiabant flibreet,, , Philadelphian ••• 11t firoadaray,.Nen -Turk. 27 Deana Street, ittestam. 4 • .3. T.' ArRENRIER. C. F. NORTON:! O. NORTON. P. CORRELL, Jan. 1. 7J : • 10er No. tt, Port Itichmelt; ' • HAAS & BRENIZ Wcer. Miners and Shippers of • HE SUPERIOR. TUFti, , ;:EY- RUN COiL, ANil .SoLC AGEN - Ti FOR ( Grunt 5 Co.'s Celebristrd 1 • pLA 14 K R ID 0 E COAL. , . 1 1 218 Walnut St...Phlladelilblya' Ottlee4 111.1 Trinity Itullalng, Neu , Irclyrk... .11. 11 Feb 6, . - • • • WALT R, DONALDSON. 9 0 ; ; SIIIPTERS Or Avrxtrn AND ralim AiSl • C AL. . fic.);.E AGENT:4 for the Celebrated I THOMAS LEHIGH'' OPAL • 01 Wainnt Street, ,Philadelfolda. 'Offices: 1 19 Trinity Building, losit .WnAitF—Yler Li North, Fort Pircl . rriond. Feb 23, r • Item DAVIDSON,YO I G BeCO WHOLLIALM DEALERS /N • 1` II . LOC t:$T 10li.ST.A. _ 11 - 31liERL ?CND. seri:L.-sr-ON w.tucEr.t.nitE 11 Off[ - su„„i.i, TRINITY BUILDING, NKWYORIC. \S NI; MAI formerly of Tyler &Cv foLuxerly of Cald*ell Gordon/ten ROBERT L. auckmAii. • Jun p. '7!) SAY WHITE, FOWLER 6t SNOW, to'Seihri White Si C 0.,) L' I=l LEUIvu, LOCUST .MT., 14. W I LRESILIFITLE, E• • . tiCitI..VPON and • . • CIIAIIIKAT.AND C OA_ L. Office—No. 73 Trinity Building; 11 Wiwi Aprll 11, '4i." in. 40 7 SON 6: 'HOBOKEN. • • • CO AL. 1 • 'VAN WIC erour 11.1NELL9 ANIL SHrPPEILi OF TILE 1' celebrated "Fulton" & "Stout" (Lehigh) Coals, From the' Ebervale and the Stout Collterl4, near ihaleton, Deffs:pred .direet Prom rudpion, on board Vesaels at PT. Jbasisots, nonozEss, azirl NEW hllat:Nsirtclf:.lg. .1 , 1 . .& 46 :trinity Ballding, Offices: 111 Broadway,' New :Fork. . • • ' {Temporar)' at . 119 Broadway.) I. Mar 10, , 20— V ER PLANCK & ATWO I D • 4 ) WINLIIIIALE DEALERS IX - 1 SCEIrYLKILI„ • ; • . , WILKESBA.RRE,_ - i .• . SCHA.:STON, Innd . ' FILLIMOILIN t . . . C 0 A T- 4 Office : f , o. 77 Trinity !funding, 11l Ilrondway, i. .1 h _ P. W. VEEPLA.NIC, JOHN W. ATWOOD, Jan 8 '11.07. CALI) ' J ELL, CONANT & WESTON, - NO. ill BROADWAY, NEW YORK. (ito<m• pa imia VI Trinity Minding.) ' • .f wnosmint DEALsits ' , • • , WILKEBBARJLE, l ITTS" ZAPINA S , U rAcRANToN LocusT stot7:l. - tAri;, KI:MBERDoiND, BROAD TOP, ETC., , • GALS ~ j COLE A( E.\ New York and_Like North of the oelekratt:(l COUNCIL RIDOE FREE BURN ING LEMUR COAL. _MIN PRIMROIM, THE. FOWELTO.N fiono-bioarrdnous and other firsit-rate 5 JAMES W. C4LIQWELI.. C. B. CONANT. WALTER WESTON. ' 1 April 8, '69-' OFFICE OF THE NIAGARA ELEVAT ENG (44.)., a COM Id ERC lAL /MOCK, BriTAL.O. N. Y. . • COAL. COAL. COAL. . • . Tli 1 4 .:1;AQA.R.A. A.TENG (X),, boxing a Large sufplpo 01 Lot an - ' e, will . bel prepared at tLe opeo,ing of intylgation to Ire from the Erie Railway. L,anal, or Lake, any quantltyof COAL for storage or tntualdpinent to any place East by Canal or west-by itha Lakes, upon as favorable ter as an -1 parties ini Buffalo. Their lot. is well located for a geueral dcy nosiness.. _, CYRUS CLARKE, Vto9-Prell4ent• :Varela 2'; - 'G9 . - • 001.)--tf (fon*. CO - NNEIt, 3t.inor and Shipper of the Ct.ibrated 1 f ...00UT MOUNTAIN COAL POiTsVILLE, esCEICYLIC.ILL CO., PA. • Jan - MIL & • HARRIS. , Best -rd Purest Coal In the Mirka. • Wil4ve multi extensive Improvermats the pas reason , will Largely Increase the pro: ductioxi areariar. Svery effort will %If usedito - • KEEP gk o tT iE STANDARD OF PREPAR &spec al attention will be given to sizes fo factu - ' patpoibea. . COAL is always shipped by Itself and not mood adulteistol. [SOLE AGENTS,' - t a whom all amenshould be addramell . , . . s- f JOHN ROMMEL.; Jr., & BRO. t 2054 Mrabritt at. I 111 pawl Beigati. • , DM Jan NT • ; A.021111/./.310151 1 0a 0,11.11 1.44! met Al o • tl, situated on two =dependant titalissr% sirs_ • • containing sin MIMS sorinftif erfa. ta two ' ' far to such writs* as vrUl furnish_ co ital for • • • • one or tWo colds:etas on the The -, , • ant • .11 the tOtalYneesskia for the • • on * n, - - MUMaiodsraSe tonnage yoryreekWon make ton rd coat eo ttt MR as it WOW. Allai Oe .. ~ • qt. royalty otso oasts oft the mine terra tam e wound lOsy: trut he stiaryie In Of rluirsSrsir , nmiiiid 4 the purelisse MU imi Wm. stook in a boininile own daii Alms : Ii!or Outlier iutonsalltio . . . , ''' 04411FINaddr— 0 Wh ips, -,. .„ . . R. J".tA.~~ ' &r.. ,SCIEUII.IIILL NAVIGATION. _Rupp* name far maul= COAL at Ora Nada. Detains* Liar, MaiVALI. LtdAM 4 • , • - AGSM ' Iron Tat sAiat of TUT, - Walt beet Ced Oemainee Inurtaa JIM sad Black Weft IrbileAtit Gab. • • ' (206 Walnut Street, PitUadelpbbt, OFFICES: {llO Broadway,. Neer York. ( It Street, Boatou. *herr No. t. itEPPIXER 8 SRO., • t • (N. E. inor. WAWA & FOurthata PLllai OFFICBM::c IS Pine Street, New York. " , (Nerd:lonia' Bank Butkrg, Prosidetrca. i . . ' ; DAVI;iptA.V.SO Pen w. PA. : ENLANUILL: BAST,ASIMAIFI L D. , ! DAVIS PEAIZSO at co., - ‘ • . .:; . .-kiNg.l,B Logo siurrana or Till ' tr4gitAltb LOMAT NOCNTAIN WHITE in l Alfb - 1 . 611111 N VI:13 , .. , . •' • ' • RED ASH ' COAL.. ..• • •i ; -No. lil Walnut Street, Philadelphia- • ' OEI 4 ICES i N'?• 1 1 1 11 1 =Vil".. noon! Na. r. Ttlnlty. . ow York, • ,; - No. II Damao Street,.Boaton.. 6REI:I' , AVIi I+ELIW.tILE AVEN'Ut WHA4F. San.: , ' al—l- , _ , • .• Pict No. I I, Pt. Riii•lnund. SNYDER % & S4OEMAKER E!.lllopers ,and•Vealer4. In COAL,- • AGENTy Fol: 0. W. SiXYDECS WELL ESOWN piNE FOREST ..COAL. St., • 1. 63 Tv.x.scrr ticruaionace, ..Ngw YOBS. LOErLifOYDER. ; • e. - 11 t 8HOEMAXER. • Jan 1. ju 1-1 Y .TIiO.IO4I I FAIN._ . YuR.1213 114-CYCB: • CAIN' HACKER & 000 K. A• aILIPPCIDI or . LOCUST; 04P, LOCUST.. MOUNTAIN, SLACK L1E4911. ' ' ALSO, DEALtR3 I< OTUEII FIRST QrALITIES OF White: and Red Ash Coals, xo. 214 'Walnut Street, PhUadelptda. and land Wharveg, Sehtqlkill River. J'01314 B. STRYKER, seipput AND AGIN; jaw 1, ttocbuylkill Haven, Pa. T OMAS C. PARRISH , SIIIPPEfi AND DEALER DI g • Lehigh, Sehtlylkill stud Bitimilieus COAL. 1 • • • co,..4m. N its on Commission Sol.leltecl al* taken on favorable Terms, . Once--341 %!alnnt St.. Mayl, • goviarg Crab. EASTI FRANKLIN. -ORBEFtRY VEIN COAL, EAST FRANKLIN LORBERRY COAL la now sold exclusively by Ith.srs. CALDW ELL, GORDON ct, CO.r alio aro my' Isolc Agentis. Parties coniering trout theta tuay alyaiys depinul upon get- , tines puroartiele. ' • . • io. 112 Walnut St„ Philadelphia. OFFICES'. No. 35 rine St., New York. . ' 'No: 141 State St., Boston. Jan I; r . HENRY ILEIL. tlitiing Blac4inm), &c. 0 -. OOAL OPE R ATORS. - ' T SorCe4 Manufactory. SNELL &. CO. r . . • REAR 100 POTTSVILLE MESE, COAL. ST.,. Screen 111w:dram:tuners, are now prepared to make all kinds of Screens for Coal Operators and will gun. , rants* perfect satisfaction in all work and prices. Coal Operatonewill consult their interests by giving us a call and trying us. ' - I • Also,; Iron - Railing of all descriptions, Manufac tured by tia on the mast reasorothla terms. r . .August;?, 'Oa. - • . nrit Ovjaits 20 YEARS EXPEHIENOn IN TEM 31.rapr.:8.A. I • , , PETER RENDRICK's I . . , •-•- ' • 1 W• 21 . . • • :s • W".....,-xxop.,=3* - e 401040. , . : . _ - : aW: Trzt•mir. . ligi) ' ~ . . ~N.Y , ly AIiEIIIC.AN CHAIN CABLE WORKS, , • TRENTON, NSW StRiET. • The urilicrOgned, who 18 a practical Chain Maim facturer, Informs Coal Operators and others that he is prepared to make Flat ot Crane C 1 " n. of ovary sire at' short make. Particulnr -attention given to Flat Chain, for slopes. For further I nforputtion send ,for circular.. - Feb. 15, 418-7—tf SQUARE] ROD AND %VLF, SOREENES t 4 ' I LALTBENSTETS.' . • XANTIVACTVILLTI Or . . ' , - - SQUARE ROD ,AND WIRE St:REINS. PATENTED FEBRi'ARY 4, 16u2 . . JfiIi:ERAVILLE, SCHUYLKILt CO„ pa! • • THE SQUARE SCREENS, ON ACCOUNT' of their superior strength sal durability; Wei, preferred to all others. wherever triad. tic:men Bolts. ail sizu - s, always= hand. Orders promptly filled at moderatls prices. iNlay AO. MAIFIIFACTU •=OF C • Ala - *BE 8, L. LserewssrEtzt., E. btfirtn, L. LAURENS= & Same-swam to John R. Maim, ' Manufacturer of Coat Screens , Of the Latest and Most Approved Styles., The underaigned who are practical Screen Manu facturers, Illitrrms Coal Uperators and• others, that they are manufacturing a new GOAL SCREEN, pat. tinted June 21, 1864, and another Decided August 11, 1485 ; they , guarantee that the m sail will always retain' tie original size•ULU! entirely worn nut. ha Second-hind Screens and Seginehts always on nd. - We reancifullyaolicit a continuance of the patron age hare ore so liberally bestowed. L. LACII.ENtil'Elhi & • RidirCad St., rear of Esterly's Hardware Shah, Jan 1,7 P-1. Pottsville, Pa; =Os. L. AntiliON. asacts WARREN. TO COAL DEALERS, GAS CIONIFANLEI3. au. n _ '' - ' . • The udersigned loolng anceevied Focht * 'Viar: -Li to the sow wanufecture of Focht's eeletirsted Patent : . . • ,"'" /- .4 - _•• , -.. 1 s . i- • 11COOP BcCRETS, i'.• ~ ,e'.- . li-,....-•-1- -- - . 0 ,,z , g4 1 73 , - .. .;;1nAq•1'.4: ' *NY' •• ', - --- , n2.1..-5 , " . -t7 01 - . 4..•4- - - MO'S H OIS T ING BLOCKR, V...,,erZ-fr%.- - it.;,"T *C f . tiwz.i..s. - • for unlweline Coil, Qro , e. Sand. " 1, 1.47 , .. , .. W d, Ac.- Also, .tzi the riutnafacture of Male CAlt4. A, , . ..1 .r: AND ' l n . sttx-pulFure; ELONV,NO, • IRON BOX WPM:UM/MOWS, Are pre to, All all orders wipn proingnsts sag . the sole owner of th• Palest Mic i t : g ei for the flo/lDucapkag„ Hoisting, Bebop Bucket Block, we cannon all persons against 'man ullu%3=:ut or purchasing the same from any except ourselves or our agents, as we WillPreeee the. utzgoit Inuit any Infrlngeinsat an the Ifltals. Patent. , Resseetr• ully, , ADDISON 'Muurmr i llesiows i Pa. FeDrialy '6l) 'lyL Digips , a, COAL 7 . 77 1 ' :Patented April PON. ma atop noir lo me. me alma* dongto Mid raliThi opetottaii, boom Ism emotes mold., ancter. sect estomotion given. Soma Int Muotteed e ttvicewe, prim ma mitimantolo tteltai them ; aim tantalising Mice Oet tt Wood lad can t Iron -Thu hod' aimeees; and newt itil. an; aim contatulna much um wow to Gag znentainto -. . 1 ~ P. IL. Za]lftjticti.; • • allbany in ltu.ral msealai AlblUy 4 4 Sao L ' ' LT ty ,Rare: Thr00.11.1_4_911111747.0?313. ILIBIEB a ;AND: aNausia. k - .. _, I • ' ' go= ll a Latta. Locomotive Thilkleon,l. ... ; aka arra maim PaisaaszainA, Pa.. i' Would mil your . ottatition - to UMW Callboy ovut "mem lotemoMoit deeigned tar Wide or outride watic. Mita. aa7 Minkel& VW armed mad IMO. elt. erltaimmoa7 to mow alp le to SOD tow, w irregrectOmitata ha l iw r ica athratbethe spa /1 14 • twasaoss tad at tiotoOM amaze lloosiol . -ossoov ta ;mostly, tbErzsiter "kalltheir : . Moos Etylossot Looontattte ap every imanatee at that mid Marto Me slowly to tbsameatot mining distrieto, , tops ia the Mai* ima amittlV . • -- -,- • --,,, , - Tbett. atettont, 'rent , 0305=2 ; Eke s ettleame "reran f. at act.Aairatatorble :etpetieboo at annsal_ pioneserait Wog la an/ 'kW A Palk PIi4III4IIMV ssirf tbas. , • .)." • • •••••- ri ca ta risans ira inth ie fithß XD - - . et ther, obool* with •t 411 L/ - 0: "- - • . Uzi: • •••••• . 7, • • j r . ' [Entered inixrding no pp E TTSVILLE, SATIJR? "~ I .:x OIBTI ; a At - 1562. j ! by latu3Nl Voots, , &r. J. .7011218011 aOO.. mr.A3n7rAcTramme or 3, Boot% Shoes and Gaiter rpper% cis 'Ark Meath., arerm* Mhos Tbsdnairs. , . • . . I is No. 132 Market frtreet, , Philadelph ' October 30, L 939. ' • 44-0111 IMPORTANT. THE NEW 'FORX • ! BOOT & SHOE EMPORIUM '1 , I • Is now hifiall operation, and the att,.ntion of the ladies of Pottsvil is! especially inVited to the large stook now In store and arriving daily oral; the finest class of goods, suitable for indite' wear; and adapted to this marketlihaa inside *specialty of tide brawl' of [business. and gives his partletalsr at tention to securing the best line of ladies", wear ever brought to the city. Eveiy attention will be paid to etuitsupars. and a cordial !inflation l+ Ottentied to all., • ' , oaober I 'BB CRIME LEVIN. 43—ly for Sac nub go Vet.' FOR SALE.-31 new and 6 old Slope ;Wagons, 4 Dirt Dumpers, 3 new' Wagons, all heavily ironed, to iult .46-tudittrack. GI:URGE W. g:OIIiER Jan 1,'60-1- , Yuttat EVE BALE. , -A Five Ton Lecoruotlve, gultable for 4-fout guage 'cos& This 'been- used for cons veytng coal and coal dirt at the mines, and km lo good :order. Apply to GEO. W.:SNYDER; Pottsville. lan i, "70 -, ' /- wELLnio - OUSES - ran SAVE. , 3 story Brick, 5111kautongo I.4trett. ' • ' D 21 4 story " • * . 2 thrtma-story brink dwelling4,Blll streat: „,,APPIy to 11. 11.;. nusL4l.3.„ F.:state' Agent, 18 autnantocgo Street. • • Jan. 1, IV-4-tt L'OR SALE.—A - Five TOP Loanuotive, sultabla /: for 4-toot gauge road.- lima been used for convey, lng coal and coal dirt at the wines andls;ln good or der. Apply to (IEO. W. SNYDER, rottivtlle. January 1, '7O. i I - l— FOR LEASE.-The •viCualde tract of Coal ,hand known as Robb et. Winebrener Tract, late Mil ford, situated In' Blythe and Schuylkill Townships and containing about 330 acre t,-Is offered for lease upon reasonable ternia. Apply to • F. B. NAN, Agent,, Feb 'Z7; 'X.- 9- tf I'ottsville or Vort Carbon. FOR EIALE.LA two-story stonoi bouie and lot of grouial : situated jar Market street, Pottsville, the lot Ixd g . 60 feet frrait by•= feet to depth. The terms are' reasonable_ Any information given by , applying to JNO. F. SIMMONS, Pottsville; Jan 70.41-hn] or DAVID LITTLE, Manandy City. FOR SALE .- Breaker and Engine, 81<pc House and Engine, Hollers, Office, Shops, :Stack, di.e. lately oecopted by tho prtmro3o and reach Ortrd Coal Co., at - St . be sold low. Apply t 11E1'HY C. 1t1.r8§13.., l 8 51ahantongo Jan 15 ,' 70 • • ' .14,1' • FOE RENT:;-Two nets Russel•s °glee Autld lugg, coruei itteo — ind and Maliantongo Streets. Possirlt,ri April lst.. Apply to HENFIY C, It us- SEL, Real Listen: Agent, is .:11ahantongq Street.. Mar 13.4 f OR LEASE.—A Valuable Lease-on Or 31AM- Kant,, and t4.lilD.llORh. VEIN% with a Run ape wale In the Manta-lop Valley, ad. Jotraug St. Nicholas Culllery. Apply to • FIL4,:s. Ii OA itTr.R, • Heal Estate Agent, Silver Terrace, l'ottsylllo. Oct. SO, DESIRABLE- REKIDENOE FOR Tbeaubseriber offers or sale his double 2-story brick dwelling, corner of Kb and Sehnylkilt Avenue. The. grounds: attached 04 .. acres) are under hue cut rcation mud well stocked with fruit treem,ahrobbery, ke. For terms, and tUrtbor inlorrnattoti, apply to lIE_NILY C. Res,SEL, I:llintiuntolir St. • Feb 12, ' 7O ; L'OR RENT.- , ln consequence of an early retrieval .1' to oar new titore, yre otter for rent the store at present - occupied by us; for the unexpired terry of our lease„ until April, ISl'i • • . " • t„ , ts. woLTJEN & 310. Cen cl re 714., Town Hall Building, Aug. 21, 'Ea-414f Pottsville, Pa: ro . .BALE.--Tlinber. leave or lOW acres Otwood -4." land, in Lebanon :County, aLt loath Of Pineirove, along .the line,of the Lebanon andllne grove Itallroad. The timber l principally oak; Ap ply to MASAO:: WEIDWAS, Pottsville, Pa., or to W. MORRIS Union Forge P. 0, . July 31, '4O---431—a - • . . • Lebanon:CO.' Pa. FARdATParvirE ALE.—A Farm con taining Ln5 acres of gi'xxi Red ..Shale Land; situate fn Packer TownshlP, - Carbon County, Pa..; with lin provernenti, consisting of Two Dwelling Houses, Bank Barn, Wagon tined, spring House and : Wash Mime: also' , a spring of new falling, water, con venient to the house; Nialsanny 'Branch of •Lehlgh Vmlle B 4 Wroa 4 4nagile thrOught convenient to &Iwo • good mar k ets w i thin two and three miles. for particulars incluire•ef GEORGE BODY,: on the premises, or to E. F. BUDEY,'Pot Dec.ll, _ FOB BALE.—A first-eJat s White Aral Colliery in the,Maltanoy Coal ;Field, lease 13 years to tun. A Splendid Farm, SA acres, on the Susouttuanna River. - . A twenty feet lot in Second. Street, suitable for private residence. 1 • • . . . Town lots in lialianoy City. . . • „' .: To' Lease—Marlin:Loth . Sitidnuire and Ptimrose , Veins, near Mahanoy City. ../ For Reht—An ()thee in Miser Terrace, ' ' !_,' . May to SilverVl - LANK:CARTER, ' . Estate Agent, Ternuro,.Pottsvitle. Sept. 4, 136.-44.41. .; . . . . A 'RARE OPPORTUNITY TO OBTAIN A GOOD COAL LEASEr THE LOCUST DALE COAL COMPANY Offer to lease a portion of their Locust Dale Estate as fet untouched. in the Aebland Bastard the 31411 ioy Rmiati, containing the biA3t.I.IOT.H, with the rinaer lying and overlying veltia, in very nne condition, Application to' be made tile- GEO.__H. POTTS: Esu.., President. No. U 0 Eroadway,New YorkOr to ,1 Jan. I, 'B9-1- tit " a. C. er Ag6nt at Pottrivillei-Pa. . , . rOR SALE.-=A Farm of 210 acres with imProve, I.' , men ts end stock, al tante on thc Rae of the Schuyl kill and Susquehanna RoUrotul, 14 tulles from Potts ars villa. •10 acres of the land are under eultivatl . 5 acres are covered with chestnut sprouts of 16'... growth„ would make exm prof) llent tt r.' 21-riteres are covered withheavy timber,- Thehnp ve meats consist of , a - subetantlel house, a new 18 Ixt Barn, out houses, and a new sawmill with waterpow er. Stock consists of horses, cows, pain, halt, and -farming implements, The price asked can be , real ized from the timber alone. Terms easy. Apply to JOEL'S' NI,_BIIEAFER,_ 'Elderly's Butkitug, Pottsville, or to FERGCS 0 1 FARQUHAR:So. 160 Centrersireet, p.ottgewe, .. • . August:4 '63,-2-1f - TAM:TABLE • PROPWITY AT PRIVATE v liALE.—One-twentleth interest in the Arita of a.llantl, la Yew Castle Township, Schuylkill Co., tknown @z tho Pott Bain= tract,) containing abrrat CP acres. 'A tract of Z acres of QOM, and TIARA R ILosND, in Riley Township. • Valuable building lots on Itahantongo etreet. Pplendla lot on Schuylkill Avenue, 83 feet front on ' the Avenue, and )%'' feet front on Church Alley.: . One•fourth interest in the "Coil Hilt" Tract of land In Schuylkill Township, to :close the estate of the late Sirs. Sarah flail. Ay i ly to : • CrftiLlSS el 4 Real tate and Insurance Agent; No.lB Mahan tongo Jan. '7l)-14-1). Fin BALE, .; FOLLOWING MINING 'MACHINERY.. One high pressure Cornish Mall plumping ebititte. 5* inch 1y Under 7= feet stroke, boilers and all parts complete, and 2 lifts of pumps CO yds each, one IS. Inch the other 14 -inch p l ipier, each seven feet stroke. Al.Bo,—One Winding We /2-incheylinder4 feet stroke with dram-gee atg and boilers oomplete. - Al.ll ) ,—Pour sots - Breaker Neel - at:levy. • A ,-100 three-ton Slope Wagons, heat Ry ironed for 4 feet track. ALSo,—One 18 feet Fan {lnd Engine with tubular boiler complete. , ALBo,—One norizonialtPamping Engine IS-Inch . as till o dt fP 4h rell l 4 6 ' w 74: ,I 0 Drat stroke. The above machinery has been to service, t i nt is is ; good working order: GEORGE W. SNYDER, ' OLLING MILL FOR fIATAII.-'-the IN. signed offer for sale the " MOUNT CARBON_ ROLLING MILL" located at Mount Carbon, near Pottevilie, ikhullkill County, Pa. The Aim contains 4 doable p heethriribrnaces; 1 train IS.lnch ud r d lVlgr=ed Iron, 1 merchant-bar Wen train, I train plate rolls 72 inches In length by 24 incase diansoter, caul all other machinery for the manueicture of the above deacrip. non of Iron. The plate and puddling =Ws are pro. Zledby a veriest engine ofnoo horse-power; the igau by a horizontal engine' of EC horse-power, gad the remainder of the machinery, such as shaft odions=by F engines of al and /0 /mow ,yerwer leeed , / yew - L AM" t ro ll' 'ankh cover an area of acct incourelesti. are adios are the furnaces an d ma. rohinery they oontain)of recentoonstructlOn, tai It to most substantial manner and covered with slate. A' switching_from the Reading i ßallroad which Immo.' diatety WjMnsi, serves for e convenient discharge of coal, metal, de.. and for shipment. 3arcontiguous mid appurt to the dolling re IN saes of arable and woodland,' also an taloa, Iron house; 2/ good and convenient doodling houses and an excellent Part oithe laid out In town lots would meet with a readt o lili Zei A capacious reservoir near the MlTl, allied' the boilers an abundant slippy •of pure spring weir. There is also an t atone gunman the prem ises. For the successful prosecution of the mann benne of iron, Me location is inch as is , nor =am °Una tos4 quality Mined • viciniy. The Isellitiesof are iunple—sether by - and tts nunientobi onineetians. Of dr"____t_keflload Moe The lam Quantity of iron Nieto coal re ig&diuTra° an ezesilsot home manger! ete as t shablitel sump e. isr For tafthie tafbotltitl to . 7 - r Prtnoncon7k.T.: - or to CALVIN* CUltaft is* ." ,--. • 4 .its AY MORNING at. MARCH 1870., • • • - 1 .. ' • ' IY's ‘ 41 11,1. 1 X 1 , , • - 7 . 0 • • - TOVN* GENTS an Las. A NS.IL PLANA, NO. If • 1 - , • ; rerrii - itcr; PENNA-, 1 1 1 ne;irettelly extz•uancoi to LadLt (Jr Potte,,,ctll e And tilat - skie has opened a at the abase place. The following art Jelin', wtthla variety of Notloni, wilt be for sale, and skis oirtred itt:ollßATs.2 REDT:qED - BEAVER CLOTH., VELVET BEAVER,; FROSTED • Bearer, Cranehilta, Gobi-mixed and Slack Water. prof, OyesClcith,Frinses, • boa Vet% Of, Ditto qiinpi, Ste. •F ALL. OPEN/N.G 91" - _ . ' , ORESS GOODS, • . ,--"-- .. . . - SHAWLS; Titumbros, &e. sup 9 ror quo g o zr o th4,e,sBly;, B ll ,, ,i, shades. sit.E.AND -WOOL POPLINti. : :. . 1 i BUITALO ALPACAS an all nurobOr4.) PAISLEY. £III.AWES, (Sca,rlet and 11101t,.)___ Pc. •• • ,__. }RENE OMT:4:TEES. TABLE LINEN'S AND'N'APKINS. i; _ i i • I • _ .__. 4 Rplendtd.ll4te of ' • • - : 'PIM:EPP! STRIPED SHAWLS AND ARABS. ! • , ,{ ~ __., New Distrui of . , • . _' ._ A ' • EXBROIDERLD FLANNELS. ' , r • : WLT:I...P:9 SUITS tOttde to order. „ 1 . ,L i P I *IITTZTELEt R *Ml*: '1 ' • ~.„,..,.... .:.• ••• - ' ,,, f• . l. • '' .i ' .' . • Art .pptut vu.i.e.; Sept. i.„ '69 I : '' • . AttreSt a • 1 .1--itiktw I t o Lffi.NIKETS! COVE . ll..l2•lniii ClA#lo4fllanlal J.) . last Received , ; Variety. 4 , .•! • ' 'JOHN S. NOR- J • te.: SONS,. xo. 270 CENTUF..ST„ Cor. Market: Halteorali, Ladies coatitigS, . • Yelvet and Clo th , White, Colored and • ! Mirers' Flannelsshawis In variety, . Dress Goods, White doods, IndikTowels, .. French Muslins,ltarred Ceunbties, Lace Curtain Notions; . . • ! •,, Hosiery*, Handkerettlefs, 'Buck • • • . • .Glove s , Fur-Topped Lined Kids, for 1 .• Gents and Ladles, Clebrelhoi—Alapaca : te, . Oluahani, OilSltoths, de,4!fec. In addition:to the already' full stock Of Dry . Goods, :Notions, drocertis, Qtieeirware, feed! and: Frovi- Mons, JOILV atositzs: SONS, • j 1' Na, 270 al2Men Etingkr, Corner err. //, 'O9-477-7-w •'; Sept. 20. '6O-11-7-tfo' aXiGrE BOLAND;I22 OENTKD BT., LTA,. Br..tow AmtnrcAle opened a new Atoek B of O Fall 14 Whator Good* Imitable for the present coasota, such an DEAVER .00171 VELVETEENB 6 WATERPIIOOF. muila am, TuDinu.NOS, N_ VON% &e... I. thui on !and anew lot Of • . :I . • FALL AND WINTER 'COATS; • Ladles Cloaks made to order. IstSgrPatOrns Misiyed. • MINEITEIt, ONALIPANT & COL , . Hoelery, Notions, • white GoW 2 s Embroideries I " Gents FortdOing:"242 , ds,:_& ‘ O 604 mAidcwr mtrxr. PIiI Jan 35, 'TV 5."7-14tirf. !Mitre to cillattoltlpn to their ex - lbw/lye Walt at , FALL Am? IXT4TERI DRY GOODS' 04Pststtils o[ .•• the Latest . ty/es of the r T Fomeigii po*iiestic Market lago.' virga =IC comicTion Ainicioramtp, ' :'l4ocs AND ExtiOmealEs. - - :. • _ivi,uvr:VICOODS DpitliaTiCll,' :11:112114: ' ,2; ..f f ---. .. 14 0ACKRIZEk .1 4 ------ VIPCOnt i . - W Ait YkT 444 -: - • - l i z ard irlth it,te atom Andectivrelauli - . ja*kitortids INA*. :AIN rats easitat WWI /Pt litS#loll - 111Wi1r*S i 4 krnittillgel li .f • •Vi lott eol•o o o PC#l lo i ir% -flf-' r eve- _AitiVt:SV.T.4.-,..1* ~.. ~ , , , :::,1 ..:,, ,- - .• tzi..1 1 ,-1.2ti7. 4 ; , ...: ,!1t 1::-.4,te,:i-z. 1 1. 5tac`,1.,.:....,-a-v.: ~,,.•••,, ,,t :I. i r k .., • ~, -_,:: v ,r ;:-t, ) insi_lti..rt 1.74... t :":4-t a , ' ", Ati. ° --.•. '(''; ' te ' . ..-, . ',- .:;,::. i ' . ,_:, ,, t7' it , 41•11. fllattgr:r . 44C Zi) - *-4 1 1.44 , ~ ,,,'lt: n 7,::: f.; -.7.i-,r ~, - - 1 ,,, i 1..; • 1-_- LZA 9-, r 'ling, PT!st eiviSPc,` kad e y Radieotiqng LI Nl= AS '': ' • : - Mont 1 Oil - ' sax MnMI) RZAIMMADE c;cotsara til 1 f ritEIGHT of theLE kiiEGANT. • 'pUP,EFtI3I..Y rll9,sFito. READY TO PUT RIGHT ON. The Of:Jed of the Ottednut adds olualrdt 11sionent dto fidditi a eland Randy-olio Clotidig indict to scything Mailbag' lieratofOrs Mtn dread to the piddle. Only OA finer !adios are dad, and . the beat trimmings, and tiele - are eat by l i b. most L eland end artbsidontted, and made up In alaborad and Laidig sips': 1 inn. stock of sack ail, Wolk Peer In 'tors. and Gelng sttd at csk t rim; ?Estoill)eeattfißc4 Vozaptcted tlai) etiaLllabscheat, itroudii rare litrtfaftti 41111a9; : ; . 'ghat tt m aktusi • No. Door work h don, in any Ifinehaat Tanothis Maw la ine L lasui ?co better styles, Ito richeivxds: . po Mare tlillDWlled cueing, an more panat Dbt CLII nnyarlan obtalaeil. • • leautifui earl Serviceatili; Gorinteuts. IN Li110"7BT • la flipat)asa—^tmtst et 'GENT'S . 11YRN,ISHIE6. 4306D8, EMZEI l c P 1 11%1;1 l' - 11EN T .....4 • z.,,,-- ,J , , lA,,' '41413, , i . , 0 818 k 820 CRESTITtrt - STltiEt 't 1 in4,u)a.LrmA. joH)*k4AC4TI • . . ErlClac Nor- our.yettln of Salf-mearareco•bk • tleatett Si • & ranee can ”rder • Ith ccrtatnty fin; • good EL Rulesfoi Self-mruituusta anld •ke nut by mei Ithcit tv:lveated. ' obcr.ld, VD' ' . STOKE • :TUE ABOVE WILL ALL BE SOLD AT. COST Ladles' and Mixes Cloak's Tri atzwiler.. • New Patterns Just reeeir.l. I 02419.1,61-35 • ImpOVNws*of VyfitTim :it Goops FOX., & BROTHER? • . . • z. 11170 Mir= 61r/L'ET,:rori" ,01.40V139 OF :ALL MUNI I• CLOA SI 44e-4 4 ice 4 BtWF:: • L+l - or }ALL stINDs. NE N • t -• "" " t irefliiiClaligitit lol % . *Oiar . _eitea r I 7 =I Ueda/A Ma 313.113 Lie JOCIISAL. LEQEN I OF THE GOLDEN"- ; CROWN: . A ioNr. •ra On rude flitoti 'lt:oath IltatLi's ay sounding 'sea, Gloomily.. -nits the - King. grey bean! - Long anti wierd. With bla hair Rlaneh'd by woo White iks snow Streamann air. On each hand. By , command. Courtiers stand fits crown' • Cluisteand gran , In.hts band tie holds. And Prom glea It s ms treams; • • A light So bright' Scarce the sight Can endure. "Tbia." he cries, •W title lie sigh% "With sink-eyed . • Male tdi • As I live^ . - Will sire t ento ltinfi • Strong or limb, Who breves • Von- wares' And returns • - ltto me l'" •• tho stru m I , • 31h1 the Soam; , Falls the crown • Elves of waves , • From their cave.. Draw . it d,own:7l Fair as Day, Sweet as Queen armed, Pale as death. Wooing brOatb, 'Naito tho trittlll Tremblingly. VolceleisfE,, • i• Like an To itself, With moist eye. iThus she sighs: 'N.) that he, . • Through love of Would bnlve the ! - - Suitors grand, ' Remind het stand: • All dedni And aaplre - To her hand. Far and n - l4te , Up the !snore With neree•roar entwls the tide.' In thunder.; Asunder, ; Burst the waves Ai they dash,- • • 'Crash, satid splis With rude shocks On the rocks. • Round and round Depthprofinuid, With dread sound, !furls and whirls Fiallsand swirls, In whitu turis 4 Angrily, ,`- The tortiired sea. Feartn -;; • On the send, stators stank". .Tlie wild fiend, Cools their b. 1 . 04-.. ' Expires 4 . . : ,Lore's . ; • /3earttr prowl, Front the eriow:l, Steps MAIN Knight, thAtliglio Fratight 1.41,1 p, 31alvlbeholdg:. Princely re rdr, Fohead tar, Pure as truth, •litands the yvutll--,, Love-lit aped, • Like theskies, , .1 Loud acclaim • • Greets ht name 'Ferithe maid .Stay'Sby blade . Kneeletli he '• -Tremblingly, -.,HanataMMo, PROFESSOR NEW A.Ni) - Tl 4. • . , ONE of the iii 9 t remarkable and, perhaps, one of the niOSt prolific di sooveries of mod• . ern seitwee, say* the PALL MALL GAzerrE was anneuncea'snd doreribeti by Prof. Tyn dall lu a lecture delivered at the Royallnstitu- Oen on Friday night , January 21. The' sub ject of. the lecture , which was illustrated by a series of very beautiful experiments or de' monstrations, wee the very familiar •one of "Dust and Disease," and its object was to show the'probability of an intimate connec tion between atMosphe c dust and epidemic dis'eases. • Everybody knows that wherieVer a direct ray of sunshine crosses- a shaded room its direction is made manifest bye line of. apparent vapor. Looking ,at this vapor, it is seenr to consist of innumerable particles of dim which float In the atmosphere and, catching :and reflecting the sunshine,; are rendered ;visible': : In the courso,7of Some beautiful expert-. itaellq on , the .decomposition of vapors by light,' pr. Tyndall found it to •be essential that he s hould get rid of this floating' dust. Be strained the air through a tube tilled With bits of glare wetted with concentrated sulphu ric acid, and thrnugh another tube filled with bits of marble wetted with caustic potash ; he even made it bubble through the-liquid acid and the potashsniution_ L but still the dust i par ticles remained in it. He tried various other ways of straining out this dust, but none of them succeeded. ; 1 At length he, passed the air on its way to ' the tube over the flame of a spirit lamp, and at once every particle of the dust disappeared, Itwas, therefore, organic 'matter,.and the (tune had burned it. MI • Passing the, afr a little - more quickly over the flame; a fine I blue cloud appeared in the tilbe—the smoke of the dust particles. ;The organic and corn 3ustible nature of these par tieles was a discovery, for they had'hitherto been taken to be• inorganic and ineemitiusti ble. Air; was it en, passed through a 'tube which contained a roll of platinum gauze, and it was found that when the platinum was cold, the dust particles all passed through with the air, bl i t i hat when it was made red hot, the dust: _pa p arti cles were ell consumed. In this case , too, wh en the air was forced quicklyy. through, a fine blue cloud of smokeappeared, lust as in the experiment with the, a_pirit amp. An attempt was then made, to barn the dust particleSloy the concentrated rays of a convergent mirror, but it failed ; the parti cles-flitttsi too quickly through the focus of the burning ray, to be consumed by it. j The next experiment was to put the flame of a spirit lamp in the ray of light which was revealing the floating dust. . At once the Same was - seen to be surrounded by wreaths of darkness', resembling intensely blacksmoke. Qn lowering the flame • be-. neath'thei beam of light the same dark Mass es were seen ',wreathing upwards, "They were at Mimes,", Said Br. Tyndall," blacker than the bier-loot smoke that I have 'ever seenboning from the funnel of a steamer, and their - resemblance to smoke was so; per . feet as to lead the mos t a practised observer to conclude that the a tly -pure time of •th alcohol req t a beam of infilelent in natty to reveal its clouds of liberated bon." But when, a. red-hot - poker', was p d under the brain the same rack m i ce wreaths came Hating ,through. A h dro.. , sen flame was ext put under it,-an the whirling masses of darkness wreathed The blackness ‘ more , -than ever. , IThe hlackness was 1 ; the cot nothing- ] bit I pkoa air from which" 441 dust ' particles I had been burned out, Ind. which, consequently, contained nothing to catch thelight and re flect it to the eye as the dust part/elm AO. Here, however; a &Moult) , came in. i The same 'lree - by 11 copp e r' ball not hot enough bunt the dust, and by a red flaskillled with ot - toter. In this-mem ft 'WM fotmd - that shine rarefied Irtth the ':warmth, ,and es,* dust particles Were not bested to the lame: extent - It: *tipped' them and hosted . upwards : without, theta. 'Other pei- even. contrite:l coal.gas earefully. pre .° as to excludethe dust particles, have Mime black Appearance when they , grow a. - . M which the , ibst-laden_ air, renders end' it, coat pea hydrogen be let et:tiizie part &sem shade 'old* has been Ist - a tambetznof the ray of .the light. the Itnelettraen the dost-liden air sal - the' monleted ' vitable—ufhere the air Is,,thaaltade will•est*, of dui Ulna nenateda=lt mime:the .1a it, will 1 apnear .. elegtir. .i. , alr.of our 'andon loom . Niel trith , organic dtafti'; nor is ;the. itotmtr3t. ftlr: Sloan Its pollutkin.i. -- It only mods* suaidertilt pow- erica Usti to snake the alr appessese iienolt ..411001 thaarnipill." - ,', • ' ' - -1 -. WWI, *add litznehrst Instance,wl_thout i roleufsoulo• ebuft th iluout4 44'01 - fi'.. ,, =Oa ft 41044114 beam. and inhale dirt rilfreal 9lEoo adtkete. - Yet , Ire ere.hol*lfut it everrmtnnentould the wonder ' hi that 40 email a pottket airtbintlit be injuitota fi i 'to .., Inuit tii• ,thik' tat. frreltittelsi' dtfst whlek fa Injortootto M l ♦? ' c li Vr a4 w; tt Al iiii, 1 ode. behoved A* etir,' w dolpfu. lo M ~: ',7; rogaziat idth lomensen la g*, ..11t#Otiriff*Akti414 ' ;Irt s ~ ,1 0 41 A -1 6# 1 ,0 , .. ._< l6l 4t#, Irt i . Il .. , '-'''' '''' :','= , ' ' :: - ..7. 7 , ' .!•.: -:_ , ' -Jr' "; : ~' ; r EMM - • . . .. ..•.. .-.; ...: „ _-. :i .. . :.' - 1 . - ' . . - ..... -- -- .. -.- ' . ': -:- -; -r . t . , . . 1 . . ' . . . • . . , . . . . . ... . • . . .. . . . . , .. - • • •• . , . ... .. . - . - . . .• .. . . . , ••. .• - .• - .- • - . . ' . .. .... .. _ . . .. .. ' •. - . ... _ _ • • .... , . s d, , • , , . . . .. „ . ' - • . • 1 . . , . . , . _ . • '..;!, ... , . . . . . . ' - • •• ' .• , . . . ' .ni - iala • ' -'. •- - . : ' .. . . " . . . .. , . • r': ' . . ' ' • • ... • - . , - • .. -. - - . . .. . . ..... .. • - . • • . . . II .1. T. it: Mind. num brand. Klamath he.. • • - tag. "NVlOiout thee,' WblApers •WbAt Is life • • Unto me r. Prom Love's foittit Abrams mount To het eyes-- • mbe slgb* !. la eestaoty (lank he. silent+ reigns. Wer_the plains. Front Ivied watt The raveni Rrvallpledut •ll ! in the. apniy,l ju the team, • Dolphins play, .t)spreys scream LICe awl Death .11ohl their breath As In se:: From rock tolx 4 r Plunges he— • Way . ei4 4eroar.— Suspuns. Iluzzal. . Arni u preii • • • in behold • The (Town - of 201.1 ; at.pears. to the sw)rl. Of tl w htrl, Mkt Ite throes 'Round. he goes. Hope. nut Ft;er Hover :war. The dark-brow'd Fates With Huta Wait* At her gatec - Crooning dirges Sub the surges. On hor stkeps' , tts Lore and weeps: Pity sigh*—• .Envy dteil Through the air. - Speed* prey'r.. Throned 'inoilgst spheres Odin hears. S. . Like a star Iri moonlight, 'From Ids car • • In foil night, swoop a his - bird On the Knight As, mantully, tStrugglea,he.. - Talon's 'elasp, With hand grasp. 1 Through Fade's scream parts Safety i beam: ' ..ckva.ns roar ' . Flees tho shore. Rave the waves,. As they wander, rii!)-3triakarlienjivteah.under; •On the strp.nd Faint inal white, Crown in bawl Statute the Kul ght. • Winged with, flro„ nigher, higher, SAliirS the b!rd To the same • Whence It came. As It des From'the skies Comes a yoke .. sweet rejoice "Don't desp a i r!— While you've breat h Laugh at Death!, - For the brave, Are the fair I For the brave, itingdorus are! Odin's ears Ever hears. • F:ver answer!' prayei• TYNDALX' OS M4ZE Drsr. H BESTING Exrearims7.-.7§ ___ ISE '.; SINGLE - COPIES S C I CENTS. a tOten I tito the,,b(idy thro+ggli the Juno* the ekin:lthad the powerolopresuling in Ma similar decay—yeaat was a case in point:-4 :Why should not abit:of •inalarious matter, Operate in the bodrai a little leaven leaven ing the whole lump? But in• 1836 tSagniard. de la Tour diseotered the yeast-plant. which vihen'-phicied Ina pamper medium growieruid 14:treads, and4irixhices what -.w.e call fermen tation; In the next: year SchWarin, of Ber diacovered•theplarit Independently. He a red . when that a decoetion of meat is etrectu, exclu.ded - from..Onimon air, and el:Ed d ied tiolely.. With . air which ISir been to a. high _ temperature, it ne*st purl ties. • Putrefaction therefore,. he • said; came from the air; tind•eOuld be destroyedby a sufficiently high- temperature.. Ilelniholtz and Cr° repeated .and eonArmed:Ms eiperi uie Edit ; • but the - high. authority : of Gav-Lus-;• sae, 'who ascribed putrefactionfo. oxygen, drove chemists lock: onthe Ohltnotion. That was finally exploed bjPasteur, who proved that the true finlnenta,are• organized beings, • who And In _what we icall • fortnents . . . . their necessary food. .* - • . gide by side with thew- dlscoverit grew. - up the germ'thoirr of epidemic diseuae.— express4id and Linnants fa= cured it,•, that 'epidemic:dimes:sea are . tine to • gei•ms which, floating hi the atmospher,e, en ter Ow- body. and prodube ilitieaso by the development of , •pardsitic fife. , Sir hienry iloiland has favored this-theory which 40 7 rives its strength front the perfeetlittiplielisnr .bet Ween the. phenomena •of contagious .dis ease and-those of life. -As, an acorn planted in the soil gi(7eS birth: to-an - oak which 44)th duces a whole crop of acorns, each of which has powt.4 to, reprtxhice Its parent tiee, , and thus froor a single seed a whole forest may sprit*; So agerm•of ilisease'planted in a lin .inan. 'grows and." Shakes • abroad new germs meet i lig in other human be dies with-their. proper :fetid and. temperature, finally take possession -of whole-populations. Tints Asiatic eholt-m_ hvginning in a small way in the delta of t he Llongos, spread: itself in seventeen yeats',' over:nearly the whole' habitable world. • . .• • " • . •An ittilnitesitnal speck of Small:pox, virus will develop a crop of TU....tales; each ed .charg with the original pitisoti.: The reappearance of this scourge, as lat the iAse Of' the Dread nought at. Oreenwich, - .ably -reported' on by Dr. Budd and Mr. Bask, is - oxplained by the theitry w h ielinscribed it lathe lingering of germs about the infected . Surgeons have long known the:. danger _of admitting air to an OptilC.l alms s, and absees4es are • always opened by au instrumentwhic.h care fully 'excludes. the air tram contact the would: The instrument •shituld, of course, be scrupulously ;clean; bnt it can. he made perfectly clean in an atmosphere ordust onlrbeing made as lot asits . temper will ,bear. This is net 'done, and therefore in tlam mationoften sets in after the thin. operation; rapid trefaction accompanies it, : anti the pus, which at first showed uo,trages .of ani mal life, is now • foulul to. be: "foil of active, little organisuts' called • vitirais. 'Professor Lister, from whose letter this fact Is derived, contends that this 'esti:unting development of animal life" is due tothe entry of germs into the ab.vesit during. the first operation, and their subsequent development by favor: able circumstances., :Hay tot. , er is wieldier case in paint. • • • . The' celaihnited. "physiologist Helmholti suffers from the .oth•of :May till the end of `June from a'eatarrh- of the 'tipper, air-pas sages, and 'he , has ' found that during this period, and at no other,. bis'.nastil.seeretions are peopled by These vlbrioti." They :nestle. In the rarities (tribe - , tiOso, !and a sneeze is necessary to dislOge them. ',These are un comfortable statements, but if the germ-the ory if fotind to be trite r -it will• give definite-4 to our efforts to stamp out...disease; and !Lis only • Ity• seine definite, efferts under its : guidance. that its • truth or falsehood can be , established:'. - Itenee Tyndall 'says he'• readS with • syniputhrituch Wien as those; of Dr. Budd, of "Bristol,. on cholera, scarlet fever and stattli-pbx. Dr. Budd's imagina tion anay oceasionally•Aeinpt • lihn to a flight beyond: his facts, but without - this dynamic heat of heatt the solid 'inertia of the Briton can never be overebtuo." Ati long as heat•can warm the truth without singeing_ It much, as long as enthusiasm can overuaatelt its Miataites by'unequivoeal.eittnages of Kle mm,. ("so kmgo!' said :Dt.• Tyndall,. "1' tun disposed to give it a fair field to work In,' and to wish it God-speed."" -. • • • coNctrazoNs Returning • to . .the dust, Dr. Tyndall drew certain practical conclusions from the 'survey of these two classes of facts; The dust can-. not be blown away byfordinary bellowi, since the air they send out; is equally full •of the particles. 'Rut .fill; the .nozzle-with. cotton. wool, not too tightlypiressed ; and the air is filtered, and being then blown across the beam of' light, forms a clean. band' of dark ness, like thct air from thespirit-lamp, or from the heated platinunr*lre. This was ,thefilter Schrbeder usedin his experiments on spontaneous generation ;.it was also turned toeeeount in the excellentresearches of Pas-. teure , Bince 1848 Professor Tyndall c has con stantly employed it. himself.' - The most Intereitingof all Ilfustrations of this filtering. proceis Is furnished by the hu man breath. Fill 'the lungs with ordinary air and breathe through a --warm tube-- warmed to prevent the condensation of the watery partioles—across the beam of light which ih revealing the, dust-particles. In "the air. The particles move with the moving air, Intt the current from the lungs shovis at first as many particles as thoordinary atmos phere.. Gradually, . however,,; the . particles clear away from the course of-the breath; and by the time You have completed - your expirattortethe expired air euts a sharp black line throughthe moh3s in the sunbeam. The air has left its dirt' hi the lungs, and the last portions of the expired breath are free from foaling dust. Rut empty the lungs as far as possible, and' then , 'a deep breath through &hand fut,Of cotton word, and b n ex ' piring this air in the_ same way it cuts a black. line In the sunbeam at once. Place the tube below the beam and blow:upwards. and' the-air rises through the dancing particles like black smoke, just-qt:s it did from the heated surfaces on which the dust waslitarned. The cotton-wool has , cotnpletely intereepted the floating matter.on its way to the lungs, and, as no dust Was inhaled, none le exhaled. Sere, then is _the • Philosephy of &win stinctiVe habit tit Tizedical• mem In a con tagious atmosphere ; the Physician puts his handkerchief to:rhis mouth, 'and inhales throu& it ;to doing he k.eepei back ;the' floatinggerms. 'lf the poison were a gas, it could not be thus intercepW„ Dr. Bence Jones repeated Dr. -TyndaiN experiment ,with a silk handkerchief, with a similar but less marked reault: 'Cotton wool isi in fact, the best. and surest': filter, and' a physician who wants to hold back from the lungs of his patient, or frottildwownqunge thegerms by'which contagious - disease is - said to, be propagated, will 'snippy a cotton-wool me "dater. "After therevelations of this even- Mg," concluded' Dr. Tyndall; such respira tors must, I-think, come into general! use as a defence againet contagion:. In the crowded "dwellings of the London poorovherethe is olation of the sick Ls difficult, if not impossi ble, the noxious adreronnd the'patient - may by this Simple means be restored, to practical cu re r s ik e Thus filtered, atteltdant4 may the air untanned.- In all ptebabilP ty the protection, of. the 'lungs wfil be: the protection of the entire' systeta. For it is exceedingly probable that the germs , ,which lodge in the 10- „ and whichiet their leisure, _ can work elr, way saves, the mucous membrane, ere those _which sow In the body -epidemic (Mew. If thlebe tioi' then disease can - certainly borwirdedi off by filters of "cotton wool.- I should be most - ing to test theireMcacy in my ownperson„... andtime will decide ' whether in lung dis eases also the Woollen resp ,fratmainiabt abate irritation, if not arreat deay $ y ittimea - o far as the Mutter° 'Concerned,. the air or the highest Alps' may,: be brought into 'the chamber of the *wind:A 1 .f/-1 • ' zorrotrs - Parrucaz Mtn it Womus-Axmics I To Tim Wiirs AND Wirwm. Ty Goo. Tr: !Cullen A.U. 2. D.. 'number of the Iltantlehitits Mean' Society. Tuts Tworassw. This is s Book, triad' ire Ma COsdideratly "win. mend to car.(eipale millers. tritium; *Mr tswitainsi.• It is written in a cinsta, sod Punt sine, which way WWII= Mt nsdpotb With Woman Lid Vest Pratt to beeseiL Ia bat Ms „lasi sub • book tint oiled tot* plseedin evisywounu hand ardor untibis her to discharge her dzi tallbtoily ass motber, sad wilt bof Untold beats-to sri who AIM arrived it *ewe! suiturity. The book beta thireamunimintion . of WOO umber of es peed 161 . 11414 Qui land; Ulm& Ikon sre Smiunt'dell7- ,inen sad oboielsos,suelppireiry Ward "wt. Olorge Citnke, .r.k,..p,:c.'v4 t arr. o a prouszosmUev. Rorke ihniiirell,DosWs Buswiest.ll: W. Sunlit:4Se N. zaitman, out imagibact,outties, 0 34breb4,-Wants ofTau tookuaissbioluktuivilormeftratu - - , - rbook obtelpia front MAI 11. Suomi who fe stunt lettlinti SetOrkin Ofliatr. * 44 law Idu ea nos *A ug lay # 11 e!. - ' ,tiara Vow, v eers thuatai li mg, es Wit; • AND ormis Pew 'ski; whop ein PliPPlWitiltiA be pabUsitsrUks low ens by T: B. PetersnikA Biat4esight*WAlL— nth• /ilia:4o4ol /Vie Itsi straskr 11.014 flag elitterthltra4 *ld air Tobin* grota.mastiosi,stat bi aim .sot n Irabilmtadma As cis *glum. afkAill Snag_ 4 14 4V i lerfiri . :10 41111 /rid.* • • ; . • - . - . SEM Mal linffi NM MEI cm EXTRAORDEVARrINDIAAr CV& TOMS._ • . _ . T- .' the . threat - to etarve upon the donistelef . fraudulent debtor who :villa:midi payment le sicenetithes. - the most effectual . remedy the creditor can employ" for .recovere - lug his moneys . -The.recusant fester that.the .', deata will be taid at - his doer; in 'every lease - -- lit the phneste:find Will hthelobentoned' Aar, by At terrible expiration. in thialiorldand thp nest If he takes too long ink . at this salutary conviction his - a ono - are • ealelented by the uncomfortable apectade. et :: the, creditor cutting himself about the - aims: : and treast, with certain recognized Alienate ties, in order that "the threshold mug, be da -- . flied with' blood." It is, of Courseonly is the native states thatthlestrange pritee is - now tolerated, for, to sag nothing'of lee bar- • barons character, it can obviously be worked with great facility aSIL means of Worth*. Net long ago a very singular *Won was brought, before an En lash court of law ha ' order to restrain a credltor from attempting thus to kill himself out of spliel - But' under native rule the practice lifpOt onlY recognized, but. is even reduced to a • regular system , by . • which:the suffering is allowedtebe ViCiIiOUIL ): As - In China, there are Men who "imake4 -'. livieer" by dying, In -lieu of their neighbors. The Bleat or liindoo bard makes it part of hie i. business tog° personal security felt a debt mal. • thy -- 'Understanding that if it is net,Paid be • kills either himself or a member of his_ hose ily,,in,Order to Punish - the defeulter, Th is punishment, however, is .so .dreaded ' Wit it - rarely - or never has to be:exacted, and ere the.: profession of vicarious suicide is found ortthe whOle a paying one. The orthodox /Undo*, on a: pilgrimage to the.h - oly city of bemires, is-naturally a faeorite Subject 'for 'eXtortlon. e • Bound on so soleinn.atr oceasionfe; be cape., daily pure, ho is-fastened uptin by Lite Ghee.' • eve's; or "bankeuen," a class of ragainufllns who swarm about the ftered elanges s and is - forced to place himself under their guideuxtee ' and etotection, for, which-he is of course et- ' peeted to. pay exorlaitan4y. :• If -he delnuri, or-ventures in any way tei assert hie lndepen- denee_es a free and well-to-do eltiren, of his. sele*leci guides,, they at onto "threaten to ' stab themselves in heepreeence, and - rather. , than be responsible fot shedding, the blood -- „ of the Brelimin Olieeteeie he is fain to give'- In on any condition's." Sometimes the same. religious.superstition which is at the bottom .. of this Oriente' horror Of causing death pro-. du eee 'ere:Jetty,: oppoeite results, and makei - i bl cedsheild,inga neeeseruy part of the routine - of life. With thc; Thugs--until British -law ~ proveel-too much for theme and ibroed them. to change their habits—murder was a regular - profession and pious duty.. Bettee, altio abol ished by the British Ooverement, was some-. times suicide, sometimes Inurdere - -more coat- men ly the former; since the widow kneee.that .- if she refused tube biirift with her deatiord, she would probably forfeit allthat made life - worth having, while she- wie:taught' to 'be-. . lieve that bycohsenting she would Atone- fbr all her sins and secure;- eternal'. happiness.., There is a story told in this. book of how an ingenioue - Indien 'diplomatist got rid of a troublesome fearale . foe by a device worthy of' Talleyratid. lifer hesbendlemijust died, but as she wasn Mahrafttrit was a nice question . whether she was or was - not bound to .burri -herself With him, nor was thequestion likely . • to be opened- by those :immediately around - her. The diplomatist, however setded It by ". publicly sending her a most pOltr i l j ksareas- : tie expression of hope:that she w on no , account think of saerificing herself. he in- .dignant heroine considering that tole burnt • • . was a' trifle eompared with being sneered at,' . went straightway tiethe funeral pyre as gal- _tautly as Ttiackeray's countess, who, to give .her starving: garrison.- at least one meal, - , jumped into the kitchen- boiler and was; ''. 'stewed down in her flannel bed-gown!!--e Though Thuggism hai been put - down, there • Is In the northeast of India a'robber. tribee.e: -, the hookers—who have apraetice beating; an unpletucint resemblanee to it. Th i l am in some _respe cts, not bad fellows, eve , that • -their " habit s' are extremely, dirty„ 'being brave, "frank, and outspoken", remarkable, too, fur "softness of voice' , • and "sweetness or. :. Lang-uage." But they have one unlucky pro pensity, whieh, in the eyes of every traveler, must - more than, outweigh all their good quid- Wee.: Whenever-a chieftain - dies his Wow.: -ere have to contribute each a.eertainqUots human heads to do. honor to the - funeral, an d - . hence no tniveler.with a head on his alieul- , dens is safe anpvhere in their vicinity. The bear . bear him. no T ile t Will,k. and- have no sardUl deajgria upon his pueSe • or baggage ,-but his I - r -head'at any •oost, they must have, as -a mate" ter of- conseieneeelind,there Is no - fatigue or - danger which supported by a s fennel' • • piety, they.will not ululate In order . Mean '. it.' Among anotherhill- tribe e , -the It wake . —piety appearsina stillstringerfo , They troll . eat tiler aged parents, net in .any sPerttlet gluttony or morbid epicureanism, butL"as a religious duty. -At least, so' Aye scandal, h ut- • it is only Jain, to the ICorewaha tra - -mention that they indignantly repudiate the charge, though whether on grew)** of mfig. - _piety ti . r. of good taste we are not initonsb . ' - , , 1• _- - ' 1 ' ~ • . . - - SO,EN S IN CHINESE ANTS IN SAN FRANCISCO. . .. T ag new Chinese restaurant, at anicor- , ner. of Washington alley and sikekson,o , street, is situated in the second story,'axid if - divided into three large rooms, .with stbail apartments in the rear: The parlor.or front room is decorated with tinsel and gaudy Chi nese - Inscriptions. In the centre of the . apartment our reporter - saw a large circular - table of rusty hue and.closely resembling a mill-stone, In the middle of this elikir, . where - one would'alusost expect to see an iron pivot, was ti -- quart bowl—such 'as may be seen in any New 'England kitchen—heaped . to, a pleasing rotundity with some mysterious Chinese compound, from which arose a -grateful aroma. The contents of slily bowl limped a cross between hash and-soup, and seemed to be composed of fish, fowland me- _ tables, Anoisteilect with gravy of the color and consistency of dish-water,,vileated , around the table were nine well-dressed, red-- . spectable-looking Chinanien, and seven ter males. 'We mention the males first, because that was the order- hi' which they seated , themselves to the repast: . . , The women were dressed to the height of Celestial fashion, wearing rich silk goerns, ' Valuable gold.bracelets; diamond . inge and • the daintiest shoes imaginable. The • tradi tional ponderous hair pin with bead and gold decorations, was worn by all. Scarcely had the 'chairs received their burdens when the boivl—the centre of attraction—was trans formed into a miniature fishing pond. each . Chinaman 'seized his, silver-hinged' chop sticks and. made a demonstration on, the ' bowl, now picking up a choice morsel, "and then losing it through the- dexterityof a 'txtisehlevous fellow on the opposite side 'of the table. In partaking of: the rooks Mite gallantny was noticeable ;:the lint loid on the, chop-stick 3 ;was consigned to the females, and they man aged to.take care of it. -Two ' , tea urns were placed on the table, and from time to time the males filled their littlee w : L a cups, and drank theniselveS or hel women. An'intelligent looking Ch - gave a toast Ilrt English-41y Father in chtealr-4nll all drained their cups of that ; . which cheers, iniir doee not inebriate, - • - - The second rebus is the kitchen and alerlrls `7 . office, and here - the white aproned waiters ,• May be seen preparing veget ables and emits The place will conspire hem- ably with American restaurants in *lenity as regards. cleanliness, but the mixtures lying' - around arc fearful to behold, % actually. making one's flesh crawl. _ - . • .1: The dining-room comestasc - anfil=anis ' nothing new or -Aran t The - ' aro • scattered-around, - of taste or ton- . veuleuce, and the patrons ditto. When a person seats himself at a table, he gives hie • order to.a waiter, who 'passes -ft along to s - ,ok" pardon • and so the order travel* &bee_ i• Abe cotablAornt and finally reaches tils - cooking department on the first - door. . For 1 ' Ivario4reasons, the writer declined •I#l4 l lt ithe last named place% 1 While viewing the premiste, the' writer Was approached by a Chinaman, and arked his business. Upon finding he Was oddment/4 a newspaper man, be*atended him an inet tation to visit his restaurant, on theoppo-,•, site vide of the street, above Dupont., '- availed himself of the offer, and was. repaid for his trouble by the curious . i n 'witnessed. - The restaurant alluded to _.. • three store s high, and fitted op Ins style.. The first floor is occupied:toy the emit:sand clerk, the second iiAlvided lute • pri _vate rooms - for familypatties, and the third" is the,parlor. ' The latter toren , bilk* tined seen among Chinese , habitatiew„lt .• is el I•!w,atlyclecoratedi furnished . w r emay diry divan.% ancilas,suspen , . ~;..7 4sis walla , ...bretstuandgisisii ••• '7 , • At the etidof tlietittal - • . 'll- coves, Andlitere m`yree* ' • ;'• 1. 1 4 1 r 'ease - iaitiematirepasithmit . ng_entsiespinglast, ta .r . tastes. , .Ach acted mare *Saki vat I* -titforiiig with tie neighbot- , ' Now sail — then - the Ochs** donsi ,sdngrifidyspeptielOok ing ilddieri 4- a - wicked old- bag, -- 'lid beats. -tattoo :on a awes - - arrangetnent shaped like , *barnacle, an - da female perforateson'ag r ; ~ dlaiTiolin, would discourse selections Chinese operas? but •they saw inscad.d.ea lntthe .countenances of ; *tors, fish thoughtsperiasl c lugMl oksPu-d• — " , .: • ; o f -_ _ ME =MUSE MEE II C2= l .=l : L:.::‘:'.. '.: -:. . •,.. , :i i.:..,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers