CONSTIPATION. COLDS. HEADACHES. REGULATE YOUR BOWELS! !0 CENTS Furred tongue, Bad Colds, Indices- 's tion. Sallow" Skin and Miserable Head- ' aches come from a torpid liver and eon- J stipated bowels. which cause your stom ach to become tilled witfc undigested i food. which sours and ferments like < garbage in a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery—indices i tion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow i CANDY CATHARTIC^ IO CENT BOXES-ANY DRU6 STORC NEWS OF STEELTON FIREMEN TO BE HONORED BY SEMI-HOLIDAY IN TOWN Public Schools to Be Closed All Day Thursday—Prominent Stores Will Close at Noon—Arrangements An nounced by Several Fire Companies if tiie weather proves auspicious Steelton will send thousands of its resi dents to Harrisburg to morrow after - uoon to wiuiess ;ae great firemen's j-a rade. In honor of the visiting firemen the borough schools will be closed ail day and ah the prominent stores will be ciosed at noon. Several of the Local fire companies nave announced the following arrange ments for Thursday preparatory to go ing to Harrisburg to take jart in tiie parade: Hygienic Hose Companv: All mem irs are requested to mee: in the hose bouse at 12 o'clock. (noun» in full uniform where a special car will con vev ti»e fifty-five men who w-iii parade. Paxtang Hook and Ladder Company: The Humane V re Company, of Royers ford. will t»e guests of the "Hookies'" to-morrow morning. P T ior to going to Harrisburg the guests and visitors, headed by the Bainbridge band, will make a s:reet parade from the Pax tang house. Nor;:i Krout street, to the Baldw in h se house. South Front street. The three companies w>!l then hold a s.'.ort street parade prior to leaving for Harrisburg. < itiieus' Fire Company: All mem bers are arged to meet at the house. Pront and Pine streets, in fu 1 uniform a; 10.JO o'clock, from which place a s:>e ai car w-1! take them to Harris- E>urg at 11 o'ck»k in tie morning. KNTERTAINEU KOK MOTHER Oa.i of U. B Sunday School Attended Surprise \ pleasant surprise was he, I at tlie •ne of Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Comp, .'47 hrlstia-.i -treet. Monday evening, ;i honor of M-s. Comp's mother. Mrs. W. \V. Kce i. bv her class of Centenary I'nited Brethren Sundav school. After a ol.giitf.;i - hour was sptait re freshments were served to the follow ing p-rso.'.s Mrs. W \V. Reel. Mrs. 1.. B. Mc '• ■ :ara Hummel. Mrs. .I&mes Mentze--. Mrs. William E'rowetl. Mrs. v.k Shoop. Mrs. Harry Billet, Mrs. ' ! Paese. M>s Emma Paese. Mrs. V. ;.,a:n Geiger. Mrs. Kliiabeth Otstot. v -. .'oh:: Wa;ner. Mrs. Harlacher. Mrs. K:iv: a Householder and son. Le *■>. M ; E\a. Hvnicka and daughter, lerine. Mrs. la-a Brown. Mrs. J. 1 'lced. E.c-o> Reed and Donald Ree i. *:n Shoop. Irvin. Reist. John Dou ; iv. M < omp. J. G. Wolf. D. W. \ Ka-<• utcr. Mr-. George Gallagher. Mrs. Na T., lij ami sou. William. '*aura Reitze'. Mrs. Ida E\>nnellv,' MKune. V-s. lomp an I daughter,; \una, M"s Re:st. Mrs. W. Karstetter, ! M-s. Goldie Paese, Beatrice Don-1 c. .. . Anna Ford and Gladys Billet. M»NK> FOR HLI» CROSS FIND Soixt Raised By Local Hungarians For Relief Work A bcneficia> dance and entertain ment was held by the i-teelton Hun- P ar.ans iii Mi.ler s hall on Good street. •Saturday evening. During the even ing many i aiuabte articles were auc-' : ne.; off. and the spirit of the bidding showed the sympathy of the Steeltou foreigners. The dancing hail was prettilv deco rated with Hungarian dags an 1 sym bols, and a large sized crowd danced to .he music furnished by a stringed or chestra. A special feature of the even ing was the rendering of several Hun garian national songs. The pro'ee-is of the evening amount-i ei to upwards of »500. including sub- i s.riptions. Aileged Elopers Caught Nick Ferencic and Mrs. John Slov ■na\ who are alleged to have eloped from the borough a short time ago. "-■re apprehended In Pittsburgh and ill be brought to Harrisburg for a Hearing befo-e Alderman Murray b»- ' onstable Ha:nes on a • barge prefer re iby Mrs. Slovinac's husband. r— ——— ™ Barking Throats; and October Colds They don t bound good—they ! don't fee! good—and they have the 1 whole winter berore them unless broken up now by taking our i« Cough and Cold Remedy 25c Forney's Drug Store 426 MARKET STREET skin, severe colds, everything tliat is horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret to night will surely straighten you out by morning—a 10-cent box will keep your head clear, stomach sweet, liver and bowels regular aud make you feel cheerful and bully for months. Don't forget your children—their lit tie insides a good, gentle, cleans ing, too. occasionally. MISS ANNE KiSTLER BRIDE I OF REA CALVIN HELD! f The Rev. Charles A. Huyctte Officiated 1 at the Ceremony Which Occurred at the Home of the Bride's Parents, s Mr and Mrs. William Kistler s Rea Calvin "eim. Worcester, 'Mass., aud Miss Atine Kistler. of the borougli. were married last evening at the home j of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William M. [| Kistler. 196 South Second street. The • ; Rev. (lharles A. Huyette. pastor of the Firw Reformed church, officiated at the s ceremony, which took place at S o clock, in the presence ot' many rc'.i • tives and friends. ! The ring ceremony was used and the bride, who was given away by her fa iher. W. H. Kistler, wore a charming costume of wh.te charmeuse with 1 toifc-hes of pearl and delicate lace and she carried an arm bouquet of w.-.ite button chrysanthemums. She was at tended by Miss Addessa Kistler. her sis - ter, who wore a pale yellow- satin gown with duchesse ace tr-romings. Profes ' sor Cobo, of ?*tate College, was best . man. The wedding music was played l|bv Professor Charles F. Maekev. of • Harrisburg. The newlyweds left at mi 1- ' i>:_rht for Worcester. Mass.. where they wiil reside. Helm is employed there i as c-heniist for the American Iron and Steel Company. He s a graduate of >"tate College and also of the SteeJton High tLass of of w*hich . class his bride"wras a member. ORUANIZKI) REITBLIfAN ILI B Yonng Colored Men Effected Organisa tion East Evening The Young Men "s Republican Club was organized last evening among col ored residents and the following of ficers were elected: President, C. W. James: first vice president, Reuben Garnett: second vice , president, John Wood: treasurer. Peter Wade: secretary. Allen Fry; assistant secretary, Chester Roebuck. STEELTON NOTES A-thur Kilheffer and John McCahan, of Knaaut, two young men were re leased by Squire Gardner last evening after having gi\en them a hearing ou the charge of felonious entry and lar ceny. preferred by Adam Gruber. of > Enhaut. Insufficient evidence caused the release. George Nastof was arraigned before Squire Gardner iast evening on charges of desertion an 1 non-support preferred by h s wife. Ba'ba. En default of bail, Nastof was committed for court. Aaron D. Kluzh. Highspire, will be given a hearing before Squire Gardner this evening at i o'clock ou a serious i charge preferred tw William 'Hand, Highspire. The Rev. P. 51. Hooper will officiate ! at the prayer meeting to be held in St. ; John's Lutheran church, this eveni»T I at 7.4 3 o'clock. There will be no preaching services I in the Main Street Church of God Sun day, owing to the absence of the Rev. James M. Waggoner, who will be in attendance at the Church of God Elder ship. The Carnation Club, of Mt. Zion Baptist church,-will hold a mock wed ding to-morrow eve'ning. Music for the , occasion will be furnished bv Mrs. Emma Steyans. Mrs. Lizzie Page, Mr! and Mrs. Earnest Johnson. Benediction ended forty hou-s' de motion at St. James' Roman Catholic church ast evening and about twentv' visiting priests took part in the serv ices. A procession of the parochial school children, led br twelve flower girls, was held, j The Rev. C. B. Felton, pastor of Halifax Methodist church, will preach i at this evening's home campmeeting iin the First Methodist church. Wil liam X. Thomas will lead the singing. , Miss Wilcox, the visiting nurse em Ployed by th? Steeiton Civic Ciub. w ;i ) be in her office from S a. m. to 9 a. m.. from 12.30 p. m. 10 1.30 p. m. PERSONAL John Runkle, Last End. attended the \ ork fair yesterday. Mrs. Sarah Herman. Feiton street, is spending the week writh York rela tives. Mrs. David Cargill and son. Warren, '■ of Lew:stown, are visiting relatives in the borough. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kennev. Bridge port. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennev, South Front street. OBERLIN Ooerlin. Oct. 7.—The Oberlin schools will be i-losed Thursday afternoon to ailow all who desire to attend the firemen s parade in Harrisburg. Preparatory services will he held in Salem Lutheran church Sunday morn ing and evening. The Holy Communion will be cele brated in Salem Lutheran church Sun day morning and evening. Miss XeLl Book lias returned from Blaine where she spent Sundav with her parents. Miss Emma Ksheuaur. of Millers burg. was entertained by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eshenaur, Sunday. HARRISBITRG ST A R-IN DEPEN DEN T. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 7. 1914. IThe Rev, and Mrs. D. K. Ruplev en joyed an auto trip to Gettysburg yes j terday in company with the Rev. aud . j Mrs. Thomas Reisc.h. of Harrisburg. I Mrs. George Btzweiler, of Millers | j burg, is visiting her parents, Mr. and I'Mrs. Harry Eshenaur. George Stengle has returned from a j week's trip to Philadelphia, s 1 The Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Boughter t | have returned from Philadelphia where 1 they attended the I'nited Brethren con p ference and visited friends, r, Michael Po'tn. Camdeu, J., is vis •l J iting his brother, John Polm, Page avenue. Raymond Lebo spent yesterday with 1- I friends at Highspire. CAPITOL HILL FIRE BUGS CONFESS"""" TO FIRING BUILDINGS " Mother and Son and Two Girls Ar rested for Firing a Dwelling House , and a Reform Training School—One of Theta Said to Have a Weak Mind f .Vsistaiit Fire Marshal Wolf did a : neat bit of detective work at his home in Williamsport this week iu securing, confessions from four fire bugs that] !t hey had set fire to two buildings. Clifford Cohan, a young man, and his mother were arrested for setting fire to 1 : their home. The sou confessed that * ■ he had sat, r:tted the interior of the t i house with coal oil and set it ou tire, | E>ut slid he did it in the interest of his [mother who had told him that if the house burned down she would get the insurance, and she hinted strongly to : the boy to set it on fire, which he did.: ' Mr. Wolf secured photographs of the I • interior and found evidences of coal j c oil, and the boy made the confession. . Mother and son were held at the dis- 1 t - posal of the court. Two giris. inmates of the Reform Training school at Williamsport. set j j j the school building on fire, and when ; * arrested they confessed that they had | done so in order to escape school. One 1 J girl, aged 16. will be sent to a Reform! school, and the other girl, sai i to be of r | weak mind, will be placed iu a home. ! Bigelow and Dixon to Speak Kridav of this week will be Subur-1 ban Improvement Day at Bristol. Bu-ksj I county, when a large meeting will be , I held to consider plans for improvement of the town and surrounding country.: . Sta'.e Highway Commissioner Bigelow j ! will make an address on good roads • and State Health Commissioner Dixon; will make an address on how to ini prove health conditions. [ Board of Pardons The regular meeting of the Board of | 1 Pardons will be held on October 21.! 1 but already a number of applications | for executive clemency have been re ' ceived. The list will be a large one, 1 w hen completed. Public Service Commission The Public Service Commission this afternoon considered the application of 1 the Jersey Shore Gas and Fuel Com-j pany to purchase the controlling right | in tiie Jerse* Shore Gas Company, 5.... ator Edward F. Beilleman anl George R. Heisey, of this city, appeared for' ' the applicants. The Commission will; announce its de ision later. George R. Dxon. vice president of the Pennsylvania rail'oa i company, was scheduled tu appear before the Com mission late this afterncou in advocacy of a five per cent, increase 0,11 inter state freight rates.' This proposit-' n is now before the Interstate Com marc e Commission and Mr. Dixon's arguments were along the line of those presented to the National body. Appointed Policeman Charles J. O'Donnell. pf Harrisbarj, for eight years a sergeant 011 the police j force, was to-day appointed a police man for the Harrisburg Society for tli? Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Of ficer O'Donnell was appointed to the police force by Mayor Royal recently! but the Councilmnnic Commission re fused to confirm the appointment. Wanted in Elmira Governor Tener has honored the requisition of the Governor of Xew Vork for the return to Eimira of Coran L. Goodwin, who is wanted in that city on a charge of abortion. Goodwin is, under arrest in Wellsboro. A protest was filed against the honoring of the requisition, but it was not sufficiently strong to convince the Governor that the man should not be returned. Chief Roderick Improves Chief Roderick, of the Bureau of Mines, who has been ill for some time at his Ha/.leton home after leaving Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore, : where he underwent a painful opera ' tion, is said to be so much improved that he will be able to resume his desk I' next week. Put in a Sub Notice has been received at the j State Department that the name of Da- 1 vid M. Hertzog as a candidate for,' Senator of the Washington party in 1 Fayette county has been substituted I for that of J. W. Dawson, who has' i withdrawn. Frank D. Henry, Republican eandi late for Assembly in Butler eountv. has filed notice ot his withdrawal asV candidate. 1 Governor Goes West Governor Tener left this morning for Brownsviile and to-morrow will par ticipate in the exercises attendant on ' the dedication of the new bridge over the Allegheny river between Browns vilie and West BrownsviiLe. Another Heir for the Churchills By Ataocicted Prrts. London, Oct. 7, 10.20 A. M.—Mrs. Winston Spencer Churehiil, wife of the 1 first lord of admiralty. 2ave birth to j a daughter to-day. Mrs. Churchill • •ormerly was Miss Clementine Hozier, J daughter of the late Sir Henry Mon tague Hozier. She and "Mr. Churchill were married in 1908. They now have three children, two daughters and one son. Succeeds Ousted Mayor of Butte By Associated Press. Butte, Mont., Oct. 7.—Clarence A. Smith, president of the city council, was elected mayor of Butte last night to succeed mayor Lewis J. Duncan, who was ousted yesterday by District Judge j Roy Avers for nonfeasance in office | during the labor disturbances last sum-1 mer. ] 1020 IRCREASE :i in nil Complete Official Fig ures for This County Show Gain of That Size BREAKS ALL PAST RECORDS • j __~__ Iu City There Are 6,930 Republicans Registered ami :l. 118 Democrats, But Many Voters Have Not Indi cated Their Affiliation With official reports showing the j total county registration to be a 'J,020 I increase over that of a year ago ami j well ou to 300 more than iu 1912. | when all registration records were broken, there also is an indication ot' 1 heavy gains by both the Republican and Democratic parties. Exact increases according to party affiliation, cc.nnot l>e obts tied from the registration books or until after the primaries in 1915, in view of the fact that \oters at the lust registra ! lion were not bound to state to the j registrsr the parties with which tl|ey j are affiliated. The total registration in the city this >ear, the official figures show, is 1 13,400, an actual increase of 1.585 lover that of a year ago. Exactly 2,474 i Harrisburg electors refused to state the party with which they ar,» associated. registered to the number of 6,93o^that being more than twice i as large as the Democratic enrollment and registration which is limited to 3,148, There are 559 declared Washington party men: 45 Prohibitionists, and 13S Socialists in the city. This compilation was made by the clerks to the County Commissioners from the books of the registrars who j had their last sitting on Saturday an.l ' w;is given out officially this morning. While the gain in the city registration ; over that of a year ago is 1,585 it also is«sti7 higher than the April, 1914, registration which was 12,833. The registration by precincts i" tjie city fol lows: . 3 , a •£ ' t ' = t = 2 - 5 : j'. hill |;|!| Ist Wd. , ift pet. 25 11 it os; i sr. i I'd pet. 210 *2 ; ii _• _« 302 i 3rd pet. 114 "'6 7 n 1 15S 334 ' 2d Wd. Ist pet. 93 is n II 4 4 11•_> -*J pot. 91 57 111 II II 7 165 3rd pet. MB 8;; i> n l 17 224 Mil pet. 124 53 16 11 3 39 -..'35 I st'i pet. 238 fis 27 3 " :! 1 3K4 '6th pet. 179 96 : 1 1 5 49 351 3rd Wd Ist pot. St 4 4 3 1 n 1J 161 Jit pet. 89 36 | 11 II ; i3g 3rd pet. 57 34 U 0 0 16 107 4th Wd. Ist pet. 220 S6 10 11 0 t; :i33 2d net. 259 122 14 1 0 38 434 sth Wd. Ist pot. Party not stated. 154 184 -•1 pet. 147 70 8 1 1 22 249 '3rd pet. IS3 1111 7 11 3 23 326 4th pet. 48 0 II 0 0 221 '.69 6tii Wd. list pet. . 193 118 9 1 2 36 359 -d p»t. 186 10S HI o 6 23 333 3rd pet. 55 19 10 o 3 8 1 ith Wd. i Ist pet. 92 si> 3 2n 6 153 1 2d pit. 166 <7 3 i 1 ::i -J49 3rd pet, 112 32 4 0 1 16 165 4th pet. 157 611 1 J rt 17 38 293 sth |>et. 7 1 51 12 1 7 131 179 6th pet SO 34 11 0 S3 209 Sth Wd. Ist pet. Party not stated. SI 81 '2d pet. 17 in 0 o o 29 56 3rd pet. 22S 7ti 30 I 0 67 396 nil pet. 1 3 1 II 0 191 196 ! stll pet. 137 36 HI 2 2 93 JNO I 9th Wd. Ist pet. 116 28 1 0 II 17 192: 2d pot. 16S 103 11 1 1 22 307' 3rd pet. 166 66 5 0 1 17 255 4th pet. 109 3.8 13 2 3 19 IS4 ! Sth pet. 184 64 37 2 26 31S i 6th pet. 146 98 27 1 1 12 255 ! I 7th pet. 133 55 24 1 O 67 2SO Sth pet. 104 42 10 1 1 19 177 9th pot. 98 37 1 1 0 1 20 -167 10th Wd. Ist pet. 203 6.' 24 1 7 10 517 2d pet. 162 140 16 1 2 64 385 3rd |wl. 11l 73 15 0 17 V, 248 4UI pFt. 96 44 30 1 4 96 271 11 til Wd. Ist pet. 273 129 11 7 13 6,8 501 2d pet 252 133 17 3 5 51 isi 12th Wd. Ist pet. 127 53 10 0 3 I 197 [ 2d pet. 244 104 20 0 3 63 434 : 3rd pet. 143 105 19 2 5 57 331 i 13th Wd. Ist pet. 96 (7 13 0 2 27 185' 2d pet., 117 53 20 Oil 55 260 ! Totals. 6930 3148 589 45 138 2474 13400 Day Nursery Flag Day Plans Announcement was made to-day that the Day Nursery will hold its annual "Flag Day" on Saturday, October 24, : or, in case of rain, on the following Saturday. Mrs. Whitlock Homeward Bound By Associated Press. London, Oct. 7, 10.26 A. M.—Mrs. Mallie Whitlock and Mrs. E. B. Brain erd. mother and mother-in-law of Brand Whitlock. the American minister to Belgium, are passengers on the steamer 1 Baltic which left Liverpool for Xew York to-day. sjS Don't THROAT Troubles because the swollen glands j§ and inflamed membranes often ! affect other tissues and impair their healthy action. —. SCOTT'S EMULSION affords M great relief because its cod J A, hrer oil is speedily con- / V ▼erted into germ-resisting tissue—the glycerine is praszca j curative and healing, p*"?*** j while the combined emul- B' —— j sion strengthensthe lungs lisßSp- j to avert, lung trouble. J REFUSE SUBSTITUTES ud I I Where to Buy Your Piano or Player-Piano There Is One Thing Absolutely Certain —You Can Buy With Greater Knowledge After a Visit to This Store. For here you have an oppor tunity for investigation, compari- aOB/F son and decision not possible in Jifik any other store in the city ; and, SHP any man laying- out hundreds of dollars for a piano or player piano that ought to last a life-time might well want to see more than A great deal might be said in favor of our ® lily rW J low prices, made possible by our extensive jßij business; but we feel confident that compari- W son will convince you that you do get the most m for your money in buying here. W Reserve Your Decision Until You Make a Visit of Inspection to This Store Don't Miss Hearing the The New Style Victrolas New Edison Diamond at $75 and SIOO Are Ready Disc Phonograph If you had ex new instrument to trola stop* in Ind the public Mr. Ecli- see how much son believes that H more you get for instrument that re- 11 They are larger, produces the music ?i H more refined in that you know ; !IB tone and provide a with a new inter- j different and bet est and brings to m ter system for filing records. unfamiliar work a Other styles at sls, $125, S4O, master's interpretation. SSO, $l5O and S2OO. In any de- Hear it and judge for yourself. sired wood finish. Prices, SBO to $250. |j Complete stock of records. 88-Note Music Rolls, Your Choice of 7,000, at 20 Per Cent. Discount. Liberal Terms if Desired. Old Instruments Taken in Exchange. Expert Tuning, Repairing and Draying J. H. TROUP MUSIC BOUSE Troup Building, 15 S. Market Square V. M. C. A. WELCOMES FIREMEN 1 All Strangers in the City Invited to Visit Association Building The Young Men's Christian Associa -1 tion. Second anil Locust streets, extends :i most cordial invitation for the fire men in attendance upon the State fire men's convention and all strangers in the city, to visit the building any time between the hours of 9 a. in. and 10 ! p. m. They will be welcome to the read ing room, library, information bureau, boarding house register, city directory. Every courtesy will be extended to them'. The executive force will be at their service throughout the week. Cardinal Ferrata's Condition Grave Home, via Paris, Oct. 7, 3.40 A. M. — ' The Condition of Cardinal Perrata pap al secretary of state has assumed a : grave turn." He is suffering consider able pain with some fever. The at tending physicians have abandoned the ; idea of an operation, owing to the i age of the patient. RAILROAD CREWJJOARD HARRISBUBG SIDE Philadelphia Division—l 2 7 crew to go first after 2 p. in.: 105, 125, 120, 103, 119, 122, 128. 111, 108. Engineers for 103, 127, 128. Firemen-for 103, 119, 127, 128. Conductor for 110. Flagmen for 120, 125. Brakemen for 103, 110. Engineers up: Speas, Buck, McGuire,: Heindman, Henneck, Gallagher. Firemen up: Martin, Swank, Spring,! Penwell, Barton, E. C. Myers. Lantz, Horstick, Ijibhart, Copeland, Behman, Weaver, Myers. Conductor up: Houdeshel. iKlagman up: Harvey. Brakemen up: Busse r , File. Middle Division —241 crew to go first after 12.40 p. m.: 237, Preference: 8, 4, 3, 7. Engineer for 3. Fireman for 8. • Conductor for 7. Fl.tgman for 7. up: Simonton, Briggles, Hertzier. Smith, Minnick. Firemen up: Davis, Stouffer, Licban, Drewett, Beeder, Seagrist. Klagman up: Cane. Brakemen up: Fritz, Werner, Fieck, Ma tin as, Holler, Boyle, Wenrick, Schoff- stall, Kane, Myers, Stahl Yard Crews—Engineers up: Landis, ; Hohensholt, Breneman, Rudy, Houser, | Meals, Stahl, Swab, Sillks, Crist, Kuhu, j Pelton, Hoyler, Shaver. Firemen up: Barkey, Sbeats, Bail', j Eyde, Ney, Myers, Bovle, Shipley, Crow, Bevie, Bostdorf, Sehieffer, Raueh, I Weigle, Lackey, Maeyer, Sholter, Snell, j Bartolet, Getty, Hart. 1 Engineers for 306, 707, 322, 1758, I 1820. Firemen for 1886, 707, 1270, 1699, I 90. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division—2l6 crew to go first, after 3.15 p. m.: 225, 235, 210, 223, 248, 219, 251, 231, 230. Engineers for 210, 212, 223, 231 | 232, 243, 251. Conductors for 216, 227, 24 3, 225. Flagmen for 222, 232. ' Brakemen for 223, 227, 245, 248. Conductor up: Pennell. Flagman up: Kroh. ; Brakemen up: Deets, Myers, Al ! bright, Quigg. Middle Division —lol crew to go first after 1.45 p. m.: 223, 219, 226, 231, 230, 248. Brakenian for 101. THE BEADING P., H. & P. —After 4p. in.: 10, 17, 24, 4, 11, 22, 1, 5, 18, 3, 23. Eastbound—After 1.45 p. m.s 63,! 57, 56, 53. Conductors up: German, Hilton, i Kline. Engineers up: Glass, Tiptou, Massi- j more, 'Wvre, Pletz, Rich wine, Craw ford, Lap*, Fetrow. Firemen up: Longenecker, Bowers, Brown, Binghaman. Corl, Kelly, Grum bine, Aunspaeh, Lex, Snador, Chronis ter. Sellers, Palm. Brakemen up: Maat, Shader, Win kle, Holbert, Cheney, Ware, Carlin, Smith, Greaff, Maurer, Machnier, Ely. ■———■—■— TEETH Full Set of Teeth, .. .$5 Crowns, $3, $4, $5 Bridgework, $3, $4, $5 II Ifl/'O Painless MAIIVO Dentists 810 MARKET STREET Office Hours, 8 A. M. to 0 P. M. Open Evening* READY FOR ALL DEMANDS New Consignments of Dictionaries to Be Distributed—Popularity of Great Offer Increases "Battle-scared heroes." That phrase once brought unpleas ! ant notoriety to a well-meaning man I who failed to write what he meant and found through bitter experience what the omission of one letter may mean in a written word. Could the same thing happen to you f If so, why? With the New Modern English Dic tionary at your elbow you can avoid such pitfalls as writing "angle" when yon mean "angel." Some person might take offense at being called "a perfect angle." Think of what a vast difference there is between "stationery" and "station ary," "planning" nnd "plauing," anil the hundreds of other comparisons which can he culled from a dictionar) - . Then clip one certificate from the Star- Independent and prepare yourself to avoid mistakes and trouble." The intelligence of the public is but one of the principal elements which makes the distribution of the New Mod ern Dictionary seemingly a most sim ple task. The other element is the sterling worth and beautiful appearance of the book itself. A restaurant cashier testi fied to this the other day when it was remarked that she had a New Modern English Dictionary lying beside her cash register. "I was one of the first to get one," she said, "and I want to tell you that that book has started many persons clipping the certificates. They ure sur prised us soon as they /see it. "I am goiug to get another one for my sister and I think I'll just let that one stay here for the present, because I surely wish the Star Independent all the luck in the world." The describer of dictionaries thanked the young woman for these few kind words and went on his way, thinking how poor his powers of description were as compared to the convincing influ ence of exhibition of the dictionary itself. It' you don't believe every word of it, come to the Dictionary Department and be convinced. You may examine the books all you want without taking one. Needed Aairing "What's the matter with vout" ,ie manded florem hotly. "I've got a right to air my opinions, haven't I?'' "Oh, of course," replied Brightly. "They're so stale and musty they cer tainly need something of that sort."— Philadelphia Press. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers