6 ( Ettablushrd in 1876) Published b ' TMB STAR PRINTING COMPANY, " f Star-Independent Building. IMO-22 South Third Street, Harriebtirg, Pa* Every Evening Except Sunday OUttrrt Oirtcttf!. BmuAMIN F METER. , l l k President. W M W. Walloweb, v \>e President w " K Almas- X Wji K Meters, Secretary ami Treasurer Wu. W Wallom, Wk H. Warner, V. Hcmuel Bkkmhavs, Jk , Business Manager. Editor. All communications should be addressed to Star Independent, Business. Editorial, ,lob Printing or Circulation Department, according to the subject matter Bntered at the Post Offica In Harrisburjc as second class matter Benjamin A Kentnor Company, New York ami Chicago Representative!. New York Offlee, Brunswick Building. 22.") Fifth Avenue. Chicago OMce, People s lias Building, Michigan Avenue. Delivered by carriers at 6 cents a week. Mailed to subscriber; for Three Dollars a year in ad' ance. THE STAR-IN DEPENDENT The paper with the largest Horns. Circulation in Harrisburg and nearby towns. Circulation Examined by THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN ADVERTISERS. TELEPHONES: BELL. Private Branob Exchange. .... No. 3280 CUMBEMLAND VALLEY Private Brunei' Exchange. No. 245-246 Wednesday, October 7, 1914. OCTOBER Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MOON'S PHASES— Full Moon, 4th; Last Quarter, 151 th; Hew Moon, 19th; First Quarter, 25th. WEATHER FORECASTS f —3~>. Harrisbuqg and vicinity: Fair to- 1 night and Thursday. Mild tem- . j Eastern Pennsylvania: Cloudy to- a night. Thursday partly cloudy" and >2 slightly wanrnor. Gentle east and south- c e\ east winds. V— *** '8 YESTERDAY'S TEMPERATURE IN HARRISBURG Highest, SO; lowest, 58; 8 a. m., 60; 8 p. m., 72. CARE OF THE POOR AT HOME The keynote of the general discussion concerning the proper care of the poor, at the sessions of the State Contention of Directors of the Poor iu Car lisle, seems to have baen that it. is better to en deavor todmprove the condition of the poor in their own homes than to remove them to institutions where they would he grouped together. This, it is claimed, does not rob them of a certain dignity that pertains to a man in his own home, and is a stimu lus to greater effort on the part of those whose home conditions are looked after by those ap pointed to perform that duty. In the last Legislature an effort was made to obtain the«passage of a bill that would, to a certain extent, do away with almshouses, the object being to place, the indigents in private homes, but the bill nover got to a further stage than introduction, being left to die in committee. It was argued by those in favor of it that placing a pauper in a home wkere he or she could be cared for more properly took away that lack of interest in life that comes with the herding of the poor indiscriminately in an institution. In opposition to this it was held that there are few counties in the state where private families would take charge of poor people from the almshouse, and that the scheme would be a failure. The Poor Directors' convention seems to be on the right track, if it can follow its ideas to actual accomplishment and improve conditions of the poor in their own homes rather than remove them to in stitutions to be cared for as public charges. This plan canned out would mean the "uplift"' in all of its true significance. LOCOMOTIVE SMOKE NUISANCE In the days when experiments were being made with locomotives, when the smokestacks were the biggest parts of the engines, fears were expressed hv the farmers of our fair land that the smoke emitted from the strange new demons would pass over their fields and destroy their crops. The sons of the soil believed that if railroads invaded their peaceful domains, successful agriculture would be forever impossible thereafter. Railroads have been thrown across the continent in a great network, and there is never a second in which locomotives are not belching forth smoke in all parts of the land. The crops have not notice ably suffered. Science goes so far as to point out that constituents of smoke serve to give rather than to take plant life. If any harmful effects of the suiokf are complained of, the complaints come from the cities, —not from the country. in large and small industrial centers the dense biack smoke of locomotives joins the emissions from the stacks of mills and factories to replace the airs essential oxygen and pollute the atmosphere. Most Americans, reared in such an atmosphere of industry, breathe the impure air with scarcely a thought that its constituents not those intended by nature. Thick smoke from locomotives is not a necessary evil. Railroad authorities are experimenting with preventive measures, and many good recommenda tions are being satisfactorily followed in actual practice. A committee of the Railroad Smoke In spfotors Association of Chicago, an association whose members make impartial reports on locomo tives of all roads which lead into that great railway center, has recently stated that the most, important features in smokeless firing are the eternal vigi lance on the part of authorities controlling engine crews, the careful instruction of these craws in HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT. WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 7. 1914. tiring aiul operating locomotives as ill the use of special stnoke-consuiuing devices, the co-cperation of the engineers and tiremen and, if possible, the use of oue grade of coal. The Chicago plan of smoke inspection is said to l be about the most effective and satisfactory in use anywhere. It embraces 191 square miles of city area in the overspread yards of which engines of many roads move aud have their being. The smoke | inspection has resulted in a reduction of just half ; the density of smoke belched forth during the past two years. In European countries, although the smoke of bat tic perhaps chokes the argument, railroads are said to •control the smoke problem much better than in the l.'nited States, avowedly because conditions are I much more favorable there for smoke elimniation than here. We are told that European railways pay more attention to firing: that their men are more carefully instructed, and that every appliance is utilized which will decrease fuel consumption. We in this country have heard for a long while how much better certain things are done in Europe than in America, and we are inwardly piqued, per haps, whenever a new instance of foreign superior ity is cited. Our patriotism gives us the spirit of ! the Yankee abroad who scorned Europe's Vesuvius because, said he, America's Niagara could put it out in two minutes. We believe we can do what ever Europe can so far as peaceful industries are concerned, and perhaps improve eventually on Old World methods,-—in the matter of smoke preven tion, for example. Last rail to shine up your helmet for the big parade to morrow! The Chamber of Commerce is doing things quietly, but it is doing them. Some parts of the state have been suffering from drought, but not Harrisburg duriug the firemen's convention. \ Not the least interesting feature of the firemen's con vention is the activity of the ladies' auxiliary of the state association. This organization is a rapidly growing one that lends much assistance to the fire laddies. . . | Harrisburg firemen aren't so busy with the big eon-1 vention as to neglect their regular duties when called upon I to perform them. They even are ready to go outside the ! city limits to help a community menaced by flames, as i shown yesterday when several companies responded to j Lenioyne's plea to help check the big blaze that threatened tha! town. TOLD IN LIGHTER VEIN TWO VIEWS or IT "Poverty, mv dear, is no disgrace." "I know that, but on the other hand you know it's uoth-! ing to brag About, either."—Detroit free Press. NEARLY GOVE "How <•! Wasgerby's credit in town?" "It must i"' very low bv this tiaie. When I was here ! tli'V: t < «vrs giving it oxygen."—Birmingham Age-llernld! LAGGING "Rtn t peund-ot'-beel'steak" movement lags. Wall Street j Journal. MISSED OUT BY A WINK "V hat did you think of the motor ear race, Patf" "I didn't see it." "You didn't see it? Why, I saw you at the track." "Vis. I was at the thrack; but I had to wii_k just at the j wrong toime, and whin I got through the race was over." j —Judge. NOTHING ARTIFICIAL "There's nothing artificial about Mrs. Wiggs.' 'No. indeed; she doesn't even make up her mind."—i Buffalo Express. NOT WHAT HE MEANT Waiter—"Haven't you forgotten something, sir?" Diner —'"That's so. My wife gave me a letter to mail." —Boston Transcript. WHERE HE COULD SAVE Father —"Son, can't you possibly cut down your college j expenses?" • * Son—"l might possibly do without any books."—Hart- j ford Times. . EXPLAINED "Mother, what does it mean when vou read about escap-1 ing 'Scylla' only to get into worse trouble with 't harv- j bids'?" asked Mrs. Baker's young hopeful. Mrs. Baker looked appealingly at her husband. "It's like this, Willie," explained his father, eoming to | his wife's rescue. "It means that just as soon as we get 1 through paying ice bills we have to buy coal!" Judge. ! THE SALT AND THE SUGAR A German eruiser has sunk nine cargoes of sugar.' It always was a nuisance when the salt got in the sugar bowl, j —Providence Journal. CAUSE FOR DAMAGES "Say, Tom," said Jack, "did you know that Bill was going to sue the company for damages?" "No, you don't say!" was the answer. "Wot did thev do to him?" "Why," explained Jack, "they blew the quittin' whistle! when 'e was carryin' a heavy piece of iron, and 'e dropped 1 it on 'is foot."—Exchange. RUBE'S CAVERN A young man who needed false teeth wrote to a dentist ordering a set as follows: "My mouth is three inches across, five-eighths inches threw the jaw. Some hummockv on the edge. Shaped like a hoss shew, toe forward. If you want me to be more particular, I shall have to come thar."—Exchange. NO TIME TO LOSE | One young man, who was highly sensitive about an impediment which he had in his speech, went to a Stam merers' Institute and asked for a course of treatment. The professor asked him if he wanted a full or a partial course. "A p-p-partial c-c-courae." "To what extent would you like a partial course?" "Enough s-so that wh-when I go to a f-f-florist's and ask for a c-c-c-chr-chrysanth (whistle) e m-m-mum, the -th-thing won't w-wilt b-before I g-get it."—Exchange. HEIGHT OF ABSENTMINDEDNESS "Battersbv is getting more absentminded, isn't he?" 1 should say he was! Why, I met him this morning on the way downtown to have his straw hat cleaned." Cleveland Plain Dealer. I Tongue-End Top ics| Mr. Montgomery, Fireman at 80 Perhaps the oldest fireman iu Har risburg, who certainty is Che oldest Chief Engineer of the Harrisburg 'Fire 'Department, will ride in the big jvarade i to morrow. Joseph Montgomery, owner j and manager of the Peipher Line of | freight, one of Harrisburg's most re i spec ted citizens, joined the Citizen Fire | ComiMtnv sixty-two years ago, when he «<as IS years old. He is now 80. [n 1 all these years 'he has ko-t up his mem | bersnip in the Citizen company, ami up ' to within a few years ago he still took nn active |>art in the \\ork at fires. The last t:me Mr. Montgomery was in active service was when the "Patriot " 'build ing on Market street was burned out. IMr. Montgomery succeeded Tlarrv Sen after as Chief Engineer of the Har ris'burg IFire Department, having pre j viously beeu Mr. Schaffer's assistant. He was the second fireman to fill the position of Chief Engineer. He served two terms as chief and was succeeded 'bv George V. Cor I, of the Friendship, who will also be in line, although not having served actively as long as l\lr. Montgomery. When the lire occurred | in fhe King hardware store, the site | of the present Kttnkel building, at Third i and Market streets; Mr. 'Montgomery i met witli an accident that caused him Jto 'be laid up for some time. A barrel of gasoline in the cellar exploded and he and the late Andrew Schlayer, both of them 'having gone into the cellar to j locate the fire, were blown up the cel lar stairs, Mr. Schlaver flying clear out ou i'hird street, and IMtr. Montgomery being 'hurled wit/h great force against a post, his Shoulder bein£ severely in jured. 'Both of them were burned about the head and face. Despite Iris four score years, 'Mr. Montgomery is active in business pursuits, and takes a lively interest -in the firemen's gathering here this week. *. * Chief Humphreys Is Here Among the old firemen in attendance at the State 'convention is IMiles S. 'Humphreys, of Pittsburgh, one of the best known in t'he old volunteer davs and later chief of t'he Pittsburgh De partment for twenty-five years. Mr. 'Humphreys was a puddler in the mills in Pittsburgh and was a poweT in - poli tics. so much so that he was taken up by the Republican party and electod Senator, serving two terms. He was afterward De>puty Secretary of In ternal Affairs for two terms, and then returned to Pittsburgh, where he was made Chief o*f the Bureau of Safety, corresponding to the position of chietf of police. Tjater he was made chief of the Department of Public Safety, and for twentv-five years was at the head of the Are department. Recently he was placed on the retired list, but he is almost as vigorous as ever, and has for years been active in the affairs of the State Firemen's Association. Chief Humphreys is known in the West as "The Puddler Statesma-n." Many old Harrisburgers remember him from tho vigorous speeches 'he made 'here While a Senator. Badge of the Old Union Company No more interesting Telic of the past has corn© to light in (Harrisburg since the start of the State firemen's con vention t'han t'he badge which will tie worn by Edward F. Eiselv, president of the Allison Fire Company, in the parade on Thursday. It is from the Union iFire Company No. 1, and bears the date I i 89. It was lent to Mr. Eisely for the week by Miss Margaretta Reed, daugh ter of iMr. and IMtrs. Philip Reed, 1305 Berry hill street, whose great-great grandfather wore it when a member of the company. * • * In the Days of "Dad" Fager One of the most famous firemen in Harrisburg was the late George C, Fa ger, a member of the Citizen Fire Company, for years its president and Chief of the Harrisburg Fire depart ment for a long period. IMr. Fager, be cause of his ability as a fire-lighter, would have earned renown in any of the larger cities, and here in Harris burg he was fairly idolized by his fel low firemen, who referred to him proud ly as "Dad" Fager. Up to the time when old age prevented him from ta king an active part in fire-fighting he was always on duty. He was a mem ber of the tinning firm of Fager & Maeyer and active in its operations, but, no matter where he was or what he was doing, when a fire alarm was sounded, he dropped everything and was off to the fire. He brought in telligence to his fighting of fires and the department under him was wonder fully efficient. WANTS CONTRACT FULFILLED Palmyra Men Involved in Legal Fight Over Real Estate Deal L<ebanon, Oct. 7. —A demand for the fulfillment of a contract involving a real estate deal is demanded in a Civil court suit, between Attorney G. H. Mover and George Greiner, two Pal myra men, which is now on trial in court in this city. John C. Orr, of Harrisburg, is interested, with the plaintiff, in the case. It is alleged that negotiations were entered into between Mover and Greiner for the purchase of the Greiner block at Palmyra for Jo 5,- 000. Of the purchase price $5,000 was paid immediately with the understand ing that the deed would be conveyed on January 1, 1914. It is alleged that when the deed was offered it failed to include verbal agreement that the east ern boundary line should be three feet distant from the building line. Legend of a Lake Avernus is the lake in the neighbor hood of Naples where the waters are so unwholesome that, birds, never fly near its banks. In ancient times it was thought to be the entrance- to hades and where Ulysses descended to the low er regions. J" ng Health First In buying food articles we must consider several things—economy, results, conveni ence, reliability; but the most important is Health. Health means everything. If one gets cheated in buying dresses, shoes or bonnets it is provoking, but the harm is chiefly loss of money. I n buying food articles, if imitations or poor stuffs are supplied, there is a loss of money and probably an injury to health also; and good health is beyond price. Remember these facts when buying baking powder. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure No Alum on 1 -no FUNERAL OF JOHN'T. M'FALL Held in York Yesterday Afternoon With Full Masonic Honors (Special to the Star-Independent.) York, Pa., Oct. 7. —Full Masonic honors attended the burial of John T. McFall, senior member of the firm of Mi-Fall & Son. men's furnishers. who| died last Saturday, and whose funeral j was held yesterday afternoon from the family residence, 373 Madison avenue. Services were conducted by the Hev. j Dr. Clinton E. Walter, pastor of St. I Paul's Lutheran church, and were at-! tended by a large number of relatives, j friends and representatives of fraternal j and other organizations of which Mr., McFall was a member. Numerous Horn! [ tributes were beautiful. Acting as pallbearers were Messrs. | H. H. Lindemuth, C. J. Wallace, Ed gar Y. Shearer, P. K. Devers, t). Hay ! Kain, 1* B. Wampler, John Sharp and' John B. Sprenkle. Services at the grave-1 side were conducted by York lodge,! No. 261 i, Free and Accepted Masons. I They were those of the blue lodge ritual, with the following officers in ' charge: McLean Stock, worshipful mas ter; H. A. Wisotzkey, senior warden; Edwin A. Barnitz,.junior warden, and J have won remarkable I \ y favor among stout and medium women be cause of their great / 4',:., . •'V'iV |\ strength —they are the /' ' « .') strongest corsets made. ■ .*V c \ M No matter how clever the y! 11l j s j design in producing perfect V(. f , A||r W style and correct lines for an over-stout figure, the whole j value of such a corset is im- mediately lost if it lacks the J P \ (r\(w /// .xH >N \ Rengo Belt corsets are all j N> Hi \ \ ttiat can e desired in style 1 BE.LT |i || * /\ by examination), and they FEATURE 1 \ UJ J 1A possess more of lasting | h' I Ilk * <# Ai Atvl) shapeliness than can be ti Ha purchased in any other corset. J Vy> :^=== = If I n 1 Thenew models are now ready. \ / vT I Yoix will find them boned \ |f I throughout with double \-;t j j watch-spring steels, guaran- I]" ' L/[jjO - fe«f not to rust. Prices, $2.00, $3.00 and $5.00 For Sale by Dives, Pomeroy Stewart Richard E. Cochran, chaplain. Prior to the services at the McFall residence memorial services wer e held at the Ma sonic temple, North Beaver street, at 1.15 o'clock. Pallbearers representing the Royal Fire company were: Messrs. Frank Bond, Aduui H. Allison, .lames Heunc sev and John 11. Brooks. Mr. McFall was a'so a member of the Royal Ar caniutn, the Improved Order of Hepta sophs lyjd General John Sedgwick post, No. 37, Grand Army of the Republic, which were also represented at the funeral. Mr. McFall was the son of Thomas and Eliza Mensch McFall aud was born in Union county. He was educated in the Lewisburg public schools. In Oc tober, 1569, he established his first men's furnishing store in York. In 1892 Mr. McFall received his son into the partnership. On June 26. 1866, Mr. McFall mar ried Mary E. Johns, daughter of Jonas Johns, of Gettysburg. Mrs. McFall died in July, 1599. On August 11. 1908, Mr. McFall married a second time his wife being Mrs. Julia A. Gitt, of Han over. Mr. McFall was a veteran of the Civil war. He lirst joined the com pany of Captain William R. Thatcher enlisting from Chester, Delaware coun- ty, about tho time of the battle of An tiebam. He afterward enlisted in Company A, Thirty-seventh Pennsyl vania volunteer infantry, under Cap tain William .Prick, serving as corpor al. He was prominent in Masonic cir cles, being past high priest of the chap ter. a past commander of York coin mandery. No. 21, Knights Templar, and a member of Zembo temple, Ancient Order of the Mystic Shrine. FOREST FIRE SPREADING Lands Owned by State Menaced by Flames Williamsport, Pa., Oct. 7.—A fierce forest fire which has been raging 011 the mountains flanking Nippenoee Val ley, this county since Sunday ha* spread ovor an area three and a half miles long and two miles wide and threatens to spread to a vast area be longing to the State in that vicinity. The fire is on the land of M. C. Wil shans and the White Deer Lumber Com pany, and, owing to the drought, it is difficult to obtain water to fight it. "Why aren't, they going to try and float that, stock?" "They're afraid it won't hold wa 'tor."—Baltimore American.
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