JOHN I. MITCHELL, , 4 W B ciril elfik f .; CA .si 1.,.L ~, ~., ~ A 1 announebs nu, mar milmt rom r ',. • and solicits omEloymunt in Ilisogo ' 1 , 1 tlico up Walla lloy'tl Block. -644,- - 4 ,, : ~ ,-.., TlOGA "i tntliTY _ _ 47 R. . 1-10 eat JAN 4 1814 34,1%.T.... 1. , ' 11.0 w,t : W9.11494V1i1P-J-1 t .It,i'.l New iti: 'l 4 ttiliti4q. f r., ~ t ~ ~.- , fe, :'.`tl ing ittacliino-211.7104intglit . . ' Sowing I%lntlit(p.ANT,„gri4ditpoigir,, fil , r t : 5,,,, iitg Tittiet O iiiiii--,EißtPtifti.r. Itemiv Pay ttj4WW,77-ZtiliVgfi,Etttt, • i : Pt , , Ailii&t Nottce—Xttry Anti Field. '', ' ~ , , '..,‘ To MI Ptent-44.10kaill j tkliJ i. ,- r. li 12. re o in-plialpi"ourt Sitlio--WMt. _ I : . I.Firo loopranoo-;,Tno, L. NI tt hell.- I,' i fl l 9 '-' 1 ;1" , Aittif,sti ;kit too-l.:ill 8111qt.s.:i I:iyi::..c. i ::: j.U. / . - t.. 7,. Ivgloirr'a NottceT-D. 14 Poo/Pi; I. ;.,..= , -,.t.;': , 7:I j Nev midi-L.T. It. Earlier. I 121,a1 I oy 01111 g nlitrn n 1!. . _ .‘ Ad 41103.1 1 )tile?,-, 11 D.Oatorili t la tiWks . 4 'o4 3 .1 ris An - TA 13 'l4: l s:it Y. , lta i the kl \ e ' PD/ ' * n" ' 2 “ 1 .1 At/I'TM fretil33 a Wo , j 3 ts..l .-Bett`nel.,.of thisVilldiei - kiltafifonAot 6 th l tiiiitiiii , % -)llt e tlf theoireslotictonnti Bride Poweroy will leettiiii• & Bo %renter bail-Friday ov alf E;7liiiiiail '5l. - RESLOVA oti ti R. Bowen, Asses eve of tho 18th district, has removed his office to Smith A; Bowen's new brienloek, No. 2, on sac owl floor. ' 4.11 1 Is % 1 13 1)1 i 3 Jew .Agi tator Parlois wilt billtrowil .5041 tit the public on Friday afternoon, January 6, 1871, from two to four P. N. The cordially invited, including the ladies. " 13 E DIMMO3,T I SVPOWe sis ter towni`lo undeiStruirthat she support's a goed reading room, and takes, roads and ... pnyii for the following periodicalY:lo/14illtt semi-week lies, 801 weeklies, 300 semi-monthlies, and 104 monthly - . - ' w) (4l I.:lxt or ~„., l'hiiV School col anniversary of this ‘ school uccurx on, the Gth instant, aridiviiilioOefebileil'in the evening of that day, by appropriate exercises, couunt4- eing at 7 o'chiek; An addma 1011 plc by Proff.4oiP.t. • ff. t There till boa pleating of the Board of Trus tees at 4 4'clock in the afternoon. F RE , AT MANSFIELD.--7.A very disas trous Orel occurred at Manefield on the morning of the h ultimo, by which the extensive hod ,tead loa ii!fa f Ftoyy,if e lli t the tn.lelki!ert AliiilheistAasitjan tiitiiijrakaily The machinery was of the latest and most. approved description. Mr. Ring's lossiie vei.jt hedvy;bidzigi'sbilie - fif• teen thousand dollars more than his insurance.— St.veral of the men employed in the factory met with losses in tools which will be heavily felt liy them. A large number of men ro i Allllw , rt i . out of employment. Gyl(liiie We, WhlCh e Very unfor taunt° at this season of the year. It is also a loss to Mansfield; but the enteiprise.of )nxiolti; sees will soon overcome it. The fire is supposed to be tho work or nn ip condiary. ,Wiloredtd Amon 044? the (lay iirei,iedls.A (itNI ) LEMEN, LOOK HERE !—AI Who want any I ,kiAttl ofOoyitriitting done, will find the Agit4tor office the place to get it.— la addition to the largo facilities, wo preriunsly we bare just added ajarge eir,chnfily gord ; ou presA and eitigtint"noi;:fpitta of fanny Lytmovhiotr , enables us to turn out any atnount of printing eti short notice, and in the best. style of the art, Our facilities, which have heretoro been equal_ to ank . tClktr4. l ,4ll:4:s*/i reAow htttqWll4t, i , i,1001).0944.1*Yivb, both,a , haditro used 4.:xeltirively for jobbing, will enable us at 1111 times to till orders do any extent, Cottle in, guillemot), end t.,19,81; ,4 r tiud, l hka the order of comidg'; foi• 'You d miamp" us now. t e osp,OF, 7 -Th0,44'411 term of the Wel,htian'eAkatled Hehuot elosrl.Friday,Pec; 23. ilia examinations on the init - AVitf l da'y's tit the term were largely attended, and on all sides the progress m i lide in each department is spoken of in the hi host trzr.,, F ., t . • Thu Dire4tOtle 4rtgked aye: r . fly4t l tch• elier fur thiliiigliA:hciolVand tliu opportunities in this department will now be oven better than heretofore. Another ±chool will also be Vith.; lished the beginning' of ieittertli,'f;r't.Ve z; relisi of other departments of the school, which have hcen tQo much crowded during the past term -- This makes eight teacher; in all. The firEt tune o( 9 , pr new•Aebof.t i l t :ll4o42Kirtol ) - iiiently sueeWittiiNPryttiltli eiedie Priiteipal, Prof. A. C. \V inters ; but his elf9rts tronld he fruitleas without the help of good tea tiler, in all the other L behotds, „et, II :tticse have their duty well: They lave worked very iudu•trioualy, and by patieneo r have overcome . tna y di Eficultiwkivrbietuvleio antic ilia:l.6.lin eing the r•ehool properly. l'he teat term conguicoces 'Monday )tI IrAt MOE l'i6 l te,TlitAs.--lehristulas Eve wasi erred. nt o pl . l •t ti nl.l Chris tolitglroefecitlhoir Ittltefolk;.fieponeF r t, W 36 o ne of Li: 6 O)4 l A .hita',l , tong and the free was literally loaded with het, for the eililltr6n.' a'Oon•leil, and wissetl off; tnttofnlir4-464tia fiction of all pregenk. ? •' 4 —A Christuol,ts..e,waa-uiPo+-enjoYcel"A hall, Stony yot h, 1.1 butteyoung Culler, 'and' been h'very . ph• l rtsiM \ t" MI dr. 'Liter. Mr: Retittningloti, 'llaiter, 4:4\ 4 1 :14, 13,iptist Church, nod his estimable, -vvere f gen , rousiy , Teilieluberediliti•tilb)ytgx addition:llo nar4r6ltic ~ s lbilei the childkertz ‘:.ere highly delighted ' frith the pryser,t! , l4lip z p Irtiln the A FIN . 11 oTEL.—T li e - A if' ericti ti '116; ' tel, at Nelsoi, Tioga county,•Pa., of hich C. B. IV bittd is the p.4.91,ria1ce .„ , it ono:pi' Ih kleFl A i l b ( 'Nt kid of kblilift4ilit txcelientiefiro klioteliii ' Northern Penneylvauia. Mr..Whitt I was for- EncrlY , ' connected with the Motropolit in histel of , Pittsburg, where be mits:,known l and a 'o(ig , ),i•zd • as uric of thoheat thekt#4:k . .ce l ictl Iti t C'ptat6:— . Y. S 11104) ho took' iihargtltC, iliCS' A 1101 itiiiii 11414, la ! ' has refitted arid newly fort, iEliett it throughout, arid .!utiplied it,atid ite 941pur(entukcqs : ,tvi t y,eair.: I ) thi , ig which AlVCiAifi-lilite' . ll:ll;is 'llihtrtor?ritiS e' , ilN cnieneo of hisgutpp... ; ,,Opr,f,t{tikr.swhil sir , 'it - st , ) , otiifia44l nu( ,fttiittz! 1411,-ullonnitrir..lVM-' , k t l, nt the A teericon —i./.. Add / - 1 --‘) I (!1 I W i ts Attfji) , , 111:•1 • • ,t 41.1 , ; I.tii lire It tv•le..l to t; 1••• i I .1 1•• I•t ).•• to, (with ;1 ., Igly!giliittar 091api14, (multi give a fitir I:c••.l,of t tlits AFlLLU_(lkaccOgf.heSiou tvlteets.. Hr eteiti4,9l,Arenstltliktheddirectiiin-Gfilitit,y' ,t0&0 , n),, utlttos:, or bitiCr woohl owlet taito to report. a i, [mon, or °a protracted mectitif . , ;--it 'it tvel•tit t.., etrikol, poivertf+ l 'thirr+ sodden death!, cauaedhyiyetirjegivaft:t.,.. ~e ted idiots ; deliiioin tremens, and Au tetio diitpensaticidqi Vtala euf tolernhly strong.. At a.gooillirely fixo e too, Items think s ho could hold his,,tptvo4.4. the c, ito rtil fir ' ffin islet ! h i t & - h. et:11 p M6' cA: • iY Itherei to it cool. lfitoVo' thot•l:trho go out. the mountain valleys Anil streams with ,reifirlatidOilliql so nitsorbed iglAitettwt yi cufl 4t iort 49 .0 "- Ling. as to forget the cool, soft .beds tf; 1 p , t7 , 0 vs hereon he_4l46l.iiefttie rteedmi ' nttoring ;" or the flugy figt1":10)1 hieli he toiled for a string of trout, armed with , one extra hook/01'10164'6f riediffeiftsj teirP6et - qt 11 - rap - line, and agrr.l4ool T9f.4 yritktkrtoxsaff angle worn-Is? Who cis the man that evyr got the incidents of the Hadii n U.hreh T lio'hiffeti r ` his first deer - And; betivintkeltTskirte;:fibe a roost healthy and itiiiiiiiditraeonii-reeriara -6":1, Items rphalip:.telEetp : A R: j etv writt v ikaor; " kna P ztt -44dor,iiii!3•Amt ((netting nAvoillfini reason on , th0z.131 . 14 rsatioitirt-gdiuttlz-nid Of other oaatto;44ideeSailkein "P „ I • thatt idh A L l„,l4 ' I T 1 uNfo ' t i ) :1 41 4 ,'i' gg Aeon, on Friday evening, Docarnbei24, was attended by an audience of about threo hundred-4r0 1 04 2- tie' and atpretsitiver,A444tVitaltak*,,is the worth and betfaty - orthe leitture..dosorved.i .One rarely . enjoys; such intellectual treat.' ' 'llia - subject, " Tho Ariatisesif.tho"Dotlar,!' was -- -- s treated with i all the commit - mato tact 45( 7 -the .Yankeo, that he is, qpitbizted with the logiii and "elegant plwaseologyTof the classical Greek or Roman. lllsi style is . a -model of simplicity, 'strength and grace. - . Pl9fr?"Pij,PiqtyPti yap tva -•-- .. fa. bto ) or, as sii ter etl 1, o t i: t salgl i ffitja !which • stratified soeioty; into pyramidal - form, ;with dukes and earls at the top, and poasanty at ;the bottom. The nristoeraoy of the grandfather ,was defeated Utterly by two laws: arithmeti4 1 41 'P bs 'oVigVil 1 1 ?, e 401v1 blleiti tlihtlitniqiiilldeAded 'thir y toes, aria each of our apcostorsatonalpred lit/ 0 &Call Orlfilitiliiii4-iiicAtilinethinifiliidY 4 t An cestors, of _course, ,T,hp.plood,of pm islyind his `groomvefilriooti lanithingled. To avoid this law of arithmetic, royei.folniki!is had adopted the :expedient of breeding Iri-and-in, to keep out r tho 'common or plebeian blood. This had resulted in imbecility, inanity and idiocy. The English Y ac '" lE l "le °WHIN; ittrUtaddielertacfeittal . until ho \vds all blood and no horse, .' ..--,..• _ A 1110cf!4.11,!0, , Diatit4ititiji hiterie r 4eALfttitl, this' 'aristocracy of the i gnMdCalhqr„. 11,-.,wakiin com p a tilllW ky}, aiiefiothiliitikotfornadtE. ; As (or the matter. ',of,.biFt.ll,-; opq ,--in, Ittlisporq.ndfather Was DO bettelt tliiiiithriothe'rl; - • - Tifo_OrdiSr of the pincinnati alarmed tho lovers of liberty in Eu rope its well (IS in' America ; but it bogan and +nackil ,: u,n. eoa,viykat t .1 12 ,; nug t v r ,44.-4,4a todkl tqf • thP N6freT k nuireriariciliTiperity.. To maim the yiliectte,stpftopm.virsAltickS took Molloy. TtPfAmtr idli - hiR - libil meeting houses, took mon ey.:. TM) In fi r irgoimtwargfin co and the adoptiort i ortntn h.( toliTc money. The Wonderful derViiimplyqf.trifiovirluto resour ces of wealth reciurrißl wealth, and. Sti ll require it. We therefore had an Aristocracy of the 'Doi lar. Men sought it, for•what it 'would bring.— I'ulpits had cursed.tuolteX,Apletritt t t gin In g.w. ; ott 410 4rretiolietmait Abeen own F re 11.we his salary.Af r qqoyetitk-pq evil, but its wrong use was. It leirefesbtited`rilltuenee, culture', reform, advaneement, a higher liberty. Shoddy 4ristocracy was purely exceptional. Wealth alono did not give distinction in. this 00114ry cri A michot i oit tave-itopriat -intif(toct,/".6i'llihr tle 'ribp:etrial,ll),J ... m rf ' l 'o,g3q4aff 0/..0. fib akin, ryxgelitilt , O P f l lei , oga n aistctio or notoriety. 110 believ ed in the . Ar stoeracy of the Dollar. It was in dustry, energy, the quick and unerring judi 3 men i, ,t,hat'etia-itlfliipprgtc il s4zollifo chances that el her sltrli 1.1 111'6 - n ay v ,14 or.,ig”):rie,44intras prposes, would insure` at fiber; purer, nobler f lute of worth, of -honorand - rerfown: ` Z •"It9ms," :)p.readitigithe algove .. A r a d to mateli#lol4(l4o by wit& a/ reckoning - tack only 500 , years, or about h if why to the Norman conquest, he must .have 'rtd 4 aggregate of 65,531 grandfathers! Such n arpount of aticestr e y hi iipuessior ;it swaths' oo thin ;' is too ; Fist ritir'lliTdiflaualTonor tents has all reverence and respect for these ven t: 1 ero49.4 3 Pdtleran.he o.,44l4,koaiwim t Da ii Old Seaton!! , tifidApi`ktlilhinMiikt i llita l clo i ii, are'thiy,Aittit , ti6tiliSi'VWlMitiigs 4 the names of °ti l, e in a thousand of them ? Tai, k lkie you co, le to corittitirrtr If itileld : • Ilikoba bly, an average oat least three grandsons, the thing spreads out so xery ilia, tti Ni i i ipm t o trioititait (Vathakitrafklteiii inbscribes to thp Aaristocraey of..thit D6l-Trir-auctd wishes he 61411 it , Ton, Of- ' • • lifftg The 14th .iii( Xl5: j. .s s.: 1, q _ e , b , . al k Ea, i t t L :*,*A lt *? - irlfhit evening lOZ e.i 0. 4 we lad the pleasure of listening to the gifted Olive, (Miss F,,liirpo4, pliatantly AFatit AmiAl i forolfer ' The BrixttiAnitlit'ftliChi-thdqsilklleXkiii'Mffratri. ‘• to h little disaPpointmcnt ie 15;iss, Lome : She at i is more of a tviitittila & andli;s's . 61 4 ati l erator than Iv(3',11 1 , 14, 91 14 .1 t ?j?fPAV'f fr es i ',0”P.911 1 ,,, iat r i l i .gi notice - wlitela ty - petgOq : 411, d e r press. "Immo have made her; short sii,f l'alf; lick and thin, old and young; ogly,a,p)l, l l4litikifttll leer origin wok French, Gorman . , English,. kilt, or,AtiNk i, ddi vid tiaV itipaft4o;', 0!:i ' : ) . 45 : -. .c '.e7l to 11 avid, or old) k viPttie'sit - tkiAlit - t, rikithority; but ne4rly all credited hei: with eloquence. As to hex; persorti t timayfamitjemfar of rediel woman by lamplight, Ire should call her %,,ipsdiurn l shietl;,aprightlyiegoolliliMltiffe A Mexican or 6 tti tin" SI of , filitn , ,Y,i+eialy,-o,g /S fir on - t; &LAO •111 ‘ 6 ti 1111111:i o " iirViriq ' fii , 0 n ttipplantii rather than profnml; light and racy, rather thAlt • rett6ttivo , ; Ili hty, ratlior than philotietiea) • Afkni r nig it, and, tito yOtiro,-Jovinii pviiiip c 4,3l7atomiri 11cr gositidi 'of ell361:611 ;Cgs, the " Brisht Side," is al I(ttkiW7l.l a al ii Wp; 1 \ /WP PAIIINT could Out lie Alight - 4t N ide to the joM . n toothache. But-the teetnre was, 011itlaylg, IWO WOll tq101V434 by, tikOft:Vi . to gest auaiinAfiltl%fiVpi,ilittemilWilfetlet& turn room ; and, as Miss Logan speaks her piece 1) th , quiic as cre4li:tably and more_ reasonably than 'li c many a I/Min i s fellow who aspitkes to Om roe- f o ;truth, 1%0 visit [bur 011eCCES, MI ' 1 ~ • t 0_4,..,.. _,.., ....,T,-• 1 ad .5;, : --- ~ :.(losSll". i nic.:ilight4h - 110'!1 . ,ji)ttPloi : 4- ,z . ir aal+ ; tili - ,014 , 14011 1 , !3 , 11t:i0,ii,44,1.00itiii1P ,. . 4 4 1 pl ades uptiV,Jl fi:i;iihik,orotitylAtliii§4l,lo:o" ' '. • ' „t{lit Dile r Ithi?;#:Ra-' . soitilitg e . .:e*i4iT tviiiith glet.iii;r (ma theitA l / 3 4 C" 441 f u'lleii.O.ol3 .-thavzeon*, of tile , ~,, ...t i :Tea, - to ; I 1 lanita,UA: umnifes 01,„ fors rne - tiiii , .. .edillilt will tut, canntit be broughtbaek ; the faint lights from' gip s'a PP 1W itilloivs .eir ugglel oil t 7tUrOugh , tda r ti frosty l ,partespri l iblusrin; , thiy 41heit - ; di4iihiairldN' mantles all the beauty of the world around, and solitiide, slonelY, sad and' eternally profound, reigds . in OF inojtlty(yrsgeihin w h it &lil itif thousand •'(4it4 - 11:qhf - to i ngto r stoillealc to nit: - The street ) strains of automatic music fall timidly on 'the (lisp airatid echo the preianto of the unseen Uod.l Dear dame, do you ever think it all over? :tyg - tif au tif tt I I . ii,sk- 7 t LAI ay tiggligcl e Vittail the t4eee, tlieereA S ifdd's, • the running brooks, the scyeet floof:rs, that emie i c! ) tuaLso o fresh and filiti--i - recll ? 14 4 41110.1ust of Jui wayside, thistle- Beds that fl itted iiiiiMmiziltiA~nir," 1 BuStorflies, beautiful, golden brown, A .I , Fluttering daintily ovvrywhnie e j , i ..,, t , 1 : 1 5w ot is the jruom'rj?,dinitriedwith . 'years, - l'h; t lingerslto-night on the ancient way, " *illogd.h4p4es i with - tintii4dittitt'A46ll ti,iit t ,As It pFe turiwtts' there -hi thii - ii - oldtk4aityi ll f' ' i ' h it. lio* brightly the sunshine gilds the tree - k l i''''' ' ' '•!;.„ • I:!%atevy sweetly} echoes the bobm-link's song, ^'/I. te vatfustalong onAtiti Vol nig braliefr';.' ';'.; ".. A: 4 4 db ' g 4 tc'''ilal - ''''Oplld,riii) " dii it i o t 'VrO j ii - g 14 I. /' - '.; !it) irt d ay 'it 1 Olt,N,yould'ttia I. et had never gme„,,- ; ,3; , "That thesiutilititiseotit.sehaftliever.h4 r.,...... That the this l tie had mever shed'ts down, m i rk that OatriTl y f rqp, TO ng Fetl3o 4 Reaping fti iiils, i lted Yen i s a I o'o'r,"' C- Ciatfierin'g Ow-ers at;hprigs of green , Ac,)llng the tales of -lbveqv'eritiolkiia ' a f [ " I 's first we did in that fir-u4' dream ! ~i , i7hp darling, ihohMokletmnimuisllll4 [sea; Oh' 'ls way through the willows ar i a oil to th e Spa klitt iriiinttliglitfiiwity,:otilitib hilli ii ''; l i :. ° , A n it I, er ci; •niq ei - ef 4 - I.l ) 'rlijayri . ant , tiiiki.,,,,,„,l The ;trees on Ithe bank off' the river have grown, , Tik, ii ni a 'Ai . fil,.lo4l w o hi ft iarP olt tl tez e "I =r• tify i V `'''A*; n ,, kr(,r,‘. ihesit y iltit the tire. 410 ilivr. b , i wla l ! . h. iv iuil Ly 1-. 4'•'e '''-"'-: , ? " : .r i A ~t kov tt t ' IOU- ' ; i 3 - i i , .IIN tflAtkvAnitti eliviti I,o'l Ptle, to .r. , tit. ftieli;.;lieViiiiliitiN 1.1 c " 1 .! Al O- 1 6•- rei.4.. in 11.1 pa.l„,„ „ v • , .„ 3 , in i‘s ii 0- o .t{) es Ote)HilliftfAi ll eAt fj ' 1 .- I ot'':i ,luau) 1,3, 4 * - s s !i4.l to last . . ~. t t til i t"Y;: t lg ri V l Pi!l l P l iii 4 bOtit'ot,ltt', , 1 -.:ti f , I 9:olllltrriftiiy cat !ILeAtlall, into ll-,4 1 , 1 ' N.lttte the yttitti!igl.l on the meadews , :.. - ; ''" " 10 1 011, 4 11R11! --Vritiuro, II t•Ws:Vt. voic e whis - pers Oft' , I epPat t' i d titles of )ore, co f , /.. ''"A n a ri.iint of 'the ',lovers —'— Fli ts IA. foFeegn,,,,v4,,ri v y itit n - IN t i t ;o it 1 1 %vniore,OittOthktIgtitiiiii4Len 1 1 \Mtn the night is dark mid drear, .10 cams a light, beyond 6w,i,,Freifient— fli.ft kicome to the nlisent Toro. .., Eve.PtArcAeeftViiiiAll'flAr lti . l " -41 ' a d h ;r!', '? Fo 'TiWthl i t l el) On 4 5(710,,,,i '''' 1.7 .';; i m e; ,,,,,;: I 91V' 1 1!9 ,tllTlATßlPArri),..P.g,stilietuzza.s 8:12.,1 1 ill!! Pi tito.tva,toleatfieitivA p - ,Is - , , Tie) it..!ti _ . atoltitil It) 40461" 11 , .k.?! t)C7A 611 oriql :sit NOBODY.-- . TQ call some persons "no ihody" ,could 0i1i413 yfijoNfitikie,sql l'ag#6llso same !imp the; iviitp6t themselves in the position °Ci l tit9.4l,4) . b , !ca l l L pd Ipt! i .,,.§ n f iksct ur.;144441 the drinki i ''saO .fe:OAFP•-pifg domindeq l ateolc'e46, l tice,or iooothiug ',else to kill time, so that .1:44 ' ii - if? lie siircrnot; ttoriettdi Ittehf:'tioSki. ';Atui 4, "onliCe - pi4g your tni,lieitillibledlii NaTallietNi, and our jelartl (iv iti .f. ‘ iu skfaw s l3 = l, 7o l ollilgaOJ Aily4.k There are a liTge number of x9,li*-Miiii, i Ithollito t be dnuebodfrizclAgflipAtittfilf? l 6i& l. fal cir ftitia0,41.494 . ulntirParhPli a Wait, %tie willitlav go tomitrztottfulio•TAYi c N., •uld refer" this glass to the following story, 1 l• fan Amerlean,tiayellrig iniParis : I "Saving oceasiin to ,take a bath, 'his • hyoid:in ocominenl A tt :7 s.: •., . ro, /stabliolt i r th ' rf eel e . fii • : -he ad kip • : rj, ••• • .ed •ow they could a otA to I give : a, ',wine bath_for ' oventy-five °mitt.; • ! . •-• _, ;' "Why, maws,"- said the negio, 14 that - wino :has' • eon In the, bath-room for "one week, and -you is ho thirty-eighth person that bathed4n it." .- ro I d U ",ktEr t ipfikPli kl/ritLikgliAtilth&fh WY, "Oh, no, mason," th 6 send it all .down stairs ,'r the: poor people who bathe for twenty-five ;into." "And then What do they do with it ?" . : "Bottle it up; nil nd it • o Ampsiee, b wbeip t r i • ' 4 ! i / I t ik i bi r '1" ' 31 fill a .4. Hr. lipid mA. AbvEnTisult.—We de- ;irelereall tho :attention of our readers to the rospeotiierof the aboviiriamed able journaVpub shed in thciadvertising columns of bidissuo of r paper. TI4) Advertiser, by the 'ihreydness, et, energy .and ability of its - managers, bas achloved i aesitin ilistßeivormsrfli & iketie ,cotin yy. Ik, as au 5 SS 1 114's oiab orcial centers ';of tho ociun fry, vaivablejiigii..,. t , rat information, entertaining stories, sprightly el aerials, and Matters of interest to all classes. e could recommend no more judicious expen d turn of money than an investment of a year's bscriptiou for, tho Ade:4litier. It will repay 0 outlay tenfold. For a full account of the rtns of this,liturnal, and a et it e ., of II A r eattlaVerta i te4-4 s t ubs%r% s*- , Ik , vA e ) ,) [' s3 l noultAlMNolitkVitarding.ryt A fe -4r 6 tini toiktt l l4ll4§ o l s iiillt.' si4liCiiit. %SISS' ", 1 ~,' ALANSFIRT I D. - -'.- LIST, now outdoor ex cise is no luxury; our man-trap sidowalks add e polish to the vexation, and, we , might fool o beatowing uncomplimentary riletpric. If we to not in doriht whore it was most fitting; as wean our " borOugh fathers'!, and property . , b. Were. _ I I TAlcitooPbritlAelkith) blintWiti* Oda httia‘y i 4s t Slifyksiny,„pisitier.iniOutlttzdipe : 4, i„.„,,,,....,,,...,...(,),„,„,......, n,..7 9rtint:twirm. , 441-vai, rlf, li t tea:q is 0 It till PT in putailn tii '1 6PRIBIe: it* t liieltl hap"- 1 ly 466044dV4rAVAIliiii , libiTifisn Waliii 11 Prr 5 PK44 0 041bel btWiniciatitettekbabitl seitrtill) i' b tkssß.kii i N iI PIN." 8 M 1 a14.0?- 0 A.VW 0 . ;:, , Yi.PliietMli t t DM l L B eVfer o Vlreilz, t, kikg4 r kilitt ...3 , Avl-3k ..t 3 pr, 1 4, ollebece e e . exceoton, 41.,1 the. fittest church inAlbit'd" i Mil e,A16t.84414,.14f ii ersous in want of Sweet Milk, can , accommodated 4).t tho Farmers' 'Hotel. 21EARRIAGE S. • ASDIN--EATON"--In Challestoßaoe,43 . ' 1 7 444.scoitb,..30.44thaitmtugin„_ ,_ 183 i r hFile , o °V 4 hrivoiiim.r3N.l MI SP -- Xyg, Y— i" k r at tre . 4iftli algid,' olli,llB7tr 7 R v.• .' S. r 4aiiiltAktrd nocilitkii3tillakiV. Art Wircil 1:16 . 40ti0t *' ' * l S. a ,,tAik l lA9z h t#o l l\rAti\p‘ , ) - lis OBIS so NS - HORTON—AtAISiffO ; xIAOq9.4Iii ), • or.A. Rawn, Mr. Thea Ore W. Robbins ~ • Misa Mary Horton both of Wheatland Mich. SBORN—BRYON—In Jackson Pa., De 0.14, 0, by M. K. Ratan Esq., Waterman Osborn . Miss Mercy Bryon, all of Jackson Pa. DEAI7IB. .., 5414 1 1 - A-4,lasticimingtertsDhol l 410tbItkAfkletli 31n P 1 i a ..4 - 'l,‘„W v5.g..,,,,,.,,,, ~i , A-wa. ....,Nl.O .' b511,1y-mY , 4lmoiv 4,4.,n.,.00.,intb. oh Noyem dr, VO L ' s_alkit 'fil.„Sitivkney,, aged 3.t. yegslo- ?....?..a-So.t.:lsi,B is - a. ,W.1. - ‘sk - . ..:vk x .I._ t it 5.,3- r.:,pkie444 hakdAelbitiftyll3l4l4Fis iflud?,i'iq fi vobtostis . al bad* 0g0ur4,94 . vikry, rtzspl4ibli - i k situitllen'uti'ller IhO'lNirls' f lttiii elial' 'aMprkuk. Ho hvao„itglify estitemed- for'ltis.aprlghlngs9 tad go4rous disposition, - and his services were high ily appreeiated by the company, as an engineer 'a ' mechanic.' is remains were attended to their last resting :pli o, at West Addison, near tho residence of his tpa'r nts, by deputations from the Masonic and I been w o a member obi we t o o f 1111 1 , r Follows s t joko e l lodges, l g o o o s v , os ho aw having ift hot Orders, and a largo circle of mourning rel . stir t; and friends. —, - anllt 111 °'4rikilit, i.c , s..A_t.i.V ..._ 'ilkj % -.) ; , -.., Ve•k-A..?..,.1. 4 .. No. ckAi%Terlatn. n iii-A " '7 i re IT ' 1 tall arilititt.,. OLt Oxii) I. l 1 1, mry sry , o *pi) losang.. pxiooNo, r e,4 Aftszt,utteita Far RA litetVa t ßelqtratritrabtiblvVilplik4 bii.htt . 44 •:•".51.'... 11.1 4 3 - 8 • 3. , 15 , x.: 3- - .:3,1:1, --,: , ,,y,...: .•,-, , NV okeas k pur WO go Imisagai 4 iiiinv,ctute4.‘to, he 4rtVerAintherr'enft , Moiitetillied'inenit.t.kell,, ' 0 at 4 1 4_141114.1 1 .410f9414,pd alekcb - Air-,of one• - .W i tte ion ; important druees,wgvti'regiindroir us ersthe-nn• en:kin:lw' tftloo,ttrpdkupottnate - idt ::tielnik prepits'ad irdalit• , _ _ ' -. ls„ De p1;f04.144.0iti - OetitlWZaSidl)l4l;thilig' to giiii: tpr 1 ssion to 'our footings on this sad occasion i two . , lop the following resolutions: De dived, That wo deeply doplors the loss by death ' II r worthy and beloved brother, Isaac M. Stick:my, to 4ur Financial secretary, feeling that in his death o hive lost a good still true Odd Fellow; ono whose ?hole heart was in the cause, and one who exempiitled In 1:14 UM and conduct, in and out of the lodge, 'the _teaelthigs of our Order. Ills heart was over open to Alio appeals of the needy and dlstreesed, and his hands over ready to administer relief. 110 lived beloved by all,a d died depply deplored by this lodge and the ontir community with _which ht.:l4mA bsu asso t tvi l so lo gi,'.t . 't, k WV: •,..-, t; Vis i. , o „l . . t 1,8 1* . ,. „a . Et Mel, 711latitla ten It o - h - eKeaved thviduve lipret L child "kkiPv4 , 44tmodirslb Ibiii)iialf llaiiiiali ym thy. 1 Oxvouitte We pur-,2teank.jyrm thore,t till ill-cfcsiffriiiteanztos, veil& did eobateif tliereY' _u ugiik•!wllliktiuMl4lDOodiettAlkey.lAtte Owitte t *4,' '`iiult r adrilithle`te- rilftittY le :Weir c'ttrafort , atid, Atilt flit, t14`,4 fano 4 tl cie2, 3Cistippt23l4sphillteof \thi. ' - mot (Chill Astlos abtr anfl fathor, c . s • _ . e. i Resolicil z ,naau iitalien'Atilatireitl?ira itiallkitiem • o t tbo nietiory,J4,oAT, dflteLLScli-btrirlierlpr i follit e: ill be4bratpeitin thboViiiig;sand_Tiab . -then ere We r tl ,m4tuil-4,4ga„FetiAnil4 i c lkkiki - Ilikkii . . o. '-',;) t,, , -0.,:',V,1 obt.10(1f114 Oreptilbicsand.,te,l;44,sig./144, by iii N.,t9/ . .entf pw,i,kocANttri. wi l or..thel gai- I albs , . 134 lodge itra - efieg 3 , 9, Liese . l4tl, to the . Wylontqf qur..4e. 1 O—ase IVtU.O 2 :--at.ehvfelt UtiertoDfillit SEM& Itrthet oga ~..i . Vmettri4 , My est rfoKfcs . +N ießri f, 4.--, i rtis r;-fer 'patilletitioWf• • ` F 1 4.„,;19101;1 mins lP , • — AB mills itrda:4Yallte 1 1 1.1;111-; ' flyl?a, the b4stiklite. : ' l ' ; . t, B,iltTO 3m.1,C) %VS \ L. 4- - DEli'.l — Wil4, 1 41:44e Ile tfit office n,* igh l *' lA b Jgoiel4iiiA•itim - oljl ,-.A_ c. l't "-, r - tillaeS t0 1 424:8 !t - ..0*.... I rge Itito bintpkeev ento - which eii,y3,l4litsc4itiortAtthattuibll'A tau g , else lil r• 11 4 Vi4 a t APPOYAP.4X-7,4-Pg4o4 187'0,-1- ; •' -- , --• i--- ______:. :._ iLlet•ele-......W..), ~, u•_ , SPECIAL. NOTICES. i 44-4- -...-±,-..... • 1, 2 _94410N TO PUROIIABERS OF TUB PERUVIAN '6I.ItU (a protected solution of the protoxide of iron.) Beware' of being deceived by any of the proararions ofiperolvian Bark, of Bark and Iron which i - mAy ts , tlprfd to ion, Every bottle of genuine bite ITEII. hit i tylrup (not Peruvian hark) blown in the glass.— XII ty. TIM BOTTLE DZPORE I . I7BCLIASING. in-t, 1 -- " hat Did Its Lyon's Kathairon mado NA Lai. aott, Luiuriant thick, and Ilaxan'sMagna' . WM c', AtigtillhikOilllimpkiiifoltW•kalgtattle c"nt l,P.Kk li t v 7 iir V sat I n ?sPitktM li .Y4 l /0 41 g _ ago i ~.I Lo leo 'OBO of tiOes. r . 11., no lleask or nth aq leetinetiftonipletiWitra itle 4 6:Z111;13C ilf lone" Lt?feta,..eag.irem,ilitit4EViistAliaa olla B m Noitistzhat ixil i l i gtye t 4 tl'os.9 , roA, , othin• cittaVnt `TWIN) I§:,tlfo loom of yphtb. t . A net niadr4ilTtliikt) atfbillNyiif. - 03/I tyt.littat• •1 Wits 1 1_,TR _toOflF)'?).Y:AuX4lll`442 INWAr.I Vloternni: Ak9,llli tad Li in oyfry In V d,yie , oseeksloni ,t j A ),..z,t,Ct.v•; 1-1 , A....1 - , 4,1 _ . . 17,i'l..4Eortisi4wi fC 11.}.1Y44 , lte r kke. _Mil er . Illii ' Mead lie I.rn ur—cures of Canclers,Vl oura anti Ulrentbrilluif. ....... T . t i v ro :lis o ore p liy a_ . 4th A re, pa n i o nl e c r a s i li t l c almn i t li t v v. ? a',ll, 0 most r o ma r 1- .. . ' 4 lO cirtTt CANCERS, of this tatment a is, it sopa • rales lho chemical elements of cancerous . gOowths, so that (boy shrivUl, dio awl clis - lllillear and will not ristunl, All thot , a at- _ Metedlran call on tho Professors Buchanan k Dawn, Univerisity; or address, No. Litrino Street, plillada Aki - V:4Ate • . T ElL4`‘`ii i'VtlAiiWiltrgtai\VA I 7t; holiitig'stifieritinntedriaSinclotiildittl'thr the estate oflyp t clg s nmit i l, Jae./ son townsiirp' Mites 'Co7 a., degoaseA, sons • h4iiig;nliiiriSaggititOkoiiiitliifititk‘ , an se indebted to tho Earn° onl3 notified to of.ll. settliment on L. B. SI : FIVES, CAROLINE MeINTYRE,! Adm'rs.l Ponilonto Lite; Jan. 4 1871.--6i. 0 ... ,1.GR.1 Ita 69 IegiiEGISTER'S NOTICE 1 NIIT I CE i hereby gi kvo ,that the Adralkt-. Ii l c p . 47 q o t r 4 / ct is t o u riTa l f in k ai t h i a the '4'...llRetisetticiniib.eueloVittxW. ifat COu ty Penna, and thitctha sma'accounts willbe picianted to the Orphan's Court for said ~County tit a Solston of said Court to be hold at lintsbork• on Monday the 30th day of January 1871 for iillowanco and confirmatiom. • 1 1 ;11. - 144aarint ;of George'D. Keeney, Ad m inistratOr :08 theittstate of Ira Bullock, late of MiddelburY j , deetskedi IA . kj, V A'ii .., 111Afiliomit . OLLOrallt-trulbr', Chtlltraian"' of . mary 1 Bat i ttaz.zninor 4111,14 ofArastr4ButltSilleZ; Lawrencovilliefthiso4i. ~,. ,- I , ' i v k4rußtte ,' lln'Afttr;tettiklitietif ;tat , p '. as 114 rid I'itleillrelV.,intltWfireiti of Sally nn G.O #: BOY A #le4arnde - oweil. fiegister' OM , "• h ‘AklritYttiart-1: 3 1S71: .1. • .D. L. Da itifts i z BIOTA/ itE "ultiforne agonies,,ibereavenionisi devastations,. he Amerlean e r t ifirot t al'li. = tat ,to ur &there D I of nd 0 ' so?, les its comtlebrr is I noble, r. st i . ing assertion th at all al on - are created mg al," nd endowed by their .C,:rector wit lquli.o4o, ighte to life, liberty and the es!, is no longer a glittering generality, a ot's aney, a philosophe ognisod balm of . Ign Revolution, Ny ioli dates from the B , aton assaeto of 1 1 /10, tinds.Jts net oneeentury,latee, VilltvAasoudipeni, over ti# ft rtrzed in oulppli ,e, the lill ~ f • e,s or' the Feder -god .(titatio ~ f tote 'anti P 10 *ay TO r 4., d flat rock ' -a a ttansient) a 1, , o oint of was ay: but its foundations aro doop:laid and eadfast, and i tlqrk 14 of g , 4 4 940 4pu ri ery are butler; a`.lunst an as their spray ; , er it in vain. , • ' , , ; We do no , .%, - , t.. Jibe • forces of Prejahliii9o d_Ari :. , . ~it , •. ,r "A. , , pot forget th i g , )(o44lr4 i ,rizse ~ .. (%., - 6f i 6.:: teligiflll poop I ,i thei 'firriolif hiii t 'ili Illit a ßlackshaV o this hich Whites are b tuna to respect. We fully • • preeiate the . desperation wherewith alUk; sting elements of hatred to, Republican hieiement will be Combined and hurled against' t t e elt a ii Uird*AtiVati n 7AVVlßAtO übt" that local suecesfsVakijitetedbrk, I an , fetilardneittsblreebbelfigrsvemi la pot ti c arging host with a sanguine hops 'liit etba% s eh as nerved it to patt forth its utmost etrength I the earlier - stages of the contests of 18,14..azu1 l 1 Ofi. Yet our faith is . elear and strong that the °dean people still bless God that, on the red b ttio fields of our late civil wor t iky Eta t held and Sl a very destroyed t nadiltMeg l niciously decide that the precious blood there- o poured out was lavished in ,vain. 1 1,44Nf r zlrDix.moutrott3puputo1 1 Itisprea a a e 7 egitunate nommtd R-c,i t ends. To State Sovereignty; *apposes in soluble National Integrity L -to Aiitavikry.fqi( I ache, Liberty for All; to fifhtspalitoni,..ld;., nchiaewent; to Popular Igtorance, Universal ucation; to intensity and eternity of wrathful ate,, pealtutinia igiiintdiiiiikdod Will. It mid fain do its utmost to hasten the glad day ten the South shall vie wit ty hAte,,lip trISIMISMIVISTeitti Si . .'plaran c e s the ner f 6 e r llo ta w i M nt an ° . 2slll4lr '''s 1"144 p ; rofoundly do we,reailze t contest is i sh la j a p t of tr h a i e s e Felled Man to exult in theladt ` t hole aid ! 'et end ~„7 . , . , ~ f . ~ -1, 0 6 mokAAs i i le s publiek, • ~ , :t., • • eholVete 2 ceinfederady, ii• : roar ,e r children to hate 'lse by whose valor and constancy its over ow 'pas achieved: If we ever seem to differ. '4,s entially from other Republicans, our convic ,4 that magnanimity is never weakness, that ✓ sauce is nomppolar an ; . .44,. e t i n east out Itr , Weizebilli, aftrt!* e . .tr 1 al egedeccentricitlea, whose perfect vindication w leave to Time and Reflectigu m 1 , ~ ~,, •jorii to, lIE LUDLUM has been, ißj Ihßilittlit be,• a se lous advocate of to Home Indus ctr . Regarding habitual idleness as the greatest , foto human progress, the bane - of human hap pi ess, we seek to win our countrymen itkplasess frcfbeamsnatiagaurbthad .43Mahaiefa3, of ~,i,sas,f,ow.mretaszoweet. ilitteVelehe;- ... h e tranquil paths of Productive Industis IW would gladly deplete our oxer - orowdt i psik ; [ 4 O ~..iceiitheteLthitudandegaiiilytijkatfai will la ' 'fa 'thiiguidvillomktif lifittistbalistislikv iiiSViir' . ktikitiriee and plains with colonies absorbed in 4110k:enure, Mechanics and ufaeur an d ; colisalitli 1 3 tOjeiltiflWtgIii;Vedv, deir c lePtlie! tncifildthkiof orilllked „ el ia*,, Holding the Protection of Home Indus:. trilby 44'.w,44.1422(1.41)11ileMrtsITIcint and fabrics 8 . p,, , _ , diffusion 0f40301111e41114 111714ZA4 - 7 palments, and so to the lustktor 0 - 4. ii i .ei mg3 l plo 'n all the gainful arts o Peace, we urge our coidrymett to adhere to:and uPhold thakpci,lic,y, in ndeulatingtaillt.thatiNatiutviiiteieetieneqeq ito si or a section, but of each Section arid'il - , '6,47 useful class, is thereby subsorved am prip- t ; .inot-ed. ; taf X li Ljet 11 )' ( 41. I 'l „ ~,,,,Al3 i n TRIBUNE , 0 1 0 bent, ei - 1--1 IYEt r. Its 40(r08p4 d 044 trti,y,expat,exery,kittte, 'hie la resent 04 tVerl fnifieltant b`atile field, are „curly advised of every notable Cabinet decision, observe the proceedii f Con a i ci ll of Aoglaki 'latices, and of Cony , rt tqA,W44. I teletraph all that see a goner uterest. We have paid for one day's momentous advises from Etniope by cable fit more itryocßcAtimop,lo4 l / 4 . forlaVitadfil 4ilifohiliSkie iidVidos reavPed c suc i rea era. , If lavish entlaY, unsleeping vigilance, 1 and,unboundedlaith in th , iber4ity, and dit, cononont, iatio - • o, nigtiStßo us 144g0 a jolt' eh . o superior an the no eurtichyartely andfrptiese e , i'.l , g p ri t en t s ,... 1, Tilli Trlthfreltjil;f:l4l( b , ,rf j . . • ,4", tha p t — o .d T Agricultuf6 a*llc't I%IS !AOiene ~ sova r , Litily tioxoted,._and I shall ,p4smalepriy 0 , 0 / 0, i meatMOßiplebothi&edy4fgar rivals.— i X I - . ht catLeielielar„. itiegua-TatatuasfrAmida.,,.... I tQI9 OX - '.•."'-it i . .. .-16-ivithonf,-) im vor widely his optics mn_ diws. -eports or zit° valito, - - .i. ot., e- nd reP-FP . n -' l .--- , e ..r. i n 41, 1 itil Markets:tot f 1 . itec..„aed/ our use sin clueldatitrfa` 1 e fat . lON calling, and isil4 , egular reports' ~pf the Farmers' club-pnd; , Idlotred gatherings, are so interesting, tligt the vaciest, farmer will ilAtl therein a mine of Bug. ! ginition,ao4 4108Re t elverjghtiy A hes . p5tinot remitta ifiikiltiitivitHottrpbsitivo AndTsrempu,s 7 lossil, Wer sell Tun WEEKLY tOloltibs foi lelra than its value in dwellings for waste paper; and, though its subsspription qritro t 0, w b)leve that I a half Ho f re to it who over it Ilia i i ? en to r ton. tion We tsk ar ha ds rywh6re to -id us in so cornmendink, it. . 1 .. Litil [ls-D of litmus t'sril L 3 P 7.111C' '' i.,- - Dm Iv TainostVgtitOitllo4ll34LAiri fial 2 1.. nu . fita ffis-zt* . ' • 1 --- ~ . 4 StV ., WEEKLY TRIBUNE . , mail subscribers, $4 ,e annum. FiyptleiVr elg t vaugbu a4 1 'Af , d*, a copy yitrilislon or every club of ten • ••••#iln, for at one time; or, if preferred, a appY il Ag y PlOPUSeillntpcf Sißialy'Argb) iMiZ-Vrall .. . ; . Ir.: enrchA4 6l's 31 . I. Vi4Vit5lS OF THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. va , vs ., ,T. ; 3 f LrAi_fi*ro tr , :o) „ f.-?,-; 5-.-: ,A(.1.,. 4.14:4300i woube -Pr :•:!.; „ Ir, pie ' 9 leer, 2 makes 9. tlia,dn address, all atone ITo names of subtfcribers, • pos office: I I all at onoWs6l6lll6ii P , '; iib-a, ies $1 50 each.llo copies $1 60 each oopp lee 1: 26 each. I 20 copies 1 1 35 each hi .'oies 100 each. 60 copies 110 each.' Ay* 3.1 e extra copy ,to And one extra co y to. 'Pe ga t flutr. - 1 1 , Fr ~ ‘, ons entitled tglifikift?Folqfean I pre- ' ;17drs4 have either of the following baits ,p9f., p aid ; Political Bconoft l 'ibFllfiSince` 1 4%1 y r :Pear Culture for Profit, by P. T. Quinn;. Y 1 6 temente of Agriculture, by Geo. B. War- Net. ~,...m Acifertisiv_.Rateq. ~..,,k - AA .1. Talent& 1)7? 4ict s. 9o(Ltilftltjsl% 1 , 0 ,. _../., 9 l . , Wli 0. S ty A ..WEEKLY Tiiiivaa, 25 and 50c. per line. . VcE 41;:lnii i t, 1 , 1 4Xo*.f a Vick§ peg limit :t It; ,:tti- ... , Atetkalhriskitio,klr! #0; i - IA übscribeiiiiislild t i e Preserve r. Gree ley's . says on " What I Know of Farming," , an l. w ,', '4 lir itirs4•YtiBslo,2ll324lailyl .....I..or)te . - ei 1 pr f ,4 f gotrila ki y, ?ohm, ws, will a d . 13 o , foli - pota,-,77 , equeet be made eyhe late of Eubscribimg . • Yi-k l / 2 - 4 .:, sin A': Ki 1.11111,. '1 ka for Sate at the Tribune Office. cs ii teTribune Almanac...fPifeeto-4Sittili . '" ..`;" i ne Almanac Reprint, ~1835, to 1808, 2 i n m 3 htilfaindridi $/0.1.112 1 MCI ic lleotions of a 1,,1. g9j474laGlidisa r a l tarl 3 60 ; W half,m7l rditl eco,s g 4 ; ; -C ha lti lf tlf ‘t s2 h: so s} a le antique, s7t dii 'cal Econpay, Ify-Wteeebr )3 nk's Hydraulies — ebfiftrues. Ix s dition. Large octavo. C1att.,44,------ t h 1 .1 , rteulture for Profit. Quinn. $l. -; c : -.. ents of Agriculture. Waring, Istpir - odta. At. , Cloth, $ . my ; ~._. <;,_r N -ir . i ingfer MI I fit. firatiß ~ • i 1. 1 50. _ , ..., fit6t free on Pe . / f- - -- ,- -Z`,..0 - t, gt, 11, - , 4 ,qn king!. ' t cs, lwirys prkeiliiddraa. :vIV ' York, or a Post Office Money Order, if . .pvt . titi . Where neither D f those can be_ ro. 44:ii t t e e n u d er. thyamtr i t o terat s ta i l 2.!‘ 1 i duced 15 rents T , H at E d T t ß bo ut p u re N se E rt , t N r o e w gi y st o r r a:o . n system as been . ~found. by r tke t p,eatAsuoviop to bo v Wally - aim absoltife'll?dfeblion a'gtast losses b mail. All postmasters are obliged to registo letters when requested to do so. Ter , cash in, ad'ance. Address . . Th Tri volu Re ley. %ma , M e k 4. e ENT§ wANTEiri'' ill''' , 4,x New aid El egantly Illustrated Work - ‘‘' itr A S II I : r 11.4" ~ '.., ~ .;.,.. %, ti t t ~ 1 2 V . , Ver . • • .... iti44. A . -t .-'' -, , 4' , . e 'i . • - PtibiaBMßD. . , . vA tig t-Seeing And • ',Adventure': •ptdts:Ab Land of the Astees will t lch si ßvii i tyf PE iriti fr YtidtdilhijitiES fut N of Mori n Life, C.. ~ , ,t , eit . 91 fautiltdita ostartlin and somata i l- •4 ft j g ' of this nd of Romans.. "vit ia ' l 7 t • ~ "It is bright and ra , , , -1 , t• , 3 1iffit brilliant and attraelktgatinA Moil liiahll . kage in t, and eannbt faktcriltrilmlaArkthtillri *Mises. Boston Poet.' i '''' ii .. 1 4,16b vs - sparkle with wit, and axe instine with eve -varyi •: .1 ” B gleNfritati all its p s ,':,:; ", :t' s I ,r. 3 ra a 411 it% and we s , ' 4 ii . a .n ' it does not COM mand a ry extensive sale. Every family shout put this ook in the hands d. 0 . ottheir onlidren',', i Chicago ribidteill L. Ot ti.artsau 144 . . a, . -N, , Many f the stork of adventure are as live Ire. a are fresh i . rikkOnAillykla of rtv 1 , be inter'. -:,., *IAA oralipt i lelties • • , :. tfully , ,• ,- .7!* oWrtalhing: - no :. 4 . ,r , a a genuine . nd' substantial value."— i i " 141 qii i i c t a rz '1 co ta - 1411_ :Vogul* ficii) f N . •--Abtp)o petition, -, .. sells - to - all pjaweee gents e" meetiqg wj . • ranarktble success. Per aim ra a nt - 14. x: . d'ess 'tlib Pliblishers t t v istpl, Bag; I ° + .'. -tti Rratt i ltr Dims er2lo-411 - -, ~~ TfTk i i,, ‘, , i ,-- : s 4, ;,,,, I t01 1 ,`? ~ • ..'-7'r ; 6 '. - Ulijii 3 t.. s ni, , = . 7 . , : `;4 4 1.4. - 4 - FisAiti;:l'lii.. - ,t ii. ; , .44 , lok,z , ,wilr , A,W*o.ll4it.'qlooki --', P'l 1, Ati;;;lite44ltilslt, _hMt'ittPaliiiisi4Litrud'' or s ie tutki4W ~.',4„;, la a sin faili 'Xi'Citriso s. '''- ' :;7410414 , ,-; , ;„ a 1,....,,,, „ 0ki,, , uts vikm4 , 4l.. , , , • , , ,-04 rs) . 4 14tOittar 1460 . i' "`lit,. _ r . -of • 0 o'cluak - %.,,ftgAt;', T ~,,' '!. , l :".- 1 0, ' ' °0 1 4 11 0 9 ”: i l l n, as, ir titut .inmsda , '. '.., 1 -, , , . Mini; hie, intisiliettnlaml atic,:f. ! f# 4 ., -,i,' . = • &PER pitiblished in the world. ' • '" ' • sNo newspaper, s 9 large- nd 'ample gs. 22fie Waskt,o :Mama, Witerev* &MO off QAT atrso ldw a price. Terms of the Weekly Tribune. To Mail Babscribers. Ono copy; one year, 62 i55ne5.........52:. ~ : c.:Bistet .cotsiett..;cisil7444'.i...ii4 l 4 ............... '' rl ' i .' TlS'tfria*Tittelik,4lllii r ' r 4 l 4yo4 l 4o3.ifirT-4'; 1 - 1'.31 1 "tpteiet v "4:,,...,',:;44,.44,4f a 4t... Twori ' 'I. A ate • I Fifty ' copies I. eo ottih. ot i nd ono ex tip copy to catkollt„ - 1 14 - . tiongiViaechiNs, al/. ty'la r b;pdirtel:. i Ten copies....s/. 64P0aoh. Twenty copies 1 3.511a0h.' . , s Fifty copies 1 Ilkettch. Ati4 %MAXIM copy -to eaoh A1ub.,m, , &. , i.!- 4001444 , 4, s, Personeilstitledldni eititi tbproin,lirtitiV te).red, have.elther of, the following books foot age,prepaid i,„gpielFoonoworil, ~, .1, eketrllltf Pear till TotA011t; i ,..F.T i,. . `'-Tie Etinifenta nerk ' itlrateqb ao-TEA 4 Pk .- .53.034111 4 1,1ATtr, -ATTUfiI, TilNewi We' ' ''''; Vj fribitilo e o ~......- i , - Ii publis hed'seri ' . — frf` ..„*.A Itrignri- tTila fkmi-Weekly Ttlbunti g i-.: ; * 6 cow* Ot a year, THREE on roun of 414 r , ' Bea and Latest Popular Novels, by. living antbOrs. Nowhere else On • o much eirreralbirkOMllVPlAl.Pl44 /P4l lesbe lia tltik aa tddne j a' N 0 fE""`. fekly Ali . - ~-l'l Vi 3.11154-6,0 4.111 TERMS OF vita REM-WEEKLY ?RUM E. 0 0 copy, one year, 104 numbers r...,54" 00 T ° 4lll -1 40T11 "..."4311' , 2 L '' 7 ' e l ' 1 Fi • Pi 1 r, A 0 IQcnr.vt y i6 , 4111 extra , iti Wiashi sea 1 11:* - very- e 'Of ten sent for at obilini„•;,briti4riatibifia copy •of (Recollection s of4pAnia Lysilopfr. Greeley. ; i t• , ~, , Daily Tribtme l i Mail subscribers • $lO per num: suhseribtrazrAlAnts to Prosszve" Keeley'p E.l sa T i a mut 1 wow or .fitirmlegieaci o-i',usy•tpo LW price, ti 4 411cl( 0 XWAri Plirl• indayier $2 forte Weekly TrAgung., 3y awl . nd, , ok, poet pan, if requeot be nuicerat the it dOf ott bing. ‘ 9 .1-Fi`l'iW4 ~ , i Pcl9.)mi farAilib Tribune Office. f l i l ~,Ibilti‘) 0, ,J . ;le a , • 1.t.E., 1 44gittulet Alatstruto f0rt.1874. .t le 4 . qw; cklitgo zrvimao, Reprint. 1838 to 1868, 2 volnitellilhalfiletshid, Sin:.L Lt.'''. fr .j, l 115 '• LI tii"-- 13 ' smolt ions of a Busy Life , by gorqe Gropjor.,. Varional;sololl 4 lf itinlling.l.(lolOthif $2 , 60; • l wr s t i AO ; taleadorocieVs4l o l4ll',eftlf;,tsT - sluirocco intiquo l tt. i t , , . , I , . 0 .... 1 1 • -;.:, PA K° EectgonmAy :Alleluia Gredleyysl'6ll.l i 1 l ri,:. .411 .i)lz, • , 4 4 Misrba s Hydraulics and Breohanics , sixteenth c Lion, large octavo', ‘01011r,i0,114, s• i Pear 0 titre for Proqtby quin,..on. ;IV:17 - .t . 'll. ' oL s iGentels bP;Aktleitltlit,.iiyitatingonkitinuian cloth, $l. 1 . 1 .1‘110. 1 1 • ti '7.DrkitalrfailWtfirandlyidn'tftii- Waring, Cloth, $1 SO. E. gehtleari:Aiceipt of price. 0 ^ ' ' ' ~ In miimrpipittamea t fLiwimsiprouro pdka t it on ..linit libikrtir ii --tiC, WU& IMO noi I Oil i • 4:;gisisible --whorekneitherotihre cati lleproonrOd, end the money, but a/toayr in a REGIBURED ..firki fNitiblifiilio. , ll- 1 4 " ii.l Addre , q Z ilk. 1 1 ,4 7 4.1, 1 11„WAA I i'., Ti t ,* 1 THE TRIBUNE, New York. , .r.; 3:t./ in, ~, f lcll. E , `! ', ,, a iii,l:l. , '',..W , ..2. _ Jutineutly a aaverre every cant battlefield, Able Cabinet do go of Congreint, of Alone, and report at semi of, general 4 lin dal moruen o ble far more l i fe It sp in which 0r r a .Llf lavish ,tgianee, an unbounded' tato and discernment' of the riP4Pableus tabula a journal erior in the acouraoy, variety, tacontents,ThitTrlbune shall tsij...,Aut) .., . a Y-111. • and theitubleititite, we and shall'pess,ifteppi6devoto, space than any of our rivals, The Weekly Tribune such a er can offord to do without, his politics may differ from to of the Cattle, Horse, ,PIo.. Tralles bril l -ant e da ot e farme a I n l itari, ttif totte r :l ° 4 B , farmer will find therein a mine Id counsel, of which he cannot t without positive and serious 0 , Ices ifirl; , mtleeid faith in the IF Vtt ;i " t as n 1) o 11 ' ° and freshness AttOgeh ajouri o,„ Agricalti devoted means so We aim to ma Papor as no rcrireirlif ivider owe. Oar roil callp n atal of • tO In itbitt titi'VeBri of suggostioni repels:llEl9n ofs. The Trills] has been le and must be a zeal '4. adve • •f. o.tigin to Home Induktry. ;: 7 ardin Ui ass as the greatest foe o oilman '• es, tho bane of humeri happi ness, we seer. win our countrymen in maess„ 'of 1 10 1 fih' eleriiea overcrowded Profeisione, the Oen, oaths of Prothtotite Industry. Wd rum „• Mag. oar. overcrowded 140. Tre-t 41131 41dainly jostle and'orowd in m age d •t of %Something to do," to cover pranks an. 'Tains with ooloniesabeorbed , Agricultur •• • .hattiea and Man constantly %jecting into the blank, void wilderness • • •oo sap. l 44ll l Ml' l, l 'LOY , ec on onNme - In. iorby-, •oo 'tasting duties on imported and o 014 lissential to the rapid. ben eficent diff Jon of Production in all tts phases and d 0,. • t lt -nte dsoto t on of • .take • t • all Matti 1 7 , „ •, we !'• trym 1131Pd he - %hold at polio undon g faith that the true in terest, not. , a class or a section, but of each p,cetion arr4very useful clam is thereby sub. VoYved antromoted. We sell he Weekly to Clubs, for loss then its mike slik itejltm I,4t4tiAbr ; and doilftWifeiles'fraltratly ery large, we bellevohat a half-million more farmers will ,tatto4ll4,emotA phitAl be commended to 'their' lin 'mi. We est' our friends every where to us in so commending it. vzi 7. #ll JiretTocy49ErVED FROM NEW YORK CITY ' 4s,' : r. -,,. ii i., 0, Lil i! - , , i..§ 13 a very lorgo ass tmeif tr . ' 4 " ""-` ' ' '. , 1 - ,10 .` , i "id , E , ,'- al ~ , , ,,,, ,..4 in _ , ~, ~,, ,. „. ..1 i , ,,..7_ $ , .1.101 D onne I , k (:)r,.• 7 1V , 1 ! )1i ,1. ~.-} oreion a i lld . llielY se' . Giitod§' , : - -':; t:- 4,6\K1L,, 0:-% ' %4VCItleVAin eigivill be sold for ady"Pay only t . : LADIES , . DRESS GOODS, ' • tEAVAR C OTH, FOR :C,IiQ4ES, ~c ,SUAWLSitiMiL KINDSpr- t'-' , L - 1. . -2 '' I OLOTTIS -, A toGAEISIAERES', ,' i LINEN GOODS, WHITE GO DS; ; -; i : , •i ~yi T ~, olagall, tega tb,( 8 408,r thi . ne not mutton, „r ~:-• ,• '-• 1 , I. ,--.4 - ›, • -,_ , k c ''' Ll' CEO BIM A t , / i u ` If •:,' 3", . , ! en ~tlin:ittertg ihk,Upfi L. 117111 ''7l AV i a Prro. ,3',..)' );'..I : :.TA .-:' c i. r, ;”. 1 - %..' . i.: T .) : : . i. ' it - ..... % .1. Wit PrOpOso .taledlitkriattothrivio:4 osp, and thorofore i n vitt,' ati 44 1 .0 lake 'a Li/6k 01 bonsai ' i tovecitti-4 ' ''''' W I a l''''' a o tris it) a s . _.-`'.l.Pll22talg'''';.l:-...—.....- I - Palrons have our thanks for thou. v ry liberal patronage...the past. -year, and we trustby or sinaltamoftto, and giving - slrict !tendon:it° business, to share a continuance of the • ..- - ',,. , 1 .... 2/ .1 ~ 2 ,11- A -tc:4 - - ~ samo. -, : pi lc 41; aat ti - p: A tiv‘ ellsboro, Jan..4 i 1871.—1 y. t) J. R. BARKER. is „4 Q _ xeiiit Al 1 7. it - lri, ,-* 3'tll-•:ti.1".- 7 ,111-';,1.1 a:11.1 - Irrr,"; Ikr til IRMO f)3 ",', , ci:•"• , 1 Bz 51:::‘ t ....„... no _ ( S o . f i li73E9s) D ALy.p TN 4, .i .. 71 ~ '''' 1 * 4 „ • a '.it .A 04 • k 'a 41 I 1g,„.:L.1,--.),„rir : , , .;,. ~ .H - i 6, if nat., d sr, , 6, , .-.4)* Itia ; ,- 4 - • .7.:`,,-,11 I od Y w4l gpd na - oh teal'? ilit.dl b,243 ' . : liitt.t . gill - - 1.7-1 IRON S NAILS, OARRIAGt%);IDLTS;, HORSE SHOES, ARID Liana NAI 5, LAI 1,1 1;11f wane fgrilsraff. 1 l' I,:d, .....0, , ,n ~ , 114 , • •••• -: , n, :. aURAIWSEt e 7 Tool, 'r. • epliti callOV.II iltM ?4: P - - • • • 4 1 1) ~,:,t) 7, I,f . 11 1 7:441 ,; ../4 Yl a t r iiii 1 - 112 ,?s - 'A generaratooli' of Builders Materials, I.+OCKS• BUTI.-,i`LAux.ttES; JiiiitiEg, &o. ' ' AIso.,WRAP.FIISG,I)APER.isa inanleturers prices. . ' , (~..,•;--, e .,‘ - .7.1.• -- - ...•./,,,()) , 47 , 14 4 ,f „,.. , ~,:•,, 1-1,- ki •.], ,-;,:„ : 1 1 , -,i-c i . ~„ , t . • , ,- --, - ~: ..•-- ,- -,, ,,, )A'-'C- , 1, A ' , ,t 1 -; o - .....,1: , ..1: .1. l• i— , ,0,. .. , _;.•A t 0)333111Cr - P i3IIIIPTL , I". TENDED -1 1 1 :4 , io.l ..I A4w,..r; wAIiC..) AI ..IL: 1.5 . i. * OrTerms Cash, and prices reasonable. First demi above Cone Bomp , • ;,..-, A . al t p -- ._wl t! B. 0. BAILEY. 1:1J ,I 9 Isboro, Jan. 4, 1871-Iy. . . ~ , ,,./11 J Vheht inger =I ING- r4,*-.- ' ACHItif A k6fir to C-it-f `.- -4 - -- -,..- - 5 .-k 0 • ": rIGDRES, FACTS A D FANCIES. t alkErifige' s r -3 ittailUTATiteciim i ' l* p l ci • 1 j u18 1 69 iold'BMBliEttiliiik l 'T'h align!'" es, and those given below, are from sworn returns (to which ail le cap,have tior 4414t,to,t1gOodyeri a s aga Ws tfed, 1) if& bx oi n oie „ A pin g 4in oh pthenteriihW Ihed*tricisror the o - ompa Ides of esser importance. •'.. /4 1149 gt9.i_klieriMailfinting ndidpany ...old' o. it Anzr: 03:14; C o., 8 ,010maohines. 3 3 01 d 9 .t , faktuliiPilt fi i ..f. ap, „IWO " 14 o r the. ana " 82,233 it 1d ovtr the Empire ~ i.- ; ‘ , 41 '{8,083( '• , gall.' Sold over the Florence " 73 120 a 4k441 - PvlttihnlYeridtf- 4 ::= - _ , 1400 - 4: -. : vnf ie r - boleove.r the Howo " 41,781 " SoldsvutheW cote/ Wilson, 7,915 At fa , 111 BoldTpzq Ole 0 106-110513 Ali._ So the P . ' lalrjbP--S -5 ,442 - " souriner me vrtnov^ 4 gibbia, O90:11$0 II tsold over the American B. U., 78,938 " ,%'' Ii iii aliChtilin*.ttie figures show it, that the lialeeNti l iftell t ar, er *0 those f. , q I ta ;" • dad , . rib ako a'fact,, that w se 1 t ev ,/ ' IISCAND mor e. , . , ;--•:.4 ,4- '4._ .' 'kulA./Parkn'?•'• Its Is a 1 b If c' Auset4l.o:l4nris t i t tO tatelere ow o groat iivig aibw-hig -4)ofitliiity P , of our New Family • Sewing Machine. It is Rill another fact, that, 4 1 2 . 16.01 1 WA re filK t i l i c fa l ga tx V d lest fact trAitralTsoine dealers; knowing it would be'vain to attack the Jepst,tiqn of stirl tainitlfaelksitgoiiiiiab‘sikinittist4 atalfree I'6 'tar , mit all' that can be said in their favor, thus hop ing to secure the buyer's confidence, have the -trohtmlsicte - liay that we have no family sewing • machine,whereas our new machine for that pur- Ve 79 4l34f6kutrk., fik eti " tt 7 :ll:Pat l ' -Tiifilliti - WithliNbeh'iihili:of other family ma { chinos. - . Ij ) ei wi Now it ie mr e ..... a: ';.,' ojilii. faceo e!tcfg n .' ,-/;?,hao it' w : i s eal o giving ear to such f ..ies, most people,' before baying, (whatever may be claimed about ' 1 Paris Exhibitions—or Fairs, where we sehiore 'M kb toullogileclarro util judge foialibilit- , el, anilbecausa in doing so they find our! New Family Sewing Machine aa.srippr t iportop . ier family sowing machineo3.4.falitil . ... achinos are forAlitt-wowf i ranol •;.f..1 - orld's Fair, heM'lla every si . t , t 4 4 4 • 1 • emu, bas atriffiefiliebili% 0 , .. • , I. . r i• ~ `5t84169• - 5 2ffitattiO ) 1 -' i •,.. z These machines are leftnfiaff4Witireeirefolt. ene to buy, unless perfectly satisfied that the machine is all it is represented. Ng .. . : itilika e gott ba ~ V, i .---, 3 , • Ay:it an e , Jan 4, 1871 y STRAY —Came to the i enelofartoktgieft I.43billkirilalidull' tor last El eptem— ber, seven sheep, which are now kept at the barn et, "ff_illiikm—colein i llrougytott,:K . ll4ril +The Alwlcerßgel'iote Alt W i le proper , peg chi_ri gite.anktakaAltl lifia3Sie A. J.ll' Enna. Delmar, Jan 4, 1671 3wo . . ryzaltilaktitiLV".l • payorir of ilia • V. %Mill itSViiiilliiNtii‘ •$ • by notified that t eir taxes must be handed to me on or- hAfor.e Itfirst of February next, orlfiditkitillayisail the same. - A, B. A, BRIGGS, ' giiitilebiiry. Jilt 8,1811 8w Collo-Oar. =!!M=M LW - Weekly El] JN, . , 1 .8 x f I '.l' . 'Mir I t•li lit 17 P li Mai"rWrlftW il 4 Y,: Vt 9 t, 4“.J1 0') " as any • 0 07,+,1 itt2A eti RELIABLE COMPANY I“'i Jan. t, 1 To e! - Citizensof--Nansfi.ed ~.. . . \ . a "v 1 1 --ea .-' 1 qa& -" ' 1 1 IL TARP. Pleasure in anno,nnolag to the, jpabile, 1 IL that lliliftiet*MaidVidtke tindphindill'Ai- _ sortme't of ~.',., ~ . .-in ~,t , . 1 P aMMICAtiVAINSIMIRKII ii i. t 'uluxiii v. %Nil k ts-142-1 1 0 1 - 1 - 4 . , S P liPiE 3 -, - vi - pl:Afttk.ota . • , • 4 1188 al and Ornamental, whieh I am offering .., "i.e p bile cheaper than over sold before. I .1 - .11 good No, flUook,.Btoye.witb,yrarOtwe,, for $2O. 11 teiti r ai:ati.bk,WPirtalltb.'erpo`pl nlar Co4k.' This is said to be the beet Stove made int the United Staley ~ k alifoAelpfthe ~., • i',..-- ---- Ugh ning A .-‘, Cut Save ; ` IP. • • - Ili .. 1-- i l ' ca fasts outing Sa..? r e Weil 1 . . Te O man , V . , ture of t is Saw challenge the. world under isgprfeit 509 tkat fr l,butaltia it i thik-fielept Vit-, 2 , ling lAA diaJ l J t l i 4A Ll ' " " 4.- ' " Laliquji my ffiendp.cfnAfielpipttro t ujigelia fliftpsii 4nd hoping sUIVT ° merit . their favor, I am as eve , grateful, 1 l'Ail,o ;c::: - 1 0 -0 -- 1 1 1V.P 1 773 a 4*- ) 13.—1 challenge one and , all of the Stay dealers inithis soduts„ tit 105148, Ptipalc o,f ,T W. Jaq istrAiloracepiiiid. • • O. B . r llralkelle dP jr. 51 ;141%;. it 1 FR I VR . ,: 7k. i' 1 . ; ; . VII % ',• I:4 1 6,A- 1.--. :- 4f ' : • " s . Figatt Nitional Bank .ot i ,Wq*Rfp,:, ririnE a irjtj'4llkfit -1 1 , D.V. Rallf A* i JL bank WOW . e$ jigiktr: . 1 0.41144ti1ik ilo t kir e lchig roonit o uepfitpl, t emlp,t3firl.tit. WM: - Polls open from 2to o'clock P. M. S. 7,.. ROBINSON, Deo 28, 1810 2t • Cashier. 1I INSURANCE: (Jar :ai I INSURANCE oh 9 4 , 1", I 'riot C11L1q,1616, -,- .Arc: do,f , a •4k,,5,3 /AO/ Uri Isk't 'lit r.-1 1.1111 ELLSBORCri'i"A. will grant insuranno. e.t4tila twintlai d :tit:.v #3 3110. 2. MITOHELII. 7 .1 1. s, iJr24 =1 ran _i 'l4ot4' . ' - ' : :(it :: ' . 4ti* --..1 * - 6260 - dif ' ,4c r „ ca••'="c".; -k -5 • :1 4 • - k :-• „ T. - BALDWINOO% •.: .^.4 I 1 t , i. , S •Ls awl ilep:.a nice aback of G 0044 (Or Lbe, =MIME .. . i ALL - F it . ''''W . ' INTER -. -- 1 .-..-- ' :,-... -.-..,-' -.:....-=',,-,"- ii k, ; • : , :„., . • . 0 1 10 iii as a ' 1 . ; '... 1 ~:-'', ,1 7-'' : , .., , 'l'.- --!,--, --- :,- ......: - .... - ,',:::1‘ . :7. , 24142) ma zmmozzoort ~_ ...... „ , . !.,__„...., uatyloitifol. li pa t tto;;;! ..A.N ; :1 LPAO 11, TOPL NS; ' ! ''.. "V LOBED'S TaK§i'ad.-: c f.e . • ., A ' ' t , EATI/VAlti . : ,i 44t4r , 8114W/ 0 0;, ir i i.zii ii i, a i-ty g li,:.-..!-"L - 11S , Okli- :1 ci/t1, , , 1 •, , 1... ue ..I'MF,.. .. °AIiW-1190 4 MICAZA. t I ; , ctiiKaftiving. AitlaiiiilOttatE TO MAKE MOREPALIA KINDS OF ~,AININGS3 FRINGES, TASSELS 7-; • ~ 61 e., &0., TO TItIM - ERESSEErb r'." s , I Q i c OR SAOWElK'''''' „ , ,„.1..... :i ;., ~... , v.), • r 1 '-- '," ' L-Oui"'st9iikcir" _ . _, ..-.., 1 , 7Y:4 - .N,4gFi:' •V:4;), ioNiers7.,, .• -+ 47 -, .`. Zt:,.. 1. ' !. 1, , ~.., 104 2K, , ~ ..". ,•, ~, .., °II MPPIPi a .. t I" 4,k,ePP81 1 1).-. t eve* nIV-thek I Yankees Us, thought ..10. Arr. ~ O . kiiiiii) .. iii'iilarrs . . ..„4,1,;., 1i I .: ItiogilFas,A iv'? 41,, 1 - : , 0;1 . , ai • t , rs i., )... ' e''''t 4,1 - .? ,' ZaligallnOk '' ' -' to on aro:ma toblftentfolif • but/413mi* ihit yliii ki, .1, ~ o r.j v ,r. 1 ia.r.,.... ..,:„ ~-... w VAG om find - uo larglliti o3 i , i ,., s7i7i,:tiVth":o ,, el:c:iti:, !,' ,lf . ft m;i ' ' ' country store; atid'.'eliiar i'dbien tolhir.' :' BOTTOM' e '''' s ; i -• i '-' ' -• ( - .. ~ i ~,4 We also .ki'airi , a4a , t'ge nas'ort ent of .... i AL,Pti r tti l i4Vl)o4:o l. LO i l ftritittl ist.suits; and parts of suits. 811611 we fail'to sitit you with ready-made, we hate Cassimere an,. ~ i ll A TAILOX;TO'VOT `lslto VIT. Roots and ,Shoes, ; i M,'4 d 4t;. , ~2,ii•j;; ;! , sr ' • 4411 atyles'and Ots ! ' L- - I ' H.. i ikTS AND -CAPS, ' STRAW. 'GOODS, •t ) , AND GENTS' FURNISHING ' OODS, A 0041fLETE LINE OP CROCKERY, ;WCODEN,WARE, ' 'HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WVO;C*Ii44; IKON; ? t 'it li . il ",, losual; Litehesi eitr&ntei6 l .'To'olit: ' " A: GENERAL, STOCK OP. I' G ROCERIES. MOH rt - pyiq SEWING AtIOLIVE. MEE • e r , if you want tools to work with drop, in. • •-• L SAr, LIME, PIASTER,,PORK,Y LOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster,O. e• - „ tiociu ) F irkins, and Ashton Salt to flavor with.; )LEtirkindil of Farm Froduee want. od. > Prices can't be boat,' . 1 ' j • . • ' T. L. BALPWIN & 00. jogs, Pa., Oot. 12, 181 r t 49. 11 14 0 -( l l " R pMilg A ti eri P tl e oo l l it n n i d i c t u T res l ero ßT ful. yptillis, Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Diseases 0 omen, and all Ohrenta affections of: the blood* Ivor and Kidney*, filecomnimided bY'tila Man. al Faculty and many thousands of our best cith , ns. ' --- Read tho testimony of Physicians and patients : ,who have need Roaridalis; send rerun r Rosadalias Guido to Ilealth, Book, or Almanac for thisycati Which we publish . ' for gratuitous distribution; it vill give you much valable information. , , ot.g;iNtri;OSirp-of,Balitideril,ll l 4‘.. , ; - 1::, "itpakeplearftite in 'iecontinanding your Rosin/Jo sas a very powerful alterative. I have peon it *sad in two,9ases ,with., happy results-one in a idasn'of secondary elphilis,,i,n,:which the patient ronounced himself cured attar having taken live ottles of your medicine. The other is a case of ktcrofulweljongfitandiug,,w'hieh is rapidly irat Droving under its use, and the inclßgitions, are that the patient will soon recover. - I have care. !redly examined. the formala_by which your ICur notia - drilis is,made, and find It an _excellent r • mpouridigipMa t tivefhtredieriteke . ' J - , .;• f-• ..:. ,'i :. Or.Spritlia of NiCholaiville, Ky., Says he has used Roaddalis in cases of Scrofula and Seconda. ';Syphilis with satisfactory rosultrlt' ,As a olealiL of the bleottl,kilt4 nibetter remedy. --;:-,' . • 1 Samuire;gclrit`ddefi,,hfurfeetirboi, Tella•tatiX'a: I haVe used solid bottleaof nein ails, and amt entirely cured of Rheumatism; sen me four hot. ties, as I wlekitfor nip. brtither,ted .has sainfu lius sore eyes. Benjamin nec,htoli : of Lima,Ohle, writes; I have 'suffered frit ,tvoity•years with ,ah, inveterate' 'eruptfoifpver my - whole body; a stiorttimesinge ' rpurehistitt a bottle pf Rosadalis and leafier:dad a peribottetite. •I • 1 . - ' Ilioeodalle le Aold by, P. R., Williams It Co., and I .W.. C. Kress, Wellehoto; - Philo Tuller,, Tiogai ILL. Bacon,l3loseburg,and DroggietegenerallY, bier& 9,1870.—1 y. : , Al _,4 L,...e. ,s; 4S. : : - .3 • \e t ! i - c-, t.. ~. • ~ :. 1 ... • i A 1 L'S -- t Viatikß' E •tvIoILIAZU , . ! 1 , 'PliAtiii.l 'NEWER ' 3 i! ) I t rd i A:k IS:the `Oi`ily - Peifeetes4 -. and • ,' t 4) -..:, . . 41 1 64 seientifically) pi?epared: . i ‘14.11. 417, Oteparalicin 'case .its , iiiia4" 3 ' ' ' "amas.' ever offered to the . ubic, ''l23 ORESand' ,has s up 0044 44y, - !. '' Gity iidlli;l .1 By' 'its' iti' use' ' -pi T R GRAY HAIRis soon - * 1 ,, ~ yetilr i ed,..o its original . , U youthful 'color - mid" brit': " lit 3 -. listitoyil7lligios7...B9 thuaii , : - o ßl ion admired iq -- , all. .gersOnsi rim OR whose hair id thin Or falliUg n. _ tjultUN .6 fitkiAtiii4 , ikat 'ot iMi,'s PROMOTES 1P!1 , ,vv9,r,q , C1913t§e9149.,g4 - .led irk ' effects, as, by its 'Milk and ' r : Ll thn stimulating properties the P. qy Ili: bateglatidS4ill-bii ineilieil , ..‘ s . i and the hair g,row thick ~A,- .. And str6g again. In cases li P ' - of Baldnilisieir tiilt Create .. i t i § ll , E ID a newgr wth -unless the 71)1170-, follyfs ar i destroy‘ect, %At , . 11, is t oooliriglild a tiyVhll' ,- , • • • v i tt . itching.: and -,:ITt, ttaci:: of . : u 'mu the scalp; -- ltblileY Cit', start) BOTTLE the skia , iiiNdo 4 41 L4,"tftit' `../:“.; . 1 11.4-..,11.111 Egflip-Avhite.aia elem... .49 4 DAY4S)43O , t THIC EN it .i. - 1 ii - ti ne ii.,e.t and 'mist . TM ---, , , ~241-' ecouomieakprepAratichilie - T the world, gp o k i i . ()fleets ksi`ii& i ii - Rie`hlOnger. Send THI -• --' '''' or our TreatiSe oft the „., ..._........„.._. __,... t-ki:l4li al, air - divec to, aji, by ma,„ - , ; 'LI , : '. Sold by cal Drugb 4ti and p:f.tiq3ip,llAlicine. . ' pith.° one Dollar , i'er Itot:1111". _ 3 R. P. HAtibi &M I 6:, Aqiiiitsitailt:' f`l-Anl' 4BORATORTunittriOr, it. 1 17 Tj ' :"l.' ~ ...• !. AIM , 3. 1870-1y.'?.7' 1 ,I '1 1.:. ;1; 1 ' i :' , :::, :1. i: ,c1..A!,, ),.. ...,,„ , • , • ;:A410,, 9000 ARRIVICA j . ' ~ N I- I- h i , .1 , 31.• <.-.• 1 :-- - , , , q , -.* 1194 , SA`1 1 !Al of be bontoftiteziali by-11-:_.• t , ntr.- a ,-f , -ctiFF , ,.-_01 , 0 ,- - !..q. ZD of IP-sit - f i FREDERIC - Bfkitfa, r ,I trtlnloC) . , \ 1 - • Kiln opposite the new. Cemetery. Wellitboro. Sept. 23,1870-Bm*. Eli MIIIVI ME n.• 0 0 l'IOGA;. PA. 3._ ; iEiiiil 14,, v 4 ,1 .- 7.-- MU MEM : eX , o • ....-...4:. , i;,- . ;',-b - r_-..;. - _, , -ll' ----? 1 - . =8 „ - - ,' • • e ".,Vheapestplatelitioven. TO. BU Z Pon • t MIMES CIIBII. Eli c! ll .al • ' S t r.iio`•. , • Prioes ME ME =I Er=ll Tqcbsuig govio ME ..$l.ll 11'.71.11. , •;01 - . : • t re TRUMArt. 1101'11M - • dn.- - , ' ) (11WCERT. ,- . , &, -PROVISION EMI Don't 'Aiak For' ;Cr ■ I= July 27, 1810. The Cheap ME NMI William Wilson $4B 3:1713T ,EgORIVED _LOT'S OR- ') i ;, a ~ j _ ~( EIMI Are ;, GOO =En ru i"-_,... „ It, • ~.-,,,, . „..,..._..... arketli , tikentiDow-nt - '• l it,-......„ , . ~ „.. 1.,, f,,,:k i ",,-,..: -,,,- 1 ...1...- f-,-_,•.. ~ ~ A, :4'o V.ERY.L9WI.: 1,1, . r - t. •. ' . ... 1 1 f: } 1 N;"~ ✓ { Y j i ',y Cash Prices. EMI IBM t Tb enumerate thd atelehuf tion otthe .varlogorAuxd quality or geode, wool be labfir tbrisivn away, I thereflre jay!Ait ail •- r . DROP . IN :111. "•1- t,. and satfor thamaelvei and loolc thionsh Ma mammoth 'stook and_ convince themielvat that GOOD GOODS e) )1: g TA ri -$4:• • h• OW rfices • ' I , .• Are t tho wo great indnoemonts for 1360 to buy. ' • MEI . RemeQibei:the_lWKß, !port, 0 . -Yin Valken Inggh's •;Lf t • = • WILLIAM W.I.LAON. SePt.l2 B a 'li • ' ' • • ••''Fifth 'for 'Sale,, • •t ~ i ~, ~ , 0, . ... . , tri VD subscriber offe rs his farm f9X ;salet.sitti., attid In OoPfliollowon the road ' loading, from Coxingtion to •Wellsborn. .:BaliV farm ' con tains 226!acres, about 150 horovrxd, with good l a building; orchard, and ell vrttered. The nu , improved part of -the' fa ls' well' timlitied;=.. This farm will he cold h eap] and. terms Wilda reasonable: ' lnquire ' on C premises of A,AI f : , SABI 1314 7 N.BNDR101131''', 1,870.-Bm.. ..,‘,,:. ~ ~ ,;,1, • ;,; . . ~ 4iiiiiini@ticit4i'ii NOtice.__ , , 1 - ,' By TEitir 0 irADMiATIBTIP.T.I.O/ 4 1 haring `'..11411004 eritrited4itt'ilio estato - Of_P: - P. PI old, I I -late•o - Delmar, ideetatad,,to tlientbseriber,,nll ,verso a indebted te,t l b olatdostak are 'Molested Ito ma o 4didectlas pnireent,..end those ,blkyjni3 claim or domandfaibittit tile eiraii,,wll; make I them nown.wlkbont-41a7 1 : to , J. , I'r ~.,.. •-.:- „,1 A. '.. ' ' ' MARY ANy- 2 131110D - , ,! ,‘ ! '' :Melleboro, Jan 4, 1871 4w ____„....4,,dralu'x. .117j181301417T10N.--The 'oo.iiiiinerehii,` 'here- JI,J toforo,woon. E: NYVHogaboom ',arid Lureart. Shelve, for the dale of the.t4inger siding intiohiftela Tfogi oo!iint ila , hereby die. 19 solved by ,Irgligei coneept.l V 4 debts 'due tc 41";CVEN8P1141??2,NOIJr0 if 41 41 d by !BAP: Ho. e bolni. . - ~ . 8... W .10 %AB 0 OBLI ,' e. , ..- -' ' '" i (ID ." I "=litildA 41:13Wilrnii; - .7aolcion,i lievar, 4,811. e, ..: < ;-.. t ... iil4,,- , 7 ri 3* Ii person lorbti la harboring or trusting iny wife, Margaret Sullivan, on my account, as I will pay no debtl of Ulm eontraelin after this date. - Jan len . 36 1 W g %%011. 6171,./VANI IMAM i .~' , - ,l± t OM =ME FM 14 A Try t- -, •- e.. 4 i.,. .L~ ME 1 :G , -before:. ~ ;.,:~ [STORE I ~- L. g. TRUMAN, ',171T,-.14424.. T Store. ~S. 5 111== RE ;.I =MEE MEI 3; !i [: I= ME • D . I ~_ ~' ~i , , ANTI :'l'... ~ ~'! 'l5 ' NEI i IME r Mill =MI #ND 111•11 M EMI MI MINI ME IZE I= =II 111 RE f.l It , P 4,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers