TWOkA'* . i - )11111i: - : .-- 'A '4 61TATOile - 1 . r.....-.. z r6......-4..-- , .....4v.-_--... 1 0 E -#... -., r. 1). N)WoRt iit - ; Vi',l4 , m,.rno6ttm) l %. ' 4 t % -:--- - 4 f, 4 ::".•:r.%,147,, , ; • r t,!•:•••; 1 7 - A, • ' ' t , - 1 . :, t -1-2_,..t , :,i ;lir, i -wBl f.,v4t,‘,„ti ll .11. % °, l, 1 ,1; i - ,1 1 ("`,llranoid ',- iiuuirt ii it; -iO. - - -7 17 - -; 7-77 - 7-ti-- - -- - •:; -. - , -t - -- - - - .Y- , f - F - .•;1 4 1., 4 (40A1.'Ploititititop:)8 niliiiiintiliolt ft - 0 . 016 oilleel IN f Ctllllillikklimer 6firtter 11 41 ItOV;r ft4tio, 111111;it0111 AlOillimi Int :11:1116 , Sent s ihAn,43 - I ‘ ection►ott,:kt.i. , l. l eillo , rt, to, AB tirA• Soiih tat ZlA " dii :t t it i it o r thi o (ti o u - y o ii'v4 t it v i itiojortty oxvile tit they At ea NRIV,VIZAkt-- ,, NEW t, AV1E . 1.1,41,18 lt4 4.8.1* ktkvl iY9IIIIIIIO ;Of the kfifttfoe. :omit 40, ; 1 2.n4t,ty.- ettlazerlhers- the , 1441 P :Itihygt , f is kitrP.PY Now, Vio'ar l ' t . 014 1 ‘ COO , Tlviiso'Bovt 11bMit;1 0. -arzhitAVA‘A*litt . Btortny and 101%Na t Cut ; :1.1111 emu* 'of ati , kiktum t'eatike Oe` 4 . 1( intN . ern . ;111. W.O*l%\'o 4, pa , K . 1) 111 1.4 qAli tokok4.t 4.14 14 # ; : • A" ' frAISt AL, • '‘.1144' Wu' VAil . tpol%i Pit ; :01,4% 4 '44 \lf?* 4 11” 1 :18;sil‘fr,IY; ROV 4 , 131111 , i5it I'3 l% PA:llv, , :hat ,Weil •••relaltie At 'ho otot'lle I °W l .lk l M , our rAak%'atiptiElve,;i)ttritli , t : ol l o.i.o:#B, lie Aili . tvgl4B•lllll% tOstll 4111(0(11till tig:tiilst 001%%\i , •`.&4dOili I Vver*'lll,l,n, ttnd feztyto-i . , 1 1116 k iixteotNie , y Ifeeiltiln' `‘‘';‘) . .l , ll , pitttlit lit iittl 41.1.1Eutt. nta,y.„dikter in opl kon w alittl g nt't 01titn14,44,4,144.1„ wo 4,1181 A trt~tt }w 4t..tiari;),ppouut4 with,enortohy ; 13911Av i0.4,91tit u fiery gtvut majoyi,t4 44 the Auxerl!aan people desire tot . tlit; trt'M ot,iht; nation, whilo setl:l nu it. widely, dltlorettl: kiitaltl slab that; - bitterne: by tattai - eii.til -warivbeendloll . votemie , ,i thy time,-we as a' petnile, nearer togiaiher iti flienght; M tinlt e v; for, At 'true that "'rho , Taw t f 4uip a'elft4alloci; Cret• •:1 • . • i. i t irng dot nuteahr,'lbiNAkhrr,... th unfa l ' ovan halAticitt tials.' • -•- -= With (tte . eriatutentlemetit cif . the nest/ Year, Ittr,Jito, , l, Miteliell, , :\Vlin has tor the ( hild, year ably and mieeesmlll„y: du'etTi 1.1 ) 1a.? - itepartrntitt The rittirea froth' the ebneern, , Witli env . ' eitiegiridS, - tied best wishes for liis L ?&-' ' tnktAn'4BDeilly.: deliS' and ' responsibilitie4 . oh e oioultlerti,, • • and editor, 'We: , porpofst.* tov9 . paper According to the dictates four, • best fudgtuent, employing slush, force as the increased and inereasing,ltsinees. may need ; and we hope to funk° Tiin AGITATOK worthy of i,s past history; —Letter, if we can. • 'liuring;the Ilk - . live 3 ears the of the office . bits more, than dou bled and .we have e d • •e4i,otei I t 0 keep • up It the times, by adAltug tiew press- es 1%011 pC4triC/, until our woriLlog-, pow • er is nearly - trebleti, If the papergrow in poNt•er as,the establishment grows size, make our utitssiott one anti also of great plensnie to etn•seht '" ' ' Ate. C.T't 'W:Still'S.--Lbetter 'known'," Per= '!taps, " Ilattelitts"—who litts'heeottie * known '4li a ready and sitiey:*o - ter : 4111 assist us fer'n time in' the eaitOrtitl the papist; , - ' • • • We Ignti j 'illiau ei 111.4)i4' front "our NEW EOCA'1"10N; • 1 • • • 111 liowen's 'rho bdsine - ss of thehas - grown up with the, growth of the omit _ ty, sjowty, but surely, until woremoni-- mod ions tluarters became a businf'sa ne cessity, and. wo now find Mitt wff can occupy 40 by,55 feet of 86nee prettY,...of— feetually, We run three job 'presses, and are-better prepared to 'do all ordi nary vltrieties of -job _work than any offlediri Northern Pen fisy ia ; in fancy jot) printing: - we dailll trb coin pete, in and quality, witli byqiue ta eity x" • TlATriptipg I)r,est Itt., Ale: 73 -p, , iktv every, busities,",chttitiiiiiiily, inid..WB with the • : „ \Ve Owl aim -tok make. - also— for the fireside, the shop,. den; and - the facia. • `rho agiit , irlitirfil ,eolhnin Aiwa - 10'1V itudgensrinahle • .•• will appearfioni "t\ t . 7 `,ii; OlCk Yearyi ter, awl i . inows whereof. he Writet. -a-L-- .I,lltli Ai' cAY - rom, ;PA! The 'll4l,llira.‘,lc/oq'iViscr Lae low lug puttee tart 3 / 4 a doh - active' lire eat Canton, on Saturday. tuo‘rnitig, the 24th ult,:. . . " itikkroke 9 1 3‘Attaltit two o'eloult,•in the tuillinnry 'store or Miss son, utn,i it .cotild •in; checked, burnedneAirly eNery busitteks . place on (ho sou th•side-olt Towanda street. L The: lUliUyr,it~,k k' list of 'the ! fis certakneti , f its otir A'!orre:_4perilleut, , and will ho,inunti , nearly accurate: <• ,• " 4,. A...kiooper, eloitilugu.loss ror nann(ison, loss $2,000 ; nu itistirl(tte6. , - 1 :-' Defy 4.c.t. Ttithill,•dry goods and ry, , 1{)$11 $15,04.0; il)AUrott i r $/i ; 000. J B. - SI) tslispeitre, !tailor, loss' $3OO t insurrneet<, titralt,,Ulark kts ors, low. email. • HichOlt, dry wants,' lositt,Sh.,',Otlat Insured — linen).` g l'uttle,•ll6l.o, - &e, r , lo;t1 mired $2,600: Kinney, tonged, loss ssod; . & L".(ifi, grocers, losmiuioo ; niffosirriteett. If. N. Wilthtiom; • hiwyer ; N,.-Pt•teliWtt, titiriperc Dr. Antitit, !mown. $2,000 wooden, sod burned very 'rspiaty; nud rte fliti,v.Wage 10..WILIRKIL lito ruml Fatilklied with: wider rietlitilotit to (to much gorvieo in ease" of rt - largo! tiro; the et tlkftts were powerless to stop; tholavages of, Lilo •,cooflagratio,ll:" .• PUCE AT Itttlll4oNßi I', on' olgitt of the 124th nitimo, ritottrttotivo end fetal tiro ovittitta. fod at tito Spoto wood Rouge; itieilinnuA; Val- in. cOtteli 1116 1 110itdokOtiortitillitiovT: bttiigtitsfa Weld tiptoed in riffinlit4 i,tiG krt`oviip.: The fi l lic44lfiltiktfiti iti the wierifieen, etijotriltrif iptil,;llollltiten breaking .00, any eoettlya by theEstairways Wri4 importnible. An intottiont et the . lire was , tbe, up. p6irnreke of fi.hihri K4,otho.of the ripper *frOocoe i pteittly , zol by tear, wbo.klat paper' fence email pleeea and titywitigithonilitit of ttie , +#llolow, till bG toff i)%toit itifti tire fiereee, "I• ktip*ft to hips% poil. Aim: &hut itsysinfati flit/W.4' OffSif. sf# wrveditil atilt tolseholt „Of ;w1.1 , 4 3 P,PAC 1- 41C- 11411 .# 10 . Antt-M&Skikt- A M 4 - 10444 %tin.* - 'l - -' -.t---"--`-t-';''-'7,..t.:...,..‘,*-.1- -... .._ tiLLEu - oorte• -," - , ! . cproorti LIT the -" lilt ~„Ti.) Amiwg up vomaruntir, 06tmtiv wipi , 11014 biltNlColl Mr. ..1. - ith ' -e that Of Ittr, o.l . 9lall ' er, who wos 41 1 0 pretitOent; : tho W0 14 1 1 . 1 1 1 g,P fl ' 't! .‘• thurth Autry, tooleal.?aikilhy dritfillt itp ,m i ti...-.4 l ,A v y o ißvistA y/fi \,- from rrtiolow onyilligc\ Vs ; '‘.l . oiltftt It., '',, , ji, itk i p* k, tOartdifeel i detii after ,t 1 Wee, until ho rehtll4ll,l(o4l4ot r t 1 ~..4 141 9 '4 0 • .0 _ t itAiiiiii#l%..„o -t I 1 . 0 # waa. tool lot r4i.Nl ttowcifti .1 0, I t: : :;?,.tip ow ~ 1 ~, ikt, .w. 0-, Jovill*tp, de! 'rho Et toiltoltith aft iliellk a - Ill:tog; ha ► l,4iletrkhl ii r 11 114 .0 1 1: ; ' , - h ' illii`iiil )l. hi tho ladleti loot to'Walk hare Oot tliroarilk reiliovol. l to ". A .10eitimetto".'Sattatof frosii 0110 W to,plaeea Ott; ta..hotter, _ - :......, ,i .. , •..- 1,10-.A14.101,1110101),Of thOpt.oO otte. - O 9 4. ;: , ii6aliiis 11108114SW . ttilti iIItOI t • I 0 %4,1111 ' JVIRI? Monte 1 I to Ow tho:ortheloo100 to abandoh the ttiAltil 1 " 1 -1 4 1 111-* K.14 1 ! Imi w °r " 111 1 1( ''"''''* ,T l i n talk toit; ; -- 11rat, - - Ili I 0 1 ► I) motion tl/4ttkk in 4 1 ,,? 1 0 " 1 . 1 ... 1 " . q..''.1, 1 `: 4 3 111 N 1t !"- , - .41.‘74 -' - ';* tiletirtktitilitiatraiittfliti l d -- Vci4lfiir iiiiiiiitk`iiii± hrtilt4if h`‘ . l'l - ix {Boot ootO-!..,...._0 tilowttootiotho toat itu,s nal i .9Pcottr i 1 ' -nor Ilk 44 0 41/041114111 1) 10. 11 / AO il 9 - ; OW ii 0 , 3 , 4, 0 4,1 , tylvt,,x , ~vii , „, .11 ki,l j , 11.4)kt!% tl i ytl. : ,‘ll4 ,, I l',l. , ,I,, i r .- ,-, i , mob WI MO •position.-Manyor the moat ii1.1tiP1'011)i.9111110,1-'11A11 iii(.' ' '3 3fr6 , '. nolioat admitilgtratton49 - priatorgittv Hat - . • - -•-.....----- --• • ..-. , .1 , _ , - , i - istiedifthyt mtpkcio,.,ctiPtYli.) ..kitoil:Pr that have boon ropeated--to them, that hp to itOtlvioisett td - OW giniiitiit fililiiii'Vell•i oy of the Prii - glirent,•` Mid . that he satdi ,p 1 4cl L ip, tir3o..ex . 97ollpy r ßi dohakl )u '- ' 11111 !T L 0 1./4° 31q ' 4 1 ' 6,' It '' ‘ Y ,>;'1' ) #t i qi li4 TIPIi . 2.A7:11.' ' t - . r.::!;•;44-. i',4l-41-41- 1 ; *Oa f 0 ,E 3 0 I ; : •',,!1t,01 0 11194iCa11/0 1 ,Z7/46.41C4 L 51111617 glidillig• .I:stri:fittuitter'silhitaeldaitporrEM_niUritrix - 1 dlitil l dgribgAletelagadmaricauttflecnigsegAt , l ?IA .Ak vire* oi tivw ort - 4:ol,Cstill 41:4q Jv 'lt italißtNeinifsbitwilirititrnitolvtiolf4o l l ito ilia: fitutitteptuldfaa pgblie.3virtniir i !.31' ,ilifilliteret itiliV a Ility., Itteuti) ctreAttbigtthardi WIPP!): the 1 0101•PfrXr) 114.1Moorotoilllas, , OW) nix pvfar, siktcon ,1.4 iau , 4 fßiiolifin &tor? ll to)*41 4 ( 1 1.19 1 4 P. - ,Trlntabo. ll ; 0,0 1 Y.,140.Jtdir . ; ttary, In the debate we refer to, '„Nptjj .I,i4t.iioll4yiveool,ol,4ol;Uk I roag.t.'r - Llt I I . v04.4 .' 4_04: - taxptherwitto tl.Aall th.o.t.loarit w how spthotlit toolopo itO:WOrd - - I Mr# 3 ooli; t04;txti0tt,0f.4 011 , 1 1P ,1 4 1 .01 01 . ),1 %. 1 /4.P.Qc0ti0.. 7 ttoo,,trofoto leg 111.$ IllOtiVOili P k ioppro, 4kqi4o,lit.hlo.Alotoltiot, Kis:logo (0120. MO Ws' 1 4t5410 1 ),„0. , ‘ A l x4 111.4,401,100010)14. 10 041 ' sOLOIkg1;-,0i.41, Ai11i2.119n,,14 11 1144 1 1 9 t.A.4w‘ .4_1'0240-tiAoio4ls.l64llAW4ite 1 . ffC,.,, t' - ,k 0s1 V,, ,11), ; ( 0, 1,1 ? r ti 141 . 1,(1, ± 11111 1li -t0 f 111101 L:tett4 WA; oo '", hom wt , t,u gootri,ttomotAsit*, liAtOAo,,otitpged Nifoi4oilitpOOßs, : j - AP14,7 ' 0• 6 4t 1 4 0 1 1 10A . ..- 1,1 . 1 - - 4, l iilloPelii Wi•iltiP a kTlt 'S011 ( 90 1 il l e * )l ';' 0R* 1 4,, - , Y 1,4 ~PFIl i tot tit, ` . ' ilr,4 l ilA 4. l , l t,if lil P4l)l ° Pit .4k.itiliitt Mr. Viudiblill'ik,y34 ti,l9a),lj,kt,:tp „ , that of 11s applia4hl:49natp, il ll l3 l }fAlf. is:o l :4*E l 4!l*-Mr: :: TOP : 4 1114 P1 1 W -41,1 P 4#ty; 4 lle.fofit,ot, 43 _ i, l o 6o 4 . l t 4fiti e f l g- E fli '*c#- wn E l il AVO r t 4bi g i i 6 4 r oo 9 k l i i . o !PKAT , uio . -- . pelif _ , - glo ;.,he7i -4r150c9#410 4 0 4 04 1 0 1, 1 6 j , f''PAt: 0 1 0 2 961 4)l€k ;.:. 'cf_ ' ' ' • ii?!P 1110 roi,itrt(‘At , ' • If • tAkiv•rohli,„ti th t" A gtl 9 1110.01.1.,Itt: ti 11. 1 \ - titit oiikr 010 y At). 1 1 Sp MA o!111 eitt b-m-,VI - .4 161114 r 54 111,4,4 nVtltl clOktnttittttttkf>Attrct4ti tUitlt!Poti n \ hitt COO d t.; t Kt,rt tttvtit 41k 40. tArkiinkt: nag kilitiks.hoiNganrslght v tint. '.lkali ‘Okias and gckt, (I% rinvglk , ni s tvr A rtlititNetss 4 liltlti th,titotKttN , At VO‘A'‘O• '1144W .ifOittOt‘k.ttA . O 10Aki xti n 10411116 )01.1 p....)\Vtst to AO . tit A k iit! ,A)tth 14101041 r ke:46 , 11.4 : 41 tlts;i4lllr; tilt; 40,0 tw , tvtoits..Bl' tkti Ttittltri ;it , tittg•otro- - , 1 . 0,0 4k40017.4.t.bi11l Atovntlmf - ht‘ , Wltt ivilt tIKM n .. .iIVINSAtt And his past arts and qdtvlhM. zslt4tl4 Ot!ttir t iftft. N‘V 72, NM= tigiAt 1 1 )g. tt) . - Parta on' , the gist ultlnio, mainly. ~ t o - .theyeast of, the city., ;La Ronnlero-ctir , riedilourgetv to the north ctf ; ftlietttilt;'. ] and took 100 prisoneii; "itnitiile to hold thay efplace. , 0. FreziC adt s4,` ti csient :Tlle "garrison — of ''St.f.ll644;'loSt, o!“ . ,) _ the 20th ere , .)% aS f,/ si nptir.,toßrs7P l .99° 3- 64 , rF , Pc44 -- - - - tetceateutafter tight= in`g P,russians be gawp) bonAbard the city, when the. , Dfa- - Yor surrtndetei. kite toWn. The French have been driven from Sangre;. With heavy loss of men, antis: eted•'l).iggage; but the Prussians ] have been checked' in the direction icif Nuilz.'• The 'tsiey-: mans evacuided:Totirs,nnd the-preneli report. the capture tif '2,000 .Prisinters as they left,sand also thntthenrmy of th:e', Loire is 300,000 strong, ready for effen siVe • !, i *battle'was fought the . 4 YI/1; t \Veen . Datinr,ti Coutay, the:Vie - Lich Gen ?rid t elainn k• v ; 'has tlriven.the'f /ermans a c pout 61' briYanet.- • Kink Wittiiicit telekrailhed ,to llio „.. queen ' that,' Afantcutibkoq the 4514, near went ,a : ,victory, ,taking 4,000 Prisenti. A.l - Vice4 frOini Paris,,to the 19, hh . , say,:t cifYls , WiCheteeeeentlitiat',litati COni4: have been expected, months ago, „Atte: inhabitants are paler and thinner, than formerly. ; Borne respectable looking people beg in the streets. Still-there is no talk of surrender. The inhabitants will , resist. until r the last. • All :grain food is gone. They ttre hemming exas perated. They no longer beast orthe French. The past mouths Inive end 'to their delusions,' and - tlieY slave become more rational; serinus,Thnd at the same-time naOre'reveinierni.' Their .ou tw Orli s' liitveVeeti advanced, , , . Some afiddr4 Wlio • were ..eXclianged . confirm the !datcnici4s 1 11 .1A3 of 44? :Thßy,'say t tiv,k,peat*, lai: ,;ITR . cgualgy z atiy the restainfititsd .1 1 Nrfeet ~,epncyleude ie fin 7 1, 1 • Placed rochu ,and.,thp:pnly,persona - • tlfrPikig :0 0 An. a ; State of siege,:ate the loWer classes, who ;are. unable to pay war prices.. From - their aceo - unts`Paris ii 3 :able to hold.out Until the end of Feb. teary. And what theic2 „ 47/ &opiity clazc te , ,s.hic i at first doubted, ia,Ock;:adnlits the r - truth- of, the reporis eoncerriing the treatinept of I,he British vesso4 in the- Beitio / ,,t;y Prusiene, and,.deelares. : ll - lat the..goV-4 pyinnenicinustinatantly , deihand-an plivation:lmd'redreia froncPinsizliti:? "; I, • 1 1'he abov es - to .tfi).e.•s - Vesseig soak: as ohotieetions fns the' teitie b the Prussia `, s. • •i la a reeen •articie .spoke eneh r terms, AS we, 'fought Btfin'g tof fig, in-; seeurity: of, h man life Ifeinphis.:— ,0111. article, was baSed tipon IkteS ,writteu by a citizen Of' bfeniphie WeaternAourntil. " A - gentle - whin re9l- 1 ,, dine; io New York, but , fdriterlylnsCitii. , zen oP Itemphis,'' being lunch lilltiVed in his serene mind by bur remarkiyierie, to thOMennihislAppi;al, :Comment that.they Twdre, ,*l4,e. And. - The -I,4l) A 6i , drie.! " „precluded. our Ikr (fele: iiiit - **ii7o - tifecir - - . ' respondent rather cold tomfOrt,' 'for it ttitht tholigh " the' arifibtis , of !Ml* objecitionoble; the' aril ele highly colored,Ortlie rotor 41 Wits not Aiigher tbanithe tittth i" and that /jives useies.§ r' to litte - tujii defense , 41 the 'interest of the' ei againfit i ,tnsny factsitvhieh'llie 'indefettsible . ."-L Whip is (whit the MentiihisritewSiugier .11W ha Ens ,. for Afeniphis: ' ),1 " ' 1143thou-so,litheftrii in' co"unosoxilolf,resiteok , arill feartdor, rather th"howl" oonfessioti a r utl ob t olo, btltork to jai: ‘dutgo theltingnaio'of„retOliati t on ? or to attt..loo apology;lustl ht atfon;= deferii.e. ' • 'Aloe ! r that. • tro eitoul4 hip coutpoliod - :to ' wilte ,theto hitto,r .11orclo. -PA We bolieYO the tintt.thiscpassed.- - Xot •treftitise;; rvr freo confession, repo p, ; - aril " - - • 84:iwehYn4lt "diabolically false' malignant;" atti.eall. The .4.ppe4i taig thei t il ) bliaianter I, oroad, 'by , •mending their Innrderoua inanne'ria. - "We' 'Erty.anien r -:-- 1 -" ' • • The'llen an' r ave 'elk is -I.ifretitti fro tort,l4pd In no 4, 1 - e .. f,clir t tn, 17. ; 4the,7P0(, , a1:(1 • ti ci g ; snn, ) l; large.tru t iAii of JfknO,,,oW,n?o,,ily . hi r: A 1 ,4 1 4r 1 }.77; There' nt6 ritnehelii ,wlO_Oh quarter to half 3 ; 40)14 ; 4 * of. filiVer/. 1 /sid, yalliuritgO. One ion Ono 4 1bere,coyera an oxpanio or Oho timuoanti eight uundre.4 ; ntidiliorp dozena .n ot much smaller; 'Op Inrgospprowiecor PeibliP B ;,•TailaoB Tyson, who. Paaldni! i owning lnrgo tttttli or (iono, : rylu. : *ew l , puronagod, 0' ".ratiolio on ihe'D/rAing,r(vcir, Mintage tit 186 Niti q Ippt4 pf 00, anlleff,ngAcipliP'i I= It 1 1' QM !!10 v't t El LOPEZ AND - RitR.A - 01TAIr ' {. - ..tai vi. e; : 1 4144PPriilliknOPIlt , _ , baa , exiatedi amsmg Amerlcarks aps, thqT,lmexlts the ;Pfqsguyan Mar 7and ; Dictitor, 114per 4 , 1 ,,Oupofollnk.4,1441iniste:r to that Icotintry, Mr.f' 'Washburn; hasl4rittbil ri In thtit'wariwili dri'NAll - 65 tend} ~tios'e i 'Nvicii) have . had t 'n04.14.1i 1110' tli . 4 - . w4i l. 41 . the Tier, was waif' hety,-eSh'ite 7, the opO ,Ana set reding,sald ' -1%.1.!; : whose word, la death at 'a' minute's caprice, ia,paore of thAilfLLOPe. 7 4 or his:immediate pradeceisor, Dr. FrAncia.-,,Murder, anti tortures, that ~ were .worse than; tleatlq were commoirpastirnel3 With both'; rind were_cbetli;nntrtittgitteil 'eawar'ds'. l As to'republicanisrd lin t Parrigtiay r ,: #riatlpritfoililes'of iriverO'p'q evep 'un-: dersteddl!L 'trite 'ti,4lilV . ertliiiertt pez: , = .1-114 ‘drord l of WO go'vOiiiw ment4 -1 4aW 'find 4tdi ia? fyiziiit s : v6il;fir,if,lF'E,k i i# Via4 ) . ° leastn_liberal, mild and stahie mi3i4,.,nid)u'BraZOian cities lift, an d properEy 1 0"i:_iVA 1 '4, 1 .:P 113 4V t : e 4 WO° the 1 5- ;= 41 0 1 - ge.*#- - ::; . : .;• ; ; All - Keoyer, Brazil recognizes the_ laws; °f nationo,:.while , LopOz‘ mita , at; utterly lawless as theqietty - k•higotii _rtiej T 3,istand:. _ _ • : • To those 'who do' trot Care tb . read •Mr: Washburn's book, wifebniimind tho•thil: traotki from the adVanee streets, pgib'j lishediel`the'dailytikb"tiiie 'Oe`Dec: l 2 ; 7: )4,„ 12111 .„ • • The 'lfrothi'spe eke `iiht - `t'obB6tete''.i"i6:;' tectioiiistih'eresied."•"l'h'ee nit th'aid= IterstitillYpthikeWofflllifi4 - empires. trio isbbli - tfiel • guspios hfittioVoutigst wed gi,e3sl v e ittion al . liartY Whiclfdiir trylhag kimktu: miesi re , !itiiiipiik, fir, of its tiseekitleWcy'th 'The - They • nine - yearn' `pro ad defiantly 'And *6 cannot' coax, :riiie ‘dilv4;: - iic,r kick . tiiiii - itiittiOicaelii6; -Oveenting it: bill 6:odottlie '4O . therOotil ith eotnitrY ' ex!stfug-itrffeetiWiarittEL*lN,Tl 4 tfr! `'irliceqba r nA Of:`cate'lt 14 4 0 . 1 % 7 4' 2 PTr i o'ri t herehifore :in t ! a Art ' via - the , fp_ Albao4 , i b''the d'oinitable enterprise trio ihatia= gen, an arrangement having been per fected rherebyalsepinggoachee attach!, e'd 't9 4PFVas train will I#3 . ornu thrco, to aO'd from_ ,witbout change, arriving there at 8:40 a. m., and return-4 ing at„.s •.• They 411.(cett - +gazette r (English)ila a UXIOIIB _ that •thee Atneriernia sltatild ytipw - that En glob d =Pkhear-illy tie zokbatadkliitmlik,i4;i l ipd to pay' anYi Ilin'patitf ihti t!' o - ' 3 aCiO r '';tf an can !,!,nt." b. 00) tw.d. ,„ , A t I=fl • ' ,if THE. GOILID;I4IIEDA:V ii =I IMIIIIMMENIMIESSEN ..•'• ..t ) . l ,{y 3 , l 74 - 1 Jltp L l L'i 0- 1 40461 1 9 fAI I ticio.ilysofcipotir.ft dtiAtfipi Il e P as sr i tLob e rifKilten.Thrtitp 4 t,t2Phr. f 4 sea' • War, Yriri rar4, f elA ro.-ere, andli iftb"best 'anti Via mit r Obia for '064 us 4vetl to trefid;;Verittibl v , i - • The Boomer. LocinEenitizo Szrzilit)lll4iorssi .38 oopetitor to all l ot4pro,:fpr t ltbe reason:tbat[tt pirotA direct'tioo; Bpqole ond„tlqt,iiree ,no adlog'of threitd: 'Tt tit"dkelV tiajtittod, .hetilibiti to: get tint of l- 61441r..-- , ' ty„-ti ,r 6 I Ptrelona *lBlllllg 43) ,, tiim4pga !I.); this Ain,optimioNi ho,yipir' eirlEtdarcf/1 , , ~ .' rd •i {%' t ' " itt'SAUtn2j."` 5 " " tjigi 11 $ *gab. Otookilia,,i t 41gt1) uttt P4l 4 olei) (Litz!{( fmti 10. 1 !rf ME )Irixonnt , :-.ttitlw ,•14, :r.. .i H ,, a •• . 'Aar."..''hltelVenduttillittotailsqlffiyo! -- ''`Failot - ot 016 tiiPitai Claw. , ;'`k' - Tn s Elillill s iiiirtEektE Al.dYerti@er -'1 a., , , ‘Jr •-• - ,,, 4. ~k kr " ., -p, Pstol.l;lM 4slgutt s :0' 1 03 1 10 NrstUP r itirs -, Voilki4i)ve,pr I tie 'estiptifttr. 1-,1 , .;,• IA x i •- • ' - t ; _ 4 34 0.47 t i ‘ . " 44 t11t, 1 , T 'l l e i t i k ' 1 1 .A' :I,J I 1 C ,t 4, 4 it Full tOttGlitiet ' teM44t4ol l l, tiVritit *I v 44 -E'tit \ trn Market itepor ;'' .:„.• Every Iftittiber contains , the latest and _, , Moitinteresting Ameouiatsof - , The War , ilEurope Europe! 1 ,._ Ffiil C4;#'44.4li#Bild Legiitiativili coo tugs, n °resting Stories, ,1 -` 1, g , P4,,,•••••' ~, A 5- 0 11713111.13f fittnfrelitat A lif 6•••• ' 1 •,,,' N'e • 0 m • - c..1.4.:t.:',.• •• - iii, ffi j ii , ite st•., ~ i , isot, -, ,_ i •,,,, 4 q 4`• -. 1 11 .::!... WA liiku,r4 Itorials,„, u 1 ,rppevts , of •t ilimie Itaritiets, lub; ,1101141?-,,, : , ._. bnrl?f?nd iiesits, l 4e.;;lftl' , ' l ~ :4fittt Alo4o;litintS 0 gUbSet r iParfr Every Man h is Ow ganieisteit.., , 4v it ry r ely reti*l er r,ee,ev s es . 1 iml , " 'Pr, lliiilltil'Or n I, VtL4?p 1 - lir ''' * '" ki '1 'd - r"tibij" ' em ee river er , 1 laftitell enesoti lironi ' otWIP y; latid , lititallie TltailkliamohillateYdttiglial srelAte tdriFtbe l 4 f,:: c,,,i f.ll flUtinAti, BRA INOVI'' - ' II A '- 1,1 ; itonotilyibebo kdoVrititti bee' proolatittlilirsualo this purpose we. odor the folt Ingildrim,pgjok 11. ra-lt WI, eke Ao. rttaryi 4 t gl i g ) ,49l'WtOg Re lA/ 1 i tit , i I FpIC 0N14 . 1410 1 , 4 (* 'fibliithiSit ) i kolibitiftHAAi , x4O t tm a/ bfArdtit •ailtibi fro z the Vollfkiniitn' house of ".-.0.0 , 1, •th , %. I • " ..t lo ';', 41;1 CP Altofl.olCi I)Witttl) ~k 1 OBI; : , , "i -1-• , • • , 01 fitt4Y494lo.l.Ckfa O. :t , tri.; It " ;I I:4l. F k ' t i ,ar tjklAntro,. t „it ,o',. 7.tal: Olicifo li preyed Warped /, - 1 I '•lt,lt•reiiliaberToblet istaPhin 4,-. : 1 l I IL( i IPOOkOt Book, ,•11-1 .; 1.,c•1:‘ -_ si 4 / 7 11 .4. / 2 % , P 9.013491.0.11,011 miOoptiesp; - 11) 4ry eTi , , 1 brtintialivolut . i3buiveroligi 6ril folk ltMilideoute' Velvet Puree) wt °help; i - ; • Et itr if l ll ?o;J. , I) ~i I 1 , 4'1 " ,vrtor. " .. , 9x cane ~ . .> .„ • 1y .. )-riCr P 'l*lnepritie l e i ttotltPi . . . I ' , ' 1 thilitlitosltripillaitbgripli,zitit leforatitarltig,i ‘a.p.tpertirddvaii, , .4., . J,,,,,,, .1 , 1 ,C titi a u l/. ' 1 . 1 7 8; 04 1 0.: 13.11:a . : . ri I,Autogrwi vubtadi iu; f ey , 11. i , all!: i i ,911P/7 0 /ZAFV..4,9 1 ;10k4 CrAllOthiltitt• i / rs,,tlf r oard,„, '''t dice in vat , ealliiiitti !‘afkidvklit Story and other books, ' • •'" -1 '%" 1 - • 1 2--; i Or ono oft lOsfellowing, rom M °V4 T 41:4* 4 5.0A l ict*Ot lil o f ART 1 'kiatii kleiitfit aiitit 'iti b liikiii,' l on homey p4porz ill copi . frost,it, best o!,Proof stet*' Nwto,kiltie op felts** i ` ' T' . ' - ' \ .l ',iiiii;,i'eArivao',Wati:44ii s i444i a , e, i ' Itiotib lull Basket,' -' • , Christ givleg kote;p7illey, • . , „ r Itilitt7 Ant oinglugthe'teot of Jet's, 1 iltitdonnai•bils Rapti/61i = _, , _, ,; , , i 1 1080 ,0 1 8 914 by, hia• BPitirePu ' • • Moses Assisting the beuglitordirp f othro , ,Moses di ample;' t °Me ' 1 ilthrise on the Ittem..• , .i' tv s .ii , 2 .c) , ogi'rrAtr,Pia,9 l ßF.P 7 ,94l 3 9oPEPt 1 il.aT u r n ilflio 1 tr 1. , Int.: , Albakosfeare and hie' Coteinliorart ~ '', „ i t , §l l ll4 o .kif4r l 93) l6 Y.o4.4Lcirble• ( 1,1: .4 , , , ~. pubsort be, et ,ouiejoh the s litßßß. , Apy BR S ,TISEIt Old talto your choice ' or lb above pro. m i u t n e ; .11 ?1i ~., , ,itAx ,11 , ,•1.. , 4if .) -,,. (tall at • the , Buttaasil)ffiteit the . DVBRTIJ BBP4, c•nadlifaAgialir,LAAll4t4VßA USER 413 r. ,SOOXAT/B , giglag post . offioe, e reao r ta all ; c 1 1 ities, Ida' alrecit *hetber 'ill:emit' e'er& tabu' , forWardollor cattail lbw, .:: , ii:ft , ~, „I , . 1-4.,1%, ! -• THE lill$ .1 1,D r:= aja T t.A.• DY T • SER - - ~t PR34Px4pg0,40 3 ,::. isupeoyibool by m4ll Sitise4ear Air 8 montEa.• ,t; iOn ly Morning Pig a' on the Erie atailw.ay,and Its , ranches, Your....TrAinwl-Norib;43lwitl4Rait and 'tWest--- PITA Wars / mho !,elkso , 00w. hiofping ,traiiti op,conwecitng roa r di Mein NAM+ IDA A:I/VERTIO FR , reachilts stibilorlbotithigth IO fo 16"hoctre twirl •00fiihaliPew -iYurk-.,Papotev:and 41301111111:11 the sibie'Marliet Reports and 'Telegraph nows. , tt; • • ' • Vhe iitibTrlitittlig'Department of - tha AdVirilser Office in einiiPlede 'in eveii rem !speot. All kinds of work donedn'alirt • notice: .:ArdeT.S. bypiall will reopiva proinpiwttes- A l`, Collit Sale. - el an older liiirTed - tobta - lboOrTa* -J t e ungeraigned, 1.3 =......i—idiamitore or ti's -cent° ,of Frederiok Wel-, ly;-'debealledi-vtillT1 fit putliC aide," ' *day, January:3loBll,llft 42 , O'clock; noon'int ithetlgurt Hoene, in Wellaboro,,,to • the highest and"st bl'acier i the folloW 1 t)g,-,,00,8,90.hed 'situate in Libertytlwrship: Bogioning•a't a4iost;the nertheaati Corner , of warrant !fary,P3',s,o.••l•o6l; thence • west 53, ,perches to a post; . thence south - 83:8 - porches to li:post "Id , line of Jonah Drevrater lot; thenoi along the lanfLof said Brewster,' east, 58 perch , tell, to a post,in, the marrant,line ; Aherne worth. 83.8 . perchtie 6'o'o S hoo o,f bogianlng • being, 'Partoriild viiiriantf or&ttfiliC27.7 ache. ,2dejle)ng .north :part , •Ofl4Varrant , INo:1•961if; tbdih :P§ thgpPrttc, l3 74l o _faroaldelzsEitalr atie aytor,,,yrofr; y lands , of, Jahn, IfeylietrieotitlAY landebt drain' slaok~ an nest by lands of Broderick Welty estate; coil"' ! '..t 4 4 111 •& 82 t1 1 .VT° 11 /,l99.krfig. A'd: - lieginblin at a pikt o il i ja the 3vpiltgra • hno ; 1101diP I' - A thence north; . along ,aald ,line : •;paioltils Itoltheetfil; Itil'eane, . perobet to, • kpost ; thence south by laude iirael Greenlief 83Perohes to aposti, 'thence hatitinieriiliraf' to •rlho •plaire of begin iiihg;.noiltainbra abtaaArrtllBl liCtChe.e '" nMPC94I , 3 2 ' - At' :lands:ol ,y1,04-' enoe sen t .4,9, perches OA beedhp thence • 'llindsi` Wert '48.0 f eerohe4,,ta,h, beech ; ithenoe by , uusbilled 'goat I444erchos, to a beef/4 . 408*ga by: landi ? TiCtirth north 49 . perches, to thence by lands of John Lovegood, sail ches, to place pi' beginnin oontainlng '413 a Crei 'anti „qed :1 di 0)1'1 c ) 5. , llegfrilding'at'altilliiiin the oaatern ' llqo Of, i kands - 0f,31106b :414451 4 Pthe'dkili Chrlati.uw , Earlohypllpetehotbtercyposfi north hj thrills of , GP o rilet)4C994 , - W8 ; ea;! s iscjailib B 4 O9102; :parches, the hoe no 'Lit leads'of J'a= soli 1 4pzefs14 1 Y•crehte,„; she IplaScrotbs'gin•;• Whig conk) ping 471,6104 i 1 11 ? i !)::•• •.r . - • • • .;(3Tenietil s l)ire-third . on, CenArinallo;a palc,, - ,ond - thii 4 l l titoletfthelifrair;'hia-otto-thiCat . rreaerl6 we) ty f decemodi.srith lateresk en L em • setae IV ci6htlintallow of eale,payalge• an,fl7l' illyiand• to Uooaifdd by b - bud in trtgae 0 144 01)..10.PexlY;=• , 11fAltrtallir • s.' ch . 4• l- 1 Aur " • = - 11 _rp onal, - ourt Salo: • 1.3 virkgtoffAh order issittedi out of the r thi: JL, RhatiA", C.orrt,9, i pq . ga conntyi.: the tender-, ,elg.nedVAllinintatritiora .the , Fatah'. or,jl,eth l , Lineolih?deiesioidPilll stroll 'el' reiblie 'sale; 6e, Otiirit4e7s7lJtra. trivi snit ga re'alitelf PAC; At - thelip,3ll)-:ff„. ”Paggettt Lakfiriervillei' t : ttl)abiatitteet and beet' bidder , the following de-. exibad mropertar„ situate in.l.arrwrlnmrT.9lll , : iMilir:' 330 aigrEt 00 - .4unamasmko theisouthilait" corn* ot land* on to,keire Obediehl Ineeho; 4ecedlitAl y wit% _63:degreep eaet,, #7, per ; ofittteek - post 00010'1144 Iwitik-of tife"fiegit' IniLq2u,tlll l2 4:degrees ealrei - Zirpterelieet tow 4 11.1 tnenge.eouth 4 86.40.140049 1 pr0ft, Ai:, pore gib 16[ 1 1)1014 theboe north, t 4 degrees ' east 37lperehts to:rthe n11 . 04'413 iginetht titiLlA3t,tre,el44.4 LIOIri pare hoia; bore' or leek ' 1 • - ms -Y°°loo l .ls ,nif 144 LUPO, ;tele, , tend the tiefaisoe i fit‘tleto -t eilillir 11 1 1,InePt 2 siXIPAA , twelve montlia - i - Witicintereei`freni 46`tif eonWf. idditiorti v)f In V.DYIIR 1)4'8131107 P* o ' ' F i 2 -Elf") ; 2 /1 2 /9•1143 2 / a O/11,1 't tie 0' tBvu y A dtainiters • • rl' tsliThe Beadrrap System: ,`, thiiio' triatoidl to ~rs.tlifil,, a fter.!heifir,sk of autism; JO X, AIM wilt seal go'cias:lbr regy %gnu, aft the - 10t11 sof Jaimkry, will'beieft.foi ;collection) ko) • WeoirgofA,to kA, oqp gbocaleozhnent ofzi - goods, and.soliiiit:Raktoonge aalortifotore.; / /1 1 -1 . 11 "" 1 tTAPLES at BON '3W* ia i, . ~ Iv pinifOstillitoea P'otiee ' AWArtlls.4 o Pl9flitimbastirationfttthe , 0; 80 enrY , ; 0 •.-/Pawittbliaatal DC oltdoblti;diegsWapliiiio - beejl'graiitid to tlib *it., ilotamioilblioatoosotaibilatia td' l ifio : eiiiil * 4tiite i n .r o gi svinil nN cif d; odiatteArilat,;(n il Mp drtlgl Vtoo n onomb atp4ot thel 9 ee N.141 . 1194t0 icliown:943 iatno:wittttintliolitto 1 ''' - • ' ' i • 'IL -• ,''''L' f If j, i I :j , :4. simmin E,BOSWORTIL,-.4 •:', :f ,s i l ,f 6e (o l/ ?:#041 0 1 1 A 7° 1 , , ,• • 1 Aliner,:=l - 01 10inP i ,.$11ilti1P.-,Sewint-lvlachine • • -Ift! t., • • • • !" trgiS z :Aathlnee is the ladies - fsiVolite; 'tad ,posseeass all!tbe Adventism •nt an tarnished much I. In prlactlinn other titiddleiniAldnes. Any onli' destki n g niaciblno with crall'on; otaddstsit (•••.7. , • • = EZRA , THR, i -„; • , 01 . 014 r.,. t. 4 AIL! nti.B4llll , i L iftopeo i ." o ' 4) it • - - -, 4 4l l .?'+` o4 l l TtS. 't til• . .4 1 0tr i ' 144 (1 1 r V.3;.41,1 North Eighth St., Philetda. it , *1 ; 1111.6 EcilAgLE----, A t..p. A.-,.1 dressing UM, NtWai , ': sot urn the _hair or injure Ow' ', At diem caiil prOur i e= ititithafifoitir Nita ,y, as po so It ;;OpairtiiilV reiffiiiivihee , flair titilts and astre, ' It causes a , Ipxuriant growth ' I of soft, fine half: . es ~ ,a1 reafest :.: article ever .offerett =2 , - ISM 'Neigoidiment. ' ' ;+ - A - SikTFOR I DO - 181N 1 5 ! . 77 Nov. 26, lettiAiii.°'`:' C 7g3t • 464; `tuel;,_o::7,:,-.l6?l:ll4o,eirip , .... , ~..,_,. -- ~, A r wisLIER,O 1 „k ik . • ..,.:, ;,.. t „: .1 NOVO Ll);' , ..i i A. I_ lAEEPS opusbuttly - An laandolltiktiinT4LT.; - LIAM ~.itn,.4. kliV;11313; WA2III/RS,;, Marine; t iirns kill 'qalendar 4;11,00 NS, • • -r . • I. = 41,2 . 0 , rr, c ritzy". -.- 17n .n 1. ..• 1.,. -.1.--, 41/It.VJER SPOONS ' ' Plate4ll3,PPakt i gg i trAt. " .4VC 44-I * r "11 Ffnir Nth* ObWoiliabirt - Al* 4ake Ssuiketil 'Napkin Rings; Chreitti Salt Spgai and Mustard, Spoons; Figtitt, t,, litngdlirgiibiMil443iold Pena and Penoils; Solid Gal—Sold; Pearl Fanny and Plated Banos; Watokanarla in& Obelus, Act , At large stPelebtSPEolloLllB, iILASSES, and! ColoreAGla gul l all atiedpeed p:l44t.i ~...". . - v . (. 4 . 4.9 S/V a • • - •1 11 Qfleatni -Iwdt-YttiagliAmigroi 01 - -, -..1 f .N. 4 .... ..a. at i • .l is, eo '2l ,itif ti - 1113fu1k ..3 al nollminf'm ad i; : r ?...5 -a17.=.3 i, -a .0, - L-9,., 4 twig trn y rioilu .4:::,44 , ,t. - 4 ~:_ 7 • 10 ID,' TP . ,J5 . 13 !Vii. : ls; rll :4 ia2 4 . : I p f i' ' ' i: •-' I i b' 3 l olo Ifittrtij.ti:' 14. - 4113/a :10 . 15. talgth t .4-1 -I§4Vrr 9 v ,4 o F; o 5 AfAkiSl2,gii.4l2 4 c , rk , •fis,....ile giv: ti I ,47. 1:!1)-P 0 , ceiseg;• -, .--. 4 3 -411 - :A ' . geji ,t,'.itt•lf. 4S: Tor' 'V ,- :r: :: 1 i 4 ,.. klirei fl .Swod Ci i: !if: Rtt t ,, :i i!: : • v. -': .' :i istii -, „... :. , . _•• f i es • •• -All t i," ,::.: . , :,= • •,: ..... =O. 61 lif •-••1-.•1 '7:4'71: II:411..4 ....': 4 6 1. ~.:,- p 4l. j 1 ,:', ',l,' i I ck iji: ,Iti: - ,.x.p ., --- iv: ~ .tii 4.1 1 r , i'1 t 48 ~ ' wit - ,301 - 0E,140,,g1 a - 8., iE.:gie l y , , PR. 4.44 4 , - $.,:.11)0 , gi A • t r gi,okizr. , ~ , -- ,lio,Lit-- t SiCA 1 : :* 4.P,11.44: 1 74 • , ( .1 ( 11/ A OhiSLlOW,tigl.rll4 Y 4,ea vri. -.• : 0 r as 0 ... 4 . •P; 4 1. 4 9, :t . 43 ',8%., rel,., al , - ilOtt-tligit Wig N. or;(4:14 , 1•11 11 , / .--, - ! i -. AIN 49 ~• 4.11-1-.11i0,78,:74 , 4 fi•61.28 , ..) -44 , 36klAg••‘.6i0iPti,• 11. \ •` 4 A-1 •1 0 -1 4,- k , a ' a , gs . . .., ..,,,, .•, %, 31 .......... 0 . 4 : ,)/ 1. ff,,...0 0 .• i ..,:, Off i cg, i al _.9. g ir, _,..14 -~.. •,EL 1 • r.„ -.0-_-41 1 .1 4 rail A11.;.E-7t` Etll • . R;.lbcoc 4 i Ii;13 1 f ri•t 4. 4l l i'' ' h e ' ' l'..' i ~-,1 iti 11 a ti 11 2. t ti.r, 4-o, Al .3X .)1::: `1: 1 4 .4 N'N'4 2 1141 1 4 M P"'l4 i,:, , -..., .. , 12.,, , SIMI .. IMIE CVAIMARS,..EUTTER4. - = I el ON ttoo t,1#0, - ff Jam:: vl A.l ',“; 11;i I ;,),f, , g 1 ,9,0 1Y r AISDYSHOE,J.STORE =EI t:ii :~.,i ,r ; pi;.i NM „ - - deh9re:l3llBlti RkikTDOLPH have 'purchased the - -Boot ;and Shoe p!pre of occio,fieers & Doitty, and propose to cocain , itie • ,and -46ancing the •price!' on all goodminid collingetrictly n 'F>,:~y,l~ ''.cl FOR CASH. ~ i A ~+. $ , - li 1).,;;: Weleap # gOodaisorttnent of I , • .. • ' • • .. 00T-5i' t 44.1410114,r9; iIAITtR ..1, . i iqßoCiTEL'a i =l BrOGAVS Allii L " ; I "' G ALLIGASKINS .ki ?...11%;,!'.ni - Y1 '1.0.-capi.s.t , ... - , 55 ,. .) , T; ; ''' D '.• , 9 ( . 1.. i....1)1:17 ft:lui..)..-t -•:: . ti!f)1' , /0 1, .wiriatited to - Bt, any foot from 1i9;29/ 40:118 . in , • alabive . ~= . I .• 0 • '',:' ..! .) ,` '.; . ~ : i: i " l ': • .. , ,f., - ,1, - ,..,-.•,iti 1 .:- - ;H".•" - • •:', -1 It: .;„,i,„Jlii .1-:!-.60,000,0,fr -; • 0 11 , :.'• r -). hij);',„;-;•0 t f "',.: 7 ::,,, ir . ,: y-,.. - 1-'.. '' ' -s ii iliail'c.iLi: - FitErmxt, X/Ri-:UP.• akMiIidOLOALFi ' ' , i RER .. 891,,E i SI ______ , . , : 4.4: ji . _ .).. ':i.i ' • HIIMINGS ISIO.' i ' ' ~ BINDING,. ' y,7 :is 1R0000'; ' Itc4 SEM ik • ••• 311 It' " i'ittio kept as Itaietapie lif3Dfl,l IP • '- .o!:qAndpaga,ift,p shall b e fosta4 at i)vmpttal-' iriata; and 'vig'alialt endeavor to pell„at priceff v a t oraetorttito We Nvika't I'll ICLAS listrf •(1 :,e ) ;i.; ,(.t .;P_OR ;HtOBS:' , 1..1 : I I r 'Ol ;,r.:+,,,t• .1 ;1. v ps r po 100 t• 'Lliiitniq POMPOM s well. idotke S "on iittort an&be,sonvisooda! 1,, BUSH it 'RANDOLPH. : 'Dec. 14, 1.879 •, - l' • I c,)" • i ~) ;'AC:o43o3:Lti.ettlr3r6' z R.R.R R ATIVA4 4X1)./13.0XIANIC+li L'4•4, 4lmitai. - Havintboughtlir..o7iiilliefin tits ' interest' in ' 0 1 4 PatlnetalOp of gostmart k . Van •Morne;Nio'd , - riagleittallii request all persons indebted to the late: firm to °ail an 4 settle at,oßoe, „ Oftleabppeilitis 'the Ciiiitiltonsitivhere wO9l ' 46ll anuilklh4lDental - the most elll'Pvo4 l lllol/IlHpPoiMaer, Mei loweitsVosaf-. Altsrabit: ' ant! pie apeoiplotyc ; anSI testinio l nioalkifiire geirrialbairbeire. - ' Doo4o, 1870 v,,t')lr.iiv .- )t;A'Bi'llkl3Thl'Att' • <,'' • .141 MEI 1 - 7 -- --- - - --' 4 4l t . • • 1 ' auttoi:44WritkiWyBtiiithiiriviialt tow" s 7 i.P.11,1 I VAIT bT. rP 1 titiVIORA: ktp/Tietiatit .:; .lidii 70.14. ,f=,;:3;, - nutt 7,fit,F,11 QE•I r ..1,1 , ':".1 , ':;r /)t's,'"‘.l-;_l,:trl,l;ifr,, 4,AV IM W011S; -w>tc.: • horo .741410380K.PA:w ME 3 SO U' !: .7"'''''tl" -"V-"..- L • SOU' - RUNNEL; IRROPtit/ ME . 1 i ekl itcr ffr. stgl: AitalYkep,t, 7 0 Brf ifoltddy. l "Tha " diate Ito =Ali it a firatt-oliis rive sildlPN'cirPntirbo_ueOft good in it*Zi ' anon. jgc !pry 5q40. 013, -, , r is ITA ' ( ' ,k 3 10 t Letvc.r., • ~h ) tylr ntIT lepfl 4t, tvi .L 1 ftt ..: t, j • I - ; 16121 . _ I 1/ i• • - { i‘ ;' / , ,4:..,!..,....:,.....: , f .p : r..,....:4:, :,:,,..,-JA.: 414, V*l4.skt,:: B arg L ._. 76-:„...„ a ins fi -.‘i , ' " - . 1. ''. t. 1 ' ' •r -I .'''''.- ' ' . _ 'Vi - * - ; - i'''..'.:•.;'''',:'.-':: '-' 1,)"-.': - : ~--- BE MEM L.~~ MEE MEER R...„.r. . ...!....._ ' ..„.1 , 4, SEMI ti ,~~ rt 2.~ ; i:j?7W : err+-~ -,, ; y S }~ .-ri: MBE 1213 IA; s~:,z. ~ EEO MEE 1111 IMIIMIN B OTS • •:4 '7.• . ' r r) rt.. 1-:r I I 41. _ (f'C' i - ,1 There has been a heavy decline in prices of most kinds of 1111 Mil =EI 0,5,r,. -000Ds ,• • . Our 'purchases being made NEW, daily, 14s . needed, we are in position to give our customers the full benefit of the DECLINE. ; • Call and ;see the,strong . inducements we are offering to our 'customers. GREAT BARGAINS IN OUR .NEW LIST OF PRICES : . , , 1 Blask American Silks, worth $2 . 25, now St 87. . ; .., • .Blank Lyons Bilks, worth - $8 00, now $2 50. ' • - '": ' t • "' • •' '. -•-•' ' " ~ $3 75, now $3 00. - —,- , r ~ Rich French Plaide, J all wool, worth and $1 25, now 760. • 1. .Our entire 6100 sa, and es. double fold Plaids, rich colors, now 50c. b . , Ontentirustook of 35., 3s. ed. and Ss. elo le fold rich Plaids; now 2a. Bd. Doable fold Alpaca Poplins, well worth 8 . ed. in gold, now 20. ed. - ' . ,Bilk AlPaeas oheaper than ever. -- -.- -- Skik-efok.t..-übmpos-than ever. - - • • All 'other abdes of 'dress goods equally cheap. We h ve an immense stook, and are bring 14 Moos down all the time. . _ • • 04r4 eittentts larder than aver, and our prieSsare based on late purohases, and canna ItgintrAtit6 rair • ~ iIl . .11 1 th anUWe have just put in' an entire new stook, bought at e lowest iatee, and'have now a better cheaper stook than at any time before.- MI 1 , 4?) NI-4;11T J r 1 I; l 3.4ume:la. Piletruck.e•lis. . , ! Oar, trade in the above goods warrants nein keeping an immense stock, 'and itlis now Aka with aVAitide,'at itimoetuton low rates., , - ' .' F .i. , t Scarlet, Blue and Orgy Twilled. ' . . 0 0 " White 'and Orange, plain t ' ,- - i Also Plaids of all kinds, in such variety as will nit any one. • • . .., . . ;!.s . , - . . • : ME BM I= ' i 1 1E 11E1 11EMII i . . it 1 hero lieleol kilt further reduction is the prices of our Doineation, which was :not looked fort., f Wo now-cell all goods in that line ac a redaction of five to ten per cent. lees than the low Oone' of o,otAter last. ),9,9 now 801 l pi , . ,_ . 'l3 !'.C.. - IC - 11.`1 ,, VIT,I flif i.,• - , , , '., • : ‘ , 11 ., i ,01%, filif•D"e r •rt: , : • f . ME CET •; - 1 2. 11111 M Odin at any time in eigbt yam. IBM . r n3'hz, - ~ Voy.: - .Boi .1810. t PARSONS aro - now offering unusually MI ' I'.. =I =I En Pi =I ISE , EE EIN ~ ;~;.. , r 1 • MI 4tiTing the past t*o weeks. MEM VaZl'73l=lEll4 -7- --'- WMIEIi NOW& t . , i 1 Shawls are very cheap. ' '' ' - Beaver Cloths are very chen.: / , , , .., Fancy Qoakings are very cliaali. _ Arabs are cheaper i than ever.../ • - ~. 7 . Balmoral Skirts, aro cheapo,Aban over, Felt Skirts are Cheaper thph ever. . tliettarAgoedyilliti 10a. sheeting. " I t o . if 120. " " lie, shirting. t 4 " ine t tir it i I fait oolors 10a. Prints. " 260. Nattier Tiding. low Mom) Bleached Munn. 200. Cotton Batting. 260. " 'all and sap tub MAME ME NC iu all kin& of GOO sHoEs. ~~ ~~~~ _ -I &CO. , =I ilin GEE CO , 11 ~' ~,. Nil r S I=l Me 111 =Ea LORMOREISROS4I - 00 '•;" ty 1 4 W'HQLI SAI,,E, - ;77r71777.7r.., ELMIRA,. " ~ } . .i • • -,••• lORMORE BROS:A. yealtr.ti) it the nt • / Notion of the Trade in thO oonotioe of Abu- Routhern Tier of-NQw ; Yprk andasforthern Penn sylviknia, ta the large end. fa)l aeseriteeet of GllOO EllllB &,1111.01,1S1oNS • t • constantly on hand at thei; - extenet t pe•lVarebouse and Stores, No. 7 end 80 gettl9l,l.Btree,,,teN,,Y. :1 . and . I)64red"f6r, igt10,;54.i.110 4 , rno . 411 1 4e:01 t9tale, eatisfaellori taft 011:eigekifutitee,d, „,. • j- „ , Our St,ealp L.„ !Ails 1-,ia for ihejtoaaiiimA , Coffeeatillthe GrindOtiro,of Coffee and SPiCos, are of theAmost remit . proved construction, and not eicelled by any in the country. --- frEAQ . .(,,„v kaira „ 10 We have a full stocklof. c6ice.Teas: , We.bny direct from Importers in Now York for cosh, and soil as cheap as any house in the trade. Sugairs,Altelasss & Sy ripp"s from the besi : iteflie,i;;:ana _Sold at,hitest:and lowest New York quotations. __ .l ( - • o •-- FOREIGN DRIFP. KRUM, ,t D., ALL KIND, OF .romp, Fishmi\Dry:& - Pi tiled We buy from first bands in the East;'and can afford a better ertiole et , a lesser price tban'en'y thin in Western-New York. WOODEN WA I DiE, Cordage and ..Brootivi—c-A full lino of goods; LIQUOR*. We call the attention of the,Trado tp,our largo stock °Mince and Liiinth, rihiob for Puri ty ) and fineness are unsurpassed. IMPORTED ,ALES—Sootch, Irigh pnd I En glish, and of the beat brands constantly on hand. ' , ! . • ' - ' . I ' ' FOREIGN AND DOMESI-TC .I...IQUORS- 2 -- We specially invite purchasers to call and ex amine ,our stock .of Foreign 'ant 'Domoectc Liquors before baying elsewhere. • - .. 1. MEDICINAL WI-UWE We tint up - for tbo especial benfit of-the sink, a are article of 00 Bourbon Whiskey for.the D ggiSt Trade. • Bole Agents hi Elmira, of lio Urbana Wine co. In brief, we invite a - cloia nrutiny of our gociLls rind their prices, tho whole assortment being tub numerous to' men Lion in detail. ' , LORMORE CO,;' No, 37 & 39 Carroll,pt.,Elmira,<N, Y. Sept.2l, 1870.4 y. • • • - TIO PA . i• l ipealer in HARDWARE, of all hinds, AGRICULTURAL AND AIRCRAI4ICAL' NPLEILEKTS, Material, Iron NailsrOnt Stoves, Tin-Ware, &c. , ANY STPPK OF STOVES •ieinbracesi Forty oi different kinds, and I am, prepared to guarantee • , • .r IA • .. Bcittom Prices to bash Buyer.?.! I have also on hand;a large stock of V.leetrie. X Cut Shws, and Moor's. Double• Braced Arch Frame Wood Saws. These a:1 . 00e best seals in tliiiworld, Arid are fully warrant4d.' , w "' 't' best 'stook of 'Oil, and 'Kerosene,' T•A'N' r TERN'S in the , county. ' : ' • I have many articles not ,kept by other !Joel ere which 1 would b 9 glad to :bortV'end' 'give prices _that will defy competition. t 1 • , MUM! IMO FARMER'S ' DOdT6I '. LAWYERS, MERCHANTS, • PRI,ESTS,; AND EVERYBQDY' • , FROM, .$1'6,1 TO slod FROM VZ I G TO $lOO • (Cheap for baiter, and eliViip for 'cash at 11, BAKER &SON'S-, . -Notice. ' ' ' j ea4IX 'persona indebted to Seers & , PeztkYr '- whose scot °nub& ate dniyi-eire lequestedi to aulteettle without delay; -or 'coats - . el be made. , ,:, - -- 7-: SEARS 4 Illifib . Ottobe l t liiii,lB l loogti.‘' . :C.:.,!•: , , i,.' ,, • „i , , --„ v •.., .v, , . ,- I ~~,~ _i RIMS! is ~!, iil Westfield •1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers