i ... • ' . 4 1 i igginik . -..... _._...,. _ 4 ....- i'I.a"TEIL, CO UN'l' .1: ,10_i. ix ‘v E 14,- - , - - . 1 rid -Li :t. 1 e ...tali; “Lis... I ,T, and in IL ne c-rti, out of t... sport ' Tue4dis Eventii a Pc. 5,1, t 2..A • er 19 yettES Jduee 1 tutru..2ui i eu.i .. • - n i ; - • , ,co .; ... .',..,, V, t.,)1 . 1%N .1..1N:31E.N1 1.1 t).O 10110iC. I .—..._ , .....-___:,,__-,=_,l:_ - . -=---- ,-__-,-,--__._-__-_,_--,,,_--=_ tly to ~..ie, t ,-, • , t, eo Illt it for r:.let 1 i -t -9....!...:1-1- inl,l ,:or.1:. ••;.....t. *.i...t i onzi, al Local and de.n.er al. ~ I e .... 15, Wee:, 1:tti:;,: t with rte - . i --------- : ------- 71 --- _..,__..- .., /O hl E.IEVI/1 Z 0 let all; ooe 1 itve it„atid l , ri.--'l ,- The titrttiomettr In:Healed. in; tio r rE.l -••.: 1 ) : 3:-1 " 1. 1 ; )•'•l"Pi•le`l. ...'ore I 1)0.1, - ,w ;4ciro ii, tf i ti..-i pitted tut the tuerette r t 01) ;t, 1E: ~,Itto b . .,..,res t wl.l Or ib I VI. bOrrit . i. , ' . . flat hy ~ i,r, r .oil pr,...ni, 1 i ~...„. . :•; }Ai Wet.lnt.viay,: L at 7 , i.t'elt.A.ll, - . . r. e,-.,z,. :::v: th.o...v.•ulti Le the hunt they 1 - ----.. -"---* 'a . 11"1 1 1"--'w l'' i i"d ' ' ' He "u ‘' im i E., 11. Sltera,r,• the ICell.sti4.e T : t , e , dt t, 0 ',le: .V.r I h-a :111 t:J leceive , L.., • ii ,I 1 • -• • 1 io'Wli :1111.1 /tits Jter , unlCe In liti.i.t r 1 Lluin.-Itt,Eoolt•c,ii.ilgz , t iny valciabie 7, 0 . . ;•,., •,:,••, 1•111,1 refu-eat t.,.. i,.:, red, ipt when I :'! " .i untin ' : i c•-• ',...• i r ! --""x.6 Lily tlllt't% ..,,,,,, N.,Ly in: ..e0 . .."• an: raiiill i crw 01 I i - ' - iii i--- r i d"' - ' """---"'"----- , Jud :di for cit... 11. I .iirr oil it •••..,..•rior i A Ir.tt-r.l-- I C. H , Stml.toss I , ' - ite.:,iteiee 'for the cure of Cruup,,Diur- meat , i,, S t ,,, y , ; .k -, at r}', etwe. v.. ! teitin t .t. 5i,..1.,:n.1, 'arid i......en• , ff ,.. 1 . h i,. e l i , f , ._ in uner i n.l remedy. It i... id-loCtiy idol:L.l qt , - fiVerninly, wir oiil l i lac •orntenivii.g e:ich.; ~.e'' ' '' P.II ruaily fur Chronic Ithenmati-m. , - 1,,1mp,,,, Fro-te .1 Feet. Liru'i,es. Spriaiirs, jw •litngs, tidit i , Thin tie &e l ' .?..7.c. 5u1...11 Dr ggiALB. D pt,t, Srido:Alai:ill Street, Ayer s Cherry Pectoral ' ra soothin ex.pmtorant, prepared to meet the • i • ' urn..nt 1101 of 4 tale:001 : i diot'', (• .re fe,•,. ,-.,...-- nizit,',.; :\a:—at ail i :% - i i xnere near that pricy of the throat a ..:_luti,:-. A trial of ~,,,,,,,, et ,,,,, 1,,,, . _ I _... „.„ . _ tre:rthii , lie•l ti, r. faC', that It iri inure eliiiriciou. 1.. i I 1 ~. - ~, li iinloliitry i nthietiLMS, 11.•: alt:.l ut.l.ll' retliedy, " ..--.7. ' Col *di LAS nay tolls u . dile:lcy Lan :J, to I.,comr• ,o i:1 - , r:il y ki,o.i i .. li,ill , 111 is jtl•try te.riii. ed IVIE,I, M ii.lii.r* c , irittri.:- ii, , 111. die:. e 4.:, .4.tspeUrttbk neues , it. , .. • lir ,- ireta . liel•ain. Fr.itiC, 1111.1 (.1 - ettlthlls - t )ICet/ r : • 11.•'.1C1• • 113.4. re.,c,_d it., ii ~ t lthttiest rerfoc .) ,:o .it i- itt- , --.- - ;, , ,•-•: I , ..o.:1 Fti , o -,,,. --, tiee, tow e.,n,r.,t. y 0---t in II:, Ardo•-, In Ito :do:, i arm i ii , , , - 4.uld other puI..CI.E-titvi in. , . wher,, I: -. 1 , 1: r•:,•1 by f,, e , 1 ,1 at' n... the attendin„:•pi..., 0,01, as •h,• :2,-1 ..., , , , 1 . . ;E:c..: ' ~,,,,.. 1,„: , ~., hi;reeable ttit2 l ly 4 hat i.:in 7 ,.. , ,11,!. , )r.,1. 6... THY i , ,,,,ne,,, ',mu. JJ ' TJ/1 i utiv iteie.hur oiod CI!: he i : ,, ,u,d wil• re Ls eli litoov ,4 I -'... ..,, 1 . , 4 . .e. JAE, Of d ~,,,,j,,f Illitre I, 11,1,1 ii i 1 , nt . n.'ll iLl' • 11 . 0.1. . li”fl• ‘‘ , 'l .O t'l ai l/. , ilpf 1... , e -MU 4 ..11. I.th; n 4.1. x ; ....neneed .1... 1,r,, i.J1.1..J.01 give him ;,,.. t ‘l.l. . ..., •, 1., vii li e riaani nt Li• cured In' It. Tiii . ••• 1 . rt,:i. .2fletlEE• • L ' _.._............,..„. 1.V.-t voisviaw tl,plo ,r- Lei zI, ••••;•••!••••r c.r nt iv, Ir •••• • , ~,,,,,,..; , ...J!,., urea ~,.., ;erties o_• th..> icerar.tt .4.; a ills, [len! t 1,.. a ol l .,;-; 1. 6 .-..,& L , • ,, , -.. , - , +t , , .; . I ~ Point ivith i.e•L-., ~,11,f i.ti.,:i. \\'l.i', it ir luc.l wti• - li. '. 4 .,1J-eril,iirr. w:11 1 , 1 , a, powerful u.ud i.o.lcoi.firu.e..l d.-... - ,J---. ii...- , i si,-...l.Je'y , •tt - dik Or I•Nii, It c have taken I ve.t. , .1 to. IA iiivilr i .i,.. 111 In i y i.: I.: :,.....li,' 1,..._ bi aa ,..„ .4 . f. a . , ,;,, 6 a h.,,..,i s i iig . 1. ,, , Anat. hardid4 td i L, creu the to :It. - ...,..a J.!:u!liti-- . , - !;' i; i t jail elou,Li l, r i -„ , 4 , 0.1.------ This beall.l . ,,torer rt-conloli-lies et•eri dr.!, I.L. i r . ^ ~----- ' t crfoitsm tut, etl.tertl par,, ,i , , i , 'prevent on ••,„';; I n live, I: tit..•.o 1.1.eit,-..iii.Jit he ..1.,: ail iin ',.0.-t:fl of ..V . :1 , 111-3C...r11", caumn 41, .t, irritations of th..ithroat and 1 .""g': "l'" l • i 'er I '''‘ lll '' I 'o C l-1 .11.•1 311 1 . - 0111.1.111.111. Lv.i-Vine. frcirli C0!,1,, oi Clu.:l.- ..r ir ,, lii ~ i ... r L...irl-L-, nil.: I ~...... ; ' I - . L...____L-..._......r...-...- ..... -- --- - ,p,t•vc•ut clot; / •?..• :rain 412 p E .ILt i :CAI En •1/100...,E ..::- i 1 „.- I , 7 : • , 1...L.en, which n. 0 . 41.1 a-i,.. • trom tho : e7,...`..-e: of tin:m.l ..- -- " . 7a \'' eih -o, e Pleasure in °oaring te - t JJe.c. n,.fan 411 3 , s''°" l4 1,,, witl. o %: ii. 1.4 0, ,••nr'1,! . . , ti•t. fidel.ty a 3 , 1 promptlie , with-w,tio Croup. Hoar, : ,;. 1 ..s W, ~,,,,.,.., t.'0n•....L: IL. ~, lry, In- ..1 0 N,,.,.1,;:,.. 1....1,,i,cteti the ht:sitte,...i of thew. 1 ,i 1 ,1,,,z (2,,,,.. ~tt p t,,,,o , .E. Et . l E:ler tEr........',1 'La Eel the • of - T 1 .,,.,..,,,,/,..r, an.d that Le s tands .ten , ll . to r,, .bre.athing 01-g nn, :::‘ e iv:,-.,y twfute LLL.,. 17:•t• c 11.113011:. I ' IL:VP:all bakon.':di In 11 .. . s 1 , 11 , d.; on di ,arts./. cOnniunitioli 9f 11,...iie01l di t Lirci.L. Prepared .11 Y l'e. .T. C. A 1 . 1 ,. ..::. a C.. 2. J ,,. 11 • W. R t i d i a , ,, :-.... U. .)/;:rtiri, :I. ZihiLey Lt - - ,mt-.., E 111.1.... t :.y 3 , 1.0,,, , E.Er'er i....... ••I", . •.-.-., :.... l:,. :- ~,..th, C,,l;t: v A tilit.d . . , .. ieincs every,' Fi re . , ' ----LI- .--•••• ' I'`'`' '1..• Ci.i.• lk. •••ii••-11 lii . ' Ladies of Delicate. Colistitution i :2 3 - t,, , ,A015-og 4,,=-. And uoc , •rtan health are btrclrtiot,,ly La i 1v,,,.,1 1, 1,,,,..„1,,,. : ....,,,,.. thrhue a-ide tLit n'11:-c , , - ~,.„, 1.•• i -- ~ , r ;,..r., - ....., I - Neilh sel'il •h I .Ly Ore il cli-i.,iii.• ' l ', . 11.4: t....E:11-c'• , and re,t the hi ue.,. , ,, 1.,. li- Lld to'L 1.-• r ,vir:ues of it o.sTEL''' .f.h:tt's 6i 0. , ..._ 'rhilt.i. In a '.I i',.• c0n.,.,... 1- a .•; di-,., nrisno; f.1.,21 i.:1! -, e:1.4 ~,, , ::1;;;:. .-,,,. nu ; t o- c•Let , ••• , inc, rofro-111, :,.. at.d ns-, 4 ~, ;1.,: j a i,',:,...,4,-, o f ..::: a ,Ar..- - ,,.....t.1/a , ordivarr cal: t.. 1) . I:, re_•..l.Et:el.E . E . pr p.... t r .., a7e :100 Af.,..1.4:10.1...k.5r:e•rt-.0 il ~. • erful, and n e .. r...edy f r :,,- , .11,, 4ea .-,-1,. c,,,.„,,, 1...„ b. 4 ,„..., ~. • ITlOret c .1,, u],......r, ii\ -:.•i•ii. ,Si.c ..',..., c , •:,,r ...L.,Air ~,,,,,, ci,,,,,,,1t a t„1,_31 . , ....i . Ti,. 0 , 11 ,...-, 013 ., jtan th y e do, •topirn i iit of 31 1 t• 1 L..:1,11 ipt It ..::- rul • ..1:1 4 1 ” ~ 0 , 1 ,-. • 1 ttiol uig th.. pi ,--er i ti., . lof ,1.. I' - 1, .. , r i..,. , ...i• t -...., . niettlein,.,,. ~, t!,- , • ...1 tifrttr -- E1it.:1:::,..) :I.::: ,0).;e% • . • usher in a A of.e , f 4 „,: : ow the inn io I i , f in ~.-11,i.”. ; nod tt'so for IL, 1 , ,01;;:,‘ .1-..,1 4 . n. :- 4.- ~". •.•, ~ • ••1-, I 'which ',ME: I 0: C c' . .:o p.'l6: "c!..,...c , J: ;12.1 . ; . C 10.2.: 11.'LTTE1V..... , iIT rEHS :u - -t'y rE:ceirl Jil Ji :,..1. -• No other re.. .r.uive .. , - - ieuaVi , .. ‘iiiii...., 5,,, - I ~. ecul..l - 1 todui.,,. an I t ..• tlrz i , iz ..F., . L k2t 'h . ' :i• •i,'...r. rt:N. 1:: t.II ca.-I, uf .1. , -111.1.1,7 .1)., .i .v, vbe, I. •,... i,.. ~..,11 : ~! I, S r - .111 :t i r i s. K. 4 E-bi' A r'; CZ l'Ir:„ 16. o; vit. o ::,:i.•:., 0 , itriTl:l:s , ,t :,,, • . i. •,1:.,•: - portant ?2,.. -:,--re•Lev, , , •-,, w.....,:. ~-.., Lod ue• ' (1 . ,, -•.1.:.-I ,O "hiLL. 01 I.Lii " 01 1 , i r ,llO Y '' 'll : reln . , -1,,,t,-,t.1.0,i11,, , •e ,j.,2114, .1i 1.,./ ‘;11. ~:v. i:-.. , :. llv-!..,1( 1 .-1:.,(..w.1., iv.k.il •afr,l. ;:..,.-. , 1 • , t. , , L,r, ~--t....1i--0.•,1,:,,,,,,.;,;„,..i • AiteGcii.'s r.o.f on's . k ° :::st.t.nr;-.. • -•i • ', . - 'n ~" ' -1• . • It. , , at, , , tht„.• ~tc• c4,,,,--..5, wfutoct I,,ar M our u....- L A.lllr, BA Cli. ~ i - . ~. il t,..11,L , 11,.... , ' I I Ir. :I 111.: - .141, to all V.'h.: ;,,i, _ . . ~ ~ N v , w 1-'''''' ' N"r i ‘;l i l' ` i 'C i i i ' : r.•::bl , :d t..*::h r i:•:.t.a...,es pertittmn:-:u the :tom ! T. ALLCI:tt & 1,0.-L,L - h , : I 741 I L -,, '.. n ..,1 • ..,, , 1 , . . ~.. i • !eve, ek ;112 a 500:.:: ce- r :a, b:... - L. 11 Lv! ,_:. 1,, , i, ''` - ''''' 1 "(7:: ', ~, , , „, ~ „., , 3 - Our inastet rw+ r....ent•nen , l 4 'or E . ::: , . - : • , f ILI, Ti 0 14 - 'II' , 'On , '', (. ° I • ''' ••• : 0 %7 ,1 " ;i !-tvE) -a e. m,,a, I pr0i....r...•4 .•. , ....i.ii.ll/1- r.'.-4.1. I , L. •i , I. ~ .', • 11, . ., taiOr littii•nri. ..titele. - 11 . 114: i, 11:c -Lrel i .. 1 or ii i denire, .. 4 . ,-.. , t:tortsi-tt•T ( . :11e1 I:, .0 .1 1 . ...e . k. ::•••::',,-. i, Wlt'.. IP.. Larli/ r - .. 1 ., .....: 1A0.... le. lit N. E , r, r.r.,L.0.1-.liy, .]. , 1• 1 . ...• 3. G. IlItIt•Ii^ ri i , prieto. i 4,11.1,e 11,..Ind,iti, 11....1:0.. :"''• l';' , 'Y " 1 "' Yu'd - "a•"' ll ,t ic v" -see 1•' r cuirE, Lr c i:l.' KIN TIII; j,_ \ .•K . A N;.1 . L . -mi.,.,,,,, ! ,•.••4';'.ii.•,1 r. -- .. 1 '-. ill, IL -..--....- -.4,6.- ..... ....---- l'yo''''' \1• - ...i 11x4.1 S ' - ' 2 i `. --- , , ,_ - ,,v 0,....- ~,, the' fvzt, 1 h;:i. I::ere i, Meii , l - 3.-kr.LC ;Cr. ,S:. C.: . 2 Pi ,:f. , • • Tl' :/ , :l 11, :: <L): , C .- ..,..." i ' •l • • • ,4 . .) , th' of p, ..,..:,., •,••,.., i, ~.,,, ~ I ...,- ~,.., ~.... : ::rli,": .i,i Irl:llCe:iil.liciicl to , - . .... , ,...1 a coin crick In. My tuck. which li.o. tr.,...,...1 Ter, 1 . ..^ •,,;•;,• : lE. - :•) - EVI V.,::: It C:1.1.? tt IS • Z• Trit i ally stlri..ni .I 1 line, did r, .1‘ r..t: ;..•:.:,, ;:. ;_:. E.,' - • . 7:;• ~, ,:v. -..,; ' : :: . 1 ' I ' . . f:.a., :1:;',..t , thtm. a- :di °can tai.:,• diltieult la , , zy, Lt. , h 4 . 1. t. J. . .-',. :IV: ..t• . t , -, . , • . ... ,- ,t, • , . - ...; .n. 1 . 1•:. NEF, 11, 1 . . - , , r; - ...:::... :•. 111.,e. e .:11,1 Dr. Or-el No i- . i ; ii d . i,i ..., : i .. -, 1 r'... iJ i ~ J - , 11 , : i . 1 , i '... - 1 •.- '. - IJi . i i .i 1,..1. 1 .• a i r: ili• ,I.. i .tv.• a i ,d :. I ,7 ;.• Lazo. On 1111,r...t0y .....- ••. ed ~.._7 , ... w ..,...,,-.- f u - . 1,., -,•;:,,,1. 1 ,•: li: tte 01- •Ei !Ii• . 1-0: r.: tE.): .-: Et 1.• friend, snd i on -101 1, 1 1, :eV tie. 1,..:EE. ....., 1: .2 ;air , --1,..ir,t,i,P,,xci,15.., ;-.1tr,.• th, ~, vt,11.1. 1 .0iw.-.. :I.- to `.f.ha'el on I '''.l•LY Ltd '-'l'.'"l I'' ' ':'''''''.::''''''' r i , '- .. 1 , , ihdin 1 , 1 ,i• i i.i - l i d c i .,:onti . : , 0, a i l t . .,.. `filter Nati., • 1 -10 011, no i Cr n•-.:, I: ili I o ?a , ' ' 11 : ' "- ' ' I r : ',., .. .....:- ' : Ora mn Idi szr.. •,'• .. pdu i.c, J. .i ii.,.• ; ..,.. i . ....., i. " d -- ii . i ; ii•. \ . .9 i• i i• -• - i i' i ,‘ i •i i • • • • So i .d 1 .:. - id; I)ril..i i _r -t .. ' .; '.•, .: kid' I. ' -i- 2ii : i i ii. i .. r , - •• .• • i iii . i -J :J • :. , i r. I :.•i i ii !., ;...1 - :...: :, 1 Jlr , tEM\IA.-S E. 0 lis - s1 Y. I, El , t' , o• !, 0 --,:., - .0. ',",:,' , •1 , i 11 .0.• .....;- . Do you w • ••• : I.: t.:EvE- •...07 1... r . .0 EEE 7 •.: f• - ....: ::',. ..,, it tit ii r,,t,..:: 1 1p tit t:,,.0, le 0: 1,. - . /11. ;and C itt....L i ic bye- ti,rl u• i . It., 'i do,. -.,..r•ii-..."; i•• 1." , i : ,1, ,1, , '-,.. ~, 10. .t, , : 0, 0 . 1 V. ay, '11.1:11'.• i.! tear ti,csaric r• ittil .•,.• LI,. r, ...i. ~...,,,,, L',.....,,..• ilia: ' '''' 0.'„.E..1 ',-. . - 1. • :, , 1 !• 7 . th,, , • 2-i•-,,.... 'la. ( 1,- . . \ ,•••'.I ••• 7 . :I"ii - t--.i..”• E'.:Pl:q fl.l Pirates and Privateers -•: . :c.. 7, .I:i :I aft 1.11 . : - 1, 1.10E:It :•,.1...tw; ..2,•!; • ,.. hear toll. , • •F. ' A h . , ...12..“:. I 1,i,r,..h...N . Vr 4. AI. El- :•• it. ti• 1'...:,..1 . 1. iexneri,llCe • •,..... q..; '..'. :- ' , , :• , ::L. wit i: 11., t i )..iii_li..--: I...:tii ‘." rodurFeiro .:lii, —[1:.:16.... 1 1.11. i' .. Vl . ) :-.111:i.,11:•11:. CRP I ----- --. , A If t.". 11 i:IG,. - I cliE :PCiiTEIL,COUNT v ,101111...31_,!ill'-' , !; barn , -In this s pace : - ' 1.... • • :. , , : , i...Lar,ez , Ct/oic.,; Sr: — RIFFS SALES. . . • . , p ow 0FT11.2 , i WE lIE.I TIIIS •ENVItESS 1 . ' : • .• and Jaules Li , . 11,r I.,,,iced theniscives. Agani Inyyl I; y L - ••„„: ~t , t ,,,,,t re wn t z , ~,I vi: : ::i l diti o n lan free, re.,t-,.. az te ..t.ng uth - e:11, , c1.1e. , ; , •• of; --- , ; a[a ,• i fl.Tal:l were the peolle a..,, , ,,inn; unven away; D Eyp., , ,.. Fieri FaClas, mid Levan Friaia. s , atent. Medienie, and inn Ile c-,-es out of tou they 1 ' • I, i i qt be ,t,,i, t , ! . r i., oecrl9 yea! e rillCe I interd.tmerti C2,.. 1 ./..4e1"5:1 1 0r1, Tlle4aT.lE7reilui' .. g,,Epk.... 5, nr;l7. • ; by the dense smoke and driving sho'Ners Of vin- ' I :,,..n e d 0 , ,t. of , 11,0 Court. of Connuou Pkas' of qt ,,,y• _ ~,, .: -- - . my rnuhci e-tle V , !, 1•11 3 N . 1 - 1 1i1111:1:1 to !Le public. i —,..,.._,...,__,1._,___, ,_-=-„_._-_-,._-,-,--..,_---_=_--,.,--- --- 1 tie:4,, l out 'dlese brat e Men never f.'iltered. -Now; Potter CoWit V, .I',l;ll. , . , Virattia. - aillt:to inc ai l-had 110 lilo,,t•V Cu ;,,,.‘,,tl-e r.•. 1 1 11. it 1 - 01 . s;.le 1 ' • -.- : . : ‘Vltta a f• - s , .19,4...1-t.. and e:or,1:: ,•1.-,e tlr o urzi, a l i.,ocal And' dener al. itheio:eady, hi,:iing stream wn...4 turned on , the ! sect ,,d, 1 , 5 , „, 0 11i ( .. N.0 .,_,. : ,„. t,, p u blic ~.•t li e or ou tet,-.. , , , .. ~ , • .. urainie• pile of •tv,loil, nuts upith the 5in": ,,, :1 1 1. 1 41, 11 . 0 , (21,11 r: 111;11..e. 111 Coudersport, to: 1,111311.,:c1,0, ,of 1 e .. ,, 11 I?), 111,.} 1:1ily: t With Pt, i - -- - ----- 7--7.H.- . 1 ,, ,,,,, , ,aue,•,1..:t • 10i/ Luce, n, it., ,o,„, cue I,a‘-e it.,.and t '. , ) t i d,.,,t r ,.,.,, "id ziiid curling, shingle...s. (Wald httrzi .. 1 t reall,3'' .Stet: DAY; the i ~', dr dmv of Febv.. It.-67. ay 1 , r„,' - '- - „,. Tile ibeittiometer irr l'cAlcd if .i t did o o t du ,i' l i ..t.re 1 ~n. toy 1.A.1111,1,,1,•n , ' ore I -- . :' :- , V' . ' , - • seemed as though the liilltt of leurnan endurance need 1..“. for .t. •la ,utnee*...ires tw o or :b,..,. wi t h,. 1 beiow•zero Of 111/4 11111 , .16 . 1) 1 1 the tuortnng of /14 , . „,. . • . . , - O'clock., F . . in - the fon° AIL . : d er. , cil.bed tracts. or tVcre la kell kb. Tial by :.,,,b pn.,..;;; . .. 1 - .. - ,1..ii bk ; W edmx,day,:, at 7 'for'rllock. Lad. etterr reached and the 2 .. ILltfr-t. leat - e, but no,l „„creels ~f h ui d to w,t: . . . mace. tholl:!II! Cr:kZ,. :/:.: th.t!...V. , 111d tot• 111,1.4 Ilit." I . 1- --'--7--^-:•-•-•---. .. 1 the hhe-ts of flying cinder,: and hliinling smoke ''. Certain rezi, t.-....tati, in Hecipr totcep bqutuleil • • Ayl.- met by a sturdiei Lend of the Lead , 1;•e eL bv i;im-' • , •it imirls east by land,;,could 6 " ' 1.1 " . ' I.IUI 1 '''''''‘`.. l'' '''''` i ' - '• ne ‘"'‘. "i • .i . "13....11.' Sheerar • the WellEvi4e • Deritt.,t ..‘ ', only ~. .„ , trumbne. I , : ~ o at 1., 0 ~lo Ali,: 11, •LT:111 ' t , .; lee re , i .''''''' • • I - '. . • '' ' •••• •• . 'll l .Cl ' - irestl:lssault nv tner. , ,e men on the foe in i :.I Eliirhulet .L.Lacknui, 4ulnr.L .Gibson and orders for Mort 1..i:ii1114 - 1t1,E004./ . ..1.11nZ.: 1111 y Vala.1:114.1: '''','," I own atm has Incrs (dace In ilk' biiiitl/IP , . ' . i ' JrUlii and rear. . 1 ill:1 , 11am Lands, on the south Lc lands cut,- [. ,r ho Had refu.ed te si,.:i re,.i..ipt Win:// I I `r ,l j oll " P • 4 • C. " ‘,. :1 ? - "" X-6 • L • alV t ral t' T -' , , .. blfi it .:.:, their ......01,„. X• ,, ,' :n, ..,1'; , • ..are illinl'C. , n.t.'4.4 I . ' '• ' ...• • - , ----- r.. • o'"''—*-'------------ 1 - 1:&;-, is no doubt tli'lt. this per,Thtc:ut efr.. , ;-, rac - ', (2 dto Ai 1tt,11,1115. and on them - [,[ by Bing- Lewes y..rriY, .na an for , aen. 1 , arr on it.,.up.rl or i A F.,,-,.-.1-- , .C,, HI Stmitoss has mash. arrangs....lherehr.aeerl the shops, .tiV:dketTs llihi. nad the ; haw ItioAs.. o.Mtaloing Fifty act , -', more or t any 00,6 - I,,dicille 'lor the cure of Croup Diar• , meats . th,...5.r. with tt liMm; ten Lres improved, \with one in Sew . I .' 'rrli - 'whereby Le i - - enabled to rtrooa I)3•setittv erMe.. vountire, •ste,... n al -,thi 4...' .- 1. .. -.- .[, ~ ' !.• ~..,.' .• ‘.. -, ' . lumber piied•aion. , the milrreafl. ' , ' . ;' ; . I . A . .. '- i .:•.'*'' -' ~.., ":". 1 1 11 , 1 r In , dlr. - tomer. uargaite, to ine nne „r ' , ea.: Evt.ry (mt.:worked With n NYPI• tad ; - 5 net frame Louse and• °he 1, ,, ,,t barn thereon. T0.1.d.: wormed., Ws :i.ll .11.,q . :4,1 - ine.y ..,..•-• ~,c,,,y ~,,,c, „ , .• ~ `i. •,- .. '.. •„', , ' -, ~:' .i• ; ''. • 1 - , - -,.. - I ,-f P., 1 - tent to L'ke in ertmilY• eee Oat fiae..umpanying each, , enese .arrangenients enarne 'Milt to oirer , gun! ,tl"..Flpppelf,7 ,, / Laph., , , , i,,,.0a, Wa e ?“..., Jot .i . ....3.!ne 1',..,d,i ;,.., IL ~..:Til)i)ii.riy.'ol.' , iare n ., _ , C Allen. benle,-and est-rua:ly fur Chrouie Rheum:el-m„ ! braltd,, of 1ri.a. , 14 merchants rind dealer=`in thi,l, olit'and ikb...red with . antic - , fi l le i. - all wilj °I A I..st i—c e rtaln real e,-.._;;I;e• in 6 . Weden tp., .ache M' l mP'' , Fr" - te - 1. Ft ., i , iirui-- - e.- SPr• , is; ' =4.:'e . rion . at las joss' ~r ' ate..e,..t. - . t:Ley Ca,, it. lii the : iviii.-. l l'nia , le up for :he tack of physical:strength h„p 0 ,t,•,1 ott t h e burro by l an d s , cowl-noted to Old son.,e;sw -11i . ngs, SOri. - , Thiti tie ..1.-.e. l `c. Sulu l'i,•„ - 1 , , i Atoottg 111t,. - ,:e. notlceabic ,for eticetirtuie... , wai I „I, ,gild ..1, A. ".7. ,- ,,,,b01,; on 11,e ta,t, by lands, ol by ail the..Dr ggiAda. 1.) lx.d., :Ai dortlaaill Street, , -'"rf• • j' - • .-r- • ••:• .'.• •• - ••=•••.- • ,- of Da cid New York. . i To fiundies..)ll . , S. lias a ru-ade of Tea put •-• • 1 up in nib putu,il botei, at ,$ lAi per p.renri 1 .. : Kr. :1...-A„ Stria'', -limier whose &rectum . It,. ! D,,, „3 . t .% bi te , „i, t h e !..„,., t h b y 1 a ,,,,,, ' 1 Lattworttly's house 5 . ', 7 .•-••=. tortr ,, riewihtbus stop- VlA:lie:alai Li. 13. ldr.rtin; and 0:1 the west Us l whiel: he will Wzirraut'befter [Lan any -Gre4t 1 nig Ole are. iii its waY 11 1 , 1 'uu . k - . i',' l a .l s tre ( 'L i Y . , iu iiig lauds- C" ,, tai" l ",g L'-'"'"t ..r ".c'g lit and ' 'Amerierm 'Tea Cfrinnanl's"'Tetit• - dr tinv 001,n. r - The :16. -, s•e:d, a. 5: far :iii could be a,..-ecrtabird ati.S4-teuth:s..A.F.t . es. more or less, all umii,..rovcd. 1 To be sold as the• pr.l,,erty df Leonard 11IcK.ee nian',. tva—at a4 - •.r`nere near that price. 13 A. M.. were a= follows: . , , . . .i.........................„,„__-_ 1 E. 13. Tidier. Hardware, Sal, 1'1,! - 1 1 A-1-SQ—Cer ain rLal cetate begit,:qt,g 'at a i 1 . . , .'"1 ila /Le Wad. Lieil:' .1.14 e south- we-st .corner i: ~,, 4 "- C olvi•ell Zia. rifty tons of Player fur sale, lir oy to. Lewis; Dry G•rods, t3i.ti,tinrl. : 'Lt :ddlgrove. gts , ''', •- 'II IL HalL•Drugo n -p, lst San:WU. • ! 1 ) . C. Judd 4 - : L'rr., Groceries. ,4413,000 I , if lot No. 2:1 of theulrotnitirtof Lti ngha ni lands lin :Sweden 1 . 1.; tin.,:nce . :.1.nt1., SS and 3 4tl:s de- Iner,;111 . ,1111,1. I: , •r •( , 11:,_ -C •• ti vire ILA !;;;• , .., - ;..r ; : y 6f c: TAD 01?0'S IR. 1:1 - E, ah - r. in nso. It is. i) , 21 - e';y I ,ift “.. • tit:•l.ous .Sla..w.:f-te; ,••1 ,T, trim, 6 .1.1 ew York. tt01..1 flt:I n r • Over every. Pollh CIISA'A I.y Lrug g 1566 l'hila( 'Fins 11 , LC On lake E the Puss Time or 1 el pliia SL Erie no.illitail. at i; wir,v, r.,, c..... 5, , r1:.,•,:l ~..1 :C. t'l h. 11111k8 .•:. l't li:1-•ykunia lu tile cit; ~ f E. ie . le. I: La: 144..,, is,,t.ed r..,: :8 ~11....-R,4, : : r -L.va NIA .1:A11.12 ., Ab Cullt is , . z , 1 -,!.?..•r :,:.!1:- :It E\l I . OI:FEM. LEAVE EASTWt,RD. . Tr t 11. IL-, 1 r / II Er' e /:"Ie Ex LEAVE ViESI WARD, , k. V. Tr r c.4r, t' J. i.• >, Erie Mt Erie I ElPrt - 1 Phdadt. p' On, 1, - 0.1.ei,,'. ci:a...a. .:.,1:. m:. , r I'a :col Et . c. NEW Y: - )RK' CO,;tiECTPI. . Yofi: at 9.01 a. JC , tirf,:ri. r.: Eri” 14• 6 I. Yu : - k at t, Fir. Nt.,,trr re :,7 I. i•• 44' /•. , •,,i ~'• T', M... 71 TN v 3i:No, Y ,r, 4 4 ,-, r 1 4 at ¶l.lO I.V. arr,ve nt New Y. ',:', , L:. A. T SLEEPING I: kik - ,n3:l•ri r c 'tn.! P i i ter of tat', a d ! It. r Fre tt . ,t 't lalt, ~.....,$f 11., , 1 n, Jr , Cur% i : :1 iia, 13 nolJ=, ,Eric. .0.c.,, .. , t,.!=nt. N. C R. I: , Tt ,11i-aore. .01 - Sll /N . , Ge,:r.tl Froinitt Ant. P. f 2 , 1/1. , WINNER, Crencral li -`,:c: Ant. 1's:113:a "I.En, Li,neral S+:P .l Er:e. 1 , , f.,0, -i.,,..1 to F •Il Doti' , (1 17. , , , ',,,:i 1," , 1 - .1 I ..:tr. u!. , 1111 1 .tli d', • la.y a' 4.. H-: - 0.' , .r,.. niFe—a good. thing. A Ftror i t, . , ',an or , Liit wa.,=ll tt2 .rn net in two ho u r= a= a 1....r.aa, In a' tOtriciort tr. 1 . 11 tolird In clnl,t 1. a =1 ; witl c•mytnee to;:. - te c !I:a'. ' iF it , i ~,, i ,z I then, at a ;iron: cr VI,: DL:LLI.I:. i.,, 1.—.7!1 Corre , ponder,r,inv , :,..d. ill the Urd .. . ~:,•- d C.c.:1,-, Vir:n .7. a will; CC.,-" , . bg''a thattc.rt: 0 t a lni.• icc of a Wo.t . i.cr, .;14 a d -rt.) . it 4 Vtlrl:t..r O hr , iili lIII'i i.. - 12 , I will e 11 cons'I L •raily Ic.s. , ,Tvi76ject 1, in rt , ,*ctly to infri ce a ti4ePil article. L. 1;1,11,1). Brookl,ittd, r. 1.. 1 , e . -. 95,, ;3.'6. J • ' Leave N ( Leave Ne Leave Eri Leave En • ELEG I F r info Ily a t And f• r S. "c. KI .T. \V. 1;6 Wm. P s 11. 11. I W A. L. T -rnm an, three me d they p 43, woman ea dam h A fair te- I will ,e Machine. 1 alp n Any \cri ISM Ilep,'Nter!s Xotic.e.:; • ALL per, ,, :p: inure-7,,l V. ill, 1 1,:i. ,, c , itrltzlte not CC run*, ilie , f, ::,,win: :1, , ,...1;1.i:;•:1,. lave seined their aectouot:i in the itc-f_..i,t, , z", Mkt! , of Potter ciounty, 'and Al at the sTim, , will .{,, lire- Ez ented ti t ) the Orplia:,' , Con ult. tq- e,'n:l-mal'e. 'on Mow ay, :he 15.:1) day'..f I'd,' v 1:767, a: 11. e in einiiier,l.ort : 'nal :tin...mint of Huth Tini-ke7t. 'ArlnCr Hackett; late of i , . • DAN PAli.1:1:, rsport. Jan. 1.2. 1.5(37. Court The of John Coud Aullitor's Noticts. . derF'cited _Auditor ftpro:onte I b u y ~ ..K- Cot . otter Coin!ay to ..t• , . ri!,;..; , ., ra.,,,•v" in 11.4 he 21.51nur..1,1n.:0.., ~—;,,.. <-..'nt . rif DA VII) >LL latp o* Jacks ,I 2 10 -, ll:,hip, I.li.e'd, ~ .0 ~..I,d i . ose 1,...7,11 rim:l,A 111,..t,i, , , v, i',i 1,,,,,t Crt . Fl , d 41 the Pr011,..r ot,,,)'s tlni .e i,, tr,,, ,f (' , .,11,h-r,•, , , - ..rt, on Tue , day the 12i h day of ' 1. 'Ni7, a , 2 ~,',.., , ck P M.. I.: ~::cl,l to It, T HE of II hand of GEIOII ansong LI B Par Sa, Borough' Ilrbru do.ie of ; -ttia typo:Jame: t. P. G. T.AILIZABE.E. Aucii:or LEM! ?art, Jan. 9, 15.737 a -- -- - , . ~): ~,.'"" 4-1 7, l'i li. Al In- , trinig Las, pureVased the '3l: Donner, -th'OCeeies. .. - 31,w,10. ' , ..4v.....,1;tr i e Storo!f n. J. 01 fl,:, cd.' in ihis phic,, i - RA': .T. Doty, 1V„ ; ,.. k,11 , . L, Fie. 2.501.. ~ 'rinds do - terion.oil to soli as clioap as can be 3.1.5 s Clal.e..MA:S.ii Teneher4l,sl/d. found I at f aii v efaidishrnent in tile adjoittin g I ' Lewis Fostor, Claim Agent. izii -- ,11.000. towns_ le: Is a; careful a.ol at! Cdtri“il ,, tiata , g: J. D. 3! eked. li-,velltrig. die.. : - F,a.50.1t Tl -slut s i s num. aioi will i,/ doubt 4ive. it .plc- W 411.. lhovi r.'3lvat :Slat - I;e% $3.300. i i on. 1i ,1:111 ; all in' ?teed of st././411'artielet3 to , ci La,, , c,-,, f ii, v.'s, I.iwolliog.*.S.iii. . i' give him la ..e.ll. ' .1. 4 1.1. Haasselth. Furniture. d.c.. 53C,T, •- i , i_ -4p -.11.• 41.111. ......- -..--.--1 ; lev-eniii..ck, Ciothina . , . - . 3 i 0,000. Z . - -" Ft,i2 Comity kiecupies al:lois/ I t a raze this A : . s. rrown, Dr V Goiols, :,•:/,1.'103. ire, li. : 4 ;.,1o.. ) :11ii;1 will please tothe patient a A :s. s“ib il an. 1:,,,,,k, di '..-tationery :_•'3.lllfel. ‘.real, or tw'o. NVe lava. taken our inlincist three • 31. th-rliner, Clothiug i .iiil.lkiii. cil/is, of :^a fyreig - U a I cortisiog to make route. . F, 6,1;4: Gr, , Cul'N" .A. - . I ,, it, :$1,51.1. i i i ;i .; =ti. sii l3ie e - I ,;si,l' :-4.10/i . n. szl.:01,1 I'. si*•-, rcre o rs-;:, thee/Ls - leen part it"l th e eount , . - -11. C. Fisk. It i l i;iini.; O tt' ee.: ! 74oo i , in io-ot - 1 of i'l" . a.e..in-wi - .. rili, cannot 4,, boilerin,,;L; •1„: ; ,.1:,— 1 ,er. ..., , ,,,,4 1 :..-1: , .: . .. - .. , :-,100. s , , ~. , - Ito cbli (...., Itr'.o.ii,.l.:lii. at. tf,..xvi..-vine. . - if ;1,,,,,11:,.. ;if 11 , iri, - . c c. ~,L ,21 - //..,/ is secure, I-- - , ------11—.-.--..---s---.----/ 1 I 1 ,_ , , , h,::.1“. , -.. w.:l 1 t-; li-ht. - -- ..7` N. eltac.eipleasure to bearing te-tiarocv ' • i • - • ' i ei; w• 1• p • - i / 1 ..i „ ~' a . VI, ~wit;si. ( au: c• 1 ..1. ... i nee,ers ,in,,_- ; i the boot.: v :1,31 proiaptpais: with_Noi ; ich Air. i, 1 1 ~, ~ i :IL' n os, of ;ink: lir.owri V, tlCA . ther With 10ms l iii., i•Coliffcted the I:;asiness of the toe ~1 - 1 , ,, r 1 ,.„., , , , ii ,,, i am .,,,, / , , r, - 1 in - crease the I Trea- ' l " . ' '11;d it i Le ' - '' / "" d '' -111 '' /3. t '' T'''Y 'ani , lo;Jl. ZU IIL:::.1' :! .4 11:), • i0, of wEcli near $7O . , lover all balanceis In Vs li/1 , d.; on der.,u,tl. 'WO Nra... instil ed.' NV. R /4/o,s :i i z. 11. 3.krrtin, A. ziiii:.or .1.,-. - - i I 1 . , ‘Ve reiri - ct to learn that the Fr-.t Pr.l , ;i. n . :th, Ci,l;'-'4 ., ‘" A Vitor:. ' ----L--,—...-...-....-.-....--__ ical...:,) w:ts .114. t itriured, and it is doubtful if 'Col l r o -:,-,D— a xty,;,..1...r0v_ 7 1; Elec:;.ii. I, I I last rri day , F -/ . , L ,f_ :23 , ~,,i , ,‘ „ , i, a g. f , , 1 .,,,, : , 5 . were d ,cte d 2 . ,, , r . IL , oil _ ,5. , , / s pro, ...t.yr, will be a'ble in, .)n:'. again i 'i • a lih:;/----/.). C.(l..zi-ria‘we. .. Cc,iii ;,cil-11, 1 , 431/.::11, Z. j. Tilt , llll Fon and C,l lins Sini.:tit. :=4:11 iol I iircetiits---F.C. Dar:al/cc,. li J. 01 mstcd. Ass./ssor--iiol. - .1 LiordVer. . ~ Assis;ant Ass:es .ors—L. Cushing, Dan Baker l'ousia:ilo 2 1. 11;iale-viile. i II:gli CoaAabli. —3l, S. Thompson. ii;',:---; ',I ti-..i , c0 of the I,acs-1.. CasVeg,.. Judo, ef l.:!oci:on—Pen,i. I:dm:els. i i.5i0.,.-I.iirlof 14..ctron—N. Li:Coodsoll. 0%,---tre; lo' • 14.! 1 . - --;'" 31 /.i'l ,' i . J V .. ~... ~.., ..,0.1 .... .:, .1,41.1 e, J. ~ EEE .0, 1 ...,• ~ I 1.1 . 1 ' • : MEE . , by a ,ti+rs: l', -t wait!, WI •r,.. -..(.,a I.,evoud a+l ton:1'01. 1 'I 1...,11: •••,1101,0 ;row ca- - .• 0 , L , .., Nen 01, ti t,. 1:,eA1.....1.11, In filid Lo rapt v..a.- IL: brozre-r,j 01•• :It.. 11•1•...• t :La', .I.llto wt,- :at ed 1•:. - nny • 1.1. ,, , i.rt'..ll , ,••• 1 , 1- .1 ,, in1.: 1. , :::.n. -- I: , rk'. 1 .k.,,, , f11,:h1k . - Cwiliiht:: , :tor.. V, rt; ,V.• (.71,aa 1 , , . , l' 1 ' 1 ‘" ,1 1 "'' il•t'ikd .,. : 1)111e, :•-btinian's -1,, , ,,k :Ind' M.:.-- , e :•:•11••: - ,.• 4 .•.i .N• -... - s l: ,1: , 0 11. ]1';l:Ins . 1-;• .-•••,0:.0.:11:., ir.: , ,bert••-1,01,. M... iolltl.ol',Cdothinz l ,':r, 11r , •1.1 11 , ••3:::,- 1 : Grdco:v, A. S. 117.07; 0 % :0, FT:1.1.t.: 1 . 1; ES., 0: - ..iee, 1t,..;,0.)- of 5ck,1., , ,L.:, .e. : .A I N. ?at, ba.,ti-: Coordiatid i11* ,, ,,r ii.f •ro -ni ,. l. ,li - d10' ,, -. I*.iil,dil:eiv i 2. 'Oe. rear, wcro .. .i. ..' - ' ... -- - ''.,'• -”,r: 0 !ia,..-T , l Ahimy, li t h;cti ill. Ironlitc.a ti-e d,,,;•..,:y19.r il)d-r-010 - dh:.l!til :4'11! 010f1 a ~, , ,,c, , r. ,.; qa . d,.:-...twi.let, ti, titty itt'd flu-, aN•ncti tf , 1., oil 314!.1,2; 4 IL(' :10-a "i he ceitihy4latt..ll. ...,1... , .'t 1:1 1 , A M., tilo•s;•;-00•1• w•tst sv ei•t tk:o • ..:1 ri!:It:11 , 1,, 1412 Sirrej and 1. , 0C. , vd. Chh , llll.•ek. a. , ,•i v-as 1,5 Ful n" bt, i re 11:;11 bot II:1 it,,:' t'!.(' !an-, 4 ;;;I:le):;:,' of ' , OIS I:7 'it wt re ,ave6.--The t iv l' , id , " I , 4il:!,g ' huilt of iril•t• and s• a-,01,,1 by t , p•ar: ••1 uset.l.•urnod itkc tit. , l,•:-. .1..... 11, Tnlior 1 ~,1 1,.; ~ 11l p,,rlit.ll , if . L . ,, lar.:,e-st ,, ek of • Lot.ty - 1 1:,ttrd.-..ato. 11,N.1 ,S: Lewt- :a....-L-,1 Fart of • 11.,...ir sti•ek •,;f dr: ^ ,, . , :1.. E. 11. lia:1, tlio drug fif-I. v/:...-• t: ,1 s ,, I:0101/11: a —1, , ,j7.:: iIII:Irbl - 1111 ..h_ 4 llf 14-i ::..m..3•.F... : , 1,-, Cl:tne 1 , .-C, 1•,..r mu :•eaz ipt:ruf:i...l.is and :Just ut .10:: fart:tat:v. .1...,_; FOstc...-t 10,-, Ili- clothintr,l , o- , ks and j)apers. ii.', C.'.11.:411 , 4,2, , •1"- , ecirit.,1 , rot seed mar:. ,k,,,,: ' ....-1,-. I.li , ll:l‘.l's L:•],,,e,ry nnd 1..).,ty ltro. b.a• - , , tt - t- • • • t : , sitt.ttl•fs-0 - 1, 0u• 1.1. c. c 1uzer5...—F1,1..., tva., - - th:l. hojii . 1: 1 , ,:i i ~.,, 3. , r , ....1-,L....- it: fi:i- dir(erititt,_ _ r , MEI I . 1 • : R.•;,•1 tw,vani 11,e &pot tt to 4 '4: its line of :nand,. Li.ll :ze k, N • s Vrut. yeti's his iiicat inarbi! , t =toms eii—iers aloft.. jJ. .1. .I.laii4sair; - shoji and ilw(dlimr t-i-re i.: —Here it becalue 5t , . 1 , 1 pr.•iress of the tire in dirietioa, La: ably, Mrs.. Langwortily's lioi.sa 4:id the i,,ii a of ..'.itaurie.e Conni , r, wurc• to mi.thedire would be in-the grur FF., tad wood at t e eti , t cud'of use and rozeS Were vArl und , r 112 ,, dilution of Mr.' E. A. ts.-1- , ,T,1;11 0 1 d v,vll in time in race; that , of Couliert.s and irtav the flames :Lure. But 111 Ili ' , the }Le ur Eir e nien - acct r..110r, :10. the la tiu nei..et , F.ary to -Inv tin tire tlic re or it by the'was - of ~tacl:ti Barn. shop, to Wnlke:', told to the lumber netir i tirc• .croto p bad v : tits ft et tirt.q...: the 1 ligiNvit!e.--L055" 1 15.003 5:1;"1:1V . 1 111'onj t r, .1 ;Icti:o ,:f oz. . i„ laiAt I..gzt the tholies iiE.IfILIEI: C 4 orrnntdo, on Sal .I . rnnory , 15G7, be "1).o. - 1.1 , . (:).!IN P, Cll. of .I. ' CA., on 1 K !- 1.1 C 3 it.,ALINGI...R., 4,:erni !SCHENCK'S SEAWEED , TONIC. Dr..T.11::- , e l .:(:,ck I t; ;;;;, it i:17,) ~':u,t,i vth Di. =II =l=l It ,Zisik - C,1,1:;111 , :18.11 Vi h . \ cr 111,W,t . ; il,l LI,- ail ~:.;‘• a,tl €r . v A i i a:f .512.16 - 1". E)ti,re, or four MA N I'l LLS wi:i cc,:e any ca-t. visits In Nt•vv ii!thii• tvei.-1; daily rapils 1;418e..,.5r hi, ant - , f.iri visit ttit n, rl•a`lt Plirehni•ill!.:.tilat firetVli of Ow the tlici 0:11 , f r h. noi.v t are the N, YI.: S. S. 111;:le... Otarkt V-.:"Tif . l - I.t . I ` OLI - H4 ;1 /.1 MEI >et...oH! 10,1 \•,'Pt• i VOr Felritt et f:1 :%, rani vs. Pcr4 T. MMMEMI Pai NiF• Kt•IIV , 01 L.;2:e Irt :II NS. BrOWII tifirt Ns. Rump OLM I STED, Protiliy emideNporf; Oat'. :29. I :=1,3". w A . Goil..sHop one ko.,..ired and Twenty-one I,lll.S.y. 7 terrills ; I,teres/i r'nort.o , lo'-, witn•aboul twenty es,acr , . .::!CD itt.pr,t, - ,d at,. t.t.L. 1, 4 1. , g 1,-, . tilt root. 1.0: Lc s.lbas t 1.... pro' , ctly 01 A illiant ('atlin, f AL.'/r/r)--C-1 t ani reLl ortate in Ili or 11,.. 0- 'I. f 4 .4 . C.,' Kf3 Ali ETiiir4 c 2 , .I,ol:uth. „ d and ~„,..o.d a- f‘dlows 1 (./11 tn... In 'n orll.l ca,..t Lt-zi ~ ,- .th. l ,- Bin'4l - la:li' lalruls. and I Lowisvill3, Potter County, Fa oi, 11,4 ~,, by l'a..ds (170:A:twin,' to dames C. 1, r - 1;%, }... 1,:f.,1, i -..., ~,i t i,,i,,, 1 „ i n f,,,, il c, i . i n _ , Anc4. Col,I;1.11111:_f Flit :1!,,d .r 1 Iv/-ten.s. at.T.s. 1 n bii.. : ..,-. r.l p...,:, r c,,,, nt y teatteat, i i , i rr _ mole ior 10,- , :111 of wl9cll i,unimprovc• oc. Tbe i NR.,I to d, itt: kind.= ..f ; 5-.111 .1-. Illc 1..:+.i crt of 1-.:!ii•Lr.:ct B.1:-.ck.2naL and • .101111 L. Gibson, . - 1 rt - _'. r;('N _%:‘;1) BI:GiTy wo: - .K. ; '2+ L: . ..o.)—Ccr;Lin real cstate in }lector ;1 , .. ;.,„,1 l! '„,..„, h i....;„.„.. ~, I L, 1,,,,..,.- l,r :_ _ ..„- .. 1.1111,11. d and dr sertited a , fo'lows : on tLe n , ,r11;, (r.st. F.,;:t!... ...,,t: v.(.-t 1v lar.ds a the, Woll;--1 , ..1' , 1 , !2'..i :1`,11,:V.1_,U:1 . Z.. ordor. . . iia,i,.z. 1, ii.:i.i. 11,,, 1va....,,a : ...... i,,,i, ha, ~ ,,a a „ 1,•,,,,, 5 ,b ;un i'....1,.0 ~... conte.ll,:n:: Onn riunarol , E. 1 c a0 k,.;,; , .. m : li SI,T . , il, 11,,, villa.-, "i Le,,, and 1. in y acris, more ta l e-,, aI,out. 6. - ,venty L .,,i1 f .,.,,.,,1 ~,',l , c,,, ~....],,,,,,,,, ~f Nv,,,,, 1 .,.,..„.„ . :1 , -- , , ~r w 11...-11 'artl; ito:Toved, with two finmy , ruol ;I:, be-t 1 of soa-000l Llit::lK.r. I.e will do -' -:`'-'-• "... '"-' ''-r-'• ''''' '°- '''' '-€ t"-‘I '''''''l ' Iyork tnr sb.jrt //,/iice, T a. the Cheapest 1'i;et...... fruit tr,t, Ct.( :,!,,n. 1', ! 1,( , , ~,:d 0s ;Le vrot,rty i : o JoLn Cl,N( l lill,d will ,t1n.11.:1“1,..5 to Ilen:-v • e c'all and sec f , ir youn.:elves. 1 out.„... -s as t;001:i51100. • N. L. XI MIL.LL.; i AL S O - : - • - •;o—Ceriain real estate in Hector t .. p..! Lewisvill Feb. 4. 1 5i37.-11 • b0r.:,.?“1 at a ~ . ,..--,,i, , . a ~.- r0n , , , y. ,- : - On ti 1,..,. 1 IV - ANTII , —.A. g, , od - 11'61-I;:nian.- A_ man wi'.l2. n or.l l by itii.-ban, lauds. on the va,t by lands. a fa,atiy 1 Irq i, rn. cl. of rt'anmel ErnlToe. '(.17 the sonth by .‘dinal; 1 . p l. , „...) .... c.. 131 1 hilit: , , Zl'dd 011 the We,j, 1;'," landS of Thomas' AT ?"""c i ' Lllll7i :1 Co7.ialLiit4 UnC Ilia...lreil and Nine- to-1 , —l.l T1.r...,-,• /...-:;_s. more or l e ss, with I iTIHE nurler - - - deluil w(.old inform rite 4 - ..'" -JS 1 .". - ' zoo a ,olit tin Cr'e , improved. To Le sold as 'Lae LI . , f I',.;,:dr that he has . . 50 Tons of Plaster propr'rty of 1: , ootonibt. Cane. .. ALSO-4_ . .ertain real estate in L'i'ce tp-tmllnd- It 1.i. , _tarn ;in Mill , rosH ,ieli he Will :11 as C " '''' ''''' I " ' ''' I " L ''''' • C '' I "' "' ' lt I ' s oti iv 5 , . , 1/inCr ant b.nd-. ..:1 the en-t 1.. y Innds of 1 ) „ f.. , low a, any place on the [rnilrontl, . n. s. c ,..y ; TO T :I T ...IarIIII,REL. 011 the :'...,..11 a.,... -,Vr_st by ..11.1atn: . l'el , . J. 1•: . :7. . ...lands. Contali..-.._ r!lftv-oil and :-.:,,v .s en-telitn I acre. mr.re or ler-s - . abont I wo , ny acres of which I Not,icp. z,r, t_ii.,: r oct ,, -,, , t.it., 0i. , : „ t,.1,..,.. L0c,, , , , ..t.w,, hr ard stab4s and some fna Irocs Theron/. To be C; Env /..N: t.l - 011cr Co.l t la.. And. 1, 1.L113. ...., 0.0. } , is t i i ,,,,,, pert ;,.-,d Az „ :oa , ,y iii , ,awre. VUTICE i , ' her":''Y gr'''':' Il.zcz Ch"ri`-' . n't! - ALSO—Cert:rinn4e.lestat in Pike tp, boursi- .;._N shar.t...-w or Itr.2 •Il CJ C..r.ii.t‘ .he c ..d ;1;1 ,1 d e scri?-_, e( l as f,,1h..... A : F .!.. O n .th e mt r i 1,,,, :i.. .. 1., i ,he r.-.::,-,;71::g ; 7 0-sc. - ft.-T; pcopec'y. '..3.3 not ye. , f:outh :rad SVC-4.1 , V lid of Lcnlntel :tiller/I/La . ' p...r1 ,it., C011.ii......r.1;Hrl wh...tevir fr.:. the , A 111 e. CotlF.`_: Two aertt, , , ell in , -, r(l)ed "with one, 3nd ail r0..q.5.-,ns Are iii-re by 1% Itrn t.O no( to p 11- (;ri , ..; Mill 13 , 1110 , :c frame huns;., there ,1i- To be ' ;11::.s. :thy of E.lld property of the said Itasthor . sold as tie prop(Tri of L. C.; hyroTarr,' Williate,. bYfore the dettb/lea of 11:e Coiirt is 'il - ...'n in ' Ans;.'y nnri .:-...et ;1 ll:,t ' , .. 1 this ease :Ind C. I', is-- - .11.T has paid t . ,1 Me the Al-st)—Cor:aiirro4: e T .atc inPittetr,boand cori/bleralion tnort , v therefor. .. ed and dt,cril., 1 ti-: ,I. , :0105,: Ott 11:t..1110 - fill liv ' HIM :V .I!_r , , P .. _ .. . . . _ lhe foilovviro , is the proi,erty : ' / , '-"'i , -' ' 1.() - IL i t, ''''l ;;;' , ....'"1 , iLe u - I. 1-'" 11i1 . ; - ' 1.51.. acertain tract. It land 'near t h e c„ ; , r _ll;atit Iniel, zi.,sl the ililan; 1i.01ek , ,-rbt t eker lot, ; mania m i , ,,,.. ih. ,,, nrr ; ant 5 . 575. A bb ott. tun ..,,, hip. 'and ,r. on 11.,e. z..r11.: and wei.t !.t l.;tugi.4llll htlidi. Potter county, Pa. .contAinjpg 100 aeres.— , C "" t '''. Hi , u : r. . 2.1 0 "" 1 " 11 ' r •,°"-' • ,'; ""'re "r! Also 25; acre_ in w :, arrant , y;s- ;Sand adjoiain , i l( '''''' c ' lL '''"`“'" t (. ' 1 a ' Te ' i '' ll.!-°v " 1 •• .I. '" be. s " i ' d ', . ' 'rop, rt . .. - of '‘'•lll'.:.-, - , Swartw - 0,,a ' the above. , I 2td. A ceftrin treat of land. with Mill and ' ' A L' '' (i—CLl ' l4in r ." I ( "• tt ` de in Gel '''' ce t r t ''' ' ' hounded .a:tl th,seribed n= f 0 1 , 0.---1 ~)• il .: improvements there on, Lear Reffie Cteek ir, ' • ' • .'.: • • .., '-',. ' north I,v la n, l , of 1.1.i,t , t',,i, , (T. 1" i el,' is warrant '. , ,iil.j, in Ste l wark,on town.ihip, Potter 'I , 1 1 i 1 . '1 1 t t , - . 'l t ' . 1 t ~,,tir . ,atn 4114,, ,, ,,Mt } :e,r)inAl o's• "iro - roant alto 4,, coauty, Pa., eontaini-Itg. about 20.1 accts. ;.rd ~n the ',..,,..,4 I,v 'llnnzLain, la'al.;"11:al livid; . _ . . ... ... C. B ii , lior 1,C.k1i., .01-o i , i irt:qt w:trra tit no. i of cliailii,7l. , . Kenvo6. Conia:ni): , l'hiltv -F , e.cil , 501. in - (i - ame3 township, Trig couLry. Pn., ' am: i'- . E-1,!. , ..., Z r tl . ll., more ~r ' c: W;11..L.b.L.t 1 i):) the raid I , ,:tile:igfri):o Gcrtnania to Cillir.e3. :.,;:,.: Not- , i:ni , r , , , ...,. To I , csi_li.l;.:.EN:l::'l , ,: pi.:ly i....onntilli , .z S - _,O. .i.1:1:3. 1 ~i j-0:,,.... 1.1‘,4,11.,.z1im• . I ki T4' l l. r,2.1:0DE. j . I ..llSO—Ccl aii: , i.:31 eztate iII .A_llcganyal.ci i .;rtes tact 133 and 4-10:11s perches; thence south i L and. 3--ibis cleg•ri.:es west. 1W and ..1.-10th per e lv-,s ~. th e nce west. along north line itil lot; 10. 7i 4if the allotment, ..i.tf, 13irigrhala hauas 13:2. anti 7 a - l 4 4 1 . ; ;I : -J, I.s t . !.1.r c r l : ,( :1 4 1 : I n t ' l..l ' il L i 4 2 ' d f'4 (l l 9 h a 1 :,:,71 .1d - t fO n :li t s' j cast il , lche , to the Place of Legitztlin.t. ' Cotitaluiliz' One Thuildred and. Tidily-one and T'our-t e nth. Aci cs. With the esual allowance. for roads 41:•.c. I,eii.:;li.t \4.,;. of Illituthani lands in said ip. , and part ,0" warrant N. :2 Idi!.. of which Forty I ; :Fire, :c:s frip,iroyed, with t ..v., f iance houses, one i !':acne bare and one 10g linen tin2rVOn To 11; old as tht pro)-ert a: 4.1' William Nelson, with notice to Cei has C. 'Nelson and W tn... 1. lirown, 1 , as •l err . I . A Lt:3o—,'eruilln real estate in Metor (p., !boiladeo; on the north by 1-.3iyiliain lands ;on the east by lands em.iiaeted to Eduland J.; C..rie ; On t 1,,,,, , c;:1, be Ilia:23iiani hinds ; and. on' ithe west. by /lin (I , CO al 11 C.1:1 ;at to wini..... Enway. 1 C:,ntaitari - ...5.zi,,,ty-:.:y acid eih:ht-torithsf acres • • more or 14.ss, with abort Fifty acres improved, ' with ime franie house. iille.1.4:2•11111.1sc. one iraule barn and torte bon In -i• thereon. 'l•u he sold I , as the property of ThoSn f aS La;Men. ALSO—Certain run - estate - ben - ill:lin ht .at a post ..11 the boundary line of the lands of the j Bihezhani e,ir1...0 and being the soilth-e;stico: - hei ' of lot so. 7i of the Adlaii: lands in lieetor tp.. thenee I,ll', ,Aolo , o::. , :: Ii !)o of I.oz N. i 7 and! un-. ali LI lands of the Ding:Lain estate 21:1 and -1:.)L, beeches' Ihei,,l , c;,: tilt ui.,ealta ia:oi, 61: the l'hagliatuystate 71 pLreiles; thence I !south n ' ,(1 . 14 WI. 4 7 . hue of lots. N - o. 101) and 713 ! :211 pi ~ ...1.4.5. ; li.eiice not tli t-ii-li tle , ,trecs west i :1! ,, t.g . boult,l:try lihe of Ail:lli : than) lands to the pi a ,: ~j !,,, jt,,,: t u:. t' et,,:_. N;aoty-iln. e and N.i.....--.L.1.11, net... twee Or :,,,,, 'With the 11 , 1,;11 :111,1Wr.nr ,- of ~ ,. ..:, : : 71 ,11" e , Oct.. il 1,,,:,!,, h . r. :,;,,. Ts ~3 the 3 ,1.. th e•-ii .-i,11.4- 111- h lhaiti lands it. i.' : .R':. . ...p niud ra , f , f Y.';:na:ll No. 17:::•!. hit:h.... a:: es in e luiptovi .1, with oito fraine h0 t ,,,, ~nn fia.no I.a , a aial%-..:-, - fralt trees `. Il.( roorl. To I ;,- ~ : 1 , r ^,- ;hi 1.; - op, Ily ot ii.,:;.r . y., j0:.,.,-on ;.;,,! ii..;;.11 1-. '',Q , .:e. '1 . ,:: - t. t: ,ants, MIME 1--C,ltznn ical e-tats is Ett:'.lit: tp.. d Oa the north Lc itjA.; ta-t nn,l s“tlth land, of join: and, ua th.,,,:i\s t e , ,t i:% - lan , s of ilnrry Lett, tleq't!. Containit gT c ee tV-five nere=. more orleß.,. - with about- ti-e ;;;;(-> bo iL ke t , t,•rot. To r , I,lty of ,t .. htt Citltc.ll,l:ll. Al=.ti—C,rtn.n I:al -e-;tne in like tr.. b.. t ,.1 0 1 on the ,y 1;II 1 111 laud it 'el:i by et,t:!q? : 11_4, Ivo,' by Lit enw t*oczt.,l to Wilitnnt StAar.wo.a. Folv Of i with Lout four net -et. kv( T , . ,the prctre: ty o. 1.1.:nt ul 13,; J.‘ , 11 ,, a h ei , 1 1,,,•k }Levee north a1.n:1 4 - 37uc ul`the A Ilina ianls 30 deirrees: IT: of I"; Y. 15 :i.; MVI : :1!('::CC• = 3 . 1 1,--k•!c:Al, lIMST=tI OE= an.+ , • .i•art 11f wi:rrl:t 1091. Ti. , o lid I,f Joiat Kilbourn, ;is Tvrcc Tenant. /• ALSO Gena,U real , eii-iate in Hector binunied. and (lei-trilled as follows : On the i;itighani ; the ta.-it be Piing tra it hind a. Iknids IL .4. Wilbur :on the ulii and west I , w Adium r:.o0 • r 11i Vir• rra I 1 MINIME per eul f i n• zlo. ..-::a1: all, Sweden toWnsli' is btiimelefi nna flescrlhe: ii si - .'-• - .-'. .--- ' ' ' tk \s follows : On tla. north by hinds ilf Col!ii:-V, Qardner:on the ea .t by litn . glnt lands, on tbet south by landsl of Alitatit httuball: and on the I. A X..v> , wiL* by .I.ami4 of 'Coleman i Vanhoinand Daniel j Wambold. Con: ziinitiOne Hundred and. Tinr-4 \ teen and rice tenths asrq..; more o lei-:.., about . _ Fifty acres of ivh.a:h are'improvdd and sonte I 1 - fruit treat-, thereon: TO - Le 'sold'h.s the properly i of Geurte W. W . ileoi. I •,, i . 'lt. LS 6 7 -Certain teal tssiate.in Keating tii., beginniag at theuorth4ast eisii2er of lot No. ft occupied by Miles While. thenco'e.ast 40 prille • to a 1 ,,,,,,i c orner in we4t lin e Of /.1,N11.,13 owned by D. li. Olmsted ; thence sonthii I),?rrlies to a post. corner Ilii!g• corner of .said 'lt - N 0 ..6 thence cast along.south line i of '4,i4 lot No. t 4. 41) perches to a , post corner ; Owl= .s,;; l ih 15n perchesto a betatoo; i'.ornei: thence est. 50 perches to a poet corner ; theuee north 15`.:.: perches to the place of beginning. Containing Seventy-five acres, strict measure. more pr less, aud'beinglot •,No. -10 of the allotment of Keat ing lands insaid township, and pa. t of warrant No 4dtiO Tribe sold as the inolielv of It Z. Iloberts vc W. 11 T' v ow N . , Slit riff: Coudersport; Jatlv.. 31, 1:i67. A NEW MAN AND NEW Pr , ""TURS 771 • C. H. ARMSTRONG, . , wo aid re .c.pc-tfall y inform tric c ry . i c,in2lty - I,z: he I,as I . n to r t RARDWARE .Srorr, and- 'w^ are e./ , termlned to give the Trv. - T = q l 7—_Tn l O I tivoillp P—tpfft I.)1' the FALL! ....a...1Z,- 11, _ recenily owned 1,,y IL nr" . 71- J Qlnisfea l and; will contjauc.tlab?c,iaess at the o!d standi We shall try to prove the Ru!&. IN THE OLMSTED BL .IF7ere he will keep eon:yltpie LA I?..GE A_VD CAREFC cyer , ,rthing rt571421/y• ir are . Store, tnrunt , ,i which tc SHELF BOX JXD OR .! COO_i "'.miINIVR, as.raach as e u if e, POTS. Er. TTE ES, SPIDER,S, SCOT,CII:BO1 FR 17-VG-P- 1 V IWe Ire 1 for the trade this spring , 5..113-PA_VS. 1 , CIDI: O_VS, and are determined that, If a. \ I. 1 .11.1.1 Ille 4.1 i 'CHARLES S. JONES 1- . . Shail tzke the lead in furnishing thi Agr i culturali Implements, section ofthe Country pith / Abe best arch as- Piers, Scrapers, Cul- ' 1 articles for the !east money. cp)trs is the tiva.tors, Corn.-Shellers, 12 store where that can be done: - COMET i " li*, v• 1 ~r MIME! ECorre.e-Balres„ Hoes, 1 Straw-Cutthrs. , i ! ,• HIS WO IL IT;EL....IfILDE and, tto t l GoOd t " of GOO R - DVA ZERL-1 O • . au, Lind .sit&Skii2.oa7 - Troughs put up in any purl of the Couaty. • -tilli A TFIL4I.I Coulcrsport, Feb. 5, 1:767. BOSTON CLOTHIN.O [IO . IISP ! riIUE •.111 , ,cr;! , ..r:..-e,pp<7lfol:y it l'ornif. th , .ci;izers of kul?hcha a I\lAprl, CLOTHING STORE, GILLETT'S BLOCK VEL IL LE, - On:e ANDEI S°_l" DOOLITTLE'S" • BARD niiiet STORE, 7,;There win be fr , ui,l a: ail lirneE r a C Jrnr7etc: r t.) ;LS aY CL-OTEI rUrNIS e==l Chean for . pash, Quick Sales Sznall'i'rofits, But One Price. l'tew Goad rt:c.:4ved every neck Car, an,: r•vaaii,e. our Goons aLd bef6re e..lz,wLere. o, , !ro`,er f FINE FANCY FURS ! • CL7AS. .Ik. 12 rvpretr-. No. 497 11:u.ithvay, and L'.11 , . N. v.. - Tort:. Imparce - r; ManUfacturer and Shipper of i.., 1 ~:• 7!rii• ~t • hTI . iee pw‘l for *.:.11.1•11.2, , ,:ti for C.fcl-dar, on larnd a EINE sro c k! went iip; we Eee' to it that SEL C' TE a you pay low prices ittiw GOODS Jr D W ARE ;Otilers may go (101711, tut vie do & HEAVY HA- STOVES, ALSO, ALLEG.INY CO.. .N.l; El I II A. TS, C' I'S, ENG GOODS I:llt:Nli,'S . & c OPP ASV GOODS STRANGE BUT WEZTINI . : • - THE LOWEST PASS ELE PRICES BARGAiiB .! OMId4iNS:I No AtientiO:i ,paid to the cost of GtODS. • Prompt conformity to the.iowest :larket 1 1 1:1cies - --1,s era establisted RULE. this linl6. "WorkS both Ways." paid !!g!i prices then good are dowiii =I 411;tt intend to be 1,.,2.ten; All ire ask is to give us a Cagi rola li v.n . our prices we. feel sero or a sale. SEE, and be COISWITWED All kiwis 'of we are now offering at prices whi6h bad not fail to' stfile tL'e." tnniniiiEet as (Wa.b.caa:) CALICOES MTEE THE STAIICti OLT OF BOTH CLOTH AND 1 I 'I3IIOA - 1)-CLOTI4 - ; Plaizi 6.: Fancy Casi- - - - imerZip! !STAND.A.RD . i Bleached and thibleached k M.uslin.s of all Prices: rlannelg. of all ColOrg.- , i ILI & LIN EN ' SPOOL COVt(S. I . Ticking, Striped Deni VoNvOil4 LA-MDT LtRES 4001),..§,; All-Wool Delairtesi Amer. 1).311a6PH Mohair Lustres, &O? GROCER :11:1;i4, Of 0.1 kinds. COFFEES, WHITE.' St Fißn#ri SUGARS, SYRUP 4- commas - mor.:As-rn,- GREEN L BLACK TEAS, S? ICES of aIY A great rarier3i of the nest 11;raor; of SMOKING Z; CHEIVDiff Brooms, .Colar Backetsi 1 and 2 Ni,:kerili Labrador I:LA(6s .3.• 61.totrideig.: • jai,- A•,o, r. n d MEDICINES, READY-iiADE CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES,' HARDWARE, - &d: PM EMBER 'WE P:YY THE 111 ci 1s; PRICE FOR COITNTF.V PROTirl'F - . . CHARLES S.-.lollrEgs cos.zcrdesEl7 - t June 5,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers