OS T A TE 11 ENT F the Receipts a'nd"Evpenditures of Potter County for the year , ending on the ,_29th day of Lee. A. 13.1%6. Rec'd from noies; judgments not redempaen of hinds . 023 70 Ree'd from * Sealad ConntyTaxes fot- 'AO and • previous year. 401 52 Reed from I.7lloented County Taxes for 1864-5 7059 O - S Reed Itelkf 6eaie.t for 1865 and pre. viote year. I from Relief Reed from I{4l:et l'axe; for Bentei 11/rll , l as U6+ealuil Rec'd from M ithary Tact,' for ISCI .Rec'd from Sated 13 Alloy Tax fm" previou6 yems Rued from lita-oaled lands for isr,i Rec'd from limoatt-d !nods for lOti !teed from Se.it , ol I'o returbed ltec.a front Capita 'rox Rec'd from DOg TaXed Totta Recelptg, Paid for Conyers on nee't of sevlees for 1865 $ 80 00 61 0 gi " " . ' 1836 .79950 " Clerk hire for 1635 . 71 00 Iv ' ii 1636 1 . 600 001 On 139trdv , bowls 40599 09, 1 1 " Relief luSriltlier families 70 00 " U rand Jur ' ; •rs fees I , 528 81 " Travei se J pro 0 feet 1 777'20 " Deem))) expeneen 1 764 57 o A ereris e' iv:lge+ . 518 80 .‘so " Clerk of Quarter Sersions 'fees 155 22 " Com.tablel!)eturiut 162 12 1 " Tending 'POwn Cluck . 00 00 1 ' .lust iees re urns i 34 26 1 " Itepaire to iiiiiite buililloirt 45 41 " • Ito d and I ,"ship vW ic6l -. 721 55 " A utlitor' Waged . ' i • / 189-50 " Tip Staves -: 115 '2O I • niitliiiffe. iiP5r14.4 , 3 I.iy Road Viewers 80 Ott • Public: i'l'ilitiiig J 2 :0) 04) .' Fuel' ! .121 50 " tlotorunnwealth Costs 2ul 01 • .1 tutotent , In fa \kir of townships ' 719 no ~ Q ooiii,o•ioli kes . . V:, 53 . Cow t crier, , 07 31 ./a•) expeMies . 47 19 . " Wild ,Cal Itomity ' 20 25 . Attorney fees 6> on " SleetY !clouded 85 4,5 " 1411eriiile fm.» 3115 77 " Stationery . ; 385 GI " Jury fees , 400 %F " Stale ax oyfJta4mentti 24 45 " .I.tittal:,e3 00 , " 'Brigaite Inrprelor I 309 01 " Juilgineott ti) School Dis rlets 045 SS " Sheep killed liy 41..2436 50 • " Judgment to EI;;IS and ant Herr 3550 00 " Coprt es:peti-e. i 14 73 \m it ' " Imitle ri.iliim I . • 91 35 1. " ter,trtiers m 1 et 4 00 '! Prothonotary'e fees • 21 10 • ilridges , 24 O.) " Expemes of vgcrgritti ,1 56 SG " 4pret to To•tis. on $1:2oql 31 co. lox 510 77 7 trct I o Tri•iii, iii, • 1542404 75 !'Daily tit?: 424 04 "4pret to Treas In 524011 ii Relief tax 9a 0a "4pret to Trcilir. on 4t 7. l it Doz liX., 3RB ". .1.....5ees of Receipt). over ..:Xpentlittirea 5551 90 Tut..lExi)enditare We'do certify Mat the forettd eol:ds and Expenditures of Putt( 1866 is crirrect as appears Item err In this 01114 Commissiener.s' thlir:+, Jun: 3t (3. P. I:mat:RN lizEurim Rtmol L. e 2. Acs•ris, Attest : L. B Col.n, Clerk. I ST 111 OF the Fondo of Niter Co January A. D. 1567. To Ring of County orders onh•t,ndinEr. $ 88 40 , " Judz't in favor of \V o riht Co: Dank 2623 05 " Intere4 on the e:11110 514 00' • " Oudot - wilt in favor of E. &D. fore 3245 63 lute , eet on the sane 104 73 Bond hi John Keating • 404 00 Interest on the $3lllO 20 04 " Judgment in favor of the State 2002 00 " .A.:yietts'over indebtedneie 172 07 Total amount of County iLebtedneto $0352 78 To ain't of Bounty (viers outstanding " pond ti.) Isaac Benson " Interest on the sante " Unpaid-bands to volunteers Interest ou the Fame Total amount of Bounty tndebt.ctlness $34251„55 To sun't of Do 4 order , ' ont.tanflinv, " Adsetts over iudebtedasd Ca. By ain't of County taxes due from unecated lands fdr 1565 j $ 20 So !‘ Co. taxes due from unseated lands t. for 15 1 16 • 4S73fn Seated taxes rettnnedrL, naseated 77 00 Tax'., das seated lands and pereoinal pr,,p•rty fot 1564 " Taxes alto from. recited lands and pers . :Mal liroperly for 1515 Taxes 'due 'from re tted- lands and psr.,rlU.l property for I Saf. 1767 06 • " Retief taxes f , Il litli,a(ecl rands for '6O 416 " liege( taxes on nn-oated lands for '6O 074 69 fakes on Seated ltndsandper rosal , property fur ef taKes , on lands and per• sonal property for ISIIS " Relief tans nn Rated lands and per- Sonal' property for , • neleif taxes on tented lauds returned no unseatd " au the •batals of the Treasurer Total amonnt. of County fandg nutotanding $9352 iS ,To.anft of ITOnMy tones dued from un , eated land; for ISOS $ - S 3 20 . " Bounty taxes dOe lirOm nneeated la !ds for 1566 1 Bounty taxes flue febniseMen lands I.and pergonal property for 131 , 1 31 59 Bounty taxe.l . duo frotn seated lands 1,01 - rerEonal propeVy for Is6r, " 'Bounty t frdm Feale= lands . and perrmml property for MG " Lusty laxe, dueonlf,ented Linde re mnant unseat -tit 13.0nnee in Trea , ,nree,4 hands " ludededues , over aietta Total nmount or Bounty funds outstanding $:.:4254 55 To nrnst of Doz tuxes due foir 150 ' $3O:, 54 " In Tren.,ureeB Laud 42 00 Total amount of Dog tax outstanding SUMMARY. INDEIsTrr.:SI:s7, To nggrcgtc amount of illio,btOtlnces 44372.4. 71 By nereGnte nmmint of us •"tt s By excess of Indebtedness c ver nssetts Ttitrd amount of as. tots ... ( 1 45724 71 We the Commi-sioners of the County of Potter do 41n c,rtify that the forezoin.: Statement of the Funds of said Co'unty on thel , t d ty of January 1867 is cor• r.rt ro they appear on th hooky and vorhers of this Office. 'Cominioners' Ofrice,7i rtt tismt:sh Attest L. 13: COLE, Clef TatEI2 I IiSVIL F. Anes, Trmiure account with; said Cut Ito unseated' taxes for 1F174 "- unreatt. , l :aces for IEO " Aertled I:ixt:s for ISil •u pep.tvd Lazes for 1565 11012121 Anit of Feat;]•ci tax ret , d , " An't reed 1)1 /:ott, 31 44-1.1 rc.loitivz BALCredited to aeet of ri rill , f an Tb:Balance due az per la of County A naitorn " nt!a'ul I:IAQA C..P. ' o Ant% pivot4l t:IXe To seat.?drvrd " lIIX " Relief tax. fo r LVlGs‘pr, $3056 40 •110/ . 0 Mir& lax for 1854, $1'.65 •a:ro3 to v lor 1055 15911 32 !at t 1 tax for 1055 12:!6 72 ret'd un-nated 400 25 pia tax fur 1656 591 66 fur 1563 and pro. • Cow/ II To amount ollee:Pd on u, Am't co llected collected on anal . A m't co!Ild on , tate " limq-coll'd on per cap, a- Aare L seated Bounty. t:1 NiouE ,3:nurs. Coudereport and Shippen l State Road. To amount of Unt , eated State Road Tax and of.the Regular Road Tax to which the!State " Road le entitled collected in 3866. 1 51.06 S 3S. • Wharton and Lumber Slate !Road. To State Road, tax in Wharton , 207 68 " Half the Riad Inc in Whartor,,for.3.Bo4-5, 367 42. " balance Y:xl oll ths. 1 90 I 5598,00 Paddy's Ritn.and ...firopper,Lroufe - State•Jtoad. To Vali' the toad Tax on the *urrants spec- -. tied In the Act of Aseern My. in the' town: ships of Abbott, Stews: tent' s:.Wezt Branch 5200 98 Gcrolania and lonngtcrimanslotcn + Staff Road. • To amount of Stkio Road. Ta l x In Abbott 80 SO ‘• anion i.t of Statd Road Tac: Stewartson 207 00 " Half pr ct 6tate road l'ar. 'sai,:d tra. , ..'284 88 ' Dog TJX. To amount of sail tax for ispa •„ . • ... 5422 00 809 1 - 03 008114,5 1545 38 faiOs lc- 22 39 23 70 ISc.6 arid 9700 64 5 43U7c. 4S 12 *...0 72 aaeatell 401 25 :01 C 6 Ul 13 .$59597 '59 • County' . I • I BY duo Trt wer its pr last .4ditor'S repq $ 15'2 79 on sl2Dai.lki St 4 per cent • 510 77 " County or.ter paid titt , ./ cancelled 1710 41 " abated on .euted taxes for 1566 and I.rei• yenra ".! COMMISSIOII laid Collectors for ISte and preViOUd year s " 9.,nted re , urced as tinge:llPd .• .A In. u titt ncullected 18C5 andiiprovi— ous yeats .1 Ey snit abafed on seated' tax for 1866 and previous )cars ; 1 - .$ 15 . 74 n, onntinssion , la id Collectors for 1860 and • , precious years I ' 40 73 " Amount aetarned as'utiseated follSGa and previous years) 1 , 17 37 " Uncoil• eted tn.,: outstanding, for, 1,806 and previous 3 ears ' 1 • 408 GS " Commission on 82401.15 at 4 per dent 90 04 ' Orders lola um! ettnitt:/ed . , 155 59 `. n lj lie an C tvity,titx ove . rttrittl, i 828 84 " Jialanee.pnlll J. W. 6ieVe.l/8, Treasurer, as per his It:n(4c' , , , , 1487 70 County 'Bounty Taxes. • , By balance due Treasuier as per las t Report u 1 Conroy' ro $ 50 95 Commission on . ,T4' 494.75 at 1 rier*nt 424 uitr " Amount' paid on . IBounty orders fur the payment Orllolll ty Bondi 41831 00 " Amount abated oniseated Bounty tax for 1866 :o,a previous ) ears . 1617 57 " (..'onitnisgion paid Culti.etors l 132 83. " 1 7 iicollectel outstarolill9; . '6324 02 " :eared returued 116 unseated ' 300 313 " Balance paid J. W. Stevens, Treasurer 118 3b I ' , • . I • $50986 33 F oudersport and SUAren State. Road. By ain't of State Road tax prcli.lA.Rounsville $1025 01 " on $1908.98 42 75 $1065 15 11 harton and LumL Stafe Road. • • By conintin-tion on $575 10 91,4 per cent $ 23 00 raid commissioners! utaler tu.State i ßoad 575 00 *553 00 Paddys Ran and frapper,llouse State Road, By ant't pd A.Bountivdie,Treas'r of said Road $279 00 " Cuallutmttutloll $ at 4 per Cent 11 64 $57907 n iinz Statement of lie er Connty for the year he records and vouch NO , e.; COM ill fg 5i07101".., Fli uty on the let day of $290 98 Germania and rotLiglromanstorn State Road. By am't paid State Itoitd on Comer order $535 CS ".Counnission oe $57465. at 4 percent 2 - 2 91. " Balance due (1: S. Y. State Road 14 09 • 52 6,4 $ _bog Tax. . By orders paid and $ 51 50 Commi,sion on $9l 63 , . 93 " Amount abated . .1 • 12 50 " Commission paid Collectors 5 78 ". Amount uncollected ontAandfer: 300 09 " Balance paid Lod. W. stevuns, rrreasurer; 42 20 none $ 10000 00 450 00 20'4,7 00 2957 55 We, the subscribers, ha store Of Potter County, deceit:ly that we have rica pined the acei‘oa t s and vouchers of A. F. Jones',l F a te Treasnrer.of said County' relatind to County.; Relief, Military County, Bounty ' Slate (toad :Ind 1?og/raxes, and :that the' with iii Statement of the senile is correct. Witile.,B'uur hands this 3Uth day ,f.hay, A,D.180. r,. ono-Es 5: 11. MARTI:4 ( Auditors. • A.. , !S,IDNEY 1.1 - 3 Lt X, ) ' • ne $447 64 TREASURER'S SCHOOL REPORT. r I A. P. Jones; lateil'aeasurer of .."otter Couh(y, in . Account will& [he. several S4hool Districts for ' - • the year 1866. ti ! ' . 1 !,! 1 •Abboti. 4 1 Pr. : Cr. To bal due Dist i ns per Au ditor's .. Report for 1865 -$1 2 81 4 . Au:rout collected in 1866 1:43 23 BEI EMS EMU • ' $1146 04 By Commissioner's ora:rrs $llOO 00 6 ' Bal,iu Treasurer's hands 1 46 04 11 45 3487 .0 $1146 04 Alle.ganY• To nm't Collected in 1866 ; , SI2 07 By commissioners order " Bal in Treas'is hands yl . . $l2 97 Woodville larrendol Pletrtct, To nm't of tax col. in 10G6 $7 171 By Commissioner's order I Bingham. To nm't collected in 1.30 G $7O 14 By Commissioner's order Bal inTreas'rs hands 8520 85 59' GSIG 04 EOM 118 30 17423 37 ME Clara To flal"nce 3115 - district por, e 2 6 .561 SO 1516•_ .cl $284 88 By Commissioner's or( ers rCP rider*poi,t. To nm't collected in 1864 y, $1 44 By Commissioner' order] EulaliJ To bal. due Dist. per I ri:Torf tor 1865 $ 80 34 " Ara't collected in 1866 036 03'. u . .11:,'y 21, 1537. .rits, .? . . l'illuE„ , . COMMIO.IIO.CrS Sr ) By Comm ''S‘ REPORT: of Pot trr County, in I nty . for the year 18('3. $lOl6 42 dentwee4 j .1 To anet of ta'.col'd in 1666 $166 66 --, By Commissioners' ordersi - i SI4S 66 Bal. in Treas's hands k , 18 00 1 , I k• 1 1 i ' I f. - $166 66 qe;:2esce Indcpendipt District. To ain't collec'ted in 18661 $l4 60 By CommisSioners' order f t. . ' Harrison, - To em't collected iri 1866 $95 06 By Commissioners' order , " Bal. in Treas'rs hands , • l i® $:;531 41 4327 74 $ 7569 CS 1454:'. 17:10 42;71 31 , rts nnet'd 115 22 kl4n - fants.[ Tl.milA 6M3 76 11996 SO Net toad 823 S 4 SOS 54 $1,5694 91 166 93 fo r 1;.74 ceGOS 72 EMI • //circa; To ara 7 t collected, in 186(4 $3Bl 68 By Commissioners' order $351 32 " Bal iu Treas'rs Lands [ 30 36 t. , 46 66 1545 39 22 39 4 23 70 I 1298 00 for ] . S : i . dinThG n •cioaa}' I I r tfectori • To am't collected ip 1666. s24' 63 133 Commis4 r iotters' order Bat. in Treas'rs ;butts: 17691 22 ;t5OOSt. 33 Reli(f apdWilitary Ti4es .Anditmis ltep't for 1865$ 86 58 " Ain't enliented in 1866 't 106 30 F„ $1016'43 +4ner's •orderi 5932 " BA.I, iulTfeas'rs kutnd To : balance due Dist. per `Auditors' rent for 1865 $ll9 79 "•Ain't 'collected in 1866 18 40 $l3B 19 By Coramissioners order "'Bal. in Trearg'rs bands To nrn't collected in 1566 $469 37 By eiininiissiouers' orders. . $469 37 Keating. To atn't collected ih 1866 $139 89 By Commissioners', order " Bal. in Treas'rs hands $572 CS To bat due Dist. Per , Au- dltors' Ilep't f7r 1865 $ •50 .. ~ u Ain't collected in 1886 298 II 13:r Commissionerelorders . s29B 61 $4 29 iTo am't collected ik1866 ci327 66 . s, _ By. Commiss;ondrs'!orders $251 52 " .Bal. in Treas'rs'ilnuids ! is 13 . I`, • " M 3 77 SI 76 147^ 29 SILO 4 91 To bal. due Dist. per Audi- tors' Report for 1865 $ .59 45 collectediin 1E66 172 50 I By ComTnissioners orders " 841. in Treas'rq Lands • ASltaron. ro titn't collected in 1806 $334 02 By Ootninissioners'orderz. $334 02 AS:tewqrlsort. . - To orn't collected do 1866 $1 13 13 By Conautssionerg' orders $1336 00 s3o 30 Bal. in Treas'rs hands To bal. due Diet: Per Audi- . tors' Report for 1885 $l7 38' ,‘ Ain't collected:in 1866 605 96 $683 34 By Commissioners' oeder $653 32 " in Trers'rS hands 30 12 ,683 34 - ! Sweden. To bal. clue Dist. kr Audi ditors' Report for )865 $,ll 187 " colleetedl in 1866 242 7a $253 8.9 By Commissioners' orders " Bal. in Treas'is hands $253 88 • Sylvania. To bal. due Dist: per Audi tors Report for 865 $79 77 " Anft collected in 186GG 200 17 $279 94 • Br Commissioners f orders $279 94 lityiscs. • To am't collected in 1866 $.llll 69 By Commissioners' orders $lOO 00 "Bar. in Treastrs hands 19 60 .. $ll9 69 ;Ti est Branch. itii am't collected in 1869 $497 58 , ' By CommissioniTs' order 4 : 9_:1 5 21 '`Bal. in Trea'rs handS 37 1 ...... 1 $497 58 1 Wharton. 'T . i:r sm't collected in 1666 $1469 69 By Commissioners' order - $1344 00 " Bal. in Treas . rs hands . 125 68 We the subscribers, Auditors of Potter. County,:do certify that we have examined the accounts and vouchers of A. F. Jonas, late Treasurer of Said'lCounty in AccOunt with the several School -Districts in said Couuty for the year 866, and that the, foregoing Statement, 64' 1 / a wing the balances due said Districts (outi of which he is entitled to his usual per centage) is correct. Witness ou't' hands this 30% day of dan'y, A. D. 1867, ' , B. CIRATts; H. Mawr's, Auditors. A. SIDNEY LYMAN, ..CB. 35 3 7 AUDITORS' REPORT. L . A. P. Jones, 'late Treasurer of Potter County : in Account With the several Townships of &aid County for the year 18GG. Abbott. Dr. Cr. T 6 bitt. 111:4d Tax per Au ditors' Rep't for 1865 $ 1 88' " flat. Cash Tax per Au- BEI $65 70 4 4 ditors' Rep't for 1865 f ES " Bal. Bounty Tax per Au ditors' Repl. for 1865 - 281 " Am't Road tax collected in 1866 578 54 " Am't Cash tax collected in 1866 380 81 Am't Bounty tax collect:- ed in 1886 1139 39- $7O 14 $284 88 $2103 31 By Com's ord'r on Road tax 'ssoo 00 1, Bal Road Tax in Treas'rs hands . 80;42 Com's ord'r on Cash tax .320: 00 ,1 Bal Cash Tax in Treas•rs . . bands G2' 69 " Corn's ord'on Bounty tax 940 00 " Bal Bounty tax in Trees' hands 84 08 To snit Toad Taz 1866. collected $27 86 " Banity tAI in 1566 - 73 00 • • • sloo as By Conn's ord'r on Pod tax: Bal Road Tax in Trea'rs , hands " Com's orW'on Dbunty tam • " Bat BouUty Ta. in Treas • hands; $14'69 ,SS7 53 7 43 . . Bingham: To.am't Ion & tax collected $ ' in 186qi 69 86- ' " Arn't Cash tax . collected 21 07 1 " A m't Ilonnty taX collect ed in 1.868 : 107 36 ' i 1 --, $95 06 $19,3 29 By Corn's orfi'r on Ttoa tax if N .4;I . C.,12 Ü Bal Cashitax Treas'rs hands Corn's ords oaßounty tax! I . 5351 68 $237 61 1 v 2 $247 63 Homer $ll9 79 18 40 $l3B 19 Jackson $122 82 , 17 07 $139 89 Oswayn, $327 UG BEM $231 95 $207 49 2 l 46 $231 95 177 18 $1513 18 $ 63 75 70 13 $1463 6S 202 20 $2105 31 70 2 16 63 68 FEB SIBC 86 s's 9 80 20 73 107 3o 13Ei 23 Clara. To an't Road tnx collected] in 1866 B,t Cques ord' on Road tax Coudervort. To bal on Rood Tax per Att iitors' Report for 1865 $. 16 " Am't Road tax collected 1866 Ain't Bounty tax collect ed in 1866 - -11 56 By Com's ord' on Road tax " " Bounty , ‘• Eulalia. A.o tirn'tilioad tax collealed don 1866 $ 443 30 .Kin't! Bounty tax collect ad 112'1836 • ; $lBB9 89 13y COM'S ord'r on Road tax $ 435 40 " Bal Road.Taxiu Treas urer's hands ord on Bountr tax Bal Bounty tax in Tress , ;urer s hands Genesee. To ern't Rond tax collected I in 1866 $l5B 63 A.tn't Cash tax collected in 1866 Am't Bounty tax collect: I ed in 1866 By Cm's ord's on Road tax " Dal Road tax in Treasr's hands " Cam's ord's On Cash tax " pal Cash tax in Treas'rs I hands porn's ord on Bannty tax , Bal Bounty tax in Treas' bands Harrison To am't Road tax collected in 1866 $126 28 6 ' Ain't:Cash tax collected in 1866 "Am't Bounty tax collect , ed in - 1866 168,67 Am't Poor tax collected 0 in 1866 $332 31 13c Corn's ord' on Road tax $124 44 Bal Road tax in T,ea'rs hands ‘' ordr on Cash tax Bat' Cash tax in trcas'rs hands • 4 02 " Corn's ord on Bounty , tax 157 80 Bal Bounty tax in Titas' hands . , 10 81 Bal Poor tax in Treasr's hands 1 19, irebroyi 'fro bal Bounty tax as per Auditors Rept for 1865 $ 558 Ain't Road tax - collected in 1866 0 Ain't Cash tax collected in,1866 0 Ain't Bounty tax collect ed in 1866 $1735 47 By Com's ord on Road tax $ 181 58 Bal Road tax in Treas'rs hands " Corn's ord' on Cash tax Bal Cash tax in Trear'rs hands " Corn's ord on Bounty tax Bal Bounty tax in Tracts hands Ilector To am't Road tax collected in 1866, $220 o'9! I " Ain't Cash tax collected in 1866 ; '• Am't Bounty taxcollelet ed in 186 G ; 1 $987 17 " By Cotes ord, on 'Road Itaz $220 9 “ Corn's ord, on Cash car . 125 2 " Bal Cash tax in Ticas . rs hands . , 6 ' Cm's ord. on Bounty tar 637 6 " gal Bounty tax in Treas, . , hands 1 . ,• 2 7 ffomer To am't "toad tax collected in 1866 ' $142 38 " Am't Bounty lax collect ed in 1866 i By Cont's ord r on , Road. tal. " Bal Road tax iu Treas'rs hands " Cm's ord. on BountY tax " Bar Bounty tax inirreas. hands. . Jackson. To Am't Road tax collected is 1866 $329 10 Aro't Cash tax collected in 1866 Am't Bounty tax collect ed in 1866 $lO7l 8 By Com's ord'r on Road tax $277 98 " Bal Road tax in Treas'rs bands " Corn's ord'r on Cash tax " Bal Cash tax in.Treas'rs hands . `• Cm's ord'r on Bounty tax " Bal Bonnty tax in Trea's "bands Eec!ting, To bal Road tax per Audi tors' Report, for 1865 $54 56 . ' " Ain't Road tax collected in 1866 " Am't Bounty tax milled 'ed ielS66e ' • 149 943 $307 28 By C'orn's ord'r on Road. tax $• 54 56 14 B.tl 'Toad tax in Tiens'i's banns 2 78 Bad Bounty tax- in' Trea's '146 94 °sway°. To bal. Bond tax per Audi- tor•' Report fur 1865 $ 100 " Am% Road tax collteted $33 45 45 in 1866 • Anft Cash tnx collected in 1866 1 Am't Bounty, tax collect en iu 1866 '5 91 r 203 02 1' 98 By Com's ordrs on Road tftx. 6.1 J o " Cash !: • 306 66 " " I nounty " . 1351 08 $l7 63 $6 07 1/ 63 Pike. Tcram't Road tax collected in 1866 $305 32 td Am't Cash tax collected in 1866 ~ ll9 24 " Am't Runaly tax collect- ed in 1866 430 65 " Ain't Poor tax collected in 131.4 . 2 38 $17,63 1446 59 SAB By Com's ord'r on Road tnx $243 00 " Bai Bold tax in Treas'rs hands 63 32 " Com's.ord'r on Cash tax 141 08 " Bal Gall tax in Treas'rs handsi 38 08 " Cm's ord'r on Bounty tax 341 52 " Bal Boutit,y tax in Trea's hands " Bal Poor tax in Treas'rs hands '1 90 1420 41 21:1 18 $lBB9 89 156 79 To ht) Road tax per Audi tors' Report for 1865 $56 34 " Bal. Cash tax per Audi- - tors' Report for 1865 '! Bal Bounty tax - per Au ditors' Report for 1865 231'60 " Ain't Rciad tax collected 162 ,1? $477 91 $l3B 5G 20 07 138 00 in 186.6 • gi Atm% Cashlas 'collected 18 73 138 56 in 1896 Amt Bounty tax collect ed in 18&)6 28 93 $477 91 By Coin's ord i r OR Bond tax "‘ Bal Road tax. in Trea.s'rs hindsi " Corn's ord'r on CIA tax P.Bal this)) tax in Trea.s'ns hanuldl " Cnts ord'r on Bonn's- tax " Bal Bounty tax in Trea's _'hands Q 333 1 19 To ainyTload tits collected in 1866 $113 , 36 " Ain't Clash I.IIX collected. in 1866 404 52 1 84 32 15 : $5.17 62 By Corn's ord'r on Road tax " Bal ROad tax in Treas'rs bands j " Corn's ord's on Cash tat - " Bal Cash tax in Treas'rs hands $332 31 Stereartton. • • To am't Road tax collected. • in IsSG $ 574 53 ". " Am't Cash tax, collected in 1866 1210 G 4. " Am't Town Bounty tax • colketed in 181i6 2421 74 " Am! &tool Bounty tax collected in 1366 1401 68 n, 213 16 110 7 1456 00 $5908 59 By Corn's otcl'r on 'Bond tax $9OO-00 " Bal ROad tax in Treas'ra hand 3 , 174.53 " Com's ord'r on Cash tax 1130 ( , 0 ‘• Bat cash tax in Treas . rs hands • 80 64 " Com's order on Town BoUnty tax 2300 00 " Bal Town Bounty tax in i Treasurers hands f'2.l* " Porn's order on School I Bounky tax 1:00 - 00 " Bal School Bounty tax ' Treasurer's hands 101 GS at 52 98 53 )2 26 la3o 45 131 13 MEM 125 84 540 35 To bal Road tax per Audi tors' Report for 1865 $lOO 3f " Bal Cash tax per Midi- • tors' Report for 1885 84 83 ." Am't Road tax- collected in 1866 I 345 41 l', " Atu't Cash tax collected Nvi ‘ . in 186 E an, n • " Am't Bounty tax colleet-r • 1. 0 18 1.1 . I ediin 1866 1 . ,$lOl7 63 ' y Coin's ord i r on Road tax 6 . 133 13 I .' Bal Road tax in Tzeas'rs . ho'pds, 12 59 •' Conl's order on Cash tax 378 23 " Bail Cash tax in Trt..as'rs , hand; 15 59 " Cm's nrd ma Bourity tat Vil 44 " Bal 'Bounty tax in Troll's hande $BB7 I 20 49 $162 87 $l4O 58 f 8 0 16,56 Sweden bat,To , Road tax per Audi tors' Report for 1863 $ 4 30' " BaV Casli tax per Audi toirs' Report for 1865 " Ball Bouny tax pef . Au ditors' Report fur 1865 17 20 " ..km't Road tax collected • g. 9• r SI6 8 329.75 id 1666 An:i't Cash tat collected 413 03 in 1866 " Amet Bounty tax canoe tad in 1866 $392 64 By Cdtb'S ord e r onlload tax $lBO 19 Road tax in. Treas'rs hands 14 GI " Coin's orcir on Cash to 31 21 in "Cm's ord. on Bounty tax. 629 91 "Bal Bounty tax in. Treas. hands 36 72 51 12 2'77 98 51 77 399 33 13 70 $lO7l 88 Sylvania', To bal Volta tax per Audi , j tors' Ifeport for 1865 $92 02 "' Bat Cash tax i per Audi tors' Report for 1865 51 21 ' 44. Biil Bounty tax per An-• 2 78 ditors' Brepoit for 1865 184 04 g• A : in't Road tax collected in 1866 • _ 235 45 •' Arn't•Casb tax collected in 1666 117 S 5 " Am' t Bounty tax collect ed in 180 G ' 470 90 $2Ol 28 604 2B BOG 66 1351 08 $2263 02 8 13 11E3 $919 09 112 34 MEM ENE 134 73 $733 10 SSG 3t qG 56 112 70 D 3 12 3.74 , b Bra $735 10 Sharon $ 73 04 40 2C 315 5'9 ME $51.7 S 2 $5998 59 Summit. 6 .0 $lOl7 Gs MEI 190 50 EMS G 49 43 .692 El SMI 41 By Con3'.4 - on - 3'r nn Rond tai $ 3 27 47 ~ Com's ord'r on Cash tax - - 169 oG l''CM's ()rd. tat Buunty tux i GZ,4 :,4 ' ' 1t,1.-f1 47 , __ - WW2 To am't Road tax collected in 186(.; $22 00 4 " Ain't 13ash tax collected io tBt3Ci Aln't Hooray tax collect ed lu 1606 , . $7: , 9 By Corn's ord on Road tax " Coin's ord'r on Cash tax 13uI Cash tax in Leas`rs bands Cin'S ord on Bounty lox Bal Bounti.tax Truus. builds -• t . .1t;5:4 1.; rest Branch. To ain't Tlond tux eollecied in , " Ain't Cast' tax collected in 18.36 " Ain't lionnty.taxCullect• en in 18W; • *:440 tid By Corn's ord'r on Road:tax Bal Road tax in Treas'rs hands, " Coin's ord'r on Cash tax "Bal Cash tax in Treas'ss hands " Cm's ord„on Bounty. tax " 13a1 Bounty tax in Treas. • hands Iniarton, To am'b Road tax. collected in .18660. . $ 367 42 Aru't Cnsli tax collected iti 1666 " . ..Aiii't.l3otintv tax collected in 1666 $ 0 272 Be Conifs order on finatfttix " Bal Road tax in Trca' s .ra - / hands Cont's under on Cash tax Bal Cash tax ih • bands , Cones urd'r on Bounty tax Hal Bounty tax in Lands • We tte suf)Feriters, Auditors of Putter Conn= by, do certify that we have exandued the Ac , counts and - vouchers of Arch F. Jones, late Treasurer of Cotter County. in Accottnt - With the several Townships of ';aid County, for the yea , ,1666, and that. the foregoing statement,. showing. the,. bnlances due to ,aid Townships (out of which he is entitled to Lis usual per centage) is Correct. ' Witness our hands this 30th dray of - ..1411'. 1e65. W. is Ge.ve, S. 11 JIABTA,• } Auditors. S PNLY LYMAN, ) Balance .Due l'rom Collectors , The . following• Statement shows the balrinr, due trove Colletoes for years prior to 1866. C.C. AII is ColleCfor of Genesee for 1863 ' 9 00. A R Stillman " Hebron " 1863 400 Hudson Hendrix " Allegany " 1864 8 93- James ttilliland (teuesee " 1864 102 04 L E , MeCtirn ltingliain "1865 33 51, 0 117 011:ey llarrison 1885 18 t-i), " Jackson " 1665 166 95. Will Ansley- " J'ike " 1865"172 3Z" Elb Lewis " UlysFes " 1865 208 4:1 ha.; '• West, Bratieh" 1865 49'411' M Bartron Whartoii " 1865 253 56- it is,expected that Collectors fur 1866 . will settle up by February Court therefore %co. names arc not imblihed, Pc ordir- of the Roard. 13. COLE. Coin's Clerk. -Commissioners' Otlice, Feb. 5, 1867: MOTHER. MRS. *lr Nurr4ing ;Syrup (f Poi TinrrLnca, Ty.rlntery, pho!ie, Cholera liforbno, Cholera to nu.ium, Fire fron NVorms, Spasms, Wind in the Stqmach and Buwe!ro, , ,&e., but =BM For Children _when Teething, Als:1) 1110DpC,E SLEEP . , I Wish fc, cull your attention to the ahore medicine ,as i,ein superior to any ever before odered the public 'far the' - nurposeA for which' we recommend it. Very 'many Children rioni their btrth aro ~ IRRITABLE, NERVBBS . . RESTLESS AND SLEEPLESS: They live in a state of nereon.exeiteim•nt ; their c,its and moans denote some functional dertement of the u.ken), which r u re , but the least melting cause, and they fall a prey to.disease. ' THE PERIOD OF ,TEETHING Is - the meet critical cif any durlug the life of the add more ehil lreh die during this period then another , cinithine•l. Accordlug to etatintics Nv Job are well aritheuthatrid, 134'entp- 1 4e out of ever); hulfdred that die under two 3:cirrs of ofje, dVroaz diseases caused by icebing Fier pri.dirCiog a 9{Fet, natural, and refreAitng , 'deep; one fioni which the child will awaken feeling relheek• eel anditrleerui, . . Plte 3.iursitig Syrup has no rqual. For the lieu4fit of mothers and nurses. wa would ad - vise you,wheii the child is restless, feveritill , thirsty, bead hot,face btueLed, toituue cooted.pult , u iuiekened, to give i wank bath. followed by appropriate core b of the Nresr.lic Byere,'and ITS MAGICAL . EFFECTS WILL GLADDEN YOUR HEARTS All we auk ik for you to try one bottle, and Ifvnu are not fnlly Fat ined after using half of if. return tt t 0 thougent and tret your Money. Try if *hen your Ojildren aro Teething, and you will find thin Syrup par-excellent. It readers that process easy and eaus,g the teeth to . penetrate the' IMMO, without E p,o'clocipg thous curostitut!onal and .ofttimes fatal symptom ,- 0 0 often witneesed m ebil(Tren. Try it in' fieryour wake ful and irritable child en: If can be given to the ranee_, delmate infant with perfect safety Ark for it end' take no-other. Vrtrce 25 CENTS ren ryirs.• H. WHEELER, So:e Proprietor; Elmira,. Orem u 1., N. Where all Crier= will receive prompt atteion. farSOX e 4 .71/0511'805,- Agentrr for Citi , pdersport , Ml,l also he Druggist; -and Country bierchanto everywhere'. ! ..I.aM4m6 • • ~ • YEMEN • PATE VT STU/kW-CUTTER , ~ THE tiiiiikrsigned having purebased the right, - . for Potter 'County, is now prepared to fur...! nish the farinrrs of the county with t 4 'S excel- : lent ;Machine. Where it has been te*d it has iiroved,itself to be one of the, best . Straw-cut ters in !Ise. Is cheap, durable, does tint get out of repair •easily, and is warranted' tei;gire sat.' isfaction. 1 J j Person desirous to purchase or, examine this Cutter, can no so by, calling at .P.i A.J.Steb-1 bins & Co's., Coudersport, Pa. 'i JAMES FitCIS:: i , ' Dec. 18, 1866.-2 mos.' 1 , • Important to. Builders rrpTIE -School Directors of Eulnlin To4nehip receive propo,qtla for the erection of a Scheel -Ilocee In Lynvinswille until the firerSlturday in, NI. , 1:.11 next. The - building to be 24 by .24 'el; to.be: budt in the meet wont:ma:dike ntifil.man 'ner. Full partioulargin iegrrd to plan, preceSclitio"i' ont•buildinga, time mid terms of pay mint be. . 4een nt the . Plothotiotary'a Office, In Caio of Dal' Batter. By order of the Board. GLACI:, IsresT, JON 1.T13 J. M. Spar.rona. 'Coudersport, Jao. 2.2, 1507.. II IBM 569 :1 $ll2 00 54 u 3 75 1`! 545 cs BEI 654. 3 19 67 $584 36. lb 20 79 5 G 4 IP4 U 4 ,t 143 to) 731 83 1770 53 $3413 9? 9t , 4 67b (.1-s Erin 1632 4S 138 IQ ta - 579. 61 EAD TKIS ELER'S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers