OOZE XVIII.--NUMBER 30. THE POTTER JOURNAL, PIJBLI , F!ED BT IL W. 211 AIAP.N:EY, Proprietor. , ~ ...Var Devoted to the us e of Repnblicanfarn, the to 11spreatsof A griodlture, the advsucement of Educatioo, and,the beet zocid 01 Potter count 3. owning no: id, 'lllscept that of linciple, it will endeavor to :ttd in the *fork of more folly VreedMnizing our Country. A war A.dvertiAirne? l , , inserte d at the followinz rat e .. incept where t , eci nlbargait 18 .9-e mole, A " , quale , 1111011tioit of Br vier or S of NOnps , ell types : 1 .guars, 1. in ertion ._. t r .-- ..... - ........ $1.50 lsquare,2 orla ins, lions - 200 Each sub-equent , insertion lees than 13 --- 1n . 00 10 1 sgaare, 1 year . —• lEhi Ines. Coriic, I year r... . ... ... ....... __ 500 A idnikialatrattie A oe Exect,tor - 4 Notice 4 3 00 Special sod Editorial Notices per line_-..-- 20 $a..111 tram: t ent advertisements must he paid in Illidtance,and no notice will he taken of adverti smelly, - ~,i,' frem a distanc. nuless they ale acconntanied . b) the looney ot satisfitztory reference: • . marj. Work, of all kinds, executed with neatness lied despatch. BUB INESS NOTICES. , 1 rree and .A. eepted Ancient York 3.l.tnion.s VJULA.LIA ODGE, \0..',42, F. A. Xi. Stated Mee:inv n the 21 an.i 4th '''ennes•lnyo:each =oath. Hal, 16 the 3,1 Story of the I .!rn-ted Bich. D.C.LisalngeSee. WM. SHEAR, W.M. ' 0. T. ELLLSON. , M. 11.. PRACTICING PIIYSICIA:C. Conde - sport, Pa.. retineetfull: informs tiie citizen, of the miff Vicinity that he will promptly re=ponil to all for profeissiimA Officio on First street, first door Meat of hit, residence. 17-40 JOHN Sr. :ILINN. ATTORNEY 'AND COUNSELLOR' AT LAW Condergiort, w]..l istiend the severui 111 Potter and ieAmeron counties. All business en trVited to his , care'srni reed ‘r. main attention. tafiecon Main treet, in re:idvnee. OLIII;TED tuld LARIZABEE. A TTOICNE 'S AT 1 - ,AW, Couder-port, l'entt'a LA. Will at ad to ail buidtim: mttru-ted to their cure with proMptness Wdl ai.m attend ths several crairts in the atij•dnintr Cowan,. °thee ht the second giorey of the Otte - :r•1 1;:ock. ISAC A BENSON, ATTORNEL'...IT- LAW, Curddrport, Pa., will Attend to:all ohtruptcd ;to tom witt. - can and protuptne.,. AVerni- Cu•o to of adjoltlinc coun tills. 0 (lieu ou StT-3.l,•treet,near the Allc,z.v.,y with!, .r. W. ik TTORNY E, ANL ) COUNSELLOR AT LAW 11 Cowler4,ort, l'A., w-11 attrad the oeu:ls l'ut - yr and the adjo'nl,-4. con nt F. F.Q. RITTER, lE. PIITSICI A N • and 'Sul ;:r.,r, ,-,•sr.,..Nny form thr -I:l,Coa:rrey.uttneil that he Ina. 4 opened tto Oinee in tl.e 'Rohe, and mid be read} "at t roes to exike pio frosionsl ctlle. lle ft re_tultir gra:ll:ate of linffolo Medics] Co leze ni 15,7 e.). .Tan 1. ELLISOS A: TiIO3IPSON. D EALER.; in Dropq, 01:5, f„, : ino. and Fancv arfic,os, all kiitds—Scti,x,land Ls, Slan/lings o/d Jowe lry I.e:. 31,14LER at. Ne.sk.l.2llt'SF.T. ATT"E...S-AT LAW, iii.Rl2 , lm , G, rt•ra'n,.— Agent. , ,for the Collvetioti of Cul,:i , mqvtit at the United ....A.ate. ind -tate ~.overnment-,.u., B•usity,ArrOra of Pay,&c 95, ~rrtslolys W 1.-VILLER,I J. C. ..teAL.f.i:NA:ti • -i '_II. In 314rALARNEr. MVAL ES - t I'ATE alai P INSU. CS C E ?ME:CT.— L.-md noqght. a514t..7 , i!, 'l'...tes p.,id :.!:.1 Tit!e, j . itivestignteci. Inenreelpropet ty ez.::in . -1. 111 ein ill , lit-1 companies in the,conycry. :sea ~r 1 l'el,-:1,:lin-t Arc! dente In the • rAvt , ler.,' L.,:ttr.Ln^o Co:aratty ~f" linrt• Mimi- BttAlneps trittee.;et ~.., 1 prornytly- -- 17-fn ' . . t i -------- P:.4. STEnIIINS A: C 0.., . ar4 in Dry Goo lq ' ' Fanry 3fl E r56114' l, 4 .' G roc r ri %. Pio vi .. :on -...F: u a r, FeL' , /,POli. Sala ovemt.filitg usu.dly 1:-, in i a a , z,...i,1 cous.try store. rrOdPee -1, ( 1111 , 11t mild f..1c1 1 ; 1.'9 • C. U. 5131310N 4 .. • ATERCriksrn—WELLSVILL'E N. T..lnle• n Rale Retail Dealer in 11/6' Goo IS, FA:ley Staple Good liClothin2,l.,Ue=l),-,4(i•,11, ro,erio,, Feed; et,e. li-taller, =applied ,71 r:11 term.. C2I.II.BLES S. JONES. i AIERg e I A I C r r , rel A t o g. n P G a ,, ir o n u t S !I firocprit4,•Sc.. Main S',ro..t, P D. E. OLMSTED. • yEßcn4x-r7„Deas2.r in Dry Cl •thing, (...rockery, (sin ,enes. 1- Hur, Fmni, j rora, Provi4ous, 'Main 2troet, t, . C.OLLLNS I.OrER.CTIA.NT —Dealer iu Dry GooF. Proviiions, ILL rdsca, e, quee. C Ut:try. ; and all I.inat's mn.i in a ctl?ritry nt ore.ll'6l, 11. .I. OL,ISTED, AARDIStARE Merchant, niiii 'l'l,i'it, in S.altc,,' Tin aizLi S - etiro::.Wdru.SinifiFtree,,. end, i i •purt:, Pen::; -t. 'r; 70 I ShedTrilli War - nvide tci •rier, in gcpl4 2l A , 3 . 1-; on c , ,,,t f , 4:,,.. • . . • CIiEDEILSPORT I toTr,L. . • . . C.VEIINI I Lti EA,P , orr.ll - . , a. Cori.er c.f ]hill ' . ~,,i d :54....c0nd t t r t ,t, Co ,4,•At,o:l,Porter Co.l'a. I A L,wery, St , thle is all,' k...pt in eon. ,c:ion vnth thin; Hotel. I)3ily Stay..e.: To and from the li.tflro-..h.,.. i POite! Journal Job-011iee. n _ AVINd added 3 fine new 3 . , ..,i0rti - rier,t of ! ! JOB:TYPE to our rOrri!Cy ! ftre ,art, n ow prepared to do 1:n0A of work, ehvari,Y •nd with tnnte Itn , l rearm.-F. 01:0e F prd ic ;' LynnAN rHousE. Lewisville, Potter county, Pennsylvania. -DricroN Prorirlc,tor. 113. j taken this excellent hotel, tur pro:,tor o make the acq3aii,tzttlce of the traye:we pttl , !ie and eels ennfid,int of •ziving ati,f.tction a:t ~rnu note all on hint. t Feb 1 t?..T.C . 1 tf ' . - MARBLE WORK:, -4 4 • -- 1 , 1 A 9 e . II .i i.., Monuments and Tarnb-Stones '(460 of all kinds, will he furlns!led on`rw.sona gm bin rerun and short no :e. ..y ~...-,—.., , t,1 C. Brel3llllC. • MilLfil Residence: Eu:alia, 'Ile: mil , s south of ''.=-""---- :Coodersp ,, r l , 3'a., on the Sianemallo“ing Rdid, or leave your larders at the Post (1f1ii.,... fvfYi DAN BAKER Ti,ESSION, MU N:TV and tV A R CLA 111 .A.C.r!'iNCY Fensious procured for Soldiers., of the present Sr who are•dleahled he- reipaai of w.intds received ordist,•tse chntraeted while in the so mei - , of the 1%4,1 State, -• and pensions, bounty, :oil at re, s of pat' ob tained-for widows dr heirs ( .. rj; those who have diet or -been t Hied while 'in sera ce. A:l letters if ingirry promptly auswere I. and on receipt hy mail of a state „moat of the case of clai•nant, I will forward the,:e eeuars papers for their F' , ..tnat a re. Fei•-• in Fetish) , ..eases as fixed by law. • Refers to Ha s. Isaac Dert-hrt, A. la r Olmsted., John S. Munn, and F. tV. Ka l u; Esq DAN BAKEt, June 3 64- Claim .gent. Coudersort. ra. ....____ • - • l -- , Itch! Itch! Itch! -SCRATCH! SCRATCH SCRATCH v.l WIEUEATON'S OINTMENT, *lll Cure the Itch in 4S Hours! I Also cares SALT RHEUM, I_7I.cEI:S, (NITTA BLAINS, end nil ERUPTIONS OF TUE Price 50-c , tits. For on,le to: 4irozzi,•ts , . llc F 60 teats to WEEKS POtTER. 4 rite 170, Waabinirtoa strect, Boston. it fo,warlea by an2, - ,part of L . :it L'..lit , ;iiStatei ,11 , itto 1,1168, iip.notice IrLy 15r. I ' ' (...L ). • i 1 , ,-- ___, , t r . t 4. ll‘oloH' . 4' 0 11(1., 4 4 1111 1.......)<5.,Y. i . I ---,-- -- - -,- 4 4 1 if TITO' It 4, gileilliii - e qro ifetbs. ITN LATEST STYLE. I Sali - aladylt'ollier day, Trip past thy ofnce door, Bedecked wtis she in lateit style One never, limit before. Her .iat was jest a little mite, (1.1 think fqey called it May Queen.) A ribbon boT, a puff of lace, While rus-htids peeped between. 1 A little Facrflie wght Jti,Fr reached her*waspy waist, iTwas' very atrial!, but who would dare TO say tivel lady laced I Her ;silken robe all flounced and trimmed, Sthight contact with the ground, And she to sliow the skirt beneath, ...Festennt , tl" it all mound! Thai snowy skirt all striped with black, I saw it itj a trice ; And then I.le 5. dainty gaitered feet, Slipped out and in eo nice I Her Idnbs WJ.re small and tapered down From herfrarter's crimson loops; Now do not stare for she had'on The farno• s' -tilting hoops."' And then b r head was sueh a sight; coils of piaci] hr Iwn NCH le here 49:1 there a curl C'amellut ' ileriag, flickering down I The front wds darker just a shade, But then 'a was tortured iu ! Ten thOusanil little crimpy waves' • With "Eqms"'pateut pin." - • ! Hei• swinging skirts, her tossing bead, • Her generp.l haughtair, just made Me drop my scribbling_ pen, And wondering. sit and stare} And now y91.111g men who've iell in lore, Don't maliry her, for how Would such la creature ever make A patient,lfaithful "frow W TEAR It was New •ioli bad con ado a rendez• is frienus, oo en no morni re out for a -enino•, and l; td its Lin>he me social pa, nna Leigh's , en a euston, any years tol )d pretty tno need to come and part. •t "out;" bat t take her p. been regular} tonths prey: The little girls, heart Bch fire a party, ll to thr tle-• upon his name ;Three. „gentleman, ere deep . . eapp,. he had won tihe pureelevotion of a noble . i tell anyboily else," he Muttered, as his ', - , - ,. t e - „, - n - a r n , - . j - i, - h - e - - c loud • •Three. year: glided away e land Leon Mark- :day eaisalWas be found in. rpright heart in return. From a child, sister left the room. "Come t birdie, pet Could she have thowelit him the neworthv i imiciaimed him C o , il:tin . had visited in the bril World' wltere; He ie a festive burd; and; don't lan - Tild Leslie ha I been her favorite corn 3-our arms around my neck, and I'll ca rry matt flit! public voice,. , ?zillion and friend, anti uhen be certne to yo' to your room." , • ' • 0 ee I t {roger: l H'' I lido ' - Le, she haa pride enough to hitve thrust "(1`1":' insu pp ortable'Tye (*) ..! w et ) e , . ter to plead f,r the sweetest title man wins She dung to him fondly. This was a his love from her heart, even if she broke:- LT.l'Own .when te hope Thus 'the o% I is a mistaken emhlet, i rom wo,nan, ac put no •mask over face or love she could confide in, pure, true; un- it with the. rupture; bat he:. faith was noo, had made his love life beautiful wee wres- :solitude anal sa news, if we dig into bisj lent, but . le him read the love in her; from her infancy! Her little fig-; vet shaken. There was some mystery ,yet :ted frorn him, and he had keandeied away . tare cloeely.is mphatically one of the b l oice and eyes. It was a match that sult-l' ore nestled into his stroree arms, as he'' .._•• to be explained; lie had been fetccel, per I • y el in quest of change and :exciteme nt: 1 t 'and belorees to the club. I lel "'L I . wealthy;well b 11 • - - dad; _r. ..es le was we orna lifted her from the sofa, and her head sank hap., td. join his father, implicated innocent. early •-I he 'I• ' h was winter, an , teas in ta y,w en, I winderincr one day through the. streets of' "That Baby I nd gentlema ily; sweet Auna Leigh was down: wearily vet trustingly upon the I . ak 1 She new nothing of business err:to-re- I ' e the only chili' of a millionaire a!lady in broad sholutler that never yetturned away '.'" ' ; ' Rome, he met wirat seemed to ; hi m ;t h e • ' i I • ; merits, but she was Ore he Would return , • • , The editor of the Attica Ledger has. Iresition - , oluiation, and birth. *So the' from its pressure. ; yet, unspotted, and prove his innoee., ncej - . 'thaclow of Harold Leslie. , There was a' ' ' 31: d ' a bran new bab e . bear him: ouree of true, love ran very smooth, and j "Yee," lie said, as he put her on her N ea rl y 1 incnnetit's pause, then hand gm - Le-ee uan , a rear had passel, and no news, •• ; i "Titer B-1131' ----We have so nitily I is Anna pinnl i ed to her dress the bouquet i bed, and sat down beside her, "3,-es, P et ' ' .had b oblai lof thedefaulters-The! in cordial pressure. . : , . - - • sent that morning, she had no thought ofj see what vour eves are asking me, and I bank . Been closed, • e d ,the d... "You are ill?"' was Leon's first p ies ; friends asking about that - baby, that . 'rectors trying, • . • j have thought ',it nee-assail' to biceeraph • - inv jar in th smooth current of her happy 1 will tell -oil all I know. Better tell you , :ink was • i'.e. Before another New Year dawned than hate y ou . in a brain fever with con he hoped to be a happy beloved wife, die e jecture. You see they ca'cu'ated to have ; • - pensing, the 1 ospitalities of her 'h us b an d' s i twenty-feitir hours start, its this is -a hell liou.o. ' .1 (Icy, but there was some suspicion rousee , ,to meet some of the i clzums upon them.l ' Execrations against the "I have . been Ma - name of the pie • ! ' ''' ''' ! - e be: eieez e : 1 I Hope ,chap brieflv, mei iteinewbtit after the cur 1 1 1 - ' P 1 so," was the desponding; answer. cli ow : style . of ; the day: l dent lied gone up froin merchants crippled; l on g •• . cell left h Q . 1 12 I „ • I. or ruined, from widows and orphans bee- , fei - . , smee t e .., • tes • • 1 o ' I Nearly three years, : _ • I Tee a boy:. . 1 .. 1 He's a "bdster:' tred, from 041 men and worn n who had di and a tia 'r by Mr. L , :slie's proceedings vesterlav, and; g' '. . - e ❑ . ' I "Do you bear often?." ; „. Weighs nine porin -aq de e been years toiltne for the sunk invested I toarav some of the director= went to th - • otl Woincri tell Us that he will g'rovr 11 , e , from sufferers and sympathizers, till Anna's! e : ler as his weieditiinereeses. eerie, too late to prevent; but in time to 4 . ~ 1 cower• andshrink •-' I f ,pondent. , , , I went fa , o.eart , wohe , en, ~e, i rein a Ile'S•tire first baby of whielf *fs tfrivi discover the abduction. They i "Then roue= my ► father? I did'not 'Mow ; whenever the name fell upon her; huit e___ ' '' i ier been: proprietOr, and of course is the once to the house: - The old crentleman ' I!!°w ' . 'ears. Yet in her hear e ,, • t she ("eve the lie 1 . left early in the moreiree. Harrold at noon. "\ `'hat ? lam your frieed, liardld " :Lahr in town. n 1 to every woi 1 that touched her lover's good i It is a bad business! If it was only a nun- _ I "Mv father died, you know, in Floiencel The old Women before Mentioned de ey loss, pet, I would, nor play the stert , name. . I !three menthe ago; of malarieue, fetter: •.1 'lihn "the:very iinage of his pa," • i father to your love, but diegreces has never! _ titer,• - itel fell biO•co ' the' • ~ . '- ' •, - I • - - I Surnmet was .. ~, i. e .]. i had .never found him, in al the% y.ears, l e . .,1% little.copy 4 t f his faithful sire I touched our name: : i Leith; from Newport' to Leib Houseetheir ! but he Sall: my namelet ' e et„ - .. i , la face and g•-•tnre. ,, .. 1 . "And shall not, through met It will be ! city h ome. It was an old fashioned home-! there and :sent for me.- It ;is a long story,! but in jestice to the youth, we mitsi PIT a hard fight, fatlieL, but I will lice it :eteed, built iluring the Revolution, before I Leon;' sphere %vas something aliauetlpiti- Iwe think him an improvement orr )lie' g= down " . i the city was rrnr: - e than a village ,--and, i -n ' fut in the pleading ey!es h i e raised td hie! Inal—a world of pron Tess, you iiiicitir. t ~ ‘‘"l"hat's my hrav ' girl! Shalr.=anti the. - 4 . 1' 11 5 of 11. !o'ler 11111 Vr4eir:Emt;i0 "d'lithlrr'''' f_innti's. face': ; ; • 1 This Young America is as old as Coral} loviree voice san k a whisper—“shall I.• it retaiaed its eld title still.. Anna's lace ; "dome io my room, and tell me ;all."' be expected, considering the time hel *as; , ' say a prayer for n y child to-nielit?" i hal. changed in these months of 'suspense !said Le on .. •th is no idle enriOsitY proMpti, born, ano will tionbtl eS be too old for. Ins "Heee—no\v—p: pa.''' i and trial. . From a caieless child she bad! me.' ; ' ; !father in e few yea , - if he has good luck; tlerteditful And while the e rho of the band p lay in g . becomea e ;woman, bearing a se ! It was but a short walk, 'and When'ioncej lie is qeite reticent on politics, and on'y . jcret sorrow bidden from every eye. The i t ; want, to be let alone. a Stranes waltz can elloating up the broad : the tale was commenced, Harold; pour'etr j staircase, and the f t int" sound of movino , lanhing eyes of old were now earnest and forth id terse; hurried word ,- ' 1 J We think he favors Mrs. Winslow" Foi- • ! grave; the smiling s lips fiimer, the ' face leth in the evening when the word I feet and merry voi es mingled with the- I He hail found upon his table, on that' je.Y. • eg accents, upon Jamee Leigh's! music, in the room bore the father Faced! I withdrawn a little from his;, that the toting girl • fir Whose pleasure the:! mobile, yet sweet and winniug • ood leoleireg 'over the roam' gayety hiel been wrtk.ened; Might have! winsome and lovely preesion of dignity. ; A tiny woman,, but . ; bidding he her dignified grace.; . in its exh 1 fatal New Year's day, a note from his altherj We haven't named him yet We rani' him farewell, and hinting at, his to g-,ive bins a distinguished cognonsete but. crime. At once ht had follOWed hini, h e t! the fame of:Our great men' is at ffrreelai sell 1111111 my brow and firzuly-set lips. !strenelb to bear tie sorrow that eveniug! Leon Markham WorehipPed lien. It is' was too Lite to each the EuroPeart steamer precarious that % * *Ve doiff, like, the risk.f le a . i had brought to hei; happy iifte ; not too i-treng a word to paint the cri.,Vdon-j.from New• York. Waiting unti4 the elev., ! It is perhaps unneceesary to say, est elf - - I e.C.' es it Mr: II tinter said, just, nose: aeny of the .gtieets had departed be- i ate adoration lie poured forth at her feet ;he had tried for three years to Ind Norrii biographers do of dieeinemished pe., ' 'dee 4 Leslie. Harry is not here!" 'fore the host ente ed the drawing-room !He bad guessed son ethiner on that New! Leslie, and the last year published his' that "the Yds . :ref of this sketch" %'•'&0 bone , ence whispered low, as if the' again, and soon th quiet of the house We - _-;! . Ycar's niglrt, whets he mi.ssed her from the; name wherever he went, hoping it Might jat a very earlY age, of poor I, - ' 1 )ked her. -r.l tell von ta-mor ' unbroken, save by he stealtnv feet of the j room, but her reappearance, a foe days lter,' catch hisilatner's eve:. The one aini and ! bee parents.'" Alice now, chid; and see here, servinite , as they in de all fast before retir-; her gentle loveliness all unchanged, with i hope of his life he'd been to persuade hie! e too stiff to Yonne. Marlellain ; in,. In the cold ,ray light of the early !only a dignity that might be the throwing ! father to restore the! ill-gotten wealtbl andl• SOM'ai Poor fellow who has been lilted, t ' } L i'• stock. •No swindlers in whiter Morning, alone: in her moat Anna' i'•ide of chirdishneee,: completely deceiving: crerr his. aene. At Florence he was[sum- IWe should judge, and brought to gri r r b• :11 be bound." • Leigh looked upon her dead P:mt infd . her ; fil th . He Intd none of the claim of child i Moiled to Norris Leslie's deathbed , . and! some fro r one, thus revenges his virprigsi what is it? Tell ine now: future - . She was a very fairy in ' fe...7e and i hood's acquaintance,- for he had come from 1 gaiiied his:point. All that was left df the l "Eve did rotknow ai tritfch ash ' Iv: er up 'h not wanted. Come into the foil; this little heroine of mine; was ~mail, I a•New Eng,lanil home -A ' vso fraud I n -; obtained was h sent , the me, u e ti e •0 1 ters of pr es ent day. Had they ,beert I grateful,and wonderfully vette: Het !city but a few yeard be trusty trends te A.lneriee; butt unknown' in her place, instead of being deceie thef • n ew, child, to•morrow." I deep blue eyes were . childlike - in their frank ! every thing to laver rem. his S'yn, his fat'ser had also t!rarren i iitted ; would have deceived the devil." I father, Dome now." ' i . . 1 innocence; and roarer her shmilders clue:,ers: . family Were good, he 51 letter, clearin g the young rna'n's game' face, imploring eves, and they of sunny curls fen like a shower of golden i talented, sn without muel err rill blame, stating his coursenindj amp- I HEARING a physician remark: thaidisMaii l e ony in the.voice were more 0134 i threads. From her , babyhood she had , James Leigh for permi.:.,Si titer could resist. ( „Rductant'Y i known no grief. Her mother had died be- !daughter. eioneratiree 'him frem any share ih the blow would break the nose, a ruetip ex: • 1 indle, or klowledge, of its co Itertalk i claimed : 'Well, I dunnoabolit thaft i No! 1 the ham! that led him from : fore ,tie had learned tOiisp her name, and 1 The falser Wasele:igh; I I blow; , .d my nose a Treat number of t-- -- It before- the library was gained I her father's widowed Bidtor had filed her chance to blot out entire) story. and I've over broke it yet." .• The lArge hoar by the+ Morton find _ f their flies , time to rime But the eyes will never I'o .Thule orl d hours passe) fur in the In one voice th heart covet morning he self, lull of li possible to b: him in those impossible tt nerative nee from er si( "Father!' It was latd fell, in plead ear. He ha Lrnects and with a Qi - g o "What about Norrisl The last sent utterance chl row. God: Anna, don't Lie comes of Nis family, . I "Father, ; Come, we al library." ' "To-mori; "Now. 1 The whit st~ppres=-ed tjhe lovinf2; f: lie vieided t I the room, b i_)eboteL) to fife l'fi•itieipies of Irtie, Dzipoelleg, all file Disschiirptioli\) mower COUDERSPORT, POTTER COUNTY, PA., TUESDAY JiItiUARY s '2.9 1 1.867 AT LEIGH HOUSE. 'Year's day, and ;Mr. James ented to his Louse being_; , ous for all his pretty that erening.-Tfiere had g receptions; but invitations urge social meeting in the ore than one pretty face . deepened by the thought of l iner with whom to dance at N ew Year's party. It had -} of fir. Leigh's sister for have this annual g'atherincr herless Anna had been al i down in her simple white k of the festivities, a though this year the young I was .ace as the hostess,r haring! niro liiced into society 'a few:. ns l y. Mutter of expectation that l ole and free, experience be-' dad given place with Anna hiippitiess °florin , where ,ariors were piled at an eritly invited guests, and as 11drsH nna greeted one after another the elder lady had scareely a missitig, link in the chain.. f love, watching for one face,l Het to note its loss, though the besides crowded' round. The] heavily to the young hostess,l illiant throng there was not t could make the music her Where was he? In IN: Itad called i his bright, manly l e, and vigor. It seemed ini lieve that any ill had befallen few short hours, vet equidlY, think anything but an Mil t, ss ty could have kept him his arm was mound found the young girl's waist, to keep the trembling,shiveringfilrure froM falling, i"ls Harry dead?" she said as he closed the door. "Dead! no! Better it he were!" "No,M), father; yon cannot have such desperate;news as that for me I" "Anna, you must tear-him from you. heart, blot him from your life. Norris Leslie absconded to day with the funds of thelbank 'of which he is president—be is a sWindler.t— "But, father, Harrold I" • "His son accompanied him.", .She dropped !at his feet as if the :sentence had: shot her dead. "It is a pretty mess, nito7ether" mut tered the merchant, as he lifted the little! figitre in his arms, and carried it to a sofa, "and my little pet will be the worst suti•ier. I'd dike to have them for one hour," and he ground his teeth together "Now; if I call folks in, this *ill be all over town to morrow, :md I won't have Anna's name bandied about in this connection: Fortun ately the engagement is not much • known. Anna! darling! Alma!'' But therewaS no answer to his laving As pale as death the girl hay, uncon !scieus of her father's voice and braving caress. Crushing the bright dress and IthWers she had put on with such dainty care to please the eyes of him she loved, she hty cOti and insensible like a crushed Anna! Speak to me, pet," pleaded her father. 'I must call Kate. Confound !the fel'ow." ;!And alr. Leigh strode off to the parlor to find his sister. Of ccurse she had to be hunted up, as people wanted in ;a hurry always do, but be fund her at ; last, and, taking her place, sent her, with a whispered caution of quiet, to the library. Utterly ignorant of any cati.e for the I illness, the good lady vas bewildered to find her niece` in a fainting fit on the sofa ; fl unlike the gay pretty little belle of an hour previous as it is possible to imagine Aler womanly skill and tenderness soon • put the proper remedies to work, and when the father returned a short time later, he f . ,oUud Anna conscious, but evidently un !able to face her guestS again that evening. Li" I'll carry her up stairs, Kate," he said and you must !mite. the best excuse you "But what is the matter ?" inquired the lewildered lady; "To morrow—rll tell you to , mcrkotf. Go back now, and make the best story you: can. if she don't know 'herself she can't , ,t - . , . , • 7 ---- . place from the hour of her wir , the prior engagOent; if—if—his thoughts "I never' kneW of the letter [ill I t r. her tall magnificent father most' halted over thee if. Anna's demeanor was published in ihe ------e— Gazet te, salt' - . worshipping love, Anna :h: i paid not. that 'of One who had forgotten. Yet ; old. "My . father is buried in Florence' 4 4f: by the tenderest, most car ceetion he , Was Sincere when he bade Leon .Mark 'der his owti Dante. IHis asstimed otie . waii I .. .t. ever . bestowed upon a chit: ended 1 barn\ go -d speed .i his wooing ; , . !onlydropping e surname; and it IS , , tb br the purest Christian int ices, _ ?cre e l I wish I could paint for you thli young; corded on the hittel register & Norris." ligion hall been one of the beauties of herlNew England 'gentleman, wholoved Anna; 'But what, are are you doing!" life, erildingr and refining all else.. Tlie, ; Leigh. He was handsome, yet it w a not I "Pairititig ptirtf.aitd. Yeti pout dim . the I've that had grown so unconsciously fmere ontline \ of feature that made his fade ? too. I fear,' but I manage to live. ~, - in her heart was almost a childish passion .8 winning. There Was a .Charm in the I - "You will rettirn, now, to your lacime!' so lOng ago seemed its commencement-lear - st expresien of his full dark eves, ai "Never!, I—in fact, Leon, you dot. t. As she sat in the low , arm-chair before' feelli of securiiy, in the play of the bean- I know all." . , the fire, on that cold morning, she let' her tiful m uth, a beauty of expression that "But I know This," lie: answered, firmly/ thoughts dwell upon Harrold as• s h e h e ., I made trust cling instinctively ito this man , though the words seemed to burithisi lip.: lieved him to be. The tall, manly fiegure,lwhereverdie went- He was . that rarely 1 "Anna Leigh trusted you through A' the frank, opeh nice, the; voice, ringing, and:Perfect rain 'nation, a \Christian gentle- , and loves you still " ' cheerful; not one Memory was' there of an I man. ;\ ' r . "Leon! Yon would net . deceive the act or word that vras not open and frank as I • Hir e , • I Seeing these wo in the ilright attri- "I had it froth her own . .the sunshine. Herold Le.slie a sivindler! belies of their he:ir s, you sari tricture the i There Was a New Year's paOy at Lei It was Very hard to realize, and the motel torture of that inte .iew when Leon h e :l, House a few weeks after the aNtive come memory painted of his life, the more clear- !sought Anna to be his wife. - : She s admired, s - ation. It was . the fir , t, one given tritte ly she contradicted the stipposition. I respected, trusted him, ut i there . Wei hip ;the night when Norris Leslie. ran away' "It is false!" she sake at last; i n h er i love in her heart for any ut Harold:\ ,- from his native city, to die in 4 Florence; heart. "He is noble, gOod and true, midi Noting the agony on hi, .face 'she,. told I Anna Leigh was a graceful, prettye hoiii he will vet prove himself; so. I cannon she could give him only iendship, heOess e - and light has come to s, .the Womanly pity was roused, - ri, with the s;Tring to her step, for beside het stands t't grieve father by any violent assertion ofl what 'I believe, but I will wait! lam yours,, quick intuition of one noble hea re'ading' tail manly figure of one who has con t another, she threw herself • upon is gen- i Harry', Yours only. Me promise was Pot, licime to live down his father's shame, .11 „d i erosity; and .showed him her heart,. ' I his own upright life. (Leon Markham Ii made:for ft day or a week, but for life; , if you never come to etiiiii it, ',I will die,l "The whsle world believes liini tin-'there too, and if`is heart bleeds yet froii true to my first; only loYe " She pressed: wothy," she said, in conchisien, "anti Iha -e his °hi 7 4 6m15, e g ives n° si g n I °' i her lips to the diamond circlet' upon her i never, even to my father, spoken his nam I" litlie siste r, " "s she sales her ' gratell lance to his face, and than;; him for t finger, and in her heart jpledged herself to heel the fatal New Year's night, but I: : ;can be the wife of no mau: but Harold Les- ic nwning keep her betrothal vow. bleSOne - of her life. . I,' . .., 1 I , ' ' 11. -4.-41...-.......--.1... M. Leigh looked anxiously at the little he: ..! , face, as Ants came in to breakfast, but I "If Your faith is shaken B'l ha queTitioned. I \i"s lll.°ll6 " s-s P" ° 111.9 i , [ \ i she gave him a brave street smile, and lie I "If he proves unworthy, my love may I, Joili Nines Says of ottlsi--e I !die. I cannot tell, for I. he believe I Bards ' I God's clibristers. Ka: Sati,fied. I i, , "I never dreamed the little witch had ! him what the world says he is." , • . , Tew th lion he gaVe Majesty; few tl so much pride," lie sjd to his sister. I There was a moment of iilence; so' deep i elephant, Ise ngth ; tew\the fox; curiniri! "She's a true Leigh," was the proud an- , that even the breAliing oft the two die,- and tow the t er g deceiL., But tend t turbed it. Then lie rose frbm his seat and hurtle, his pets, - gave butY„and swig: saver: the stood before her. - . i And Anna only srniled, thinking "I thank ydti fdt yotir rnfldence, 7 he j ' And .none so b eat as the owl. .. . I The owl is a ga. e Egurd; he titii wi l t day Would come; When.! she inialit Confe,s that more than pride ' susta;ned lies: ft 1 said, in low, tender toner - "and from my • anythinet that wears feathers—after ciar ',heart I pray that your faith may_ prove! He is - a wise burd, , tid• hoots'est in was a sore struegle at ANL for AnnajLeioth to enter again into society soon enoughtrue." ito . • ~_.i thinos. He is a solleni c =hued. aOr prevent com She rose too, - as. he spoke; end placed tween a justice of the pea • and a er.ii.tu Her eneame.nent was so recent that no ter- .e 1 . her withdrawal. . eettire ps to - I her little hands iti his. Twice, she ttied to ; supervisor. `1 • iglu ti,l'in:rs of it, were afloat, and the New speak but the words lied onher lips. ICI He is a stiff bard ' and sits .. Ye . ats' party, planned that the loving father had been an hour of intense mental: pain, 1 exclamation point. I organized and felt t • He is Ja luxurious burl, and . feeds inieht introduce his intended .sor-in-law j"nd she was delicately such keenly. , .1 ,i , ',Springr chickens. to his friends; had passed witliout any sus- l ' , piciMi being a'roused Of the failur, of its I "1 am Your friend ?" he askel. , - 1 He is a long-lived turd, and neV .r . main object. The fists crept wert ray to I "3ly brother," she said softly. I 'known to take death natrally. t!i) bear :You, YOU, my life is at the-rad of my little .sis- , bileing 7 , "So be it. Remember, if I can. serve He is a.hardy burl, and grows tut'' the (-Yirl's darkened life. In vain she 1 I duty ' de, reli brou;;ht pride, religion anii tipoii her heart; there Was still ever present, Ehe bitter, wearing sense of loneliness and pain. She loved he-' father fondly she: med her aunt, but she bad given tb Har old a deeper, stronger rove than eitlier, and her heart cried out against the crud sep 01 ter," and be bent over her and hissed the, 'an honest burl, and alwuz s. sunny hair rippling frotri her low broad an opt. countenance. forehead, lind so left _her; comforted a.p,d He is It prompt burl, and satt-fizc soothed. to car-y away !his own au•ony, oast hid outstanding bill. and fight door the bitteirst torture T.lf his' lie is a cornfortable burd, and; al , life. Said I not "truly this was a Chri,t.:iin sleeps in featli6rs. ' . He is an attentive bard, and dufia' It was a Ion , " sal to TERKS.--$1.54 - FEh f i . 3 i~ Il ,4s stiff as or , I the got ind We the -uf anti .M3l pt er ,,, dy 2321
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