Constipation. 11111 E POTTER COUNTY JOURNAL A cEr.T.Nis AND habitual EWA - TO EFFEUT 11AkENT CURE. Some occupations if life predlopone to Con•ivenenn. e .,Apncially these which allow but little ex , rcine. Per: „ tut , who contract t tie unfortunate . obit o f b o dy, hunder such circutu,t,lncen, might po-sibly be felleaed . . . by changing their selent ry employment, for at hea, of a laOre active kill '; lan thiS i 8 in tin , Ineatin car ; • ......... The , camp, the Batue../iem, aid the .11 . 0 ,, pi... tail:. 'labium) eooetiiiiiiion it: a very ohst rt :le di, lv ., • - Dr der All the ordir tp,y".-Ao.called rent -dire invarially ' tat; or Light's 'aid Sh' adczes of the d-reiit Rebellion; agg ravate it. Nothing can be more inju clone than •_ the title of a nett and interesting work' frurn :hr continued u-e of strong ari peent:A, , Tt , e , at 11 ,, t is irritate, and titoily I !most paralyze the,,bowels-rea- •• . tVe pen o' f Pr. L. P. Broeltott, and published by daring them so torpid that ennAmous (Mites of callmr• 'pc Medicines have at, elreet upon them. A mild the National Publis' ing Company, 307 Minor aperient.' combined wlth a gentte ,tiznulant, h'l the ' St, Philatie'ohlrt. ft is clecoted to the gossip, true ia•nie , ts- . , a. d a adithinal ion in the haphied Ida - ' - l, portion, of these ite_redientn, it fot:mi In IThSTET- . the fun, and the pathos of the war, matter which l'Eftl.3 . BTomAc 11 HITTERS, This- famon, titom• I • - 1 „ He ; will riot r.l-ci - tear iiithe'regular histories,and will \ achie int'gorate, ii e whole intestinal cal al', quietly removing font - it, roneutution, all impodt• , be, found nir.ast,.,,, reaijing. see ',advertisement 1111011+ to a free pa .:alg ol e throu g h th e m . No m e, e' . t ,- purati•Ce has thin ctble operation. ''S ali ion. o ordha ty :of Agents ;Wanted in our , adrertiSing 't (awns. 1.. ,timutt etfeeta It e d eeired o bi,„ l . C, A . e , ..f Om. 'upsilon abanAloniti , as /ICI, el. n- by- dn-dingen,hed I 1 31 A G'l7., I N ES—We furnish ;the following medical men have i e-n i,ured in a few week- 1-v the Bittern. Ti those ho lave tried all the nredicintor; named pu flications for the amounts set oppo of the dispensary n vain. we nay try ;his free,i-t, oe ,j., IL,ii r ;. e , ,,,: na t mines. rersohs desiring fo , stimulant and aperi:ot. There le• no tdlftivient re : -o n ' 1 ”' ' • A . . 1 why ConntlPllthlm thrill ',.• the con-ettne, Ce of ~,, ii- subse.;rihe ~hould attend to it itnzhediately : lentary habits. 11l STETTIE'S BITTER ,I „ Lc sup plying the vigor w del, would otherwbe be tier ved , 1 I : l,l l l ”l4r t tt .' Mag2zille ! .. $3 9. 5 from exereise, will in all ca-es- en al le the ey.t. mto ' I talryer',, Weekly, , 1 ; ' 3 9,5 perform its excet.orylllaello,,n n; liiari), all.l lie:tia.- I . ' 3 •)3 Alit:mite ;11ohtlily, . folly. v" Laliiija Friend ,. ' . , ' 15i F . T Ayers ilerry Pvel oral. rte PIP CURE. ~ .1" • of• - Lori her , l WY. Burt, ''rent,, "IP • rim ri!vi - 7;‘ 4 from the driver,l Am fierrin•ztt , p, ;1-'l°'"( irr S it 5 - morning; :Ina a cou v,vtepfire, Pit %it iit'S irr utit-aitn'tl 4, " gi ' ris iiiju ' r ' ilig 110 TLC: Wag , )11 Ce ! ughl, the re!lief stay , i tithe d c . i) wide is the fa ors are its ott F the cuuntry are p b•-en ra,dured by n d4:ease , of the lub itrucer every Ott . escape °l:serval it the public no ploy - fur the distrc the pulnbulaty ors many true iur rent tare fant,l ;tod hr ever: trial, yen can raver tourer. ai abd Pan rcnbarhabli We ran ',sure fully Izept up L. - tray he retied Cu b, e:re r done. e FI ,nrl that it. a' o.vor own, w?." Loy , : t:rind,,lfy.eri-lr, , r e7:1, - ,•1$kr:111: in too aprart 71: to wLerei7s :ite Z... ern- ttAe -snr; .14 , 1:11::_vr.”), nIT. C:101, to v c rli th,tl , l tli r, tla coninraWty ,1,,,ir , ',..1.2)/ , •irt,..z.4ir •,ts n:, )erele,ce! cures ter, :Ju1.,,r0u,, r f:r_o::cn 1.~;` . ft•. do ,v for 11,er re'd, BEM G refit 11•1111 .,. r, 111.'11, and 0:11 , 1" t`T 1 , • c, , ,•;;•2.- • Th. Au our An - P..:en,. A •trith c:ro , cure. EMI r .• •in” 1 , 11- r;,2, Tho-e r'fi the 1.1,, I i! to . I .C AV rrtprti , a I , y I WI L 3 1 , 01 , 11 , y II everywllL:rt% I-:XECUTI 1:+11 ( FRIGHT te done urn!, to t1:111a, = MEI rch nc r.d rs 2, ME t , :1 T; C!SF I c.r: /STA /10 'nf q'All9i:(. .`,,1 ;• 2111 , :iLd , crumNG AGENTS NEM I l.•. ~'c-r. V iPOUC)IIS PLA, r 1,1; T:11: Vc , )111.1) nrotlki vrs Ai!cock 13;1::3T STr:EN!. A.lleooiN 4 LlT ' t i.y arl6llllleln 1 t, tu%, • N. I) There ig :tothi t It, the abtita tit IMIZEIM _ le d ulu' t.O .~,;i.:u, ~, ~. rein ee 31,1 art. they alford f , r:o J. F M, 1., on "1 , , . . • A N SI. M. I , „Ek..r I Front cau ',1..., 'llia: 1,1,7 u,a- of a 1,!a., A. A II • Agebcy. • •Fiold bv till D:1 ORS or Vice' E EREZ ,11:1.•:i f.T,r .1111, . A. Gent:,lna:: I Debility, youthful ' d'rt.ct!ol, =I fk , r 1-I.N Ni , EXPE:I;II•:tit:E. “I.' the aucirciec TuE , AN IN, 1.1 , • y 1,, f-r ]fen arol Pr,:na:nrc• 1.),' - nainVll:lll2 Ihr qtlredl,7ll-t'f 13y ~1 =1 1 , •-• I. • 1•' :N. ”11 ‘ ,1 NiANIE • 1. 11,-o •T -) BIUT S'ilt. t! by return' 111.1,3er,j1z-,•,1. IBM DR. TOBIAS' ti:tn .1 niruc•nt •-• Ve n 1 - i II EEO liE ERE =EI , I bk 1 ". : “•• "' ••.: rrz, Irr • be Ve,c: Iv • I , 0' P - ' • t I NENE MIME MIESIIIII I• • ME MENEM =I Mr To all wit": for, prt.pal - ia;z a SI - I:I! ( L I. .d dFc; i c av=. 7. u.: :1~..• - ii v10 , 1:C11,,, a% I' . IvH TLaU. v.•;11 EDW.:II:D A. WI 1.. , •02 , 7. V.. , A LECTURE T o Ifn~elr I'.;‘..t• • A Let,trlrk,,t,:l h u., _ BEM _........ _. • • --- a _ Cure , rf 5t , ,,bi.::,::11::rw0.:.,r : 7 , ,,:11::.:: V., -, ...',:0--,. It c L :: 1 11- ro i• b.:s:. 1 l'flncir a l office, if o. 15, North rolunt iry E.::11 : :-lor, ::.:._s:: .: ' , 1.,: ':; ,:,:•:, I::::••••": L:i.ii 'i:tre,f. Ph:la:MI:It:a. .:L•f...r:::',.v. -N,rt, • :: 4 , , , • • ••Li Wh. i .le.4:' ' A --- t - • ti ,- •Ertiel , v an : Fin; ... 1 ..d.endtd 1 , 114 i'ny-.lsnii I ~,- _, • ~, ~ .. ich ‘ 4 1 ,1 cc Demers Barnes A; ' ',' -. ' - . • , ' .1•,- t , ,i--- r coq -I Park Itow New York • S.S.liunce, Pnetty re,ull,::: fro:lL ::: , et:....1.....:-e.: s:e. .., ..:,- .L... . _ ,_. , i2rl.viLr.wr.t.L, M. .1).. 5:::?,,,..- „ Ll ' th,. L.:-.... : :: I:o.,:-:. se 11:::.:;I:altiniore St.,Balttmore, )id.: Jelin D.Park. The world re,nwn.l,l:::./111,1-, ;111. 1 . I ,d • : , dm _:-::::, 1.,t-C -.:\ -. F.. corner of Fourth and Walnut St.. Cincin .llre, clearly r0rt..,,,fr . , :11" !ti . - ••WI, 1_,;;.c . r.••,..,...11.:.1... t ' 1-1‘ 1 . ••n•oil i )'W111;or ..t: Taylor, 124 sax! 1-38-Wa -4,-..,n1 c, ,,, itl,lick•sot =,,....:0,z1,•n,..k i•o , :..,..,..4.: Ie• •• . • . c .. . 11.0ved Witlllibt I.lll2d.eitio n and .0... 1 .1.rd1l • 1 1 .1:11.frrc.4,.... tr- dta,,,, „:‘,..% , . , ~ 1 ., 'enut. , liteaw, ill • Collins Brothers. •zi.,C.opertti6r.s.l,,,uzl,..r Tez,.if,:•:11:::•:,::-.o , .. •:Li,..!.. ~,,..i.h.,,.„., c ,,,, (r , c ~,,, c e,, a ci and v ine ~.i.,:t.i., Si. point. tvz out ;, Cro ie ofctlre az 0:1., ::.•r:::: . :.k::.:`,., 11••:. ~ ,,, , i ,. m.... [ l lllw.ea_mo.llyrOcr2,2 ,!.i,i, every 1-1111 1 trer, littln::::L . : - A:LI , I.: 1 -rd ..11 1 t• 1 . t i 2 0 , :y ti v. 7,10 curt. I. itile,-:1 ( . !,i...p77. : r:1•:,7,-'y. :::/.:. r 4 dicar.y. 'Fro, !ecture ,v)7l prove .i i,,, L .:‘,1,,,,,u,:n.1, ...,,, Sad thou,awie•• . • , S.-tri, ur, ler:, i I,iri a wain ei1v,_.1..,:”..‘!c.:,,y a I•lrc,=. MI trry(..n - agoi urgent ; v needed by everybody. _. 110:11,4 On rvt.t• ~ 1 •,f ` -ix ~:,t,,,J:.1.kj 1,,; ....:11:111., Or i, ,ample sent free by mail for 50 cents; that Addam—tlie pullii,ers. C;IIASi J. c.-K - 1.1:;L: & c.,.,reuid, easilyl...r $5, by If. L. Wolcott, 170, I=7 Bowery, . - Ne tv Yca-k, l'o,it Urdcli box 4 550. 1 GLtatharn Square, New tork.. , , , Coudersport, Tuesday Evening, Dec. 4, 1865 ME I' il LI C 1 lIMI=II ti; tl:at it ME MEI =ME = ' BEM ii ) f,,,715'%'11 , ••i.1 , 1;:r a I,aa, titn(ist destitute of and frozen that 1,1 .1 - 1 , ...1.!.1.titui st.t h e ror , e his Oath. It is said ESE MIMI r',,e was :,)ost . tlrueldy negle {• fted by one of 1•._ , . - .Ders:so2 . s of PV4 town hip. We hope' 1,:1111 will be ascertained ;flid the factsiof kno.kyn lo the Ludi is pposd.i to Lave escaped fr , '.irn the 'lnsane Asylun(at T.T:Lut, N.l - 4 and h ' eb said ha had a the name of J ho ; After being bihu ,, ht here Mr.! "mt,l the best of medical b.t.teoclance and c: l rc ~,a! 1 1,e /i,NI - 11 afforilL. and was de itterrcd thislnoruhig a,y 10 o'clock, I,e_ f,.11.,vpd to the gracel,v; number of our . I I =I =EI 1 1- .... Tell Your Flit Ti 11 'Emu friend.= wLat C. qi,',il ..: ,i.,, i ',. i; ir Ott it lia , cu r i. ra..];i i. , Ciiii..,„l. a ,iiiii_iit ;tit, =I j • :1V.11,)1,1 1:,r(.1a9a, it r,-Ct.atuly irr av I 11,t , wor1•1. $ 1:„4: !Mi ::1111 ;itf! 1 I • " t",• .............. , , ~ ~ I MEIN Mel Mil -I . I• ' ill.- ..:11 • ;.11, t ;J:(•!, 6.l .iill , ll '. att'd With it. aiJ , I th 4 InE • iirint have Lech 1 D.ovtor tri !-L.veral of rn tc, cle lie ha, a larite t c , • ot path los. and It i. truly r-t , Pia-bilar, ;hat Laic e lift ( d and in a few ' • I. r-on. Dr. ttltilitNea's I ULM"- ToM 31.%NnilAble PILL, :rc 4!•1 , . eilrinir consumption etior.sio'c.on- r any so that any one tiv,.lll Dr. Schenck, but it it 1 , it is l'Utt to see bun. lie ad,-ice fri-e. but for a horout.iit examina •••• Lis llilitirometer his fee is three dollar purcliasing.that the two • oftli l e doc 141:: olie when in the last consiiini,tion, and the other as he'neivt erfect health, are on the guvernmew I by ail prilL--i-Ists and Dealers. _Price '25 =ME ME =I fwilish."—Yo u can make Six Dollar, from Fitiy Cents: Call and examine Local and General. r! rimer is ci!at6idaitii- alav,:it two 1.7 PA Tl, a: Thomi son the ) proprietors of I.,ew Drug-and Bookstore. alle out in ad .feint-nt to. the public.' They make very vintii<i , =c,have the 'ability and we think sifeee+ .1 in satisfyinc; the public. Give a ell r"Co Smith is (,leterrnined.' not to be • ly his - . city" ta. , ig•hbor has, just fined ..iim, 7t.q:l-: of dl kindsiof Goods. He will sell a . i . “,,,,,.- as th., lowest"—and ME I•~,.i~,nes, th'eTuld . tantl. bus just n:.• stock of si , a , Aniable t'.oods, which at, fair rates. Call in and get ME 7r:l%y 11.tit . --,lnd who don't-- - -fail :Stot'e. !See the adver r,,f t.)111:: 1 Dtdi, a Ci,nnan 43 years ot mze, tea high, Iwithl grey hair ~1.,110 in the Ounty Al at 'this place, rr n lie . was here on last: fro m Pine Creek:l', where he was /I 11 ~~••~~ii ari• -.,;i~ MEE ~ - I,L! ~ , ii.e IMIE Schenck's Fulnici, ii =1 3,000 PrCTOELIAt, 4LtSTRATi . vs.—The new and bOutiful edition ,uf ebster . -.Ernabrithr,ed Dictionary, besides a l utniber of of ei valmible Preminms. will be given by the pro rietors of The Sinday-Sehool Times to hay one \ho will solicit imbscrihers to their papet. With the first of January, 1867 a new $3OO Pri±eoettal , ,ls to' be published in Le Times, which will foriu a' special attraction.. The Columbia ' Repullicart says, "one dollar and a half cannot•be inyeste& to better advantage in any family, by any teache', than in subscribingfor this paper. 'lt is full' of original matter, and we cannot speak of itj too high turns of commendation." A Descri'ptive List of a number of attractive works that are to be given as Premiums alsol sample copies of. the paper, will be sent rer,E on early 'applic'ation to the publishers oL The Sunday School Times, Philadqlphia. • 7:11 7 ,' As Winter is itpidly approaching and Ifires will become more numerous, see to it that your tuldings are inured. Call at the JOUR- I NAL OFFICE AGEscr. Policies issued in the be 4 Companies of the country at fair rates. i ^ Mrs:V. C. DYKE is Agent for Shaw d: Clarkrs Sewing Machines. This is the B EST 01611 Sewing 'Machine ever offered for sale, and thd only one in market for less than $lO which icnti 6e sold, bought, ur used with safety 'AS no others are fully licent4Cd. 7. Three Yarieties, with or !v.:it - him Tables. I nquire at the JOURNAL ofilee asSortment of newly improved, Maki ,feed .lacltines just received. Call and examine. . ;ig - Farmers who hare large barns wiih their summers' crop in theM, will do well to see that 014 are Insured. No one who exercises . coms mon discretion will refuse to insure at this sta son Of the year. Don't wait until it iS too late. and then rueint to be insured."l Pro emstination-not only steals time, but 7ery Oflen botlutnne and mono-. COEBERSPORT PRICE CiIiRENT. Reported every Tuesday by cfc I • Dealers in Groceries and rrovNun:‘, Applc-F, zrepo per bush(' •• dried, " Feint's. .13.eswax, per lb., Beef, .1.1, ries, dried, per quArt, Buckwheat, per bu.,nel, 1 - ;.:ckwben.t Flour, Butter, per lb., Checee, Clorerseed, Corn, per bushel, corn ninal, per cwt., per dozen, Flour. extra..l per barrel • r '.iperfine, Horns. per Hay; per ton, Holley, per 1 1 , -; Maple Sonar, per ib. 3 prr bushel, Onions, per b 1,1.., •' yin wltolO hou. per lb., Pot;'l';e-,1,1" b1.1,,1, • PeUcbcs, driei. per lb., PoUltry, per ii,., 1:A•, per bushel, ' Salt, per bl.ll, • '" rack , Tr k ov, per h'31f111.1., Wlp•nt. per kishel. THE MASON A.: HAML CABINET oRtIANs. Forty differ•int a.ittpttpl to,arred tird f , ecttinr music, for s';,o j..:00 FIFTY O\ E' or rzi: vet- oti,er Ars' prom t wardod lilu-trat.d Catatotrao6 froe. Addroz , s.Sl-YrtuN a HAM LIS, or MASON .S.t. HAMLIN, ..N,ow York.. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE MOST POPULAR • Ana' Levi :riling SU !!oTripion BoOk ru".disit.?, - /:• I • We - tin. - - tlfe most extensive. rublisli I m-i in the rii l tol 'hate , , (i),lVilt: Sil IM11,0S,) Mid th,a-.•tta, eau :,:had to sct•l Is,* cheaper Mid pay it;,..mtt a more ii'oetsi coinmh•isl.mi :him lay other comp.invi / oar st,oo!.> do nut Fl 5, thro7.-7!: til,;./hili.l, of (i-n ~,i t Atze , -tsi (ao noialy 41: other tql/eription wc.,k,.. d 4,;) :he , t.,.. , ,in, lee :ire enlY.e.l to gi :10-.: cauva—,:s ::.:.x*.r.l ;,ir c,rii. xi.l:ici t,.. , usua y :illowe,l to Ge%- er:,l Zig,nt* , . Ex . , , erienr,i CAW: kßeq W q, I:I ,•,. 11,t N:inlAgi.....*f ili-C.,:,1:•-ctiy •ith the puhlislairs. ()ur ..ricei•mlattei., 11, rno l'piLplC:Lr wc,e.s. 0111. :lii. ,11!.ivi,:, ~:- irup,rta,ce, “::.1 sti: M.',' CM,..LI ~:. ~:l] Nhiqh '.1'.1 , 1 .iiOIIIII, il d ,tin,M, , MA MI 01.11,. 4, who . NV at the 1,-,it. pay ~:,.,, li : ;:11 ;,let .e sett for circu!3r., ;cid ~,:• ,f , :r zcf::: , ., :,Pd 1•,, , .11,37e ti e..n :in , l tIo• cionic7,: - of on ',rat,' wtailll.”-e •-f‘a/Ker pull'-here. . A.,drr,, , , • • INATI 4 ):+i i .“. l'UBLI:illING , 0 Phlla.lelpli!a Pa.. 1 / 1 -:••11, V.;I,F. c , noltaila .• Ch ~z 4. . 1:1 , '''.... 1. , ,i, M. , ,•:r I:ii:,6, • Cough Bal , alrt • • 11 your child of ck of email, 4ted fever, which enii , of it, jriitinLr. rich atiil t id Le,t in 1)., JOUVEN'a Mil/GLOVE CLEANER ESTABLISHED 12 YEARS. ~;.I :, •ik Iv •ILSO illan 1.,,s 1 .1 l'arir Twiny •ivo- 11-• !7(71,111 tirH-11 ;,1-;,•[ . 1- , pt H! • !',:••• ry;l•,-2.• 12 y•••,•••. I: ;•I t t.T •A• ALLY GL.,415 KID G.C,K . C1.F.L.N1E , .. I;i. it•'!" :old the ciorc can t.e!c!f-ing,./ SIT ,11,1-, I,u; ::11 zy: ~r~~ ca~i _~.-ak 11;1, r. •.• / c-,ifroved y . Wo.•11,1 ‘ 1;.1D 41.EANF.r. Lyon's Periodical !Drops! T hc, ficeat Female R.Pmetly, for frrrzo is Syrup r. .T. 11. :•-ci,elu - r N . =ME t, 0 . 1.: ME= ;lc every Other R . i.Tll(ql7 flr Clic Curt. rA .I:6l,*tL rezu:!r::, and ‘0)...11 , 1,..y cloy iHr 1,1 tt`tit! to.t, rt 04 it:4 :t et, c , ittrary to naturt.'7 , c 1,11.71: 1 7i• tottrol ear , fotit 7 f tt•tt 7,1 .7 , 7,1 t, . 0. 4 771t'7 , ?:, ti 7 ~.t7,ature of JOHN L. LX w: irh :who ..;,nuinv. Pri.tar.d Ity Dr. Jon::L . LYON. F 4 trt (2 , 7)`1., c• rtlti ; - e!,..11 , 1iy or I, IDs - 11 . “;1 f,,,Alt• vOl - ylv!i-re. in,- C. C I_ A IZ.K lyrp General AV.4 fcr Notice. GraN:;m.k, Potter CO., Pa., - Arg. 1, 11.?G7 °TICE; is hereby given that Char'e? 1. 1 1 shor. now or late of this county, Holding the 7ollowing described properzV. has not ye' paid any consideration whatever for the same, and all persons are hereby warned not :to 'pur chase any of said property of the said before the decision of the Court is given in this case and. C. Busbor has paid to Mu the consideration money therefor, The following is the property: , Ist. A certain tract of lanl near the Ger mania Mill, in warrant 5075. Abbott to wnShip, Potter county, Pa., containing 160 acres.— also 25 acres in warrant 5078 and adjoining the above. . 2nd. S. cerfrin tract of land, with Mill and imprave.rnent , thereon, near Kettle Creek, warrant 5611 1 , iu Siewartson township, Potter. Om , year; in oo county, containing about.2o4 acres.i Three e- pies to one address, n advamm.—.4 CO C. ItuShor holds also in trial no. Five coi person sending t Jies to one addruShe club ,- d, aLd an extra rot*" to the 2501, in Gaines township, Tioga. county,! Pa. • ;No -names - will be placed on our Looks unk,S the PPP on the road leading from Germania to Gaines, ca4.-h accompanies the order. ••ontaining 850 acres Addrota GloaGE 13ED.GNE.11, • i tf laamsburg, l'a. Prospectus of the HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH GEORGE BERGNER. Proprietor. pno year, in advance m. - sattn , , in aki,,lnee rri,ree " " 1,75 !For:he See on " OJ subscriptions taken for less thar; ihree months. ; The Weekly Telegraph, I) mil contain a resume of the important business tan , acted in CongresFrs and the Lezie:a , ure, Te:e irrophic Teport...T. still appear in the DAily, (drainer 'dial and Financial ..11,teUzence, and other important ;matters nee. Fenn' to ,nuke up n tint Political ; I.,ittrary,ancl Family New paper. Coaqvr.uo: t $ 100 to 15) 2 &I) Z; 34 00 15 0 10 00 1,2 (~0 1 25 _1 UU - =EN= MC = UM 1!,• =I Ti c, ar, rais ,[1 it.' ; lIMI 11111 FOR 1807 Mill MEE ~'~~ AGENTS WANT,~D SEI G 314 C 0 rES. Fully Lace. • Exc re territory given. Pay nom £5O to pe • • .outh.. For tem. , . Illus trated Circular, &• •ad • with sump, ether GM ' c ' e " PA . ROTIIEM, AgritS, - 4 chestnut . • _ . 221 Summit St, Toledo,O. AGENTS WANTED. BINGEII3I ESTATE. 7)11 farther notice; the Otriee of the Estate in O'vuderr , rort will . he onen on'y dining Court weeks which tittle Mr. Ensworth will be there. lle trill a\zu he in Sinethpurl during the weeks of Court in-M , cKeari County. Persons - wltp hare busfneSs with ihe'Estate are re que,ted Co rade, him at those tinter. , Letters on bulginess - attlt - essed to the o.lllue at Wells. hero', will be prOußptt answered. May 1.1516. 'WILLIAM R. CLYMER. Firth's Music Store, 563 .313vc,itcl - vv - at - 3r, 12". THADDEUS FIRTH, (Succcisor to. Firth, Son th Company.) • Man ufactarer Importer 3 4 1usical Instramentg„ Piano Fortes, - Ifelodeons„ j Cabinet Organs. 1 A every clescr.ptiou of Musical werchatt S X w Torlt A.,:ency for the celobrrit Illiore d Co's Band instruineuf Our 13:ind Dt.paittohnt is tupler the r , or.ionci st! 61011 of Mr. D. L. D(itVNlNer,. , . . . . . . . . . . Whoksale a:id Ret,lii 1.;) ,pot, 11;r the ntarial r3l3urdett Cottage Orga lvi,i,b C . ,I::VDZS- , CO:Ilp trl,on :1< the mo-t eLI I:,:ruieeLt ye: -fferetitD the pub:iu. 1 Jctc and iec. Jltrdc .7 ) 11,1J1;.,7ied t - h — Cataiozmes and Free Lim= of II:Ismail - ten from all the leatlinaPubt:,..ll4 tiece ‘nf MU MC Book,:s . mail, Poet -paid, on rCceipt of retail price.. o tiv mail fur Turtruniunts. cc prompt and r - - wan prot7. epr e. en t i iltrrirs 111:6112 STOIII-: Eii;-?, .New Y cqr 10 121 NATIO N A L . HOTEL 112 35 1' - (LATE VAN I-11. 7 11,EN'1111(tUSEJ 13 - 2 1 . 5 • 3, 50 ,i. 00 1 . WELLSVILLE, N. Y. : - .0 35 20 ~ f- , . rr TIE ni.dersigi.ed would ir.pectfully inforn 900 10 00 , 1 frie , olit ittitt tL' tr, ,, !:in:Z pulblic 4enerall 109 1 .., 5 Chet' have ter.ed the. abOVn. Hotel, (formerly 3 0 3 i, A :. the Van Buren House), and wilt at all ti, tea :y to fiirnitli therti with iiret clms Itei,-ia. tion, en tea,mithie tern.. An omnibus wII - i the Ibsen wieetirg!,iteb train. Pas. taken to and from the lintel, free of charge. Regular line of Stn,er to and from Coadc Pa“ am: Whit,, , villn.leaVe t,,.. not,l t hfly. JONESS BEET, ProprieO SU7 10 0 , 25 13 MELODEON 113 1 60 1 :5 0 4 50 5 4 r - 0 Zi 5 CO .4 1 to 2 04 (A) 9 Of i CABINET MA_ Piano Port 1. 1, V: ALLEGAN): ACADEMY. (F MUSH . =I Melodeons, Organs, and Pianos, 1.11; , e w 1•1 I 1,11: wifl IME=ll= =I n`: `E OFTHE PfIOPE:SSOItS _ILLI•;U_I\ i Alficgony Academy Cf Mu c, EMI= (, ..:Il :~ .~ ..~ I: J BAXTER SLOtd). 7 -I.lle r , o y _l( l ademy of - .llmiic i MUSIC STORE.. Friendship, NI, Y. ICI CI In = = :1: Vin.?,. of 11,:r:uro•nt, Mueieo INI!1;ca Mt,:c!.411,1',1 $7 0 1 ' I 23113 =I BEIN Grocerio, , r, far- MO . . nt I.s I t I Flour; -•- 7 LeivC, . cd,at their that Ine 1 e ui id • I run to c:ccr. irsror.,l 8 ! 3 harp; op .. . . in t EMILIE CM I:.•.Lt or nf t kyr, =I MIME . 1 . - ME OF THE _ACADEMY OF mil-61c Ell ISE MEI IMES MIME WM. BADDE N. , M. Glisamire to , Pi 0' O IS NOW OFFERING FOR SALE I A LJR OE A..VD TrE L Li- S±, LE Cr T 1 ED STOCK 'OF CALICOES, DELAINES MERINOS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTIN&S, teLDIES HOODS, Ladies Breakfast Shavicis, Balmorah, Cloth and 'Fur Gloves. &c., &c., &c HE ALS O CA LLS _I77E-VTIOIV! TO lITS STOCK OF ERE Provisions, Pork, Salt, Cod. Fish, Ma6kerel, White Ftsh, &c., &c., &c. TEAS, Of all kinds, SUGARS, of all kinds, COFFEE, ground and ungr'd SPICES, of all kinds. • , PER 21.1E17:1-64 TO TILE GROCERY AND PROVISIOki B usilvEss, WILL BE SOLD LOWER 771.1_1 - T THEE _ I C'E TIIE COUXTRI-• X. M. GLASi?'II.I U. i ISGG & Eric IlaillrOacl. Or: l' , 1:7,S , ,,,111,1:011/, ,•: C 7, Erie. It h.- I.;eet: lease , / and I . I:SN - SVrirAN:l KAll3lO.l* , (7“,!P ANT. - LEAVE EASTWARD T: Er., MEM LEAVE WES; WAF,D, I r.,,..,. i i . N 1 Y 0 RY, GO'.,ECTON, ZI • :1; i M .r;;T s:J_r:liy (:.'iS EMI OE . Cur. 1. lir, H 11%1 H 'NV A.I, TV PAC 1, 1 13P1'r% r - rkr; ornrcs .r (Lit; ri:t2:-%:. • : 711,- FC)11 . 'TIDE COUDEBS - 20P,T TANI..tERY. Oct. United States Steel Pen Works Factory, 1E:A1'1(15.12 X. J. R. EgTERBROOK & CO. STEEL PEN - 'MANUFACTURERS. 11Tareh0111e5: A r.;: t. of e An. rienr i aleit 211 ; it , eqtkik! , 72 till!-11, 4 1:,1kny ::pi nre. thizikefere, zai, the Samples and Prices on Application. • LOTS MADE TO ORDER, OF ANY PATTERN' OR STAMP REQUIRED. Fur Trail, ti.e Mato:fart , - rer a'..' V, f \, '.e:,: irk • :_qtges. • Pilesbr(kOk 47 (A). Sold by P, A. STEBBINS ig CD.,Coaders port, Pa. _ of. Itt - ere lierii '. I . r.nroz i Pa".ent d COUDERSPORS7 MID ' SHIPPEN i An IliVellii o l l ' 1, . 4 s, .31 - E..2 4 .3.1 ,7'ol' STAGE ROUTE. . e 1 \ kiEit'S. , rtS. GLASSIVIRF; &. , WIFITE'S, dall7- tine ! LAMP (gill! '1 M '..4E Y 4 ; `''' of ZilaZ , F , yail leave Coudersport. until further ~ ,•:!..,-,.„ notice, at 6 o'cIoil: in "thy tuorn:.O2, arr;vinz in Ship- • 1 ) - THAT WILL LC i cour.a: , B'V .11,1 - ....1 - :, pen about 4 o'clock in 11. e afternoon, nr.s. will leave Shlywen on the arrival of the morninz train. at 10:30, , - , arrivinz is Cctuderepart ar•eut 5 o'e.: ,-, , - .‘k, P. M. , , Burns up an anti .7 - nuottt . e, 'Tr:Ave:ors are r , -fered t. the Tune•Tabte,A tLe Phi:- i • • never breaks 'Cy "r -Lr7 1P'5911. S 11.1elphia F.: Erie. R.C.hrua , iwb4h ,El be foutel :nicer- 1 N A shade ; short, :-....,1 et , t,p -tis-,1 in thie ravt r. f..r furt!,er .particu:arenhout the f s (A , heavy' ;i3 east'.; c,c:..121.6d1 by p.dval.ta4,:s . jf tl.,h ,' Toute. New York pa,6_,,er,Kiii 1 c..\ '' rem 0,.,n,-5 -L., tor , ...... i i c .,.. ,c „.... itt , e SAVE 30 MILES TRAVEL AND S•HOIJRS TIME ; -:,--,' ‘, most P er Let e -t•-:.-- "''' 7 krigv. 11 ,-; an dis st ,dzs &II fa sr: .Itl 1. • tat:lllz I. is Male ii, prc•ference in that of tl.,.F.rie ! ...‘ 5 - Others where if. i an 1..:, , e_ IL ' hailaay. NO CHANGE OF CA..1155 IiETWEE:S : . trodu cod. stiirisi , :c AND NEW YORK.. Fme new, eom•! li! ', No d er.ler car. II - 1. j fertable mason= and,..,!..eel teato- are kept on the Sta4e 1 k. . '..;:. without them. , h ow , Paatiraaa.lLLl Elprea, 1317:11. - va.:5 attetaltil to i V,4" . ' witli care. ' 'D. F, CiLASSM.I.RF:, ' t , . NEW , LAMP C!::' .' i :-..- Y,(fo „ ,r . . . 1 ' \\lin E,' Propia 1 Coudargrort, ra.,Oot. P, 1,56.5. . ! II THE tircicErr. STRAW--CUTTIM PATENTED, 0:1LY, 1564, BY PORTER d SMITH rprirotisAlsms of theFo Machine,: are !king thado . and e01d,60,d give more Unii-ersal SailsiactlOn than any other • Straw - . or Stalk-Cuttdr in market. It has no cri;ztings about and can be naafi ut r._Taired in nny count* town. The Knife is stationarv—Box vibrateg—foeds -cute VII top of the knife--cittd etervtlilTlc square. alt!,‘ length you wish, and you. cannot tuako ragg. work of it even with a dull knife. , Price, Sl2; sanipMA of MaelldneA can be beeii at 11310 of tht uLderigueo, Manufactured and for tare 11. . t N. H. GBOBSI. Coudersport,Lf Oa. 2 t 1565. IMM BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE ! OTIE subeeriber. renpectfully informs the citizaGa of T Couddraport and :he public' tn generate that ho La - n opetied a READY MADE GILLETT'S BLOCK WELLSVILLE, r One door Lehi . S• DOOLITTLE'S • . IL RD WARE S • Where will be found at all times, a Complete meat, and latest styles of CLOTHING, ;CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, Dar motto Is Cheat) for Cash, Quick Saleg Sniall Profits, But One Price. Ca!l and examine our Goods and L'r!cea before going • O.:where. ' . . . . (;Qia, ;SLyt,tl sl Ori.ia.antelriti _n'l every Ce , eriptio: or Fetaey cows 'and - I(o.ialiee Not 1011%. e , pecialii . :tdair.e.l,.:lltltieivn• ed for Sol - TEI:11N and IVE,T ERN TRADE.. 0' ular, a-Ecript!ve f.;!!:t erervry here, Broi & CO. 51 DORIIANO I ,E STREET, • 0c.122-3,n R. :For: i- , the dine to rret one of Ceeh's-e, hinted Evaporator , for .11aint".. Maolo ffilyinz used one the peel. SeaSoll I N!'l , lw•ni he the lof ,-1: PAN for makin'..7. Maple or For farther particulars cr CirCular4 Cle who au:efit - 14 r Ci.untv. JOHN LI N DSEY r Puller, Pa. EIMM MOE r • I BE MIMI n %Vin; Shea r. CLOTHING St'ortb:i ALLECI . IYI" N.Y" FIATS, TRUNKiS xte! lea' Go6,l.4.reecived eery weei; Oe:ol.or Salisbury,. Bro. & Co.; Ettensive Mannfacturers and I:npOrters of. Stolid acid ICiekel SILVERWARE, American, English, and Swiss Watchu, Cr.--zed. LT- Ours O s -e. ; Maple . Sugar FOUTZ'S I= Hun nd Calllo Powdoli Y I. L AV WA TE:t. - 11 EA V ES, 17 I I 11S. PIS. TEMPER. FE. VE RS F( ,LITE T:TI-: A YD VITA I ENERfq Y, Sze It: improve-s 0 w inS, irlcreas.6 the nppvth—giv• . . • n s tn an , tranlfornin' t it f naolv 5k,41,,t,n rl , Pparnt:oll is kir:llll.N tl, of :1, 1 , :r1 prat teal to t1..t4,qu.,n -tlty ert-am c-nt. and mak e butt•r fl:m ar.:l futt,n* cnctic. it dyes - rhea:a t 1.0.17. h i d . cr—,Les t:!eiu In all disease; of Swine, suclf as Congls. ?' - a - the Lungs. Liver, &c.. this article iscLs s..s a specific. By putting from one-half a paper to a paper in a' barrel of swill the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in t‘ma, a czrtslia preventive and cure for the Eldg I Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers ter £l. PIMPLY:LED ST S. A. IF-C/C7TZ CEEFEM lITIOLEGALE DRUG AND 31ED!1ii.NT: DEM., No. 116 Pranklin St., Paltimdre, Yd. For Sale by Draggists and Stere:;apere ti rouitt out the ratted Scates. . H. K. OPP This preparation; long and favorabl, known. will ihor on;112:- reinvigorate broken-down ana , 1 , ...w.514rite51 'torsos; 1:5 - trengtheaing and cleansing tht stomach and lairs tines, It is a sure pro: .t all 4i6. BM El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers