- - Arrest of Jolts' IL zurratt, • The United States 'maul : Alexandria, 'Egypt, telegraphs by the ca, . to the State Department that down. EL CIRRAIT has been arrested, B'4 that the s can; be no doubt of his identity. The p , ture of this man is of the greatest impor i ance to the vountry. forlfroin him can donbiless be ob tained facts Concerning the rn4rder of our beloved President, ADRAti I li LINCOLN, which will startle the, world I The deep mystery Which still envelop— that terrible tragedy may yet be explaine.. OSE CASE TRIED.—At tlt in Lycoming comity, two el in Nippettoso township we for having refused to take deserter from the diwtft. Jury—Not lanclty; connty fo; Law Judge of the county tap.) is a Democrat, and charged the Jtiry that the only obeyed their oath, and t' Law had disqualified deserte and the Jury decided accordil i The Meeting . of C. WASHING 'the Weather is as pleasan sibly be expected. • The galleries of the two b gresS are densely crowded. House are not sufficiently In triodate all s.ekerS of admiss I The members of the Hou; in full force. ' Long. before la! lberS of both parties' were 'ands with marked cord ial it 7n7 on other Subjects than psi looker-on would Scarcely so ferencee on any subject ever so happy are they in greetii SENATE The: Senate was called to o'clock precisely, by Mr. IA pro tem.. l • Mr. 4ntliony presenleti 'th olutioo, which were Several That the Secretary info' that a quorum of the Senat That a committee of two join a committee of the . 1-lot on the President to receive Mr. Sumner said if there before th© Senate he would Senate bill No. I,an act to tive franchise in the Distric' HOUSE OF REPRES -'-The roll of members NVII answered to their names. Three new members were sworn in from Tennessee, and two from hlentneky. A committee was appointed to wait on the President and inform him that Congress had assembled and was r ady to receive any communication. Mr. Elliot (Mass.) asked leave to intro duce a bill lo repeal the thirteenth section of the act of-July 17th, 1,62, which sec tion authorizes the President to grant par don and amnesty to persots who took part the rebellion. Mr: Elliot's bill was ,thee put' upon its passage, and was -passed y a vote of 111 9 to 2. A bill was introduced,a u'referred,direct ino• the Side of 4, i 2 3 000 2 00 .of gold, by the Secretary of the Treasury every Monday. Also. a bill, for the mee 'rig of Congress on the 4th of March. Mr. Stevens introduced reniovals from office, Wish special order for Friday . n , Mr.-Schenck (Ohio) mi equalize the bounties of marines. Referred to ti Military Affairs. - THE MORMONS are . or, ment to extirpate all tho. l City aqd. Utah Terriary with thetn. In. consequl Gentiles of that region resist the Saints, and b -looked for:where the wor to' believe only holiness Gov. ORR, of South nowledgeu that the blac more use in a commonly of larger benefit, tb him• dition of bondage. I Go' by ibis admission; ;that age which the South •many years, and to exte , ed to:destroy the Governl was a barbarity by whie race were ignored and t inanityf annulled. ri, Li organizatiodof w zanies for the productio is one of the wonders amount of invested cap ufactories is immense, that ventured in any ofl impelling' cause of this er ticipated demand for in iu the south,' for !the staples of that region. . labor 4id all the service and Most imperfect. irnr • Already a different ii spect prevails in the Sot, tivate large plantations proved machiney. Ste: are taking: the iilaceS d muscro. This demand! market which can onl? Northern manufacture A YOUNG wan in Cibcinnati of rich and respectable parents hasiust been discovered in a very mean trick. .ge paid his fond at tentions to a wealthy young lady, and suc ceeded! in taliMg a valuable) gold watch from her, whi, l ll he pawned for some "lo'ose charip." Ilif bar bon cempelled to dis oie.. T EMIGRATION TO LIBERIA.T.LIAOTEIe por tions of the South it is stiated that the ne groes prefer emigration to i Liberia to living in idleness and poverty in he many sec tions of the South that are row destitute. One hundred and sixteen eniored persons recently passed througldAil'anta on their way to Charleston to embaik for Liberia, and the Southern papers report; that large' numbers - of emigrants,awaitiug an oppor tunity to sail, and who have come from all, portions of the South, are now collected in Charleston. Our latest l achlices from Li beria represent that colony to be in a pros perous condition and enjoyi#ig a lucrative trade.—Ledger. I recent Court tion officers 1 , prosecuted e Tote of a l•rdict of the costs. The lon. A. Jor we presume officers had at the State from voting; igly. THE STATE OF NEnAs.—Anurew Johnson has pocketeckhe bil' to' admit Ne braska into the Unioti as a St:at,and will of course veto it. The . followihg, h reasons for immediately passim*. it ,over; his head says the Press, should be c:mcfpsive with re publican Senators and Representatives: I. Nebraska has been reprlented seven years by a Republiean ee'etp . e. 11. She has electtl two Radical republi can United States Senaters.i; 111. She has elected a Re4wt lic,an mem- ber of Congress for : the shirr`y ninth and Fortieth Congress. j .] f IV. She has ele'cted Riniblcan State officer. V. On the. second Tuescia of October she elected a State Legishienii3 with a ma jority of about 24 on joint iballot. VI. She is ableto aciqit tlie constitu tional amendment. ' ngress. ox, Dec. 3. couki pos- !wiles of Con- Those of the ge to =eon-- -e are presea .on the rnem seen shaking and convers- Ries; A i mere peel that dif divided thew, VII. She can elect al sitecessor for six , i: years to the Seuator whp may draw the short term. . . ii• i , VIII. Her majority is . 77P Eo n the p ,opu lar vote. : i I - IX. Her population is not far from 70,000. 1 . . : A GOOD JOKE has, just beeliperpetrkted by the clerks in the Departments at Wash ington. Before the late elections these hikad and-butter gentry organiZed a club fol. the purpose of co-operating with the Copper heads of the various Stat 6 in winning vie- Aeries to vindicate the iefamies of Andrew Johnson. But the; resultsi of the elections somewhat confused theke presumptuous scribes. They recevied a blow too hard to he withstood. At theiii last meeting, it was resolved to change the character of their organization, and make its object for the future tend:tothe c "prOr i iotion of teiive ranee. This is certainly eornmendable,tand if the: Departmental Ol t erks at Wash ington can win Andrew Johnson to tem perate habits, they will 1.4 doing himand the country, whose pay hey are receiving, more good than iflhey had won a hundred political victories for m$ rder at twelve gter, Presidvi,' res adopted: in the House 3 is , assezn bled. )e appointed to ;e and wait up !tis message. vas no business nova to call up Tulate the elec- I tTof Columbia. i'STTATIVES. called, and 146 WE HOPE VIE AEPTIp*AN PRESS will not deceive their readers with statements to the effect that the Presidebt intends acqui escing in what Congres adopts, and that he will respect the mandate of the people made at the ballot box.' ilt is not in An drew Johnson's nature t4--j)e just or truthful, nor is it a part of any of his purposes to seek a fair harmony of th'e Executive and Legislative branches of the Government: If he acted in harmony with Congress, and obeyed the Will of the men who saved the Government from!' destruction, he would become the instrunnent of punishing those with whom' he ha' reciprocal oath's of alliance. The !little gore than twenty seven months allotted to l iArtid rew Johrrs ui. as president, will! be entirely demoted to a furtherance of the intrests l of raitors. There fore, let no intelligent Rep blican delude himself with theJidea that ndrew John son will not need watchibo• while he is in power. a bill to regulate h 'NM made the rodueed a bill to ildiers, sailors and ,e Committee on , So long as the spirit .4f atred to. union . soldiers prevails 'Fit the Sethi!, the people of that section tied not he 'surprised at the, deter urination of; the loy:al North to exact:: ample security fOr the.' foture peace of thq; country and the rights dt loyal citizens, bed;fore restoring the South Om States to their';, I privileges in the Union. , , :anizmg a move ,e from Salt Lake who do not agree nee of thiss, ' the re prepping to id work may, be 'd has been taught remits, . _ The CatholiC Chelich has decided) that there can ho no dis s t:nction in race and color hi the tolls Of '!.1% Mother Church:' 1 We may now Conelud. , &; that the gates Of r. Iteavon aro not clos i ed r i tgainst the African race.We never doubted their "title clear to mansions in dui skies," but it is well enough to haveithej qu4stion taken up br! a powerful church and pronounced upon. We are not aware; the churches, as! such, deny the titlelof the negro to iminor tal existence. " But the *tubers of churches are not quick to sl+v that they beliei:e iu equality of privilege beyond the grave. T - Carolina has ack man free is of fhr and consequently than in a con- Orr confesses, he system of boh , aintained f - a , so d which it essay ent:of the union, I the rights of a o interests of hu I Shootimy b people In Peru is a pastime, and ighwaymen have! it all their own 'way, but a correspondent of the New - York Tri bune tells'' how he Was-surprised by a band of robbers, and hovi he ciittwittad thern,hav- Mg. just eiglityfivi; cents in his pocket, he rode out of Lima 0110 Morning, armed to the teeth, bu t ex!' Otant of robbers. About a mile from the city he was suddenly met by four men, and just at the same moment ten more appeared in sight. One of the number demanded his money or his life. Pre tending to search fdr his funds he drew a Der ringer and shot the highwayman through the head, and spmEring up his mule got Cut of range, halted drew his seven shooter and dispatched 'four others, and then made his tracks for f4rom whnce he sent po licemen to secure the five corpses. Thereiis a stor of Ja celebrated Vreneh . preacher, Who on delivering it sermon on the duty, of wives said t "I see in this con gregation a woman who has been guilty of the sin of disobedience to her husband, and in order to p:bint )ier out to universal c ndemnation, I will fling my breviary at her head." He lifted his book, and every gee heanastantli , ducked. Lanufacturin,g corn-, of iron machinery )f the times. The "tal in these man !renter by far : than her interest. The nterprise is. the an- Iprovedt machinery cultivation of the Heretofore, slave while the rudest rletnenta were used. fluence, in this re al. Those who cul re introducing im am,' iron and steel ,f blood, bone and will create a vast be controlled by Incre,t,c of `•-ip::atdon. I 1860, the popUlation of Pennsylva nia was 2,906,115, and the largest vote (for d Governor) that year was 492,624. Divide the population by tliei vote - for Grovernor, we have a fraction less than one I voterito sir population-L6ay one to sic. The recent vote for Governor amounted to 197,370—which , by the test of 1860-- wo Id , shoW a population of 3,584,020, in Pennsylvania, iii 1866—an increase of 591,305, (considerably over half a million) in six years—say 100,000 a year, in the whole State. The interior cities of Pennsylvania— taking the population of 1860 and the last vote for Governor as a test, show a hand some gain, as follows: 1860. 1866. Reading 23,162 32,358 Sctanton 9,223 23,988 Lancaster 17,603 21,186 Harrisburg 13,405 20,010 York • 8,605 .13,056 POttsville 9,444 • 12,858 Allentown 8,025 12,270 • "Williamsport 5,664 12,130 . Erie' 8,952 - 11,712 Norristown 8,194 1,1,262 Easton 8,044 11,160 113,698 182,040 113,698 i Gain in six years 88.342 I Average gain; 1,213 per year. The vote of Scrantoniis doubtless largely' fraud ulent, but we take it as it 18.—W.12/i the Leipisburg Chronicle. has been proposed that Congfess shall institute an efficient system of corn petive examinations for appointments in thevarious departments of the civil service in which education, knowledge of inisiness i scientific attainments, or practical ',experi ence are requisite,. and that appointments made under this system shall be perma , nent, that is, shall be held until sorne'real cause, aside from political differences, shall warrant and justify removal. This ',scheme hiiS several advantages. It would! secure Competent men in subordinate official po siWns, curtail the vast power'of the Exec ) .. utlye patronage, and remove many, places from the theatre of party contentions. The of the places would be performed in amore satisfactory manner than they now are, and the atmosphere of politics would be comparatively purified, by irelating chiefly to principles rather than a distribu tion of the spoils. I Sots folks kill rats with poisoned oys ters. In Toledo, .the other day, 'a German stepped into a store and seeing upon a plate several tempting bivalves, proceeded tol swallow one. Imagine his terror when informed that the oyster had been, covered with deadly arsenic to poison rats:, A po tent emetic was immediately introduced into the nearly' insane German's stomach, and the dangerous bivalve came up, thus relieving him of his danger: THERE 15 a woman in the New. Albany, Ind., jail on a charge of murder. She had hi quarrel with a neighbor woman, and throwing •at her a pot of boiling coll - ;.!e Missed her mark and struck a little girl; injuring and scalding her to such an ex tent as to cause ,death. The Grand Jury have just found a true bill against the woman. DR. FRESHMAN, a christianized 'Jew Rabbi of Quebec, is deli ering lectures in the i est upon Judaism. Although now a disbeliever in the doctrines of the Jews, he paid a glowing tribute to them as a people, Stating that they would not steal nor mur der, while but few ever find their wily into prisons or penetentiaries, charged with any Crime. A cmoiNNATI paper throws out the hint to the pc4 eating world that, inasmuch as the hog cholera prevails to an alarming ex tent in that neighborhood, unprincipled dealers kill the animals infected and sell the meat in the markets, A norttnA. Judge named.. Long, in! his charge to 'the Grand - 'Jury said that he , fear red the time was not far• distant when 'the people of America would prefer being gov erned by a chief with a glittering tiara rather than by the framers of the Civil Alights bill, Such a preference is no nerl , thing in the South. TIE hot-blooded Thomas Francis Meag her recently challenged an editor in Mon tana to fight a duel. • The editor very prop- ; erly refused to comply with the demand to shoot or be shot. • THE Lewisburg C'hrohicle hoists the name of Hon. James Pollock for the sue cessorship to Edgar A. Cowan.in the U.S. Senate. Goy. WILLIS A. GORMAN a • leading Democrat of Minnesota, urges his political friends to accept the Constitutional Amend ment. THE receipts from Madame • Ristori's performattees in New York city, since Sep tember 26t11, will exceed $130,000, BRIGHAM YOUNG his just taken to Ins bosom a 45th Mrs Young Mrs. Young No. 25 died the same week. THE Chicago tunnel for supplying that city with water is now ready to be punched - through—both ends meeting. The ceremony of punching will take 'place this week. "Not dangerous to the linman family." "Rate come out of theiraioleB to die." • ` t Costar's" Rat, Boac4 '&0. Eztenninat,Or Ia a paste—used. for Rats, Mire, Roaches, Black and Red Antsi&. Costars Bed-Bug Exterminator Is a liquid or wash—usjd to destroy, and also as a preventative fr Bed-Bugs, &e. Costar's Electric Po*der for Insects le for Moths, Mosicmitoris, Fleas, Bod-Bugs, Insects on Plants, Fotrfp, Animals, &o. azir 112 rawARE I I I broil worthless Imitations Sir See that COSTAR'S I nazne is on each liox,Bot tie, and Flask, before yon l ity. Will — Address nry R. Costar, 1 431 Broad.ws), Y. T. larSold In Coaderepottl rEarßy the Merchants gineitilly. si.nd all Druggists and Ll.43tallers everywhere " CJaistitexx- 7 ,51" CELEBRATED ----- - - - BUCKTHORN SALVg, For Cuts, Burns, Ernistis, Wounds, Boils, Cancers, Broken Breasts, Sore Nii,ples. Bleeding, Blind And Pah.ful Piles; Scrofulous,(Putrid, and Ill.c ri nditioned -ores; Ulcers, Glandular twt4lings, Eruptions. Cuta .COUS Affections, Rh gniirtn, Itch, Corns, Bunions, !. ptdnins, ,tc., Chapped Wands, Lips, &c., Bites of Spiders, Insects, .Animal 4 pa 'Boxes, 2t cte., 00 cti and tl etzcs wirsoid by alt Drugglite everywhere 1" - And by Mtetnx R. VOST.I. , It, 484 Broadway,N.Y. aiirAnd by Druggists i COtidersp ort. -'-ti:t;r 9 gEl o 'ERSAL "Cc". ' UNI CORN OLVENT, Warts, d:c. ctn.; and $1 sizes. ats everywhere. - • 454 Bron4lt - ay, in Cinider,port. For G. P'Bores, 25 conta, 5 1:: — Sold by qt. Drugs —dud by iIENRY /:. —AIIII 10. DM:Viet. PRI It pa- ta,x.!iss . " It lON p F Orange Blossoms, Bltter-Sweet FOR REACTIFYI i NG 7 . 11 E COMPLEXION. Deed to soften and Be.ititify the Skin, remove Freck les, Pimples, Eruptioni., &e. arc now using it in preference to all others —Bottles, —Sold by Druggls a everywhere. —And by rIEURT t. COSTAR, 484 BroadWay,N.Y —And by Druggists in Coudersport. i EitA - V;IS i EM CTORAL Cough Remedy, ,oaiseness:Eloie Throat, Croup, ifluenza, Asthma, Consumption *ad all dlsoa%os of the Throat For Coughs. Colds, fi , Whooping Cough, Bronchial Affections,' and Lunge. 50 conts,; and $1 sizes —Bottles, 25 es., —Sold by all brui ~ g gists 7erywhere. R. COST/R, 484 Broadtvay,N.Y —And by HENRY; .sts in Cnudorsport ---And by Druggf it. d, CD • istaxols" 'LEBIIATED litSitt)t , PILLS A UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL ; For Nervous add Sick Headache, CoriVlVer ' In tia nestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipat on, Diarr4 ' Fever, and general, de; ngeinent of the Digestive Organs —Tloses, 25 cents, 50 cents, and V. sizes. —Sold by all Driig,gibta evarya*bere —And by HENRI' R. CO,TAR; 454 Broadway,N.Y —.And by Druggists In'Conderaport, deck aua uK A ERE It • COLLIN HAS JUST RETbRNED FROM NEV YORK WITH A LARGE STOCK OF W W NE GOODS WHICH HE ILL SELL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, i CONSI TING OF Dry Goods, Cloths, Casshneres, , Clothing, Eats, Caps, Boots, • . Shoes, Groceries, I Crockery, Hardware, Notions, &c. KEEPS EVERYTHING USUAILY FOUND IN A GOOD STORE THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID 7R VENISON, FURS, SHEEP-PELTS, AND MOST KINDS OP COUNTRY PRODUCE THE READY-PAY SYSTEM WILL BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO. N. _ B —THOSE OWING WILL PLEASE MAKE PAYMENT WITH DELAY. decs,p6 COLLINS SMITH. igw DRUG & BOOK STORE 'Buy Where You can Buy the Cheapest ! A New Store with. Fresh Drugs! LLISON & TIEOMPSON Having located in tie room formerlY occupied by C. F. _iliaiming for a Jewelry Store, have rejittpd, refurnished, aud.thoroughly stocked the bUilding with Me largest • andsbest stock of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS; VARNISHES, GLUES. DYE-STUFFS, now, AND STEVENS' PATENT DYES, PURE .WINES AND LIQUORS FOR•ItIED:OINAL PURPOSES, A GENERAL VARIETY OF PERFUrviERY & TOILET ARTICLE PAINT BRUSHES, !HAIR BRUSHES, TOOTH ,BRUSHES, &C. Will also keep on hand the following 2eillt many other Patent Medicines . Dr. LindSey's Blood Searcher., Dr: Lindsey's Cholera Mixture, Dr. Janye's 'and Dr. Ayer's'and Dr. Kennedy?§ Preparations, ALL THE POPETLAH V.AEUE TIES o,l* BITTERS. ~houlcior x- c • M7in, - wrig, - coma. 0 One cf the proprietors being a graduate of the • :\, - (:w York Medical College the public haye* the cs.l••3tirariee that :ill prescriptions sent in will be prierptly and carefully prepared. I " ' i • 11 . OOKS. AND , STATIGINERY. I' Sbliool Books, Blank Books, Novel%.,Toys,tiolions, Penis, Inks, Pencils, eke, O. ELLISON. , ,(1ee5.66 .M.'. THOMPSON ,Or. 40 '42 -, .f... i E , A ' J , . •-•,. • ra - 7 1/ V 1 . BUFFALO,DUNKIRK_' & DANSVILLE ON P, 0, I . .. 1 I — 1 . :,-- 0 . hr'.. , • ' , ..V V ve %., C 0 's• i , 9 Having made extensive arrangements for • f! r' ' , ,----, ,-^- 1 . --- . -, ' - ga, 'k! • Wouid announce to large dealers that he has consummated arrangements with Large Easters! • rLoußme ESTABLISHMENTS to ship direct to us, iijstend of sending to ICe l u - York Prepared .to Sell Lower Buffalo, or most any other e'stablislimept, sat ink all in this section rREIGHT, TIME, EXPENSE. , Every Barrel Warranted as `Represented. ge"SEYD ICY. YOOR . ORDERS Yours_ tospoctfully, December, 1666 SMITH TrE, RS US PIS WELL AS THAN 1 I DUTthirky FOR C. H. 8! M! FLOUR And we' are now Dansville, _i . vi. NS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers