= :: E Divorce Notice. JOHN NESBIT, No. 61, Feb. Term, vs. ' 1866, in the Common • SARAH JANE Pleas of Potter County. • /Abel In Divorce. No Sarah Jane A, Nesbit; Res pondent above named. Please take notice that a subpoena and alias subpoena having been issued and returned nihil; you are hereby required to appear on the first day of next Court; the 17th' ; day of December next, to answer to the complaint made in this case. W. IT, BROWN, Sheriff. Coudersport, N0v.13, 1866. Divorce Notice. ELIZABETH BANKS, No. 80, Feb. TOM, 11106, by her next friend 1n the Common Pleas of JERREIALL B. PARKER, Potter Co l unty - Libel in vs. 1 Divorce. To Josiah E. ' JOSIAII E. BANKS. J Banks;Respondent above named. Please take notice that a subpoena acd alias subpoena haying been issued and returned nihil• you are hereby required to appear on the first day ot'next Court, the 17th day of December next, to answer to the oomplaintmade In this case. •• W. W. BROWN, Sheriff. Condirsport Nov 13,1866 . Divorce Notice. ELI SPENCER, No. 69, Fob. Term, 1866, in vs. , the Common Pleas of Potter MARY SPENCER, County, Libel In Divorce. To Mary Spencer-, Respondent above named. Please take notice that a subpoena and alias subpoena hay. Ing been lasnetLand returned nibil; you are hereby required to appear on the first day of next Court, the 17th day of December next, to answerto the cora plalnt made in this case. ' , W. BROWN, Sheri ff . Coudersport, Noiy. 13 1898. COURT PROCLAMATION. NVIIEREAS the Hon. Robert G. White President Judge, and ,The Hons. C. S. Jones and G. G. AstociatelJudges of the Courts (l Over & Terminer and General. Jail Delivery, Q a er Sea alone of the Peace, Orhana' Court and Coo to' of Com mon Pleas for the' County of Potter, have issued their precept, bearing date the Twenty-third day of Sept., in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Stxty-Six, and to me directed. for holding &Court of Oyer and Terminer and dondral Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans , Court, and Court of Common Plena, in the Borough of Condors, port, on MONDAY, the 17th day-of December next, and to continue one week • -Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace and. Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations. and other remembrances, to do those things which to their aloes appertain to be done, And those who are bound by their recognizances to prosecute against the • prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said county of Potter, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as will be Just. Dated at Coudersport, Novemb 1, 1866, and the 90th year of the Independence of the United ,Stales • of America. W. W. BROWN, Sheriff. Register's Notices. I .1 ?_ I LL persons interested will please to take notice that the following accountants have se I LL their accounts in the Register's Office of Potter county, and that the same will be pre sented to the Orphan's Court for confirmation, on Monday, the 17th day of Dec'r_lB66, at the Court House in Coudersport ' Account of ElMabeth Yoke-Zchiller, admin. istratrix of Adam Yolie ' deed. ' a.s Account of Ch. H. Armstrong, administra tor of David Crowell, dec'd. DAN BAKER, Register. Coudersport, N0v.20, 1896. Trial List for Dec. Term 1866 Russell et al use of Ennis vs. Luke Stevens et a John Krouse vs. Martin, Mallory, et al. Lewis Yentzer vs. Yates Anson. Kenyon vs. Wilkinson John' M.Dean vs. Robbins Brown. et al C. BAWatrous vs. Seth Daggett Yentzer vs. Chandler, D. T. Swain, assignee, vs. Heirs of L.A. Wood D. Patterson vs. Jas. Francis tit Geo. Francis. Ensworth vs. Flynn. Patterson vs. Qdimby. • Patterson vs. Keeler et aL Ennis use of Kenyon va:Lnke Stevess. Greenwood vs. Larkin Keating et al vs Betsey Harkius et al Gnau vs Werner Keating et al vs A J Barnes et al • H. J. OLMSTED, Proth'y. Ccrade .pkoi, Nov. 21. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY l,t IRTUE of sundry writs of Vendition Erponas, Fieri Facies, and Levari Facies! issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Potter County, Pennsylvania, and to me di rected, I shall expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court House. in Coudersport, on - MONDAY, the 17th day of Deer., 1866, at 1 o'clock, p. in., the, following described tracts or parcels of land to wit: Certain real estate situate in Sharon township, bounded as follows: Beginning at a corner in 'the road in the west line of Geo. W. Sherman's land, thence along the centre of the road wait erly about 50 pb.rches, thence north 174 perches along the line of Joseph Jones' land to the line of .1. H. Wright's land, thence along said line east 49 perches to the corner of G.W.Sherman's land, thence by the line of said land south abdut 160 perches to the place of beginning, contain ing about Fifty acres of land with six ,acres on the north end reserve& with about Forty acres , improved with two frame houses, one frame, barn, and . other outbuildings and some fruit trees.thereon. l 'Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the proprty of William Kelly.. - ALSO—The following described tract °fiend Beginning at .e post the north-west corner of village lot no. 199 in the •Hero of Condaraport, thence by north line of said lot easterly eight perches to the ,forth-easttorner thereof, thence at right.angleslo said line northerly two per ches to a post, thence parallel with north line of said lot N 0 . 1199 westerly eight perches to a post, thence southerly two perches to the place of beginning, . Containing - Sixteen perches of land with one frame house and som fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of A. E. Kelly. ALSO—A textain tract of land situate in Eulalia township and described as follows: Be ginning at a post in south line of Eulalia Wm, being north-east corner of lot N 0.45 contracted to Seth Taggart, thence south 70 rods to north west corner of lot No. 53 surveyed .to W. B. Gorduier, th'ence east 134'rods to corner,thence north 70 rods to a post in north line of Eulalia farm, thence west 1.34 rods to the place of . be ginning, Oontaining Fifty-Eight and Six-tenths acres, and being part of warrant N 0.2127, about five acres of which'are improved, with 1 frame and one -board stable erected thereon.— ALSO—Certain real estate in Allegany Trt. bounded and described aikfollows r viz : On the north and east by lands of the Fox estate,on the south by lands of Andrew Gross. and'on the west by lands of the Fox estate, Containing One Hundred and Forty Acres, be the same more or less, about eight acres improved, with one log house and one .log barn thereon. Seized, aken in execution and to be sold as the property •of John Snyder. W. W.TIROWN, Sheriff. Coudersport, Nov, 19, 1866 E.REMINCTON &SONS For the United States Service. .also, POCKET AND BELT REVOLVERS, REPEATING PISTOLS, RIFLE CANES, REVOLVING RIFLES, Rifle and Shot Gun Barrels, and Gun Materials, sold by Gun Dealers and the Trade generally. In that days of Housebreaking and Robliessf,evesy House Store, Bank, and Office:heal have one of Remington.' Revolvers. Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late pavements in Pistols, and aupertorworkmanaldp and form, will find all combined In the new Remingtons' Revolvers. Circulars containing cute and doacepUonet of our Arms will be furnished upon application. _ I, [SYMINGTON &MONS, 'llion, N. Y. Storms Os Plonoca, Agway. 7171 ' 1:14. y,, 4Nitrthuud Hi, Now Toik P. 4. Stebbins & Co. O I ,' AT THE I, CORNER STORE, CONTINUE TO RECEIVE ALL 31 IS OF GROCERIES,svcitanTEAS,CO,FFEES, WHITE and BROWN SUGARS, I I SYRUPS and MOLASSES, SPICES, ttc., 4ttcc, 4c. P. 4. Stebbins & Co., AT THE CORNER STORE, CONTINUE TO RECEIVE _ _ ALL KINDS OF DRY:GOODS, midi as DRESS, GOODS, ALAPACAS; MERINOES, LADIES CLOTH, DE LAMES, &c. I WHICH WILL BE sOpt VERY CH U P. A. Stebbins MEM CORNER CONTINUE T 9 AIL H.T.Np HARDWARE, such •as BLACKEWTH'Si CUTLERY, &e l l & MENS' and BOOTS s k)r 'ALL xrNDs FANCY ARTI ct, ' ; i Ero OD PORK, PROVISIONS, and SALT. 'FLO • • • COVIEIt STORE! CALL AT GOOD NEWS NEW GOODS 'TIEZT73O THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES No attention paid to the cost of Prompt conformity to the Lowest Market Prices is, our established We are deterthined to give . the pal We You wen you COIt Ell EDi you We r AT.! CHARLESI S. JONES Shall take the lead in furnishing this section of the country with the best articles for the least money. Ours is the Store where that Can be done. COME, SEE, and be CONVINCED. A ,! . 1 ORE; Cottons Goods ! ißEC.lirir. we are now , offering at prices which can noti i fail to strike the purchaser as liafeEL'ip CALICOES WITH THE STARCH N, NAILS, OUT OF BOTH CLOTH AND InFerW3ra GS, BROAD-CLOTH, Plain & Fancy Cassimeres STANDARD MUSLINS Bleached and Unbleached Muslins of all Prices. Flannels of all Colors. SILK & LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, SPOOL COT 4 rON. Ticking, Striped Shirting, Denims, Crash. Towethitg LADES' iDRESS GOODS, ,; All-Wool Deimos, Amer. Delaines. Mohair Lustres, &o. • GROCERIES, GHS, ! i EEO 1 En OTHING, r SHOES, Of all kinds. COFFEES, WHITE 4k BROWN SUGARS, SYRUP 4- COMMON MOLASSES, GREEN At BLACK TEAS, SPICES of all kind. A great variety of the nest brands of SMOKING SI . CHEWING TOBACCO. Corn Brooms, Cedar Buckets; No. 1 and 2 Mackerel, Labrador Herring, Hams 4- Shoulders. Also, DRUGS and MEDICINES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, Ao. REMEAUtER WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE CHARLES S. JONES. condapporh,hine 5, 1866 Aim II BO STRANGE Mt BUT BARGAINS 1 BARGAINS GOODS. RULE. is the Benefit of the FALL, tffl's time. shall try to prove the Rule "Works ;both Ways." paid high priees when goods I t up, we w ill see to it that I pay low prices now GOODS ai4 down. rs may go down, but we do not Intend to be beaten. we ask is Ito give us a Call.' as mud!! as you, please. If know our prices we feel sure of sale. re in for tht trade this spring 'and are deteridned that All kinds of Summer Goods'! VEI OLMSTED'S. YOUR atttention is invittd to'the large and attractive stock just receiVed, and for sale as low as the , same qualities can be bought anywhere in the county. 1 We have on band a large and varied as sortment of Domestic Cottons, co-lprising BROWN SHEETINGS; and SHIRTINGS, BLEACHED MUSLINS, DENIMS, - ! STRIPES, - CHECKS, • . TIC/KINGS, and COTTON FLANNELS, on which we Cannot be undersold. . • We purchaser onr•goods Tor Cash and offer them at a very small advance From Cost. FLANNELS. I F you want to purchne BED, GRAY, SLUE, or PLAID FRENCH SHIRTING FLANNEL, call At Olmsted's. DRESS GOODS; DELAINES, PRINTS, 1 BROCHE, 4nd 1 . WOOLEN SHAWS, IHOODS, I SONTA GS, .NUBIAS, -, " BAL3IORAL SKIRTS, CLOTHS, and 'CASSDIERES,: I a full supply At OlinstedPs. CLOTHING. DON'T fail to call befoie pnrchasing and see the assortment ' At Olmsted's BOOTS & SHOES FOR Men, Women & Children, in great Va riety and cheap. At Olmsted's For Molasses, Syrup, Sugar, Tea and Coffee, in fact everything in the Grocery- line, call AT OLMSTED'S; A full assortment of almost everything that is kept in a country store on hand. We - intend to keep Goods that will give Satisfaction and sell good articles at the lowest living, profit. AT OLMSTED'S; glantfl) Grain of all kinds, Butter, Wool, Sheep Pelts, Furs, Deer Skins• Also, I County, Township and School' Orders, for all of which the highest prices will be paid ' At OlnristeWs Coudersport, Pa,Nov'r 78, EDST JOURNAL. INSURANCE AGENCY. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LITE CO., FIARRFORD, CONN. Caah Capital, ; $0,000,000 MUTUAL LIFE IN NEW YO; Cash Assets, nzw YORK.LIFE IM E3:l Cash Assets, WIDOWS & ORPHANS BaNi Ef CO NEW YORK. Capital, .ETNA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD, CONN. Assets, :11): . • 0 : ilir : . PHILADELPIITA Capital, ptrricustr FIRE INSURANCE co., HARTFORD, CONN Capital, HONE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW YORE. Cash Assets, Travelers Usual= Com' y of Hartford Capital, $BOO,OOO INSIMINCF AGAINST ACCIDENTS OP EVERY i•EscßaprioN, AND AGAINST LOSS OF LIVE .PROM ANY CAUSE. Ai. W. MeAlarney S2A Tear =ditto by any one with elf.— ,000 Stencil Toole. No experience necessary. The Presidents; °ashlers, and Treasurers of 3 Banks indorse the circular. Bent free with samples. Ad. dress the American Stencil Tool Works, Springfield, NETff FIRM NEW Messrs. Joiies & Lyman Successors to S. B. WEST, are 'offering their large and new stock of Drugs & Medicines, GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES OE I _ THE NEWEST AND .11,, '— osT r,orl PAINTS, .OILS, VARNISHES LAMPS OF THE LATEST AND MOST BEROSMIE OIL, &c., &c., &c STATIONERY AND THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF Notions and Childrens' Toys, To be found in the whole COunty, for pale at as As those, of any other establishtnent of the kind in Western Near York. Remember, next door to Wes , t's old stand E. A., 1 JONES & E. E. 'LYDIAN. __ We N. Y., Aug.'s27, i 866. tf I OSBORN'S JAYA COFFEE--The most deli clods and healthful bescrake known. ' It is prepared f.tom the best JAVA COFFEE, and. While it has all the ilavor.of fine Old thivernment Java, hells for less than half the Closs'boors:l. 7 gs aravrat, Co oo Has been steadily used for years, by thousands of persons in all parts of the Country, and is universally acknowledged to beat once nutritious, delicious, healthful and economical. The same. quantitY wilt make a richer and stronger cup ojf Coffee than any other known. ' CDPlEirkt C0X . "22. 7 15; eTEVIITEL Cc> ffez , Is particularly recommended as a he:inlaid ',ever. age and is most beneficially used by those who euffl-r with Headache, Nervousness and other injurious effects from the use of other Coffee. It is prepared with the greatest care, and contains no ingredient whtch is not more harmless' nod bene tidal to the humsu organism than' pure Coffee,, to which fact the most skilful Physicians and Chemists testify,' idosibcoinci7E3 ar'eamsra Corroe, Has been extensively used at numerous. Sanitary Fairs throughout the Union, and received certificates of tho highest recommendation. It has !also been thoroughly tested, and received the diploma of the American Instituter and other prominent iontitutions. Put up in I lb pacleazes bearing the Inc sitnile Sia• nature of Lewis A. Osborn, and in boxes of 30 and 50 lbs. and Sold by Grocers generally. =I !3IIRANCE az. Wholesale Depot and Trade Supplied by • THOMAS REID & Co.,'OLOBE MILLS, Inpo!lern and Wholesale Dealers, In'Tea, Coffee, and Spines. • 5.03 So 115 *Arras aal. 233 Wa sliington. Streets, New . York. April $14,000,000 SURANCE CO., $5,000,000 •j J. GURNEY SON PHOTOGRAPHIC y, N ARTISTS, '707 wa. In addition to our Photographic Art Gallery, Established 1840 1 We have for the last five years had advantages supe rior to any other establishment in obtaining sittings from life, of all the prominent celebrities of the day, in CARD PORTRAITt3, and are now pu‘.7llshitig a Catalogue of over 2500 iSubjeets, Ameilean and Foreigt, also a large list of Copies of ; - _ Works of .Art and Engravings, Catalogues Bent on receipt of Stamp. An order for ono dozen pictures from our atalegue will bo filled at 81.80 and sent by mail fr er Sin gle Pictures 25 cents, copies of engravings 15 Ms. each. N. B. We also desire to call attention to the ad vantage we' have for reproducing, or copy tig, Id Daugerreotypes,Arnbrotypei.., Curd Pictures &c, .1 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $1,731,000 Deceai:ed Relatives and Friengs, • • enlarging tbem to any size, and finishing in Of , Wa C lore, or India Ink, with the aid of Ten Talented Artists. Parties desiring copies, should therefore correspo.. with tts direct.. Send for 'a o'll:taloa:tie. The Trade Supplied at a Liberal Discount.' !Gallery open for, Free .Inevectiou. and strangers visiting the City, win find our dallttry ono of the most agreeable places in the City, wherein to while away no hour. ' ov. to • 1 • • a - . cominrc I'IICTOGRAPPLERS. 707 BROADWAY, N. $564,000 18.23.8m0 $3,596,922 MA RVIN'S Patent Alum and Dry Plaster Fire 'and Burglar Safest House and Store-Door Locks! Send for Catalogues MARVIN & CO., 265 Broadway, N. Y 721 Chestnut St., Phita. An.l7 ly ! Agent. S9O A - Month I—AGEZITS for lei% entlrelyliew articles; just aut. •Addreas :Q.fr.PAREI, City Bulldinglliddeford,Ntallafl. 26,1665. _ Vie* Store.! GOODS ! i T ' Chemicals, Perfumery, lILAR DESCRIPTIONS • i PUTTY & BRUSHES, .F ALL QUALITIES. Gl4ss of all Sizes. APPROVED 'STYLES ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF LOW PRICES COFFEE! • GROVESTEEN'tCO . Plano-Fortti lilantifaietni7ra. *• * '' 499 Bioadway, New York. roIIE attention of• the public and, the trade is In. vited to our Neu' Scale Seven Octavo ItOsew oo d Plano-Fortes, which for volume and purity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto offered in this market. They contain all the modern improvementtq French, 'grand action, harp pedal, iron' frame, overstrimg bass, etc., and each Instrument being made under the' personal supetvision of s Mr. J 11. Grelces en , who has had a practical experience of over thirty years na their manufacture, is Inlly warranted in every particOlar. THE "OROYESTEEN PIANO-FOETE" Received the' highest,,award - of merit over all others atl ' the Celebrated World's, Fair I f Where wore exhibited instruments from the best makers, of .I.ondou, Paris, Oerinany;\ Philadelphia, Baltimore. Boston,. and New York ; and WO at ths American Institute for five successive yeaxs,Ple gold and silver medals from both of which can be seen at our ware-robms. By the introduction of improvements we'll:flake a still more perfect Piano-Forte, and by manufacturing largely, with,a strictly cash system, are enabled to Offer these instruments at sprite whiclowillPrec/Ude competition_ • \ • PRICES. • No. 1, Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood Plain Ouse • 4300 No. 2, Seven Octave, round corners, !rosewood Heavy Moulding. No. a Bolin Octave, round corners, Roselood • \ 1.01/14 XIV ' style sase ' ET CASH IN CLARE/IT Ferns.. Wecriptive Circular sent free, ROY'S CHOLERA- DROPS ,, A ' sure safe, and effectual remedy for Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbre, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera In- Mot a nt,Crarnpe,Spaame,Griping Pains In the Bowels, and the beat antidote for CHOLERA,. ;1 • SALUTIFER I . • The Great External Remedy of the Age. A certain cure for!Neuraliga, Quinsy, Creep, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Sprains, Swellinp,Plour .isy, Crick In the flack, Spinal Irritation. i Cramps, Spasms, 'Numbness of the Limbs, Chilblains, Rine. corm, and the best external application for.Dyptheria FOR SALE RY 1 Chas. S. Jones, Coudersiitirt, and by Burtis Jr. Potter, Invies, Penna. " WV-1y NE TV PATENT LA Ir.? cH.LarxE 11141 TE.BBINSV TVON'IT BREAK -CALL AND E DOBBINS' Electric Soap SAVES TI ME SAVES MONEY! SAVES LABOR I SAVES CLOTRES! SAVES,„ WOMEN! AND ALL 'GROCERS SELL IT. It ix used by cuttlnz into small shavings . and die- . solving in hot water, then 9oal: the clothes dye to ten Minutes, and a littla.hand rubbing will Make them as clean as hours of hard machine rubbing Would do, with ordinat y soap, and .the most delicate fabric re ceive no injtit y. We - can refer to thousands of fami lies who are using it, acd who could not be persuaded to do without It. DOBBINVIELECTRIC SOAP, SOLD BY 4LI LEADING GI?OCERS TER9T-TG1101:1T THE STATE .Mankactured only by DOBBINS & LOVE , WIIOI.ESALS OFFICE 107 South Fiflh Street, Philadelphia. THE, SILVER SKIRT, Patertted. March 7, 1865. MORE DURABLE, MORE GRACEFUL, MORE ELASTIC; And will keep its shape and retain its place better than any other Skirt. Tide new and beautiful style.of Skirt was awarded by the GREAT AMERICAN INSTITCTEFAIR, hold in New York City, October, 180, a 1%/14:34:145ta THE HIGHEST PREMIUM EVER GIVEN FOR A_HOOP SKIRT: The Steel Springi are wound with n fine plated wire (in place of a cotton covering) ;which will not wear off or become soiled, and the whole Skirt may be we su En wiTHOUT INJURY or fear of inating and will' bens good as,now. I 1 1 1 72 C M • COMBDIATION SILVER SEBT - - _ This Invention combines with the ordinary cotton Skirt the achMntages of our Silver Skirt ; the bottom hoops'are the same as those used in the Silver Sklt't the covering of which cannot wear off, while the up per ones are covered with cotton. No lady having once worn one of our Skirts will bo willing to wear any 'other, as the lower , hoops of all other lands sr* soon injured and soiled/ The best materials are need in their construction and from their d arability lund neatness, they are dee, tined to become • A FAVORITE SHIRT! For Sale In Coudersport, by P. A. STEBBrNS 41; CO., D. E. OLMSTED, CHARLES S. JONES, and N. M. GLASSMIRE. At Roulet, by 0. R: WEBB. 11. S. Burbank. Traveling Ag't., Aug.: 13.-6 m 32 °martian& St.N. Y. H. J. OLMSTED'S STORE can always be found the best 0 Cooking, Box and Patlor STOVES- Also. TIN an `SHEET -IRON WARE, POTS, KETTLES, SHEERS, SCOTCH BOWLS FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS; and CAMP EONS. Also, Agricultural Implements. such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HORS,E-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, &c. HIS WORK is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS pat np in any part of the County-Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, including Cash, Seldom refused. Store on Main Street opposite.the•Old Gantt House, Coudersport. Aug. 1 1863.-50 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers