I==M -- - • OUIINAL fo l oarwr Aredziba ay • Avening , .. i Row 9, 1664 " Loc4,", aYjcd `';Greierai':' . gigaSee 4d.vertis*.ent3. , • •• • cAsu paid, for Wood-tit this' dike' the delirind 1.04: s i',"lpt ,` ~idld;bare ' ra~ political ery , thrcinghdut the lciyal States. , • Itisineepd !3doiiierlll4. klis-=eyes =blazing 'With the . fiitiatiat itonsuinet 'Oat ; tniin • • • •„ pet '.9 3O 2OIi4iPPRI Y. 0 )4.1 cY,c flags” and tell - beck dead. ,:; 7, - . ter?. Thef:petroleu m-produced. duriPg.lll, e treiv& months 7 ia ' 'fitin'sylvankac , said Lit fl?ie wells for .04,660;60e and; coal crop : pf- the,Stntoi.lfpr tle. t same yeripd, 'amolotedlty.only4sl - ,00 0 , 0 00') . Putroleura is - 4asiCiakiiik the' plate' of cotton ash medium of exelmogp with foreign couni.rles. - Bar Since the Stnyebe)ders' _ ' Rebellion broke t h e )Eel)o;wing fallen - into Ahi rreedom ; Disfriet:iirMelup -1)14' s tein‘ Lo n isi an Ofei l vpuid. ,brolig4l:24:.thc: ll #s , iill4;c l f t,ol9aFt4;re ..jolae in one grab& Hallelujahtt , , • Althongh:the election ts .oyer e.poo- Verritirine to inform 'Abentielves i4ilt.AiiaPOlitilcaiiopiei of the and hay t.dng n few, extras J9f:tfra.4. Mle . campaign, we circulate them this week. • , • • :,..519.44113d0n is now connected "wlth : Sidon itdd Zirei3alena by telegraph , l • How . ..strange Id see the old, Bible Lands . - invaded by mod .. , erikinvenliogs and iniprOyepents. In rinoth .er , ear•• our, .shores. , tna.y be _within one, Alay's I;3iniiiiinicati r dn - iiith the Holy Land. A tele iidon may e 13, s fo e noon:of, the, next:day:l.; cash receipt? tlie,gentia, IFair -for the relief of and. wounlled , soldietp, `held inThiladelphia in June hist, amount to , . 11,071,130. Wall done, Pennsylvanin! That ~is anhstautial.eympathy. 110.. The 10. st report of tlie Conimistsioners of Internal Revenue tax is about:s/6,000,000 a Month, or nearly $200;000,000 Tear.' • In the Oongressional District, com peied of the counties of I Dahphin; Snyder, Nprth'd, and Juniata, Geo. F. ,Miller, . Union, of Lewisburg, is elected by 527 major ity. Mr. Miller, _hat; fought his way up from. among the`Poor masses to the leading posi tion at the Union Oonnty Bar, is hOnest,:one .of the 'most energetic workers we have-ever 'known, generous' almost= to a fault, a sound Itep - uhliein; and 'will make nty'able; upright -representative. -.• . • -" the- Lie'ming, Union aud Sayler, Assembly- and Sinatorial Distticts : Wallas, .is• elected 'to :the Senate . by 147 majority; Wilson, Dem., to l tile AssemblY by 16 . ;m ' Ecj. Orwig aid A Ilemitn; -I.Titon, to the Assembly, by 34 and 43 Majority'respeetively. There remains thecae of one Company which has• nor hem °Gni:lot:ed.; and schichit.is thought in a contesacie %vie Ost.Wilson and :elect3ianly; the Union candidate of Lyemiling. Sr. Tire - election in the .vOnnty 'passed. off very, quietly, with hero and' ithire an, item to laugh at or.feel mortifielover: in Otte LOWS ship four deserters from tlieldniftliirßeared early in the morning and voteci - Wr'aitio . -3fac—of course, we did net expect npyfkina Also than that they ; would. do, so,,aed conse- ilucbtly put tirinownni Oise - Of Mtie".i.'"rnitn ral rights." SWedeir;:nleol.: : (oi- . aklqaSt'a man who can't tell the difference between live cents and' fifty dollars) alsOadtbd for Mac. He' was put - under 'Oath • (whiclr ; We consider a foolish proceeding as,he cannot unde.rstand the nature of an oath) and asked whether he had paid bis - ta*As,'• he '• answered He was then asked ho was assessed.? one of PL,L-w'i.co . irs.";;.- 4, lbAls and children sometimes tell the truth."—ha this place the voters were; ut by daylight:6nd - ion ten 'o'clock all but five , . votes' were polled. Early in .the inorning.th M e aeites gave its fif ,. teenitriajorßy in the Borough - Wit#,Lve thajot-: ity for Mac iii the township, In 'the evening •Te tOolc - ,3`i majoritylin ;tile borough and,B ' - anaj. in the ' township; _making"' a" gain of_2l maj,rio.'t(f . of,t2 eq. VI sffelot). e c IT! on,„ We never saw_ a. more. doleful,„looiiing pack of 4161 . 4icilins_Ahdia -,ditr;!‘c npVerhead opponents.'..were that They. re tired holes scarcely visible since: . • . OTTER:O, K. el • •;.-' ApiA,AinrslNCE'Jouroittitt_ tie fonowieo , , are tjie official returhs of ' ..).• Lincoln: ::Aajljott .. '23s_.. , 3 0 . z Allegany:: • . • - 32 1 •=l3.logllam ,- • . - • ';; - 81.1.:" Olalm'l 23 . 2s 'lir fir '• 1 : 1 Ed1111111, •'' • 31. ' ,:;••• Ts`44:inetee. • , 36 , • •-" x s Harritott:. -• . - 401,•;,c'; Fret:licit' : 1 • Hector`_ J . . • 57 I l9 Homer •'•• : :161 1 0 - 2 :7 -- n ! ---- '9 - "' fltirliWSYo " : 3 13 7 -. " 1 ; 1; :• ; '' ( .33' 2 ‘ • : :•: 7 11elitiant Ya11ey••••'1T- '" : .1 " 1 ;1? cti 2 0 .• _'lo3 -,•,• Summit Sylvania_ .- 28 ••?. 7 -_ cPt • . I „,lll3 . ifses 63 -•• 7 1 3 9 • attou —• 1167 648 CM EMI I—Pea4-for IVlcter 3- .7 :.Shout, soutl the g!dingi o'er• .! •i• All shallbe frt!el - I -7 ThqKuighAPf 8i 5 q4C4A)!.e)0 3 .1 - .. ;:}telaglljpa's r:ccpdqt., bbrAimq.4riciligtAni s . l og• 1 ; • To victory 1 ' . • ',- ri • 7C .- 1 . Ls : — C.II " • , iColumhjp.jpiptar,t4l-might,, t , ,1tf1it0r,t 3 : 0 449 1 . 08 -1 ; ' Fair Freedom's ralitrii host 1_ , .3:141.9.:1ti1t 3 11eg4:15ing9.. 1 7:a_ - bcinAtlt.) Along 5.e.P.0.r 3 4.4'i1ir.e94a. 1 1.: „And through hcr„botyidp FIBI : .1. God grant we soon : Ray riepa :Enduringjnoiky; Our. eon !Urea-foramen; tip ; The smoke : Orife t .d4ol4,ed, •• •: . :,' , ;:::..And - peao,e,Te4t9Fe.d.l.iii • :Union's hawker f hriglit ,!. Shall herald Freedom's light '_. 0 n shore _and : sear And Heaven's benignant rays • 'flume; the itation'A,daysp— .; Our heart's asetibingaira*, L: , Great God, toffine.:.:,!::; mum THE GRAND= RESULT. ' dor )aititY the c,onelosioa that Ple . sjdent I,azcoi,a j'eielve' the - Electoral Voe off the'folliiiiineOtatea: r a MAIN. E;[ mASSAI.CitusETTO: ; c•RiEfODEISLA2I- • . 2 41" 4 VERMONT, , 5 r:fOO . NNECTICIIT,. „ PENNSYLVANIA; . ,-. 26. DELAWARE,I .. . , -1 3eARVEAND;' - ' - ' - "1, - OHIO, • 2 , i MICHIGAN, . S MINNESOTA, ; 4 KANSAS, • ,g f t . tg Necesiary to . erect 118 : This . is independent....of tho Ahetes 4 wifirif have ppabably choice 1.11. Electors for Lincolri. ;,. • A [MAHAN LINCOLIt. IS RC-ELECTED PRESIDENT by a very latiie Electoral and still more deci sive :POp major - 14 7 , .11e:ea. iteldigerl be taunted:as a quinoritr_Presidpdt, and go :precticid.ifuestion Can'ariSe-es-loa-theist ing of votes of dubious States. .He xs the choice of the American Peopl& a by prepon derance which must disconcert said baffle the conspirators ter: Noah :Western: mid i other Itebel-parasice Confederacies; His : - .Adminis. tration*is stamped With popular approbation; and be; may now go oil With the work'; of subduing Rebellion, while restoring andiac ifyin,g the Union.. With four leers before him, it is hardly . possihle that he should not succeed: . • • . 2 11 AND:REIV Jourtdou is likeiviseelected -*ice President Like Lincoln, a Self-Made' born 'poi:a-White in 4Staver Vfate i .---tie has been rineni-d - by cfredmstances'lstto'jcine of 'Most determined, erat,l6,4ii . einies:otibe Rebel . Slave, Power; _ , ,The pantry has few sounder or purer patriots thanyice President Hamlin, --- whom' - life •s; , i,tll regret; but ,lie4COuld : gi'v,e, to no man worthier, better or momacceptehie than Andrew;J:oherrT-7t-qqfnr- . `CAMEIfON WILS"±Y Sean dfiriar spys , tpq ,e , vote of CanserotriCoMity in the late election. It will be seen that there . was,considele of tickets; ai:tisnal Wit "Mt our trienda there - learn tileasonfr4m this election? Your conduct came within three votes of AeTeti r littiJosiepli Shaffer :fpr Treasurerwho' is one et the "trueat and most devoted men of Cameron County. Eveg.ftne of pis relatives ire cppp ej ds intenis est kind; and instead of voting foi him they . did every thing In their .pnwer,to,defeat:httn. I3ut we rejoice thatilhelUnionists not only, elected him but prep- man on their ticket, , in TovenatiF we have_nO doubt „ ' t a I H • Scofield U. _Bigler D. Shipi)en'' - _ ' ' Portag 17 Gibson, 61 50 Grove, 39 32 ---- Total .262 189 I FOR REP ItESENTATIyR, 16.9.4 — e. 128 65 ' Sbippen, „ , Portage, ""-' Lumber, Gibson, Grove, 13 - - 5,7 • 44 ----, 64 • -•-, 16 Total, 248 211 -! .r4OII3OROTARX. L. I I 'Kell / m.. Shippen, . 127 71 Portage, 'lB7, -10,f?3 1 --Lumber,— - Gibsol 3 / 4 1. Groie i • 31. 34 • , ' 216 ; ;.' ', / 10 *.'" FOR' OO3tAITSSiOIiER.: - : 1 3 , Tinton U. - Pudtini fic3 ,4 l. ;=_lrt — 66 T - . 7 (Ft 'tire 1171;S , Lumtee 7 4 . " "= . ~'- 74 15 = 4- 119 II 160! ; , .. - rrip 63.71 zoty :TOtii!,:i • - 266 TireAs,iltEß: V. • hit n: . r ). ;I 1. 1. 15 7.. -; .1 •jr , "`234 5 " • •*23]..q Portage, Lutnber; T oresal . ts bf Gen. Shernii!ns * tl.r tiOns" tlib:Sliena,ndoo.h3ra i llfjr. follows:—T'sisone9 cat)turetir,c4:opj-iyi , sons, 2.11 - Vchgons, 260. TH§ NFICI4 : L ts Vp.M.Oj4.I9%.9VTIPLI: I`, E —Wftbtlit_nitleettrkblelorstLVOlkis week in tabular form the complete vote of th'e coun ty, istplyitinMettylnymitiLKW!,give the figures for Congress : ; ( .7 in r_;,iitalshrtz- Home vote • 3541 1275 rolft . ,-o•J :t:l 7 L 12132 , )1. A11:414247i150n Tipga. f co. 2623... . '1 4 11.3 Vet tidbit . 4ete i.el6'6ted 2 11141 1y54,1xj11,410.1,.1 At, Tatertm kciew,ll, tot was not independent of the township: Thekat:A . 4lK :tlierif6W; Tr e AY*.,:7P aQ !l 's iE i l t r;) 9ll ' t3e l l ? ne vote in the district, is 75.—Agilator. =I C :; Ito ice, ....A. , Contrtiqatitifato Soill. be s fiebic lin • 'the Actleip . 7, ,bailqier at goatierspgrt tog \o~ember 22, tt coat nde tliree dijk" •c Also;: the 7F411, F ; r4inaintvtisna ; !ef.geseber.l will be held iO as follows l• • • sswayo - " 'l6 " " " - ,—Audreas_Settlemput , fT 'f 7 ,7 • Thilitlei Deed's : "TE -- .erPQI I 4 IO P. Port.' - - fr"' 28 - (r ". irainson - vairEk - -- 30 le - "gt Bingham! 9(1.443 -" Dec, Bird . 'ge'booMonsit' tr" • Barlison.gebnagoittl_k et 4' .•z. __- Teachers will be expected to bring paper Aitn T. UliAiliFicfNiMo": Nov. 1. 1864 Baows's Baosoritix TJbltas.—These to ges ;.are:.prepitrod ..fraut a, high.lylontiecitapd recipe( ror.SUeviatipg. BtoadkialAl'ool932 9 , 4.l,Athms,,,Hostisenass,,CoughooPolds,,And,lni tatiort.or Soresess.or Ahe:Tbroat.o: ,J 1 PRICE CURRENT. CorreciedAvereWednegrii,bo". A. STEB "I3II% It; CO.,•Reta4_DalersirrArbgeriell and Provisions, • oPPGsiteD4iCtkiis#Tifets Hotel, Coudersport,; 'a_. r • o,,,kriea, ,• . 0 0 ..- 2 49 _ Beans, " • 3 00. 350 Beeswax,, lb.„-- rl ' o r 1 .10 GO Beef r „• :10 12 Beyttesji4iied,' pilikt r ,f L . 1)-P "18 '1340.14 - 41eat;` bush; fi , 87 j"00 Bdektft'eatTlour, ' "4 - 00' 't . 75 Butter, , -, 25 28 Cheese, • 20 2r). Cloceisred' '= - - 9 : • 7 00 '`7 50' - • 'l' 50' deal; per 4`50 ' 415 ' Flour, extra,. • _42 00 15 00i do superfine - 4 ' : 11, 2:10 00 12 00 Honig, 9 ; . ,:125 Ilapill-ton, • :,•• - • - •'• ,1 1E02101640: Honey, per • - ,:%! 1 % 1 15' • • -'2Ol Lard;:' • u 20 • - u-251 Maple Sugar, per 2O 25 1 Oats, • - ffs : -4 75 , . Pork;ll.bbl., „ • - J O; Do ' do 1) lb., 20 25 do in w...ttole.pp'reftN c . 0 - 11 9 Pp,t4toep,Per,bushri'-,- ; • , : 1-;9 ,- 3 ,1,..fia , ?:4:bn i gt) P 4 4 1 0,;',V 1 b: , - Rye, per bush., - tiO' 188; Salt, TO bbl., 600 6 25 . ! do. t l sack, ~ .. tienotSt esSa :4' . • • , a="tti) to Tion Reif Wheat, - 1.1 bush., /5' 2 00 White Fish, `3 _ 4 800 9 00; Me Tiger": for i 'Rimy Paing - SEND FOR' 'A spgaNts.`.'' -P.:Ansi/Fre WE Mie - Sunday-Schoolies. With a rapidly increasing,. subscription list and the welcoilit'llTnii ( inet in thousands of hoines;:the &ads!, "School- Ethes , ll . 6lbrotif enter oti , :itrseienthlyear: , r• '•• .1• : - .:Fversr,siceasive 'volum,e-adds tf-the' dvi dente that„such" a paper - :a aufrWherever it'-finds'its way _into a now neighboiheed r iris hailed Witti:•plksureliy, Parents and Teachers as supplying a want they had long folt.sv - TC-1+:) , Zhe figgilay DSlliook 2s , nctr ztoutaltts,l from i week toltreek„ stirring; incidents:.of_t interest frcurithELCamp, th&Fietd,-.:and :the: Hospital showing what heroic Christian fortitude and endurance are eAlkibite,d , by our brethren in ,4100.1491.11.ati0n4L . sari is.t4ciietoceswelconie Preq*.T4g l l444 - EilrlY in November a serial' of aliiinting interest will be,,commenced-crom the pen of a: glftekapthor, Atte 00" has' written some of the best jaVerire t `hoolks linvfi',. -r been'itli-: isif)-,earSl 3C - Tfie,lkitbriglitit 'offer 'a'beadtifni' Pi,efnin Plato ef h Christ Blessing - Little Childreno any one,who.will „get_ up a list, of Five new, Subscribeig rk,e/tse ,up &Abel :Areas. ! ' , -13621T ,a,speeimen Which:-:vrilltre mfiile4Jrei-eidleeelliflsVa SUMO 'tci..pity pottage: • J. C. GA.B.RTGOES & CO., cEdhlislteis linintooksellers, r.`.t4t3'B.'Fonrtk St:, Philadelphia;-.Pa. _— CA= to the the premises of tae Snbseri. in Shares 9:on.ornabonErthe 25th day of , Petptter,,+.,lBB,Z,, ene- yearling STEER i .pne yearIi4PEIPER„IIRFgj . ?” -0 AIX- The' owner is requsted tocall, prove properly, pay c.tiargesiand. tztice Opoire.way, sr, they,will • '3 frec i oraing t- tO , cfr ' Obil 28; '_ltEr4: - - ) r - • =: 7 .• ••„ .Touthal :4-41Vith -- 3tont: .perraissiolt r frish*llafter the itiillerS. o£ yd .t n t r paler tlia4 I W 40 4 "; -,VY-Y44ii-Fir,if; too is R ~o,itti it (fliee);a: inPnid)dsing a simple Veietable,Balm; that will effectually remove, in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, trlicklt . toftftell impurities of the:SkkiLleaving the same, !loft / . 4,4FaF r imooth and heautiful. ' - I willg.lwattik ffgg thoolkysing Bald Feadkor.l3ye "gaceg n iulpile; ; dirAtiQqapaci iiifOrpitatibn that will pal* full'itro'wth of Lux-dada - noir,' V7liiikeitbia Moustache, inissA, Oan tirtflYs• 11 agplic a tt return mail 4 1 Alogll'etrAP-193.4111teliiist,acfl'; „ ,84 1 4ArR4. 1 7:4, , 4 4 ,-974 . 8=1c: 7, Writt. t.InS,.BLOOS OF' ROSESV-t-for ,fh'eLl LL diega: 4l ,l 1... , Ili •L. _ _ ASEI 'E PAID k:QR GG$, t) by a - . 1 1. lett . Spencer. T-soArqd6ttthi 'I finis, fi ASH gg. , 4 D„ F Aß.: : rigv . .. 4 t i bf " r - Ph. TZ.I • ' cr. .0, • ei rikl? V rn • . 5 1) • W. 1:3 L , • 4 AvistittTh':peraoitt ;liavingvoperilisccciunts Omit-settle immedintidy.un;:z trill sell; - Is a: 2 . c:ai ... .:34; L Sj.{kto:AP.) - 44QgrMatilm. :a9L - All my stock of :31erchalifliali.; .. ct r j. --, : i 7: 71 . 'TOOTS, and PROCIERY, 'CItOCERIES:'":: ' 77 " —4 X.C I ,OIa &C " tb ' 1--Gooel-Iforseonci-ilantess.l 3 „! 2 H;rl 3 Wagons, 1 Sleigh, r; c! ""rm :The pii6ilege - of a good Asher) in coni .7l a Acts-30r:40gV , r45 7 :1--- tenti LUCIEN BIRD. , ' To PROFESSORS OF MUSIC, .A.ifiVEVILS,WiCIiIe MUSICAL Punt4p. Ot , N.VRALI, I tt Itk• Ifriigq•& thlthooi .Jj)tpie, 524 Broadway. ME Having on hand the largest stock 'oi l Foreign 511.)$1-Glinc,Hew.:1:ea*, •khichT lie imports from Europe! expressly to meet the taste and re quirements of the American lovers-ofAlusic t respectfully calls attention to. he fact, tliat lie is,nTy,sEppking..tiltisic of Every Style at a Itedudiftn_oraei4-_five_to fifty per cent, leis than any itthpr hoimiN in; tike rrivate;Piralliki.ciln_beitepplied,(tiost free) by forwarding the cash to the 'above address. Shovid:the amount+of cash fOrwar4e4l.:p.yeed the cost of the Music, 4.lto:ltalance. , 3v4l.ll)e P.rolnPtV. ,••Fp4tyned in postage currency. healer's and Professors should not neglect this opportunity i.- they-will-be liberally-dealt vi"...4 1,, r .-- t r + Ir '' Any ' a '1 ' "' q 7 f7 tif r•-' 1 " r ..j N:5 7 an every in ce,o . Mpo vocal or lifstr nAritaly publrsheer in tufope fir'A mericat, will iie,, supplied, jo. _order, ..if,.ac9om "Pan re d lirtlib - &SIC' —'-'" ! ~ — -i J i ••;, c , • ,•-, , _• ~; . : ..,,L. ~i . , . .o l. B l. ..s t amrther the Address,' P. A. Tirti NDERMANN, or . ign niiT Faiiikaillii§id Ird r 641 otiff6; rfroadir r :*,-.NeNstX;ork.. ' 2.1°3 MANH-P-OD- - • nbW LO:STI I - - - Just pubtished, -- ,ne , new odition of Dr: Culverweirs Celebrated Essay on" the Padical -- rurc -- ewittront - metlicine)•- of §.gzipu.roanueni., or .Scruirko,.l volunfiriSeinlnai toSses, l'id6trii!sor; 31enin1 ~rtnd?hrsicsi) l ,nkapaciq- , ,lnwedjrnents to_hlar. Artie, etc.; Frrs,,:induccd, by , sFyi 7 ndWger!c",-pr,,se r t ual extravagance. " ' ~ 9 velopp,,orils, 9 cons: The - "e - elebiSte'd'aiithor' nig admix.: le essay clearly ofeiMpstres,, from a thirty years successfin- practice,Mit the alarming I -consequences-of-self-abusomay-bo rod irnlly cued without the dangerous use of. internal meditine or the r e.kkie l at,lo s 7 of the knife-4 pointing out a. dicideof..:Capeat once simple, certain and effecutal, by menus of which ev4 ery sufferer, no matter what ,conditiori may be, may cure _himself Icheaplj-,.i3rivritely and Tg4 1. 94//2/!„ • " Lecture should be in the. hands of every youth and eygy man Sput i Ander seal, fir‘Rlain envelope, to apy siddreSs, - p - eitlyip(l,'On 'receiit cents, or two post stamps._ .A.a4ces . the G`fTCO., _l2 12 Bowry, No'w*Yi:filr;POstoffiee brix4-58 G ~ ;~f~ . 1-s-:411F.5:,, Notice. . GERSIANIA, Potter Co., Pa., AUrr.7.; OTIt Eislnrrehy.gtren: that :.Chariesißu :ll(egio-i4l6iscariate•of this county, holding the following described •prOperty.'lins-dot yet paid any consideratipnwhate.verfcr the.same, Qpd AllTpersonsitretp ereliy warned not't o 'clOse rin'y dN rd property Qf the ;1 1 14.1 3 u.:3419i . befm4h9,.decision o' the Court is. giVen. in thisksci ftna Bb - slichr has paid to me the - 9nbider.ttiorrmoney '" ' the %lib : wing is tb eprohe rty Ist. A certain tract of la:rid7near,the'Ger mania Mill, in warrant 5075. Abbott - towitshi'p, Potter county, Pa., contaiiiiiii:Vßl acres.— Also 25 acres in,falTttaT 1078 and adjoining thTabovr. c., s 2id.ffl...certrin tract of land, with MU4nd improvements therenn,.Rear_Re,ttle Cfreeli; in warrant i 5819 in Stewatistn-tOwlaship, Potter doniti,a'at,oilftgaing about 201 acres. C. Bushor hold also in IrtftryramAt, nu. 2501, in Gaines topstspix,tioga county, Pti., on roadkaid,i'ilgtrurarOinnrda to Gaines, ' ebtrtaliitifisWacres? -`" •,i • Aral: AM to the riarriises of the substriber in Alarrison to,wnstup s ,4011.1"15? n ttetCtbei g „ helfe'ry'ivitli biiiti 4 ri i iiiiti - hroilflid'iheW ) Tlie owner wilt come forward, prove propeitj , ;p4 charges and take her away,ior.lsha -- SkirEtlc maim ik 41ov rautoo' h . IJ 9i/ N - PA, l q 4 •;_ _—_ • A:o7_4 NSWBEp.,oryeara . hat . d - elineed sin e ITio.litildicterr -a HOSTETTER'S CELE BRATED BITTERS to tlielrulgrfaiTßOMfe iildriegistittgiltilhe minds of many persons against what are denominated l ygent Altdi z eines at first zrcatly retarded ILT die; litiS nta s ..and merits became knsp i wn, , this barrier of prejudice was ovocthriwn, demand .I . asreasedi,spjap*Yhttt in a few yearalTielirrelS , OvilltigelAxisted in the United Statesoln=ttletr tlimalilittedrimthmxt-NxperL MORI kile:*44kt# 93V 1 4 8 9; Giika "Bitters," and at the present daS - 14erggi4e,te be found in 444 T_EIVIATItrib voitpligEsjer.lifetrett tif. the article. NOttenter 'Mk far trYsiMi)slitlialbetd - turtf." 174,e**ellireOnEv4 751" rJ• . vAq..l)i everywhere. • T. h o . lao, XT, OEM IfEail s ir eid-Ylutr ais now ar.„aiii e a tiisit tt% . 4...Lae11:01.4.1414110 gidera . Mn? 1 cl 9 sP dpt , hei , r ) , Iqsi! ,w ~nlas, a paiTbrtle43etLs;dle.ll9lnAtkiel?xemaip ifn- N,ia t now belong. to)ne. 3r ill °nf epcT?t:fU~ Stav r tco: l :...% fohlid riv . .trs,lii#4344 3o rd6eiro.'tho4tit§'on thenCiroliirlOor ffqii - iii :4ale:v4sern aftecirMat titt 411115 e lb ft4Vcr.s tiffießW 74 % certiifeisraft Att l / 4 17 ,c i)GL CZ " .FI . 4?'" : Jo 1: 50 PER CENT. , FAV c :271 r i j lk t 'f Z-111,;) -.ATTITECTILATORS 'YT I.•cx; .:::• • :el; ,f. - „ ! OS - • • ' ": • , 0 " , c(1.1'.7 .; J . S . SILt ;71 - _.i , .-.10,5;2 !J, ~-,-,:: i.::: : ~...?:1::- ; ::,-,..;, vvELtivaLR7N4 1.. . • - • r.~_..1 . t.., s ue . F~`'= FELLO W 01 - 117:8:CS, Friends and Custoni ors: . I ITOlTP;Anllih s lafcs, to iOu,"fOi . -,ti/P. libeT4/.744044g0 •••rf.t9..7 l ad: f?.r4hP past teu pears, an 'my business. .kaciag,sh much increased, found it necessary to estal-i -liFh my headquarnil on the• railroad, have selected Wellitiille,andlekeiltat way be founA at the , -. • .• • f.: • • :1. •".: f. :.:; ' at tho'npper, end of the:rill:mei where l Amll. be pleased.to :see all my old'customers, ara as many new :ones 'as. may:feel disp.tisett qr. fai , cir .with ix, call. WW: are 110.17 opcnitig ft large stock . of DRY - 000D§; :='."'::.'! `-' 1300'1'.5, ,:8110ESy READY-MADE , cLq7IIING, =I :&b. and! shall 'ever: tify: to-. ex customers good bargains.: -To-rayfriensisand custorneA at:: Whitesville,: , I :Sincerely , . taturg::yost: tnY th'anks for: yotir patrodage,thereo and should you .visit - 11.t1.1YeLissillei-1 - shai!. to repapyrorfot it.A.iJ LC. , ^r: •-' G : -0 . od BliirtiagN.imd-Sheetings f0r,N3044:: , 5 ,r.dentsr,' worth : ; !• -f: Best gradestal. Prints :from,. 31 Ite3F, :6314 worth 45.• -i.!: ..;, Good •Delnins 2.5:t0 - 37 cents, woitllls to-4.5.! Goad_Plaid.Alpaccas••llB to .30 centii , ,urnit4 50 to 7.0.. , : • '7 1)3 • - Extra - Plain Alpaedsa. 40 to -:83- centi,;tvlatti t : .63 to 88.. L , . 1 ._. • -, ..1 , . : -..: : • - - 01: .L '1 Eitra all-troal•Delains 3711o:50cents, worth - 50 to 75. -; - r. - L.•: ; I: L. : fine Mozambitities 22 to 25 tents, ortEtk-34 - to 45. • .. .. - .o", • _ -:. ":. . .. •L i! 1 Fine all-wool Merinos .69. to 80Lcent 'irortli , $l-to $1,50. -. L 7 :•••-•. i . ~! ':. -., large stock of Cassimers..:Kt. 'hans,•Sati- 7 netts, Broadcloths; aad othar - gooda l equall . y' 1 .• as low. ' .. ; '..-- ! - ' '', ''. -: .; ' .. • - ..•' .-. ; - - ,-. T•, ) i. .'. ' • ,I, 1- • . :. , ~.. :, •.. _ 7 - 4.1 `... . - I • IV - ais branch of`Orrir trade ` fire can TO r atteti i -' i utt to iti partienlar, as'we. can and. 111.. sate. ' yen 2.1 to -50 per cent : . Pine suita;l - f Oia, $l2 to 513, wortht`..oto.lf.is. -. GOod blat i li parits for $::;75, wortli s s4,sCr. - ',Eitia Doe ,-).. ini ski $4;59. - :.-cf i ... 1- MN SIIILS,RANVE4S,I lOrthe .13est,ait3. a est'ir as 10p5,..1 - 0 • ruie• :WTI; Brophs l 'aOd most other *bids!, FNMA 71: Cf.!: 11' itip.i.'s:'::.:'&.',''';Es4 in IS largeTaslbrEmelit ,ter'sr MN . or! Fine-French7.; Calf iadies' 6h065.j0. worth $1,13: -_ .< Men's Ph:Co, Calf Boots' $3,75 -to-_,s4;!/ fss.l6:sG t ,":C =I • 7:0 risro - • EaciAiliPylla lTentS)- i r '-`,: . :: C•11 Q;)_; - , • ";'vY CIO . Crockerranitilardw - - ncv , s - 7d ird! C 25 ;G!S ?~ I= REM ItC , 'S'E ".3 I+' '6llltV v • • 4#411 , tt 7 . C" 4 at pricc!s f. ' .SettlaviernikedbEflnnflee ,_. '':.-/- 't-.. 1 g ` ; .. 77 ,r . ..- 'a6' eclie - 47 :Lela ill.D '.if p dr• our, rsirc;.' isle,. IT a • 'Pepper;;SiSieeViet:i • 0 .0 ,0 7 3* , 5-gl P 6— Mgritrl l o l ic:P Is.t SIMMONS; Wellsyille N. V:tB6er'7lK6-1 I i • • .man .roLln t 11 Havel Pitit-rsosived..frotn New`froric,:alsrge stock of seasonable Goods whteli they: will seltas low as Spy hails in-the OSsint'il Sams stating'. of ' - • " " BEIM DRESS GOODS, EMI F . PLAID POPLINS, .--.., ~~,. EN Mffl -SHAN74, - ' Tall ::sio Cleo - II:Mt eir i.:.,:_. i FASHIONABLE 'CLOTHING I .: _~-, BOOTS &NOES,- OE it:n.3 7:4 4 ;I- Stells, ••'• • ..•'l' • • HATS:f:CAPS-- ME ERE =I es. ! -t) - ' EMI .L. OM ill EIS I , worth iiE . , • 2' 1 IREEMB • , 1 '3.!. 'l4 - ,7.51 IMBE ..,Tealr-ora- 1 7.5-61a_Stp 07:1111 I priceN j . I 1 rem. I'ia - Pth 1:. -- ;';''„',1:4 , ..P..T.4.P.!§! 1111 te4 • . .. . „ coralr• 4ain, "Rd. Set. Q.! ti • Con4ersport, Sept. /1,'156j,: 'l_~_k~ , `;- ` .~:.' is ELM =ENE Sir :;,11 MEE -,:L .:.7 Nitil !.!i r.r.:;12 E1!:'..7 . - .7 - 1;19'. - if r, ..!'".31 . 3 ,:.:: .:.1:;:i.`, 4 ... - ;Qr0 . ..; •:,..-!.! 24 Vi :: •C: : 1:1 ,Tr!'::::.: , : ii":,:..!: 1:1 ;:il;f%!! • J ': :: ; : 1 ; . - - V10.0DS. ' ' lr. -Y . :S i : 'I:I rffill ISM ff=M= Ell 7C .J IMMEEII!JIM .. -. ~.5 :F., P:' 4: : ',',3W.0t :---4,-;p4 MEI = grg 61*s in ell cariatles Tls t IRE DE'L - 41.iygs, ;P(IPLMS, AT,P4 NOZANBIGI7EB I , . MEI BLACK 41LE;.7, BALMQRAL SKIRTS, ~cLOAKS, OE NEM el f oMaKGB i MEI EMI a,i,vavEß4s, =I MEM BM • HOODS, ArtIBMSI 7 0. 474 6 • MIMEO lIM =I T r 7 111111 c;') f SIM A.Lsil BE MEI ft:; - &e: RE Offal OROGERIES - '.: .5::!.. „zr.: . ::::::, - .;‘1 .::. . Tl.: '7 71 ~ A IIELYS:OIV HA 4V-Di ME ,~F~''_: Y.~ MEM ed MOB ITEM MilEl 111111 MB EDO 11121 EEO cL TA; IRE El Mg lEEE I I EEO EEO r7poid'id - &'Coil , ,i PIA §Ar.M.fO • I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers