II C ! • U. S. 7-30 LOAN. . 1 The Secretatfirai—Xreasury gives notie that subscription§ te h recelved for Coup4n Tre::sury - Notes, payable from i6g.15th,186A, with semi-annual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum,—prin cipal and interest both to be paid in lawfulmoney. . 1 I - I These nptespill be convertible at.theeption - Id& 'lt nit4nyity,intolsixtker;gent. T es._ vigtlcifd -40...it -rtots.tr... i s ea ing b ond s; naitibrenotTesithan'fite nor more than twenty years from their date, „sts the Government may elect. They will be issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000-,srl allintleriptiens must be for fifko6ll43 or ;iota; magpie of fifty dollars, The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of 'transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of De , , posit as: they can be prepaFed.i , As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons. making deposits subsequent to thdt date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. , • , PArties4lepppititig iLlwenty;fiTe - , theiosand dollltHand - ii pwartis YoFtheie'riotei at any one lime n ill be allowed a commission of one quartet of one per cent., which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt '..f the bill for the amount, certified to by the officer With whom the deposit was made. Nia sl4ifinetionsifor,'4omnitssions must be, made lifromtbe dePOsits., ~,,,) :,"1r..,; •, ' i „ • ;,, ' .atiif4G.Ltri_IVAV,44...YZ4GES. of AC, La4.lf.' l It is a National Savings Bank,. : offering It higher rate of interest than any other, and, the beat security. Any savings bank Wilietl pays its depositors in U. S. Notes, considers that it is pitying in 'the best circulating me dium of the country, and it cannot pay in any thing better for its .own assets -are either in governmitipt,iritie,e or in notes or bonds payable in` olerittnent p iper..'::) It is equally convenient ns a temporary or permanent investment. The notes can al ways be sold for within rt fraction of their face and accumulated interest, and are the: best security with banks as collatterals for, discounts. 2 into v3 l.- 7 - -.7 ::, -,I Convertible into a Six per cent. 5-20 Gold Bond. In addition to the very . liberal interest on _ the notes for three , years,,this privilege , of c inversion is now worth about three percent. for the current rate for 5.20 Bonds is not lesi3 than nine per cent. prenifim„ and .before the war the premium on six per cent. tr. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on.this )oan,.at the present market rote, is nottles's than ten-per cent. per AMA IM. t . BS Exemption farm State or Municipal Taxation. .But aside t ftioni'dltAlie advantages we have. enumerated, a special Act of Congress eX.• empts all bonds and Treasury notes from local. :RektiTtiiecjgrathiscayerage, this exemption is worth about two percent. per annum, accord ing to tbe rate of taxation in various parts Of 1 the country. rt fi is believed that'iio securities offer eo great l inducements to lenders as those issued by the government. In all other forms ,of indebted- neas, the faith oreabillty of private parties, Or stock companies, or separate communiti6, l only„js.pledgfd for payment, while the whoe property.ofathe eialintry is beldto secure the discharge of all the obligations of the United States. While the goiraininelat'offers the most liberal terms for its loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and Prvricl e thWiff l t49lPg:PPl e, Duplicate certificates will be issued for all do?osits. The party depositing must endorse upett.the,origlea/ ertificate the denomination ofitotSe-requieed,,sitsd whether they are to be issued in blank or payable to order. When so endorsed itlmust be left with the officer re'- 'coetig the deposit, to be forwarded to the treasury Department. Subscriptions will be retcired by the Treas. war of the United States, at Wishingt.oia; the several Assistant Treasurers and designated, Depo itaries, and 13y,(1tia,, - v•,t I First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. First Nie,tionalißrk of Danville, Pa. First liiitiorrialllttak of Erie, Pa. ~ii -Firs; t)lational Bank of Pittsburg, Pa. v lied Iln'll‘Nritional Banks which are deposi taries of public money, and All Respectable Banks and Bankers througheut the country will give further in formation and Afford every Facility to Subscribers.: _ [ l93m ]---------- -----: PA., STATE:,:NORrIAL,‘ SCHOOL CO, MANSFIELD, TIOGA PA. TITIS INSTITUTION WAS Recovv . zed by the State Authorities, in t r'7lli t r rafeerrlber 1,862. r, .I . _ r.• . 1 • • • • •• - State Normal School. And for-nail!, Opened as such in September 1863. The School is at length places upon a se cure bails—the State_ appropriation of the current year enabling 'the Trustee to extin- ' • guish- the greatq portion of the outstanding liabilities, and to make extensive improve rner'ts urn the buildings and , grounds. Theoreicia, 01,16.00gre, r. bit tlrjliAy,i 54)&771'66:5,4861; 4 . Prof. F. A. ALLEN, for the past six years in charge of the Chester County (Pa.) Normal ' School, has been elected Principal, and Prof. Ftt3gtfgflosfg,ylAerktly of qlleyslrfneninstitg #ient tteito.erofostoOlp, bf Languages and Litelnfure. . . It is desirable that students should enter at, the commencement of a term, and for a period .of not less than thirteen weeks. Tultlil, in advance per ter9 $6.00. No extra cha'rges for tlie legiirtges o 4 tho higher m4th emetic's. 'Textbooks rented at reasonable rates. Vocal and instrumental music at teachers' prices. Boarding in the hall, or in private families,from $2 50 to $3.00 per week. .;Tare from Philadelphia, $8.50; from Harris- W. C. RIPLEY, Pres. Board of Trustees. ALBERT CLARK, Secretary. Mansfield, July, 20', _186_4. OLEAN ACADEMY. The Fall Termlr/A1 commence AuFnst,3lat 1864 and continue ihirleeii week=. Tiffin from $4.00 to 58.00 per term. Board cart be had in, the Principal's family. ,Rooms for self-bOurdlifg 'hid had=_ iii , the.:Academy BuildindsaLS":Dpei'terdn.: _: E.' WILD.MAN, A. M.l Principal, assisted by other Teachers. A Teachers' Class will be organized foe the firdractfonfon teitabislltheir profession. in which Holbrook's Normal Methods and 'other valuable aids will be used. F. S. MARTIN, President: TAN T, f ll A RTIN. Seer ta rY, - • - . Administrator's Notice. WHEREAS, Letters of Administration to the estate of WILSON CARSON, late of Allegany township, Potter county, dec'd, griiited to tho;"siibseriber; all per,- indebted' to itild'estato are requested tb make Immediate payment, and those having claims arltat the same will present them, rinliiiiithiiiireetett•for settlement to HUDSON IIENDRYX, Adner. Allegany, A 14.10,1864, , .„i I Dr. Froofttuid's n Bittero G terra 1..!D, ; 0. N. Jackson, Phtlada.Pa. l _ . WILL EFFECTUALLY CURB 1 • - LI*EB, COMPLAINT, DYSPEPS/A, - • J'AUNDICE S • Chronic or ervous Debility, Diseases of the IridnOs, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, , Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fu lness orElpod to thellead,Acidity of the Stomach; Nausea,'Heartbarii;Disgust for Feiod,Ful- hess or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, }Tarried , and Diffi cult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart,Chols= ing of Suffocating sensations.whca,ia a ly ,ing,postare, _Dimness of V.isioni Dots'or Nrebs 'before the Sight; - Felver and dull =I Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Per- ! spiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes,Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Stc.„-Sodden Flushes of Heat; Burning In the Fiat Constant nings of Evil, and great Depressions •:, of Spirits. , - EINFLAR's,GEILW Bruszts t-. , .Itr? not nO'il4 l 4 übtriedVir,tible4. btit by stood - 'tiro test of fifteen'Years'irial by the Atherican public •, and their reputation and sale, are not rivaled by any similar prepara: tioh. The proprietors'have thousands of ,T,etteis from the most eminent CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS. PHYSICIANS, and CITIZENS: tifying of their own personal :knowledge, 't E;he bineficial effects and medical virtues o tliese Bitters. • • , ATTENTION, SOLDIERS I AND vtle. FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We call the attention of all having relations or friends in the army to the fact that "HOOF- L4ED'S.Gerniati Bitters'! Will cure nine tenths ofLthe...diseases; induced 'by expesnrea and privations incident to camp life. In the lists, p'ubli'shed almost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that a Very laige proportion are suffering from de bility. Every ease of that kind can be read- Ilk .- cured by Minuend's German Bitters.—. Diseases resulting from disorders of the diges t4e organs are speedily removed.. , We have nro hesitation in stating that, if these Bitters tv'fre freely used among our soldiers, - hun dreds of lives might be saved that other wise will be lost. _ We call particularattention to the follow ing remarkable and well authenticated cure of one 9f the nation's heroes, whose life, to use his own language, "has bten saved by the Bitters t'.' - , - • PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 23, 1863; Mum-Jests 4.livAss.--Well, gentlemen; your HiSofand' German"Elitters has saved my life. There is no mistake in this. It is -vouched far by.: numbers of Illy Comrades, some:of whose names,areeppended; and who were-fully conizant of all the circumstances , of my cite._ Tam, atid:have:been - for thelast fetir Yeais, , a.meinber.of Btterinan's celebrated hattery, and under the.: immediate mend of Capt. R. B. Ayres. Through the eiposttre attendant upon my ardnons duties, I was attacked in November. last with inflam , Mien of the lungs, and. Was for seventy-two clays in the hospital. This was. followed by great rdebility, heightened by an attack of dysenteilu I--was then lremored from. the White House, and sent to this city on board 'the - Steamer ."Stete Mainp,P &kis . which I landed on the 28th of June. Since that.time 'I have been about as low'aeany one couldbe and still retain a spark of vitality. For a week or more I was,searcely,tible to swallow anything, and if I did force a morsel delve, it Was immediately thrown bp again.: • I could not even keep a glass of water on I my etomabh. Life conld'not last under such pircpmstances; and, accordingly the physi cians who had been working faithfully, tho' unsuccessfully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dread Archer, frankly told me they could do to more for Ine;: , and'adviSed'xiie, to seeavalergyman, and_to itake_sach dispost tiOn of my limited funds as best suited me. An acquaintance who visited me at the hos pital, Mr. Frederick Steinbton, of Sixth. below Arch Street, advised me, as a forlorn hope, to try . ,yOtir Bitters,jand kindly procired a bottle.. From the timel commenced taking !them the _gloomy .elinclOw of death-receded, Viand I nin now, thank GOd for it, getting bet ter. Though I lave taken but two bottles, I have gained ten pounds, and I feel sanguine being permitted ,to rejoin, my _wife and daughter, "from Whom I Itafe beard .nothlng Toi`-eightden'mentbs . ; for, 'fentlentetr am 'a loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of ' Front Royal. To your invaluable Bitters I owe the certainty of life.which has taken the place,of Vaitie feat's'-4n:yonr Bitters Will .I owe'tb'e. gloriOui'iiifiilegO 6f • again' clasping - ta"iny bosom those who are deare4fo me in '' Very truly yours, ISAAC MALONE. We fully concur in the truth of the above statement, akwe had,despaired,of seeing.= cotntado, 10. Ifalone, - iestoral fb hearth. Volintadtiback, lit / New - York Bitteit.' George A. Ackley, Co. C, 11th Maine. Lewis Chevalier, 92d New York. I. E. Spencer, Ist Artillery, Battery F. .1. B. Fabew, elt, Verment. Henry B. Jerome, Co. B, do. - Henry ; Maid onald, C: 6th ;Maine. John F. Ward, Co. E, sth Maine. Herman Koch, Co.,H, 72d New York. ' Nathaniel B. Thomas. Co. F, 95.th_Tann.1 Andrew J. Kimball, Co. A, 3d Vermont, John Jenkins, Co. B. 106th Penn. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! • See that the signature t:if"o. M. JACKSON;" is on the . WEUPPER. of cacti . bottle. • , PRICES : Large Size (bolding nearly double quantity) 41.004eF Bottle—halt doz. $5.00 ritliOttre4alt..4c,ii; $4.00 Should your nearest druggist not have the article, do not be put off by any of the intox- - icatipg-preparatlona that itay be offered in its pleee;but send' us,: aht~ 86 securely packed, tik . e ipies s. ' • ' PRINCIPAL OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY AWL ATCIII - , Street. ..JONES,* EVANS.. - . (Eneeesso JACKSON dc. Cci.,y. PROPRIETORS. FOR sale by Druggists and Dealers in every tows in the - United States. . • A. STEBBINS & are"closing up an P old Ledger. AN persons indebted to there' will please - call and settle, before the accounts are left with. the proper officer for Collection.--Nor t,18;'48 Winter Goods !! AT OLMSMWS. YOUR atttention is invitcd to the large arid I: attractive :stock just - ,recolved, Anil for, sale as low as the sem:qualities can be bought.' anywhere in the county. We have on..hand_a large..and 'carled as sortmentlotDotneitle Ciitiolui ) tio•nprising ' BROWN SHEETINOB, and IBIHRTINGS, BLEACHED MUSLINBii DENIMS, - - -; CHECEB,, I! and .;.• • COTTON FLANNELS, on which We cannot be •undersold. - f• We j:)urchaee ;ow. goods - for i Cneh an Ole them, at a:yery,stnill adiance , • f r: , • • lit= Cost. ..... - if i: r FLANNELS. ,o r woot to f )„,,, 6D ,._ :. ,. : . , ~ , , „....,,,, ...i. .... i!LU: 1. ctr PLAID PIiE'iDII'ODDtTIN,q - Ftspg iN,, call . '' ..At ignitiied , s. .., . DRES,S.GOODSv. • •,• . , • PAWS • • likoonkairti „ wooLEs.§47,s HOODS, ' ' • , 1 SONTAGS, " ' LTIAS . ; - ' ••" " • • • • • BALMORAL - SKIRTS; ' CLOTHS; and tIAS9;3IItRE, - irupply At Olmstpirs. 'CLOTHING. DON'T fail to •call before purchasing and tee the assortment ; BOOTS & .SIIOE'S *otheri dt Chlldren;in Viet fik iiety and cheap •'" • For Molasses,; Syrup, Sugar, Tea and Coffee in faCt eyerything in the Criocery line, call AT OLM§TED'S A fail assortment of almost everything that is lep9n acountTyetore on,fiaiii We intend , . , o keep 13,5ede- Mit - will give eatisfaition-and sell io F ia articles at the lonret living prpfit. . AT OLIISTER'Si • Wanttli. Gran ' - Buttef,Wciol, . Bl4e - pp Pei% Fars, . . . Deer , Mso, zd Sclo . Comity, Township and Sdhom ofwhicu,the Highest Prided wilLbepaid' At OlOsteirs, '• Coadersport,, •Pa,Nor'r 181 - egEq. 1864 Brings n:tany a change, therefore bays con cluded to change My system °Mang business andl shall. hereafter sell for . • . CASH or PRODUCE, BUTTER, LARD, EGpB, RAGi3, GRAIN, , • . DRIED. BERRIES, &Al. • stock of Groceries I have assortment of TEAS,— • , 1 GREED, _ - • BLA.CK • and JAPAN. . ' - I - ' RONEY EiXittriP SALARATIIS,', ' '• . I'Aiso, raEti4llto con' riterAnDi, SPI.CEi;_ - I. . 1- 4? . 4 . 1 . 4 11` . ' #9. • Ir good 'stock (boi?pt so that am to.Sellat, pr,ieel oared: before The War) of, , . , Drtuds, and• • • • i'ATENT - MEDICINES, At o, TKEROSENE YANKEE NOTIONS,. FAliCk EXTIi ACTS, and 'ail s till kept. FLOUR, , IdEAT..of all lciads,_ roux, And many other , things tomittmerons to mention kept , constantly od'hand and , vO.ll sold.be for , . • • LEB3IPIROF.i'r than ever before offered .in thitf 'market. -SPENCER. -Jan. 20, • - - - Dr. A, FRENCH'S:. - CELEBRATED VOLT BITTERS ,CRE becoming the Most popular Medicine in circulatioufor the , cure of - COMPLAIN; DYSPEPSIA,: JADN DICE, DEBISITY .or THE :NERVOUS' SYSTEM, and WEAENESS Of the _ "STOBACII and DIGESTIVE,ORGANS. It is Alio .gaining a greet,reputatien I • CURE of DIPTITERIA. Prinelpal Office, Condereport, Poster Coy ' ' .. ''..,.., 41. ,, A. ,•,iT : .-- 3-ict• . '',, v ar .. ri 41T- I Ina - -J:'. 0 , ~ , , j ,,'t4;,fv.) ti:`,'.. ir:-... , ;: IsArctsj r: iilltiti..o•, - : ...' ' l , ll ft HAVE7-70IIISID 1t.71 VaiTthe eseliiiition of the Aotronotasr who _ • - first dizeoVeltd thatrthirwallatcryediln its orbit; not leis:joyous has been the exclaz4- tion fii. : "Oo 2 Got3DS- - 661 bit:0141414 VarrtEN • it y:r orTwElaTiV. kice, and Vnv .„ . • , •.: 7 1111r things are tab ^cgieillyrcd is inirchasin i g "Goods":' theAluality owl tbel'itykel.ttnil I= chaser" atuding both; eati44, bettor, ag.fistied with -iiniatoth:than!ittii other this:Or ad- I : , •J .• joining coarqiea., Think pvicithefrel2Bying DER 2`ifSll;!' ours a:oo . *o2S:Trcii. gerouli and ito s weitates nll.l. nothir eioimonitidvaoo.l4o#!44ill ,n :', T l •• " ' =-• I. . followtnrix.bat.ff partial liat c oteW: urge assortmeut: A.,. The Attention cif , the -Lidies ;is , calledlo:ahe stook of-bierinoes l ßlick;llkowd; Blue; Maioon, Dials , and Vfiltei Sane of th eseliere bought previous to. the , iiktrifid , will baisald: nearly as ow_as present wholesale prices at I..OREati : tridiesi " Black,' Grey, and Fancy Colore.at :JONES' - • Boq's'NrireEtis- , ' Casstmeres, Striped;' Ch'ecked, add Plaids Tweeds, Kentucky JetinSitinOstigonadeti tha:yety best quality a " • Mourning Ci.084:1 - Black Silks, Alpseas,,ErppressClotti, Both* 2ine, Relaines, Rep *ollitiLs, , ViC4 Puiple 'Goods orverioxislinas 'XONNS'' At allitited9s Domestic;• Be4vy S*tings, three-quarter; four;qtnyttei, fiye-qnarter, fine unbleached ;. .ahr ~Gaga Sheeting Muslin, Shirting,.Ten.qutirter bleached for sheets at At . Olmsted•s Barred Muslin, Plain Jaccnet, Cainbric.for Skirts, Irish Linen, Swiss Muelins,liaitisook Muslini - plaid, striped or plain; and. Bishop L.awns•at JONES'_! Embroider,ies , Diniittßdads, Ladies Collars, Undersletives Witlt- or without collars at =d,cTONEs'' . . " Woolen; Good's, : Eroodsi:*ith tabs or points; for Leant' einti Cttildren, Misses and Ladies ;.Nnbia's;Tlnderl sleeves - and Caps at •• JONIrS I ,` ' f : Prints ' For. CpSdren, Shirting Printi„ .61414, white nrid - black,blue and whito, kinds of Fancy, at • JONES'' • "Geapyrj.klackalmad-.Cllatli E sspalleatequalityi bought -before,,tho rise. ; ,cassimetes ; black 311 k miied;l)lfiek" and - fancy Doekkin, striped, plain, and Pliad"in faiicr colors„ and Clotk fortgentifinifetzat.:2 l ::: - JO/MS' 1 Orders, foi'. al . , . .„. , - 02 , 10.,r7. • ', .. , • Women's wool -ribbed,:_cotton•.ribbed, cotton plain, colored and wicilte,:rilain or :fleeced:. .. .Girls'' wtatei,browor mixed; wool or .cottoci and wool bahnoral,stockings,! -; • ~. , • Mens',hprae and city:7=l4i. Iloys'a all'aizesi white or mixed', 1:64 For Ladieev Gauntlet andltand'alovee, l lCie Linen, Cotton, Plain and Fleeced Silk.' Gent fine Driving'Gloves;Caisimeres, at ;JONES' • ShaWlS i't For Ladiqs rShejiherd's Briiii3e l ::Leng arid Square, Woolea Plaid ;it iteafrirte& of elegant colors, , ,I4SS:ES` 23reldliteg • 'l' rel9f teniej. We adirik x e Patr§ps„o4,r4;beleriy:ur stoc k , .this• spr ing a • au; • • ' 3Pif_ only, PIT 1 . 3 11 1 44t1kar Pe.PlessitrY : tollay,e siegps_4l; sktplis,kio,,i;n:agrest vaiiety at ' JONES! ..(y) •-• 'Ws) .". :,.:.;..;::Groceries ,Thas,Suipit4;•Clickice Syrnp;GOod•Elotoffee, -West Iniiirand Pandplicto_ 4.loffeevßice; Corn Starch, Farina,. Codoiti — Ao.; at JONES' .11 -ii• ' " Bru.shes• , r r;:' Bah "Otiint,'N'arii tit and Artist ffrushod at; • • out; :Paints,. And(pie Stuffs, White Lead in Tin Cans,Atenhol, Camplmiel Icerpeene,Lsymp and-Lamp Fiztares.-dlassrPaient-Diedieines, OtietnicalE6 Botan, itallierbs,Terininer.yinincy Soap and Toil et , artieleay, and Wooden.Comba, Pomades andoOlognea, and 'a 6iin'aiiiMitnent_of. #lairniint Pend, ' lnk and raper, and. Lintied 7O11:-raw and band; aa< _• " - ,; t. PERFUMERY, ;(1 Ciethi-TFO!' ltwisEisid White Good Cloths Gloves _... ~~a: =`Bstiotti'aildi ShdOS • . Ot -the . liOt gssionitlinilar:piiiii it' • ; ; • :11„.• r, It. " •' Pairer, : trtiiainFi'lPaper., : V.46ir..*Tr tains, 3 34 4540A45tirs 4?I4•FiAtFYIP, . XL ETAROWARE; WOOD ;WARE, WARE, .NAILS, - -,IRONt, FLOWS, ;-FILRPOW Sam", FLOUR, POEM, and imp, SU 0 , 01 everything that the pefiph! , need etut be had at •.- _ •,-‘ Au ofirbiekiv:ppld - **4 o lveltjul l " 4 COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEIti IN E I XCITANGR I . .candeniftl; Y 6., hue, =Mai liitiediftllPEßifittart.ROAD..4' 'Aka:ifs - es? the' Vorthe find NorthiVeitiWniser4 rentisyliatda to the city pqrie ; It has'Oetii fh#eacky,thitPi rinspiiitlis Rap Road CompaqiAndfader tb"eiticainiiiices u being rapidlY 2 •VpiirredAtittifightAlV:4l4 entire length. : VO1u;i1 oa It is tiow, ir4 tue for Passenger and Freight business froinWailisburg tOfSti (2le miles) on and froin Sheffield to ErAN-(4B' ton the Western i Division. • TIMB 01411 4 abiliktetilliSrai:31406111:tY : • Letitialhistwaid;' , f!C ';- Througli 2 10-P. 4. Leave Westward. Through Mir. - -1610 A. 11..1 Cars run through Wifitdirrl'usittail both ways between and Lock Baran and•betwet.tilliltstiffireee.nd:Boolt Haien. Elegant, Steetritig.'estra bu 4 iFaprest,"Trairis both ways between' Willialtsport; and' 8a1a . ... more, and WiillantipaittandlPhlladelphia. For information respecting Passenger busl=, ness apply -at;thßj".E. e or.',l2th andalarket Streets. And for Freight-brisildetstorthe'Corupany's, Agents: F. 7.111 S. B. Kingsttliiiireoirillßill - ttd' 'Market Ste., p h i la oroitazt,plll9:::- . J. W. ReynordtriEriedri , 2; ) J. 111:11:31diusttlfni_ 4 (11! OF??!-Afr c e,t94‘.:4 1 -:?O'' •• - Veiet itekits2f 9 .l 7 'hliii.' • Jos. Gen'l ilfanieger, Wiliamtport.. Rare s,' ) l i p.ffer for sale on reasoiiableterini t;ii(llllY ettc Mime: ONE FARM I-146 Acrp's, 7 46 Cleared ONE FARM 1-235 Acres-48(i dlextred (iNE FARM I-50 Acres_ i 5: (*E FARM 1-800 Aties-52Cleined And lotiegotber Farms and Land vt -Vatlen , Bled. Brookland, Pa., July 2;'64 U . lag secured' the sertices •iof ' .13ENRY , S. COWBURN, 'II d ia , einy'yeard exPerl§nee in Enkland and ilmprieei :' I anit , Prepaied to fOrnish farmers and. tratetlera :with the best - of.' . • Iloreetand, Or. Shoeing, Shingle Brl}£es r AutcUerkoiges Sc., promptly , Proprietor, • - Brooltland, ?Otter Co., Pa. !`' . formerlycalled . , • IEI ~! T . : • H. J. 0 - I,MgTED''S , ToP,:can.:BlwAss,:be.fourd the best o Cookipg Box and,Parlor . :,i1,30. , !if*.-4.SHtif•IIiONWARE, 'KETTLUS;'"I'I - OERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, FIYINO : TAICS; 5 . A.1 3 -PANS,i and CAULD AONac! A 15 0 ?... :4 ,:•••; ..... • „higri,C.llltll.l7o. j.liaXlieirlerttßc : quell', as PLOW§, SCRAPERS, CULT,IVA TOIts ttitor-st - tturt,s, HORSE:JUKES, 'DOG:POWERS, - ' • - , : 1 - 318 - - WO ' is Weil made iniCilirritaterial- good. - ,Good .E',iYES4.IIOIIGUS pufip in iiiiiirirt'ortffe'Cimntjr-Tetis easy.. Ready PaJ.4sf alli kindri ? - including . Casli, - seldom treet opposite tbe Old Court rinse, 'Ci Au g,: deiSPort. ' Aug, 1, lEi6a."---50. . 'PUTNAM Clothes Wringer 1,1 Will•wring anything from a stogie Thread to Jo::Bed-Quttt. ,05. 50 1 $6.00, and eB.O O . P. A. Stebbins & Co Agenikfor Potter county.—Jan 25,.1863 :, A, BTU . BIN Si- CO.,i , - . &RE ,-• 1 ‘..:: 1: : 'c,'..' • _.l Pl!,7, , iit,l:tigh”t•,prieckin i - -•- . L • • CASH ''' fat ' z• :. . ,t. S i'. WOOL- 1 A .'. . • ' " • '' Z.' '' 112 1117.T1):'; i . :Ti - W'j :7 ,"' 50;000.:PaUNDS WANTED 7::1 • ~ :-:.:::, Colidersport, .Tilie 28, 1964. • ' ' : 1 • A. Stebbins & Ott. A Et AGENTSIor the sale of WHEE:LIP. & WILSON'S SEWING MAOlilitE3f9r,rptler ,Couitv Ittor'rjgr,t,e3- 't.l ' • • DR. rDI3I.AS?'" jfENITIAN LINImEra HAS GIVEN UNIVERSAL SATISFAC 'ION durinv.the fourteen years,irbas been introduced into. the United States:— After tbeing tried -by. Millions, it 'bas:been proclaimed the l painfiestroyer , of the world. Pain t cannotlie here, this liniment is ap plied.,:;.thiied I%i - directed it eannot.and nev er has piled in a sine instance. 'VOrcOlds, congli's,and influent it can't be beat s . One 25 ceni,hottle will cure all the aboie,.besides beingAseful in every for sudden acct. dents,snch as burns,_ cuts, scalds, insect stings v &c. It is perfectly innocent to take internally, and csn.l4s. giten to the oldest person ,or ; yptingest child.. Trice 25 andiso ceno A:bottle. ..o . ffice, 56 'CorilaPda • Striet, ~leid'Y`3rtt "Sold • . JOICES' 1 TIM nr., .• . , mrs..BLopak cry ,PRS,• 7 -for Alap La • . • S'lrt3tW)" c" , . i--. 4 - 1777 i iit .' ,rair L aNWM , pure an 7 powc 4 u l on i c - eKea A Altabilitesof wonderful efficacy - 1w dia. _ .aline of.:thetßtottiiichiatiterWstat4Statele-.. Cures, Dyspepsia, Liver,ComplaintsileadAtlie, GetteraDgbi,lit,yNervousnese t ,Deprassion of Spiritt l VOhttlgatiod;COßc, - InterMittent Fe- Vera, Cramp* and Spasms - aad'alleoinliffirita of either Seqiiiising - -fieinAttiaili•Anane iz whether inhtyrent.ia.the -system or produced b.* sPeclid Pitilesv:- :-, -.:,• .- ----.,.,..: ,--..:- Nothing.tliaListiettrlitiesome,gntil and ost,Oralive is 45 patuie-epters into,thiktam. position.,Ofgostetter7s StarptielOitter)t'This pePulai:praparation 'ContelaS L ito initeral'of any kind, no' deadly • bcrtaiilCal 'elekneni-Vno Herr exeitant; but it is a tombiltatieCattbe extracts- of„rare . baliamic;herbs IaIH/ E o9tll with the purest and, mildest of alt'dl metre stimulants.;' ''• 1. - ' -'-- -'.' 4 `"" ' 7,1 It•ii WeltiCo'belftirettrafed'igaitittodisettle, and so far ati the hutiatingteht tart be: Pto tected by butnan metinsagainst msdadieik en gendered by an AnwholesOma , Allmaigtere, itapure. water, andlatterextertkaiff'" tetter's Bitters may be, relied on ass Itafeguatd. - fit districts iafasied viritti"Fo'erA s iill'Alne, it his been ' rcitind infallible' at -ii preventive and irrishitible . as a fetiedy, - ,aculEtbousends .who: resort to 4:4PdeF,aPPrehensioPPf at/At tack, escappi the.scourge t. and Alit:intends who. neglect to avail_ theniselves of its frOtteilve Realities ini nitronee, are cured by gk terf 141 , 4f6prse . iphia marvelotis *dicta:e4ever and Ague `patients," after Amite; 4 plleiVielih , ipainitittaritnotiths in :vain; until )tidy leapt- c raM.4,with ,that dangerous . ulltaloid,-,art pot unfi : equentlY restored to health within ii - few dais by thatise Of llostOter's llitrati:" l • ' • I The freak I.stoniaeb , islapidlY.inrigoratied . and the appetite sestored,by:_this , agyeatilo Tenic: and-ltence it,worsa-wonders- es in cases of Diipepshir and. in .lest.ennfiritted forms of Indigestionlf• Acting as,agent4e and wattles@ apperient, nii.well as..upnn the li'ver, it alio invariably relieves the-Constipitieift`etiVeriti dneed. by irr§gular , action of the digestire4tid secretive organs. .-. _ - -:.:; f,...:'.; t.,....1:1•,-1i..: persons of feeble babit , -liable to-Nervous Attacks . ; LOWness.of Spiriti and ilriiii*Lan guor, find'proropp And perutapeptjeiief fro the, Bitters:l 1 The ',testimony .on f $ . 5) p9iut ; most conclusive, nd froth both ' as. • ' The agony Of Billions Colic'ii iitiniediettly a'ssnagetlfb#•e - single dose:of . the litimnleut,. and by oeckslonally resortingtelt, the,retartt of the complaint may ,be i provented..- Ai a Gen rtil Tonle, Tlostatter's 1i1it.04.1i4-• duce effecti which must be:experre airair witnessed - hefore thet eatr-be fully_apprecia- Md. ' - in ekses of Constitutenal"* . eakiess, Prainatnie:Decay dud. Debility h and !Deerepi thde arising frorn• Old ,Age, it exerclics the electric inflaence.. In the convalescent stages of ill disetties" it c;pertites" as a. delightful in vigorant. then the powers of nature ere r e -. taxed: it op rates to re-enforce and re-estab "Bah them; A . . : Last: but not least, it is-the ctily safe.Stio ulent, being, manufactured-from ; sound:and ilinocuous !materials, and,.eutirely_ free frOm the, acid elements .present.toorir,pr jetala all the ordinary tonics and t,temacbics of the day. . ' 1 The imineeselnereasc" in the " sale of Hc.stet- Ter's 13 - itteti, both'it It otne'and abroad, daring the pass:year :proves that the woild, nhileit Obeys., the ! !Seriptural injunction ,to ttry-.all things,,l wily. "Holds fist w to tkai hielt;ie kbotlf"" Spurious preparationW, lik . e'poisonotis fungi, are continually springing no, bat their. character .is soon discovered,. and:they:are I. , . , flutig,like worthless weeds away." : On the 1 other hand, a,great antidote that, perfOrtnp all r it - prcimiidi and aced - More than its proprie tors claimed for it on its introduction, "isnot for a day,i but for all . time - :" • -If° family.nledieine has beery- so niiiverially and, it may be truly added,;deaerredlylpoptl ler with the intelligent portion of the,..coterrs nity, as Hostetter's. Bitters. .. . . . Prepared. by 'llosrErrsn'' lz .'Slairit,"lvitti burg, Pa.! Sold by • all Drtiglstil,' Grbcita and Storefteepers* everywhere.: '.- ',' :: ~ _ '••• I SAPONLFLEK Oi.i . doncPritrated:Le - . • Family Soap Maker. WO prices; Saponifier belpa to. redUce them: It makes SOAPTor FOIJR - ta. o poand using Your kitcbeu grease.- , oar lITIQN ! As sPurions Lyea - hie' of fered ' alio, be - careful and only , buf-the PATENTED article put up in Iron cane,. ell others b y eing cOIINTERFEITS.. - Ts= .:s ' VANIA SALT BILLNUFACT,IIILIIIG PHILADELPHIA—No. 127 Walnut Street. IPITI'SBURG—Pitt Street and Duquesne Way ICostai'licreinsine Extergiiiikt6r , For Rats,Mice, Boichet Ante , Bed Be;ug Moths in Intik r3olens, &o. Iniects =Plante, Fowls, 'Amin alsofita. _ .; • • Put - up.in 25c. 50c. and $l . OO Boxes,Bottles, ,and Flaslop $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Public i lnstitutioris, &c. • •' • ' • ' , Oily reniedies •- "Fria from POisons.' ) ..• .( I, Ncitrdangerous, to the Daman Family," • '‘ltats come out of tbeiz boles * * *Sold Wholesale in' all large citiet. — * * *Scild'by all Druggists and :Where. • - , 0. • * I •l Teware I,! allworibless imitations • * * *Spe/thi,t."CoSrea's" name is on each Boi t • lio(thi a - neFitiiii, before cou buy - ***Address en ry R. Clint -* * t*Pri#cipal Depot 482. Broadway, N:. * - *Sold•by • ‘. STEBBIS'S tci.; ,V.` e kile*FiTe .Ag• ~.• 11114 K -1111)'•GREENBACKS. -, - 1 • • • ... _ , , . To 11.tihteft an' 7roubers in Sontinni-Af -A.,- legany and r • ' - !ennsylvitnia be` ItrioWn.lthat frorii, la.. Jarther notice, the itibiribeiviill'pny Ph A ljtittAliS - EACH in greenbacks, for, all healthy living Mink, deliver4d to them:in Vellsyille., .These Mink et , t,tre'now.wiirthl a for fur; :arid - ivilLrentrio cotuparativery s for three or Far month?, tleiy_.sltins nos iirp,ritne. till, about,tha anddleitif- Detemlie .- -Whole litters'Of'Mriat now pr'erailpn the tributaries of th P o ~I * llleo ind - Allegitny';'tin'd can' be-takeir hi' box traps.. Persona catching them have oulp:teloatif them 4cinffned inla box.well ventilated and kept i* a cool placei. with a dish of gootrare water at,tal times ia,the box,and half:St dozen if caught can be bictught to markKat, , ottce. Mick can be caught , much more readily tow than when the season, becomesad'vaneattend cold, apd will bringl jost as good :prito:lby sellingto the subscriber'. Bring thetadtlinill then, singly or by the dozen, and s jhawsey is ready ( „WILLIAM W. AIM t i . ' ASHER P. COlpat , ;':l Wellsville, July 19,;1864.-4m. :?.::, : - Road;Vontractoilt,: . 1:O EICIISIBLE purties able an4:4eous o .undertaking;the building of ' t he en tire or ia ; part of a dug road,,p3i feet widp,) of fronv ; i2 to 15 mr t o in the &atbrEisteen 3 part of Potter County.. Penna., rpply,-for partion . lurs to CITAS4EII.IE, Esq., p.prvejor, Geniuukia, Potter Co„ Pa. June B, 1864.-tf. The; Rochester, StraW-Ofittan OLISYED & Coader*ift.' l 4 l9 the exclusive agp'ocy for this yleCsrfted •osachiiiecia this comity. It is coretaihtills rabisy4riTtli.E.lP. ; Dec.l,-.18697713
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers