13 TilE JOURNAL. Coudersport, `Pa. st Wednesday, Nov. 9,. 18,64 Jl. 11 7 . AIcALARNEY, EDITOR. _ . 7 ` !.. : =1 ; - ILlNetitk , ittiE TED :CS:3 .; He, has Nearly all the States • •. .3 , • , . , . , • .. -i;ALL'NEW ENGLAND FOR . HUI.: :44 . Iliew.; i york:so b ole =MI tlowjerEey for little neolellan. PENNSYLVANIA .UNION. FREE . 111AllittAND UNION. .-'' , 4lliE ,,, W.ESrr. O.Ki '66 DON'T - ICEMEM.I3DR," RESIGN ; . " 1 AND ON HIS WAY TO SALT RIVER. • -"` Tr IS DA GEROUS TO STA;NTD Tug. ptATFoli4.l! ' 4 :ll;6 . Ttle - folltiviritr , are the estimated majorittes as Maras beard froin Pentisyv Large 'Union, gains throughout the State. ; Allegheny county giv.es Lincoln 8,000 Yinajority'On home vote vibich"will.reach 11,000 with the slldiers Vote. • " 9,504. Gain of .0ver.2,000. - Lancaster, gain of 1200. . I.;nion 600, gain of 20Q. 'l'he. 'State will; give '25,000 majority :for Lincoln and,,Johnson. ' " ' New York. New York city gives Neelellan about 37,000" nrijority. ' I.4peolo"arid Fenton_ have carried the Efate by' from 5,0'00 to 10,000 ' Brooks and Fernando 'Wood are the% :to be "defeated.' We gain eight or_ ten Members of :Congress.- ' ohiO. - Lincoln's imajtirity on the Lome' vote , be over 35, , 000 majority. . • M ~Tbe.ni3jOT:itv for,,Lineobi will be not tban 30,060. • • Illinois . 1 . Lincoln carries the State by:not less ihan ellicaao ,ii,ves _Lincoln 1;745, Aujijct . 4ty ` ; , and • eook county abont 4 006. Michigan . _ , MajoritY for Lincoln is estimated .4;911x,t i . i,5,000. • ; • • • -Wisconsin. ,Tile.majority for Lincoln dn the ,home ypte 40th:tinted . : _ St. Paul gives 3G majority for Little MeQ6llan. The _S,tate4 gives 5 ; 000 for Maine: The: returns- show large Union gains, and Mr.Lineoln wili,probably have from twniy,thousand to twenty five thonsdnd iTearZaxupsidie. •,`The majority for.Lineoln arid Johnson will be from three to five thousand. • .• Vermont majority for Lincolq - and Johnson is estimated,ao36,69o.. Massachusetts The majority'for - Lineola and-Johnson will; be ,from .75,000 to. 80 1 000. The Union then :carry every Congressional dietriot; erect their whole ,Statd Ticket s probably every State Senator ; and nearly every representativ6.. ' Rhode Island `.Lincoln's Majority aboitt 5,000. Proviitoodo cave'him 2,200 majority aila Newport 296. • • , , .Voitneaticut :0497,05 . tpreaty4our hundFed,mopiiity ff3t: Lindbla. ' F. - New Jersey -110:e Strte ha's' p;iehably gone for. Ale- Cle theiigli . there arO large Union gain • " ' :r44/?rWaie ..Gone with : ttin I t egisla tute probably republican., _:- relaryraud ; . Gone for Lincoln by a small tnajotitY. , L - Wiest _ Virginia. voutity gooe for ,Liucoln. •=.' • GORiaJOF . Line,o. l .4'qcroi , • iCeittiicit3r -Glees ateGiellatl , l.s,o - 90: majority. c.-, ) ,! • lovra 1 4* I 25,001 taajoritY for 7 l;iiicoln;. - • ! War News We have received the congratulatory order os Major General Pleasanton to, his troops forjOckr an id th e gi iilv*OtlarY aT;trrY v or 404' 'rid in misouri. ithis ozci4lpa r id r iiitefhat RerkScotf;...gan:stOi, \oh , l)ceobel 26, nod is aceompanied b 4 a.. dispatch from General liosencrans complimenting General Pleasanton and his soldiers in the InghestAerms for-their brilliant and important labors. Gencral. ; Ansetterans says that General Pleasatitob.attacked_ three times his number, and routed them, qapturincryn _pieces of artifiery, tht . frehelf to"AcTrotovil ••d re d •tr ago n s;- d ikilling wOuridctig and taking many prisoners,- anA . that his,pur stiit. of the nerdy fer-over:threafintidred Miles, in :so Short a time; withCfl kiting fO . i a .considerable of Aliti way, resulting: -always • vl . o° 0011E41 • for , the Union artni,, and with -greatly -superior timbers - err the opposing side, will , rank among the brilliant= achievements Of the war, and cover with lane all engaged-in it. Since the date of the 'A boveslispatches, as our readers , ate- other Victories' have been 'gained =by Pleasitiftda, over Price, who' was last reported'ln' the 'cx treme southmestara‘ corbel'. 'cif Missouri, desperately endiavoring to 'escape back into Arkansas. Our own dispatehes from Missouri , show• what eourplete'Werk- has been done by'the nationalsOlcliers in rid diok the State of this formidable invasion ary "expedition of Price; :which -crossed' the Arkansas line only a short time ago with magnificent heraldings of , the great advantages to the Jeff: Davis Confederacy which were to follow it.- 2 -Tribune of Monday - MEIN =I Late Rebel newspapers which have reached us, present a teriible- panic of affairs in that portbnOf Louisianumithin the lines of. Jeff LiaviS 7 s, 'arnriei . . The destitution Of the peoPle represented as eit:retne, and, starvation to . .be .storing them face.: - One . , of the principal :causes, M eptieneir for:this r is the absolute Worthlessness' to . N911.10i -Rebel .money has,beeii redUced. "'Society is cv identlyiti a Most di.ioizaiiii.ed condition in• that region, as "thieving, - plundering, pilfering and ,hoise-stealing"} are 'Said' to be the: ordef tt j 'e' day. - .The Rebel ed itors have finally heard . ef, the defeat by the UniOn Ge.neral Gillein'of their pet General Vaughn in. Eait Tennessee. .An order has been issued, at Mobile foi the enlollment of all negroes between fifteen and forty-five. ,Gen. flood's army is said to have completed its crossing to, the north side of the, Tennessee river on the 25th ult. - The steamships Evening ;Star.. and Merrimac, which arrived from 'Nei , Or leaVs;brought Mates :to the 80th of Octo ber. Another Rebel design. to cross their trans-Mississippi forces to the east side of the river has been discovered, and proper preparations-to meet it have been perfected. A list of the Union officers recently'exebanged . af the inouth•of the Red River is furi3ished by ibise The next exchange is to be of five hun dred Union soldiers confined at Hemp stead, Texas. The Rebels are said to be in considerabldforce along the Atchafa laya River; bui there aro few of them at Shreveport and Alexandria. There are no army . operations of importatiCe.re ported either. along the Mississippi or around' Mobile 'Bay ; 'but from the latter locality a• naval expedition Composed •of light draueht gunboats, was — lately; sent out into the various small 'streams - and inlets in' the vicinity. It met with no opposition, and secured many ,cattle and quantities of grain and other Taluable stores. Sherman is again victorious. A brief dispatch from. Nashville announces that Hood was defeated to ,the: 3d inst., in attempting to .Gross the Tennessee river at the mouth of Blue Water. So' the last's effort, - the grand invasion, •which . Jeff Davis threatened and Hood, undertook, hhs come to nothing, Hood undoubtedly chose the ,most favorable pobit_ for his attempt, and has failetiat the,very start: From North Carolina we - haVa import ant ;13CWj throtgli - sources. Ply m-. oath haS again been captured :by our troops. ~The .destructiori of, 'the ,Reber ram Albemarle having opened thbriier to admit Porter's fleet, the'forts - were pnssed by his gunboats and the Rebels forced to evacuate. The possession'bf Plymouth completes and ensures the naval and military possession' of Albe=, merle Sound - .adjacent country,' and ita,apparentry easy conquest 'is Con clusive es to trio weakness "of; the' Rebel forces.. All ibeir troops are : . 'Wanteil in Virginia, arid tots ; fortified town, 'which they captured by a desperate. effort and at great loss, is surrendered .ai` sobn as the ram which defended it is sunk, It is evident we ire to have the" scabOard of North Carolina without a struggle. UNION PRISONERS IN TExA:si-i-Dr. Blake, under date of Sept. 28, 7.8 64 , WriteS: "Gen. Canby ifaa.ordered .the',quarter. masters to forward t0...0ur prisoners in Texas.clothinga_ed medicines. Oar Qom :missioner has arrcmged , with alttjor•lgna. tias Szyinaski,- Coguuissioncrofoxchange for. Rebels in the. Trans.Z.liisissippt• Do= partment, , an exchange -..,fer •3,4 g -of our sOldiers tiow. in Camp Ford, including rt .val prisoners. -Possibly the number tnay be reduced, end: the..iNaval :prisoners ,be obl igedtto tu tart - a tiCain p Yordi.lnstao 7 , es of.crucitfat...liampßerd have been few . and at, the last iutetyiew .of:t t be shiner, 13t1tinAti thg3tobel CoWnlAsiA l l7: eitriued-ours AMit itehjul L earts'eCtbe #moVal ofrlhk qiptaind:fornked,Y‘ift cou,atid of (he camp as unsuitable to - cotn- Inert a c '11,,0 . ,! Prisoners, and better c t 1 , !:\," c se--Itopell for. Last week the s re .rd fa* :Gen. Canby were for warts,9itsis4ifrti of a complet,e outfit for 1 20 - inanntit - Taaciino. blanket4r4Ots : istr, kz ~r- 7 '5, i -s, 'sacks font nandrecf canteens, si &Ai l anctitseqxtiland tuedeeinesw4p also foiwal- , •.•F' - : - - - N 1. , , . -. i, > ''.-::..--... Pr .4:Vis Def-zated! In tli - 67.0..Thenee of Union forces in the East, the, ii, Rebel leader, Sterling_ Price gatbernd - a•Jarge array, invaded 111lisouri, ii?d‘tlid 4tib i ntililernble dattiage'lntd 4 lN't.tridd greal=fe_nril --..-- - ---• _-- ----- .I,,ta.i. `--'Gerilatelivamtcon giyes-th_eLicr "lowing.: __ fb;:lin4 l .s lll 1 44 1 c-i':AF.<4 t.9_:Piq.ORPEIr44i9 4gatrYicßierlo...,..: • , I i,• - .. - .... • :I- ._ .PDI11 . „ J1e.a..4 , 13 1iles j 1 1: 1 1W 0 ,4.a..11),4 1211 • 'c+•r!Thlit:o4 l ;9ile.l•: , r ''' • " •• IL: , i • HiSr. fOr4o :vqs less than ,0;000,'„Otle Pike 4414 11 .5r,11 5 , 0 9Q;c. " . --; •.3u ` .. Vri99,ii4 1 1 11 . 4 PPe. Aug. lie 4, aed.neAT , . munitiqu.,:lte ',haying ,blqtyo: up ibis train.: tie 4130. botiqed,49o. wagoos ;to save tbpm from, capt4re.: . --.oi '. .'. ,r, , ~' ;%. ' ~ - ~ - ,etskre tia4p 2,ooolprison erg, 3vitiL 13ov oral Altpussn.d 4tand Of arms. ;: Oe4eral Fagan is reported killed aimy is completely disorganized cAvirtii),o_,or Irit(E f•Thir''fcilfouitigis a brief account' .of the eii•orithstai r ebs-of"tlie- zaptare ti/o'pi: ,7 : • . , . • "The Pliiiida'arriiednt Bahia, Bay of. SanSalvader;''on the', night . of thd I,th CaptaimObllid§ having held - atonSultatinn With lais . eitaer-s, determined . icrsinli 'the Florida iti .i - Port.: - Accordingly at, ab6pi.3 o'clock, the - table's - .Were's-hipped; and . the Waelauset,'stadied for the'rlorida; httling her on thol ipiart,ar - without doing great injury: • ntii - nailed but to tbose the•iiratet to .surrender, ha wouliniiik This:demand was"-ie pli6d'iVbi‘the-rirst..Lieutenani that, "un def the CiVcinistandei;lie l Suirendeted.," IVatisei as, 'now' made faits, the'ahlan `slipPed, a its theyla . rida. 'Sea the Mblee'aeirefirpAtol - Shots'faaid fired, aritl;aa ‘ eiddlatailyitwo n fr6ni the 1V 9 . 12- e Meriis and half the •Froilda's crew wereTasliore liberty: 2NCi lives Were . - hist r il , 'The 'Florida was taken coin- I letalybyOrprise. Sevetify of hey menil it - was', known_being on shore, andthe otheri;ju4f returned from liberty, were asleep`: and' half intosieated. The . blow gifen therPlorida by the Waphuset car ried awaYihe mizzen mast and 'main yard, which fell on the awning, prevCiating. any one'from getting up from below. .So un conscious', was the officer of the deck Of ' the intention of the Waehuset's captain; that he sing . out,"You will' run .into us if yob doe!Oalie , bard !" at the same time tilling for a - light. TWelie ofdeers uud fifty-eight Of the crewrof the'Florida . Were captured.' CITY POINT, Nov.' 6.—The Rebels made a charge on 'the Third' Division of tho Sooon4 Corps', in front of Petersburg, last night about rnidnignt; but were re pulsed with" dreadful slaughter, Loss on our side verry slight. We captured-nbout one itundied prisoners. No loss bye*. Lure froiliPur-side. ThiSaffnir will prob ably eurcibe Rebs of any further' dispo toiniake eltar6.es on' our works for election •furposeS. • •-• LoursviLrir, 6,--Seraps o trostwortlAy information from below , con aquas: to indieate.tbat.General Sherman's positiou.ii , perfectly ga.tisfactory: to! him. self and tclaitwho understand it; and that Gen.iShermanis,perfentlyi.satisfied, with Gen. .Itool3's•position. Wishingion, N'O'cr. I—(bite a lively fight, occurred . betweeli . a large, force of i‘lo,sby'a men 'and "p•orrion of the Eighth Cavalry, East sundnY. in the neighborhood.of Salem Ira.;,plosby expected to suitprise our troops 44 tont•threci detachments , of liis Men to Mhke i a, simultaneous attack but he found them ready for ariy hOstile deM• onstration; . The'cons'erinence was that thquirilia. chief was roofed: We lost but'ewo o . three men killed and tined =or f 64 wounded. the:rebel. loss was More th'dn dotibie'.that min t ibir, besides fifteen or twenty,, prisoners captured. ' .. The. Richmond Enquirer's Neve'Mar ket correiporident Says the flight of•Earry's army r was itho . 'greatest'stampede of :the war, iti'dluilig .both - infantry and Oavalry._ It calls - O, L n action 'a Vliple day -, of glory -. lost; by ' kis , minritcs shame. . there - was no rally.of briaade, regiment or company and'the' whole army WarS'a;e6afased mass of riielliiirffOrliii-, , h. '-: I . ' - '-', - 2 -, ,-. . I,sbit 'Whig I lys,.l.44arty `will' ribt l 'lie td= rnov;ed. - Tile i grearabieet, Of his campaign' was to driyebt triititer's.arMy,:penp4ate inte(Naty / laild and also force 'the transfer ot a:poi•tion• of Grant s - force 'from- 'the J'am'es iiVOr' to , the'bordcrs of tlio Ohio _ . . . . lie Cl arleEtpn . ..rercury kays ;the bl,Y9k adb "pf 10aiiitton 'efiOtiye as YaJ.i kea aridtilnboats Pau malip"if, I I . I:"=-The-1.-T,he; Tri7)• sijiiit has .beeti, aseertaineir, that Capt:` B:nelfaitio," tibiistanc6,.' was qiibb'ed .and then' in uide dud"ld 4 Abciy.left the duityfer tof - Dl'Diinonh the cmirilW4,ll6'dorrimitfed the.' deed, has' •ested till.66fiiraitted 'to Old" Cal, ;teed' arrole( . „ py. Esceiafecilo'idal,by d 'Sal qte five bitri . dred r m at. - do brcali r ,:a'pc,iiippa- . 7 . ,ipd,E,414L "F4'r , s fir , d, "al7,a inapP . s iCp§rtitiA: P4dfitt ili4 Itail.4llati ProXlnintnion of the President. WASpINGTON, Oct. 21. 1 ' 7 11 - f. ing , lrociamation was ifiimiq t 4, afternoon :1 Nst7 t 8y,....04a51DE NT ak . ‘Singlitilitt V• A. -- , 1 .1 - I,(ielii l lllATl#SN.vL t- 4 , 114 . 84 e d t ".4 fili s ig ri iCtql4g, long'our national life anetheVjer' t Defending us with hisliiltrdiar against unfriendly designs from abroad, and-vouchsafing us in His : mercy-Many slan4 c ylf,tories,overthe pnp,m o kyrbt! _ii - Croui_lonietolkj it liata l kolleits_el _ _ to z ,f4FRO,Ae4Mi eitaiens in th - eir Unica 116 6 . ufairdierVl, arid seas with itsilakhealtli. 11 . 1 He lias.i largely augmented I oir:ifrep populiafoutiy.emaneipatiiirtind liyaimini gration;While be hasioPenetilte,usi , new rescouroes of 'wealthy- as ias mrowiknii the labor of tho.iirorkingiban...lW:every department. of :industry , with abundant Towardp; r !il , z . -MoreoN;er,-rie.bas;been pleaifedlo Mate end -AnsVir4r btu. ininds and with fortitude, courage and• reaulution sufficient forlhi great trial if civil war into which webere beeubroughtby bur adherenoe et-it , nation to the • t;tuse:of freedom -and hilmanity, and `to afford,to us-reasonable •hopesif en ultimate and happy deliverance from all orir dangers atui:stnictions: - . • IBM Now,. therefore, T, Abraham) Linea, President of the United•States,,do hereby . -appoint and - set. apart the last.Thgraday in Noiembet: neat 'as a'day wbidh Ede sire to: be bbs'erved by all my: fellow old zeds, *herd - vet .they may then be, 'as a day of thanksgiving •and pmisci . ti) Al mighty God,' the Benifieent Creatovand Ruler of the universe. 'And I'dci , further recommend to' my fellow citizens aforesaid, that on,that oc casion they , do reverently. offer :tip'ipeni tent andlervent'prayers and supplication to he great dispOser of events for a refurn of the , : inestimable - Jdessingsi of: peace' Union, and harniony thiongliont;the land 'which it has pleasdd (Meade •assign. as a , dwelliOg place for oniselveti and onr-pot teritj throughout all-generations..:..; Id testimony whereof, I havelereuuto set my hand, and caused the.seal of , the United Slates to be•affixed. -. •Done at the...city of Washington,• this 20th day of October; in:. the year of our -Lord :one thonsand . eight" hundred and sizty-four, and- of the 'independence of the United States .thd eighty-ninth.-- ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President. Win: 112 Seward, Secretary of State. The 9etober.EleetlOn. - The , ballot.box-stuffinvi - Democracy. stoop -to'any mean da to manufacture ' , capital for \their aide. One of theseis their' willful• and persistent r miskepteient ations of .the' result of the—vote in this State at the October election. _They do not `• scruple' to tamper with the: ballot boxy' neither do they hesitate to -falsify figureg. , ' }" - : 4 : - - No State - ticket haiinO been in :•the; ' field we take . .the vote' for.Congreasmen Which hatvbeen announced **thus:;. .For Union CoOgressmen; ,-197,392 '`.For Dein, Congressmen, 197,001 ' Union majority 391 The' followiag,are the: official figares•of the soldiers' vote, as received at thelSee fetafy State's office Democratic Union majority . 12 . 656 Which show a Union majority thousand and forty:sum.: votes: A Buivi one' or the charges on the Biebmond lines, list week, Corporal Murphy, 158th N. Y. VOls, was the first; martitri n, and losing , his he'ruShed upon a rebel color beirerand seized the colors with his handl; WreSting then? from'their - possessor. For thii'gal: lant'eand . uet General Butler 'gave him a twenty. days'. - leiVe of absence to go . home and receive' the,' 'congratulations or 'MA friends, 05 out of his.own pocket to Pay his 'expenses; "and commend' hid spei3l ially, to the Secretary of,War, , for a medal recerding his'galitint deeds. He was first tendered a lieutenant's commission,' but modestly declinedit. • • • 'IN SAIL.--The dry goods: king., Mr. A. T. Stewart, Of New-YOrk; evidentlyan tioipates-• siltiall;•- or • spies breakers' ahead. We - . learn that 'a large ardorinrof ,gonde f . - to the value', of some two or three Millioos, taken out of bond. by him last week, have.bien 'Marked to; correspond, with _gold at' This , certainly indicates' Mr. 'Stewart's belief that; geld - *ill _continue to , tumble and if coldininbles, Prices roustlollcoksuit.. trv_ - - • ; ; , A SILVER BRICK.-We , waye-hhown. yesterday valuable contrthn tibia' 'from' tile oitiiAns of Virkicitil:Oity;. Nekradd Tefitory, to the f- llnitcds States Cliri CothOlission, consisted ofa hitt& ingot of a brick in' faith': " It iS. twelve' inches in lengilti foir-iii'breailib.;,- and :three fin: depth - -,and; iallietratl29os Currenoy; elt id only a portion of tbe - conitibutions Of theqes.j idents of that post: On - Moiday;sl43Vin oniieney :ultS reeeived`lrom 'Foillatid the territery. - • 'Lag , *ack . 851•,000 from::tbe ladies - of San. Fran eiseo / and an additional $30,000 from' tititt ciE , Y aud-IfteTdoifie - coast: ;Large ship nientecf,ccirdialti, Clotbitig;.bospktal-itores, &c.; Save beeil "?se - ni by. the - X=lll6Am to ego' viocnded Sberidaalr army. btquiier. (!!.. i- DREADFUL 'DEATH OF A roima LADY. —The Keithsburg (Illinois) , 911Frrev. vs:—Ou. Thursday ekTning l a st is Elliot, a yout+latv, i?igv,etitfOr yipts_of ace, lest her life by4allinginte'a kettle of h - oilingerght*FrOlassesp:At,ttie 1 ;. sidenco of Drktexta — det,!Yrkitiiiiit, ,e miles east ollithclAbO. ° t She was 1.1 . 1. 'at ay with somileseppliniosts qt-teeAtme carelessly ruftirrg " paint 11 into it. Her burns - ere severe-iipow one leg and sno arm, bu robably not enough. to havato have killed her. had.they I}eerr l ppapprjy:treated, as after receiving Item, Ole walked to a neighbor'S,llfr.__Ty 7 ler's. Brit affeTiiiiivroc , there she was placed h and bucketful after Bb' ii•MT ;jib illicit :ale lin gered from seven — i6tke evening until , half-past four c ililiner - ning, when death camlo9:49.r:Oligt, .She was -buried :oici Frydayilo ether we-dding dress 'in - which she woultinhavivbeerf—irtiarried had lived it v f§ietliiikisfritei.: `'' - *: ' ' • --- A '"l"imag . nn` in' 25 'fears very pretly t galling bimsolf,thegr.eatLea= de r.iatteLtninnntn,zDttltp .de.: G rap,: Evince de MontenegVoi - ttii r , has bedn: avreated for ewiniilitig a gentiles siftyci Tell in loge with hhi 'manse the' GOuitess recome tided him, and two tradesmen; who:trusted . ;him because , the bankirdldJ•3 - Atelwati:sent -to 7 .l;;viso for; one yblirjand ''''' • • • ' '!IGoitieolo;do teade.ifertUnei .. _ "Going to d but a ouse o z r won a nme. it" has . been - the- bane of more' — people than:would - fah the censut of a dozen New Yorks:. The thaw- who is always 'going to . '" do- it," `rarely fr . ,piet The only thing that: 64:he does do is te,go out of the world witliont tioing it. If he has a task which Must be, done, he - announces it, with a deal of boaiting' amf ti great waste of *Oitis,r.tinid onlibreath, that he icgoing while he .s "going to do it," somebody. else:,who is not suspected of "going to do it s " does it and reaps the reward;-‘)" . • . Late iteedunts from t.Petersbiarg, Rus sia state' . hat; a ~ Catholio,Chnrch in that city . tuinbleoo,the ground when, it was crowded-withworshipers,fand as -many as 7,oo9'.per4im Isere, buried beneath its ru ins. No one was-saved alive. In many miles there were'no :relatives present to claim thelbadies that Were recovered, as the.wliolo' family= had:.beeri kiilled. The Church had been' con " sid"ered unsafe, and MeasureEl hadßeen: taken to repair it, but the-workmen idid not consider it safe to work Itporvit; *and' bad - all left it. Just before GeseraLßussel received his ;death wotind-hemanbadly.wejoded in the armi from which: the i blnoT. was pouring ,profusely. That General still remixined.on his ; horse apd was. superintending the im. porMntimevementt tharfes i nited in victory sad,saved pur;arnty.:l .one of llis=officors rode up Whim and said, "General you should leave tie Eteld,iisee 'how your 'srm JEI-Alipoipg . ' , !.TbeltGeneral. replied' "Let itibleededpuct cyou.see .how;we are driving Ahead", Thesetw.lre the last words the , 9etikeyel waslipow.to:ntter, for almost in stantly; belwifs :struck by a portion of a shell anal:ell dead,- , ' Mosby . Icst a ialnable;assistant a few days.age in-the : person of e•deserter from the stb New York 'Cavalry, known as "the Big - Yanliee4s, -11;6 , fel lcsW figured con spicuously the ,capture of Gen.-Stough ton, at Fairfax .qourt,liouse, over: a year ago. -- .lridced it was_ principalLy .through his a id I,b4t4Wdash of Noslay succeeded. ATfew,day_agOtesby had some itupor t,ant messages to solid to a distant point, and_ i t, 41' * errand. was _considered a very darigno . eiae, iChe .Pg Yakee" pro posed„to,,updertalri - -,the job, end ,Mosby, considesing ; tiim yery valuable and not de siring to lose him, ; endeavored, to persuade not, to go;j4t ; he persisted,, in going, and AlesbY,fipaltyponscotod. • Qn his,way: he encountered a,Stnalletinadolljnion caval ry, who -.halt ed,,hiin -and, demanded his surrender. Tile refused saying there was surrenderfor - At the. same-time he zoramene,ed firinginto•the squad which ba4 ,b al ted. him. . opr:then rut anted. = the aompliment r which, resulted in:.his death. 17,838 6,232 4ttlitP,,Pur.iled• - Cmagirrhegy Noy:, 3.--Officers, from Cllatepoop, : report,,that-,Shermau returned to Atlanta early last week with Ewe corps of,hik i priny,_ leaving- two, corps in:Ten. negseo under- Thou?as - to ...watch Hood. lroad from C h awn ooga to Atlanta, and is sending:the iron to, the . form or ,p,lace.:,_.:Atlapta: is tburned, andS!lemau is, marobing,.diereetlyl:'for PDX 1 04 4 014 0 01 1 Carolina- : • • ; Anoiher "star constellation, of ti'reedotn citizens ofNuADA. hay lug. foily r complied, with .tle Act of• Oen grpqfpjtaPillg t,hemt to a Mate Gov erprnorktrPpsident _Lincoln-1m issued a 1-, l ,•rgelanktiop AeolMing Apt•en and after 94 0 1 1 .00,,I;e1P4)►:NEVADA. tit z.vimi4ed into & thg :3 llniou j with all the - zighte• priireitges.pfAhe psigipal,Sietc., c ato rea der l ygtttrentembmtha,Oho - Cunstituton of DfctikdiLtemlm t rpeg,thei ; Wilmot Provis%l uguykst Blave,ry, o 4eyada manes the thin, ty-sixth State, ancly_iithayethree, etral prcelArnatien_ chel93otil# # kid' F.ree • 'rho 411-'hifOr , TOes thlieir froth": . • T The lOsiir takimore Cifdiied lute' of ,tyyti,,buridred ; ',gtuis id-be fired aC rang displazeit or:al:0(14a /1‘aril4411' - • E , _r, CM EIMEMEIN EMI WISTARS' JIALSILM OF - N WILD CHERRY osll`lll* BOLDEST MID ROST licaLtAll3LE REM. VDAES IS Tits WORLD' rOR Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Brott \);;ltiti4D- jfficulty of Breathing, Via,Aath ,;,,lpoarseness, Sore .Throat, ./ Cretip and every Affection of TIID,TIDIGAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, INCLUDING EVEN • L CONSUMPTION... WISTAIS ;BALS4II OF - WILD CHERRY, So genertil has the use of this remedy be :eon:7e, an died' isleett *fah is • irderrues. Its ,norlis4p4 f0r...44_441. fi _ atitAr.:msE L ,W. estiinony—oF - the many lihO'ifrom long: suffering and settled disev i sOdyo - bean,mstonttozp . V . aBpec. vigor an 4mtt:present a mass of cvi dfD9B tit jirrt of. Ry.ronspgtio oat.ll at . -, W , iNOTIIILDLSCRERIMN, ; The,Rewklacob , Se.chler, Weil known= and touch-respected among -the Gerizika poPtilatiori in this-couatrYi mares the •follotrihr atateinent for Ahe , benefit - ..tif•;iho iaffligtid i!"1 • ; ~ ,11 1.0/titetri Pti4ireli:lsoBs,to Dear Sirs `,:—lfaving- realized in my family ThYportint lienefiis` front the'use agouti- itialu prepnifetlon•j-WisratisaALSA/6701r€W4LA CH nav-z-iti affords we j)tasure.tiirecomnieild it to thepublic. '"Some eight•years ago oho of my delight-err) 'seemed- tobeilautirdeighie, and little himes of-her ,recovery - I then procured it hottlexif your ek cillent Balstrin; and before sheihed taken the whole lit the contents ofthe:bottle there was ' great improvementqn • her healt.h.Lt:illiare, ins my individiml-case, Made frequent use of your valuable medicine; and have also beim benefitted -i , JACOB SECHLEIta Firo4.ltllo President 9f the.3lOrris town, Nei. - • " "Having used. /148A2.C -WILD CliEnitY. fori:about : fifteen. ye.ars,' and. having. realized- its. heneficiakresults ;gy family, iit affords...me gr.eatideatinro, in,re,cotn mending litito the public as a valuable Terns. .dy-in cases bf weaklun - gs; colds, - cogglia,./kc, and a remedy which 'I.-consider to beientirely innocents-.stud--may Safety k m thr piclt delicate . in health, -- Froin , lion. Yoltin' Sofkitlb. diStiiiguNhedllAvryer`ia,WOsttiainster,lld.. bave On!Several oecaSiond nied'Da.l ma's BALSAMOP WlLD•enzunx forseveiVtolds,. and always with deeided..benefit'.. I know of 'no preparation that is , raore - efficarionsi or more_descri ng of general use. : The galsrim- has alio been used with ex— cellent effect by J. B. Biliott,lferchanf, Cross Roads, Md. . Wfstai's Balsam of A l 74d . None eritline: unless signed "I. BUTTS,' on the .is-rai)per• FOR SALE BY - - • J. P. Drssugan No: .491 Broadway, K:York. S. W. FotrOrt :C . ; Co., Proprietors, Boatert.___, . And by all Druggists. 7,;_ BOOK AGENTS WANTED! MG sell by subscription, with sample ; excel 1. lent Popular Illustrated Farnily Among Oleic is a kiw price lIISTORY-o,:the REBELLION, - of which over forty thonkid of Vol. 1 have', already- been 'Sold: Lit is a good busines. for ex-Soldiers, and • otkers:.9!4 of - employment:. 1 • - Also, j for sale to peillerS, Mercluints, mad Agents, 'Stationery Packages,. Rattle Scenes, Portraits and °Vier. pictures "for-"the-Times;'' War Maps, beautiful Album Cards, Currency Holderi, etc; Fdr Ciiculars; with -particnrata and terms, address • -• ; HENRY 130W7;, No. ;111 Xain Street, Cincinnati, 0:- On *he Course Again: - 1 , IE.OO litestand 00 Teptins'Wanted. mo go, onto a Lumber Job;.ttco ri3ijes abler° JL Benezette, Elk county,Perna'a:. Diatanco front here, 43 miles. None Lut.GOOD.CliOp pers and Woodsmen,goOd Teanis and_Wagons, are wanted. 3., ,Ready for men the first of Oct bor.; for tea*, the. Iritn. SteadiTork-ukail `s. Spring, Pay formen : krona $3O tii.s4.opei month and found... For . goodliOr - se:leam and man, $3 per day and found: - For -good or team ,1• 1 ?, per day and found.' The best route to the - Job is 'dotlit the First Fmk 'of tbe nemalMning creek and up .BenneWs:Bratach. Enquire when there for my Foreman, Michael Courtney" The Job is a good. Otte to — work teams on. Forty . Dollars per tonivill.be paid for all IlArirought in. ' Bringin •t, .AVALTON .DWIGHT: - Coudersport. Penterr, 5ent.,14,'1.864, • COIIDEALSPORT,46OAiIkir. r.rinc!p a I ! . Late - of thepAVellsboro Academy, assisted by competeit Teachers. The Fall Term commences ,September sth, and continues Eleven Week. - ' • • • „ Tuition, to_ hp paid - at the - middle - of-the term, $3 to s£l.?-". Noiclidtar am - tried for less than•balf alerna; A Teachers' Class wilLbe instrnetedifteo of charge. • " By order ik the Trustees IS - • D. F. GLASSMIRE, - P.. A. STEBPINS, _ ROSS, Conderp9 . 44tig'.-;8; 1864. . atiataiXl isTOti6e. W4ERESS Letteri A'dni infstiatidu to the estate of NY3I. JENEIiTS, - kite Sf §hipl39n tovbaship,C9.therod cohnti,dec l if,hver been granied to ,-the sebs l eriber, icreo - rni indebted to Oaid estate' ere , requested to mike' ipanie4rnte mytagiity and those- IrtieM9Wslott against the same will .ttesent thtm; dutratt." thenticated,; for sat:lab - en t:to . Ccinderspdrt Oct. 25 1864. HOOP•SSIRTS, :44"; , j • •, 1 1." • The DUPLEPI FELLIPTIO*(Or Amble), STEiV SPItINtt 5 • • k The most popular and &slide in nao r eta • ,- • -;"/ StE r I3BINS.A • - FOR' SAM L% wn_ :Work inz-jjois_qs_filld',Wagoa ill bo aold :Cheap,. by T t4e-,subEiiitteii • t _ , '_IRS. TY C; f itELSON: Colestrivi, C,Ct. 22, 1.94 E. K. spßucees,lfeady•Trjy. Stpre id Ole 9 11 y:§tricAY Cash Score sporw .1c : -vott Irish. to buy uco,, c+4 1 14q..4e4ccr44- f _ MEM • BEM =Mil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers