;50 TER CENT. SAVED. ! AT REGULATORS Nos. 1 &=e, AT 0 SWA_YO,PA_. AND WMTESVILLE, N. IL FELLOW CITIZENS, Friends and Custom era : I return my thanks to you for the 'liberal patronage bestowed upon me for the inst ten years. lam now adding to my stock to select frOm _ 020,000 ,Worth of New floods and bare opened a branch store at WRITES VILLE N. Y where we shall keep a Large `.Stock of the best quality o Goods, and shall aver endeavor tog ve, our f customers large • bargains. ~NVe are now selling 'Good Shirtings and Sheetings for 28 to 37 cents, worth 37 to 15. s' - Best grade's of Prints Trom 25 to 30 cents, worth 37. food Delains 25 to 37 cents, worth 35 to 45. • •Goo'd PlaieAlPaccas 28 to 30 cents, worth 50 to _ Extra Plaia Alpaccus 40 to GE cents, worth 63 to 88. Extra all-wool 1, Delains 371 to 50 cents, worth 50 to 75.: Eine Mozarnbiques '22 to 25 cents, worth 38 to 45. ' ; Fine all. wool 'Merinos 69 to 80 cents, worth $1 to $1,50. • . . large stock of Cassimers, Kt. Jeans, Safi . , netts, Broadcloths, -and other goods equally tis IoW. I CL 0 THI.Ara... 'This branch of,our trade we call your atten tion to in particular, as .we Can and - Will save zou 25 to 50 per cent. Fine suits from $l2 to $l5, worth $2O to $25. Good black pants 'for $3,75, worth $4,50. Extra Doeskin $4,50. MI ~,,SILS,BIIAViTLS, A C., =I •orthe Best' anl Latest Fashions, very lost - . :Tine Merinos, Thibet, Wool, Brocha. Stella mud most other kinds. Boots 4' Shoes. AJ, large assortment very low . ~ . . . i . . - Inns 'French Calf Ladies' Shoes for $1,25 +. worth $1,75. ' ,-* lien's Floe Calf Boots $3;75 to $4,75, worth . $5 to $6. --i . .Hats and Caps for • Ladies and Gents, very lo,w Croekery and Hardware, lalifttf c4totiinto, at prices far below the present market prices fft,oceicea "love icon Pork, Flour, lea, Sugar, 1 - Pepper, Spice, &c., as low as can be bought in the State Not ha.ving time or.space to note further we. would shy to those asking why we can .afford to sell below lather dealers, •s this, we .buy very large amounts and are in New York about one-fourth of the time, and are so well acquainted with the market, that we IMY many goods low and can afford to sell them at home at less prices than many merchants buy in NevrYork. Our Store at Whitesville is under the management of Mr. E. J. SEEP HARD,-Who bas been with me at Oswayo for the past tvo years, well known to the people of this section, and will ever try to give them all bargains for their interest. Our store at swayo, under the management of my broth= -M 7 14. SIMMONS, an , experienced dealer, who will ever give all customers the benefit of all bargains. An early' call is respectfully solicited. ' Yours Truly, • - C. SIMMONS Oswayo Regulator, No. 1, Whiteaville Regulator No. May 2r , 1864. dENIIINE PREFAB.— COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT Bo l enu, a Positive and Specific Remedy for diseas'esLof the 81ad.... der,Kidneys, Gravel, and Dropsie ISwellings. This medicine increases the power of Diges tion, antfexeite,the-Absorbenes into healthy action, by Watery( 4r Cakerous depositions, and all unnatural enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain and Inflamation. HEMBOLD'S EXTRA.CTIBUCHIJ. I For Weakness arising from Ex esses,Habits 1 of Dissipation, early indiscreti n of abuse, attended with the following s.) ptorns : ', ' Indisposition to Exertion, Lo s of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of hrathii3g,Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of ,D* ease, Wake fulness, Dimness of vision, Pal in the back, Universal Lassitude of the Mils ular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Bpd '., Dryness of the skin, Eruptions on the Face, Palid Countenance. , These 'symptoms, if allowedt go on,which this medic . ipe invariably remotes, soon lead to 1 ImpotencyiFattiity,EpilelitleTitsi'in any one of which the Patient may exiike. Who can Say that they are not unfreqhently followed by .those Direful Diseases, ("Insanity and ConsFaption."'l. I , Many are aware of the cansa of their suf. Aring,,,but. rope will confess the. records of ;the batitrie:aSylntas. Aifid.iiiealctotioly 'deaths of Consaraiitketear ample, 'witness to the truth of the assertion. '- - 1 I The Constitution once affepted with. Organic Weakness requires the aidj of Medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the system, which Hembold's Extract Buchu inia ably does. A trial will convince the most 4i, ptical. 3 , ' FEMALES—FEMALES-L • 'MALES. In many(lffections peculiar'. o Females the Extract 33neliii IS i tineqn'alle,d_by any other 1 remedy, as in Chlorosis or Rettion, Irrega- larity, Painfulness, or SupprOpon of Custom- ary Evacuations, Ulcerated or. son state I of the Uterus, Leuchorrcea or nites, Steril ity, and for all complaints inci ent tee the sex, 1 whether arising from Indiscre ion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the' Decline or Change of Life. I I Take no more Balsam, Mercu y, or i mnpleas-, ant medicines for unpleasant . nd dangerous dis"ases. I • 3 Hembold's .Extract BUCIIII ;nd Improved Rose, Wash cures ScorCe Disco 4 s; - iii all their stages, at little Expense. Little or 'l3O change in diet. No inconvenience, ;mild no exposure. I It causes a frequent-.desire and gives strength to Urinate, thCrcreV t.emoving, Ob structions, Preventing and hiitinci; Strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain and 10in - illation, go frequent iu this' class of Idiieases, and ax pelting all Poisonous Diseases and worn out matter. ~ 1 ' • Thousands upon Thousan s'wh o have been the victims of quacks, and. who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a;slort time, have found they were deceived, abdlthat the "Poi son" has, by the use of ''.Powerful astrin gents," been dried up in tIM system, Ito break out in an aggravated formi Arid perhaps after me.rriage. i '' 11Use Hembold's Extract Bac u for fill affec tions . andriseases of the.t tn Urinary I Organs, whether 'e, istingln -Male . r Fea e, from whatever cause originatingand no atter of how long standing. .1 Diseases olthese'organs requires t e aid of a Diuretic. Hembold's Extract Buelu is the Great Diuretic, and is certain to ha vi i the de.: sired effect in. all' diseases kor which) it is re q commended. ; Evidence of the most reliab e and) respon sible eltaracter, will necompank the Medichie, lin Price $1;00' BctEle or ;ix for 00 Per 2 , , . ~._ ~ . . . Delivered to any addres4 . •riurefy packed from observation. Describe Symptoms in•all bbinmilnicatiolis. Cures guaranteeq Advice gratis 1 I 1 t t Address letters for inforMation toi H. B. HEM 110•141), Chemist, 104 Setif!' Tenth-it., bet.Chestutit, Phil's. ; I Helmbold'S Medical Dep4. 1. Helmbold's Drug and Chdbnical Warehouse, 594 13roadwar ' New York. i Beware of Counterfeits_anfl unprincipled Dealers who endeavor to di.qp I se of their Om other articles on the repuik•on attained by Helmbold's (leonine .prepar. Hons. [ll/xtract Buehu. Sarsaparilla. Intrfro . ed Rode Wash. i Sold by all Druggists every -here. Aakfor Helmbold's. Take no otliOr Cut I out the Advertisement and send lei? i , and avoid ex , posure. • 1 EXCE.E...fiIKOR PAN Pny..SS. • r - • TTY kRDER'S VATENT. The subscriber has Li 'the right of ManufactUring .and Selling for Potter county Hareler'sl patent Excelsior , Hay Press, Patented 1863, drid,whicli: took the first thetnium at the last'Sta e -Fair.; One of these Presses will be in colld rsport,!from the 10th to the 20th of Decethb r. Aq person wishing to buy the Right If r a towuship or the county, can have. the Press. There will be one manufactuiedby W. B. Gorddier. For further particulars inquirelat the " iYournal" office.ll?. Wainwrht. Coudersport, Pa., Nov. 24, 1863 pdli For Bats,, ~e, ...._ ~ ..-_ _ _Mg.., in Furs, Woolens, &c. Ins Sots on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c. , - Fat up in 25c. 50c. and $1 00 Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks, $3 and $5 sizelfor Hotels, Public Institutions, Sze. ~, - "Only infallible remedies known." "Free.from Poisons.."'[ "Not dangerous to thp Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." • to: r ' Sold Wholesale in all [lArge cities. * * *Sold by all Druggists add Retailers every where. •11 [ • „.* I I Beware - It! of all Wiirthless imitatiogs *See that "Cos Tan's" Mimesis on eaeh Boa, Bottle and Flask, befdlie you buy. - * * *Address Hem* R. *Costar; *; : *Principal Depot 482 l 3 oadway, N Y. 7 * - Sold by , [ P. .ASTB BINS b Co., holesale Retail AgAs Coudersport, Pa. Fish, _Prams CotTO, SAPONWIER, • 9r Concenki;a:tep. Famiis goal. [Maker.l • WAR makes high prices paponifier helps to reduce them._ It makes S9AP for FOUR cts. p . ourul,l4 pingYanr - ,kiehett'grease' r ' CAUTION 1 As sfilhious Lye are of ,4'erecl. also. be careful :anti only tiny the put,inifl in Iron cfmos all others being COUNTEREIE4TS. PENNSYLVANIA SALT BLINITFACTsfaut9 Co, PHILADELPTIIA—No. 4 1 .7 Walnut Street. PITTSBURG—Pitt Street and Duquene Way lIELNISO)Lp I ' 1 Winteii .G(kiiii AT 1_ , 0181gTED9S: • Orle,atttention is invited to the large and attractive stock just received, dud for sale as low as the same qualities can be bought anywhertj in the county. W'e haya on blind a large • and varied as sortment, of Domestic Cottons, co-nprising BROWN;SIIEETINGS, and SEIRTINGS, BLEACHED MtiSLINS, DENIMS, STRIPES, CHECKS, TIOn.INOS, and COTTON FLANNELS, on which, we cannot 14e undersold. We purchase onr goods for Cash and offer them at a very small advance . From Cost. FLANNELS. IF you want to purchase RED, GRAY, BLUE, or PLAIDFRENCH SHIRTING FLANNEL, call At Olmsted's. DRESS':GOODS; DELATNES, • PRINTS, BROCIIE, and' WOOLEN SIIA.WS • 13.00P4, SONTAGS, NI/BIAS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CLOTHS, and C..-ISSIkERES, a full supply ()LOTHIN DOTT fail to call before purchasing and sae the assortment .t 0 OT S S 110 E S T i loriMen, Women & Children, in great va -1 and cheap For 31i5las.es Syrup, Su , ar l Tea and Coffee, - in faceeverything in the Grocery line, c.ll AT OLMSTED'S A full itszortment of almost everything that is kept Id a country store on hand. We intend to keep Goods that will give satisfaction and sell gohd articles at the lowest living profit AT OLMSTED'S, ~' aid . Grain f* all kinds, - - Butter, Wool, . Sheep Felts, Furs, Deer Skins • Also, Count,i - , Township and School Orders, for all of which the hig,liest prices will be paid • At Olmsted's • • CodAerSport, Pa,Nov'r 18, ^:JSI i@64 Bringi many a change, therefore I have cOn eluded to change my system of doing business and Ifshall hereafter sell for CASK or PRODUCE, - - ,r BUTTER, LARD, EGGS, RAGS, GRAIN, DRIED BERRIES, &c. in.)- stock of Groceries I have a choice aSsorttneut of • • TEAS,- GREEN, BLACK, SUGARS, MOLASSES, SALARATUS, COFFEE, Also, PREPARED COFFEE, MUSTARD, . SPICE, latve a good stock (bought so that I am etiablad to sell at prices current before the War); of DM/GS, and PATENT MEDICINES, Also KEROSENE OIL. • YANKEE NOTIONS, FANCYL SOAPS, EXTRACTS, and are Eitill kept FLOUR, . . PORK, • ' MEAL of all kinds. Ana - inanjr other things too numerous to mention kept constantly on hand and will be sold for , LESS PIIIOFIT than ever before offered in this !market. EL' K.. SPENCER. 4n. 20, 1864. Dr. A. FRENCH's CELEBRATED " TONIC BITTERS becoming the most popular Medicine ..3.4 in circulation for the cure of WEB COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUN DICE, DEBISITY 'OF THE NERVOUS • "SYSTEM, and WEAKNESS of the HTOEACH and DIGESTIVE ORGANS. It i 4 also gaining a great reputation in the CURE of DIPTHERIA:, Priticipal Office, Coudersport, 'Potter Co., F. EUREKA! Was the exclamation of the Astronbmsr who first discovered that the world moved in its orbit; not less joyous has been the eiclatrA ion orthose'sviio hp.ve found THE PLACE wbere GOODS can be purchased FIFTEEIs,I or TWENTY PER CENT. below the marke price, and yet-find them as represented. Two kings are to be considered in purchasing Goods the Quality and the Price - ; and per chasers studying both, can be better satisfied with our stock than any other in *this cir ad' joining counties. Think twice befoTe buying "DEAR TRASH:" Now is your time pro 1. • mei. GOOD ARTICLE. "Delays a din gerous and sometimes fatal." Don't wait for another enormous advance in Goods . . The following is but 'a partial list of ou large assortment:. The attention of the Ladies is called to the stock of Merinoes,Black,Brown, Blue, Maroon, Drab and White. Some of these were bought precious to the rise and will be sold nearly- as low as,preseut wholesale prices at JONES' Ladies Cloth • Bina:, Grey, and Fancy Colors at JONES' At Olmsted's. Boy's Wear Cassimeres, Striped, Checked, and Plaids Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, and Cottonades o the very best quality at ..IONES' • At Olmsted's Mourning Goods Black Silks, Alpacas, Empresseloth, Bomba zine, Delaines, Rep Cloths, and Black an Purple Goods of various kinds at .JONRS' Heavy Sheetings,'three-titiarter, four-quarter, fire-quarter, line, unbleached ; Pillow Case and Sheeting, Muslin, Shirting, Ten-quarter bleached for sheets at JONES' At elmsted'o White Goods Barred Muslin, Plain_Jaccnet, Cambric for Skirts, Irish Linen, Swiss Muslins, Nainsbok Muslin, plaid, striped or plain, and Bishop Lawns at JONES' Embroiderips Dimity Bands, Ladies Collars, Endersleaves wilt or without collars at JONES' "roods, with tabs or points, for Infants and Children, Misses and Ladies ; Nubia's, Under. sleeves and Caps at JONES' For Children, Shirting Prints, plain .black, white and black,klue and white, and all kinds of Fancy, at JONES' Gents' Black Broad Cloth; excellent quality bought before the rise. Cassirneten, silk mixed, black and fancy Doeskin, striped. plain, and Plaid in fancy colors, and Cloth for whole suits at . JONES' Women's wool ribbed, cotton ribbed, cotton plain, colored and white, plain or fleeced. Girls' white, brown, mixed; wool or cottoh : and wool balmoral stockings. Mans' home and city-macl. Boyi', all sizes, white or mixed, at JONES' 1864 Glot - es , For Ladies, Gauntlet and liand•Gloves, Ki 4 Linen, Cotton, Plain and Fleeced Silk. Gent fine Driving Gloves, Cassineres; at JONES' For Ladies ; Shepherd's Plaid, Brocbe, Long and Square, Woolen Plaid; a great variety of elegant colors at JONES' Of domestic and foreign manufacture. We can assure our patrons that tre• believe our stock this spring to be more attractirein this line than ever before. JUNES' and JAPAN RONEY SYRUP With only two breadths, making it necessary to have but two seams in a full skirt, in a great variety at . JONES' Teas, Sugars, Choice Syrup, Good Rio Coffee, West Indil and Dandelion Coffee,.Rice, Corn Starch, Farina, Cocoa, &c., at JONES' PEPPER, &c., kc Brushes Cloth, Tooth, Nail, Hair, Hat, Paint, Varnish and Artist Brushes at JONES' PEREMUERY, "I HAVE FOUND. IT !I Merinos D o-rnestics Woolen Goods Prints Cloths Hosiery Shawls Delaines Balmoral Skirts. Groceries • Drugs and Fancy Articles Oils, Paints, and Dye Stuff's, White Lead in Tin Cans,Alcohol, Camphene, Kerosene,Lamp and Lamp Fixtures, Glass, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Botanical Herbs, Perfumery,Fancy Soap and Toilet articles, Gum, Hair, Ivory and Wooden Combs, Pomades and Colognes, and a fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts, Pens, Ink and Paper, and Linseed Oil—rmv and boiled, at JONES' Clothing Bois' and Men's at JONES' Boots and Shoes Of every description and the best quality; at astonishing low prices, at JONES' Wall Paper Ceiling Paper, Transom PAper, Window Cur tains, Borders, Tassels and Fixtures, at J's. HARDWARE; WOODEN-WARE, WILLOW WARE, NAILS,, IRON, PLOWS, WINDOW SASH, FLOUR, PORK, and FEED, in fact, everything that the people need can be had at JONES'. All of which will be sold, at the Lowest rates: COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Coudersport, Pa.; June, 1863. 1864 P . ILLADELPETA & ERIE - RAILROAD,.— This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest comities of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, ;on Lake Erie. It has neen leased by the Pennsylvania flail Road Company, and ender their auspiee4 is being .rapidly opened throughout its entire length. If ise for Passenger and Freight . . It is now in m buiness from Harrisburg to St. Mary's («18 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, (78 miles) on the Western Division. .TDIE OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT MIPORIU4 : ' Leave Eastward. Express Train, 3 50 P. M. Leave Westward. Accommodation Train, 1 30 P. M. Cars run . through :WITHOUT CHANGE 140th ways: between Philadelphia _and Lock Haven and between Baltimore and Lock Haven. I r Elegant Sleeping Carson Express Trains both ways between 'Williamsport and Bidti more, l and Williamsport and Philadelphila. For \ information respecting Passenger 11usi 3ess'apply at the S..E. Cor. 12th and Market Streets.. 1 1 And for• Freight business of the Company's ' Agents : S B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market Sts., Philadelphia. J.' W. Reynolds Erie. J.M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R. Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen'l Reight Agt. Phil'a. LEWIS L. HOUPT, 1 Gal Ticket Agt. Phil'a. Jos. D. POTTS, • Gcn'i Manager, Williamsport Rare Chalices g. I offer for solo on keasonableterms and lib eraltime : ONE FARM 1—:146 Acre-46 Cleared ONE FARM !-235 Acres-80 Cleared ONE PAR3I Acres-15 Cleared ONE FARM I-800 Acres-5 Cleared And lots of other. Farms and Lanid Some money may be required down. 13ird. Brookland, Pa., July 2,'64 tl. Having secured the services of HENPZ S. COWBUB.I7, BLACKSMITH of twenty years experience in England and America. lam prepared to furnish farmers and travelers . ' with the tre'st of • - Horse and Ox Shoeing, . Shingle KuiVes, Butcher Knives &e., promptly L. BIRD, Proprietor, • • Brookland, Potter Co., Pa. formerly called Cushingville May 25, 15C4. AT H. J. OLMSTED'S TORE can al‘yays be found the best o 0 Cooking, Box and Parlor STOVES.:, Also. TIN and SHEET .IRON WARE, POTS, KETTLES, SPIDERS,SCOTCH . BOWLS FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS and CAULD RONS. Also, Agricultural Implements, such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CULTIVA TORS, CORN-E-.DELLERS,MORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, &c. HIS WORK is •ivell made and the material good. Goad and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of the County—Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, including Cash, :seldom refused. Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court House, Coudersport. Aug. 1, 1503.--i3O PUTNA3I Clothes. Wringer Will wring ansthing.from a sinte Thread to a Bed-Quilt. • PRICES : $5.50, $O.OO, and $B.OO. P. A, Stebbins & Co., Agents for Potter county.—Jan 25, 1863 P,:41, STEBBINS & Co„ AR Z. Paying the highest price.in ' • . "CASH for WOOL 1 . 50,000 POUNDS WANTED Coudersport, Tune 28, 1864. F. A. Stebbins & Co. A BE AGENTS for the sale of lA_ WHEELER S; WILSON'S SETIT:G MACHINES for Potter County Nor'r 18, '63 DR, TOBIAS' VENITIMJ LINIMENT ,Rz AS GIVEN UNIVERSAL SATlSFa'sc_ TION during the fourteen years it has been introduced into the United States.— After being tried - by millions, it has been proclaimed the pain destroyer of the world. Pain cannot be where this liniment is ap.: plied. If used as directed it cannot and nev er has failed in a single instance. For colds, coughs and influenza, it can't be beat. Onb 25 cent bottle will cure all the above, besides being useful in every family for sudden acci dents, such as burns, cuts, scalds, insect stings, &c. It is sperfectly" innocent to take internally, and call" be given to the oldest person or youngest child. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. -Office, 56 Cortlandt Street, New York. Sold by all druggists. 11011IINT'S BLOOM OF ROSES,—for the La JUL dies,—at STEBBI.NS' _ POTTERICOMITY•SS.:, __; ,--A--.. The Commonwealth of Feinssyl6. {L. S.l nial to the Sheriff of said county 1 krtirxrisa : ~ 'We, command you Allot you attach • p r ., A Blanchard by all, and' singular' big' goods:1114d ! chattelsmoneys, r zishts, - credits, lAnds and. 1 tenements in yourbailiwick in *hose hands t or possesSion soer.r s r the same may be found, , i so that he bb atilt pear` before. our-Judges 1 at Conderspbrt at: a CCourt of Cornwell Pleas to be held id and for said County on the 15th i day of ,June ' next, there to Answer Wm.- A. I Cole in' an ;notion, of assumpait damages not exceeding , three hundred dollars, and have • you then and there this writ. iritntss the Honorable EnBERT*G. Wnrrs, President Judge of our said [Court at Coudersport, this 11th clay of May, l'A. D. 15t1.3. ' • • [5O ct Bev. ;Stamp. i 11. J. OLMSTED, Prothonotary. Dec.' 26, 1863, on motion •of W: B. Graves, Plaintiff's Attorney; the C ourt. direct publica tion of the Writ in this case by six successive advertisements in the POTTER Jounen. . t By the °art: . 11. J. OL3ISTBD, Protify. : 1564. MANHOOD 110 W LOST 1 ROW RESTORED! ,Itist published, a new edition 'of Dr. Ceilversvell's. Celebrated Essay on ltpirad l ical cure (without medicine) of Secum*nnuoxi., or Seminal. Weakness,-In voluntary-Seminal losses, IMPOTENCY, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mier- riage, etc.; Inlso, CONSIIIIPTIOI , 7 7 EPILEPSY, anal 1 FITS, inilu9ed by self indulgence or sexual' extravagance. . :, s' t.-amPriep, in a scaled envelope, only 6 cats. - The celebrated author in. this ildmiraoo essay clearly demonstrates,. from a , thirty years suCceWul practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be' radically cued witholit the dangerotis use of internal medicine' dr the application of the knifV— pointing'odt a mode of cure, at once simple, certain anal eflecutal, by means of which ev ery .sifferer, no matter what his .condition may lie, truy cure himself cheaply, privately and radical Leeture'should be in` hands of every youth and every man in the lan& ' Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to-any address, pott-paid, on receipt of six cents, - Or two post sOnip, - ;._ Address the.pubhshers. ICHAS. J. C. KLINE - & C 0.," ' 1.2`," Bory, Now Yorh,Post office box 4586. \ . _,_.... • TIOST P T T ERS miCr..3 Vie , . i ; • I . ' . . , CELEBRATED . . . . ~ ~. ..,,,,,,.....„ ~ . 9 -111.8. 1 0.00* • 1 d pure :Ind powerful Tonic, Corrective an j ..-11terdtive of Wonderful efficacy in dist-. 'i ease 'of the Stomach, Liver: and _Bowels:— i C,uris, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint,lleadache, t 'General Dtibility, Nervoneness, Depression of 1 Spirits, Cohstipation, Colic, Intermittent Fe- ' vers,Oranhm and Spasms and all\ Complaints: i of either Sex, arising from Bodily - Weakness I whether inherent in the system or prodOced: i by sPscial catises. . Nothing that is not wholesome, genial and: restoralivo in its nature enters into the_com- i position of Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters. This- popular pieparation contains no mineral of, any kind,iino deadly botanical element; no. 1 tiery.excitant; but it is a combination of the', extracts Of rare balsamic herbs and plants, 1 with the purest and mildest of all diffusive. ! stimulant-4: It is well to be 'forearmed 'ageing. disease, i 1 and so fare.s the human system can be Pro tected by Marian means against maladies en jby an unwholesome atmosphere,. ,1 impere water, and other external causes,Hos tetter's Maus maybe relied on as a safeguard. In', distilets infested with Fever and Agne, itsbas been found infallible as a preventive • nod irrisi.tible as a remedy, and thousands ,who,restirt to it underapprehension of an at- Cat c, escak the scourge ; and thousands who neglect to avail themselves of ,its protective qualities iu advance, are cured by a very brief course of this marvelous medicine. Fever and , Ague _patients, after liking plied with I quinine for months in vain, until fairly satu rated ticitl that dangerous alkaloid, are not • unfrequently restored to health within: a few , days•by the use of Ilostetter's Bitters._ • weak stomach is rapidly_ invigorated' I: 'pad j the appetite restored by this agreeablel Tonic, and Ilene(' it works wonders in cases of Dispepla and in less confirmed forms of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle and painless i apperient, as well as upon the liver, it also , invariably relieves the Constipationsuperin ilueed by irregalar action of the 'digestive and secretive organs. Person's' of feeble habit liable to Nervous Attacks, Lowness of Spirits and Pits lof Lan guor,. find prompt and permanent relief from the Ilitt4. The testimony 9, this 'point is most conailusive, and - from both sexes. The aeony of Billions Colic is immediately aSsuagediby a single dose of the stimulent, and by occasionally resorting to it, the return of the coMplaint may be prevented. _ As a General Tonic, Hostetter's Bitters pro duce. efreets which must- be experienced or witnessed before they can be fully apprecia ted. In uses of Constitutional Weakness, . Premature Decay and Debility and Decrepi tnde arising from Old Age, it exercises the ' electric idfi aence. In the convalescerd, stages of all diseases it operates as a delifihtful Ivigoranti When the powers of nature are re taxed. it opera:tea to re-enferce and re-estab lish them. Last, but not least, it lathe cnly safe Stith nlent,. being manufactured from - sound and innocuothi 'materials, and ,entirely free from - the acid elements present more or less in all the ordit4ry tonics and stomachics of the day. The immense increase in the sale of Hostet -1 ter's Bitfirs, both at home and abroad, during !the past tear proves that the - world, while it obeys. the Seripte'ral injunction to "try all "things," only "Holds fast to that, which is goorL" Spurious preparations, like poisonous ' fang!, are continually springing"np, bnttheir charapt.'<q is 'soon discovered, - , and they are "finite . like worthless weeds away.", , ,file the other baud, a great'-antidote that performs alti it promises, and even more than - its proprie tors claimed. for -it on its introduction, "is not •I for alday, but for, all time." tiafardily medicine haii been so universally and, I l i:. Mity be truly added, deservedly pope,- ler with Ithe intelligent portion of the comma , . nity, Ilostetter's Bitters,: Prepared by HOSTETTER. & burg, Pi. Sold by all Druggists, 'dream and Storekeepers everywhere., . I The Last - Gall. NOTICE is hereby given that it IS now IN Four Years since P. A. Stebbins and the under Sighed closed their business, and as A part of the debts due them. u;bich remain nn. paid. noW belong to me. I will attend:at , the - Store ef p. S. E. A. Jones, in, Coudersport, for the u* thirty days to 4 receive the pay on them; friim those indebted. to said concern, nfteriwhich they will be ]eft in the bands of an officer for collection. , A word to the wise is sufficient. C. S. JOKES. Go!uddisport July 1, 1364. - • • .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers