VOLUI!IE XVI.- -NUZBER 25. THE POTTER JOURNAL PUBLISHED LT no W. illeAlarney, rroyirletor. $1.50 PR TEAR, INVARIABLY Li ADVANCE. • * * *Devoted to the cause of Republicaniqm, he interests of Agriculture, the advancement of Education, and the best good of Potter county. Owning no guide except that of Principle, it will endeaver to aid in the work of more fully Preedomizing, our O_Otuatry. AnrEnrmetssrS inserted, at the following rates, except where special bargains are made. 1 Square [lO lines] 1 insertion, - - - 50 1. nn 3 " ;--- $1 50 ?Each subsequent ins ertion less than 13, 25 4 Square three months, -- -- --- 250 1 1 " six " -- • -1- - - 400 a nine U ---- I- - - 550 - " one year, - - 1 --- 600 Column six months, 20 00 n Et a 10 00 I " t C u 700 1 " per year, 40 CO " " CI P 20 00 Administrator'sm or Executor's Notit, 200 Ilttsiness' Cards, S lines or less, per y.„,ar 5 00 Special and Editorial Notices, per linh; - -- 10 ** *.All transient advertisements must be paid in advance , and no nctiee Will -be taken of advertisements from a distattc, unless they are accompanied by the money or satisfactory reference. , * * *Blanks, and Job Work of lan kinds, at tended to promptly and faithfully. BUSINESS CARDS. Free and Accepted Ancient York Masons. -EULALLA. LODGE, No. 342, F. A. 14. '-''TATED3leetings on the 2nd and 4thWedneS days of each month. Also Masonic gather ings on every Wednesday Eveuing, for work -and practice, at their Hall in Coudersport. C. H. WARRINER, W. 31. • A. SIDNEY LYI.I/N, See' JOHN S. 3lfk.N:'; 'ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will attend the several Courts in Potter and 3l'Kean Counties. All business entrusted in his' care will receive __prompt attention. Office corner of West and Third streets. ARTHUR G. OLMSTED, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will attend to all business, tutrut•ted to his care, with prc "Tines and flaCity. Office on Soth-rest cotter of Main and Fourth streets. IS'A.A.O BENSON `-',ATTOR.I , i'tY AT LAW, Couder:-Tort. Pa., will attend4o all business c:neffastEu to him, with care and promßtzles.s. Office On Second st., 'near the Allegheny Bridge. NOX, LATtORNEY 'AT LAW, Coudersport . , Pa., Till :, regularly attend the Courts •in Fetter and 1 the adjoining ConutieL.7. 0. T. ELLISCiN, PRACTICENG PHYSICIAN, doulersport, Pa., • respectfully informs the citizensiOf the vil lage and Vicinity that he will -roinply re spond to all'Calls for profeSsional' services. Office on Main et., in building fe,rnierly oc cupied by, C. W. Ellis, Esq. •' C. S. & E. A. JONES, VEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICLNTS, PAINTS Oils, Fancy Articles, Statienery, Dry Good:, Groceries, Sc., Coudersport, Pa. D. E. OLMSTED, DEALER Lti DRY GOODS, READY-MADE Clothing, Crockery, Groceries, S:c., .11.ein Coudersport, Pn. - COLLINS SMITH, DEALETt in Dry Goods,Groceries,rorisions, Hardware, Queensware, Cutlery, and all Goods usually found in a countrY Store.— Coudersport, Nov. 27, 18el. COUDERSPORT HOTEL, B. F. GLASSKIRE, Proprietor, Corner o !lain and Second Streets, Conderiport, Pot j ter Co., Pa. A Livery Stable is also keptin conned ilea with this HoteL • H. J. OTavrsTED, DEALER IN STOVES, TL' 4t SHEET IRON WARE, Main st., nearly opposite the Court house, Coudersport, Pa. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware! made to order, in good style, on short notice. lsx., 11. I.IILLYII • J. C. le..klall.NET. DULLER & DicALAIRSEY, I.: ATTORNEYS—AT—LAW, ' • HARRISBURG, AL6ENTS for the Collection of against the-United States and State Go tr •eittnients, such as Pension; Bonntyl Arreai tof Payitc. Address Box 95, Harrisburg, Pa., Pension Bounty and War Claim ' • Agency. P , ENSIONS procured for soldiers of the present war who are disabled by reason of Wounds received or disease coutractracted while in the service of the United States ; and .pensions, bounty, and arrears of pay obtained for.ividows or heirs of those who have died orteen killed-while in service. :All letter !' of :inquiry promtly answered, and on receipt by .mail bf i n statement of the case Of claimant I, fcirward the necessary papers for their -signature. Fees in Pension cases asjfized by 1 i,tr. .13.1 Tr•A'Ae --EPSRENCE.3.—Hon. IsiAc Dmisos, A. G.AkatsTED, J. S. Esq., 't P. W. Esox, DAN BAN.ER,i Claim Agent Coutlmaa rt Pa: *June . 8, '64.-Iy. L HOWARD ASS CLATION puttanErnri., PA. TITSRA ns of theervnas, Seminal, Urina rs and sexual s) stems—new and reliable ireatraent —in reports of the HOWARD AS -B..OOIATION—sent: by mail in sealed let er eur:lopes, free of ' , charge. Ati , ircs, Dr, T. BRILLIN HOUGHTON, ;Howard ; c 0.2 South Nir.t.h . Philadeln4ia: Pa. • ).;131Sei. ! . . . , ' 1 . 1 ~.... , - -----...,-„.. . . . •-- _ i - -- 7 7 --- ----...: e ~ 1:.. ...: _ _., . _,.i i.. , .. ::•..o4) , ( ). i ... . ~.. ,1 .. .• , r . . , .. . . " 1 :4‘41 1 -1) J ournii i -T: '4/feat i . , • , .. ... ... : : . ..:- : ..._0.,. ,i, .1, t .i. r..... . . . . . , . . . . A friend: d I were strolling docin The gay and crowded street, When with In-palemnd bad-eyed one It was Ont chance to meet. , . Hy friend had bowed 6 ladies fair, Who eased and were forgot ; : Ho bowed to her, on his cheek - t ; I saw a. c "tason spot! And yet It rf Upon leis c His look ;Ivft To look a Her years thlk Her step Not weane4 At whigh Though goo That name Even to carel "I have se "Tell Changed iok. Passe&6s His eyes 111tsh "It neap to To meet t)mt And tidal; "Two years A fond ,1 , pr. And motlier, Three fair. 1 "Her noble husband to his flag And tolhiscountry tree, .I Was foully sip:, at midnight, by A craelitrattor crew. i: L i I "Shin, not inlopen, lopen, manly i Wight; Mat on his 4v, - n hearth -"t one She sacs his lif&blcod ebb away, And heird iii; dying gtian. ,I i ! .1 "She hear thd troopers' cinrses deep Re-eche( thrdugh the ball i i . She saw the la r id flames spread fast, She SSIN I the roof-tree fall. ''' -"When morning cam; half,erazed she stood There dhsolaite and lone Gazing with.tehrless eye eon 1 A mass; f whitened bane; . ' "An Oat as l i .ft of him Whose love ± Had made 13 r life so swfet Now, mingled 1 ith the ashls of Her home no at her feat." S, . "But where we e they, laerinoble boys,. In this lel h tiz'of woe ?I' "Ah ''. they: bad sought the attle-lieltl .±, Ere fell this earful blow.i. , "Two were with Grant whet; Vicksbtizg fel." "The other, where was hh?" "Another ilag above him waved At -Richmond, under Lee. - , "And him She mourns as worse than dead. I For in this deadlysstrife * He battles ; on the side of those • . Who took hid l father's life. i , once "Dright-eyed, giad-hearted, e shod.Weit in lovelPrennessee ; • Slow-paced,sadl-eyed, sad-hearted now, She's here a Refuzee." ± ~ i 1 r' • , HOW 'S 0 L DIE US 74 - 0110. The following. 1 is .an abstract of t he bill prescribing the naianer in which tub 801-1 1 diers shall vdte : SECTION first provides that irrhenever any of the qtialified electors of this porn monwealtli ahail be in actual military service under i a requisition from the Presi dent or Governor and consequently ab sent on the day of (holding general, special or Presidential elections, they shall be entitlbd to exercise the right of suffrage as fully as iftheyl were present at their proper-places Of voting, and the right of such voter is,not th,be impair ' by reason of his being Credited for beitinty ir(any other locality than his aetnallresidente. , SEc. 2. Ail poll is to be opc tied in each company, composed in whole or pat of Pennsylvania :soldiers at the_quarters of th 4 captain or other Officer, and all eke- tors of said company who shall be witbin ohecitaile of eubh abetters on the day of election, and not - be prevented from, re turning by the, proximity of the enemy or wx I orders of•comm,anders, shall vote at such headquarters, and no other place. OS: cers other than those of the company;the other voters detached and aibsent from their companies, or in any military'and naval hospital, or in any vessel or navy yard, May vote at such other polls as are most convenient to them. When re are ten or morn elebtors unable to attend at the companY polls or proper placed of election they tray[ open a poll at such place as, they may select. SEC. 3. Tho the polls' are not tofbc opened before 7 1 o'clock, and midst be kept open three hairs, nr, if deemed necessary in order to receivel all the votes, until seven o'clock in the evening. SEC. 4. Before Opening the polls the - - electors present ,shall elect; tiro recs, three persons kir judges,and the judges shall appoint two' curls, and prepare boxes for the ballots. SEC. 5. Before reeeivin ,7 any votes the judges and 'eleiiks shall * tisb sworn ;to observe the law: and guard against fraud aad deceit, and ;tliT r i catL. eateeed i)6600 to ilia ilifleiPles of DI OeNell, Qqa tha isseiliiintioq of . Vol -pH - Ig, f..ifehitill Rio tfeb-s. BEETGEE; as no flashlof shame heek that burned ; . soon as sail as hers:, her I turne4, y might hare been two more, - sad and slow; , s—but just:that pace tll mourners go. , around ber yet thug was less grace, which sap, • 1 less passers by, bn better -days." 1- Id I, "why you, who Wear ' name and nword, Or as she passed us bj—.— Without a word. ed flame. "Il i yblood,4 he'said, badness sties sad, that patient one, what;wreo,gl are hers. go—alas, how changed!— . nd wife was! she, 00, of three 'fair sonst— r could not be. COUDERSPORT, POTTER COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY. SEpTERIBEB. 21,•1864. on the poll-book and signed bathe judges and clerks. SEC. 6. All voting shall - be by ballot, and the appheant to vote, if challenged, must be examined under oath by the judges as to his right to vote in the pre cinct in which he claims residence. SEc. 7. Separate poll-books shall be kept, and separate returns made, for the voters of each city or county. The poll- I books shall name the company and regi meat, and post, place or hospital in which the election is held. The county and township, city, borough, ward, precinct, or election district of each voter shall be endorsed opPosite, his name on the poll books, of which each clerk shall keep one SEC. S. The shall bare upon them the names of all the officers for for whom the elector desires to vote. SEc. 9 On receiving the ticket the judges =must pronounce audibly the name of the elector presenting it, and if satis fied of the right of the elector to vote, and he is not challenged, shall •deposit the ballot in the proper btfk, While the clerks register the name and legal residence of the voter in their poll-books. SEc. 10. At the close of the polls the number of the voters must be counted, set down, and certified at-the foot of the poll-books. SEc. 11. After the poll-books are signed the ballots are to be counted, each judge reading the names thereon, and the third stringing the vote;of each coun ty on a separate string, and carefully pre serving the same. - - SEc. 12. Where two tickets are folded together, both are to be thrown out, and where two ballots are votdd together for the same office, neither is to be counted for that office. SEC. 13. Each clerk shall keep, in addition to the poll-book, a list of the vol unteers for each counts, which shall con stitute part of the poll-book. SEC. 14. Tbd number of voters on these county poll lists must also be set down and certiEed. SECS. 15 and 10 prescribe the form of the poll-book, and the manner of entering the returns. SEC. 17. After canvassing the votes, the judges will seal up and send the poll book lists, and ballets to the Prothonota ry of the proper county, and secure the other boll book and lists, to be mired for by the Commissioner appointed under the act. If not called for within ten days, the second book, &c., are to be sent to the Secretary of tae Commonwealth. SEC 1.6, - The Prothonotary must fur nish the Return Judges with a certified copy of returns so received. SECS. 19 and 20. The Return Judges are to meet on the second Tuesday of November io count and enter the vote of soldiers thus returned. SEc. 21. In Presidential .elections, all returns received- by the Secretary' of the Commonwealth are to be - compared with the county returns : for the correction I of the latter. SEc. 22. All elections are to be:sub- • jeet to contest as under present laws. , SEC. 23. The Secretary of the Corn-1 monwe,alth is required to provide a suffl-; cient number of copies of this law, to I , rether with' extractu from the general ! election laws, blank form of , poll-books, ; tally lists, and returns, postage stamps, etc., and forward the same by commis sioners, or otherwise, to the commanding! officers of companies, detached posts and hospitals, who shall deliver the same to i the election judges on the day of election, I bat no election is to be invalidated by reason of such blanks not being received. SECS, 24, 26, 26, 27. The Governor is .to appoint such commissioners, not ex ceeding one to each Pennsylvania regi ment in service, as shall be necessary to carry out the law. Said .commissioners are to be sworn to fulfil their duties, un- I der penalty of $l,OOO or imprisonment,i for one year. They are to deliver four! copies of,the. laws, and at least.,two sets I of blanks to the corffinandin- , ciScoi ofi every company and part of P company ;! provide for opening polls, and call for one; copy of the poll-book after the election:l They are to be paid ten cents per mile; for traveling to and froth their respective I regiments, and may vote at one of the, company polls. No failure of notornis sioners to visit regiments shall invalidate, any election under the act. '. SECS. 28, 29. The .officers authorized I to conduct elections are to be subject to the usual penalties for the non-fulfillment I Of duties. They are to receive no corn pensation. • 1 SEC. 30. When the Sheriff issues his proclaination for an election, he shall transmit immediately • copies of the same I to the troons4a thecounty.' held from the SEC Si. e 13,000 is appropriated to carry the law into effect. SECS. 32, 83, Where lers than ter: persons are •separated from their' proper company they are to vote as follows: Each voter is authorized, before the day of election, to place his ballot, properly folded, in a sealed envelope, tozether with a stt.temert: Eig.i. - ,ed by the voter Lad his commanding officer, -or soma other witness, and duly sworn to and certified before said officer or - some other compe tent person. This:statement must set forth the following facts.: 1 The name and proper residence of the Toter. .1 dfied An authority to some qua._ voter at the place of his residenee, to 'bast the bal lot for hini. That he is a qualified voter in the pre cinct where he porposes to vote. That hd is in, the active militaay ser. vice, and give the name of the organiza tion of which ho is a member: That he his not sent ballots to any other person than the one so authorized. That he` will not attempt to vote at any polls opened on said election day, at any place whatsoever. That heh.a.s.not been dishonorably dis missed froth the serviee. Said sealed envelope, ballots and state ment are to be Featly mail, or otherwise, to the proper person, with the endorse meta on the sealed part thereof, "Soldier's ballot for.l-- 'township; (card or borough,) in the county of ," ttc. Secs. 34, 35; The elector to whom this ballot Is sent shall deliver it uiwpened, on the day of the election, at the proper polls. The electron officers shall open it in the presence of the. board, and deposit the ballots add accompaniing papers, as other ballots are depesited.— The pers.oti delivering the ballot shall be compelled to, testify 'on his oath that he has delivered it in the same state as when received, and that be has not 'oppned or changed or altered the contents. With out such oath the vote 'shall not be re ceived. The right to vote of the person sending the ballot may be challenged the same as if he was personally present.— Any election officer refusing to receive and count such vote, dkcepting when fraudulent, and any elector to whom such ballot is sent refusing to Present it at the proper poll, are punishable by 8,500 fine and one year's imprisonment. Any per son making false oath kouching these matters is subject to a penalty of $1, 4 100 fine and five year's imprisonment. • SEC. 38. The Secret+ of State zhAl prepare and furnish the necessary blanks to carry out this act. SEC. 39. In case of ad elector in mil itary service on a vessel, I the master of said vessel shall be competent to take affidavit and written statement of said 'elector. SEC. 40., Assessors are required to assess a county tax "of 'ten locus on every non-commissioned officer and private, and the usual tax on every commissioned offi cer known by them to be in the: military service of the United St4tes br of the State, in the army or na;Cy, and when names shall, have been omitted they must be added on application of any resident of - the district. Non-commissitned offi cers and privates are to be exempt from all other personal taxes . while in!, the ser vice.' Assessors must receive this tax from, and furnish a certificate of payment to, any citizen offering to ay the same for said soldier. Where the name has been . drktereo. on the assessment books no certificate of assessment shalll be required. The certificate of payment shall Eat forth the name of the persons far 'whom the. tax is paid, the date of payment, and year for which it is assessed. Tihis certificate shall be evidence of payment of taxes, and shall preclade a demand - for Other evi dence of a right to vote.. I The penalty fer non compliance on- thd part of: the a i ssessors, collectors, or treasurers shall not be lezi than *2O, or more than 8100. t . Our readers will not fail to be tutiched by the child like simplicity' with Which General Mc 'Cleilan declares his belief that the views expressed in l his letter of acceptance are identical with:those of the Chicago Convention. The ;Platform of the Convention proclaims the war a failure insists upon an immediate !cessation of hostilities, and invites peat ili at any sacri fice; while McClellan, aghast at peril ous position taken by Folleagues, hedges toward a vigorous pi . osecution of the war, in case the indispensable condi tion ore complete re-establishment of the Union should prove unattainable by other means. In other words, while the utter ance of the Chicago Convention are un undisguisedly traitorous, these of- Gen. McClellan are to some extent consistent with, loyalty. 'lf black is white, then the "views expressed" by the Oeneral are those of the Convention, and not other wise. We hardly know Whether to be most entertained by this asOmption of innocent cradulity, or his .I.ssuranee. in supposing that the people cr be Tor a moment duped by it. General McClellan regrets , that we have failed to.reap "the benefts cif our any victories." This is a questionable allusion corning from the Source whence it I gloos. Pruden ce,:if not modsty,mighit have coun seled the General to refleOt upon the utter-insisnifie.ance of his own contribu tien.s to the victories of the 'War, cud to 1,.. - .t.ve 0... at topic c.nr.i - L.turtel.L I Mrs. Brown Discourset "A woman's work is never doneMsaid Mr. Brown, as she brought a chair from 1 the rank and file against the weiand ! offered it to her neighbor, Mrs. Jones' In performing , this hospitable action, Mrs. Brown called the ghost of a smile to her, face, and in the care-worn features ebulll be seen signs of beauty-and sweetness , that time and trouble were stealing from [ her. She resumed her 'seat, and Odle rocking the cradle, wearily proceeded to pare, quarter and core the apples in the pan beside her, while she discoursed in this wise to the strong, hearty looking farmer who sat opposite : . ' ' "No, John isn't in, Mr. Jones; rz He's gone to the village to hear about sedesiion —something Or other. I can't keep trick of it , FM so hurried and tried—'Tugged with fortune and wearied with disaster,' as my mother used to say." ,- 1 , "You mean to say you amt. any patri otism ; dont care what-them rascally fire eaters do, any how, I suppose ; little odds 1 to you whether Major Andersen holds pat !or not." Mr. Jones said this in a won dering, good-natured way. , 3 3.N0w, look here, neighbor," and into Mrs. Brown's pale cheek a faint crimson crept and wavered uncertainly, ththe -1 tioned itself in the unaccustomed lace. i"LoOk here, neighbor, you know th t hen , of ours—the speckled one, that's o fe -1 mous for raising chickens ? You -now how she worries over 'em, and cluck and scratches and watches for 'em, an getspoor and fretted like, so she's email g , ,at last but •.a bundle of bones and featli rr r --1 e.. i 1 but the chickens come through all :eilit.l —fat and plump and bright-evcd. Yen; know old Fuss L--that's the name ohn I , gave her—never minds what she eats,:'or • , I how heavy the rain pelts down on her, i and she isn't afraid cf anything for the 1 'chickens' fake. Well, somehow I thilak i I'm like the geor old hen." Mrs. Broils' dropped her 'knife and bent over' he Oa die a moment. Farmer Jones didn't Ue tice the tear that fell on the baby's cheek. "You see, neighbor," the woman went On. I"when my heart and hands are full ;of thoughts and work for John and the. ;children—of how I can manage to save here, and get along without this,, and 1 make that last beyond all recson—l don't; 1 have time left to think about thme . 1 politics, or anything beyond this nem we live in. But I used to have thoughts outside of this, about the countries away over the sea"—and the woman's CST.S lad a far-off, mournful look in them. "I'D geography, -I remember how I liked `to I learn about 'es, and then I thought may he I'd see all those beautiful things some day; you know girls have their fel:l'64. But I've given all that up. 'Tisn't eel& to go 'wool-gathering' when I see - briVis toes ceming out of his stockings, and John's mittens needing a patch. I'ln afraid you men don't make hardly allow ancelenough for us, always. We're not - So strong as you, and then oar work :4 1 different. You are out in the fresh alk, and sunshine, but we stay in the house' and don't have much change. Yog go to market, and haul- wood and straw, and , meet your neighbors and have a pler.sar4. word with them, but -we tee the same things day after day, and get lonesome' sometimes, and wonder why we were pu., 1 into such kind of -lives es these. Then 1 -it's trying -to a woman's nerves—the kind ; of work she has to do. :Tisn't like plowe,l ing and sowipg and driving horses ; that'd' heavy work, to be sure, but then you'rd, strong to do it. But we, have such peril tienlar, careful work. Now, there is briad-making—yon don't know how much worry there is about it. Yon mustetakel so much into the account, the kind on flour, the kind of wood you have to make I your fire, the yeast; all these are chang-, lug, and you must make allowance foil this. You must let the bread rise justl so much, and fix the dampers just right;; and handle it so careful. Why, Dr. D—, _ __ told me that it's like managingchemicals 1, - +here L 3 not a word of 'cheer in ,il/2* and ho said that men that Ilan_ to work! , Chleages'platformier the unequaled sue: with chemicals were the most nervous i ceases o f p eeetega s s-nd our tars. -We S,ll:i kind, because they were so full of the'tsi unequaled. All history shows - hut fo4e and care. Then, there's preserves and, or five viatoriet of fleets against forts, Od pickles, and cakes and coffee. You don't none such as his. ' Is there nothing know anything about the care and tronble thls to arouse DemotiratieNoodg ;' it is to get them up so nice, when you sit down to eat the light, crisp pastry and' drink the coffee, creamed to the color that), suits you. Yon don't know how tiresome it is to feel so much care always on you,, nor how much patience and watching its takes before a turkey or roast is done to! a tura.' " Mr. Jones looked steadily c.t his steigh bor while she talked. She paused a o- i meat to replenish the fire.. M He sat in a' kind of 'maze, without offering her any assistance. - Finding' . that be Cad not speak, she continned- "And .so yon see, with all these things, ,ile will have them, and. that snail ; iind I don't think much about what's going with the NI of the kebellion in Vir7iula. on outside, that yott and John talk about, ! ' goes the last - hot.e of- rebels raid i.l/ir though I, often wish I emald. And I tyl i apA thi serg . - . =, : • think, somehow, I'm like our old hen I .f enoke ef, for I don't mind much about '1 "Damoeney" sees the"wiekiiine : .f myself. I see. that I'm t-clC.r.r , to 5t.:0p..41.5 ../itir . .iinistration. Why 4301 , s i( f:,:i t , ... more every year ; and there are gray hairsid.:c; - ... the wickedness of the t-e1..,—.1'!5t0,? TERNS:--$1.50 PER ANNULtT. , C here on my terap . les, though I'm not this: ty yet. The wrinkles are so Plain, toe) lon my forehead. lam sorry; Johb tho't I was so pretty, years ago. . I remeobei how straight and slim I need to brr, anil I had nice brown hair and red choke. I Dear me! there hasn't been a bit of dotuE in them for years. John -is alWayl And kind; but he don't kno* ho* worrie d I get, most every day, and vvbeii; I speak short and fretful sometimes, be looks sill-- prised and says , hat! Mary, is I,hat:yott speaking in Kll `a, 'W voice as that T T _ Mr. Jce:ies looked np it: n gilfrideritig kind of way. , "Why, Inner Mined of this before; he said. "I thoright men's work wasn't much, any way. But I see you're right ..Ace.ording to yon strength, you have the hardest - tittle. We work hard, but then, as yea say, we're stronger, and have more variety; and then evening we rest . I'm glad yon spoke no, Mrs. Brown. be more conSiderato toward the women. fa advise ;you to keep a hired girl, only they are such cress) vexing things." "No, I don't think so,"_ Mrs. Brown replied. "liked girls are abused, too. Thep have the same troubles that 'have, almost. No wonderthey complain some. times, the have cause -aiways. We ought to be sorry for them, and remem ber their troubles. And then, John can't afford to keep a girl; I wouldn't let him. No, there's no way for me 'but to keep on working and worrying till I can't do any more, and then they'll lay= away where i:'s gala and I shill rest. But —" and her eyes grew bright, ..the ebildren gill grow up tall and strong, and if ray life does to 'nourish theirs, I snpppse it's all the same. And yet I wish somelimeS my life had been a brightertme ! A rough hand fell on the' wetuan's head, but the touch was gentle as a tooth ' er's mimht have been; a ina, manly voice said, "Your life shall be a bright one; ;quip God help me to make it She turned quickly, - exelainingln hel• sad, sweet voice-- "John, John-l" ; • One of ohr men in the treuchesbefore Petersburg, acting under a promise of safety from the rebels, went to the enc- I my's lines to exchange some papers, and they took him r apt nt and 'all. This breach of faith Was 'considered a propel subject of retaliation. A Corporal, dig= guised as an officer, ventured out in front of another portion of the line, and hold ing up a package 'of :papers, 'expressed . a wish to exchangp for Southern, papers.— "Oome over here, and Ave Will exobaug with you," -a rebel 'hailed 'wit. "Meet mc half way," our Corporal replied. . His firmness-on this point soon brought out a graybriek officer, : arid . - a Major at ,that. "Glad,to see you," said the CorpoiXil.--=; "Do you see'that, man behind _that tree with a musket-1 You are my 'prisener, and if - yet:riven your heatl, or . don't fol low me, you are a dead man." The Ma jor followed,' and is now a prisoner. Bair sequently-an offer vas mada to - send back the mati 'they had taken prisoner is ex eliange,cbut our - boys Couldn't see it. Hen. 'Maddens Stevens has been re: nominated for Congress, 'by the Union men 'of Lancaster county. Of 'conrse then-is nothing surprising in this renewal of confidence. In Congress, Mr. Steyeats gives to his district an importance e§nal to that enjoyed by many States, fret:tithe representatimi of their delegations in both branches of that body; and hence, ehile the veteran statesmanlivertind is willing to forego his own revise and 'personal ia terests to occupy a seat in Coogress,the people . of Lancaster - county will. of course . insist upon - his 'distinguished services. We do mot believe - that there is a Ora Union man or-a clean'tiDemocrat" in; hi*. district who will Vote against Mr. 8:e; vans at the'October_elion. Among others,we are curious to kw i e if the allandighammers are going to permit . i Clellan to engineer the Vain pai„cru on their side. If so, the &.tttst will be greatly - shuffled and clicifir:ne,d: as a few wooden guns will keep vim At his army of American Knights . cati Alin zte.A.ten in check until, the cattaign.i.. lov t er. -Bv all means let "Leeb...k., liac'' tritinege the campaign. , 2 I Grant wants 100,000 morel pen tc, make the rebellion draw i Et - al bre4h. I ..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers