THE TER JOURNAL PUBLISHED BY' eAlarney, Proprietor. YEAB, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. PO $1.50 Pa !ted to the cause of Republicantgm, le of Agriculture, the\ advincement .ri, and the best good of Potter wning no guide except that of , will endeaver to aid in the work y Freedomizing our Country. *,.,*Dev. the nacres of Edacati , county. Principle, i of more fal .IBMENTS inserted at the following : t where special bargains are made. 0 lines] 1 Insertion, -- - - 50 It ' 3 It - . . ... Si 50 . uent insertion less than 13,. 25 ee months : . a 2.50 4 00 1. it il . ne 5 50 .e year, • .6 00 :ix months, 20 00 I; II 10 00 ADVSRTI ratel, 1 Sqltari3'[ Each sobse 1 Square t " si • " n tt o 'Coluratt 7 00 per year. .40 00 ' U it ' 20 00 tor's .or Executor's Notice, 200 lards, 8 lines or less, per year 5 00 Editorial Notices, per line, 10 ransient advertisements must be [slice, And no notice will be taken ements from a distance, unless they allied by the money or satisfactory EIMEEEME!I =1 id Administr Business I Special an. * * * AB paid In ad of adverti• are accom reference. * * *Bla 'tended to , ka, and Job Work of all kinds; at romptly and faithfully. I=o=ol BU Accepted Ancient York Masons. A LODGE, No. 342, F. eetlngs on the,2n4,and 4th Wednes ach • nu) nth: A.te6 'Masonic gather !very Wednesday Evening, for-work Mice, at their Ball in Coudersport. C. H. It Nutiisa, k ir Int is, Seey.' - rice an EULAL STATED days or linga on and pra A. SID!.I ans S. AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ,ort, Pa., will attend arc several Potter and blrKee_n Co antieF,. All eittrnsted in his care will rcteive ttention.. 40tlite corner of West d streets. A.TTORNE Coudersv r, °arts business prompt, and Thil 'TRUE, G. OLMSTED, • Sc COUNSELLOR AT LAW, iort, Pa.., will !Mend 'to all business to his care, with prc tninnes and 01fice on Soth-west corner of Main rth streets. A ATTORN't Gouders etittirste ade:ity.l and To 11 ISAAC BENSGYAr • ' A L'AV;lCondersport, Pa., will all business, entrusted to him, with promrittessJ Office on Second st., Allegheny ATTORNt . attend t. care and wear the 1 F. W. R.NOX., AT L AINT, Coudersport, Pa., will lattend the Ceurts in Potter and niag -oeitiaties.r , . __. ATTORNFI regular' the adjoi 0. T. V.LLISON - ) . NG PHYSICIAN, Coudersport, Pa. lly informs the citizens of the vil vicinity that he prentirly re all calls for profess,ional•services' Main st., in wilding remedy oc ly C. W. Ellis, 83(12 . • - PRXCTIC respectf lage an spond t Office o• cupied . S. & E. A. JONES . ; 1 1N DRUGS,MEDICINES, PAINTS cy Articles, Stationery, Dry Good:, s &c., Main st., Coudersport, Pa. DEALER Oils, Fa Groceri: N DRY GOODS, READY-MADE Crockery, Groceries, &e., Main at., ort, Pa. DEALER Clothik Collars COLLINS SMITH, n Dry Goods,Groceries, Provisions, e, Queenswnre, Cutlery,l. and all I.ually found in a country Store.— t ,ort, Nov. 27, 1861. tIEALER Hardwal Goods Ganders CO GL. Main an ter Co., DEBSPORT HOTEL ) SSMIRE, Proprietor s Corner ox Second Streets, Coudersport, Pot- Pa. Avery Stable is also iceptiii connect his Hotel. tit:en with .I'l . .• OLMSTED, ..STOVES, TIN & SHEET IRON , Main st., nearly opposite the Court oudersport, Pa. Tin and Sheet : e made to order, in good style, on tiee. SEALER •r WARE, Rouse, Iron W: short n !LIAR J. C. M'ALAILNEY. 'LER & DicALARNEY, TORNEYS—AT—LAW, IRRISBURG - , PA., is for the Collection of Claims IA the United States and State Gov 'such as Pension,. Bounty, Arrears Address 13Ox 95, Harrisburg, Pa, FD[. U. DI "I AcrENT agai ernme ate, of• Pay &c Bounty and War Claim Agency. . . NS procured for soldiers of the war who are disabled by reason of calved or disease contractracted e service of the United States ; and aunty, and arrears of EJ ay obtained or heirs of those who have died 'ed while in service. All letters of mtly answered; and on receipt by tatement of the rase ,of claimant I d the necessary, .papers for their --Fees in Pensicnucases as - fixed by l' • . NOES. —Hatt. Isst.o'Brarsos, Hatt. A.. 10, - -J. S. liltas, Esq., F. W. Mica., DAN BAKER, - Claim Agent- Conderport Pa. '64.-ly. , . Penibt• tNsill L.pfesen i wounds r t petiaiens, for widow: -or bden kid inquiry p Inejl of a : Will•forwa signature. la l / 2 r, • REFERS! G. Poprz Esq.`' June 8, i;tAD ASSOCIATION; PHILADELPHIA, PA. , ISEA 'ES of the Nervous, Seminal, Urina ry and sexual a)stems—new and reliable tt tment in reports of the HOWARD AS ! DIATIO —sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. . Address, Dr. J. MULLIN OUGHTON, Howard Assoelation; ro. 3 Sout . Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. jyl3lB. . 1 . . , , • •,., . , . . v.• - I ! : t i ? . :04.1.1131149.. . . . i • . ..., . • ; , . . •. • , . . • .51 ' .". ' •.- ' '. , . 0 ~1 n ' .. • .. , •ft . ff . .. 'o f ;:: ,' . i . ; - '.: ... 1 . ' .-:'. :; .' .' .: , : g - ':. i . :. : 4 ... . ::;-. . . ..::.'!' . ...' ,'. :.. . A*,..: ‘,,-....".,.;...`..- .:-- _ ''o.h . •-- , .- ~ IA , - • , t > Pak i ! ... .. : . Ai •" -•-••• . . • ..,,. • - 4 I._. 1 .„.:, .- ,•.• . ~ ... . 1 . ;I . . . . THE 11 BY J. a. dOLLANIS. Feate in tai cloVhi...aceiltad air, And stars within the dome.. And undbideath, in dim reposes A otiti, New-England home. Within, a n'turmur of low tones And sigh's from hearts oppressed, - Merging-in jprayer, at last, that bripits The balm, of ailed rest!' • - I've closed'a hard day's Work,'Marty, The eieding chores are done; And you are weary With tab house, • And:with the little one. But he is si l; With all our pretty brood;' - So come and sit•npon my knee, • And it will do me.good. Oh, Marty mast tell you A 1! The trouble in my . heart, • • And you mast do the best Cat To take nd bear : yam. part. You've seed the shadow on my'facei Yoifve felt it day and tilgbt For it has d i hilied tour little home) ' And banished all its lights I did net tn6tn it should be so, And yet might have known That hearts' that live as close as oath Can never keep their awn: And we're fallen on evil lima, And, do vihate'er I may, My heart grows sad' about the war e. • And sadd l er every day. I think aboat it align work, And when I try!t6 rest, And never more thdn when your head Is pillowed on my breast; For when I see the camp-fires blaze, . And sleeping men around, Who turn their faces ;towards their 110 es, . And dreain upon tyre ground. JJ I think alioUt the dear, brave boys, • My mates i in other years, Who pine for home and those they love, Till I am L nhoked with tears. 4- With cheers they marched away On glary's shining trank, But, ah I lidw long, hot long they stay I Eon few ttf Orenritierre isackl 'One sleeps Veside the Tennessee, And one keside tite..James, And one fought on a grannt ship And perished iti As flames. And some, itrnak dozen by fell disease, Are breathing ouethetrclife*; And othersdmaimed by cruel wounas, Have left the ideadly-strife. . - Ah, %ley I Iffarty only think Of all the'boys have done And suffered in t:is Ivekkry war? Brave heroes, every one I Oh! often, often in the night, I hear their voices call : " Come on and help us. ' are it right That we should bear d a And when I kneel and try to pray, My thoughts are never free, ut cling tp Ithosel who toil and fight And die fcir you and me. - And when I pray for 'victory ) It seems almost a sin To fold my hands and ask for what wilt not he'll to win. "Oh I do not Cling to me and cry, . For it will breakimy heart, Fur 4 d rath'er have ; me die Than not to tear my part. You think that Rune should stay at home To care fok thoscti away ; Bwt still Pm helpless to decide in. should', `` go or stay. Fof,'Mart , y, al the e - 01diers leve t And all are loved-itgain.; And tam ioscd, mid lore, perhapa, - - No more than other men. cannot felt i d domot know— Which way Tr*. duty lies, Or where the Lord would have &.(3 huild i My 6re of sacrifice. I feel--I.knott arn ?tot Yaeatt *-; And, though I seem to boast, I'm sure that:l would give my life To these vrho tiled it most, Perhaps the Spirit , Alll. reveal • That which' is fir and rlghtt So, Marty, let ns,bumbly kneel And pray to Ilefcvenfor Peace in the clmir-scented And stars 'Oth.iit the dome ; And underneath, in dim repose s A plain Now-Entbarri home. Without, a widow ' in her weed's, From whoM all joy is flown; Who kneels among her sleeping babes ) And weeps, anuprays alone [Atlantic Monthly for Au,gust The following bill in reference to the organization of the militia has passed both houses:, A SUPPLEMEtsIT. to the act for' the organizatina, discipline and regulation of the' Militia of tho Commonwealth of TepOsylvailia, approved May fourth, One t housand'elght hindred and sixty , four. • Szorrort 1.1 Be it enacted by the Sen ate and House of 'Representatives of the Vommontoecd#l, of Pennsylvania in G-en ercil Assembly(mk,and it is hereby en acted'by the authority of the same, That the Governor l and State Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized and empow ered to borrow, on the faith of the Com monwealtb, atisuch time, in such amounts and with such! notice as they may deem exbedient foriithe interest of the State; .• any sum not exceeding three - millions of dopers, and issue certificates of loan di gebofeo to the ?Pislcipies of Ittio DohfocheD, qtp3 the Qisselipmfiitif of s iffohl4, '4llalfelDsF ART:oir ,TuEAu: MILITARIE'DILL• coupon bonds of the Commonwealth for the same, bearing six per capture, interest per annum, payable semi-annually in the City of Philadelphia, which certificates of loan or bonds shall not be subject to State or local taxation for any purpose whatev er, and shall be reimbursable at any time after the eipitstiou of ten years from their date; 'and the sum so borrowed,. or'so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be and the same hereby appropriated to defray the 'expenses which may be in burred under the provisiois of this act t Provided, That no certificates of loan, Or 'bond shall be issued for - less than one hundred dollars: Providtict farther, l that no certificate shall be negotia:ed for less than - its par value; and there shall be in scribed on the face of the said tertifiCates of loan or 'hob& that the debt thereby secured With toutratted to tispel invasion , and defend the State in win', and to ne transferable on the books of the Common wealth at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank in the city of Philadelphia : Pro vident, further, That the Govertior and State Treasurer are, hereby authorized to use for the purpose of this act, tenipora• ry loan, to be repaid from the proceeds of the permanent loan hereby authorized.- Sac. 2. That the bonds or certificates of loan issued tinder the provision of this act, shall be signed by the Governor and countersigned:by the State Treasurer and Audltor•General, and a dorrect and aced; rate registry of the 'stale ehall be kept in in a book prciVided for that ptirpost in the office of the Auditor General, who shall make annual report thevof to the Legislature.; and the Govern ot it; hereby authorized to draw watrants on the State Treasurer for such sums as may be nec essary to pay the proper expenses inci dent to the negotiation of such loan; the preparation of the bonds or certificates of loan authorized to be issued by this act, and said warrants, shall be paid out of any moneys in the Treasury. SEc. 3. That the Governor' be and he is hereby authorized, by and with the consent of the Senate, to appoint a com petent person of military education, ex perience and skill, to have command of all the militia forces of Pennsylvania to be raised under the provisions of this act, with the rank of Major• General who, while in actual service, shall be entitled to the pay and emoluments of a Major- Generel in the United States service ; and he shall also have authority, in mea ner as aforesaid, to appoint two persons of like military education, experience and skill, "to he brigadier generals, who, while in actoal 'service, shall be - entitled to the pay 'and ,emoluttients of officers of the same ran k in the army of the Uhited Stites.: ProVided, however, That such general officers shall not be appointed pr assigned to duty by the Commander-in thief, except when 'the force herein pro vided for shall have 'beet) 'balled into ac tual service in Sufficient, strength to re quire such officers. SF.o. 4. That whenever the military force provided for in this act shall be called into service by the Governor of the Com monwealth. it shall be the duty of the Adjutant,General to notify, in writing . the Quartermaster General end Commis. vary General of the point or points where the men are to rendezvous, with the Dum ber, as near as may be, and said officer shall forthwith advertise for proposals for supplying to the Commonwealth, math supplies, ordnance, and ordnance stores as may be necessary for furnishing the troops aforesaid, 'as are provided by the laws and regulations of the United States, said proposals to be directed to the said Commissary General, and Quartermaster General respeotively, and to open 'after five days' notice, and the entrants to be awarded to the lowest bidder by the prop er. -officer inviting said proposals, and. ad equate security to be taken for the faithful performance ef the said contract before the same is awarded, and said officers thall publish and keep on file in their several departments for public inspection, a list Or all the proposals oteted, inchid ing those rejected as well as those awarded and before the acceptance of any supplies, prdnance, ordnance stores, or other mili tary stores of any kind whatsoever, pur chased upon contract as herein before. provided. It - shall be the duty of the Quartermaster General or Commissary General, as the case may be, in connection with the Auditor General and State, Treasurer, •to appoint 'from . ti th e to time as.required,ene or more disinterested and competent inspeators familiar with: the value and quality of the supplimordnance, ordnance storcs;erTither nnAtay stores so ,contracted 'for, whose duty it shall be to examine and accept .or reject the same,- and if accepted tevivea.eartificste there of to the contractor or vendor; and no bill rendered for such supplies, ordnance, ordnance stores, or other military stores' 014 be paid until so certified and ap proved; the inspectors so appointed shall each receive five dollats per day, for every day necessatily employed in therliaaharge of'•their duties, .find - Osti' severally' be sworn or tamed to diaoharge their duties with fidelity Provided, That' ttit'Quftr termaster General and, Commisiatr Ven era! shall respectively have atithorityiif practicable, to obtain the supplies,Pord nance stores, or other military 'stores:or any part thereof mentioned in this section; from the. United States dowbaient paying them, if required, the cost prides thereof t Provided, further, That the Commissary General shall have power to purchase direct, when actually - nezessary, and *hen there itL not time to advertise for contracts; all commissary stores-actu ally needed ; for the troops; PiOvided, also, That no more than the nabs' bash price shall be paid .foi any littiple ['Ur chased. • - SEC. b. That the 'thee Governor of the Commonwealth is hereby, authorized and empowered to organize 'a military corpe, to be called the Pennsylvania State Guard, to be composed of fifteen reg iments, in due prevention of 'Cavalry, infantry and .artillery, or such portion thereof as may be deemed necessary. The said regiments shall severally be composed of companies of like climber, and to be armed and equipped,, clothed, disciplined, , governed and paid While in antual- dervice,:aa 'Simi lar 'troops- in the Service of the United Stitea, anifshali be , enlislid - in the service of 'the State for a period not eiCeeding three years, unless sooner discharged, and shall be li'able to be called into the service of this State, at such times as the Gov ernor of the eommon*ealth may deem their services neceesary, for the purpose' of suppressing insurrections, or repelling invasions; and the Governor alien appoint all the regimental officert-, mad the com panies shall have the right to elect the company officers, and said Major General and Brigadier Generals, and all regimental s and -Company officers ;hall be citizens of this Cominon wealth Provided, That such portions of the said corps as shall bet, called into actual service, shall be sup plied and provided with ordnance stores, as provided for in this-a:et; but when not called into usual service, such supplies; ordnance, and ordnance stores Shall be withheld until required. SEC. 6. The Governor of the 6adiroon wealth is hereby authorized to provide the necessary hospital arangements, camps of instructions, arms and accoutrements, garrison and camp equippage, tranpoita tion, and all things necesary for the arm ing and equipping and potting into service . subsistence when in service. quartermas- I ter's, commissary and ordinance attires of the said Pennsylvania, State Guard, and to make and adopt all needful rules and regulations to take and use horses for cavalry and artillery service, :for which full compensation shall le made 'Within six months after the taking of the same, and the person 'by whom the same shall bo taken shall exhibit:to the - owner Ahem of his authority for 'Such seizure,and shall at the time give to the owner a certificate stating the number of horses taken, and 'the time When ens by whom, and the (service for which the name are required. and such 'supplies as in his judgMent• may be neeesary, and to seize such rail ways and other means of trasportation as the szigennies of the case may demand. • SEC The Oovernor'of the Corn mob wealth is also here'by authorized and eta puwered to cause to be made an imtnedi ate enrollment' and classification' 'of .the militia of , the Commonwealth hod it' shall 'be his. duty to call and keep in sev vice is long as he may deem necessary, from the body 'of the said militia, Or from such portioes 'of the Commonwe alth, £1.9 lta may diem necessary, 'ere said Penn sylvania State Guard, by volunteering or draft : Pievided, That any person. who May be deemed by the board of examin. don able to do military duty, may be re as volunteers in the regiments pro vide& to, be raised by this act, without reference te age. SEC. 8. That 'if practicable, Valli the time fixed by law for making the enroll- . nient of the militia of Our Commonwealth, the tillivernor Is tinthorited and emflow-. era to organize the military forte anther iied by this act, on the basis of enrollment made in the several 'districts of the State by the enrolling officers of the general Goverment, but 'if 'impracticable,; the Governor is hereby directed to cause an ' immediate enrollment of the militia of the COUluaonwealtb,. to . be made :as, provided act' to -tibia his, iei . sup plement. , • That when the assesiors refuse or neg led to.enter upon :the .duties of. enrolling the citizens of their respective - districts for a. period of five days after being noti fied of, their duty, the Governor shall appoint a competent person or persons .to make the enrollment. . It shall be the duty- , of the ElOtierncir Uri appont otteconspetant citizen in each Colin.' ty, Who ehallte a physician, Whcr,in eon.: neetion with The county tiommi.sitiOntriv, or city bommisiionerti shall bon-Aft-lite a' board, three df. hom s -thephysician being one, All make a quorum, with power to determine who ,are exempt from' enroll- Ment under this act and the act to which it is a supplement? and it shill the day of the inrolling+iiffiter :to+ give notice by publinatioivinn newspaper •of the county, of .the Stroh • application shall be bear& and notify said board when they will be', reqntredio 444 Minh sppli++ cations.. That all Other - duties in. inference io enrMim ent - shall' be 'performed- is directed •in the act; which.lhis is -a Supplemilfrant that the +physician soap pointed • to bear in d'.decide 'cut apriCations for eaemptitin reeeive for each and every' employed the -- sum of five dollars and the County tottonissinneri l . or city .commiasioners the Sum - of three dollars . per diems to be paid. , out+ 'or the tatirtreasniy,. Thar the 'povernorahall. hide 1 afithOf ity to make and enforce all orders which may in' hit',.-judgment be ndtesaary: to carry out the provisions of this net, 'Mid to abet a speedy enrollment and organ ization of the militia of the OemMott. wealth. _+ - _ , • Sea D. That this Quarterinatiter bandr• al, be and he is hereby authorised. to sell any . ascii table 'or. nnservicable ord i ciente belonging to th'e; state..lreaurY,+ Old applied if deemed.necessary by- the Commander in.Chief, in +addition 'to the appreipriatioD abovet .ntimed;: - ..toward the purchase of ordinance and ordinance stores. SEc.lO. 'ghat where the brigade fund of„the county is not - sufficient to pay the assessors,msprovided by the third section of the act Whidh this to a suiiplem - ent, the said aszestors shall be phid by the several citiO4 and Counties in which Math assessment is _ • A 814 off' REyOLUTION.—In year 1776, when Gov. 'Clinton resided in Albany, there tame a strangOr to his house due. I'bold wintry ittOrtiing linen after the family bad breakfasted. 'He was We:loomed by the houshold, and hos pitably entertained. A breakfait was or dered and the Governor, with 'his wife and daughter employed in knitting, Was sitting before the 'fire, and entered into conversation with him abontthe affairs of the 'country, which naturaly led tolhe *ol• Vatt was tits beetipatint. The care and hes4an6 , frith which the stranger;Spoke aroused the keen 'sight- He communicated his ,sus picions to his Wife and daughter, Isho closely watahed his'eiery *otd and ac tion. Unctinseio'tis of this, 'but findhag chat he was among enemies, the 'stranger was seen 'to take sordethlng 'from - tie pocket dad 'swallow it, Maritime, Madam 'Clinton, with the slidedy tebt 'of the women of those troublenme times, went quietly'; into the kitchen, and'ordered hot coffee to be immediately made, and and added in 'it a strong dose 'of tartar• etnitiC. , , • :The gtrang,tir, delighted With thetinolc ing beverage, partook freely of i t and Mrs. Clinton sooe bad the satisfaction Of - seeing it produce the • aesired result. True to Scriptnre, q,nttt bfliiir out incieth WUs he he ocindectilies aptftecid, which; 'upon 'Orarnination was esereived, and found t& 'ontaiti au icripoYttitit 'dis need) from Purgorie. *alt ried;cdri. denitied spa - executed; and this bullet is still . preger4d•in . ' Co - RFI E A PPE Nn A .11511 AVE . Griitx.. r .,An Indianapolis . correspondent of ,the. Cincionatti 'Corizmel.c(al 'says: "At . - the, Convect - Oat which nominated Voorbces,held it ',Orreenoitstla'an Wedrie-s -day, a 'riot occurred widen 'came near being a seri47s affair. Lieut., Coopery.of the forty third ladiana, was inslilted by, a 'roirdy copperhead Who came ap to . him and huziaed for Jeff Davis, which was resented hv' the officer fellow doirti, with his 0ane...,,, The Dleirt ! was furionsli , attacked by a sieorenf batter nuts' 1501:11C, of,, whom , dreg.. weapon's. One fellow .fired thn" Officer . hat -missed hire. • -Cooper then' dre* his revolver, and 'allot his assailant in the breast' iti dieting a Severe Wound. The crowd now increased and the Lieat. and a few of his friend§ who Came to his kelief, were compelled to retire sloWly to a hotel , two squares tiff, folletWed by forty men. goon after entering the honse, a Mias dmightor Of We landlady, aimed herself With a sabre', and went to-the door in re sist the ,enttinee . :of ibe,moh4 -and She . wielded the Wierd withsiieh force as to wound seviral slightly... The iiiob.t noti retreated, but earns back seed after 41iOtti four hundred strong, headed by the; •no torious Judge tekles; Who had juit been nominated tor Judge and spokesman for the mob. He &imam:led posces.sion of I the LieuttbOnt in the name bf the ttetople thrt he might be hanged. This was re. fused. Thct , Sight of, a number of Etifield title's in tho'Lhands of the Coldira tind citi zens and a realer freely.circulated that troopS *Ore botning from Indianapolis and Terre Heide, 'elluend the mob to l disperate and With lisALspersion the convention ad joititted. "Jim, that must have been a togh rooster that crowed in the,toven fait he had been biking two hours." ' , "Yes, but not'ani, more so then theone that scratched the potatoes Oat. if the pot, pie after it had beealboiliagksU a day." ME 1.1111111 Bk - MIM Do Aliiiiiiiilt4ason I Do animals: retiiniiit hate:no doubt that they tio. They-have memory cer tainly. They,tiiit tielOatrileted bpi to a certain Oita:- oiog tlictitik, il litiothingliuthietigag ity. A attiltitndeOftterititaverli enough to make Oita iii, viditine--6011 1 4' path erect, ilattittieg thiteaga6lo' . 9f pbant,-...thiii;hosei the "tiogii and',,othot animals. , 'Even the.stupid Past niatietts A fax has been known so I hive 'been told-;--to catty ;off' (quill pig 'ln 'the . course of his:wayback 'to the *t4odi ho had te - ortisit ty deep': :creek, settioeupfroaalthe sea. idenotila Amp over gat 'coon he jtitun °Yet it with the pig in his mouth '1: That *at the problem to be solved. 'ffeilveht off a little *ay tad came back With a pinekhet a !pleat) 'of a broken limb, in hiss month: It ets.jott ebout as heavy as: the ntg.-kT "NoW, Bays he "if i Ca; jump across thisareek With the knot ,in -,my mouth, can also with the pig." " - Li a moment ha gave th'eleap, and.ovet.he went. Lie , then laid deign his knot, judiped again seised his nig,and stood a moment at if 'weighing ant. 'Competing, the 'two. He hesitated beta monient,;Wheti pretty ho was over—pig and all i tail-thle not reasonable and logic ?Could s.philosoplier divine' have dra*n a More accurate itifet , 6 egce? A deg tiad 'been Itccused of killing sheep. He and bis master was very fond of each other. It has a long time telore the owner could be made to beltetre the ill repOrt abo'at hit favorite: - last lie was convinced that poor Rover *at guilty . As he could not bear to kill him himself, he came into the ;roam one Morriog, said, "Peter, afar breakfast. yon May take tite dog tiff, and thaot biea, Mind and kill him dead." the dog was ia the room and heard It. io an instant ed eat of the room, and was off in a strait line.. No Calling 'Or shooting viola anise- him to turn his Dead. Strait asan arrow he shot earwig the let, and went .out of. sight. Every hear they 'expected him back. At night be'eettaWy Would knee: but na,ite neve'rritilitied. Many months after: this; his =stir bitsiitaingoo hartreA bait in "Wild lonely I:tlace., Just es cane betWeee Via 'habits, through width the 'read bed bsidn C`fit, be saw poor Rover statiditri. on oaeOfthebittika. His heart yreraed b ,toward his 'old fried, and Ea spoke to him very terdaly., Put Rover's hert was hardened. Begat - a - ode snapped his' eeth a r t his old; master, and again tieltnipeted 'off at 'the tap' of his speed. His niaster ' Wilier saw him again. Unforgiving ROVerl Thy memory Was good, and thy bill *at strong - acid thine atigei 'last rifg. One more A. neighbor of mine had a very knowing cat. Of coup e Tab ivas 'a *eat fa:dente *fib the family. At 'a time When Tab hada taiuilY•of kit. teas; beatttifal kittens, ton, When: j - deemed as if it Wat to 'Mach forlierto take care of them, one of them was given to a neighbor Little kit ivas carried off,le a coveted b;iket and *as warmly weldoked: In a day or tWo, the door being opened. in waltdd Mrs Tab, 'Who 'seized he'r kit. tea and made oil' with it, reamine delifitt ed to tali her 'AR& in 'Ana thtect , iseeks eamehtiok.again,tuggtog her kitten, arki - layink it down 'al- the !feet I of the inistren tidltoo,' iedetnitig its thy: "Midatit 'this kit was toe' youug wh..ii Yon took • it -liefore..'lt , '-titeded my no*, It it. groin; up,-andcar? get lloti c t Very Welt:' Yob *ay 120* have it. " ; With that - , Tab - walked tuff. leaving het kitt'eiz, . and never returning . . 11 : IY itiderti will ask de, atm. Mils — reason thes,aud hive tneworyi unit mind, and forethought,' why are 'they to be immottal, like ourselves? How enii• We know that they wrll not live heiesfici" ak *e ? I answer that We auilld not , knoll about it, if the Bible h'ad not - to ;E , us. There God has told us-that glide min to lovn and serve Rini fi'r ever bat the atimale tie has made far thZ of,tuea in , this life. they ate given to and ,have no . higher- end. : 4 , So at they Cease to, be, • , Who 14airest t the aniritra ni:ta that, kieth.upWiiii aid the &tali of , the beast; :that goeth downtvird to the , ear , ttl" A their ; intelligence is given to aid them it. taking Care of themkeives and 'Mug m o m heppyAnd they do ,11+Ave much enjeviutitt; tot God don't one them, as" He dues those created in Ilia own ima4 and likeness, and redeemed' by the blool bf His own SoXr. C4D-ASTRollfla.-=-At liaverbill. 'quit few days ago; a kitten that was trying so snake its home iii:the post office, ora,vied into thecmaii-tog, and 'in- the berry of olosiog then:Mil; was not *MOO. When the 'mune agtist aliened- sbe -I :ag, its Being contents' seeds. sta'aDOeirine6l which he al once deeiteit hi• maii able matter, and bid ..4-04.t -scatuic„,,, •, You mi q know a 'sal WisswgiAg:Jcir. fumy. _'-_ - ' .-) II r • . .1 . - IBEEE:3 MMI MI
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