Synopsis of Latest News A alight skirmish occurred ori'S. day afternOon, between the forces of bhields, and the 41:b,e1s, on the Straslmrg Toad, four mile' from - Winchester, in which we lost one man. The.;dispa lobes . are veil - confused and conflicting, but from the latest intelligence, it ap , ears ..c'itnat - thes 6onfliet was renewed at 10 o'elock . yesterday _morning, Rnd continued till 'dark. The enemy Were under eas. Ala ckson, - Sulttb; and Longitreet,'l - ,000 - strong, Wink our, forces numbered- only '' . :8,000.. Our loss it.% lolled and wounded - not ascertalued 7 —rone report says 150; 1,00 Rebels losing 100 killed, and at leastlleast ,7-,twice as many woutided. We have taken alarge number of prisoners, severaVguns and naisoris, and many 'sniall:arms; . the - , , groundbeing,strewn with the weapons , .Whieb the Bebela thiew_ away in. their . The rout of the enemy appears to have been complete, and our cavalry Was still in pursuit. • Gen. 'Shields was slightly wounded in the aria trum a frag- ,inapt of shell. r;. ,•' report - is preialent nava! am:Trail. - itary circles in Washington that, Neti-Or :' feWnii is now under the Union tag, our mortar fleet havipg attacked the Rebel .Mort at the Rigolettes within two days !ee Ship Island steamer sailed. As the fleet left Key West on the 6th inst., ~.wo should have heard of so taiportant an ! event before this, through Rebel sources at lest, even if we had no .direct intelii• Bence; had it taken place. From the Tennessee we have news that a flood prevails in the river and its tribu taries.. Gen. Grant had arrived at Sa vannah, Tenn., and taken command of Aso expeditia. Our troops have seized the , Memplifs and Charleston Railroad nearSavichriah. Information in regard to the enemy is stillluite meager. His .main force is supposed to be at Corinth, Miss., where he will probably be• able to oacentrate 50,900 - troops. Our force, for the most remain on board the trans ports. FORTRESS MoNROE, Ma:eh 23 Immediately after the occupation of NCI, ben), an expedition to Beaufortiwas started by Gen. Burnside, The place was however evacuated be- fore our troops approached. . • Fort Macon was blown up by tho Reb els, and the steamer Nashville burned. On the day Burnside occupied New -16,009 Rebel troops were on' the road between Goldsboro and Newborn..., Dr. John Evans of Chicago has been .2;otuinated and confirmed as Governor Lf Colorado Territory, vice Gov. Gilpin - . Stephen S. Harding of Indiana was on 'Friday nominated as Governor of Utah, 'vice Oov. Dawson, rtjtieted. Small squads of . Rebel horsemen are iv:airing the country within Jive wiles of :Manassas, impressing all the able-Bodied auan left within their swoop, robbing the faims for the hundreth time and destroy. log what they cannot carry away. THE INDIAN TERRITORY.--.-The Drop. position of . Gen. Lac'e, to maize this terri leiy a part of Kansas ' is received with general favor. It will open an immense .euttop. region to free labor. The loyal :Indians are known to favor it. AtilZOkA.—The bill organizing the ITiirritory of Arizona, reported to , the. Honsc, prohibits slavery' or involuntary iiervitude in the Territory. Sickles's name was *before the Senate for.action upon his appointment as Brig.- . He was unanimously rejected. The wclhknown publisher of Dr. Kane's NroOcs has offered Parsori .Brownlow $lO,- 000. for; the - copyright of his proposed bodk, giriva an account Of his sufferings. - - :.• The new article of war which passed the United States Honse•of itepreScuta lives some tittle ago, prohibiting officers and soldiers of the army from returning i!.igitive slaves, has been adopted. by the Senate, by the.decisire vote of 29 ,to 9. • Judge Uhnumsevo of the Monroe (N. 1.) judicial district, has decided that the horse_ meing for money at agricultural fairs,,usnally. edited "trials of speed,". is illegal. - • Jeff Davislas suspended Germ. Floyd and,Pillow from their commands, until .they can render a satisfactory aount.of their action at Fort Donelson. • The Norfolk Day Book saYs . that: Capt Buchitnaw„,. of the .Merrimac, who was Rounded; has since died . ; 'one shell from the Cumberland .is said to' have killed 17 of the Mierrinuto's men. . - The neg,ro - bbys about Annapol;s have elaukht. the "Army Hymn," and old John Brewn's:."Glory Hallelujah," from- the New'England soldiers. As for the latter, au.Annapolis resident says, ."the niggers are Blear carried away with it." ".Judgeltffreir . !helpsiof Simsbury, et. has held iliOolneti of postmaster in that town continuously, from 1817 up to a re. eent•date. The Judge , says that be held ft . :throne:l alt parties hut: - - when the no party times came round, hii head had, to genii off. THE JOURNAL. MI Coudersport. Pa. ,Wednesday; S'ar; 26,1862 • W.:Mr:AEA RNEY;EDri6II. • A'WORD 'T.O. REPUBLICANS. The Democratic papers throughout.the State , are endeavot t ing, ip• all Manner .of falsehoods, in isrepresen t ations, charges of fraud, secession sneers at the Adirrin' is tration and Congress, regrets at the pros high' taxes and, insinuations of negro-buying, to hatch out a "popUlar" opinion against llepublicanism. Qne of the principal points against which theyi fire their Breeltioridge-quills is the km I York Tribune. Its Editor, as one of the main supportets of the Chicago Platform, they dti . wot .ancl,. while feeling the ! strength of tile pen which hasfounded heel sentiment and given an impulse to justice and equality, they see the necessity of) breaking by fair or tall means the tau epee of its masterly logic and coavincingl truths, ere they can effect the re-throne -I ingof that dough-face democracy which has sold itself, body and soul, to; the'slavery- I propagandists. This:. they, are 1307. at teniptitrg by_ exciting against its Editor an ill, feeling based upon, the. assertion ' that he has worked against the interests of a General, who has ,not done all that 'even they wish he had, Cast aside this I piestion of what this General has or has not done, it is irrelevant to the point at issue, which' is not whether what has been r 'said about officers in the army is true or not, _hut whether the giant stride of '6O, !in the path of free theught and liberal opinion, shall, by this venomous faalt finding; be made of uo avail . Democrats. 'can not see any other reason for the over tinoir of their power than the dissensions among their party leaders, and they hOpe by exciting the opposition Of the masses' , I to one ortwo of the leaders of the Repub-1 lican party they may be enabled to break' the power of its influence and prepare for! an easy victory Aver. 133. It would;be! well for Repullieans to•liSten With a great amount of charity to 'these plauSibleSto. rtes' of the linen who but a few shorn - months ago were arrayed on the side' (XI the "peace" and. "compromise" parties. of the North. Republicans be .on your guard ! The cry of these "wolves in sheep's clothing" is not without a . characteristic purpOse. Reinalu rllied. Let your voices be; as the •voice of one Limn. Reinewber when finding causeless fault with GREELEY you are helping to br,ak the influence of one WJici has d9ne 'more fur the party than any other one man in the couuffy. t'ljui,ed we stand; divided, we full. ! 1 Band No. IQ•has not yet bee❑ taken, t)iougli Coin, Foote seems quite confident of final success. We bare sunk some of their gun•bcats, and dismounted many of the guns of their fortifleations TilE PRESIDENT . SEMANdirATIOSP4- ICY EliPottsED.—ln the C. S. House of Representatives 31r. Roscoe Conkliug, (Rep.) of New York introduced the fol lowing .resolutioh, being the same as pro posed in the .President's message : Resolecd, That the .United States ought to co-operate with any State which may adopt'a gradual abolishment of Sla very, giving to such State pecuniary aid, to be.used by such State in its discretion, to compensate fur the ..ineonveniences, public and private, produced by such change of systetir. —The resolution -was &bated at some longth, and paSsed the llOuse on ThUrs day bY I a vote of SS . yeas to 31 nays. All the Breelrinridce Democrats voted in•the ne6utive. Six Southern men voted yea, and nine nay on the resolution. The Homestead Bill paSsed the lower House of Congress by ant* one hundrid majority. The bill provides that on and after the Ist of next January, any perein twenty one years of age, who is a citizen, or who has declared his intention to be such, and who shall cuter upon the land and 'cultivate it for five ymirs, shall be en. titled to 160 acres, upon the payment of, the Land-office fees and $lO to cover the expenses of survey. The same privilege is accorded to t.ll m' who have been in the military or naval service of the am ernment during the present war. THE CASE 01'GEN. STONE.—Gen6iI Stone's friends aye urgihg' Gen. Mead. lan to bring that officer forthwith to a Court-Martial. As the Jeint War CoM inittee has not terminated its investigation into the crime or the blunder at Ball's Bluff, thIS Court owilfnot be ordeted at . present. It will be convcficd soon enough, judgin g from the daniaging , testiniony the return , ed - Balre Bluff captives are now giving. . , . . BURNSIDE A MA,T.-GiN ErtaL,-7,-The whole'loyal .nortli will approve the pro motion of, gen Burnside,. Well done, President—well done, Senate. .: • Geo. Fremont's staff is telniost. comple ted. It will be eotorpackitef 17 officers. - ITEMS. On ; MOnday', tho 10th, the Burnside fleck-left Beanolte. On Thursday, 13th, the. troops 6100 at the point ::po ahe Neuse some tulles below Newbern; On 'Friday :the battle oceurred.Along the batik of the river were .planted' lais; tile Inilterles.• .Tlieso our troops took hi succeilsion,- with sharp Lighting at each where resistance was made. About two miles below the city the Rebels had takeu up a strong VoSition, , and, there made a despotate stand At that point took placoAhe taltinbattle. - of the day...oer troopS fought With splendid and unflinch ing bkavery till klie order was given to make:the Charge. Thcii;•at the point of the bayonet, they, drove:be enemy from' their-place, tied sent them flying in ,an inglorious retreat - , Which had all the char. l actertstic., of ti — ptinic.' Thdofficers and men disencumbered themselves Of their • . !private property,. and left' all things as they r fell froM their' hands. Having cob , leo] of the railroad in their rear, the Abb. els used it to 1 its fulleSt eilpacity, and: Made off to Goldsboro'; .as they took with' them - many of their dead and wounded; l we•can forta only krude conjecture as to the extent of their kiss. It is thought that, fit spite'of the. fact 'of their fighting under; shelter, they tauSt , have suffered as i much as we. The loss on,. our side, though hot ascertained with.etrtire accu racy; is probably not far from - 30 to. 70 killed, and 300 wounded. Among the here Lieut.-Col. Merritt of ttie,2,3d Massachusetts , RegiMent, A Adjutant Steartis of the ' , Mt Massachusetts Regi-j ment,l the Rev. 0. N. Benton, Ch4ldin of, the .5124 New York Regiment, and: Major i Le Gendre of the same. The new her of, the Union troops engaged in this' battlel is not distinctly given, but it is , probaule that, we had not far from 1.1,0001 men ; ,the enemy. is supposed to have had 15,00. The PI,. Y. Tribune" reportef says !-- L The 51st •liennsylvania, for a long time ' held in reserve, was ordered up to partic ipate in the decisive Charge 'of the whole brigade upon the line of redans,.and I passing. through the 51st New irk, n 3 Was lying on the ground after htiving ex hausted all its ammunition, came under ',the heaviest tire, and 'without flinehing, or wavering Inured to its place, and,rush ed, wirh the other regiments, upon the defenses of the enemy. The womitent of Col. Hartranft's regiment was exec-It ed in ithe most deliberate Manner;. and proved a complete success." This' is the oid 4th Pennsylvania Ilmgitnent .se .un• justly accused of cowardice in the Bull Rue fight. lIARIUSBURG, March 21, 180 The Governor has issued a .general or der cdmplimenting the'slst Pennsylvania for gallantry at Evanoke and Newborn, at the latter engagement storming the enc. lily's batteries at the point of the bayonet, and ordering the names of these battles to be inscribed tin their colors.. The reg. imenti is commanded by ,Col. Ilartranft, and Mainly composed of Oast Wlictieft Bull ken before the battle. They Were the ft!rst to plant the flag at Newborn, and seem determined t) recover their lost • fame.i • CUICAOO I 3.larch 81. 1861 A Ispcial dispatch to The ;1E3 . 114.21,d, from Cairo, 21. st, says : Direct and positive infcrination has ar rived from Geu. Grant (Smith?). He is at Savannah, 60 Miles from Florence The troops are in fine health and spirits. Beauregard is in command at Corinth ; with 15,000 men .from Pensacola. Guns. Cheathain and Bragg have dk;isions near . , bv. About 6,000 men in the vicinity of Savannah, have 'enlisted in the Union artnylrecently. On the night of the 13th, a division of the sth Ohio Cavalry put a part of Cheat. ham's form; to flight and burned thc rail road bride.' The fordes„in Jhat Vicinity are divided into Live divisien - s under com mand "of,Gens. Sherman, Llurlburt, Clertiard, Wallace and Lannian: WASILLGTON, March 21, '62. Gen 131euker has at last heed: usp.end . ed ;His Quartermaster, Dr: S. Sehdtte, who paid to the Gederal a month ly tax of 5500; has been cashiered by Cdurt-Martial, for numerous frauds. . Tne Navy Department has ordered As new igunboats on the same plan as'the Monitor: The dithensions and home of the features of the Craft, will be diffetent fronitliat howeier. . Bt taadier•Gen. Burnside was coufir.ned, by the Senate, as .Maj.. Gen. of Volunteers. • .k general bankrupt law will probably be reported to the House. Ent:l,l Pa., March 21. 18G2. Prescott Metbalfe was elected Mayor of this place to-ilay by :300 majority. We .have the news of a brilliantlittle 0711 t; in the Cumberland, Mountains, about 40 Miles from - - Piketon, or Pikeville.— Five thousand of the Rebels were flogged by Gen.: Garfield l, with a comparatively mail force, in twenty minutes. The en curyified midi precipitation; Gen. Garfield passed the nigliOn the hostile camp,•and the tleStroyedl ; the tents ,and carried off the stores . The Rebels lost; 7 ;we lost none. Off.eial report from the fleet off Fernan dina; giving an.account of the occupation of St. Mory's, Ga., and of some skirmish ing in that vicinty. S. Lours, March 20, 1862, The ofEeial-list of the Union loss at the battle of!Pea Ridge, is as follows; Killed, 212 sounded , 926; missing ; 274. ANOTHER. PRoor.----The appointitent of lion. Andrew JohnsiSh .(Pouglati,Dem °era), to 'the Military ,G9vertkoishii) of Tennessee ,byPresident' Lincohi,iii only another proof that our hief: Magistrate is actuated; solely. by loio of , hitieOnntry in discharging his. duty.. Bre • • m ridge papers endeavor -, keep „np a great cry about party, 0:- it is pit they have left, since they dare not cheer so lustily for Southern traitors as they did beforetthe fall of ,Satiterp.butl honest men can readily discover that there' is no partizan feeling in,. the AatninjAtratio l , and 'that every true patriot 'can . !rally , to its support:" ; = DEFENCE OP. A; Cti,3l3llllCl4.—Tlie Tribune in speaking of ithe de fense of Mr: -Alex. Cuirimings 'against the grave imputations of the, House f dtivesti gating' Committee says The ! essential pin of • thisdefense is a. clear .and via siraightforrci: assertion that the POM !ilittee utterly misapprehended his note to them, and Made it 4ead:.".4hcrve• ret tained," instead of "Tlicre [waslretained $140,000" of the Publie ',Sloney intrusted to tlie:New York ComMittee. .This de fense has now been some two weeks.. be fore jhe : publie,.and it' seems stiange that the Committee have talteri no no:lee - of it.. Their silence is a'rjrtual acquittal of Mr. Cummings .on : the Main pointouade against - 14i in. their Report. .1 ' I Notwithstanding .the snperabitiniattee of Pertruleuin oil .and the• low Iyirice it commands,' there .are those, ,and they lam: by no means, few, riGc . , still Continue ito,spend,their time and means for - it.— The price is now so low ,that;:l it, will ;scarcely : pay the cost of tainspotation. jLike all other sneculatiniA Manic have sprung _pp lichen its bubble has. 'bursted, and many a ruin has it wrought, The discovery of this earth embedded oil is no doubt a blessinf , to the 'hut like the winnin , * of 0( 1 4 battle it has been accomplished only .itutuence, sac ritices • and •individual, wen • Ledger, • .; , • HON. EDGAR A-. ' anguished gentleman is , very ; highly m spoken lof by. the peace en 'of the-North, This may satisfy king, but it is very mor- 1 tifying , tu his constituents. ."The - un.7l kindest cut of all" he received frOut that 1 uathern sympathizingl Sheet the Clear field Republican. .It .peaks_ very highly of him, and, .among other nice things; it says : '; • • "We , , kno4 not of a . stngle vote cast by. him in. either of these sessions, as!the ex pression of the State of Venlisylvania that would not have been so recorded Bigler been re-elected. • This way be a very fine eorilplipient to 311.. Cowan, but we conlei.s . 'we-eati't see it." I • 1. • The Democrats says that,' abolitionism is, costing the people three millions a day. For a year past all our information , itvent to Ehowithat Jeff. Davisl Was freeing nig gets taster than John' trown ever! did, but this is tlie fist time we ever Beard he was an abolitionist, our idea bating ways been that lie had:beef: a4egular built patent, locofueo:1 ;Ace holding, thieving detuccrac, of the real tory stripe, who •thought,no more Of perjury than he did of a nigger.. The remains of the Ll who fell .at :th'e head while leading a desperat battle of Bull Bran, were a week ago.and on Ti buried in ,the Lewisbur imposing ceremonies. Commissioner Fancy feiv days since on board was trying to run the bl , dressed in sailors' clothe . nized, by onc,of the new dents. Lettdrs from Dlitiiste that friendliness fur thdj r , rovei on. in Englane). T I I 'other leading journais,ai correspondents hither iv' act. Bull Run Russell's cations. • • A ;hill has .pasSed the :Legislature changing The name of the Milton Savings Bank, to Milton Bank; and granting it the privilege of it4suinaltiqtaa undee the provision of the Free Banking law.; I. The Convention of IteliabHeat' Editors of Pennsylvania is to meet on the 7th-of May next at Harrisbord% i- ;. . _ ... 1 • 1 • Virginia papers, formerly , delighted to quote the following eateOhisin : • "Who 5. ettied Virginia? IJ - ohn sinith. , Who un, settled Virginia ?• • John •Brown. Who settled . Joter Brown ? l do% .Wise."— They may now add to thee- queries,an, other; Who settled Crov_Wise ? • . Gen. Burnside: ~ The "Democrats" of *hOde Island have renominated Governor pprape and all present State officers, who were men of • • both former political pat'lies.-I.,General Sprague, in.aceepting,-taf:'es pains to ex press his. iadopenclence - of all party plat forms and-eames itt the present struggle for the ,life of the nation: • , By 'a tabular statetu the Atidifor4J'renerani we learn that the total and personal property in ties in this State, subjec o'unted to $565,0-15,867 State tax of $1,479,3771 sassed. The total mill is 2,921,046 r and' the n iabab4nte iti 642,492. , 625 I !.. ERIELOTRIENTI - , ,--- OVlrit 1 . AGENTS W„A:ITED.: - - ~,__ -;,-..; we will piy from $25 to $75 per mo'tii and all expeases,:to active Agents, or , givi a, - commission. ,Particulars sentiree. — Ad(Ksd .Einz- SzwisOliictinia ConsW4v, R. JAMES; General Agent, Man, Ohio, i '. aNgtli , ' ; 04;.*:fessiO*4 IXPERIENCE: PubliOed -.1.:.A for the benefit and'sg a tratting and •tt caution to youing men who Suffer from Nerious Prniattire . Deeay, fic., supplying at the Same time itie;inearis'of self-cure. By one' Whn has: butedgiiimself after being put . to great expense throtigh•medleal impositionandy4t, tk4, oty.l enciosingq% post-paid addressed: en velope. single iopies May be bad of the author,' ITATHANIBL "11. fAY re. IR; dford, doutity; row Toskr—Nlari9spoly . _ ':NOTICE; VMS is to, certify that a Road Judgmleh obz mined fagainst me July ip; 1860'; in fator of J. A. R. Crentaall,.T will not pay for: tfie. reason that ;there is no value receired. bid any person buying said judgment. , • ' . • •N. K. LUCK March 26 pd . • , ,Xier•Da Ton Went Dm plcipment.-608 l'ofrei a. pleasant Pusirtess for the Spring,and Summer, with Irg,.p profits. I Send fot4 my i - , new, circular, Containing full information:- - 1 - l' . GEO. EDIV'D. SEARS,, • ;. , 'lBi William St:, New Tor)c. A. SANDBERG & BRO'S • • Tau*erS•4nd Currlersi • 'HAVE also establishe4 a IX' • .Boot, tricl. Shoe. Manufactory, oppaPite D. F. Glassmire's in the room formerlc occupied by J. B. ,Smith, :They offer their, llooti and Shoes at a!. ' LOWER RATE THAN THE SAME :QUALITY HAVE, .! EVER BEEN SOLILIN . POTTER CONIC • Sidi they have nothingbut4lic best wink.. Meniand the' best 'stock that the country produce; and money and laborjcan procuke. - .TREY FELT. CONFIDENT TFIAT ' - WORK VCH.LiGiVE SATISTACTION', tides, Calf Skins, Sheep Pelts •:. taken st the; Highest Market !'rice. • GIVE us A TRIA.I:I —,C-c'mderspcirt; l'i!l.,..:Varch 19 Vt)TICE: is heieby' given Oat the under :.sigued have duly qualified as !Ex ecutors of the estate, of John Dwight, deed, kite of Hebron township. Potter eounty,:Pa.. said_ executors residing in the township of Hebron, 'county nfore,.wid. All persons hav ing claims against the estate .of said.decedent. nee requested, to untke•known the sante to said • executors without delay. 3ARIAEI DWIGHT, Executri, • I‘ORMAN DWIGHT. Executoi.. Conderspoit, ;Feb. 8, '62; j. SOIETITINq NEW! Important to the Ladles! DOWNER'S' PATENT HEMMER .AND.SHIELD FOR LIAND-SEVVE , iO, I - Tsl"jiist the thing" for all who use the needle. This rentarkablll thnple and novel invention saves one-half the labor; of hand-sewing, as it cern pletely protects the finger from the point of tl*:. needle, and wakes a neat! and unifOrrn hem chile the operator is Relying. NO LADY SHOULD DE WitTIODT IT It;is cheap, simple, beautiful, and useful. The Ileanner ant) Shield will be sent free of charge or receipt of the price, •.2S cents. ;Enclose stamp' for thecriptiVe circular und terms., • • : ALSO, DOWNER'S METROPOLITAN SKEIN-WEINDER . • , Is an article oiireal merit. It is used for the perpose of winding skeins of Thread, Silk, entteM,Yarn, Floss:Worsted, ke. It is readily adjuSted to the work-table, and will be fonnd indispensable, ti.) all using the above artielcs, being it useful .and invaluable appendage to the Se wmg-Bird. ' • Priee!sp cm to sracconling to Style and Finish. $l5O per Month can - be Real ized Toy enterprising 4gents (Wanted in every town and County timqpglieut the United States and (..:tanatirt,) selling the•alitiee articles, As sales arerapid,'protlts large, and has no com petition. 'A liberal 'disCount to the trader :Address Al, A. 13awner . , New York, • ' • to Col. 'Cameron, his regiment, .c charge, at the o recovered about uesday List were ' 4 ' Cemetery With Was captnred P a Schooner which ockade. He was s, and was recog 4aper correspon- , X.DI- 7 General 'and exclusive Agencies will be gtnnted on the most liberal!terms.—ml93m ;rAdarna declare United Suite's is 1116 Spectator So d leabout toseud Ld Shall counter lying progaosti- ICAPIII:REAS:Ietters testimeutary to the es tate of]. Jolin Glospy, late of Sylvania township; deC'd; hare been granted to the sabseCiber; persons ' indebted toithe Said . estate are requested to make immediate Pay • nient, i.rl those having •claini+ - or demands akainitt the state;of the said; decedent, Will make known the suave without delay to ROBERT YOUNG, Executeir Potte'F Co„ Pa., Mar. 18 A: NEW AND BEAUTIFUL EDITION 1•' , : . OF , Ttl; i , Mistakes i 1 of V,ducated Men. • ; ; ' BY JOHN; S.:HART, LL. D., 12M0., muslin, price 50 cents ; paper c,or et.a, .25 Oats. . Copies, of thifi hook seal" .'by mail on receipt of the Lprice, in post, age sumps. Please address • - ,;1 , J.: 0 - qAP.IIIGUES, Publisheo, • ! 148iSouth Fourth Stre , t, Philadelphia,iint. MIR BEST OF FLOUR kept constantly, on littocl - at the Post Office Stor. Jani B. ' • • - 1101[4.AC'E • WATERS PEANOS.' MELOOWNS. ALEXANDRE ORGANS,IitNn T. GILBERT!'&' CO.'S 'celebrates - ..,I:OLfAN PIANOS are the Bnest instruments for Parlors and. Churches now in- use.. A large assort ment can be seen at the new ISarerooms,;4Bl BitOADWAY between Grand and Broome Streets, tchiefi will be sold. at extremely : low *keg'. PIANOS and MELODEONS from sun dry' Makers. nety,tind second hand, to, let,:end riot allowed per Chased, as!per_agreen4ut. Montillytpnymenis. rec:eired ; for the same. Also; ,ieeorid= j liantl Pianos and Melodeons at o,reat-i bnitaitis, !prices 'from $25 to $lOO. SlieetAnsie, Music Book; and. all kinds .of Musleqqrchandise at-War prices. ,; I HORACE WATERS,.kgent. ient ..appended in Etc:4;On for 1861, Valuation' of real • the several coon lo taxation am ', Upon which a , 81 has been4s lati'on of the State ouiber of taxable The RocheWter Stkaw-Cutter. Couderspori f base V , Ole exclusive agency for. this celebrated rmachine' in thinonity, It is avenieut: du ana CHEAP. ' • Dec* ' 1 186(1.-12 800T,..' AND SHOES. ExeciritorN Notice. , .k , Aia.) , Sewing-Bird Cdtitbined . Totentee ; and Sole Proprietor Notice • PitICE*ENT. 6Orfeetetl every Wednesday by P. A. STEB„. :C0:, Wholesale and Retail rialticts in Groteries andl)...ovisions, .r• _ _optposite D, Glassmire's Hotel, •.„ Coudersport, Pa. 1- APO*, Weill bash-, sB2i to 100 do. Oka,. /00 " 2 00 - ;Bear*, ! • • •1 00 150 Beestoa2l/10 lb., • 20 2 5 gi 4 5 B Berries, uek nh _ eat,3 bush. , 34 4/421 Butter, 11 lb., - 12 .15 Cheese, 6 . \ 7 JO Corn, "' 15 - 9 8 Corn Neal, per cwt.; 1 50 . 1-7 5 Eggs, Vd02!,,..- • 12 Flour, extra,;-, re blil4 , DO_ 100 do - suPerfine '" -50 600 Hams, f. l • 9 12i Say, "j 3 toe', r • - . :8 00 Honey, per Ib4 • . 1 0 121 Lord, • Pr - 10- ,22 Maple Sugar, per WI 8 12 Oats, 1.1 bush., 26' 30 Onions,' 34 5 0 IS • POrit, - 12 _ • , 16 06 18 00 . 60 't,l . 10 13 ,do whole-hog, lb.l -- 6 71 Potatoes t per;bush., 25 37 Peaches; . 25 Poultry, 12 lb., 5 7 Rye, per bush'., 63 75 Salt,? 1 - • . 75 350 do IQ sadc, ,Trout, per bbl.; I'Phea4, hUsh., WhitelFishl, bbl.i terpeltnquent Collectors. DELIN LENT COLLECTORS cif State and Courity - ttixes - for the year 1861 are here. by notified tfiat if their duplicates are not set tled by the gist of May next:that Cost will 1)0 wade thenS!, By ot, the Board of Com. mitisioners. [March Bth. • P. A. STEI3BIIVS.& CO. trire }us}; received NtW . LOT OF BRALITORD PL I AND POINT tlkey are .SELLING VERY LOW; READY PAY. March 12;,1802 • NOTICE. my wife Mary Jaite has left my bed and hoard, without' and just cause or provocation, I thereforel 'forbid tql 'persons burbMing or trusting her;on my ac count, as I shall pay 'no debts of her contrac ting after thisl date. LIENRY MOORE. Wharton, Feb. 24. 1862 pd . • C 9TASE .A.AGA NULLS . . SUPERFINE FLOUR for $1.35 pe'Sack, or $5.25 per Barrel. , . Also, Groceries of every description as cheap as can - be atTordt ed, at the - POST, .UFFICEISTORE. - Feb. 19, 1862 • . • 1 DIRE Atlantic 21fontAly for Febritary is re.: JI ceived and for'sate at the Rost Office. 4, LSO, //arper, Peterson and the new Amer.: 11l lean Patriotic Monthly—The continfotal. SUBSCRIPTIONS forwarded forjany of the standard 'ptkpriations, and'botiks procur ed from Boston, Philadelphia or New York, on short notice. Give us a call at the • POST OFFICE. • RROWN StGAII-for 10 'centslper pound and Connty orders taken at 85 cents on the dollar at the Post Men Store. Jan. 8. • ! AdministratoVS Notice. 'V, MICE is ItereSY given, that litters of ad ministration on the estate of JOHN S. BENNET, late of Bingham : township, Potter county, decr(4 een granted to the sub scriber by the Register of Potter Icounty, to ',whom all debt due to said estate and claims against the same, roust be presented for.set btlen:ient or payment. WM. P. COOL, Hebron, Jan. 8, 1862. Adm'r. Dissolution . . dAF Copartnership The copartnership here -41.J1 tofure existing under tie firM'of .Colwell & Lyman is dissolved by mutual con sent. The outstanding concerns of the firm will be adjuStCd by B. Sz Colwell & Co.; who will use the ' signature of the firm in liqirida- - don.' . B. S.-COLWEL.L, . HARRIS LYMAN," WESTON SRO'S. Rdulette, Feb. 6, 1862 Co-Partnershlp. THE undersigned have this . day formed Copartnership, under the firm d B. S. Colwell & Co.:, and will continue the'busiuess heretofore conducted by Colwell At Lyman,. B. S. COLWELL WESTON BRO'S. Roulette, Feb, 6, 1862 SOMETHING• FOR THE TINESI:I A NECESSITY IN EVEU HOUSEHOLD 'JOHNS & CROSI..ErS American , Cement The strongest Glue in the World • For Cenienting Mod, Leather, Glass, icor'', China, Marble, Porcelain, Alabaster, Bone, Coral, etc.. The only article of the kind ever probe ed which will withstand Water. ExTaActi - : "Every honiekeeper should. have a supply_ of Johns A; Grosley's Amerithin Cement Glue." —Yew York Times. - - "Tt is s 6 convenient to have in the house." =Yew rogr, Express. "It is always ready; this eommends it to everybody." 7 -N. Y. Independent.' +AVe have. tried it, and find it as _usefulin our house as l water.".—WilkieSiir.ll of the Timer • 'Price 25 Centti , perßattle. • Very liberal rednetionslto - Wholesale Dealers. • ' "Tin:Ms - CASH.. For sale by all Dragnets and Stare keepers generally throughout the eauatrY. • • JOHNS &.IDEtOSVEY,- (Sole Ilinaraeturers4 -.78 'William street, xeri York. >"" (Corner of Liberty Street.) 017: 50 500 00 1 /2i 50 500 WS FOE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers