WX=R=RmaNal I f i gNTWolt - -0015 - NTIE , JOIIIVAL o nly vaiecli*rblefoliediti':;it'litte,r, CO untir. 4im a3fesatnotte, ll .t Tito fu id ix-Oelkent.tOdifillorfboth CitY:•CO VA. . dcitt eitrg. '. Truirsieitt WetatiAbicPts from diStSUCSoust a C u b fi!l.ve f i anc. itll con ianuio. - ,tionsi [ 34 - ~.'receiv,e;attetttion, bedirect`.ed...to en& .entala cif,khe IttAcittiiitt; Ig4d saiOnyiniius cointan copy,oue year, Si; Six copies ; Twelve copies, $10; . Twenty copies, $lB, with one to the person ra ming the Club. The g , on ey must accompany tlie• names. ,c ta dersport, Wednesday Eveiing,-Jan i , 28, 1862. See New Advertisements John S. Dinun.advertiaes the g!Ltlaetie Mciotbly and other popular liagaZillCS for axle. ) See Sheriff'sSalte. 0. W. Stroog atlvortises itulen. The Harpers Monthly _is again on our table, replete - with choice reading Ad drew; ilarper 13ro. 3 r Y. City. the Ailactic .Morithlgithat viell known and highly prized mazazine is ,agaip 42. tore us, filled as usual with .tbelbestlind .Of reading. Address, Ticknor & Fields, Boatels. -The halters of 200 horses of Gen. 'Franklin's division . were cut and the an iinals turned loose on Thursday night by flume Ferret enemy, the. intention of aiding the rebeli, who were' 'expected to ,makc.an•attackt 'The Regiment of Laneer whielr - was raised in Michigan by Col'. Rankin, of 'Canada, in eqnseque9ce of bi§ reAgnm lion are to be disbanded, and formed into au artillery reciment.i, I= The Februasy number of- the 4meri can 49 , 14m/twist is int hand, 'filled with useful reading fur the Fanner, Gardner and Workt l nan. This is •a very useful j7urnai and should be in the. hands of every workiag-tnan. Address, Orange Judd, 41 . Park now, New- York. Great as is the present expenditure of the Uuited•States in the war, it west not he forgotten that almost :he viliole of it merely •changes hands at home. the purchase of supplies and the payteeot of troops does not take woney out of. the country. READ AND I.4...mEmuEu.--.—Tbai, if you flon't want to endanger the ayes of your oelves acid your children, .use D. B. De band & Cols Chemical Saleratjus iistettd I • if using the eaustte, unlieult4, impure.; cuff that is so common iu the im ' arket.-- You may possibly sa , .e a ductrs bill by taking our advice. RURAL ANNUAL AND HORTICULTUR AL—Such is the titled a little book nub liShed at the cotnineuctnent of each year by the editor of. the Gettesc. r.— The volume for 1862 is rc.rvied, It is a work which can not be too :ixtensively circulated among all, interested in . 'rural pursuits. The six 'previous 4littuds, re ceived very general commendation; and • I that for 1862 willbe found fully equal to any of the 'series. Azzion the ,con• tents of this valuate. we notice the Culture of Apples, Pears Plums, Grapes, etc., with ,a lilt of gcod Varieties; also'of Strawberries', Raspber ries, Currants.,; ea Annuals-1' and their Culture; .on the Manufacture Id Domes tic. Wines, on the Cultivation of Wheat, Barley, Oats •Ryis and' Corn i on Cutting potatoes for Planting;. 'on tHarrowing Potatoes'; Chinese Thies ; English Mut ton Sheep ; Making Hay; Covering Grassland with Straw; Culture of Figs on Poultry ; on the Culture of the Peach 'in the Middle States; Fruit arid Malaria; Protecting Plants from Frostsl; StiMmer -t i runing Apples ; Rules for :',Arrangiug Ornamental Grounds ; Fire-proof Wash for Roofq, etc.; on Cidor-Making; Seed-. in g with -Clover among Curl; to Kill Canada Thistles; Amount of Roots, from Clover and Grasses ; to Destroy Insects. the Poultry Mildew; Trimming 00ge Orangegedges ; Cultivation of the White Bean; Moss ou Roofs; WhirCwasfr; a Novel Ice-louse; Application of Ma nure ;- Toads and Bees; orc_the Cultiva tion 'of .:Dwarf arid. Standard Pears; Mulching the. Currant; inildety on' the Orapei,.Spirwas and their Culture; Cold Oraperieri; When • to' Gather Grapes; Low-Headed Trees; the belaWare Grape; Aphides on .Trees; Covering grape. Milesi in, Minter; Aerating the . Soil ; Warts , On Cattle; 'Ctit Worm and Corn Ptak Treatment of - ilfikh Cows, ito„ - only Seo prepai4.liy, mail to . any .address. on the receipt of the. price. Addross •Joieph liartis publisher gt GensilleePtirmer, Rochester, N. Y. ' ' Nole akalrist Heio B. Nir.aireit l iiitttistor diof. IsitaclArliaker..cautioa ~Petl soaa frouivnieadruii *ith v elact"i344. r for 7811XELIk; BARER. ,ran. 29 1862. - • difonth,lkifor Febr A oeived and for sale at the Po LSO, HaTer, Petersonand the ; ican Patriotic I :4 4 pssl l /Yrrne QUBSCRIPTIONS foriwarded for, 1.7 - standard iiablications i and b o . ed Trent "Rost'on, P4iltadelphia or. on shorcnotice. 'Give ua _ _ POST SHERIFF'S SALE',; - I,Y VIRTL!t ; Qt. itinitry Write of tenditioni -Expoins, Reel Facias and Levert Facies I issued out of me Court of Common Pleas- of Pot ter. County, -Pennsylvania, and tome ;directed, 11 shall expose to public sale or outcry, at the Conti House in Coudersport, on .MONDAY;; the 24th' slay of Dec. 1.861, at•l o'cloek r F. 4., the fol &icing iescribed tracts or parcels of idrid to wit i 1 A certain tract of land situatti In Roulet' township and-described an follows, to'ariv:--'-' Beginning at the South East comer of Jacob - Read's Lot, thence East 22 rods tea post , on the river bank, thence.by the river &nth 30° East 10 rods, Soutar '4B/°, Bait •;a rods, -South: - 40°, East , 32 rods •to the outh west coraer orJohis Smith's' Lot, thenc North 9°, East along West line of Smith's lit 98 ; reds;, thence North-4S rods, thence Wes 13; rods to the North. East corner of Jacob ;Read's Lot, ' thence Louth along,East line of shad Read's - .1 .1 • Jot, 10004 rods to the place of beg: i nning con ; MILAN; 410.7 ; Acre! ;strict, measureJ, about 30 Acres ;cif whickare - imProxied withjone Frame House and one Frame Barn thereon. Seized taken in - execution and to beeoldits the prop= erty of-Francis Read,: - ,• j : i: - Also, one lot of land situate; in. , ship of 'Ulysses and village of Let! I ter Co., Pa. Beginning ut the 1 ; corner of the 42 acre lot .conveye i Lewis and wife to ;the party of th kierete by deed dated Sept. 9,18 N the centre of; the highway passim Lewisville and being also twenty-M !North of the Smith west corner of 121, conveyed bY,II. 11 Dent to said ; is, Sept. 17, 1855, and the South a thereof, thence North ?_,° East 8 and perches ,te a' post . also in the et' highway, thence• South 87e, East i four-loath perches to a post,.,thenti West 8 and tine-tenth perches to till also a corner described in said de j Lewis and wife, ;thence as by said jB93° west 11 and four-tenth perc place of beginning"; containing 06 ' tenth perches' of land,•and being 1 : the division of Button Lewis pa .with one Dwelling House, I Store' I Small Barn and Fruit Trees thereb ; taken in execution and - to be sold eta crty of Eiymos thicket and Datil B Also, a certain lot or tract of lit in Summit Township, Potter Colin described as follows: Beginning at ! east corner of George Ayres; Wt ; thence West 43- rods and seven-tel i North east corner of the Ross lot. th 119 rods to il post, thence East,93; I seven-tent/1S to a post Thence Nor i to a post in the South line of a 1 sion of Martin Watson, thence Wi.l jto a post in the East line of thd I thence South 60 rods to-the place lug, and being part.,ef Warrants Ni 2189, containing 71 and four-tent Land, about 15 Acres of which i t acres choped one small Frani ; House thereon. Seized taken in ; and sold as the property of Isaac, I Also, a certain piece or parcel O ate in the township of-Hector, Pot Beginning at the North east cornet j B. W Skinner, thence East 138 p t j post, thence South by the Lands u 1 ' ham Estfltv. /29 Atercnes to a pi thence West to the North line of ' Carr's 10;138 perches to a post cc/ j i North along the East line of a lot I of _B. W. Skinner '129 perehes l to li I beginning, containing' 111' acres • tenths of an acre, and being lot Ne i sub-division of the Bingham lands ; township atbresaid and part of W a 1187 i about 25 acres itre•improve ' Log liouse.therioti. Seized take 1; don and to be sold as the proper; I Tanner, to lost or Also, the following, tract: or piir el of land, beginning nt a post on the South vest corner of lot No. 48, conveyed to Isaac: E am, thence' South 89r East by Smite line of aid lot No. 48 I'2o perches to a post, thence South r West by West lines of Ilots 158 and 136.) 190 and 5-10 perches to a.posti thetMeNortli 89r West by North line of !oi No. 54: , ' 126 perches to. a post, thence orth by,East Poe of lots \9s. 52 and 49, 130 perches to the -place of beginning, containing 96 and 8-10. acres of land with about CO acres improved; one Frame Dwelling, House, two Earns and arplelirchard thereon. Situate in Ulysses, Potter Co:: Pa and to be sold "hs the property' of. I'. E Grid . ley. articles on Peaches, Also, the following described tract or par. col of land, viz t . Situate lying and be ing in the township.of,Oswayo, Potter county, Pa. Beginning at a Post, a corner of lot No. 84 of the allotment of the lands of the Fox Estate in °swop, township, thence North 70° East by land of N. .. H. &AV•.,Johnson 17 perches to a post thence South acr East by said Johnsons' land '2l pereN;S to a post, thence North 70' East by said Johnsons' land 69 -perches to a pest, thence South 20° East by said Johnsons'l land 15 perch to a post, thence North 70° .E.lstdby said Jol axons' land 13 'perches to a -pest, thence SOOth• by said Johnson' land and- land of the Bingham Es tate 72 6-10 .perchas to a post, thence WeSt by lands of Sanmel P. Lyman 62 Perches to n post, thence South by said Lynsans' lands 32 perches to a post,! thence by lot No. 84 40 perches to . a post, thence North byeaid lot No. 84 106 perches to the place Of beginning. Containing 52 acres be the same' orwor less, with the usual allowance 'of 6 ey cent for No. roads, &c., beiuglot 77 off le allotment n of the land Of the Fox Estate in oSwayo town ship, and port of W.strants Nos. 11371 and 1872, about 35 acres of which -is improved, with one Log House, two Board Shanties, a small Apple Orchard. and other Fruit (Trees there on.. Seized. taken' in execution( and to 1.).3 soul as the property of Thomas bye. - • , ly:11. F. BUM', Sheriff. Jan: 25, 1862. Di L vorce..Noo MARY A. B ANUHARD, /tio.lt - vs. , - 1861; pUT W. 13LAN:CRARD1 - Pleas To Guy NV—Blanchard Respo named: Subpteokand - if/low:Sub voree having been issued in this: turned Nihit.. You - ,are hereby r the Pourt'of Common Pleas, afc fixed Monday . the 24th day of Fel. for hearjng , the application.of the A: 131anthard for a Dl'rorce from y time:and place you . inky 4ttepd'u! fenea if vou . thinie prcipii.' NV* Jan. 2?, 1862. i ~ i a BM= wr or OrTERS re- in ,inginrilite,f'os ()Irmo -0-004skernort ?a unerilled tor •i. ;- • Ale:Oiler %Aileron Milian Clinton; William Vi-Oorie„lJeonar R Grandy,.', Joliette .Earl, Thenumforter,Dalght Jones, Phoebe Kelly 2, L. L. foreefi,l. ulilexiiiiiThomtufMathefra. Vatlabia Neirbrit;lelenzSmith; Shot luck. Sarah' Southwick, Leroy Straight, Mar tin` Tomer, iiia-LiNanharn: ~ •.‘ • %* • JrS. MANN, P. M.' sip is re. • eta (Amer ' gintinental. Auditinas Notice. XTOTICE b hereby given, that tbe titider- 1 signed Auditor, , appointed by , the Coint of ComtnOnPleas of Potter County to make distribUtion of the ; proceeds 9f the Sale of real eitate in .the case of D. P. Reed for use ofJ. B. Smith vs. G. W. - Turner of February Term' 1857 No. 34, - ivill'attend to the duties a his appointment, at the office - of the Prothonotary, in Coudersport, on Monday the 17th day of• February 1862, at 1 o'clock, P: Those interested'are hereby'no'tified to attend. D. BAKER, Auditor. ' • "Jan.lls, 1862. any of the , ke proeur ew York, the OFFICE Audittir's Notice. VOTIOE, is hereby given, that the un dersigned Auditor appointed by, the Or phans' Court of Potter. County, to make dis tribution of the thnds in the hands of the Adr miuistrators of the estate of N. Schoomaker deceased, wilLattedd to the duties of his ap pointmentsa the office of the Prothonotary, in Coudersport, on Tuesday the 18th day of February 1862, at 1 o'clock P. N. Those in terested are hereby notified to attend and pre sent their plaims. D. SAKSR,• an= POR SALE ; ; On to exchange fbr Horses, Wagons ' Stock,'' „ OlmdiNotei or Judgments.' A Valuable Plum situate in Harrison township, Potter Co. Pa., 'jinn on the old State road, b-riding from Spring) Mills to Harrison Valleyand Westfield Pa. Containing about 110 Acres, about SO Acres Improved and in a good state of eulti vatlonA- on. which is exacted a large Frame =loused good Barns, Corn' House and other necessary ; ont-buildings, a good Apple Or chard containing some twenty different kinds of OraftedPruit. Shade Trees, &c. The above Farm lies about 1 mile from Harrison valley, milegfroM Westfield and 6 miles froth Spring Mills, and .is - a good Stock and Grain Farm, and will be sold so that ally one that can make a payMeni of 3 or 4 hundred dollars down, can 'Mike tl e rand pay for itself with 'his la bor. Price, $2,14004 for particulars inquire .of Peter Simmons 'now accupying said farm, or C, 11. Simmons, Oswayo Village, Pa. . the -town-.1 urine Pot louth west by O. A. lie, first part V; 1 beir e , , in , ig through-, tile perches this 101 No. 4 . A. Lew- r , west corner d five-U.)01 'entre of the'. eleven and e Soitlit a° post, being td of LI. A. iced .:i,orth : es to the i. i and nine t- o. 1, of I ty hereto; ouse and Seized t the prop • ker. 15,.1862 Jan OURT PROCLAMATION. WVHEREAS the lion. Robert G: White !President Judge, and the Hons. C. S. !Jones and•G. G. Colvin, Associate Judges or Ithe Cdurts of Oycr A: Terminer - and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas Mr the County of Potter, have issued . their precept, hearing date the seventh day of January, in the year of our Lord one thou• sand light hundred and sixty-one, and to we direct4for holding' a Court of Oyer and Term. iner and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sea. Sinustf the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Co: mon Pleas, In the Borough of emitters port, on MONDAY, the '24th day of Feb. next, and to continue one week : Notice s is therefore hereby given to the Cor oners,! JuStices of the Peace and Constables withii the county, that they he then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. 1 of said day, With their rolls, rceordS, ingyisi tions, I examinations, and other remembrance; to do tholse things which to their offices ap pertain td be done. And those who are bound by tlieirl recognizances to prosecute against the Ti l tsotiers.that are or shall be in the jail of said l ounty of Potter, are to he then and there to proseente against them as will be'just. Dated at. COUDERSPORT, Jan; 15, D 361, and ! the 84th Year of the Independence of the United I States of America. id situate rtPa, and he South tudth:l lot, !Oils to the deuce South rods and 01 125 rods at in. poses tist 50 rodi _Ayres lot, ti of -begin- 2236 and is Acres of improved 0 Shanty or execution land situ• er Co., Pa. sofa lot of rclies to a the Bing• Est corner, tackler H. ner, thence ow or tette the lance of and three , 4 of the yoiJiii ATTENTION FOR A MOMENT IF YOU PLEASE. - , To_ Families of Volunteers. in Hector `arrant No. 1 , with one ' in execu i .v Dill , : A. !I I IMve , just returned from N. Y., with a very large' eset.irtment of NEW GOODS, which I have jboughtfor CASH IN A. WAY THAT I SHAW EBLE TO FURNISH ALL MY OLDI - CUSTOMERS, NOTWITHSTANDING THE GREAT RISE. IN GOODS, AT NEAR LY THE OLD PRICES FOR CASH, OR READY P.-% Y. • I have non , some STX THOUSAND LA4 woith of-Goods on hand, that l will sell at the following prices . . .Ist. l "amilies of Voluan;eM, GOOD! PRINTS front Wto 12 cts., that nre now Worth in Nolv York, from 12 to U. Coodi DELAINES" from 12 to 20 ets., now worth from" 18 to 25. • GoI.SHEETINGS still for 10 de, Good ' , SUGAR for 9 cts. Good , Tt I. from SO to 95 cts. L• SALERATUS from 6 to 8 cts • . f PLOVRI from $1.37i to $1.50 per Sack, ff Ar4l nil other goods in proportion. AWO assortment will be kept on hand ;and sold strictly for READY PAY,' at least 25 to' 50 per cent less thud can be sold by ally other Merchant that buys Goods at the present pri ces New York. ot Sh' uld anyone from a distance pall at my store arld-not find the goods as represented, I will" ay them for their time and expenses in so dong, should I be at the Store,! which I shall i endeavor to be at all times. i • _. 1 Irt : tiiking leave of my old customers forth last Year, I would say that I ani thankful fo the liberal patronage and prompt pay, that / have Irecetved from most of them: And as this '/S'a year that every true man should /t,e enliswi ; for the welfare of those'who have would such great sacrifices for the -good. of theiricautitry ; , I will until our present war is closed. - :tryand deal for the profit and good of my country. . . . Yours truly, . • , C. 11. SIMMONS, at the SL lONS' Blocki! Oswayo Village. :e: ,4 Se p t.Terni in Common of Pot'r Co. mndetlt above /pcene ire Dl ',case, and re- Motified, tlirtt dresnid hove :brnary , nest, 'a. said Mary you, tit Which [ad make di- unary Atli TuE.BEST OF FLOUR kept constantly c sand' at the Post Office Store, /3. • nitOWN SUGAR for 10 cents per pound ILP :and County orders taken at 85 cents on follarat the Post Office Store. , 8. the d Ja . I .IAYNE'SFAMILY 315DICINES for. 1 641 e at ' - STEBBTNS Auditor. C. H. SIMMONS WM. F. BURT, Sheriff. Rittert +ireted every Wednesday. bi PI 'A..' Site , Wholesale Dealers in Grocerle's and Fel toil; oppositeD. F. Glassmire's 110 tel, 'Coudertiport,"Pa. limn, busb,, v ' $1 . 71 to di dried, Stunt=ll, • ' 1 00 *lt OoStunt=' 2.00 t 1 '5O neestvax,.?lb., ' 20 25 4 5 Bertiee;:dried,?,quest. • 6 .123 Butkltheit, ?.busby "- 37.3 44 Bata.; ? lb., • 12 15 Cheese, t• 7 10 COltr,l9,busb., 15 88 * 1 Core, Mea,l, per e*L- 1 , ,.' 50 200 Sas)? dor. 14• Flout, aim ? bbl:, 43 89 00 do superfine :. 650 609 Hama,? 1b.,• '. 21 15 Has, .Iflton, . ,6 60 ft, , 00 Honey, per 10 121 Lard, .g' - • . 110 Ilitple Sugar, per lb., I 8 12 Oats, 11 bush., - 23 :30 Onions, 150 75 . Pork, ft bbl., 91 05 23.00 do I 1b.,. • F 10 13 do lit whoto bog,? lb., • • 6 "71 Potatoes, per bush., Penelles t dried, .11 lb., Poultry, 14 aye. per Irish., Salt, tifl bbl., ' do "0 auk, Trout, per b bbl., Wheat, "44 ush. White Fish, 14 C 1 3eurener cffid OCATED on Main St., opposi 14 House, Coudersport, Pa. I Clocks, Watches,l, Repairea on short 'notice and' 11 give satisfaction. rtg6;A good assortment of CLOCKS, ; .1 • • WATCHES, and •, • JE On hand. Cheap for CASH and%, represented. As an even exam; bery I will give you time for 31On • Coudersport, Dec'. IG, 1861 NEW NATIONAL . L Seven and Three-Tent - - TREASIIii,Y MATS Now ready for delivery at the offi eof ' -JAY COOKE I Co.i.ll34nkers, . No. 114 South Third Street, Philadelphia. PURSUANT to ingtructions frbm the Sterei• tary of the Treasury, the Subsarii,tiop buok-to the N ENV NATIONAL LOIXN Trea - nry Notes, bearing interest at the rate of seve and three-tenths per tent. per a r n uw, r - Main opeti at my, office, No. 114 S. Thi Street, until furthef notice, fro.. 9 A. dl. ti SP. M:, and on Mondays till 9 P U. • These notes will be of the denomination .f 'FIFTY' DOLLARS, ONE BUN I RED Dift. f., !LARS, FIVE lIUNDRED , D'OLLARS; ON .' i I'l-1015SAND DOLLARS, and FIVE TFIOL ISAND DOLLARS, and are all • dated 19th •f ;August, 1861, payable in gold, ill) three year , jor convertible into a twenty years' six p r cent, loan, at the option of the 11 lder. Eec Treasfiry Note has interest coup as attache ~ 'which can be cut of and collect din gold t the Mint every - six Months, and ,t th'erate of brie - cent per day on each fifty doillars. Payments of subscriptions may . bo made is , Gold or Checks, or Notes of the PhiladelphiA Banks. •'' . - .1 10 PARTIES AT A DISTANCE can re it by the r friends, through the 'mail, or b express, r through Banks, and the Treasury Notes wi ibe immediately delivered, or seat each su - !Scriber as they may severally dirOct. . ' Parties remitting must add the interest from the 19th of August, the date of all the the notes, to the day the remittance 4eacties Pisi - ladelphia, at the rate of one cell per day on ) each fifty . dollars. . - ' . iApply to or address . . . I. . JAY COUNT ; Subscription Agent,: Care of Jay Cooke k Co.! pankers, -, r No. 1 14 South Third Street; 'Philadelphia. UNION HOTELS CUEDERSPORT, POTTER COU,NITY, PENN., I A. S. ARMISTILONG AV' o r n e fitted and street,ue s rgcetitly o h c e e d u p t i : d e . by R. Rice, is prepared to accoinmodate t e traveling public is as good stviels can be h d in town. Nothing that can is sny way i - crease the comforts of the guest will he n klected. D c. 11,1861 SPECIAL NOTICE 1 , To Consumptives. ~ filllE Advertiser, having. been festered o p 1 health in a very. few weeitsby a very si ..:.: ie remedy after having suffered 'several yee - With a severe lung affection, and that: drer disease. Consumption—is anxious to mel known 10 his felldw sufferers the means cure. To rill who desire it, he will send a'co a st of th lirescription used, t free of ,charge,jwi tl itection for preparing'and using these filch they will tiud a sure cure fur Consnm i n, Asthma / Bronchitas,..h. ,The only. o jet of the !subscriber in sending:the Prescri - bli is to benefit theafflicted,and 'spread info 'mation which he conceives to be invaluabil and he hopes etery sufferer Wrll ety his rem dy, as it will cost theat .nothi l ng and tat prove a Iriessing. Parties wishing the prescription will plea. address Rev.'EDWARD A.-WILSON, WiDittrosburg; Kings County; New: York 3m] . PILE OECANIC''S WE the undersigned. iv cousiduratinn of t • VT. scarcity of gotiey itnve• ekotrect ih we will work for Rcady , Pay only °Nand at" the Brat day of January, 1861 Z. J. T,HOMPSON, G. C. 14ANLEY, EZ. STARKWETHE:p, C. F. IfANNING, H. SNATH, • ' JOHN RBCKHOW, CHAS: REISSA.ANN, MINAR, S. D. KELLY. $253 Ell PLO TM ENT! AGENTS 'WANTED. We will pay frorn $25 to $75 per mon h,' an all expenses, to ,actiye Agents, or gir commission. l'arlicularssent free. 'Adds' ss Eats SY:wisd M'ACHINE COSIPANir, R. General Agent; Milan ; U.hiot au2117 St)ld A PA . sS, 1!!!!E CIE 25 • 37; 25 63 Is 75 350 15 50' 500 • 00 • 11 12} 50 500 ! 11 iker, ,e the Cour That /1 . 113 b 1., rrutited t Their ne [ 'ELM' arranted a e is no rob DR lAN. s Pr. Ct., F 2 Erg LO CM an than in Their a it ver' t llsl = desi ell to Petson frill do w - , • • MT.eir old customers are rpeciai)y,in t vited Ao and examine their stock, and their, pricks'- • STEBBINS' C' riserl., ore, - 01"PdSITF. IX GLASSAHRE' ME IVE , P s O . ItTj • ' of 4 MONEY • t tite `BBINS &CO ti received and opened .7 =IB , SIZSV STOOIC EZ3 29~' ' ~ 1 OBS ,uglit to this market tilt!, pre at lemon. • ' ' I.i Of. ME 8 GOBS •s t~ ^I prises the tery MI I t gtyl.es M=E!II ST CASH ATES,, Ithef offer tiiern ER FIGURE ds can be btu:tat iintothei owe in town • CSTICS . , and as they Trdld them 'elusively for ; AVY , PAY;: , 'ann6t be underselld. *ng a good article at prie give them a call. - 110TMs. 11•11 f ra ftV7. - . 1 NEW GOODS =I AND I SOMETHING EL [1 NEW ! subscrib,ii , ll OLD STAND ON JUIN MAE% IN COUDERSPORT, 'Offet-to ibair old Uttbilters and tho ptblii tendally fur t Cash, tarred States lretss*y Sotes bytbe way taiteis:at Pdiy. Whent, Corn, OMR, Butk%iheat;Bitter,C4tese, 'Hide's, Pelts, Deet Skihs, and kinds of Skins, such its Cttlf Skirls, U. 6 .1 ii*Attii Bea 9, Venis6n, and tome trt4lnt itingE titii can't be thought 04 A. LARGE AND WELL•6ELE'CIE' ASSORTMEIST DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOESI DE ADYMADE CLOTIfiNG GROCERIES I Hats & Cap, HardWarei i. DRUGS & IdEDitiNES; Paints, 011 s, and Dye 'Muftis: Toglibei isith some.of the best KERostNtOIL, _ . 1 . Far superior to the Oil LAMP & LAMP PIXINGS, POCKET CUTLERY; Mad d tew more of those Superior clfmonl)Lows i • 'sitidit GLASS, SASE!, ' INK, PAPER, ENVELOPES / 1 And other kinds of WALL PAPER, WINDOW .CURTAINS And other articles which time gone' for- Via' us to mention, all of Web' will;. be: sold as low as the WAR rItiCES allow—for strictly - • READY PAY!! And for those articles We tbe Lie)? est market pries Will be . We are also General Agents far DR D. JAikit'S fdenily DR. AYER'S Medicines, 1 BRA.NDRETR'S KENNEDY'S 3.ledloal Meat eiy, And an the etaedaid Medietiee ihe l ,diky r , CALL Allk SF `M . C.. 51.4 E. i 1. , jeAkA.,, ...:,--..: I - 'N. B. lifelia* for the donat'inforbp at_ hand whetribet GOoderara I delivetedisameane: ileterminpd to motto:of You Go." Just one thing More. The Judvntrd op! and - book - iceonnts mast be settled awl, closed op itatoredlatelt or ' we fear - tberrall belocreased :gutter Thiktbdr tketial rate of interest: ' _ 4'"" M. •• - 0 lii IRI ill 13 MID •c. '1 T. I . 3 • 1 ( -Cr OM ME 1 1. ~. =EH ill EMI MMO*, iron, Hail% TATIONARi: =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers