E JOURNAL El 15 Coudersport. Pa. nesday Jan. 29,186 . , IM 31: W. McALARICEY, Eviron SYNOPSIS OF WAR NEW. WAsultierrort, Jan. 25, 1862.—The Wlryepartment has issued, a general or . der to the effect that ruessures are to be taken. to. secure the.. comfort of Union Fisonpult :is the -hands of the ; - rebels. For,thisvurpore two Commissioner's, ap pointed,. by the President, are to visit Richmond and other places, and' do for theeaPtives as much as their jailors will allow. he,Scirannah I?epuldkan, of the 22d inst., states that the '.Union troops cap• ture4 Cedar Keys, on the• Florida coast, on the• 16th. Cedar Keys are valuable far its . shiplitnber they produce, that tseing ,sotue i -bcst material in the century. .havo no particulars of this. operation,. but Mere can be no donbt of theinain filet; inasmuch as it comes "from a rank "rebel Source.' The Norfolk and Richmond pap l erS do not LbeHere the accounts of the Somerset. battle whichreached them. 'The nirn;Liiyiitch says it is a story made to Influence stocks ! which were, According to that Taper, going down fast. I. :From the Burnside expedition we have ao news. The IVoricillc Doy-Bonk de.. dares that the report of the vessels being iii Parblieo Sound is false, a reeonnois- ABOOfifrbm Roanoke Island, on Monday last, bringing no word of their.presence. There is , wide-spread consternation in Nortli.Cardina on aceOnut of tills expo dttion, the uncertainty as. to it's destina- Cat adding to the uneasiness./ It is•pro.• posed to7tAll. out the militia! of thirty three eastern connties,,and a drkftluts in bode instances really been made. This movement excites unirenlal disgust. All is quiet on the Fotomac. • WASEUNGTON, Jan. 27, is no intelligence of the 4arnside expe dition, now fifteen' days out. The -Vor folk 'Day 'Book of Saturday contains not a WOO, about it. The Newbgrn Progress u[ Thursday last says, in reference to its !opened presence in Patella° Sound, !.:tre are not sure flint there now, or ever haq been a Yankee gunboat over the mash at liatteras." The reports are all to the effect tbat nothing has been seen of the fleet in the Sound. Great anxiety 'pre vails among the rebels to know Where the e4editien iS to strike. They will learn in good Season ; and at a point where they least expeat,to hear from it. There is a report' from rebel sources that the steam. er Louisiana, of the expedition, had been beached, Mid burned to save her : from the ri.bels . , ;but no P . ritieulars are given:: Front tiro Charleston Jiercury we'learn that the Union forces, under Gen. Sher-1 now hold that' . position on the main land bordeing on the Coosaw River and strecchiug from Chaisholins to the FerrY, and have mounted guns on the deserted rebel batteries, and otherwise strength ened•the.position; Chrisholms is on the liiill River, Abut two miles from the CtiosaW and seven or eight from Port Royal Ferry. At; appears that the rebels knew that they Were to be attacked on Monday, and must light or retreat, hence their temer ity: in lea`viog their entrenchments and attacking us. in: the - iipeu field. Gen. Boyie's brigade bad cut off their river coniniticieation with Nashville; and iiiieaileried their rear ; Gen. Thomas was aSiancing on the Columbia road, while Gen. Sclioepff had possession of liudson's Ford, and - was to advance from Somerset. tliiia them sin the West and .„ • • tidily ; To' avoid being surrounded and siOried.out, and rather than be disgraced by retreating. they marched aortinst Geo. Thomas; supposing him to be only 1,50 atiani, - being ignorant of his re-lenforce 7 'tient by the arrival of tiro Teunessec and the.l.2th•KerituCky Regiments. l'..The at tack was•inade under the immediate cum. mud' of Maj.-Gen. Crittenden, Who with ci ht - regittients marched from 'his in trTeriehinetits em - Saturdaynight. Through the, night the mounted pickets:of the en ! euiy skirmished with ours. In the morn- - itig the brunt Of the attack was home by the Vith 'lndiana, who were suYs t equenily mistained gallantly by.the 4th Kentucky, aV4 '` • CO4 wry, the 2d Minnesota,- and the Otik Ohio-regiment, Col. MeCocik. • The reh elk;fotiglit-brai;ely for 'two rs, but the (kith 'tif,den. ZU - Ilicoffer'carlY in the ac tott,:the,approach of our menfoicementa, theideeperateralorof,ourtroorisalready-on trar.x.Ond,the'destraCtive effects of our artillery Jfire;leemii cited • them M retreat. Our men followed in hot puriuit, turning,: 1118 3 et reatlito - essen geritAcetitAlo Getz: Behoirdrs dirision, to notify him of the event,_ Gen, Tho l s Pursued the foe up to his intrenehmen a, and cannonaded him tiltaightfall. Me n- T tdme, Gen. Sohoepff ordered ont four reg imenii,:and''teached'FiSlting'Grbe.On tt l bodr.and a 61fi . The Irvatter". wasir v t high and rapid ; "yet, 'without 'bridge tir boat: the forces Of Gen. Schoepif kok to the_ ereaut, and by the aid of a rdite , Waded and swam across. Four miles more took them' .to the camp of. Gen. Thomas; Pushing on, they pa.ssed ever the battle-Geld at night, and with al:dire : 4:. I two - hours' , -halt; - for rest, renewed tleir. march over the, muddy roads, expecting to be in at, the; death,. in ithe morning.. But iu the morning the enemy Lad fled from theirlortilications, across the Cum iberland, leavingarms,lquiPments, every- , thing, not !even spiking their guns. Our troops - found the enemy better provided than 'themselves with the comforts of life, and in no respect worse o% except in the mutter of arms alone.' The, enemy au- Iknowledge a loss of 300, Gen. Crittenden being among the wounded. Our loss was 138 k,ller: and 134 wounded. " . The Expedition from Cape Girardeau to Benton and Bloonifield,,Missouri t tured a Lieutenant, C6loncl, eleven other officers, and 68 privates, with 'a qua of arms, a nuruber of horses, and eel, moms. ;Most of the Rebel officers "surprised and eltured iu 4 ball-moo The durrirston Mei Turf/ gives the tieul4rs Of the capture of Cedar I Flori r da,by our turas, and 'addsthat t selutters and five fishing-smacks taken. The schooners • ware loaded lutuliier and turpentine Mali ' An EARNEST. CALII 4 . iat thc eourse of last Autumn, 1 Gen. Fremont wak in the Western exti tty of the Pacific Railroad; preparinfr, to follow and fight Price and McCulloeh, he was visited by the Secretary of Wati and the Adjtitant•Genural of the Army of the! United States, by' the latter of Wh(;in t 1 -,-, - 1 repo l rt,wes inade;on-his return,, virtually chdrging Gen. Fremont Vritkinefficiancy, incompetency and prodigality, wo l f' de . .. mending his removal froM command.--' That Report was Promptly pnblishekl, in i accordance with the wish of the War Lie-1 pertinent. About the same time, a i Com- 1 mitten of the House visited St. 114ouis,1 and itivestioted the condt c• of - the West-1 ern Military Deprtment, .and the, most! important, and damaging . portion 6f the( - , testimony it elicited was promptly 1 pub lished in these .columns. Rveri:thingl that could be officially said to Gen'. Fre-1 mont's 'prejudice has been laid before the! public, and on the strength of it le has been deprived of his coMmand and tent-, P i ctrarily thrown out of the service. Of l'epurse„Gen. Fremont. as a soldierjowing deference to his superim l s, could Make no 1 defense against these serious inculpations, 1 and be has made none. But, th 3 tele (graph has informed thel country tiiat he has, within the lest few'days, beers called !before a Joint Cointnit te of the tvsi . lfous- . ; es of Congress, and has, in obedience to 1 • 1 1 their requisitions, submitted ;to hem a full i and clear reply to and defense gainst i ; the charges which have for the lest. two I . i or three months been scattered broadcast land uncontradicteci over the country, The people naturally desire to spe that ;defense and we submit that 'its pronipt I publication is a matter of the slimplest ( justice. We' ask the members * iof that Committee, each and all, to Move in their 'respective Houses fora copy of that de -1 fense with a View to giving it pnblicity. !If the members. of the Committee do not 'see_ fit to do dila, we ask it of any and levery' member, of either flonSe.! Gen. IFrewont's lips are ealed but thesti of 1 Congress are' . not. Shell - the' people be allovThd to see his defense ? We demand it in the name of Millions, who in'sist that all the officers of this War who incline to Ifighling shell not be Eacrificed .to those !who hold to the policy of waitin p ,!ff. Let Itheru le li.lit.- - 7 -11'. Y. Tritunel. • TIIE CoNTrtAsT.--The loyal States pay twenty millions ;of dollars. fiii i schools annually, and havc,fiste millions of chil dren at saw!, while the' disloya l ) de not expend one , fifth of that sum, and have but- six hundred thousand children at i school. There arc more ehildre in Ohio in school, than in all the e Oven disloyal .Stiites . . . ' • - I . , . The Military Committee in Congress 1 1 bas authoriied Mr. Olin, of Troy, to re 3, i port a bill reducing the number of Clcap-1, loins to oue to each brigade, and estab-1 lisbing holpital Chaplains: If theiMili- I tory Committee would substit4to . good' , i t doctors for. some of the poor sticks who are _drawing pay as Chaplains, thy would be conferring, a great blesstng on he poor, suffering' s'oldieis,' ' . " Letter freith the %eW Torii S. IVliiiptAirHiLL, Jan 20, 1862. EDlrolt 01`,1'4EjpERNALL:. Our Regt: stilflu Catuti-Warren drillin g and hop ing for:Orders -. - t - advance. We ,had the pyoulisci of going With Gen. e,xpedltion, int(wdre disappointed. :.Our 'lira's- were' exchanged, a few days , since;i for tbe' " - Atisfriae Rifle," which with eighty - thousand Vail cartridges, leads us to think we will nut be. kept idle much forwer. Our Regiment was- paid last week and I auLeratified to state that,the. Sharon boys who below , . to Company D I - have -alrcadi forwarded.: ' to : heir . lunneS , .one thousand. three jiUndred entire company having sent 62,120: I would add,- , that Since - their enlist ment no tneniber of 'any company - has been intoxicated, not,nue has been in ar fest, or even' put on extra duty,- in-cause queue of nifsbefut.vior' or disobedience. The health °fit he 'Regitnent is goOd.' there being but few sick, and I trust none dangerously eo. an indication of the, respcct'and eSteeta in which;Petter Co. boys are held iiu the! RegiMent, 1 would stute that. three of the uoo-commissioned stuff were taken from among them. The Weather is very disagreeable, rain and mud without measure for the . lust week, but 'the boys' wake light of the in. converimocesl saused •by it , and crack their jokes with a real zest. ThelJouttNALS'yoti so kindly sent us were hailed a's ati old friend would have: been, and read till' here was riothin 6 left 0 of. them ' Yours truly, . • . H. KINNEY. ttty aip 1-ere "AN ACCURSED STATE,", Mr. Times Russel;, LL 1.1.): is shocked because the chaplain of One •of the Pennsylvania regi ments, at' Port Royal spoke of South Car- °firm. as "thiS accursed state in which we worship God." ,1 What should he have called it ? - This blessed Paradise ? This happy, prosperoes state? • South Caroli na is 'accurted" and there is no More unfitness in epplyin ,, e . that epithet than in calliu' , 7 a spade a spade. Is it not cursed with the slavery of 400,00 Africans in its territory cursed with the prevalent i , norance• and degradation of its white inhabitants -cursed with an overbearing, factious; rebellious aristocracy--cursed in the lack of wise counselors, and in the rule of wicked: demagogues—cursed by invasion of its soil and the possession of its best harborby a hostile force—cursed in the destr ctiOu olits chief city by fire? Is it not (ti follow the dictionary) "de testable; . execriible ; wicked; malignant in the extrenie?" What could aggravate its ruined condition ? Uncle Toby would "not;' have the heart to curse the davit" as South •Parelina has_ cursed herself Why shou d the honest chaplain pick and iininee iis phrases in speaking of itr par eVs, 1111 ere yid) TIMI ME PenilsYlvaiiia Ahead • and Ad lig The alacrity; witti which Pennsylvania wade resno!nseto the President's call, to utiles ! has thrilled the heart of every loyal citizen a patriotic pride; and Alie emphasis ;.liven to her response, -130 he nimbers of her soldiers, directed upon her; the e l yes ;of her - ,sister States, and awakened ti ' g ,tiWul impulse in every loyal heart pro . fighout the land.. And again the; electric spark is flashing a message to iekindl the flame of patriotism. Not satisfied t ith having contributed more thiin her c uota of soldiers, who are ready to Seal with riously est j i ergetie auF ders to tilt ton, anoth reglments) which is, mission ti their blood the Union so glu ablished by their sires, her en d patriotic Governor now ten -War Department - at Washing her Uivisiou, comprising Hof infantry and one of Cavalry, .eady to march, •and asks per sail at once from Philadelphia .port port, where active service -1 Ddeted for a soul may 63 r, EJGIITI niiins ! re: trard,r! siowly an l o this too, grand arn dred thot vania!_ fur'the K State JoiJ TII9I.ISAND MEN—Penosylva. dy and anxious "to march for ,J,lletveulistments are progressing id in places entirely stopped; and when nearly one•tiftli of our ny in the field—over one hun imand men--are from Pentmyl ntt all volunteers ! Well done Zeysione of the Union Atoll.— Gen. link; ILatte , s Expedition. The R'ebel'wiil speedily receive a stir ring up from) Oenersl Jim Lane, which will be likely to disturb their propriety. The. Gederall is to be unembev'ressed in the condbct cif his eatnpaign, a tact which shows : solve Progress on the part of the Cabinet !tuwards ddecision to wage the war with ail l ate incidents of war. It is his determination to Make life enemy support the war so far as his force is con ceroed. He desires no supplies. to any amount,ofither subsistence or trans. portatiou ftoli the Governmentlbut will levy what he' needs from the Rebels. He Will direct lily march where there is plen ty of ';contraband," and a grand stampede will attend Fis progress. Lane't soldiers will not be set at work in the trenches, should he remain long enough bt one place to require entrench. Ments, dor Will they even de the work about ettnips',. Every mess will have its "contraband" ido the gooking, and al together 'La'ne will hevel . an 4'eStablish. 'Lent" which will make him the envy of die chivalrY— He always travels witka large ietinue, when he is on the war-path. Some of his; friends say that he already .has a large number of contrabands armed and . drillieg.; but this we don't Vouch for: H Wm.lTillman,the colored steward of the schooner S. Faring;-•who redapiured that vessellfrotn a rebel - prize crew, has been aWarded $17,000 salvarie, for his - use and three others. - ` The 'decision was made by the U. District Court foiNew York. Mr. Th e follOWing are the Standing , h e Committees of the PennsylvaniaHun `" f 1,31 ~„. Representativesfor the present ,seestOrr Wayiand - Aleans----MesSWATLOtt4M. Smith e .(Chester,) llinghatrObboit;Ross, SEtizertte,) 4laxaider;. Per: 3 / 4 1111g, bitm, Beaver, Brown,,,(Sierser,)liddllotfell.- - • J u diciary . (Ceaercit)—Atessii• ap?sl, Smith, (Cliesteri - ''ShatitiOn; Strang, Banks, Vincent, Brown, (North , r umberand,) and Detillitt. • 4 • 4iidiciary (Local)--Mei;srs. Bingham, Duffield, 'Pershing, Chatham, Zeigler, Cochrane, Ryon, Greenbault,,and Pe'hitoaii" and ROSS;'*(Milil(n,)l Bates, Potteiger and Russel. Estates a nd Escheats --=Messrs; String, Vit.cene, M'Culloch, Blanchard and Beebe. • - • • I ..Agridulture • dnd Maintractu'rei,.—, Messrs. Gross, Caldwelli.Windle;:Tkein. son. Barron, Hutebniatrand.Lehmanj Education --Messrs.. Elliot, Duffield; Bliss, Divins, Donly, - .(Greene,) Boil4al, Early, M'Clellan; Twitchell,-. Householder, Hopkins, (Ptiila; delphia,) and-Wituley. -t' • .: !A Banks—Messrs.= Crane,i Ross; .;(4t zerne,) Abbott, Irbey,.Werley, Rhoads; Brown,'. -(Nort hutuberlaud,) Coehrau, Gross, Neiman, Dennis, Chathanr..tind Hoffer. - . Acconnis—Messrs. 'Sol . qaAtill, 14iteliell;Rez,-Kennedy.iLabar.and Fox. Vice 'and lotnzoi-ality--Meessts. Wake field,' Donley, ( Greene ; ) Dennis , WaOler ? Vincent., Peters and Ilutehnka. • Election_. Pis'trids 7 —gessra. Happer, Tutton,, Batesi Labor, M'Coyi Hall 'and Delone. Claims—Messrs. Tracy, Worley,'•Oas kill, Cowan, Greentiank, G-awblc, loch, Beebe and • i• • • . Roads, Bridips..und.Canals—=-Wpsrs. Liebtenwaliner, Hopkins; (Philadelphia) Russell, Hess; W3lnnus, Peters,'Bumsey, Rhoades and Pvtteiger. •• Corporations—MegsH. Banks, Cowan, Shrink, Wildley, Kaine, Smith, delphia,) Henry, 31.'3Ianus, floss;O1if [1410 Bitter, • Al'Clellati, 7 Kennedy,. Rex, Busby- and-Quigley. Library—Messrs. Williams, .gtnith, (Chester,) and Arnistrong. .215....t0 Counties and County Setrts— Messrs. Blanchard,. Happer;.Beaver; El ltainev, Hoover, Wolf, Josephs, Lehman Talton and Hall. ' t Compare Bills—Messrs More,, Licht enwallner,Early, 8.1.41 and and 136.9)iy. Militia Systent—Mesirs. Shannon, Hopkins, (Washington,) Smith; (Ph; tla delphia,) Scott', W inleY, ()rave 1 and Myers. Rat7roads-,-Mesrs. Hopkins; (Viash;- ington,) Alexander; Sellers, Moore, Dougherty. Myers. sate, Craig, Barron, 3l'Makin. Freeland, Donnelly (Pliiiadel• phia,) and Giant., _ •• . I City Passover Railroads-710ssrs. Wildey, Hopper, Div i os, Grails* MICoy, Calthiell, Weidner, Ritter, Biown,Bown, Mereer,) Thompson and Warner: 1. Mites anal HouSeholder, 'Wakefield, 3rM l a kin, Hess, Wolf, Hoover,3Telone. Jo sephs, Donnelly, (Philadelphia,) Kline, and Weidner. .1 Piliming—Mews. Cowan; Die wan, Sellers. Tate and Henry' • Public P rinting=llersr+. DD Dougherty and Freeland The True: ; flirig,, A little over one year ago EDW STANTON—now Secretary of War called into the Cabinet- of Mr Bucl alma, to fill'a vacancy caused by atrociout tread son. An old personal friend. but politi cal opponent, wrote him a letter iihere upon, to which Mr Stanton responded as • 4 follows • . i . "WASIIINGTO7, Jan. 184161. ."DEAnSiii : YOur kind letter was re ceived this Morning, and I thank yu for the confidence and regard ii expresses for myself. You are right in suppefing it to be my ,determination to tio_everithing in My power to preserve and in4intain this; Government, and the 'constitution under which the United States haQe been so prosperous. The means you 'indicate,! I agree with you, arejtbe proper ches for! this emergency; and so far as it 44 possi- 1 1 ble.lthey will be.exeried. I havelan ii,, doe:wing . faith, that this Goveraientj cannot be overthrown—that it, was or dained of God, and that the }loners of hell cannot prevail against it. • - Wle haie I . tronole • the City of Washington' may be captured ; but every, effort will he made to prevent that catastrophe, andieven if it does happen, 'the revolutionh4s i will be as far as ever from,accomplishog the destruction of the! GOvernme t--but much nearer to their own des ruction. So far from being indifferent to our ad vice, i, any suggestion of your wiSliciu.and experience will be thankfully I mired. Ms, aim is to perforin my dal In the pit to which I am. palled, and, shall liel happy of any light ;to, guide die in the true path.: l•, , I , "With confidence, and, hope Of the fu-1 tare, I. remain yours'i truly„, • ', ,1.,, • '.', - ' EDWIN M. STANTON.. ; !Gen, WILLIAM ROBINSOI4..I' ~ Is pot this the sort of man 'lto w . ont . 1 the safety of the Nafion may [ Wisely be I : _ committed even in Sinn a timejas this ? A. factory girl at,' `3lnnohoAter, New ied tuicido upon re ceiving inteliigence 'of the tenth °filer sweetheart, who hsid enlisted ond ot tho regipents' .fronf that Siate.- Poor girlsher was only seien*in • •. _ ; • 7 1 ' il .• ''',. . - W... -i• 1 . Tit 'ORA: ".--„,:, 1,. , Otiee • , ~ • T • .1 ' -]I I • . • .vr.4 ,• 11. • • •: , J FUR HATE ; , 1,1 E tt, PREVIO 11. HEW IM FETIBIiEI Seasopab ABIOUIV/I1 , el S. , , 9 TILER I E=X3 . 1 AO PRip I SIJA.Lrr.. 11115 TO SE lIERE I q.YT PIS FULLY ASI iEWYcSR eld, i WH MD CM • I ] GIVING Ik APVA NOT :ELS IMIE LOOK; AT!SOME Good elteetin I to 14 in N Good prints 10 0 New Yoris. Sugar 9 cts Good young hyi . Saleratus 6 Flour $1.3711 t Fire biocha r OA 1 , And all nth r go a ds in .proportion. And any ono fromdistance wishing goods at the 1 prices I tidal° ailing Upon me and ' not and. lag them as . a, vertised will be paid, for their time and expenises in so doing. A large stock will be kept or hand at all times. In taking leave of .Ray . friends and customers for the past•yearl thank them for their, prompt pay and liberal patronagn, and as I am now sell ing for ready pay exclusively, I shall sell goods lOwir than . ever, ,Andananyi gbods lat 50 per cent, lOs than can be_hought for /4N. F.,. at the pre at.time. , , .. ~ ,' 1 , • . , , . . • ~ t - • . SIMMONS, I, . INI IMMELEI43 MI CHASES i EEit ADDED 11E11 film !MEM TH$ :J ME IREEI MI sToci‘:` THE ./A7oll' 3 1, ~„ . OSNVAYO: ; 1 CIiVG itiETIEO e Goods; N VALUE MErMli od a". "51 M ORE IEI I GLY FORTIFIED ESMSI GH PRICES, ENABLED CONTINUE 3ooDs OFORE BM LOW AS ESALE PRICES, TIIL 7 S Y CUSTOMERS TAGES 0 BE FOUND iy#ERE Dll OUNTY. OF THE PRICES ill Ifor 1Q tents no worth To k. gcts. worth 12 to: 14 in. tea 80 to 95 50 per sack El@ OSWAYO= '-' rotTSINF'OS . GAO& 011rjailA LODGE. No. 841, F. A. sl . 4fEtillietlno on the 2nd and 4thlVedne., . ...d 4 ynnt each month. Also Masonic gathe r . . ;Inge ciri Vfery Wednesdaylitening. for work nitirsettiee, at their Hall in Conderspert, 'TIMOTHY IVES, w.l[.' . nAvx-v•!'See'.Y. - ATTOR,III'EX ANI) COLTX - SELLOR AT LAW - , .c o idthi,o r t, - , 1 5 1 a., will attend the seven") ' enuria in Potter and 3PKean Counties. All busineqs ,entrusted" in his tare will reCeive prorript attentiehf.: Office corner of }put and Third streets. ARTIIIJA: ST G-OLMED • -&'/ItiItrINSELLOR- L AI" LAW, •TroodettptErtlfri - 4 - fill , litteralloinfrowi l i e w ' entrusted to 114.caT,0 prolornes, snit "fidCify: dit Seth-west roller and ;Fourth streets.; • ISAAC' IrANStY.Lt ATTORNEY ATLAW, _Coudersport, Pa., wilt attend to tillktinesp:eotroateti to him; with • .eare:and protuptnesa. Offiee.on Second it., .near the Allegheny Bridite. ' " ATTORNEY LAW? C6iidersport, Pa. 0616 attend. , theCp . uoi in . Fetter sot the itdjoining !,- -0.• T:. ELLISON; PRAOICI , NG PSYSIC.TAN, Coudenport,Pa.,6- yespectfillly informs the citizens of the Ind and. vicinity than he will . promply re spottd to all calle for professiOnal ; services. 011ICe on Main 'st., in .building hirtnerly oc• cupled by C. 'N Ellis; Esq. - • • C. S. E. A: JONES, - DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDIt:INES,-FeAINTS 0114, Fancy Articles,Stationery,Dty, Geed:, GroCerics, Main st., Coudersport, Pa. D. E. OLMSTED. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, READY-MADE ClOthing, Crockery, Groceries, Sc:, Main at., Coudersport,. Nu.. , COLLINS S3l ITH, DEAT.F.R. in Dryj Gookis,Grocofies, Provisions, Hard wurc, Qtitenstrare, Cutlery, and sll Goods usurtlbj, found in a country Store,- - Coudersport, Nov. 27, EB6l. p• M IV.' MANN, •I ' DEALER IN BOOKS S: STATIONERY. MAC. AZINES rind 'Music; N. W. corner of Main eotideN)ort,:Pn. COUDIOISNOHT HOTEL, D. P.'. GLASS:VIRE ' Proprietor,- Corner et 3lriin and Scrmd• I. 4 tre.cts, coadersport, Pot : ter Cafr, Pa.! Liven, &rade isalso,keptin connec— tion WI this; • L. 13 113,1),_ • , SI.7II.:CTITR, 3 :CpNVEV-INVER, kc., BROOK LAND, Pa.l,(tiorme'rly CuAiingville.) Office • in !hi3 biilding'. ; • MARK GILLON; 'TAlLOR—neurly opposite the Qourt youse— uill make all clothes intrusted to himi it the lateA and best Styles —Prices, to suit. the times -Give him a call. 13.41 • XNDIIEWi SANBERU TA:sN.ERS AND CURRIEHS.- 7 -1-tides tanned or! the shaieq, in the best Inztuner. Tan nery on the eit.s7t side of Alleroany river. o'plite r s 7 , ol 4. Potter county, Plt-,-Jy1;;61 =I OL3ISTED KELLY, . ../E.,I.L.ER IN STOVES, TIN k SHEET Mai WARE, Main st., nearly apposite the Court House, Condersport, l'a. Tin awl . Sheet Irpn Warelinudo to-onlet, in good style, on slidrt notice.; • " 'THE .17NION" ARCH STREET. ABOVE THIRD, UPTON S:1 NEWCOMER, Proprietor. g(i7-Thi4 Hotel is central, convenient isy Parson:et cam to ail parts of th e city, and it , • every pardr ttlax adapted to the ants-of- dm busines! public. • . . lar•-Terinv Sl-SO per ny.-» tatiCl.N. BIRD, DEALER - in - ; . PROVISIONS; • i • • • . - ;-' GROCF.RIVI,! . HARDWARE, DRY ,GOODS, " • Also, Ras been so fortunate a-. to secure the serri ed of THOMAS J. BAKER. who is tusking: and mending' Boots and Sh9es in bis owh . unexeeptionalMe stye; with • ; • i • , . GOOD !STOCK. is : 4 hare conclu{led to sell only for } ff 11l A:DY s-PAY, from October], 1861. Will buy Ashes,llides,Pelti, and swat" Grains. - ii3l 13rooklaiid, (formeiqy • Sept., 1861', THE POTTER JOURNAL IE rephislD BY M. W. illeAlaruey, Proprietor. • ;sl.oolv. Mt; ISVAIIIABLY IN ADILYCS. ix" . * * Devoted to the cause of' Republicanism, the interests of 'Agricultnie,- the advancement oft Education; , and the best good jof NUN' county.- •guide except that of Principle, it endeavor to nid the yfork of:ulore InilyFreedomizing our Country. ADrEItIiFEMENT3 inserted at the are rates, except where special bargains are made. I Equare [lO -lines] 1 insertion, - 5 l 5l Each subsequent,insertion less than 13, 25 1 B'quare three months, - 0 1 I " six " 411 11. 4, nine " --- . - .... .. bit 1 l' • oue year, .-, r ,-- .. . -6 011 1 Column. six months - ! - 1 - - , -•-• - . . a - .:, --- :. - - 10 00 Ii ~ _44 " ••• A • • • - 7 00 • t " per year. - ... . '4O OD , 44 4t 10.00 'Administrator's or ExesutOr's Notice, - 2 Ot Business Cards, 8 lines or less, per:year 5 02. Special and Editorial Notices;pet line, , transient. advertisements must br paid in adi - ancey And no notice will be taken of adrertisements from a distanOe, unless they are accompanied by the Money or satisfactory reference. Siiir'filanks' and Job Work of all kinds, at-, tehded'to promptly and faithfullY. Aduckinfs*rgtor's ,Notice• - inlcE is be,rob y given, That letters of ad . ;ministration ',on . th4.,estate or JOICi B. BRNNET,' late of Difigliarr('"tOis:nship; Yoterr county, dec'd, have been grated io the Sub scriber by the 'Register. or . .Potter eorintyrto Urliom all debt due to:aid estate•_an&clsis s epinst the patue,- mint" ..be presented tor sot. tienNt ,or,pastoeei. ..- Wl. : p , ,COOP, - Hebron, Jan.' ENMEMEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers