C t'l Y-)Bl3:7Srtf _ _ .. .. . .. . . - i,sapari Ha . POE PURIF YING THE B 1,001? • . . aluk. for the ipeoly one of tho I;4lowhig• c omp Pints: , L taror tyipitt.poiVityttottaAgrci:Ot)iiii,asach - . as ti! lataai?li,,VUerfa, S'oitrf,'Xr.ia,ptiFtts, , . Pt _ .a,i,f.V4tOtitlita, ti1,p,teir.04.•:43 lir, rj a t 11l atiOsi.*.witisal 'Skin Diataiiiteigis , ' '; thatvin, Intl.. atis - .ltitte. 1559. T. C. Atm & Cat Gelato: 1 (cab it my May. to ai -1 - inowlolge what yunr :Mir:gorilla lots dons for tor. Having hullo hell a Scrlifitlou, ittreetion, I harp el nto.il than it iu various way* tor. 3IVIrP. :`alaethileg hitatrait out .1n Cleats vn toy, int.nds.und anus; notwainten it tut:tart [award and tfislres , e.l hie at Itte stomach. ,Two , Vans ago it Lrolto Mit out my head tont etat.rwl tam I•Calp i and =ln With one Pal, lrhiCh was imittret me/ lentheotee loynint tiescriptimi.!' I tried - I:sassy itielicitam tool si•teral phynielmis. but will t lintels relief from any thing. I u f.r .,_!'" g w," l l l / I V 4. F IP CM Warn. :s A Litngtli I was' ti r eed I. rtiatklini kilishrl Bleiits•iigi•: that nip Isa;Liset apal, Au :lkilyw 'hiellittritai:airit ha t: far.l.k ital . Taint y oisrlqatt a- that that any thing you matt, nanybe :mud.. I Neat. to Ciathinaii and got it, anti anal It till it cut et) tun. 1 Wok I it. 31 pat flu l: e. ili 6111311 dates of a tetwnoottral over a to .ti th. n o d hart gamest throe hal ttelt Now and• ht.!! by 1 1 ash' imam htgan I. than nts.kr the arab, a hie'r oPer a, white fell off it y Okiii - IM:Miieileiti. titill I know by thy 1 t-rili:gr lint th; thiraw tuitrAaneCiou r tmty nyntelo.', Yon I tan well belierf dial I frtl al a i[ l alit salving when I tell i yo, r e main I huh] you to be "tat of the apeNtlee a the age, t . Sad err: gratefully./ Your.. : A IF' i Eh. 11. TALLEY. St. Anthony'; Fire. Hose or .11ryall)elatt,. Tatter :tout Snit !thrum, Staltt Ilead,i . 11.1asgivorsu,- Sore - Eyre, Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. Proltlo writes from &tient. N. T. 12.31 Per.. 1959. that Ito has cured tot itivotornto catto of Propra. which 'Otto:doted to tormitutto futoltY. by the pereeverinviso of our liamaitaritto, tit ! l abut s• . littrgerutte Notigtvtiir Ery.tiodatt to; large d04(.01 1+.1.1:341C;',5:1311. he cures the common ilroncliocelc, Goitre or Savrllvd 7.ettitl : 4 1,t3111 of 11,1,1, Trxwt, Thrre but ctaird ate . float ct , i:rcr-tiatitt-. •ali,s;;;thaltbar 'tat lite:lava. allitit 1/40r tyro yrtax." iirliV/111..11.0varlan Tumor, • *Uterine Ulverutifiza, Ve le I)lsecti•es. Dr. 3 D. S. Cliatiniitg, lark City. nit 'tea ; t. I nest cheerfully ealnely r.lth fit° re,inelt of your upOlt in paring 1 have fend. your Sammaiillit a meet excellent etteratise in the minim Min 0,11114:link for n Web no employ mull 4,remeily,lutt emirrially in.timude MseaSet tit* Stroriijlix4ipittclia: lain..stria ittatty ittretor, els hoes or hienteTrriirea by it. and room where the rum yishit ,ens runiett Ly l‘keroli.ln'or the Moms. The orbi t Itself wing seen cured. Nothing within toy know!. inize,eptals.it for these Gentle derangements." Merlin's: of Newbury, " A - dine Irornom at:oriel! Itniint• tm of.e or Ole fvUnales in niy !,lilei,")istii+WieJ all the remedies we could emplpy,iias at FO r ionletely rat .1 by your I:xtract of San; pflynichto thought nothing but eStirpa• Iran y9iii,ieliord relief, lint he advised' the trials( yeur . Varssitstilis n. the loot - re,ort. rief.jro Cititin.., and it prayed fp:4,lnel. , ,A her takilig your remedy elatt,woolo 46448011 M of the diseane'retimithi." • Syphilis and Itlvrettrial Disease.. , ..tirty OctrtNs; :rah Augilst,lSsS. tt. J. C. AYET: sir, I cliverftilly comply with the re. neat orytint-NZOilt. and rPocirt to yntt own° of the ottecte I birr rrAtlztir with 'pint' Strpiapittilln. bare cured with it. in tity prstrtico, meet or the C4lll. yfelnle fq , loyhlch It freotoinionteil. tient barn C.iind tU ttrecti truly stoodti rid iu 11“, eitin of rrwrear and ji c r. . . - :urior Disinse. One of toy fetticille bad n his throat, width atm:« coao.uttaftag. fife palate , and the top of hie mouth. Your Etircepiti at, :turd hint In Sian orel,c. Another wog efuicked by tee /othyry,symptiiiatc in hi* uoyc. and the oh:elation bed eaten aiitasy.n couniAoraldap part of it, so that 1 belles the lieeriler noidil 9.01 tirrttis Isis Llaiu mad But it Melded to lily ochuloistrotion of you. Enrcilliariflnt the sleets herdic/. told lie la wolf again, opt Jf COIIIFO )01111011t Lb Et.. :.ff tronichi %rho hail been trentril far the mune dhoider by zlietrory Iron nitre/Lug tram Ode' poixou in her bones. '1 hey had boyoulti to sea 'ethic tat the cc enther flint 111»1,41antil tiny Ohio coffered ex irrurfittlito. ludo Jo lies joints-mut boors.. Elie, treorsts' rimd entirely lay your :annum - 111d fit: at hie 1 enact (torn ifs trldeti yohr agent ge , e oak.. shad slain VI eparnlion hum your habit itfou toilet Lea great remedy; olooscipitoilly, bone truly jeutal . kublet !multi with it l l o ur tout curio iced. Me. 4 - knit - malty yours, U. V. ',AMMER, M. D. Ithonntatism, Gout, Liv, er Complaint. lrepia.cowscos, Vn.. (11, July. Mg. • . • tltt.,l. C. AVM: hove bettt ;aided with A rift). fectin , 4oo7.leihdatain for o Junk liine;whidi LnflluA the tkill hf 1111011 to ma hi 'pito of all Itie :chedie% I could MA mail I tiled yoll3* 0110 90100 1311 r.l two werkv. And rrnsereil my general Seallii Co meth IS.ut I nun for better. thew before 1 was attached. I :Wok Ito tionderhil tdedhlue. J. VittlA U. Jute; Y. Gen.hell. of tq. lainic,...it'ilterit "I have been f. , r trait an qr.-don. t±f Lira, thich Imitro3etlissv health: I tried nv,ry thing, and every thing tolled to relieve, nie;.nnidli irate been a tiroken-down 13,111 rratine; . `stritn, frona'nin othet!colon than deraiiDentrot of 511'lerte.t pastiir. the her. Mr. Espy, ndrised MO to try yrair Fnranpari lla, because he mid he knew you, and any thing you maile %Ina 001 th It ying. , Illy the Weise (h it hna curet! nu., 011111109 1 , 0 rinrified :icy bland SO to make 0 new man of nio. I I've young ngnin: The heat that ran he geld of you is not half good etionkb." Nell I reit sc,Ca n er Tumors, Eakin rge ant, Marra I ion, Caries and Exfoliation. of the lioatou. • CARVI Intrelp.en reported to ne where ein , r/ of tfii.Ati fnnuldaldu cmnplaiulw linvn ',gutted flub' the In ut ti.i.trutedy. hit out quce hero will lint ndnt4 M i n t ,. smut , nC t6rut luny lin tumid in uur A tnerivnta Altnalinc, Ai Inch I.lin . oginits below unwed 010 pleased I. rnruitds gratig to %VW cult ror Mom.. ,', Njirtrulila 'Many lent:l,l:oth, Litres 1,1" ihe.e alTeeth lowro been alfreutjeelooner Oda mrdicinu. • IL - p.tlente. intro , the-rital ncti,w, atpl th nx Irt•rrultil .I!4ordin-s A‘ uwthl be finj.i.o.,e,) teach. :-nelt a remedy has long Levu iho !nod' ire at 00'I c isle, un4 we cure tualiklent that kids will , lo r2tfitatan:4ll,l that 7+ledlclOe , v-m do. Ayer's cherry Pectoral, .II ,1111),(11 01? • C 0 siglame. Col d s, 'l.lnartences, Croup, litoutltltfe. incepirnt. COW. si.ttikiptickii.nnd for olio Relief - "tit Cons , umnitve Patients . iu nclvnured - Stagee! . of tlio', insense. . Thin In 111 remody to univoloolly known to torpnes no , other for tilt mire of-tin oat nod lung compinints. that ft it Mateo limo to pliblith the iwid r nce of lta 1 irtnoe, 11" eitirivallarmatilence for 10110101 nod colde, and its lt id) wondetlnt nuts of, pulmonary dierase,, have outdo it known tioronzlintit the civilized tottione of the em lit Yew are the c/ innmnit ie.. or even tonal/ea, among (Inca 'who hare not 001110 mosonal: , experience iaf in effetts 110014 trophy in their inlaid of Its victory ovei - "the tack, and dionowinoislicond o rt of the throat and lung* ASIOI lc tiow fat:dity of these disuolorn, and se they tow, ton, theigrocts nit remedy, ice tired Mal 10 nmrti than to natiiro them that'll:lmi now ail the lite9lifi it iltd linVit'Whotrinnklngdile curestrilich hove Oaii so etionitly aToil the Con lidon ca of sin dtiud. . Troparod by Dr. J. C. 45.1 , 13, & CO., Low3ll, Mars. • Sol& E. A. Jones, Coudersport; Mann h Nichols, 7.tlil:port : N. hurl, ; & Lsrpqn, Itoulet - A. Cores dc &lin; VB.' 'Horton, .dushingvilie ; and Deafer generally ti •AT I:MEAT ! ! IVIEAT ! ! WU - 1. - Bearer, Butcher, CAN still be found at the old stand on So cond-Streetorliere :all kin& , of 'FRESH MEAT, c.f - t.4e uch as • 1 ;.;S LT. and FRESH FORK, CORNED BEEF, , And all kinds of • SAUSAGES. He invites all the eitizent - of Coodersport to give tiiLn a trial. za..!tleat will be sold at the lowest prices. tri.,CASH'must,be paid for all meat pur chAsid. profits and ciiiiek sttleit,"is his motto. t•-• Nov. 25, 186 k ftIIADFORID COUNTY . PLOWS AND . POINTS, ~ . . ....., ...., s vrill* t fl , :qad..hereatter it the store of „ 'L '','• •'°•-•'''•-• 4 •-•;-::'-s--* -P. A.-STEBBINS•& CO. ear A large lot just reeeired. - • ...,e; *-Ceittlersport., Marklitb; 16,,J.. Administrator's Notice. LETTE RS of Administration on the estate oES:-8. - Warre; late of Whitesvilfe. Aire gain? .Tounti-,' , N. 1%, having been granted to this- unilersigaed, all-persons': having elaints' against said 'estate . are requested to,vresent thAtp c ,t,o . biln ter liquidation. and all . persons , owtnoiiid`estafe are .. .ralOested to rzialfe its-' taCiliate'paynienCto hitu HORICZ COBB; Irrr. to, lasi- 211 --- E - - 1.---- KSIC4ERBOQKER 111,AGAZ "E.. t. 1,.,........ s. ':..." ~..;,..i.l:-.: 4.1.1.:11,:.. )oe . .1- 4Z1..-.., .....,-....,.... In the beginning of the last year, wh I n its I present proprietors ilsvitued. eoptrol a TFEE EN WISER Belett*liiPlin tardeed their de termination to spare no twits to place itiftLits true position as the leading literary Monthly in America. When rebellion bad raised a suf4glito I:Xroiit,iiiilliOririaii;tlirelit etieil 4 - ii vt r, eiistb-ihe'a 'a alialetittitlielkitVS4as ',Whoa isible to permit n Magazine which in its circa latic n reached the best intellects in the dand, . to continue in a purely literary comse; las it I linsensible or indifferent to the - dangers wlhich l threatened the Liaiun. The proprietors at cordingly gave notice that it would prese l ut in its pages forcible expositions with regard - to the great question at the times: How 1a pre- . the United Slates of _4 itie..tea in don' li'deli- I I rite owl iiiiini. llow far this pledge has been redeemed. the public must judge. It i+ old, how evcr, he nip e 4 p - e c H tipu to ignore the seal of approbation which the public has afr 'alib i I placed on these efforts. The proprietors opltv. I folly acknin ledge this, and it ha.; led 117 elm to embarl in a fresh undertaking, the publicit . tion otITHE CONTINENTAL MONTEILII de votedlto literature, and national polic3, in which ilaga7ine those readers who hat` e fol lowed wan sympathy the political andsb :ual viewc so forcibly expressed• of late in pages, may find them still lambi r enfart the most eminent and energeym miu America, -- - . , , i ; , ? , F , '' f , *,• " Tht KnickerboidA Alf(' it will reintii in support of the Union, w ill be found, acwi ing to the originaily expressed intentiold the publisher. devoting itself more exclusi to art and letters, and in maintaining its] established position as the :cadet in Attu of the widely varied dep ti• tinents of lites to whiph it is specially devoted. , The nonuser for January commence; ,thirtieth year. With such antecedents! l possesses. it SeCUIS 111111CC ,, :ta I'S to make I special pledges it.i to the future; hat it net be athiss . ,to say!.that it ‘illl.be the_u i its conquetOts to woke it more and mor serving of the liberal support it has MO I recei% ed. ~ The ,S:11310 eminent writers bare contributed tO . it during" the past . will continue to: ettilch its liages, rind i (Loon, contritiutthru will appear from 'et Id the highest reputation and florninan.ti ling authors. We shalt, as beture, sue t cilia% ate the genial and iiinnorun in 0 1 r ii iety : but dating the coming y ear. how I the Knickerbocker will receive many cotk lindens in the highest 'departments of lit lure, embracing CI itical, Ilistoi ICA 1, Bine3 . , ical, Stientitic, or Ethnozraphical article', in all of which special pain. will be tail n to introduce that spirted and avrecable ton and style t% hich hive of late year, diAmeui lied really first-class writings of this nature rant the dry and pedantic essay., of the old se tool. We intend to devote es , ;_ecial seal and Imam to attract to our pa ges such reatlibir, coil tidently anticipate pre-emineneein this partment - . In the January Number we shall pu -Sunshine in Leiter-,'' by Charles -tin Leland—the first of a series of p ,pers a cheerful and joyous ia Literatme nod which will be funnel interesting to the general reader, while at an early date appear the First Chapters of a most cact) ing and instr uctive dezeription of Alma; Life, in the form of a First-class \otielfl Knickerbocker. in short. while i eta icily best of the old, will continually add 't cream of the new TERMS:. Three dollars a year in advance : 'l'%6 ies for Four Dollars: and Fifty • Cents ; copies:for Six Dollars. SubScribersremitting •„Tlitee recetve' 17.. prPtnlitin (past-1)441) al.c• py of Richard B. Kimball's great Ivark The {eve faitotis of Wall Street," to be otblishetl!)y G. I'. Putnam early iu Ifebt tiarj...next, (pile $l.) Subscribers remittlng F(;)tir Dollar 4 t) th e Publisher will reri•ire. THE KNIrKEIII.I:)CI,Z -ER and the CONTINENTAL .MONTIILY tor one rear A discount of ten per - cent. from our 1 1 prices will lie alltmed to persons sendi, clubs of ten or more subsiTiliers. ' • Money sent . by xrlien registered our risk. Publisher,' nplireeiating tlt portaoce of liter:to:lT to the soldier on i will. send The Kolelien bucker ;Foils to still: intent in active service on. nividicationr.i made 'by. itik3uloner or Cho.0:1 linbd tions will he-received- frAti thos'e•wisll sent to so!dier.i in the ranks at hatf-eiii in such ea-es the •pag,tizini• Mast heln front the 08ice - ofiniblicatiint.'. THE KNICKERBOCKER and THE; INDE PENDENT .will he sent Ibr one yeari t i o new subseribers at $3 ; ' to old subserieera l lbr $4. . NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRTE I J. IL GILMOItE.J No. 121 Nassau Street, New lork. . and No: 110 Tremont Street, Boston. AdminiOtator's Notic. • vi iT t i l f i f e f,R e l . l. ,t S t, , , o l f t i t ?. cj.i! . u o s f T a i l l m o l i n i p s t r o a N t to d n ee , o d n late of J,ekson Tp., Potter Co., have been grantedqn the; til.)seriber-in'dlib;lorm,tollais, notice is Iteretiv . gren to ail i,ersotu.•ittling titetiiselves indebted to said estate, to make immediate paym'ent ; and thoseltarin . g claims will present them duly aothivieatedi or .set tlement. ...N 1 -11D E'60.), .. - . • 1 -D. W. 13ENTI5N, Admigi'is. February 29, ISO , ~ 1.6 w R, T , L . .. 1 _ SOMETHING FOP TIM S!!! 1 A NECESSITY IN, EVERY lIMJSEIIOI.D , JOHNS & CROSLEY'S ArtieriCatilCettion t Gluethe. stioh*tilAtie in the Woril.•• For Gementiog 'Rod, Leither, Glass Itior!).• rhle, AllibaSfi'l', Bane, Coral. etc! The only article of the kind ever ed which will withstand Wat EMMEI "Every housekeeper should have a of Johns & Orosley's American Cement —Yew York Times.; "It is so convenient to have in the —New - York Exprise: . • ' "It is al ways .ready this comm end everybody."—Nl iippendazt.. .t 4 We'have- tried:it, and .find it as tiS our house As-water:7— WilkesTpirit of Price 25:Cents per Bcitil Very liberal redUctions to .IYliolesale TERMS CASH. ' saing4 l , ' l ' Druggists `anti keepers generally tbronibOut-tbe . -'eolni JOHNS & CROSLEY, ,1 , ~(Sole Marattacturers3 Streeq , Ne.w YOI Corner of Liber,ty Street.) 3,O".ctiTITRIWTJ227.t:', for which, the highest Marke i l will be 0.41 is Sabscriptiol . Adcertisiug. I .4-- —FP f O WFA._-e- _"-4--- Zoi&tsirrEfis. itgkAt in ' * EB.iiiveyWiyri4:4 t.s64l. l iii . ieii9ole'Ff4ol'4is, andiuringjtaVtinie Its6innintalfeiltlligh character in Aliiittst.ey - ery:Part,Of thd'Globe, tki • theme x - tia c - filateY'at d Inimediatepoyp ok.re,torßg perfect . esi . t . 'to persons upie qarlsl every kind of disefite'l.6 Ololt the.litamaii trame is liable. , --, - "::';.-; iThe fdflor4ing are, among the'diiiiiliSliig variety of b4rnan diseases ip,whicb_the ; 7' 7 '. 7 7 j. Vegetable Life,7111:e(1,0.401!" - 41. Are Well . lindcrn to be infallible. ; ."! ;.'' ,-!.)::. ....: 1 IIV.SPEPSIA, by thoroughiy cleansing; the' first and seednd stomachs, and creating a flu*: of piste healthy bile, instead of the staid and acrid kind; FLATULENCY. Loss !A-Appetite, Heartburn..lead:sae, .Resties.sness; 111-Teni"- per, Anxiety, Languor, and Melnrickoiy; which are the iterietail symptoms of Dyspepsia,- .will vanish, iot a patdral consequence of_ its cure. ‘COSTIVEqSS, by cleansing, the ‘yhole, length of theinteStines with a solvent process;: and without violence ; all violent purges leave 1 the boyels costive, within two days. • • :: • ' FEVERS df all ikinds. by restoring the blood to a regularicirculation, through. the process of perspirati t M in such cases, anti the. thin.- dugh solution of all, intestinal obstruction: in other. : 1 -.!. • . - - - . :,.• The Life Medicines have. been :known to cure RHEUMAtISII permaiselatly in ':three weeks, and 000 T in half thnt,time,,•by, rei-, moyhig local intiinunnttion from the • mnscles and ligamet4s IA the joints. = . " - •;' !. -DROPSIES of 'all kinds. by • freeing .and strengthenig the kidneys and bladder,;. they Opernte most delightfully 'on these important . ' orwans,..anci.bende.lo-vdever,beetiiblud o.m:i -t:tin remedy for the worst. cases of GRAVEL. lour la by .s in Also ICOI?..MS, by,diskalging from the turn- I ings of the yOu'ele the slimy matter:to which these 'creaturcr.;-Mbere: .!! -:! ~: . I ' SCURVEri,r,:ITILCERS, and INVETERATE SUITES, by . the iperfeet purity which these LIFEMEDI INES give to.the blood, and all [the humors. ,, i SCORIIVIC - ERLIPTION'S iiiid - IVAD COM IPLENIONS: bftheiralteratiVeeflect upon the illaitk that fFetf lit `upe: skin. and the morbidstate of which ocratOcnts all ertivc, complaints, I sallow, cloudy, and other , disagreeable cotu -1 plexions. ! ' •. - - I ! The usef these Pills for ii very short time. c l I will Miller an ,eWiire 'Mire of SALT RHEUM, I and a: strijibg improyewnt in the clearne ss lot' the - skind COMMON t'OLbs. and- INFLLT ' ENZA will always lie 'cured by one dose, or by two in tle worst eases.. I 7 PILES.—T he : original proprietor .of these Medicines, tvai:eured. 'of Piles' of :45 years standing, bj -- the use'of the LIFE MEDICINES alone: FEVER. IND 'A GUE.—For this scourge. o the Western emuttry, these Medicines will be 'toned a safe. speed' - , and ccrtain rettiedy. lOther mediOnes leave the system subject to a return or I he discase—n cure bY'thelse 3rt 4- ! icines is perimment—rai TIMM', BE SATISF4I), S.NO lin ern 1 0 BILIOUZi FEVERS AND LIVER COM PLAINTS.—GeneraI! 8 ,,-bility. Loss of. appe tite, and Ditieases or Females—the Medicines i have been tked.! with. the .most heneficirl re sults in capes of this description :—Kiiig. I Evil, lind Sc r od ,la. In its worst forms yields Ito the mild/yet powerful :warm of these t i e- 1 marl:able Medicines Night Sweats, Nervousl Debility,: Nerviiits Comphiirts of all kinds, I l'alpil;tiloulof the Heart, Pa aim Colic, Mel speedily ca ed. ' ' I: I M EIZCIIIII.% L' DISEASES.—Persons w1)44 Constitutions have become impaired by the! injtullefousl use of Mcitecuv, will tiad tlMsel Medicines dperfeet cure. as they never' fail lrl 1 eradii:ate ti!orn the system, - all .the etrects !of, Mereary, infinitely sooner than themostpoir erre] !prepa'ration' of Sarsaparilla. ' '1 Prepared and sold by W. B. 'MOFFAT, 335 iIItOAIIWAY..NEW-YOUX. by all ,Druggists.. , . vet*, tri- era iiiii- Icon= de- A r, tnwq le tii The g tl u the cop hree For sale 1 . . 1 • . . .-. tE i , 4 )1 4. -4 . p . ir, Cm i ' • ' 7'. '• EtTl i.' - ' Q . ' ---- ....1 .3r- mez.t. ng us HIM .. IV' An elmeri ne ABS ed Nurse a nd LOW, Female Physiciari, presents to the attention of mothers. her SOOTHING' SITUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process of teeth ing; by softening, the gums, reducing all in flannition+m ill allay ALL PAIN and•spits modie action.. anti is :.. , :SURE , , TO REGULATE! THE . BOWELS. • Depettd tiPon it, mothers, it will give rest, to yourselvesi. and . RELIEF CND REALTEI TO . TOUR INFANTS. W e have put up and . sold this article for • , over i ten year and CAN SAI,.IN CONFI DENCE ArIITRUTI-I j of 'it,. what we have never' het .i able to say of nay other medicine •L-N.EV.E.III:IIAS IT FAILED; IN A SINGLE I.N.STANCE,•' TO lEFFEOT A - . _CURE, , When timely illsol. Never did we know tufitistance orribisatisfactien by any one who used it. On the cOntraLy; all are delighted with its Upeia; lions; and 'speak in terms of comendacion of its mafzicaMi etfdets and edierd virtues'.' We ii Weaft . in tli is matter - WHAT WE DO KNOW.' ofterrten (years' - experience, AND PLEDGE OUR Il E P UT A TION FOR TILE FULFILMENT OF WHAT W E HERE DECLAP E. - ,• In Slinost every instances Where' , the- infdat 'is suffering front pall anit exhaustion. relief will be fottlid in fifteen jar twenty 'minutes after the syrup is adininistered. tm- Chat , I, ing it This vainahle prenaration.is the prescrip tion Of thOnostI:;XPERIENCED,and SKILL- , Fin. 'NURSES New England. and has been used 'avithiNEVEß FAILING SUCCESS in `THOUSANDS .OP OASES. It' not o'nly ridieves the child from Pain, but itivigbiatciSthe stomach add bowels, corrects and gives lone and energy to the whole syStem.l' It will almost instantly re lieVe GRIPING' IN THE 'BOWELS, AND WIND MEI supply. Glue ' and overcome Convulsions. which, if not spee-; dily remedied. end in death. We believe it the BEST and 'SUREST. REMEDY IN THE WORLD. [in • all. eases of DYSENTERY and DIA RRFE((EA IN CMILDREK whether it rtri3es from teeth i ogs pr . ,front_any_other .cause:. _We woult.,'saY• ta,cvr ry Mother' whe I)63'h:child: sntteNine from any of' the foregoing compla:ints• —DO NOT LET YOUR PREJUDICES. NOR TIiE)PRIIMIJDICES , OF OTHERS, stand he tween yoli and your suffering . 'ld. and the relief that will be SURE—yes. An TITELY SURE- -to folloW *the liSe of this me.: -if' tituelY:Ai+l. :Full directions for using —II accompany. each bottle. :None Oentiine •nti lees the fac-simile of CURTIS & PERItINS, New l'orltl.:•is--on- the outside wrapper. :Shrd' - byi Dr4iisishlifeiigtieut, the world. -: ; - Prilliellial:ialnelit. 'flat tdar 'St.. New l' , Corh. • •-PRIDE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. • • - SOM•By E.' A - . 301C.E' S • Coliders port;PAi. • „l'6. • . ouse.' it to :efor in #e7 mel MEM Store try. k. ted nt fate s , ?t Pric e as and COLIC 1 T4-g.•7 43 ;PIICAIS7brf :* ' - * --T ~..- 1..... ,r, viv..,44 . ,-. .I t . 4"..- t ..;‘,. '1 ! - 1. - : ,, i1•A•:../' •r - 1 •`.•• `l. 1 ' •- ' - : TEM EL .:110ES4 ' Or:* I' • I ; 1 1;::11,10TOWIM'Ell OPO R* 't4 § :Catedsisceoixtßriis Eel Boiqd sititaible4T4bl7ll,l&" ,•' - . :-., ,- .1 k:j; m1146'10;4 A2;,ri.istk ~.I k t,,Yrc, i - or ' "- I ; 4 ‘ '1 ,k. - iii... „ t - P3; , ANTITIOrst,:yir 4 2 .1, ...1 - 7 4501,41rositittayw.Neinulerlio'•:- -1 - 1 . , t , 4.::NLIIr; ~, - - 1 - 4 ,-,. !._,:,.,,,,_,",_;,. ,Tl• f ; 'l/ r By special nrrangeutont; `titd pnitlisb,}n; niddw l , tioli tegollier.4l6r,tglot.s the- celebrate's ealledloh well known both in Europe ittul-Ametitit tyk Uradli's Nallasatitlfoicrgraiilti4r.qr_trat Gallery. or Imperial I'hotoFroplis MO in tAie"t)litlitokrapltic repOilocttont or i tbesF eveiy Fentre' inble . Fmk pow)lare aildttlintat ' attraction in a miniature'lrt.atVs Gallery".. • A Moog our p r ublieutiOni , A • :letrersdit Davis; "'Lady. ' %Van, Stephens,. ". Saturnia I', Chase, 'lob!! TotyMba; Sinion' Cameron, Cobb, . . MoritgoitieryjMair,- `-Edward; itatei,; ' 'John IT . Gideon Wells • .• Getel Beauregard, Caleb F. Smith,-Gen!E.Lee t ' • . Gen'l Seott - . 'Julia ;- Con Itofit.AnderSoit', Jaeoli'Theimpson,'' Major-Slemmer; ' P. PA'homas,„; ' Col. Eig - Worth, . • John IC. Breckiiiridge; Geri'l-13ntler, - Goy. "John:Letefier,l: Gen'l SoltM Bell; 3 Col. VrMnont, , ' • Solte 7 o.•Calhotiti, Herschell V, Johnson, Wiglitll, Ben- Mc-I Cullough, Lient, Lender, Steplienl A. Douglas, 311j..Gen:jJediii A. Dix, .11ajlen.' N. P. 134rik - 4.'" Henry:. Ward Beecher, 01 ferl Wendell Ilurace Greeley,'ProfjferSe,' N. P Gordon, Bennett, William C. Bryant.„-Wnsh iugto n Irri lig; Henry .Clay, drew .TaastaiXommoitorePerry - ',Dr 7 E.KiKane, John .1:I Atidelb6n. 01rs.tiigotirney, , Gaines,phas.Sumner,Gor.Andrew,J.J.Critien-, den, Prlnce of Wales, Dtme:of Ne,weaStle,l4e.;-11 'chary 'Tylor,George Baiieroft, throji.L.Xot-1, ley, Said, HouSton, J. Q. Adams, Emerson Eth eridge, Andrew ,Johrisnn, 'Parson .Browoow,l tsrownlneis' heroin to which together: with, about 000. others, to . which; iidditionS.nrei be 7, Ing made tinily. alogye retieipl of:lamp.. PRIOI-', 0F PORTRAITS . pit: 'DOZEN. jatra be sent by mail. Remittances may be' Made in' postsgel stamps. „ ALS° 'a large collection of Photographs of distingeished Europeans:, ; Emperors; Kiogs; Que l ens;:;\ larslials, Generals; Dukes. Lords.Ati-. thors, Actors, .A.ctreSses; Politicians andglen: gy. Price, 25 to flu cents each, accordide• to A •I‘" maker nd quality • • I Our establishment is iilso head-onarterg for PIIOTOGRAPIIIC : !ALBEMS' both as agent id' the best French manufaictu rer, and us manufacturer tinder a patent of our owe We harm large assortment. ry ing. in Price from 90 rents to S5O, and holding from 1.2 portraits lip to S6OO. Also foi l c ase, or inorrocco or cloth!for the' pock et, to hold 2. 4 0.8, or 12 portraits. Also 'Tuitions styles of framing card portraits, of cOred wood. Metal,' paper, composition, etc., oil tde gnat end tasteful designs.: . phfitugraphers now in the field arc nlaily sending us - CA.IIII SCENES OF tHE'PRESENT \VAR . and views of points 'tpul things of interest. bath card size, turn bums. and in stereoqopic i ,As for instance, The Seventh Regimen, it at tiiimp Viz:nem:l—ln the Trenclies—Codking their Meals-,-The Gymnasts—The JurictiOnk- Delinaniico'sLatirt Keette's- General StreA' Ofthe Camp. theßelay Home THE iLLIEVS • FRIEND. and . camp • sr' enes and scenery thercalniot. ODEVISLADY'S BOOK FOR 1862 ;—Tlit iso Harper's Ferry, bethreiini) after tile seenles , world's fiarorsle. Fur .33 le:irs the of destractiun. Together tv'tle various other St: ndardj ; Mart ldne. I Prommneeil b the places of note. Cani size 23 cents each; Ste-. 1?r s 3 of ;the Utiite - d States. the beit Lady's reoscopic 33 cents. Ilacmzinedii the iWcirid and the ChenpeSt. Parties who would like r lot of these camp he faleratitre ; that kind that can he scenes to 'select from-,The balance-toile re- re; it alettit in the family circle, aii4 the de. - turned,in good order at their own expense, gy in imineiise imMin.irs are subscribers ,f; and without delay;--can be accommodatedon th Book: , ; • giving proper' New York reference. . he best . .tally A IWritetls in America contribute I' I - STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS. I to its pages; a . m., we have some that write-fl,' Ouriestablishment is the great emporium no other :Magazinel for everything in the stereoscopic liue, ar d oar lee .11Usic "ttlh original. mill ‘kmulil cost assortment is the most :complete Aruba dy 01;;,'2L cents ttlie priceof :he Buok) in the Music any in the world. st res hut; Inuijt i;;f is copyrighted. anti The steretiscope is the most instrvetive.inter- ed mot be Obtained except in -Gulley." esting, entertaining, amuzingunilereiting ofimud- Our Steel: et iris lo rival ern inventions., • I • Itt; tkie hare ceaserl, and we nowi stand , I , None are too young; none too old, none too at ne in this deqpirtment. , giving, as we do, intelligent none too uneducated, to aci.lnow, 'many ;timid; anit infinitely better engravings ledge its worth and beauty. 1 in are;PtiblislteCin r .l.tny. other work. 'No home i 5 complete without and it wi'l Inuniense Fashion and must penetrate everywhere. '. ;Plates.—Conta Ming from fire to seven full It presents to'your r'iMr, every Emit of the le igtit Colored on each late. Uthei world, in all Hie relief, boldness, persppetire ,rn igazines: give Uttly : and sharpness of detail, as, if rot were on the I' Far ~ .-11 1 04d;.of - Urivy IF:Ojai:. in Europe tic ,spot lie hare an imme nse variety of IvieWs aeric,r.frGoder'Sl is dltel only work in the of scenes in Paris, Londom'F,ngland, Scotland, 'world ;that: gird ;these iininfuise Oates, shit Ircland, Wales, France, ,'Belgium, Holland, ;they arelsuch as to have-lexcited the ivotider Switzerland; Spain, The; Rhine, Vt. wit s, St Ot; pUbliStlerS the! pfiblic. The pnblica cloudaontainblean.tion of theSe prates cust;:$10.000 More titan Egypt. Athens:dm Holy Lane. China, IF4shioniphites 4fitlie ',old' style, and -nothing Crystal Palace, nisei GrouPs Hisiorical,, tnnu- rb, t our Ivo:Wert:a:lly large circulation enables: - geg, marriage scenes, breakfast scenes; ills-:to give {Omni'. Other; magazines I l eantiel Mies, statuary, etc.,-ctc. ; An ;exquisite assort- ord ndrer Sparc Money. when tuent of filaninated Interiors of Palaces, IChnr- 0, bile, can .he benefitell. ;ThesefashiOns may I ches.aria Cathedrals. France, Italy,•etc.etc id). -relied, On.' Jess May be Made after', The effect of these illuminated views is most Al em, lan& the irearerlwill not subject terself' remarkable.,t ridicule,ias lie thecase it'shci visited . _ I, Aot !amyl's Liston (anima Stereoscopic - Pews t are the latest Photographic wonder., r ; They , 1 are taken in the fortieth part of a second, and e everything, no matter lioiv rapidlyltrnay- be moving, is depicted as sharply and aislinctiy t as if it lotd'been perfectly-et rest.:. This gives f an additional value. for to the beat/ties* in- ( animate nature it. adds the clinrub of tire' and It 'notion. The process isrt sliscovery of our I own, and being. unknown : in Europe, we re="'' ceive large orders froin London and Paris for ' Antioiny's Instantaneous Views of Ambrielm life end scenery. . . Our Catalogue of subje4is. and prices l will be forwarded to any address on receipt.of stamp Parties at a distance sending us 53,55,510. 515.520, or 525, can haV,,e a good instrument and suck pictures :as they may request, sent by Express. - views alone (.without instru ment): can be, sent, by : ntlil. , • ' , : • : E. Anthony, • • • 5151. Broadway. New York, (3 doOrS south of st. Nicholas' Hotel,) 1 '7 !woollier mbd Manufacturer of Photographic Materialstereoscopes and StereoseOpiiViewt P.l.terchants from every pvery section of the country ere respec/tfnlly incited •to snake an examination•of 'mi. stock:. , 1 • To Photographer's. Ohr Bulletin orPhoto graphic Invention and •Improvement Will be sent to any address no. application, 1 , • . [611.-. this out for future. reference. 1 READTiffs.-The'follotvifg is an extract ,from.W letter: written by the l pastor of a Baptist . Chtheb to the ." Journal and Mes senger." Cincinnati. Ohio; arid speaks volumes in favor of flint world-renowned. medibiae- 7 Lw l ss Lo w' s Soovni:io thaws : See An advertisement in yortecolnaMs lof ItrS. Winslow's SoOthing Syrup:. Npw we I never said a word in. favor of a patent tnedi; cirie beforejn oar life,but we feel compelled' -to Sat to your readers, that thist 1s no jiitinblig wit HATII Trugo yr, ~AND SNOW IT, To 11E,ALL, IT. CLAIM ' S. It . is. probably, one ofthe inroSt sue; eessftil medicines of the day, hecause its iS one of the best._ And those ()flour readeis who have babies Ictitt't do:better than to' lay jti* • . • e i _......., .. v t i. . 1 1 ,1 k • .S. .:.- :,. .I .. i` ;e $ n: r H1 * :11 0 ,5:1 7., 1 k 3014i3 - ,:it.gpt•il.ei., - :.. a04 , 7 ,0 1 ,130.1[ 1 t i q4„„ait0, 4T - !-- 11 - O PK 3 s-' • . ' Si t :',, iL!1•491111#;' it ' illlit"'" ~.4 -;;f.' , - :: :: I , EcErPT=BOOKt tort{DUM , i, - ' ~'- , 2 .i l ' I;ASS-npali9, '' i ' .. ..' 'l j •- - '' fr/V4_I I, ES:L i -- - - 1- : - :-- --, J•Li':rTFQ, l3 tP,k__ ll , .!-:,,, , ‘ 't ' liElt,BArtirDi4 , ; :!-- :+, 4 , ;` 1 1 ' ' l 'i' ' LETTEF , .-110,6Kg441., 1 , . 11 ' I • INVOICE-BOGNS.i 4.eelt, ttin, French and German 'lest., fre, '' • '•: i... 1 '' 1'• . .. itAcciitor ooks 'used in the' Count.. , nwhnut, ntedatel,y procuredprocured . • r Im it ileseted - agazincs or, any Peelodicrds supplied, when, d. , : J .-, good ~ as.sor went of Paper. Envelopes. is,andiTaks.' . : Also, of Wall-Papers: Prow'. Matcrial, , W te,r--Colets, ite. TESTAMENTS," IBI:ES," , i E 'STA IVENTS;`' Th4.4,iry. IN. BOOKS, of vitriOni• kinds. I. MUSIC4IOOIKS AND SHEET-MUSICo, : 1 ; tes, Ehlers,' IlacklGammon lioards.dilese. , kc.;. &v. PRODUCE pf all kinds(token schange!for 3300k5.1 km',' [ll-i3,l] ~ i `~ EL f~ _3l des THE EE! THE' 111 . Anthony, NI 'OW Ipkiiiiishii tsythelCelebb____ ... titidliberica as dy 'a ..yeitinnolilrokrai.4 67 iePortrait .71y . 1.7, I 'llia T§ . inelnded Portraits of nearly all the, i l , tinebt"Titen of Amerieti, not excepting felt is, Gen leitniregard, Floyd. and IT host of [ r confederateS. Price of Portraits,ls2 . oo • diz,en. - ;'Ciinl be sent by,niail. Scene's of the War for -the Union; • publi!..4bed,•eitid iiie. nod in Stereoetipic ' AlsO;.1 . I , , . ,". • ! tereoscopic tiews of scenes in Paris*, 'lin and in! otheripart's of England and France, 'trotlaini,'lreltini, Wale's. liolland,,SWitzer- Spniir; oh he Rhine'. iti Athens, ;Egypt: [key; the Holy Laid, China, India Cuba, ke., *Unfi:ziturn. i' ur intatintart ons Sternbscopie Views are Thelareatest- \Winder of the Age.; 1 ' j ; 1 1 These are taken iii - the fortieth part all second I .and the rtiCkingf cvntr,tbe moving of Ida vex. 1 or be marchof tit artily. does not in' thelleast all' et thetiticini of these! Views: They ate 1 col for Si, per ozen'..l ' ; ; ; • Ve hate also kit! hand anti niannfactrtre the l i Jar reir4 • asSintment of Stereoscopes. l'lroto gr; phic,.s,litumsi and Photographic Materials in be Uttited Stittes.,and perhops in the world Catalogoes, tlintaining lists of Miner lasl7 Por . Views, Steredscopes, • .tc., sent tree by ii, 00 receipt Of a Stamp. !, • • • i • ; I . .i;.:. .11.1'119NY, 501 Broadway, • lsly near St.lNleltOlai Ibitel, New York • 1 , , ROES, OF PEACE .fti - 1) 7/ • • '• RUES; of , Ili • 6.501 Broadimy, New 74rk, ' laddition to ot14: iipr ted c l olleetion knorin in Eu. pro ; i Da 1 -Gill ; WI area fo i e large pities It i.esieil after the style of tile a te:lgiven in some of our so called ftzbion aagaOies: l . • ''l . .1 i , • j ;;. , ••• •: ' - .' ()Iv!, lroiid• E ilirei-eiiige; of which •Noi , e give' i i , ;%.ice, or,- three ti Illf% as lnady as any; other' ma,gazZite, are IS lenlni ! istaken fur steel; .1 mitationf..—, & Wnri of them. R•etuember;l tl arthelartilsl.l.3oOk '.is the . original publica-: lion and; the cheapest.. If you • ta4ei Godey you Warn tio.ot*er -magazine. - - • 1 . ! Drtitei,niLess ncr--4 , 10 tither 3lngazine gives' / thetu, !and lye ii 'veg,i,yen' enough to plPseverall c.l, large Volumes. ' • J .1 '-. ;• '-' i i Our Receipt.. re such l as can be fontid no-i , wihereelse.T.o olting in 'ail its variety—Con.' ' feetionary4:.-the Nnrsery—the Toilet—the hit=' ellen-I-the ?,Laundry; 1-We originally istarted tliiis•departinent, and have peculiar facilities; for imiLitigit-most perfect. ' • - • • Lutlie,Orodd ate.L-, This department cont..: prises' engraria 8" And descriptions , Of every article that a la y wears. • -.htede.f - Cellagee.--Np other 'Mai!zine ...: nai l this departtnen. • - Tertus„ . ansh. z advance::' 1 copy one , year: 3, 21coptes on year $5.3 copies one Year.s6s copten One year $7.1 nee copies ono year, sod tut 4cta' copy to4he person sending the qub.slt)..iiiEiglit copies one year, and an ex, trn copy, to the person sending the cltib; $l5: Oleveh'coples one year, find an extra copy - tri the; person sending Abe ' club, $2O. -And the only tiniinSine that can he introduced into the above clubs' in place 'of the Lady's Beek is ArthuHa frome Magazine: • ' - i•• • ` - ' ,:treasury Notes and Notes of - all...solvent banks taltetuat pari. - 113eL careful' doll pay the , . 1 ostageian 'your letter. ! • ' ' 1 I • - ',• Address • i L. A. GOD•p', : ! 323: Chestnut Street, 'Philadelphia; Pd. : rf ) he Roc , ester 'Straw-Petteri . I.MSTED ' RELLY, • Cotidei.l.Totit. • Nye ' ihe etelostve agency for ibis ceiebilited rimehtnei in th. couriiy: Itls tA•enfent' s ,, dutt riiblei-OiI.CH 3 AP: -, . .: Dec. 1 , 7.18601-12 ! DV.k4St!SI9 • • - u edium,tliiouy r 77 7 :I in the Jo i nntret. I iq the °n it Potter coubt,y, good gib mbteh to.reach the kie.ople.pt . . . An .. ujiici ;int liticl . Stnttinehie pOpariti i ii,.- 0) lllON'pit rill ed... f't..ixygkt--tindlearlkiriby eoni4 tiusiion - in: ifydriigent '.' SanetisinCti'. by : tbe t h i ,.g b' es t lii r diiii i I: . it t hod f ics;'bcitli in-gimpy Micilffe - rilifer StiftiFirstfttrprestrlbedi n thei r 1 #iiii.4,,z....;...:,.:)... 10.1"S:i- I:: 1. -:'-'.•' ' ' 7, 4 .'''. 4 ; , ...: . ........i. 'I ;'flit, (.3 prience.of- thousands_daily prort, that no preparati!m,of. Iron can b i n eoinpared Wit I.' it. 'lmpurities of thO blood ; d4reqlosc of - Itill'energy-4 pale .and _utlierwlseisieldy e 4 binPlexions inliente,s i_ts ' necessity in ahnosx. every cenetliviilife.Msoce.' - " c . : ... .. Inclusions in all tnaladies in which it. he k been•tried,, it has provede.absolutily. euratitir in each of the following coMplairA•viz: ! • _ln. bebitily, .IVc);cott. r --lie Mona,, pnanciaticp,. bifiirisici,Voitafiparion; • Li ,r irltcrii; .pigent e , t. Incipient . . Conan mption, Scrojitleara Tit berrui4 l , 4 7 aitlehetim,,,Miz.tkenqftliafiono,Chlordaii, Avii.COmedinti,:ehronic jleailar4etilkiiiiril hi,. Inier:mitient`Fiv2ii;Timptilbi t th . Psiir, 1 In eases of deneral.Pebility, Whether' ft, fiesult of. ne4!e'dis'eti 4, on of the-cOritinuedcr. Minntion, of nervons'surd . - muscular energy frotn'elt rObi ~.einnptat hits.. One trial of thii res.- lorittiye. has . proved. successful. to an nnten7 )VhiCli no description' nor iritten aftestatiiin • #•imildir 4 iiclet.' Oredible: Anvalids snlnng bed. r c ididen...N.hava,beconie forgotten ,int their own! neighborhoods, ' have suddenly re-ap. 6bared in the busy world has if just rituructi. from protracted•tr4veUrin, a . distant land. ottio very..signal instances of this , kind .an citteSted to femalpSullerers. ethacinted violins of iipParent'lnarasitiu . s, ianguitteous'exhie s • iion,' critical: changes, and that complication of nervous and des optic aversion to', air and exek.is . e 'for wit Feb the physician !casco name; lit NiTvons, Affections of all kinds; and for iectionS familia: to medical nien, the qpiratita t Of dais preparation of iron must necessarily he Salutary, for unlike t ht: '914 oxids, it is sig. Oronsly ionic without l being exciting lad • Overheating; and •gently, regularly aperient even in ) thii most obstinate cases of costive. nesS. without ever being - a gastric pargatitsi hr Inflicting it disagreeable -sensation. I It is this latter property, among !others, ivlcich makes it. so. remarkable e . ffectual and. peritinnent . a remedy tbi J'il:, upon which if itlsO . appears . to - exert a distinct and slier& tctiiktc; by dispersing the local tendency wnici forins• them lit Djspensin. innumerable ns are its causes is single box of .these Clca/ybenteihs - lias of. tenufficed for flit, mos.t habitual cases, is •ltifiittg the ascendent *Cost/reams, In, tincheeked Mani:ea, even when advanced tiv to se • ntery. confirmed, emaciating . andap. • • parmtly iwtlignant. the . effects have beta Ftittillly, decisive and . astonishing. ' in the local pains. loss of flesh and strength. c'ebilitating cough. and remittent lierticl.which generally increare-..l4iicient Consumption, this 'reiacd has allayed tliz-nlarrn of friend: and • • ph , sielans, in several very gratifying and ir, teresting instztnceB.. ln ',Sei:ofulons Tuberculosis, this medicated iron lins hufd fhr neore• than the gciud effect of ilicroiost. cautiously balanced preparritio..is of iudine.'without any of_ thiir well known his bili'iies. The attention of ferriales - cannot be too con fidtintly invited to this rruirdll and rtsteratirs, i, n the.cases peculiarly affecting diem. I' Ll lth , •iiniatisto,.Loth 'ebronic.nnd inflam. a ntory—in the latter,• however,. more decid efil,E‘'--it has been in vit riabl.V. well reported, ;both as alleviating pin and reducing Jim ;:weiline.s :Ind stiffness of the joints nod mua. - . . . . In Litermittent Fevers it must necessarily great remedy tintl energetic' restorative, !.tO its tor, , gress in the nos settlements of th• itnarithly.l.te one or - high renaira ,:1110 No remedy has ever been disco..4,:d in the wlMle ltiztory of medicine-,which exerts such. pnf apt, happy, and fully restorative effects.—, Gond appetite. 'Complete digestion, rapid_sr• , tiiit t . it of strength, with an tinnunl dispe sititnt for active and cheerful exercise, inana its use. ' Put up in neat flat mpatrboxes containing 50 ) fills, price 50 cents yer box,:: for sale by dr tggiFts';tnd dealers. Will be sent free to nniV address on receipt of the . price. All let order...;, etc.. should be addreSsed 11: LOCKE Genernl Agents, 7 • 20,C.ledar . St., N. Y. Prospectas . , OF • IIE SCIENTIFIC AMERIdAN. SEVENTEENTH YEAH. •' p4new 'toluene of this widely circulated er,commenced on the*Gth of July, - Every number_ contatins sixteen pages of useful formation,-and from lire' to ten °original en. gritring,s of new' , :.nventions. end discorerier, itl of whieh'ore expressly f‘ir its, cantons. -4lte Scientific Amerimin is devotid to the inieraitts of,l'opulni Science, the Mechanic art Manufacttires, Inventions, Agriculture, Ctiintnerc . e'nnu the Industrial.PUrsniti genex aliy,.and is valiiable and instructive not only in''the Workshop and Manufactory, but also in the llous'ehuld, the Library' and the Rod in; Room. • • ' •-,' '•' (The ScientificAtneriean lias:ths reputation, etihothe and abroad,-of being the beat Italy pnblicatioitievotedvitneelianteal and indus 'trial pursuits now published, sod ,the. pub nre determined to keep the reputs tiOn thSV haVe earned 'during 'Am sirrssx vtialts they have been connected with its ptibbeation— TERMS. • , :ITo mail subseribereTwo D o llars a Year, o; , One , Dollar for six mouths.: l ' One Dollar pays for one complete voltnne of 416 pages; tqo vuliimea comprise oneyear: The volumes commence on the first of Jan uary-an - d July. 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