EZMIi glisidiang, . ItielnEwr.=-,The - pastor of ih.. !7 , l,l,ll_ , ,regatienal - znnrell ;01 - N - ew I:oll.lllffillicates the following in x411144-:.;.a etiiltra aunei lin .that place : -3•Theliftlo . one all beautifully. robed :for ; lie -Vri.l:3;l?, WaB7 bill fn its &Ern on the of': its burial, The weeping Pieo e q.:,:tlaee,d in its little - hand a small ,-, f2overs, r 'amcfng: which NV:IF nu en et' the of ::-.'harent. The )1,1 1 cilS: tilt:ft:Maeol Ull4lll the co:lin, and- ttie Mineral performed. When miter. the - lap: , of not niore than two or three_bottri, the ,Collin was ttlemed again, and the friends gath tr:-.l:JrciondAO look -upon it for the la .:t that, that bud 4,,d become, a fall Olcarsa rove, while gtnatecei in the cold hand of death. It seemed as thoogh a voice came op from those beau -B,,:tied lips, F:tying, "Weel) !ILI for tae; hr..ken from the parent stem. I am dooming in the. Pararlise of C.l od.• - jalltut seals compose the family above." . Pexclt_zaF: that Ftarey; the horse-tamer, 14 ilq . go . phep of the Stable , • HO R 1) ASSOCiATiON, ' Tiv.titutioq, t'tablislvd by ,:pcei,ll EWA encluitwten.l. for the rdilf elf the. sick and dis tressed, adlictce frith_ Virnlt4t aNd TIESICAVARD ASSOCIATION, in view o the aWAII destruction of hummilifc,, pi by Sexual dkeases,sevaralyears ago direct pd their llow•itilting Surgeon, to open a lli.pen sar:. for the treatment of this class of disenees,t in .‘ll their forms ; and to give IktEDIV.A.IAD 1 / I C-E GRATizi, to all who apply by letter,: With a descripth:n of their condition, (age,l occupation, habits of life, kc..) and in cases; o e-xzreme.porerty, to FURNizill FREE OF CHARGE. The Direeters of the .A.: , 3sociat'oil, in their ; j.lte Ithpor c;:iprers the hi , .;iiest fa.:t'oit with the sucresd ivhich has iittentled labofs of their Surgeons in the cure 01' ;.3pv:nnawrrita, Setninal Wea (1)M0T1 . 4 Crheet, Syphilis, the vice of thifttlisrn or S,:f-Abuse, Disease of the and filad ;ter. k.c-, and order a continuaueeV the salne. plan for the ensuing year. An admirable Report on Sperniatorrhcea, or cmival Weakness, the vice of Ouanism, Alas jurbation or Self-Abuse, end other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, by the Consulting Sur geon, will he sent by mail, (in a sealed envel ope,) FRU OF CHARGE, uu receipt of TWO STAMPS fur postage. . Address, for Report or treatment,. Dr. 1. S~ILLIS rfouGHros, Acting Surgeon, Ilo.rard Associ,t Eon, No. '2 South Ninth Street, l'ifiladaithia, Pa. 1:11:24-1y. SaZLIFF'S SALES. BY VIRTUE of Sundry writs of Venditigni Eipolll3 Fieri Faci43 issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Potter Co., Pa.. and to me directed, I shall expose to public sale or oaten-, at the Court House in the Bor pugh of Coudersport, on Monday the 21st der of February, 15h9, at 10 o'clock, A.. M., the' following described real estate, to wit : Certain real estate situate in Wharton Town ship. Potter Co., Pa., Beginning at a post in I the north-east corner of a lot contracted to ;Imes Ayres, thence north one hundred. and fifty-seven rods to a post, thence-cast twenty nine rods to a post, thence ;earth to the west bank of the Sinnetualioning Creek, thence along the west bank of said Creek by the sev eral courses thereof to warrant line, thence jiAong'the said warrant line west five hundred and twentv-five rods to a post, thence south three hundred and thirteen rods to a punt, thence east five hundred and twenty-five rods to the place of beginning, containing six b un dred and twenty-nine acres, be the same more or lesS, and being part of warrant No. 4927, the . same being unimproved. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of If. W. Mar. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in iia townsl4 Potter Co., Pa., bounded ou the iorth I. by lands of the Bingham Estate, East ni! 22 * Ft: Spofford, South by the lands of Joh;1; Crittenden & C. W. Ellis, we.it by lands ofJohn Crittenden C S. Roes, containing, one lr:ndred pelts, of which twenty-five acres are imt;rove.d, onwhich are erected one frame'dweiling house, pne frame barn, and other out-buildings, and with some fruit trees thereon.—ALSO—One ,Other lot, situate in Eulalia township, and bounded North by the lands of E. Starkweath er & L. D. Spofford, East by the highway, South by lands of L. D. SpaGrd, and \Vest by lands of L. D. S.-afford, containing seventy acres. of which fifty acres are improved. Seized, taken in execution, and to ho sold as the property of Nathan Woodcock. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in the Borough of Coudersport, Potter Co., Pa., lots Nos. 132 & 133 on Square No. 12, bounded North by Fourth street, East by Main street, South by lots .or J. S. Mann, West by lots of la. B. Cole, oa which are erected one frame Swelling house, and oneframe barn.—ALSO— Certain real estate in Allegany township, in said county, bounded on the North by lots Nos. 74 & 55, on the East by unseated lauds of the Fox Estate, on the South by lot No. 67 & Bing ham lands, and on the West by lots Nos. 54, 83 & US, containing two hundred and seventy four acres and eight-tenths of an acre, being lot No. 58 of the allotment of Eing.hain latids Allegany township; of which $0 acres are improved and 40 acres chopped, on which are, Prectcd one frame house, ono frame barn) one log house, and with some fruit trees thereon. • Seized, taken in execution, andto be sold as the property of W. T. Johes. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Roulet township. Potter Co., Pa., 'Beginning -at the North-east corner. of warrant No. 5815, thence West two hundred and thirty-two rods to a post corner; thence South two hundred and, fifty-rods to a corner, thence East one hundred and fifty-six- rods to a corner, thence South two hundred rods to a corner, thence West pae hundred and sixty rods to a corner, thence South two hundred and eleven rods to a cor ner, thence East two hundred and thirty-two rods'te, the east line of said warrant, thence North siz hundred and sixty-one reds to the place of' beginning, containing seven hundred and Of,- acres be the same more or less, and bring part of warrant No. five thousand eight hundred and, seventy-five; the same being 91- improved land. Seized. taked in execution, and to be sold as the property of John. 0. Backus. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Shar on town:hip, Potter Co., Pa.. hounded as fol lows ; On the North bylands of Luther Canfield pn the East by the highway, on the South by lands of Ira Canfield, and on the West by lands ' of Potter Benson, containing twenty-four acres.' pf which ten acres are improved, seventeen acres chopped, and on which are erected one frame house, one frame barn, and with some fruit-trees thereon. Seized, takan in execution, and to beisold as the property of L. A. Ballard k Charles Can- Pei& ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Hariia- . . 4117tOWnShip", Potter Co . PA.; .fiounikid ' 61i 'the North & East tiy lands of Le:,,-is tannin;; South by gic hiahway, and West li s t Itowlaud,Fartt lram, I_ containing one acre pitted; Fill improv- I . I ed. on which there:are one frame .house, - , one • : ~. frama!barn, and..iame friiit...trees:•„• I.' i ; Seized, taken in; execution, and to be sold as I the proilertv of.littarY .09uimitigs. -- --; - A.Li t S(l--l.'!ertaiM Foal estato sitttale7 ill ;the j i3orough oreouderznortiPot-ter co., Pa., known on the Torn plot thereof as parts of lots .Nos. 203,...(:, 228 on Square .!..ii. 1 2:1, Eiginning at the i:Corti' -west t:orner oC a lot formerly occupied , h.; 1.:. li..Qole; thebce North tire deg. Ett'st two IpOel es. tO• a post, thence South oiglity-five log, 1.3a - ,-.lt, IT Fourth street Iti perches to - a 1 Post,iitbeing the - Nortli-east corner of SqUare 'No. 22. thence 'tiprtli. eighty-hve ,deg,'. West, said let formerly ownedby said Cole, kti perch -les toiths placid ofboginning„ with one frame :lioits, one. frame b Arm other out houses, and . OMO fruit trees'thereon.—ALSO—Aunther 1 idt situate on the North side ofd the l'hitlie- Siymire fromiuz. on the Square 46i feet, and 11X l',teniiiiii..,,, back to an-alley and bounded on the 11:lestlby lot now c.iitctipied by D. W - . Spender,, lion the South by :the Public : Square, on the I.\ - est by lot; now occupied by 4. 11. Butter ! worth, on which there is one frame building, ocuttpied as a store. .. .. Seized, tali:min exeoution, and to be sold as 09 property of t. F. Maynard. p3 4 :3o—Certain real estate situate in Whar toni lownshii), Putter Co., ['a., commencing on 1 the hank of the :Siunemahoning Creelilsix rud: hhoi-e the stiw-mill Iluilt by the CO•ds, thence Caul aliout .foar or fire rod,:"to the gut, thence South-,east arkrig the gat far enough to males an sere , thence Wes.terl'y to the bank of saidl l c Creot, thence np the Creek to the place of be -6 ' ii , innine% cont;Linlri , ; one acre, all improved, on r it which 41r1 . orected one water saw-mill and one. it • i fraz4e, hon,:v. ; - : ized, kon in execntion,and to bo Sold as the •itr.,Dpertfor J•natthau Card s Levi B. (lath G,earge P. W. Catd. ..-o;'jo—Certain real estate situate in „the ! of Cond.i.rsport. Patter Co., Pa ,117,: lots No. 132 k I:, , touS.inareNo.l2, bounded On tdue Nur th by Po:.lh 'street List by Main street, t South hy lots ofJ.- S. Mann. West by lots of Ih. B. Chic, on which are er,•cted one frame house an 1 one, frame barn.-ALSO—Certain real estate situate in the llorough'of Couders port to wit: Siiictre \o. 20 containing ono acre ;lad 6x.tenths of dere. on which are one [lronic honie. and some fruit- t , cos.—ALSO— ,hits NO3. 121. g 127 on Square No. 11, on which are two • , :torY , frams store-houses, and one frame I am, Lei ed, taken in execution. and to be sold as the pr,,perty IV:Warn T. ,tones, A. P. Jones, Geo. W, liradl,o t A. S. Lawton. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Alle gany toWnAhip, Potter Co., Pa., bounded and idescrihed as foliinci : Beginning at the North pant corner, of said tract of lam.: at post, and !running South I.;°, West 25 chaits and 32 links, to a hemlock post ;. thence North BSe, West 71 ehains and 40 links; to la pine post; (hence/South 2°, West 2 chain and 2a links, to the center id' the Osivayo Road: thence Nortli'7ll° West.. in the center of said road, 8 and 50 links, to an angle in said road : thence Nokh 69°, West 17 chains and 50 links, in said road ,• 1 thence North 4,7/°, \v e ., , 10 chains and 10 links, in the center of the•road, to the South-east corner of the L . - I . inan tract Ofland ; thence North East, on I tho line of Lyman and ; Johnson's lands, 13 lel:el:is and 5o links, to a hemlock post; thence SontitS P East, on the Old hot-line, 40 to tile platk - of be,giuning ; containing ninety two acres. of which 20 • acres are improved. and on which are erected one log hone and one 'frame barn, and With some fruit trees therm)). taken in execution, and to, be sold as the property of S. M: , Seranton_. ALSO following deseribei lot-of laud to wit: Situated in Genesee township, Potter Co., Pa., hounded as follows; on the North by lot No. :;o: on the East by, lots Nos. 31 A: 25, on the South by lots Nos. '2 i & 3. on the West by lot No. 26 and lands of the Iting,hain Estate ; epntaining eighty.tive and five-tsr i ths acres and. an allowance of six per cent. for roads. &e., being rot No. 29 of the allotment of lands in Genesee township. sixteen acres of which are improved, and on which arc erected one frame house, one log house and one frame r bar'n. Seized,: taksn in execution. and to be dad as the proerty of Willfanf T. Jones and A. ALSO—The followin7, described real estate situate in Allegany township. Potter Co., Pa.; =Bounded .on the North by lots Nos. 54 k, 55; East: by unseated lands of the Fox Estate; on the South by lot No. 07 and Hingham Estate, on the West by lots No 3. 51 2 (33 :e 0.5; -contain it-1;j. two hundred and' eventy-four acres and eight-tenth;, behig No. 58 of the allotment of Bingham Lauds in .Allegany township, of Which eighty acres are improved and forty acres chopped, on which are erected one frame 'house, one frame barn and one log house, and fruit trees' thereon-. ! Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Wdliam T. Jones. -ALSO—The following 'described real estate in Harrison township] Potter Co_ Pa.: Bound ed on the North by State Line, on the East 17v lot No. 123. on tne South by lands of John White, on the West by lot No. 3 ; contain. iutg ninety-sir, and nine-tenths acres and al fowancc of six per cent. for roads ke., being lot No. t 3 of the aliottnent of lands in Harrison township, of intich sixty acres are , improved, on which, are erected one log house and one frame barn, and an apple orchard thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and t 6 be sold as the property of William T. Jones and A..r. Jones. TAQOART, S'herktr. SHERIBT'S SALE. •IU) Y VIRTUE of a Writ of &lianas, is, sued out of the pouit of Commoli Pleas of Potter Co., Pa., and Ito me directed, I shall expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court House in the Borough ,f Coudersport, on Monday, the 21st day of February, '1859, at 10 o'clock, A. IL, the.fullowing described real estate, to wit : Certain real estate situate in Allegany. town ship, Potter Co. Pa.!, bounded on the North by lots No.i. 3 & 4 of lands in Allegany town ship, on the East byf lot No. 7, on the South by lots Nos. 17, 22 dr. 115, and on .the West by lands of S. P. Lymtin ; Ordaining one bun dred.and fifty-two g r ad one-tenth acres, and allowance of six per cent. for road &c., being lots Nos. 5 & 6.0 f the lands of the estate of S. M. Pox. in Alleganyltownship, of whichlhirty acres are improved,' on which is one lag house and some fruit trees.—ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Wharton toWnship, Potter, Co.,'Pa.. beginninglat a hemlock on the bank of the Sinnemalioni,ng Creek in the West line of Barclay &Brainard's, thence North 69r, West. ;down the said creek, 104 perches; thence North 64 perebesl thence. East 97.4 perches to West line of lands of lihrcla) Brainardi -thence South, by, said line,, 100.4 perches to the place of begitining; containing fifty 'acres, of whiCh forty are improved, on which are erected One tavern house, one old frauie dwelling, ohe store-house one frame barn, and with some fruit trees 'thereon. Seized, taken inlexecution,land to be sold as' he property of Wm. T. Jones. A. C. TAGGART, Sh eriff. -Coudersport, Jirh..3l, 1109, COTINTrAt:t Li • • •.- _STATEMENT f),F TH E F Vi,NAYS. Potter County, On the Ist cltry.4 - ,1" dttnutiril, 1859 :-.•",,;.-- Ainotint of Con3missione.va'... • - Oder' outAudiug-, 534915:92,' Bonds-payable to Wm. Bell, . ' due in 1854. 1,000 00 ( • "ts , ttlJ. von ), due N1854' 92818 . " to 41i `Kees, • due in 1854, " to Wm. 8011, Aim' in 1855, • 'l,ooo'oo '" to J. P. Cowan, • • due in '.855, 1,00000 • .4‘ to Wm. Bell, due in 1855, 1,000 00 " to 11. H. Dent, due s in 1857, 1,000 00 4 • 4 . 4 to J. F. Cowan, due in 1857, 1,000 00 • t to Win. Bell, • fife in 1857, " Wm. V. iceating, due in 1857. 1,100 00 Interest due on the above bonds, CR., By amount of outstanding tax s Ott unseated lauds for the' year 1858, $3439 38 ; • - Balauee due from collectors for 1858, '2025 50 ".„ • " -from collectors for previous yours 751 32 " " on Judgments, 761150] " " nn Notes, 114 03' Liabilll.kes over asiest, e 973 46` 08 IY', the. Commissioners of Potter COun ty du certify that the foregoing statement of the Funds of said County is correct and true as appears frOtu the books and docu ments in this of S. S. RASCO, 1• JEM BIN CiIEESBRO, Copers. Attest: L. 11. KINNEY. L. it. COLE, C/crk. Conatsioners' Orrice, Jan. 13,'1653. Statement of the RECEII I 7'S & EXPENDITURES of Potter County, For the fear ending 'MT, 01 ,1858 R EC 1,7 p rs. Amount received for taxes . °nauseated land , for . • tite.ye's 1836 1837, $5,540 34 " received for takes on seated lands return ed as unseated, 106 40 " received for taxes on • unseated lands for the year 18513, A 612 received for taxes On • seated lands and per. sonal property for the year 187.8, 1,602 7il " • received for taxes on • seated lands and per gonal property for .; , prev:ous years, • 968 86 " received on Notes, 42 75 , 4 ments--and forfeited recognizances s , 143 62 " received from dentals. 6 15 E.rmswn Amount paid paid County Com missioners' for services for th p•c:ir 1858, . .522 65 Paid County . Commission ers for Rerilces for 1857. 70 90 Paid for Ch•rk hire for 1858, 287 OS Paid Clerk far extra. serv's, 10 00 For- qualification fees, 44 22 For Hection expenses, 843 23 Pot p obi i c ---376 - 32 • For distributing duplicates, 37 50 • For coitus - el fe.?s, 50 00 Repairs of pultlic huililing?, 38 09 Jail expenses,. ' .•20 12 , Paid state Treasurer nn ac - count of okxonerations of - State Taxes, i - • - 108 88 -7 Paid fur sidewalks, 138 91 For damage' assessed by ' "road viewer=, ' 7 50 • For viewing aid laying out - : 7 - . roads, . - , - 4165/ Foi Prothonotor's fees, .14/ 67 I. For stmionary, 92 26 For a.Miropriation to the • Academy, • 300 00 For Assessors' wages, ' • . 520 80 For Coroner's interests, , .17 50 For Wild Cat bounty,. 27 00 .For Clerk . of the court of Quarter Sessions, 49 44 For Auditors' wages, 38 00 Fur talisman, Fur interests on Keatingbonis, 66 00 Air boarding prisoners, 33'6$ Far Constable returns, 116 59 For Cutunionwealth costs. 545 37 For rnud Jurors. . 382 16' For Trax:ersJurors, 675 21 For Fuel, B5 44 Fir Justices returns, 10 02 For Constables atteudanee on . Court; ' 10`50 For Town'sliip views, .' 5 00 " for COurt crier, 42 00 E'er incideptal menses," - 38-73 F9r Tipsts.voa, Fir money -pxpezided; Fcir Wolf bounty, Fiir Sheriff fees, . 63 75 For care c,f Town Clock for 2 years, 57 57 For, Recorder's 'fees, • 150 ' Balance of Receipts over Er peaditurci. 2,096 38 , $8,547 02 We the Commissioners'- of Potter Coun ty do certify that the foregoing 'exhibits a true. statement of the receipts and ex penditures of said County,. for the 'year ending Dec. 31st, 1858, as taken from the originals of the same remitting in our Office. , . WITNESS our handS at the Commission ers'. .- Office in Coudersport ,_ thel3ch Clay of January 1859. S. S. MASCO. JEROME CHEESBRO, Cont'm Attest: ' L. H. KINNEY: • L. IL COLE, Clerk. ARDIVARE, Iron •and7Nails, Glass, Sash 1.31. and Putty, Paints and Oils, Aleohil, Camphene and Burning Plaid, at 39 .CLARK & PHILLIPS. OIiARGII FOR SIJOWING THE Goode just received at OLMSTEWS. . .. ... __OA ITT I ON . - .Merchant/ and Traders' will .be on their guard and not Tie'impiled upon by a Counterteit Of Mersa's Indian Ilr. Pills, signed A. B. M00re.... All teiluine Indian Root Pill 'have the name and signatr.ii , of .2. J. IWittia ca Co., on each boa. , 500 00 • 1 ' ea ordors.and letters relating to said Pill's mustbe !addressed to B.' take iTudsoit No. : 56 Street;- N e w rralk, sole proprietor'of Dr. MorSe's 'lndian Boot Pills: Abovn we present 3, - ott Meness of DR. MOR.. - .7:P. 7 ---the invent Or. WAN ROOT PILLS. Thisphlanthropist has spent elle gicater -part of his We.in traveling, having visite:ll Europe, Asisr, and Africa, a, well as 'North Amcrict—has Spentlliree . Veurs among the Indians of our Western countrv= it was in thisway that the Indian kept were first discovered. Dr. Morse N4 ' 11,1 the first man to roahli,b the flirt that altdisease§a rise from DIPURITV (IF P.LOQD—that our strength, health and life depended upon this vital field. I,oou 00 1.510 48 -,;$14,010 GS When tha-vario6 passages Veome clogged, and do not act in perti , etlittrniony with the dillerest functions orthe body,' the blood loses its action. becomes thick, corrupted and dis eased; thus causing all pains, sickness and distress of every natne strength is es . hi:Lusted...our health we afe deprived of, and if nature is not assisted in throwing off . the stag nant bunions, the blood will become choked and cease to act, and thus our light of life will forever be blown out,' How dmportant then that: - ,we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how pleasant to us that we have it, in our power tit put' a meilicioe in four reach, usinely, Morse's In dian Ii tot fibs, inanuf,..ctnyed from plants tint roots which grow - around the mountain ous cliffs in Niiture's garden, for the licalth and recovery of di,tzt:ed man. Ohio of the roots from which these Pills are made is a l-'.llclorilie, which opens the pare:: of the skin, and tw,ists Nature in throwing out the Finer parts of the corruption within. The second is a plant which is an Expectorant, that opens and un clogs the passage I' the lungs, and thus, in a soothing manner, performs its duty by throw- . -iog ow phlegm ; and other 'humors from the lungs by icopioint spitting. The third is a Di uretic', which gift's ease and double strength to the kidneys ; tiles encouragCd, they- di-aw large amounts of impurity from - the blond, which is out bountifully by the urinary nr watt: passage, and which could not have been discharged hi any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic, and accompanies the other properties of the Pills while engaged in purifyin2 lue bloat ; the - coarser particles of impurity which eautiot pass by the (lib er outlets, are t'.:na t.then up and conveyed oil in great quantities by the bowels. From the alma e, it is shown that Dr. Morse's Indian. Root Pills not or ty enter the stomach, but become united with the Wood, for they find war to every part. and completely rout out and cleanse the tern from all imp..rity, arid thelife of the holly, v:hielt is the biJol, he eoms pc-CPetly ; vonseven::y nit sickness and pain is driven from !ne - sy , tein. for they (".111n4a 1't•941://i a hen the body become: so pare , 41.1:1d fhe rt`.lSuil trite people are so distresscd . when sick, and iv su Many die, is because they do net get a medicine' which will pas, to the afflicted parts, and Which will open the natural pass:lire.: for the dineise to he east out ; Itence,.e. large quantity of fowl and, other mat ter is lodged, and Chd stomach' and intestines are literally overflowing: with the corrupted inais ; ail us nadergoing siigreeohltf fermen tation, constantly taking a ith the.hlood,whieh throw corrupted matter through every v e i n and artery, until life iv taken trioa the . body by disease. Dr..Morso's PILLS' have added to themsel yea ViCltiry upon victory, by restOring millions of the to, bloomiw l • health and happiness. Yes, llniusands who have been racked or tormented with sickness. pain and anguish, aud'whoe feeble frames have beeo scorelied be the ha ming elements of raging dyer, and who have been brought. ;is it were, within a step of the silent grave, n'oW Stand ready to testify that tiley would have been ntunbered with the dead. 11:tolt it not been far this great and wonderful medicine, Mors, , 's Indian boot Pills. After one or two doses had been taken, they were: astonished, and nits , .. lately surprised, in witnessing their charming etrects. Not only do they give immediate ease and Strength, and tike away all sieicness, pain and anguiA. but they at once go to work at the foundation of the di sea which is the blot d. Therefore, it will be shown, especially by those who use these Pills, that they will so Cleanse and purify, thi.t dis ease—that deadly enemy-L s will take its flight, and the,tlush of youth. and beauty will again return, and the prospect of a long and happy life Will cherish and brie:lgen your dayi. $8,547 02 Sold by SMITII J‘.)NESS, Coudersport; also by alViedielne Dealers in the connty. B, LAKE JUDSON. successor to A. J. Wliite C0...501e ProprietorNo.'so Leonard St., New York ; WM. MUDGE & CO.; proprietor. , of Dr. A. Tfe:sk's Magnetic Ointment,) Madison (Jo., N. Y., General Agents.. 10:413-13-. griLARK PHILLIPS render their thanks V._.) to all the good people of this Common wealth for their most liheral patronage, end they do tender their eprcial thanks to their competitors and shy others, for theiCgentle barking for all time, concocted falsehood for all time, envy and jealousy ;• for,no dottbt it was meant for evil, but has proved our gold. ISo go ahead. The more the bettor. 50 00 - -20 CL M. 3 PHILLIPS.- 93 50 10.00 LOUR, PORK and Beaus, 'Horse Feed, Corn Meal. Oats. Shorts en'ougli to sup ply a suaaal nation, at the Old CLARK & I'7IILLIPS. F ANY4IOI - IV,jucluding maids And matrons, old or young, plain or pretty, wish to buy or sell anything, ue.gice itas our candid ovin, 'ion, they had better come to that same Old Reg,tilatoi, kept in full blast by -•20 CLARK PHILLIPS. EAV 1 . CORN-FED HOGS, from ,W:Vo mak; and Livingston Countaes,.are, being parked; and will be until January: 1850; by 20 r CLARK, & PHILLIPS. • Regisrefs Notice. - VoTick is hereby given that the following Account have ;been passed and filed iu ttie Register's Office in Potter County, and that the same will- be presented to the Orphani' Court or said county, for confirmation-nod al. lowance, on TUESDAY, the 12nd clay of Feb ruary ne,t, at the Court lipase in the Boro' of Coudersport, viz -; • - Acco,lint of Lydia-M. Smith, admiuistratrix of-the estate of Schtiyler M. Smith,. jute of Sharon Township deceased. A. H. BUTTERWDRTII, I?egialer. Coudersport, Jan. 13, frANO9; . `IMODEONSIC:III#OI • 41M U.. 511. SYOTEMADQPTED:' , Prides Ci-rbdtlr - ileauded, ONACEIVATERS. . • - -33:3 .I.bliadl4l%; AidENT FOR, THE BEST BOSTON N. T. •,liii.slripaut.cpills,;j • 7 . PrITE Largest ASsortment. of Pianos, Maio domes,- guskal Instruments, anti Musical •Mei'cluitidise of .all kind.l, , in the _United States. Plinos from. Ten different Mannfactorkes, con:- pring those of everyixttriety of style, from the plain, neat and. sulistantial;t3 octaves, in to Walnut orl osesctiod Cases, from 51.50, to $2OO, ' troltoie•Orthe mosf elertit.' finish 4A° One Thousand Dollars:. 'No 'house in • the Union can compete Svith.tlie:abova in thC',number, variety, celebrity.of its instruments, • uor E in the .t.renifily loiv t -prieesnt which.they are sold. • . • , • . PORAGEIVATERS' MODERN IMPROVED PIANOS,-with or..Without•lrou Framies, pos sessing in their improvements of over-strings and action,. leit;th of scale and- compass of tone-equitl t.o the Grand Pinno, united with the' beauty and durability of structure of the Square Piano. They are - justly pronounced by the Presg and by the iiist Musical Masters,, to l i e equal to -those ttf any, other manufacturer They are built of the blot and mosttliorough lc seasoned material, and guaranteed to stand Ihe-action of every Each-Instrument I uaranteed to - give satifaetion, or : .purchase money 7..etUntied. HORACE' WATERS' MELODEONS.—Sm palm. Instrumentsin touch and durability of toake. ITuned the; equal' temperament.). Me haleons.,iof all oilier styles and makes. Price n , '• ls , $O, .575, $l.OO, $125, $ q—doubh Reeds and two hanks of Keys, 5200—less a liberal discount. Clergymen and ChurcheS, 'an extra discount. MARTINGIHT.I.IIS, • . lIROWYS HARPS, EL U . TES, „ FLUTINAS, • • ACCURDEONS, VIOLINS, and Musical Instri;ments rif all kinds. at lower •prici.s than ever b.ifore offered to the public A large discount to' Teachers and fichools. The trade sopplied on the most liberal terms. :iF;(70N11)--IIANI) I4ANOS, 'itt great bar traias. 6°llst:tatty - in sture,—price from $l.lO to Sl4O. MUSIC,..-tine of. the largest and best se leeted of Music, now publi,,hed, cumpriSing - ninny .of the choice and mist pop alar airs of the day, and will be sold at oho= third off from the regular pric6s. Music sent by mail to all parts of the coun try, Particular, and 'perwfuni atten tion paid to all orders reeeived!b;:lintil. Sat , isiaction guaranteed in every iioance. Piano:- and Melodeons TOr relut and rent allowed on minchase. Pianos rind Melndif'ons fur sale, on monthly payments. l'ieoond-I;Ftn , ,l, Pianos tit. ken in eNehange for . General and select CamloguLs and - Selfudnle of pr.i:ses forwarded to all part] of the country by m mil: tit , .?"Urrat inducements offeticd to AC:ENTS , _ in :CA parts of the country, to tell the' t Oorace SVaters' Pia;kos, Melodeons, and Catalogue of BM .. , kclininistra.tor' Sale. 1 rtil Y .A. 1.117.4 /MTV of tt dec'ree, of the Or ( 4,..) 1 ,10.,:' Coivt of Potter County, wadi. ;: Dt!- llllGebity . 1)111, 1t.52, we still t - ilOos , it to public i-ais, it the Court House' in Ctudersport. at lone o'clock i'. 1 L on Tuxsn.ix, the !zv.,;ND DAY OF 1:7:IIICCA111 - NENT; the ftjlitiving i il.:seril.iid real esmte, late the proparty of Ga briel Earned, din:cased, to wit i ,I. Co..tti.ttedin Sharon Muesli ip, Potter t.. and boo ndt.d i th d tinseritteil 11,1 1 1 . 011.,w;; : Beittg a lot sold by the Oswayo Lumbering Ae,nicia tion to Gabriel Barnes and IStiae F. Barnes. Atig: 5, lBs2,—beginninz at a pine stump 1 (7°1.114, being the south-west 'corner of a lot Nurveccil to Gwyn hock, now lands of Joseph Ndtninand It. L. - Nichol.;; timece by the line of saitt iot Swill:. tP.°, East eighty perches. to la post corner: thence Smith Ai', West eight em. 'l , -elles. ti l a post corned: thence South 1 74', Vezt thir tok -F••ven 1 . relie s , to a post cor ncr on the :south bank ..f the rUswayo Creek: then& along tile South bank of said creek iSciutil 70, F..as.t thirty-out. perches. to e post l corner ; thencii - ztiouth IGT, hAst sixteen per- Ichel. to e post corner; thence South (leaving iiiliti er."(k) chives:l perches 6 it post corner in the line of a hot surveyed for Archibald i Stoat ; thence, by the lira' Of said lot and 1 rt,oi,:ora Slush's lot, 11 - ,,t, eieety-sil perches, 1 I t o it pi at corn , V; thence North ii',nety perches. • i to a corner in th,e road, net r the South batik I ot . the 0-wa co Creek; thence North Btiil', East . twenty-seven perches and seven-tenths, to a 1 post corner in the Eleven Milo tiriad ; thence Swill 27°. East seven perches. to the place of beginning ; - emit:imp ing 48-4itore.i, strict meas . - lire, on which sre erected two frame d welling homtes,'one, water saw-mill . and • mill-dam— :Wont four itiireti' improved.—ALSO—A lot of land :sold by Mann .e Nichols 'to Gabriel and Isalac P. Barnes, June Ist, 1853, bounded as follows : Beginning at a post corner (being the South-East corner of a lot surveyed for Jonathari Oles, in Sharon Township.) in the East line of 'Warrant No. 2'142 . ; thence by said bue:South one hundred and six and three tenths perches, to a post corner -, thence \Vest one hundred and ninety, yerces to a• post in the line of S. M. Webli's lot ;• thence by the line 'of slat', lot North nine, and •three-tenths perches, 4).11-pont:corner. being the North-east corner of the Webb lot ; thence along the line of the-Webb Int, North 63°, West one hundred' and seven perches, to a post corner in the line of Joseph Mann's land; thence!along the line.of I said . land. North forty-three perches to a beech 1 corner: thence along the tine of Joseph Mann's land, West eighty perches, to a heti/lock coy-: ner; thence_ North eighty,four and three- I tenths perches, to an oak corner thence Wt. es t. and , twenty Perchm to a post cor rter in the line of - G. F. Entities' lot; thence by the line of said lot, North forty perches, to a beech corner in the West line of Warrant No. ; thence North, along tittl line, one 13 - undie4 an live - and seven-tenth's perches, to a pOst corner; thence East, along the line of Willia.aL. Starkw'eather'S and Lewis Wood's lands, four htindrediand •nifietY.'-ttio perches, tri-the North-west corner of a lot surveyed for Elias Stevens ;:. thence, by the Flitte of said lands and Jonathan Oles' lot,lSOutti two hun dred and.twenty-four and seveMttenths perch- , esi,to the Sontli-west corner of Ithe Olos lot ; thence East one htiddred perches; to the place of hegitidifigi containing SeVetilhandrect arid thikly-tive acres, strict measure::, .•. - Terms el"' Saw.—One-fialf Cash in liand; and tMlanee tu one year, secured by Bond and Mortgage. SELINA BARNES, A. J. BAteNES, • Administrators of Om Estate of Jan. 11, 1859, G. Barnes, deceased. 111.00 TS, SHOES, Rubbers, ihaffalo Over- Shoes, for men, women and, children, by the case, dozen or pair, at,. ' CLARK &THILLIPS. CiIIOICE STONE LIME, in hhl. or bulk, at k.;) greatly reduced price;, eatl be had at ;20 CLARK &I PHILLIPS. A PRIZE FOR-riTtlayilopirt ,1;i. 3) ,^ wrio , SUBSCRIBES FOR fRE New York We'eldY Prese t A BEALTIFULLY • I.ULT.TSTRATED - • --FAIIILF.'„NEWS-PAPERI TEE'NEW YOR K wgracia - PREM is e t of the best literary papers of the de y. E3 large Quatto. containing TWENTY -PAG or SIXTY COLUMNS of eotertaiolut t matz o pod ELEGANTLY ILLD,STRATED ere A GIFT.. WORTH .1:11031 50 CENTS 'pi sloop o0.'W11.1; BE .SENT, TO .EACH SCQ SCIIIBEFS : ON REOBII i T OF: TIM 'Su SCRIPTION.IIONM' - OVANCE • . TB . One 'copy for one. year; nod 1 gift, 2. $ 2O Three copies one year, and 3 gifts, • 5 5 , Five copies ono year, and 5 gifts; g Ten copies one year, andclo gifts, 1 5 , Twenty-one copies one year, and I gifts, 30 do The articles to be distributed are conrprist in the following list 1 United States Treasury Note; . . ,$lOOO 00; 2 do do "-do 500 00, cash 4.1 o: . do do 2.00 00, earls. 10 do do do 100 . 00, each ' Patent Lever Ihinting - Cased Watches, , /00 Meath 20 Gold Watches, , IP 00, each, 50 .do • EO.OO, each 100 do 50 00, eatiJ 300 Ladies'-arild•Watches, .35 00,isch, 200 Silver Hoisting Cased . ~Watches, 30 00, emit, 500 Silver Watches, $l5 ,00 to 25 00, tad, 1000 Gold Guard; Vest 'and Fob Chains, 10 00 to 30 00, each. 1000 Gold Pens and • Pencils, 5 00 to 15 00,ml, Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, r„ Drops, Breast Pins, e ii(r. iiiCenßintou Rings, Shirt Studs, .Watch Keys, Gold an Silver Thimbles, and a variety ot other ani Iles, wor th . front 50 cents to $l5 00 each. Ou recCipt of the subscription money, 11 subnriber'S llama will he.' l entered upon o boiiks opposite a number. and the' ift Miff ponding wills that number will be forwards within ono week to bins, tir mail or arm pe,r paid, There is neither humbug nor lottery oho the above, sis every subscriber is sure of prize of value. We prefer to,make this li eral distribution among them instead of stir ing a large commission to, Agents, giving i s the subscriber the amount that would go to the Agent arid in many. cases a huudred.fold snore. gi;;7"All communications should 1; , e.0d• dressed to DANIEL ADEE, Pentanes, 211 Cogri :greet; Neu Fork. [10: 1] ASSOR TIIN- 7 OF ,DRY GOODS; SOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS PIITLETIY, GROCERIES, Crockery c.Cz (3-lassiyar.e. Also, a good stock of. MISaLLANEOCS an. Siehootßooks, • STATIONERY, Alllof which they willl.l . AS LOW AS C FIF: BOUGHT ELSEWHERE 'IN' 1,‘.1,11,1E . COUNTY PRODUCE OF ALL EINDii EOM IN EXCHANGE. FOR GQODS, For which the HIGHEST PRICE will bepeld Tlicy can be found at all times, (°sturb and Sunday excepted.)'et , the Store farm" ! octlupied b D. DAkER, - • IN LEWISVILLE, ready-to wait 'Tait Ou4tomera.. It:—.-3e have como to the coaolosioatbs READY_ PAY " is better for * all partifs, and we OtaU, - thet foe do business on this system. i . D. L. Sr..M. 13, DANIELS. Ulysses, Nov. 4, 1858..-16tf. . MILLFORT HEAD-sQUARTERS• T iltake this H$ subscribers- method of in fofming their friend s that they are in re ctit of, and are now opening, a choice sn• dtisirablo' stuck. of STAPLE:AND VANCY DRY DOOM - to which they invite the attention of-all ' 4l d4sire to make purchases. Our Ma l ' IS his been selected with great care, and ltr tihuld:rly adapted to the wants of this secfo• ol' our country. Our stock of Dry Goods col, sits of • . DRESS GO.ODS, - TRIMMINGS,RIBBO NS , EMBROIDERIES, PARASOLit • CLOTHS: CASSIMERES YESTINGS, MF,STTCS, SIHRTINGS. -LINENS, PRINTS, ' : HOSIERY, -SILiWLS, Old a variety of other nificlos l too mime: , tO mention. - We hS.yn niao a complet e L "' Moil; Of • ' r"1 bROPEP,TES, I HARDWARE ;SD 1 . CROCKERY; all of which will - b'e sold uncommonly at'. fOr 'Tidy pay, and ifor aPproVed credit an , reasonable terms as any other establishino I • MANN &NIGLIO 1 186 —u:131 Z. J. I.llogpsoN, CARRIAGE It WAGON MAKE° . " 6 ,.k : FAIRER, Coudetrspott, Potter Co, I this method of informing the pub.: •:d lie In general that he is prepared ...;;;s• to do all work iri his line with PrtitoP tn !in a workman-like manner, and upon f most accommodfiting terms.. ,, Repairing invariably required on the work. Dt,3_;..411 kinds - of pktoDu' taken On accou.'t - of work, If'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers