eDuittg. U pr , Jacksun, the Indian Physician, I • tcrvisit this .place soon. See 'l c ertisealent. • Th e Alll3llat Report of the County Su ::arendent will ba found interesting as a ble, arid gratefully brief. This is : it :11°111d be. L u g.liaulers look quite chop-fallen ;I ; (Wednesday) morning, in conse ..noof a "thaw" now in progress. The was tolerably good for a 'week :,!yin,' until this morning. Aarieultural Meeetiug of the Coun gieultural Society, Court.week, att oneed e lsewhere in our - columns, should viten attended; and ice trust the meet take some action in regard to the pine o f the next Fair. The measure now receive too early attention INZ personal.—j. C. & Co., New York ; canna accommodate you.• Our cul l's arc too for to devote them to nal ehemina our readers. We done so ge , and then ret.olvcd that in future ad must be advertisements.— s'e will be gild of any- •'regular" favors veer house. lir re , ret to learn that Hon. Charles : s wan, Aleut on the Corning & railroad, was injured by au act''. `rat that occurred .on the Norri'ruwn and ;;,ilnlrlphia ft. R. last Saturday, near. D e pot at Norristown. We have not .IrArtl the particulars, but understand Lyman was so much injured he was ill1:11)!C TO continue h - is, juur - Democrat. 1110) of our sub,:eribers will bring us the -ouut of their indebtedness,• (or the ,r for nailer year in advance, or both,) eatable POTATOES? We :4 live, and that staple and favorite .aucti4th of Potter soil is half our liv when we live - well—in fact we cannot is (1 without an occasional dose.— u. 4 somoe. ye who would renew the 'e policy of the JOURNAL another de of years. Those of our subscribers who have re roinised us wood on su, scrip kvd out wait to be dunned person 17 fur it. We always need it.; so, bring •do3gat once. We trus', too.. that all • i remember the great need we have 1339 .1.1 , i,r5. Thatcher d• Hutchinson, No. !illroadway, New York, have in press, I will publish soon, a work entieied [i.bois of the Capital, or, Civilization :Sew York," by the Rev. A. D. Mayo, have favored us with a specimen :1241, bearing the title of "The Gold )!!ar," which we take pleasure in sayintr, Izaei that the author is a writer of capacity, and of no ordinary strength. He is well-known as a a the niUst. eminent progressive e'er co of New York city. In the chap. :kture us, he bandies the subject o. ronensatiun -fur labor with a force zi clearness that interests the reader in ,tlaane at once. The work will con -350 duodecimo pages, neatly bound -elhtb, and will be sold for Si. TUE details "of the awful burning of six ntan twing , , on Monday night, will be' "- , :tt: iu ior local columns. Only one lit. -:lttty. of about nine years, .cmains of vo;ie fa in i:y sf aeven persoust. The ":in of the tire is unknown. but whisky ' , the devil-agent in the whoki horrid A. drunken father and mother gone to their account, with four it %,:elit children as swift witnesses against ,ta and against the fearfully prevalen• tllgetiee in ruof drinking. How is ''cok e to be stayed :'—Pittsburg RE PRICE 'CURTI ENT. :7-cted 4.rery WedadisiLly, by P.A. STEB ji3e.z, wholesale and retail Dealer in Gro ceries and Provisions. 3lain Street, COUDERSPORT, P.k. green, 11 bush., $ -75 to 100 dried, " 175 225 125 2 00 20 23 5 G - e! tf IE6I, " drivd, 11 quart • k;theat. • r , r. 10 lb., i both.,. ptr ccrt., 'tl bbl., eztra, .z II In., It lb it bush.; ' ' • %% hol e hog, - 0• , e 3, E bush., - 0 lb., 1ra..11, • bbl • r sack, ‘ , • , ll;es, 11 * Fl.ll per bbl pr r. - . tad,: REPORT • . OF THE Anditori of Potter County, For the Year ending Decemberpl.lBsB WM. H. [[ADORN, Esq., late ?remit-. rer of Potter County. in Account with said County, for the Year - commencin:q - January let. 1858. and ending December, 31st, 1858,' Loth ;`inclusive: To amount of - unseated taxes for the years 185 G and 1857. $0,917 To amount of unseated ta.exas sessed fur 1858, collected by you, " 143 28 To amount of seated taxes for- . ;, , 1858 and previous years,notes and judge:in:tits included. 5,651 05 By amount of County Ordcrs paid in by - you and cancelled, $8,315 04 By your, commission on $8,845 43 at 5 per cent., - By amount of seated tax for '5B remain ing UnCylleCted, 2,132 30 By abated on_ seated taxes for 1858, By percentage allow ed collectors for the year 1858, By percentage allow- ed tin taxes ftir 57, By abated on taxes .of 1857, By percentage allow ed to collectors for 1856, By balance due you on fast, settlement, By abated on seated and unseated taxes for former years, By balance due front collectors of 1857 and formeti years, and on notes and judgments. We the undersi7ned Auditors' of Pot ter County do certify that we have ex amined the accounts and vouchers William 11;11ydorn, late Treasurer of Potter County fur the year 1858, and that we find them as above stated. WITNESS Our•bands. at Coildqrsliurt, this 14th day of January. A. D.. 15.59. WM. IT. II YDO RN, Eq 9 . te 7 7 0 . 1157 t. Ter of Porter Conrag, in.rlccount 'with the ',i.e. ern! Twenehips of Said County, for c, r llXrinfd Rand 71tree for the Yeur 1859. and preveou, Fears: Dr.: Cr To mount of Tuxes:, $366 41 fly your commission, Paid Twsrrizhip, Due Treasurer, To amount of tax for 1856 1 7, 172 26 Fly your commission, - 2 BGI Paid I 201 39 Due Treasurer, 187 To nmonnt of tex for '36-7 130 49 - - 1 3v yoqr commission, C 52 . PA., Township, 1169,'', , Due Tewnship, 7 iii: To amount of seated returned as noselted, ! 567 fly commission, Due Township, To Amount of tnx for '56-y By your rommission, Paid the Borough, Eulalia. To amount of tax. fur 'sg-7, -.1 '5B, Rr rour commission, Paid Township, Due Township, Genesee. . To amount of Mx for '56-Y 204 28 By vonr commission, Paid Township, Due Tuwnship, Harrison. To amount of tax for '56-7, 84 02 Hy your commission, Paid the Township, Duo tho Township, 6 6A 10 Is 75 20 21 8 12J, 100 106 200 25U 15 • IS 725 7:Au 7 75 8 Ou 12 1", 900 10 uu 10 12 16 501 56 75 1 00 20 50 23 59 JO 121. 6 7i 50 56 _5 . 6 Hebron. To rimonnt of tax for '56-7, • 251 43 By your erinotii , sion, Paid the Tuten:thip, Due the Treasurer, Hector. To amount of tax for '56-7 197 12 By your commission, Paid the Township, Homer. To amount of tax for 'SG-7, 12 98 By your commission, Paid the Township, Due the Towu6hip, 1 0,) 3 sti 2S 14 6 uu 1 50 sou 35 100 Jacksor. To amount of tax for '564, 353 76 By your commission, Paid the Township, Due the Treasurer, • 2R5 13 5 50 125 500 s 0 al $12,74,1 49, 443 27 116 88 11 91 132 13 39 82 18 20 1 20 80 436 35 1,075 79 512,74149 B. GRAVE-z, J C. rastiop, Auditoh H. F. SIZES. Abbott 32 350 30 MI 368 02 361 i 62 A Ileunnv 21000 210 00 Bin ,, ham W 31. 11. HY DO 11N, Esq., late Treasu rer•,/ Niter Conroy, in Aceanni teiik the'eec era! School Dixtriels of zaid Caen :y, far Ca t seated School Taxes fur the rear 165 e and pre -130 49 130 4p j rante Years ram 667 667 Coudersport 20 23 20 23 20 23 553 15 23 33 586 48 586 48 2 (4 2:1 204 28 34 02 84 02 Mil 264 01 26401 197 12 197 12 15 48 12 2EI 3lit; Gl 5156 GI ()swap: to =bunt 'of tax for's6- Br yaar. comatissicia,-. Paid , the Township, Due the Treasurer, .I'. Pike: Tn amount of tax for '56-7, By your detruniision, Paid,the Township, Due the Township Roulet. To einonot of tei for '56-7; Ite vicar .eotroni;.sion,, ICtsid the Township,- Portage Tn amount of tax for' 5 . 14-7, By your commis.-ion, Polk the Ton•nship, Due the Treasortx, Shnron To nmottnt of tn . * for '53-7, By your commis•+ion, Paid the Township, Sweden To :mount of tae for '36-7, Ilv our eornwis;:ion, Paid the Township, Due the Treasurer, Stewnnison . . To "mount of tax for 'SG-7, By your commission, Pahl the Township, Due the Township, ... Sylvania To *funnont of tax fur !:)(3-T, I3y y'ou'r etnialfliS:4oll, Paid the' Tor:uihip, Due+ the Tuwo,hip,. Summit To imionnt. of tax - tor 'SG-7, lt .4 '5B, fly your enannds.ion, Y.~id the Township, Die the Townsliiis, Error in tax paid in '5l, Ulysses. To amount of tnx for '56-7, your Paid the T 0%% uship, • Due the Township, \Vest Branch. To amount of tax. for '56-7, 544 52 By your commis.:ion, Paid the Township, Due the Township, 'Wharton To amount of tax for '56-7, S 7 t 63 1:y your commission, Raid .the Township, Due the Township, We the subscribers, Auditors of Potter County, do certify, that havit4 , examined the ace uns and vouchers of Win 11. Hy durn, E , (1.. late Treasurer of said Coon tv, with the several Townships of said lionnty, do find thew as above stated. WITNESS, our hands, at Coudersport, this 11th day 1.1 . 6 .January. A. D. ISA. W. B. GRAV:.:S, .1. C. 131-1101', s A aditon,.. 11. F. S[ZEI, Abbott. To amount of tax for '59-7 - , $970 14 Itr your rotomissioh, Ow District, Due the Treasurer. 6 R 4 Allegany To amount of tax f,ir 3.1! -our commission, Void the 1)i-trict, Due the Treasurer. I no 19 21 Bingbatn. . , To amount of tax for '36-7, 101 95 Dy your cointni,!.iort, l':iil the Di,trict, Dile the District. 293° 4'J; '2l 59 9:, . Clara. TO :mount of tax for '56-7 34 94 1' iid the , U. your comuthz.ion. 10 21 10330 30 71 , • Couden - port TO amount of tax for '36, BY your commis.,iou, Paid the Borough, 4 2( 63 18 16.34 To amount of tax. it '3O-7, By yuur commission, Paid the District„ Due the Treasurer, 12 57 251 44 Genesee. To amount of tax for '37, , 128 34 ity your coal misbiou, Due the District, 9 86 187 26 12 . 334 124 34 - Harrison., . 1 To amount of tax for 'SG-7,' 115 05 By your comum , sion, Paid the.Ditrict, G 5 1048 1 90 Ectiron. To amount of tux for '56-7, By tour commission, Pala the District, Due the District,. ri 69 338 ,92 "lector. To amount of tax for By p - or comtnissiou, , Paid the District, Due the District, 28C 35 14 32 273 45 EM 287 77 287 77 Homer. To amount of tax for '56-7, By your commission, Paid the District, 257 22 12 86 236 21 8 15 . , Jackson . : To amount of tax fur '564, By your commission, • Paid the Distriet, • Due the Treasurer, 257 22 257 22 to 71 253 43 IS 50 71 50 71 To amoTrnt of tux for . .5t3-7, By your cornmisi.ion, Paid tho District . . Due the Treasurer, 574 83 28 75 57C 27 EIRI 605 02 605 02 Pike. To amount of tux By your cohihiissiun, Paid the District, Due dig District, 103 63 5 45 934 103 f 39 103 69. Ind 05 1241 246 ti 8 Tn :mount of to h.r 13v your emmui,f,:ion ['aid the Di.striet7 EHI 261 79 261 79 1144 09 To nUinitiit of tax fur '3U-7, Dy your conunissitni, Paid the Diitri.••, Due the District, 57 20 542 20. 514 63 1144 09 1144 09 Sharon. To amount of tax for '56-7, By lour coin:l64 , ton, . l'ai4l the Di,triet, Due the Dit triet, 1"_100 C 50 98 84 1 r. L;,; 121 00 121 00 Sweagn. To amount _of tax for lir pun. commksion; Paid ow Di , tnet, Due the Trea,w : er, • 4:VI 95 36 47 21 80 393 17 21 01 31 41 467 42 467 42 Stowa'Rson. To amount of mx t'or 36930 140 02 Ity your Paid the lliztrtet, no 128 (12 3 uu 140 . 02 14002 To amount of tax lOr 1637, 159 14 B • ' coot Paid 27 23 335 9e. 181 31 To amount of tai fir 1651, 313 :43 544 52 544 52 DUO thi• Tn.:a:411111 By ill contelis.iuu, Paid the Dist.riet, 4:1 S 4'7R 8f 349 27 To amount of for f.,r 56-7, 11y Paul tiic 1..)1,Thet.., 871 65 871 65 West Branch. To amount of tax fur '36-7, 731 33 ISy your counni, , ,Auo, P.ritl Ow District, Due the District? Wharton. To amount of tax nu- 871 57 Ily yuitt• rointniiuu, • L)uc ttie District, We, the subscribers, Auditors of Put tor Count, having examined the accounts and vuuelicrs of Mu. 11. Ilydurn, Esq.. late Treasurer of said County, in Account_ with the several Scho , 1 Districts of Said Cuuoty fur the year 1855 and previous Years, du certify that we .tind thew as stated is the foregoing aceuuut. Dr. Cr $44 31 841 89 BM 86G 2U sat; 2u ‘V ITN ESS hands Vt, Guilder:TOO.AhiS s . 1201 day of January, :V. D., 1859. IV. B. Glt.\ VE:S, I J. C. BI: 4 11‘:;',', H. F. sizat. INIM 1363 21)4 66 MEI COURT PROCLAIttikTiON. IIV " r E r i L ": i . cri t t J h u e d!r i . :mil, the r i t i 0 riG.:. Joseph \hite Mann and G. G. Colvin, Associate Jodges or 1 „ 1 the Courts of Oyer & Terminer mid General Jail Delivery. Quarter Sessions of the Peace. Orphans' Court and Court of Common • Pleas fdr the •County of Potter, have issued their i precept, bearing date the seventeenth day of I January, in the 'year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred amid fifty-eight, and to' me di- I reeled, for holding a Court of Oyer and Teim incr and Jail- Delivery, Quarter Ses sions of the Peace,-Orphans' Court, and Court of Common Pleas, in the uorough of Couder- I sport. on 'MONDAY . . the 21st day of .Febtu ary next, and to continue one week. Notice is therefore hereby given to theCor l oner. 4, in:tit-es of the Peace and' Constables I' within the county, that they be then and there hi their proprr persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. OT said day. with their rolls, records, ingnisi- I dons. Mifflin:aim*, and other rememhrmiees, 3u7 31 3oi 5 09 52 I. 14 71 1( 1 55 191 95 33 2G 1. tits 34 94 34J4 DEB 10 75 11 32 113'2 313 54 15 9ti liodo those thhigs o Lich to their offices ap 31u 54 1 pertain to he done. And . 'those who are bound hy their recognizanees to prossecute againt-t the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail at 3 ., t; 5 .,1 said county of Potter, aie to be then and there to prosecute against them as will he just. .Dated at eoconsrour. February 17;1850, and-the 8:1,1 year of the Indep, udence of the tilted Jtates of America. A. - C. TAGGART. Sherilf. EEO 336 52 642 1211)2 Divorce- Notice. Melinda IL Cbaae, No. 14,•.ept. 1858. 5 791 by her next friend. C. LIIIEL IN DIVORCE. C. Nelson, To Eli - It. _Chase, Re -109 30 I - SpOlDient Eli R. Chase, J Wilcui:As a Sub -1/5 09 11; ( . 19 pcena and atimi Sabdcena having been issued and returned -Vihil, you ale notified that ap plication will be made to the February Term of the Court of Common Pleas for a Divorce; rt VeleCtile. matrivifm , ; at which time and place you can attend if You think proper. .A. - C. TAGGART, Sheriff. a 57 13 -1: - )7 13 Coudersport, lan. 20, 1859. . ' 457 4 228.',: 430 541 3751 248 38 12'2 228.00 t; 00 24C 38 246 38 ESE 3 EOM 15•43 1543 305 4i) 35 27 7.9- 62 CM 'lO7 89 307 89 Oswa vo 493 20 24 91 473 23 MM 498 OG 498!06 224 Cr 1121 212 b 7 224 07 224 07 Portiato BE 391 744, 78 33 78 32 Roulet 41 J 1 2 OS 35 48 4 0: 41 61 41 61 233 38 11 36 21:-S) 2 83 23 , a 38 - 233 39 302 40 15 12 • 3ou 1268 325 OS 3?.5 UJ 28 4 4 3 0 4LI 6 i 3t4+ 30 stiti 3u Sylvania EMI 156 14 136 14 IN 15 41S 399 84 31.,52 3133'! tlrses 273 4G 13 67 273 46 273 46 31i 51 503 5u I.) 3. 73133 7313' 43 Co 827 Di 87157 871 57 MI1?:4131L 4r, DI C 7:17; `51909,747,521) t p HARK-1 HARK 11 Nolsc is That!'- i f it IT IS TM.; RUSII AT THAT OLD REGULATOR. in fall blast' from x.. to 9 sr., by. the good people from Dan to Btresheba, after the gdorl thingfttlit rein eon tained Welkville is a fast City, and the peo ple are fist alg.t. 0! my !! how . they do %york at that old Store! Run - ling and ging can't begin with it .c and they dol't • try to b tit anyb.vtly with. 6e. Sagar, .and tall it gond. ' Such mijht possibly do for Vitegizr : Cleanied. - 510.000 wortir of choice Pork, brought in the Uog from Wvoming, and Livingston cool tieg. packed by Clark ; 30000 Sug•ir Cured Hants 22000 Shoulders; 12000 Pure Lard ; G . OOO Roots and Shoes 47000 Horse Feed• r}379,0 Nails, 4i to sc; 78000 Hard ware. 'Crow-a:us, Iron. Tin Ware, Stone and Wooden Ware, Tools for :ifeettaifics. F:triners and evervbotly ; 1600 Flour, $4,75 Ito ;76 (;he - its of Tea,' from g - Zt. ; Paintsi Oils, Fluid. Alcohol, Cawyhene. and 2000tt0, Other things; 40U Bushels Stone Lime, cheap - ; 11111)- - , hers :11 1 / 4 , 1 Buffalo Uver-Shoes,for Men, Women and Children. WANTF,D! at. that "Old itegulator " in Wellsville, foot of Plank Road sheet, on the Raiirotd, surround ed by Shinghi Shanties.. Lime Shanties; Pork Paeking, and Flodr Shanties. all the good peo. pie, mail and she-until. including the pretty Lasses and print Old MAids. to eat ry off the needful, subst ant and fanciful things therein contained. Thus endeth Want:No..l. No. 2 calleth for 2000000 Sawed Shingle; 1500000 Shaved do. 2000000 Lumber, 411 so big Deere and Little Dears, some nears, tome Patridges, some Poi eupine, -$lO, Butter, Cheese,.lloets., PoUltry. Corn, ke. Come all ye who wish to boy or sell ;_ we will do yon.good. Doubt it not if any say nay.— it is not our fault that. fn:ils-and ore not oll.defunet. :So now 'we are prepared. to greet yon with a Merry Christmas and o I.lap py New Veer! CLAPS. 3; PHILLIPS. 1C I!,yille, Dee. 21, 1858. p 1:22 P. S. • If that Printer made $l5OO It . y. mina ing own business, and $. - iOO "more by let tinr his neighbor's alone, what ma,iyht some some others do? Let unhappy nv-dlers answer NOTICE. PUBLIC are lierebf notified that has ', ing ptreehased the Saw-Mill Property at itt the county of Potter. now pe copied be Elihu Stirkweather, 1 tote ap pointed the said Elibu Stark weather ate Agent, for-the transaction of AI busiaess in rel.ttion to the carrying on the busines,t . of Stocking .ttnd Manulaetttriuff I.. ! the said SAIL .AC.STIS A. KIIIIIV. • Coudersport, Oct. 5. I S 7. 11:117—I:tap* - ME 7'o EVERY i'Ll./.171; IX THE C.'"..1 - 17W1) ST..ITES. M.S. MATAVIE'S FEMALE COROI4, OR T DE CURE OF ALL THOSE Phet; LIAR TO-WoM EN. Mrs. Most . Anuu. for many years Milk:tett with most of the diseases that are common to fenhiles, spending a huge fortune in ten yeari in trying the different Means of trentynent fu; her tenet'. to no avail,. was prevailed upon ltc mane of her friend; to visit Cuba. December 48, for the-purpose of regnining her former health. While there, she obtained a prescrip tion from a 'Spanish Physician— ‘• Whose silver lorks ; Were tending :n the grave." With which, through the merry of God, she wa r s restored to her youthful health. After her return she made known io hun- Oeds of her female sufferers the effeels of the remedy with uphill . : as great success.j . This extraonlinary medicine is offered to the public for the relief and cure of all the painful and dangerous diseases p'ectiliar to women. -and that the female coustitulion is suliject to. To those suffering from •• Prolap , us Lueorrlinea., A nruurrhooa. Mvuorrhagia. Dys nirnorrhoea-Chlorosis, a speedy cure can be obtained. To those suffering from Falling. of the Womb or Uterine Weakness of any kind. the Female Cordial is espeei.illy recommended. It is war ranted to cure. this paitifol disease if perse vered in. In all spinal affections, pain fa the region of the l'el is. Lowness of Spirits., Hysteria Sick-headache. and all those diseases arising. from the peculiar formation- of women, the Cordial will be found o: an immense value. ; This medicine moderates all excess. and re moves all obstruction : it invigorates the de biliated constitution for the duties of life. and when taken in middle age proves n blessing. Modesty forbidS' us. in rij public advertise ment, to make full the details; but the wrap per around each letter will fully explain every case. Merchants. females, or others, by seeding a three cent stamp, can have any i`. formation 'respecting the operations of the medicine. tAgents wanted is every village in the Uni ted States. Put up in half pinthottles: $l,OO per bottles t5O per cent. oil-to the trade. all orders must be addressed to . Dr. J. I) STOBROAD, . . (Sole Proprietor,) Lewistown, Pa. ; 1107 t 111. 11:1-ly .Eyes Open I Ears Open • RIGHT ABOUT FACE! 110! all ye that lath ears, let him hear„ awl he that lath eyes, let him come and -:ee the. wonders being done in - Welkville, the I,lity of Tanneries, and eSpecially at the Old Regulator, where' thirty. two men and seven boys-are wanted to work. fifteen hours every day, (Sundays excepted.) and he that lath no money come. Bring a board,bring.a. shingle, geese,-bring a bug, brii.g :t geese, bring a deer, bring a hide,-bring a mink,7bring a pelt, bring your butter:--bring what you like; you-shall not be turned empty away because You have not the filthy lucre to buy your bread. Thus eudeth the first lesson 20. . ' VERYTHING bought and sold at the Old ra Regulator, evept Gas, Gas, Scandal :tad Blarney.. Soft. Soap and Soder, at.sixaeupe a pound, must be had :a Some Brothers, at Some Brothers, in this town.•. 20 . CLARK Sr. PHILLIPS. DENTISTRY. R, e Dentist;6f ec ‘ t v it e i l i t . ti n u n e, nonnees to the people of Potter and the ad joining Counties itt Peoria. that be is perma nently established in -Wellsville, and is pre pared.- to , perform_ tbe, carious operations, in Dentistry. -Especiall - attention is solicited to his style insertinn , ARTIFICIAL TErin superior to any . other style known. c a ll e d "Allen's Continuous Gum." 411 'work war:. ranted. Letters of inquiry promptly answered. N9r. 10, .11. 51 - 1 F .E 111,11:. MP , 0,4VW0) IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, PITTSBURGI , PA. - - - -;CIIAATISRED 1856. 8O Students attending January, 1858. , ~ :powthellargest fend most ' thorough Com mercial School of t 1 guitCd States... Young men prepared for acitual duties of the Count ing Room.:: i. . . J. C Suirli, A. M. prof. of '4ook-keeping and Scieitee Of Ocean ts, f A. T. DOMIKTT, T . t cp er of Arithmetic atal Commercial Cale lation, i J. A. HtiVIIIICK flitdi T. C. jcssuis, Teachers of Book-keeping.; - A Corador anti W.-A. Alntsri Profs. of -Pen manship:: 1 SINGLE AND D(WBLE :ENTRY 11.00 K BEEPING, ' As used in every ileilartment of bovines& COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC --;RAPID BUS ' ISESS witrrp:o—nETECTINU COUNTERFEIT MONEY— MERCANTILE • CORRESPONDENCE—CU- , Are tankhr, and all oilier subjectsateces tory ibr'th.u - success! and tliorougii education of a praciieal business wan. 12 -P R E IT S Drawn all the premiums Pittabitrgli. fur the past three ye .r.s. alsp in Eitatern and Wea• tern Citiez; r for bestlWriting, _ . OT ENGMILIVED•WORK. • 111PORTAIWE INFORDIATION. Students enter at any Omi—No vac:aloe...-. Time muliniited—Rericw • at• pleasure—Grad uates- assisted in 9btainir4 situations—Tui tion for full Gommlreial Course, $35,00; Av er.tae time 8 to 12 week: Board, $2.5u per week ; Stationery T6,oo—Entive cost, $BO,OO to :::170,00. • linisters' Sons received at half price. For Crud—Circular—Specimens' of Busi ness and Ornamerital Writito•—inelose tem. • stamps, and address F. W. JF.SKISS, Pittsimrgh, Pa. 10:9-1v- . • A .0A111). I Philadelphia, Pa. The undersigned, the FOunder and Publish er of VAN COURTIS COUNTERFEIT DETEC TOR. desirous cif i.,etiring from this branch of busine.s, has merged that. old • established work in.the popula;r BINE NOTE REPORTER of IMLAY. lIICK!SELL. dlaving published Van Court's Detector since 1839, the under signed relumantlylparts With , ti s old friends and snbscribcrs !Ml this reluctance is less ened by the conyiction. , that in 1:11LAY BICKNELL'S B.kNE NOTE REPORTER they will reet.ive a work that matches the times. 13.416 i NOTE E:EPOETER) are Payable sertitinlously to Advance. This is the ohltst Ita4k Note Pitblicatioti in the trarld. For thirty long years, it has -main tained en unsullied reputfition, antl.rontintici io be the necessark , companion of all business people over the Whole continent of America,: THE COINS OF THE' WORLD ! . Now in press by &LAY t.t.: BICKNELL, will be given 1 2,ratttitotoiy to all, c: old and new sub ,t:iber-i. All Co n Charts, Guides and Mau -1 oals, as comparet with this, may be consider , ed NyaillA! .paper. 1 TERMS. • To. the Semi-Monlllly, $1,50 per annum, 1;00 " Single Copies, at the Counter, 10 Cents; 12 • .A , 41:-e>3 1111.51 & BICKNELL, Bon 1150, post Office, Philadelphia, Pa. [22-3mo ) ANING , UNCLIIIENT EXTRAORft liiINART I NoLtiumbug. A LADIES' FASHIONABLE FURNISHING STORE IN POTTER COUNTY. 1,3 RS. E. 11. .N 1 (.411.11)1.1 , 11 has established fishiouable and 'extensive Ladies' Fur iii•zhiatt Store, at t: lyszles, Putter Co., Pa:. three test of I.ovi;:ville. where she will take pleasure in furs ildiing Millinery, Manta unink lag, and Ladies' generally, in better .style and at much loWerrittes than eller before offered in this Ounty. 3lrs. G. receives the faSilioll6 from Iry York regularly, and is 'therefore enabled make or - repair Bonnets Sc.. in the latesti style and With - uneiceptiona ble ta , te and All articles warrant- . ad to lie its rcpt. 4 sented : . Slie-desires the pub lic to call and a. stirs thentelves of the cor rectness of liar s :dements. - . . . , . llei. , s . I; at. al) ,e A; Co., will receiNte and sup- Illy ortlers to en:46lller., at Lewisville. T. E. Gridley Twill reveive and prottiptly' fill orders, throughout this and the adjoining counties, at shop prices. , Special urraUf,ementis made for Holiday supplies. 1 . CLARK k PHILLIPS MM= J.' VAN COURT All S'pbseripttono to Imlay Ici:,Bick-nell.'s • In connection tyita the above, T.E.GRID,. LEY ‘6uld adriounce: to the public of Pot ter and the adj4ining, counties, that he will rephirli • visit t tem,. prepared to furnish all articles Of Fema e and Hale Attire, and Family Gobds in gener4i, j warranted to be precisely as lie shall reprCscht, and at much lower prices than cats be bodght of ally other person in the county. f HEALTI WITHOUT .PHYSIC: A A PRIZE ESSAT on NERVOUS DISEASES. , Just m sth thousand, in a seaT cd cnveiope, pric to cents or sent, postpaid, by the Puldis:lMrs, for 3 stamps : A Ess,i!ros EXITAUSTIOS • . AND of the frame from Indulgence, Infecjion. nod th 4 injurious consequences of- Mercury, With thrlinotle'rn means of cure. • . By R.l I "ULVERWELI, M. D. !Member of the College' of SiFetvone, &C. ' , Sperms torrhcca, or Seminal Emissions, Nervous IraPoOne,y, Loss of Energy, Depres4on of :71piri ts, Timidity, Diseases of the Sexual Organs,l and Li:pediments to Marriage generally. are PrOmptly and effectually, cured by the Authors novel,- and most successful mode.of treatment. moans of which the lo yalid can regain pristine health wither - lit. har ing recourse to 'dangerous and expensixe medi cines: i Frc Tll th e London Lancet.—" -The ?wet treatise ever written on a e'ubject of vital importance to all, well worthy the 44ithor'.1 exalted reputation." . Address the Publishers : C. J. C. 'Kustit c 11... Ist Avenue,' eon- T9th Street, Post Box 4556, New York . City. ['sl.-3 Mos. inside.] 3CRE. LEAF; LARD. in (irking. and tuffs; • can be had at the Old Regalator. • Alm't, Sugar Cured Barns ; a pivot:: of Heads, Sbau and Rant '2O Cf„',RK & PHILLIPS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers