--___ - -- FITS! FITS ! CITA ! I READI REA Dll READIII • ` untingen (Itirititi A ~) ; OUR INDEBTErESB -According to the ... Coeve t ti t eloors.-Aside fronttt ordinary p i t: : ; ifi A . l n l i atri n b o u t i i % tele t raph y s e a r y n , s ‘o th u r t it t Lyl B ,l , h j as • !New York Tribune, the amount of our finial Sa e Conventions, which e edy a oei ly notified ie go . h . nounced to take place, to make arrangements not be able to protect commercial vessels in existing interest bearing obligation s to Eli- and noninations for the fall elections, there are the ease of a war between Germany and France. will Pereons laboring under this distressing mat, I ady will find Du. Heece's . Epileptic Pills to be Ictil only r r e M d liit e T. diB Tl ` ,. e . r : ( pii7: possess ESENWEEIPS I f • llll'll Alt 0 Xill lk, I'. i' C'.. instiatttAlX4 ! Is et remedy mit to be excelled for the relief and , rope, cadnot fail short of five hundred mil. some of an entirely different nature, which de. T. London (hobo's Purls correspondent says ' I nand n passing notice. lions of dollars. These figures are the , the Queen Victoria has sent an autograph let- On the Ist of June the National Convention j ter to the Emperor Napoleon expressing confi• although prepared especially for the purpose I season, viz : a ep2i s ire u ttetion on the ; nervous eystein; told ,core of those maladies incident to the sooner same given some time ago. '!'hey include of Hommopathists will aseemble at Mere.tile ,it in his strict honor, aud that he would P curing be f iiefitto all persons ufflicted with wet nerve. I bus, Vollliting, Acidity of the Stomach, &e. Pita,they will be found of especial 1 Diarrhoea,Dynntery. Cholera or Choleroid°, t l i f i a L ll, in the city of Boston. t:/tlri l ts y occasion i t n n tetet aistep further than he assured berme. ' railroad, State, municipal, and Federal se- j ee will be an addressdelivered, tbs mime. ' taste and soot). milli... renders it a val. : or whose nervous system has been prostrated , Its excellent soothing power., pleasant or ehettered from .y canoe whatever. The . g d. peculiar to , curities. It is the easiest thing in the A 1.., of Philadelphia, reports ot business ' The London News looks for the first great dyspeptic patient, who. stomach has lost the', noble remedy itt infantile iseases, committees, essays, discussions on medical top- !battle to occur at Novi. world to buy, when our credit is good,' I tower of duly converting 11.1 into a life SIM.' the Second Summer, viz :-Cholera lufaitutn, i n e r ti tt , it ai i ; l l H r a lo n se u r le t r l e te a c a wten n ing of the 2,1 with a I The Turin correspondent or the London • but not so convenient sorne.imes to pay. F nend Hall. Drtile• News nsserts ptisitively that Franco is tainiug element, is relieved by a single course I etc. It has a reinvigorating end te t t: o m it , t y n ie fl r u e ; Our importers and others immediately ' Tito shweitolders' Convention of Maryland about to mobolise between BCVCII and eight of the u ir x e t i ra t o t r a di ß i o ie v r-: 7 .1 . i pte,: r , h :nrtt r e k („%l d e it r i l e e . L •iTt i s l i t i l t e jin i tt u „'ntl ' t yi :tti n b fl e a t r y n e!i-atttl on will meet in Baltimore on !he . Sth ue . june.- hundred thousand men, and that the French n a. interested, should exercise a little caution. , ' The object of this Convent.. is to devise some twiny on the Rhine will amount to five hundred 1' '• • t 1 b • family. }twill be found as well re-acquires which w. a told Mid a burden to trial will be found indispensable to the wall - The country is rich in resources, anu, system to be presented to the L eg i s l a t ure the thousand, es rho E mperor t ears th a t G erman y the safietoti wale t.d igestive nigattlea le o eing of every ~ _7. was paralyzed and tinstrune, becomes under adapted to adults es children. Try it. Wednesday Horning, May 25, 1859. with the exercise of ordinary prudence, n tb o o n h o lt i l , r e r;u t l e ation of lle free negro impel. will notremain correspondent qulet' also asserts that on the wholesome revolution created in the system i Prepared only by A. E4ENWEINE, -- ------ - high condition of prosperity may be antic.. t' A national Convention of the drovers id the The same leaves Paris for the army the basis of etreiletle activity, and health. I Price 25 else a lmttle. Dispensing Chemist. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE.-Accortling to 1 ipated for many years to come. But it is shippers of SIOCIt 1.-S b urg on , will address aso CIIIII 1111111118 U 0 Alton, . , 'f• t I. F • , : S cut to any part of rho country by Inuit, , Sold by J. Rend, Huntingdon, and ;; Dritygiets , is to be held in Ft, b al h ' a ll - the a' I ' f lee of postage. Address SETII S. lleece, 10S and Storekeepers generally, [May. 2e, 09.- ly. ; a law passed by the last Legislature, possible for us to go a little too fast, espe• 111 a 8111af J, 11 .7. , espousing the cause of the Nationalities. Ili Minoru Street, Baltimore, Md. Priee-one I - -- fbe ercered men of The Pads Monitenr etates that Austrian ve, ' . ladara & Jas. S. Tussey, every JllStioe of the Peace hereafter elec. °tally with the present Tariff, A modifi- N e ‘ k , g r ., ; 3 , 51.„,ar;T„livie,;;:-°•t. I . • • box, SI3; tivo, $5; twelve; $24. I in. ' David W. ft • held in Boston on the Ist sels itt reenelt ports, or t. lose entering in igno• • ted, who intends to rccept the office, is re• cation of that mistaken measure may be ,of August. The ostensible object of this eath- ranee of the war, are to have a delay of six ''''""'"-`3."'!"...: XAND AOZNVZ ; quired to give notice of his intention in wet. regarded as the great need of the moth , wing will be to oo.nstideerett,poorn colored course of a t e- weeks. ,It also states that the Emperor . has de- . Allltticb. : CLI NT:rN, KANSAS I'EIIItITOR V, i o crises that Austrian subjects may continue to • WILL locate Land NV:wants, pay Taxes, buy tin to the Prothonotary of the county in ---............-_____ , tu l le ethicalinneelletses;r tints i s :f 1 1 8 ' 01c. I remain in Fiance and the French Colonies as 1"..../ t ' VV and sell lands. sad attend to alt business which he resides, within thirty days after I WAR OF THE FACTIONS.-.-NOtW"."-; A Convention of wool growers and manufac• long as their tended. furnishes . reason for i-e-te , entrusted to their care, with promptnees and standing the strenuous effr;rts of certain taus will assemble in Cleveland, Old:hull the complaint. In Fratiketown tie, on the 10th iest., by ihie ... y. et We will loci. 40 twee warrants tor the election. nth of August. The propriety ef establishing a I Steamers RTC heiiig ehaetered et Ilaye, W It Dr, junkie. George W. Smith, IiI.1)., to ; . , nor . ; e i „ ; te u 120 neree, $l5; 'GO titres, Democratic as' irants to restore unity to • .........-_____ tnarket fare will then be discussed. convey stores and troop, from Marseiten to Miss Lizzie T. .MeCune, all of Blair county. l Cl ' ' $lB. After the great land sales at Lecompton THE Puce Comiwo.-Advises from their' party, the war of factions still rages A State Convention of tho boot and shoe. Genoa. On the 12th inst., by Rev. J. 13. Crist, Mr. T. in July next, over a million acres of land will Washington inform us tha t letters have been , fiercely in [nest of the Southern Stale, inal t. erenaymeheru ti will beheld,obt!lttacistittoin Faris, Austrian Ambassador. before quittilig C. McCartney. of Itell's Mills,.Blair co., to ;be opened to private entry. Never in the hie• 1 tided the protection ot the Austrian .Mies Mollie A, McPhee., of this county. tory of our country bee there keen such an op received there from high sources, announ. " FactiOns," says the IVashington corres. 1 ti m a easures to perfect. a Staltee purpose of ' subjects to the Dutch ambassador. ---- cing the prevalence of rumors in Italy, that pendent of the Philadelphia Press, 'd not It was reportect that the French .government V% • speculate in land. We refer to R. NleDivit, J. RE OPENINC Or TR7VATE TRADF Cover. A. Hall, Huntingdon : David F. Tussey, Mex. the Pope may be obliged to fly for refuge only in Georgia, but in Alnbama and Mis• al 51i - ssiesi'ps;ie:ns have: Published an 'n'ilvertise• l' o as a t a i lcr y i r n ,l i t i lr o r . a , 'elloll.112,:)fnPorl.::8,:, N 1 It Cb . • ' andel% ; Dorsey Silknitter, Matter Ilillattel T. to this country, Our Nlinisters at Rome j sissippi reign paramount, sod Mr. Cobb meet. in which they state that they will pay sin an army of observation on the Rhine, --- ---- -•• Clark, Newburg. Address, ht ihrre hundred dollars a head for one thousand • . : - - M.SDARA I. Tlitir.4l' . and Naples are said to speak of this con. I hue got himself mixed up in one of the ug native Africans between the ages of fourteen and that the hsvny, sob tits l i i i e , A ce , u t fi i i , mt h l tu t t o f in ta c l e. 3 :, • i . ;;, ;;;;.; ;2;n ina., in this borough, 3.;;;;, v ...., Clinton. K. T tin end as highly probable. 1 liest of Domestic quarrels in his own State and twenty yeers, to be delivered within twelve it Ilia t ra "„ e nd .; l ,t e c .' b 1 • .15 •,:el I' liee will; of Sheriff O. Miller, aged 31 years. protection of the Spanisa • • 1 that ever befell a public man." •nonths froth date,'between Peesacola, Florida, 'F n .' s ,' yes " I, aacksou township, on Wednesday, May and Galveston Tex., the contractors giving ! minist er . . beerytttioll will be 1 .- Iprotracted '1- Mrr 4t An Aust.. corps of u . . .4, le s., after a SI C .sIICSR, aga c , THE C HESTER COUNTY NIESTINO...-. 1 .„ Cameron, - *".....2 - - . 1 ' '.' df Vir'elr• of Puma, has announced thirty , aye melee as to rho time . place o . I ne, • Careow to watch the Rusentlis, ; w it' ' e 01 John Mulkey, need sixty-one years. The Chester County Times , in speaking idelivers : or they will pay fifty dollars extra if vho were gatherine on the Austrian kende, I , • ~ ^ ' himself in favor of Sen. Seward for the Presi• , She deeeeteled from 'family-the Obertia ' delivered at Enterprise, Clark County, Missis. , ' The citizens of filata hail been ordered to I of the People's me' ling held in that Coun- J den ,. I whose name, in this Valley, is coeval with eiv. ' sip i, l'h.- . 3 . a‘ l,l the foibwhig ex l daaaliaa ' a delivert all the Rents in their possession. ty, says; " All the old differences seemed • Wk.-Mexico, since its eStabIiSIIIIIRIII, as a re• • their ruMives : " NVe who have signed this ad. e, i l ;) . r has ei entrusted with the ' ilization. Like her illustrious progenitor, "who i,, ri e ia l IA 'cape s I.IOC , vortisement, profess to be law.aboling citizens,l to have been forgotten, or looked upon es public, which i 3 37 veare ago, has had 56 Pres defence of 'P riest and the Illyrinn coast. . kept his wheel. for those that had . mosey hut erinnot respect anv act purporting to be ..,,,o Russian eons , / ~ ron;oe had und ,,,.. disagreements that were passed. The of- • eh mte . and . hot, " she was ever ready to relieve law ' wlliall wa be " a " i t a b° t ',1 11 , ( 1 11s , 141 , 1 : ja ",1 1 ' , t do!: the protection of the Smdinian subjects a - ' ' ficers were selected from those who had' sir The Governor line eigned the bit am .as much 03 we esle"al l'a l " - e a ' l ; • a ' ar(-1 1',. ''''° 'is tilt countrv. - the distressed, to comfort the afflicted, mid to differed on the Congressional question last ' i ••• ' Courts f • ' I t t torizing o common p ens o c anee h , I slave trade, itl lo a " r 1 -'nestia or '''''''` "' re. ' The tardiness of the ,Nuetrians in making remember the forgotten. As piety swede... : then, we have a cool and deliberate attempt to , ; t the attack excited much surprise, and was v. ted in her mind so it lan coned till her eon. fall, and the best feeling seemed to prevail the names Of persons. rack' the iniquitous Shire Trada • Sac ' l ' rionsly speodated on. 'the Leiden Tillle3 I her:silent -1. - throughout. " 1 eer•A dispatch from Berlin announcer; the movement we regard as every way disgrieeful , they hare Ihr . non awny the opportnna . ; duel; hence, generosity, net.. site,' to the age, and particularly to the individuals i 3 1 of disposition, and veneration a rho Sabbath. • death of the distinguished Baron Humboldt. which they tie litst possessed. A CURIOUS COURTSHIP is going on in who are engaged lii it. Ile was in his 90th year. w *4* I. 6.- The ineStien is probably caused I ) , the, ~ 1. In the nearest relations or life-ad a wife Cincinnati and the county of Hamilton, The President has appointedl' ' II - • P • • John e „ eoee „,..,. re„„, the ' Oficial inundation of the reentry, niaed Ity the I end a mother-her character was eminently '''''' '''''''''" - '''-'-';- '-- - ' beau rains which caused the Austrians, in nutria. Her gentle words utWred with such Ohio, between a very pro slavery portion , Heart, of Smith Carolina, Superintendent of Wexford Constitraion, of the 30th ult., we ede. ; Y ,acts ' . . e , the ' • r the roliowine accouut of the less of the Potno• ' some , i.c , .9 0, - o teem . Peculiar found access rends' to the list.. of the Americana and the Democracy. j Public Printing at Washington, vice Geo. NV ,• t- , •.' , •, , , e• I • ! General Hess welter:company the Erni. or i genre, • titt, to will. we ;lave previonsg neut.,. e tis ; lot Austria when he ass tones the command of I ti's heart. Hon. .1. Scott Harrison, defeated in his ! Bowman, resigned. vessel, a splendid clipper and ship, of 1,500 tons , „ _ n.iny. ' Gen. ,IC's it is reported, disap• l'o us who were present itt that trying time I Congressional aspirations by the Republi• 1 ger Key handkerchiefs are advertised by a burden left Liverpool on the 27 . th, .for New I the ' ' peeves uf Gen. Gielai's Oar, of attack, -the hour of death-we felt that many tears Yore, having on board a crew of thirty•seven cans, is said to be doing the billing and , New York firm-named after wind. Mr. Gre• mei , il „ d d ire „ h„„e ee d „ rid eighty paeseegm .„. I t A letter fro2 ti - a Genots confines the repor i t , and hnnonlaGons arena „ hero mihoo , nhie; end cooing on the part of the Americans, and ; ham called "the private nag" or The wa s h- ()it the saute night, while sailing with a hill 1 , I , lit z t ,, r t;l ll by h t e t :L: din ti li J i i. , , s . sels there had bee would iinve marred on, . inioinn swooh . oss ol looking to the Governorship of the great ' ink. seducer. Alb who want can haven hi°w breaza' and while . the passengeya . were some in ' Teats MAY 0-TII, Austrians have adv.; I the scene-we remembered, lull well, her bed ned some enjoying a festivity, the vessel ; d f ' V •rcelli toward' Barone, aid Sal. i I 11-I • • f • NV'tl ••• ; nigh. and misting oim. 1 i eel., State of Ohio as the reward of his services at them. strueli a sand bank near Bled:teeter, off the 1 ( ,-;e ,Za1,... 1- 1 They coidi nue W forth. ' 'themeelves ' ''' '''' 1;" in procuring a union of the parties. Al- tefirWe learn from the Johnstown Echo, lrieh coast. The storm soon increased to aI ' ' o ' n ' Ll'h hanks of the Sesia and f o, sin, ' on; ; ;; . ity, nay. ley, we sow bee, with uplifted hands, po tek e , 1 that the body of a fully developed female child Kale; 11111 on the next day the vessel . beam t ; mono. The Austria. threw out reeonoitering j ' e(i"'L'l'agi death as ge"dY and silently ' the though strange things happen in fill rapithy. Al,°fleets to keep her afloat or .whichn Ivenced l e ler u the head of ' Sic' receives into its arms the waning moue." as found in a ces , nool in that town, cue , part..? i . .., . . s,e . , ~ this seems to be a little too hard a feat to I' 4 • ' reach the shore, seven miles distant, utterly i day last week. It is not known who the un- failed, and she went down, taking with her ev. . t h e h te d ge across the Io at Casale, but beetle. ' 1. 11. M. be accomplished, I named mother •is, cry sen t o n , was aboard, except passer , o!mocked j:t it _ , by . o ., i:: t i r o uoli : t il i to lie r ,:t ii t i i i s e t i TL c is o 7ili l i i.; lr mosserorn- r ostammatt.form, ---- 4,, , ent . k t i o , s . , guru and fifteen of the crew. who managed to I , ' 1 '• . M is ki t 'ati eol, mi unde •m , 1',.• Y- PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. gress, and a " Democrat," who went for 1' ''"""K "i' firrfk? 1.1 % 131. Mffilig ''''' " rimmiig, Yrro :=utts; L ts - totv M'ttiPiiiltlitlf if t 49 - ,!•- a . 32 - a--s e• ' -' n i oi l , il ' ie. " ••• ','," saving the Union by electing Buchanan i the initials G. P. P.-Gone to Pike's Peak- , found on the bunch and a projecting mast was I . The hutiyi,,,;irai.r„.„., says diet (le, t I'''' I ` -- ;', ll o. 9l4, ?•"Pi t lii+A - VI 2,2 .. 1 ,.';' .) ... , are used for the same purpose. ' nil that marked the spot whor e th e s hip wen t ! Garibaldi, combining his move aide yith Ger, e•x ., tra " '' 8 1.0(t.,-;,50 President. He is now a Douglas' D. down. i Ciallni had attacked the Auetriane et Vereilli ' family " 9 00. 950 , oast," and of course, hates . the old man.' ! WONSAN KIV . ED ON TIJE RAILROAD, : A wo - . ....... -- - I beating them completely and bringing off 300 'tee Flom and Core Meal man named Elizabeth Donahoe was killed 0 FACESSITE PUNISHMENT -S I y Hs made a speech In the House on the I the ' ' '' D ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' '11) earl ' ''g° ' prisoners; , • railroad near Altoona on Tuesday evenine ante B. 1 ondersmith, than au Associate I The enemy to the ...bee of 2.000 men Whet -red, per bushel, .I.sth of February last, on t •Executive nbu• I She was struck on the back and thrown down-- Judge oldie eeveral Court, of our County of idler occur ) iine Biala for at short. ime, will ,• " Whit. " .ii Lancaster,. ens detected in the perpetration of drew. 1 Rye 'elks, and the duty of the Democratic party,' I the onelne passing 9v er her bead, and • . severing a series of frauds . the United States Pensio n The Austrian reconeitering patties had ad. I : n B ra in which he said some hard things of hie ' one of her legs below the knee. Iturenu, which extended through a series of canneed to Jove., but toeing 'ee 'amlin tier ''l" 1. • 57 old friend Buchanan, from which we cut elay-The dection in Virginia for Gm "'ars be nieans of which he abstracWd some ' ' ' ' ; 1 I I ' s Closerseed woo, -.., 0 0 4 f . r ct , , the following paragraph as a specimen of Congressmen and Legislature, takes place o " ' from the '-' ''' I reaeury. 'These ' • -- - ......- Timothi seed, $2,00 to 225 II wands consisted in the furgine of the unities of : Louis Napoleon's Manifesto. flux, per heeled $1 65 its grit: Thursday ot this week. Mr. Leteher, the, dein- I certain Aldermen of Lancaster City and others' ' •• • Psitis May 3- Ihe fullowmg is the coin:nit . '''''''''''''''''`''''"'''''''"';''-""-'''''''''''''''''''-""'" 34 It is said by a distinguished Kentilek. ! ocratic gubernatorial candidate is still at I.ne to what purported to be egitima e claims for Ideation of the Government to the Lee,' estem: New Advertisements. ion that the administration of John Tyler confined by illness, and has issued Ns address to e llov o o n lii t l ii ii c in s i a tiz e pen , s t ot t i, and dra t iv i i i y the anon. o Austria by ordering her army into the ter would. be, in the history of this country, the "'p ie a th e Stele. Mr ' G'ggint Id: 2, ' , lad g° Vonders'enith we ' s lalitilumelcl his (Iltittilc,'ln'end 1 ritory a Sardinia-our illy-tins declared win. ATTENTION I - thus violates one treatiei nuil • like a parenthesis in the middle of a nen. opponent, is daily on the "stump," and is met ferthwith absconded, tenting up in Paris, 1 r t i: E,l7 ' e us o . „,. 7. l ,• l o l, t t l i ere , ; Brigade Inspector'a Orders. on behalf of . Mr. Letcher, by Mr. Moet egtic , where he raided for seine time. He eventua I- ; tence, always to he read in a low toneof “Hithertb, moderation hes been the rule, et In purstiatice of the Fifth Seetion or the Art the democratic nominee for Lieut. Governor. I, returned to Lancaster and was re-arrested on me emienet-eut, now, enet . o , e ee ,„ me my . regulating the militia a tid:, Ceinmonwealili, voice, and which coula be omitted with. ; the charge, his whit moue off before the U.S. ' , fleet duty; France must: 110 W firmly end easel- the reifointed oeitiliaiiie s composing 11ie The two men Jacobi std r . out altering the sense That mesh can were The at Pi ' ttsburg of the"ll7le‘iv•l'Of I ,,, i .l ii ti r t ie t t it t e l s ou n tli n n ar l: t h , llit t d c.u l t t. i . l o il i a vi t c v t eel i c ,i b tri efo , l , ll 1, , I:I 1 „toy tell Em . ope 1 „. l ie, me , s ee eme ,„„ et , e el • Irth Brigmle and FourWitiith Division of Pat. not be said of Ale. Buchanan's Administra- their wives, expiated their crimes on the ga l- counts of the indictment preferred against him.him'. ;lan t u ic, d . etr o n t i , Le r rl „ fyl t l7 ,ft w ite i:a o h n itai e l o i ~ , , tyi til o i nn t iot i t. , , , lt , l i i i l „ ltit t i ; : , l , ,...W . il i l , nleit,(ll,ttythjetniree.sartliNs.?„lol:l,(Zis tin lion, It does not even rise to the dignity lows at the county jail on the loth inst. The : i l t l t e we e , t, itlld up for sentence on Thu sday of ; rice "sire not violated need,. Inc; I respect i ilia: any vote for one person fur Brigadier Gen. of a parenthesis, but will be regarded as ' drops fell at 2 o'clock. The execution was a ' th'etlivill'e; t v e m ,l Jr i t i t i i i. „;e li f t e w 'adiv ,t ts o l i l i i t t e cl fi e c e in g l :w h L i iim ; trerritoriee and the rights of neutral powers; cent, one Brigade Inspector, one thent. Colon e l an entire sente»ce with scarcely an intone- strictly private one, there being no military twenty years imprisonment in the Pomiteiddary '' , , I , ) , ,t i l t l o !, : l , 6 l ° .,l, d t l , ll „. a .. v i e o r i T i t 2l ,,l l 3" o l l , i t es s'r r til " e° „ 1 :, 1 ,7 nattatlll'easea:;lBo.l(tili.itetas'eattaeidl,!diitlao'le‘CJltd shall Ilse P• tion in its length or breadth to soften its p resc " A ' 1.12 ' w pc"°"' were admitted w eb. to pay a lino of $5,00e, and to refund $20,000 ' w h o now pr ,;',,,,, sm e e ie t e re i gn 0141,16:;;',1;vna.1, fain, one Ist and ono 2d Lieutenant for each harshness." in the jail yard as possible, and the crowd to the U. S. Judge":illpowersprotestedcompany. said that if the prisoner would rofuad • •.. - -----............-____ which gathered outside was not large in num• tite s3o,ooo,which, from his Mite, I against this net of aggression. The officers of the election will 'nuke their • , past be eon. 1 " Piedmont, havin g accepted 'the conditions returns to the Brigade Inspector's office atCass- The Cause of the War, i her. sidered him abundant able to do, he would Iwe ask what can be the reason of this sudden 'idle, within fly. daY. after the election, Austria alai ms that she rightly owns Jambi declined making .y speech, but sign . hieinori. l the iho reinission of te. l .Year. I invasion. By order of RALPH. Cl,O ISLES , of the imprieonment. The Philadel thusnt. ii T• Evans spoke for . hour and a half, declaring ~. l ;ill , 1 1 is because Austria has driven mutters to Brigade Inspect , . -Ith Brig,, 14th D., P. V. ono controls Lombardy and Venice :that EIS, nod II others we nave scan, are very so f the ' j his innocence o ie crone of which he was ' • • • such an extremity that her dominion must ex , . May 25, 1059.-2Lubi. she has a right to con trol ! them as she I cony . , . . I were in their strictures upon this sentence, con- tend to die Alps, or holy' must b freeto ll' e i •ted. The riving struggles of both tn. I sidering it a wanton abuse of power, a sing. shores of the Adriatic 1 ; •ea. -.- 0 1 Prof. Chas , DeGrathli Electric Oil, sees fit! that its order to this she must mnin• ; were very . severo. 1 lar instance of OECCSSITC punieliment, and al. which ' remainsl - :Adriatic-for "' l ' ) "' net This great is now creating ; utin with the several neighboring Italian ' , together notated lor. Judge V oudersinit h i ! Italy sennuinn; among the discovery . ..u.,dieal gre at Familes " ofr I ter A cotemporary says : But we were go- , power of Austria.idi• now in the 57th year of his age, so that, if di: ' rope and this country. 'lt nill cure the follow States such an effluence as will render ling to say eoinething (Omit, the weather. An "Fr a nce has shown her hired of anarchy. on n u t , t e eT ,v: ! !i t itc y . : t uf it ls e t ti , eried . out, li i s imp,. H ee will nova give the power sufficiently to Mg (not everything): NN asrmited to her Loinbardo-Venittan sovereignty safe. I elderly lady, who claims to be a prognostic. f punishment eeldoin reduce Into subjection abet to •e• of d'3o •1 ; • ono Cure Fever aud Area r ump e day, Cure chills Therefore she keeps up a partial military ! tor, and in whose prophecies we place implicit inflicted epee uny one but a convicted mur• incorrigible members oft. ' old factions who in live minutes. Cure C it, une night.- deem.. esJcupaticy of the central Italian Stales, 1 reliance, predicee a`powerful spell of wee for -4•-•-- were incessantly concluding cotnpecte with our • Cure Deafness in two to four dap, Cure burns cud virtually rules in all Italy. Sardinia !the whole of this week. She h 1 ; , basis -ICS. j uege• 'Stone VICTORIES.-At the borough election ~ °timid,' But she tins not for purpose „ and Scolds in ten reismtes Cure Sprains, bandon'e'd her e' T ' ' that -• ' Wounds and bruises in Num ;11 theca any ; i meat on the fact that nine grey cats „„ e . 00 ,in Uniontown, on Monde) , lust, the Republicans , , . .tyi re . ing character. Her itl. C Ifl C' • d'' t ) Ir' is the only large Italian province which • , carried everything. rho Locos didn t even put I ral aul"."" always been Iho , o who desire .itre ii itina ion in one ay. Cure Neural' in Ito eiieth on the roof of her woodshed th • otl an exception. 'Phere Austria has no pow. ' e " • ' t • ! a ticket in the field. J the amelioration of the hum. r nee. and when gin, Croup, Teeth Ache, lawns, in 10 inieptes• , r night, se: up 111110 prolonged me 0.0/Y.4, turn The P e o ple 's 'Ch . party in amberthurg 'chic- , , • I she it the sword %is not to govern, but to . Cure Hentordtage, Scrofula, Abscess M ten er e and the policy of Sardinia which is fa-' days. Cure Bruises, Wounds, '!'alto, in otto niece, and point their toils to the vet' also a v 'dory last week, by electing their 1 1 "' ! round nine C • Yora hie tothe establishment if ecinstim. I Mississippi r i ver , IV, have alw a y s regar d e d ; whole tiol , l. Lane IL Isl'C'euly, Eq., was I hThe object lbe of this war is tu restore re. .to three days. Cure liar Ache Stiff neck, sly to hereelf, not Io impose upon her a change ; Ague in one day. Cure Felons, Broken Breast tional goverments in Italy, is hostile to that I this as an infallable sign 01' IRlliiig weather.' I al"tad Chief ihnge''' _ _ .. ........ iof masters, and we shall limn have upon our I Stilt Rheum, in three to six day, Cere Qui. of Austria whelh tends to the maintenanc e ! gr e y.A child of a we ll known e lie e ep or B e ll,. , eke The ls,t, Cliambersl ierg R. 7 , es it ory I &enders It friendly people who will eit e to us , .Y, PolPilstion, Pleurisy, in one to ten dep.! of :the strictest military despotism. Sardinia j leheni a few days ago swallowed a geld 5 ,., ! ,!, I and Trunie , ipt, rims Lie the name of Wm. le, ! their independ ence . w e do .t enter I' ply to , .3-• . 'itrAltltnta, t pa ,r le tt y, Gout, Erysipelas, in five I and France sympathizing with her on the i and chain, much to the distress of the parents j ,, °ll ,. n .„j t ,l ' e ll j t ° t l o . lii,ici,isdbell'onf'orflbtjteTelo,ll7.,,sit',,,' ; co l e t zil f d a ix e ir t de t, r . { t it ti • t it ° , d m iu o tur r l e t I T a c e t i r i tiv i er G o , f t ce i t i r t, : 1 " '!.l' p 1 Chronic' plays. I' ; ') tif l l ', lZi e ls 4 , ' So l tl• l e li ' l lfl ' i t r l o n si s t" I contrary claim that the Austrian occupa- who tit night that most serious consequences tr on a ~,,,;?ioming Convention. and says, "give. I throne, but remove from hire this -foreign Scarlet Fever, and th'e (I )la made to , walk le lion of Italy is injurious tn its effects on svouldreSult from the accident. Medical ad-1 . IVrn. F. jobnslon, fer President and wo ; I ',teser° which burdens the whole peninsular, a few _bottles. This Oil e (,relit y) is mild the Italian States prevents the development viee,however, was spec lily obtained ; an d by t h e ' ivild i gutrt i stitee . the i lve . net t, of f t:e public: debt ! e i i , 1 , , ,. 1 , , i;ii B l l . 2 fi t e o d er n t t tl e ilh ,. order there baud upon at o n r d ,, f i l i qg ri liti e ll e , o d iit i i tl g . a a g c r . Cat i lic a ily ,,F A u f u ,, l d ( r , , , , ll I I I .II I of that country, and is virtually m ~_,!. , aid of strong cathartics, assisted hy the extra. 0 "... 1 ., a ,,, n 1 n 1 : , loir.V;rao'otailaa..t:l'ion7,, tyrants ''' , "In line then we enter this classic ground, use it. It always leaves you better than it I lion of the treaties viols. 1 ordinary dieestive powers of the younester, ' rendered illustrious by . many vietories, t o I finds you, mid one bottle ellen cures entirety. ! and compacts of 1815. the timekeeper• i • ' The Latest from " Zie Beat - ' of War. Seek the fbotsfeps of our little:re God grant ' They demand the abandonment of the ! from darknes in was . in a few "ours brought . kt Loudon, on the 711,, intelligence RIM 'WO may be worthy of them. ' I Afflicted Thideen .1 ears wad (hired in One' to l ight. The child was not Austrian occupation of Italy and the gar- .I over Wu rill's of ago. I:nder all the circum. lieurg expected of a swine, battle between I "I an, About to place mysor at the head of week, clivian frontier and that Austria shall cease ! 1 standcs of the ease, the escape of the child the centeeding forces, but nothing of impor• : the any. I teem to France the impress and Rend letter from Rev. James Temple. front death was truly marvelone P/1 i' lance had occurred tip to that lima' my son. Seconded by ;be experience .d en- Philltdelphia, June tilt, 1856, i to exercise ank:inore control M Italian 1 Sunday Dispatch. - a a' a The Austrians had crossed the p. ',car lb. htenment of the last Emperor's surviving P" . • Ii" Grath i 1 have been ealiete3l for Cambie, and advanced towards Sale.. They I blether, she will understand how to .how her. thirteen years with Neuralgia and ittlii, Dail, i affairs than the other great powers.- RUGINIFNT DITINIAT I/ Th I' • Peeve in Mid also mode en untheeeesful • . 4 - e uric .t, , e .. effort to cross 'self worthy the grandeur of her mission, ful complaints, ILIA I have been unable to sleep! These demands Austria refuses to coin ' Italian -- • ~i, 1 Its COlrespondence, confirms the pain- the same elver near frassinetto, on the " ; sd tit' " I eoraide then' to the valor of the army I s a'adlY or walk :thy distance tin litany years with, alleging that her policy i „ ~_, ' I ful runtore vibielt had already beed current May. ; which remains in France, to keep watch upon , past. Lust week I got a bottle of yo us. "Eke. ! " "u'Y " respecting the decimation of the Bisanch• i en. I The Sardinian account or the latter effort' frontiers and gunrd our homes. i trie Oil." The first night I slept soundly and' necessary to her own protection in her own ~..riiiteist. 'There had been some Er t 1.)• . of 0, , well and to day I ant like a new man • My , dependencies of Ventre and Lombardy. I I.4ciati'L' where the people,includin a g u i r lw a i i r ‘ g e r s ea m t I r i tTec t o h m at ii t i h eL e n7l " a " t " :e d el g oc i ro w n d t r ent l il ' o ur o t 1 Na " t!oli c, l " l, fi, :t i a " re t l i . 'l l e t o o ,fit tg l i t „ 6 , 9ti'l i n wo,d to ° I wife could hot 'believe her eyes. Your . likc• ' These matters have been in controversy rule, Ban Jellehich, are much discontented ;of the 401, and was litr up during the remain. ' the entire people, who will encircle ;lien; with I file Oil IRIS done in one week what the phy ' si: for three years. Prance and Nerd will, the !node . in which tho goverement of i der of the ay. The ledniontese troop e h a d I that affection and devoted.. of which I deitySardinia l , eia. of Philadelphia failed to do in thirteen ; years. Gratefully yours . posed in 18'56 the consideration of this ! giment, which consists for the most part of Ital., • "'I I I ' conee era ie. , '• Courage, then, and union. REV. JAMES I'EMPLE, subject by the Congress of the Euro ' ians,was ordered to fire on the Croat peasantry. j The Austrians on the 3•1 commenced a CM, "Our country it iibmit to show the world 310 South street ! peon 'lle order passed unheeded. It wag renewed ; nonade from the direction of Vale. ' i • a.,,w thou. ,tint she has n et degenerated. DEAFNESS CURED. powers. Austria would net consent to in peremptory terms by the . Culonul of the re• I much effect. o ffo, for that I New Haven Ay t) , ' 1 , 111, 18J5. , this. Diplomatic ne : : gettl4tolls were car- giment. The sett.)s obeyed, but turned their I The o ' llicial Bullet i. issued at Tulin on the ca l us P e r i c' sl l i d e r l ' y n l i a t it y le lll e i s ' e le s " of God whic't rester on ' Prof. De Gra ' tli iMy bro'llie ra- I ried on, however, between France nod Ann- . I a ti t i • o ul r s tniowzlosuithwe c while the who alone fell before I •Ith . says that the Austriuns have increased ' justice, humanity, lore of country, and inch- , three years. Alice trying tn.; trthe i rni l e soot 'ie 1 he unharmed peasants I their forces at Vercelli and constructed d•• • tend.. " your Oil it few limes, aid it cured him entire. ' trie, but the di ff erence has grown wide: I joined in eNel i atnations of delight The re • •They' '! ' I ". gt- I (aflame works, have also occupied Trim, , • CLIFFORD TI s: I and wider the longer the discussion has 1 east t lo was ins ci rehed to Pesti', there the soldiers ! hied 'Folded°, having their rung:uteri at 'reon• , to*'eFor all sere and painful diseases, such There are numerous imitationes - pruti O :, 'tip 1 continued, until now they propose to set. 1 like t a dug, This T e h v il i Te t e e r7u ti l l act nun was 1 wvaaen s e lzt ea dow a n ! rane e !tie] yest , erdily burned seen arches of Jas Neuralgia, sick Headache, Piles, Pain in 'on the reputation that my article line acquired. j the brunet, Fele., Cramp in the Stomach, &e. 'the public must beware. They are worthless. tle the whole affair by a re.irt is perpetrated, according IC the cort4iondeii w t ost• I tle a mo r li r ti g n a n of the afle i rl a 'r:C l :lC i d n i L,C il eli t ' il a e . ford- I R N. , use le LVA LL'S GALVANIC 01 1.. It wilt Foe seta by S. S. Sleah. Huntingdon. 'he fr,s.e.. in open day. ' Frtttour has heel, iedered• ' give relief iii from tiye to thirty minute,. i Niii, ItS ise,o. - WM. BREWSTER, Editor and Proprietor. May 11, '39-3t- This gallery of Art is now opal for public l inspection of specimens of Amhrotypes, Crys. 9111 E WORLD-RENOIVNED l telegraphs, Photographs, Circular and Star .1.. WORKS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. Pictures, also, Name, or Age, or Residence, ta- PUBLISHED BY ' ken un the Pictures—letters of different c olors. PETERSON S. BROTHERS, No. 306 CHESTNUT Street. VARIOUS SIZED PICTURES, PETERSON'S CIIEAI' EDITION ob"rliE • w A vERLEy N(ii,•ELs . Set in Frames, Cases. Lockets, Rings Pins or , PRICE—Bach :15 cent, . Bracelets. PIYE NUMBERS arc ithe,,dy piat,li.be,l. Particular attention paid to taking pictures IVANHOE, of Children. Time, from one to four seconds, t.ilV MANNERING, Perfect salislitetion given, or persons are not ROB BOY, expected to take their pictures. KENILWORTH, Pictures taken from sick or deceased persons QUENTIN DCRWARD, ' ,tt their residences. Copies taken from 1)4. THE ABBOT. ~ errottrpos or Portraits. Also, views or rest.. And one will be issued regularly on every Sat- um , Sc. eos. urdav, until the whole are completed. - TEBMS OF SUBSCRIPTION TO TWEN— l '" di " "" (le " liel " e " a" invited l° call Tr-six VOLUMES. sod ecimens. Pictures taken on One complete set, twenty-six volumes in all well le closely ee fair ' , coils , . will l , u sent to any one, a: fast es they are nub- ' How 4 feu do we hear the exclamation, when Behest, for five dollars. Single uttud.,er,, 25 . persons are looking at Vurtraits—nl would not cents , value any sum if I could procure the Portraits - T. It. PETERSON & BROS., of inv parents--or deceLed children j" Rea ollEsTNuT - if coo are gifted with this ennobling feel . . , big .auto, you have an opportunity to grafi -1859 sP"(TIA7M."ER 1859 ,itat a small cast, by procuring Portraits, 'it in A.:l.mm, trill tint lad, The tindersignel would respectfully call the ki7 attention of our ds m frien and custoets, . ,v k ,5" Those that with to )earn this beautiful en ~•,, as th e citizens of the town and country general- "" canca ll " ly, to our new and extensive assortment of 1 r icvafrom 5U cents upwards. Jnn READY-MADE CLOTHING, consisting of every article of gentle:nous' fur- .11-5 ... ' , slang g. , . W deem. ." it .., ulieces."Y I" Pass fur a lull conrse in the Iron City College make a newspaper flourish, being eunrident Oat , the :urges,. wool exten,,ici.l, patronized aini a call and an examination Groin goods, will sa- , . ~, , , . , , , I nest organized ocuoot in the United Staten. List) , all. thAt our goods are just what we re m comend them to be, well m I made, of good mate- 3:107 students attend flag daily'. Out, and lIS cheap as the sumtignitlity of goods I March, VCI9. •••• to . 10 r., elf amilpnt, upon Krodusiting honest men, to deeeire, lint this moon we will . guaranteed to be competent to manage the cnn.he. bought in the. county sual time to complete a full coure, from C say s that wo will guarantee t till who may fa- Books or any 'liminess, and quali fi ed to earn a vor us with their patronage, entire sntisfnetion ,torsi. ,• o f from as to quality, tit told price. Should gentlemen ' desire tiny portieular kind or cut of clothing, IPSO() to $lOOO. not found in our stock, by leaving their mous- i Students enter at any line—No Vacation— are, they can be ticeommodided at short notice.Bk Boykin tit pleasure. Call at corner of the iliamon I Long's N now hose. !51 IPrciali s for best Penmanship , ;t:TAIAei Co. awarded in 1955. (kb- ittLters . Set receivril tit holt riee. th•FICE uv rut::',.' •Are IssPErro, For Circular and Specimens of Writing, in• .111 the Brigade , (Nintprtnies elo , e two leper stamp.. ,I ' ,l address Brigade I-Ith 11. •-• D. IL M.. P. W. .IFU KISS, l'ittsbungh. red to toe, t !! Co r:! , 1'59. JOHN , Aa.l" . F. 1. ABBEY et NIEVF. I•fa!, . G, f.: ; , 'Putt, Sr., 3 doors above Vine.) It ! :2°(: OLD 'di , UDITAIREI STAND, I.PII DROTSI.I.:V, I , ,i•Ex•rl -foci: VE.618. neigade le'(per i VMY DE.!- , CRIPTWN OF BUILDING Cos, iile, Nlttf 4 2 . 4 Meehatnival, Farming and Household Hard- EXI:CUTURS' NOTICE. lilac, is now in store, and will be offered nt the tinve, , t, market pr'ecs, to CttsS and prompt Six Notice is h ere by thnt Lett' .; T e , soothe buyers. Nadi; at Manufacturers prices tnmentary on the estate at John Stutd,ard for (-4,1.• lute of Tell township ' Hundii, , lon citnity, de customers front ne custoers will .eeiee strict ceased, have beet, duty ; , t .„t„, d to the eel,- and accurate attention and till goods sent from serbers, to whom till persons hid:dim:l to said w ill es Te1...1a estate will make payment, mid those, havi), : . : in f t:) .o, o , n,),(,i, Ko n l i :e tin r ,on the. ; II"' visit to PT' , (Illy ' invited to call FurtiligeTnirteniTio'LlsreSteurrl; claims or demands again -I the some, ,ill and Prices before Purchasing. ',cut them, duly authentiostod, for setiloin,iit. .kles. (2. Mar,9;511.-3M. Shistrer, Executors. XTEW & JEWELRY STORE. -- I t 4 5Q . 1, I 96 May 4, 1859, May .1, BOOTS AND SHOES The substr'ber rcspectfully aimounees to the citizens of Huntingdon and Vic:Lay. that he has opened a shop on St. Clair mice:, in itic:eue);,7.loz.tlttorfQ. all i e g il s e g i tzwaiciew,hl2,riell,Lcbwis prepared j do i r ! , % s . l ?,, e ,P,: i f i l lll •r an t , o, tathg u e n t d tl i llf7 on reasonable terms. After a long ttilg line, on the shortest notice, and ' try, that he has commenced bu einem in ', qt.: the room opposite 31. Gutman's Store in i 11 4 0 , expecienco in the Boot and Shoe business. 1 31Anuttx SQUAIIE, lIIINTINCIDON, and all myself that I eau please those who give eases. I II opes to receive a share of public patronag . WATCHES and cr.ocics repaired i: the ill ; I inn their orders. Work dalle when Pr B inke B best workmanlike manner. I His stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY is Huntingdon apr 27 '59. C. WEAVER. iof the best, all of which he will dispose of as 1 reasonable prices. EXECUTORS` NoTicE. , The public gengrallv are requested to give ( Esiate of <lll,cin,7, Steel, der.) , him a call and extunine; his stock. Notice is hereby given that Letters Tea- , Llar.o;3o. tanicatury on the estate of Alexu t der Sloe] late of the township of West, in the comity of O.iY Huntingdon, deceased, have been duly granted ' BOOKS ! ;--..:,- ~,, ' BOOKS to the subscribers, to whom all peeSoll2 itidebt• to said estate will make payment, and those 10,000 Volumes of Books for Sale. having claims or demands against the same ' $500,00 In Gifts for every 1000 Sold. will present them liw settlenent. ' "ll ' N l'''''N'' In order to reduce my extensive stock I will, t WM. S I EWART. I." .• :Alone thousand dollars worth of Books :.t tl, ; " I "' worth Apr. 27 '59-6t - regular retail prices or less. and give t.ie - lieu hundred dollars worth of presents v. • ... in value from 25 cents Lisloo,oo. Dr '',:i i , 111 1 ( 1 .4, N , S ,, 1 0 ( , ) . 1‘ ,„f i l i n i4 s l :L ontgornr. „ su , e ,„ , . I:23,olTeCklecTuentp.ll,l;efli:Zrylit:aiiet7t, 1i:..1,1,34.Q...,,,,, II UGTI NG DON, PA. binding, School Books of every kind, iii.u.i?l'S OHRISTA:N COUPS. Proprietor, sale and retail. Sales to commence Dee. 24th. This stand is well known us the "McConnel! Ifouse." The location is superior to any tit'icrt Dec. 2 WM, COLitti. 2;58. being in the immediate proximity to liii4in •s.: also to the Bank and most Public 011ie. VD leiliV - --- . it I EW.I.UIISIIO It is the determination of the Proprietor, to keep this House in a style satisfactory to the , erill4: subscriber has commenced t h e QV: ~ public, and it is his desire, to make all who -IL S.IHT/ILYG business at Pine Grove, Ce patronize him, feel a home, and to make the lre • county, where ho is prepared to manufactur e 'Mansion' rank among the best of Hunting. i and repair allil eand Pistols of every descrip. don Hotels. Ho very rupectfally solicits the tion with neatness and dispatch. public patronage. Apr. 13th ''U ' do will also attend to repairing CLOCKS. 10 11 J Prics iso suit the A O I': SO N'S HOTEL, Huntingdon ' Pa. J. S. MILLER, Ptioeutcyon. Dee. e 22, 1858.-lf.t imes.N JOH if. JACOBS. Respectfully informs his frientla and . . ER I PAPER!! the traveriti,g public generally, that hu i;il, P AI N ote, Pont, Commercial, Foolscap and has leased the "Jackson House " for so, ., 11 If l a , ea W....a genii .. ortmetit (or sale real years occupied by Wm. ' ll. 'Zeigler, and ream, bait ream quire or sheet, at that he will be pleased to receive the culls of Lewis? New Book and Stationery Store. all who may laver hint with their patronage. Dec...22;58X. His table will be furnished with the host the ... market call afford, and every attention will be tot?' 1000 AGENTS IV ANTED.—For purlieu given to make thu.c with him foal at home. tars send slam' , C . P. WHITTEN, Huntiap.elou, March 30, 1829. 1 Mar. 23. ',A. For T —... kr__ SPRING H untingdon & Broad Top Railroad. On and after Wednesday, April 13th, Pan Trains will arrive and depart as follows: Morning Train leaves Huntingdon at 9.25 A. M., connecting with-through Express west and Mail Train east on Pennadvania Railroad running through to Hopewell, whero Pinson gars take Stages for Bloody Run, Bedford, Schellshurg, Fulton county..,&c. Evening Train leaves Huntingdon at 5.00 P. M., connecting with Mail train west cn Penn sylvania Railroad, running to Cualmont and hip terinediato Stations. RETURNING. Morning Train leaves Hopewell at 12.20 P.. M., and arriving at Huntingdon at 2.32 P. M.. Evening train leaves Continent 7.00 P. M., Saxton 7.36 P. M., and arrives at Huntingdon 9.12 P. M., connecting with Feet Train efts,- ward on Tonna. Railroad. . These trains will be run strictly according to time table, and the travelling public can rely tirm being accommodated to the fullest en, tent. .INO. J. LAWRENCE, A pr.`.iO,'s9. Superintendent. W. F. THOMAS, ANIBROTYPE AND PHOTOGRAPHIC: ARTIST, P It 011 P II I I. A I/ k: I. I 1 , AT THE COURT HOUSE $.lO 00 J. ►T. DUTCHER, WA TOLUA AEnd , JEWELL=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers