• 4, I 1 1 " —I IE," ' " l r • • rcs , t; • .".; • 9 :- g- - s ' [!. 6 1. • 4 , , - 1 , 1 1 - p„, „ 4 , r. •' 4 , k'„ - .(4) „ r , , _ WM. BREWSTER, VOL. XXIV. AIM ELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS Scrofula, or King's Evil, a constitutional disease, a corruption of the bleed, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervaies the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there ono which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously -caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth epd filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. 'What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the eon- Mit!) :ion, descending from parents to children unto the third and fourth g oration ;" indeed, it scents to be the rod of lim who says, will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresset the energies of life, ao that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far leas power to with stand the attacks of other diseases ; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorder *lab, although pot mania,ns in their nature, era still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are serofulousl their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, anal their health is undermined by it, To elapse it from the system, we must renovate title bland by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Much n meclietne see supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is corn. bisect from the most active remedials thst have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Renee it should he employed for the curo of not only ecrofulu, but also those other idea tions which arise front it, melt as EtterrevE end Sam Dissyses, Sr. Avritoxy's ROSH. or BarmenLss, Pistrue, PUSTULES, BLorraes, TitAtm awl Bow, Tenons, TATTER and SALT RusnM, Son limn, Emmons', Italie...rim, SI ear Lyric and ManeentaLDts• 'asses, DUOPST, Drsearsrs, DEBILITY, and, indeed, ALL COMPLAIN. ARMING PROM Vim- Tao ON Ism. IlLooD. The popular belief in impurity(/' the blood" it founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rills is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without whiaottounti health is impossible in mut =hotted coma itutious. • Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are so composed that disease within the range of their nation eon rarely withstand or evade thorn Their penetrating properties search, and deem., and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. Asa consequence of these properties, the invalid who is hewed down with pain or physical debility it astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once on simple slid invitit,g. Poet only do they rum the every-day complaints of every body, but also many fortnidable and dangerous dieeases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish grr.tis my.Amerieun Almanac, eontatning certificates of their cores end directions for their ace in the following complaint.: Costive ness, Heartburn, Headache neisingfrom disordered .stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of A ppe. Jaundice, and other kindred coniplaints, arising from a low state of the body or obatrection of its function.. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, POR THE RAPID C.E . Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Boarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. non, and for the [anal of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So aide is the field of its ow:Niness and en nu merous are the eases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate charters of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to race observation, and where its virtues arc known, the path: no longer hesitate what antidote to employ fer the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by ever) trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forgot, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable tr be fbrgottea. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Jot Re wn. Agent Huntingdon, Pa. Nov. 10, I SELLING CLOTHING PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. 1858, FILL AND I' IV 'E IN I 'I : II:R GOOD.. 1858, M. Gutman & Co., inform the public generally, that they bare .just rP,ived a large stock of Fall and Winter Goods, cc, ,,, t „ Ong of CDA VESTS, • PANTS, &c., &c. Also, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS. Ilia stock of Clothing is of the latest lash ions, and manufactured of the best materials and so they are determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest, the public will do well to give them a call and examine their stock. /e-Don't forget the place—Long's brick building, on the corner, Market square, Hum tingdon. 0ct.13,'58 VW'S. M. PETTENOILL & CO.'S Advor• tieing Agency, 119 Nassau St., New York, & 10 State St., Beaten,. S. M. Pettengill & Co. ars the Agents for the "Jounsat." and the most efluential and largest circulating Newspapers iu the United Staten and the Cutuadas. They are authorized to contract for us at our lowes rates. an oven. Notwithstanding the suspicious appearance of the weathes and the rapid , full of the barometer, a party of midshtp. , men naked permission to take the pinnane, for a fete hours' sail, and obtained it, but on the condition that they should not go far from the ship. The party consisted of six middies and two mates; accordingly they started in great spirits, notwithstan ding the warring gro Is of some of the old , tors. Thoughtless and fearless as sailors generally are, they paid but little attention to the freshening wind, and the fast shot - lug appearance of the sky, The tide was running out with great force, and they were 400,1 outside the mouth of the liar bor, and slipping down the side of the is land with a fair wind, and with the full strength of the ebb. One of the mates j was at the helm, a siiddy with the sheets, the rest stretched lazily about the boat, smoking and talking, when Ike a thunder. b oh. a violent squall struck them, and the light boat capsized in an instant. All iis crew immersed, hut soon made their up• petulance again, swimming like corks on the surfece,and in a short time they were . collected like a fleck of water-fowl op the keel of the upturned boat. When they had shaken the water out of their eyes, looked about them and found their number undiminished, they held a consultation on their condition, and the chances for and a gainst their rescue. The prospect of af fairs was certainly not inspiring, and to people possessed of less buoyant disposi tions than themselves, would have appear ed hopeless. They were clinging to the wreck of a small boat. their ship was hid den from sight by the clouds of rain—for the storm had now come to all ha fury— and the land was invisible for the same cause. The sea teas rising fast, the wind blowing a perfect hurricane, and worse than all they were drifting with full force of the wind and tide into the Carribenn j Sea ; once there, out of the trttctc of yes- sets and far from any land, their fete would be colt tin. Such being did state of .things inane 1101 04 were expressed that the ship • . would send boats in search or then,— Comfortable suggestions, but with too lit tle foundation. At last the two eldest de- termined upon a plan, which nothing but the desperate emergency of the case wool I oat, suggested. It was an attempt to swir., , ashore. The land was chant three miles Item then ; they were both first rate swimmers, and as far as distance was con-; earned. might have attempted on a carat ' day without much fear or failure ; bat in heavy sen the case was dilTereet, ;col both wind nod tide, though not deed against them combined to sweep them down under ; the lee of the 'eland. Above all, the place swarmed with sharks. NothingSlaun ted, however, these two brave fellows stripped to the skin, and after a short good bye and a hurried exhortation to the big ones to hold the little ones on and keep up ! their pluck, they leaped into the sea. They had both resolved to stick to one I another ns long as they tested, both for , mutual encouragemeet and as some sort of protection against the much dreaded sharks For nearly 'an hour they swans on, seine times lying on their bacics to rest, some times striking out again for dear life. Up to this time, although much fatigued, they had seen no sharks; and they were en• conraged by a glimpse, through a break in the gale, of the land, as it rose dark mid foreboding, above its white fringe of break ars. Rut all at once, without a moinent's notice, they were surrounded on all sit by the block fins. An exclamation of des• pair forced itself frees them at this sight, and both waited in agony of suspense for the:moments of pain which were to end their existence; still they mechanically swam on, nee to their surprise, the sharks although playing around theta, did not About livenstouch them.—They made continual short y years a man-of-war ago , rushes at them, and when the pour fellows was lying at anchor in the principal liar- I closed their eyes in all the agony of death, bar of Antigua. which . as most people passed by them : or, turning on their backs know, forms one of the group coiled the they would open their monstrous saws and West ludia ' close 'their teeth with a loud clash within It was a but sultry day in the beginning a few inches of their victim's body. One of June. 'file heavy fog, which at that of these men said afterwards that he felt nt tune of year occasionally !lunge liken cur- tittles like it moase in the power cf a cat tain over everything, had been dispersed that plays with the poor stretch before she by the heat of the sun's raye, and like I makes her supper of it. Still, however, a retreating enemy, was rolling slowly they swam on, the thunder roaring, the back. to the horizon. Not a breath of wind lightning flashing above them, struggling stirred the water, not a seagull flapped against a heavy sea, terrific wind, end its wing round the ship. The long pen. strong tide, tired and exhausted, with these non drooped lazily from the mast, as tho' horrid monsters swimming round them. sharing in the general langor of nature.— One DI, at reale of nights of terror that The surface of the sea was like a mirror, turn in.'s hair grate. Marty of these only disturbed by an occasional black Its may be considered peaceful when corn that rippled lazily through the water for a I pared with horrors of that five hours swim. distance, and disappeared as its possessor 1 At last, however, they succeeded in near sunk again into the depths beneath. As ing the extreme end of the island; the the sun, however, rose towards the meri• sharks one by one left them. The last, dies n breeze began to spring up not cool however. made a farewell plunge at the and steady, but coming now and then iu j lad nearest !tins; and though he missed irregular puffs, and hot us the breath of hint with his sharp teeth, a truck 'hint a (stlect gottrg. THE SPRIAG FEVER. This is the time of Spring Fever, that enerva ting disorder, That wilts homer. nature down, like the tender. leaf of the cabbage, In the sunshine of summer, and takes all the sap out of mortals. This is the time of Spring Fever. In beautiful blossoms the peach tree, Stands fair arrayed and gorgeous, as Dinah Wes bidden to dress her; And filling the amorous air with sweet and del icate perfume, While in the beautiful blossoms the honey bees sleepily murmur, And sing of the faltulons flow , rs on the moun tains of Hybia ; Like dreams of forgotten Winter, the cherry trees nod the plum trees, Rise up with their snow-white wreaths of tender I looms and fragrant, On the pavements now the maple has dropped its tassels of crimson, And the silver-budded willows have leaves and the weeping willows Droop with their emerald tresses down to the emerald greensward, The lilacs are green, and the rose trees, and over the drools of the houses, Tke clambering creepers,the honeysuckles and sweet briers- This is the time of Spring Fever. In the air is delicious languor, And the sun is a rare enchanter, and the birds but drowsily warble, And somehow you feel as if you would like to lie down a few moments. In school, the wretched buys that sit a! the open windows, Sullbr unspeakable tortures, in thinking of woodland rambles, Ant; doze, and neglect their books, and teed ant the voice of their teacher, While the urchins that haunt the streets and occupy all the pavements With playing their beautiful games of hop scotch and marbles for keepers, Lark in shady places, and languid y scuffle and quarrel. Beek in the gloomy recesses of fancy stores, and of dry goods Valuers, lounges the clerk, and corset the buy ers as they enter, While the book-keeper's tireless pen skates may over the ledger. From the open grocery doors, there comes forth a tropical fragrance Of spices, mixed with the smell of theekerels, and coffin., and sugar, So that the sense of the passer-by is enchanted and lingering, Efts sees the happy grocer, swinging the legs of contentment, Lolling upon his counter, and conning the mot , ning polar. At the dimes and out the porticos of the princi- Jtal hotels The travelling public sit at ease, and gaze up on the ladies Passing to anti fru in their dreamily rippling Spring-s' Ice. Nobody hurries now, and even hackmen and dreymen are lazy. This is the time of spring fever, and exchanges to us are a loathing, And the scissors a burden worse titan the hop per-grasses to the Egyptians, And ever we languish and droop, and wish we had not cutout dinner. And ever bewail our lot, and envy the children of fort une, And think of the dear old days when we went a fishing fur surdieb, In just such weather as this ; catching plenty of horny chubs and blind-salmon, And sitting suddenly down en treacherous rock that was slippery, And coming home very wet, and prodigiously hungry to supper. Thus in this May time, while the pestilent spring fever rages, While we the hours, and bate the typograph ical devil. NAicattttc. A. SWIM FOR LIFE 't LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " NTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1859. violent blow in the stomach with his strong tail. The poor fellow called out; and his companion, who was swimming a few yards in advance, though thoroughly ex hausted, returned to his friend's assistance He supported hits until he recovered suf ficiently to proceed, and at last they once more touched the firm ground. They struggled up the• beach and lay down for a few minutes, utterly worn out, but the thought of their comrades clinging to that epturned Lost roused them to fresh ever tions. After staggering on for about half a mile in the direction of some hoeses they met a number of negroes, who as our he ices were entirely naked, attacked them with stones and they would in all probebility have fallen victims to this ' , nigger" sense of decency, had not an officer form- natelv passed by at that moment nod rec ognized them. In a few moments their story . was told and prompt measures were adopted to res. cue the remainder of the party. Boats were quickly launched under the lee of the island; and the two,mates although nearly dead front exhaustion, persisted in embarking in diem. The danger was not yet over, for the sea was cunning motto. taws high; the gale had little abated, and the night was coming on fast. After a long and hard pull, nothing could be seen of the missing ones. ft had hi:mein( quite dark, and they were beginning to despair Oee boat had already turned towards the shore, when by the light of a vivid flash. they saw on the crest of a huge black wave the dismantled boat with its knot of half drowned boys. They seen pulled tip to it, arid found to their great jar the num. ! t.er coinpltee. They too, had begun to despair, had feared their two brave coin rattet had perished; were wearied and half suffocated by the constant seas that were continually hreakingover them; and some were talking of loosing their hold when the timely relief arrived. On reaching the shore, the two brave mutes gave in. The reaction which fol lowed their exertions and expossere won groat and dangerous. One died, a victim to his heroism; the other lived, but his health was seriously injured, and his pow. ems of mind effected by all that he had gone thrrugh; for months after Wards he would start up in his bed with a shriek of terror as he saw, in all the vivid reality of dreamland, those monstrous sharks glar ing ut him, and heard the gnash of their sharp teeth. This wonderful escape can only be ac counted for by the fact, that the spot where they landed was the si.e of the slaughter house for the troops, and that the sharks were an sated wall the offal thrown in the sea at that time, that even the unusual del icacy of "white man" could not tempt then. If however only a few drops of blood had tinged the voter, the ease would have been very different: for sharks, like beasts of prey. am aroused to fury et the sight of it, and in the condition of these two poor fellows, the slightest scratch would have been instantly fatal to them. viscdian, The following list of the different ver slot, of the English Scriptures, is extract ed (tom the E o ncyclopedia of Religious Knowledge ; WICKLIFFW—This was the first truss Wien made into the language. It was bran, ~ e a by John Wickliffe, about the year 1530, but never printed, though there are inanuscript copies of it in several of the public libraries. TYNDALE'S.—The translation by Wil liam T 3 ndale, assisted by Miles Coverdale was the first printed Bible in the English language. The new testament was pub• linked in 1526. It sees revised and repub• linked in 1530. In 1532, Tyndale and his associates finished the whale Bible, except the Apocrypha, and printed it abroad. MArrliEw's.—W bile Tyndale Was pre paring a seconl edition of his Bible, he won taken ui and burnt for heresy at Flan ders. On his death, Coverdale and John Rogers revised it, and added a translation to the Apocrypha. It was dedicated to Henry VIII, in 1537, and was printed at Hamburg under the borrowed name of 'l'hotnos Matthew, whence it was called Matthew's Bible. CRANUEICS.—This was the first Bildt, printed by authority in England, and pub licly set up in the churches, It was Tyn• dale's version revised by Coverdale, and examined by Cruntner, who added tt pre face to it, whence it was called Craumer's Bible. It wise printed by Craton, ono of the largest volumes, published in 1540. After being advted, su.ppreesed and re gored under successive reigtit., a new edi tion bra htetight out iii 16132. English Bible Translations. THE Geneva BIBLE.—Some English exiles at Geneva, In Queen Mary's reign, viz : Coverdale, Goodman, Cilbe, Sump son, Cole, Witting and Knox, made a new translation, which was printed there in 1560. Hence it was called the Geneva Bible. It was much valued by the Puri. tan party. In this version the first dis• tirictiun of verses was :nude. It went thro' some twenty editions. Tut. Bisitop's.—Archb'shop Parker en gag d and other learned men to bring out a new translation, They did so in 1568, in large folio. It made what was afterwards called the great English Bible, ;tiffd was commonly called the Bishop's Bi bi.r. In 1569, it was published in octavo, hi small but hne black letter. In it the chapters were divided into verses, without any breaks for them. MATTHEW PARKER'S. --The Bishop's Bible underwent some corrections, and was printed in large folio in 1672, and called Matthew Parker's Bible. This version was used in the churches for forty years. Doumr BIBLE.—The New Testament was brought out by the Roman Catholics it, 1634, sad called the Romanish New Testament.—lt was condemned by the Queen of England, and copies were echoed by her authority and destroyed. In 1609 and 1610 the Old Testament was added, and the whole published at Douay, hence called the Douay Bible. KINO JAMES' BIDLE.—The version now in use was brought out by King James' authority, in 1611. Fifty-tour learned men were employed to accomplish the work of revising. From death or other causes, s even of them failed to enter upon it. The remaining tarty-seven were ranged under six divisions, They entered upon their task in 1607. After some three or four years of diligent labor, the whole was completed. The version was generally adopted, sad other versions fell into disuse. It has continued in use nearly two hundred years. Pnbitritue. It is the lessoq taught us by Whiter. The wind whispers it through the bran. ches of fir and pine, where, by and by the oriole nod the red bird shall flutter their bright plumage. '1 he winds bring how no song of birds, no breath of roses, but the medicine of the cold, wholesome air, not less needful than the perfume of the auto mer breeze. Patience !ho willing to be hardened into vigor—be willing to be made strong, that so every season may minister to thee its on n keen and peculiar delight, "Patience ?" The bare twigs of oak, and ample, and willow, ehape themselves 1 , into hieroglyphics, to spell out the word. Every bough imprisons a colony of living buds, sleeping calmly to their fetters, till the appointed time to unfurl their flag of liberty upon tho sunny air. Why should the untimely bud hurry out to meet the death-dealing frost? Patience, liiatt nei ther were it well fur time elways to be in leer and flower. Fur thee is the time of blossoming and fruitage fixed, us surely as for the tree. , t Patience !" It is written upon the earth's face, as she lies looking placidly up to the heavens, through her 1'24 of snow. How calm she is, with her to , mtle folded over her bosom—over the see., ~nd roots she is keeping quiet fir the festival time of sprung—over the graves where lie our sealed up promisee of Paradise. Patience, soul ! Hold thy life, ; erins pure and sound through the long days of silence and cold, content, since heaven is above thee still. with its enroestness of truth, its open ra• diance of love. Patience ! for the seeds will burst, the !.• ads will lnfold. the graves will open ! Wait in quietness and confidence! Let thy snow robes of endurance lie light and beau• ,iful about thee till winter passes, and up frets the deeps of thy being romes a mar .aur and perfume of life ! Then patience may change into joy, fur it is the rodemp• Lions that draweth nigh ! A (LEX. The following beautiful gem, taken front z, speech from Webster, has been prmred • tn large, bold type, on thick curd paper, and distributed among the schools of all grades, In New London by a gentle man of enlarged and enlightened views on the subject of education. In their neat gilded frames, they not on ly adorn the walls et the schoolroom, but abed forth a light upon the teacher's path. way, encouraging him to press on in the imperishable work in which he is engaged. If we work on marble, it will perish; if we work on brass, time will efface it; if we rear temples, they will crumble into dust. I:Int if we work upon immortal minds, if we imbue them with high prim pl?s, with just fear of God end their tel. low.men, lftl engrave nu those tablets something which no time can efface, but which will brighten to all eternitl•••' A Negro Discussion on Eggs. Geneva, the lovely village 4'n Seneca Lake, furnishes the following specimen of . perlinientary ruling: .r In the fairest village of Western New York, the 'cullud pussens ' in emulation of their white brethren, formed a debating society, for the purpose of improving their minds by the discussion of instructive and entt ranining topical. The deliberations of the society were presided over by a vener able darkey, who performed his duty with the almost dignity peculiar to his color. 1 , The subject for discussion on the occasion of which we write, was : What nut de mudder ob de chickens —de hen wot lay de eggs or de hen wot hatches de chi.it 1" The question was warmly debated, and many reasons pro and con were urged and combated by the excited disputants. Those is favor of the latter proposition were evi• dently in the majority, and the president made no attempt to conceal that his sym pathies were with the dominaut party. At length an intelligent tiarkey rose from the minority, side and begged leave to state a proposition to this effect. " 'spose,".said he, "that you set one do zen duck eggs under a hen, an.l dey hatch which GM de rriudder 7 —de duck or de hen." " This was a poser, was'well put,'and nonplussed the other side, evon staggering the president, who plainly saw the force of the argument, but had committed him• self too far to yield without a struggle ; su after cogitating, and scratching his head a few moments, a bright idea struck him. Rising frost his chair, in all the pride of conscious superiority, he announced, Ducks an not before the house, and chickens urn de question; darfo' 1 •ales de ducks out," and do it he dtd to the com plete overthrow of his opponents." A Bider in a Tight Place• At M—, one Saturday evening, fa tigued by his long journey, a wagoner and Lis von John, drove his team into good o“. 1 dow,tia:ll.l to passine Sabbath enjoying a season of worship with the good folks of the village. When the time for worship arrived John was sent to watch the team, while the wag oner went in with the crowd. Thu preach er had hardly announced his subject, be fore the old man fell sound asleep. lie sat against the partition in the centre of the body slip ; just against him, separated on ly by the very low partition, sat a fleshy lady, who seemed all absorbed in the ser mon. She struggled hard with her feel ings, until unable to control their. longer, she burst out with* a loud scream, and shouted at the top of her voice, rousing the old man, who, but half awake, thrust his arms around her waist and cried, very soothingly, ‘• Wo, Nance ! Wo, Nance! No ! here John,"—calling his son—" cut the belly bond, and loose the breeching, quick, or she will tear everything to pieces !" It was all the work of a moment ; but the sister forget to shout, the proachet lost the thread of his discourse, and the meet tog came prematurely to an end, while deeply mortified, the Poor man skulked away, determined not to go to meeting again unless he could manage to keep his senses by remaining awake. An Incorrigible Witness The prisoner, whose name was Pat Swi vil, alias stovepipe Pete," was placed at the bar. Judge.-- , ' Bring the prisoner in.', fete.—"llere I be, bound to blaze, as the spirits of turpentine said whoa it was all a fire." , IVe . will take the fire out of you. How do you live ?" '•1 tun't particular, ns the oyster said, when they asked him if he'd be roasted or fried." ''We don t want to hear what the oyster said, or the spirits of turpentine. What do you follow ?" " Anything that conies in my way, as the locomotive said when it run over a man." 'Won't care anything about the locomo tive. What is . your business ?" ~ T laa.'s various, as the cat said when she stole a chicken.'' "That comes nearest to the line, I she'd suppose." "Altogether in my line, as the rope said when choking the pirate." '•lf I hear any more absurd comparisons I will give you twelve nionths.•' sin done, ns the beefsteak said to the cook." air A young man, a member of an eV. angelical church, advertises in a N. York paper foe board In a pious family, where hie Christian example would he consider ed a eninprii,latinii. Editor ac Proprietor. NO, 20, MARRIAGE. Front a lecture recently delivered by Bulwer, we extract a few passages:— The law that binds the one roan to the cue woman,' eloquently exclaimed the lec turer, to so indelibly written by nature that wherever it is violated, in general eye_ tem, the human race is found to deteriorate in mind and form. The enabling influ ences of woman cease ; the wife is a corn - pardon—a hundred wives are but a hun dred slaves. Nor is this all ; unless man look to woman as a treasure to be wooed and woo--her smile the charm of his exis tence—her single heart :he range of his de sires—that which deserves the name of love cannot exist; it is struck out of the healthful system of society. 'Now, it there be a passion in the hu man breast which most tends to lift us out of egotism and self-- which most teaches us to live in another--which purifies and warms the whole mortal being--it is love, us we of the North hold it and cherish it. For even when the lair spring of youth has passed, and when the active life is em ployed in such grave pursuits, that the love of his early years seems to him like a dream of romance, still that love, having once lift ed hint out of egotism into sympa thy, does but pass into new forms and de velopment--it has locked his heart to char ity and benevolence--•it gives a smile to his borne---it rises up in the voices of his children—from his hearth it circulates in sensibly on to the laws that protect the hearth, to the native land which spreads around it. Thus, in the uniform history of the world, we discover that wherever love is cleated, as it were, and sanctioned by that quality between the sexes which the per. masons and holy union of one heart with another proclaims ; there, too, patriotism, liberty--the manly and the gentle virtues also find their place, and wherever, on the contra ry, love disappears in the gross sati ety of the senses, there we find neither home, nor affection for the natal soil. And one reason why Greece is con trasted, in all that dignifies our nature, with the effeminate and dissolute charac ter of the East which it overthrow, is, that Greece wai the earliest civilized country in which, on the borders of those great monarchies, marriage was the sacred tie between one man and one woman---and man was the thoughtful father of a home, clot the lord of a seraglio.'‘ Seventeen Year X.oonstc In Jaegar's Pie of North 4mericau Insects," recently published, it a sketch of the history and habits of this species of to casts, in which the assertion that they make their appearance only once in seven teen years is pronounced erroneous as well as they are destructive to vegetation.— The writer states that be has observed them yearly for twenty successive years, The same is 'rue of ether insects, especial ly rose-bugs. Some years see are overloa ded with them, and again in others there are scarcely any. Yet there are instances where the locusts have been observed in the same place only alter intervals of sev eral years, perhaps seventeen, while du ring this interval they have, been very a bundant in outer localities. They are, howerer, seen yearly in one place or other. With regard to the notion that these in- sects are very destructive to vegetation, the writer asserts that they are harmless. LON() AND SRO= DAYS.—At Berli n and London the longest day hat sixteen hours and a half; at Stockholm, the longest day has sixteen hours.and tho shortest soy en ; at St. Petersburg, the longest day has nineteen, and the shortest five hours; at Thrnea, in Finland, the longest day has twenty one hours and a halt, and the sftor• test two hours and a half ; at NVanderus, in Norway, the day lasts from the 21st of May t o the 22d of July,witnout interrup: tion; and at Switzenbergen, the longest day is three months and a half! icrThe boarders in a fashionable house in Boston were assembled one stormy eve• ping, when a lady remarked, she loved a rainy day, ',ad always availed berselt of it to arrange her drawers. 'So do I,' said an old sea captain. overhaul my draw ers and shirts too, sometimes, and sew a button or string where it is wanted.' Mad emoiselle did not faint, but there watt an angry rustle of silks, as she swept out of the room. Sera You would not take no for twenty V said a nice girl to her pattuar, a few evening, ago ; what would you tali. , me for ?"—n For butter or for worse," he replied. During the lest three months 1,262,870 bushels et oysters were tt*n from tho t, a . 1•r, of Virginia
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers