WM. BREWSTER, VOL. XXIV. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENT S Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes 7itiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out m disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is veriously caused by mercurial disease, low I::ing, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Bins who says, "1 will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, its the longs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which F eudon in the blood, depress* the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions now only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their color% aro still rendered fatal Ly this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidners, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or aro aggravated by the same Cottle. 0110 quarter of all our pceple arc scrofulous; their persons are invaded I,y this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. 'to cleanse it from the sv2itent. aye 11111 At renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, nerd in. vigerate it by htalthy food and exercise. Buell a medicine we supply in AYE R'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our time.; eon feels.• for thin every whore prevailitt4 turd fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedials that hays beet: o overed for tho expurgation of this foul disorder from Ito blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequence,. Hence it should he employed for the core of not only scrofula, but also those other nifee: 'dons which arise from it, such es Eiteenvu and Sam Disp.tsm, Sr. ANXIIONY'd Itosr, or Eursivm,ss, Pus rumzs, BLOTCHEA, BLAIN4 Bursa, Te,10141, 'FETTER and SALT lin resi, SeAr.n lir tn, Ifixotronu, r Lille and 11 01,1:712AL LAM, Dnorsy, DY1U•13,31.1., DIMILITY, and, indeed, ALL Commemn AIWIING roost Stern. 1 . 1111 on ISMU. Etll,l, 'The popular belief impurity el : •dcri h, for scrofula it 4 n 41 , .; . r 1 . rilla couturuina d Aye 's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE NUNES OF A FAMILY PHYSIG, are HAl:posed d:ze,ac within the range of their n;:hstand et Clbde them Itel, ~,o,, e rtice search, and cleanse, and iutigutate every portion of the human organ lam, correcting its d.stased action, and restoring its healthy vit..litice. An a con,cquellee of these pmperties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility la astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at °floc so simple end inviting. Not only du they corn the carry-day complaints of every Lady,. but also many formidable and dang^rm.4 discano. Tho agent below netted is pleased to Cornish gratis my American Almanac, containing acttilleates of their cures and directions NT their um in the following complaints: Coafite nets, tharthurn, L'eat,,he arising from disordered etomarh, Saver, Ifirt;gr,tion, fain in and Morbid Inaction of the 13,tee'R, Patestemv, Less of Arc. Cite, Jateil,?Zre, a nt other Mildred couiplaints, arisingfaun, a low data of the body or obstruction of its Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Fan 11. ittriu et . = OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchia , ' Incipient Consumps atm, and for the relict of Consumptive Patients iu advanced stages of the disease. _ . So wide is the (hid of its usefulness and so nu. Morons are the cases of its cures, that ahnust every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiotity over every other medicine of Ito kind is too npparent to escape otnervatioe, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ ibr the distressing and dangerous affections of the Whileorgans thnt ore Incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the comment have failed and been discarded, this has g.lined friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they cue never forget, and pro duces' cures too numerous and too remarkable to be fin gotten PREPARED DY DR. J. C. AVER & CO. LOWELL, DIASS. .1011,: 11rAn, 4010 -Huntingdon, Po. Nov. V. SELLING CLOTULNG AT PRICES TO SUIT TUE TIMES. 1858. FALL ADD I' N' E IN W TER GOODS. 1858, Ti. Gutman & Co., Inform the public generally, that they have just i lk received a large steels of Fall and Winter Goode, insiating of cqQA rs, VESTS, PATS, &c., &c. Also, BOO'I'S, SHOES, HATS, CAPS. His stock of Clothing is of the latest fails ions, and manufactured of the best materials and as they are determined to sell as cheap. the eheupest, the public will do well to gro them a call and examine their stock. ger Don't forget the place—Long's br.ek building, on the corner, Market square, Huts. tingdon. Oet. I :1,'58 --- S. li. PETTENOILL & CO.'S Adver tising Agency, 119 Nassau St., Now York, & 10 State St., Huston. S. M Pettengill A Co. are the Agents for :he ",'OURNaI. and the most influential and largest circulating Newspapers in the United States and the Canada. , 'they are authorized to contract fur us M our boars rotes. id 1., I I s • Qt, ( I ) 17-7-41 . , / • . J/ !Sri, *elect gottrii. LITTLE BESSIE, AND THE WAY IN smelt SUE FELL ASLEEP, To those who have lost some sweet "Little Bessie," how touching will bo the following ex- quisito lines : " Hug me eloser,closer, mother, Put your arms around me tight; I am cold and tired, mother, And I feel so strange to-night : Something hurts me here, dear mother, Like n. stone upon toy breast ; Oh, I wonder, wonder, mother, Why it is I ean.pot root "All day long while you were working, As I lav upon toy bed, I was trying to be patient, And to think of what you saii ; How the kind and blessed Jesus b.,l4ores his lambs to watch and keep; I wished He'd come and take me His arms, that I might sleep. 'Just before the lamp was lighted, • Just before the children came, While the room was very quiet, heard some one call my name. All at once the wind- w opened, In a field where lambs and sheep, Sums from out a rock were drinking, Surge were Irlug fast asleep. But I c,,uld not Hen the Saviour, 'non IMraitied toy eyes to see Ai.il I wondered if flo saw Ise, lie would speak to such us tile Is a moment I was looking Os a world so bright and fair, icilich was full of little children, Akd they seemed so happy there They were singing, oh! how sweetly 1 Sweeter songs I never heard! Thee were singing ;tweeter, mother, Titan can sing nor yellow bird. And while I rev bri.iath was holding, (inn so bright :you and ; A: id 1 knew it must be Jesus, When he said,' Conic bore my child C.a.,. up here, my littin 13c3si ht•ro and livo with me tho children never e.ntler, happior than v,n; se, Then I tl.•ougL: of ail y6a n•:1 happy land ; wss uhen When yoa came en.lkiss, , i my hal, And at first 1 'nit so sorry You Innl noMli Oh I to slt,p and none 2,7utln,r. don't In, crying an I ''''''''''''' • 1.;,•t . o ,.iinga to nigh:!" And thJ rc.otlivr ptc,s,tl her elefier her overhurlened On the heart ;0 breaking. LIAT 11”; heat I. se near it,: ie,t. In t'.e ti,h inn hour of midnight., In the darl:nei , , ealtn and .±eep, '..aviag en kr Inotner AI/0,01,1, fel tine,• V , 4 c) pima *latch pad er Lroben, 11.. r rigging was torn to taVeis, and the Cliptain said their oily The schooner t;aptain Marvin, hope of life was to wait until she struck master, arrived at Ruct:lo, Wh•comin, the then to leap into the water tied trust to the 15th of April, linen Marquenz, Lake tin- I waver to wash them 11?011 the shore.— prior, having on board a young lady, Miss in, yawl had been stored in by a heavy Svhitt Richardson, forhierly of Cleveltuel, i sea some time before. The r asel teas, Ohio, who ter the last three years has been perhaps, a mile from land, while iminedi• living in solitude upon a de,olate and us, i atelY tit fr. , • of her arose a law line of inhibited island in Lake Sorrier, near broken and jagged rocks. The only life• the British coust, and northwest front Isle Preserver en board nibs given to Alias Royal, upon ehich she was cast away in • Richardson, who inflated it and tied the the spring of 18513. . Same beneath her arms. The bark struck A gentleman travelling in Illinois. coot. with iminetite fares upon the rocks, and mutt:states to the. New York Tones the fel- there appeared to stick fast, either upon lowing history of Aliss Richardson for the ! the sand or between the breakers. The In.t three years captain and the crew leaped overboard as I out,, in Racine when the schooner at she struck, nud Miss Richardson and her r i ve d, an d C ili a. Al a v i n , w h o is a n old cousin were about to fOllO,, when a spar and valued !riend of 'slue, was kind en• from the brokes, and shattered mast fell ough it, introduce me to this young lady, to the deck, striking the mate upon this whose adventures have been so remarka• head and instandy killing him.—Miss Lle, and front whom I have obtained per- Richardaon'e courage forsook her at this misaion to suture public the facts which fol- awful sight, and ohs s auk insensible upon low. Mies Richards , ois npparently uteitit the deck. 22 years old. ller countenance, without From this point I gave the narrative in being positively handsome, is pleasing,in her own words, copied from the notes its expression ; her air and manner ate which I took during our interview. extremely well bred ; and, although when I r. How long I remained in this condi- I saw her, site was arrayed in garments tins I cannot nay, but when I regained my that were anything but fashionable and cl- senses I saw that the storm was dying egant, and her hands were roughened and awa y, an d that t h e vesse l was sticking browned with exposure and toil, it was int- fast where she first struck. At my side possible not to perceive that she was an rd- laid George, lain face covered with blood, ucated and intelligent y tung lady, and his eyes staring wide in death. I al- It will be remembered that in the month most fainted again at the right, but wish of May, 1856, the bark Alary, Capt. Ed- a strong dime I repressed my feelings and ward, sailed from Cleveland. Ohio, bound I got upon my feet. The worm, were yet fur Green Bay, with a cargo of provisions, i rolling heavily but as I looked upwards dry-goods and hardware. rite crew con- the clouds broke away and the sun beaMed sistud of eight men, including the captaiu down upon me. I knew that the water and mate. 'The letter, Mr. George Rich- would become more tranquil us night ape artist., was the cousin of the young lady preached, and I hoped that if the captain above mentioned, and it was under his land crew had reached the shore they would charge she embarked with the intention of I endeavor to rescue mu. I went into the meeting at Green Bay her afrinced hus• i hold and observed that the leak Jid not in band, Daniel Ashnell, who had been living !, crease. Tian se..ms of the vessel were to• at Green Buy for a year, and in whom site ! per,, and her timbers were strained and was to be married on bur arrive' there. I broken, but she appeared to be so tightly Miss RicLurdsen was the daughter of a I between the rocks that she could not sink. respectable and tolerable wealthy The wind blew strongly towards the shore. and she sailed well provided with a stock land I saw emu . , and barrels thrown upon of clothing, amply sufileicat for her re- the land by tip, s was a, aid then washed oft quirements for a year or more. This was I again by the returning sea. a prudent and economical measure ; when " Hours passed by and I saw and heard the scarcity and dearness of such articles i nothing of the captain or the crew. I was at her destined home it , remembered. tied, alone with the . dead. The theueht he. MIME 11021NSON CRUSOE. " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HLNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1859. as it afterwards proved, was the means of securing her from much suffering and pri vation. The cares of the bark was made up of pork, flour, groceries, mining tools, and several bales of blankets, buffalo robes and heavy clothing. The commencement of the voyage was . pleasant, and nothing occurred to destroy the anticipations of happiness indulged in by Miss Richardson, until the vessel had passed the Manhouline Islands, and was about to enter the Straits of Mackinaw. They passed the Great Manitouline just at dark, and immediately afterwards were assailed by a terrific storm, surpassing in violence anything which Miss Richardson had before seen. During the morning of this day the Captain had tapped a barrel of whisky, which was in his cabin, of the contents of which he nod the mate had co• piously partaken. Contrary to their usu• al custom, they had both retired to sleep immediately after supper, leaving the bolls in charge of a sailor named Dad." Mies Richardson is of the opinion that the whis- Icy had been circulating among the crow, as well as the (Zeus, and that they were all under its influence. At all events the storm continued to increase an violenc!, and the ves.:el was driven from her course. When at length the Captain and mute were aroused and brought on deck, the former announced that they had been dri. ven through the Middle Channel, and were then nearly opposite Sault St. Marie. IT., took the helm, atiying lie would keep the bark heating about in Tequatnenon Bay until morning. Either he r,•e.a mistaken in bi 3 calcula tions, or was unable to his vessel, for when the morning broke they discoverd that they ttere is :ho r,:r!).)rim , ,d of a !Ong naino of which Mks Rich- .6on has aagouvn, I widch the call SLLI WLI3 150 wiles from the Saul:. ('Phis was probably 'Mich ip;coten Island.) 'l'h, storm appeared in increase in and the vessel begun to fuel i 8 e•(i1 .•,.. %;;;ril iiot at an when liar cousin informed her that tit,. bltk was leaking badly, and that she was in imminent danger of sinking. She dues nut ra•ntenther ail which transpired alter thin, us she was in great distress loth of mind and lady, but utter some bourn bud ! ansed she Was surnntolA•d to the deck and ! saw that the hark taunt sonm sulk , : -upon what the wal 'A,: ;In ndand. Tits rudder of the had become unship- came unbearable, and 1 resolved to leave I them that of my cousin. In his pocket 1. 1 scklarge and so wondrous is now dwal the wreck and endeavor to reach land. I saw a metal box filled with friction match.l died sway to almost nothing. Yon seem 1 brought up my trunks from the cabin, es, which were of great service to me.— ; to be in the church triumphant, raised m and lashed vie to each end of the spar I dug a shallow grave us well as 1 could,l Bove the things that have once appeared which had killed poor George. Then and hur 4 ed them. It was a sod and awful Ito you so wondrous and so great will be with infinite labor got them-over the side duty, and left me very melancholy and then brought down to mere nothing. Be. and into the water, which had now be- ; doiiressed. 1 neath you is the tomb of the Apostles,and come comparatively calm. Summoning , "For several weeks I was certain that a I its wondrous canopy, which now appeare up all my resolution I levered myself into vessel would arrive and rescue me. But Ito you quite small. The altar of St. Pra• into the waves. The lif,preserver sup• I when six weeks had pissed, and 1 had ! comas and Martinianus, the jailers of St. ported me admirably, nod I managed to! seen no sail nor heard the voice of any hu. I Peter and St. Pail in the Mamertine pri reach the spar to which my trunks were man being, I began to give way to the 1 sion, appear to you still smaller; but you tied. The wind carried us aluwly towards I most poignant agony and fear. I was en- i recognize the power of religion which has the breakers. Th,•re were passages be.; sided finally to overcome this, and as Au. 1 effaeed the sins of these who were once tween the reels, and fortunately we were I turn approached I had become in a mess.' the prosecutors of the apostles, and now floated throege one of these, and finally I tire, at least, reconciled to my fate, reunites them in the same exalted honors thrown upon the shore. I was terribly 1 1 knew I had provisions sufficient for to them, as it does •to those whom they lacerated and exhausted, but managed to i three of four years. I had already l eans .: persecuted. As we poses ed still higher crawl up on the sand out of the reach of led to catch fish, and to cook my pork and ap, we come to the interior, on the top the waves, and then laid do witwi tit a full flour without the aid of dishes or stoves.— • of the cupola, before entering the stairs and grateful heart. After resting for 'per- I With the fragments of the wreck, and which lead to the ball. How noble the haps half an hour, I untied my trunks and some of my empty barrels and boxes, I prospect which is presented to you from rolled them upon the bank. The shore I made a low hut, which I covered with send 1 this I tV hat a panorama of the Eternal Ci. was covered with casks and haze a, and I: to the depth of a foot. One end of this Ity and of the distant mountains on one side, succeeded in securing seine of them.-- 1 was closed, and the other was fitted with a ; and of the blue Medkeranian on the other, This fatigued me excessively as I was then 1 door wade from the lids of my two trunks; is now before you ! All seem as it were by unused to labor, and ow- net so robust as 1 over my barrels and boxes of goods I stretch• the hand of the magician, to be reduced to led a sail, fastening it 17 means of sta k es .; a diminished scale, The Vattcian palace now am. Night was approaching. MY gut' As the winter approached I fabricateu , and its gardens, the piazza and its ffium .... _ ment, were wet, and I began to shiver . from my buffalo robes a dress, which I fan. ! ( "li t ' , ptroese their nt presentast appsti•za size a b n y c e s . m o e f i b ri e r i :i s ! with cold and hunger. I. had eaten nosh- cied would be impervious to the cold.— brought ing except some bi,eve7, which I had de•l My shoes, gloves and hat were made of elide power. The view of everything Is soured just before keying the wreck.— ! the same material. The forest supplied so deceptive, that you seem almost to be la- Tbe loneliness and heeler of rev shualion ; me with fuel, and I soon learned to chop': hosing under some delusion and you can- rushed upon me. I feared I should perish it with considerable ease. During the ear-' set trust your eye sight; but to ascend with cold and hunger. I knelt down up.. ly part of the first winter I suffered te - ri- the bail this is the work. We enter a on the sand and tri d pray, but no werde bly, but I managed to live through it, and resin, after a short ascent, from which . 's name t o an y lip s , 1 5; .,...i s again in utter 1 the next season Iw a ladder made of iron placed al Lost per. as toured to hardships. ; wretchtlnes, . . : e! 'l.r.! towards the t‘lit this wanner [passed three lone . stud ; pendicularly leads to the bull—For those water. A L I " 1: ''.':' ''' E , ' ' 5005 t '" l ng 1 lonely years. I kept a jeurna: during ; who ore of large dimensions the ascent is near the shore. and I. thou ~ivb y ventur.l this unhappy perils!, and this was my on. rather difficult. One of our companions of tog tats the watt r a short dis t ance I could I 1!), recreation. My bunks. and oven my I rather beyend o the average dimensions, tools save it. I mods the attempt, awl gist u l .'" 1 off his coat and waistcoat to try and enter BRA, were left in the vessel. During ' hale to land, hut its tveight preve nted me course he sticks fast, and he can neither fro.„, roniria , it.., on.i. ~,,,,,s. my set s .t i l i t• i s e e y t i r t t i i i : Je d i i t d rs n l o :a s w eeb bu o t , sweorteitladterlesi into the ball. In the Millet of his aerial sore were ;trotted my nests, and I cut o 0•: ga m ,op signals ; my anguish on these ; cut. down nor go up. Some drag him by ! the covering of the hal, W . It ire composed ! occasions woe indescribable. The the'ts the hoods, others push him by the feet, but of buffalo rubes, end the ight inspired tae' cf items, end of the friend, who were now ! 'T' ) :T i 11?..11:, , ,,U1,...idiq,A050,4iii1. iffilkii .i 1), , ! ,, ,, i.,.• i cut 03...."•''' ''''''''s tits!) epee `tae wen overpowering force, .'. - , ' diameter, ' andcontain out by one, on shore. ;touts of them ..! era ! and myis eight feet in can misery seemed too heavy for me to ;sixteen persons. The crass above the ball wet s sbut three were warm .cl dry. I , h ear . opened my trunks took off icy wet apparel 1 •' At l elig th—l L ime no t na w h a t d a y, !to fourteen foot high. The effect produ and replaced is by dry clothing. The.. ; but by my calculations on the 25th of Feb- red by the lighimg of 4,000 lamps and of . inakino a bed of two of urn' buffalo robes, I ru m, e—my island was visited by six Me-1 terwards of Sissy flambeaux, is truly assets. wrapped myself in the other, end pr.-par....! i; isinee Indians. They had ...Tossed trent 1 !shins and presemsthis gluteus . structure ;to peso nip fires night upon my dentin' . ..!. IS; itish shut', portly in theiecattoos and lon the night of its illatm:l4ml' . I . n tie fall island. Thu terrors of my situation, my a the tee. They were as much ! et:et:,... r j it neettnin fate, :tut' toy grief for my pset . ~, it c i s,,, e 1 iv find me on the Island as I was ! con bin, for awhile deptived me of sleep— ; delighted to see a human lace again. Wei but at leneth I fell into a deep slumber,leould not understand each other, but they I from which I did not ewalre until the sun ! mode elf , Ila bat I should go with them.l of the next morning shone mutiny face. , I woe in their power, aud I Wits wtiling to , "'Fite wreck had disappeared, I sup. 1 gc, as I conceived that by their means I I posed that during the night the wind had might finally obtain my release and resin ! agnin risen, and tossed the vessel to pieces ! ration, They returned with me to the ! against the rocks. The ivied still "me British cost, which, I thiak "s not leers , towaid the shore, and every few moments' t h,,, twenty or tweot y.f ivo miles f rom my it wave would throw upon the sand ling.l island. They conducted mein two day's 1 meets of the wreck, or portions of her car. ; journey, to a French trading boat, where, Igo. I felt strong and refreshed, but very ! I hungry, and I knew not of what I coula ! fur the first time in three years, I found • myself is the company of civilized men.— I make toy breakfast. I began to renew nay , I was received with kindness, and soon former labor of rolling the barrels and box - I forwarded to Fort William. The cointrian es out of the wit} of the returning waves- I der of this Fort entertaitted me hospitably Ply hands were torn and bleeding, and us Y until the lake became open, when he die. limbs soon ached with the unaccustomed patched we to Marquette, from which latigue but 1 perserved, as I could not bear i point Captain Marvin fins conducted me to are so much property swallowed up b y i hither. At the Sault I learned that Mr. the waves. Among the boxes was one Aslinell had returned to Cleveland, and I marked .. Surdines." I forced the lid off am note en my way thither." with a stone, and, feasted my eyes upon Such is this remarkable and interesting my treasure. Butoltut up in their little narrative. The journal kept by the young tin boxes, the fish w e r e as useless to me lady teas well written, sod no doubt would as if they were in the bottom of the lake. prove an attractive and saleable book if My hunger increased, and 1 sat down up. i published. I intimated this to her, but on my buffalo bed cull gave way to tears, her modesty appeared to dissent from that Suddenly I remembered that in one of tip I opinion. She came to Chicago in the trunks 1 had a newly invented chisel furl same train with your correspondent, rind copper cutting, which my f u ther had sent i lea 'es tranight for Cleveland, her kind as a present to Mr. Ashnell, who was en -1 friend, Captain Marvin having furnished gaged in the mines. I found it, broke 1 her with means of pursuing her journey. open one of the boxes of sardines, tend en. She will be received at home as one risen joyed a delicious and refreshing meal.— sr_sese-_er-.sess_ - see...e'e.!•••--- ---- "se --- from the dear:.My hunger satisfied, I again went to work :teal spent all that day in saving such things ;‘. I ; as [tans able to handle. t•itC u• tellanß. •' The next day I occupied in collect- _,,:= . .. ... , _ ing together the goods which I had saved. From ' liomo, its Churches its Charities and I found that I had eight barrel, of pork, I its Schools." ]" two kegs of lard, twelve barrels of flour, I THE CUPOLA OF ST. I PETER'S. two of sugar, several boxes of candy, can ‘‘•o resolved The today ,.. to take another view . dk,,, raisins , an d d r i e d h err i ngs , one h„,, of Ott. I,t eter s. he ascent cupo la of the .upola of sardines, anotherbala ni buffalo robes. is, at we have already observed, of the Ca i a box of dry goods, needles, pies, thread, . '.''s, description,i being nearly an inclined a I plain. From the cupola alone we can yarn, etc ; a box of mining hatchets, have a true idea of tan immense extent of box of henvy clothing, and a bale of blun-1 leets. ' St. Peter's. The fourteen figures of the eOn the third day I explored my its j Apostles, our Saviour, and St. John the land. I found It entirely uninhabited, ns Baptist, which, from the piazza, appear to far as I could then judge, and I afterwards be of the ordinary height. are in reality, a, certained this to be true. The shore was I nearly 20 feet high. On the roof live sandy and barren. Half a mile (rain the those workmen who are tmployed in the lake there were short and scrubby ti :es, I repair., of the buildings, for a large sum which grew thicker and larger as you ad• of money is spent every year to keep the vanced. On this day, also, the waves Basilica in its present state. From the in threw upon the shore the dead attd bruit- I terior of the cupola the view of the church el bodies cf several cf the sailors, MOD; •to reply deceptive. What speared to you Thomas Burnside—James Potriken—tae T. Hale The elder Judge Burnside presided iu ' one of the courts of Pennsylvania whoa ! the Ineworuble case of Parsons vs. Parsors ! was on trial. J. Petriken, was on.: of the coutie.:l assisteu by James T. Hale. Elsie was speaking and having made a strong I point, which the Court challenged, he said that he could sustain it by citation of ca yes from the books, but he had left them a t his office, close by. Why did yuu not bring your books here?" asked the Judge. ~ Breause I considered the point so plain as not to need the support of other crises : but I aal step over and get the books." As Mr. Hale left the house this Ysdne. pet, said, "That man reminds me of a carpenter who came to work for inn, and left his tools at home. The court has forgotten more Into than this young man knows." 'That," said Mr. Petriken, —is just what we complain of—that Our Honor has forgotten too much." And so it proved : fur the book, came with Mr. hale, and they revealed tho fact that the memory of the Court had been too short on this point, if ou no other. Ohio has sinco been a very able Judge, and is now Member of Congress elect.] The case of Parsons vs. Parsons was' brought by ono brother against another, for the purpose of breaking their father's will, which cut off Abraham, the older brother, without a cent, giving all the pro perty to Samuel the younger. This Samu el wits a stout, broad-shot-0(1'1'd Pannsylva. uia farmer well-dressed and portly, show ing himself to be somebody ; while Abra ham was a lank, lean, 11l favored man, with thin threadbare clothes for bad wen thee. Mr. Peti ikon, counsel fur poor Abra ham. aslced a witness, r•What is the rela tive wealth of the two brothers ?" The opposing lawyer jumped up and ob. jected to the question. "It was of no con r'quence who was richer or who was poor er :it w•as a question of law." Petriken saw that the question would not be allowed, and calling out to his client, said, Abraham, stand up by the side of Samuel?' Abraham planted his figure, to shabby duties, by the side of his corpulent, well ' dressed brother; and Petriken cried out to the jury, .‘ Nowcompare the parties l" The eflect was instantenenona and complete— far better for Abraham than any evidence of witnesses as to the amount of his pro. petty. The jury gave hlm a verdict : and law or nu law, he got half of his father's property. Editor & Proprietor. . NO. 21, Popular Maxima. One of our Cotemporartes has a philos opher who does up some maxims for pop slur use in the following wonderful style ; "Never go where you wouldn't like to be found dead"—one of Mr. Jarboe's personal bylaws Hence Jarboe is looked upon us a model husband, first-class citi zen, and his pathway through life is strown with roses, sunshine, pastry and ease. Look to it. Rise early and introduce yourself to sun shine, morning glories and sky-larks.-- Early rising adds a bloom to your cheek, and inflates your lungs with purer Make it a business matter also. To try to get tkrouglt the world without early ri sing. will be as impracticable as Jones' at tempt to bore square holes with a gutta per cha auger. Try it once or twice and see. Keep u smile on yoetr countenance.— Smiles breed dimples, which are far more ornamental than three dollar vent or chains. It's dangerous to sleep in the same town with the proprietor of a perpetual frown. Don't walk around looking as dismal as a sick undertaker, or as if you were going to y our own funeral. Melancholy, iwo thirds of the time, results (ruin hunger or indi gestion. Dissect a suicide, and the chat, ces are you will find his bread basket emp• ty. If you feel clown heated, avoid hemp and take to victuals. A timely sirloin might save many a goodfellow front an ear ly grave. Is'ot that so? Be kind to children, even if you are an old maid and can't bear them.. The six pence old Mr. Kifer gave us whin a boy proved a good investment—we last week licked a man for striking one of the little Kifers. Early impressions last longest. With us Kifer is the synonym of all that's g^od, just and generous, notwithstanding rumors to the contrary. Judge Douglass is a Democrat simply because when young he saw a Whig strike Isis father. There's a pew. deal of observation among the iirs;l:aii i- tirgentus. What is excusable iu Horace Greeley if attempted by Smith. would create the impression that he was a Dainphool. Indian Anecdote S,Tuaspequash, nn Indian of the remains of a tribe in Connecticut, was seine yars since brought before a justice of the pNce on sonic charge ur other which I do not rec ollect. John happened to be drunk at the time, and instead of answering directly to :he questions put to him by the justice, merely muttered out— 'Your Honor is very—very wise—very wise—yyyour Elonor is very wise, I say.' Being unable to get any other asnwer from hitt the justice ordered him to be lock,. cd up till the next day, when John was brought before him perfectly sober, .Why,' said the justice, you were as drunk as a beast yesterday. When I ask ed you toy questions, the only answer you made was—Your llonor's very wise— vary wise.' Did I call your Honer wise 7' said the Indian, with a look of incredulity. .Yes ' answerd the magistrate. , Then,' replied John, must o' been drunk, sure enough.' Moral Suasion ou a Rani When a friend of curs. whom yve call Agricola, was a boy, he lived on a farm in Berkshire county, the owner of which was troubled by a dog Wolf. The cur killed his sheep, knowing, perhaps, that he was conscientiously opposed to capital punish ment, and he could devise no means to pre. vont it. ‘, 1 can break him of it," said Agricola, a if you will give me leave."— f , Thou art permitted," said the honest old farmer ; and we will let Agricola tell the story in his own wands. "There was a rant on the farm," said Agricola, "es no torious far butting as Wolf was for sheep stealing, and who stood in as much 'need of moral suasion as the dog, I shut Wg up in the brit with this old fellow, and the consequence was that the dog never looked at n sheep in the face again: The ram broke every bone in his body, literally. Wonderfully uplifted was the ram afore said, by his exploit ; his insolence became intolerable ; ho weisure to pitch into whomsoever went nigh him. a I'll fix hint," said I, and so I did. I rigged an iron crowbar oat of a hole in the barn, point foremost, and hung an old hat on the end of it. You can't always tell, when you see a hat, whether there is a head in it or not ; how then should a ram / Aries made at it full butt, and being a good marks man from long practice, the bar broke in between his horns, and carne out under his tail, 'Fists little admonition effectually cured him of butting.' , • The time of the aingiog o( bltda hits coin,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers