- - . (Estate of John Youttg, clee'd.) 1 HAIR DYE? HAIR DYE?? emarkable for the elasticity of seam.—l'olice DALLEPS MAGICAL PAIN EXTRC lE dministrator's Notice. , • • titezette. TOR. . 3 . ET RS OF ADMINISTRATION on the VlTsii. A. Ratchelors 'lair I)3'e I • Well adapted to all kinds of family sewing.— .V estale of John Young, late of Cass twp., The Original and Best in the World ! .- I: Observer, . ir all diseases inflanintion mote or less pre. ' Ilest adapteil far family use.—/V: 1'; Day Bunk. 'deal, having been granted to the undersigned : All others are mere imitaiion, find should We do not hesitate to recommend it. —N. l': 1 . dominates—now to allay intimation strikes' fall persona indebted to said .estate are required be avoided, if .you wish to °settee ridicule. Chronicle. at the root of I'll diseases—hence an immedi• 'to make itnmediate payment, and those liar- GRAY, RED, 013, ItUSTY 'HAM Dyed in• It Si,. strongly and does not rip.—Lip Must. , n ' th cu '' ing claims will present them, duly authenfica. stantly CO a beautiful mid Natural I3rown or ted roe settlement, to Black, without the least injury to Hait•or Skin. • „ inn , I and nothing else, will allay inflamation at once, ! The prince ot inventions.—Protestant Church. ! DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRGTOR JOSVPII STEVER. • rr--• 1 Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been a- It is woman's beet friend. N. Y. Weekly. News, ; and make a certain cure. : ' Dec.15;58.-61. Niger ta Vim.. A. B a tch e lor mace -two, nod' We give our preferenee to Grover & Baker's. I 13alley's Magical Pain Extractor will cure I MORE THAN 500,000 Bottles over 80,000 applications have been 'undo to Student. I the following among n great catalogue of ; the Hair or his fl' f D- • flossed • • r • 1 . Scalds, _ unities, s ore patrons o 114 1111101.18 JO. 'l.lO most lnvention o modern tunes.— dmeases ; burns, Cuts , unities, sore SOLD IN THE I IVM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE pro- 1 Mother's 3logmine. , i Nipples, Conic, Bunions, Bruises!, Strains, NSW ENGLAND STATEe' ~... f. , ...-, ,, ,• ~-,...,...". -8 , , Bites, Poison Chilenve, Gout, Swellieg, Itheti• daces not In u j i u si reinte ' l e i a ß s i t /.111nal makes n t P e 1 e fo ' r u r r ir e m7ty 111C.—nrowayn Mar, I inst im i „ , s ai d' iiesd, Salt Ri i „„, m i ld ness. : • IN ONE YEAR. • s i however long it may be continued, and lii it I We might appreciate their va1ue,—.1,,,,,,cen Krr , irmits, Ringworm. lia r bor itch, Small i effects of Bad Dyes remedied ; the 111 ir In- .....•, a /.. . . . . .. . 9 .. . .. . ~,,„,„, mens ,,, ~,.,„ Ac .,,,. alz RESTORATIVE OF 0. J. WOOD; ; vigorntedfor life by this splendid Dye. Its grestoaerit is in its peculiar stitch.—r mot• • „ ill 1 o some it may appear incredulous that so 1., for restoring the hair perfectly and ~.....! Made, Id or applied (in 9 private rooms) ,fe L'irele. ,_...,‘,,. We uttost its simplici ty and durability • many disc:vies should be rercebed by ono arti• neatly h. never yet had -n rival, volume error a t tin' Whig Factory, 233 Broadway, New lions; dis,uw,.. 1 du ; such an idea will 1.1111i4h wberi 'cheerio. ';'•Otale might be &von ( . 1 n a.i palla et. the , York. So'd in all cities mid towns of Uni• Admitted to be the hest extstit.— rirainia ..try. ! points to the fart, that the 43LIve.is it combine. World and lima the most intelligent to prove • la d siodo,„ by Druggists a n d Fancy G oo d s Is not liable to get ant of repair.-1 , thin of ingredients, each and every .10 apply. i that it is ,a• perfect Restorative but read the ; Dottie , ' I (Itit-m. 1 ing a perfect antitude to itteniftetele disorder. cireular and you estatiot doubt ;read the I $ flar• The Genehm bestir° name and address •Is adapted to all home requirenieuts.—Dover I GALLEYS MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR' following, upon n- taste' plate engraving on four sides of ' Enquirer. in its.etfects is magical, because the time is ! . . -,--.-- '.. • ' each box, of WM. A. BATCHELOR, A very pretty piece of furniture.-3/Oehias Un- s l im , bt,,woott diseases nod is peri„,,„„iii true..., ill -Toe llsim—People have for center', ; , 233 Broadway, New York. • Mk. and it is au extractor, as it draws all diseases been afflicted with hold heads emboli° only re• ; ,i i, Read, Agent Huntingdon Pa. Sews with a torty•sennistress power.—Rockland out of the „ rooted part., leafing nature as wetly, heretofore kuosvii, , ltne•lieett• those e 1.. ., i NO, 17, '5B-Iy. Gazette. id perfect as before the injury. It is rfeerec•ly tie- inable wigs. By a reread tliseovery of Pref., , ___ .... , , . . _. _ Nothing can be More n • erre "' -Simtilbr ' - g ° i cessar toa that no , house, 'yeti: shop, or 1 yay eor II cal these article* is being fitst dispel, ; r.l'o the Cr,diters of 7.)avilll Campbell.] Pr..' . ! matittlamory should be one moment without it. sed with, bat a great many per.. soil pats, AIIIIITOWS NOTICE. The most ingenious nod useful,—.Nantucket Nu Pain Extractor is geniiiire unless the 'die them, ?teem'. they have Memo. eft d'l „, m.. ,. giid _ t.si..iied Audiwr, appointed 1, mirror. box has has upon it a steel plate engraving, in - limed L•pfnl Illtir TOtlit, Or diftereiltiind, I lb ' , , rt, i'coLtusti I' ens (4 . t iy o ,,,,„ g d o T, Has eadainea deserved celebrity.—Salem Ob with the name of Henry Dailey, Manufactu. I 'Co ; all such persona we ''''''rßt'sll, nixie ' II° I county, i7istribute the balance in the hands serve' car. For sale by an the Druggists and patent re a•: ' ; ' "li ''' ). ' ill I ' f ' """ main, f "' i " lof Dr. .1. 11. Wintrode, Assince of David 11. The best in the intirkm.— Chicopee Journal. medicine dealers throughout the United States Wc.,Ts. Rester:oi,, those is . such thing as It does not get mit of repair.—Citpe Cod Ad• Campbell, under tt voluntary assignment for and Canadas. Principal Depot, fail. • We - know of a.. 1 thy who was bald, who . the benefit of credito r' hereby g ive s notice scents. 16.5 Chambers St., New• York. alga the article a short time, unit her head is I Sows silk or cotton from ordinary spools.—liar C. F. CHASE. I -•11 1 f that pur po se at his I I that to ~ .1 attend or rat .w covered completely with the tiniest and „ age in Hunting on t e.i dlly the 211/ c l oy I verhill Gueette. John Read, Agent lluntinglinn 1 , .. most beautiful:our* itathablef:. We know of i ' don,. , il . p m 1 The work it dues will trot rip.--.Amesburg Vil er December next, at 2ac ,c . . ~ w len ; , . Nov. 17,'58.-Iy., numerous cases where hate was rapidly billing and Where all persons having claime ttgainet Juice , outit ~ which it restored in greater 'perfection than , Aro superior to all Mhers..--Hingliam Journal, ORPHANS' COURT SALE. tho said fund aro requested to resent the ever had been before. P A most admirable invention,—Boston Courier. eente to the utalersimard Auditor, or be debar. 0 • It is alao without clOiiht 011 C of the best ar• - - •.. . s .. .. . They are enjoying universal favor.—N. 0, red from coming in mein =aid tune. DY virtue of an ot•der ot tho Orphans' Court titles for Ifrepiti c , ,, the hair in good "mail het, ; , rlll - : , .). 11. Clll , lll'll , PieaSinie. making it Wit glossh.Veinoviug.daililniti one ; ~__ ~.t , , st ,_ it. ••• •• ' S '• t • f d ed.—N.o Deb 1....) d ~,,,,y.,,.. .ii perm' o any now mann .ur . will be exposed to public rude on the prem• iias proved•ll4ll the greared Cooley to all the ' • ,T - I. '2' - ',,..,'': ~.. .. . _ ... i• ills that heir - is an heir 1,0,.., I MON E I . A t t l• A e l . \ - T E D . \v , ill do more work than a doz. hands.— It is the dnty ,f every One to improve their , ''' 'V, ashitigton Unium • • dia., • T °OVER OE THE - It sews everything.—Boston Watchman. ' personal' ajmenisaice thotigh some may i. ...,. 4 1q ,„,,, .. - in regard to the ways of iloin7, it; but every one i -1 D vLT A Nic.. , (i( )u Dril ' The heat of the kind ever invented.—New will admit that a beantifial h cad of Miff tither t' LI 111,1 1 . 3, t j It J. • • line. Resister. ' to r -,, t in Ta.,""'""""" , "" "bi'"l "',"''' ") 1 ," - Real E3tate of Dasssonli. Sinawley Deed. • '',... -- . desired, anu there urn no moans hist !diem, I x be left untried to ()Wain such a emisi•lerefiun. . I , IIE subscriber as Adminintrator of said mt. 1 ••- _., 1,, S • —4llbman's:Atfrochfc'l'l'liilfld''l:-1',1,• - Ante and fur the purpose of paying the j , ~ ,„ (o r 1 , ;) , arsa p ari ll a I • , i debts neninst the Hanle; wishes, mid hereby , - i, / • ' Coelioeton, 01!!.f. Nov. I , ` ; 185 (i• I propose,' to borrow the sum of (about) nine ; ..t, ~ •,, , ,,,„,,,i ~,.„„,1: , .. i n w hi c h „.. hay° la _ O. J. WOODrIz CO. --, ' ,,, m': . 3 I have lntedred 'halms, for which interest, at the rate t L.' m ;,, ereibiee the most effectual alterative been eitet,ed in eel ing your Hair Restorative : ace' , pe r emit per mintet will ha allowed, to , 11. A, ~,, iy; 1,1, it is A ,neentrated extract the last 504,1011 for one of your leenl•agent'• ho seciirel liv Mortgage on sa'd real, notate.— ! ~'' , ' , .,a :-'.:,naainwillit, re, temibined with other and h.evina experience") the b.melicial eq ., . i A a d r i cvidel.l s a id Imiti ie ied effected by the • 5.,•• ,, ,••,, , ,,,,: still gr.. et, nlivvntive power as of it miseff, 1 e ,,,,,1d like t,,, el/sin „,,,,etiey ' 2:11 si . December, next, (1858.) then on said 7 . 4 .. : ~ I 1,1 ~i. e ot/Vl., atiti,/,/e for the diseases Cr the State. of Ohio or sot. State in t h-c, 2 3 ,1 d i , „f D ese „ i t,,„. i „,,,, i„. v i rtu() o f ii .tri, ' ~. ,:o„nriiie is reputed. to (nine. It is believed W,•st, sle old you wish to make richo e ar. ; ef.iair order tif Court. nod lieteeeit the Lours . "i' .. •- , ' iimb A . 1 , 1110,1 y is WillltUd by those who rat:lcemen', as lam , o , l,illeni there is nothing of. II ( ,/,1 0 ,k A . 3,1, , R „,I 2 ni„ficce P. 53, o f ' 1"..1'..., f, r : :t :•1 Iti 111 , M3 COMplailas, and that ono equal le it in Ile, Ceitisl Stntbs, f oe eettorflig 1 g e ld day v.. 111 be exinesel to public side, on the - which will ne,somidish their cure must prove ct 1/111M,15.: Ft I, ',•: tO this large class of our the hair. I have inam segaged ha the "let I. , prellliAoA, (or such part ilii•recif its will be stiffi ate•e I fell , . ~-c, ,.i .,-t, 'Dow completely this' business for sevi rut years, tied have sold vans- , etitt to . pay the debts aloresaid,) the following ' • ' " , .„ ,- - .. voinp,ul,, ',IL t. ) IL Ilfll neell proven by OXIMT. pats pryi.at mita. tor the li lir, hut nave il tied i Real Estate, viz. iment an many of the went eases to be found • 'tirnhing That rest„ the et•i•refive ergen i • - .1. , A T RAC iiitigorniet the sealp at well as p.m?, befog SeII,,VUL , .. two ii.,..01 , 111.0Uti CoxrrAirtra, fully cmivi need that :o'er restertri'..) . i -ft; lit imuste in Shire bevoship, Huntingdon coup- E1tt.,110:43 AND .EILUPT/Vil Diseastes, ULcuae, represent it to b.,, I would like to en,,,,..... il. if o "y,lioilinled by Juniata River on the north.eust ~, ~,.....,_ _, mile of it, for lum satisfied it 1... ~,i: ,by Augliwiek Creek oir the north west, by f,„*"•,; ri ,,,:,.,,,ft,,,,,•?f, i 1'i 5 ,';‘.7....,,,5i,; . 1; .. Yours truly. I • f 1 11' 13.11 , the eouth-west b • lend . ;;',,, L ist ,, "‘"' ,''"'" '''' ! land's o ... . ~ on , , . 3 I . , D •N. R. "MEMARTII, )ISTURI., nom., I.tr , s, T. sT,, , .••••.•.',., N. ;', - .1 Olver Eviler mill l;ell's beirs•on the south. I „ T.-ion sumo Dont,ssitutrxi D.BitiTy, Dv.- has!. ... liii* • 610.. l'ontnining about Two hundred and 1 j.`,AIA asp Ixeterartex, *.IinIiRIPELAS, lt.o Weylead, blase., 1 , ,i , ..•, I.' I:. , filty..faiir acres and ellowonce, (inure or loss,) I es 11e. AertioNy'a Farr, and indeed the whole PAGE. 0. 1. wont)* CO.—' ~ ,! • , lee. , about one Mildred trer...; of which aro cleared class of compinints arising from IMPUIZIEY OF 1.1,,,,n .4... .........,.k.,h...„..4 effecte,of ynes Muir lie. • and. under eultivufion 1 brafing, thereon erecb eireli. , , , , , . , -ro WIN K LIII,I I{l ' , I einismnduill oefoundn great 3.ro eiro, , 1 aril Its graY, 1;339 i//;1111.i4 : '''' ' ‘ , ..h.yqz,btLizza . ,,t NO besr,l, t'o try mlo, oil' I . TWo story Steno Dwe , r•nter nf - health when bike' in the spring, to Ilir..g House, do, „ • . ~-.1 , ..,. the foul humors wind' fester in rho 'l.liell it 11" eir"t6(Vethithi'l6lP.'4""*'".,liki44loWa4driligliiiiiertgia4=l).l:"ln`qtrl*Wo-21"Me, v. : WM IfVi, -. O A' shoo I hare tined itrarly tlir,e bottles. ~,111, Yl/143, AC. ' i . 1 ER:I SCP SALL—One third of the per- ! the c„,h,c0,„.•, of .I.. ' „i ' cr i t . • '' ' '''' r 41 litloll3 and ulcerous • lAmEs HI ‘f,,ner:s f l'ifef.e leota'Y to Mu pail ea confirmation ersale ,re,, through which the system will strive to told the residue ii, two equal annitid payments rill its.tr f • O. A., IV001) 5t..C,„1.,•0pri,,10r,. 3i2 Pr nal. I . - ... 0 corruptions, if not assisted to do ~ w ,. - with imert st, to lie seemed by the Bonds and this thraugit the 'lateral channels of the hod • ...p, Nci": v tir k ) (in thin rri-no N. Y. """ Mort , tver 01 the eurehrser. Duo mteneenee by ad* ' y Bailing F• ,4 tttlili. , :•"'" l ' ) '"` m II .1 M " d "' m SI ' I ' ,tion . the env ',,r .:dn 1 n alterative. me !MC. Cleanse out the St. Leal , ' Mo.. Jae fie, - , 1 , • Ag , i , ', illPii.g• i gi.:. vitiated blood whenever you end ite impurities ilieNl3 y 13RE wsTE It, LUTSting tbniugh the Skin lit pinlples, ertmtiona, Con, and sold 15 101 nod DriiggisiZ, I ~w,,,, , -, ,•,/ E x t a t,,,,i'D ~ „,,,, C. s„ ia „./ sui s i s ed . armrest cleanse it when 3.01 i lied it is ob- Dee.1;58.•3m. . , . . . 1 ;,`,,esiiher lot ',;33.-ts. ettheted sod sluggish in the veion; elealtse it To the Stockholders or riot Shermiln'S -,-••• -- , -,0,,,,,, it i s foul, and your feelings will tell Valley and Broad Top Rail !tend v , if , • • * ' d irt ••• , K , -- 1 . , vyle-,... - is f VOll elt WIINI. ~'gist ( where better hea no parnicular disorder W-J•se l ,wifely lth, mid live Company. , . „ I longer, l'or cleansing the blood. Keep the -•,' ' ND TO HP.I" . Notice 41,,,,,1,.. • , i-, • •,, I 1L , ...1' CUP:I,OIIg 1,.. -''', A - '.. 1,, I bit , ml healthy, and all is well; but with this .;• giv..a. t..,, , en ,ta-i•tiiii, ;vie $ . ) stir ;a, till. 'lluisy arc be bald at the IMMO of Mrs. Gray, in New Ct.. r. , • I • ' • `• event. light. easy palinlom of life dimrdered, there can be no 1/111,11110V/11, Perry could,. ,:a •. , 1,,, , ,,,,, die lo,h I 81'4d"''`I'I' lasting health. Sooner or Inter something . . ... fitting 1,, n,3 ..,, e ._ ; ,,, t ern en I, e ; 'll, 4 —no must go wrong, amt the great machinery a day of January, A. D. I, , :iff, bettemei the lisere , •; , „• , - ••• ' ' - " • f• I B.' ' ' ''' - of 10 A.. 111". and n I'. M., to e",set e President I • l • na "' H g " • I!'''' I.". , • • , d . icdec,i this i, rh o °m e lira is thserdered or overthrown. and ta , „lvs Direetors, .•1 raid C ono et ' r' lßl 'PV•l mat ,'" l ; t • r e ilc• ''' thillga arc r"Ter- I • - - Swop:trill,' has, and deserves much, the ' • '• ; , , v•itimmstemi :me rimy , - X. , . V 1 • ••Incasßut $y t . com .. -u, t a. cent is rei t , ends. serve for one year from that date. • ~ - , • 13y Order r,f thelloerd.. di i es be , •ll. C,C,Ously deceived by I ~,,v. 17, '4;33,-ly. 233 Breadwoy, N. 't.. I flee Ton ,• - :... n • _. , r ,_ .. 1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,t 0 ,,,, 0 ., ;••; partly because the drug G. W. Seeen,,See'y.• Office of S. - I'.-li 13. T. It, It 1 I FOP'. S !". LE OR RENT. alone has not all t;:::' virtue that in claimed . for it, bat mere ineauee nfeeY Fel...aim., Warm Springs, Nuv, 2ti. f ' , tracts of it, I THE Flibiet iber will se.ll at private side, 1111 pretending 1,, Le ,eineentratcro.• Pis...l-42,,n0pti,i. , -of .'fork, 1,, , ' tied, 'or the ;eh , ;rapt Moose, ealeulated fora tavern stand or contain but Hifi., of virtue or ;,,.: , !...""rilla , Board, weffericiaiructail to plabe in the hand. of I a ..!ore. The house steeds on or tutu thing slue. a Justice of the Peace, for e!,floetiee, alter the i .•••!,,,. -: 1 , a ICI of one acre and a hia, on Puling late yetis the public have been mkt 11th of 4keenther,' 1838, all are enrages for tin. I 1,4 ••,.. which there is a good stable.-- • led bylmge bottles, pretending to give a <un paid isistalnicoM. • 1 ''' ' -4.7 , lt la well supplied with water. of Extinct of Satopurilla Mr one chiller. Meet Dve,B '4_7. ~, ... „ , ..„ . • l'he ab o ve property is in MeConnelletwon, a there have Men frauds moor the nick for • • litt l e,• , ' Jujuka , _7l( . l Ay.- •, - , ..,1 :.. • :, ~ • L 1 ,,.,, , , ,.. ~„ , ~ ,_, , . , ' Lev hot onl y contain if any, ...imp.- , ...,tgaßil awl" )• J. "t't a- s old a` il W u " rilla, tut often no curative puipertics alaitcv /411,. o q!c r i , o4l ,, g , i 13 ":„..,,,:n„. „ r b,,,,,,r ;:t i t e ti r. r„,,,,,,, t e e uiars,,e, r gi,.. by : ~,.!.:.,I,itter acid pair.ful dituppantunnt: • giftl ' 1 • ,, , l' i b Ny .'l't ~ I, .4,'lc'eatl, ~ I .•'/' • - •'- ' • ' premises, i r ' • '!" fi"' ' ' ir 'c of the verims,estrarte of GLOW' Ll.\Vi N • , ~ ~..,,, ~.. ~, cc tielt ikod thn cearktit, m:til tiff Br virtue M'`it'l7Oll7l,.;fil,C OrpLai,' C,Mrt of iluiCogibeitnty , , , tOgzo ~v 1.1,10 oipp4ed Ll'u I Casa it A t i i,l,ll le the A. nt A-41 , 0 - F L .1 N D . slu t ai. ay.& r W ton ig n't"i' 1 ,4404.10P ( 44; Re. ter 'written, Cc Id . Speer others; tontnining ahem 202 acres and allewance— Fert ef ;which is Moored, and the . balance u' ll ' I .l . tibleffid. , :saa building consi,st of a large Slone Dwvl• Veg 'House, ti .1 . .. , • -,, ,• • .1 a i.."'-.1.61 L 1 , - 1 1, •-, 1 ; .1011; OF GA LE.-- (lne 0,4,1 a Ow pm Nearer Stkbel Xid on vio,fli . ,uti,, tof ,:110 Vi i 4 4. t ,I.Ti., , it ' f(a!Olvilig, alld il, real. i, f t rtgloall, ptiliqfpyli,,,o,4 wi,h July,. ' 43 4 ,i 9 4m 3 4 iv, tlit vbril, Fsna ,Niortgago 11 t! to Ii ' ty. 1 1 ,, ,,Jp11 4 414,44.41.3. , 440.itea.. ' IA . ....wwA 41H o 41, t ,•.. ,_.... . ' .... , ' Ntl i tr i Xiti ' .. ... .. ' y 9Epitsc . "*Nnumel ilt . i.l4l l ;tr t !Mktg', everal , , notes keg', Afaihovil,oliti eititt• : I .ltAii , .o,,4l,#Fi'al is litivilvittr , RlV . ri'iMfr t 11 4 ,66 4„5,;(4, i • erilfdeld'iirlitiiiti or'Otaizupg..R . 4l)(,..t - Anx., MVO aulatgoit;tivt t rvo,-No lr p ! .: 5 . 4 t71 41dekitcli %rad; .1 . * ,, sOld.;ii)iwylv , , 4i. 1 Peririrridnis*to iatkg, AO 49 With any mote or evmences ot defit . .perporting to he gives ly.tne to said Glasgow, as I will not 1 11 rtZ " irt l " :% ll gArEl4 - T ' ER. : .. tiliya ''.g.;,...,ec.1, 'fiB.t l ,, 01.643 1 0 , 7-O:7).A.DiTs In pursuance of an Ordinauce passed by tke,Eurpa4 And .Town Council of th e .bor-, MTh Of, Thuttingdon, the 3d day of Decem ber, 1858, proposals will be received by the undirpigp . pd 11104:12 kdell:lF .5,1. on Saturday .. thO - 75=111q of 'DodOinlior inst a nt, to loan to said borough, 'the sum of enethosaini dollars. Redeetintble on the, first day of January, 1860 and to bear interest not' exceeding stir pot. cent per annum, payable semiannually on the first days of January and July. To se, cure which certificates - will be /sued Tot boiounts not exceeding_ one' hundred dollars each. JOHN WHITTAKER, 'Dec. 8,'68.-3t avid Burgess. DAVIE) 11.11'.'N. GROVEtt a 131tXtat$ ' r . ... ;04 " r,, . ...; 76.;,.1..."‘k.,-*•,- w • 4 1 .- 7N-I: - - .414 WI .a..pi,i3EINTMIS. Price $5O. \VM. filtE‘l"FiTElt ..igent fur . 1.1unting4.9.4 -* ' ' - These MitelfineS 'Sew front two sfioulg, and' form n seckynAt _attectutted strength. beauty, and el - .tioltylt.Vbßiii.o.lll4inv rip, even if eve. ry (50 h Orebelk Etltey - ar,adquestion. ably t e best inillewkat fur fAinily use. OPINIbIiS,OF THE pitEss. Grov & Baker's is the best..—imer—Agrient. - To a or sublet, the Tribune says amen.—N. Y. 2. bun, • , • , - . - is WI that it claims to bidepmat. It, finishes its own work., others do not.—Home Journal. . . . ..... We-give it the preference.—Amerkan Baptist. Adapted for woolens, linen or cotton.—Amor. Mid cat Monthly. Wed like Grover b Baker's best.--Ladies' Wr at?. Wh qh in the best?" Grover E Baker's.—N. T. Diipatelt. Superior to ull others.—N. E 1/erelaw. We have no hesitation in recommending it.— N. T. Express. It requires no re-spooling.—N. E Evangelist. For (amity use they are unrivalcd.—N. E Dui. ly Newt, They sow a seam that will not rip.—N. F. Cott- Rive. • It perfotma nobly and eznoditiousl—N. &amine, r.nt::^ itEOf is jnialy dcepised, and has Leto me e . .vt.covinntiti•with he.pcsithot tel cheat. • Fltid we eat] this iump,and and intend lo sandy such a runt tip as shell teteac the mane feept tie .lord of illcquy which 17. ts upon it. And v o think we limo, pr. erd fce believieg it lots virtues v.hteli tee isweat:lle hy tl cril:auty tun of the dihmes it is intcnd.. eel It: seer. In ceder to rester their ecrorlete cradis'id kit fn in the s the Hint dy fLeeld judielcusly taken accodints to dircetioas en the bottle. /ID R. 1 . C. AVER at CO LOWELL, NTM4;4. Ps lrr. 41 per nottlo I ' M,: nettles for etl, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Lea non Car itself snob a I.l,noivit for the CUM of vaiirty c C Thio. i I:11g Ct.:plaint, that cliltetv uti t, to ',mall the Ly'rh,te 'PC it, vit,acr,,,i deter it htla I urn cm- It 1,,,4 101, , )cep in trrt t a.r lltct at luny Inc rutc.d on to ft, tliOt....wa. all it Inns ever f:een fouud to do. Aye'c'e;l'ea:thartic Pills, 'OM COME 08 • ' . . . . --•--• • • •• • 1 ) !.. , 40 , y• .1 . ;%0 Iltatiehr, Erypt;lacr.? :•I;in , . I),cl'!i, Tater, Tumors and Phr.), I 11777 S, Goat, Acura/pia. as II Dinar Pill, trod for l'inifying tde Bibod. Ti,v are sugar-coated, b 0 that the most tenni tire elll take them pleannutly, end they nee Out hest aperiert iu the icorld for all the purposes of n family phy,ie. _ _ Price 25 canto por Box., 5 Poxes for $l.OO. Groat numbers of Clergymen, kb yhicians, States men, and eminent personages, have kid their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of them remedies, lan our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish §Frutis our AtltatU'AN A I.MANAC in which they are given ; with also full dem link>. of the above complaints, end the treatment that should be fol lowed for their eure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand j bteou, and take no others. The sick want thu best aid there is for them, and they should have it. ialUsir Remedios ore for sale by Jon► Rpm), Agent Huntingdon, N. Nor. to, 1858.-Iy. On Satun h ty 18th of December, MS, next, at 12 u clock, A. M., the following des. critical IRA& ZAWATZ 4 • : lute the property of Rowland 1.001116, situate in Dublin township, HUlllingdon cone• ty, to wit : _ . .• All that certain tract and parcel of land being the mansion limn, bounded by lands of William Murray, and others, containing about one hundred Ca. and fatly acres, about sixty acres cleared, with a fine stone quarry, three dwelling bounce and other improv,m, to thereon; ALSO—A certain tenet or mouotain land, adjoinin , the land above described, lands of Alomuncer McAnineh and nth.. containing till. hundred acres or I hsfsti!..c• A LSO—A. certam other piece or parcel of timber land, with a first rate Saw Mill thereon, adjoining lands or John Atkinson and others, containing twenty.two acres, or thereabouts, AND ALSO—A certain other piece and parcel of land hounded by lands of William Murray and others, containing twenty acres or thereabouts. T lilt MS f —One third of the purchase mon• ey to be paid on confirmation of the sale, nod the residue in equal „nutlet payments, with in terest from The day of confirmation—to be se cured by the bonds and mortgage of the pur chaser. Attendaneew.il!beF.iyoffhy JAMHS Ki.LLY,'Adner 13,rnt f'altbins, Nov. 24, '5,t.-1., ii E OPPfn TilD • WA NTI Nll4 FARYIS TN a healdly pla,c, twenty-five miles from Phil adelphia, on the Camden Atlantic railroad, New Jersey. shn old estate has recently been opened for sale, and th e first di ei3ion et' 10,000 sores divided op into farms of twenty acres up wards. The soil is of the best finality for the production of fruits, grains, &v. Tlto price in slsas2o I.cr acre, payable in easy quarter yearly instalments, within a term of haw years, with interest. The terms are made easy, in order to insure the rapid improvement of the I,nul, by en aiding every industrious man to lacy a farm, It fs no 2 being extensively improved by good roads and sotto of the best citizens from New England and the Atiddto Stoics tire erecting huge titiptuve ments. It is a scene of the greatest improve ment out of Philadelphia. Seventy-tine houses have been built in four months. Practical far mers and business men from the length and breadth of the Union are settlittg there. It is an important bthiness place, on account of its bring in the midst of a great market. Every artiele raised upon this land finds an immediate stile.— The water is excellent, and no such thing as lb veris known. The soil is a sandy or clay loam, with a flay bottom and retentive of manures. It is tree o Rio," and is easily workout. It almonds largely in the i.,:nsphates, and such is its fertility that Produced upon this land and the l argo arc ,. „di c ,i„;:t, utntler cultivation, it will be flitted slot to be exc.:lie:l ::9*".irre in the Pr.lue tion of crops most adapter' its market. The reader roar I , e well 0005, tiwt the earlie,t and the best frai , s and vegetable , cont.: Jersey, which are annually exported t,. !he amount of millions of dollnr, The hind, be sides being in every way neeeFsilile for fertilizers has nu abundant simply of the he,. ga,tlity of muck manure. Lumber and building materials can be had on the shot at a cheap price, from the mills. Otter mill are now bring opened, and brick-yards Ling starled on the ground. A person run put up a frame tenement for present convenience rot one hundred dollars. On account of the extensive emigration, this is the hest course to pursue in o der to get a place to lire in at first. Carpentre and builders are on hand to put up houses on the best terms. In settling hero the emigrant has many tub/al leges. lie is within a few bows' r'do of the gre it cities in the Middle States and New England, ho is near his old friendsand associations; he is na a settled country, where every improvement and comfort of civilization is at band ; f.o is in a heal thy place, and is not subject to the .10441 5 Valf je irgoirl the young and 1 hardy in far off reigons away Irian home and friends. Besides, he has a mild climate and an open winter. There are three trains daily to Philadelphia, .nod to ;All those who improve the railroad com pany gives n free ticket. The reader will at once be struck with the ad vantages here presented, and ask himself why the property has not been taken up before. The rea• son is, it was never thrown in the market ;. and unless these statements were correct no one would be invited to examine the land before purchasing. This till are expected to do. They will see the land under cultivation ; they will meet persona, no doubt, front their own neighborhood; they will witness the improvements, and can judge of the character of the population. Persons should coma prepared to purchase, as many are locating and locations are not held on refusal. The Hammonton Fernier, a monthly Literary and Agricultural paper, containing fish informa tion of Hammonton, will tic set to etch inqui rer, and can be obtained at 25 cents per annum. Title indisputable. Warrantee deeds given, clear of all ineumbrance; when purchase money is paid. House to the land :—Leave Vine street wharf, Philadelphia. for Hammonton by railroad at 74, A. M., and 54 P. M; when there inquire for Mr. Byrnes, Boarding conveniences will be found. Letters and applications can be addressed to S. B. COUGIILIN, 202 South FIFTH Street below Walnut. Philada. Maps and information cheerfully furniahed. Aug. 25, 1858.--3 m. .. • INFORMATION. FOUND AT LAST ? I ! The 11. - ay t o Save 111oney!! 1 rpm , . sohseoibor thankful fur Past faces res- AND GUILE EMILD TIVIEs ! 1 pectfully Mforms his friends and the pub- , is to -*AT GRNEEAWT O BA OO R D G S A ! ! INS! die generally that he is receiving at his now BUY ALL Kixnu or ITAnow.int: . , Store in Portstown, opposite the old Toll Bridge BUY ALL KINDS OF HanDIVA RE FISHER & Me.MURTRINS. a splendid stock of New Goods, which has been Huv Al,: KINDS OF HARDWARE selected with great care, to salt purchaser.- The sleek of , , ' ' • ttful assortment of fi sf/ said wint, plat, Hardware, Queosware, Boots. 1 1: : :Ii% m t .I.t. A A.. 11 13 j :::;‘,; ' ,. 1 T r i Ev l '"" ll "u' oc4iv°d " h t r g . ' ld Matt " FROM JA!!. 0, 11R,11•: N, w i i i,.], ~,, open f o r inspecti on , and to which the and Shoes, Hats nn3 Cops, a unricty or Mona AT CITY PRICES. ' attention of the public Is directed. and Earthen ware. Fish Salt, Cutler-ware and This ARM VA I. OF NEW GOODS I Their stock embraces every article that can in Met all article, kept in a country st o re. All exceeds all others in importance. , ihe found in a well selected stock of Dry qods of which will be son low for cub. or country i let. Because it supplies TIIE PEOPLE with . . ieueeleting of Black and Fancy Silks. Frerichs ptodacc. Ciro us it call. indesocissebfr articles and many useful MIMI, a nd,y,,,li,a, morinoe's, Solid, end Emmy' ull SA3II.IEL GROVE. Roos, whicls m o t be found o ,d, in a UMW- ' wool Deldtine's, Mohair, Madonna, Derfithi- Nov, 3, 1858. ll'.lll/.: s TORE. i an, and 'remise Cloths Scotch Plaids Dellaino 2nd. The snisscriber purchasing in largo. s,E o bssrgs, Aloacetts, klouslittenDelattnet•eititg stunsitities from manufacturer,, is enabled to i h ams , F re nch, schi s t, Itripk t os s ,,,F a meritelnrs. sell these goods from .rc. 20 to 100 per cent cheaper! A Leasstithl asset truent •of Fallssid Wit.ter than they are' sold I.y toilet merchants. ' sisassls, l'hibet Stalls, Gents Traveling Shawls IliA Stork includes 4 COMPIRIC variety of el,. Pliiin 'Merino, t'hi'n Sitio, in sootrr 58.. For Bill LD IN G -H A RDWARE, Slr.is , , , errl.mix, A farm , stock of• kid nliii . ,l3euver Ohm, OILS. PAINTS. ' leis. Silk nod woolen Do. Meristo, Stilk ,elld VARNISHES. GLASS, Cashmere Gloves :ere,. n o f or Mc. STEI•ll, 111051, ' !leek (OMNI 400' Mita; also presis .Triptinins MECHANIC'S ToOLlf•i, ' ' Fringes; •antigistst) ,, ltillThiltili•'VtitifeS • Colars, Ilf iI,LoW-WARE, I Iltllldkerukiefs,• , Hosieett•Shtsffs,llBegi' yr - SADDLERY. ing Silk, extension skirts, 'mop! vigeli CA RR lA GE 'URI MAI INt it , . kin &as, x ~,,,, 11 , ',SR ,!fs, vii 1.,!••1') CHAIN I!UM.V4. . - A k it). , -3;i.i4ii.:g,,t faloorliviins Milo ,liitilind , LEAD I,PrEs, no bleat-ism', no,siiit 4111010 , 16111001t01., red and 31(1111,CCi 11: S, White CritnArsc i e e 'i s ligfrtkonti totem Muslim, I.IN.INt;s he. Victeria7 Latvisin, Nainsooks o logOthooy other Together with a full assortment of everything articles which comprise oho Me of White and, pertaining to his line of business. Ihnnestte 'Goods. All orders receive prompt attention. _. IA ...)01 fit i Ft mellrittßuilnq ci0.1.. (ANTES A. BROWN. 4 mt.% Taint, ,on enwinstr, whin,: nine, ills Huntingdon, Oct. Gilt, 1850, ' Flnissels, Limeys. Condon, lateplcats,S,. ' • i llat3, 4 4'apet Bonney:sort, ercay variety "op DR. A. P. FIELDS st , )•,h, Igo St cou , eri,..,..ttnraVar. R E Cl l s ' % (.. i ' L r i, E nTs ' iTrr i n i x i l r : l l.lin is n. v i l i gisi li to. = irs'sti. f i ,i , !o l • i ssisware, 'Boots eisd Shots, , °ad ,ane has ri go in commenced the praetice or Aledieine, , w e also , nta ; o . ,:l i l i „Vl ' : . , i r to ‘ ,7 , ;1 1 113,11'. •;,,' so ... st: p li r t , s , p e e s s io b , l , s t l o es g m u tl , n , g n lii m it oo n t •: s le . n e tt o et , !t p iolt i s e s t iiciiittrim,i noel , -,.,.... u „ .4 .. ; , .. i. lacer. My 1!,..) c harges will i !n i e ' a ]'runt the tts: ', slo l te o l•7l "''' ' 't 'll'l4:kr4e ' (111°Ce'cde.1'n''' 77t;ei.clinn. ° I 1 / .."1 11,',rintrYtiu,nyliit Depot,, of the Broad 340,, 1 ( 1 4) „', I ieir,:rn l i,F17,,Aert.,t,',",g`t,,e ,, siring to see my 1 t g,":11,°,: - _ - _ •""c,,,,1 1 „"4,,'„e!i.°Vi1ii.T., and be convinc ' A n y person ed by calling at my office, Indr. toile fro,. inns, '' ' .:, `,",o ,2 ' lone t h e i. l ' i nt i g t , () „: ) (I'e l ai l ;A l i e ‘ i" ( 1 0 1 c df w disposed i or ,' i t ville. t lowest rates. .4 October 13, 1858,310. Oct. 6..T3:13"/SliEll ‘ Iffellkilt I'lllE. . iiiqoMyr 9riVi THIS" • . r - - - ; /,.. , .. I r,-. 1 1 •• - I Nev.! Prr.ff and Cfrocory Store. .., -- • ~.i,,, 4. &Amur!, s. SMITH, Ilia St.. 5 doom west . '•; : . _ .. t• • !4 , ,,,,,,,..') of the Court House, Huntingdon. Dealers in •. .' ._‘..l. , , . l/ c ~.....<- 1 , Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stud's, Pah. Varnish • „ ~, __ „ . 1 i _. • i .• i 1 , 1 es, Oils, SW. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Wine ° •"' l t COI' . 'conaimerc a I tot ege. and Brandy of the Best intiele tor iiii.dieslym- Prrrstinnow, r,.. - • OIIARTEREF 1855. poses, Concentrated Lye for making Soap, li lass 3111 s tu d „,,,,, • „„ eudi. , jaunty 1868. ' 4 / ii NI: 11 . 14 ‘ ; 1:1;e: 1'111! of 11101,AI gii 07 , 111- y o tt i t n t? o . , P;t t o ti t ,, i ,i t i. l:ltie la in s e ,e i s t , tls v o i l i l ,e u g fr , u , r e : 1 1 ' , c i s s i i , , C s h il e i - , , Ts, ,, Flour, Crakers, Nuts, Candies, Figs, Itaisies- . .` . emial. belsba" of. the ;Milted Sten.- Tobacco, Cigars, Syrups of all kindsdlir sum, Young mutt prepared fet Mishit! duties uf3e mar drinks, inn word every thing usually kept ( , roaming. Room. in a Drug or Grocery Store, those who desire . d• C. , , , S . stivu, 1.. A 11 . 1. Prof. of book-keep f pure and Ocnnitio articles will) do well by e p 'A a .t . 'l l )7lTrilu,"?l' n e n „ t ul; Teacher of Arithnreik givSit?ig„."29'. ca ll. (l i 71. r .f il fin l i l l ii i tt u t i o C e a ttP. Q ( n i. JeNot x s, Toeel ' it A. COWLEY and W. A. Mnit.E., -ProfsMl of 1 THE GREAT PURIFER !•-- , i ti 'L I: I NVItIND DOUBLE EMTBY ' ntr . )ii ' i ' : To T p I R IE O . I ‘ , I :, ° O I ; its Lp CI F I' Q ‘L u L A E I7 EI) !-- ! As used to ovary ' el s etTtm '° ent of basineite2 ci)NINtERCIAL MILT lIMET IC- , Tt ael D Slth'" TUE BLOOD SEARCHER , BUSINESS WRITING--DETEC'rINO COMIC'rEIIFFAT MONEY- girCILORIOUSIX TEI ! 1 MERCANTIL!: COBREBPONDEW;E SWOIM statement of David McCreary, of Na' ! COMMEIICIA:L•LAW--• pier Township, Bedford county. i Aro taught, and all other subjects necessary In April, 1850, as near as l can remcmcmher tio• the success and thorough education or a st small pimple made its appeanince on my up- t s i .,,, t i ee t 1, 011 i„,„,, ,„ no. per lig, which soon became enlarged end sore. _la a itrilattrtrlng.4 . t vitrels wftlient eness...pondous:orevi4 , eneiend- , • .. , ..sw-ui-....- sh•-.9.Ansostinw . w.f..- ing I called on Dr. Ely, of Schellsburg, who the past three years ' also in Easte rn and W ee pronounced it CANCER, and prescribed a wash sera Cites, for the best Writing,. • • .' . , • of sugar of lead and bread poultices. Finding i NOT ENGR \lilt) WORN. • - these remedies of no avail, I called upon Dr. Important Inform/4km. Shaffer, of Davidsville Somerset county, who • also pronounced the disease Cancer and gave Students enter at any litne-No vacatiett-v no n internal and external remedies-the latter Time unlimited-Review at pleusure-Grsylu. consisting principally of caustic; but till to no sttes assisted in Obtainiug situatientis-Tuitiou purpose, as the discssr, continued spreading to. foe Full Commercial course 835,00-Average ward the nose. I next nsed a preparation of ar. t t ine B to 12 week - Board, 4.50 par week sonic, in the form of salve. This for a time Staliepary. 86.00-entire oust, 860.00 to $70.- cheyked the disease, tut the inflammation soon 88 ,„ . • „. „, ~. o _ '-' 7' "r l , . - A..1 illumined. I next called upon Dr. Ststtler of St. in, 7 A ttn. °, t e„ro.' ..'",nr , ...to. us mdftirice. Cluirsville, 1304183rd county, who also pronouns ' or ` -artt- '-....ritior - SPetimens of Business red the disease to be Cancer, and applied a Salve and Ornamental Writing-inclose tan stamps slid to be u never-failing remedy, but it had no and " dr ess F, W. JENICINS, effect whatever iti checking the spread of the Sept. 29, 1858.-Iy. Pittsbintli;l4 ' ' sore. In December, of the some year, the dig - To • • •- - . _ . To Lumbermen nod Stook-raisers ease had eaten away a greater part of my upper ALTOONA, Blair co., July 0, 1 58, FOR RENT FOE A TERM OF yEARs, lip, and had attacked the nose, when I went to J. D STONRROAU, Lewistown, Pa., A veinal: Saw and Lathing Mill, situate I Cincinnati. whore I consulted Dr.. 12,. S. Newton Dear 511-Mr. win: ( Al . j A i l r i o l a l ,d C:2l d s, l s ii i: 2 l a n , i n le: i f i r s o la ni ne tte i Ze u z iTlL yl ß t i i i t t. t c tr ea t e l d ' l i !, e c t a i ; n.l,l,e,:tll,,,i,litire,,,,,lelcui,,P,,7LlTrtitini: )'ears from el,'Zio",ittbstun° got so I"lfttiThnislierseolt! .d relatives were summoned to wheats' his sylrunia Cattail, in Huntingdon county, With 1 t ,plied Y mlid gins:M:lolmm, and gave b ier i i denth• . I laclueeddlis friends to try the vim. near 800 acres of timber land thereto attached, ! o d ,7 r : l to b e d a t o n s 7::; n r i t t t e ' e u ; a : e i t t in t : p r , cury " 11 or your preperationthey did so, as the last,re; a great part of which is well covered with firs) i g,,,,,u,,d),,,, was not thoroughly removed,. la. sort agil, to their astonishment and joy, he lia rate saw thither, on which a atunll farm has, ' February, 1857, Ise pronounced me cur e d, an d gat t u improve, got betpsrend better, and no*. , been opened, to which east be sale! a Mews I I left fur home. In April the disease again re- ' .) ,P,,r7" . ,i 4 .. Wt. he j. . 1 .4 e. asit; ttooL man. amount of meadow, suitithlo for stuck raising, turned, and so violent was the pain thin I could . ...W.... - . 'llei . .l. , .flit ellso, !Marc obi Wkia)gtl„, 'Cho range for cattle is Ills best its the county, not rest at night. Late in Slay I returned la (lir ' -haT ''" l 'P ass . 11 . 1 . 44 . exPectations,La and the property can he made one of best stools Cincinnati. and again placed myself wider the every ease' where ' , have recomnniedeit the Ott, raising farms ill the comity. Thu Lumber arid eliargo.ol Dr. Newton, with whom I rutimin e d • it lout dor. , what it promises to do, • head i s Stock raisirp, can ho carried on to great ndvan instil September, during which time he used another "h t . warth• tags togethef. The improvements MO LOW, con- every known remedy; and partly succeeded M , Yours truly, 11. LEVER, checking disesme, hut when I returned ng• ins t , ' - •IY• ' siding of a double geared sawonill, moved by an 'over shot watcr-wheul, n lathing mill i a fi rst IH'lhe th e once " till." ! """b • ul.gi " g "I "" . . 6- kj -7---- DtZnA - fhiti -- ..' ...- --- - .- --_ class house nod barn nail out builclin, ~,,,, ' l r . " ' B Y fi l et' I coati " 194. N° wt°°:6 preparations, and also Medielne Mat I got from flooding. The ntlenlion of Stock rarsers, curses 1/1. Ely, lint the Collect continued growing un- arcpas t ,covi urim . .Im -1,,,,,,1,,rmn is'purtienlarly invited to this prop- oil ic Lull eaten out lice MR .side of toy sibse, the - - --'----‘ ........-N. - • ~ . , erty, . 054. ,,, 0n can be given ou din first day greater portion cl nay 101 l chtiek, fund hadatotek. Prensitims awarded th e JOURNAL or of April . 11e:. Cstll upon th e undersigned cu nis left, eye, I had given nnidt ho, e elev. live at the late l'nntitv F.l IR, for'theisest owner; at his residence, in the borough of Hun er being cured, since Dr. EIS. sail die einilii only .4 tingdon, Huntingdon county, give relief;' but that n cure. was impossible. In OA Ari , .11 LAINIKT ASO J. OEO. MILES. March, 1858, I bought a bottle or "Blood Sum- ys At r .' Yt..) n fliarAllN Huntingdon Oct. 21a 1858.-11: I clier, ° but I most confess I bed nu faith in it. .81 , :t7r.isaleye g t."...i... 3. :11.4t1,4,11. 141.4. ...._ _ j I WAS Very wok when I continent's',! taking it ; I di ne t„, ti t s e e ts tki recowersitotitisai, East ern Green Willow Foundry. but !round oiat i gained strength. day 1!4• day. I . i • 0 11, 3 lr WOULD respectfully inform the public that i,... also that lie ulcers commenced dr , $ l 4; 41'• • I contitined, and when the third bottle was tat- FABI POWItt P4lBO . i h„,.. commenced 'business at the above place, and will be ready to accomodate /111 who kin lill , the , . wa. healed of It ' h;• a ,aaat ie• . 1 , may wont anything in my 11„0 Of . b„,i „e„ . I used 0 fourth boni,e and I have bees Imalthie , mid at large variotry of She moot jitehienable will have on hand or make to order 'Phreshing I since than I have been for the test seven . years. A.j u ti ag Notorinf ; t e si T ieb r ie t ' t de ott Is ~,A,o of oho Machines, and all o.her machinery abut cony be I Although toy-foes is mtdlydislignred t I .0, oil I ~ ~,„,,„,,,,i,..,,,ptivitifigimsbiemolk,k. i this mined for. Castings of every description, Cook ' gl.t.fut to ° 'tango rroyhtoore wit° has ttltar° , . seetion. I e isioni ;6'16 . .4 erinYildintle . . . and Parlor Stoves, Plows, hollow-ware, Sm.- i InY lire, and which has Wen done •through the I All Hods of Turning, either wood or Iri,D,,,arl ) L' i t'.4 . ,r4 . 4.; . 1,.', - i f,,Vgar.'lajaredireittigilli 4 131, wishing ..•111 .i......../.:00., - Latiotaill I Fast, "" -,, ~,, "",. , - Lind ethers wishing to porch nse s4m maids hies , s• .-•• ~,,.., nes. c me, one ni . the J4eticeni I will g o d i t to t o o t, a d ett „ t „, to o re me a „all, o i, r u t r i ,, e , I ,3 •c ia st i ce c o o s i st u n i ,llsA• i t . ise liaroti o .dsol llollidays- All kinds of Couutty produce taken in exchange ,,,. „, , . ~,,,,, ~,,,,,,,. ~,,, . • iis FT , I , TippEß y . ti 1t11.6- L, 0 .JOIIOII. 0,4 . 0 LI 411...1 . sit marnet pricest: . , WaterstMat„ Oct. 111, issB.-iy. . I -- WAILNICK, CHADWICK & 1110., (SUcCESSORS no NIOIAN a IVARNI('I:.) NORTH-EAST CORNER OF SECOND A; RACE STitErrs, PHILADELPHIA. lanufachtv,:ni of tit:l Dealers Wholesale and WWI in HEATERS, VENTILATORS, RANGES AND STOVES. ALSO, dleGregor's Celebrated Ileatet s and • .. Stoves, with a great variety of the :atest patens of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, ALSO, Queen's Patent Portable Forges. • Nov. LASTING POWDER, AND SAFETY P FUSE, for sale low, at the Hardware Star of JAS. A. BROWN. TIIITEASK Thin in a new and valuable improvement, mid is better. cheaper, smaller, lighter, more sirnpin, requires less power. will Asa and clear grain and seeds more rapidly, nod with jitr greater economy, than nay other Grain Fan in use. Send fur a descriptive catalogue to Wm. I. Boyer & Bro., Agricultural implement. fac tory, Philadelphia. Sept. 29th, 1859.9 m.. NAT.A.DeTrim:IO3::O! WHEAT AND CORN wanted at Otis °dice. Thoso having either can dispose of the rime by calling soon. DUCKS IN GLOVES IT TS elm 1). I'. (MIN'S DOUGLASS & SIIER WOfII)S' Patent Ex• tension Skirts, for sale ea:: by Fla itlenun Aatiphlogislic Salt, This celebrated medicine is for sale at the Journal Office. For all inflammatory diseases it is a certain care. Get a two and try it, no • who are afflicted. "Thick Darkness roars the Earth. And GM. Darkness the people. • . OTINWAI V:WILA IM' And all biliers7Will take Notice! TuAT they can supply themselves, in our quantities with • Jones' Far Famed Patent NON EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE or COAL OIL LAMPS, • At tho Wholesale and Retail; READ QUAR• TERS, South SECOND Street, The onlyplare where exclmive Agencies can ebte ~,., 1.,r tim State, of Pennsylvania, These Lamps give n light mind in intertelir of flame, and similar in nipenennee to Gas, and are claimed to he superior to all other . portable li:Ata, now is use. No liu m e ol Explo sion—\o offensive odor.—No =ohm—Very easily trim med.—As easily regulated as a Can Light.— Con be adapted to all pmposes.—And better then all for a poor man,-50 per cent. cheaper than any other portable light, now in common use. SOLE AGENCI . A• AO, port KnapPs Patent Rosin and Coal 011 • Lamp. ---- .... ille'Lainps, Oils, Wicks, Shades, and every article in the line. S. H. SOUTHLAND, No. 38 South Second Street, Philtula Sept,B,'sB.- klay'S. M. PETTENGII,I, d; CO.'S Adrer• tiAng Agency, 110 Nassau St., New York, & 10 State St., Boston. S. M. Pettengill Sc. Co. aro the Agents for the "JoueNA and'the most influential and largest circulating Newmtapers in the United Stat,ps and the Catalan.s. They are authorized to contract for us at our luwes rates. LAND FOR SALE The subscriber offers at private sale a tract of land situated about •1 !miles North east of Mill Creek, and a mile from Lanes Mill, in this county, containing about 120 acres, 40 acres of which to cleared, and Ito balance in timber. The buildings consist of a new dwel ling house, not quite finished, a log Barn, 2 apple orchards, with Year and Cherry trees, a spring of good limestone water, a permanent Limekiln, and a good quarry of Limestone.— Price 000, ALSO, JANE I,4WILSQN. Seven houses and lots situate at the old mark. Tannery seat in Hill Valley—they will be ! Sworn and subscribed before see, oaf) of the offered very low, soy for onelalf the rest. I Aldermen in and fur the City of Pittsburg, this Inquire at the Journal Office or to the . 28th day of July, A. D. 1859. subscriber in shirleysburg. AND McMASTER Aldermen. Oct. 0,'68.-9m. JOHN BREWSTER. Hollidiessburg, Sept. 25,58-9 m. NEW EVIDENCE. Being afflicted with a gracious Totter on the aunts and face—after trying minty retuctities which utterly failed to eure-1 was persuaded by W. 3.l..ngtrris Co. to try Lintiscy's hop,. veil Blood Scorcher t • nod now, six-whelts AG . " ilnishing the r rood bottle, proncalned cured. The totter broke out, something over a year ago, on the inside of my alms, extending from the elbows dorm to deo wrist.; alstunnsay. ace, immediately round the mouth and chin, and con tined to be a perfect torment to me tuNill enred by the Blood Seureher. My arms, at times, were almost useless, owing to the cracks ansl sores on them, liable to 'bleed at any time on the least exertion to lift or work, 'end Sometimes so itchy ting.t . eoutqarcely proms& tOlgite oil my.fleilli ha ilow been magma tAfelle stud feel it slue to Mr. Lindsey, end to the pub list generally, to make this statement, in hope that others like myself may be bonotlitod by using Ills valuable medicine. facilla; f,::Ci:ecl ting in 4 §tkppriay ipßiipeFVany 1:1111 of PING IN COLORS „,, Aul—ulool,VP.O..l)l, Thole who inays . whiht toubtain any ityl, of • ORNAMEVAL POSTERS. • . oln be netomtrocinte , l at this estnhlishmunt kt AUCTION 1111.1, 14 . OILL lIELDS, SHOW BILLS, I.b ow,laic: 41/,07 Jud,resr. CIRCELanai, 4,,, e ...arse WAY BIM • LEGAL S, CONCERT BILLS, • PROGRAMMES, '• • PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, CARDS, ItC:, &c., • will be lutuished promptly, executed In lie best stile sod at reasonable rates. . air Orders by express, mail or oiherwige, will receive immediate attention. IVM.-RMEWSTER. M E P,Inn seurialiaaaSrlintt intAWERS e, Ready-made white and runty abirta, and collars,v al at Gait are .and :t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers