~: LITERARY BIIRIp/.11y,. A7eapeir enceiikilitor, a successful Author, and a thoroughly educated Literary , Man, wea• ry with tventy-five years of the drudgery of Daily Journalism, has determined to hire out and sell his brains at retail, to those who may require their services; in any honorable way. Merchants, Business Men, Inventors, and dealers of every kind, will be supplied, off hand with Advertisements, (poetical or otherwise,) Noticev, Cards, Circular., or any species of ar• tides desired. Politicians will be supplied with Speeches, Reports ' Resolutions, Letters Toasts, Pam phlets, Editorial Articles, Communications, and every sort of Brain-work, which they may bad it inconvenient or troublesome to do them selves.. Ladies and Gentlemen, of every rank in so• eiety or occupation in life, -nn have Letters written on any subject, whether business or sentimental. The advertiser will also conduct. or translate Correspondence of every kind, either English, firench, Spanfah, German or Latin. . „ Poetry, Acrostics, for Albums, Notes, Billet. deux, Monodies, and Compositions of the moat delicate and confidential character, incident to every possible circumstance or 'vent in life, will be furnished in inviolable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wishes. — Orders by mail, accompanied with cash. will iss strictly and promptly attended to. Addreu J. THOMPSON, Literary Buren.. Box 2285 Philadelphia P. 0., Pa. Ang.lB;6Botv SAVING FUND. National MU SOY 'MST , , Company. WALNUT STREET, SOUTH-WIRT CORKER Or THIRD, rpmuloaaomm. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania. VIII PER CENT INTEREST M . ONEY IS RECEIVED IN ANY SUM, large or small, and interest paid from the slay of deposit to the day of withdrawal. The office is open every day from 9 o'clock ha the morning till 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President, WM. J. REED, Secretary. DIRECTORS t Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Burry, Robert L. Selfridge, Francis Lee, Burnt. R. Ashton, Joseph Yorkes, C. Landreth Munn. ' Henry Dieffenderffer, Money is received and payments made daily 41n gold without notice. The investments are Mortgages, Ground 11 oturities as the Charter Fah.24,'57 made in Real Estate sta, and such class se 'quires. 6UFFERI,NO HUMANITY READ THIS; The undersigned takes this Method of infer .ming the public generally that there is no med +taint, now offered to the phlic that is °gest to DC VALL'S GALVANIC OIL in rolieveing suffering humanity. . . . I waV'un observer of its effects inn frimtf argtnitglelfrection 4 wgrerresrsterrhe %est med. teal treatment in Centre county. We applied freely the Galvanic Oil to the painful part, and gave .01116 inwardly, and in 20 minutes the pa tient was asleep, and when awaked was free frets from pain, and contiued so.—This is a positive fact which I am willing to make good at any time. A case of Fawn was cured in nearly the “tne leugth of time. .1. 11. lIAIIN,Centre A.ug. 18 1858-17. Centre county. HO! THIS WAYS Done anybody want to get into good busi ness, by which they can make front $75 to $lOO a month without bard labor? If so send me 5 cents in stamps or money, for return postage, and by return mail, you will seceiva circulars of the grandest moneymaking .theme ever appeared to man. Discovered by Georgian and proved to be invaluable by it creation of Southern people. Addresv, A. C. DENSON, Mobile Ala. Sept. 2Z '58.—1 y. TOWN vs COUNTILY.—Ws notice as the warm weather grows apace, the denizens of pent up cities seek the unbrageous shades and sylvan scenes of the rural por tions of the country; per contra the in habitants of the country and dwellers among the enchanting scenery of nature, having a little leisure time, alter gathering in the fruits of the earth, turn their attention ci ty ward, for remotion or business purpo-• ses. To all such, perhaps no city to the union possesses so many charms as the City of i'enn, with its many objects of beau ty and art, Its magnificent water-works, its Academy of Music, Academy of Natural Science, Art Unions, Picture Galleries, Parks, Cemeteries, etc,; and last, though not least, that link between the present and glorious past, that revered relic of the "times that tried men's souse,"--Old Inc:e l/over, N. 0.• rith• ad, 1857. pendence Hall. All are objects of unu PIOT. O. J. WOOD & CO.—Gents; Within sual interest to the intelligent visitor, afte dn. In have received so many orders and WO tor Prof. J. H. Wood's Hair Restorn • viewing which, a new minutes might be vise, that today we were compelled to send to Boston for quantify, (the 6 dozen j ou for- profitably spent in the noir Dressing Sa 'reread sit hying sold,) while we might order a oons of George Thurgaland, No. 29 qs..:"."‘Pest'srairpsscluP'us'al'e;',ZY.,.6l„„le,.„.„,'":„„"„,:edrid, South Sixth St., between Chestnut and the geerebelioeb awl patronage it receives Market, in admiring the light and beauti- Wig" and Toupee" of THE GREAT BtiIITIFIER so long unsuccessfully sought, FOUND AT LAST? Fos it restores permanently gray hair to its origimd color; covers luxuriantly the bald head; removes all dandrnff, itching and all scrof ula, scald toad and all eruptions ; makes the hair soft , Itealthy, and glossy ; and will preserve It to any imaginable age. removes, as if by mag ic, all 1 lotchea, &c. from the face, and cures all neuralgia sad nerrons-head ache. See circular sad the MlN.:ink - lendMt . ;:rso= maltir otre 044% tiT r".".." , 14„,,, ~ ~ ~,,, , r . , ,,m. ' vise ; and one dozen 9,2 size i and believe us i ''''''''' -, -.- '-- - ' -yours very respect - hilly. all other in the market. Signed, D. LAT UROP & CO. , ----(Ewi•--•- o f (Est at e Enoch Chilcote dee.d.) --.. Hickory Grove, Mt. Charles co. Mo. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Nov. 19, 1856.—Prof. 0. J. Wood.—Dear I otters of Administration on the estate of Kn elt': Sometime last summer we wore induced . 1.1 och Chilcote, late of Todd township dec'd., to use some of ,our Hair Restorative, sod 1 having been granted to the undersigned, he It. efteese were . weed.' felt we feel it our de - i hereby notifies all persons indebted to said ex sy to you and the afflicted to report it. tate to make immediate payment, and all Our little son's head for some time had been I those having claims will present the same duly perfectly covered with sores, and some called it ._ satuenticated for settlement. stalled head. The hair almost entirely came DAVID CLARKSON, off in consequence, when a friend, seeing his . sufferings, advised us to use a bottle of your Res- Administrator de bonus son. torative, we did so with but little hope of sue- Aug.18,'68.-fit. cess,but toour surprise, and dart of all onr friends l9louestalei retaiiirte - Setntioary. a very few applications removed the disease en- BiestiNottsm. tirely, and a new and luxurient crop of hair The Winter Tei in of Mountain Female Se teen started one, and we can new say that el" urinary will open Oct. 28th. boy bass. healthy scalp and ns luxuriant crop of L. G. GRIER. Principal. hair as auy other child. We can therefore, and , Sept.B;s7,3m. do hereby recommend your ltestorutive, us a' _ ,_ _, • _ perfect remedy fur all diseases of the scalp and ! Patent Portable Fence. Uir. We are yours respectfully. 10110 ' 11GS W. HIGGINBOTHAM, The rights of Hunt's Patent Portable or Per ISA.BAH A. HIGGINBOTHAM. matent Fence and Gate Post, for Lots, Farms 0..1. WOO 6 & co., Proprietors 319 Broadway and Township, can be secured fora small sum New York, in - the great N. 1. wire railing estab by culling on the Agent at Huntingdon. Go lishment, and 11.4 Market St.. St. Louis Mo. and see the model.at once. It is decidedly And sold by all Druagiats• I the best Fence ever used. No Farmer should S.iptat..toa.—ant• be without it. Call ye who would be benefit. * T DIEB COILAits 4 rIIiDERSo Er vi; led and e rat ' e it tor vourselves R I Y t of* en or s r, dgent * LI ie crest N seise., as the chelp stereLf flii; ' D. F. CWIN. for Huntingdon Pont, SELLING CLOTHING AT PRICES TO SPIT THE TIMM. 1858. FALL •ND N W E IN " T ' SR UOOl7B. 1858 M. Gutman & Co., Inform the public generally, that they have just received a large stock of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of COA TS, VESTS, PANTS, &c., &c. Also, BOOTS, SHOES, H ATS, CAPS. His stock of Clothing is of the latest fash ions, and manufactured of the beet materials; and as they are determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest, the public will do well to give them a call and examine their stock. lir Don't forget the place—Long's brick building, on the corner, Market square, Hun tingdon. 0ct.13;58 A aamp DR. JAMES M. JARRET, OF THE NEW YORK LUNG INFIRMARY My connection for the past eight y ears With the above Institution, as Cheif Physician, and a twelveyears' course of steady devotion to the Cure of Pulmonary Consumption and its kin. dyed diseases, together with my unrivalled op. portunities and. advanrage of pathological re starch—aided not a little by a perfect system of Medical Inhalation—has enabled me to ar rive at a decisive, direct, and successful course of treatment for the positive and radical cure of all disease of the Throat, Lungs, and Air. Passage. By Inhilation, the vapor and cura tive properties of medicines are directly addes eed to the diseased organs and the integument. do not advise the use of Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the exclusion of general treat meat ; and although I consider it a useful ad juvant in the proper management of those fear ful and often fatal diseases, yet I deem it very necessary that each patient should have the benefit of both general and local treatment. The success of my treatment in the above di sease, and the high character of the Institution over which I have ao long had the loner to preside, are too well known to need any eulogy or comment from me. At the solicitation of many private and . professional friends, through whose philanthropic aid the above cheeky 11118 been long and liberally supported, and after due consideration, I have concluded to make such arrangements as will bring the benefits of my experience and treatment within the ranch of all, and not confine myself, as heretofore, to those only who entered the Infirmary, or who were able to visit me at my office. Hoping therefore that the arrangement will give en tire satisfaction, both to my profesinal brethern and the public, I would respectfully announce in conclusion , that I can now be consulted per, sonally or dry letter, on all diseases as above and that the medicines, the same es used in the Institution, prepared to suit each individu. al case, Inhaling Vapors, Medical Inhaling, &e. &e., will lie forwarded by express to any part of the United States or the Canadas. resets.—My terms of treatment by letter are as followings, via; : $l2 per month for each Patient, whic h will include medicine sufficient for ono mouth's use; also, Inhaling Vapor, and an Inhaling Apparatus. Paymens as follows: $6 to he paid to Express Agent on receipt of the box of M. divine, and the halancesl . at Ihe y ' ot — rittratalei ;v i a the Mitttneul. Patients, by giving a full history of their case, and their sy mooing in lull, can be treated its well by letter as by personal examination. Patients avail. iog themselves of Dr. Jnrrett's treatment may rely upon immediate and permanent releif, as he seldom has to treat a case over thirty days. Letters of advice promptly answered. For fur ther paticulars address JAMES SI. JARRETT, M.D., No. 820 Broadway, cor. Twelfth St., N. Y. P.S.—Physicians and others visiting the city are respecfully invited to call at the In. ' firmatory, where many interesting eases can be witnessed, and where our improved appara tes for the inhalation of medicated vapor can be seen and inspected. Aug:l;sB.-6m. • Miscellaneous IFEritafilit.C3CM 1161Sil. MIIE subscriber resptalitlirttitOuncell to his friends and the public generally, that he lots lensed that old end well eatablishep TAVVIIN . _ STAND, known no the Truiiiiiimhin ~ '.. A SPLENDID NEW COOK STOVE Pit sne nt this office; it is &iflated to burn wood House, on the cornei of Hill and Charles ! : i i . Street, in the Borough of Hunting- ; a or co „1 . don. . - • The has recently put the house through; 077- ugh course of repairs, end is now equal to any in this place. Ma TABLE will always be stored with the best the season can adord, to snit the tastes t ..... -stswrostwart and appetites of his pests. - - His BAR will always he filled a ith Choice Li- I The Alexandria Foundry Flasks, Patters, &e., TIM, anti Ilts STAIILE always attended by ear . have been is bought by R. C. MoGitt. The Foundry in blast and fro has all kinds et as hel rind attentive Ostlers. '' etc & whirll (Wile hopes by strict attention to b us i ness ti , gns. Stoves of all , kinds, Machines, !'loughs, Kettles, „..,,,. t .. c., he and a spirit of aceemodat ion, to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. will sell at the low- - I- ' est market prigs. -,‘ Sept. 15, 1858-Iy, P. MeATEER. All kinds of Conn- . try produce and ---•-- - - -- - .....-....._....., ...,,., - old metal taxon in exchange at irks ta l ir l if . y ; (?) 3 ,A..A ."1 .: --4 0 — fvkl i m..s r e.$ r y May 26 1858. : :,-;„ (1. •c, ,, ei pi ~ te., 'fl - • , ' , --- , li., An: t 9 k. 11 riZ -- - - CHEAP GOODS. .- ~ , - k ,,,,,40, . ...„4:,,, ~.#.,..- 1 .;,,,, I.v - wt.-- '.--- .A I GREAT BARGAINS! ! R. MORSE, the inventor of MORSE'S IN t 1.) DIAN ROOT PILLS, has spent the grea FISHER at McMUR'rRIE ter port of his file in travelling, having visited Have just received their second stock of Europe, Asia, and Africa, as well as North SUMMER GOODS, America--line spent three years among the In dians of our Western country—it was in this which will be sold of at way that the Indian Root Pills were first ills- j GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. covered. Dr. Morse was the first man to es- It comprises Summer Dress Goods of every tablish the fact that all diseases arise from Im- I description, Prints, Gingham% Cottons, White purity of the Blood—that our strength, health Goods, Hosiery, Mitts, Trimmings, Marseilles, and life depended upon this vital fluid. Patent Extension Skirts, Hoops of all kinds, When the various passages become clogged, Straw Goods, Boots A Shoes, and a large and and do not act in perfect harmony with the dif- general assortment of all kinds of Goods sub ferett functions of the body, the blood loses table to the wants ,if the community. its action', heroines thick, corrupted and di - - '::-,- lIENTINGDON WARM SPRINGS. spatted; thus causing all pains sickness and The Warm Springs at the base of Warrior'. distress of every name; our strength is ex..- Ridge, five odes north of Huntingdon, overlook ted, our health we are deprived of, and if na- ing Standing Stone Creek, and environed by ro tate is not assisted in throwing off the stag. mantic bin s and woodlands, ruse hoes leased rant humors, the blood will become choked by the former proprietor of the Learner llottse. and cease to act, and thus our light of life will The extensive Hotel buildings, bath 11011309, forever be blown out. How important then ISc., tweeted at great exptice by General A P. that we should keep the various passages of Wilson, have been completed—und the groves the body free and open. And how pleasant to hare been beautifully laid out and adorned.— us that we bare it in our power to put a medi- The Hotel parlors and chambers airy and corn eine in your reach, namely. Morse's Indian fortably furnished; and the prospect, from the Root Pills, manufactured from plants and roots 'T o ",.l l a l f . f s °r ee b i c i L"g' 7. e n e T t s b p e ri rge l l , l i c ii t . i e • been which grow around the mountainous cliffs in '' celebrated for their Medicinal qualities, and the Natures garden, for the health and recovery great nature of the waters in rheumatic and eliro of diseased man. One of the roots from which nic atl'ections. The temperature of the water these Pills are made is a Sudorific ? which , ' bain,g 691 degrees, renders the bathing delight- . pens the pores of the akin, and assists Nature MI and invigorating. In the surrounding woods in throwing out the finer parts of the curtsy- ' and mountains, game abounds, and the finest lion within. The second is a plant which iv i fish are caught in Stone Creek. Persons in pm an Expectorant, that opens and unclogs the I snit of health or pleasure, will find thi C O most passage to the lungs, and thus, in a soothing delightful and healthful retreat; antlits nearness manner, performs its duty by throwing o 6 i ' to rho Pennsylvania Railroad, mid the cheapness of . the rates charged guests, glee it a decided phlegm, and other humors from the lungs be ; copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic i tatt:tntage over any otlitr watering place ill the which gives ease and double strength to the I S tel e. The Proprietor has had years of wil l in kidneys; thus encomia ged, they draw large it- the business .d no pains or trouble will bc spa mounts of impurity front the blood, which is i red to make guests comfortable. then thrown oat bountifully by the urinary or I flacks run from Huntingdon to Warm Springs water passage, and which could net have been , on she arrival of the different Railroad trains— discharged in any other way. The fourth is I faro 25 cents. Families accommodated at mo st Cathartic, .d accompanies the other prop- 1 erste terms. JOHN R. 11E1i.D, erties of the Pills while engaged in purifying ; Warm Springs near t Proprietor. 1 the blood; the coarser particles of impurity ll..linear , ' Juno Sib 1 , which cannot pass by the other outlets, ate t —— . • _ . _ __ thus taken up and conveyed off in great Tian. I CONSUMPTION CURED• tires by the bowels. : CONSUMPTION Cif AN OLD INDIAN From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse . ' • Docron, UNCAS BRANT, Indian Root Pills not only enter the stomach : but become united with the blood, for they lied CURED. while a Missionary among till Indians of the Rocky Mount way to every part, and completely, rent out. nins discovered a RARE and cleanse the system from all impurity, and CONSIIIIIIPTIONPLANT, that proves to he a the life of the hotly, which is the blood, he. , certain cure for Consumption, comes perfectly healthy; eonscquently all sick- : CURED. Broneflitis, Astifma. Liver Ilea end pain is driven from the system, for i Complaint Nervous . Attbe --Ontfferend orertr.. —. " - " --- " -- m i l retired from business, he! The rens. whypeople are so distressed i CURED. will send the prescriptions and when sick, and why so many die, is because • directions for preparing the they do not get a medicine which will pass to I inedirines free of charge to all die afflicted parts, and which will open time CONSUMPAIONwho may desire it, and will natural passages for the disease to be east aim f send to his agent, enclosing hence, a large quantity of rood and other antii CURED. two stumps (6 cents). to pay ' the return letter, with a des ter is lodged, and the stomach and intestines , eription of their symptoms.— are literally overflowing with the corrupted ' ~,,,nor.s. mass; thus undergoing disagreeable f e rment.• i more than 9000 Nisei' of Con tine, constantly mixing with the blood, which 1 ~ sumprien olouo, and hopes all thrown the corrupted matter through every r CFRE.,. afflicted people will avail vein end artery, until life is taken, from the themselves of this opportani body by disease. Dr. Morse's Pills hare ad- CONSUMPTIONty, as the Doctor wishes to do ded to themselves victory upon victory, by re- . all the gond he can before lie storing millions of the stele to blooming health I CURED. dies. Address all letters to DANIEL ADEE, and hnppiness. Yes, thousands who have ; been racked or tormented with sickness, pain 1 Box 9591 P. 0., New York Who is his sole agent. and anguish, and whose feeble frames have 1 een scorched by the burning elements of i, Juno 30th, 1858. 4y. ging ever, and who have been brought, 68 it f were, within a step of the silent grave, now stand ready to testify that they would huvo i been numbered with the dz;::, lied it, not been BANK NOTICE. or groat nue wonderful Medicine, Morse's Indian Hoot Pills, After one or two doses . . had been taken, they were astonished, and ab• solntely surprised, in witnessing their charm• ing effects. Not only do they giro immedi• ate case and strength, and take away all sick. . . . e • less, pain and an guish hut they at once go to cork at the foundation of the disease, which is Therefore, it will be_shoi'vn, eopec• the blood. i; iii by those who use these Pills, Unit ihey will so cleanse and purify, that disease—that deadly enemy—will take its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty will again return and the prospect of a long and happy life wit cher'sh and brighten your days. CAUTION. - -Bewitre of a counterfeit sign ed A. B. Moore. All genuine have the name of A. J. IVIIITE & CO., on each box. Also the signature of A. J. White & Co. All ot , t ens are spurions. A. J. WHITE & CO., Sole Proprietors 50 Leonard Street, New York. Dr. Nurse's Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines rt i r Agents wanted in every town, village ' •iinlet in the land. Parties desiring the ali.ey will address asabove for terms. age' Price 26 cents per box. five boxes will sent on receipt of $l, postage paid. beJ 50 0 .., 11 . 1 , 11 .. E . A. , D ,,, , ,, A1 i e , n . t Huntingdon, Pa. DU 1/ALL'S GALVANIC OIL, I Prepared.origioally by Pro. IL DUV-ALL. formerly-of (lie College of Surgeon., at Paris. — IS NOW OEFERED TO THE PUB LIC, ler For the Cure of all sore and ?sin ful Diseases.24l For instance—Pain or soreness in any y . port of the system, Rheumatism, pain in the back, breast or sides, healed breasts Neuralgia, Burns, Sprains, Head-ache, Cramp in the Stomach or any other dis ease tluit is SORE or PAINFUL, and it is only over this class of diseases we claim a VICTORY. We say positively to our patrons we elm relieve the sufferer 99 times out of leo. We would just say to the public, Prof. Du Vali was 26 years in bringing to this medicine superiority over nil others. Price 50 cts. per bottle—A per cant) cut off the trade. All orders trust be ad dressed to J. 1). STONEI.IOAI), Sole Agent for 1/. S., Lewisrowx, A ttir.lB;sB.-Iy• iiIIsCELLANEOUSADIVTISEIIIENTS COOK STOVE. • ..... VOUNARV. !•wA?,- Dr. John McCulloch, I ri (fors his profession el services to the citizens, U Huntingdon and vicinity. (Mice, on Hill at. between Montgomery and Bath. , untingdon, Aug. 29, IS s. 1 ifirt/ ril. /A ILTLIRtI f t i , l t 'd'i 1 ;., The undersigned citizens of the county of ,-,--,, .., ..................-L... , Huni;.tgilon, hereby give U.Otice that they intend I DENTISt; to snake application to it,:: 11Q 2a LegW.: . ...Pro for ,,•,, .„ mo t a „„ ~, ~ a Charter, for the creation of a Corporate Way , EVlct t a 'WM %.,INI 1r.14, with Banking or Discounting privileges, to he i June VI, A 57. styled "THE HUNTINGDON COUNTY BANK,” to I -. .- - be located in the Borough of Huntingdon, coon- ~.;ZPI.ENDID Lino a Dress (lumls, cull mein ty of Huntingdon, and state of Pennsylvania, ''''Rol,','; o f .. 11 kiiii6, B ert (l rintlSß, wn with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, ....e. Siill.nls, Chintzes, &v.• eau ha liumd with the specific object of issuing Bank paper, at the Mitvrtoettmr.,N. and doing all other things ordinarily pertaining to a Bank of issue. W. B. ZEIGLER, B. E. Alt:Mumma:, DAVID Si. tit, A. JOHNSTON, J. SEWELL STEWART, WM. COLON, WM. MOMURTRIE, JAREN MAGUIRE, THEO. H. CREMER, GRAFFICE Miu.ga, A. W. BENEDICT, Jno. McCuLcoo • , R. BRUCE PETRI/GIN, Joust WHITTAKER, THOMAS P. CAMPBELL. PREMlUMSChambersburg to Mt, Union 3,000 Plieth iVALL PAP ER, of 1 the latest and prettiest stylcs,just receiveti from 1 11 E M SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS t- AWARDED TIIE JOURNAL JOB OFFICE ' ''' - - '- " - Philadelphia rind New York, prices from loots. 1 shod of informing their friends and the pub. AT Tilt LATE TAM, rott rillio undersigned aware,otrhatt,tot rand a piece and upwards. i ar3C-3EM 31233E1EWT -.- the line . 1 Stage. 0, , 1 . l 5001,ciiiiiifully painted and gold gifted Wiii- Chanthersburg and Mt, ITIIiOII, etlllllot, be but (low Slinilcra4 44 cis. and upwards. ' lie generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful op adrantageous to ata section of the corm- , rho linhilif I avo but to call and examine, to ' oration, and are prepared to furnish casting of r-Alagin AMID D'Etat7 ( t l i i ;, has, ai a considera ble expense and trouble he eonvineed that in butting of the above stork all kinds, of the best quality on the shortest no ! PRINTING. mode arrangements to run a line of Stages th y will be pleased and also save money. Re- , lice, , and most reasonable terms.. . our Tri-weekly between rho two points Good „ teto ,,,i te piece, cornet . of moorpome , end ,Ir iii mere n ! .. e rained to cud and examine Horses and comfortable Stages have been pM. Rail-oral streets I:stale of John Shingler, dee'd.] cod on the route, and experienced and trusty Apt.. 28,,,. WM. COLON. I loughs. M e are manufacturing the Hunter ' Plough, (this plough took t h e premium at the ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICP. Idrivers will superintend tho running of the Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855) . Letters of Administration on the estate of : Couches. The proprietorof the line is disirls itaps4iim l o o , j o s. ..d• T o dd to. oo ldp h ,di, : lil tit 1,0 Illailltßilled, and he therefore e . s ir t i t. area ; of t ;" . ri We have now prepare d are , pia. i We have, vu ali ._ h• I • •t ' lestate - r"... the public rengt4lll..ifilialialLizE it. ec ti- BLANKS.-.Always buy your Blanks at the ,! also can't o n h te o rLs c t t o ilti i r h a e t:d wth itt l t b ei; K Pl ry ot . i , g o li o , r 7 ,4l lii; l ll2 r , g4Riorarticic of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS, I side, and ars iee rb • _I& . 4 persons eying e mins agams sa i d iv' ._ present the same for payment, and all persons indebted will make payment to JOHN E. KETTERMAN, Adin'r. Thursday, attention neceseary will be giveirr st , sysrs.-„ arnmiass. SUMMONS', EXEC U• and are manufacturing stover, the running of the Stages will be regular. ----t- • m (ratT Stages leave Mt, Union, every 'l ' u (IA) JOHN SCOTT; such as ce . 8.,.... T. BRow --- ; ...........- ...4 gifar a w ri n g for coal Cr wood. ' HOLLOW-WARM Thursday, and Saturday evenings, nrri rig at Paradise Furnace, Sept. 8, 1858. l e er the next day at 2 o'clor . Ito- ' gi(gos7 4 inarmap consisting of Kettles Boilers, Skillets, &c., all I of which will be cold cheap for cash or in Oz.' [Estate or Void Mountain deed.] . turtling, lea Chambersburg, rho so o night Adininistration Notice. at 10 o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union he next Attorneys at Law, i change for country produce. Old metal taboo e as that formerly occupied by Jab. , share of public patronage, 1 for new casting.. By a strict attention to heel illllllillgdon, Pa., Letters of Administration on the estate of eveaing in time for the cars. Betwetto tilt, Un- David Mountain, Esq.., late of Hopewell town. ion and Shade Gap the line will he daily. . sl4s'' Fare through $3 ;.to intermediate points r(o)tntl,Ter j nets and desire to please, we hope to receive a in proportton. _ JOHN JAMISON. _ Oct. 19, 1859. I ship deed., having been granted to the under ' J. M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. signed, he hereby notifies all persons indebted April 30, 1856.-tf. Jan. 20th, 1858.—tf. - • to said estate to make immediate payment, IATHALESONE, REED AND BRASS ' - - and all those having claims will present the . . . • I' v Hoops and Reed Skim, for sale at t h e ...- same duly authenticated for settlement. it I.W A kii IL A , coAncLoEf A IIILE S I7:O I P C I: d O L Ift eve S r A P L ro : . _ heap store of D. P. °WIN. flsa aa . ALEXANDRIA, R UNT. CO4 PA. D. J R. HUYETT NATHAN WHILE, Admr. BLANKS I3 I 1 A 41111 Zi I . 3LAN KS A r n o f l &I en s t l o i n o e F fo s r , sa le ii io, I a a r t g e t I s i t i s e tho s.a n d c I;,.... T .i h e_s li k., April 1, y - 18 , 7 1_11 1 N . iff XII 'V .• Conlmont Oct. LI, 58.-41.. __. . Dissolution of Partnership. I Notice is hereby given, that the partnership i A genera/ assortment of Blanks of all (le. heretofore existing between 'Ater Tippery and ' serip li ons just prinkd and for sale at the QILK BONNETS in great variety and cheap James McCartney. under the fi rm of Tippery & "Journal (Vice." . 8 00T S assortment in town, D. P. GWIN'S. MeCartneY, Wild on the 04 ill - f Sept, tuber, ' Appointin't: of Referees, Common Bona, parsons Notice to Referees, dissolved by tnutual consent. Ali Judgment Notes knowing themselves indebted ..,,,ii,l rim will 5,,,,,,,,0,,, Veudue Notes, make immediate payment, and those having Exe cutions , Constabh's Sake, claims will present them to either of the un — dersigned, PETER upp E ßy , , Sciro Facies, Subpoenas, JAMES MeCARTNEY. Complaints, Deeds, Warrants, Mortgages, -- ' Commitments, Bond to idemilify Constable, Ite 0ct.13,'58.-4t. ‘;'..tTONE CROGKS,JARS,&c.,--a largo stock , 1- 1 for sale at manufacturers' prices by QPRING SHAWLS and Mantillas of esorY .JAMES A. BROWN. LY style nt the MIITICOPOLITAN, MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS Miss SOUTHWORTIL COLONEL G. W. CROCKETT, • CHARLES BURDETT THOMAS I)UNN ENGLISH, M. D., HENRY CLAPP, JEN, GEORGE ARNOLD, SAMUEL YOUNG, Mits. ANNA WIMPLE Miss VIRGINIA VAUG Mits. DI. VERNON, Bliss HATTIE CLARE, FINLEY JOHNSON, Write only for the GOLDEN . PRIME. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE, GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE THE GOLDEN PRIZE ILLUSTRATED DEAN & SALTED; Successors to Becket & Co The New York Weekly Gulden Minis one of the largest and best literary papers of the day—an Imperial Quarto, containing eight pa ges, or forty columns, Of the most interesting and feseinating reading matter, from the pens of the very first writer., of tha day, ELEGANTLY ILLESTRATED I , NEItY wEnx, A PRESENT, Worth from 53 Cents to $4OO 00, Will ha given to each subscriber immCdintely on reeeint of the subscription money, This is presented as a memento of Friendship, and not as an inducement to obtain subscribers TERMS I Copy fur 1 year, $2 00 end I Present. 1 " 2 '• 350 2 Presents. IS 2 14 501) 5 " I ICS 5 ti 8 00 5 " AND TO cLons, 3 Copies, I year, 500 3 ‘, 5 44 dt 700 5 ' 4 10 " 15 DO 10 ‘. 21 " 30 00 21 " The articles to be given away are comprised in the following list t 2 Packages of Gold, con's $5OO 00 each. 5 do do do 200 00 each. 10 do do do 100 00 each. 10 Patent Lever Hunt's Watches 100 00 each. 20 Gold Watches 75 00 each. 50 do 60 00 each. 100 do 50 00 each. noo Ladies' Gold Watches 35 00 each. 200 Other Hunting Watches 30 00 each. 500 Silver Watch. otO 00 to 25 00 each. 1000 G'l,l Guard, Chains $lO 00 to ao 00 each Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooch., Eiw Drops, Breast Pins, ma Pine. Sleeve Buttons, thugs, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Sil ver Thunliles, and a variety nt other articles, worth from 50 cents to $l5 each. We will present to every person sending us 50 subscribers, $2 each, n Gold Watch, worth $4O: to any one sending us 100 subscribers, at $2 each, tt Gold IVatch, worth $llO. Every subscriber will also receive a present. • Immediately on receipt of the money, the 4uheriber's name will be entered upon our book , and the present will be forwarded within one week, by mail or express, post paid, air All communications should be addressed to DEAN & SALTER, Proprietors, :135 Broadway, 'flew York. June 9, '5B:--lna.ly. G 9 211 au]© wanvadi CLOTHING ! A New Assortment Juzd Opened ! An 1 ify4 be ornifv4an ••-ar. L . I 0 . . respertmlly in 'orms his cnsto. H mots and the public genorally, that he hal just opened at his store-room in illarket Square Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready :nude Clothing for Fall and lVintcr, which ho will sell Lhenper than the same quality of Goods can he purchased at retail in Philadel phia or any other establishment i 0 tho country. Persons wishing to bay Clothing wrath' do well to call and examine his stock before I Wel.- sing elsewhere. Alan, Hats, Caps, tvhieh will be stdd lower thin nt eny other e tabliehment in the enmity. II I tint n April I. -18:";8, erCOUSIVILT DZIALERs minim!' CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon nt Whole sale, as cheap as they can in the cities, asl hays a Wholesale st ire in Philadelphia. Apr.9,'56. H. ROMAN. • STAGE LINE FROM Miscellaneous Advertisements. New Card-Press. Having bought a fi let “CAHD•PRESS," we are now prepared to print in the prcportion at three cards in the name time that any other press in the county can print one, consequent ly we can print them cheaper—if not done well we make no charge at all. We ask your pa tronage. NZW STORE! MOW 000DZ11 0 FISHER & McMIJRTRIE HAVLNG re-opened the METROPOLITAN formerly known as “SAxTores" take plea sure in announcing to their many friends, Ow they have received a new and well-selected stack of Goods, which they feel confident will satisfy the demands of the public, and will prove unexceptionable in frrrLF: and QUALITY. The tine of Dress Goods eml;races ROBES A QUILLE IN ORGANDIES, LAWNS, PERCALES, &c. CHALYS, BERAGES, BRILLIANTS, ALL WOOL DE LAINES, CRAVELLA MOHAIR, DANUBIAN, TAMISE, AND LA VELLA CLOTHS, DEBAGE, LUSTRES ALPACCAS, PRINTS, GINGIIAMS, We have a fine assortment of Summer Man tillas, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, An tiques, Ribbons Mitts, Gloves, Gauntlets 11, siery, Ladies' dollars, Hatulkorchiet, Buttons, Floss, Sowing Silk, Whalebones for Skirts, Reed Hoops, Brass do., Skirt Cord, &c. ALRO—Tickers, Ostiaburg, bleached and un bleached Aluslins at all prices, Colored and White Cambries, Barred and Swiss Muslim, Victoria J.owas, Nainsooks, Tarleton and many other articles which comprise the line of White and Domestic Gout's. We have French Cloths, Fanny Cussimeres, Sattinette, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottons(les, Linens. Denims and Blue• Drills. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, of every vnijety and style. Also nll kinds o STRAW GOODS A good sto4k of GROI ERIES, HARD &QU ASII 3,117 E, BOOTS & SHOES, Wood and Willow-ware, Hhioh will be sold ell IiAP. We also deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT, and all kinds of UILAIN, and possess fiteiliiics in this branch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver all paekages or parcels of Merchandise, FREE Uh CIIA ROE, at the depots of the Broad Tap and Pennsylvania Railroads. Como One, come 'all, and be convinced that the ":111,rnorot.trAN" is the place to secure fashionable nod desirable goods, disposed of et the lowest rates. Apr.14,'58. New Goods New Goodm AT D. P. GWIN'S CHEAP STORE, D. P. Gniii hug just retwoil from 'Mandel. !dila with the Inegest and most bountiful n!• sortment of Rir sale at nildines, at market rate', all kind a SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ' •FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS, consisting E Ttl b ign u o g s li t t f t a u sl i t l io u n n i t t i li n i g e i llTr i ess Good" and lame . . can have their own grain ground, a fo n r d i r te c t and l O i en w tl o ezet i i te ,sir ,o h it a . s , ll ( l i a d e l k eo S i i o l r l ,; nod take it brick in a return haul, or Aloof i Spring IMainns, chow° Delains. Berages, (all ; be furnished in exchange 01 n nmi la" t ' colors) Lt evell Cloth, Debuize, Alpacea, Pop. : an °gnat quanlitY of Flour and Wail tins, Prin eil Berliges, Brilliants, plain and lig- ; pod feed. lived, Ging!lanis, Lawns, and Prints of every do- ! TIIE sINITT MACH INA seiption. ALSO, a large lot of drees Trimmings, Fri, is of au unproved pian . ufivtin and they nil ges, Antiques, (I impi!,:By in, Button.. tt,._ ._._.........,...; ,L Wan:. A.F.JLj6galiii6,ooligasMAKlWtaMTM Crapes, lined & Brass Hoop, Skirt Curd • , , 4. l l leat and cheapest assoritnent of Cols ! Huntingdon, December 10, 103 th are, and Undersleeves, in town. Bar'd And , ---- - ------, . • Wain Jaronot, Mull Muslin,aSwiss. Plain, Fig- ! 11. K. NEFF, M. D., ured, Skirt 808. Marseille for Cap., and a H AVING located himself in WARIZIU.I.III44 T A...4y of white goods too unoterou4 to men• 1.1. in this county, would respectfidly offer Ids. tine. : professional services to the citizens of that plata. Siring oral Thibit Shawls, White Delaine for and the eountry mut:cent. Capes. Mantilla, Ac. I 111,1 , 1411EN,U51 Aloe, Cloths, Cassimers, C.NsillClrl, Tweeds, J. B. Loden, M. D. Gen. A. P. Wilson, K. Jeans, Muslins, Cotton Drill, Nankeens, M. A. Henderson, '' Win. P. Orme., Itsit... Tichen,Table Diapers, Flannels, des J. Alen. tot Bonnets Flat, Hats, &v. ,A .IL ) TI. Stewart, 1 / 1 : 1 ~ :: .1111 . jo i Scott, n ,G Es w q . i 4 "' Boots and Shoos, this largest and elicit : lion. G „ or , Taylor. pest assortment in town. M A HARDWARE, QUEMINS - : Jacob 31 Henonill, N. D., Alexama, WARM, Buckets, Tabs, Baskets, Churns, , ,k 4,,, itatca uc h, at p„,„,. 5 6,, eg. Butter Bowls, Brooms, Brushes, ac. Carlo. to. ! 1p7 4 Oil Cloths, Fish raid Salt, Sugar, Celli!, .-----, Tea, Nolasbes, awl all goods usually kept in a ' A. I'. WILSON R. Monet: Putttatesti country Store. WILSON & PETRIKIN, My old costumers, and as many now ones as 1 ATTORJV EYS AT LAW, can crowd in are respectfully reiptested to c o me i And examine my goods. HUNTINGDON, PA. Practice in the several Courts of lientingtl.so• All kinds of Country produce taken in ex• 1 Blair,Candoin, Centre, Mifflin and JIIHISta C..- change for goods, at the highest market prices. ; DAVID I'. GAVIN. , e' March _3, MS. A priF2l, 1053. -'.-- . - . - - • - - ' cheapest "Job Printing" Office .4? BOOKS! .p:l ,- : BOOKS!: IN iNaIl OVNIII. • 40,000 VOLUMES of new Books, embracing every variety . and p " oar hose now made sash arrents, ia wsr Job (Wire us will enable us fo r doall kinds e usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, and Job Printing at 20 per cent. many of them at half the Publisher's retail priro, the subscriber now °Hero to the public. ' cheaper rates All school books used in the woody can lie 'noun any Office in the COUllitY. had in Any quantities at retail and wholesale ' Give „ s „ ea u . If ws do „,, give ~,,,i re sal io.„„, colon. F°°1 """ L "'" "d Wrapping "PP' , lion, no charge at all will be made. wholesale or by the ream. ..... _ . .. _ ........_ . •- - - - - - 100 superior Gold Pens with Silver and field IN BLAST AGAlN Case''"°7SitutrVl;loo from e knives of Rogers' and , others' best manufacture. ------ 100 splendid Port Monnaiesand Pocket hook s at 20 ets. and opwaris. astECE% . . GWIN'S. . r-" , riUM SHOES, cheaper at 1). I'. GWINS 11litiikl. P. ttlEi?1%1111 . . ATTORNEY AT LAW, . • kJ' than can Ito haul in town. Call and see them Willattend to all Imagoes ealraeled to:Iblm.01% p iSEPH DOUGLAS, Gunsmith, ' ,1 11 ,. 7.2._ P —t_. MEN - ' S" 1 1 . 5 : 3 4 7 , R tit S r fl o I , R . : 0 S c A o li ffi D ni D y HA ery W e E hei i . A TA I CKEREL of all Nos., Herring, &c., can . I .v. Linen Shirt Breasts, Ready-made Shine, 1 , 1 m lint of the bow quality,_ yh calling on White and r P.M. at . D. P. 'WIN'S. etioghetittEMANip 4CE3 ...c. --A,1P...00 z . 4 . JOB OFFICE 43 Or TIM 0 !KW 1 1 6 11UNT. JOURNAL." °,) to 1.13 The largest and but 0 , . •?' 4 JOE OFFICE • ( 0 all. m THE COUNTY: 0 9 P. 4 . .1014 , W . 0111i : 4 : of 0 2 gs 111, EllEtOgi° t . ' 0-: 2a g A* CI! Caine a X p EC U T !I) ''''.. , ,°: II': 4 ' . ° 0 a iim E32TITIER " St.' O THAN u ° It ►o . 11)1)13331ST. (,), 94 , 4 " er,IIFECT HATIS '• • ,' ;,.N .1 9 SP o WARRAIIi . L.ll f 0 "S. s All kinds of ;', o 4 11, BLANKS ( c: 40 ScoNIiTANTLY ON 11.1, 0 00000000000000 . 1 1 $ V V643S#IfVIV&C RAILROAD HOURS. TRAINS Goma EAST. Mail T. I Ex. T. I Fast T. Train leaves I'. M. A. M. P. 11. Petersburg, 1.06 6.24 11.24 Hinitingdon, 1.22 8.39 11.39 Mill Creek, L 33 9.49 11.43 I Mt. Union, 1.47 9.03 12.03 1 ems Gots° West. P. M. A. M P. 4.32 6.43 11.35 Train leaves Aft. Union, Mill Creek 4.48 6.68 1174 D • Huntingdon, 5.03 7.11 12.01 Petersburg, 5,L0 7.23 12.18 _ . ill It NUNIFIEODOW V 9 1 11 E undersigned owners of the Huntingdok Mill, inform farmers and the public geueral• ly, thot they now have their new mill in running order, with all the modern improvetnenta in the water wheels and machinery. They have pot in live of the improviul Jon vol Turbine Water Wheels, and eon grin , ' all stages of the water, and during the e. eat weather, any ouch all kinds of grain. They arc prepared to sell, and have . rin hand Huntingdon 1113a111 Foundry. don,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers