.a.I3IEITPLALCY'r OFTHE the 7th day of November. But little diffieul- A ty occurred in the convention, except on the itn Ipfy n it ourn a 1 . f b subject of slavery. The truth I. that the gen. ee ' eel st ' crab provi -eons of our recent State constitn.l -- tions are so similar-and, I may add, so ex- 1 _ ---., e•\l 1 e / e e_4o oi rwe ee e-• ceilent-flint rho difference between them in t -. s. e i e. , / _ ,. . ettee • • „. . It et unnecessary to state in detail the alar• ! not essential. Under the earlier practice by ' -th li olefeetio e i eft b ' tr. " '''''-`•-• ming condition of the Territory of MUM. at I the Government, no constitution framed•,-... ,_ ~ .`e. ••,•-•_-•_*-- .. the time of my inauguration. the opposing I the convention of a Territory preparatory had -----t.etee•-: .. e i t"," - -eye .........._ parties then mood in hostile array against each its admission into the Union as a S 1 d 7 - .- • e - • C A other, and any accident might have relighted been submitted to the people. I trust, low •f. V- - ciIN....tIVA • ' -, .. .. the flames of civil war. Besides, at this vein- , ever, the example set by the last Congress, e `4..:e... , _. 4‘4,, iii i . 5,.. b . . cal moment, Kansas was left without a tower • requiring that rho Constitution of Mintweeta iamb/ the resignation of Gov. Geary. '` should be subject to the approval anti tatifi• ..- 1. , . ' , so .e ste,‘,\. e. :- On the 19th of February' previous, the ter- cation in a free and open manlier, of the ____ .... _ . = . _______=..._ _ xitorial legislature bad primed a law providing / people of the proposed State," may be f.l- 'WILLI ANI 111111.1111 f %TER, Edit ... for the election of delegates on the third Mon• lowed on future occasion'. I took it for ern.- SAM. G. Urllll"rAKElt. S day of Tune, to a convention to meet on the , fete nett the convention of Kansas would act Snit Monday of September, for the , purpese of . in accordance with this example, founded, as Wednesday Morning December 16. 1867, , framing a constitution prepar a tory to admie- it is, on canned principles; and hence my in. ......-.......-.- • •__------ sion into the Union. The, l aw wee in the !erections to Gov. Welker ere raver a submit sert W e give the into rating portion Of Pre soak fair and just; and it is to be regretted tiny the constitution to the people, were ex that all the qualified electors had not regis- pressed in general and unqualified terms. eident Buchattan a first meseage, in another Wed themselves and voted under its previa-In the Kansas-Nebraska •act, however, this cltiniff. It is a reinarkitble document, nod I ions. requiremeet, as applitable, to the whole coneti• clearly proves the fact that the President wee At the time of the election for delegates, an • mien, had not le ne inserten, and the come!' extensive organization existed in the Territory b on were ?to e b oun d by its terms to su b un i t ally completely bewildered wren he penned teed e whose avowed object it was, if need be, to put other portion or theinstrument to an elm:time , unmet us tenet so far as Kansas mutters nee down the lawful government by force, and to except that which relates totbe 'elemestic in. concerned. He firm assumes a Nein. 'tech establish a government of their own under the a itution" pf mo.vory. This will be remlerett ex tei nte ti d egree e r n itrites , towards the Seerth, so called Topeka constitution. The persona 0 ear by a simple reference to its languag .. It a id almost itnmedintely 'after, in the stone per• attached to this revolutionary organization oh- was "nut to legislate slavery into any Territery stained from taking any part in the election. 'or State, nor to exclude-it they, e.„,„, b et , to agra h. takes back all he has said. The 'tie p The act of the t err i tor i a l l ee t e l etere Ia I leave the people thereof perfectly free to Item Aram which we give in soother column, and omitted to provide for eubmittitig, to the pen- end regulate their domestic in e teuthers in tier the comments of the New York Tribune upon pier the constitution which might he framed by own way." According to the Plain construe . the message, on our outside, will be felted to the.convention; and in the excited state of lion of the sentence, the tee de "domestic ins . public feeling throughout Kansas an appre- etitutione" have a direct its they have neap- i contain everytheig which could interest our beneion exteneive:y prevailed that a design peril:trine.; reference to slavery. "Deineette in- revelers, end at' we have concluded to let tile exi3Ced to force upon them a conetaution in witutions" are limited to family. The relation , I n n ate , ego by default" relation to slavery against their w in, In this : between master aid slave and - ft few others are -...-......-e--. emergency it became my duty : as it was my , ..ckinestie inetitutiowee and are emit ly dis- t Zee unquestionable right, having in view the unit fro ,u tenet ~, ihti,,,,,,,,,, s o f a ',lit i c al character.' Secretary sOOOOO of all greed citizens in support or the toners' , ' Besides, there was no quement then befere removed by Presidteo Bor Naliort, env been ucheeme forderiter to a, lewd, to expreee an o pi ne .. th e tr ue cum ' Congress, !ter indeedents there since been any call.logether the Leeislature. • This is smother etrection of the provisions coeceriting slavery owitme question Were the potpie or tilted". e x„,„pl e of the emir plete and thorouelt centre' contained in the organic act or Congress dna: or the country, except that wheclu relates to the which the Smith exerciees over our Chief Meg 30th Mnv, 1954. Congress declared it to be "domestic i nsenti e nt , o f slivery, "the true intent and meaning, tff• this net nut , The. convention, alter au angry and excited istrate. Where are the premiers merle by the 40 legislate slavery into any 'Territory or StatO, dehate, finally determined, by a inujorily lit lent:deco leaders of the country before the hoe nor to exclude it therefrom, but to leave the i only two, to submit the (weenie' or siovory . t . : p ree id ent ee e l ec ti on , nun ; :f i litii i tl;ll i anien th ll;: ( el t h l, r i : t ' e n t le e t i h r ' C;; o m f e p s e ti r c re i c e t a ly it r u re it e tn t i o s h in rm th i e o i d r reo'wt'u.l Ifihfetypneoerelee'ettleis7tr'els'eltt"etelbh.'ete'd"trZleh::;'"ualletelee n er n i t h" „ e s i k e i " , "d t i . ,, h n e „ ' ;ll " a " ee th e i u tt i fi r j:e.„e . orthe way." Under it Kansas, "whenadmitted . as , to the constitution . a State," w. to "t ee receive d e g o t h e I mon, A lateen majority of the convention were in people of Reesits exercise control over that with or without slavery, tut their cenetitution f ever o f esta bii,hi ng t h e h tet i t .„,h,„ e t eh ,. Territery, and eon . a conatitirtiett, hosed nper, may prescribe at the time of their admi.ion." very in Kai... They accordingly inserted att the will of that et.t i ere , 1 Echo answers- Did Congress mean by ne e l anguage that , rebate in the Constitution for the' purpose sine _ ~.e ..., ~ ~,,......,,,_„,„...,,.._,, ~........,, ei _ F .... t r . the delegates elected to frame a comfit ution liar in fortis to those which had boon adopted erg ' honorable reedy e' , . '"e' '"'"'''" e e i ee ahould have authority finally to decide' the by other territorial Conveutions. In the meted- log rot and lair course, pledger by . question of slaveryeor did th e y i nten d by lea• ale, however, providing for the transition from the underwent., of JUMPS Buchan., and by meg it to the people that the people of Kan- a territorial to a State gover t ime tt e the ques• le, °mere, he has (plowed the laws 4lf justice, 888 themselves should decide thin qnestion by tine has boon fairly abd explicitly roweled to a direct vote 7 On this subject I confess I . the Teeple, whether they will have to weistitution done violence to his honor, and thsgravel the had never entertained a serious doubt, and,` position he now occupies. "with or without slavery.' It d. c.ares that, therefore, in my ittstructions to Gov. Walker before the said constitution adopted by "Elect James lifetime., and Kansas is a of the '2Bth March last, I merely said that when the convention "shall be bent to Uoll,ress for Free State," was the Democratic watchword. "a constitution ' , hall be submitted to the pee- admission into the Union as a Slate,' An ele, pie of the Territory, they toast be protected in lion shall be held w decide this question, at ' and aced we say 11 was the reliance placed 1" the exercise of their right of voting tier or n• which all the white mule inhabitants of the this declaration of Democratic stump•spealcers, geinst that instrument, and t h e f a i r expression Territory above the age of 21 are entitled to by the men of the North, that elected him.- of the popular will must not be imerrueted by vote . They are to vote by ballot; amid "the Now these ore facto, which we can pr , e by fraud or violence." , ballots cast at said electiou shall be eudorsed the ept p e„hee of 1, rom i ne „, „„„„, „, H . ee In expressing this opinion it was far from acoithiitution with sh,,,ory,t, and „ eons itetiett ray intention to intedhre with we decision of with no slavery."'" If there be a majority in Presideet Buchanan fulfilled the pledgee he in the people of Kansas, either fisr or against slat- made to the North 7 Has he dealt justly , favor of the econatittition with shiver)," thee very. From this I have always carefully ...)• it is to be transmitted to Congrese by the Pres the affairs of Kansas, as lie promised so faille stained. Intrusted with the duty of taking; ident of the Comentiou in its orieinal rune.- fully prt•ehms to his eleetiora Let us Bee. "care that the laws be faithfully executed, it; on the contrary, there shall be a majority in Ili tee n ~,;,,g. , orders In one.. i e e, he asserts my only desire was that the people of Kans. favor of the "eoustitution with no slavery," ,e" "'e fellows i should furnish to Congress the evidence re. • "then the article providing for slavery shall be 1 ‘ elk.' wee" ex Plicite l Y htid . 1 "." , ate I be sebinitted to e quired be the organic act, whether for Lira; Oriel:, n from the constitution by the President'" When a Cottetit teem stint —,-...—........ee-,.,_--,--e-...e.,...-. that lit a sovereign Stet:, in:iraleir y t u ,in aimed new in the Territory ellen in no manner - f"t"e eeeinet/hee instrumeld, lenat•k that] and vote. of opinion the , t o ma ke, ton the own theidi rectr will be the be interfered with;" and in that event it is mode " the fair expreseioe (tithe polluter will must mority, o queetion his duty to hate the constitution thud ratified. ' " not hr interrupted by fraud .. I •e "- w tether this impertent done: tic Metairie!' tranemitted to the Cutigress of the Ut-It'd , e hose instructions, • • • . 111. " ' cllll - should or should not continue to exist. Indeed States ter the edtuitieion of the, State ads the else instructions, Gov, es alk. r, Milieu:eh a this was the only possible Mode in which their , teeter,. S 'where 'min .d a elaveholder, ettempted to '"'• will could be authentically ascertained. lAt this election every citizen will have an 0 trey out, but no wetter is that attempt twee-, Ir wen, however, held by Mr Butler, who The election or delegattee to a convention , opportnnity a expreeMeg he opinion by h. than president Buchanan °potty avows Medic was Attorney General at the time the Arkan• roust necessarily take piece in separate des. ' vole, "whether Kaitand shell be recelved Moo sae ease was referred to hint for his opinion. Meets. From this cause it may readily happen, r I. y pr.,1,-ti ion of Walker's coulee and in •t vie ! the W iiioii Wi th or without Slavers,' end thee l '•'• ' , . tent ten as has often been the ca., that a tunjurity of tees - it tot' o n r t : 0 , , , S: i tt , , t h.:F u e r : e a u :f i t :7 :n :: s t u e , ' ,l : ,i t i ireo e , " l: l ,:w e t " ,,h, P re l tt e ne ' r ' lr f ria :t orurni l a s' il e: g. i s t o,,, " er . ,,,,,: n ..,, l ,, , ,,,, h tfi r: T u i:. e ,ei h ,,,,n,,, i i h , e l,,, , r: the people of a State or Territory are on one tied in ten very mode required by the organic tied dictation. itttionously censures him lon pur side or a question; whilst a majority of the rep. , law. The election will be held wider leette suing. upright I I I 1 rmentatives from the seval dietatits into t mate authority, Red if any portion of the im ' the very one he himself acknowledges to have . a •e, ' . cons ti it is divided may bee r the other side. ' . habitatits shall refuse to vtite, a leer opportune seemble peaceably weedier, frame a ron ei The' urines from the litet that in twine districts t ,., to ,t., on hewing beet, pretteittee„thie will , laid dawn, But this is an t ee t eit i t i ett „ exam _ tenon that wont'' meet their views, rind Ite ,t . delegates may be elected by small tnnjorities, i ' neon Congress to relieve them from their ferri I their own voluntary act, mid they alone will lie the of Buchanan's dimegerd of pleeeee. Lei whilst en others those of different sentiments , respeimible foe the consequences. tenant condition d admiti us cite you to his determined opposite. to eve• • ' ' an • " l 'm m a 541ale ' may receive majorities sufficiently great nut t , 1 W bother Kuneas retell be a free or a sieve • , eve C •• • • Only' to overcome the yam given fit' the Term. , fe movemelit calculate,. to secure a like MN • , ~. , , ontress aright entertain such a petition, rind State meat eventually-, under wane aUthority, lie er, but to leiiiie 0 'Argo majority or t h e w h o l e , decided by an „ nee . ; atet the (1 ,,,,,,,,, eet , nomiooktod expression from the pimple er Kan comply with the requiem of the petitioners, people in direct opposition to an majority of the I never be Inure eletti•ly presented to the people ens on the subject of slavery, in th e fe e ... t e en ge'''''lng the"' the constitution ef their 0.11 delegates. Besides, our history nv I I • ! et-es roinialioll and reeler. But the 014 right influences may be brought to bear on the rep. opportunity be rejected, she may h ii e I• •d • . e to ‘" common Coesetutitel- wherein the people or willeh. the 1111 " thile " U of ten territory could tae native sufficiently powerful to induce him for years iu demotic dieeord and possibly in e l • laim in the matter WIIR the one of t et• to disregard the will of his constituent.. The 1 civil war, wore the tee , me e t , up the „ we Kaunas ure positively prellibilefl from nes , fair e Ie 1 ete. truth is, that to other authentic and setisfac• now au furtunetele tendered, aid again reach chance of vtuing again , I a C. ,,, ,tilution, fram• which Iteleu g s indeed to the citizen in his pri. tory anode exists of aseeetaining the will of a. , the rein, she hue akettey. I ed by a miserable taia,,rby, and 011111, rim ,. sett etirmity. But the constitution to be ' majority of the people or any State or . 'ferrite, i Jeanette hoe liir smile years occupied too sent to Wnshington by the ',teener. ("Mt ry on an impel-waxed exchirig quest!. bk.' • emit to them as free born American Om ne much of the pithlic attentioie It is hieh time . vention has no claim to he regarded ns pone that of Slavery in Kansas, except by leaving due Mendel be directed to liar mere impotentt as lovers of their country and the laws °flied it to &direct vote. Hew wise. then. was it for objects. Weer' tame a Memel into the Um., Almighty ; and lam, let us lattice the crowning , ternary, It is rut attempt at neurping the Congress to pass over all subordinate mid slit whether with or withow slavere. eie (At:ileum:lit I illainV, Ids rt....V.1 Of Seer Mitt, Stanton fie' " er " f 11 ' 1 ' red "' "ver"'"' by a " Mill termediate agencies, and proceed directly to beyeed her ewu limi a wet speedily pass away. t i, • • it e ~ . • , , minority of the people or the territory the tourer of all legitimate power under our , and she will teen tor the lion tine he lett , lie twig to Ca login., the, ',nsile nee for tt e-- institutions 7 ' she one t to have been tow" since, tu Man. oe , reesen that that body is a fair represeetou er . Mr. Douglas considers a I The proceeding How vain would any other principle prove ' her ow e a, ,,,,, t in her own e e ty. If h er ef ir t.',7i the will of se.vereeigliths of the peopin or lion• e , t , ) "'" i ' d with th " 1-,P° " ( "P t " c ” nve "tion in in practice I Thie may he illustrated in the tureen eir the eidetic, or slavery, or any other me. and consequently ultra Free `flier in sem ' 1 ' 1 : 1 v111111 ; 1° , 11 °,l' in the c ' f. " c ''' inter • coat: o f Kansas. Should she be admitted it.to , t e t subject, be aispieastug, to a. majority of there°. 1i ~ Ith • I • rMition rennottiefi in Om Nebraska ne t, ne e the Union, with a consteutien either inn....!tree ,- - -Illil ILUA We tine it goon eniiinorating plc, nu human power can prevent them from ndopted into the Cincinnati sdatfintn. In be• in_g or abolishing slavery, ageing the sett:intent e i teextete i t e e th ,„ e b r i e f p,i.d. Under t i,,,,,, tee eller ttet, in which nee mall •111111.3 fillet - 1 tir, ,.., . , . ~ . . a thepeople, this amid have no other effect il the uoctrine or non-Intervention, the circumelancee, it. may wee be questented whe Moth, ili direct conflict with his pliellted word then to continuo sod to exaeleerate the ezei' ; they the 'awe and quiet of the whole country rind in oppOsltiOn to his written instructions, Missouri restriction was repealed , and true ting ageetion define the brief period required are not. or greater importance thee the mem I tiler to it fie. success-the democracy 'teem. into tis filo. the Wield ofslaveryon 's to make the constitutimeconlorm to the ale i temporary - the p . . . , y unapt}lit oto pu twee. the fair reedentml element. President Ilitehen• eistible will lif the majori t y . fieldv of Kansas, consecrated to Free. ' parties io Kansas. The friends and iMpporters of the Nehreska 1 Snotild the constitution without slavery he dote by solemn compact. y, ,th... u. deny an owes his owe eleven. to it, std Mr. Doti and Kees. act, wh e n .thggling '' n a recent ad.,pted by the vet. el the niajerity, the right, :hilt .lames 8.111111.1 has fullekel his pledges , etas d ef a mer thin lie hitilSelf IS wedded to it, east to ..tam i l . wise Te"elehine heibth or property in slaves now ei the 1. emery ere to rho people 1 tee Porten, ltd ~ , ,e, I 0 and his bettor is pledged to see et faithfully *ems!. tribunal ollite Aolerio.to people, nee' rtnerved. Tim 1111111lierheel li, , - ' ''' '". ' mei el out He Would r • ifirisfaithfully er er differed Mime its true meaning en this sun- t i , i t wee , get , aid ,. the pro , iet ,,,, wee , ~1 : es cartel., out tee tto ere, which l e . p een . _feet Everywhere throughout the Curren thee. t t o l y „ttt teet reee „,,,,,,, e. 1 ite,„ slaves wee , heel should he his guide , which heads Iles par- ' ' 'shouldseparate him from Ille groat publicly Pledged ' 1 . 4 lititit unit their Ith"nr• brou g ht into the Territory rimier the coustitu- egret& tied we dale all the Deineertoie j wre- patty to which be is attached by so Many flirt they would cheerfully setaut the question , I lee, public end private, political and seeetl. tun or the Cuffed Ste ea, std tare 110 W the pre. h i s i n th e t ..-, . . i • t • 1.11.1., ..,..ow it Slgilila 11,4 AIM,' Ile of slavery to the decision of the bona fide pee- per , ~, Wier ...ter.. end flat Ito hives principle mom than party, tied le of Kansas, without any restriction er quaff. 1 • hunt taken the mini or °thee that has not e Ills point h. at length been finally decided adhere • fication whatever. All were cordially united by the highest judicial tribunal er the mutiny fur it. (thit'et the planting or slavery in Inn ,well, to it darnel' deserted by the De epen the great doctrine of popular sovereign- - The speeeli is altogether a telling and this upter the plain p rinci p le that whet, Territory of Ka... We defy them to point 111111.1. "' . ty, which is the vital principle of our tree in. a eett f e e ee ,„. ) , et e „„ et t ett s teles aeg „a.,, a to . ~,, , i i,, , ,,,,,,, i n hi . act ,. ~,,,,,, Kan. one; and Senator Dowries has Mown expert etitutione. Had it then been ineinuated from nevi territory at their joint expense heel equity 1 " . • getteralehip in deliverieg it Olt !holiest °ppm , 'any quarter that it would be a aullieient con, sas teller.' lie del and dues notealtor to give mid justice demand. th..t the eitizteis 0 tete pliance with the requisition. for the eremitic Kansas over to Shivery. And yet, oh, spirit of I 1 • 1• I spirit of y is ite I presented. He has (tined:de. ta• and all of them Shall have the right to wee in law for the members of a convention, thereat:ken the Semite by surprise, and the leading to whatsoever is reComiii.otl . properly by doughfaceism, men can yet be found who will ter to be.elected, to withhold the question of the comm. constitution. To have sunintard) bdieve in Lowe'. pledges. pi o slavery mei. in .en empire.] slate, The . slavery from the people, and to aubatitute their I I maltreated the property enslaves &treacle in the Senate has adjourned until Monday without own will for that, a a legally ascertained ma. If Ka.. ever become,' a f ree State, it will Twit try would be an act of gross ilkiustive, An End to Kissing. )unity of all their conatituteels, this would have any thurou 11It • na . attempted . Anti 1. reply el , . and cuarary to the practice of the older Slates not be because James Buelettian does not seek h be. instantly rejected. everywhere they re. Hence Mr. Dough.' speech will go to the 1 A elion while since the aff;cti • onnte public a the llieuti which have übtilished Slavery. to prevent it, but will be owing to the itheinwe masted true to the re , olutien adopted on a ' count' atom., aud produce its f„Il effect with- 1 I. '" nst°°i"ed b .? "° °l ' l l °f a 3.1111 " 1" Y ----..e. - persuasiv e e loquenc e . f S tate hay- celebrated occiution recognizing "the right of Woon'e Bela RaSTOtterte '.-We refer the till and , f r ee out anything to counteract it. The toten , ph. „ whine neck watt dislocated in consequence of the people a all the Tetritoriea-indud.ngmeta if Congreas disregards that clause in reader to the tideertieeMent of this popular r reply of Senator Bider did harm rather than ' the ill' vivified resistance which slie offered to Kansan and Nebraska-acting Oren h ire mod, It is highly recommended by all who the Constitution of our country, which express- e Het to hie cause. It legally and fairly expressed will or a ribij,,r 1t y th ' t hl of afforded bap. use ' it, and h. effected wonderful results ly declares that "a majority shall rule," and en. °' - cal-- • of actual reeidente, and whether the Homier • chance of still farther explaining hie verses dent than discreet. Our lam exchanges from by its magic iefluence. WO know of gentle &lees ft boy. Constitution, repugnant to nine- • - --' of their ifilittbitantejuetifine it, to form a cote - . .. men In tnis country who have been almost held tenths t• one wind' he was not slow to improve. It Eurripe•note match this tale with another of mitufion, with or without slavery, and be ad- o rise people of Kansas, thie iesue,fear• fir Years, heel their hair entirely metered to itsbrought out, too, Nome things not allowinetr ' . inquiet held at Leeds . the body a a witted into the Union upon terms of perfect - i. lul to contemplate, will be (breed upon the eiti equality with the other States." runner uxuriance and beauty, by the use of ' ' ' favorable to the pro-slavery demooracc, und eoung man 4 21. who fell down stein and I Wood 8 Hail Bestoretive.-bserarage Bulletin. zees of Kansas, and the freemen of the North to t " e m . • lulled h• sef • f• The convention to frame ' s oonstitution ter whom ri Bigler wood have d e ...ini.. in tee course oan attempt to --- meet either succumb to the alme.holdene diets dud. ' snatch a keel from the unwilleig Um of a girl Kansas met on the first Monday of September gilt! strong effete ea again • making " 1 bon or• like patriots and men melee to do , laat. Thep were called together by virtue of. -- -- - - -----esee---------- lor fifteen. Some of o t nor ct, emporaries dedm Philadelphia to bring about th I f the ' ' I en act ofthe territorial legislature, who. lawg e ...Pea . 0 ,, tueir duty. se- It seems pretty clear that Ramsey is to owl front the first a these occurrences the ful existence had beau recognized by Com usury laws by the next Legislature. The mea. —.we-- .be clientedene of the Governorship of elinneso. wholesome moral that young lathe. shonld , gross in different forms and by different err sure ie backed .up by the note shavers, and Ur A Candid Confession - The West Chm• tat. Though he hue a clear nix . • fthell' 1 sctmeuts. A Luse proportion of the eitisena ' en f n t , NO who t theirjority ti le. never oppose ie advances of their admirers. of Kans. did nut thi n k prow to reg .. .oi. p • , lip . upon means , I ter leePuhheae.a radical 6.1 piper, e o tti phi, ee l settee or the territory, thin Majority es t o lie Ili continuo fairness we are now bound to in• their nate. end to vote at the elect's', fbrr and whose interests would of course be greatly menu its party on being so largely ill the as- overcome ly the return of hundred.' of votes ter from the second accident that no man delagetem but an opportunity to do this hee•. enhanced by the repeal of the laws health re- cendant in office, and then Rays, 'ell e present from districts where hardly a dozen of white should ever attem• 1 it• ing•been fairly afforded, their refusal to avail ' etriet the rate of interest to six • per cent. The pt to take a Inas until id t themeelem of their right wield in to manner • object aimed at is to make note shaving at w. 111 t er ' we are le • d to believe I offered to him. Between the two 10880118 there alike' the legality of the convention. 1 high rates of intorost,4egal. We thii.k• how. great corruption lit Hai rielturg.", will he one of tn. live. Not a doubt ________..........--- lis reason to fear that an ancient awl not alto. , Tine ommention proceeded to flame a eon. I ever, the meatus of the people will continue to i of it, and we are glad in ace one Loco paper et SarNext Mmtdey,the New York City Batiks gather disagreeable 0551050 may h e summarily ettitation..kor Kees., and finally adjonreed on WI , their foot* against any such pre)ect. i least, eo read, to own'Deer, up. We are. will resume specie payment. I abolished.. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE TH.E HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. THE SPEECH OF SENATOR DOUGLAS. We publish to-day, in full. says the North American, the speech delivered by Senator Dough's, on Wednesday last. and of which a telegraphic report has already been presented to our readers. The importance of this speech, marking, as it does, an era in the history of the great Kansas struggle, entitles it to be net. vernally read. Senator Douglas takes a post. tion directly opposed to that assumed by the President in his message. SIC denies that the Ne'aaska bill mettle any distinction between the question of slavery and the other domestic institutions . of a State. He says that Mr. Bu. chneeon misupprehends the true twining of the organic act wider which Kansas and Nebraska were erected into territories. He dissents very strongly from the assertion of the President i tent '`domestic institutions . ' has any especial and exelnaive reference to Slavery ; and dee] trete that it extends to institutions concerning all the relations of life, and medic whatever lee longs to State government and regulations as opines.] tee federal control. The President be. lieves the slavery question to be fairly Submit. ted tee the people of Kansas by the Lecompton schedule. Senator Douglas stouts the opinion and shows that the question is not tesirly sub mitted ; nor submitted in such form that a man conscientiously opposed to elavery can vote at tell. No matter on what side he votes, he is compelled tee vote for a constitution which makes lk I.ll,tillet provision for slavery. Beet perhap.s the most forcible part of the ! speech is that which goes tee sinew dent the ter ritorial legislature of Kansas had Me awleority wheitev., to call a constitutional co. void. ; dent the net is one of usurped., as is also the attempt of the convention to sepersede the ter ritori.el goiernment by .e of its own eppointe meat. It is true that a bill, autherizing the people of liAnitas to assemble in convention and fraine a emestitutiim—known as the Toombs hill—passed the Senate during the last Con gress, beet it won defeated in the. Ilonse. Con gress ne that time denied to the people of Kan sas the right to frame a constitution, nor have they derived it front any source mince then. This question respecting the extent of the au thority ofa territorial legislature to call n convention without the assent of Congress, is not a new o le. The Topeka Convention was rejected partially on the ground that Congress had pressed no enabling act by wilier) the pen I pie eel Kansas were authorized to frame a con , 'flitted.. The ease of Arkansas is also in .point. The principle involved was acted on • during the administration of General Jackson with reference to that State. It was held tea the people of Arkansas, then a territe ry. had no right. whatever to fretme a constitution 88. tip they had leern authorized and empowered so to do by Coneress. And in the absence of .y action ',tithe part of thin body, there is no other mere, from which the right to e a State constitution and government eon possi Pe4 be l i S r keirejtirig 15 lie nT i h h .V.sc. hi nit r hos.. its grourd in reason and propriety, and there is no good canoe why Kansas should not be =objected to its operation as well as Arlcnn OUR BOOK TABLE. ser Gotley's Lady's Book for January is on our table. This is the beginning of the tweet ty eighth volume of the Lady's Book, and a magnificent number it is, too. We assort that (Risley publishes the very best ladies' book in the country. If any of our subscribers will take our advice and patronize his magazine, and are not well pleased with it at the end of the year, we will refund them the price. gar The Home Magazine for January, is on our table. This book, published by T. S. Ar• !him Philadelphia, is one of the best ludies' books in the country. We recommend it io all our friends. sor Tho Student & Schoolmate for Jamlary bef,re no, and commence,' the new year on• de •ry favorable eiretimmenves. All our old a al yawl! friends Ahould enbieribe for it.. Pub li.,hed by Calkins & Co., N. Y., at $1 per an num. s The School Journal for January is be. fuse us. Published by T. 11. Burrows, Lancas ter, and at the low rate of $1 per annum. Ser The Inventor, fix October, has beenro ceived, and is an excellent number. It is pub. lish-d at $1 a year. Vencit notcs. _ . Jiro' Nixed up—Buchan. ou KIIIISBS. billioun—The look. of a airs ai prevent. s a r In town—The man with the dilapidated firm. sa• Broke out in several places in town-- tint panics: Weir A smiling face is not always an index to n loving heart. Se"' Thanks—To some unknown friend for a bundle of "Habanns." AfirTennyson, the poet; is said to be a hope. less victim to the use of opium. 452 , p Too Bad—The conduct of some of the boys in town in the house of Bud. Xiia - The total amount of specie held Ly the Boston banks, last week, was $2,000,000. ter There will be preachinLt in the new German Refocused Church, next Sabbath at 21 o'clock. Siir We are happy to inform our friends, tlnti, it is eery probable the banks of Philadel phis will resume specie payment in, a short time. ssl• Knowing that Buehanan's nrsssage was diet:.t d entiroly be Southern members, it does not ❑stonish us ii, the least to and itso entirely pro•slar.try in ...titiment, Z Two dutchmen Wive huu AgrAttitOuitt of diseased horse meat, 'which they itonght at a peony a pound. Think of that ye sausage eater, DEY That's so—W4ons cannot run Wi1114).11 ! wheels, bouts without steam, bull frogs jump without legs, or newspapers b., carried on ei h. out mue . y, no more than a dog can wag his toil when he has Ser . "Many n time and oft" have we w tic der, d how so many of our ouug melt coo idle their precious time away on the cornet'. Do , mething—if nothing else offers .as wood, make road, do anything honorable rather than bo idle. tit2l•Tliatakful lamina!! favors —the junior atf the Huntingdon Journal—he returns thar4o f.t "druto.stiek" td a tarkFy presented hint 011 ' Fbuttk , giving day.-- Allootta Team?... Veil, and VOL ov it. Haven't we a right to be ntliattalatur "00010' as how . ' wa received it front at "lactyv" fair. It's the siytt tf to (okra, is it trY, Bill. Car The officer who pulled Gen. Jackson's nose in public, when lie wits Prrahleut, hus he., a ppointed by the present administration, superh t gitlent of the Arsenal at Wnsialigto This modern democracy not or lv in-tilts the memory of the old hero by tidoprin,t the pr n eiples4 rf hi- (tummies, but by tram ng w th phiee the blind that shuck hi.n. gre , Oo Monday Inst. we received from our gallw t friend Cel. Jim Clark and hit lady the' esk ; and (dt. shade of C astir, what a coke. -- We mu.% attempt a description, as it would only excite the envy of our bro , her editors, It was huge in prop , rtion, 1.1 pronounced eu hinds the very best. That other •arraugement• Col. was highly appreciated. Long may you wave. 4i Two hundred Mon were discharged on Thu, achy lost from the Erie Railroad depot for ret'asing to wok at reduced wag.. Other. were LiTed, hut on arri , ing the &Otago" aorknem r •skted the lending of the new hands nail cotter led them to rto rent. A pocn forte was preemed from New York, and another at tempt to land woo made Friday 111,11 t, lot the tme ineers—nuothering Rix hundred--were pus wcl 0,, the landing with t amain, anti pr, vatted disembarkation. The steamer with tin` now bombe on hoard, hauled off, and awaits further orders. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. FLOUR.—The Flour market, if anything. is firmer today, and the demand rather mare active; elates include about 1400 bbls. standard superfine at $5; 450 bids. extra at $5,25a5,37.1 and 200 bbls. extra family, fancy Wanda, at MG 50 hbl. as in quality. The market @loses with more buyers than getters at our loweet figures. The home trade has also been rather more active, within the range of the above quotations. Rye, Flour itni, Corn Meal aro very dull; flea former is offered at $4.25, and the Setter at $3 lig bbl. without finding buyers, GRAlX.—There is not much Wheat offer. iug to day, and prime lots are aearee and wanted at full prices. Ab...ent 2000 1,11811013 tide to gond red gold at 11213115 e; 1500 busk els white at 1183125, and 1000 bushels choice Kentucky do. at 140 c. Rye is in steady de maid at 75c."6 r Delaware, and : 7Bc. for Penn sylvania, nod but little offering. Corn cuntin• i.es dull and ten iettled; the receipts are hula, but the dapiand has fallen off, and only aliont 1000 bushels yellow have been taken at 24a 56e. the latter for prime dry Delaware; 62aG3c fer mixed, and 70c for .old. Oats are un changed, with small receipts sled males of Southern at 33a3iii c. iarricb. llAMEa—NOnitts.—On ThurYday, the 26th ult., nearMeConnellstown, by Rev. W. iirarlihnw Unehtelh Mr. Miehnel Hunter to Mint Eliza beth Marin, hob of Wnlher tp., thin count?. Wtht.t.otn—RAnv.—On the 6111 init., in this Ituronsh, by Rev. DavidShoatTl CM, William Minn Louis.. J. Rohm, uli at Lien. lingdou For one of the largest and best cakes ever sent to any editor in the U. 5., - we are debtors to the gallant Colonel and bin bi.ide. That they may be happy they have the prayers of the, printers, and it is written "the prayers • of the r'ghteous availeth,"&c. May their honeymoon never go down, their flour barrel never grow empty, and may sunshine forever cheer their path. "E PLuateus tiscm," Svsev—Ews.—ln St. Louis. Mo., on the fah lion.. Col. George Stacy, editor of the Ohio Journal, to Mi. Lucy Ellis; of the former place. The above note which we received from our friend and brother ed. the W., is the first inti mation we had that he had "gone and done it. Alu I poor Yorick I We It ve thought of noth inz else since retiring it but Tom Hood's "One uhire unilort mime," or of that good hymn— 'Friend alter friend departs." Well, well, such things have been and we presume will be to "the crack o' doom," and whilst we pity the infonated we are too fearfnl of a 'judgment," to "censure in oar wisdom" the doctrine of "multiply nut] replenish." -Farewell, Georg . sod if forever, still forever turn time well." 1 71 ‘2,*i 1/rNI,AP.—On the 7tt. tfieiresideneit flf her eon-in-law, John Griffith, Mary Juno Dunlap, aged ei year and 17 esp. Var,:liatnlv , rsburg papers please copy, NEW ADTERTIMEIIENTS-. ORPHANS' COURT Mii./Lia fi• virtue of an alias order of dm Orphans' emi rt, there hill be exposed to public sale on the IF. miimi, on Thursday, the 71 hday ofJanuary, 1858 AT 11 O'CLOCK, A. M. ~ ...._., all the right. title and imereitt of Samuel Kerr, dee'd., of,, in and to the following described REAL ESTATE, situate in the village of Markt...burg. In Penn township, in the county of Ilutitingdon, to ant All thatcei fain lot of grouted, fronting on the SouthAvest sixty feet on the public road letelitag from Huntingdon to Bedford, theme on the West new hundred and sixty feet running - hack from the said road, by lot , irrhaams Gor. sueh, dec . & to a street lintel) feet wide, them O o!, the North sixty fbei along the said street to au alley twelve let-t aide, and thence on the Enst mac hundred nod sixty feet by the said alley, to the place of liezinnimi, having a two stt ry Inmse cab net in here oh , p ether , w and imrovements thertmn erected. p 4 —i- . N. B.—The purchase mo-fai ney of this lot has been paid in full, by the said deit'd, in his lintlimit. , .... . . Also ft certain lot or ground; fronting on the South -went sixty feet on the puhlie road lead ing from Huntingdon to Bedford, thence on the We t, one hundred and sixty feet running hack trout the said rood, by 1111 alley twele feet wide to a street. fifteen fret wide, thence on the North. sixty feet along the said street, Whit No. 27, in the idan or the said village, and thence no the East, nee hundred and sixty feet by the said lot No. 27, to the place of be,itu Mug, havieg a two .story frame house ,' thereon ereeterl:'' 1 N. B.—There is a balance of $1.17.82. of unpaid purchase money clue on this lot, to David Brumbau g h, no of the d. .t or the en's. Also two certain /My dui, g its of hound, frontibg sixty fimt each 011 th. public is a I 'ea ding (Mtn llliiillllolllll to Bedford, thence o n the West one hundred .d sixty feet running back from the said road, by lot No. 25, in the plan of the said village, to a street fifteen feet wide, thence on the North, sixty feet each. a lone the said street. to n truss street fifty feet wide, and thence on the East. one hundred and sixty feet along the said croon street, to the place of beginning,. N. B.—There in a WllllllO6 of $57,82 of um paid purchase money, due on each of the said lots, as above stated. TERMS OF SALE. The nne half of the purchase looney to he paid on the continuation of the sale, and the other half in one year thereafter, with iliterou, to be secured by the bends and mortgaee of the per. dinner. JOHN HOUSEHOLDER, December 16, 1857.—it. Aunf•n COOK STOVE, • A SPLENDID NEW COOK STOVE Nr sale nt thls Otte ;it is calculated ki buru wood or you, W COIIN utdod ut. thui offico. Those baying either re 4 diapos• sh• sam...by ehen. I#ol2oll. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN WALL pereons interested that the following named rpramis have settled their accounts in the Hip lateen Office at Huntingdon, and that the Said net:omits will be presented for confirmation and allowance, at an Orphan.' Court to be hold es Huntingdon, in and for the County of Huntipg. dun, on Wednesday the 13th day of Jannaty next. to wit: _ . 1. Peter F. Kessler, administrator of the es tate of William Met-lotus', Inte•of Iletdivrion township, dedd. 2. John Eichler, administrstor of the estate of William Wilson, late of Pulaski contilyrin diana, dee'd. 3. John "'feed, Administrator Of the comic or Thotnifs.fteed, Iftte of thelfOroegh of Hunting dun, dee'd. 4. Partial tulintnistration recount of Dr. Het• ry Orlady. aditainixtrX..or of Jomhus R. Cox, who woo ildniisist rigor of Esther Coo, late of Worritirsmark township, decd. d • • 5. Wiliaan Stewart, a mitustrater of the es. tale of Jennet Stewart, late of West towuallip, deed, _ _ _ 6. John Aurandt and Rob'( Toney, exacp• tors of the last will and testament of John Sprankle, late of Morris townah;p, dee'd, 7. Trust account of George W. Speer, act• ing trustee, appointed by the Orphans' Court to make rale of the real estate of Rob% Speer, dee'd. fi. Trust account of Henry Lightner, trustee appointed by the Orphans' Court, to tnake sate of th. , real estate of Henry Lightner, late of West township, dee'd. 9 Trust iteettui,t of James Saxton, trustee, appointed by the Orphans' Court, of the estate of George Ileltright, Into of thu borough of Hontingdon.&e.d. 10, Cluartlittnnhip kecount 9f Elenry B. M. timer, guardian o f Rosetta Stelvart, a ramor child or Anthony . J. Stewart, late of Morris town4ip, deed. _ ii“ardiallAi i , account of Oeorgo Sipco, guardian of Richard, Elizabeth, Loretta and E.:aline Wharton, minor children of Samuel N. Whur:iin la.:e of Cromwell township, dee'd. 12. Al ri d 13. Crewit . (now deed.) adminiet trator of Dr. .li.c Hoffman, late of the bor. ough of Huntingdon, deed., no statell nmillled he .la n e wit, executrix of the,aid A. B. et ea it, der'd HENRY GLAZIER, Rogieor Register's Office. Ifitrafingdon,Dec. 12, 1857. CAMILLE SEMINARY. Only $19.50 per Quarter. THE NEW FACULTY', M. l, lll ro e t., N :sr l „ VA ,4 l. l. !l n l n l : inc i r g,, ipz:l. and ph nosop Herr Karl Ilockenheim, P, o/. German Language 4. Literature. 111. Eugene Chivaut, Prqesmor of Pe,rich and Piano Musk. James W. Hughes, P“jeaur of Mathematice,fic, Mrs. M. MCN. 7 ailP i ecP r a Gr• clan fainting, Botany, Miss ker, .4100 c /abu tting, ting Dal c Miss,Anna AI. Gray, iomu;nar. 1 . 11: Jeanie scn HAS LATELY I•'A9$l3D Tinto, new 111,114 and the I.aestnt. „ovrrete are determined to make it a first class tustitn• tine. The majority of the new faculty me al• ready on hand, and students will be rarvi . ,,v4 as soon as they wish to corn, Young Indies tin frets lenten intending, tugs to school will do well to write to us before cote eluding to go elsewhere. 7'hrre is no eliever , and we &titre thfrc Will be too Let4r Soat.4 n,..w Mon ours. Both OP.'S are received, all branches taught and students can enter at any time. For further information, address JOHN D. WALSH. Cassrille, linntingdon Co, rd. DeCernb, 9, 1e57.4f, Primary Etig4h. TFARMERS.—Siodetits will to' take, at j the Cassville Scininary, and payments eau ha wade in Meat, Apples, Potatoes, Butter, Flour, Buckwheat, etc. Address • • JOHN L.'WALSIL Hunt.. Co. Pa. 9.'57..tf. fpc OROCEHS.—Students will be taken at I Ow Usssville Seminary, and payments eau be made in all kinds of groceries. Address JOHN D. WALSH, Cassville, Hunt. Co. t Dec.. 9,'57..ti TT UMBER.—Studonta will be taken at the jj.:lllsli villa Seminary, and payments can be wade in lumber. Addrosa JOHN D. WALSH, Camarillo, Hunt. cm Pa. Dec. 9,'31,1f. TAKE NOTICE. wiIEREAs I Sarah Alexander on the 4th VV day of lo ember A. D., 1857, Purchased from John Alexander all his Personal. Proper ty to satisfy two Judgments that I have against him amounting to $lB4 87. Thc property in aN (011 OWN: ' One Hay Horse, one 1 year old sorrel colt. I red cow, 2 2 years old heifers, . G shoats, 8 sheep, 1 Dearhourn wagon, one Hathaway cook stove, 5 tons of hey More or less, a lot of corn with, 15 acres of grain in the ground more or leas and 1 man's saddle. Now take notice that I the subscriber have putehnsisl the above property front John Al exander and Ido hereby forwarn any person or persons from buying or purchasing any of the above property from John Alexander or any other person or persons without my con sent AN I hart, taken the property into my poe. 'session and have let John Alexander have the property to take care of for rue. Shirley tp., Dec. 9 SARAH i i;EXANDER., '57:-3t. Edate ,!1* ,g'utni. Williamson, dec'd. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. • THE undersigned appointed auditor to dis tribute the assent in the hands of Henry Brewster, Esq,, adm'r of Samuel Williamson late of Shirley Township de'd., will attend at the Register's Office in the Borough of Hunt ingtion, on SA URDAY, the 2d of JANUARY, '6B at lit o'clock, A. M., of said day, when nod where all persons interested are required to present their claims or be debarred from com• tug in upon said fund. M. P. CAMPBELL, Auditor. December 9,';i7:-It. Asarearre The subscriber wilt offer at public sale at Markleaburg, Huntingdon county, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. or BaliiiidelY. 19th of December, 1867, the entire stook and fixtures in and about the store hitely occupied by David H. Campbell, The whole will be sold together. Persona wjeh• illy to purchase, can examine the stock is the Term of aale will be made known on day of sale, or previously, on application to the ant). scriber. JbliN H. WINTRoDE, Aosirno' of am* H. Clampboll. Dee. 2,14P.40.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers