in thralingkat i t \ r i ____ WM. BREWSTER, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. *elect god% From Frank Leslie's Family Magazine, "CASTLES IN THE AIR." ➢Y HENRY C, WATDOIr Iu early youth what merry dreams Were ever in my thought, Of roseate tints, of golden hues, From passing sunbeams caught One time I was a noble knight, With lauds all broad and fair, And I was happy as a king In "Castles built in Air I" A poet once, I dreamed of fame, Thet"worlds should read my thought; A SJldier etriviug fora name, In many a field well fouzht. and oft I dreamed of one sweet face, Which met me everywhere, And fill'd with rapture and delight Niy "Castles in the air f' liv'd to see my castles fall, My broad lands fade away; The poet's guerdon aro:town, The warrior's fame decoy I And pass'd away that bright young Imp For earth too purely fter Before life's treat lith: vtaiiih'd 101 My "C 1161103 in the Air !" "All Mankind are Barbera., 'l'il prove to my friend, I hope, That none a doubt can harbor, But all tl:e wand's n bather shop, And tna:..4 the barber. Ann to wake thenti , lve3 louk nu' And ,kone hem. '6; fanny; Dot brokers shave yon in the streets, And otily share for money. 501240 since their twehends slick and clis If with low !wadi tliey're brothced, But then 'tis 14111111 y to he seen That they're. th that'A !attired. To court G girl will elQqa,,,co, The dandy never Beta her, that lathers her with conipliineut,, The maidens, a Who are so fetal ersporf Mg. Soft•soap the shallow-minded men . A nd shave 'em while they're court 1 tl,n But men and girls who tuna will ii , ist Of soripni while they tarried, Will find at last, with hitter coat, That linth get SIIAVED when tisitniEn 1)1111101'0115 HARP SERMON, I),* beloved lirethering—l am an un la rnt hard-shell Btpt.i,t preacher, of whom you've no doubt beers before, and I now appe,r here to expound the Scriptures and pint out the narrow way which leads from it vain world to the streets of the Jerusa• lem, and my text, which I shall choose for the occasion, in the leds of the Biblesome• where Loween the 2.1 Chronicles and the last chapter of Timothy 'I bus, and when you find it you will hod in it there words; 'And they shall gnaw a file and flee un the [mintains of tiepsldant, where the lien roared) and the wangdOndlo mourn •th for its first•born.' Now, my brethering, as 1 have latfore told you, l ant an uneddicated man, and know within nbont Crammer talk and col. lidge ; but I'm a plain unlarnt preacher of the Gespil what's been fore. ordained, and ca led to expound Scripters to a dyin world, au prepar a reverse gen oration fur rite day of wrath ; for they shall gnaw a file and flee unto the mountains of Hepsidarn, whar the Ito,, rortreth and the wongdeodle mourneth for its first-born.' Itly bt'mved brethruig, the text says hey shall gnaw a file.' It don't say they it.ity, but 'it says they shall. And now there's more'n one kind of file. There's the handsaw file, rattail file. double tile end profile; but the kind of file spoken of hero isn't one of them kind neither; be cause it's a figger of speech, my brother ing, atill it means going it alone, getting .uttered; for 'tl.ey shat gnaw a file and flee unto the mountains of Hepsidam. whar the lion roareth and the, wangdondle mourneth for ha first-horn.' And now there be some here with fine clothes on thar backs, brass rings on thar fingers, and lard on thar har, what goes it while thare young; and thar be brothers here what, its long as thar constitutions and forty cent whisky last, goes it blind ; and thar be sisters what, when they get sixteen years old cut their tiller ropes and goes it with a matt ; but I my my dear brethring, take care that you don't find when Gabriel blows his last trump, that you've all went it alone and got ukered; for 'they shall gnaw a file and flee unto the mountains of Ilepsidarn, whar the lion roareth and the wangduodle mourneth for its first-born.' And, my brethring, there's more dams besides liepsidam, Amsterdam, mill-dam, slid don't-core a dam—the lust of which, my dear brethering, is the worst of all, and reminds me of a circumstance I once knew in the State of Illenoy. Thar was a man what built a mill on the east aide of Agur Creek, and it ground a site of grain, but the men what bui.t it was a miserable sinner, and never guv nothin to the church, and, my brethering, there come e dreadful storm of wind and rain, and the fountains of the great deep was broken up end water rushed down and swopt that man's mill dim into kingdom come, and lo and behold when he got up in the morning, he found he was not worth a dam. Now, my young brethering, when the storm of temptation overtake ye, take care you don't fall from grace and become like the man's mill, not worth a darn, for they shall gnaw a file and flee unto the mountains of llepsidain, whar the lion roareth and rho wangdoodle mour neth for its first-born.' , Whar the lion roareth and the Wang doodle mourned) fur its first horn.' I'his part of the text, toy brethring, is another figg ,r of speech. and isn't to be taken as it soya. It don't mean the howling wilder ness, whnr John the hard shell /3aptist was fed on locusts and wild asses, but it means my brethring, the city of New Orleans, the mother of harlots—wear corn 13 worth six hits a bushel one day and nary red the next; whar niggers are as thick as block bugs io spoiled bacon ham, and gamblers, thieves and pickpockets go skitting about the 'street like weasels in a barn-yard— whar they have cream colored horses, gild ed carriages, marble soloons with brandy, and sugar in 'em ; whar honest men are scarcer than hen's teeth ; and a strange woman once tub in your beluverl preacher and bamboozled• him out of two hundred and twenty seven dollare in the twinkling of a sheep's tail; but she can't do it again. Hallelujah I for 'they shall gnaw a file end flee unto the mountains of llepsidain whar the lion roareth arid the wangdoodle mour neth for its first born.' My brethring, I am captain of that flat beat you' s., tied up thar, and I've got attend her flour, baron ad oats. and pota toes and apples, and es good Monongahely whislcy no you ever drank; and I'm migh• ty apt to get a big price for it all. But, what, oh, my brethring, would it all be south if I hadn't relidgin ? 'Tar's nothin like relidgin, my brethren.. It's better nor silver and gold jiincracks, and you can no more get to heaven without it than without a tail. Thank the Lord I'm an uneddlca ted titan, my br,thring, but Fire searched the scripters front Dan to L'urahebee, and found old Zion right side up, and hard shdl relidgin is the best of all relidgin. And it's not like the Methodists what ex pects to git into heaven by hollerin hell fire nor like the Universalists what gits upon the broad gage and goes the whole hog; nor tho United Ilrethring what takes each other by the seats of their trowsers and tries to lift theirselves into Heaven, nor the entholicks what buys thru tickets from the preests—but it may be likened, my breth ring, unto is man what had to cross a river, and when they got thar the ferry-boat had gone. and he just rolled up Its breeches and waded over—hallelujah, for they shall gnaw a file and flee unto the mountains of HepEidam, altar the lion roareth and the wangiloodle mourneth for its first-born.' Pass the hat brother Flint, and let every hard shell shell out. Amen. A Practical Joke. Saturday morning last, two strangers arrived in tlijs coy, determined to abide here a few dues to see the "sights," and among them Wheatland, the home of Mr. Buchanan. Not knowing where it was situated, they made inquiry, and were tn• formed that it was about one mile out from the city, on the Harrisburg turnpike, which was found without touch difficulty. After walking out that way for about two mites; they made inquiry if this was the Harrisburg pike, which was auswered in the affirmative. On their journey, they inquired of several persons who rill an swered them that this was the Harris. burg pike; at length they arrived at Lands ville.about six miles from the city, when confident that they had reached their des. tination, they inquired which was the res idence of the President; but what was their chagrin to be informed that they were about five stiles from it and were on the wrong They walked the whole distance buck again, without having ac complished their object, and in return breathing vengeance upon the head of the jotter who sent them on a fruitless or. rand.—Lunc. 7lnsea. 11.1rAlt, John, my uncle has been to Now York and yourn haint.' 'Well, what of tha,tmy uncle hns been to jail and yours hain't.' " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND POREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " 4UNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1857. ciert j,l bccliany. THE RIGHT KIND OF A WIFE. A New Yorkeditor says he had an in- troduction last week to the heroine of the following sketch : Mr. -, a merchant now residing in Philadelphia, who formerly lived in rather an extravagant style, was in the habit every Monday morning of giving his wife a certain sum of money for the table and other household expenses of the week he never mentioned his business to his wife, and she deeming him capable of attending to his own affairs never in quired into them. About five years after marriage through some alight mismanage ment, and the rascality of his confidential clerk, Mr. suddenly broke, and his full was mentioned 'sympathizingly' on change, and like all ouch matter, there all sympathy ended. The merchant kept the affair secret, and the first intimation his lady had of it was a news par,igraph. Shortly after dinner was over, on the dis covery of the startling fact. Mrs. - requested her husband to remain in the parlor a few moments, as she said she had something to say to him. She then left the roots, hurried up stairs, and shortly after returned with a splendidly bound Bible in her hand. Handing it to her husband, she said : ..George, the day after our marriage you gave me this precious book as a token of your love, and as a rich fountain to look to in the day of trouble. its pages have been precious to me; and as your brow looks sad to-day, I now return it to you, that you may glean from it some consolation in the hour of gloom.' She then left the room. The merchant opened the book care lessly, and a bank bill fell out. He pick ed it up and glanced at its face; it was 810.-I.le opened the book again, and a• !other note of the Caine amount fell be fore him. He opened it at the first page, and continued to find an X bet ween every two leaves till he arrived at the com mencement of the book of Revelations. He was saved, could commence business, and had a capital of nine thousand dol lars. lie rang the Le 11; a servant appeared 'Request your mistress to come to me immediately.' said the merchant. The lady obeyed, entering the room with something between ti tear and a smile. 'Kate ! Kato ! where did you procure all this money V . 'This is the weekly savings of our household expenses for the last five years,' was the modest reply. 'Every week I put ten out of the twenty dollars which you gave me into our Bible bank, that when a day of trouble came upon us, we should have something to save us from the wolf.' 'But why put it in the Bible, Kate ?' ,Ilecuuse it is a good bunk, one which will not suddenly break,' replied the la dy. 'You are an angel, Kate,' cried the de lighted husband, clasping her to his heart. . And so site is. Does anybody doubt it? LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES Rude were the manners then; a man and his wife eat off the same trencher; a few wooden handled knives, with blades of rugged iron, were a luxury for the. great— candles were unknown. A ser vant girl held a torch at supper; one or two mugs of coarse earthenware formed all the drinking apparatus in the house. Rich gentlemen wore clothes of unlined leather.—Ordinary persons scarcely even touched flesh meat. The nobility drank little or no wine in the summer. a little corn seemed wealth Women had trivial marriage portions; even rich women drew sed extremely plain. The chief part of the family's were what the males spent in arms and horses, none of Much how. ever, were very good or very showy; and grandeers had to lay money on their lofty towers. In Dante's comparatively pol. fished times, ladies began to paint their cheeks by way of finery, going to the thea tre, and to use less assuidity in spinning and playing distaff. What is only a symp tom of prosperity in large, is the sure sign of ruin in the small States. Su in Florence we might very well deplore what in London or Paris would be piaised or cause a smile. Wretchedly, indeed, plebians hoveled; and if noble castles were cold and dreary everywhere. they were infinitely worse in Italy, from the horrible modes and torture and characteristic cru elty too frightful to dwell on. Few of the infamous structures but at the time treated of stand, at present, yet their ruins disclose rueful cornet, STUCK VP-FOLKS, don't like these people—they are so dreadfully stuck up,' was the remark we overheard the other day. What are 'stuck up people ? thought we, and we looked a round to see if we could find any. Do you see that man over yonder, lean ing up to that hotel piazza, twirling a shadow walking cane, now and then coax ing the liar on the upper lip, and watch ing every lady that passes, not that he cares to see them, but is anxious to know whether they observe him t—he belongs to the stuck up folks. What is the oc casion t Well, he happens to have a rich father, and a foolish and vain mother, who taught him that he isn't.common folks' at all, and that poverty is almost the seine as vulgarity; and so he has become stuck up Ho doesn't take the-pains to learn any thing, for he doesn't fall the need of know ing any more. He does not work, for he is never required to, and be is so exten• sively stuck up that he hasn't the least idea that he will ever come down. He doesnt' know, however. ['hero goes a young woman—lady, she calls herself--with the most conde,cend ing air to no one in particular and an all. pervading consciousness that ..weation and all the rest of mankind' are looking at and admiring her. She has never earned the salt she eats; knows a little, a very little— of a good many things and nothing thor oughly of nny thing; is most anxious lest she should be troubled to make a selec tion out of fifty young menoll of whom are dying for her, she supposes. She is one of the stuck up folks and that is a bout all she is. . The oldish gentleman over the way, barricaded with about a Ard of shirt cal• lar, guarded with a gold headed can,, with u pompous air—do you see him 1 Well, he is only of those stuck up, too He has been so about ten years, since hu got off his leather apron and began to spec uhaw successfully in real esjfte. There are ether folks of Nis class, some stuck up by having at some lime been con stable, a justice of the pence, an alderman and in various other ways they got stuck up notions, They are not proud people, for they do not rise to the digni' y of pride; they are riot distinguished folks, for they have not abili'y or character enough to make theta so. They are just what they appear to le—stuck up. Let them stick ! THE LADY WHO WEARS NO HOOPS' We saw her on the street. She was of tnediuin height, with large, black, brit hunt eyes, end an intellectual face. Her garments were plain, but neat and tidy, and she wore no hoops. This lady had a large bundle on her arm. It was work * , "slop work," con taining malty thousand stitches, all made with her own fingers. The load was hea vy, and bore hard on her delicate frame. But she walked fast and slid easily thro' the crowd, for she wore no hoops. We glanced at the hand which grasped so tightly the bundle which she carried. It was delicate, yet browned by exposure and labor. No silken glove . protected it from the rays of Ole sun, and though al most faultless in shape, it presented evi• deuce of bard usage in the world. Yet it was a hand that would have looked love ly on a fashionable skirt, but that it will Hever do, for this lady area's no hoops. We watched her carriage. Despite her burthern, it was graceful. 11cr step was regular and elastic, her head erect, and her tread soft. There, thought we, is natural grace, though the lady wears no hoops. But is she a lady t Aye, and a true one. Fellow her, with that bundle, to her employer's store, and listen to the lan• gunge of a lady, as it falls sweetly from her lips. Sea with what a grace she re ceives her pittance for her labor, and hove smiling and happy, she returns to her home, and you will declare her a lady, if ehe does not wear hoops. Follow to her home. Observe the cleanliness of the apartments, and the neatness which pervades her household. See her, as she pats her little and orphan ed ones on the cheek, and gravely and sincerely thanks God that she is favored with health sufficient to enable her to la bor for their support. and you must ac- knowledge that she is a lady, n true lady even if she does not wear hoops. She is a lady, a true lady, because she deitotes herself to her woman's mission. Her children's welfare, her children's happiness, he nearest her heart, though condemned to adversity. She pursues her way cheerfully, though sadly it may oftentimes be. She prefers to bestow all the attractions heaven and education have 'given her to her home, humble ns it may 1 )461,f V-1 I 1-\ be, and has neither time nor attention to bestow upon such frivolities as hoops. Those who choose mny judge a gentleman by the cut of his cloth, and a lady by the immensity of her crinoline, but we con tend thnt there are many ladies, true In dies, who do not wear hoops.—Nashville Gazelle. An End to Zissing. A short time stare the a ffectionate pub lic was astonished by the story of a youn g lady whose neck was dislocated in conse quence of the ill advised resistance which she offered to. the amicable salute of an admirer more ardent than discreet. Our last exchanges from Europe now match this tale with another of an inquest held at Leeds on the body of a young man of 21, who fell down stairs and killed himselr in course of on attempt to snatch a kid§ from the unwilling lips of a girl of filmes. Some of our cotemporaries deduced the first of these occurrences the wholesome moral that young Indies should never op pose the advance of their admirers. In common fairness we are now boa id to in fer from the second accident that no man should ever attempt to take a kiss until it is offered to him. Between the two les sons there is reason to fear that an ancient nod not altogether disagreeable custom stay be summarily abolished. A Wall Street Scene• The other nay a Jerseyman was obser ved standing in Wall street gazing very earnestly at one of those hairless Chinese canines which are so much admired by dog connoisseurs. Nat. Jersey was a rampant crowd of brokers. Jersey look ed at them and then at the 'dorg.' '1 say, mister,' said he, speaking to'a gorgeously robed !lull, whose hands were filled with 'stock lists,' 'I say, does that dog belong to you ?' Bull noded. distantly. 'Yeas—well, I thort so—blast me ! el I didn't.' N 6.. ~..J. .. Ih:..L .L. , J.... • I. longed to me ?' , Well, I wasn't so ndzackly sure he be longed to you, but 3 was certin the Borg had dealing with you or some of your friends.' 'Why so ?' said Bull, getting excited. .rause he's so darnedly closed shaved —there ain't a bar on lin! Mgr The clock struck ten; I seized my hat and bade gaol night to rill, except the lass T courted; she came with no through the hall; she stood within tle. portal, and I gazed upon her charms, and oh ! I longed that moment to clasp her in my arms. She spoke about the moon and stars—how clear and bright they shone; I said I thought the crops would fail un less we had rain soon. Then I edged a little clo , ier, put my arms around her waist, and gazed upon those rosy lips I longed so much to taste, Said 1, my dear est iusy, I'll never rest contented, if I leave to night without a kiss I'll surely grow .demented. Then up she turned her rosy mouth, and everything was han dy; quick from her lips I seized a kiss, oh, Yankee Doodle Dandy ! Then off for home I started, I could no longer stay; with a light heart and breeches thin, I whistled all the way.—Hence learn this truth, ye bashful youth, who seek for wed ded bliss, no lass will love until you move her feelings with a kiss. How to Punish the Wolf lu the village of Consaucey, in the Jo en, a wolf was caught in a snare, which caused a deal of excitement and same joy. The wolf, after being led through the vil lage, was brought ton solemn conclave be. fore the church, when the people discussed the best mode of punishment. As a mat. ter of course they disagreed. 'Let us hang him by the paws!' 'Let us drown him !' , Let us bent him to death l' .Let us burn hint alive l' •:No,' said a peasant, who was very nu• happy in his domestic relations, •iet us marry him !' •Oet out of the way, old Dan, Tucker You're too late to come to supper.' . This popular song has been changed, in the course of advancing rel.nement, so as to read—. Will the ventrable Daniel Tucker, Esq., have the goodness to with draw for a few minutes, as in consequence of his late arrival, it will be impossible fc4 him to take his evening refreshments ut the.first table.' ATTACHMENT TO Violas/B.—The vio lins. it is well-known. is one of the roost diliicultinstruinents to finger. A initeM has been granted to Jackson Gorham, of iiairdstowmGa , tor a device consisting of four htigers, which press the string on to the finger board in any desired place; so that ordinary performers will be able to execute music in any key, fingering only in those keys on which the great mass of perfotiners play, via., the keys of one, two and three !herr, Omer Nifs. Eir The following letter was sent by a lather to his eon at college: "My Dear Son : I write to send you two pairs of my old breeches, that you may have a new coat !nude out of them. Also some socks that your mother has just knit by cutting down same of mine. Your mother sends you ten dollars without my knowledge, and for fear you may not use it wisely, I have kept back half and only sent you five. Your mother and I are all well, except that your sister has got the meas'es, which we think would spread among the other girls if Torn had not had them before, and he's the only one lift. I hope you will do honor to my teachings ; if net; then you are an ass, and your mother and myself your 4flectionatu parents." A RECONCILIATION.—At a social party in Cincinnati, recently, n young lawyer ob• served a young lady approaching, whom he had the misfortune to offend. fie ex:et:- de:l his hand and exclaimed : 'Good evening, Mary.' 'Miss Mary, if you pleaso,' said th young lady, brindling up at his familiarity 'We can miss you, Mary, only when you are absent.' and they w re soon recon ciled. It is said that she will soon bd miss ed no more Atir The following is a report made oy one of our local reporters— .llVe had scarcely reached the scene when the lurid heavens grew into one I,tond, concave sheet of everlasting reful gonce, The furnace like intenseness of the flame flung fierce and far the hot, de. stroymg rays, and in spite of the super human exertions of the firemen, the whole was reduced to ruin. lAsa not worth men tioning. A TENDER REPROOF.—A very little buy , had one day done wrong, and was sent, after parental correction. to 90.- t he forgiveness of his 11-uvenly Father. His silence had been passion. Anxions to hear what he would say, his mother fol lowed hits to the door of his roust. In lisp , ing ocbents she heard him oak to be made better, never to be angry again; and then, with childlike simplicity, he added, t'Lord, woke mars . temper briar No." CerA young man of our acquaintance undertook to commit suicide last Friday, by shooting • his davterreotype. He wins unsuccessful however. This is the third attempt he has made on his life within the his three mouths. Cause—broken sleep brought on by intense devotion to a piece of calico with ringlets attached. Cos —Why is the letter U the gayt,t in the alphabet ?' • Because it is always in fun. Why is U the most unfortunate letter M the alphabet ?. Because it's always in trouble and lid'. culiv. gib—Francis l'igg, of Indiana, has run array from M.e. Pigg and four little Pigge. The Post says he is n flog. r" A Kentucky girl, who married a fellow of mean reputation, was taken to task for it by her uncle, I know, uncle,' she replied, 'that Joe is not good for much ; but he said I dare not have him, and I. won't take a stump from anybody.' air' Mr. Shrubbs, on being introduced to k's Jenkins, took occasion to say that she favored a sister of his very much. 'ln what particular,' rejoined the lady. 'Why,' replied the wag, 'you are afa ma! e !' icy' A gentleman advertises for a "block Gather CARPET bag !" This is almost as correct as a reoent ad vertisement of the contents of a lost trunk among which were said to be a “bluegen fleman's cloth coat." dear, come in and go !o bed, said the wife of a jolly eon of Erin, who had just returned from the fair in a deci dedly 'how come• state, 'You must be dreadful tired, sum with your long walk of six miles.' Arrah ! get away with your noneense,' said Pat; 'it wattle' the length of the walk at all that fatigued me--'twas the breadth of it,' 'Jack,' said a man to a lad just entering his teeos, 'your father is drowned.' .11arn it,' replied the young hopeful, he• has got my knife in his pocket." gar A young lady ou being told that her most favored lover was killed, exclai med ; 'Oh I that splendid gold watch of his— give me somethin iv romeinhyr him by r VOL. XXIL NO. 51. larntcrds' G.'Dfuntn. (h that by the plough would thrive, Himself, most either hold or drive." This is the season for buckwheat cakes, and good ones are made as follows ; Dis• solve n piece of fresh "baker's sponge" in milk worm water. Then put in a seen one part flour to three parts buckwheat, which must be sifted into a pan, and set, or mixed •.vtth the dissolved "sponge." When the mixture is perfectly light, pour in a little melted butter, add salt, then a yeast powder, or a little soda and acid, all well stirred in, then bake immediately. Trees in being transplanted, to do well, must be taken up with care, with all the roots possible. These should not be 'ex posed to the sun, wind or frost. The ground in which they are to be planted Should be deeply ploughed—large holes dug to receive the trees, which must not bo planted quite as deep us they are in the nur,ery, as the ground will afterward., set tle. No grain crop should be cultivated around them—but runt crops are most suitable, as the hoeing of them will aid in keeping the ground mellow about the trees. Lice on Young Cot& —Look closely into the coats rf young cattle now, and Is not any vermin live on their necks and hicks. It is an easy :natter to kill these lice, and as all lousy cattle come out poor in the spring, let's barbarous to let such small mites as lice have their own way through the winter. Farmers find out in the spring that theft' calves are poor and lousy, and the:, make n stir for a remedy. Any greasy matter, well rubbed in, will kill these lice. Ashes sifted on their backs will do it. Yellow snuff costs but little, and is better than the juice of tobacco. Fine sand sifted on them will drive off lice ; the only objection to sand is that it causekan trl U cnttte in Inn gpTlTig. To Sweebn Ram Butter.—An agri culturalist, near Brussles has discovered that butter so rancid as to be past use can be restored so as to have all the sweetness of fresh butter. This operation is extremely simple end practicable for all. It consists Keating the butter in a sufficient quan tity of water, into which had been mixed 23 to 30 drops of choloride of limo to two pounds of butter. After having brought all its parts to contact with the water, it maybe left for an hour or two; afterwards withdrawn and washed anew in fresh wa nt. The History and Habits of the rlrmy ...—A friepd who has made entomol m;y n subject or study, furnishes. us with some of the 'results of his investigations into the character, habits and history of the army worm, of which no many tom plaints have arisen in various parts of the country. The oat-patch west of the Smithsonian grounds supplied him with specimens and nn opportunity to observe much concerning these devouring pests. Our friend's first impression, and which indeed he retains, was that the worm in question is identical with the grass worm of the South. Present appearances all attest this indentity, but it will require the complete round of transformation to be .tote through with before it can be consid ered certain. This worm destroys corn, clever, grain, and every kind of grass, and weeds between the rows of cotton.— Its caterpillar, just before changing into the chrysalis, hides under atones, and where the ground is broken, under clods of dirt Their enemies are formidable, the largest being the toad, which sniffs itself with them almost to bursting. The stomach of a toad, taken in the ont.patch shove referred. to, having been cut open was found filled with these worms, mixed ,situ a few wing of beetles. The army worm has another enemy in the black lar va of what seems to be a necrophorns, which preys upon the caterpillar. Be sides those there is a small ichneumon, or at all events a parasitical fly, wuich depos its its eggs all over the back of the cater pillar, and they, when matured, spin coc oons which send forth a cloud of other flies to repeat the process. Specimens of the army worm sent thither from Maryland were entirely destroyed by a fly much like the common house fly, but with a lighter colored series of rings around the abdo men, which is hirsute and tipped with brown, belonging to the family of musoidoe. It is a merciful provision of nature, that, as these worms increase so do the parasiti cal foes which feed upon and destroy them. But for this the consequences would be terrible indeed to all the hopes of the agricAltutalist.—National Iniellf genrer. FG'o on
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers