• 151 • • 4, f I :3, . • ~. WILLIAM BREWSTER,} EDITORS. SAM. G. WHITTAKER, *tied gottrg. GOD HELP THE POOR Darkly the winter day Dawns on the moor ; How can the heart be gay— Who can endure ? See, the sad, weary wight Wanders Irom noon to night Shelterless I homeless quite 1 God help the poor I Now the red robin, here, Sits on the sill, Not s'en a grain of bore Touches its bill ; So with the houseless poor, . Wandering from door to door, Seeking a morsel more ; Lord, 'tis Thy will, Night spreads her sable wing; Where can they lie 7 Sorrow like theirs must bring Tears to their eye. Full the cloud torrent falls. Down they must lie in halls, Each b his Maker calls, "Lord, let me die I" Ye whom the heavens bless, Give from your store ; 'Twill nc'er make your treasures less, Must make them more ; For he that gives cheerfully God loves so tenderly ; Give to them—pray with me, "God help the poor I" Yonder a woman goes; Ragged and Barefooted o'er the snow, Famished and cold : How hir poor children cling To her side shivering., Chickens beneath her wing Doth she enfold I Fast falls the sleet and rain, Slowly they go, By forest sheltered plain, Waiting their woe. City street note they see, Here they roam wild and free, Are they not flesh es we ? Canst thou say, "No ?" White is the virgin snow, Bitter the morn ; See those 4tarved children go Wretched l forlorn I Feet without shoes or hose, Backs without warm clothes, Strangers to calm repose Why were they born ? See that lone, aged man, Snow white his hair ; Mark hia and visage wan, Deep his despair. Craving the rich man's food, Owner of many a rood, Lord, thou art always good, Hoar his heart's prayer. A*cictt aitorß. A DAY tH PETTICOATS BY A MODEST MAN, git couldn't think of such a thing.' 'But you must. My happiness de. pends on it Here, put on the thingum bobs, and the what's his name ' And my friend, Bob Stylre, held up be fore my hesitant gaze a suit of feminine apparel Ills idea was that I should personate his lady-love for one day, to prevent anybody from suspecting the truth—namely, that she had joined him in a runaway marriage party until it should be too late for inter• ference ; that is, until the minister should have tied a knot between them, that nosh• ing but a special grant of the Legislature coull untie. This scheme was not actually so absurd as it appeared at first sight. Muggy Lee was a tall, queenly woman, with an al most masculine air, and at that time, I had a very slight form—almost effeminate, so that in fact, there was really but little dif ference in that point. Then I had light hair, tolerably long, and a fresh complex ion. Part my hair in the middle, and put a bonnet on my head, and few persons would have suspected but what I was re ally one of the softer sex. The accessor• ten also gave me quite a delided resem blance to Maggy Lee, especially when, as in this case, the disguise was her own. Then the day chosen for the runawa y match was an auspicious one. Maggio's father was to drive her to D-, a small village near where she lived, and there she was to join a ailing-party down D river. to the grove three miles below, from which the party was to return in the eve ning in carriages. _ . . Our plan was that I should be in wait ing in the village, should go on the boat with the sailiug•party, while Maggie, after leaving her father, should slip off with Bob Styles across the country. At last, I got dressed, and presented my- self before Maggy Lee, blushing a great deal I believe, feeling much pinched about the waist, and with an uncomfortable con- vcousness that my—shirt-sleeves were too short, or wanting altogether. Everything finished, in the way of toil et, Bob Styles took me into his light wa gon, drove me over to D—, by a seclu ded route, and left me at the hotel, where the sailing party was to assemble. Seve ral of the pic-nickers where already there and they greeted my cavalier cordially, (ev erybody knew Bob Styles.) asking if he was going with them, etc. He told them he was not. 'Pressing business engagements, you know, and all that sort of thing. Duced sorry I can't go, though. I just had time to bring Miss Lee over, end now I'm off. Mr. Bimby, this is Miss Lee. Miss With ergall, Miss Lee," and he rattled ofl a long string of introductions, which convinced me that but few of the company were ac quainted with the young lady whom I was i.hus personating—a very fortunate thing for the preservation of my disguise. Mr. Bimby, a tall, legal looking man, with a hook nose, and eye-glass and fluffy hair, seemed to be prepossessed with my personnel, and I overheard him whisper to Bob Styles, as he went out : 'Nice-looking girl, that Miss Lee.' 'Yes,' answered Bob, with a mischiev. ous glance at me, 'she is a nice girl, tho' a little go-ahead sometimes. Keep a little look out an her will you?' then, lowering his voicie—'not a bad [notch fur you old fel low ; she's rich,' 'ls she ?' said Mr. Bimby, his interest deepening. 'On my honor,' replied Bob. 'Forty thousand dollars in her own right. Day, day!' and he was gone. Muggy Lee, artful creature ns she was ; h nd told her father that the ceiling party was to assemble at another hotel,— thither he had token her. Having business in D—, he left her there merely saying 'that he would send the carries, for her. at. 11 o'clock. She, like 4 dutiful daughter, kissed him, bid hint good bye, and before he had gone a hundred rods, took a seat an Bob Styles' light wagon, which had been driven up to the back door us old Leo's carriage drove away from the front, and the old story ol headstrong love end preju diced age was enacted over again. As for us, of the pic-nic excursion, we had n delightful sail down to the Grove, but somehow, I could not enjoy it as much as I ought to have done. When I walked on board the boat I felt awkward, as if ev erybody was looking at Inc. I found Mr. Bnnby, ns I had suspected, a young and ri sing lawyer, mighty in Blackstone and his own opinion. He insisted on paying for my ticket, (the boat was a regular excur sion packet,) and purchasing enough or. anges, pears and candies to set up a street stand Four or five time I was on the ve ry point of swearing at his impudent offi ciousness, but bit my tongue just in time to prevent the exposure. But it was not with him that I found say role hardest to play. • _ . . . No ; the young ladies were the difficult ones to deceive. For instance, there was one among them, a beautiful girl of seven teen, ju,.. returned from boarding school, who hod not seen Maggie Lee for three years. Of course, she was delighted to see me, when she found out that I was •Mag gie, which, by the way, did not occur until after we had started. She threw herself into my arms, pulled my veil aside, and kissed me half a dozen times in a manner that made my finger ends tingle for an half hour. It was all very nice, but if I had been propria persona, I would have liked it better. As it was, I felt as if I were 'ob taining goods under false pretences," and that lawyer Bitnby might issue a warrant for my arrest on that ground, at any mo ment. A whole knot of crinoline then surroun ded me, on the upper deck-of the boat, to ' the utter exclusion and consequent disgust of Mr. Biinby and the other gentlemen. I kept very quiet, only speaking monosylla bles, in a falsetto voice ; but the others— Lord bless you ! how they gabbled ! Un• der a strict promise of secrecy, the little boarding school maiden, who had kissed me so affectionately7fevealed all her love affairs, and became unpleasantly confiden tial about other matters—innocent enough in themselves but not customarily talked of between ladies and gentlemen. I was terribly embarrassed, but it would not do to give up then. As soon as my trick should become known, Bob Styles' trick would also come out; and as news of that kind travels fast in the country, he and I is lady-love would be telegraphed and followed before they could reach Philadel phia, where the Styles family lived, where the knot was to be tied. " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1857. The river breeze was very fresh where we sat, and I noticed that seyeral of the ladies were glancing uneasily nt me. I couldn't divine the reason, until Jennie, my little friend from boarding school, laid her face dangerously close to mine, and whispered—.My dear Maggie, your dress is blowing up terribly high--hour ahklee will be the town talk with the gentlemen!' Now I was conscious of having a very small foot fora man and had donned a pair of open work stockings which came up to my waist, almost, with a pair of gaiters borrowed from the servant girl, in all of which toggery my "running gear" look• ed quite feminine and respectab!e ; but the idea o' the gentlemen talking about my ankles, and of being cautioned thus by a young girl, who would have been frighten ed to death if I had told her the same thing yesterday, was too much for me. 1 burst into a sort of strangulated laugh, thrt I could only check by swallowing half of my little filagree Ince edged handherchiet. 'rhe young ladies all looked at me, in ap parent astonishment at such a voice, and I wanted to laugh all the tnore. Fortunate ly, Mr. Bimby came to my rescue at the moment, and edged himself in among the crinoline. At ibis juncture, and before Mr. Bin. 'May I sit here?' he asked, pointing toby had time to apologize for his accident, a low stool near me, little Jennie came running into the pavil 'Ali, thank you,' said Bimby—with a ion which served as a ball room. As she lackadaisical air, which nauseated me, as came near, I perceived that her hands were coming from one man to another---(you are clutched tightly in her dress, and I posi es kind as you are Inscinating!' lively shuddered, as she whispered to me: 'You flatter me !' , 'Oh, Maggie ! come and help me fix my '1? No, indeed ; praise of yc.o cannot skirts—they are all coming down !' be flattery, Miss Lee.' What should Ido ? I was in agony. A 'Oh, sir, really, you area very naughty cold perspiration broke out upon my fore man, I said, in the most feminine tone I head. I wished myself a thousand miles could command away, and anathematized Bob Style's lie cast a languishing glance at me thro' masquerading project inwardly, with fear. the black lace veil, and I fairly began to lid I maledictions. fear for his 'feelings.' I said I was tired out. We soon arrived at the grove, and found b o d y doe go ? our band---engaged beforehand—awaiting No, nothing would do, bat I must an us. Of course, dancing was the first am- company her to the house of the gentle usernent. and lawyer Bin - thy led me out man who owned the rrrov , assist her me to take the lady's part in my dance, s„ wen , bu: I soon got accustomed to it. w• hen a What if it should be necessary to re waltz was proposed, I resolved to have a move the greater part of her raiment! little amusement at the expense of the un- What if she shhuld tell ice to do some fortunate Biinby. . sewing? What, if in the midst of all the I had first made him ?urposely isiloas, embarrassment of being closeted with a by dancing with two other young fellows, belt thinl girl of seventeen, in a state of one of whom I knew in my own cliarac- 1 comparative freedom from drapery, my ter, hut who never suspected ine as Nlag• real sex and identity should be discovered gie Lee. This young man who was a by her? greit woman-killer--a sort of cagy devil- I felt as Van apoplectic ht would be a may care rascal, who made the ladies run fortunate occurrence for rne,just then. after him, by his alternate warmth of ac tion and coolness of protestation-•I select el to ' , play off" against my legal admirer. t allowed him to hold me very closely iind occasionally looked at hits with a half-fas. Classing expression. When we stopped dancing. he led me to my seat, keeping his arm around my waist. and I permitted it. Having thus stirred Bitnhy up to feats of wrathful valor, I asked one of the gen. tlemen to direct the musicians to play a waltz. Bimby came immediately. , Ahem—a Miss Lee, shall I—a have the honor of—a—trying a waltz with you!' I siniled a gracious acquiescence and we commenced. Now, I amen old stager at waltzing. 1 can keep it up longer than any non pro. fessional dancer, male or female, whom I ever met. As long as the Cachucha or Schounebrunnen rings in my ears, I can go on, if it is for a year. Not so Bimby. lie plead want of prac tice, and acknowledged that he soon got dizzy. •Aha, old boy,' thought 1, I'll give you a turn, then I' But I only smiled, and said that I should get tired first. 'Oh yes ?' he exclaimed, 'of course; I can waltz as long as any one lady, but not much more.' For the first three minutes my cavalier did well. Ho went smoothly and evenly, hut at the expiration of that time, began to grow warm. Five minutes elapsed, and Bimby's breath came harder and ha, dor. On we went, however, and I scor ned to notice his slackening up at every round, when we wassed my seat. After some ten or twelve minutes, the wretched :Ilan gasped out between his steps : n—are you not--get—getting tired?' .Oh, not ! I burst forth, as coolly as if we were riding round the room—.Oh no, I feel as if I could wal2 rill night.' The look of despair that he gave was terrible to see. I was bound to see him through, how ever, and we kept at it. Busby stagger ed and made wild steps in all directions. His shirt collar wilted, and his eyes pro. truded, his jaw hung down; and, alto gether, I saw he could not hold out much longer. 'This is delightful,' I said, composedly, 'and you. Mr. Bimby, waltz so easily !' 'Puff-puff-eh-puff yes oh-puff very-puff de lightful.' gasped he. 'Don't you think it ought to go a little faster ?' lie rolled his eyes heavenward in ago• .Ah-puff-puft-I d •don't•ah -puff -don't know.' So,•when we neared the musicians, I said, 'Faster, if you please—faster!' and they played a la whirlwind. Poor Bimby threw his feet about him lilce.a fast pacer, and revolved after the manner of a teeto tum which was nearly run down. At bathe staggered a step backwards, and spinning eccentrically away from me, r•lched headlong into the midst of a bevy of Indies in a corner. I turned around coolly, and walking to my seat, sent the young woman killer for a glass of ice water. The miserable lawyer recovered his senses just in time to see me thank 13 . :s rival for the water. I got some idea from this, of the fun young ladies find in tormenting us poor devils of the other sex. •could not some. However, I nerved myself up for the task, and accompanied Jennie to the house designated. An old Indy showed us into her chamber, and Jennie, heaving a sigh of reiief let go her dregs. As she did so, a--- pardon my blushes !...•tt petticoat fell to the floor. She was about to proceed, but I alarmed her by a sudden and vehe. !neat gm stare: Stop !' I cried frantically, and forget. ting my falsetto; stop ! don't undress for God's sake !' She opened her great brown eyes to their widest extent. 'And why not ?' 'Because I nm a---can yo:t keep a secret ?' 'Why yes•-.•how Gighteoed you look ! Why what is the matter--•-Maggie!----you why-•--oh ! oh !! oh I!! And she gave three fearful screams. 'Hush, no noise, nr 1 am lost!' I ex claimed, putting my hand over her mouth. , 1 swear I mean you no harm; if I had I would not have stopped you. Don't you see ?' She was all of a tremble, poor little thing; but she saw the force of my argu. meat. • 'Oh, sir,' she said, 'I see you arsk man but what does it all mean ? Why did you dross so ?' I told her the story, as briefly as possi ble, and extracted from her a promise of the most sacred secrecy. I then went outside the doov, and wai ted till she had arranged her tired, when she called me in again. She-had heard of me from Maggie and others, and wan ted to hear all the particulars; so I sat down by her, and we had a long talk, which ended in a mutual feeling of friend less and old acquaintanceship, quite won derful for people meeting for the first time. Just as we started to go back to the pavil. lion, I said that 1 must relieve my mind of one store burden. 'Anti what is that ?' she asked. 'Thoso kisses. You. thought . 1 was Maggie Lee, or you would not have given . them. They were very sweet, but 1 sup pose I must give them back.' And I did. She blushed a good deal, but she didn't resist, only when I got through, she glan ced up timidly and said: •I think you are real naughty, anyhow.' When we returned, I found lawyer Bimby quite recovered from his dizziness, and all bands prepared for supper, which was served in the ball room. I eat be tween Bimby and Jennie and made love to both of them in turn; to one as Maggie Lee, and to the other as myself. After supper, at which I astonished several by eating rather more heartily than young ladies generally do, we had more dancing and I hinted pretty strongly to Mr. Bim• by that 1 should like to try another waltz, He didn't take the hint Finding it rather dry amusement to dance with my own kind, I soon aban doned that pleasure, and persuaded Jen nie to stroll off into the moonlight with me. We found the grove a charming place, full of picturesque little corners, and rustic seats, and great grey rocks lea• ning out over the river. On one of these latter, a little bench was placed, in a nook sheltered from the wind, and from sight. Here we sat down, in the full flood of the moonlight, and having just had dinner I felt wonderfully in need of a sear. Ac cordingly, I went back to a little stood near the ball room, and purchased sever al of the wondering woman who sold re frebhments. Then returning to the seats by the rocks, I gave up all cares or fears for my incognito, and revelled in the plea sures of solitude----the fragrance of my cigar—the moonlight—and little Jennie's presence. How long we sat there, heaven alone knows. We talked, and laughed, and sang, and looked in each other's eyes, and told fortunes, and performed all the non sensical operations common amongst young people just falling in love with each other, and mignt have remained there until this month of August, in this year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Fifty seven, for aught I know, had not the car riage been sent to convey us home, and the rest of the company begun to wonder where we were. tams fears, and the fears a search, head `ad by the valiant Bimby. They called and looked and listened, but our position down in the sheltered nook among the rocks, prevented them from hearing us or us them At length they hit upon our path, and all come along single file, until they got to the open space above. They sawn sight. I was spread out in a free and easy pa. aition, my bonnet taken off; and my hair somewhat tounled up. One foot rested on the ground, and the other on a rock, about level with my head (regardless of' ankles this time) and there I sat, puffing away in a very unlady like style, at a high flavored Concha. Jennie was sitting close beside tne with her bead almost on my shoulder, and her waist almost encircled by my nrm. Just as the potty came along above us, I laugh ed out in a loud, masculine voice— . Just think of poor what's his-name there—ilimby ! Suppose ho knew that he had been making love to a man ?' 'Hush cried Jennie. 'Look! there he is—and, oh; my gracious ! there is the whole company !' Yes, we were fairly caught. It was of no use far me to clap on my bonnet and assume falsetto again—they had seen too much for that Besides by this time, Bob Styles and Boggle Lee were doubtless 'one flesh,' and my disguise was of no further importance, so I owned up and told the story. Lawyer Bimby was in a rage. He vowed to kill me, and even squared but the rest of the party laughed at him so unmercifully, and suggested that we should waltz it out together, that he final. ly coaled down, and slunk away, to take some private conveyance back to D Bob Styles and I are living in a large double house together. He often says that he owes his wife to my umsqu erading but he doesn't feel under any obligations to me, for I owe my wile to the same thing. IN. B.—My wife's name is Jennie, tiett Misrdiany. Caught the Panic,. A tall, lank. Jerusalem sort of a fellow, pretty well under the Influence of Mr. Al cohol, was observed swinging to a lamp post, on Fifth street. Hu was talkiqg quite loualy to the aforesaid post, when a guardian of the night approached him. Come, sir, you are making too much noise,' said the watchman. ',Noise ? who's that said noiso ?' asked the post-holder, as he skewed his head and endeavored in vain to give the intruder a sober look. •It was me,' replied the watchman, as he exposed his silver numbers to full view. 'You? who the d—l are you ? It taint me that's makin of the noise. No, air. It's the banks that's a makin all the noise.— They are a breakin', a crushin', and a amashin' of things to an incredible amount Noise ? It's the bankers that are a makin' of the noise. They are a cussin', a rip pin', and a stavin' all 'round. It's the bro. kers that are a makin' of the noise. They are n hollerin' and a yelpin' and a screech in', like wile injuns, over the times, that's wors era everything but themselves. No, sir, it aint me that's a makin' of the noise.' 'You are tight as a brick in a ne.v wall,' said the officer. amused at the good nature of the individual. 'Me tight ! Who said lam tight ? No, sir, 3ou are mistaken. It's not me that's tight. It's the money that's tight. Go down on Third street and they'll tell you there that money is tight. Go into the workshops, and you find money-is tight. Rend the newspapers and you'll find out that it's money that's tight. .Me tight? I've got nary red but Kanawha, and the d--1 couldn't get tight on that. 'No, sir, I am not tight.' 'Then you are drunk;' 'Drunk ? Stranger, yer out of it again. The ,vorld's drunk. The hull community is a staggerin' round, buttin' their heads agin stone walls and a skinnin' of their no ses on the curbstone of adversity. Yes, sir, we're all drunk, that is, everybody's drunk but me. I'm sober, sober as a po lice judge on a rainy day. I aiat drunk ; no, sir, stranger, I ain't drunk.' 'What are you making such a fool of yourself for then ?' 'Fool? Sir, I'm no fool. I'm distressed. I've catched the contagion. I'm afflicted.' 'Are you sick ?' 'Exactly.' 'What's the matter with you?' 'l've got the panics.' 'The what?' rile panics, sir; it's going to carry off but it's no use. The panics have got the The watchman, more amused than ever tendered his sympathy, and, what was bet ter, his aid, to the panic.stricken individu•. al. In the course of halt an hour he had the pleasure of putting him into the door of his boerding house, and pointing out to him the best remedy -a good soft bed and long slumber. The Hypocrite 'Phis character of all others, is the very meanest; he is what the cowardly assassin is who masks himself, and then lies in wait for his victim. The hypocrite is to be found everywhere, you need not look far to find him. Are you in the market house, buying provender ? There is a hypocrite selling to a hypocrite. The seller is try ing to deceive the buyer, and vice versa. You are in an omnibus and your neighbor is a sanctimonious, sleek looking individu al, and he is prying the affairs of an unso phisticated "green un" opposite him, try ing to pump him by conversing with him upon a variety of reform topics. Are you in the church ? Thut man who looks so devout in his Sunday face and clothes, has set more friends by the ears than he has fingers and toes, and he loves to eo it. The fellow who was talking politics to ynu yesterday and led you to think he was on your side is against you, and wished to get some of your party secrets. Oh, hy pocrisy ! oh, hypocrisy ! Whistling. Bores beset our path. Perhaps every. body bores somebody. There are rich bores whom you can go t rid of by request ing loans of twenty dollars, and poor bores whom you can get rid of by loaning five dollars ; literary bores, who smell of fresh cut leaves ; statistical bores who are laden with n heavy burden of facts; buttonhole bares. v. ho always want about two minutes of your time, and take about two hours ; astonished bores, who start and ejaculate at anything you may utter; funny bores, who are fond of poking you in the ribs and gastroinic regions; hypochondriocal bores, who never laugh; musical bores, who are overflowing with melody. The confirmed whistler is a more positive infliction than say we have enumerated. Almost every- body can whistle and does whistle. Some highly-blessed individuals have mouths which will not pucker. We never meet these favored creatures. When people have nothing to do, they whistle, and when overburdened with work, they whir. tle. On the street the chorus of whistlers is constant, emoracing every variety of music, from a crazy jig to the last dying moan of an operatic heroine. Small boys on their way home from late shows, startle the still air of the night with their piercing melodies, But the whistler who can't VOL. XXII. NO. 48. help it, is the bore we fly from. His mouth always wants to pucker, as it under the influence of that very pungent pro duct—a green persimmon. He is a com plete and thorough musical enoycloptedia, and is familiar with all tunes of ancient and modern times. He executes a delicate thrill, or prolonged note, in every pause in a conversation. When entirely at ease, he indulges in elaborate soles. His facile mouth expands and contracts, his face ex presses unmingled satisfaction, and if he had a dear and most valued friendi in the l a st extremity of financial embarrassment and disaster, he would without the slight est apparent concern, draw up his lips, and whistle down the wind to prey at fortunt. To Keep Cider Sweet. In consideration of hard times and the money panic, it behooves all who wish to save anything, and then preserve it, to ob serve all that has that objecting view. By the use of the following receipt, cider can be kept sweet for one year:—'Wash the barrel very clean; then take five gallons of clean boiling water and put it in the barrel, bung it tight and shake it about to drive all the air out of the wood of the bar rel; then take the cider sweet from the press, boil it quick and take the scum all off it; empty the barrel, put it in a cold cellar, put the cider in the barrel, boiling hot; bung the barrel slack for one day; then take a strong cloth and tar it over. and put it over the bung hole; make a bung the same way as the stave, and drive it in very tight; then tar another rag, and take a piece of tin larger than the bung hole, lay on the rag and piece of tin, and tack it down tight, and as long as the bar rel is tight and cool the cider will keep sweet.' Mr An eccentric German was noted (or his making and keeping good cider, and for his extreme stinginess in dispensing it to his neighbors when they called to see uia fellow. and coax a pi'cher of cider out of him. He made him a call, and praised up his farm and cattle, and speaking of his fine orchard, casually remarked : 'I hear, Mr. Von Dam, that you make excellent cider.' 'Mesh, yeah, I dosh. Hans, bring de cider shag.' The Yankee was delighted with his suc cess, and already smacked his lips in anti cipation of good things to come. Hane brought up a quart jug of cider, and plac ed it on the table before his father. The old farmer raised it with both handd, and glueing his lips to the brim, hedrained it to the bottom, and then handing the empty jug to the dry and thirsty Yankee, quietly observed : "Dare ! if you don't believe dat ish goot cider, rhos% you sbmell to shug." efir A gentleman who has been test. ching for several years in one of our court. try districts (Lebanon County) this fall found that there was opposition to his be ing again employed. He thereupon drew up the following petition for his friends to sign : OCTOBER the 13th, A. D. 1857. By this few lines I will draw up a list about the No. 8 Scoolhouse. Now all the inhapiters of School District can give me their names.—All those in favor for me to tench can put their names under yes, end the contrary under no. Yes. No. Mr Potter County, Pa , seven years ago, had not an officer, high or low, but 'belonged to the Democracy.' Now, all the officers, high and low, are Republi cans. The Journal says that no man shall have an office, there, who does not believe in the Declaration of Indepen• dence; the people have talked it all over. and their deliberate, solemn conclusion is to give the offices and honors at their die, posal to outspoken, straight forward friend , of Freedom, only. fler A good old Quaker lady, alter Us. tening to the extravagant yarns of a store keeper, as long as her patience would al low, said to him, "Friend, what a pity it is n sin to lie, when it seems so necessary to thy busineas." 110" 'MotherAeaid an inquisitive urch in, a few days since. 'would you have been .y relation to me if father had nev er married you?' err A brother editor, of this State, in an appeal to hie patrons, says ' , The editor wants grain, pork, tallow. candles, whiskey, linen, beeswax, wool, and anything else he can eat." mor An, editor, who was short of tray, elling funds, sat upon a saw-horse for an imaginary journey in the country, and wrote letters home for his paper.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers