the terms concluded in a short time al- i [From the Berk*, & Schuylkill Journal.] 1 NE \•'," lialarsuins.—ln the State of New LATEST ARRIVAL or terwards. Information received through Great Ili ewti !..-Sainita Anna's l Hampshire, onlionday, resolutions were' source soree has always been found to be Lassil Proclamation ! introduced to repeal all clauses of the 'pP[t.!l,: A ., AM. r ; SUMMER GOOD S 1 reliable. n Hi , we have the sntisfaction of laying be- corporation law of the State, which ex- t-- P': 1 1 tk?, U Commodore Perry hits sailetwith his fore our readers this morning in oo'rance i eluded individual liability, and calling 1"j-' THE STORE OP squadron for Tolitiseo. The *Mexicana o f all our- cotemporaries, Oen. Santa for a law v..hich aliceild grant to Thomas appear deterniined to station troops W. Dorr, of Rhode island, all the rights ii A - s t t i i ' 1 'EL 11ILLIKEN, A„„a, last proclamation to the " man.- along the banks of the river, and fire i ,„a,,,,„, m ex i caa ant i c - m a , It ii: oiTe and privileges of a citizen of that State. PETERSBURG, PA. 'IP." the h , loildroit as they go our, The lof the most extraordinary documents Col. Doniphan and several companies enemy: llos Lao tilotisitlid good troops, liiiat leas yet „,,,„„„, ca t i.„ 0 „-, 0, a C an „„,„ , while Com. Perry has but one thousand Ider-iii-Citief of the Mexican forces, nip, cf his regiment reached N. Orleans on j T Alf now receiving an entire ugly steel of SP RING .I.ID SI . .11 :11 E B Goons; troops and marines to opppose to this : will create an . immense seetattimgh , - :he 15111 inst. from Brazos in the ship ..1. being by far the best assortment brought to this place. AMong Which will be force. - I only in this country an d Mexico, ,1...1 !lepublic. The dates are tip to the g lOth found .. .. The Nlntanioras flag of the oth inst. • CLOTHS 4. C ./IS I X El'S , .711 US LI.N'S 4' TIC KI.A . G.S, i throughout the eivicized world I --one day later, but there is nothing F1..:1 X.','ELS 4. DELL LIA''GS, • C.' lIBRFI Las 4.. P. 4 IMSOLS, gives the particulars of the wreck of the ' S A NT A - ANNA'S LASI PROCLAMA.- new from Gen. Taylor. /./.\'/..h.l 'S A- CH EC KS, C ; , 1 LIC OS 4. GLIM; 11.1.115. brig Alobile, bound to the Brazos from !'ION, Nett' York, with 180 troops; part of them DEW Ditoes.—Why„ uncle Dewlittle, ilraid and Sirs{{' Bonnets and PalinLeal* and Fur 1101 s BOOTS AND SHOES. , ..11Iexicans :—The bulletins from the I . were saved by tl,e sclioonerilladonna, of 1 • how dew vou drw ! Dew come in and seat of war have already informed you . • : . , Philadelphia, which has since arrived at I r tal_while_d . eiv how :Jews aunt 61,0 C ERI ES, 11,1 R DIV./ I RE, GUI E.A'SW.IIII DRUGS, P.ll. l l'7'S 'of our reverses! Matainoras, Monterey • i ; ( ; . s _ t • _U ~ • ? the Brazos, Gen. 'lttylor is not to ad - OILS .I.VD GL.ISSW,IRE. Saltine, V era. C ruz, Jalapa, Perote, and "arebut is she dewing Hannah dew I an • h , vance on San Luis. Gen. Scott has re- • now, and dew tell us all about the news. other Mexican towns, have been wreste d • LP1.1.0/3(h.24 Z. - P s -3 0.0.1 U.I. tiaLtia Cal CtEa.D. Cs a ; quired seven of Taylor's ten regi - Come dew set up to the table end dew as . from us by our ruthless northern inva- the dew; • dew help youself, and dew talk With a large and fine variety of Goods of all kinds. merits to join lihn by the way of Vera tors, and the plains of Buena Vista and '"e ew, Please call and examine my stock, as I am deterniin'ed to sell my goods oil Cruk. L i e ,. ' some, and thrui not make me dew all the Sierra Gordo art; yet reeking with A ...- as reasonable terms its any one in Huntingdon comity. it is thought, however ; that there Will talking, for . ] shan't dew it. Now dew The highest price paid in CASH for II HE.lll',lll'.E, 0..4TS ball -V . , FLOL' 14 [Front the N. 0. Commercial Tittles.] be Some skirmishing between Monterey !,can . 6lood ! The enemy is now hasten - say something dew. : A TTACK ON THE TRAIN.—We learn and Catruirgo, OS Urrea is ill dint Vie ill- turn . . ' , . " 1 ' ~ „ _ 4 , CL()I ,.. EREED and F L,I XSE ED. the Capital, and unless the National Con- Butter, E,2,Ts, Lard, Bacon, Soot', Beeswax, Boards, Wool, ke:, taken lit eachange Out the whole of the immense train un- it with four thousand cavalry. l'he Olarktis. gress furnish me with large increased for Goods. SA AI UEL MILLIKEN: Her the escort of Col. Mclntosh and 800 , A letter from iMonterey dated June . PinhaanhrinA, June 30, 1847. o f supplies of awn and money to repel the . • Petersburg., Pa., May 19, 18-17. Men, proceeding onward to the head- Ist, states that Lieutenant Alalian, advancing . foe, this great and glorious quarters of Gen. Scott, were attacked by Philadelphia ; recently wounded in a empire will soon cease to exist, and a guerilla party at a point just fifteen duel, was not expected to recover. !Mexico be blotted out forever from the Miles beyond Santa Fe, a village eight : --------- miles from Vera Cruz, The Moment the FROM THE ARMY OF GENERAL TAYLOR. - list of Independent Republics, and be part and parcel of a government attack was made on the head of the train i From the Brazos by the arrival or the ' come . Which every patriotic Mexican loathes the dragoons charged on the enemy and . Telegraph our news is later. dispersed them. After the lapse of a! From the Flag of the 7th inst, we learn and abhors 1 .1! extrans To arms! All is not lost ! very short time, the Alexienns again ' that Col. Doniphan, with a portion of hisl ,One decisive blow will yet turn tl:e scale made their appearance in seemingly , command, passed down the Rio Grande . in our favor ! Although the perfidious overwhelming numbers, at least 17 or on the sth inst. The flag thus speaks of i' 1 TAYLOR is ravaging our northern border, 1800 strong, and opened a fire on sever- ,them : and the blood-thirsty SCOTT is laying l'.A ' \\/- Y( IRK 'al points' at once. Here a considerable The unshorn beards and goat and dear , waste our eastern Departments, 1 am number of pack mules fell into the hands skin clothes of Many of them reminded well assured that they Tack the con turn- , _.... IN • 'of the foe, from the extended line which ' its of it description the have read of the dull, II , with sa 1 c r,a s n a g t $ 1, r . ° 5 11 0 ) 121 1.1 had to be kept up, on the march, owing inhabitants of the Rusian Empire. They ore true. * 11 1 , 1 10, t °,l' there ° w"Gm' e rnmmt ! . s7 ' t u o l - 97 1 evia d :. 'i rli d ua i n a s a mid"l" c i 1. 7 r.. t 1 kiDELP HI A! '• 1„ ) „,., ,_ that the President of the United States, a ~." to the narrow defiles through which the stopped in town a couple of The recently constructed train was passing. Colonel Donipban is a stout ; rough-feil ' Signor Pohn, views their triumphal- iNIO.DEL OF NEW YORK, 1 ress with the most intensegsaloa -:/ PITTSIII'IIn June ',..i.1.• IN CARVED WOOD, Colonel Mclntosh after a rather se- tured, good natured looking sort of a 1 - ' ,4, 2 :tittl al a ria,as being caleidated to Increase • The demand for fl our is still falling cif, Sales 1. BY E. PORTER BELDEN, *ere contest, beat off the assailants, and man. Ile brought alfalfa with flint Clark's Is now on exhibition for a short time at ilia then fortified himself behind his wagons batterry, and tee pieces of carmen cap- Iheir popularity with the vnitclals of the have been made at , 5,4 50, but there are more set-' , . , ._ .. to lore than htlyt•rs, even at that rate. Stiles of red Nttrtli and ultimately elevate TIII ,, iV•SE \IDLY BUILDING, deeming it imprudent to continue on tared at Sacratnento. The sick, Zac., Wheat 80; yellow Corn /15; Oats 2s; Eye 45; 11n., star iit now occupies! Wli ife. ,1114.1, Cill'llel. 6 . 1 . Tenth and Chesnut streets, without a reinforcement, particularly re- forty or fifty wagons, with several Mtn- 1 1 lii , kcy "5 to “7 • R y e tiou'ia .: e e cotnmencement of hostilities Lc amPHILADELPHIA. quiring artillery. - An express reached tired mules, were turned over to the guar- the city tin Monday, the 7th inst., in the ter-master. his party in the Congress of the States. BALTIMORE, June, 9.5. The esprnses of transporting and fitting tip this i ::we never suffered an opportunity to , immense work at ench place is se great, that its evening and and on Tuesday morning, Gen. ' The volunteers are returning from rates :woo bbls Howard street Flour ;it ';' , C, 50, Ere C'adwalader marched to his relief, with Gen. Taylor with great rapidity. This notice is therefore given to those inhabitants energies and detracting from their anti- : sale, corn ','cut at al aa. a section detailed from the Howitzer this he is left without any of his volt'', of this vicinity who will be soon visiting Philadel .llD.7lll..\*lSTß,l7'oll 'S JVOT I C 1...% batterry, 10 guns attached to the Volti- reefs who fought under him at 13uenit il ary reputation, I have repeatedly recei- , t r.4 .ales 11s , d . killcat . nt 1 ES !..5, 1 EI , : , ..ales of .... el.c , n ( ern and tt lete at so to ssets. ' . . - ' phia that they may letve an opportunity of seeing , t cd at the hands of the Atlininistrinion gggggg‘gg...ggggg _,__, agggggggg , what is universally acknowledged the greatest „, gear regiment, under Lieuts. 13Inkely V istas ~.. - ...- _ .. . _ _.._... rarty of that government. the most fiat- i X1ii7333, : piece of art and mechanical skill over produced iti, J" , state of Elizabeth Brother! ine, late of and Cochrane; four coinpunies I lth re- i , . giment, under Col: Ramsey ; onecompa- I Terrible Thunder Florio- -Three i'.ggs,.: nging tokens of amity and good will ! ! . At her residence , in !Pest township, on ibis country. . I the borough of Hy nti agdon , deed. buy of the 9th and one of the 7th Infantry i Eilied by Ligittenints. it. is known to you that through the sae- • the 18111 instant, .Mrs. Eiaz •• ' ' A tiETII ....,MITH • l'hi, taotlel is a perf . cctfuc•sitnik of the Metrop- !7 \ • ohs, and all things therein, to the minutest details , 1 . 4 „ i f • -- • • TCITICE is heretic , Cisco,that Loiters f A f.. o , t isl interference and by the gracious , consbrt, of _lir. Jacob Smith, dec'd, agedintafation . have seen granted to mine usioer- Alleys P 1., 1 I'd llf era ' ' • and company K. of 3d Dragoons. liven- i The house of Mr. Williarn :Matthews. ' g ineitaliter Streets and s / 5 I .c '- ' , tolled on th • said •t• t • All - • • nerrinsaitin of His Excellency Signor 61 ty wagons accompanied. : No. ‘2B Wilder street, just north of tle ~ ~_ , „.. _ . , ~ ...., a.. , , .. 7 , , y ear s and 10 months. 111otisco,18t,e1. flu t-Builling, Elevations and De- signed " ate ' . ' 8 '' '.• ,5 , 1,1N.4 , t.. , L•,:\ist!...l) %%I 111 A H gmomirowsommaronsavomrse,wevriwromoaseavowscroosa-, ' pres.:bms, Om Shippi ng , st eam b oa t, whar,s, ~,out, and er tizr:t i lueste;l:an n kt. , • wniednite pay The Mexicans are said to be posted Tinntwanda Railroad ; was strtiek le- ....:: ' • : ,resent them in .considerable strength, in the vicinity lightnints. on Monday night, the fluid en- - 1 i t t , I.o' .Inderitteatett irr i s n eltlement. %'' of the National Bridge, (Puente Nation- , teeing the chimney on the gable* end of ~ - '''' '... ` Herius °I " 1 • .-. '''.- , • , , ,iti ,(I riumur Iv., .... I graph. Door Yards, Fences, Trecß, Lumber and , • I‘o - 4, - rutilit. I Yards, Awnioss T P - P , . tamp °Ms, avements,antt '• , i jcl6-6t] DAVID HROTIIEELINE; ,-, pas, through the U. .'. I.dockading J. sat wlll.l. ST.Eava RT. al,) close to which the train is entrench- . the house, and thence passing down the ' '`.) even the smallest objects in the city. By inspect- I fle d THE undersigned take this method of I Admr's, ed. They are determined to dispute the' stove-pipe, through the opening in the I "• - 'q uali " ) :', in i the j (i i nil ' entl ; :dexico i - •• - ' ' ina this Model a person can point out any object in ' _ of this Republic ~ _ informing their friends and the pub passage with us. General Cadwalader,' stove door. In consequence of the ' a " umo ie 2ns'c'eneY ' New York, us well as if I were Molting upon rho I Auditor's Notick, • and take command of your army ! N , or he generally, that the fo lowing enumerated articles, l on his junction with Col. Mclntosh, will • warmth of the night, the feather bed s s :dior with all mintier of work e ' "'nal cite. ' rpm: Undersigned, Auditor app o i n ted by il i a' is this all :—I am further indebted to his i Phis work has Seen prepared at an expense of , I o vert of C oninwt , p leas or it . , be at the head of about 150'3 Strong, and had been rentovetl to the floor, near the t heir business, will be disposed o f t P ti rt t a i r u gs ' g s e t ' ' untingt.orr His Excellency for the sum of THREE county, to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's he has declared that he shall soon be ' stove, and on which Mr. Matthews, his and Made up to order in ti workailike and ;I'''. over " MILLI ~ . 'ON'S OF DOLL 1.1? S c •hich h as *29.000' sale of the real estate of George P. Stover, late ot bible to clear the road of those depereda- , wife, and daughter Sophia, a little girl ' - - i••••-, t proved style, very cheap, for cash or country pro• materially a ssisted me in carrying. on duce. All that, is necessary for those who wish to w : r t d r o s r in i, prgress for more than a year, and up- - ,. . , lle t hen i: y ec. t d owzktp, Hunti l ngdon e now Blair) does, the guerrillas. Although the About 10 years of age, lay sleeping. As the war ! `anch ~7 1If i i ) :3: n n t i i n I tokens of 1:eu5aienczi..:,1;11.,,,,,,,1, at m1 n i, ,1,; ,, ,; , ,,i,1. im, their line of struction. Thicee"t"vnersenvretri:tesioni rzd hig in he i . ts t lo s t . i .: gives ty . .. t l ice thutininj will rho ilatt ' e l r i i i d er to d t ' lTe " th i t i t e i r e e s i ri l l name is not given, there is little doubt the fluid left the stove, it passed (Brea of the Mexicans being under the cum- ly across the bed, killing. the litishand c ," l- AN ': A C. i i ''''" . li t l e "gust head Three doors west o 1 D ° u P o . toil Jewelr ul' both American and European. Their names have said appointment on Thursday the Sth day of July , t the extenn party' in the United next, at 1 o'clock I'. M., at the oflite of Davit( nand of Padre Jarueta the Spaniard of and wife instantly ; and then made its toil i ~, ,,, , , , ,a , fr ,, , ,ii,... ..• ' been already given to the public. Over the Model State , , tti . the Numb , wt'l I trust , be a^ e j Blair, Esq., in the borough 6f Huntingdon, when whose exploits we have already spoken ; way tht.ough the side of the house. The dail y ' • ' '' WI ti , ll' , •• •il • . ' a is "" iero lc 1•u In. can at a tunes be accommate i b ythe tivian.iniinous appreciate( . g , ramp, il; Sl3 CA NOVI' and where ell persons interested tail attend if 11,4 in these eolutnns . The exact sum in , aughter lived until about :3 o'clock, vo a Mexican rsition as they intuit ever be • with 1 think prom. JOHN REED, Autlittir. specie, conveyed by this train, is $:350- : tinting considerable blood at different la r d 1 . • . lied and Oak Sole Leather, Skirting, Of Cah , cd&Ornrzinental Work, in .Gothic I ji316:',17-4t. ,e ) , y i r me in gratetui remembrance. 000. There is no atithentie intelligence'. times, but leaving no perceivable lulu-' ' Harness mind Bridle Leather Upper .firchitecture, nearly 15 fret h t ,i . , , I I ! .1 . sten v : In the alarming crisis that of the loss sustained by either party, in ries upon her body. The parents were 1 Leather, Call't,liiiis, Spanish and Forming compartment. in which is represented i t has arisen it becomes every true p atriot this eneottuter. Dr. Barney, brother of slightly burned. Another daughter, Country Kips and Sheepskins. A C'OLLECT/ON (Jr all. PAINTINGS, I final Lot 114 rove to his Fs- • the Colonel, it is said, received a mils- Emma, slept ill the :elate bed, or beside () ' tan ' - . ' • P ' •'• . Asse, a first rate quality' of i Of the lead in..; Bushass Establishments cellency, Shsnor Polk, and others of his : BOOTS of lie Cliy ! ket ball in the leg, which was, however, ' it, and escaped uninjured. ..-- •t r who have stool by us thus far - but a flesh wound. ' I The two sons of Mr. Matthews slept 3 ' i r , and Hours of Exhibition from 9a. ,1., to 10 I, M. tint we •tre tvtirthis of the . dietinguish- HORSE ROBIIERRY.—A daring robbery in the chamber above, and being awaken- eel e * ' - - ' I -, S II OE S, Admittance 25 cents. Season Tickets 50 Cents I ettilqideration " with which they havel of some forty or fi fty horses and •nitiles ed by the shock, culled to their parents, ` ' - Assal . .Children ander 12 years of age half price. . ", been pleased to regard its, Let 'us go ! wa tit„ .„. , .e .. ga i ts g -, for ,Ilea, ft omen Tag wag , • • • Id exhibited throughout the country is said to have been perpetrated by the but received no answer. They iinnte , . rth again to repel the invaders and at :-'!• and Children or under ii . - . ul tile Mat or and e 111111U;I / ..1, b./Belli/II /1.1 Mexicans on the stli instant, close to the diately ran down stairs and discovered f . n ' the same time hinnble those proud and aa" . all qualities and Carnet...o,f the cii,, of New I' , ,rice walls of the city. Company K, 3d dra- the bed on fire. On extinguishing the , ' ' . :s • arrogant leaders Scott and Taylor—who pr i c e s. goons, went in pursuit the next day, and flames they found their parents lifeless. -, •7 1 ' • •, i J. , 'l'l I . • rill ~ • PrOPOSRIS ~, (7, ~,, the most j 0 ,,,,„„6, e poetica l . ,ry also continuo to car, Oil in 11.. its Val lOUS after remaining out scouring the coon- —Rush , aldv. branches, S:\DOLE and llatt- Alt 711.1. be received I,v! the committee for mind , opponents of our distinguished N orthern :,.,,_ ..^. ~..i . ..,.,3 i h a . ,. . \ v • • trli until the fo ll owing morning, the 7th I ig, and are read y to ' purpose, between this time and Monday I ally, (Signor PeLK) its they have shown •.•'''Fl. I N *tittlis heir ' elute! ters v'tl ll ! sth July next, for building a instant, returned and reported they ' themselves to be the worst enemies of •" -i 4fßa.i*.e'se,J,, o f t T riu ,k s , V 1 ,,h,,,,, (.' " satv no vestige of the enemy. ...Tel , Presbyterian church, • Mexico ! , Last', Plu,tll, llogskin and 'rub:side-saddles, (from lin the horouglt a Alexandria. Pr usals will be Garrison of Veto C2ll Z.--We have • .I(es/cans I I hate dedicated my life • the el:earat to the best.) \ •'-'•'''''. Shutt' Saddle , ' received either for the clone building or tor been informed that the number of troopsparts to the service of my country, and if she 'of nil ""I' , Wa el.>" l . ."a Coina g e. 11 . 1 ""' ,136- lof it, stparately. More particular information may at Vera Cruz, sinee the departure of falls I fall with her ! I cannot live and • dies, ' - '" 11 ""' Whi r"' ("'' he had I,y application to the undersigned at any Gen. Cadwalader ; has been reduced to ! 111 of which will be disposed of el .I('''T for ' time before Bahl day, upon which the wo k will b sed her prostrate ! With the small rein- . so low a figure as to give rise to some rip, i cad, or nun kind of country produce. The Melt- I let to the lowest and bast bidder sr bidde rs, jwi " nroit of the Artily who are yet true to : cot price, in tra d e,' given for beef hides, calf hides, I prehensions for the safety of the city, inFor rho Committee, D. HODTZ, the country, Igo forth a g ain to meet our i • hark , Ac. .1. J. &A. H. BUMHAL4.III. case of an attack, by any thing like the 0. 0.131701-lE:ft detestable rotators, resolved to conquer . j.'', , 3' 47 - 6 .n. 1. GRAFIIrs. number said to be under Pedro Jarueta, • in • ••• • - • •-• or perish in the attempt ! I appeal to There were not more than forty men fit yell, perhaps for the lent time, and call for duty in the Castle of San Juan de upon you to follow mite for a last desper- Ulloa when the Massachusetts left. ate efibrt ! Let our watchword be "Pohl: AND SANTA ANNA !—VICTORY till Du.vrii!" The, issue cannot be doubtful ! The ter• roe-strielcen enemy will fall an easy prey to our valor, and their bones be left to bleach and whiten on time plains of Mex ico ! FROM YEXICO, FROM VERA CRUZ. Attack on a large train by auer- riffias. The N. 0. papers of the. 17111 contain lonic late news from Vera Cruz, brought by the steamship Massachusetts. The Massachusetts brings over sick and wounded soldiers, under charge of ])r. Tudor. 'rho vowito is represented as on the increase at Vera Cruz. We regret ex tremely to say that Paymaster Bus. worth, who sailed from New Orleans i only on the 18th ult., has since sickened and died of the vomit° in Vera Cruz. Quite the most important intelligence brought by this arrival, relates to an at tack upon a large train by the Mexican guerillas, Which has been partially sue , . cessful. [BY MONDAY EVENING'S MAIL] [Crum the Public Ledger.] IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO, PROSPECT OF PEACE. FR EIDERICSBURG, June O. The New Orleans papers give addi tional details of the attack upon the train, Our loss is now stated to be only five to seven killed. A most desperate charge was made upon a portion of the wagons carrying ainunition, probably mistaking the powder kegs for specie kegs. An old Priest of great distinction at Alvarado; received a letter on the Bth inst. from his brother in the city of Mex ico, to the effect that Herrera's election was to take place on the 20th June, and would by supported by the United Church party, deciding the issue as to peace or a continuance of the war. The letter declared that the continua tion of the struggle would be the down fall of the church, and it therefore be hooves them to unite with the peace par ty and put an end to the war. That im mediately on Ilerreta's election, a duds s ion in favor of the propositions of peace vigil be made to our (lovernment, and THE INDIANIANS AT BUENA VISTA.- Stirgeon Chamberlain, in tt recent letter to the editor of the Sunday News, re lates the following incident, as illustra tive of the power and influence of Gen. Taylor over the troops under his com mand. During the retreat of the Indi anians, Gen. Taylor ; riding up to the rear of the retiring regiment, thus ad dressed them: " Men—soldiers—fellow-countrymen —I fought for you and our country be fore you were born. 1 fought for yijll when you were boys. I have fought for you since you were men. Now I want you to fight a little while for me. Will you do it?" "Huzza for old Zack! Turn out!— To the death for old Zack!" was shout ed by more than two hundred of the gal lant fellows, (for such they subsequent ly proved themselves) who immediate ly rallied under an officer, and fought bravely during the rest of the engage meet. A Baptist preacher named Ward I State. Perry was his political friend and eloped from Ebensburg, in this State, a family physician, and had succeeded in few days seince, with a Miss Sarah I seducing the wife of Col. W. The atfair Mills, the daughter of the gentleman with whom he boarded. He had resided created intense excitement, and an ex there about a year, and is said to have a amination of the facts has resulted in wife and children in Baltimore! I the full acquittal of Col. Winston. The Verdict was received by a crowded court room with loud demonstration of joy. THAT PASS.—AII great events become the subjects of poetry, and Polk's "pass in" is thus immortalized in the Troy Whig : Pass our welt-beloved cousin, Santa Anna, if he wishes, With his sniff, (.y twice a dozen,) Through our fleet at Sacriticios. Pass his suite, both Don and Donna, Piquipage and servant folk; We've the hotter, Captain Comm.., 'l'o remain, Votirs, I. K. P—t:. Gad and Liberty ! ANT. LOPEZ DE SANTA ANNA, A SOUTHERN TRAGEDI%-llr. Perry, member of the Alabama legislature, was shot dead lately at Gainesville, by Col. Winston, President of the Senate of that SVSPENSION Or MOUNT SAVAGE WORKS. -WC learn from the Cumberland Moun taineer, that the extensive works of the Mount Sat age Company arc perfectly idle, work being entirely suspended.— The cause is said to be the continued in ability of the company to satisfy debts due the workmen. FLOUR. & Nil:AL.—Holders of Flour arc asking S 7, at which occasional sales are made—the mar ket dull. Rye Pinar is worth SSA, and Corn Meal 1"41 a $4 31, with sales. We notice sales of about 3000 bush els red Wheat at $l3, and 0000 bushels good white at $1 GO asl 01. Corn, Prima yellow, 94 a 95 cents, and dull. Nu sales of R. reported. Oats, —Penna. 50e. and Southern 45 a 46. NE IV Yorac, June Flour has declined to-day. Extensive sales of !1:11C teen made at ';7 as 7 06; WeNt em $7, and mane Nrielligan in had order, at $6,- 87. k. Many large holders refuse to sell at present Fn•es, . . N. li.—Two apprentices will bo tiken at the Mamc esiablkiniielit it application be made 8.11. .4 olive (a C out ',wave's, T)ROPOSA LS will be received for the I caking of five miles of the Spruce Irk and Wolersireet I . urniilke Road, at the mouth of Spruce creek, on Wednesday, the 7th July next. ft will be let in quarter mile sections, and required to be commetced on or Mine the ir s t of August next, and to he completed on or before the first of December follouing. Piano and specifications of the work will be ex hibited at the time and place of letting. Security will hr required of contractors for their performance. IJy order of the Dom d, J. FORNEY, Say. je23:'1741. Pennsylvania Railroad Company r 1 ,111: Third Installment of Five Dollars per share, 1 upon the Capital Stock of the Pennsylvania BM!road company, is requested to be paid, on or before the first day of July next. Stockholders in j NAIMIIN di, COALE, Huntingdon and the vicinity, will please pay to the .s. AgetiVi of the Company in Iluntingdon, Mersrs, I Flour, Produce and General Commission Miles and Dorris. I I Merchants, By artier of the Dowd, ! lin. ln, Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE, (i BOBGE Ir. BACON, 'Treasurer.: / AFTER their services to the Merchants and Far- Philadelphia, dune 18,1847, 3 1. 4 I mars of the Susquehanna end Juniata nettles for the sale of Flour, Grain, and Produce generally, Auditor's Notice. , in the Baltimore Market, end f. out their extensive linlE undersigned, Auditor oppointed by tha acquaintance among purchasers and shippers, can 1 Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon ' safely warrant satisfactory sales. county, to distribute the Wetter) iti the hands of ! Correspondents will be kept constantly advised the Slenderising from the sale of the personal of the state of the Markets. &c. property of Jos. Ennis, hereby gives notice to all Eder to Messrs. Win. Wilson & Son., •' 131 persons interested in raid distribution, that ho will ; laaac Reynolds & Son, t unmet fur that purpose at his taco in Huntingdon, ! Pat idson & Saunders, r c Oit Th„,,,y the sth day of duly next, at 10 lloynalds & Smith, J ;7; o'clock, A. M. GEO. 'l' 41'1.01t, aiel Mc..., Tingle, CAI, ell & Engli:.l., ° ad, juoc 2, 97.111 A Milo o.4ri t i, ~,, In •!ui, Alexandria, Juno 16, 1R 3'L CLOTHING STORE. rpi-!I; subscriber, of the late fi riu of 1 Buck & Moore, takes this method of intbrming his friends and the. public in general, that he has bought out the interest of S. L. Buck, at the old established CLOTHING STAND, 254, MARKET S.rit ELT, Po it, I. rxtA.andis now prepared to furnish all kinds of Ready-made, CLOTHING, ut prices which cannot but secure to him the patronage or all who desire to purchase cheap clothing. I have splendid French Cloth Dress and Frock Coats, from $5.50 to $18; do. Pante from 75 touts to $6; Vests, loom 621 crusts to $.l; suit of summer clothing for $2.25. Also, all kinds of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods at ex tremely low prices. Wholesale dealers in Clothing would do well to call at the store of JOSEPH J. MOORE, 234 Market street, Philadelphia. maylo-tf. I 1 , . P. PI Ror MAN PEROT & ziorrnTArer Aimi - 74/49/ Produce and General Commission Merchants, :10.79. North I . 76arves, below Vine St.. Phihula., .t}E jii•eparcd to receive all kiiids of produce on Consignment, on sebie►t they will make liberal advances, when required.— 'Phey trust, with their knowledge of, and attention to business, they will receive a share of the patron age of Merchants • Millers, and others. They ic ier to Dutilh & Ilerephrive. Platt, Halhogshead & Co., I f.ea, Brinker & Co., F. & W. ti. Perot, Sinith, Brothers & Co., I 'l'. C. Rockhill, 1. & J. Milliken, Fronci.McCoy, Dr. J. B. Aril, Saintiel Milliken, P.J. Boffin:in, Philadelphia, A pril 11. 131 f— Giri }Lowistotrti Auditors' Notice, rpHE undersigned, Auditors appointe4 by the 1 Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon coun , . ty, to distribute the proceeds or the ..-lierits sale of, the Veal Estate of James R. Johnston, hereby gives notice that they will meet, for that purpose, at the dike of (tea. Taylor, iu Huntingdon, on Friday, the 0111 day of July nest , at 10 o'cl ck. A. M.; when, and where all persons interested iR said distribution arc riddled to attend. JOHN REED, GEO. TAYLOR, T. I': CAMPBELL, A udir;,re. june 4, 47-11.] To the Citizens of lineiting. don County.'S CORDIAL CM37,I7NA TIVE, is the best and Meat eettain minedy for Diarrha , a, Dysentery, t. , untmer Come plaints, and all similar alliictione of the Stomach and !towels, ever offered to the afflicted. It is equal ly adapted for Adults as well as Children : anti Mothers will find it the best rentedy to allay the ir ratahillty add fretfulness censer) nen t Tee' n q iii children. It removes speedily Wind Cholie, and restores in all cares the morbid secretions of the .Vonitrek & ilurec/s, the proximate causes of the above diaceaes. It contains nothing injurioue to the moat tender infant, is remarkable pleasant to the taste mid no family should ever be wahout it. The Diseases to which it is applirahle, are hat few, yet exceedingly prevalent, and ellen lamentably feta to the young, there being not leas than seventy thousand dying annually, with derangements of the Istionuch and bowels. !'arenas think of thin, and I remember also, that in every case where the cord's( fails. your money Will he returned. Read the fol lowing voluntary testimony : LANCASTER CO. Naville, D. e. 11, 1847. Dn. ICIMLEII.—Sono Hine Past summer your agent left me some of your. Intent cordial & Car minative, urging me to try it. It ao Happened that I had a case: a child about six months old, whoai stomach and bowels were in a very disordered con ()Won, tanned by a deficiency of its Mothers Milk. The child was a mere skeleton: there Yves touch Tomlin'', Times:nue and constant evacuations. r administered every medicine [could think of, with but a slight alleviation of the complaint. I then' thought of giving your medicine ti trial, ren a med. ring with small doses ; / norm however perceived the child could hear a fall dose on recommended in directions: before it had taken half a bottle the stomach and bowels had recovered their natural tone, every other bad symptom yielded, and the child improved very rapidly. I have no hesitation in saying that your ',tern. elite is the very best fir the above consplaints- I have administered in a 21 ./yeaeepeact ice. r Very Respectfully, your friend, H. B, LIOW 111 AISI. M.D. . Prepared, cor. ail & South street, Phila. For tole by J. N,Prowell, and Jones Simonton, I I un. tingdon, and by Druggi,t, and merchant, through~ out the county. jun,: 7,47.6 m,
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