THE ,TOURN ‘ll,. A if \\ editesday, Jinn , N:l7 IV I-1 It; NOM IN A TIONS FOR GOVERNOR GEN, JAMES II? V N, OF CEXPRE rot .VI V. FOR CANAL COAIAIISSIONER: ,10S . E 1.)_1 1 W. PA TT( OF C U.:IIIIERL4.\''D V. B. li It , Bsq., N. W. corner of T 60,1 DIM Clievnitit streets, Philadelphia. is oiii- d sgcnl l' or receiving advur tiseinetito c; • lions, and collecting and ieecipting; lot the : l'o MCIII. The Fir NTiNGpo .lool:NAI. has a much larger cireetlation iq fluntrugdon county, than any other paper published in it, and consequently is the most desirable adver tising medium. FOR THE CAMPAIGN. The "Jour. kil l be furnished from the present time, until after the October election, at the low rate of Fifty Cetris per copy, when clubs of four or more cut) be raised--the money to ac company the order. Will the friends of IRVIN and PATTON throughout the county exert themselves to have clubs raised, and forward the names and money with out delay I Now is the time to act ! t SEE FOURTH PAGE. fry- The Right Reverend Dr. I'rrrr•.r is expected to officiate in St. John's Pro testant Episcopal Church on Friday next, (July 2d) at 11 o'clock A. IT. We com mitted an error of one week, in making this announcement in our last. ‘VAVNE GUARDS.-The Wayne G nards, Captain Caldwell, arrived at New Or leans on the 10th ipst. We learn from a member of the Company, that they have last two of their number by death, and that some eight or ten are on the sick list The names of the deceased are, George I'hiley, from Waynesburg, Mifflin county, and John Henning, from Newton Hamilton, same county. STRAWBERRIES.—From the Hollidays burg papers of last week, we learn that the editors have been feasting, through the politeness of one of their citizens, on " Strawberries and Cream." Happy fellows ! This reminds us of our neg lect. On Monday of last week we recei ved from the garden of Mrs. E. CLACK, of the Temperance House, a dish of the largest and most delicious Strawberries we have ever seen: Without desiring 'to raise a controversy with our Blair county neighbors on the subject, we in cline to the opinion, that the strawber ries cultivated in the garden of Mrs. C. cannot be surpassed by any prodccedin the county of Blair. The Hollidaysburg Standard thinks we "acted unwisely" in speaking favor ably of the Lewistown Bank. Has ex perience taught its editor that there is more to be made by censuring public in stitutions and public characters, than by praising theinl We are not in the least uneasy that our motives will be impugn ed for treating an institution, in which our citizens are interested, justly. THE PENNSYLVANIAN.--A correspon dent of the Philu'd Pennsylvanian, over the signature of " Juniata," character izes our paper as a " filthy and disgrace ful sheet." Of course the author is un known to us, but as he belches forth his slang anorermously upon us, we have no hesitation in pronouncing him a cow ordl y poltroon, with just nerve enough to make his attacks under cover, and therefore entirely unworthy of notice. As to the editor, J. W. Forney, Esq., he is in the receipt of $1,500 a year from the Polk Administration, for heaping his abuse upon every one who dares make opposition to the wicked measures of his patron and master, and he can therefore afford to insert anything which his lackeys in the country may choose to furnish. And as to the Publisher of the Pennsylvanian, mr. a. boyd (alias sonny) hamilton, we know him, and can not therefore condescend to notice him further than to inform the public that lie is a fellow who was, a few years since, publicly cow-hided Mille streets of Lan caster for petty thunder—which disgrace ful castigation his cowardly heart never permitted him to resent ! The abuse of such-men cannot injure us mach YOLK'S PASS TO SANTA ANNA. The Globe has at last bract' silence ott the subject of Polk'S Pass to Santa Anna, and the last number of that paper defends the President for having fur nished the enemy with a leader, in the following truly strange way. The rea sons given by the Globe will receive, at least, the credit of originality. The editor says: " Was Mr. Polk deceived ? Certainly not. lio believed Men, (admitting he gave the puss"), what every man must believe mew, that u gruffer reward then &n!,, :lend err, . • Is the sending id .melt a Illvxico, int; "uid and comfort "to our enemy We think • not. Instead of Santa Anna uniting, the distract ed people of Mexico. as tic Federalists soy helm, the contrary is the fire!. President Polk, then, has not hcen deceived—he has G I A P EN"FIIE EN EM Y A Up W AEI) ; and by doing so, has rendered "aid and comfort" to the American army ! These are VICWN, neighbor." Let the opposition keep silence ! Mr. Polk in his matchless wisdom and un rivalled diplomacy, has “si yen the enemy a COWARD " and thereby rendered "aid and comfort" to the chivalrous Yankee Nation ! Let the tears of the relatives of the ONE THOUSAND killed and wounded on the bloody fields of Buena Vista and Cerro Gordo, be dried up, and let their wailings be no longer heard in the land ! Mr. Polk has humanely and patriotically caused this work of slaugh ter upon their kins-folk to be led on by a coward! And let those who have been lavishing their praises upon the heroes of those sanguinary actions, cease their exaltations; for, according to the Hun tingdon Globe, all the credit is due to Jas. K. Polk for having so adroitly fur nished the Mexican army with a cowardly leader ! Let not the brave soldier, who has volunteered to do battle in defence of the glorious stars and stripes in tlex- ico, vainly expect to receive any credit ibr the sacrifices lie has made and the dangers which he fancies he has encoun tered during this war, for lie will he met and.told on his return home, by the de fenders of Jas. IC. Polk, that lie has been contending against an army having for its leader the greatest coward that ever lived!" But, seriously, we think our neighbor must have been "driven to the wall"- to find an excuse for the President's con duct in this business, when he penned the above. Nothing so disparaging to the American Army has met our . eye in any quarter. Our neighbor's defenccof the President lacks the usual ingenuity of Locofocoism. While it does not help Mr. Polk in the least, it is grossly insult ing to the officers and men of our gallant army. And if the above are the "views" of our neighbor, we opine that his party would have been vastly obliged to hint if he had not given them publicity. Gen. Irvin and the Pecple. The Harrisburg Telegraph has, from all the parts ()Nile Common wealth l the most cheering intelligence and hest evi dence of the popularity of Gen. lug ts— evidence not to be mistaken, and which renders it certain to its mind, that Gen. Irvin will be elected Governor. There is no boisterous demonstration of popu lar feeling any where, but a sound con , viction and a firm determination of pur pose, in the minds of the People, to have A CHANGE OF MEN AND .MEAS- IjUES in our State government. Thou sand of those who have heretofore pro ved as true to their party as the needle to the pole, WILL VOTE FOE GEN. IRVIN, knowing him to be honest and capable, and unpolluted by any political associations; believing too that he will administer the Government in a manner that will redouned to the honor and prosperity of the State. We known of many such, and we are informed front sources entitled to the fullest credit, that such friends of Gen. Irvin, who are not attached to bin, from party predilections, but from a determi nation to have a CHANGE in the Ad ministration of :inks, are numerous in all parts of the State. The effect of such defection in the ranks of our opponents, it requires no great prophet to fortel. It presents a stitte of things—an indepen dence of action, that is certain to prove fatal to the re-election of Governor Shuck, and the hopes of his especial friends. But the welfare of the country —a paramount obligation to party tics —demands the sacrifice, and will ensue the result. Mark this prediction. Lieut. Franlilin Mehaffey, of the Ilth Reg. U. S. Infantry, died at N. Orleans on the 13th inst., after having been in that city for about a fortnight, on his re turn home. The Presidentof the U. S. is now on n tour to the East. A " second term" 1 t is thought would not be unacceptable to his Excellency. THE TARIFF OF 1016 AND 7118 FARMERS. I GEN. JAMES I MIN, Our neighbor of the Globe has been And the Right of Suffrage. exerting all his ingenuity to induce the The Pennsylvanian of the 12th instant, farmers to believe that the recent high in a somewhat labored article, which prices of grain has been caused by the speaks largely about the " citadel of free- British Tariff of 1816. But how will dom," the"laborious poor," "aristocratic he account for the decline which has to principle," and the pillars of our " polit ken place? If Free Trade caused the ical edifice," attempts to prove—yen, ab high prices cannot Free Trade continue solutely assserts that "Gen. Irvin, when them 1 What say . you neighbor Ain Congress, voted against the extension " Farmer " writing to the Norristown of free suffrage." He is branded as Herald makes the following excellent guilty of the perpetration of a "political observations on this subject, and we corn- outrage," and characterized as a sneak.— mend them to our neighbor's attention : The editors of that paper are doubtless "From your last paper I learn that err- aware that there are two hinds of sneaks; tain Loco-foco papers are endeavoring to one who evades "minty rssponsibi/ity ;" make the Farmers believe they are in the other, who falsities by tration for the high prices they obtain distort dcbted to the present National Admin is ing facts, with intention to defame. The for their produce. The British Tariff last we call "Jerry Sneaks." The Penn of 1816, say these editors, has caused ; sylvanian says: the present high prices. If this be so, " During the 27th Congress a bill was —if the Administration DID cause the before that body to "amend the charter advance in.prices it can certainly keep of the town of Alexandria." This bill up our prices, and it is nothing niece proposed to extend the right of suffiage, than fair and reasonable for us to insist which had been denied, and still is, to that the power which has caused oar "free white male citizens, who are of the good prices should continue them. Un- . age of 21, and shall have resided one year less it does this, it will be a curse in- within said town." The bill was consid stead of a blessing to farmers in this ered, and ordered to be engrossed for a section of country, especially those of third reading ; and, on motion, shall the moderate means. Let the Administra- bill pass? a 'notion was made by Wil tion then see that it continues the pri- liatn Cost Johnson, (Federalist,) "that cos which its supporters boast that it the bill do lie upon the table," and the has given us. A FARMER." question being put, the yeas were 87, nays 66. Among the yeas is recorded the name of James Irvin. See Journal of the House of the 27th Congress, page 905." Had the Pennsylvanian told the whole story and presented the case fully to its readers, as every high-minded and hon orable editor would have clone, there would have been no occasion for any no tice of the matter ; but that there may be no misapprehension about it, we give a synopsis of the whole affair. The bill to amend the charter of the town of Alexandria was taken np in Corn-1 tnittee of the Whole. Mr. Cave John son moved to amend the bill, by extend ing the right of suffrage to "all persons of 21 years stud upwards, who shall have resided in the town within the space of twelve months prior to any election therein.'' Mr. Underwood opposed it. The ques tion being taken on this amendment, Gen. James Irvin voted for it. The bill was then postponed till the following day, on motion of Mr, Underwood. On the succeeding day, the bill coming up in order, Mr. J. Campbell moved to lay it on the table. On this motion the vote being taken, Gen. James Irvin voted against it. The question then recurring on the nmendment, to insert in that part of the bill which defines the qualifications of voters for Mayor and Common Council men, "free white males of 21 years and upwards who have resided 12 months within the corporation prior to such election." Gen. Irvin VOTED FOR 17'. The next Vote taken, was on the ques tion of engrossing the bill for a third reading. GM. Irvin VOTED FOR IT. 'The bill having been read a third time, Mr. Adams moved that the bill be re committed to the Committee on the Dis trict of Columbia, with instructions to strike out the word "white," in the clause relating to the qualification of voters. Upon this motion an exciting abolition debate arose, in which great warmth was manifested, and there being every reason to believe that it would lead to an almost interminable debate upon the slave question, and the pressing business of the session being yet to act upon, and the session drawing speedily to a close, Mr. IV. C. Johnson moved to lay the motion of Mr. Adams upon the table, that the other important business before the House might be proceeded with.— On this motion General Irvin recorded his vote in the affirmative. Here, then, is the whole story about Gen. Irvin's hostility to the extension of the right of suffrage. Who sneaks now I \V hen such are the only weapons of opposition, who fears the result 1— The argument shows the utter hopeless ness of the locofoco leaders. Sneaking ly, they poke about among records to publish garbled extracts of an act, which, when told in full, reflects the highest honor on him they would traduce, as it shows that his vote was for the farthest extension of the right of suffrage. Sneak indeed. Bah !—Penn'a Telegraph. APPOINTMENT BY THE PRESIDENT.- John B. Butler, Pennsylvania paymas ter and military storekeeper, from 30th June instant, in the place of Sturg,on, resigned. Victor E Piolett, Pennsylva nia, paymaster in place of Hammond, de ceased. John B. G tit brie, pension agent at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. 'The Glorious Tariff of ,16 The Globe is always prating about the glorious fleets of the Polk Tariff. The following, from the Washington Union, the great organ of the President, will show how the Tariff act of 'l6 will com pare with that of 'l2, as a revenue meas ure : • 1316. 1817. $7,396,000 $6,300,000 437,215 210 000 11,645 17,000 Customs, Lamle, Miscellaneous, 57,rA4,460 $6,557,000 Showing a decline of ''''''''' der the "free trade" Tariffof 184.6, which we were told would increase the revenue! The 01 ice Leech Mr. Shank has been in office upwards of THIRTY YEARS ! He has drawn from the Treasury and pocketed in the way of saleries .and perquisites over SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! There is not another man in the State who has been so long at the public crib —there is no one within the length and breadth of the Commonwealth, who has drawn the same amount from the Treas ury for personal service. It is high time he was taught to depend upon his own resources, like other folks, and the pro bability is he will he reduced to that ex tremity after the close of his present term.—Rcadvig Journal. It has been ascertained that "Mexican Whigs" means nothing more nor less than "Whigs fighting against Santa Anna in Mexico." Those, however, at home, in the United States, who speak disrespectfully of the G rest Cock-fighter, are believed to be justly entitled to the same appellation:—[Vide all the Loco foco papers.] GEN. TAYLOR'S POLITICS.—The Colum bia (Tenn.) Observer, a paper printed at the residence of Gen. Pillow in Tennes see, says: Major Gen. Pillow, while here on a recent visit, took occasion to say, in the hearing of many persons, that Gen. Tay lor• is a Whig ; that from his persona! ac quaintance with him, he know him •to be so, and that there is no doubt on this subject amongst those who have ever heard an expression of political opinion from him. • "A MEMICAN WHIG!"—The "Hero of Sacramento," Col. DONINIAN, is spoken of as the Whig candidate for Governor of Missouri. If he can run as well as the marched, he will defeat all the friends of Santa Anna. BLAIR COUNTY.—The Whigs of this 1 county nominated the following ticket IC'When Santa Anna speaks of dy ing: for his country it always puts us in on Tuesday last: Mind of the lova the Locofocos cherish Asseinbly.-11tNity BREIDENTIIALL.— ( pen- , County Commissioner—Juon floovan. and foster for the working class of Register & Recorder—Louis H. WILLIAMS. ple—both being mere bluster, of which we never Shall see any reality. Auditor—WlLLlAN REED, Esq., and op , ... _ . _ • . _. . . pointed the following gentlemen &man [E,- The Town and neighborhood of rial Conferees : Jame,s• Malone, Jas: 4. Peoria, Illinois, were recently visited by ' .11cealtan, Jacob S. Shull. • a violent hailstorm. The destruction to , A public meeting was held in the even property was very great. The forest !•ncr of the same day, of which the Rog trees were stripped of their foliage and small branches, and after the storm had ms ' er sa y s : passed, every thing around wore a shot- i , The IRVIN & PATTON meeting last toted aspect. , night at Donaldson's was a glorious 1 dem onstration of popular opinion. The house 1,- The (New School) General As- ! was full to overflowing. Locos whom sembly of the Presbyterian Church in 1 we have heretofore regarded as our most the United States has addressed letters' decided, unswerving and active oppo to the Churches in Ireland and Scotland, floats were there; and the hard-listed yeomanry of the country were also there in goodly numbers.Theresolutio d in reply to they remonstrance against mi a op the countenance given by it to slavery, ted and the proceedings at length, will stating that it does not deem farther be :' iven in our next. Hon, Joar it M c , ( .. , -'. , E, Presided. conmunicationsou shut topir! necessary Shunles Prospects, As the election approaches the prtis poets of Mr. Shank for re-election are becoming more and more gloomy. The great mass of the party feel no interest in his success. There is nothing about the man to secure their especial regard, while his administration, it is agreed on all hands, has been anything but credit able to his statesmanship. His ardent supporters—those who stand up for him and make a show of fight, are composed almost entirely of office-holders dad Editors having a direct personal interest in•election. Those who are not ' thus interested are lukewarm, and quite indifferent as to his success. But there are some who are not merely lukewarm. A very large portion of his own party entertain towards him, personally and politically, feelings of rancorous hostil ity and the most abject contempt. They know him to be a man of no mind, no energy, no fixedness of purpose. He has played the demagogue all his days to secure and retain office, and his offi cial acts since his elevation to the Ex ecutive chair of the Commonwealth prove him to be a demagogue still. To gain new friends lie is ever ready to sac• rifice old and true ones, and hence it is that some of his most ardent and enthu siastic supporters in past campaigns, having proved his ingratitude, are now his most bitter opponents. The pros pects for Shank, therefore are bad--de cidedly had, and if the Whigs do their duty his defeat is ensured beyond a doubt. On the other hand the signs of the times plainly indicate that Gen. IRvIN, the Whig candidate, is fast gaining ground. He is known to be a man of high-toned principle—an honest, straight forward, plain, unassuming business man --who has the prosperity and business interests of the commonwealth at heart. The people want just such a man. They. are tired of the drone who has been ing oil them for the last thirty years, and will give him leave to return to pri• rate life at the close of his present term --Reading Journal. The Harrisburg Union, in an article deploring the quiet which reigns in Har risburg, compares its location with the manufacturing towns of New England, and asks, in speaking of the cotton ship ped east and then returned in prints— " Now, why do not our capitalists stop some of these bales of cotton at the Harrisburg wharvesgive the eighty dollars to our laborers, and take the ten or twelve per cent profit on their capi tal 1" The answer, we think, to this is Very plain. In New England the Governors of States have not yet been able to dis cover a monster in companies incorpor ated for manufacturing purposes, and consequently do not, like Francis R. Shunk, veto every bill presented to them for signature. They seem to know what Francis R. 811 . unk does not, that such companies can accomplish great enterprises without interfering with the regular business in which stockhold ers are engaged; while an individual, embarking his capital in it, according to the wise head at the head of our State, would have to relinquish his ordinary pursuits—in fact make it his sole busi ness—because not one in fifty thou sand has sufficient capital to pursue it successfully. May not an answer then be found to the queries of the Union in the silly veto messages of Francis IL Shunk.—Juniata Times. The National Intelligencer thus coolly replies to an article in the Washington Un ion: 6 , The Union calls General SANTA ANNA the ally of the Whigs; but the Union must not expect to pass off its damaged goods on its adversaries. The Executive of the United States sent Santa Anna to Mexico to head her armies, and with the intention that he should do so. If that stroke of policy has turned out a bad speculation, the Government must not hope to evade its responsibility by so transparent a trick as the organ at tempts to play off. What the Execu tive could promise itself in aiding Sate Anna to get back to Mexico to fight her battles, we have never been able to con ceive; it is a riddle which the Govern ment has not deigned to solve, and which we suspect it cannot solve. Whatever the motive, the friends of the Adminis tration admit that it was a blunder—a well-meant one, they say, yet still a blunder. But they go no Ifurther; they do not say what was hoped or expected from it. Now, we do not chose to bear the responsibility of the blunders of the Administration, whether well or ill meant; and so the Administration and its worthy organ must fain keep Gen. Santa Anna to themselves." • SOME WR [TEE in the nmes contends that F. R. Shuck should be continued in office because Webster, Clay and Adams have been in office nearly all their lives. The writer might argue with just about as much plausibility that a goose should wear breeches because melt do.—Juni. (itta Sentinel. More Treason, The wholt country is arousing to the incalculable evils to the War—and pub= lie opinion is finding utterance in a thou sand different forms. the following resolutions were adopted by the Old School Presbyterian Assemby at its recent session in Richmond Virginia: Resolved, That in view of the present posture of our national affairs, the con tinuance of the war, and its dreadful re sults, it be earnestly recommended to all our Churches to humble themselves before .9lmighty God, with confession of their own sins and THE SINS OF THE PEO PLE, and to engage zn fervent and con tinued prayer—that as individuals and AS A NATION WE MAY BE FOR- GIVEN; that there may be a speedy, righteous and amicable adjustment of all existing difficulties with other na. tions; arid that we may be permitted to enjoy, without interruption,the blessings of peace. Resolved That all pastors and all otil: ers preaching steadily, be requested to' bring this subject before the several' Churches in whiclrthey minister, on the, second Sabbath of. June, or as soon after as it may be convenient, and to urge upon our people the duty pointed out in the foregoing resolutions. The Federalists and the late War. . _ The Alexandria Gazette, a sterling Whig paper says : "The Washington Union ha* sever , oral columns of extracts, gol g to prove that the Federalists were not friendly to the war of 1812, and, indeed th ex tracts seem intended to prove t the whole Federal party at that time was traitorious. The editor of the Union was not a Federalist THEN, but Mr. Buch anan was !" The Lancaster Union and Tribune copies the above and adds: The Gazette says true. Mr. Buchan an was a Federalist in 1812, and deliv ered a violent and bitter Anti-War and Anti-Democratic Oration in this city— (the "only Democratic city in the Un ion!")—in which he declared— "'That time did now allow him to enu , morate all the wild and wicked projects of the Democratic Administration. * * They rashly plunged us into a war with a Nation more able to do us injury than any other Nation in the world. * * * It [the war of 181'2] took its rise from an overwhelming partiality which the_Dem ocratic party have ultimately shown for France. " Thanks to Heaven," said Mr. 8., "that we have obtained peace, bad and • disgraceful as it is; otherwise the beau tiful structure of the Federal Govern , ment, SUPPORTED BY THE SANE PMSLE RANDS, might have sunk, like the api- tol, into ruins." "This has been called a glorious war," continued Mr. 8., "Glorious it has been in the highest sense, to the American character, but disgraceful in the extreme to thd .ndministration." If the Washington Union is not satis fied with the above extracts we have a "few more left of the same sort!" Or if it would like to go .‘ wholesale" into the matter, we could furnish the full speech as printed by Mr. Buchanan's organ of that day ' HINTING MATERIALS BURNED.—The Easton Whig states that the "Union and Harmony" party in the Democratic banner county of Monroe, has been de veloping itself for some time in all its beauties, and on Wednesday morning last, about ten o'clock, a number of per sons went to the office of the "Democrat ic Press," at Stroudsburg, carried the cases, types, &c., into the street, set fire to them, and burned them up. They also attempted to destroy the press, but being of heavy cast-iron, little impres sion was made upon it. The "Press" of the previous week having made an out rageous attack upon the private charac. ter of some families, was the cause of the destruction of the property. Two per sons, supposed to be the authors of the offensive article, have been arrested on charge of libel, and held to bail in the of 441000 each. Arrests have also been made of persons concerned in the burning. The "Democratic Press" was estab. fished at that place about eighteen months since, by a number of Demo , crate. It was a stock property, and published for them as the "Jacksbit Democratic Association," It was in op. position to the clique that adhered to. the "Monroe Democrat," the old organ of the Locofoco party in that county.— This is a family quarrel, in which the Whigs have nothing to do, It is dog eat dog. The parties are now in the hands of the law, and justice will no doubt be meted out to them. rrSome of our Farmers, who are used to plain business transactions, are curious to know what has become of the three million of dollars which Congress placed at the disposal of the President, and which he appeared to be confident would prove eflbctive in securing peace. —Exor. Herald. (lam The hies of Maryland have nominated , William T. Goldsborough, Esq. as their candidate for Governor. •••
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers